#not for Jocelyn fans
lurafita · 28 days
Magnus raising Clary
A little something for those of us not too fond of Jocelyn Fairchild/Fray. What if Magnus had drawn a line the day Jocelyn actually tied her daugther to the chair so that Magnus could take her memories? So he knocked Jocelyn out, took *her* memories, and then (platonically!!!) shacked up with Luke to raise Clary. Think about what all would change if Jocelyn and her chaos wasn't a factor. (also, possible later hilarity between Alec and Clary. "You are lusting after my parabatai." "You are lusting after my dad.")
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bluebirbbs · 7 months
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PART THREE (10-13) Surpriseeee✨🍔
This is only half of what I made, I’ll post the other four in a week or two! But I hope this is fun for ya cuz they’re so silly
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etraytin · 1 year
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This is Moira. She is five weeks old, and she is very sad because she does not want to grow up. The humans have asked her to begin consuming various types of meat mush, but all she wants is to sit in their hands and purr and get the bottle. It is hard to say no to her.
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pastafingers · 2 months
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Young Jocelyn and Valentine enjoying lunch in Idris.
Fun stuff, I tried using a background this time.
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highgardenart · 8 months
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Robin, Laena, Jocelyn & Joy Penrose
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ofkithandmckinney · 4 months
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bitchycreatorbrett · 7 months
Looking for volunteers for an ilitw fan project
So, im working on a fan book called No Love Lost centering jocelyn and britney from it lives in the woods. (more info can be found here) It's pre canon, but some parts will be during or after. I originally started it as a powerpoint, but that wont work for everyone with the fonts, and choices wont really exist. Itll pretty much be a playthrough. So after this, i got frustated, because this was the easier option and it just ended up fucking me over. Now instead, ive decided to move this project to renpy to just have more flexibility and such. But ive also realized, this is no longer a one person project. Which brings me to the point of this post. I am trying to learn renpy, but theres only so much i can do on my own. Im also struggling with writing, coming up with ideas, pacing, order, etc. So im looking for anyone looking to help out who's skilled in writing and or using renpy, however renpy is my priority. You dont have to be a complete expert at renpy, but i certainly wouldnt complain. But if you know what youre doing at the very least, that is more than i can say. If you'd like to help out, please dm me or send me an ask if thats more comfortable!
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nosensedit · 3 months
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⊹ ִ࣪ এ credits on twitter ִ࣪ ⌁ like or reblog if you save! ♡ ¸. • *
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My fan cast for Shadowhunters (no that anyone cares lol)
Maryse Lightwood (I mean, she would be PERFECT as Maryse)
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Jocelyn Fairchild (she was perfectly cast)
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Valentine Morgenstern (he's the only one I can see as Valentine, sorry)
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Robert Lightwood
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Jace (look, I've come to terms with Jamie as Jace, and I love him, but back then, Heath Ledger would have been the perfect Jace for me)
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Sebastian Morgenstern (Will Tudor as Sebastian is probably one of the few things that tv show did it right)
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Jia Penhallow
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As for the other characters that I didn't mention here, it means that in general I am satisfied with the cast for that character (in the film).
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ventiswampwater · 8 months
Ok stupid question but I had to ask BC I love the way you answer things haha 💓💓 (Sorry if that was worded weirdly)
So Jonesy (I think that's the dog's name in House of Wax) from all the Sinclair brothers who do you Jonesy likes the most and who do you think likes Jonesy the best?
it's not weird at all!! now that my HOW brainworms are back, any excuse to ramble incoherently about this dumbass movie and the characters is like. PURE gold. lmao 💀
okay, so imo, vinny is definitely the favorite. the first place where we see jonesy in the movie is in the wax museum and that is def not a coincidence!! they were hanging out!! jonesy just got bored of watching her dad labor over the fine details of the wax titty & wandered upstairs.
they're best friends!! I just know it!! that shot where vincent's turning wade to wax? and jonesy jumps up on the bed? the CUTEST. rip wade 🙏 but?? I adore that sm.
and he takes the puppy w/him when he goes to murder blake & paige. unhinged dog dad behavior if I've ever seen it. I can 100% see them both quietly coexisting in the same space together for hours on end—vincent sculpting and sketching, jonesy napping next to him. padding upstairs in the middle of the night to have a midnight snack. UGH
I v much also subscribe to the line of thinking that lester doesn't live in corpsetown & has a lil shack of his own in the woods. but he absolutely hustles up to the house routinely to bring jonesy weird roadkill snacks and play w/her in the backyard. if anyone in the family is committed to getting her energy out, it's v much him. they're just outside for hours n hours tossing a mangled deer leg around and kicking up dirt. I feel.
as for bo. well. he v much strikes me as the kind of guy who pretends to be fairly ambivalent about the fact they have a dog running around. if jonesy ever stirs up trouble or chews thru smthn, he's the first one to be like, "UH??? it's your fuckin' dog?? I ain't never ask for this??"
v much onery dad energy. he catches vincent giving jonesy some food off his plate and immediately starts talking about how he's spoiling the damn dog and THIS is why she knocked over the garbage can & got coffee grounds and eggshells all over the kitchen floor.
never mind that he's always giving her scraps of whatever random concoction he's eating. she's chowing down on eggo waffles and beef jerky and hostess snacks whenever he's around. but no, it's vincent who spoils her. sure, jan.
he wants a huntin and fishin dog, but he's not much of a hunter or a fisher. so he gets a couch potato that sits next to him while he drinks beer and rewatches old spaghetti westerns. and he totally doesn't care about it or like her. totally.
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lilywoood · 1 year
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It Lives Within : Characters Poster @itlivesproject
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
Bow watching bob's burgers like omg tammy is sooo me. Literally we're like twins ^_^
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bluebirbbs · 11 months
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I saw this Twitter meme and only thought of them hahah 🍔✨
Plus some bonus whiteboard doodles with @rocketkit of THE GFS✨
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queenviserra · 1 year
Bedroom Hymns
Summary: In the court of the king, they are nothing more than pawns in a properly granted system. Siblings who grew up together, taking care of one another. Here, behind closed doors, Aemon's hands are Baelon's bliss, Baelon's mouth is Jocelyne's pleasure, and the bare body of their little doe is their canvas and their painting. Here they got to know one another very well, studying the art of pleasure as the other members of the royal court studied the art of politics. It is far from what the king had in mind, but Jaehaerys the Wise was known for his political understanding rather than for his fame as a father.
Chapter 1: Only If For A Night
Preview: He couldn't lie any longer. It was just once. They were young, aroused and completely drunk. Aemon blamed their enthusiasm along with the wine. Our veins had more alcohol than blood on them.
“Well, I stole a few kisses once. They were nice, but not similar to yours.”
“And what else?” He didn't know if he wanted to recall it. He had hidden it deep in his heart, along with a forgotten part of himself. “It happened long before we went to bed together. It wasn't-,”
“More than kissing, no?”
“Yes!” His confession left him nearly as calm as a baby. “We were curious and drunk; we had not yet slept with a woman.”
“And?” Her breath was heavier and her cheeks had turned red, Aemon had to curse himself for this, but he also felt his cheeks warm.
He tilted his head to the side, whispering the details into her ear, warming her face more, as opposed to the wet world between her thighs.
“It's silly to think I'll have it again.” He groaned as her tiny hand had moved between their bodies. “There's no time for this.”
“So you're saying.” Her fingers slowly loosened the laces on his breeches, before pulling out his already hard cock. “There's a couple of weeks left before Princess Gael's name day. I don't know if I should fuck you by then, or leave you in desperation until that night.”
Click here to read more.
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pastafingers · 2 months
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that scene between Val and Clary.
I have college holidays and it shows lol
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highgardenart · 1 year
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Prince Aemon Targaryen, Lady Jocelyn Baratheon, and their daughter, Princess Rhaenys
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