#i love my wife so much she can do whatever she wants (be with lissa)
moe-broey · 1 year
Playing Awakening as a guy (ESPPP a transguy) is so funny like. Immune to the universal experience of Chrom marriage jumpscare. Falling in love with Chrom anyway because his supports with m!Robin are SO GOOD. Mentally in my head in my heart I'm co-parenting Lucina she is also my daughter. Bonus points if you get extra funky in your head where you ship Maribelle/Lissa and Chrom/Gaius, marry Maribelle because you love her and have Lissa marry Gaius because they're pretty cute but also have it all be like. We're all bearding for each other. Olivia is there too bc she is the funniest option and adds to Chrom's disaster bisexual vibes.
And then you decide "Well next run I'm romancing Chrom because I love him I am making A Point to romance him" either make an OC or play as default Robin and. Get HORRIFICALLY MORTIFYINGLY jumpscared by Chrom's supports with f!Robin SO BAD YOU'RE GONNA THROW UP ABOUT IT (ESP AS A TRANSGUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
And to this day you have NOT married Chrom and the only way you could ever feel comfortable marrying Chrom is to hack your 3DS
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jasmine2042003 · 4 years
Beware the Spirits of the Vengeful ~ pt 2
So the reception of the first chapter was pretty good so I started writing the second part! I am hoping to drag this out as long as I can, hopefully making it a ten to twenty part series... Anyway, I hope you enjoy! xxx
part 1 /
Ten Years Ago~
3rd Person pov
Happy giggles filled the garden as (y/n) sat watching the birds and the squirrels, smiling widely as they ran up to her and dropped nuts and berries on her lap. Creatures seemed to do this often with (y/n), as well as her mother (m/n). Residents of Beacon Hills would often see the pair walking around town or the park with big smiles on their faces, hands intertwined and a trail of woodland critters scuttling behind them.
Of course, it had been months since anyone had seen the two, (y/n) being taken out of public school early and (m/n) stuck in a hospital bed. “(y/n),” A calm voice was heard from inside the house, the little girl turned around, continuing to giggle as there was a sparrow nesting in her hair. “Lunch is ready sweetheart!” The (h/c) girl lifted her hand as the sparrow fluttered onto her finger, lifting her hand further, the bird then fluttered from her finger to the birdhouse before she ran into the house for lunch.
“Hi, Lissa!” (y/n) practically shouted as she rushed into the kitchen and into the arms of the awaiting Melissa McCall. The woman smiled and hoisted the girl into her arms. (y/n) was rewarded with a kiss on the forehead and a sandwich and the two of them watched as (y/n)’s father came through the front door, a grim look on his face.
“Dad!” The young girl cried, running up to her father and circling his legs. Her father tried to smile and looked over at Melissa with an even darker look. The woman covered her mouth in shock and realisation of the event that had transpired. Tears began to fill her eyes as she grabbed her purse, stroked the girl’s hair, hugged the distraught widower and swiftly left the now broken household.
“Hi pumpkin,” (d/n) began shakily, holding his daughter close to his chest, “Come sit down darling, I need to tell you something.” He said, tears filling his eyes as he looked at his precious baby who looked so similar to his precious wife. His precious (m/n) who was due to be added to the (l/n) mausoleum in a week.
Present day~
3rd Person pov
The Library of Beacon Hills High School was quiet, for the most part. Other than the crowd of teenage boys trying to get a look at the new girl, the tall teen werewolf and said new girl and the two boys following her. Whilst (y/n) and Isaac huddled close in front of a textbook as he tutored her, Scott and Stiles were hiding behind nearby bookshelves trying to get a peek at the girl and compare her to some pictures they’d found.
“So, from the research I did,” Stiles began, trying his hardest to keep his voice from jumping in volume in his excitement, “Her mom died when she was five or six and then a few months later, her babysitter reported her missing. You’ll never guess who her babysitter was Scott.” The mentioned Beta was staring at the girl, wondering if she seemed familiar, he was also trying to ignore the odd anger bubbling inside him as he saw Isaac inching closer to her. Stiles sighed and finished, “Melissa McCall.”
“What?” Scott asked, rather loudly, causing a few students, including (y/n) to turn and look at them. The boys barely managed to hide behind the shelves. The attention eventually went away and Scott continued, “Why was my mom babysitting her? Why have I never heard of her?” He asked. Stiles jumped a bit and showed his friend the police report from his bag.
“Yeah, see here,” He said, pointing at some typed text, “Your mom was recorded and they took her statement as the last person to see her and the person who reported her missing, for a while, the cops actually thought it was her that did it.” Scott couldn’t believe it. His mother, his loving, caring mother, was a suspect in potential child abduction.
Ten Years Ago~
Sheriff’s Office
The young mother sat sobbing in a rigid chair, her knees were shaking and her son was sat in the waiting room, playing with Stiles and a few toys. “Melissa, you need to calm down,” The Sheriff told her, pressing record on a tape recorder. “I need you to calm down and talk to me, okay?” He asked, the terrified woman nodded and breathed slowly. “Okay, can you tell me exactly what you are reporting?” He asked.
“A m-missing child,” Melissa sputtered, “Maybe an ab-abduction.” She whispered.
The Sheriff wrote everything down in an official report, “Alright, were you the last one that saw her?” He asked.
Melissa continued shaking and began, “I-I’m not sure. I think so. Her dad was at work and I was watching (y/n). We watched television, had some dinner, read some books and then I put her to bed. Her dad came home so I went back to my house with Scott, who I had brought with me.” Her voice began to waver again as she looked out at her son, sat happily without a care in the world, the same way (y/n) had been not twelve hours ago.
The Sheriff nodded and asked, “So, other than Mister (l/n), you were the last to see the victim?” The weeping woman nodded, “Alright, did you see anything strange between (y/n) and her father? Or her father in general?” He asked, offering Melissa a box of tissues.
Melissa wiped her tears and, through sniffles and hiccups, tried to relay what she had seen recently. “Well, when (m/n) p-passed away, (y/n) became a bit quieter, she didn’t smile as much but was still... well (y/n). (d/n) was destroyed when his wife died, he became really secluded, he stopped going to work and locked himself in his office for days at a time, leaving (y/n) with me.”
Sheriff Stilinski continued noting everything down, thoughts running through his head, ‘I have a feeling I know who did this and it wasn’t sweet Melissa McCall.’ He thought. Melissa’s whimpers brought back his attention.
“I know that (d/n) went back and forth between the house and visiting (m/n) in the mausoleum, he’s refusing to take (y/n) with him though, saying it would hurt and confuse her. I’m sorry but can we finish this now,” She continued, looking over at Scott and Stiles, “I feel awful enough already.” Melissa looked down into her lap.
The Sheriff nodded and stood to open the door for her, watching as she and Scott left the station, leaving Stiles to play on his own. ‘He’s going to wind up getting bored and bugging me so I best finish this quick.’ He thought, walking back to his desk and continuing the recording.
“I think it is safe to say that Melissa McCall had nothing to do with this, she had a strong relationship with (y/n), there are many people who can testify for her. The top suspect needing to be questioned now is her father (d/n) (l/n). It struck many people as odd that he wasn’t the first to report his daughter missing, unless of course, he knows where she is.” He finished, pressing stop on the recorder, taking the tape and adding it to the evidence.
Present Day~
3rd Person pov
“Dude,” Scott said, after reading the transcript of what was recorded that day. He was shocked that his mother was so close to the girl, that he was supposed to remember her too, but he didn’t. Why couldn’t he remember her? He looked back over at the girl, holding her picture up to see the comparisons.
Their face shape was the same, same nose, eyes, smile. That gorgeous, bright smile. Scott shook his head, ‘I have a girlfriend!’ He thought, thinking about Allison. Allison, the girl he hadn’t been able to see in public because of who her family is. Her family could kill him. In fact, they wanted to and tried to. They could turn on him in the snap of a finger. He saw a side of Allison at the Hale house that he had never wanted to see. She was going to kill Derek. Derek might be an ass but he was still a living being.
Then there was this, new girl. She seemed to be something special, something... inhuman. He couldn’t quite figure out what she was, something he would talk to Derek about, but whatever she was, it was incredible. Allison, well she was just human. He still liked her, but he wasn’t sure if he still loved her.
(y/n) pov
“What?” I heard, looking up from the textbook to see the two boys from my first class duck behind some bookshelves. I raised a brow before looking back at the textbook I was sharing with Isaac. Being so close to him was driving me crazy. I knew he had some sort of connection to the Alpha, but Isaac was just a Beta, a Beta that had Derek Hale’s scent vaguely on him. I could smell Hale from the mausoleum that night. I needed to find him.
Anyway, I tuned back in to my study session with Isaac as he began running through things, “I still can’t believe you’ve never read Romeo and Juliet!” He chuckled, oh that laugh, that smile. “It’s a classic, basically, two families in the city of Verona Italy, they each have one child, Romeo and Juliet, they meet, fall in love and wind up in a forbidden romance.” He told me in a purposefully deep voice to be funny.
I laughed as he made kissy faces at me, “Well, I never really went to school, I was home-schooled.” I told him, a lie yes, but I doubt he could tell. As far as I know, he hasn’t been turned for that long, this may even be his first full moon tonight. I was excited to see what would happen, I knew what happened to me in the full moon, I grew more powerful because more people called upon my kind.
We quickly finished out study session, after getting some dirty looks from the librarian about being noisy. We packed our books away and stood to leave, “Hey,” Isaac began, suddenly switching from his impish grin to a bashful smile. How is he this cute!? “I have Lacrosse practice now, but would you maybe wanna come watch? Cheer me on?” He asked, hopeful. I smiled, maybe it would be nice to take a break from the plan right now.
If I’m lucky, Derek might be there and I can speak to him, he knows the feeling of being betrayed by family. I looked into deep blue eyes and smiled, “Yeah I’d love to!” I told him, wishing him luck with a peck on the cheek and walked off to my locker, leaving the poor boy smiling a goofy smile in the middle of the hall.
Ten Years Ago~
3rd Person pov
(d/n) held his daughter’s hand as they walked slowly to the cemetery, “Let’s go visit your mama,” He said to her, watching as her smile lit up the room. Tears began to drip down his face as he slipped his other hand into his pocket and clenched his fist around the mausoleum key, contemplating his next moves.
He sat in front of the mausoleum for a while, watching as (y/n) picked flowers to give to (m/n), she insisted that she would love them, he knew deep down that whilst she would love the flowers, she wouldn’t like what he was about to do.
He watched his little girl smiling as she picked daisies and dandelions, watched her (e/c) eyes sparkle, her eyes. He watched as her cheeks turned a rosy hue as she thought of her mother, her rosy cheeks. Watched as her smile faded when he took her hand and brought her into the mausoleum when she hadn’t finished picking flowers, her smile.
He listened as her precious little voice shrieked when the door shut behind her, her dad no where to be found as he was locking the mausoleum from outside. “Dad!” She cried, her father blinking tears down his sallow face as she kicked and scratched the doors.
“Papa!” She screamed even louder, her eyes becoming used to the darkness to see the coffins surrounding her. She shook her head rapidly, refusing to believe what had just happened. Her dad would never do this, he’ll be back for her. Tears streamed down her now pale cheeks as she cried harder and louder until her throat hurt.
I hope you guys liked this instalment! Exciting news, when I was writing this chapter, I got my first re-blog! Thank you so much to @originalwitchsworld for re-blogging!
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d-pennants · 5 years
Spoilers for the Dragon Prince Season 4 and beyond.
My collated notes of all the hints about what is coming up in the Dragon Prince, from interviews, AMA, ComicCon panels. Updated with stuff from Through the Moon.
There will be 7 seasons of 9 episodes each total and possibly some side projects. The story will be in three arcs with a time skip between the arcs. Books 4 & 5 makes up the next arc, which may be called the Mystery of Aaravos. Book 4 is Earth.
Side projects have been confirmed to all be part of canon and include a video game set in Xadia, an tabletop RPG game called Tales of Xadia, a possible feature film of the Orphan Queen and a possible side story set during the reign of Sol Regem featuring Sir Phineas the Cursed and his travelling companion an elf professor Delilah Geel (Who wrote the Secrets of Xadia book).
The video game was in play testing in October 2020, and Wonderstorm was still hiring staff to work on it. After S3 came out they said there was going to be an announcement about the game in 2020, but things may have been delayed due to Corvid.
Through the Moon graphic novel is set between seasons 3 and 4. It feature’s Rayla, Callum and Ezran having returned to Katolis and receiving a request from Lujanne to go the Moon Nexus  for a ritual at new moon and bring Phoe-Phoe’s ghost feather. While there Rayla seizes the opportunity to use the lake’s power as a portal between life and death to try an answer the questions that have been plaguing her about the fate of her parents, Runaan and whether Viren is truly dead.
There will also be a second graphic novel set between seasons 4 & 5.
Reminder - stuff said in interviews, AMA & so forth is subject to the team changing their mind when it comes to actually putting stuff in the show or books. They’re still planning things out. So take things as “the current idea is this, but we’ll see how it pans out”
There’s no word on how long the time skip between season 3 and 4 will be, however, Through the Moon starts 3 days before new moon and S3 ended 2 days after full moon, which is only 11 days. About 17 days pass in TTM. The Tales of Xadia TRPG is also going to fit in between these season too. AE said a vague ‘lots of weeks.’
Season 4 will include the hero trio trying to address how to heal and start to change things in the world, however there are scars history has left that will impede them. Aaravos will bring those scars to bear, though the creator did say that Aaravos himself didn’t cause those scars, he ‘brought it out’ in the people who did.
There’s a big theme of understanding what’s happened in the past and how it affects what’s happening now. Questioning what their fore-bearers have done, admitting fault and forgiving mistakes. (BTW, this is on both human and Xadian sides).
“Ezran is the key to everything.” Ezran’s empathic ability will allow him to play a role in the world no other can as he can connect to non-human beings. Though the circumstances of S1-3, who his parents are and his strong compassion, Ezran is in a unique position to cause real change.
Callum will learn more Sky magic spells well as obsessing to work a connection to another arcanum - he is dedicated to being the best mage he can be. Callum will always have a conflict between what do you want to do with magic and what will you do for magic. One hint given is that Callum cannot perform healing with his Sky magic. On an Instragram Live AE admitted he was trolling a bit, but said a betting person would pick Callum being the first human archmage. On an AMA there was a hint that historically there may have been elves that learned a second arcanum. (However, interview stated Aaravos’ mastery of all the primals is just him - he’s special).
Callum’s ‘destiny’ is tied in with the Key of Aaravos Rune Cube. It will be very important coming up. The Key is being pulled towards a location in Xadia. The closer it is to the location, the stronger the pull. (Reminder - it previously belonged to Aaravos and unlocks a great power in Xadia). In Callum’s Spellbook it says that once Zym has been returned Callum intends to find out what the Key does and make Harrow proud.
Writers have been very cagey about whether Callum being able to learn an arcanum means other humans can. “Callum learning Primal magic means that Callum learned Primal Magic.”
They’ve referred to him as the first human to learn an arcanum. However, another interview indicates that humans may have been able to connect to the primal sources in the past - thus Callum relearned something that has been forgotten for over a thousand years
Are non-magical species able to evolve into one that can use magic?
JR: There have been humans long in the past that could have AE: Yeah, right JR: They’re like [waves hand], but modern day he’s a phenomena. Like nothing is done like this no longer. AE: Yeah, I mean if Callum is developing the ability to do Primal magic do you believe that Callum is special because he’s the only human who’s able to do it or do you believe that that Callum is special because he’s the first human in forever to realise it is possible for humans. You know that kind of a little bit the question - I mean he’s special either way and right, but is he special because he’s realising that that maybe those limitations weren’t true or is he an exception to to this limitation.
Cartoon Universe interview
Though they did point out there’s not been much incentive in the last 1000 years for humans to learn Primal magic, given that Dark magic is both easier to use and more powerful.
Rayla will have an inner conflict about her future as a Moonshadow elf that she needs to figure out. Including how being friends with humans and wanting to be a protector rather than the assassin she was raised to be will affect her relationships with her people. (Plus, the whole being ghosted and ghosted parents issue needs to be addressed). Update info from TTM: Rayla ends TTM by going on a quest by herself to locate Viren. Her clues are the Storm Spire, a cave and... a giant cocoon.
There is an unspecified but important storyline involving Runaan. But the coins will get addressed at some point.The coins would require very powerful magic to release the trapped elves and it may not be possible for Primal magic. However, Viren is capable of releasing people he has coined.  Also, Rayla knows something happened to her parents, but doesn’t specifically know about the coins. Viren showed Rayla a pouch and mentioned adding her to his collection. AMA answer suggests Callum didn’t see what Viren did in the history spell - he just know Viren did something to Rayla’s parents. TtM seems to confirm Callum’s spell didn’t show that part. Whether Gren saw Runaan in the coin seems up to debate - in the novel he knew Viren used magic on Runaan came out holding something small, like a button or coin.  (PS. They also confirmed Runaan slew Harrow, and Harrow is dead dead).
Soren has a complicated future ahead of him as he’s lost the only support system he’s known his whole life. He has a lot to learn and many places to go.
Claudia is going to get a lot worse and there’s a long way to go for her, though they did hint that there’s hope for her in the end. Her motivation is love and family, not power. However, she is willing to go to great sacrifices for her family... Also, her hair will get whiter. 
“When we get back to her in Season 4, there is some amazing stuff, just in the first few episodes, which by the way are also funny and quirky and all the things we’ve come to love about the character, but she becomes a very critically important driving force of the narrative in Season 4.”
Inverse interview.
It will be explained in S4 how Claudia was able to perform the resurrection spell. It hasn’t been used previously because she either a) didn’t know it - as in Aaravos taught her it - or b) didn’t have what was necessary to cast the spell.
The story about how Claudia managed to find a supposedly extinct for a 1000 years unicorn and capture it will be addressed in S6.
According to Claudia’s VA -  Racquel Belmonte - Claudia will likely have a protege dynamic with Aaravos. She will change her mind a bit on disliking all elves and open up a bit on seeing Viren’s connection to Aaravos.
They have a backstory about why Viren treats Soren so harshly compared to Claudia (though he’s manipulative of both), though it’s not indicated when this backstory will be shown. New info from the book said that Viren used dark magic to save Soren from dying of an illness. This ravished his appearance and whatever he did scared his wife, Lissa, into leaving him. Also Viren wanted a son who would carry on his path and is disappointed Soren isn’t like him. Viren feels some resentment towards Soren that he refuses to acknowledge.
AMA confirmed that Lissa will not be making an appearance in S4 or 5. There is a possibility she may be included in S6, but it’s just a potential idea. Early mage fam life involving Lissa will come up in the novels.  (BTW she currently lives in Del Bar and was in no danger from the smoky assassin as she has nothing to do with the leadership of Del Bar)
Viren became a bit of a card carrying villain in season 3, however in season 4 & 5 some of the complexities behind his actions will be revealed. (His VA said that Viren had understandable reasons in S1 & 2, but was a villain in S3, however, he’s happy with how S4 & 5 will develop Viren. Also he gave a strong hint that Viren will have a kind of “fresh start” thing going on, and “do a 180″, and his story is apparently kinda wild). 
Viren and Aaravos: Viren didn’t take Runaan’s warning that “you found something worse than death” seriously enough. Viren is ‘in hot water’ in his dealings with Aaravos. The question over time would be - “Wait, am I making my own choices or am I being led to choices you wanted me to make, Aaravos?”
This current era will be known as the Return of Aaravos. Apparently in S4 & 5 Aaravos is going to be very... mysterious. In fact the arc could be called The Mystery of Aaravos.
“The next two seasons are about understanding who Aaravos was, who they thought Aaravos was, how they realized what was happening, and imprisoned him.” 
This is tied into the Orphan Queen storyline, for more info see this post. Parts of this storyline will feature in flashbacks S4 onwards.
A lot of Aaravos’ motivation comes from a relationship he had with a character whose name is featured on the map from the novel. (Candidates are Skall’s Hook, Ruins of Elarion, Mount Kalik and Eboreus. They said on a Q&A that Elarion wasn’t referring to a person, just the city).
Aaravos has a speech coming up in S5 that explains about the history of magic and why he’s interested in humans. Summed up - Over 5000 years ago there was only one kind of magic, deep magic, and it was very difficult to wield, then something happened that split magic into the 6 Primals Source and gave every creature and plant a connection to one of the 6 Primal Sources, which were much more practical magics. Except humans. 
When asked what was coming out of the cocoon an interviewer gave “Aaravos’ physical form” and some jokes options. Ehasz replied, “I’m gonna say none of the… well, I’m not gonna say.” TtM update: In the world between life and death the cocoon held a corrupted version of Viren - a month after Viren was resurrected at the end of S3. Rayla says Viren is caught between life and death, but in the living world.
Janai is Queen Khessa’s heir, so she should be the next Sunfire Queen. Janai also has a brother. (Sunfire elves also have a Light Being form with healing powers that’s even rarer than the beserker Heat Being form. This fact has come up a couple of times so they’re likely going to introduce a character with this form - could be Janai’s brother). 
Janai will find out that Aaravos whispered something in Khessa’s ear before he killed her.
Also on Amaya and Janai:
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Also, they did a reveal page for Janai's mount, a Twin-Tailed Inferno-Toothed Tiger, with some interesting info. These flying firecats are believed to only tolerate those of pure-heart and aggressive to those of ill-intent. You can't give a factoid like that and not use it somewhere.
Tales of Xadia will feature storyline content that bridges the gap between Season 3 and the newly-announced Season 4 of The Dragon Prince,” according to Fandom’s press release. “Players can explore the ruins of Lux Aurea, try to restore the corrupted Sunforge, and fight to stop the spread of the evil monstrosities it radiates. This off-screen story will come alive in game supplements—as well as in organized play events—prior to Season 4’s release.
Sol Regem will be in season 4. (No character makes me think of “scars of the past” more than this character. He is not going to be interested in reconciliation between Xadia and humanity).
There will be a new elf character - Terry the Earthblood elf. Has similar powers to Toph from Avatar tLA and is said to be very funny. For reference this Earthblood elf is from Callum’s Spellbook;
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Also a new dragon in season 4 - Rex Igneous (Fire King) the Earth Archdragon, who lives underground but comes up every hundred years. He’s appeased by food he hasn’t tried before (looking at Ezran and his jelly tart habit here);
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They mentioned that both Earthblood and Tidebound elves will be introduced in seasons 4 & 5.
There’s another archdragon who has been mentioned at SDCC and in the novel, Luna Tenebris, who reigned between Sol Regem and Avizandum.. Ehasz said that the end of her reign is being explored in S4, but no current intentions to explore the beginning.
JR mentioned that the territory of the Skywing elves will be visited at some point, and how having a small portion of the population that has wings, and a even smaller population that can magically manifest wings, has an affect on their culture. (The three types apparently have different outlooks - with winged elves being known for moving on when they don’t care to deal with things).
They’ve mentioned a character that will be introduced in the video game will make it into the show. AE & JR were talking about how they were currently writing stuff for S5 and how this character just got their moment, so I think this character is due in S5.
Core novel Book 2: Sky will introduce a very important Dark Mage character not yet featured on the show.
Also, as a tidbit from AE - there’s a scene in S5 where someone makes a sacred promise to Bait.
Sarai will feature in the show again. AMA confirmed Callum’s father is “fully human.” His father may come up in the novels.
In the novel new lore about unicorns was introduced. This lore will be incorporated into the show at some point.
The reactions to elf/human romantic relationships will be a thing.
Aanya will be featured again. Ezran and Aanya will be friends. 
Queen Fareeda of Evenere actually survived the smokey assassin’s attack - she just went missing for a bit. Her story may come up later on.
Captain Villads and Berto are likely to be featured again, but not confirmed. 
They do have some stories about Callum’s father they want to tell, but it’s likely to be in books rather than making it into the show.
Crow Master has scenes coming up. The Crow Lord is real but that’s all they’re gonna say.
Some very epic beings will eat jelly tarts in the show.
And a finishing note to put the fear in you - possible major character death.
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PS. It has been confirmed that Rayla, Callum, Zym (and Bait) are the main characters for all seven seasons, so this leaves... Soren, Claudia, Viren and Amaya. 
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hollowedrpg · 5 years
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CONGRATULATIONS, LISSA! — You’ve been accepted for the role of Frank Longbottom. While reading you app, I could not only see the ways in which Frank has developed so far, but what’s to come for his character. Not to mention, your in depth description of his relationship with Alice. Somehow, you made Frank and Alice feel like people I know in real life, not just text on a page. Truly, your app was impressive from start to finish, and if I had to point out specifics on why I loved your portrayal, I’d be writing an essay. 
Thank you so much for applying. Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the follow list. Welcome to Hollowed Souls!
Name: Lissa
Age: Twenty-Two
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Timezone: PST
Activity: I currently work full-time, but on my days off I would be fairly active. If I had to assign it a numeric value, I’d say maybe a 6-7/10?
Are you applying for more than one character?: Not currently, but I’m certainly tempted to!
How do you feel about your character dying?: Although I’d be pained to see him go, if it served a purpose and was well thought out, which I’m sure it would be, I could be convinced.
Anything else?: Nope!
IC Details.
Full Name: Francis Theodore Longbottom, but please, for the love of Merlin, just call him Frank.
Francis: It’s an old family name that has been handed down from progenitor to progenitor like some sort of sacred relic. He’s been told it can be traced back to the age of Merlin, to age of knights and chivalry, predating even Hogwarts’ crumbling stone walls—his first name, just like his last, is a reminder of their austerity, their contribution to the world of magic and Frank certainly believes it’s ancient. Only two individuals in all the world are allowed to use his given name: the first being his dear old mother and the other is his beloved wife, Alice. Still, whenever they use it, he has a tendency to “not hear them”—whether it’s accidental or purposeful is up to your interpretation.
Theodore: Of his three given names, he hates this one the least—perhaps, it’s because he hears with this one the least. Nonetheless, its meaning is, “gift of God.” In the past, he’d remind Alice that’s exactly how he expected her to treat him, like he’s been sent from the heavens above. It’d be enough to elicit a laugh from her petal pink lips, but that was a lifetime ago; now all they seem to do is haunt each other.
Longbottom: It’s a name that he owes much to and although he does not revere it as others do, it does amuse him that the name “Longbottom,” in all its ridiculousness, is included on a document detailing the “Sacred Twenty-Eight.″ Still, Frank is proud to be just that, a Longbottom, but for reasons that differ from his peers. His lineage, established eons ago, placed him in the upper echelons of their society, but ultimately it was what forced him out in the end. Sometimes he wonders how the others were raised; how they could all be so different, but yet so alike. He always comes to the same conclusion: none of it matters, everyone bleeds red in the end.
Date of Birth: December 20th, 1956—Sagittarius (Generous, Idealistic, Enthusiastic)
Former Hogwarts House: Gryffindor—it’s expanded upon below, but I can say he was very nearly a Ravenclaw.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender/Pronouns: Cisgender Male; He/Him
Face Claim Change: N/A
How do you interpret this character’s personality? How will you play them? Include two weaknesses and two strengths.
These key traits are expounded upon below:
Positive: Determined, Intelligent, Noble, Passionate
Negative: Stubborn, Selfish, Mercurial, Vengeful
As a child, he was all consuming. Always active and fussy for attention, wailing throughout the night until he was blue. For him, it was all or nothing; Frank could never do anything in half-measures. First, it began with securing Augusta’s undivided attention, then it led to thumbing through all the books in his family’s library even though some tomes were denser than Rabastan Lestrange’s skull. Once he was done with that, Frank set his sights on the land surrounding their vast estate, exploring like a New World cartographer, set on leaving no stone unturned. In some respects, it was an innocuous trait, but at times it would overtake him. Let’s call it what it was: greed with, perhaps, a touch of selfishness.
While at Hogwarts he tried and sometimes failed to keep his voracity in check. He pursued each of his passions to completion. Only when Frank was quite literally at a loss, did he meet absolution. His orbit was thrown and his world was shaken by the girl with the eyes like warmed honey. Just as he was a taker, Alice was equal parts a giver—it could’ve gone wrong in so many ways, but oh how it didn’t. She checked his greed, made him expand beyond his selfishness. They would’ve been untouchable too, if things had panned out better—for awhile, in fact, they were untouchable. But the truth is, it won’t be the Death Eaters that get him at the end of it all—no, his hamartia is his greed, his need for more. If anyone will be his undoing, it will be himself. Frank demands answers, blood for blood, and always more, more, more. It will never be enough though—nothing will ever fill this wound that’s been left raw and festering.
He’d be the first to admit that up until this point, his life has certainly been charmed. It’d be easy to credit his triumphs to the Fates or Felix Felicis or whatever dictates good fortune in your mind, but ultimately Frank is responsible for success he has found in life. Even as a child, he would make calculated moves in an upward direction—blatantly pursuing his life’s goals with a kind of singularity that can only be described as unrelenting. This contrasts Alice quite nicely; through the years she has allowed herself to be defined by her passivity. She is pliant like clay, permitting others like her mother or even Moody to mold her into another and to direct her course. Frank, however, is rigid in his ways; from birth, he’s been the one helming the ship. This is due to his privileged upbringing; Frank has always been afforded his own choices and rarely were there ever true consequences to his actions.
The best example of this juxtaposition is what happens upon graduation. Alice allows herself to become an Auror after Moody’s intervention, which differs strikingly from Frank, who actively sought out the position for himself. After years of honing his craft while playing Wizard’s Chess, he believed it would be the next best move and most natural transition. He was right. Swiftly, he rose in the ranks, planning ambush after ambush, mapping out elaborate plans on the backs of old Ministry memos; first alone, then with Alice. There were, of course, the occasional missteps resulting in broken limbs (mainly his own) and bruised cheeks (mainly Kingsley’s), but his track record was solid and became much more refined after Alice joined him. At the core of it all, although Frank prides himself on being a skillful tactician—it’s Alice who has bested him before; it’s Alice who dissects him and sees beneath the carefully crafted veneer. However, it’s his drive and perseverance that guides them into the breach of war and out the other side.
This is also what divides them, however; Frank cannot face the consequences or the mistakes he’s made in the past. He cannot concede defeat and admit to his misgivings. For all his talk about pragmatism, his emotionality over his son’s death is what clouds his mind. He was so used to being able to see ahead, beyond the superficial, that a failure of this magnitude is unforgivable to him. For the boy that was constantly planning and plotting, making leaps and bounds to outwit his opponents; first on the chessboard, then on the battlefield—Frank cannot make sense of it all. Now, his dogged cleverness is set upon a new quest, he’s tracing out all the connections he missed and catching new ones, but the question is: is this paranoia or foresight? He’d be remiss to say that sometimes, now more than ever, the lines do blur a bit.
In truth, he’s poisoned by his need for retribution and he knows it. His recent thoughts and actions have been some of his greatest acts of sabotage, but instead of setting upon the evil that exists in the world, Frank has been undermining himself. Brick by brick, he pulls the foundation of his life apart, stubbornly clinging onto rationality and order in a time where the world is in disarray. He claims he needs answers for justice, to comprehend how it all went wrong, but the ones that truly know him know he’s lying. In actuality, Frank is a hypocrite—he is blinded by his emotions, lost in the tumult of rage and despair. In his misery, he’s abandoned her and with his own hollow eyes he sees how she looks at him like of all the loss she’s experienced, he’s the freshest wound. Frank has always been Alice’s touchstone, but now he is lost to her and the whole damn world. This is what happens when the young hero escapes childhood unscathed by the world; the first taste of tragedy begets madness. It is who he is though.
However, when all is said in done, Frank Longbottom is good. Although he comes from a background rife with privilege, he has always had an innate desire to help others whenever he can. It was his steadfast nobility that got him placed in Gryffindor as a young child and his tried and true bravery that finally led him to the Order. Although there are instances in which he falls short of the mark, Frank constantly strives to uphold his House traits. Lately, it’s been difficult, to say the least, but somewhere underneath all the bitterness and fury, he still wants to do the right thing. The rest of the Order members believe in him—it’s just he’s lost faith in himself.
How has the war affected this character, emotionally and otherwise?
In truth, the whole business of war had been easier before Neville. Life was just another game to him and with Alice by his side, there was no fear of losing. He collected Death Eaters like trophies, using stratagem he learned from playing Wizard’s Chess to ensnare them. Each capture of theirs served as a checkmate; each threat of retaliation echoed the petulant cries of a sore loser. Frank liked playing hero; he liked engaging in this act of rebellion against his blood. After all, what did he have to lose?
Once Neville was born however, his perspective shifted. He was no longer interested in the thrill of it all, but instead, he sought to make his young son proud of his father. It was then he noticed once unmasked, these enemies of his were characters that dotted his boyhood, friends of friends, and not just casualties of war, but also of his life’s story. It was perhaps a cautionary tale, that it was not nature that separated him from the others, but nurture. Even then though, Frank hadn’t learned his lesson. He didn’t take the betrayal seriously enough, not until he crossed into the Malfoy’s foyer and recognized the wand pointed inches away from his son’s forehead, thin lips speaking into existence Death and all the tragedy that came with Him. In a flash of green, life as he knew it ended and stupidly, Frank never saw it coming.
Now, quite frankly, he’s adrift—lost to Alice, the Order, and even to himself. In his grief, Frank has become unmoored, detached from reality, and living in a hell he has constructed with his own two hands. He is plagued by his willful ignorance, obsessed with the questions he holds himself accountable for: the who, the what, the why, and the where—but perhaps the greatest of all his questions, the one he can’t bear to answer is: how did he let this come to be?
Where does this character currently stand? With those who wish to hide in Godric’s Hollow until the war ends, with those who wish to rebuild the order and continue fighting the war, or on neither side? Why?
Frank is suspended somewhere between grief and madness, just one soft shove away from crossing that fine line into insanity. What happened that fateful day was more than just a tragedy, it was a trauma that is now etched into the very marrow of his bones. Everyday, the memory takes root and haunts him without provocation or any hope for repose. When Alice screams in the dead of the night, it mirrors the image he has of her and her pretty face, mouth agape as their child grows cold. In this, he doesn’t know how to comfort her or soothe her. He can offer no solace as he cannot find any himself. This boy who had grown used to having all the answers, used to having the world right at his fingertips, has collapsed in on himself like a star half-extinguished somewhere deep in the universe.
In truth, he’s just numb to the plight of others now. Frank is drowning in his sorrow, too self-involved to notice Alice’s suffering, too blinded by his need for vengeance, and too bent on forcing the world to finally make sense again. He will not divert from his course despite what the other members say. How can he let this go? How does he stop it from swallowing him whole? In these moments, he can’t imagine the future, much less build for it—not when it was already so deliberately snatched out of his grip. For now, he’s on his own side, his son’s side, and whether she believes it or not, he’s never not on Alice’s side.
How is Frank looking into the death of his son? Does he have any theories about what happened? Where did he get those theories?
Frank has always been a damn good Auror and although his world has tilted on its axis, this is a fact that hasn’t changed. If he’s honest, a fair number of his theories are more conspiratorial than founded in reason, fed by his voracious mind that knows no rest and knows no peace. It’s his futile attempt to make sense of the senseless, but nevertheless, with each deep dive he takes into the rabbit hole, the light around him dims.
The other handful of leads he’s chasing down do have some truth to them though. Some may say his interrogation tactics have gotten more aggressive, but their complaints fall on deaf ears. They showed him no mercy, so it’s only fair if he returns the favor.
Currently, his most favored theory is that there is a traitor in their midst—how else would his son have ended up there? It makes him wary of the other members, distrustful of their outreached hands. His suspicion nearly borders on paranoia, intensifying whenever he has a particularly sleepless night. Whoever it is, taunts him; they toy with him and leave him tortured by his own thoughts. Frank will persevere, however—there will be an end, he’s sure of it.
If Iwere a _______, then I’d be _______.
If I were a season, I’d be summer, but not the days at the beginning that are filled with childish wonder and boyhood adventures—no, those days are long gone—I am midsummer, when the sun is seemingly always at its apex, beating down relentlessly, and the air is so languid and sweltering that it feels like the world is aflame.
If I were a time of day, I’d be late afternoon.
If I were a place, I’d be an empty shore, abandoned after the storm came and went.
If I were a type of weather, I’d be a cloudless sky.
If I were a scent, I’d be smoke dissipating in the breeze, fresh linen, and pine.
If I were a plant, I’d be English Ivy, unkept and unruly, invading the flora and fauna around me, bent on expansion and progress at whatever cost necessary.
If I were an element, I’d be fire.
If I were a color, I’d be slate grey.
If I were a song, I’d be “As It Was,” by Hozier.
If I were an item of clothing, I’d be a wrinkled white button-up, wearing at the seams from years of care and use, much-loved but in need of repair.
If I were an object, I’d be a pawn.I used to think of myself as the rook, capable and cunning, but in the end it was all a charade.
If I were one of the seven deadly sins, I’d be greed.It eats me whole and it eats me alive.
If I were one of the seven heavenly virtues, I’d be diligence.
If I were a god/goddess, I’d be Prometheus. For my defiance, Godhood has been stripped from me and all that remains is torment.
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@summonedhearts (Abby) wrote this for @unwaveriinghearts (BP)!
Happy Yuletide and a Merry New Year!
Dear Santa,
My name is Chrom, prince to the throne of Ylisse (if you were wondering where to find us) and I would like a sword for my present this year so I can train to be a knight alongside the Shepherds. Have you seen them? They're so cool! Mother worries about me getting in harm's way while I'm watching them so I want Frederick and the others to train me so I can defend myself and protect Ylisse. I've helped Mother and Father a lot this year as well as playing nice with Emmeryn and Lissa so I hope I'm on your nice list this year.
I'm not sure if this is allowed but, I'd like to ask you for presents for my sisters too, I don't know if Em's already written to you, but I know Lissa's been struggling with her writing lessons so I wanted to make sure her wish got to you. She'd really like some new boots, seeing as hers got scuffed from playing outside. Her pranks have been mostly forgiven and Em...I don't know what Em wants, I haven't seen her that much while Dad's been away at war again with Plegia. Mother's been giving her lessons in becoming the Exalt but I know she feels worried about the responsibility. I don't know if you can help, or if I've asked too much already, but I'd like to ask for their safety.
These letters are meant to be for toys and the such, aren't they? I'm sorry. I should scrap this and try again or at the very least, save this for Lissa’s imagination.
On the off chance this makes it to you, I wish you a safe flight over Ylisse - oh, and thank you!
Yours faithfully,
His Majesty, Prince Chrom of the Kingdom of Ylisse (Age 7)
Dear Santa,
I am aware it has been some time since I last wrote to you - perhaps a childish thing of me to do now and yet, I find a small solace in writing to you now in a rare moment of peace here. First, I must thank you for your response to my previous letter. The sword you gifted me has been a perfect fit and joining the Shepherds has been, well, a dream come true if I am to be frank. Lissa adored her new boots, so much so that I fear they are being held together by mere strings at this point though her attachment to them is something fierce. As for Emmeryn, ever since our mother’s passing she has taken the role of Exalt with her usual grace though alone, it is clear to see the toll it is taking upon her and still--she continues to provide nothing but the best for me and Lissa. I cannot thank her enough, nor convey my gratitude enough for her actions over these past few years in words alone.
I apologize for the tone this note has taken, but as a prince, soldier and brother, I can only do my very best in return for both of my sisters. I must fight to keep my family and the people of Ylisse safe on the battlefield, while Emm keeps them safe in her throne. Lissa has already expressed an interest in joining the Shepherds when she is of age though I believe her talents lie best in that of the medical arts following her training with Emm and mother, before she passed.  I want to keep her safe, yet I know this is a never-ending struggle, the same my mother must have felt as she watched over us all, no doubt.
Yule is fast approaching, as I’m sure you’re well aware. I can’t wait for the holiday celebrations here though we are scarcely permitted to visit the markets and attractions without ample protection. Frederick, our chief, worries too much though, if what Father says is to be true, then the wars with Plegia are unlikely to stop at our agreed borders should they get so close. I want to trust him - after all, he risks himself in a cause we know so little of and yet, it is hard to justify it as anything more than a pre-emptive strike against Plegia when, for once, they have done nothing to warrant such a war.
Perhaps, if we are lucky, there will be a mission to the celebrations at some point though I don’t hold high hopes. I just need to eat something other than bear.
Yours faithfully,
His Majesty, Prince Chrom of Ylisse (Age 15)
Dear Santa,
I sincerely apologize for the gaps between my writings to you though perhaps it is silly I am still writing to you at all  given your usual dealings are with that of children. These past few years have been hard upon all of us. I am afraid to come to you with grave news - the Exalt, my sister, Em, is no longer with us. Killed as a pawn in the Plegian’s game for whatever war they intend to wage with us now. I have had trouble sleeping for some time - at first, from my promotion to Captain of the Shepherds and now, I am plagued by nightmares though to call them fictional would hardly be apt in the circumstances.
Things have truly changed a lot since my last letter to you. Lissa has joined our company now, serving us greatly as a Cleric following the completion of her medical studies though she continues to grow stronger each day - not least after recent events, if we are to be truthful.
I must also tell you of another person of great significance in my life though I fear it’s tale is as big as some of yours, though I insist, it is truth in these trying times. Her name is Robin. She is truly magnificent - skilled with tome, sword, brains and beauty alike. It was Lissa who first noticed her unconscious on one of our patrols though I must admit, at first, my fears were that of the worst. Frederick the Wary naturally advised caution, but following several trials of her trust, she has been an invaluable ally in this senseless war.  It is not a fact I have shared with Lissa or any other of the Shepherds for that matter but it is her resolve and guidance that has refocused my mind on our original mission. In truth, I have since spent many hours with her - planning our next steps to victory or further training, of a manner, though I must admit our first few interactions after meeting were less than proper for a man and woman though now, I am pleased to call us friends. Continuing my original point, meeting Robin has been nothing short of a miracle - between her optimism, strategy and belief in all of us, there is little I can say that would do it justice.  
If it wasn’t already obvious, as Lissa has taken care to point out, although I believe in jest for now, I cannot part my mind from her, what I mean to say is, I believe I’m in love.
The future ahead is uncertain and I have to admit to not knowing where it may lead, but, if I may, if it is proper for a man of my age to still be making holiday wishes then I wish for peaceful passage into the coming year and safety for those back  home. It is not an easy wish, nay, one that I am also working towards though one I am optimistic will come, nay, has to come if we are to succeed.
Yours faithfully,
His Majesty, Prince Chrom of Ylisse (Age 19)
Dear Santa,
It has been difficult to put my thoughts into words as of late, so I am attempting to write this in a format that has brought me such comfort on prior occasions.  Time has again passed since my last letter to you - a small symbol of the change that has occurred in it’s boundaries if I am to truly bring my last letter up to speed.  Our battles did not end at Ylisse and Plegia, why, upon reflection, it felt as if they had barely started there - given the mount of our task to come.
Our numbers have grown considerably since we last talked - allies to our cause ran far and wide as things turned out, be it that they owed the Exalt of Ylisse a debt, expressed an interest in helping our cause voluntarily or in others, well, there were others with other motives, it rather pales in comparison to the reason I feel I need to address all this with you. In those that joined our party, my daughter, from a future far bleaker than our own, travelled back in time to prevent a future that would have doomed us all. In pursuit of that, a version of Robin, intertwined with our own from her future also returned, yet, it was one who had accepted the soul of the Fell Dragon, Grima upon my passing at her hands -  the grim future Lucina spoke of in her previous warnings. In her future, we had all fallen as a result of the battle and yet, in our own, we held the power to change it.
Robin, my closest ally, my friend through all of this, my wife, my dearest love, the trials we have faced appeared relentless and I nary say they are unlikely to end now although, perhaps, if I may submit one request, not on the scale of our previous endeavours, hm? I never could keep up with you.
You gave everything to ensure all of us had a future and for that, mere words will never be enough. I can only hope that each of us living to protect this future was the outcome you wished for too, no, I know it.
I know little of magic, not least that which appears to be above mere mortal bounds though if I may ask one final wish of you, however foolish it may seem, I know Robin lives - whatever time, whenever is right, I ask that you return her to us safe and sound so that we may fight for this future together, as a family and with our friends.
Our adventures here will not end, not now as we face the prospect of a new future - one of our own design and one that we may share the joy in, together, upon your return.  
Yours, as ever,
His Royal Highness, Exalt Chrom of Ylisse (Age 22)
Dear Santa,
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
His Royal Highness, Exalt Chrom and Queen Robin of Ylisse (Ages 23 and 25 respectively)
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lapinbunwrites · 6 years
New Awakening
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: None
Characters: Lucina, Owain, Morgan, Gerome, Elise
Words: 2,145
Ao3 Link
Ever since she came back from her father's time, she had been nothing but busy. With her coronation and the rebuilding of her country, she never had an off day. Though, there wasn't much to rebuild, construction wise anyway. She woke up to the sound of a pounding on her door one morning. She was led outside and bam! The whole country had beautiful flowers, trees, grass fields, buildings, graves for everyone. There wasn't many people that lived in Ylisse to begin with, but only months afterwards, more people came.
Lucina placed her papers down and looked out the window. She saw Cynthia, Owain, and his wife Elise playing outside. She smiled. It brought her such joy to see her family and it brought her greater joy to see them happy. She sighed. It was about time for her to take a break. She knew that if she didn't Laurent and Brady would get on her about it. Lucina walked around the castle. She was fixated on one thing. Where Morgan was. She hadn't seen her since she left for their time.
"Exalt Lucina." Gerome said.
"You can drop the formalities Gerome." Lucina said.
"Not when I'm on duty as your retainer."
She sighed. "I have no need for you to be my retainer."
He placed his hand on her cheek. He traced part of her face with his thumb before moving his hand to the back of her head. He gently pulled her in for a hug. She gave him a hug back. It may have not helped relived her stress, but it was something. The two released each other. Lucina grabbed on her his arm and he placed his other hand on hers. The two walked to the castle garden. Lucina sat on the ledge of the fountain that was their. She looked her reflection in the water. Gerome walked up to a tree full of apples and started to pick some of them for Minerva.
"My dear," he said, "what is wrong?"
"You're still concerned about her?"
"Would I not? She's our friend."
"I know. She's been gone for a year. I don't think..."
"You are still a pessimist."
"I'm trying to be realistic."
"You know that went out the window years ago. Right?"
Gerome scoffed. He should no better to question anything. If changing his fate wasn't the biggest thing, he didn't know what was. He walked up to her and handed her an apple. She washed it off with the water. She took a bite of it.
"You'll find her."
"Thank you, my love."
She rushed through the forest and through the rain. She was running as fast as she could. Tears started well on her face. Before her mother died, she would tell her stories of bad men trying, and sometimes succeeding, to capture her for a variety of reasons. She knew who she was. She was the Naga's new voice. All she wanted to do was have sometime to talk to her mother, even if she wouldn't talk for long.
Morgan ran and ran, constantly looked behind her to see if anyone was following her still. She tripped over some branches and rolled down a hill. She found a small tree with dozens of leaves to hide under. She wait for the voices and footsteps of the people to leave. She steadied her breathing to a low and soft tone. The last thing she needed was someone capturing her. Morgan could feel her eyes starting to close. She forced herself to keep them open. She needed to get out of here.
A few hours have passed and Morgan woke up. It had been a long while since she had a nice rest. She peered through the leaves and saw the sun shinning. She crawled out from her little hiding hole. She stretched a little before she started to walk. She walked through the mud until she got to a city close to Ylisse. She put her hood up before walking into the city. She didn't want anyone to see her.
Morgan walked around the city, looking at the very many shops. As much as she wanted to look at them, she didn't have much time. She walked around, trying to find a clothing vendor; she wanted new clothes to disguise herself. Whatever to do to keep poachers and kidnappers away from her. She walked into a giant building that had a massive amount of clothing and accessories. She wanted to look at everything, but she didn't have enough time. She was bound to get caught by the poachers that were out for her. She walked down a couple of aisles grabbing a pair of black boots, washed out black leggings, a dark purple dress, a long black hooded jacket, and a scarf.
She walked up to the cashier, in her new outfit, handing her a dragon scale. She knew that it wasn't a form of payment, but it was all she had. She was lucky enough to have the cashier accept it. Morgan walked out of the store, her face covered, and walked around the city. It's a good thing that Ylisse is running again.
Days and days passed, Lucina still had no traces on Morgan. The only lead she got was from a group of poachers that were in jail. She, herself, went to the forest to check it out. She went to the city that was closest to her. She talked to the townspeople asking them about her friend. Nothing. The only thing she got was from a storekeeper about a woman getting new clothes and paying with a dragon scale. Lucina knew it. There were hardly any Manaketes, let alone any half Manaketes.
She walked back into town asking the people about a person in different clothing. She got a few different stories about how she was buying stuff with a few dragon scales, or how she was helping some people here and there, or how she was able to stop a couple of people fighting. There was one peculiar story that was the tip of it all. It was when people kept telling Lucina that the woman could hear Naga. She knew it had to be Morgan. The people of the city told the Exalt where they last saw her.
Lucina arrived back at the castle with no luck. It late and she was frustrated, she walked to her room. Gerome was there reading a book. He closed it and looked at her. He gave her a soft, small smile. He got up and walked over to her. She sighed and placed her head on his chest. He listened to her words before they fell asleep. She woke up and looked to the other side of her bed. Empty. She knew that Gerome had a hard time sleeping. She got out of bed and walked over to their little table in their room. She picked up his cloak and sniffed it. It was a sweet smelling scent. It always calmed her.
"Hey!" Elise said. "Owain!"
"Yes dear?" Owain said.
"Is everything alright with Lucina?"
"My dear Queen of Sunshine, the Little Blue Butterfly is under lot of stress."
"Okay, okay. Lucina is trying to find our friend Morgan."
"Awe! We should help her! What does she look like?"
"Well, she has short green hair, green eyes, pointy ears."
"Pointy ears like a dragon?!"
"So cool. I knew there were Dragons in this country, but I didn't know there was more than one."
"She's actually the daughter of Tiki. The Manakete Princess."
"Wait, wait. The Tiki. I have only heard stories about her."
"Yes. I didn't meet her but I have been told she was an amazing and kind woman."
"Well, since we have something to go off of, let's go find her!"
"Onward! The Justice Cabal is moving out!"
Elise and Owain walked around the town and cities. They talked all about the leads that they got before. Lucina had told Owain about the stories of what Morgan has done. She helped people around the country; she gave them some premonition or words form Naga. The two walked around, talking with the same people that Lucina did, and some new people around the different cities. They were given new leads, but none of them worked. They were away from the castle and the capital for a few days, trying to find Morgan.
Within their travels, they got one new lead from another traveler. They said that she helped with directions. All they knew is that Morgan was heading south. Owain got a light bulb in his head. He smiled. He thanked the traveler before taking Elise back home. It took a bit of time, but they finally arrived back at the castle. Elise went to her room and went to sleep. Owain on the other hand, walked towards Lucina's room. He knocked on the door and waited for her to open it.
Morgan looked at the town. It was Southtown. It was everything began. It was where Chrom, Lissa, Frederick, and her father, Robin defended this town. It was where their journey began. It was a calm little town. Nothing bad every really happened to this town. Except that one incident that happened over a two decades ago. She walked around the town, it was bustling with people. They were talking to each other, buying some stuff, having a great old time. It had been weeks since people have after her. She finally was able to rest properly and soundly.
She walked around, looking at the people. For the most part, the people there were ignoring her. She heard a few whispers of the people saying that they recognized her from rumors that had spread around the country. She now dubbed Naga's voice from the stories of what she had been doing. Little children came up to her and gave her hug. Morgan smiled and patted their heads before than ran off to their parents. She kept walking around, taking an apple from one of the shops.
After a few minutes, Morgan dropped her apple at the sound of an explosion. Someone decided it was a good idea to use their powerful fire magic in town. The fire started to spread through the town. The people were running out of the city, trying to find a safe place to hide. Morgan watched as some of the buildings were burning down. It was that day all over again. She rushed around the city, helping out anybody she could. She went into the deepest fire fog as she could to help save some children.
She did everything to put out the fire, but nothing was working. People were telling her to leave; she heard their pleas and left the town. She rushed into an empty field south of the town. She lied down on the ground from the exhaustion that she experienced from rescuing the town. Morgan closed her eyes and fell asleep.
A messenger rushed up to Exalt Lucina with an urgent news. He told her that Southtown was under attack. Lucina gathered Owain, Gerome, Cynthia and a couple of other people and headed towards the town. It was encased with fire, burnt buildings, destroyed buildings. It was hours before they got the fire out; it wan't long before they captured the culprit that started it. He came clean and explained everything. Cynthia took him back to the castle jail.
Lucina, Owain, and Gerome walked around the town, not seeing anyone here. They walked out of the town, seeing everyone out their. Lucina talked to them, telling them the fire was out, the person was caught, and she would deploy some troops to help out to rebuild the town again. The people from the town kept on asking her if the woman that helped them out was alright. She didn't know and didn't know where Morgan was. After the many words that they asked her to tell her, they went back to the their town.
The three of them kept walking south from the town. They kept walking until they found an empty field. There was only one person there, Morgan. She was sleeping on the ground. It had been a year since they have seen her. Gerome stayed a few paces behind Lucina and Owain. He watched as the two walked up to her.
"Lucina, we have to do something!" Owain said.
"What do you propose we do?" Lucina asked.
"I...I dunno..."
Morgan shifted to her back and open her eyes. She smiled to see the two.
"I see you are awake now."
"Hey there."
"There are better places to take a nap than on the ground you know. Give me your hand."
Lucina held out her hand and helped Morgan up.
"Welcome home Morgan."
So I have had the this idea since I have played through Awakening. You take the opening with Chrom, Lissa, and Robin and apply it to Lucina, Owain, and Morgan. It's been six years and I have never seen somebody do it so here it is. The only reason why I'm writing it now is because I told my friend @trcelyneart about it and she said I should write it because it gave her so many feels. I hope there are feels in this.
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yukiwrites · 6 years
A Rough Approval
Thank you for commissioning me again, @xpegasusuniverse! This was so much fun to write, I hope you like it ;D
Summary: After the war, Maribelle returns to Themis with her villager husband, Donnel, in tow. Winning her father’s acceptance won’t be easy... or will it?
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Although the Fell Dragon's demise left a bitter taste in everyone's mouths -- Robin's sacrifice was felt in every soldier's heart, after all -- life waited for no one. It was time for the Shepherds to reform; some would go back home, their duties finished alongside the war, while some would stay.
Maribelle, always a friend of the Crown, remained at the castle, by her friend Lissa's side, for a few weeks until she was sure she could go back home to pursue her own goals. Her husband, Donnel, would go back to the Themis land with her, despite the initial thought of wanting to bring HER to his village.
But she wouldn't fit in that backwater place, nuh-huh. Besides, he knew how much she wanted to become a magistrate, and, if she succeeded, the realm would give a great step towards equality. Maribelle was too precious to simply disappear in the middle of the mountains with him.
"Convincing Father will not be an easy task, darling, however I am certain that he will fall for your charms, much like myself." Maribelle commented as they rode a carriage into Themis land. She had sent a bird ahead of herself explaining the situation and expected her Father to unwelcome them.
The villager blushed deeply, gripping at his favorite pot over his legs as his curls dangled freely with the carriage's sway. "Shucks, Maribelle, what'll I do if tha' happens? I can't marry yer dad..." Nervous, he gulped.
Maribelle giggled, placing her soft hand over his rugged one. "It was a jape, darling. Do cheer up, hm? I simply know that you will get into Father's graces sooner or later. He is not the type to turn his back to raw talent, after all."
Suddenly, Donnel shot up his head. "Ya know what? Bring it on! I can't say tha' I'm gonna surprise 'im with anythin' I know, but my love for ya won't lose to anyone!" He puffed his chest with pride, loudly putting his pot back over his head.
Maribelle placed one hand over her increasingly warm cheek, flattered. "Why, Donny, what a bold declaration of love." She chuckled as he deflated in embarrassment, the pot sliding down to cover his eyes.
"T-that's- the truth, though..." He mumbled, holding her delicate hand with both of his.
The noblewoman placed her free hand over his arm, nudging it slightly. "I do so love you as well, my strong warrior." She said softly before quickly straightening her back even further. "Now! Let us leave this bubbly atmosphere and go back to revising the topics Father is most likely to ask you about! And do take this pot off, darling. I'll have someone brush your hair for you later."
"M-my pot... " He whimpered, but obeyed. "I'm not sure I can learn errything, but I sure as heck'll try!"
"That's my Donny." Maribelle hummed, taking out a thick book from the pile at the seat in front of them. "Now, I want you to recite something from this page..."
Soon they reached the outer gates from the Themis Residence, swiftly being let through the large and intricate garden. Lord Themis himself waited for them at the foot of the front staircase, his arms crossed and his nose lifted up.
He had heard from his daughter's so-called 'marriage' (surely a jest!) while the war still raged. He received a simple letter from a random priest congratulating him for the marriage of his daughter, followed by a message from Maribelle herself. She had told him that she couldn't wait to introduce this 'Donnel' person to him (was that even a name? Gods, what has his daughter done?!) and that he was the person she not only loved but wished to spend her whole life with.
Of course, Themis wasn't a terrible person. He would let his daughter marry the man she loved, of course, as long as he was worthy of her! He had made a thorough background check on that 'Donnel' person. And, of course, no nobles had such base name. No duke, no viscount, no third cousin once removed from a faraway bloodline connecting to a baron had such name. He'd asked his people to look for any 'Donnel's in the Shepherds, but surely no matches were found. It was a big army, after all.
Which only made his heart freeze more.
Did Maribelle marry a commoner? Only one would fade so much into the background it would be impossible to factually check his background. Was that the reason the beautiful handwriting of the priest who sent the letter was written over a Shepherds stamped paper? Did they marry inside the Shepherds garrison?
A commoner... How could his daughter, the most well-mannered, delicate, competent, fierce and noble person he knew marry a commoner, of all people?
The more he thought about it, the deeper was his frown. He watched as the carriage made its way to him and stopped a few meters away. The coachman hurriedly jumped out of his seat to open the door, almost feeling Lord Themis' animosity.
"As I taught you, Donny," Maribelle's voice could be faintly heard from inside, making Lord Themis' heart skip a beat. His darling daughter! "Men exit first, then give their arms to the woman."
"A-aight," a foreign and deeply accented voice left the carriage, and soon it could be attached to a face: A curly-haired, plain-looking and oddly well-dressed young man jumped out, his nervous expression turning soft as he gave his arm so Maribelle could also get off.
What a terrible mismatch!
"What is the meaning of this, Maribelle? You finally come back home after years of war and you bring... this..." he looked at Donnel in disgust, "in tow?"
"Father, where are your manners?" Maribelle lifted her chin, giving a dismissive wave of hand to the coachman so he could leave. "Are you truly so eager to embarrass yourself that you'll make a scene in front of the servants?"
"Do not talk back to me, young lady." He pointed to her, ignoring Donnel's existence completely. "Come with me." He turned on his heel to the staircase.
"Father? This is my husband, Donnel. I'm sure you are flattered to meet him." She narrowed her eyes, her father's reaction much worse than she thought.
Flustered, Donnel bowed. "It's, uh, a pleasure to meet ya, Sir! My name's Donnel an' it would be mighty kind if ya could bless our union!"
"Donnel, hush! This is not something to say while we're out in the open." Maribelle scolded, though her cheeks were under a shade of pink. Such boldness, this man she married had. "Come now, let us follow Father." She nudged on his arm, never letting go of it after exiting the carriage.
"O-oh, right!" He stumbled, not wanting to embarrass his wife. Lord Themis went on ahead without listening to Donnel's introduction.
The noblewoman didn't have the time to greet the servants after her long absence, but she made a mental note to do so after the talk with her father. They were led to a nearby study, into which tea already waited for them.
Or rather, for her. No cups were placed for Donnel.
Lord Themis faced the large window, right behind the desk. "I will not accept this union, Maribelle. Surely you already knew this would happen."
Maribelle did not sit down, not wanting to entertain the silent bullying his father had prepared for Donnel. "I do understand, Father. Believe me when I say that I truly did not expect to fall in love with a commoner of all people. A villager from so tiny a village it does not even have a name!" She placed a few of her golden curls behind her shoulder. "However, whatever assumption you have made of him is wrong, Father. He is not a simple villager, he-"
"He's the man you love, is that what you're going to tell me?" Lord Themis cut her off, turning back to face them as he looked down with almost disgust.
Maribelle narrowed her eyes, placing one hand over her hip. "Why, Father, I expected you of all people to allow others to finish saying their piece without interruption. Nevertheless, that was not what I was going to say -- Donnel is a truly gifted young man. He will not lose to whatever marriage partners you had in mind for me." She stomped her foot, then bobbed her head to the sides, remembering a small detail about her husband. "Of course, apart from owning lands and servants; but we ourselves need not benefit from such things since our land is productive by itself."
Lord Themis didn't want to marry his daughter off to someone wealthy just to increase their own wealth later on; no. He's always wanted her to marry someone of her choice, with a decent background, that would be able to lead their land once he was gone.
Surely a commoner who needed litters of lotion to cover up the smell of pig and earth coming from him would never be able to do such a feat. "You do realize that, besides supposedly marrying behind my back, you are suggesting that a villager can manage our finances." He exhaled deeply, the cold rage he felt making his fingers tremble.
"Um, I'm sorry for buttin' in, sir, but we did errything legit, that we did! We had a priest bless our union an' all!" Donnel gripped at his uncomfortable vest, missing the pot on his head to mess with.
Lord Themis grimaced at every single grammar murder the young man did, sighing so deeply he had to place both hands over the desk so as not to deflate completely. "Nothing that I cannot cover up-"
"Father! You are not proposing breaking the law simply to fit your own preconceived whims, are you?! Saved from the court's wrath you were once due to false accusations, I will not hesitate to send you back there if you truly try to bend the laws!"
Surprised and, most of all, hurt, Lord Themis lifted his disgruntled gaze to his daughter. "Threatening your own father now, are you, Maribelle? Is this whelp truly worth breaking our family apart?"
"Listen to yourself, Father!" Maribelle gesticulated, feeling increasingly upset. "You are letting your own prejudiced ideals speak before you think! Have you lost all faith in your daughter after these years of war? I told you he is a gifted man that will not bring shame to our name."
Donnel looked from father to daughter as though watching a ball game the whole time. He gulped, his chest being filled with confidence with each word his wife uttered. "I'll prove 'ta ya, Your Lordyfulness, Sir! I still have a lot ta learn, but I'm a good student, I am! Shucks, Teach Miriel gave me full marks in ev'ry subject an' said she ain't got nothin' more ta teach me so I could teach erryone back at my village!"
Used to his way of speaking, Maribelle simply nodded in accordance. "He has a terrifyingly good memory, Father. He's memorized the entire Law Code in only two weeks!" She hummed proudly, "he also has great reflexes and a keen eye for spotting AND solving trouble."
His own personal rage apart, Lord Themis knew he only needed a competent son-in-law to pass the dukedom to. But he was most of all baffled that his daughter let a childish love blind her from reality. There was absolutely no way that that unwashed whelp was fit for her and their land.
Lord Themis couldn't fathom that. "Very well, I shall play along." He crossed his arms, intent on never approving of that boy. "If you pass the tests I give you, I shall bless your union."
"R-really? Yeeehaw!" Donnel hopped, bright-eyed. He hugged his wife by reflex, but Lord Themis' animosity quickly brought him back to his senses, making him let go of her altogether.
"You will not regret this decision, Father." Maribelle gave a soft smile with an approving nod, her hand lingering by Donnel's chest. "Throw whatever you have at us and you shall not be disappointed."
Themis raised one eyebrow at the 'us', but let it slide as he once again put both hands behind his back. "A noble must, above all, have grace, poise and an imposing aura." He scrutinized Donnel with a judging eye, "clearly you lack these on your own feet, however will that change over a horse? It is demanded of a Lord to know how to ride."
Donnel's shoulders sagged visibly, and he had to gulp down a scoff lest he sounded condescending. "Horses? Shucks, ain't that test too easy? I been 'round 'em my whole life."
Lord Themis smirked, making Maribelle finally understand where he was going. He didn't mean-?!
"Clearly you've never met Bucephalus."
Immediately did the villager blush deeply. "Buceph-" He stuttered, then leaned over to Maribelle, shocked. "I-is it a common noble thang ta name yer horses after... this... kinda stuff...?" He coughed, making Maribelle immediately redden in return.
She smacked him with her parasol. "Donnel! Clearly this is not what the name means!" She cleared her throat.
"Owow-" he covered his head with both hands, "there's 'nother meanin' for it? Shucks, but I can't unhear it now."
Exhaling deeply, Themis ignored the childish display and rang a small bell to call for the butler. He then had the servant arrange for their most untamed, ferocious and unruly horse to be brought to the equestrian facility, saddled, if possible, though not exactly necessary. Only one in fifty tries succeeded in saddling that beast, after all.
Maribelle frowned the entire way as they went to the training grounds, not exactly fearing for her husband, but still apprehensive. Meanwhile, Lord Themis had a wide smirk on his face, expecting the boy to run away with his tail behind his legs after being placed face to face with that horse-shaped demon.
"Yeeehaw! Tha's a great breeze from up 'ere!"
Blinking, Lord Themis had to rub his eyes more than once to truly believe in what he was seeing: Not only did Donnel tame that demonic horse, he went through all obstacles with the utmost ease.
"I am seeing things." He mumbled. "It hasn't been two minutes yet."
Maribelle laughed loudly, "excuse me," she apologized, hiding under her open fan. "A diamond in the rough, my lord Father. A diamond in the rough." She said proudly, waving at Donnel as he galloped closer.
"This big boy 'ere's so easy ta control! My old mule could learn a thing or two from 'im."
Flabbergasted, but not about to let that show in his expression, Lord Themis cleared his throat and turned his back to them, adjusting his cravat. "A noble is not only grace, but brains as well. Join me for a game of chess, young man."
Donnel beamed, taking that as a compliment. "Ya see that, Maribelle?! I did it!"
"I never once doubted you would, darling." She hummed, welcoming him as he jumped off of the horse. "Let us go quickly before he forgets what he saw, hmm?"
Not understanding the depth of his feat, Donnel tilted his head to the side, enjoying how Maribelle wrapped her arm against his so he could lead her back to the mansion.
Once there, at the same study they were an hour previous, Donnel placed one fist over his open palm, as though finally realizing something. "Ohh, so this game's name's chess!"
Maribelle felt dread inside her chest. "D-darling, truly we went through this before? Did we not?" She placed squeezed his arm.
With an easygoing smile, Donnel sat at Lord Themis' opposing chair, humming a song or another. "Ya played with me once or twice, methinks... But I played it more with that old fox Robin!"
"Truly? I did not page Robin as an admirer of such a game." Maribelle sat on the nearest fainting couch so as to watch the match.
"He was hard as balls ta beat! I only won a coupla times." He commented absent-mindedly as he thought up the moves.
Humph, Themis scoffed mentally. I am not about to lose to a random villager with no experience in such a fine art-
"How can this be?!" He slammed both hands on the board, shaking the pieces without knocking them over. "I cannot possibly have lost to-"
"Why, Father, you were soundly beat!" Maribelle sounded as surprised as he did, getting up to squeeze her husband's shoulder. "I thought you said you only won a few times, darling?"
"Muh?" Donnel turned to his wife. "Robin was a lot tougher ta beat, though. An' his game was a tad different, too..." He said without thinking, then quickly slapped his mouth with wide eyes. "I-uh, didn't mean no disrespect, sir, uh..."
Lord Themis felt life ebbing away from the tip of his fingers. He lost? To a villager?
He still had one last card to play. That whelp would not be able to hold up to that!
"Lastly but no less important; a noble needs to manage his lands appropriately." He tried to compose himself as much as he could, but Maribelle's sneering gaze pierced holes on him as he got up. "I will now show you classified documents that only the lord of the land has access to."
"Classy documents-" Donnel started, but Maribelle elbowed him on the ribs.
"Secret, Donnel. Secret documents." She whispered gravely, not wanting her father to lose any respect Donnel might've earned.
"Owow, aight." He massaged the afflicted area, following Lord Themis to behind his desk.
"I have received these today," Themis whammed a pile of documents over the table. "They are reports from our border villages which include how much shipment we've bought or sold for them as well as the amount of taxes we are receiving from them -- or if there are any overdues. I want you to go over them and give me a solution to a problem that's clearly stated there." He lifted his chin, "I, of course, already went through them and know the answer. Do the same now."
"Father, without proper training, there is no way for a person to manage something as large as our lands in such short notice-" Maribelle walked over to the desk, gripping at her father's sleeve.
Deep in concentration, Donnel took the first paper and tilted his head to the side. "Basically ya wanna me ta fix the problem in 'ere, right?" He scratched his head.
Lord Themis smirked. "Yes, I suppose."
"Aight!" Donnel stuck out his tongue as he usually did when focused, rolling up his sleeves. "Can I sit 'ere, sir? It's a mighty fine chair so I can take these ta read on the floor-"
"You may," Themis did a dismissive wave of hand, turning his back to the young man. "Enjoy it while you can."
"Father!" Maribelle complained. "You are not being reasonable."
"S'okay, Maribelle. Compared to Teach Miriel's classes, this ain't gonna be hard." Donnel scratched the back of his head, crossing both legs over the chair, deep in thought.
"It is still unacceptable." Maribelle turned on her heel to be beside her husband. "He is being stubborn and childish simply because you've shown promise."
"Ah, I found it!" He said suddenly, raising one document up.
"Preposterous. It took me half a day to-- ahem. Do show me, boy."
"I heard 'bout this village 'ere, see? It's real close ta the border and it sells cheap wood for building. An' just cause it's cheap it don't mean it's bad, nuh-huh! Ya can save a lot of money if ya stop buyin' from this old pitch'a wood 'ere and buy from this 'ere village instead! I betcha there're lotsa muscle there to be hired too, so ya'll be makin' more jobs an' having the folks that're missin' the taxes pay 'em on time!"
Midway to Donnel's speech, Lord Themis took his handkerchief out so as to dry the cold sweat dripping down his forehead. That crude boy found a better solution to his own?! "W-who ARE you, boy? Certainly misplaced by birth or-"
"Why, Father, have I not told you? He is a diamond in the rough -- and perhaps, not to rough anymore, hmm?"
"Weh?" Not realizing he had passed every test, Donnel was still focused on the matter of the late taxes. "I was born way at the bonkers, sir, so maybe I was misplaced after all? Hehe!" He smiled brightly, making Themis lower his head.
"I give up." He said finally, feeling his blood pressure shoot up. "I give my blessings or whatever you both want." He whispered. "I... can't wait... to have you in our family... Donnel." Every word a chose to say, Themis didn't look the young man in the eye as he struggled to accept that Donnel was indeed everything Maribelle had paged him for and more.
Curse and bless him at the same time!
"Oh, Father, I knew you would come to!" Maribelle smiled brightly.
"T-that means I passed? B-but I barely did anything, sir!"
"Humble as always, darling. However, a win is a win, so do not undermine your efforts, hmm? Now come here and give me a hug as the newest heir of the Themis house!"
Lord Themis groaned, turning his face away from the scene. "We still need to polish him more." He grumbled, though feeling somewhat lighter than ever. His daughter never smiled like that in his presence, nor did she defend someone so vehemently.
Her happiness was still the first and foremost thing in his mind, after all. He would come to accept her poor choice in husband with time. Time, effort and a lot of getting used to his strange accent.
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freezing-kaiju · 7 years
Stardate 2689
A Fire Emblem Heroes fic! Written with @pupmon1
Part 3: Two Unexpected Returns
Captain’s Log, Date 3/27/2689. Lucina. Traveling to a Hoshidian outpost to refuel, we have encountered an anomaly. An old Plegian craft, far too short-range to have been hopping from planet to planet in this big of a dead zone. There was a faint distress signal...encoded in Ylissean cipher, curiously enough. I decided to investigate, with a few of my crew.
Lucina, Selkie, Kjelle, and Severa beamed into the ship’s cargo hold. It was a Plegian craft all right, and the hold was full of...war-era weapons and a shipment of spices.
“They’ve got enough illegal stuff in here to make more than half the crew makes in a year,” Severa commented. “Wonder who they stole it from?”
Kjelle picked up one of the weapons boxes and looked at the panel on the side. “It says ‘government property’. They stole this crap from the king himself.”
“Who could pull of a heist like this?” Lucina mused. “I’d say Gaius came back from the dead but candy was more his style...”
Selkie hopped from box to box, sniffing each one. “These smell really really good! They’re...probably dangerous to my kind…” She looked around carefully, her ears twitching. “We should probably see if anyone is on board.”
“Good idea, Selkie,” Lucina said. “Do you smell anyone besides us?”
“...sort of? I smell a...Plegian I think...and...I can’t identify the second scent.” Selkie crouched down to all fours and sniffed the floor. “It...smells like you, AC.”
That was strange, Lucina thought. Did they clone her again? She was fairly certain her aunt Lissa was safe back in Ylisse, along with her cousin, and her father had been...obliterated... the Annas had tried to clone him but there wasn’t enough genetic material. They had just ended up creating a clone of Lucina herself, who was currently back in Ylisse and had been taking over her duties ever since she left for the Academy.
Selkie led them to a room on the side of the cockpit. “Cryostasis...the power is failing though...” Selkie sniffed the container. “This. This is what smells like you. Except...more muted. Kinda like...if you left the room but your scent lingered.”
Lucina frowned. “Open the pod.”
Selkie and Severa nodded, moving to obey, but then the cockpit sprang open and a woman walked out holding two pistols. “Don’t you dare touch th- LUCINA?!?”
Lucina whirled around and gritted her teeth. “Aversa. Guess my father didn’t kill you well enough.”
Everyone pulled their weapons and pointed it at the pilot, except for Selkie who was very confused. “W-wait. She doesn’t smell dangerous. What’s going on? Do you know her, AC?”
“She’s a Plegian war criminal. My father seemingly killed her, but she reappeared...and then disappeared again.”
“BECAUSE I WAS-” Aversa groaned. “You’d never believe me, just don’t open the pod yet. Don’t hurt her.”
Lucina’s eyes narrowed. “What are you talking about? Some other Plegian you’re protecting?”
Aversa chuckled, then sighed. “Not quite...just...get her to a med bay...the pod is the only thing keeping her alive. And believe me, you’ll never forgive yourself if you just open it without thinking. She’s very important...to both of us.”
Lucina frowned and shot Aversa a look of contempt. “Fine...” She pulled out a comm. “Noire, get this ship docked. Have a security team ready to take the pilot to Holding Cell A, and a med team ready to deal with an injured party.”
Noire’s stuttering voice came from the com. “R-right away, captian! Um...are one of you injured…?”
“No, we’re alright, just get the teams ready.”
Aversa chuckled as she dropped her pistols. “That’s a very soft voice...has the feared general gone soft? Or….are you just soft on her?”
“Where did you even learn my reputation?” Lucina snapped. “You went missing when I was eight! And that’s none of your business!
“Then how I know is none of yours.”
Lucina gritted her teeth. “Kjelle, cuff her.”
Kjelle stepped forward, grabbing Aversa roughly and pulling out a pair of energy cuffs. She clicked them around Aversa’s wrists. “We’ll see if you can explain yourself later.”
“I won’t need to...your med team will explain well enough…”
Lucina stood in front of the holding cell, Camilla standing beside her. “She won’t tell us anything…” Camilla said simply.
“Give me time, it hasn’t even been an hour,” Aversa said snidely. “You...you put her in the medbay, right?”
“Your cryopod was taken to the medbay, I’m waiting for reports on the inhabitant’s condition.”
“I swear, if you kill her...” Aversa chuckled grimly. “Well, you could feel worse about that than me...”
Camilla growled and glared down at the prisoner. “Do not make threats on my ship, or else…”
“I’m not threatening you. I’m saying, don’t kill your family.”
Camilla glanced over at Lucina. “Is she making any sense to you?”
“...no...she’s not.” Lucina pulled Camilla over away from the holding cell. “I wish she’d just talk straight…”
“No one talks straight on this ship.” Camilla huffed at her own joke, then crossed her arms, her expression shifting to one of seriousness. “Listen...I could make her talk.”
“Torture is illegal.”
“Not through torture. Through...other means. But she’s your prisoner...so do you want her to talk.”
“I’ve been tortured enough,” Aversa said. “And Lucina, i’m sure your aunt would disagree with whatever methods this woman has. Especially against her wife...”
“You’re speaking nonesense!” Lucina snapped. “My aunt is far away from here. And the other you murdered!”
“THAT’S A LIE!” Aversa suddenly shouted. “Firstly, Gangrel fired the shot...and secondly...well, check the medbay.”
“Well...do you want me to do it?” Camilla asked plainly. “Believe me...she can’t stay silent, no matter how much...torture she’s been through.”
“I-” Lucina was interrupted by her coms going off.
“Acting Captain Lucina, get to the medical bay right away! You’re needed!”
Aversa smiled. “Please, before you do anything you regret, check the medbay before you pass your judgement on me. She should at least get a say in it...”
“I’ll keep an eye on her, go.” Camilla instructed.
Lucina dashed off to the medbay. What was Aversa even talking about? Sure, it was debatable who killed Emmeryn...but she was dead! Though...they never did find her body...
Lucina rushed into the medical bay.
“Acting Captain!” Elise exclaimed. “Good, she’s conscious now.”
“Dunno what she’s saying, though,” Medical Officer Dwyer mumbled. “Nonsense..”
Behind a medbay curtain, Lucina could hear a voice...speaking Ylissean. “...wh-where am I? What’s going on? A-Aversa? Aversa?!?” This was followed by a whimper of pain.
Lucina drew back the curtain. She found...a very familar woman, gripping her head in pain and trembling. The woman saw Lucina and recoiled away, fear and confusion shining in her eyes.
“E-...Emmeryn?” Lucina muttered in shock.
Emmeryn relaxed slightly at her name. “You...you know my name…?”
“....I...I’m your...I’m your niece. Lucina. Don’t you remember me?”
“I-...I recognize you...I think…” Emmeryn nervously shifted positions. “Wh-where is Aversa?”
“In a holding cell. Did...did she hurt you, Aunt?”
“N-no!” Emmeryn said quickly. “She would never. I…” Emmeryn flinched and put a hand on her head. “...ah my head...I….need to see her…”
Lucina was both shocked and puzzled, but for now decided to comply. She pulled out her comm. “Camilla, let Aversa out and escort her to the medbay.”
There was a pause before the reply. “You’re the AC.”
A few minutes later, Aversa was shoved unceremoniously into the medbay, her hands cuffed behind her back, Camilla roughly pushing her forward.
“Aversa!” Emmeryn jumped up and ran over to the prisoner, but found Camilla’s gun in her face before she could come close enough to touch her. “What...what...are you doing? ...did we...do something?”
Camilla didn’t answer, she simply looked over at Lucina. “What’s going on?”
Lucina glared at her. “Get your gun out of my dead aunt’s face!”
Camilla put her hands up and stepped back. “Yes Captain. Sorry, I’m...not sure what’s going on.”
Emmeryn looked around, confused for a few moments, then she stepped forward and hugged Aversa. “‘Ersa, did they hurt you?”
“No...no Emm, I’m okay. How do you feel?”
Emmeryn was hesitant to answer. “...my...my head still hurts...it’s all fuzzy...but I don’t want to go to sleep again…”
“Hopefully you won’t have to...though these people don’t seem to want us on their ship,” Aversa said, with a glare at Camilla and Lucina. “Can’t entirely blame them, according to them we’re both supposed to be dead.”
“D-dead? ‘Ersa...I...don’t understand…”
Aversa looked around Emmeryn’s shoulder and glared at Lucina. “Why don’t you try to explain?”
“I....” Lucina attempted to collect herself. “You...went missing when I was a child. They...declared you dead after a while. Aversa...was thought to have been killed in battle...then showed up in the end-of-war trial to be cleared of her crimes...and then went missing and was presumed dead again.”
“O-oh…” Emmeryn hesitated for a moment before nuzzling into Aversa.
Camilla sighed and crossed her arms. “Shall I return the prisoner to her cell?”
“NO!” Emmeryn shouted, protectively clutching Aversa as hard as she could with her weakened arms.
Aversa simply smiled gently. “Em...it’s okay...don���t overwork yourself…I’ll be fine.” She glanced back at Camilla. “I’ll go back, if the captain orders it.”
Emmeryn looked between the two others. “Please don’t...she hasn’t...done anything wrong, she’s been... nothing but kind to me...”
Lucina hesitated before nodding to Camilla. “I’m sorry, Aunt...but with the state you’re in, I can’t find it in me to trust your word. We don’t know if she’s manipulated you in some way.”
Camilla grabbed Aversa, pulling her away from Emmeryn...but she had a kind smile on her face. “It’s alright...we’ll treat her well. But we have to return her to her cell...for everyone’s safety.”
Emmeryn sighed and gave Camilla and Lucina a pleading expression. “Please...don’t hurt her...she’s done...nothing wrong...I love her...”
Lucina sighed. “We...we won’t hurt her. Look at it this way, there are many Ylisseans who lost people in the war she was part of...the cell will keep her safe from them, as much as this ship from her.”
Emmeryn sat back down on her bed, almost completely tuned out. “Don’t hurt her...don’t hurt her...don’t hurt her...” she mumbled repeatedly, her voice growing weaker with each word.
Camilla gently lead Aversa away as Elise came up to gently push Emmeryn to lie down. She kept a hand on her shoulder to keep her attention. “Relax, she’ll be okay,” she said in a soft voice. “But you need your rest. You’ll hurt yourself if you don’t relax.”
“I...o-okay....i...I don’t want...to sleep...” Emmeryn said as she laid down, but she seemed to be already drifting off.
“It’s okay,” Elise cooed softly. “Everything will be okay now. Just rest, we’ll take care of you.”
“...take care of...her, too...” Emmeryn mumbled. “Shrapnel...left shoulder...didn’t...heal right...”
“We’ll take care of you both,” Elise said plainly. With a wave of her hand, the lights dimmed, allowing Emmeryn to drift off to sleep. Once her patient was out cold, she turned to her helper. “Go to the cells and check on Aversa. Help heal any of her wounds,” she ordered.
“All right,” Dwyer said, yawning and stretching his back. “Be right there...”
Emmeryn woke up with a soft groan. The room wasn’t as bright this time, and her head felt a little better. She raised her head and looked around. “...Aversa…?” she called out on habit.
“Sorry! She’s still in her cell...” Elise responded with a sympathetic smile. “I hope big sister will let her go soon.”
Emmeryn hesitated for a few moments before very carefully trying to sit up. “I-...I need...to see her…” she muttered. “...my head still feels dizzy.”
“My readings say you’ve received minor brain damage from prolonged cryostasis. On top of the wounds you already received, I’m not surprised you don’t feel well.” Elise smiled gently and grabbed her data pad. “But it’s nothing we can’t fix. Well...almost nothing. Your hippocampus...is damaged...”
“...that’s where...memories are stored.”
Elise nodded. “Yes. That means your ability to form long-term memories is...faulty. Things you are constantly exposed to...they will stay, but...other than that, it will fade. For example, if you left this ship...you would forget what happened on it after a time.”
Emmeryn stared down at her hands. “...how much...have I...forgotten already...”
“There’s no way to know...and no way to restore functionality. I’m...very sorry…” Elise looked away, not wanting to admit there was something she couldn’t heal...someone she couldn’t help.
Emmeryn was silent for a time. Then she looked up. “Examine...Aversa. Please...she could be...damaged too...” Emmeryn looked down. “We...we went in...together...only one...pod...had to...embrace..”
Elise noticed the strain in Emmeryn’s voice and she put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t strain yourself. My assistant has examined Aversa. What we could find is no damage to her mind from the stasis...but there is some to her body. Her nerves are damaged, most likely from not being woken up properly. She will be fine, just….numb for a time. But, you should know...the damage to your hippocampus wasn’t due to prolonged stasis...but to oxygen deprivation...most likely, something that happened before you went in.”
“I...I am...aware...” She grimaced. “Bastard...didn’t even...do it himself...”
Elise shifted positions awkwardly and looked down. “...based on orders from the captian I have to ask where you got that information…she insists Aversa’s word cannot be trusted…”
“I...saw it...myself...it’s fuzzy but...I...I can remember...” She put a hand on her head, trying to think. “There...was a...a man, he...he choked me...can’t remember his face...The...the king...Vali...Val...whatever his name...he was on a...a balcony...laughing...then...” She smiled faintly. “Then.. Aversa’s foot came down on...on the man’s face...I...I didn’t know...how to react...she...she held out her hand...I took it...” Emmeryn tried to remember more. “That’s...that’s what...what I remember...”
Elise smiled and leaned back. “That’s very good. Your memory might not be as damaged as first thought. If you would like...I may be able to let you see her, without those handcuffs.”
Emmeryn’s eyes lit up. “Yes...I would...I would like that...”
Elise smiled and reached out, taking Emmeryn’s hand. “Then stay close to me.”
Emmeryn nodded and smiled. “I will...thank you...”
Elise nodded and led Emmeryn through the corridors, keeping the staff from stopping to stare at the guest. Past security were the holding cells. The place was empty...except for two. Aversa, pressed against the back of her cell...and Beruka standing in the hallway, just...staring at her.
“Beruka, what are you doing here?” Elise demanded.
“This unit was told to be on stand-by. In case my...talents were needed.” The reply was short and simple.
“That’s-...that’s a fucking borg!” Aversa yelped. “What the fuck?!?”
“....what?” Emmeryn said, confused. “Did...did she...hurt you?”
“She won’t-” Elise stopped...that would be a lie...Beruka would hurt someone. “Camilla ordered her to be on standby...so she won’t hurt anyone.”
“...okay...can you...let me in the cell?”
Beruka hesitated for a moment before looking at Elise. She stepped back, no longer blocking the way to the cell.
Emmeryn stumbled inside and all but collapsed in Aversa’s arms. “...i...missed you...
Aversa caught Emmeryn in her arms easily. “I missed you too, Em.
“Did they...did they tell you about...the...the brain damage?” Emmeryn asked.
“Brain damage? You mean your memory?”
“Her hippocampus is damaged,” Elise said.
Aversa nodded and held Emmeryn close, running her fingers through her hair. “I thought so...it took her a while to remember me day in and day out. But eventually she did…”
Elise nodded. “I see. If you two are going to stay, she may get accustomed to the ship, but it will take effort. And I think we need to get you out of your cell...I’ll speak with my sister about it. Beruka, return to your room, your skills will not be needed.”
Beruka bowed and darted into a maintenance duct. Then Elise turned to leave. “I have to lock the cell again...but I’ll leave you two alone as I consult with Camilla.”
Emmeryn and Aversa nodded. Elise locked the cell and walked away, leaving the two alone, being true to her word.
“...I’m sorry I...couldn’t protect you...” Emmeryn said.
“...it’s not your fault Emm,” Aversa muttered softly, gently running her hands through Emmeryn’s hair. “I’m just glad you’re safe. With Lucina here...they won’t do anything to upset you. You just being here protects me.”
“I’m...I’m glad I can, then...” Emmeryn got quiet for a bit. ”...i can barely remember her...but...the one thing I can recall, she was...a child...” She sighed. “...we...missed a lot...”
Aversa sighed softly and nuzzled Emmeryn. “Yeah...it’s okay...we’ve been gone for a long time. Listen, why don’t you go spend time with your neice. Your family is important.”
“No...I...I want to stay...with you...for a little..while...longer...”
Aversa chuckled and pulled Emmeryn close. “...you can stay as long as you want, my love. You’ll have plenty of time to catch up with her later. You can just relax with me, if you want...don’t overexert yourself.”
Emmeryn nuzzled close to Aversa, planting a kiss on her neck. “..I won’t...don’t worry...”
“I’ll worry until you’re all better,” Aversa said simply as she ran her fingers through Emmeryn’s hair.
“What’s she doing here?”
Aversa opened an eye to find Lucina standing on the other side of the cell doors. She did not look happy to find her aunt practically sleeping on top of her.
“Go ask Elise, she let her in,” Aversa said with a smile.
Lucina groaned and rolled her eyes. “Dammit Elise…whatever. Is she asleep?”
“I believe so, do you want me to wake her up?” Aversa responded.
“No. It’s good she’s asleep. This way I don’t have to feel bad about being an ass in front of her as I treat you like the criminal you are.” Lucina drew her pistol and opened the cell, stepping inside the her gun trained on Aversa. “So...you wanna tell me why Emmeryn is with you, and what you’ve done to her to make her smitten with you?”
Aversa shifted her position, smile vanishing as she shifted to shield Emmeryn as best she could. “...I believe she explained it to Elise as well...did she not talk with you? Validar kidnapped her, attempted to execute her, I turned traitor and saved her, we barely escaped.”
Lucina’s eyes narrowed when she noticed how Aversa moved. “You turned traitor...from someone who has groomed you from birth to be his puppet? Bullshit.” She growled. “You ‘saving’ her doesn’t absolve you of your crimes, you know that right?”
“Well...there may have been a bit of an underground resistance sneaking me incriminating documents regarding Validar and the wholesale slaughter of my entire family, and I somewhat soured on him after that. Plus, I attended that trial. I don’t think you were old enough, but Lissa was there. I was cleared of my crimes, technically I’m only wanted in Plegia now. I know that doesn’t wash the blood off my hands but it makes what you’re doing here a lot less legal.”
“You saved Emmeryn, but kept her to yourself, on your ship, away from her people. I could charge you with the kidnapping and manipulation of the monarch of Ylisse.”
“Kept her to myself?? Did you see the ship we were on? It isn’t even a planet-hopper! I was heading for Ylisse but we only got a quarter of the way before the fuel ran out!”
“Bullshit!” Lucina snapped as she slammed her fist against the wall. “You could’ve made it to any Union station! There were more than enough for you to drop her off. They could’ve helped her! You just wanted more time to manipulate her!”
“...wha’s goin...” Emmeryn groggily attempted to stand. “...stop shout- Lucina, wh-why are you...pointing a gun at...us?”
“Emmeryn...return to the medbay,” Lucina ordered, lowering the pistol for a moment. “I’m…” she grasped for the words to explain herself. “...just go back to the medbay, Emmeryn.”
“No.” Emmeryn was glaring at her. “I...don’t know what...happened to you, ...growing up...but...don’t hurt her.”
“Emm, please,” Aversa said. “I can handle her, don’t overexert yourself.”
“Emmeryn, return to the medbay, that’s an order. I am the captian of this ship.”
“And I’m the Exalt of Ylisse, and I say no!” Emmeryn snapped.
“...technically you aren’t. Former Exalt.”
“Still! At least...let her out of the...the cell...and...and let her in the medbay!” Emmeryn responded.
“No! I will not have the woman who helped slaughter thousands of my people to be allowed to wander around my ship!” Lucina shouted. “I will not allow her outside of this cell! She is a war criminal, and I don’t care if Lissa pardoned her, she should’ve paid for kill them!”
“WILL YOU ALL STOP SHOUTING?” Rhajat said, peering around a corner. “Half the ship can hear you three!”
“Stay outta this, Hoshidan!” Lucina snapped. Then she turned to Aversa and Emmeryn. “I don’t care what she’s been pardoned of, or what she’s told you, but she is a war criminal who killed thousands of Ylisseans and helped orchestrated the death of my father. She should’ve paid, and I will tread her as such.”
“...the urge to play the father card is so tempting but he’s legally my brother so I won’t. Also what orchestrated death? He piloted a ship into the maw of a giant space dragon. Noble, conclusive, and I had fuck all to do with it.”
“YOU BROUGHT THAT PLANET EATING MONSTER TO OUR SYSTEM YOU FUCKING BITCH!” Lucina yelled, slamming a fist against the wall. “It’s your fault…” she muttered as her body relaxed. “...yours and Valmar’s...you’re both responsible...you both did it and you both should’ve paid for it...puppet or not…”
“...I...can’t argue against that.” She raised up her hands. “I’ll admit, I’ve done horrible things and I should pay for them.”
Emmeryn looked at Lucina with a mix of anger and sympathy. She understood Lucina’s anger...but she couldn’t share it. She couldn’t be angry at Aversa...she had seen the good in her. She fully pulled herself away from Aversa and stood.
“Lucy…” she muttered softly, holding out her arms. “Come here…” Lucina looked up at Emmeryn, tears welling in her eyes. She stepped forward and allowed Emmeryn to hug her. “I know you’re angry...it’s okay. It’s okay to be angry…”
“...someone needs to pay…”
“You’re right...someone does...but that person doesn’t have to be Aversa. She is sorry for the part she played. You don’t have to forgive her...but don’t let the anger consume you…”
“I wish to atone for my crimes,” Aversa said simply.
Emmeryn held out a hand to silence Aversa. “Aversa...don’t talk for a bit,” she muttered before focusing down on Lucina. “Lucina, just relax. She’s not a threat, she’s so sorry...she won’t hurt anyone.”
“...you...you really believe that…?” Lucina asked softly.
“Yes. She’ll...she’ll be fine…”
Lucina looked up, struggling to keep Emmeryn upright as her energy failed. “E-Emmeryn?”
Aversa suddenly sprung up and caught them both as they collapsed. “Whoa! I got’cha...I got’cha…” She gently shifted Emmeryn’s weight from Lucina, allowing the captian to stumble back and get her footing back. “...can...can you call a medic?”
“Of course.” Lucina retreated, leaving the door open as she scrambled back to the security room and called medics to the holding cells.
Soon, Dwyer and Maria rushed into the room, Dwyer carrying a medcase. “Bollocks...she needs a new IV,” Dwyer mumbled.
“You swear weirdly,” Maria said as she took out a portable IV from her case. “Let’s take her to the medbay..”
Aversa nodded and stood, carrying Emmeryn out of the cell. Security came to stop her, but Lucina spoke up from the corner. “Let her go...she’ll be in the medbay…if not...” Lucina hesitated for a moment before sighing. “...Beruka will bring her back…” There was a shutter of confirmation from above.
“...rest assured, I won’t leave her side unless the doctors make me,” Aversa said.
Lucina simply nodded.
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softcoresuffering · 7 years
Awakening MU Headcanons
Did someone ask about my headcanons for the Fire Emblem Avatar characters???  No???  Too bad, here they are!  I’ll be talking a bit about the Awakening, Fates, and New Mystery player characters in what will probably be three posts, because this Robin one is getting ridiculously long.  The Kris one might be really short though, because my headcanons for them at this point are pretty underdeveloped....  Eh.
 Honestly, this is just a messy worddump about by AUs, so I’m posting it mostly for my own benefit.  If you do read it, I hope you enjoy it, and I apologize for the atrocious formatting!
So I’m a big fan of my “stuff every installment and supplementary material into one canon” AUs, so I like the “Both MUs Exist” AUs too.  This will also align with my “All Fire Emblem Games in one world and timeline” AU headcanons.  The Robins are descended from Deirdre and Arvis on Validar’s side of them family (I like to say through Julius/Ishtar).  From the Robin’s mother’s side of the family, the Robins are descended from Katarina and Kris.
I set MRobin and FRobin as twins.  Validar had been planning from the beginning of his relationship with Robin’s mother to be breeding a vessel for Grima.  I like to think a lot of the Grimleal’s religion is grounded in the remnants of the Lopt Sect, you know???  So Validar’s breeding his perfect little vessel of chaos.  Before the birth they’ve already decided on the name Robin.
But then Validar’s wife has twins.  Validar thinks, well, fuck, whatever, now we have a back up vessel.  No need for new names, it’s just one Robin plus it’s replacement should anything go wrong.  The twins are trained in magic, war history, swordplay, war theory, etc from an incredibly young age to prepare them for their fate as Literally The Vessel of God.  Might as well train both kids, so you don’t have to reteach one if the other dies.
(I don’t know which twin to have born first.  I sort of like having FAvatar born first, then MAvatar.  That would make the more popular FAvatar the older one, and, in some cultures the twin who comes out first is actually considered the younger one while the twin taken out second is though to have allowed the weaker twin to be birthed first, which would reinforce my later plans of MAvatar being his sister’s protector....But...  Hm, I don’t know, I’ll have to think about it all.)
 The Robin’s...Robins’s.... Robins’ mother eventually succumbs to her love of her children and disdain for how they’re being raised as objects.  She flees with the kids, out of Plegia in hopes of finding a home beyond the Grimleal’s reach.  They make their home in the Ylissean countryside.  I’m thinking this is sometime around when the kids are older than four but younger than ten.  Six-ish maybe???
But this good mama ain’t gonna be raising her kids as objects.  They get their own damn names.
FRobin keeps the name Robin.  Her twin brother is renamed Daraen, the name used for the Avatar in the Spanish version of the games.  I considered using the Japanese name Reflet, but I like to use Reflet as either the twin’s surname or possibly the name of their mother.
I like to think that because of Awakening’s timetravel mess, there are alternate timelines where either Robin or Daraen join the Grimleal and become the game’s Grima, with the other remaining Chrom’s adviser.  I use this storyline to replace the “future Robin coming back in time to target present Robin” in my AU.  Instead of the scene where a future version of Robin, now Grima, comes back in time and attempts to merge with the present version, causing the amnesia, I paint it like this;
The Grimleal found Robin, Daraen, and their mother-who-may-be-named-Reflet.  Actually, let’s just go ahead and call the mother Reflet.  Reflet had been chosen as the mother of Grima’s vessel in the first place because of her high ranking in the Grimleal, being their tactician and adviser during the Plegia-Ylisse war Chrom’s father fought , and basically Validar’s second in command.  She was a genius and incredible mage with mastery of all magic, the dark arts above all.  Basically, she sure as all hell wasn’t going to let the Grimleal take her children back without one hell of a fight.
Reflet dies at the hands of the Grimleal that came for Robin and Daraen, but not without taking the assassins down with her.  She uses some sort of spell aimed to rewrite her children’s memories, to remove all they know of the Grimleal and replace it with a happy Ylissean life to make it harder for the Grimleal to find them again- then a warp spell to get them the hell out of wherever the fight took place.  But Reflet is literally dying at this point, the memory spell fucks up and erases EVERYTHING they know of their pasts.  When the twins are found by Chrom, the first name they remember is Robin, although neither twin can figure out which twin the name belongs to.  They later remember the names Daraen and Reflet, with the brother readopting his name Daraen and the twins deciding Reflet must be their family name.
They could still eerily remember Chrom’s name from the time they spent in Ylisse before shit hit the fan, but IDK.  But, hell, I digress.  Point is, in one timeline Robin returns to Plegia and becomes Grima while Daraen stays by Chrom’s side and, if this timeline isn’t the doomed one, helps kill his own sister.  In the other timeline Daraen becomes Grima while Robin stays Ylisse’s tactician and does the parricide if it even happens.
I like the characterization of the M!Avatar, Daraen, being more timid and empathetic then the F!Avatar, Robin.  Right now I’m considering that the Robin-becomes-Grima timeline is the doomed one, because Daraen is unable to bring himself to kill his own sister- He was raised as her replacement and protector, and even if he doesn’t remember that, it’s still deeply rooted in his mind.
In the good timeline, it’s Daraen who becomes Grima’s vessel, and although it sure as hell isn’t easy for her, Robin is able to make the final blow.  I consider her the more pragmatic of the two- the one who would chose the “sacrifice Emmeryn” option during the game where Daraen would chose the “sacrifice the Fire Emblem.”
Unrelated to the worldbuilding stuff, I also want to mention my personal shipping setups and the Morgans.
To differentiate between the Morgans, I’ll be calling FMorgan Morgan and MMorgan Marc, their Japanese name.  For the sake of the actual, finalized AU, they might actually end up with the same name because thus far I’m planning for neither Morgan to be able to come from the same timeline.
The idea is that Morgan (FMorgan) will only be born in a timeline where Daraen becomes Grima, as she is born to be the next vessel.  Marc, then, can only be born in a timeline where Robin becomes Grima.  Due to timetravel shenanigans, however, they CAN and will end up in the same timeline for the final, ‘True’ timeline that Lucina and friends travel to.  So I don’t know about the names, but for now it’ll be Morgan and Marc.
I don’t have a lot of headcanons for Marc’s timeline yet.  I haven’t but much thought into it, except the traits that they’ll share with Morgan, IE they were born to the Grima of their timeline and raised to be the next vessel, constantly desperate for his mother’s love and basking in the rare, short moments when Robin is more, well, Robin than she is Grima and actually shows him some love.  I don’t really have a character from the first Awakening generation that I want to be Marc’s father.  maybe it’s the generic village maiden
For Morgan’s timeline, though, I’ve kind of gone overboard.  Most of these headcanons revolve around Daraen, honestly.  As of right now I’m a supporter of Daraen/Lissa.  The idea is that, in the Robin-is-Grima timelines, Daraen stays with Ylisse, marries Lissa, and has Owain.  In the Daraen-is-Grima timelines, Tharja follows Daraen back to Plegia as a dedicated Grimleal who later becomes his right hand woman and wife.  They begin ‘breeding’ the next Grima vessel.  First born is Noire, who proves to be unfit to become the next vessel, and receives neglect from her father (except for the rare moments when he’s more Daraen than he is Grima, where he tries to advocate for her) and distain from her mother.  Next born is Morgan, who is considered successful.  Tharja stays with Morgan for a while, but from about the same time Morgan starts walking Daraen/Grima kind of pushes Tharja out of her life and keeps the child close to him as an attempt to prevent what happened when his own mother Reflet grew a conscious and ran off with Grima’s Heir.
In this timeline, I MIGHT have Daraen marry Lissa and at least impregnate her with Owain before he runs off to become an evil demon lord, but I don’t think so.  In theory, the Daraen-is-Grima timeline is either one where Owain isn’t born or one where Lissa has a different husband.  I like the narrative of the first option, personally.
This......... got A LOT longer than I planned for it to be.  And, as usual with my notes, got a lot messier than I had planned.  If anyone actually reads all of this, wow, holy shit, thanks dude.  Hope you thought it was neat.  I’ll post the Corrins and Krises later, although neither of them will be nearly as long as this.  I haven’t worked on them very much yet.
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nicknchris09 · 7 years
Once In A Lifetime Chapter 72 Terrified
Melissa's POV
I didn't know what to think or how to deal.  I was almost raped but Seth stopped him.  All I could think was I could have been raped.  If Seth never would have came, it could have happened.  I didn't know how to deal.  I felt ashamed of it as I felt I did something wrong to lead him on.  But I was still scared.  I felt on edge.  I knew he was in jail but I felt like my nightmare was far from over.  I could tell Seth was concerned.  So I put on a show.  After a few days, I acted like I was much better.  I smiled and put on a front.  I felt I needed to for my family.  I buried it all down deep.  It has been a few weeks since the incident.  Seth and I haven't done much of anything in the intimacy department.  He never pushed but I never wanted it as well.  I was already up for the day as it was weekend.  The movie I was working on was on pause cause of the incident.  So, I spent a lot more time at home.  So, I got up as I couldn't sleep and made breakfast for everyone.  The kids came rushing down and ran into the kitchen.  The quickly went into making their plates.  Having mostly boys was chaotic when it came to meal time cause well they ate a lot.  I laughed as they moved around me and tried to get out of the way.  Seth then came downstairs as he was dressed for the day.  He had Jennifer in his arms and I walked over to them as I smiled.  I said, "Morning, baby girl.  You hungry?"
She almost bounced in her father's arms and I took her from him.  He moved in and gave me a gentle kiss.  I kissed him but I didn't return the same affection.  As of late, I didn't even want to be kissed or touched.  I then moved away as I sat Jennifer in her highchair.  I went to the baby food I had prepared for her and feed her.  The boys were finally seated as they ate.  Seth moved over to me and asked, "Baby, want me to make you a plate?"
I looked up and gave him a small smile.  "I'm okay.  I'm not really hungry."
He sat next to me and moved an arm around me.  "Love, you need to eat.  You barely eat anymore."
I knew I had to get better at acting like I was better.  I then smiled and nodded.  "Alright, make me a plate."
"What do you want?"  He smiled.
"Whatever is fine."  I said to him.
He moved away and I continued to feed Jennifer.  A few minutes later, Seth was back at the table and set a plate in front of me.  He sat down as he had a plate for himself.  I just kept feeding Jennifer.  Seth began to eat.  He looked over at me as he took a few bites.  "So, I was thinking, maybe you and I can do something, alone, tonight."
"I don't know."  I only said.  I really didn't want to go out.  I haven’t want to go out since everything had happened.
Then my mother walked in and said, "Lissa, let your husband take you out.  You two need time alone."
I rolled my eyes and said, "I rather just stay in."
"Lissa."  My mom sternly said.
I knew she would not let up.  I sighed.  "Fine."  Then I looked at Seth and asked, "What do you have planned?"
"You will see."  He said with a smirk.
I just sighed to myself.  I didn't want to go out.  I didn't want to do anything.  I just wanted to stay home.  Even when I needed to give my statement, I didn't want to go.  Seth forced me, telling me we couldn't let this guy get away with it.  But I just wanted it behind me.  I wanted all of it to just go away.  Seth finished his meal and said, "I can finish feeding her so you can eat."
I wasn't hungry so I was using her as an excuse.  I quickly told Seth, "She is almost done, I can finish up."
"Nonsense, I will do it.  You need to eat."  He said to me.
He pulled the highchair closer to him and I was annoyed.  He looked at me as he waited for me to hand him her food.  I finally did as I knew he wouldn't leave it be.  I went to look at my food and my stomach turned.  But I took my fork and took a few small bites.  I knew it would get Seth to leave me alone if I ate a little something.  He then asked, "Baby, are you okay?"
"Yeah, why?"  I asked.
He shook his head. I think he didn't want to push it.  "Nothing, never mind."
I just looked at him.  He always saw right through me.  I hated it at that moment.  I knew he saw I wasn't okay.  Probably why he wanted to go out.  
The rest of the day went on.  As it got early evening, Seth told me to get dress and to dress casual.  So, I went upstairs and changed.  As I walked downstairs, I heard them talking and I heard Seth say, "I'm worried about her, Margaret."
I stopped and back up so I was hidden and they didn't see me.  I knew they were talking about me and I wanted to hear what they had to say.  I heard my mother say, "I know, Seth.  I am too.  Ever since, that monster tried to...well do what he tried to do to her.  She hasn't be the same."
"I don't know what to do."  He sounded broken.  "I miss my wife but I know she has to deal in her own way.  But I feel as I should do more.  At least say something.  I know you said let her come to me.  But she has shut down around me.  Even if I give her the slightest affection, she resist it or not into it.  I want to do more for her."
"I know you do, Seth.  But she has to come to terms with this.  She is hiding from it.  She needs to face it, head on.  You have to let her do that.  You cannot force her to do it."  My mother said.
"But I don't know how to handle this, Margaret.  I love her so much and I know she is in so much pain and I have no way of fixing it.  All I want to do is fix it.  I feel like I am losing her."  I could hear it in Seth's voice, he was hurting.
"Seth, I know you love her.  But you have to let her do this on her own."  She said to him.
I felt horrible.  I didn't realize Seth was in pain himself by seeing me this way.  I tried to hid it but as always, he saw right through me.  A tear slid down my face as I knew I wasn't being the wife he needed.  But he didn't care about that.  He only cared about making me happy again.  I loved him.  So much.  And to hear him sad cause he felt like he was losing me caused a pain inside me.  I quickly dried my tear and moved into the room as I forced a smile.  I quickly said, "I'm ready."
Seth quickly stood up and looked at me.  He smiled.  He said, "Come on, love."
I moved over to my mom as she had Jennifer in her arms and gave Jennifer a quick kiss.  My mother said to me, "Have fun.  And cut Seth some slack."
I smiled and nodded.  I really was going to as I knew he was hurting, himself.  We walked out and he moved to the passenger side.  He opened the door and I got in.  He closed it and got to the driver side.  He took off quickly.  I turned to him and asked with a smile, "So, where are we going?"
"I told you, it's a surprise."  He said, smiling.
He kept his eyes road as I stared at him.  He noticed and asked, with a small smile, "What?"
I just said, softly, "I just love you, Seth."
I noticed the smile on his face got bigger.  "I love you too."
We drove for a while.  We pulled up to a familiar place.  It was my bar.  I didn't go around as much after Seth and I broke up for that short time and stopped altogether after my dad died.  It was too painful as he helped me build it.  I looked at him and asked, "What are we doing here?"
"I wanted to take you to the place I told you I loved you for the first time."  He said to me.
I smiled at him.  I forgot about that night.  I then asked, "Is it closed tonight?"
"Yes, love."  He almost laughed.  "I just can't believe you put everything into this and just like that dropped it."
"You know why I did."  I told him.
He reached over and took my hand.  "I know, love.  But he wouldn't want you to just let it go.  He loved it and you did too.  He would want you to be more apart of it as he is gone."  I smiled at him as this did make me feel better.  He smiled at me.  "Come on, love."
He got out of the car and walked over to my side and opened the door.  I stepped out and we walked in.  The place hadn't changed.  I noticed a DJ there in the DJ booth.  I asked, "What do you have up your sleeve?"
"You'll see."  He smiled at me.  
He looked over to the DJ and nodded.  Instantly a song came on.  It was 'I Met A Girl.'  Quickly Seth took me in his arms and we began to dance.  I realized quickly we were two stepping.  It was second nature to me as we always danced that way down South.  But I was surprised Seth knew how to do it.  I looked at him in shock and asked "When did you learn how to two step?"
"I learned recently as I wanted to do this for you.  I wanted tonight to be perfect."  He said, sincerely.
I smiled.  This actually made me happy.  We kept dancing and he twirled me around a few times.  I couldn't help but to enjoy it more.  As we danced, he said as he looked at me with so much love, "It was in this place, on this dance floor, that I looked at you and realized how much I loved you.  I knew you were the one for me.  My forever.  I didn't know if that kind of love was in the cards for me.  But then you came along.  And now we have so much together and I couldn't ask for anything more.  You gave me everything I could ever dream of, Lissa.  And every time I thought there was no way I could love you more, you do something that does make me love you more.  I couldn't ask for a better wife and a better mother of my children.  I love you so much, Lissa."
I teared up as the words touched me.  I almost whispered, "I love you too, Seth."
For the first time since the incident, I felt happy.  And it was cause of Seth.  He moved in and took my lips.  And for the first time in so long, I was able to return the same affection back.  We kissed for a moment as the moment was perfect.  We broke the kiss as I moved my head to his shoulder and we continued to dance.  I needed this and Seth knew it.
After some more dancing and just sitting together, laughing and talking together, we finally decided to leave.  The DJ already had taken off.  Seth said he had to lock up and I told him I would wait for him at the car.  I walked out alone and stood by the car.  I was looking at my phone when I heard what sounded to be a bottle being kicked.  I looked up and saw what looked to be a homeless man walking.  I felt nervous.  He kept walking as he didn't noticed me.  I looked around as the darkness made me nervous.  Then slowly flashes came back of that day.  I began to breath heavily as I was getting scared.  I wanted Seth to hurry so we could go.  Flashes of that day kept going through my head.  I didn't know why it was triggered but it was.  I just wanted to go home at this point.  I felt safe there.  I kept looking around as I became more scared being there alone.  I felt a hand grab my arm and I jerked it back.  I almost yelled, "Stay away from me!"  
I was back up into the car and put my arm over my face almost to shield myself.  I was scared someone would try to hurt me again.  I was terrified.
Seth's POV
I finished shutting off the lights and locking up.  I walked out to the parking lot and looked over to see Lissa looking around.  She seemed nervous.  I asked, out loud, "Lissa, you okay?"
She didn't hear me.  I yelled out, "Lissa!"  
She didn't respond to me again.  I walked over to her and grabbed her arm to get her attention.  She almost violenty pulled out of my arm and yelled, "Stay away from me!"
She backed up to the car and shielded her face.  She was trembling.  I was stunned and hurt by this.  I knew she wasn't okay, but I didn't know she still was scared.  I quickly moved to her and said, "Baby, it's me.  It's okay.  It's only me."  She slowly removed her arms from in front of her face as she looked at me.  She was breathing heavily.  I saw it in her eyes.  She was terrified.  Then when she realized it was me, she teared up.  I took her in my arms and pulled her close to me.  "It's okay, baby.  I got you.  No one will hurt you.  I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise."
She cried for awhile as I tried to comfort her.  Then she said in her tears, "I am not okay, Seth.  I tried to be, but I'm not.  I am so scared he will come after me again.  That he will try again.  I know he is in jail but I can't help it, Seth.  I worry he will find me."
"Shh, don't worry about that, baby.  I will not let anyone do anything to you.  He will never touch you again.  I promise you.  I will make sure of that."  I kept holding her as I felt helpless to what I could do to make her fears go away.  She finally showed how she really felt since the incident.  She was scared shitless.  Made sense why she didn't want to leave the house, ever.  I pulled back slightly and moved my forehead on hers.  I closed my eyes as I took her in and breathed, "I promise you, I will never let anything happen to you.  I love you, Lissa.  I will always protect you.  I just wish I knew how to make your fears go away."
She then said, softly back, "Just be there for me, Seth.  Don't ever let me feel alone even when I push away.  I just need you by my side cause you make me feel safe.  Your my knight in shining armor.  My hero.  My protector."  
I only pulled back and looked at her.  I never saw myself as someone's protector but she said I was hers.  It was something I didn't know how to be but someone I was for her.  She moved her hand to my cheek.  Then she moved in and kissed me softly.  I took her lips as I knew she needed those kisses.  After we kissed for a moment, we pulled away.  I looked at her and said, "Come on, let me take you home."
She nodded and I got her in the car.  I got on the driver side and drove off.  As we drove, we didn't say anything.  I felt her hand take mine that was on the gear shift.  She intertwined our fingers and held onto her hand.  I briefly looked at her, then back out the windshield.  She looked at me as her protector and it honestly scared me.  Cause I was afraid that one day I might fail her in that.  I couldn't do that.
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nicknchris09 · 7 years
Once In A Lifetime Chapter 70 Ashamed
Melissa's POV
I knew I messed up.  I thought Seth would just have it out on me and then it would be fine again.  But he was really pissed.  He refused to pick up any one of my phone calls or answer my text the rest of my trip.  In order for me to talk to my kids, I had to call my mom.  She had it out with me as well as she knew why was pissed at me.  She made it clear she was on Seth's side on this.  I felt like shit.  I guess I deserved it.  It made it worse that I had to put on a front when I left as paparazzi would be around me and I would have to put on a smile at appearances.  My trip finally ended.  I was relived.  I wanted to go home and talk to Seth.  I hated that I couldn't talk to him.  I flew back and a driver waited for me.  He wasn't even there to pick me up.  That stung.  I got in the car and was driven home.  We pulled up to the house and I walked in.  Instantly my kids were on me as my mother walked over to me with Jennifer in her hands.  Jennifer was now almost 5 months old.  She was small for a 5 month old but that was expected.  I hugged the boys as I was smiling.  They made me happy.  I took my little girl from my mom and hugged her and kissed her.  I was so happy to be with my babies again.  The boys moved away and I asked my mother, "Where is Seth?"
"In his office."  She frowned.  
"He really is mad, isn't he?"  I asked.
"What did you expect, Lissa?  What you did was crossing the line.  I think he is more hurt you did it.  And to talk about the affair after years has passed, it was like you were picking at old wounds.  You should have avoided the question all together.  And talking about your sex life on the radio.  I even know Seth likes his privacy.  Why the hell would you do it?"  She was angry with me.
I shrugged as I felt like a child getting scolded at. "I have no clue, mom.  I wanted to do this interview so bad.  I didn't think."
"No, you didn't and now Seth is upset.  After I heard the interview myself, I was applaud.  I couldn't believe you did that, Lissa."  She then took Jennifer from me.  "Now, you go find your husband and grovel if you may.  This is your screw up, so now fix it."
I hung my head and nodded.  "Okay."  I only breathed.
I walked away and went down the hall and walked up to the door that was closed.  I knocked on it.  "Yeah."  I heard Seth on the other side.
I slowly opened it and walked in.  I closed it behind me and he looked at me angrily.  "What do you want?"  He had venom in his voice.
He wasn't just mad, he was pissed.  I said, softly, "I'm so sorry, Seth.  I know what I did was wrong."
"I just can't believe you fucking did that!  I mean, what possessed you to do such a thing!  How could you, Lissa?!  You know damn well I would not approve!  I...I can't even....ugh!  I have no words, Lissa!"  He yelled at me.
It shook me to the core.  My first thought was as I never seen him this angry at me was that he would leave me for this.  It scared the shit out of me.  "I know."  I began to cry.  "You have every right to be angry at me but I am sorry, Seth.  I really am."  I cried harder.  "Please, just don't let this mess us up."
Quickly, I noticed his demeanor change.  He expression softened.  "Is that what you think will happen?"  I nodded as I cried.  "Fuck, Lissa."  He breathed.  He walked over to me and took me in his arms as I cried.  "Baby, I am pissed, yes.  But I will not leave you for this."
I sobbed out.  "I know I fucked up, Seth.  So much.  But when you wouldn't return my text or answer my calls, I got really scared.  I have never made you this angry.  I instantly went to the worse case scenario.  I thought I would come back here and you would tell me you were done with me.  Made it so much harder that I had to put on a front like nothing was wrong while I was away when I didn't know if it was."
He held me tight and said, "I could never leave you, Lissa.  No matter how much you piss me off.  I love you.  That much I know.  Not once while this happened did I think about leaving you.  I just didn't answer cause I knew as angry as I was, I might say something that I didn't mean.  I didn't want that either."
I calmed in his arms.  "I am sorry.  I really am.  I will never do anything like that again unless you are okay with it."
I looked up at him, hoping for a sign that he was okay.  He gave me a small smile.  "Well, I will tell you now, I will not be okay with it, ever.  Understand?"  I nodded.  He continued to hold me.  Then he said, softly, "I did miss you though.  Even if you did piss me off."
I said to him, "I missed you too, Seth.  So much."
He removed on of his arms from me and said, "Come on, let's just sit in here till you completely calm.  The children do not need to see you like this."
I nodded and he walked me over to the couch in his office.  We sat down and I curled up to him.  I calmed more as I relaxed into him.  He held me as we said nothing.  I knew I really messed up and made him the angriest I have ever seen him.  I didn't want to do that again.  I then asked, "So, anything interesting happened while I was gone?"
"Well, yeah.  Fox picked up my new show."  He said, happily.
I looked up at him and smiled as I was shocked.  "Really?"
"Yeah."  He beamed.  
I hugged him tighter and said, "Congratulations, baby, I know you really wanted this."  
"That I did.  And you?  How was everything in New York?"  He asked.
I slowly pulled away and smiled.  "I got offered another part.  I didn't accept yet.  I wanted to see if you be okay with it.  But filming is here in LA so I will be home everyday, maybe a few late nights.  But outside of that, nothing too crazy.  But I wanted your okay first."  
"You should take it, baby.  I know you have missed all this.  I saw before you left, how excited you were to do all this.  And even though I was angry with you, I still never missed any appearance you did.  You loved it.  I could tell you missed doing all this.  So, if you want it, go for it."  He said with a smile.
I hugged him tightly.  "Thank you, baby."  
Then he asked, "When do you start?"
"They want me to start in a couple weeks."  I told him.
He nodded.  "I'm just glad you are back to doing what you love."
I smiled at him as I was happy that we got this mess behind us.
Seth's POV
It's been a couple months now and Lissa started her movie.  At first she was coming home, happy.  But after a little while, she slowly changed.  She come home, barely talked to anyone and go straight to bed.  Every time I went to the room to check on her, she was in bed, asleep.  Something wasn't right with her.  One night, I was in bed already as Lissa had a long night.  I was asleep when I heard Lissa walk in.  I kept my eyes closed as I need to get back to sleep as I had work in the morning.  I felt Lissa get into bed and thought it was my chance to doze back off.  But then I heard her cry, softly.  I opened my eyes and turned to her as I asked, "What's wrong?"
She quickly went to dry her eyes.  She only said, "I thought you were asleep.  I didn't mean to wake you."
"Baby, you were crying.  Why where you crying?"  I asked as I looked at her.
She shook her head.  "Just over tired."  She said as she forced a smile on her face.
I looked at her as I knew she was lying.  "Baby, whatever happened you can tell me."
She shook her head.  "It's nothing, Seth.  Just go back to sleep."
I knew better then to push as she would snap but I couldn't help it.  I was really concerned.  She never got like this before doing a movie.  Even when she was pregnant with Jennifer and was always sick and tired.  She still loved doing the movie.  But she seem to lose that passion.  "No, tell me, Lissa."
"It's nothing, Seth!"  She snapped.  "Just leave me alone!"
She quickly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.  I waited a moment as I didn't know if I should follow or not.  But I decided to.  I got out of bed and walked to the door.  She locked it.  But I knew how to unlock it.  After a few moments, I unlocked the door and opened it.  I walked in and the shower was running.  I knew she was in there.  I knew it was also not a good sign.  I got undressed and walked in.  I moved behind her and wrapped my arms around her.  I softly said, "What is it, baby?  You can tell me anything.  I promise.  I am here for you."
She looked up at me and her eyes were red.  She had been crying again.  She turned to me and buried her face into my chest as she wrapped her arms around me.  She was sobbing uncontrollable as I held her.  I didn't push, I just let her cry.  We just stood in the shower as she cried in my arms.  After some time, she calmed herself and we got out.  We got dressed and moved back in the bedroom.  We sat in the bed and I looked at her.  I asked, "Are you going to tell me what is going on with you?"
She looked down at the bed and softly said, "You know the director, Jonathan?"  I nodded.  "He...well, he has be making advances towards me.  At first it was harmless.  He would just hit on me and I would shrugged it off.  It got worse and I kept trying to just push forward to finish the movie.  Then a few days ago, he grabbed my ass.  I flipped.  I yelled at him as I slapped him and told him to never touch me again."
"Why didn't you tell me?"  I was fuming as I heard this.
"I didn't know how.  I felt like I did something wrong.  But tonight, he came into my trailer and tried to force himself on me."  She began to cry and I sat there stunned.  "I kneed him and pushed him away.  I quickly left.  I couldn't get away fast enough.  I have been miserable for weeks cause of him.  I hated everyday going there as I didn't want to deal with his shit.  But now, after what he did, I don't want to go back, Seth.  Please tell me I don't have to go back."
I quickly hugged her as she cried.  I was pissed and wanted to hurt him.  My wife felt helpless which isn't a feeling she felt often, but this man made her feel this way.  I was only seeing red at this point.  I then said as I tried to remain calm, "You need to, but you need to so you can tell someone what he is doing.  This isn't okay what he was doing.  Do not allow yourself to be alone with him, not for a second.  Okay.  But tell someone.  Please."
She nodded as she slowly calmed.  I got her to lay down and I laid next to her as I held her.  She slowly drifted off as the day definitely took a toll on her.  I, on the other hand, couldn't sleep.  This man tried to take advantage of my wife and it pissed me off.  I also saw how helpless she felt, I rarely saw her like that and it did a number on me.  I needed to take care of this cause I had a funny feeling she wouldn't.  She seemed ashamed even though she didn't have to be.  I was going to make my point loud and clear but I had to be smart about it.
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nicknchris09 · 7 years
Once In A Lifetime Chapter 63 Healed
Melissa's POV
Our 20 week ultrasound was coming up and this time Seth wanted to know the sex.  He was convinced I was having a girl.  He wanted to know if he was right.  The last time, he wanted a surprise but this time he wanted to know.  I was happy to know what I was having but I secretly hoped for another boy.  I have no clue what to do with a girl.  I wasn't big on the make up or doing my hair.  Not even big on wearing girly clothes.  I was a tomboy at heart and it was easy when I had boys.  But it did scare me on what if I had a little girl.  I was never worried about it in the past but Seth had a point, this pregnancy was different.  It had me worried that Seth was right.  Seth was barely healed when Rachael showed up.  He didn't tell anyone of his procedure.  I think he was embarrassed by it.  So, when Rachael showed up, he wasn't too happy about it.  I let her in and we moved to the living room.  She saw Seth on the couch and asked, "Where have you been?"
"Been out sick."  He told her.
She looked at me and said, "I bet you have been taking care of him, huh?"
"I had no choice."  I only said with a smile.
"Yeah, like you need to catch whatever he has in your state."  She was stern.
I laughed and said, "What he has is not contagious."
She looked confused and Seth huffed as he was unhappy with me.  She looked at him and asked, "What is wrong with you?"
"Don't worry about it."  He only said.  Then he asked, "What are you doing here?"
"Well, Lissa has told me how you wanted to find out the sex at the next ultrasound so I thought I come and ask if maybe you all wanted a gender reveal party."  She said.
He looked confused.  "A gender reveal.  What is that?"
I laughed and said, "Where someone throws a party and we have to do something, whatever they decided to reveal the gender.  Their is different ways to do it."
"Yeah and I have the perfect idea."  She said with a smile.
"Will we know before then?"  He asked.
"There is parties like that, where the parents know and reveal to their friends and family.  And others where they reveal it to the parents as well.  I kinda wanted to do that one."  She told him.
He sighed.  "I really want to know when we go."
"Oh, come on Seth, it would be fun."  I almost complained.  "Please."
He smiled at me.  "Alright.  Only for you, love."  
"Yes!"  I said happily.
Just then, James came running in and jumped in Seth's lap.  He must have hit his groin.  The slightest touch to it, put Seth in severe pain.  James moved on the couch as Seth winced at the pain.  I quickly asked in concern as I rushed over to him, "You okay?"
Seth shook his head.  "God, this is hell.  The slightest tap makes me double over in pain.”
I looked over at James and he signed, "I didn't mean to hurt daddy."  He looked very upset.
I quickly took him in my arms as to calm him.  He looked up at me and I said as I signed, "It's okay, baby.  It's not your fault.  You just have to be careful with daddy.  He is still in pain."
Seth got his composer but it was clear he was still in pain.  He said as he signed, "Buddy, you didn't mean to.  It's okay.  Daddy is okay."
James seemed to calm at this.  I then said as I signed, "Go play, baby."
He ran off and then Rachael asked as she saw him in pain and was concerned, "Are you okay, Seth?"
He nodded.  "Yeah."  He breathed.
She then asked, "What is wrong with you?  Is this why you have been out?"
He said, "Yeah, but I will be okay."  
"What is going on?"  She asked as she seemed confused.
I smiled and looked at Seth.  "You might as well tell her."
He eyed me and then sighed.  He then said to Rachael, "Look, if I tell you, you are not to tell anyone.  Understand?"  She nodded.  "I got a procedure done, a couple days ago."
"What kind of procedure?"  She asked.
My smile got bigger as I saw Seth was embarrassed.  He looked away and I then said, "He got a vasectomy."  I was grinning.
I saw a grin appear on Rachael's face.  I knew she was loving it as much as I did.  "You?  You got a vasectomy?  Oh my god, that is priceless."  She was trying to hold back her laughter.
I on the other hand couldn't.  I laughed.  Seth quickly looked at me and almost yelled, "You need to stop enjoying this."
I laughed harder.  "I'm sorry, baby.  But this is gold."
"You are cruel."  He only said.
I stopped laughing but smiled.  I leaned over and said, "Awww, baby, I'm sorry."
I gave him a small peck and Rachael asked, "You have been getting a kick out of this, huh?"
I nodded.  "You have no idea.  This has been too much fun.  Payback really as he enjoys what happens to me, which is out of my control, while I am pregnant.  Seems only fair."
"What if I promise to not make another joke during your pregnancy?  Will you lay off?"  He asked.
I did feel bad for the guy but I just smiled and said, "No way!  I had my last pregnancy and half of this where you cracked your little jokes.  This is only a week or two.  I am going to keep enjoying this."
He sighed and sat back on the couch.  Then Rachael moved over and sat in the chair as she asked, "What made you do it?"
He gave her a look like 'really?'  I laughed at this.  "We are having our fifth kid and she had her tubes tied when she got pregnant with this one.  Do I really have to answer that?  The answer is obvious."
She nodded.  "Point taken.  So, you decided to go through with it this time.  I just never thought you would do that."
"I didn't either.  Trust me, this wasn't an easy decision, but she was on birth control when she got pregnant with James and then this one.  We don't need anymore surprises.  We really don't want to have another kid."  He said to her.
"So you felt as you needed to take the steps to prevent another accident?"  She asked as she grinned.
"Well, yeah.  Like I said, wasn't an easy decision on my end."  He told her.
She then asked me, "How did you convince him to do it?"
"I didn't."  I told her.  "He came to the decision on his own."
She was surprised by this.  "Wow, really want to prevent it from happening again."
Seth then said, "If this doesn't work and it happens again.  I'm just never having sex with her again."
"The hell you are!  I will divorce you if you do!"  I quickly retorted.
Seth grinned as his sister's face grimaced.  "Gross."  
I realized what Seth was doing, he was turning the tables on her.  I decided to play along.  I moved closer to him and said, seductively, "You know I cannot keep my hands off you."
He looked at me as he knew what I was doing.  He smirked.  "Oh, yeah."
He moved in and top my lips deeply.  Rachael stood up as she freaked slightly, "Ew, okay, you two can stop now!"  We broke the kiss as we laughed.  Then she said as she was unhappy, "You two are a piece of work.  Definitely meant for each other."
Seth grinned.  I knew he loved it when someone would tell us that, even if they didn't mean it in a good way.  Then Seth said, "Well, leave me alone about what I went through and I will not grope my wife in front of you."
She then smiled.  "Oh, I am telling dad what you did."
"If you do, I swear to god, Rachael, I will basically fuck Lissa in front of you."  He warned her.
Her face wrinkled up in disgust and I laughed.  "How the hell did I get pulled into this?"  
"By association."  Seth smiled.
Rachael then said in defeat, "Fine, I will not say anything."  I think she knew deep down, Seth was not joking.  I even knew this as I laughed.
Then I said to change the subject, "Okay, so you are coming to the ultrasound with us?"
She nodded and asked, "Do you know when it is?"
"Monday.  We wanted to make sure Seth was healed by then.  Want him to enjoy it more."  I told her.
She laughed.  "Okay.  I will do the party that Saturday and invite everyone."
Seth then groaned, "I have to wait that long to know."
"You will survive."  I told him with a smile.
Rachael smiled and said, "Okay, I got to get home.  But I cannot wait.  I have a feeling I will get my niece."  
"Don't say that."  I groaned.
"But I know it is a little girl."  Seth said with a smile.
"You hope it is a girl."  I told him.
"Oh, no, baby.  I know."  He grinned.
I rolled my eyes as I was getting annoyed now.  She got up and said, "Okay, you two.  I will see you later.  Hope you recover quickly, Seth."  She grinned.
He just frowned at her.  I walked her out and walked back into the living room.  "You women are evil, you know that?"  Seth said to me.
I walked over to him.  I sat next to him and smiled.  "I'm sorry we are laughing at your misfortune.  Just can't help it."
"It's cruel."  He said.
"Oh, no, it's payback."  I told him.
He rolled his eyes and I was feeling frisky.  I know he couldn't but I couldn't help but to start something.  I moved in and kissed him.  Quickly our kisses got hot and heavy.  He knew what I wanted.  He pulled away.  "I can't."
"I know."  I breathed as I was unhappy.  "Fuck, I hate this.  Pregnancy is really making me horny."
He laughed.  "When aren't you horny?"
I groaned.  "But every time I am pregnant, it amplifies it."
"I can tell, love.  But it's too soon."  He said to me.  I got up and started to walk away.  "Where are you going?"  He asked.
"To take a shower."  I only said.
"You took one this morning.  Why are you taking another?"  He asked.
I said over my shoulder as I said, "Why do you think?"  I almost spatted.
I heard him laugh as I went upstairs.
Seth's POV
I went back to work and Rachael, of course, made little comments that no one got but me.  I was hating it.  I was annoyed by my sister's jokes.  Finally came my one week appointment.  They needed to see how I healed and if I could resume all activities.  The doctor gave me the all clear and I was ready to get home to my woman.  I knew she had been in heat the past week.  I would have just satisfied her but I was too afraid I be turned on by it.  But I had to return to work and finish out my day.  It had to be a long day/night.  I was unhappy with that.  I knew when I got home, Lissa would be sleeping.  It was almost midnight when I got home.  Sure enough as I walked in, the house was dark and quiet.  I walked upstairs and got to our bedroom.  I found Lissa sleeping, soundly.  I walked in and quickly undressed down to my boxers.  I got into bed with Lissa.  Her back was to me and I moved my body to hers.  My chest was against her back.  I wrapped my arms around her and softly started to kiss her neck.  My lips kissed her soft skin as my hands moved up to her breast and massaged them gently.  I heard her breathing hitch as she started to grind her butt against me.  I kept this up for a few minutes as she was being turned on.  She turned to me and looked at me.  She asked, "Are you sure?"
I nodded as I grinned.  "The doctor gave me the all clear today."
It was all I had to say, her lips were on mine as she kissed me, deeply.  I was so ready for this.  We took her clothes off quickly and she pushed my boxers down.  I breathed out, "Wasting no time, huh?"
"This past week has been hell that I couldn't touch you."  She said to me softly.
I took her lips again and pushed her back on the bed.  I was in between her legs. I pushed into her as we both moaned out.  I moved inside her and she arched to meet my movements.  Didn't take long for me to build up momentum.  She was clinging onto me as I moved.  She had been wanting this for over a week.  I moved faster as I felt on the edge.  I then came and hard.  I moaned out as it was the best orgasm that I had felt.  "OH, FUCK!"
She followed as she moaned out.  I felt her shutter under me.  I loved when I made her do that.  I pumped a few more times and finally calmed.  I breathed heavily as I moved off of her.  I stared at the ceiling as I basked in the aftermath.  "Fuck, that was amazing.  I never thought it could get better.  Why the fuck didn't I do this sooner?"
I heard her laugh and I turned to her as I smiled.  "So, I take it that it is much better."
"Fuck, yeah."  I said with a grin.  "Give me a few minutes and I can go again."
She smiled.  "Mmmm, seems to bring your sex drive up too.  I think I will enjoy this too."
"Baby, my sex drive is up cause I couldn't have you for over a week.  Longest week of my life."  I said to her.
"Who you telling.  I swear, I want to go at it like fifty times a day, pregnant.  That week felt like forever."  She said to me.
I smiled.  "Baby, you are a horn dog without being pregnant.  Worse then a guy."
"But you love it."  She smiled back at me.
"That I do."  I said to her.
She propped herself up and looked at me.  "You know I do love you, right?"  
"Of course, baby.  I love you too."  I said with a smile.
She moved to me and gently kissed me.  Then she laid her head on my shoulder as her hand moved to my chest.  I moved an arm around her and moved my other hand to her belly.  I softly rubbed the side of her belly.  She then asked, "So, are you ready for baby number five?"
"Ready, no.  But happy, yes.  I love being a dad.  Just one more person to love."  I told her.
"Yeah, just one hell of a family."  She said with a smile.  "Hell, tabloids are making it out like we are the next Brad and Angelina, with the brood we are having."
I laughed.  "We are nothing like those two."
"No, we aren't.  We aren't trying to have all these kids.  Just keeps happening."  She said.
"Have you planned any of the kids?"  I asked.
She shook her head.  "Not a single one.  But I love it.  I wouldn't do it any different."
"Me neither, baby."  I smiled.
She propped herself up again and asked, "So, you ready for round two?"
I laughed.  "God, you really are worse then a guy."
She leaned in and said against my lips, "But you love it."
"That I do."  I smiled and took her lips.  
I took her again and afterwards, we drifted off in each others arms.  I just held her and her stomach as I dozed off.  I was really excited about our newest member.  I really felt that this one would be a girl and I would love to have a little girl with all the boys I have.  I felt it would be perfect.
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