#not in a cuck way but like i am shaking her hand deeply in love with her and both of us are victims of the time
moe-broey · 1 year
Playing Awakening as a guy (ESPPP a transguy) is so funny like. Immune to the universal experience of Chrom marriage jumpscare. Falling in love with Chrom anyway because his supports with m!Robin are SO GOOD. Mentally in my head in my heart I'm co-parenting Lucina she is also my daughter. Bonus points if you get extra funky in your head where you ship Maribelle/Lissa and Chrom/Gaius, marry Maribelle because you love her and have Lissa marry Gaius because they're pretty cute but also have it all be like. We're all bearding for each other. Olivia is there too bc she is the funniest option and adds to Chrom's disaster bisexual vibes.
And then you decide "Well next run I'm romancing Chrom because I love him I am making A Point to romance him" either make an OC or play as default Robin and. Get HORRIFICALLY MORTIFYINGLY jumpscared by Chrom's supports with f!Robin SO BAD YOU'RE GONNA THROW UP ABOUT IT (ESP AS A TRANSGUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
And to this day you have NOT married Chrom and the only way you could ever feel comfortable marrying Chrom is to hack your 3DS
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artemisegeria · 6 years
Love by Design (Chapter 6/?)
Title: Love by Design (Chapter 6/?)
Rating: T
Word count: 3130
Warnings: None for this chapter.  
Summary: Vision makes elaborate foam art as a barista at the coffee shop that his brother owns. One day a new customer comes in, and he completely loses his cool. As she keeps coming back, they grow closer. A casual acquaintance becomes something much more.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16272371
Chapter 1  | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |
Vision prepared Wanda’s latte to go, so that it was ready when she arrived. She was in the middle of the end of school year rush and had barely had a chance to say hello most mornings during the past couple of weeks. She came in a few minutes later, looking harried.
“Hey, Vizh. Is that mine?” She pointed at the waiting cup. “Thanks so much.”
“It is.”
She removed some money to pay, but then added, looking at the display case as he hoped she would, “Could I get a croissant, too?”
“Of course.” He ducked down to reach for it and placed it in a paper bag for her. Smiling at his success in encouraging her to have more for breakfast than a cup of coffee, he gave her the new total and the bag.
She took a sip from her cup and put it down, lingering as she carefully replaced her change in her wallet. “Did you hear back from the conference yet?”
“Not yet,” Vision replied regretfully. Every day that passed made him more convinced that his proposal had not been accepted. His advisor had told him through several emails that this was not unusual, but he could not shake the feeling. Wanda sensed his mood and placed her hand over his where it rested on the counter, smiling softly at him.
“Hopefully soon then. Sorry I can’t stay.”
“I am as well, but it’s perfectly alright, Wanda.” He hoped that his smile was sufficiently reassuring and hid the ache he was feeling at her absence in his life. “I know you have been busy.” Vision turned over the hand that was still underneath hers, clasping it back.  
“I won’t be around tomorrow, either. The play is next weekend, and we’re in full rehearsal mode. Some of the kids still don’t have all their lines down.”
“Good luck.”
With a quick wave and a smile, she left the shop, taking the warmth with her and leaving it cold and empty.
A week later Wanda hurried into the shop late in the afternoon. “Hi, Vizh.”
A pleased smile appeared on his face, and she couldn’t help but return the gesture, despite the mood she had fallen into all day. “Hello, I wasn’t expecting to see you until after the play was over.”
“I know, but we’re starting a full dress rehearsal in,” she looked down at her watch, “half an hour. I need something to keep me going.” What she did not say was that seeing Vision’s face would keep her going as much as the caffeine. “Could I get just a large black coffee?”
“Right away.” A few minutes later, he handed her a cup and a paper bag. She opened it curiously. Inside was a chocolate chip cookie.
“I didn’t pay for this, Vizh.”
He shrugged. “I hope you don’t mind it’s a little burnt. I wasn’t going to sell it anyway.”
“Oh, thanks.” Seeing his answering grin, she decided she could spare a few more minutes. “By the way, I don’t think I ever officially invited you, but you’re welcome to come see the play tomorrow or Saturday.”
“I would love that, thank you. I am free on Saturday evening.” Visio’s smile grew even wider. They looked directly into each other’s eyes, and she was struck again by how beautiful he was. She couldn’t help smiling back at him.
“I’d love to go, too.” Both Wanda and Vision jumped. She really needed to keep better track of when Ultron was around. Wanda hoped that her face did not betray her displeasure too much as she pasted on an inviting expression.
“The more the merrier.” She glanced at Vision, whose smile now looked equally forced. She was saved by the time. “I’ll see you both then. Got to get back to rehearsal.”
That Saturday morning, Vision had a prior commitment volunteering to clear trash from the local river. While removing bottles, wrappers, and other detritus, Vision struck up a conversation with a fellow volunteer. The woman had shoulder-length curly gray hair and wore a long skirt and clogs. “It’s so nice to see a younger person out doing their part.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” He speared a piece of newspaper and stuffed it in his bag.
“You can call me Marian, sweetheart.”
“Marian. I’m Vision.” She didn’t even react oddly to his name. “I am happy to help out. What do you do when you are not volunteering?”
“I’m a retired nurse. I loved helping people, but I couldn’t wait to get out of the hospital structures. Bloodsuckers. Don’t care at all for people’s pain, just profit.” She looked up at him apologetically. “Sorry, I can’t talk about my former job without getting all riled up.”
“That’s perfectly understandable. It seems to me that if they are not following their primary mission of healing people, the hospitals ought to be made to.” Marian grinned at finding a kindred spirit. They continued their designated section of the riverbank and found they had similar opinions on many societal and political ills.
As they were cleaning up their tools, Marian said, “Are you or any of your friends looking for a condo to rent? I’m moving to be closer to my daughter in a few months, but I don’t want to sell my old place. And I hate using the internet to try to find tenants. I much prefer word of mouth, and I have a good feeling about you.”
“Not that I know of, but I will mention it to them.” They exchanged contact information, and he promised to inform her if he found any leads.
Vision returned to the apartment later that afternoon, contemplating Marian’s offer. He showered and took care to dress for the play in a black button down and dark jeans. Through the open door, he could see Ultron smoothing his hair and applying copious amounts of cologne in front of his bedroom mirror. When he emerged, Vision’s eyes watered. Ultron said, “I think you’re going to develop a sudden bout of stomach flu.”
Vision had a brief, unaccountable wish to tell Ultron that his cologne would cause a stomach flu in anyone, but, of course, he held his tongue. He considered the best response for a moment. This time he was not going to give in to his brother. “No, I won’t. I promised her.” Ultron pursed his lips at Vision’s rare open defiance.
“I will explain it to her.” His voice took on a more threatening tone. “And I’ll give her these for you.” Ultron lifted the small bunch of peonies that Vision had bought for Wanda and carefully arranged in a bouquet.
“No, I am going.” Vision and Ultron stared at each other; Vision’s gaze did not break. He did not try to take the flowers back, but this is something he would not compromise on.
Ultron glowered at him, but he made no attempt to argue further. Though Vision was convinced that he would pay for this another time. “Fine.”
They walked over to the school and got seats near the front. Ultron raised a brow when Vision waved at Steve and his other teacher friends, who were taking up most of the back row of the auditorium. When he flipped through the program, he frowned more deeply. “Why is your name in the ‘Special Thanks’ section?”
Vision had not noticed that. He looked down at his name, and happiness glowed within him at the memories of helping her and getting to know her friends better. “I helped build some of the sets.”
“Still trying to get in her pants the slow way?”
Vision tried not to bristle too much at his brother’s crudeness. “Please do not talk like that. As I have told you, we are friends. I was simply doing her a favor.”
Ultron’s sneer conveyed his deep contempt. “You’ll never get laid with an attitude like that. That’s cuck, beta male thinking.” Vision sighed internally; Ultron needed to get away from those forums he loved to frequent. He was saved from replying by the lights going down in the auditorium. The first half of the play passed fairly quickly. Vision could see what Wanda meant when she said that the students were not the best, but the show was still entertaining. When the intermission began and the lights went up, Ultron groaned, “I hope she appreciates this. I have never heard more incompetent singing.”
Vision refrained from saying that he had not had to come at all. “I think they are all doing a decent job.”
“That’s because you refuse to say anything negative about anyone.” Vision did not bother to defend himself. Eventually the lights were turned back down, and the play resumed. As it approached the dramatic conclusion, Vision lost himself in the story. The dark romance of the possible love triangle felt inherently compelling. He joined the standing ovation of supportive friends and family when the whole cast bowed and presented Wanda with a bouquet on stage.
Several minutes after the end of the show, all the actors and stagehands came out to greet their loved ones. The auditorium began to empty, and Wanda emerged from the side of the stage. She smiled when her eyes settled on Vision, preparing to speak when Ultron shoved the flowers into her face. “Thank you.”
“I picked these out for you. I thought you would like them the most.”
“You were right.” She spoke in Ultron’s direction, but her eyes quickly turned to Vision, and her smile brightened. As Wanda re-focused on Ultron, her voice took on a sardonic tone. “It’s amazing that you managed to pick my favorite flowers. I don’t think I ever mentioned that to you.” Her slight emphasis on the last two words was lost on Ultron, based on his smug grin, but Vision beamed at her from behind his brother at the thought that she remembered the conversation from a few months prior.
“I just knew what you would enjoy.” Vision struggled not to roll his eyes, but he could not be too bothered when her eyes continued to be all for him. “And now that you’ll have more free time, I’d love to take you out to dinner. You’ve already denied me twice. Third times the charm.”
“Thank you for the invitation.” Wanda’s eyes flicked briefly back to Ultron. “But I’m seeing someone.” This was news to Vision. He was not sure where Wanda found the time to meet someone between teaching, the play, and spending time with him. They hadn’t had as much time together lately, with her school commitments and his renewed dissertation work, but it was still a significant amount.
As Ultron turned away, Wanda mouthed “thank you” at him, raising the flowers slightly. He nodded at her. But throughout the walk home Vision was consumed with thoughts of the person she might be seeing. He did not think it was any of their friends. Most of them were already attached, or people she seemed to regard as loving and exasperating siblings.
By the time he reached the safety of his bed and brooding space, Vision was convinced that this was for the best. He had no experience with relationships. We would not know how to give her what she deserved. While increasingly their smiles lingered and lengthened, and he felt a greater urge to ask her on a proper date unambiguously, she had also done nothing concrete to indicate that she favored a more romantic shift in their friendship.
With these morose thoughts coating his mind, he fell into a fitful sleep.
“Wanda, do you still want to go dressed up on opening night like we planned?”
“Of course, Vizh! I’ve been looking forward to this movie for months.” She wondered why he was even asking. They’d discussed their costumes and bought tickets a few weeks ahead of time because seats were selling out. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“I thought you might want to go with the person you’re seeing.” Vision was doing a very poor job of appearing casual.
She couldn’t help herself. “Oh, Vizh!” she said around a laugh. That explained his unusual stiffness and diffidence over the last couple of weeks. She had thought it was clear that she had no time to form a relationship outside her classes and hobbies and the time spent with him.
“What?” Wanda only laughed harder at his truly bewildered face.
“You believed me when I said that to Ultron?”
Vision ducked his head bashfully. It was adorable. “Well, I thought it was a possibility.”
“I guess, but I just told your brother that because in my experience, men like him won’t give up unless they think they’re intruding on another man’s territory.” She could feel her face screw up in disgust.
Vision shook his head, looking equally dismayed. “I cannot fathom thinking that way, but you understand my brother very well.” She shrugged. Ultron was very transparent; she didn’t consider it a challenge to understand him. But this line of thought did inspire her to ask a question that had been lingering in her mind for some time. “I’ve wondered why he didn’t influence you to think the same way when you were younger.”
He shrugged slightly, the movement neat and precise as all his movements were. “I have considered this much myself. I suppose it is a combination of nature and nurture. I always felt differently from him about a variety of subjects, even before I could truly articulate those differences. He also sought out influences that nourished his worst impulses while I have attempted to cultivate the better angels of my nature.” He seemed embarrassed as the words flowed out of him. Despite the high-flown language, there was a certain matter-of-factness in his tone that did speak of having given this much thought. It was more than he usually said about his upbringing.
Wanda appreciated his honesty, understanding how difficult it could be. “Well, whatever it is, I’m glad you’re who you are,” she rushed to reassure him. Vision smiled gratefully at her.
As Vision and Wanda stood in line waiting to be let into the movie theater, they discussed what they thought would happen. The excitement of the crowd was rising in intensity, pushing their own anticipation higher. At least half the people in line were in full costume; others wore various pieces of merchandise from the series. At one point, Wanda held up her phone for them to take a selfie together, moving closer to him so that they would be centered in the frame.
The doors finally opened, and they took their seats. The crowd grew more and more impatient as the previews for upcoming films meandered on. Before the lights dimmed, Wanda showed him a quick post that she had made on her social media account. It was the selfie she had taken with the caption: “@songs_in_scarlet: Excited to see the movie of the year with @whatasight.” In the minute or so since she had posted it, the photo had already received several likes from their friends.
Finally, after twenty or so minutes of previews, the movie started. The entire theater was dead silent. Vision always thought there was nothing to compare to the experience of attending a comic book movie on opening night with a packed house of other fans. Nothing could match how the cheers, gasps, and spontaneous applause of the audience fed off each other, everyone hanging on every moment onscreen. The reactions of the crowd tonight topped any movie he had seen previously. As the credits rolled after the grand finale, the audience sat stock still for several moments before giving a standing ovation.
Wanda and Vision spent the entire ride home excitedly discussing the film and pondering about what would come next. When he pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex, she said, “Thanks for the ride.” She pushed her door open slightly but lingered in the car. “I had a lot of fun tonight.”
Vision felt an odd sense of déjà vu. This was starting to remind of him the night they went to the concert and he had impulsively kissed her hand. But this time he fancied that Wanda was looking at him almost expectantly. His mind rebelled at the thought that she might want him to kiss her. “I had a wonderful time as well. As always.” Her smile made his heart beat a little faster.
They remained in the same position, neither moving. Wanda finally climbed from the car. “See you tomorrow morning.”
“Have a good night.” He waited for her to reach the inside of the building before pulling out of the parking lot. Vision had to wonder if he imagined the flicker of disappointment in Wanda’s eyes when she waved at him.
Ultron stormed past her without even pausing as she entered the shop in the early afternoon, before symphony practice. She raised an eyebrow at Vision, who had a white-knuckle grip on the counter before shaking his head and wiping a cloth in front of her. “What’s up?”
“Ultron was unhappy that my conference proposal was accepted. He hates when I can’t be here, or dare to defy him.”
Ultron forgotten in the wake of her happiness about Vision’s success, Wanda said, “Congrats!” Vision smiled, but he quickly frowned again. “Don’t worry about him. He’ll get over it.”
Seeing that no one else was currently in the shop, he came around the counter and sat next to her. “Thank you. But this does mean that I’ll be away for a week.”
“Where are you going?” Wanda tried not to dwell on her disappointment that Vision would be away so long. This was a wonderful opportunity for him. It’s not like he would be gone forever, she comforted herself.
“My advisor has been wanting me to go back to work on the final version of my dissertation. Now we also have the conference presentation to polish, so we are going to have a round of intensive edits and mock oral defenses.”
“When do you leave?”
“The week after next.”
“What will I do without you?” She had intended to tease, but she cursed herself when her lip quivered just slightly. Wanda hoped Vision didn’t notice.
He gave her one of his small, lopsided smiles. “Well, we have a spare milk frother to make foam and I can teach to you a few simple designs to use while I’m away.” Despite his teasing words, his eyes were sincere as they looked at her. Wanda nudged his shoulder with her own.
“That’s not really what I meant, Vizh.”
He ducked his head shyly but met her eyes directly. “I know. I will miss you as well.”
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smithya93-blog · 5 years
Bird Brained- Chapter 5
Show your support by reading the next chapters on Wattpad!"I am inviting a suitor to come stay with us for a couple of days before your coronation." Arthula had cornered her son in the library to give him this information. He frowned closing his book. "Why.. I said I wanted to find someone on my own."
Arthula shrugged "Because at the very least he could be someone you can form a friendship with.. we both know how uncomfortable you are during public events." She watched him feed the crow a peanut "Lekan.. I think he is someone you could like."
"Why do you say that?"
"Well he matches your criteria.. for starters.. he's very handsome.. he's half fae.." she blathered on about how wonderful she felt this suitor was for her son. Lekan did not look impressed. She finally handed him a letter. "At least talk to him.. you never know.." Lekan sighed taking the paper and waving his mother off. "Alright Fine.. now if you would please I'm trying to read." She laughed leaving him to his personal time.
This information put Maze in a difficult position. He didn't know this suitor she had picked and hoped he wouldn't be.. difficult.
"It's going to be weird if I just show up out of the blue right?"
"Well are you going to back down?"
"No but.. what do I say?"
Lulit paused tapping her chin.
"Say that you saw a letter your sister got and found him charming so you came to visit in her place!"
"I don't have a sister."
Lulit frowned. "Oh... um right sorry.. what if.. you just showed up.. in need of assistance." She grinned with an evil smirk. "Oh! We could beat you up and have you burst into the castle all 'help please! I was taken by bandits and I'm finally free!'" She threw an arm over her forehead dramatically falling back on the couch. Maze snorted.
"Thats too much it doesn't flow well with my 'I got lost' backstory which we've agreed is totally solid."
She huffed "Well... you got any better ideas?"
He scratched his chin.
"I'll say... I left to go see the world, and was sent here on a vision from.. a witch."
"You can't bash witches and then use them as your scapegoat you cuck."
"She said I must turn to the capital city and find the love of my life... the man with.." he waved his hands in the air. "How would a witch describe Lekan?"
"The man with a heart lead by his brain and a dick made of bad yeast?"
"That's.. really weird. Why would anyone say that."
"Cause bad yeast doesn't ri -"
"Stop.. talking about yeast."
She cackled as he stewed in his frustrated with the exchange.
They eventually formulated a partial plan that Lulit took minimal issue with. They did need to time it right. At Lulit's request they waited. Two weeks, then three then with an unceremonious snatching of the crow early one morning. They set the plan in motion.
"I talked to the palace doctor.. she has agreed to help us.." Maze cocked his head.
"What's changed?"
"The suitor is arriving in three days."
He was surprised by that "What.. does... Lekan actually really like this guy or something?" Had they waited too long?
Lulit shook her head "My mother changed the dates.. she's inviting him here earlier to the palace so that he and Lekan can get to know each other better. He hates parties.. she's trying to get him to enjoy it more by having someone he can be close to attend with him." She grinned "But you are going to crash that party."
"The coronation party?"
"No.. the hospitality party"
She shook her head "Just turn back.. I'll explain it later" he did as she asked and the magician lifted him gingerly heading down to the infirmary.
The doctor greeted them bemused by the crow held placant in Lulits hands. "Oh.. is this my patient?" She asked laughing "Lulit you know I'm not a vet.."
"Yea I'll get to that.. Maze this is Doctor Lupet she's going to help us" Lupet watched growing more concerned.
"Did you hit your head again.. that is a crow."
"Not really" She set Maze on the ground.
The look on the poor clerics face when the bird transformed into a full sized human was nothing short of comedic gold. She fairly fell out of the chair gasping "L...Lulit.."
"It's okay... we're friends."
"Kinda" Maze chimed in.
"Kinda... we have a common goal."
Lupet stood edging herself against the wall "and what.. goal would that be?"
"He.. well.. needs to be a person again.."
Maze nodded "She doesn't like that I'm a crow"
The woman tapped her chin considering it before pulling Lulit aside "Isn't he a little.. old for you.. He's like twenty-five.."
The girl balked. "Ew no not for me.. for Lekan.."
She nodded "Oh.. is Lekan.."
"Yea.. I guess men are more his thing"
"Well.." she sighed "I'll bite.. what do you need from me.."
"We need you to falsify medical records"
".. I have strong moral obligations insisting that I not do that."
"But.. it's for love"
"Yes I've heard that before but it won't help you.."
Maze cleared his throat "The court thinks me dead because of my.. condition.. I'm ready to come back.."
The woman sighed. "What exactly do you need me to falsify?"
"When he returns.. we just need you to say he has a broken.. arm?"
"Yeah arms good.."
"Okay a broken arm.. and maybe ribs"
"Ribs might be too much"
"It will keep you here longer"
He couldn't argue with that.
The cleric nodded "well... I guess that won't hurt anyone..."
The conniving pair grinned.
The stage was set. In three days the suitor would arrive and Maze would begin his return to the land of the living.
The four members of the S'Trigi family sat in their respective seats along the wall of the Great Hall waiting for their guest to arrive. Maze made sure to perch himself on Lekans shoulder despite his mother's insistence that the bird not be part of the welcoming.
"I can't make him leave.. he's a crow.. he does what he wants"
Yeah Maze did what he wanted. What he wanted to do was get a good look at this would be sutor and find a way to outdo him.
The speaker opened the great doors and took his position to the right of them announcing their guest. "I present Ulyss Motomgo of Lynachee. The Stone that splits the Falls." A man descended the stairs garbed in the long shimmering clothing worn by the fae. His dark hair was cropped short, and his defining ears ended in sharp tips, riddled with small stones and rings. "Son of Isidian Motomgo of Capital, the Western seed and Ambassador Mariela LeBonon of the Region of the Eastern Forest."
Wait.. Maze knew this guy. Motomgo had been his boarding school roommate. It took him a minute but yeah.. Ulyss and him had shared many a night under the same sheets in the lonely boarding school life. Causing more trouble than they were worth. The kinship between them only ended when Ulyss had traveled to the Eastern region to study the ways of the fae.
Oh this would be perfect. If it had been any old suitor Maze would have worried that they might steal Lekans heart and turn the man against him. However Maze knew Ulyss to be honorable and quite a prude outside of the bedroom. This was perfect.
Ulyss bowed deeply before the royal family. Arthula stood greeting the man "Welcome to our home Ulyss. We hope that you will find our hospitality measurable and your time here enjoyable."
The Fae man smiled politely "I thank you for the warm welcome. It feels good to return to Capital, and I am honored to be invited to stay beneath your roof." Arthula patted Lekans shoulder encouraging the man to introduce himself.
"The honor is all ours.. I am Olamilekan S'Trigi, King of the Summer Morning. You may call me Lekan." He held out a hand to shake which Ulyss took before kissing the back softly.
"A pleasure to meet you,"
Maze ruffled himself up snapping his beak in warning. Ulyss glanced at the bird "What a funny little body guard you have there.." Lekan withdrew his hand his cheeks growing hot.
"Oh.. yes.. He follows me around.. You don't need to pay him any mind." Ulyss shrugged
"Crows are intelligent birds.. The Fae hold crows in high regard... although with them usually follows despair." He said it casually like he wasn't implying Maze was more of an unfortunate pest.
Lekan went about the day showing Ulyss around the halls of the castle dodging the man's thinly veiled attempts to flirt with him like a professional.
"Have you lived in Capital long" Ulyss questioned the prince. The two had wandered up into the postern of the wall surrounding the castle. They surveyed the valley below them.
"Yes almost my entire life.."
"You were quite young when your parents were elected to court weren't you?"
"Around five or so.." "So young.. I bet you've had plenty of interactions with potential suitors before me. I am honored to be invited here."
Lekan shook his head sternly "I.. don't know if I'd call anyone who has gotten close enough to me to be a suitor.." he cleared his throat. "I'm not used to this type of engagement." "One of love?" "One set up for me." He tuned that out immediately. "I don't know if love like that is something I have really known."
Ulyss laughed "oh.. You sweet innocent man.. At your age I'm surprised to hear that."
Lekans face heated at the comment "I.. Just am not used to.." "Being wooed?" Ulyss took his hand. "I'll be gentle.." "I'm not concerned about you being rough. I am concerned that you will overstep your bounds. As many have before you."
"Are you afraid of physical intimacy?"
"Don't.. say it like that.. I just know what I want.." "Are you sure?"
Lekan didn't answer moving the conversation onto something else. Maze found the display hard to watch and took himself from the tense and awkward interaction the second he could. Lekan wasn't into Ulyss and that was fine by him.
Lekan attempted to sneak out of the palace early the next morning. Unfortunately for him, Ulyss caught him just as he was leaving,
"Your grace"
He internally cursed his luck turning to face the would be suitor. "Good morning Ulyss"
The fae man smiled "Why the hurry?" .
"Just going for a walk." The crow at his shoulder ruffled its feathers preening itself.
"Oh! Mind if I join you.."
"Well.. I.."
"Your highness, you shouldn't leave the palace without us.." Lonan and Ruit approached the two of them.
"I would be happy to accompany the prince." Ulyss offered, glancing at the bodyguards with distaste.
"His bodyguards also need to go.." Lonan yawned rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Her Majesty's orders."
Both the prince and his suitor resented that, but conceded.
"I don't usually take horses up the trails.. I'm not a good rider" he admitted climbing into the beasts back as the rest of the group readied themselves. The crow at his shoulder departed. It seemed he did not want this steed. Now Lekan was alone with the three strangers. His discomfort was at a maximum level.
"I can lead if that makes you feel better." The knight swung his horse to the front of the line. "Ruit you take the back" the squire was already in place knowing his duty well.
They set off for the foothills of the Great Divide at a slow pace, Ulyss picking up casual conversation as they went.
"The forests of the east are a sight to behold.. I would be keen to show you them."
"I hope to do so one day."
"As Head of House you would be greeted with the highest regard."
"I would hope so. The peaceful nature of our relationship with the east is critical to the state of our lands."
"They would feel the same way, with the Daru trying to stir up something every couple of months it's a pleasant change to have an ally in the west to protect us."
He found Ulyss's drowning to be monotonous. Talking about the east like a fanatic. Though he had lived there he probably only experienced the beautiful Capital tree and none of their other lesser states. Lekan knew the region to be on the verge of civil war due to their queens negligence.
They entered a ravine where the path became treacherous and steep. Lekan didn't like taking horses along this path for the uneven footing could throw a rider from his saddle easily.
The sound of rocks sliding down the side caught the party's attention. Lonan stopped the parade and climbed down from his mount peering over the edge. "Oh.. some daft fool has fallen."
Lekan jumped from his own saddle in a panic.
"Does anyone have any rope?" "The poor bastard looks to be dead already."
"And what if he's not?"
Lonan shrugged "It would be suicide to try and rescue him."
Lekan didn't listen rifling through his knapsack and finding a length of rope which he handed to Lonan wrapping the rest around himself "Then don't let me fall."
"Your highness.. I implore you."
He carefully climbed down to the far ledge where a body lay sprawled out over the dirt. A dark cloak covering the form.
"Sir! This is incredibly dangerous! I beg of you don't.."
He landed on the ledge approaching the man carefully. "Are you alright.. Did you fall." he pushed back the hood of the cloak and found to his shock.
The stranger from his room.
Unconscious and wheezing the man was covered in scrapes and bruises. Despite that the prince recognized the man immediately and lifted him with ease over his shoulder "He's still alive, pull me up."
The three men on the ledge complied, lifting the added dead weight over the ledge of the ravine. Lekan mounted his horse holding the injured man carefully. "We have to go back.. He needs to see the cleric."
Ulyss looked into the face of the man frowning. "Wait.. I know him.." he touched the torn and beaten fabric of his ornate feathered cloak.
"Who is he?"
Ulyss shook his head. "Thought for dead.." the look in his eye seemed almost hopeful. "Lets get him back.. he needs to be treated."
Well he was glad their sense of urgency had changed. Lonan held the rear as Ruit led them back the way they came.
"I don't think this is wise sir" Lonan called up to him from behind the line.
"I am not a wise man" "You are kind" Ulyss chimed in sucking up to the princes nature.
"That is the only quality I dare boast".
He sat Maze against his chest holding him upright as they went, careful not to injure him any more as they returned to the palace. Maze was glad no one was facing him to see the smile that spread over his face.
He was in.
He feigned sleep until the party managed to get him to the infirmary. Lekan knocked on the door. "Lupet.. Please.." he set the man on the bed gingerly as the cleric rushed over.
Part of her understood what Lulit and Maze's game was here, and she would play along. Lulit was a cunning and paranoid child, so if she trusted someone they were probably worth it. Lupet placed a hand to his chest "I'm going to try and wake him.. I need you to step back sir in case his reaction is violent." She'd put on a good show for them. Lekan complied moving back to stand with the Guards and Ulyss. She sent a burst of energy through Mazes body. He gasped loudly,  shock thoroughly winding him.
OW? What the hell was that for. She didn't have to resuscitate him for real. He coughed and she placed her hand there again sending another blast through him. He groaned and sat up coughing and gasping for air. He whacked her hand away "The hell..." She pushed him back down restraining him.
"You are in safe hands. You are not in any danger here."
Okay lady unnecessary. She had an unyielding grip, and he stayed down faking a heavy pant while the cleric got up to gather water and bandages.
"I will come get you when I am done..." she nodded the party off shooing them out.
Once they were gone Lupet turned back to Maze "Did you actually hurt yourself? You had me scared for a second."
He nodded sitting up "Yea just.. turned while I was in midair and fell down a ravine" He shrugged off her mortified expression. "It didn't hurt much.. although I might have actually busted my wrist.." he flexed the joint testing it "I should be fine though.." she took his hand examining it "Well.. I'll patch you up this time, but never do that again you'll get yourself killed."
"It wouldn't be the first time."
"Still knock it off.."
He shrugged as Lupet treated him.
Lekan waited outside of the room pacing as Ulyss watched "Are you going to wait here forever?" The prince shrugged "He's.. been injured I'm just concerned."
"Your concern blinds you"
"Bold statement for someone who would just let him die" Lekan shuffled his feet against the ground. "You said.. you knew him?"
Ulyss nodded looking down at his feet "An old friend... we were roommates in school before I left for the East."
"Who is he?"
Ulyss laughed "Word has spread far enough at this point that it would be hard to believe.."
"Try me.."
"Maze Suvroc.."
"Suvroc.. "
"Yea... the missing heir."
"How did he get there... his family hails from the far north?"
Ulyss shrugged. "How should I know.. I haven't seen him in... Years?" He dropped his stale demeanor for a moment "I considered us to be good friends... when you pulled him from that ravine it was like..." He waved his hand finding the right analogy "Finding bag of gold after being robbed."
"We had a complicated relationship"
He laughed "My prince.. I am your suitor, it would be highly inappropriate of me.." Lekan fought of a wave of envy as Ulyss took his hand. "Come on... let's get something to eat you look stressed.. he will be fine.. he's risen from the dead hasn't he?"
Lonan did not believe for a second that Maze had risen from the dead. Though he did not know Maze from a vagrant at the moment, he knew that something felt fishy. A man dressed in wealthy clothing found collapsed in a ravine auspiciously where the prince enjoyed hiking.
"It's too convenient." He paced his quarters finishing his rant to Ruit. "We need to find out who he is or who he robbed.." Ruit was invested in the book in his lap letting Lonan talk. It had been two days since Maze had been rescued. Lonan was very vocal in his distrust of the stranger and had made a point to use every opportune moment to discuss it with any available ears.
"Would be a ballsy move to try and harm the prince knowing he had a full guard at his back." Ruit refused to give Lonan his full attention turning a page slowly.
"Maybe he didn't know.. and he just faked injury to get inside the palace."
"Plenty of better ways to do that... this palace is basically open to the public. He could just waltz in if he really wanted to."
"He wants us comfortable so he can do his deed and make a quick escape."
"By showing his face to the guards and staff of the palace?"
"His little resuscitation bit didn't look odd to you?"
Well that Ruit had no explanation for.
"It did.."
"And maybe.. you're overthinking it... didn't Ulyss say he knew the man."
"You act as if I trust that elf."
"That's rude."
"He's an elf."
"They don't like that word."
"They can suck my dick."
Ruit frowned closing his book and standing up.
"Where are you going" Lonan demanded.
"Somewhere your ignorance can't infect me"
The knight scoffed watching him go.
      Ruit found the Capital palace grand and spent much of his free time admiring the structure and its amenities. The towers looming over beautifully kept gardens, spilling out between the protective outer walls of the palace. Wandering through the garden path brought him to the keep where the great hall resided. Staff were busy preparing the hall for dinner that evening, setting the long table with plates and cutlery.
Off to the side, hallways with tall open windows showed off the gardens glory. Unlike the royal family nothing about the palace was humbling. Golden embroidered intricacies coated every inch of the palace bordering on gaudy in fashion. Every fabric was the finest silk and glass of the stained variety filled every unopened window. The palace was a cornucopia of light and color. It might move one to tears with its intense beauty.
He took purchase in an open windowsill attempting to read again.
"Ruit.." Come on really. He looked up to see Lekan approaching him.
"Your highness" He stood and bowed.
"What are you reading?" He approached the squire casually.
The man showed him a book of lore. "Forgive me if it was impolite.. I borrowed it from the library."
Lekan smiled. "On the contrary.. books are meant to be read." he took a seat on the sill beside the other man. "How do you find the palace?"
"It's.. brilliant.. to call this palace home would be a dream."
Lekan laughed "This is now your home as well.. you know that right." The squire nodded
"It might be impolite to say that much.."
"I would not be offended" he waved a hand.
The squire nodded thanking him. Lekan took his leave heading towed the infirmary, Ruit noted, without the crow that followed in Lekans shadow. To his knowledge the bird had been missing from his interactions with the prince since the morning the stranger had been rescued.
It probably meant nothing.
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