#so much white
electricea · 5 months
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eversea143 · 1 year
They’re really cranking up the cosmic horror in Splatoon’s new DLC, huh?
Nintendo, buddy, my main man. It looks cool as freaking heck but... This seems like it’ll genuinely give people anxiety attacks! Love the style but all that white? It’s a little overpowering. Just a smidge too sterile for my brain to enjoy.
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saelrum · 3 months
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"Was I sweet once?"
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redvelvetwishtree · 5 months
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hinamie · 1 month
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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crabussy · 6 months
god I'm so fucking furious at the removal of Te Reo Māori names from organisations around Aotearoa. it's a complete non-issue, every organisation has the English name directly underneath the Māori name. I have never once as an English speaker been unable to understand what an organisation is for. Winston Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister, who is literally Māori himself, said “Te Papa is a historic name but tell me this waka kotahi, how many boats have you seen going down the road?”. Waka does not just mean canoe. it means vessel, and waka kotahi (the transport agency of Aotearoa) explains this VERY SIMPLY on their official website. waka kotahi means to travel together as one. Can you see how fucking upsetting this is. A Māori person in power who is in agreement about banning his own language, being so cocky about something that he does not even understand due to the suppression of the language of his people. It makes me sick. I've seen reports from Māori people all over Aotearoa speaking out about how upset and furious they are, how decades of progress have been undone in the fight to restore the rights of their people who have for so long been oppressed and have suffered the effects of colonisation. Please share this if you can, I hate knowing how few people will hear about this, I know there is so much injustice in the world right now and it is so exhausting, I know. I love you all, keep it up.
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visenyaism · 3 months
correct me if i’m wrong cos i don’t watch dune.. but i’ve seen people call paul a tragic character. except isn’t he a whole white coloniser tricking indigenous poc into believing he’s a prophet to serve his own interests? that’s inherently evil that cannot be a tragic character imo
so yes that is correct that is what happens. the tragedy is that he is a sixteen year old boy who gets a vision of this happening and he is TERRIFIED and absolutely does not want this to happen at all. He does not want the holy war he does not want to be the chosen one he initially very much wants to fight alongside the fremen as equals trying to liberate themselves from their current colonizer without becoming the messiah because they have common political cause.
And then the entire second half of the first book (and the second movie) are about the concessions he makes to himself bit by bit by bit (well it’s the only way to save his mom and sister. well it’s the only way to prevent nuclear war. well he does want his revenge. well maybe he IS special.) Until by the end he has lost 100% of his humanity, fully wants to be the messiah and is willing to manipulate people into thinking so, and has declared himself duke of arrakis in his father’s name and made a play for the imperial throne.
you’re right that it’s evil. the book and these movies agree with you. the tragedy is watching a child who desperately wanted to avoid this slowly completely lose himself to it anyways. i don’t think “tragic” and “evil” are inherently mutually exclusive.
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weaselmcdiesel · 2 months
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Do You Love The Color Of The 413?
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egophiliac · 19 days
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bring your son to work day
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selfindulgentraptor · 4 months
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Thinking about his wings
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thirdtimed · 3 months
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still figuring out how to draw them
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lazybug16 · 11 months
The "Fuck the monarchy" bf
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The "Please do" bf
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lnmei · 6 months
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kavaleyre · 5 months
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“After 200 years, you can forget how much color there is in the world.”
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robiniswriting · 5 months
martha jones is stronger than the us marines because i think i would have killed anyone that treated me the way the doctor treated her in cold blood. he starts off their time together by kissing her passionately in a hospital hallway and when she’s like “who are you omg?” he starts waxing poetic to her about this random girl she’s never met. and then he ends their time together by having homoerotic tension with and then sobbing over the body of a man who just made her have the worst year of her life. its a wonder she didn’t go apeshit
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kylejsugarman · 1 month
the way that walt and jesse treat the money they make from the meth empire is genuinely so fascinating. walt hoards it in every sense of the word: it's almost like he physically needs to have it nearby. he packs the walls with it, stores it in the crawlspace, rents out a storage unit that contains nothing but his massive cube of cash. the only time he guiltily tries to get rid of his money by burning it, he almost immediately puts the flame out as if he's feeling the heat himself. money is a visual manifestation of walt's success and domination, and he needs to see it, indulge in it, have it near to remind himself of his own excellence. meanwhile, jesse tries over and over to give his own money away. it eventually becomes worthless to him personally: he tosses it to others like its just monopoly money, seeing it only as a manifestation of his own wrongdoings. he literally just throws cash to the strangers partying at his house and out of the window of his car for strangers to find. he practically begs to give his money to drew sharpe's parents, kaylee, brock. he can't stand to have it near him. jesse just wants it gone. walt sees money as a sign of everything he's gained; jesse sees money as a sign of everything he's lost.
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