smithya93-blog · 5 years
Bird Brained- Chapter 7
Maze was cold.
Had he dreamt a live of luxury inside the Capitol's palace walls? He sat up, but his hands sank into the snow around him. It was spring, wasn't it? An open expanse of wintery tundra surrounded him. The chilly wind beat at him as he struggled to stand. The tundra was lit in an eery midnight glow, as if the sun had turned purple overnight. Where was he?
He began to walk, trudging through the uneven ground in what he hoped was south. He couldn't actually see the sun, where the light was coming from. Before him rose a steep structure, like a pyramid but with six sides. Maze couldn't remember the name for that, hexagon? It didn't matter, he approached it regardless of its geometric makeup hoping to get out of the freezing air.
He heard movement, the sound of feet marching.
Behind him figures moved on the horizon. Thousands, millions maybe if he had the time to count. Spanning miles, they lumbered along in single mindedness. The scene sent a wave of fear through him. He was defenseless, nowhere to hide and the hord was gaining on him quickly.
He ran.
As fast as his feet would carry him he ran south. His breath freezing in his lungs, the newly human legs unused to the strain of such movement. He needed to keep going, but he wasn't getting anywhere. The Hoard approached him closer and closed in by the second. He needed to get past that structure, toward the shadowy Divide on the horizon before him. He was so far away, the peaks barely rising over the frozen land. The sound of his blood beat in his ears. He would never reach it.
His vision went white.
      The morning hit Maze like a ton of bricks. He had decided against sleeping in his nest and woke suffocated by bedsheets. Right couldn't hold onto being human in his sleep.
It was much too early for anyone else in the castle to be up. But after that dream, he didn't really want to go back to sleep anyway. He went to the showers. Opening the door revealed he was not alone, a cloud of steam blocking his vision.
"Morning." His voice was croaky and his eyes filled with sleep as he greeted his compatriot.
Maze could make out the figure of Ruit, despite having completely pressed himself against the shower wall with only a view of his backside. The shorter man was hiding his face wrapping his arms around himself. He glanced over at Maze with a look of almost fear in his eyes.
"You okay man"
"Please come back later."
"It's a communal shower.."
"I know but please" his voice cracked like he might cry.
"Are you okay... like for real?"
"I don't want to be seen naked"
"I am also naked it's not like I don't know what's going on down there."
"You actually don't so please leave."
This was unexpected. Watching Ruit interact with Lonan and Lekan he found him to be stubborn, brash and proud. But in this moment he looked.. for lack of a better word defenseless. He rewrapped the towel around his waist.
"I'll wait outside. Stop anyone else from coming in." the other man seemed to relax a little at the gesture.
"I would appreciate it."
Maze took his leave and waited until Ruit emerged. He paused beside Maze having gotten fully dressed inside the steaming room. "Don't say anything about this to anyone else."
"Why would I?"
"To compromise me"
"Compromise you? What does that even mean?" He cocked his head looking Ruit over, his short cropped hair was pushed up and messy from the shower and his clothes were cockeyed having been pulled on in the warm damp room.
"I'm.. It's complicated"
"Spell it out for me?"
Ruit scoffed and stormed off. That was an interesting exchange. He showered and got himself ready for the day without thinking about it again until he returned to his room. Ruit was rifling through his empty dressers. "You have no belongings?"
"What the hell.. Why would I?"
"I need blackmail"
"What is your problem"
He paced the room back and forth for a moment seeming to fight with himself.
"You want me to spell it out for you?"
"I don't particularly care either way..." he grabbed the clothes that had been brought for him and started to get dressed.
Ruit turned his back to Maze in embarrassment. "However, you seem to be uncomfortable and fighting some weird internal battle.. so if you want to talk about it.."
"I wasn't.. born a man" His fists were clenched staring at his feet.
Oh.. OH well now he felt like a jerk. He continued getting dressed quickly waiting in case Ruit wanted to say anything more. When he remained silent he clapped the other man on the shoulder.
"Just let me know if you need a shower guard."
"Eye for an eye."
"Tell me a secret about you so we're even."
"What are you ten?"
"No I'm cautious"
He shook his head. This kid was unbelievable.
"Okay... um... I didn't leave the regalia to find myself.. I ran away."
Ruit turned around "Were you scared?"
Maze felt that was an opportunity to bond with the feelings Ruit was displaying so he nodded.
"I still am, about a lot of things.. but I've decided to stop running."
Ruit seemed satisfied by that response.
"That's kind of humiliating"
"Yeah, so it would suck if that got out"
"You guard the shower and I'll guard how much of a pussy you are"
"Bold words coming from you."
Ruit laughed smacking his shoulder and headed out to the balcony. "Thanks."
He jumped down to his own terrace using the bedsheet rope he had climbed up with. The kid could have used the door, but he was quite stubborn.
At dinner that night Ruit took the seat beside Maze eating silently.
Maze was growing fond of court. Hanging onto Lekans shoulder as they debated points on how the region should or shouldn't be run. The Guards and Ulyss weren't around to baby or smother Lekan. The prince was in his element here. Arthula had given Lekan the reins to hold court today while she spent her attention on other matters. Matters that she had been incredibly cryptic about.
"I disagree with this motion." a congressman stood addressing Lekan informally "The idea that taxes should be staggered based on income alone is preposterous. The upper class already have far too many taxes to deal with as it is, layering on more based on their income would surely knock down funding to charitable causes."
Lekan looked up at the man bemused. "Oh? You think so, I believe that siphoning a portion of funds from the uber wealthy will help to steady the economy. Lower income families are noted to spend more often than the wealthy."
"The wealthy are spending their money on taxes, for their homes, and accoutrements.. Things of high value that bring culture and pride to our region.. Not five pieces for groceries here and there" The man laughed "It is foolish to think that-"
"But they don't bat an eye at buying groceries." Lekan interrupted the man holding up his hand. "The upper class spend their money on frivolous things because they don't have to worry about feeding their families. Why would it make sense to tax people who don't have the money for it?"
"Well their taxes go to paying for their healthcare and education. It's not like they don't have the opportunity to make more money, if the tree grows fruit too sweet it will eventually rot."
"Maybe, but these are people, not apples. And I don't believe it is right to tax people more than is appropriate for their level of income." "The wealthy have worked hard for their money" The man was starting to shout. "Why would you steal from them what they have worked so hard for?" "Inheritance requires no work." Lekan sighed.
"If an estate draws in no income then they would run out of funds!" "Sounds like a rotten apple to me" a few members of congress chuckled at the princes remark.
"You are mistaken young man." The congressman leaned over the table belittling the soon to be king with his mother out of the room. "These people come from generations of hard working individuals who wanted the rest of their line-"
"That's enough Gorem, I hear your concerns but it sounds like a selfish desire to hold onto money that could be distributed to public works and fund the growth of our kingdom." He sat back. "It would do you some good to live off of the wage of a common farmer or shopkeep, you know."
"As I stated before, the people have ample access to means to improve their lives." The man was getting angrier, his chubby face blossoming red with his intent. "Laying heavier taxes on the rich would ruin the economy, without their trade with the east and south we as a country could fall under!" "I fail to see how purchasing a hand painted portrait of yourself contributes to our economy, especially if you belittle the artist into working for less than their worth." Lekan folded his arms. "I know of your background in case you forgot."
The man sputtered at the direct insult. "What would you know of that! You are a child. Your inability to hear reason will be your downfall."
Maze preferred to keep himself quiet during court, but this guy was crossing a line. He squawked a warning. Standing up on Lekans shoulder and squawking again.
"Disgusting bird."
Lekan remained stony faced reaching up to cover his beak, silencing him. "My crow is not easily riled up like this, I don't think he agrees with you" a few more muffled chuckles arose from the congress.
Gorem huffed "Well if we are all taking advice from birds now we might as well follow the desert vulture and pick off corpses." He slammed his fist on the table.
Lekan ruffled Mazes chest feathers trying to get himself to relax. "I fail to hear any reason in your argument aside from self interest." Lekan tapped the arm of the chair as the man fumed. "Twenty pieces means more to a lower class citizen than you. If you both have to pay the price of twenty pieces in taxes, you will be fine. Your income will be stable, and you can still afford your paintings and accoutrements. A regular civilian may have to forgo a meal or medication." "The upper class deserve to be treated as such!"
"We need to feed people, and see they are taken care of. The people come first."
"And what do we do when everyone in the kingdom just gives up knowing their precious king will be happy to hand feed them for the rest of their lives. Where is the restraint!"
"Allowing people to prosper in their given interests is what brings about progressive action and gives people the desire to work where they like.. Instead of following a trail of money to excess or exhaustion." Lekan stood to his full height. Not his usual smaller that he was humbling posture. His full magnificent height "I would rather my people live comfortably within their means and be able to afford to live the way they choose than-"
"YOU FOOL you are not even king and yet you sit here and spoil your region to ruin. You are still a child not yet fit to be a ruler." He fumed leering down at Lekan. "You think that giving the people everything on a platter will fix their problems?"
"I want people to have the funds and resources to fix their problems. They will contribute if you give them a society worth contributing to!"
"A society where excelling financially is frowned upon because you are taxed in excess! Unbelievable your smothering charity will-" One of the Congresswomen reached out to try and quell the angry speaker. He retaliated with a curt slap to her hand.
That was the last straw for Lekan. "You may disrespect me to make yourself feel better, but you do NOT under any circumstances disrespect your fellows. I want you out of this courtroom and a replacement from your city appointed immediately."
The man swerved to retaliate but found himself face to face with the screaming crow.
"{GET OUT}" oh that one came out easy. "{GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT}"
The startled man backpedaled over his chair and onto the floor. He departed the room as quickly as his feet could carry him.
"Court is dismissed" Lekan left the room before the congress had finished bowing out.
It wasn't often Lekan needed to blow off some steam but he found himself in the fencing hall before long, practicing parries, thrusts and forms. The crow had taken off after seeing that the fight had died down and the threat had alleviated.
He felt disgusted with himself for getting so heated over the debate. This is why he hated congress, most were decent and held pleasant argument conceding when their point was overruled, some were just.. so aggressive. He wasn't object to new ideas and changes to law by any means but he held unwavering values that his people came first.
As he practiced his forms he tried to think of something else. The other pressing matter that was becoming annoyingly important. This business with Ulyss was starting to take over his life. He personally wanted to find someone special. Someone who meant more to him than anything else in the world. Their recent date lead them into the city to watch the lights festival. A considerate and emotional date. His face grew warm at the memory of Ulyss moving in at the crescendo of the festival, and the soft kiss they shared under the light of the fireworks. It hadn't been his first but it was certainly memorable.
Unfortunately Ulyss was not memorable. There wasn't anything in him that felt a particular way about the other man. He wanted the beautiful romance his father and mother had. Someone who brought him reprieve from tense moments like these and broke up his monotonous daily life.
He sat on the worn mats of the gym taking a break, had he ever even met anyone that made him feel that way? Was he idolizing this idea of the perfect man too much. What if he found someone and they were just using him for a step up in the world, as Ulyss was clearly aiming for.
Maze came to mind.. he hadn't stopped thinking about that elusive stranger since his sudden arrival into his life. He seemed to be hard to track down. Never in his chambers, always in some other part of the castle but never lounging. Its like he took sprints around the halls to see how quickly he could vanish from room to room. Maze was a complete mystery to him. He was ever intrigued by the mans jovil and sarcastic demeanor. It had to have been him that night he was attacked, whether it was a hallucination or something else. His presence seemed to swim in the back of his mind at all times.
"Sparring alone is kind of pointless isn't it?"
He spun around to see the devil himself perched in the doorway. Lekan was glad to see that someone had been bringing him new clothes. His long black shirt dipping down to show, at length, his chest. It seemed to be way too big for him, but it was almost endearing. He noticed the bandages wrapping the man's chest were gone. Lupit was doing a good job in patching him up at least.
Maze noticed the gaze "Your sister lent me something of yours to wear.. she insisted it after she saw my feather cloak for the third time." He laughed "She's entertaining"
"You've been making friends with my family?" He pushed the thought of Maze wearing his old clothes from his mind quickly.
Maze shrugged "Didn't intend on it. She sort of pushed her help onto me." He picked up a spare saber from the holder to the side of the ring.
"Would you like a partner who only knows how to fight with a longsword?"
"You... use a longsword"
Maze nodded. "I find them funny."
"they're like regular swords but big."
"how is that funny?"
"I don't know.. why did they feel the need to make a sword size in between regular and broad."
Lekan laughed. " But your arm is broken?"
"Well it's a good thing I'm a lefty and fencing only requires one hand."
Lekan shrugged and got into position. "Should I explain the rules?"
They spared for a while, Maze making an excellent fool of himself and losing many times. He was impressed by the giants power but mostly with the speed and precision in which he was able to control himself. He would be a terror on the battlefield.
When Maze finally called uncle he was dripping with sweat. "Wow, who would have thought a giant like you would be so fearsome in the ring."
Lekan laughed "Is it that surprising?"
Maze shrugged "You interact with things like the slightest gust of wind might break them. But here your like.. some kind of.." he paused trying to think of the right word.
Lekan had taken a seat beside him casually pulling his hair down to retie the bun. Maze watched the moment starstruck. His nimble fingers untangling the curls and corralling the falling bronze strands away from his dark glistening skin. The way his focus remained locked onto Maze even after sparring, those summer eyes so reminiscent of the valley spilling out at the feet of the Great Divide. The simple everyday moment felt like he was being given the opportunity to watch a god walk across water.
Maze was not good at fencing, at all. He was too forward rushing and didn't take any time to think about his actions. Just goal oriented on scoring the point, and yet Lekan found the engagement enjoyable. Maze responded well to criticism and by the end of the match he might have been considered an armature fencer. Even with a broken arm. The man took a seat on the floor commenting on Lekans ferocity in the ring.
Lekan knew his demeanor changed when he was in a match. He just felt less compelled to be gentle. It was the one time he could really let loose. He sat beside Maze listening to him as he spoke. His voice sounded as if he had used it loudly and gruffly most of his life. Like shouting was his primary source of communication. Despite that, the sound was oddly pleasant to listen to. The way birds singing in the morning could be taken to be annoying but also charming and beautiful. He had this way of speaking with bland humor that Lekan found incredibly appealing. He wanted to hear what Maze thought of the word. How his outlook on life left him in such a position of apparent apathy and sense of futility.
"You interact with things like the slightest gust of wind might break them. But here your like.. some kind of.." he paused for a moment seeming to scrutinize Lekan intensely before sighing out.
"Like a god"
Oh. That wasn't a new one but, it sounded so much better coming from his lips. Lekan laughed it off feeling the heat in his cheeks rising. "Oh.. I don't know about that."
Maze shrugged, "It's my compliment you don't get to decide how accurate it is."
Lekan waved his hand.
"I'm serious."
The prince went quiet playing with the blunted tip of his saber. "What do you think you've found here.. In this castle." Maze didn't know him. That was too high a compliment for him. He really didn't deserve that kind of-
"I've found someone who.. makes me want to abandon my apathetic sensibilities."
Okay now Maze was just talking out of his ass. There's no way Lekan would believe that.. but it wasn't a lie. "I might.. not know much about you yet, but I listen. To the people around you, to your family. To you." He shrugged, "I.. want to know everything about you" so he could stop pretending that he didn't already.
Lekan nodded "Okay.. I can believe that.. but I do believe you are idolizing me.. I am not.." he shook his head. "Nevermind.." he stood stretching. "This was fun.."
"Tomorrow?" Maze requested eagerly.
"Will you show me more tomorrow? I enjoyed the impromptu lesson" Maze stood with him ignoring the bead of sweat he watched trail down Lekans chest. The prince laughed nodding.
"Sure tomorrow." Maze beamed and Lekan felt a part of him melt. He hadn't seen that look from the newcomer and it was.. breathtaking.
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smithya93-blog · 5 years
Bird Brained- Chapter 6
Show your support by reading the next chapters on Wattpad!Maze left the infirmary and wandered the palace. He held his arm in a sling and wore his obscene feathered cloak in a way that conveniently displayed the bandages that crossed his chest. He was after all an eccentric person at heart. Maybe if he gave enough of a shit about anything he could have been a good actor or poet. Too bad he hated writing and had a terrible memory.
As if by the grace of Nepetes herself, he found Lekan headed down the hall toward him. Play it cool, he thought. Let the prince introduce himself. His stomach quaked at the dramatic nature in which he had fallen into the other man's life. There couldn't be a better way to make a first impression. He greeted Lekan with a short nod in acknowledgement.
"You're awake."
Maze cocked his head "I have been for a while now... " Lekan laughed holding out his hand to shake.
Wrong hand.
He shifted his left to awkwardly shake brandishing the sling. The prince winced.
"Oh.. my apologies does it hurt?" "The pain is mild.. The cleric here is lovely." "Yes Lupit is well respected for her healing magic." "I would agree she has patched me up well." He patted the sling feigning a wince. This felt too formal "Although she wants me to remain in one place until my injuries heal."
"You are more than welcome to stay here while you recover." Could he stay forever? Lekan was on the verge of melting. This was him. This was the scrappy looking man who saved him that night.
He needed to stop referring to him that way. Scrappy wasn't the most accurate term. The man had shaved, his hair neatly trimmed and taken care of while he was resting. Although it looked like he was graying early, he could be no older than the prince himself. His features were rough but held a softness to them that Lekan found striking.
Maze smiled brightly. "Should I take you for the Head of House?" "My mother holds that title for now."
"So you are the prince then.."
Lekan was surveying him intently.
Oh this felt amazing.
"And your name is?"
Lekan was taken aback by the question. "Oh.. Lekan.. Well... that's... you can call me Lekan" Maze gave him a short bow. "I thank you for your hospitality."
"The pleasure is all mine.." He paused waiting for Maze to introduce himself.
"Maze Suvroc, Shadow of the Morning Star." It was so wordy. He hated it but damn did it make him look really good.
Lekan showed the stranger around.  Maze oo'd and aww'ed at the grandiose nature of the palace, as if he hadn't been living there for the last six months.
"Explain yourself." Arthula looked furious arms crossed. After their tour Lekan had brought him into the great hall to meet with his mother. Maze felt the full weight of her gaze as he was scrutinized. All eyes were on him and with only six people in the room, it was excruciating.
"I.. deserted the regalia.. I wanted to take a tour of the region... try to find myself" He bit his lip hating how that sounded "I.. ran into some rough company... situations I could not avoid.. I just want to start my life fresh."
"So you're a coward" Lonan asserted himself into the conversation.
"No I found the Regalia boring." He scoffed without acknowledging Lonan hovering behind him. "Idolizing military power turned out to be duller than I expected."
Arthula looked over to her son not believing an ounce of what Maze had said "Well?"
"His... his family is in shambles, he should stay here while he recovers and sorts out his estate." That may have came off way more eager than he wanted it to.
"I understand that." Arthula began "but, is it safe to just assume this man is really who he says he is."
Ulyss stepped forward clearing his throat. "If I may your grace.. Maze and I went to boarding school together." He looked back at Maze who greeted him with a weird little hip wave.
Maze nodded "We were roommates."
Lekan nodded at his mother "They were roommates."
"He would, in my honest opinion go missing off of the face of the earth for four years and then return from a near death experience at the side of the road." Ulyss continued his eyes not leaving his former friend.
Arthula sighed "Fine, I'll have another room made up." She motioned for Lekan to follow her and Ulyss joined them.
"You.. didn't run away this time though did you.." he muttered under his breath as he passed Maze by.
What was that supposed to mean?
He was offered dinner at the long table alone. It felt very... lonesome. At that time of night everyone else had already eaten, so leftovers were warmed for him. They had also left him a chalice of wine. How kind of them.
Every clink against the dinnerware rang throughout the high ceilings of the empty hall like cannon fire. Footsteps approached him and Lulit made herself comfortable on the table
"So.. How's it going?"
"Your mother is terrifying."
"You think it's bad, I have to live with her."
"I will too if I can play my cards right."
She laughed "Your so optimistic."
"He likes me" "Ulyss has like a week over your head"
He grumbled downing another glass of wine.
"So.. what is it about him?" Arthula and Lekan took to setting the room together for Maze. The staff were all finished with their work for the day. The family had very strong feelings about letting them have their free time.
It's not like they couldn't make a bed themselves.
"You'll call me crazy."
"Should I?" she let the comforter drop over the bed.
"Then tune your mother in on why she should consider you crazy my summer flower." She sat down watching him worried. "You've always been too kind for your own good. Picking up all manner of broken or tired animals, this boy is not someone you can fix. Who knows where he's been.. Or.."
"I think he was the one who saved me.. that night I was ambushed."
Arthula balked at the statement. "What.."
"When.. I woke up and heard the struggle outside. I saw three figures. When the Guard came in... I saw his face.." he sat on the bed and rubbed his face. "You might think he is trouble.. but I know he was fighting back against those intruders." He looked at her pleadingly "If it was him, I owe him my life."
Arthula pushed down the worrying warnings she wanted to give.
"Just... stay close to Lonan.. He can stay because his estate has essentially been torn apart by looters. Don't tell him that.. Tell him there was a fire or something. We can figure the rest out later." She waved her hand. "Do not.. Under any circumstances allow yourself to be alone with him. Do you understand me?"
"Mother.." "No buts... not until we can trust him." She shook her head. "Have Lonan fetch him.. I am retiring for the evening." She kissed his forehead taking her leave.
He most certainly did not ask Lonan to fetch Maze and he most certainly did not heed his mother's words. He returned to the great hall to find... "Lulit? What are you doing here"
She jumped off of the table. "Interrogating the suspect."
"What is he suspect of?"
"Trying to kill you."
Maze nearly choked on his food "Hey! Im.."
She laughed shaking her head "As mom thinks of him."
Lekan shooed her off "Go to bed."
"Just.. go.. I need to talk to him"
She rolled her eyes strolling off. Not before giving Maze a thumbs up behind her brothers back.
He waited until Lulit was out of the hall before speaking. "I see the wine has been treating you well."
Maze glanced at the half empty vase before him. "Oh.. it came that way." It most certainly did not and Lekan knew that.
"If you are done eating, I would be happy to show you to your room." Lekan held out his arm for Maze. He pulled himself up taking it and allowing the larger man to escort him.
Guests were situated in the tower beside the family's quarters. Up the winding stairs different rooms spun off with a communal shower at the base. Lekan explained that the castle had been built that way and to put in individual amenities would disrupt the traditional feel of the palace. Maze felt like it might just be a ploy to force snooty guests to have to walk to take a shit.
His door was at the top of the staircase.
"I apologize in advance, we did not plan for any guests." He laughed "but.. I can say I am not disappointed to have the company" Maze released his arm so he could unlock the door. "Do you need clothing?"
"Ah.. I should tomorrow."
"I can have a squire go and fetch things from your family home" he was deciding to ignore everything his mother told him tonight.
"That's alright, those things can rot there.." he ran a hand through his hair sighing. "I'm not a fan of the.. family. I'm looking to make a new one."
Lekan looked at him bewildered. "Not.. a fan?"
Maze pushed the door open not wanting the conversation to continue much longer "Oh.. it's complicated. As families are." He took stock in the room, the canopy bed, the simple dresser and wardrobe arrangements and the small lounge area. He could sleep here and Lekan wouldn't be the wiser that his crow was missing. The prince followed him in.. damnit.
Not that he didn't want to welcome Lekan into every aspect of his life. He was just worn out, and making more trouble for the prince probably wouldn't be good for either of them at the moment.
"I'm not sure I understand?" Lekan followed up on the previous statement.
"Just.. I was never really close with my parents.. they didn't want any more kids so I was an only child. They thought.. one to carry on, save the rest from the misfortune." he caught Lekans progressively more inquisitive look. "That misfortune being my mother" Maze flopped back on the bed "She was a witch, not it the literal sense but she.. really knew how to make a house feel like a prison." He laughed. "I left to find my own way without them. Just the clothes on my back, and the shoes on my feet" and the feathers he grew from being an unfortunate moron.
Lekan nodded solemnly. "I'm sorry you had to experience that" which in essence, was what Maze expected. One who grew up in a cooperative functional family couldn't really understand where he was coming from. Lekan didn't need to get it, just understand it was a sore spot for him.
"So... why are you letting me stay here?"
Lekan stroked his beard contemplatively. "In all honesty. I think your interesting... and someone I want to keep an eye on.."
Maze chuckled shedding his cloak and flinging it over a chair, Lekan stared at it.
"I was advised against it but I don't take advice well."
"Why feathers?"
"Family crest is a crow"
"Is it?" Lekan found that very curious "I accidentally adopted a crow."
Maze sat up feigning surprise "Really? How coincidental."
Lekan chuckled "It might have been meant to be."
An awkward silence filled the space between them. Shit, he had nothing fun or interesting to talk about. If he had actually gone on a real venture to find himself he would have some funny stories to tell or some quip about crows he met on the vast plains but..
"Is this your first time in the capital?"
"Yes" he lied blatantly.
"Oh.." Lekan seemed to be disappointed in that response.
"Show me around sometime?"
"I would be honored."
Maze smiled as the prince took his leave closing the door politely.
He spent about five minutes pacing his room before heading back to his nest.
A swift rapping at the door woke Maze the next morning. Lekan was already awake, preparing for the day and went to answer. Ulyss emerged from the doorway with a tray "Good morning my prince, I brought you breakfast" Lekan was thrown off by the gesture.
"Oh.. I was on my way to go eat with the rest of-"
"I thought it might be nice if we could have breakfast together."
Lekan nodded slowly "All right..." Well, Ulyss was supposed to be wooing Lekan.. the man could enjoy it if he wanted to.
Ulyss set the tray down at the coffee table and took a seat in one of the lounge chairs. The prince took stock in the food before digging in. "Did you cook this?"
"Yes.. I enjoy a little culinary work when I have the time. All faeish recipes of course, I've gotten quite good at preparing the food." "It's fantastic." he praised Ulyss royally.
It was just eggs, anyone could cook eggs. Hell with one more chromosome Maze could make eggs and that wouldn't be considered a phenomenon.
Ulyss reached out sliding a hand down Lekans shoulder.
"You know.. I've grown quite fond of you Lekan.." The prince looked up with a mouth full of food. "Oh?"
Ulyss laughed resting his hand on the other man's thigh. "I.. would hope you feel the same.."
Lekan made this face. It looked to Maze almost like he was in pain. "I would appreciate it if you would-"
Ulyss sighed interrupting his rejection. "I just want to please you my king."
Ok that's far enough. Maze took his leave from the nest screeching incessantly and dive bombing the newcomer. Ulyss threw himself back swearing and swinging his arm "WHAT THE HELL" Maze felt maybe he should just go right for the throat. Going in claws first- until he was grabbed by the midsection and tossed across the room.
Lekan was astounded by his careless toss and burst into a stream of apologies, as Ulyss bolted from the room screaming. Maze was not injured by the throw, however the wind had been knocked from him. He laid on the bedspread gasping for a moment before Lekan came to check on him.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry... I didn't mean.." his eyes betrayed a hint of tears.
Wait.. no don't cry.. not over this.
He squawked and slowly stood back up. Resting his beak on the hand on the bed and gave him a reassuring look.
Don't cry over me.
Lekan stroked the birds head sighing. "You really startled me.. and Ulyss I guess." He winked at the bird. "I'm sorry, I would never intend to hurt you my little crow." He took a moment to stroke the birds back and make sure it wasn't injured before returning to his morning routine. Maze wasn't wholly sure he could fly right now. He put on a good little show just now but, geez that blow could have killed him if he hadn't hit the bed.
Once Lekan left he needed to get to his room and get dressed before anyone noticed he was missing.
He hopped to the balcony looking down. Sure.. he could shimmy his way across the rooftops... but at crow size that was like a mile of sliding and maneuvering. It would take like an hour. He could probably glide into one of the lower rooms.. sneak out the door and up to his room.. where his door was locked.. he did manage to do that before passing out.
Curse his forethought.. well.. Balcony hopping it was.
He righted himself and tumbled from the balcony hitting the roof below hard. Yeah great start to the morning. He hopped himself along the copper plates of the rooftop.
The roof was not made for crow feet. He kept slipping slowly toward the lip with each step not able to catch a grip. He made it to the foot of the tower and clung on for dear life, as he contemplated having to climb it. He beat his wings finding little purchase but eventually working his way up to the first ledge. Then the second, painfully he scaled the balcony with the incessant wing beats, pulling himself onto his balcony and collapsing on the floor switching to his human shape. He lay there wheezing for a while when he heard a knock at the door.
Lulit pushed her way inside smirking at him.
"Saw you had a little trouble getting back over here.. thought I'd drop in and make sure you didn't fall off."
"you're so kind"
She grinned "You should really lock your door at night.. oh and breakfast is starting soon... so chop chop." She took off back down the stairs.
      He joined Ulyss and Lulit at breakfast. Lonan sat to the side to the side eyes boring holes into Mazes head. "Sorry, couldn't find the shower." He took a seat at the table and made himself a plate.
"Wheres Lekan?" "He has some business today with mom" Lulit responded without looking up from her book.
He nodded at Ulyss "What happened to your face?"
"The princes feral crow"
"Feral crow?"
"It went berserk. Just absolutely attacked me as if I was some villain!"
"Well... what did you do?"
"NOTHING! I.." Ulyss ran a hand through his hair trying to calm himself, still clearly overwhelmed by the experience.
Maze felt a prick of pride at his exasperation.
"I just brought him breakfast.. you know.. to schmooze him a little."
Lulit stood quickly realizing that the conversation was turning in a direction she did not want to be a part of. Lonan watched her leave without a word and returned his attention to Maze.
With Lulit out of the room Ulyss continued, nodding toward Maze.
"I've learned that kind of thing always works for an early morning rubdown." He chuckled.
Maze fairly choked on his fork. He did not find that funny. "What's that supposed to mean"
"If I am going to be his husband, that doesn't mean I can't dive in early."
"If you dive in too early the water would be dirtied and unworthy of bathing" Lonan chimed in with his outdated and offensive opinion.
"You are now officially out of the conversation" Ruit muttered harshly. They looked at him with disgust.
"How can you even say that.."
"Ones fist time is sacred" Lonan responded wiping his face.
"Not really.. I mean if you think that for yourself fine.. but you can't decide that for someone else" Ruit muttered into his eggs.
Lonan scoffed "I have long since lost that experience, I will not allow his pool to be sullied."
Ok this analogy was getting old.
"He's not a pool or an object.. he's a person and.." Maze burst out "You know what.. You have that conversation with him, and see how he feels."
Ulyss laughed "Oh how your tune has changed since school. It's nice to know at least some of us can grow up" He shot a dirty look at Lonan.
The knight huffed and stood from the table "Ruit.. we are needed at the prince's side."
The squire rolled his eyes leaving his half eaten plate to follow his Sir from the room.
The two former roommates found themselves alone and with a strange tenseness in the air.
"Do you think I did something wrong?"
Ulyss looked across the table at his old friend with a pained look in his eye.
Maze set his fork aside. "Look... crows are smart right.. maybe he thought you were a danger to Lekan.." he shrugged. "Was he interested in your schmoozing?"
Ulyss said nothing contemplating that statement as he chewed through a piece of bacon.
"Would schmoozing be inappropriate at this time?" "Dunno... I don't know him.." he lied "but he seems like a gentle person.. He's probably been schmoozed his entire life."
"So he would know better.."
"He might need bodyguards to protect him but I don't think he is as defenseless as they make him out to be."
Ulyss smirked "Always keen.. As crows are I guess."
Maze ignored the comment finishing his meal.
He watched Ulyss and Lekan sneak out of the palace later that evening from the top of a turret.
He would let Ulyss have his date with Lekan in peace. Despite the mornings event he knew Ulyss to be of decent background, and after their conversation felt that he wouldn't need to chaperone them.
"So.. What do you think.. Do I have a chance?"
"I don't know man.. I'm not an expert on my brother"
"You know him better than anyone else"
"Actually I think you might." She pulled away from her book. "When you got here Lekan stopped talking to us about his problems. He talked to you."
"I'm subjective you are not." They both went quiet for a while. Maze playing with the charm around his neck anxiously.
"What if he doesn't like me?" She turned to face him unsure of how to answer "What if.. I do all of this and, he doesn't want me?"
"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" She went back to her book.
"Wow.. wise words coming from you!"
"Some poet wrote that."
"Of course they did."
"If he doesn't want you.. well.. respect his decision." She shrugged "What else can you do.. if you love him support him."
Maze nodded.. Was love too strong of a word. Did he really love Lekan, he owed his life to the man sure, he felt joy in the confidence Lekan held him with. All of his secrets and feelings. He wondered if their relationship as people could be as close.
The evening's dinner met Maze with a very rude awakening. Ulyss sitting at the head of the table beside Lekan holding a bubbling conversation with the man. Something in the pit of Mazes stomach dropped. The appetizing meal before him went untouched in the revelation that, Ulyss might.. Actually have a good chance.
Did they even have anything in common? Maybe he had rushed into this. It was hard trying to think about the needs of others. Being a crow was a selfish pleasure, being someones partner was.. ugh. One night stands were ideal for him, he never needed to worry about feelings and compromise. Ulyss was intelligent, charming, handsome... all values Maze knew were appealing and yet none he had himself.
He left the dinner table early that night. Unbeknownst to him, Lekans eyes followed him out as he left.
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smithya93-blog · 5 years
Bird Brained- Chapter 5
Show your support by reading the next chapters on Wattpad!"I am inviting a suitor to come stay with us for a couple of days before your coronation." Arthula had cornered her son in the library to give him this information. He frowned closing his book. "Why.. I said I wanted to find someone on my own."
Arthula shrugged "Because at the very least he could be someone you can form a friendship with.. we both know how uncomfortable you are during public events." She watched him feed the crow a peanut "Lekan.. I think he is someone you could like."
"Why do you say that?"
"Well he matches your criteria.. for starters.. he's very handsome.. he's half fae.." she blathered on about how wonderful she felt this suitor was for her son. Lekan did not look impressed. She finally handed him a letter. "At least talk to him.. you never know.." Lekan sighed taking the paper and waving his mother off. "Alright Fine.. now if you would please I'm trying to read." She laughed leaving him to his personal time.
This information put Maze in a difficult position. He didn't know this suitor she had picked and hoped he wouldn't be.. difficult.
"It's going to be weird if I just show up out of the blue right?"
"Well are you going to back down?"
"No but.. what do I say?"
Lulit paused tapping her chin.
"Say that you saw a letter your sister got and found him charming so you came to visit in her place!"
"I don't have a sister."
Lulit frowned. "Oh... um right sorry.. what if.. you just showed up.. in need of assistance." She grinned with an evil smirk. "Oh! We could beat you up and have you burst into the castle all 'help please! I was taken by bandits and I'm finally free!'" She threw an arm over her forehead dramatically falling back on the couch. Maze snorted.
"Thats too much it doesn't flow well with my 'I got lost' backstory which we've agreed is totally solid."
She huffed "Well... you got any better ideas?"
He scratched his chin.
"I'll say... I left to go see the world, and was sent here on a vision from.. a witch."
"You can't bash witches and then use them as your scapegoat you cuck."
"She said I must turn to the capital city and find the love of my life... the man with.." he waved his hands in the air. "How would a witch describe Lekan?"
"The man with a heart lead by his brain and a dick made of bad yeast?"
"That's.. really weird. Why would anyone say that."
"Cause bad yeast doesn't ri -"
"Stop.. talking about yeast."
She cackled as he stewed in his frustrated with the exchange.
They eventually formulated a partial plan that Lulit took minimal issue with. They did need to time it right. At Lulit's request they waited. Two weeks, then three then with an unceremonious snatching of the crow early one morning. They set the plan in motion.
"I talked to the palace doctor.. she has agreed to help us.." Maze cocked his head.
"What's changed?"
"The suitor is arriving in three days."
He was surprised by that "What.. does... Lekan actually really like this guy or something?" Had they waited too long?
Lulit shook her head "My mother changed the dates.. she's inviting him here earlier to the palace so that he and Lekan can get to know each other better. He hates parties.. she's trying to get him to enjoy it more by having someone he can be close to attend with him." She grinned "But you are going to crash that party."
"The coronation party?"
"No.. the hospitality party"
She shook her head "Just turn back.. I'll explain it later" he did as she asked and the magician lifted him gingerly heading down to the infirmary.
The doctor greeted them bemused by the crow held placant in Lulits hands. "Oh.. is this my patient?" She asked laughing "Lulit you know I'm not a vet.."
"Yea I'll get to that.. Maze this is Doctor Lupet she's going to help us" Lupet watched growing more concerned.
"Did you hit your head again.. that is a crow."
"Not really" She set Maze on the ground.
The look on the poor clerics face when the bird transformed into a full sized human was nothing short of comedic gold. She fairly fell out of the chair gasping "L...Lulit.."
"It's okay... we're friends."
"Kinda" Maze chimed in.
"Kinda... we have a common goal."
Lupet stood edging herself against the wall "and what.. goal would that be?"
"He.. well.. needs to be a person again.."
Maze nodded "She doesn't like that I'm a crow"
The woman tapped her chin considering it before pulling Lulit aside "Isn't he a little.. old for you.. He's like twenty-five.."
The girl balked. "Ew no not for me.. for Lekan.."
She nodded "Oh.. is Lekan.."
"Yea.. I guess men are more his thing"
"Well.." she sighed "I'll bite.. what do you need from me.."
"We need you to falsify medical records"
".. I have strong moral obligations insisting that I not do that."
"But.. it's for love"
"Yes I've heard that before but it won't help you.."
Maze cleared his throat "The court thinks me dead because of my.. condition.. I'm ready to come back.."
The woman sighed. "What exactly do you need me to falsify?"
"When he returns.. we just need you to say he has a broken.. arm?"
"Yeah arms good.."
"Okay a broken arm.. and maybe ribs"
"Ribs might be too much"
"It will keep you here longer"
He couldn't argue with that.
The cleric nodded "well... I guess that won't hurt anyone..."
The conniving pair grinned.
The stage was set. In three days the suitor would arrive and Maze would begin his return to the land of the living.
The four members of the S'Trigi family sat in their respective seats along the wall of the Great Hall waiting for their guest to arrive. Maze made sure to perch himself on Lekans shoulder despite his mother's insistence that the bird not be part of the welcoming.
"I can't make him leave.. he's a crow.. he does what he wants"
Yeah Maze did what he wanted. What he wanted to do was get a good look at this would be sutor and find a way to outdo him.
The speaker opened the great doors and took his position to the right of them announcing their guest. "I present Ulyss Motomgo of Lynachee. The Stone that splits the Falls." A man descended the stairs garbed in the long shimmering clothing worn by the fae. His dark hair was cropped short, and his defining ears ended in sharp tips, riddled with small stones and rings. "Son of Isidian Motomgo of Capital, the Western seed and Ambassador Mariela LeBonon of the Region of the Eastern Forest."
Wait.. Maze knew this guy. Motomgo had been his boarding school roommate. It took him a minute but yeah.. Ulyss and him had shared many a night under the same sheets in the lonely boarding school life. Causing more trouble than they were worth. The kinship between them only ended when Ulyss had traveled to the Eastern region to study the ways of the fae.
Oh this would be perfect. If it had been any old suitor Maze would have worried that they might steal Lekans heart and turn the man against him. However Maze knew Ulyss to be honorable and quite a prude outside of the bedroom. This was perfect.
Ulyss bowed deeply before the royal family. Arthula stood greeting the man "Welcome to our home Ulyss. We hope that you will find our hospitality measurable and your time here enjoyable."
The Fae man smiled politely "I thank you for the warm welcome. It feels good to return to Capital, and I am honored to be invited to stay beneath your roof." Arthula patted Lekans shoulder encouraging the man to introduce himself.
"The honor is all ours.. I am Olamilekan S'Trigi, King of the Summer Morning. You may call me Lekan." He held out a hand to shake which Ulyss took before kissing the back softly.
"A pleasure to meet you,"
Maze ruffled himself up snapping his beak in warning. Ulyss glanced at the bird "What a funny little body guard you have there.." Lekan withdrew his hand his cheeks growing hot.
"Oh.. yes.. He follows me around.. You don't need to pay him any mind." Ulyss shrugged
"Crows are intelligent birds.. The Fae hold crows in high regard... although with them usually follows despair." He said it casually like he wasn't implying Maze was more of an unfortunate pest.
Lekan went about the day showing Ulyss around the halls of the castle dodging the man's thinly veiled attempts to flirt with him like a professional.
"Have you lived in Capital long" Ulyss questioned the prince. The two had wandered up into the postern of the wall surrounding the castle. They surveyed the valley below them.
"Yes almost my entire life.."
"You were quite young when your parents were elected to court weren't you?"
"Around five or so.." "So young.. I bet you've had plenty of interactions with potential suitors before me. I am honored to be invited here."
Lekan shook his head sternly "I.. don't know if I'd call anyone who has gotten close enough to me to be a suitor.." he cleared his throat. "I'm not used to this type of engagement." "One of love?" "One set up for me." He tuned that out immediately. "I don't know if love like that is something I have really known."
Ulyss laughed "oh.. You sweet innocent man.. At your age I'm surprised to hear that."
Lekans face heated at the comment "I.. Just am not used to.." "Being wooed?" Ulyss took his hand. "I'll be gentle.." "I'm not concerned about you being rough. I am concerned that you will overstep your bounds. As many have before you."
"Are you afraid of physical intimacy?"
"Don't.. say it like that.. I just know what I want.." "Are you sure?"
Lekan didn't answer moving the conversation onto something else. Maze found the display hard to watch and took himself from the tense and awkward interaction the second he could. Lekan wasn't into Ulyss and that was fine by him.
Lekan attempted to sneak out of the palace early the next morning. Unfortunately for him, Ulyss caught him just as he was leaving,
"Your grace"
He internally cursed his luck turning to face the would be suitor. "Good morning Ulyss"
The fae man smiled "Why the hurry?" .
"Just going for a walk." The crow at his shoulder ruffled its feathers preening itself.
"Oh! Mind if I join you.."
"Well.. I.."
"Your highness, you shouldn't leave the palace without us.." Lonan and Ruit approached the two of them.
"I would be happy to accompany the prince." Ulyss offered, glancing at the bodyguards with distaste.
"His bodyguards also need to go.." Lonan yawned rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Her Majesty's orders."
Both the prince and his suitor resented that, but conceded.
"I don't usually take horses up the trails.. I'm not a good rider" he admitted climbing into the beasts back as the rest of the group readied themselves. The crow at his shoulder departed. It seemed he did not want this steed. Now Lekan was alone with the three strangers. His discomfort was at a maximum level.
"I can lead if that makes you feel better." The knight swung his horse to the front of the line. "Ruit you take the back" the squire was already in place knowing his duty well.
They set off for the foothills of the Great Divide at a slow pace, Ulyss picking up casual conversation as they went.
"The forests of the east are a sight to behold.. I would be keen to show you them."
"I hope to do so one day."
"As Head of House you would be greeted with the highest regard."
"I would hope so. The peaceful nature of our relationship with the east is critical to the state of our lands."
"They would feel the same way, with the Daru trying to stir up something every couple of months it's a pleasant change to have an ally in the west to protect us."
He found Ulyss's drowning to be monotonous. Talking about the east like a fanatic. Though he had lived there he probably only experienced the beautiful Capital tree and none of their other lesser states. Lekan knew the region to be on the verge of civil war due to their queens negligence.
They entered a ravine where the path became treacherous and steep. Lekan didn't like taking horses along this path for the uneven footing could throw a rider from his saddle easily.
The sound of rocks sliding down the side caught the party's attention. Lonan stopped the parade and climbed down from his mount peering over the edge. "Oh.. some daft fool has fallen."
Lekan jumped from his own saddle in a panic.
"Does anyone have any rope?" "The poor bastard looks to be dead already."
"And what if he's not?"
Lonan shrugged "It would be suicide to try and rescue him."
Lekan didn't listen rifling through his knapsack and finding a length of rope which he handed to Lonan wrapping the rest around himself "Then don't let me fall."
"Your highness.. I implore you."
He carefully climbed down to the far ledge where a body lay sprawled out over the dirt. A dark cloak covering the form.
"Sir! This is incredibly dangerous! I beg of you don't.."
He landed on the ledge approaching the man carefully. "Are you alright.. Did you fall." he pushed back the hood of the cloak and found to his shock.
The stranger from his room.
Unconscious and wheezing the man was covered in scrapes and bruises. Despite that the prince recognized the man immediately and lifted him with ease over his shoulder "He's still alive, pull me up."
The three men on the ledge complied, lifting the added dead weight over the ledge of the ravine. Lekan mounted his horse holding the injured man carefully. "We have to go back.. He needs to see the cleric."
Ulyss looked into the face of the man frowning. "Wait.. I know him.." he touched the torn and beaten fabric of his ornate feathered cloak.
"Who is he?"
Ulyss shook his head. "Thought for dead.." the look in his eye seemed almost hopeful. "Lets get him back.. he needs to be treated."
Well he was glad their sense of urgency had changed. Lonan held the rear as Ruit led them back the way they came.
"I don't think this is wise sir" Lonan called up to him from behind the line.
"I am not a wise man" "You are kind" Ulyss chimed in sucking up to the princes nature.
"That is the only quality I dare boast".
He sat Maze against his chest holding him upright as they went, careful not to injure him any more as they returned to the palace. Maze was glad no one was facing him to see the smile that spread over his face.
He was in.
He feigned sleep until the party managed to get him to the infirmary. Lekan knocked on the door. "Lupet.. Please.." he set the man on the bed gingerly as the cleric rushed over.
Part of her understood what Lulit and Maze's game was here, and she would play along. Lulit was a cunning and paranoid child, so if she trusted someone they were probably worth it. Lupet placed a hand to his chest "I'm going to try and wake him.. I need you to step back sir in case his reaction is violent." She'd put on a good show for them. Lekan complied moving back to stand with the Guards and Ulyss. She sent a burst of energy through Mazes body. He gasped loudly,  shock thoroughly winding him.
OW? What the hell was that for. She didn't have to resuscitate him for real. He coughed and she placed her hand there again sending another blast through him. He groaned and sat up coughing and gasping for air. He whacked her hand away "The hell..." She pushed him back down restraining him.
"You are in safe hands. You are not in any danger here."
Okay lady unnecessary. She had an unyielding grip, and he stayed down faking a heavy pant while the cleric got up to gather water and bandages.
"I will come get you when I am done..." she nodded the party off shooing them out.
Once they were gone Lupet turned back to Maze "Did you actually hurt yourself? You had me scared for a second."
He nodded sitting up "Yea just.. turned while I was in midair and fell down a ravine" He shrugged off her mortified expression. "It didn't hurt much.. although I might have actually busted my wrist.." he flexed the joint testing it "I should be fine though.." she took his hand examining it "Well.. I'll patch you up this time, but never do that again you'll get yourself killed."
"It wouldn't be the first time."
"Still knock it off.."
He shrugged as Lupet treated him.
Lekan waited outside of the room pacing as Ulyss watched "Are you going to wait here forever?" The prince shrugged "He's.. been injured I'm just concerned."
"Your concern blinds you"
"Bold statement for someone who would just let him die" Lekan shuffled his feet against the ground. "You said.. you knew him?"
Ulyss nodded looking down at his feet "An old friend... we were roommates in school before I left for the East."
"Who is he?"
Ulyss laughed "Word has spread far enough at this point that it would be hard to believe.."
"Try me.."
"Maze Suvroc.."
"Suvroc.. "
"Yea... the missing heir."
"How did he get there... his family hails from the far north?"
Ulyss shrugged. "How should I know.. I haven't seen him in... Years?" He dropped his stale demeanor for a moment "I considered us to be good friends... when you pulled him from that ravine it was like..." He waved his hand finding the right analogy "Finding bag of gold after being robbed."
"We had a complicated relationship"
He laughed "My prince.. I am your suitor, it would be highly inappropriate of me.." Lekan fought of a wave of envy as Ulyss took his hand. "Come on... let's get something to eat you look stressed.. he will be fine.. he's risen from the dead hasn't he?"
Lonan did not believe for a second that Maze had risen from the dead. Though he did not know Maze from a vagrant at the moment, he knew that something felt fishy. A man dressed in wealthy clothing found collapsed in a ravine auspiciously where the prince enjoyed hiking.
"It's too convenient." He paced his quarters finishing his rant to Ruit. "We need to find out who he is or who he robbed.." Ruit was invested in the book in his lap letting Lonan talk. It had been two days since Maze had been rescued. Lonan was very vocal in his distrust of the stranger and had made a point to use every opportune moment to discuss it with any available ears.
"Would be a ballsy move to try and harm the prince knowing he had a full guard at his back." Ruit refused to give Lonan his full attention turning a page slowly.
"Maybe he didn't know.. and he just faked injury to get inside the palace."
"Plenty of better ways to do that... this palace is basically open to the public. He could just waltz in if he really wanted to."
"He wants us comfortable so he can do his deed and make a quick escape."
"By showing his face to the guards and staff of the palace?"
"His little resuscitation bit didn't look odd to you?"
Well that Ruit had no explanation for.
"It did.."
"And maybe.. you're overthinking it... didn't Ulyss say he knew the man."
"You act as if I trust that elf."
"That's rude."
"He's an elf."
"They don't like that word."
"They can suck my dick."
Ruit frowned closing his book and standing up.
"Where are you going" Lonan demanded.
"Somewhere your ignorance can't infect me"
The knight scoffed watching him go.
      Ruit found the Capital palace grand and spent much of his free time admiring the structure and its amenities. The towers looming over beautifully kept gardens, spilling out between the protective outer walls of the palace. Wandering through the garden path brought him to the keep where the great hall resided. Staff were busy preparing the hall for dinner that evening, setting the long table with plates and cutlery.
Off to the side, hallways with tall open windows showed off the gardens glory. Unlike the royal family nothing about the palace was humbling. Golden embroidered intricacies coated every inch of the palace bordering on gaudy in fashion. Every fabric was the finest silk and glass of the stained variety filled every unopened window. The palace was a cornucopia of light and color. It might move one to tears with its intense beauty.
He took purchase in an open windowsill attempting to read again.
"Ruit.." Come on really. He looked up to see Lekan approaching him.
"Your highness" He stood and bowed.
"What are you reading?" He approached the squire casually.
The man showed him a book of lore. "Forgive me if it was impolite.. I borrowed it from the library."
Lekan smiled. "On the contrary.. books are meant to be read." he took a seat on the sill beside the other man. "How do you find the palace?"
"It's.. brilliant.. to call this palace home would be a dream."
Lekan laughed "This is now your home as well.. you know that right." The squire nodded
"It might be impolite to say that much.."
"I would not be offended" he waved a hand.
The squire nodded thanking him. Lekan took his leave heading towed the infirmary, Ruit noted, without the crow that followed in Lekans shadow. To his knowledge the bird had been missing from his interactions with the prince since the morning the stranger had been rescued.
It probably meant nothing.
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smithya93-blog · 5 years
Bird Brained- Chapter 4
Arthula decided that Lekan was unsafe. Two attacks on the prince was unheard of in the peaceful region, and she began to grow nervous for her son.
"I'm ordering a few of the regalia's best to chaperone you."
"I don't need chaperones."
"You clearly do.. as I said.. this was the second time in as many months." "I can take care of myself." "It wouldn't hurt to be careful."
Lekan rolled his shoulders irritably knocking Maze from his perch.
"I'm serious Lekan.. I'm" she put her hands on his cheeks "I'm just worried about you.. The world is changing... strange things are happening... We can't be too careful."
He sighed, conceding and patting his mothers hand. "I don't want a heavy guard"
"It will just be five knights and a squire" "FIVE?"
She lied it was only two.
Lekan and his siblings gave polite greeting to the guards before them.
"Lonan and Ruit will be your chaperones from now on." Arthula indicated the soldiers, "Sir Lonan Butelli of the Southern desert. The Kind Lions Roar." That was quite a title, Lonan was an enormous man towering over the smaller stockier Ruit beside him. "His squire Ruit DelNoth of the Eclipse Islands, The child of Nepetes Aberration, will assist him." What kind of a title is that.. Nepetes Aberration. Maze couldn't fathom sometimes, the tertiary naming system. It came up with some interesting monograms to say the least. Kunta whispered. "What does aberration mean?" to Lulit loudly enough for the aberration himself to turn red.
Lekan ignored the exchange standing to greet them.
The vase shattered against the ground, the boy watched it with fearful eyes. Had his mother heard him? He was frozen in place hoping, praying she was outside and he could vanish. It was an accident. His shoe was untied and he tripped. He wasn't supposed to wear shoes in the house either though. He panicked hearing her heels click toward him. She gasped as he tried to clean it already in tears. "It.. was an accident."
She grabbed him by the arm. "That was a family heirloom. Unbelievable, have you no respect for your forefathers?" She shook him by the arm shooing him away as he sobbed. "That's it, I can't have a child in this house. The damage you've caused here is inexcusable."
Within the week Maze had been brought to Boquats school for troubled youth. After that The Wallaman academy, then North Lundham state school. The list continued. A new school every few years to keep him out of his mother's hair. She could continue her parties and frivolous endeavors to her leisure. While Maze couldn't retain any friends, and had to make new ones every time he moved. He found himself utterly alone in the world.
At the Osmon Instute, the dorms were shared. He found himself with a roommate for the first time and a forced friend for his high school years. He could only recall the surname, Motomgo. They spent their free time together, between studying and their extra curricular's he found the other boy to be a support he wasn't aware he needed. Living without the validation of a parent had turned him cold and apathetic, preferring to put his energy into physical exploits and causing the usual ruckus.
"SUVROC IN YOUR SEAT" Maze with the help of his roommate had climbed into the bannisters at the top of the classroom. He was attempting to tie a bucket and string over the podium where their professor stood to douse her with water during her lecture.
The stern woman waved the crowd away from beneath the troublemaker and tried to tug Maze down.
He hit the floor before she could reach him and booked it down the hall, he heard footsteps behind him. "Oi.. Motomgo" he waved a hand ducking into the library and sneaking to the far corner where no one could find them. He panted heavily grinning ear to ear. "Ah.. we got caught." the boy sat beside him holding his legs to his chest. "Was... that really alright?" "What do you mean?" "Are we going to get in trouble?" Maze Laughed patting the kids shoulder "Nah.. you'll be fine, if anything happens I'll take the blame, they can just add it to my sheet." The boy stared at Maze studying him "Why do you do that?" "Do what?" "Take the blame.. For everything" "Cause it doesn't matter if I go down.. I'm a degenerate right.. You however, your like an ambassador's son right? If i rope you into pranks it will look bad on you right?  You have big shoes to fill after all, I don't mind taking the hit for the little things like this."
The boy took Maze's hand. "No... I don't want you to take the blame by yourself. This was my idea." "It was my idea to execute it thought.." he smiled at his room mate squeezing his hand. "It will be fine, don't- "
He couldn't finish his sentence. Motomgo kissed him gently before retreating "Don't take your future so lightly. You are important too you know.."
He didn't believe that for a second.
As spring arrived It was becoming apparent to Maze how quickly he had become attached to Lekan. They spent everyday together and the giant often confided in Maze about his problems and frustrations. Maze knew it was just because he was a bird but.. it still felt nice. Like the prince could trust him, like he relied on Maze.
He didn't value his own life much, he knew if he died the world would continue on without him. No one would care. Despite that, he had grown to hope that Lekan might.
And No, that had nothing to do with how mesmerizing Maze found the other man. How his neatly trimmed beard fit his face and framed those beautiful olive eyes. How his toned chest could be seen regardless of how many layers he wore. Which was becoming increasingly less as the seasons began to change and the winter wear was replaced by flowing low cut shirts and tight or short cropped pants.
The ass on that man could probably make Maze turn by itself.
Lulit called him up to her room every now and then with new experiments and ideas to try. He was getting better at switching on command, and doing it multiple times in a row, but staying human was hard. After about 4 to five minutes he would always return to being a crow.
"Spontaneous magical interference"
"Come again?"
"spontaneous magical interference.. Its when-"
"A non magic user through either emotional or physical stress translates their feelings into a magical manifestation." He swatted away the wad of paper she wizzed at him.  "I know. I snuck into a library for a couple weeks and did my own research. Depending on the anomaly the magic can be reversed. Transmutation anomalies cant be reversed because-"
"the user usually won't be able to recreate the same kind of magic again. And transmutation anomaly's can only be undone by the caster" she was determined to out mansplain him.
He nodded accepting defeat "So... all we can do is find a way to combat it right. It wouldn't make sense for me to go to a witch cause they're terrible, and wizards are just coots with sticks."
She threw a book at him "RUDE. They could have HELPED you!"
"Being a crow is easier than looking for answers."
She covered her face groaning into her hands "You are literally the worst."
With his coronation approaching, Lekan was beginning to receive letters from potential suitors. The declarations had poured in and held their own folder on his desk. Not to mention he was rapidly approaching the age where he would be expected to marry. Which, he wasn't completely opposed to. He just wanted to find someone that wasn't interested in his crown. There was also the issue with the kinds of suitor's that were trying to contact him. They weren't really his type. He replied to them with the same diplomatic response of 'Its nice that you feel that way but you don't know me so please stop'.
His parents had been wed out of love, his father being the head of a sizable estate and his mother being of common background, they were elected as ruling family because of their feelings toward the common people. Blue collar workers and peasants who needed help, inspired them to be better people. Lekan wanted someone who shared that sentiment, and someone who shared that sentiment, would love him the way his parents loved each other.
It was at this time that his mother insisted that he start meeting with his suitors and getting to know them instead of just giving them the bird.
Maze did not like this notion.
"Its concerning that you find no interest in these women.. you might actually like them. Some of them are quite lovely." She sat at the edge of the dining table where Lekan and her were going through the months letters. She shuffled through the pile to pull out one.
"My Dearest, Olamilekan, I write to you from the shores of the eclipsing ocean."she paused "Oh the shore is lovely, and their Townshend was immensely supportive of our families reign." She cleared her throat and continued "My name is Tresara Mogret, lovely family, the Daughter of the constellation of Nepetes. I am writing to you in the interest of forming a relationship. I have spent the last decade working for charitable causes along the coast and I feel I have an understanding of the people's needs and as your wife I could make suitable decisions on how the lives of our people could be improved." Arthula sighed "she sounds lovely."
Lekan stirred his tea from his seat beside her disinterested "oh, please keep reading."
She proceeded "that is not the only thing I have learned from my travels of course, as being your wife demands you to be treated as the king you are... I have learned.. many skills.. that I believe you would find most.. pleasurable-" she stopped reading out loud "how many are like this...?" Lekan indicated a pile on the table that had been discarded. Arthula threw that letter onto the pile huffing.
"Well... they are trying to woo you."
Lekan laughed humorlessly.
Maze found the letters to be humiliating and was quick to read as many as he could. These women were infatuated with the king to be and were quick to hit that 'I am a damsel and I want to have your babies' angle. He knew Lekan better than that.
"I am not interested in.. being wooed by... women" he stated it suddenly and hesitantly.
"You are not interested in being wood by women" she repeated the statement processing it. He nodded clearly trying to hide the power those words had over him.
"Yes... I am.. interested in... men."
She took a deep breath mulling it over. "Well.... That would have been nice to know before I sent out these requests. Honestly Lekan I sent out thousands of those, now I have to make a new list..." her tone was of mock anger and Lekan knew that. She wouldn't have intended on forcing him to marry someone he didn't like. But having it out in the open, was scary to say the least.
Arthula stood up "Well then we can toss these, I'll take care of it."
"You don't have to send out more mother, I'll find someone when I'm ready"
She rolled her eyes. "Where will you find them? In the mountains? At the parties you refuse to attend." She scoffed and stood pacing the room "So.. what type of man meets your fancy"
He balked at that "Mother!"
"Well I don't want any old rapscallion coming in here and tossing a fit. Good men are hard to come by!" she laughed patting his shoulder affectionately.
He thought about, it giving Maze the edge of a cookie and stroking his back.
"Someone who is ambitious.. knows what he wants" he sighed just deciding to give into that void in his life had been ignoring. "Someone who.. knows when to stand up for what's right and.. can compromise when it's needed."
Maze was taking mental notes.
He and Arthula moved on to other conversation, before she was called away "Thank you for being honest with me about this. I know it's hard given your position" he nodded sipping at the cup.
"I'm not helping you fuck my brother" Lulit was pissed. "You don't want to become a person again because it's easier to be a pet, but you've changed your mind because you want a shot at Lekan.. unbelievable" she threw her hand in the air dismissing him "Get out of here, or put some pants on."
Maze paced the room grabbing her robe, wrapping it around himself, at which her face crinkled in disgust "It's not.. like that I just.. want to be in his life as a person now."
"Your dead according to the rest of the world.. why would you just show up here to the capital seemingly at random?"
"I could reemerge from the dead and say that I got lost. That's believable right?"
"Well are you going to just let some stranger marry your brother?"
"I'm not going to let a shitty bird marry him either."
Maze huffed "Can you please..' he was getting frustrated "I think.. I could really love him.."
Lulit scoffed "You COULD love him? What does that even mean?"
"Well I've never had a full conversation with him. But I listen to him... and he says a lot of things that I wish I could respond to.." Maze threw up his hands "It's not like I just want to fuck him... I want to see if I could actually.." He thought about it playing with a strand of his hair "I want to be someone when I'm with him."
Lulit bough it.. for now. She shrugged "We.. could make it work. You need a better backstory than you 'got lost..' when did you go missing?"
He tried to remember.
"It was in Rumere-
The squadron was heading out on the town, him the twin squires Ako and Aok, Shel Marquee and... was Runon there? Probably, he couldn't resist a chance to see a moment when Maze would make a fool of himself.
They had set out in the evening traipsing through the pubs before making their way to the red light district. The men of the group found themselves drawn to the windows on the left side of the street, whistling for the scantily clad dancers who were handing out little invites and coupons for parties. Shel and Ako were busy looking at the opposing windows, men and their perfect bodies pressed against the railings for a better view. Maze wasn't secretive about bouncing between both sides of the street.
He knew what he liked.
But it wasn't here. It was in the parlor of a dingy gin palace where they drank more than was appropriate for a squadron of the royal regalia. But who cares, it's not like they were ever going to war. The regalia was a joke, virtually no political power it was a good way for people to get a job and serve the royal family. War was not a capital need in the minds of the S'Trigi.
A woman took a seat on his lap when he wasn't paying attention. Within the hour they found themselves in a nearby hotel. Cash thrown lazily at the inkeeper they dove into their endeavor with drunken fervor.
It was when he woke the next morning that he realized the change. She was standing in the corner with her hands on her mouth.
"I'm- Oh.. Nepetes..."
He made to sit up and quell her fears, whatever they may be, when he realized.... his arms weren't working right. They bent in strange ways and they were covered in feathers. Actually this bed felt utterly too big.
He rolled over finding himself fighting with his new body on how to balance. The woman collected her things and booked it out of the room. Maze collected himself and found a mirror. He was a crow. A common fucking crow and dear Nepetes that kinda sucked.
Well.. better learn how to fly.
"So, I just left... what else could I do? It's not like I could go back to the base and explain that I slept with someone who accidentally turned me into a crow."
Lulit stared at him incredulously. "You're insane."
"How your kind words always bring me comfort."
She threw a paper ball at him "no, what the hell kind of person says, 'This terrible thing has happened to me.. better just eat bugs and rotting carcasses for the rest of my life!'" She tugged at her hair "your going to make you go grey young.. ANYWAY that was an instance of spontaneous magical interference." She was determined to move away from Maze's former love life and the luggage that he just unloaded into her lap.
"So are you going to help me sleep with your brother or not?"
She glared at him from between her fingers still in agony over the way to interpersonal story. "I should have broken your neck when I had the chance"
"Your brother might be dead if you had"
She paused considering that.
"You care about him?"
"You wont break his heart? Or hurt him?"
"I would sooner cut off my wing"
"He has to woo YOU, got it."
"My dick will remain in my pants for any any all excursions."
She threw another book at him. "Well you are actually very good at timing your requests." She rifled through her dresser handing him a small object. It was a chunk of obsidian sanded down to a perfectly flat circle, engraved with runes. As he ran his fingers over the indentations a light seemed to flicker between the engraved rock. "I made this charm which should extend your time as a human." She put it around his neck having to stand on her tiptoes to do so.
She started to list off all of the magical and technical components he didn't really care about "I'll tell Lekan that I made it as a gift for you so it doesn't look weird that a crow is wearing a necklace." She grinned "I'm so fucking smart its painful."
Maze agreed. Already he had been at his limit and about to revert back, but once the charm hit his skin he felt a cool calming wave. "This.. is brilliant" he laughed and scooped her into his arms swinging them around.
Lulit shrieked. "Knock it off! You ridiculous naked bastard!"
He set her down roughly beaming ear to ear. "Well.. now that I am a full time person again.. You going to out me?"
"My brother loves you I haven't seen him this happy in years" The tremendous smile that statement brought to his face seemed to piss the magician off.
"You're his pet and don't forget that.. so you can stick around but don't try and pork my brother. Besides that thing does have a time limit. If you go to sleep it you will probably revert to being a crow. something about amplifying your heartbeat to replicate the adrenaline-" she blathered on for a moment as Maze ignored her thinking about the possibilities this new discovery had opened up for him.
"Also.. I'm getting you some clothing, I'm tired of seeing all of this" she motioned to his shirtless torso and the robe wrapped carelessly around him. "And you can keep that robe its.. Just gross now."
"Your generosity is unmatched."  
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smithya93-blog · 5 years
Bird Brained- Chapter 3
Maze preened himself as court rolled in, a congressman approached the committee ready to provide the court with a regional update. The proceedings were always monotonous though he did like to watch the heated debates.
The queen entered the hall with the youngest of the three siblings, Kunta at her side. She stood before the court "Starting today Kunta will be joining our court hearings. We've decided he is of age to begin adding in his input." Maze mused over that statement, the young boy no older than 13 and would have already had his naming ceremony so it made sense that he would join in with the rest of the royal family.
The political structure of the Region of the Western Sun was considered newfound by historians of the Three Regions. Being a democratic state ruled by a Family rather than a single solitary King. Court meetings found the members of the family in a large open room surrounded by the publicly elected officials debating the benefits of the law and the needs of the people. Lekan was amiable at keeping the peace and making decisions his family would agree on. He had a certain knack for compromise which appealed to his people.
His mother Arthula Queen of the Region of the Western Sun, The beat of Wild Mares Hooves, was a pleasant woman who was more motherly than queenly. Since the death of her husband, she had taken over the role of Head of House until Lekan would be ready to take the throne.Head of house was a title akin to king or queen as the Fae and Daru called their rulers. They had the power to decide the course of conversation in the court and amend or veto suggestions to written laws. The congress bowed to Arthula as she took her seat in the gilded throne, Kunta standing at her side. Lulit and Lekan sat in their thrones beside her, encouraging their brother to ask questions and contribute.
The conversation this day was...
"-The fate of the Suvroc family, they have been determined to be without an heir and so their estate falls into the hands of the royal family" Maze paused his grooming. That was his name... "The son has been missing for four years and at this time it has been decided that without an heir and with the death of the head of estate, the family line has ended" Arthula nodded."Thank you... Our hearts go out to the family, may they find all of Nepetes grace.""The affairs of the estate?""Leave it to the extended family. The Suvroc's had wealth. It needs distributing. Suggest to them that they offer it to charitable hands before their own." The three siblings, Lekan, Lulit, and Kunta all nodded in agreement. She patted the arm of the chair and the speaker bowed taking his seat.
Well... that's not good, still, he was glad to hear his mother finally kicked the bucket. His family name meant very little to him. He might have been born a rich boy but he was raised like a criminal.
"What is it now, Why are you crying?"He wiped the tears from his cheeks pointing at the fresh scuff on his knee. His mother scoffed "You aren't a baby anymore. Enough with the waterworks or I'll give you something to cry about" she whacked the back of his head as she walked by. "Keep yourself quiet for the rest of the night, I'm having guests over and I don't want you to give me a migraine so early in the morning."
He shook himself away from the sudden memory. That was his family name, not his family. He didn't care.He roosted himself and pushed down the recollection, focusing on the fact that he had vanished for four whole years. Had it really been that long? It probably was... But it didn't matter. No, he figured the best way to address the unfortunate situation was to just accept it as he had previously decided for himself. He was a crow now, this was his life.Lekan offered him a peanut which he ate gratefully
A dull thud from the balcony caused Maze to jolt from his rest. He never was a good sleeper, the slightest noise would wake him from a dead sleep in a state of panic. Through the silk shades, he spied two figures hunched over on the balcony. The doorknob clicked ever so slightly before opening out.
The figures dressed in dark clothes descended into the room as Maze watched them turn their attention toward the bed. Lekan's weakness despite being of massive size and strength was that he slept like the dead, unbeknownst to him the intruders began to draw weapons.
Maze felt a rush of panic, sheer rage, and an unquenchable urge to make these men leave. How dare they, come and try to hurt Lekan? The soft slumbering giant, a man who would make angels cry from his charity. He had to stop them. His thoughts flashed to Lekan standing his ground. That tense stance, the fear he knew the other man felt in that moment on the dark mountain road resonated with him. He had to do something...
Suddenly he felt too large for the space, for the first time in his life he felt the urge to act. Maze shot off from the top of the wardrobe talons first attacking the closest assailant. The man fell against his compatriot who spun to face the attacker. A suit of armor holding a longsword to his right lent a decent enough weapon to aid in Maze's ambush of the attackers.
Swinging it madly at them. He sliced one man across the chest sending him back out the window. The fallen assassin stood and took a swing at Maze hitting his left... wing? He became cooly aware that his wings were now holding a longsword and he was bringing it down over the other attacker's head. It was decorative so it merely bludgeoned them. He dropped like a stone as the first charged back at Maze meeting the blunt sword at his torso knocking the wind out of him.
A knight from the hall heard the commotion. Bursting into the room. "SIR IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?"
As quickly as the scuffle began it stopped.
The assailants climbing out the window with haste Leaving Maze in a state of intense fatigue. He backed into the wardrobe falling to his knees. The world around him became larger and faded from his vision. Before losing consciousness he watched the canopy of the bed swing back and Lekan emerged in fury and confusion.
In the following days, a rumor that the prince had single-handedly staved off three would-be attackers in his bedroom, followed Lekan and Maze wherever they went. Lekan held the story with massive confusion. He could confirm that he had seen three figures in the moonlight outside of the canopy. However, only two were found leaving the palace. Lekan knew exclusively, that third assailant had been protecting him.
Maze had regained his human form, for like maybe three minutes. He ruminated on that for a very long time. What had he done? How could he do it again? Would he want to? Sure it had been convenient to the moment to protect the prince in his time of need, but he was a crow now, that's what he had decided. Was it what he wanted... probably not. But he wasn't going out of his way to change something he couldn't fix himself.
He hopped around on the balcony while Lekan showered. He was very keen to give Lekan his personal space. He would want the same if he had a pet bird that was actually a human. It would be vastly inappropriate to use his stealthy identity to cop a peek and what was under his- nevermind.
It felt weird now he was a crow.
Something else felt weird... like his body was being lifted. He flexed his talon to realize, oh yes he was levitating over the balcony edge. Before he could struggle, he shot into the air and into the window above Lekan's balcony. A pair of hands snatched hold of him.
"Got you ya shitty bird." He was turned to meet the face of Lekans sister Lulit, who had a look of chaotic interest in her eyes. "Well? Are you going to struggle." He was not. She frowned "You know.. normal birds, they struggle when someone catches them barehanded.. but we both know you're not a normal bird..." she squeezed him around the middle just hard enough to make Maze squawk. "If you can talk, do it now.. or else my brother won't have a pet anymore." She tightened her grip for emphasis. "My brother told me you know. There were three people there that night." Maze froze interested in where she was going with this. "Only two bludgeoned bandits were found that night. The third got away.. or did he?" Maze blinked at her knowing where this was going. "So I did some digging and I think you.. are a shapeshifter"
Oh.. nope that's not the right answer.
"So shift or talk Corvus" she shook him for emphasis.
He squawked defiantly before contorting his vocal cords enough to release a guttural "{NAOW}" Lulit seemed surprised that the threats worked... kinda.
"No? No, you won't shift or no you won't talk" Why did she have so many questions. He wasn't good at this.After a couple more tries he came up with "{CAWNT}" that sounds like 'cant' right? She stared at him loosening her grip "Cant?" He nodded finally shoving her hands away with his wings and dropping to the floor. He waddled into her room obstinately, making himself comfortable on a chair cawing at her.
He had never seen a magician's shop. The layout of the room was identical to Lekan's but with considerably more cluttered. Shelves stuffed to the brim, lined all four walls, papers and books lined every other open space. Various trinkets and gadgets were scattered around the solid surfaces and a few even floated in the middle of the air. He strolled his way around the room reading some of the open books and papers on the floor.
Oh, they were in the old tongue, Damnit.
First off he needed something to write with. He probably could use his beak.. a typewriter! He spotted one in the corner and tapped the enter key to indicate he wanted to use it.
Filled with confusion and mystique Lulit stocked the writer with ink and paper and stood back. Maze typed away:
Your right. Not crow. was guy. Long story. Not interesting don't ask. Am crow now. 4 years. Will stay crow forever. ? . was not crow that night.
He looked up at her, typing was hard with a beak. She read the lines with increasing disbelief "Wow... I was right about you."
I'm not a bad guy. : (
She laughed "Okay so... what's your name? Who are you." He sighed shaking his head. That was a long answer.
Maze Suvroc Shadow of the Morning Star. The heir would be of Suvroc Family.
"Wait... you're their missing heir?" He nodded insistently "Then why didn't you tell us sooner? Your family's inheritance is being put up for auction."
Fuck them. Don't need it. I'm a crow now
She stared at the statement and burst out laughing "What do you mean you're a crow now? You're a person, you don't want to go back to being a person?" he shrugged his wings.
Being a crow easy.
Lulit scoffed "Oh.. I see, you're just looking for an easy ride. You can turn back into a person though.. if you can, wouldn't you want to?'
He wasn't sure about that.. yes it would be nice to have thumbs again.. and a dick. But being fed leftovers without doing anything of note was an exceptional benefit. He didn't answer the question. So Lulit shrugged. "Well... then what was different about that night?"
Didn't want Lekan to get hurt.
She pondered on that for a moment chewing her lip. "How did you feel? What kinds of thoughts went through your head... can you remember that feeling of not wanting to see him hurt?"
Maze couldn't pinpoint the exact feeling, it was a rush of adrenalin, the injustice that Lekan the gentle giant would need to feel so... scared.
"Imagine he gets attacked again. What if you're the only person there to help him..."His fury at the notion filled him, he looked to her indignantly."If anyone ever touches him they better pick a god and pray""So it's like that huh?"
Maze became cognizant of the fact that Lulit had gotten about twelve feet shorter, he was much colder and the room much smaller. He was also keenly aware that he was naked. He covered himself and moved off of the desk. She handed him a robe without batting an eye. "So It's an emotionally driven trigger.""um.."She dug through a pile of books and pulled out one flipping through it quickly before showing him a page in the old tongue.
"I cant.." she read it out loud before he could finish.
"Trigger transformations are a type of curse where the end-user, that would be you, can transmute between one species of being to another. The trigger would be set by the caster. A similar naturally occurring trigger transformation can be found in Lycans when exposed to full moonlight." She licked her finger and flipped the page "Reversing this kind of curse is undoable without recension from the caster. This is a for life curse, however, the nature of transforming can be controlled. If the trigger for the curse can be identified the end-user can manipulate the curse to be used in benefit." She closed the book "It seems like you get to change back into a person when you get riled up." She looked so proud of herself but she was so wrong. "I.. have been riled up before and never experienced this" he stated bluntly. "It can't be that simple.."She shook her head "It is! Maybe it is the combination of emotions you feel... what do you feel when you transform what thoughts go through your mind?" He shrugged, "I... just felt like I needed to help him." He scratched his chin, oh geez he needed a shave. He looked around for a mirror "I feel like.. if anything happens to him I wouldn't be doing my duty... I kinda owe him my life I guess" he found a full-length mirror and took a look at himself. He had lost a ton of the body tone from before he became a crow, his hair was much longer and he had decent facial growth. His face seemed to have changed slightly as well, his nose more beakish and eyes seemed a little darker.
"Yes, you're beautiful now can we get back to this curse thing" Lulit pulled out a pad of paper and was scribbling away."Seems like you've gotten over your hatred for me?""I never hated you, I just didn't trust you""But now you trust me?""Well I was right so I will probably continue to be right"Maze sat down running a hand through his hair. He forgot what it was like to have hands.His fingers started to tingle and he suddenly felt enormously tired "I think... it's over" Lulit looked up in horror as he returned to bird form.
"Noooooooooo! That's not fair do it again!" she stormed over to him "turn back!" He squawked at her angrily
Will not. I'm tired . not test subject. goodnight.
He was done being her guinea pig for the day, he hopped off of the bench and over to the window.
"Okay wait fine.. but.. if I look into this can we try some things to keep you a person."Maze made an exasperated sound but nodded before jumping over the balcony to join Lekan on his day-to-day.
As the event passed behind him Lekan found himself thinking about that mysterious savior more and more. He got a slim glimpse of him in the moonlight before he had vanished. The prince could gauge the man looked like a vagrant, scruffy facial hair and long unkempt locks. He could see part of the fight between the curtains and the man knew what he was doing. Maybe he was one of the palace guards who followed them to his balcony before thwarting their plot.
He wasn't used to death threats. The slim to none terrorist activity that the city experienced was largely from the south and was met with abrupt action. Steps to prevent that were followed to t.The man had collapsed against his bookshelf and had ample access to leave into the night while Lekan was distracted by the guard who burst in. The only other thing out of place was the crow. it seemed to have gotten mixed up in the outbreak and was found unconscious on the floor.
Poor thing. It didn't suffer any major wounds but... now that he thought about it he didn't remember hearing the crow during the scuffle. He was a pretty vocal bird. He would have definitely been vocal then.
He watched the avian in question hop around between books in the castle library. The bird would, at times stop and seem to read a passage in open books whenever they were there. Could birds have a concept of written language?
That would be crazy.. and yet.
Even now the crow was perched behind an open book studying it one eye at a time, cocking his head as if ending a sentence and beginning the next. Then it seemed to notice that Lekan noticed and hop away to do something else.That bird was weird.
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smithya93-blog · 5 years
Bird Brained- Chapter 2
Seeing that coat of arms was unanticipated but delightful. Like walking into a tavern to see the bard you admire most, drunk on wine and performing. Being in the home of the ruling family was not somewhere he expected to be at any point in his life. Although he had been on leave from training for the Regalia when his inevitable cursing struck him. It still baffled him that he managed to be welcomed into the house so easily.
He spent his time there basking in the lap of luxury. He didn't need to do a thing, just vegetate in his roost, get fed four square meals a day and occasionally butter the prince up with some idle chatter and mimicry. He was a crow now, he didn't have to worry about getting fat. His wing did heal quickly and in the short period of a week, he found himself with the urge to fly again. He tried first to glide over the couch as Lekan lay reading. Every instance of him falling into the prince's lap came with a startled shout and then some cooing and pets. He hated how fond he had become of pets, the physical attention humiliated him but.. he would be damned if he didn't feel like a good boy.
About a month after his arrival that he successfully flew around the room. He took perch on a trophy on the mantle, crooning for Lekan to hear. The man emerged from his bathroom in the midst of preparing for the day, unsurprised to see the crow had relocated himself. "Feeling much better then?" Maze stared at him faking stupidity.
The enormous prince chuckled heading over to his balcony. "I'll leave these open for you when you're ready to leave.. you can." He looked crestfallen Maze could tell Lekan liked having a pet and he didn't want to let him go. But technically Maze was wild, so it wasn't fair to keep him cooped up.
Except that Maze wasn't wild. Not really and he wanted to live here with the handsome prince for however many years crows live for. He really hoped it was more than four, he might be pushing the envelope if that was the case.
He remained where he was, grooming himself as Lekan finished getting ready. --
He didn't want to leave but he did want to stretch his wings. After the beautiful prince left for the day he took to the sky teaching himself how to fly for the second time. The first time had been dreadful, trying to read the winds and keep steady on wings that had never moved let alone existed before the moment he took off.
This time was much better. His stiff right-wing was not helping him embrace the rough winds surrounding the castle, but he managed to keep a straight path. He circled up the tall turrets and took stock of the bulbous keep. Four smaller towers connected by tall exterior walls surrounded the expanse of the castle, which was characterized as one looming tower. It was a strange castle even for western architectural standards, with bright turrets coated in aged copper which contributed to the multicolor stonework of the walls.
He eventually took perch on the owl-shaped weather vane at the top of one of the towers. In the distance, the Great Dividing range stood tall against the open plain spilling out at its feet. Small towns could be seen on the horizon. None were remotely close to the size of Capital. He had never been to such a large city. Rumere was big, but nearly a quarter of this size.
Buildings ranging up several stories were nestled between old-timey shops and homes. Anything larger than four stories had been crafted with more modern-looking architecture. He knew those buildings would have been built in the last decade or so. People could be seen milling around the cobbled streets, going about their day-to-day. He pondered their lives for only a moment before a shape at the gates of the city drew his eye.
He pondered their lives for only a moment before a shape at the gates of the city drew his eye Lekan enjoyed trips out of the castle. It was stuffy there and he had always felt overcome with a sense of weighing responsibility that he was unsure he could handle. Between court, and various diplomatic shindigs he made a point to enjoy a little time to be by himself and enjoy his own hobbies.
He had hobbies right? Is hiking a hobby? He enjoyed fencing but found most other physical feats to be tiresome. Just because he was strong and tall of stature did not equate to him wanting to use those abilities. Never, however, would he turn down the chance to watch trials of courage and might during festivals. The yearly events always brought on a promising show. Unfortunately, he found the crowds immense and the festivities too loud. He preferred taking strolls through the woodlands, usually forcing his siblings to accompany him. Or solitary rides up to the Great Divide to scale the peaks.
Which is where he found himself that day a dark woolen coat covering him as he treads through the streets of Capital. A few knowledgeable pedestrians greeting him with excitement offering their hands and bows of reverence. This part too always left him with a weird taste. Lekan was a public figure, and one the people seemed to be very keen on. He felt he was doing a good enough job with the guidance of his mother and the court but he worried that would change when he became Head of House.
A sense of ease, he had found was in the injured crow he adopted. The Crow seemed very attached to him, but he knew better than that. As with most people in his life, the bird was in it for the free meals and warm bedding. He didn't mind, a fake friendship with a bird was, in his mind, better than the fake friendships that he surrounded himself with.His mountain excursions were solitary for a reason.
Traveling through the interchanging smooth and cobbled streets he entered the main square. He had always found beauty in how the buildings of the city showed the change in time. The oldest of the buildings retaining their wooden and stone supports while new structures gleamed beside them. Crafted in metals and glass they rose stories above the smaller homes and inns. The diversity in the craft as well intrigued him, newer buildings were adorned with carved stone ornaments and painted in colors not traditional to the region. The hodgepodge of life through the ages gave the city a flair that in Lekans opinion could not be replicated in any of the other regions.
Through the market, down a couple short cuts, and some tight alleyways, he made his way to the front gates. It was at this moment he heard a soft fluttering and a crow found a spot to perch.Well, he had been caring for it for the last few months, he would know his crow when he saw it. He scratched the bird's beak "Hello there friend, have you come to walk with me?" The bird looked at him blankly.
Well, he couldn't say blankly. His sister was right about one thing, this bird was weird. It seemed to have a better understanding of the world around it than most animals he had met. It was a habit of his to bring animals that were injured home, and treat them. He felt like a prince out of a fairy tale. Why shouldn't he, after all, he was a prince and he was pretty nice if he did say so himself. That's not generic that's just the kind of person he was right?
The bird seemed to respond to him on occasion, squawking in defiance or agreement at his spoken questions. He had yet to speak words of his own but Lekan thought that he would certainly have the capability to.
They approached the foothills after a short time. Lekan never felt the need to stop and rest when he was on an excursion. He found that he could travel at greater distances than most people, and didn't feel the need to pause as much. Between the foothills, at the base of the Great Divide, he turned north until he found a path. Venturing up the steep cliffs was always a danger, but the paths had been worn by countless journeys making it easy for him to ascend the slopes.
"Have you ever seen the Great Divide?" he asked the crow without expecting an answer. "Thousands of years ago, these spires were pulled from the earth by the gods to keep the four regions from a dangerous war." He began to explain the mythic history of the region without pause. "The regions have always been at odds even with the great divide, but it makes it harder for them to attack us." He chuckled. "They do try though, the south has always been at our throats."
He finally stopped at a ledge to catch his breath. By this point, he had traveled about a quarter of the way up the peak. The view across the plain where the cities in the Region of the Western Sun lay was stunning. There was another mountain range at a far off point to the south. Not as tall as the Great Divide but certainly menacing. He pointed to the range "They would come at us from those peaks, the Southerners don't take kindly to our rule." He shrugged. "When my family, was elected by the people, the south set out a warrant for our heads. I guess the connection between the previous family and the south had been poor, so they felt that we would be a threat to them. We have no interest in fighting, however. The east provides them with enough conflict to keep them sedated." Lekan laughed to himself.
The prince continued up the mountain switching between venting his frustrations at court, discussing largely with himself about his thoughts on politics in the area and the weather interestingly enough. "When a northern wind blows danger draws close." He mentioned it cryptically as a strong wind met them. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "If we have anything to fear, it is the north. The cold, emotionless beings that live there haven't been seen in years. If they are around, and if they wanted to take our region, they could without an inch of remorse" It was a secret that the east and western regions feared the north. They held the most ground, extending into the barren wastelands of the pole. There was no grasp on how many northerners lived there. People shouldn't be able to live there.. and yet.
The prince hurried down the mountain as the sun started to set and proceeded across the valley. Maze clung to him finding that descending the mountain sucked. He kept getting jostled around, to Lekan's credit not intentionally. As they reached the base, the sun had set and Lekan groaned. "I hate walking in the dark.." he pulled a tube of Firelight from his pocket and shook it holding the emerging light source like a lamp and leading them through the valley.It was deathly silent, Lekan had ceased his narrative talking to himself or Maze and was scanning the road tensely. Maze couldn't understand why. Was this area dangerous? If it was, why was the prince scaling mountains by himself?
Crow's eyes aren't made for the dark, and as they progressed he caught on to why Lekan was as tense as a rabbit in the open. Because they were in the open and Lekan was shaking like a rabbit.
The Dark road lead to the not so distant lights of Capital, but everything to their left and right extended to semi-permeable darkness. Shapes could be misconstrued to be some eldritch creature hungry for blood and marrow or a Beast staking its territory, or even worse, a person.After a while of tense walking Maze caught a motion in the grass beside them. He ruffled his feathers releasing a soft noise. Lekan placed his hand on the saber at his waist pausing."Who is there.."
Lekan continued walking, eyes to the side where Maze had been watching.
Behind them.
He could hear the shuffling. Feet dragging against the gravel in the road. Maze cawed louder this time, turning around on his perch. Lekan hushed him pausing, he heard it too. His pace quickened as they neared the gates. The shuffling followed him, faster now, picking up speed. Lekan drew his saber turning back to face the approaching threat.
What... Wait...
What was he doing? He didn't even know what was chasing them and yet he stopped to hold his ground? Did he have a death wish? Maze gripped his shoulder tugging Lekan back. He screamed batting at the prince's head with his wings. He was going to get himself killed!
The sound grew closer and a figure could be seen. It stood straight, dragging its feet like a puppet whose master did not understand how legs moved. Tall, and brandished a long dagger in its thin boney grip the figure rushed the prince. Lekan held his ground waiting for the much larger form to draw closer. Maze continued to scream finally giving up. Screw him, the moron wanted to die. Fine die! See if he cared. Maze didn't need to live in the Capital... He didn't need to be a prince's pet, the man was a fool-
The sound of swift movement caught his attention. Glancing back he caught the final moments of Lekan swinging his blade cleanly through the attacker. It fell back with a noiseless gasp and seemed to shrivel into the ground. Lekan about-faced to make certain the attacker was down. It gripped the gravel in its skeletal hand but quickly fell quiet. The prince stood up panting softly over the brief scuffle. Maze circled him, cawing before landing on his shoulder. He scratched the bird's beak, eyes on the corpse below him.
"Nepetes Blessing... I nearly pissed myself." He ran a hand through his hair laughing to hide the fear. "Oh... you cowardly little crow... is it safe now?" Maze stared at him blankly. The man walked around the body heading back toward the palace gates at a faster pace than he began.
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smithya93-blog · 5 years
Bird Brained-Chapter 1
How long had it been now? Three years, Four? Time seemed to move differently as a bird. The Crow wedged itself closer to the bark of the tree where he was perched. How he longed for the days of throwing on a large coat in the cold mornings. Now it was just... hope your feathers could deter the frigid air enough to prevent frostbite.
Granted he got quite lucky being a crow and not something more delicate. Now a hummingbird, that would be dreadful. So small and fragile and the incessant movement would be just exhausting. Or some kind of waterfowl, a duck or a swan.. he wasn't much of a fan of being wet. Being a crow wasn't the worst. Sure he wasn't big and bulky like an eagle or falcon but at least he could get a few words out.
Now, this crow is clearly not a crow. What avian would know what it feels like to wear a coat, or even have a concept of time? Well.. he guessed he wouldn't know if other crows had a concept of time, he couldn't exactly speak with them the same way they seemed to speak to each other. It seems like since he wasn't a natural-born crow he couldn't understand the primal instincts that pushed crow-conversation.
A wiser person than him probably would have said 'hey! Why don't you do something about this? Why not go ask a witch for help?' his options were almost more work than they were worth. Witches were tricky. He'd have to sign a contract and give up his firstborn into wiccandom or give them his left ankle. Something ridiculous no doubt, and no he wasn't dealing with that.Don't get him started on wizards. The bastards take too goddamn long to do anything. Always having to research. It could have taken four years just to see a change. No, he figured the best way to address the unfortunate situation was to just accept it. He was a crow now, this was his life.
A life which he regrettably began three or four years ago, debatably human or crow time, Maze Suvroc, Shadow of the Morning Star met a strange and wholly unnecessary fate.
It was in the city of Rumere, a city known for its ornate steel architecture and dramatic light displays beckoning travelers in for nights of unwholesome fun. Maze was barely a man having just left his family home to join the Regalia. He and his squadron mates ventured on a debaucherous night on the town, touring the various brothels and underground parlors across the city. It was in the lobby of a particularly dank and offensive parlor where he met the witch.
Whether she was really a witch or not was to be seen. Accounts of people just unexpectedly understanding how to use magic were becoming increasingly common across the region. Which is what this particular situation arose from. The woman had taken interest in Maze, he took an interest in her, and she.. accidentally turned him into a crow at some point during the evening.
The woman had fled quickly after the encounter out of fear or regret Maze would never know. She had disappeared into the bleary Rumere morning, and Maze was left a crow.
Worst walk of shame ever.
It's not an impressive story. He didn't fight off some grand demon king who in turn cursed him for all eternity. He didn't trick a swamp witch out of her treasures or raid an ancient tomb. There is no lesson to be learned from this experience except that being a crow sucks and he can do nothing about it. Except sit in a tree and hope his balls don't freeze off.
Metaphorically of course.
Below him, he could hear a chorus of voices. Probably hunters stuck in the snow. He glanced down watching a pair of horses and a cart traipse through the forest. He chose to ignore it like he ignored most things. He would have continued to sit there and ignore it, miserable and freezing minding his own business and lamenting his tired pointless existence if he wasn't struck down at that moment by a well-slung pellet.
His back was in a snowbank looking up at the perch he had fallen from so suddenly. He was stunned, who was out here shooting at crows? Moron! Crows have no nutritional value! There were so many better options to shoot and you choose a crow? He struggled to try to flip himself over, out of the pile when he heard heavy footsteps approaching.
Trying to pull up his right-wing failed completely, along with a surge of intense paint a small pool of blood was starting to gather under his feathers. That's when the actual panic set in, that he was going to get eaten by some gruff hillbilly on the side of the road.
A figure loomed over him and he froze losing all hope in getting out of this situation. He squeezed his eyes shut ready to accept his fate when he felt a pair of large gloves gently scoop him out of the snow, one hand supporting his broken wing. He finally heard his assailant's voice."This poor guy. Kunta you shot him right in the wing, what if he can't fly again! You need to be more careful with that thing" Maze peeked out of one eye.
The man holding him was massive, towering over him with the girth of a seasoned warrior. He had dark worn skin and a well-groomed beard. A knit hat was pulled down to his brow under which a pair of stunning olive eyes beamed out.
If he hadn't been a crow he would have found the stranger absolutely beautiful.The small head of a boy in his early teens poked over his arm and chimed into the conversation."It's just a crow... it's not like it matters""It's a living breathing thing it matters." The man looked at him with disappointment. "You can't treat lives like they are disposable. Even if it's just a crow" he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped Maze gently. How the man could manage to be so nimble with gloves and hands that could end his life at any given moment, he would never know.A woman's voice cut through the conversation."Don't pick it up! It's weird what if it's sick!"The man straightened up "Lulit what are you talking about?"The slam of a carriage door could be heard and another pair of footsteps joined them"Well it's roosting in the middle of the winter... don't crows migrate? Why is it here, it might be sick or something." She looked down at Maze bundled up in the cloth with disdain. "Lekan, it could have been sent to ambush us."
The man named Lekan rolled his eyes and laughed. "You are so paranoid, can't you like divinize or something and know if we were going to be attacked."She smacked his arm "DIVINATE. And NO because it doesn't WORK like THAT" she shook her head. "Just leave it, it would die in this winter any way"
Maze was lost.. was he supposed to have migrated already? He felt normal bird instincts like flying and how to find food but he didn't feel like he had to migrate.. that probably could have helped with the whole freezing his balls off situation. But the handkerchief was warm and his pain and blood loss was starting to make him woozy. He tucked his beak into the kerchief and decided to let whatever happened to him happen.
He tucked his beak into the kerchief and decided to let whatever happened to him happen Two beady olive eyes met him when he awoke. The kid who shot him with a pellet. He was peering up over the edge of what looked to be a box filled with fabrics and paper and damp twigs. Maze remained still watching him watching. The boy reached his hand up over the edge of the box and slowly brought it down to pat Maze's head. Without hesitation, he screamed as loudly as physically possible in a nasally pre-pubescent voice. "LEKAN IT WOKE UP"Heavy footsteps followed, Maze could see a bun of hair move into view "Kunta.. leave it alone it has to rest" he waved his hands ushering the kid off "go break a vase or something."The child was lifted up and removed from view. His prescience was replaced by the beautiful man, Lekan who was even more beautiful without the ugly knit hat on.
"Hello there, sorry he disturbed you..' he reached his hand into the box to look at a bandage holding his bones together. It was cleanly and expertly wrapped, and although there was a great deal of pain, at least he had stopped bleeding. Once Lekan was satisfied he placed a small plate of meat chunks with gravy from a stew in front of him. "eat up"
Well.. if you insist.
He began to tear through the soft meat. Oh, how he missed cooked food. Sometimes if he was lucky and found a kind traveler who would offer him scraps of food they had been eating. It was such a welcomed change to peeling back flesh and ingesting raw meat.Just because his body was equipped to do that doesn't mean it was good or pleasurable.The stranger watched him intently "Your not a spy or something are you? My sister is just crazy right.." He lifted his hand to stroke Maze. His gentle touch still baffled the crow.He let Lekan stroke him as he ate, it would make the man feel like they had a bond or something and then he would bring Maze more food and maybe let him live in this warmer than outside, living space. He could be a pet, that might not be a bad idea he thought. Getting to live indoors, getting fed for free, never having to make decisions.He finished off the helping within minutes crooning for Lekan just to dig that 'I'll be your pet' knife in a little deeper. Yeah, it would be humiliating but who would know?No one looks down on birds for being pets.Lekan took the plate and left him, his man bun bobbing away and through a door at the far end of the room. From his position Maze could see that it was dark outside. The room was lit by torches of warm firelight. He hopped up onto the edge of the box and, well his decision to be a pet was finalized.
The room he found himself in was more than ornate it looked as if it had been designed by a fanatic of fairy tales. The walls were embellished with gold gilded wallpapers, intricate patterns moved and danced in the flickering light. On one wall was a fireplace surrounded by bookshelves, a coffee table, and chaise lounge chairs. A few real suits of armor with decorative weaponry circled the room. Several ornate rugs carpeted the dark wood floors leading to a massive canopy bed with drapery falling down to hide the interior. A pair of open balcony windows stood at either side of the bed covered by flowing silk curtains. Outside of the balcony, revealed the snow-covered plains and in the distance the Great Dividing Range that encircled the region.
His attention was drawn back to the mantle again. Tchotchkes and photos lined the fireplace as if the room was in fact lived in. This broke that fantastic atmosphere. He noticed small pictures and posters around the space that clearly belonged to someone who had grown up there. The chest at the foot of the bed was opened a jar and the arm for a hurriedly discarded bear could be seen poking out. Books and papers scattered a desk in the far corner where model air crafts and popsicle stick dragons hung from the ceiling.
It was endearing Maze thought. That the owners would be so wealthy and the rooms their children were raised in reflected that change in time.
He hopped along the ledge his box had been placed on, finding it to be a bookshelf, to get a better sense of his mobility at that moment. He could climb down the shelf but he felt that might be risky given his wing's condition. He could probably make a glide over to the bed.. but then again that would be a long shot. He sat at the edge of the bookshelf huffing to himself. Now, this was just inconvenient. Why would they put him up here?
Before he could make a decision about how to proceed, which he had never been good at, Lekan returned seeming surprised to see him out of the box. "You need to rest little crow.. what are you doing?" Maze squawked seeming like that might be an appropriate answer.
He would not be able to say 'hey what the hell it's so high up and I can't walk around up here! I'm bored make me a ladder or something at least.' No that would be too easy and whatever malignant god decided to put him in this position was probably enamored at his expense.Lekan got the hint and reached up to the bookshelf giving Maze the chance to hop onto his hand.
"You probably are feeling a lot better now, Lulit was not happy to help but it seems she patched you up really well." He checked the bandage again to make sure Maze didn't loosen it. "You should be good to fly out of here soon."
That sounded like an overstatement... his wing was NOT ready to fly... although since he had awoken the dull throbbing pain had started to vanish. It was replaced by a warm buzzing feeling like his marrow had been replaced by tiny bees.
Lekan moved over to his lounge area taking a seat and letting Maze sit on the coffee table. "Lulit is a magician, she can do physical magic so fixing your wing won't take as much time." He smiled at Maze stroking him under his beak. "You're quite a lovely bird. Can you speak?"Maze squawked in response. Sometimes he could get his vocal cords to work right. But It was like trying to grasp air as it was coming out of a balloon.
Lekan laughed, "Well your plenty intelligent it seems... can you actually understand me?" Enchanted animals or familiars weren't uncommon, so Maze's mistake could be taken in stride. He, however, chose to stare up at Lekan as if he hadn't directly responded to him moments ago.The man chuckled shaking his head "of course not, that would be.." he shook his head. "Ridiculous... I guess I'm a bit of a dreamer."
Well yeah, you're talking to a bird.
Maze hopped away from his gentle hand to look around the room more. He found it easy enough to hop from the coffee table to the couch and then climb the back. His eye was drawn once again to the mantle, to an ornate symbol over the tchotchkes and pictures that he hadn't noticed before. A coat of arms with an owl holding two tridents. The words along the bottom were in the old tongue. He had made it a point to skip all his old tongue courses in school and he would have kicked himself at this moment if the coat of arms hadn't been emblazoned on every single banner and flag in the kingdom for the last two decades.
It was the coat of arms for S'Trigi the ruling family of the Region of the Western Sun.
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