#not for her thou tags don't like dashes
keep-on-trying · 2 years
Oooh we have offiicial romanji for Sora and Mashiro.
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They're using Nizigaoka for Mashiro's surname and Harewata-ru for Sora's surname.
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Also the baby princess is Princess Ellee? And they seem to be in the opinion of it being HirogaruSky! Precure. No space between Hirogaru and Sky words. How odd, haha.
It's official merch, but sadly I cannot find official source for how these were announced.
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thedailyotaku · 4 years
on the way home. (Azami X Kumon oneshot)
Summer is almost over and autumn will come soon. There goes the school bell, ringing that it's time to go home. I stood up and picked up my bag and head over to Azami's room to pick him up.
It's been a year since he entered my school, Tsukushi High, and we always head home together. To be honest I was happy that Azami came to my school so I can have a new friend to hang out after school. Sometimes we hang out at my favorite batting place, to the mall to check out new makeup for him and I ending up as his model to test the products. But I don't mind at all, as long he's enjoying himself.
There are times we come home late from spending too much time on our hangouts haha. I smiled as I approach Azami's room and happily greet him,
"AZAMIIII, school's out c'mon let's hang out!" I cheerfully called out as he turned to me frowning as he pick up his things.
"Alright alright no need to shout," he said and head out and I tag along.
"Azami, is there any particular place you wanna hang out today? It's gettin pretty chilly since autumn is comin' up."
"Nah I wanna head home early today, how 'bout you?" he shrugged and yawns.
"Me? Well I wanna go for a little detour but since you said you're going straight home, guess I'll go home as well."
"Well we have time thou, where is that detour you're sayin'?"
"Hehe wanna find out? Follow me." I said teasingly and dash ahead.
"Hey no fair! Get back here!" Azami yelled and dash off as well chasin' me. I laughed and ran like a mad man as I head to the place where I found a new spot for hangin' out.
It's only a few blocks away from school and no one has ever set foot on it so I wanted to show Azami this new spot to hang out. It's an empty field with a perfect spot to watch the sunset.
Finally we arrived at the empty field and I lay down on the ground, catching my breath and I saw Azami's face starin at me from above.
"You're such a dumbass, dashing off like that what if you suddenly faint from exhaustion? You know your health is not that well. You're gonna be heavy as I carry you home." He sighed and lay down as well beside me.
"Well when that happens you're still gonna carry me home right?"
"How about no?"
"EH. You're so mean Azami!" I sat up and glared at him.
"I'm kidding, you're so easy to tease haha." He laughed and sat as well. There it is again, that throbbing feeling in my chest whenever Azami smile or laughs. I wonder if I'm getting sick or something. I just laughed it off and stare at the setting sunset.
"This is a pretty cool spot to relax. When did you find this?"
"Oh. When I was runnin' late last time I passed by here and it was close to the station and no one really comes here so yeah another free space to relax and practice swings! Hehe." I laughed and Azami just looked at me, smiling.
"Well thanks for the new hang out place, maybe if we're gonna skip school let's go here since it's not that far."
"Ah! Skipping school is a no no Azami!"
"Heh, but you go along with me whenever you feel like skipping your class."
"W-Well that's only a one time event! Besides I promised Mom that I'll do well at school so I can stay at the dorms with niichan."
"Haha you really love your family Kumon, I kinda envy you." he said and stares at the sunset.
"Why though? You have Sakyo-san, the Ginsekai and Mankai as your family, also me! You're like a brother to me too, Azami." I said but I know my feelings are not merely a brotherly love. It's something else.
"Well I know that, it's just I don't know how to react back," he muttered.
"But yeah even I can't tell it in words, I can just simply show it with my actions."
"Yeah exactly! You're a good guy Azami that's why I like you so much hehe."
"Huh like?"
"Uh I mean I like you as friend! Ha ha ha..."
"You're such a weirdo sometimes Kumon, but I like that part of you. It's like your charm that people come to like you."
"Really? I'm kinda shy to hear that." I laughed and scratch my head that Azami is complimenting me.
"I'm serious, you're approachable, kind and full of energy. And I think that's really cool."
"Well you're more cooler Azami! Even though you're young, you're dependent, can fight and manly!"
"Pfft. Stop the flattering,"
"Eh~ but I'm serious, I really like those characteristics of yours Azami."
"Well it's look like we admire each other's good sides," We laughed it off and stare again at the setting sunset. Then he turns to me and chuckles,
"What's so funny?" I asked confused that he's suddenly laughing.
"Can I say something weird?"
"Well in most situations, normal couples mostly hang out here in an empty field like this to make out, but here we are, two guys chillin as we watch the sunset."
"There's nothing wrong with that though, it's just we're chillin. Couples are not the only ones can hang out in places like these haha."
"Yeah right." He said and lay down again on the grass closing his eyes.
"Hey Azami, I gotta say you're pretty good looking, and I bet you're popular with the girls at school. Is there a type you like?"
"Nah. Girls at school are annoying and noisy. But Kantoku is an exception."
"Do you like Kantoku then?"
"Yeah I like her, but not in an romantic way. I respect her as our Director and nothing else."
"Hmm I see,"
"Looks like you have more something to say, you can ask me anything if you want,"
"Yeah yeah, since we're chillin' out here and all."
"Then," I paused and took a deep breath and turned to him, completely serious about what to ask.
"Hey Azami, what would you do if a guy confesses to you?" I said and he looked at me shocked and I turned away at him scratching my head. Great, you're the best Kumon, why in the world did you ask that thing? Especially to Azami. As I roast myself when Azami muttered,
"Well, I would feel weird but yeah I'll respect the guy's gut for confessing. And I-I don't know if I would like a guy..." he muttered and started to blush. I don't know if he's blushing or it's just the sunset. But I pressed my thoughts and ask him again,
"Then what would you do if I confessed to you?"
"You confessing to me?"
"Yeah." I said firmly starin into his eyes. I don't know what got into me and why am I sayin' these things.
"Well I'm flattered, that you like me. Ah I mean, why would you confess to me anyway? Are you teasing me again Kumon?"
"Why would I joke at a time like this, I'm serious, I Iike you Azami."
"Huh, what does that mean." he muttered and starts to cover his face. I chuckled and stop him from covering his face as I lean in to him. We're so close that I can feel his breath and can hear his heart beating.
"Well if you don't like it, let's just forget this happened and stay as friends. I don't want our friendship to get awkward and all haha." I smiled bitterly and starts to stand up when Azami stopped me and clutches my sleeve.
"Wait. You didn't heard my answer yet dumbass," he said and I sat down, focused about what he's going to say.
"I, I like you too Kumon. I know it's weird that we're both guys but I really admire the things you have which I don't. And yeah, ugh. You know what I mean," he said and blushes looking down at the ground.
"Haha you're so cute Azami blushing like that, oh then that means we're going out now?"
"Whatever you call it," he muttered and I hugged him so tight, I'm so happy right now coz we feel the same way. I feel I hit a homerun right now.
I smiled and stare into Azami's eyes and about to lean in for a kiss when he stop me.
"Hey just because we're going out doesn't mean we can do those things,"
"Those things?"
"Aw c'mon you know what I mean Kumon,"
"And what is that?" I asked teasingly as I lean in so close that I can just peck his lips.
"Like kissing and stuff... Wait how do guys kiss?"
"Pfft hahaha, you really gonna ask that? I'll show you," I chuckled, leaning in and pecked his lips.
"How do you know these stuffs? You don't look like the type to do these things like kissing, dumbass."
"Well I learn a one or two from Muku's shoujo mangas and there's nothing different except we're both guys haha."
"Whatever let's go home, Shitty Sakyo might yell at me again if we come home late again," he said standing up and starts to walk.
"Ahh Azami! Wait for me! You're so cruel." I pout and followed him.
I held his hand and he held back. We head home with smiles as we gaze into the starry sky as we head home.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
Thanks for reading! It's been quite a long time since I wrote a fanfic again and it's my first time writing shounen ai genre and fluff. Apologies if there are errors, typos, wrong grammars coz I wrote this in one sitting and just focused to finish it. Hope you liked it! Until then ^^
Credits to the Azami x Kumon fanart,
ついったlog | 石榴 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80636008
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fiendir · 3 years
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lmfao, so I tell this 21 year old to stop using the Spiritbox tag to promo her tiddy out onlyfans posts. and block, because I don't wanna deal with any inevitably shitty response.
Love it when I'm proven right anyway :DD
Always been extremely cool with people having an OF, like go nuts? Your body your rules, sex work is real work, y'all know where I stand. nobody have and nobody will change my opinion on that anytime soon. even if some are really trying to here uwu
I'm less fucking cool with following the tag for my favourite band, just to get a bunch of spam posts on my dash instead. And then getting the homophobic insults and told to get therapy? Yeah okay that was kinda funny thou, thinking that old material would get to me 💅
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