#not language but a map
burberrycanary · 1 year
Not Language but a Map (The Grammar of Sensation) ∘ a Post-TFATWS Fix-it
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Stucky, Endgame Fix-it, Road Trip Get Together
Indirect light fills the bedroom with a pearly glow, reflecting off the courtyard walls outside where more of those tangling vines with hundreds of pale star-shaped flowers trail down. They must’ve forgotten to close the curtains after eating room service late in the little private courtyard covered with blue-and-yellow tiles as Bucky lounged in one chair with his bare feet kicked up on another, wearing only those dark sweats low on his hips.
Now, heavy and warm with sleep, Bucky sprawls out against his chest; Bucky, who came back to his bed at some point in the early morning.
Steve skims his knuckles down the long dip of Bucky’s spine: his walking-around miracle, his bad penny.  
Read Chapter 7 on AO3
Only the epilogue left to go in this part of the series!
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mapsontheweb · 5 months
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People's reaction when you start speaking their language: A non-serious map.
This map displays people's reactions to foreigners speaking their language in different countries.
by languages.eu
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reyneluvirith · 6 months
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Languages of Skyrim, 4E197
The languages of Skyrim as described in my language-focused apocrypha, Languages of Tamriel, which fleshes out the linguistic situation of Tamriel in the Fourth Era.
>> Direct link to the map <<
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linguisticdiscovery · 11 months
Map of British English dialects
by Ryan Starkey (Starkey Comics)
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Author Ryan Starkey accompanies the map with a great article:
I’ve spent the last few years pooling together every study, survey, map, and database I can find, and then subjecting my image to several rounds of peer feedback. […] The end result is an image which is, to my knowledge, the most detailed map of British dialects ever made.
He also discusses “Why this map is wrong, and always will be”, and just how difficult it is to create a precise map of dialect regions.
Why is there so much dialect diversity in the U.K.? Because the longer a language is in a region, the more it tends to diversify. This is partly why, for example, there is a much larger variety of dialects spoken in the Eastern U.S. than the Western U.S.
Further Reading
The stories of English (David Crystal)
This is the perfect book to read if you want to know more about the history of dialect diversity in English, because the entire focus of the book is to show that English is not just one unified language (hence the plural “stories” in the title). It’s one of my favorite popular language books.
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Co-official and non-official languages of the Spanish state.
I was, what? WTF is that little island of Basque language in Segovia??
And I was today years old when I learnt about gacería or briquero, a language spoken by ~500 people as a first language, and ~5000 passive speakers (they can understand it but can't speak it).
Gacería was born around the 12th-13th centuries among cattle merchants as a code language for their businesses, and though it follows the Spanish pronunciation and grammar, it has influences of literally everyone in the Iberian peninsula at that time: - Old Spanish - French - Arabic - Caló (Iberian Roma people's language) - Galician and Basque, due to Galician and Navarrese people leaving their homelands to repopulate the area after the Reconquista.
Some examples of Basque words in gacería: artón = arto = bread gazo = gaizto = bad motillón = mutil, motel = young man muy = mihi = tongue ura = ura = water urdaya = urdaia = pork, meat
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Table with the partinioning of the TREE-WOOD-FOREST semantic domain.
Georgakopoulos, Thanasis & Stéphane Polis. 2018. The semantic map model: State of the art and future avenues for linguistic research. Language and Linguistics Compass 12(2). e12270. https://doi.org/10.1111/lnc3.12270.
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candela888 · 5 months
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The most common way to say "car" in Spanish and Portuguese
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
I hope Ryoko adds some more on world locations in the new Bible..
The fanfic in my head needs some namess
Also do we have anything about the diff languages or just common?
As far as I can tell the new edition has the same locations on the map as the last one... but for city names we got this from Kabru
EHScans Translation:
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Official English Translation:
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Kahka Brud, Izganda, Sadena, Melini and Dozahk are all in the eastern continent and show up in the world map, since it says "world's major cities" I imagine the rest must be in other continents
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Edit: Speaking of which... is Melini village even a major city? Could it be that it grew that much from the dungeon in 6 years? Or is it named just because that's where they are? It's said it was just a fishing village before.
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kalevalaandothers · 3 months
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Baltic-Finnic languages map.
From Isänmaa | Fennomania on vk.
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nemralam · 24 days
Arabic has many words that mean “love”
"Hubb'' (حُب ) is love
"Ishq" (عشق) is love that entwines two people together
"Shagaf" (شغف) is love that nests in the chambers of the heart
"Huyam" (هيام\هام) is love that wanders the earth
"Tayam" (تیم /تام) is love in which you lose yourself
"Walah" (وله) is love that carries sorrow within it
"Sababah" (صبابة\صب) is love that exudes from your pores
"Hawa" (‘هوى) is love that shares its name with air and ‘falling’
"Gharam (غرام) is love that is willing to pay the price.
Source: The Map of Love by Ahdaf Souief (1990) / Egypt
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burberrycanary · 1 year
Not Language but a Map (The Grammar of Sensation) ∘ a Stucky Post-TFATWS Fix-it
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Stucky, Endgame Fix-it, Road Trip Get Together
Bucky tosses him the keys with a simple “you know the area” but then he pauses. A streetlight edges his dark hair with a warm glow, silhouetting his body and casting a shadow over his face. Bucky is too aware and too well-trained not to know: he wants to watch, Steve realizes, and not be seen.
“You said you’d take a rain check.”
There’s something curled up in Bucky’s voice, not neutral this time, but a sort of quiet that’s wound up all tense the way the biggest silence on earth is the space between rounds of shelling at night.
Steve leans back against the side of the car, shoving his hand with the keys into his pocket.
“Yeah, Buck.” He swallows and then tips his chin up. “Yeah, I did.”
The distance isn’t much. Two steps and Bucky is close enough that the warmth of his body layers over the humid summer night, all this city-trapped heat with nowhere to go.
Bucky’s thumb touches his chin. His fingertips rest lightly at the turn of Steve’s jaw and just beneath.
Read Chapter 3 on AO3
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mapsontheweb · 6 months
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The most spoken language in every US state besides English and Spanish.
by geo.universe
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omnicom · 11 months
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Pokeshipping Week 2023
Day 1: First Date
I'll be honest, I'm actually still working on the themes even as I post this. 😅 Can't really explain why, but just letting everyone know that any tardiness on my part is something I take full accountability for. Forgive me!
First date is to an amusement park~! But whoops, looks like someone lost balance! Hopefully there's a first aid kit in that backpack of his, otherwise Ash will be dealing with a pretty bad sting~
Art © Crumpled-Hakui
Like what you see? Want art like this of your own? Check out my art commission post here and send me an email or private message! Thanks for stopping by!
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reyneluvirith · 3 months
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Language Families of the Mannish Provinces, 4E197
The language families of the mannish provinces (Cyrodiil, Skyrim, High Rock, and Hammerfell) as described in my language-focused apocrypha, Languages of Tamriel, which fleshes out the linguistic situation of Tamriel in the Fourth Era.
Maps of the individual families:
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LOTS of different maps this time! These are the overarching languages families for the languages depicted on my map of the languages of the mannish provinces. I'm planning on making the full suite of these again once all of the provinces are done, but might make a couple of the language family/branch maps after each province as well. We'll see!!
Direct links to hi-res versions of the full maps:
Top-level families
Second-level families
Third-level families
Fourth-level families
And the language family-specific maps:
Aldmeri languages
Nedic-Atmoran languages
Yokudan languages
Khajiiti languages
Saxhleel languages
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cardentist · 4 months
I genuinely hate the talking point about americans being bad at geography, because the only stance that anybody can seem to take on it is that you'd only be bad at labeling a map if you're lazy and ignorant
I've never passed a single test labeling American States from elementary school to high school. I kept my schedule with me throughout the entire year because if I didn't look at it every day I'd forget which classrooms I had to go to and when, and sometimes I'd still get it wrong. I have my own home address written down on a piece of paper because I won't remember where I live otherwise.
genuinely there are just people who have a difficult time with rote memorization. some people just have horse piss memory in general.
at some point the talking point shifted from making fun of racists who can't even find the people they're bigoted against on a map to just baseline insisting that being bad at geography is a moral issue in and of itself.
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Territory of the Basque language in the 6th century (light blue) vs the 21st century (dark blue).
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