#not gonna put it on the main rw tag
stonecoastweather · 2 years
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An old intro comic that really tanked my motivation in completing it, and doing anything else for this blog 😔
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druidshollow · 8 months
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lots of raw raw feelings in the weird au family household
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tibialtybalt · 8 months
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Actually let's make a separate post for this one. Look at this piece of official rain world art.
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It's sick af it might be my favorite rw piece. So I'm gonna ramble about technical art stuff that it does that I think is neat.
First let's look at the layout. It's got a very distinct foreground middle ground background layering that you can break down like this
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With these layers you can put a lot of Stuff in the background without any of the important parts getting lost. If you look at any small section of the piece you'll see Ten Billion wires, plants, metal sticking out, shadows, anything and everything. But since it's all grouped together on the same layer, it sorta fades into the background as Background and you don't lose the main shapes.
The scant use of purple/pink is also very neat. The purple is eye catching. The artist wants you to look at the purple stuff. But some of it isn't important at all, like the curling plants - they aren't supposed to be looked at directly, exactly, but they still lead the eyes around where they're wanted.
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Your eye goes from the pink lizard at the top to the dragonslayer symbol to the slugcat, where it lingers for a moment, framed by the purple plants, then you eventually follow the plants and the pole up, the chain left, back to the lizard. The path your eye is supposed to follow is highlighted for you.
Okay last thing I want to talk about. The thing the tags at the beginning of the post actually mention. The secondary light source.
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It's pink yeah like I was saying about eye movement. But also. It defines the slugcat. Look at this edited version without the pink light.
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The tail gets lost. The foot gets lost. The slugcat becomes part of the scenery instead of the focus. The intended focus is so much more boring to look at then the little lizard.
So yeah I'm obsessed with rain world art I'm obsessed with this piece in particular. Study it and break it down ok <3
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snailfen · 2 years
(regarding the five pebbles and seven red suns ship) i feel like when it comes to the iterators either interpretation could be valid?? like some people interpret them as friends, some interpret them as family
like, lttm says "one of [pebble's] friends" when talking about suns, and then suns themselves says (paraphrasing a bit) "as a long time friend" on the pearl they send to him
in regards to the ancients calling themselves the iterators parents, i always felt like it was akin to the way some religious people say that everyone is a children of [insert god here] or something, like a metaphor
sorry for the anon jumpscare i'm a bit nervous, the last thing i want is to be called a pr/shitter- i just personally have always interpreted them as friends
no no youre good cus im not looking to cause shit myself! im just confused. if anything i was nervous to ask anything cus ive heard some people in the rw discord are quick to dispute this whenever its brought up about shipping the two and as someone whos been around fandom for a long time thats a preeeetty bad sign.
also same here abt seeing suns and pebs as just friends, its just that now that ive returned to rw a few years later and looked into the lore pearls again that i think its implied that iterators would see eachother as somewhat related perhaps?
i didnt think about the iterators being considered like "children of (godlike figure)" but in hindsight, thats also a possibility. In the lore pearl that this is brought up they also say that five pebbles is "their gift to the world" or something like that, and that seems to fit with that theme as well...
and yeah, when it comes to all forms of art, no interpretation is truly wrong. i think the main point that bothers me aside from the possibly siblings stuff is i feel like this isnt what people should be getting out of the iterators plotline? like shipping is fun. it is for fun. im not gonna go after people for that! but i also feel like people should be taking a step back and appreciating the characters for what they are and not for what they could be. if that makes sense?
about your second point, i have something to say about that but its MAJOR downpour spoilers, specifically for the rivulet and the spearmaster campaigns so im just gonna put it under a readmore
in the rivulets campaign, when asking the rivulet to do one last thing for him, pebbles calls moon "an old friend" himself (in fact thats what the achievement for finishing rivulet is called). moon very explicitly sees pebbles as a younger brother and expresses this at the end of the campaign. and in the spearmasters campaign theres those satellite things that show iterator logs when touched, and we get to see 2 iterators (from what i assume to be a neighboring group) gossiping about pebs, one of them brings up the fact that pebs was built near moon and the other asks "Isn't she his senior enough to the point where she calls herself 'Big Sis Moon'?". Its much more explicit that moon views her group as her younger siblings but pebs still calls her an old friend of his regardless!
last of all, someone said this in the tags of my post but looking at the lore pearl convo between pebbles and suns as well as the one between suns and wind really gives suns the impression of an older sibling, at least it does to me. also, back to those satellites in the spearmasters campaign, suns says that pebbles always looked up to them and they never took that lightly. srs is someone pebbles considers close because he looks up to him!
Their dynamic is something interesting to me now bc of downpour and im all about bullshitting and reading into things a little bit more for ships, but looking at SRS and FP.... how do i describe it. i dont really feel like theres SPACE for shipping in this case? like it wouldnt be necessarily invalid but its kinda missing the Point of the spearmasters campaign i feel. infact i feel like this is the only reason people see seven red suns as male despite none of the other iterators having specified genders (unless the dlc confirmed a gender for suns, then i missed that). anyways this last paragraph is just me rambling oops
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tootherteeth · 6 years
I deleted the post abt Sun and Adam comparisons cause people in the notes were being super :/ and still hating on Sun and saying he’s as bad as Adam and I didn’t want those notifications on my phone anymore but I stand by what I said and y’all can fuck off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
just in case anyone wants to think me deleting it means ~they’ve won~ or w/e
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sir-adamus · 2 years
I know you're not putting it in the tags, but I follow you. It was a simple request, you could have said no without being an asshole.
okay look, I'm sorry, that was rude of me. I've had a very exhausting and stressful week and I'm on a short nerve right now but that doesn't give me the right to snap at people
i don't use rw/de for a couple reasons - 1) it is primarily used for disingenuous and puerile discourse that i am beyond sick of at this point and this leads into 2) i can air any complaints i have about the show on my blog without subjecting the main tag to it just by tagging it with rwb/y so it won't get pulled up in the tags - i can use my own blog to vent my opinions out without starting an argument over something stupid because it can just go ignored (and then if it does get pulled up it's because some jackass went searching for it because they're looking to start a fight, and that's entirely on them and their own sad existences, frankly)
but yeah, I'm not gonna tag posts like that with rw/de, the tag isn't helpful or leads anywhere constructive, and I'm allowed to share my own opinions on my own blog
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Hey! I adore your writing and I was wondering about your writing process. Like the steps you take to write a story. Hope your doing ok.
Hey! I'm sorry this took so long, but I didn't have my notebook with me at the time. I'm sure ive already answered something similar to this before but I couldn't find the post because I don't tag my asks because I'm dumb lmao. So this time I'm gonna tag it! Here it goes.
I basically brainstorm from a single idea! The idea is usually short and it could even be like a small short scene that I expand into a story. For Don't Call Me That (DCMT), it was basically just this one sentence in my ideas folder (ignore the rest lmao)
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From there, I turned it into an outline. Outlines for me are very very important to maintain my story flow. It helps me organize my thoughts and acts as a guide for my writing. Here is a portion of the outline from that one sentence.
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So my outlines are just simple and general at first. Once I start writing, that's when I will insert the world building, the scenery, the dialogue, the little details. So most of the time even though I have an outline and I know what scene I'm supposed to write, I don't necessarily know what to put on paper. Which is why I take my time writing. Each scene needs some sort of inspiration for me to write and the dialogue and banter between characters is really important to me.
As opposed to shorter stuff like DCMT and other one shots, Red Who was more complicated because it has a main plot that would span across chapters, as well as side plots and tons of character interactions. So red who started with a summary like this:
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Which I then expanded into each character. As you can see, I wrote readers personality traits and background to ensure that it's consistent throughout the story (successful or not, I'm not sure 😂). I also wrote down Jason's motivation but it's not shown there. My idea of Bruce in RW is also different because he's softer to her after Jason died etc etc. Once I have a general foundation, I start on my skeleton chapters.
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So this is basically how I plan each chapter. Though when I was still in the process of figuring things out, I only planned until chapter 8 at first. I changed many things from chapter to chapter and added things or deducted things and fused two chapters together or separated one chapter into two. It's constantly changing. Now, before I write an outline for each chapter I also need to brainstorm the plot. I write those in my notebook because for some reason i love a messy brainstorm session with lots of arrows and scribbles and shit djsjsjaa. Here's a brainstorm session from chapter 13.
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And then only after I know what kind of direction and plot I'm going for, then I write the chapter outline.
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It is also different from what I actually end up writing. Like I said, I tend to constantly change things here and there 😂. And then the process goes on lmao. It's much simpler if it's a one shot! But the problem with one shots is that once I get stuck on something, there are little scenes for me to write instead. I usually do that when I have writers block. Like I'm writing chapter 8 of red who then I get stuck so I go on and write something from chapter 9 because it's more interesting and I feel like writing it, and once I get my flow back or an idea then I go back to chapter 8. But with a one shot its very limited, so once I get a block then I get a block for a while, which is why I jump to another one shot then now I have 2 one shots written halfway (as of now I have like 4 lmaaaooo)
Anyway that's it! If you have any other questions feel free to ask! I love talking about my writing 😊 so thank you for this question!
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Yeah... And you call yourself critical huh?
I feel like all these people that defend rw/by by saying, “They don’t owe you anything.” kinda miss the point. A good story doesn’t need poc, lgbt+, or any sort of diversity. However, what diversity adds to a show is an understanding that minorities want to see themselves in stories. It’s an understanding that putting minorities in hero roles, in majority roles, in roles that don’t stereotype them and follow harmful tropes is uplifting. That by normalizing diversity, you spread a message of tolerance and equality.
Except that ain’t equality. Equality means you get the EXACT same treatment as everyone else, no more, no less. And straight people get portrayed as villians, bad guys, flat characters and all the other characters you exclude all the fucking time so what you actually are saying is that they are right in demanding that they get all the good and none of the bad while attacking anything they perceive as negative despite the problems with stifling creativity like that.
And then you ignore that if someone is THAT obsessed with race, that they seem themselves as a race first and an individual second then maybe they shouldn’t be pandered to because more likely than not, those people are racist themselves. If they are a normal person, they relate through PERSONALITY and STRUGGLES, not something as bland and insignificant as race.
Not to mention that the people saying AKA RWDE constantly use racial insults to justify their hatred of characters (Jaune, Sun and Taiyang) and DO act entitled as if the writers have any obligation to listen to them and pander to them while they continuously attack the show and fans, calling everyone a bigot while atcing bigoted themselves.
To see valid criticism of a show that bungles diversity with every step and brush it off by calling those people ungrateful and saying the creators don’t owe them anything is so discompassionate that it’s really telling of how hateful those defenders are.
You mean like saying it’s racist for the White Fang to be bad guys while demonizing any human characters in the show? Or demanding the White Fang be treated as heroic and honorable while demonizing the main cast? Or that the White Fang are allowed to kill innocent people because Team RWBY defended themselves from the terrorists? Or saying that depicting minorities as bad is racist despite the fact that it treats all minorities as the same and ignores their humanity? All while saying racist shit?
Yeah...that’s ALL that comes out of the RWDE tag about the White Fang. And numerous minorities have attested that RT is doing just fine which the RWDE tag has outright said “you don’t count.” So whose more hateful? The people acknowledging minorities as humans or the people who only listen to minorities if they think alike?
If you can’t see these criticisms and understand why they exist, the problem is with you and not the critic. You don’t have to agree, not everyone agrees all the time, but to brush it off without deeper thought? That’s callous.
And as this post proves, those people DO think about it and do have deepr thoughts. It’s that each tie they do, they see the RWDE tag lying it’s face off each and every time, trying to stifle creativity, misleading and misinforming people, ignoring facts, ignoring other people because they don’t fit their confirmation bias-
You just want to paint everyone who disagrees with you as inherently wrong and bigoted so you can enforce your opinion on people. Well, no one’s gonna listen to you then. 
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