#not lucas breaking the forth wall
gayjscottfield · 4 months
Oh nothing just thinking about Enid admiring her roomie from afar, because everyone stares at their best friend like that when they’re dancing.
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Nobody's Girl - Chapter Fourteen.
Thank you so much everyone for your lovely words and reblogs. I appreciate you all so much! Also, I thank you for being patient with me while I finish the writing on the story, just this chapter and the next, plus a little epilogue too and we'll be at the end. I've really enjoyed writing Luca and Emily's story. I hope you've loved reading it just as much <3
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 3,166
Warnings - Adult content throughout, minors DNI!
“I dunno what the fuck it is, but there’s somethin’ so fuckin’ beautiful about a pregnant broad,” Luca panted, his hands locked to Emily’s hips as he bounced her on his cock, his entire body wracked with lustful quakes. Having a nanny back again meant so much more freedom, freedom to drag his fiancée back to bed at a moment’s notice, since the kids were at the park with Sylvie. “Yeah, you enjoying this big cock, sweetheart?” 
“Oh, you have no idea!” she wailed. Three months’ pregnant equalled a very, very horny Emily, Luca remembering it well from the way Filomena had been through all of her pregnancies. He was only too happy to assist with that, too.  
Moving out from beneath her, he pressed her into the bed, loving kisses pattered over her lily skin as he penetrated her so deeply, she cried out shrilly with the magnitude of pressure hitting every last point of arousal. His lips pressed to her neck, tongue flickering against her pulse point as he dragged her walls with slow, hard thrusts, making heat prickle her spine, Emily clinging on around him.   
Her nails trailed his scalp and combed through his hair as they shared hot, syrupy kisses, both moaning softly at first, then louder as the pleasure broke forth like a tide. Their bodies undulated together in perfect unison, grinding against each other with deeply erotic urgency. He kept each thrust contained for as long as he could, before it became too much to bear and he began pounding her assiduously, at the mercy of his stormy arousal.   
He only stalled to withdraw, turning her onto her front and then sliding back into the soaking clasp of her cunt, her fingers gripping the pillows as she was pounded into with urgency, made hotter and wetter with each stroke that brought her ever closer to breaking apart. His hands smoothed up over the little swell of her belly, chasing goosepimples, reaching her breasts, nipples pebbling against the inquisitions of pinching fingers.   
She panted without reserve, Luca moaning deeply as he leaned forward, nuzzling, teeth nipping her earlobe and the side of her neck, kissing the marked flesh as his hand slid back down over her curves in a loving caress, fingertips reaching her clit and beginning to rub.   
The pleasure burned down to her very marrow, his cock thick and heavy within her fluttering walls, body rutting with primal urgency as he felt himself crest, dragging sparks from her as the velvet wet heat clenched around him and the white-hot glimmers rushed, blinding and consuming, her body shaking with the force of her release as he spilled within her deeply.   
“I feel like going back to sleep, mi amore, but I got shit to do,” he panted, pulling from her, giving her ass a little slap that made her squeak. “Just know you’re fuckin’ exhausting me. Ain’t right for a fella of forty-three to feel this old.” 
Turning over, she arched an eyebrow at him. “Do I detect complaining, Luca Changretta?” 
He winked, pulling himself back into his clothes. “Never, doll. So, what are your plans for the day?” 
“I have a wedding dress fitting to get to, the last one now. Then I need to call the bakery upstate and finalise the size of the cake now we have all the RSVP’s back. I can’t believe it’s only six days away. Absolute insanity that the time has passed so quickly!” 
“Ain’t like we really had a whole lotta that after finding out the baby,” he reminded her. True, there hadn’t been much, a grand total of eight weeks passing, Emily now in her thirteenth week of pregnancy and still feeling a little off because of it. 
Pulling on her underwear, she leaned to kiss his cheek. “True, yeah.” She then sighed, her lips thinning as she turned to tidy her hair in the mirror. “I wish Milania was coming with me. I wanted three bridesmaids, her, Greta and Maggie. It doesn’t feel right that she won’t be.”  
“Yeah,” Luca rumbled, knotting his tie, “but that’s on the kid, ain’t it? If she still wants to be sour, then let her be. Nobody could ever accuse you of not workin’ your ass off to try and make her feel loved and included.” He looked a little troubled by it, Emily turning to wrap her arms around his waist. 
“I’m still hoping she’ll come round eventually. It’s only been two months, it’s still so fresh.” 
He leaned to kiss her, thumbs stroking her cheeks. “They might’a lost their mother but shit, if those kids don’t have a damned good one in you.”  
His day began properly twenty minutes later, heading out with his guys to take care of some business that needed attending to, Emily doing a little straightening up in the lounge when the children returned with Sylvie.  
“Em, look at this!”  
Turning to Guiseppe, she saw him holding out a bunch of flowers, beautiful yellow ones she was not familiar with by name.  
“Oh, sweetheart,” she cooed, taking them from him, smelling the blooms with a smile. “Thank you so much.” 
“Used his allowance to buy ‘em,” Sylvie spoke, beaming at him. “I’ll go and get their lunch prepared, ma’am. Will you be joining us?” 
“I shan’t, Sylvie. I’m due to leave soon and head to my dress fitting, so I’ll be back to make them their dinner later.”  
No, it wasn’t Sylvie who was rude enough to throw sass, but of course, the obvious candidate. 
Taking a deep breath, Emily picked up her bag, walking towards the lounge door. “Have a lovely afternoon, honey.”  
Milania’s hands fell to her hips, her sneer one hundred percent Filomena. “I will, without you here.” 
Even through all her patience and understanding, Emily was beginning to feel her edges fray with the situation, pulling on her light little cashmere cardigan and slipping her feet into her shoes, heading downstairs to where Greta waited for her. It was a beautiful mid-morning, the women deciding to walk to the bridal boutique across the park rather than be chauffeured there. 
“Dolly, you look tense,” she greeted her with, kissing her cheek. 
“I shouldn’t be, not after spending as much time as I did both on top of and underneath my almost husband today,” she began as they linked arms and began to walk, Greta making a soft whoop of appreciation. 
“Little devil,” she chuckled, nudging her arm. “But let me guess, the kid still ain’t giving you anything but smart yap, right?” 
Smart yap. That was one way to put Milania’s frost. “Oh, yeah. And I get it, Greta. She’s still hurting over her mommy, it’s only been nine weeks after all. It’s testing me, though. She’s winding the key in my back a little too hard now, and I know that me and having a temper don’t go hand in hand...” 
“Oh, they do not,” she chimed in agreement. Emily was perhaps the most placid person she knew. 
“But yeah, I can feel myself close to breaking point with her. I don’t want to be either. What a person wants and what they get, though, well. Two very different things.” 
Her young acolyte was showing great maturity with the situation, Greta very proud of the way she was handling it. Juggling the passing of Filomena, a pregnancy, a wedding, three heartbroken children – one of whom loathed her – it was a lot of plates to keep spinning. 
“I think you’re doing so well in how you’re going about all of this,” she voiced, tightening her arm upon Emily’s supportively. “My good god, dolly. I think I would have driven myself to gin if I was in your situation!” 
“I’ve felt like it, you know!” she spoke with wide eyes. “I’m not really having much booze, though. I read that there’s this new theory the doctors are noticing that women who drink sometimes have difficult pregnancies. Some even say it can harm the baby. Did you ever hear such a thing?” 
“Well, at least you have your cigarettes,” she spoke, laughing softly. “They ain’t said nothing about that, have they?” 
“No, thank Christ!”  
Their leisurely walk continued, both catching up with one another, meeting Maggie outside of the boutique with hugs and kisses upon arrival. Once there, the topic swung back to Milania, the Brooklyn native of course having her own thoughts over the situation. 
“I wouldda cracked the kid in the jaw for speakin’ to me like that, I tell ya, baby love,” she began, shaking her head with a low whistle. “She needs to learn a little respect for her elders, that one. I get it, I know she’s grieving, but you gotta put your foot down hard with her, sugar.” 
“I know, I know,” Emily sighed, resting a hand to her forehead. “She’s stopped doing it in front of Luca so much because she fears the wrath of her daddy, but when he isn’t around, I cop a mouthful. He said if she chooses to be sour then that’s on her. Maybe you’re right, though. Perhaps she does need to know that I too have my own wrath.” She then chuckled slightly, lifting her hands in exclamation. “Well, I really don’t, but perhaps it’s time to muster some.” 
“Atta’ gal!” Maggie spoke with encouragement. “I think it has to happen.”  
It would, too. Much sooner than Emily herself anticipated. With the final fitting done, delivery of the dress to her apartment organised for the following morning, the trio went for lunch at a beautiful Italian bistro, Emily treating her friends before they all went their separate ways.  
Arriving home, she was overjoyed to see Luca there, him telling her he’d wrapped up his day quickly, welcoming her into his arms.  
“I’m gonna go take a bath and then we can take the kids out for dinner and a movie. How about that? Save ya cookin’ for once,” he offered, smoothing his hands down her back over the soft silk of her dress. 
Her smile broadened in an instant. “Sounds wonderful, honey.” In truth, Emily barely cooked; Luca either insisting they order in or taking them out at least three or four times a week, but it was a nice gesture all the same.  
“Kids, can you go grab everything you need for the laundry?” she called as Luca walked down to the bathroom, her stepsons sticking their heads out from their bedroom doors. “The man will be here to pick everything up in an hour. Just throw it out into the hallway and I’ll bag it up.” A full laundry service; she truly was living the dream. 
“I’ll help, Em,” Guiseppe spoke, going to the hallway closet and fetching the large, white laundry sack. He was such a good kid. “Is it coming back in time for when we go away? I wanna take my blue shirts with me.” 
“Yes, my love. They’ll have it all back by tomorrow. Have you guys made a start on your packing?” 
Alessio emerged with a handful of clothes, throwing them into the sack with a little flourish before placing his hands to his hips. “I’m too little to do my case!” 
The tiny bit of sass in his words had her in soft fits. “I can help you. Go fetch your case from under the bed and we’ll pack together.” They would be up there for a total of two weeks, but the children only one of those weeks, all heading back to the city with Sylvie so she and Luca could enjoy a little quiet time as husband and wife. Because of her pregnancy, she didn’t want to travel in order to go on honeymoon, not wanting to be far from her doctor just in case. Luca was fine with that, the two planning a getaway down to Florida after the baby had been born.  
With Alessio’s case prepared, she went to oversee Guiseppe’s packing, the pair gathering a few more bits for the laundry, Emily coming out to see her wishes had not been fulfilled by her stepdaughter.  
“Milania, I need your laundry, sweetheart,” she called, tapping her bedroom door softly with her nails.  
“I don’t have any.” 
Sigh. “You have to have some, honey. I’m coming in.” Opening the door, she spotted the full basket across the room, Guiseppe hanging back by the doorway with the laundry sack in his grasp.  
“Get the hell out of my room! I don’t need any of that washing!” 
“Yes, you do. Honestly, there is absolutely no need for this reaction, love.” 
Throwing herself off her bed, the child stormed over, grabbing her wrist. “Get off my things, Emily! You’re not my goddamned mother!” 
“Get your hands off of me right now, young lady!” she spoke sharply, yanking her arm free of the tight grasp, picking up the laundry basket and striding for the door, emptying it into the sack Guiseppe held wide. “Good boy, go put it by the front door for me.” 
“I can’t believe you’re not listening to me, just bursting in here! This is my room!” Milania cried, Emily feeling herself winding tightly.  
“And this is laundry you’re causing a fuss over! Dirty clothes that I am organising being washed for you! Hell, what a two-headed monster I am!” 
“Yeah,” the girl snarled, “you really are. God, I wish my father had never met you. You will never be my mother, so stop acting like you are. You’re just some two-bit, low rent, card counting broad. Mommy was right when she said he’d get bored of you. He will, and then I’ll be free of you. Bitch.” 
That was it. She’d reached her limit, Emily turning to pound her hand down upon the nearby dresser. “Stop it! For the fucking love of god, Milania, you have to stop hating me for something I didn’t do!” she roared, Luca appearing in the doorway in a nanosecond, folding his arms as he leaned against the frame, looking quietly surprised to see this, her complete loss of cool.  
“No, because...” Milania began, being cut up immediately. 
“Because nothing! I know you’re hurting through this, I know, I see it, and all I want to do is be there for you in it, but you push me away with your attitude and your venom at every single fucking turn! I’m not the one who broke your heart, your mother did! I’m only trying to put it back together again, because guess fucking what? I’m not the one who left you, she did! I’m still here, but Christ, Milania, you have to stop punishing me because you can’t punish her!”  
Her throat hurt with the pitch of her screaming fit, striding towards the door, Luca grasping her shoulder as she passed him, her eyes swimming with tears as she entered the lounge and crashed down on the couch, covering her face with her hands and crying hard.  
“Daddy! Are you just gonna let her speak to me like that?” she heard Milania rage. 
Luca took a long moment to reply, but when he did, she breathed a sigh of relief that unlike her worry had begun to suggest, she hadn’t gone too far. “Yeah, honey. I am, ‘cuz you need to hear it. She’s right. Your mom went away, but she didn’t, and she ain’t gonna. You gotta stop blaming her for being alive when your mother isn’t.”  
“But she...” 
“No,” he told her sternly, pointing his finger, “no buts. You straighten your attitude out, you hear me? Ain’t nobody sayin’ what you’re going through isn’t tough, kid, but you gotta understand that Emily would do anything for you, and how do you repay that? Throw it back in her face. I could be marrying some shrew who hates all of youse, who don’t wanna take up for my kids. That ain’t her though. And you damned well know it.” 
Her lips pursed, the girl swallowing hard. “I’m going to finish packing. Please leave me be.” 
Turning, he closed the door behind him, meeting Guiseppe along the hallway. Taking his sons face in his hands, he leaned to drop a kiss atop his head. “Thanks for bein’ a good boy for your stepmom, son. Proud of ya.” 
The child beamed at his father’s praise. “I love Em, she’s great. She was right; Milania is mad at mommy, I think, but mommy ain’t here for her to yell at.” 
Luca marvelled at the insight of his eldest son, stroking his hair with a sad smile. “Yeah, I think that’s it, too.” 
“Won’t make any difference either,” Guiseppe shrugged, “ain’t like shouting at Emily is gonna make mommy come back. I tried to talk to her the other day about it. Emily is really here for us, and if Milania let her, she’d probably make all of her pain feel a little better. I dunno, though. I’m just a kid.” 
“No, don’t you ever dismiss yourself like that, my boy,” Luca told him, “you’re right, you really are. Like I said, I’m proud of ya. Growin’ up to be a fine, young man.” 
The boy beamed again. “Thanks, pop.” While his son went back to continue playing with his train set, Luca moved to the lounge, pulling Emily into his arms once he’d seated himself beside her. 
“I’m sorry for blowing up at her like that, but Christ, she’s been pushing me for weeks,” she began, sniffling into the delicate silk of her handkerchief.  
“You ain’t got bupkiss to be sorry about, sweetheart. Ain’t like it was anything she didn’t sorely need to hear. Kinda hopin’ it might straighten her out now, to know you ain’t about to stand for no more of her fuckin’ conniptions, no matter how upset she is,” he spoke, hand squeezing her upper arm. “If she ain’t finished with it then trust me, the words boarding and school are gonna come into play. She don’t wanna fix up here at home? Fine. She don’t get the luxury of spendin’ all her time here poisoning the air.”  
Emily frowned a little. “That’s a stark contrast to your thoughts this morning.” 
“Yeah,” he confirmed, sighing. “So was her attitude over such a non-issue as collecting her fuckin’ laundry, doll. If she wants to test us, then she needs to know there’s a limit. I think I’ve been too soft on her ‘cuz of her ma, but that’s gotta end. This behaviour ain’t continuing.”  
She agreed that perhaps it might be time to begin showing her what was at stake, should Milania continue to revel in her sour attitude, Emily understanding that kids truly did need boundaries. Her continued abuse of her stepmother was one she crossed often because to her, she was allowed to. Her grief allowed it, and her parents now knew that they couldn’t let that slide any longer. The time to toughen up was here.  
Still, for the rest of the day, Milania was quiet, barely engaging beyond a few words with either her father or Emily, but both noted she did seem to be a little less hostile in her demeanour. Emily could only hope that the next few days would breeze past with no further issue, the closer they got to the wedding.  
When the large convoy arrived in the Catskills just four days from the event, she felt calm and peaceful, being back at their beautiful country residence again. It was worth it just to see the look on Maggie’s face as soon as she exited the car. 
“Holy smokes!” the barmaid exclaimed, her jaw dropping. “Well, ain’t this a fancy pile o’ bricks you got yourself here, huh boss?”  
“Ain’t too shabby, huh, Mags?” he spoke, the staff all scurrying down the stone steps to begin carrying the luggage up.  
“I’ll say, gee! Imma for sure enjoy all that time off you gave me in a place this swanky!”  
He smiled, patting her shoulder. “You do that, hon.” 
“I plan on it! I’m gonna start by making me and my ladies a big ole’ pitcher of gin rickey’s, put my skills to good use,” she spoke, wrapping her arm around Emily when she felt her arrive at her side. 
Luca shook his head. “I gotta guy for that. You ain’t ever asked me for nothin’, don’t take nearly enough time off and work your fingers to the bone at the speakeasy year in, year out. You’re our guest, you ain’t doin’ shit other than enjoying yourself.” 
While he might have been a tough boss and the most formidable gangster within the Tri-State area, Luca was, at his core, a hospitable gentleman. “Alrighty then, I’ll take that as my cue to put my feet up and see how the other half live for a week!”  
She beamed, her and Emily making their way to the stairs, the trio complete when Greta raced from one of the six cars that had driven in the convoy from Manhattan to join them, Luca smiling. He loved how flawlessly she’d settled into his world, barely able to believe it had almost been a year now since she’d come into his life. It might not have been for purely magnanimous intentions to begin with, but the decision to pick her up from the bullet riddled street and take her home truly was one of the best he’d ever made. 
All he needed for his world to be fully peaceful was his daughter to finally come around to the idea of Emily remaining in his life, and not blame her for her mother’s departure from hers. 
Easier said than done? Perhaps.  
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razorblade180 · 7 months
As we've sort of seen how it happened with Weiss, how did Jaune end up falling for the girls in their respective aus? How long did it take for him to notice and for him to act on those feelings?
I should really find an efficient way to deep dive into my archives because I know for sure I have this written I. specific details Thank goodness I write things often enough to remember the fundamentals of my stories.
Rosebud- It’s probably the simplest. Ruby always had a crush in this AU. They started getting intimate with one another during their journey as RNJR; out of sense of comfort, stress, and growing affection. Ruby made the first move. They didn’t officially get together until sometime during V5 time frame at the inn. It was pretty much unspoken that they were going to love each other forever, and that only became more true when after Salem was beaten. At that point their love could really flourish. The silver eyed hero that saved the world at 17 was happily married at 19 and Jaune couldn’t be happier.
Lasting Embers is slightly more complicated but I’m not about to get nitty gritty in this specific post. Yang and Blake’s relationship got messy and tense after the revelation that was Adam being alive and the several run in that happened on the journey. After the break up, Yang was incredibly down and upset and it was mainly Jaune that helped get her through the funk. Eventually they got together but it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There were several fights and even a breakup that mainly stemmed from the tense journey and Yang’s emotional baggage. Jaune even briefly dated someone else who Yang believed was better for him and deeply cared about him. However, after what could be described as the most selfless act of a lifetime, the two of them were able to try again and it was wonderful. They continued to love each other and let down walls that eventually led to a marriage that remains vivid in everyone’s memory.
So for Knigtshade context, Jaune and Blake were actually pretty friendly during Beacon days. Nothing crazy happened but they had similar music tastes and quiet spots to think. Also one of the major differences in this universe is they managed to lock Salem behind a relic door for a few years in order to train properly and prep the world for the real fight. It was during this time. Like Lasting Embers, Blake and Yang got into some drama, but this was ten times worse. So bad that it rocked the entire group. Ruby ended up making the executive decision that when it came interaction between Menagerie and the nearest Anima area, it would be Jaune and Blake while Yang essentially worked with Ren and Nora. The constant back and forth as well as the problem solving Blake and Jaune had to do together for so long naturally led to them getting to know each other more and being there to listen. They both fell for each other slowly. Things were a little better with Yang for a while until she noticed the signs. Eventually marriage became a reality and so was a family. Things were never really the same which is a little disheartening. Nobody is hostile to anyone but little Lucas could only wonder why someone so important to his family always felt a little distant on the rare occasions they met.
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catherinnn · 2 years
The Great War
based on "The Great War" by Taylor Swift.
Eddie Munson x reader.
"my interpretation of the song: it recounts a couple's fight that was as big as the Great War. It explains that it was mostly the narrator's fault. She was accusing him of things he never did. He tries to reach a peace agreement, but she has a hard time trusting people because of her past. She almost loses the guy, but they survive the war and she promises to always be his and not to fight again in such way." says 'my mess' about this song, on YouTube.
warnings: fighting, jealously, mention of drug deals, so much angst but happy ending.
You didn't mean for it to become so serious. You just wanted to know. After Eddie came back from a deal in very bad mood, he knew you were at his trailer waiting for him but he was just very angry and stressed and tried to calm down before he would say anything to you that he would regret later. But you didn't understand it that way. You really thought he was ignoring you. So this clearly made you mad too.
"Could you please talk to me right now?" you said angrily.
"Can you give me a minute?" He didn't even look at you.
"I just want to know what happened! Why did you come back so angry?"
"It's not important"
You couldn't even decipher what was going through his head right now. He didn't show an emotion on his face, so serious and his eyes going from the wall to the floor instead of going to your face while you talked to him.
You couldn't help it. You weren't trying to be an asshole, or selfish. You were just worried about him, worried that something had happened to him and he didn't trust you enough to tell you. But you never admitted that. You just kept pushing him into telling you what was going on.
And a thought came into your head. A truly hurtful thought.
Maybe he had just came from a deal with Chrissy.
For some background information: Eddie and Chrissy started meeting up for drug deals after you and him started dating. You knew he had had a crush on her for a long time before he liked you. You couldn't help but think that maybe meeting with her so often made him develop feelings for her again. And maybe now he was angry because he had to come back home to you instead of her.
You, with more hurt mixed with anger and jealousy in your voice now, started to push him again.
"You were with her, with Chrissy, right?" your voice started shaking and your eyes filling with water. Tears that threatened to come down at any given moment.
"Yeah, I had a deal with her, why does she matter?"
"Well, she matters to you, doesn't she?"
"What? what do you mean?" he looked at you confused.
"You prefer her, don't you?" you could hardly speak, all of your strength on trying not to cry.
"What? Y/n" he didn't move his eyes away from you now, but now you wanted nothing more for them to go back to the wall and floor. Or anywhere that wasn't your teary eyes.
"Just tell me... Tell me now. Make the choice now. It's her, isn't she?"
"Y/n, please tell me you're not saying what I think you are" his hand reached to his forehead showing frustration.
"You've liked her for so long, Eddie. I was just a distraction. Or an attempt to forget about her. And now you realized that it has always been her"
"No, baby, not at all! you-"
"Stop lying to me! I've seen the looks you and Gareth share everything she passes by. I've heard the way you talked about her before we started dating... Eddie, you started going to the championship games now! How did I not see it before?! It was all just to see her performance!"
"Baby, that is because Lucas is on the basketball team now, we are all going to the games to see him"
You shook your head. Tears already running down your checks as if it was a marathon. You felt so ashamed and humiliated. So insecure. You could feel your heart break. Your emotions going from angry to sad and only those two, back and forth.
"Y/n, you have to trust me. Listen to me, please"
My hand was the one he reached for while he told I have to trust more freely. But the only thought in my head was her. Him. Them. And the sense I've been betrayed.
"Why would you do this to me? Why do you keep lying?! You were so in love with her, why did I believe it would all erase once you were with me? How could I be so stupid?"
"I was! That's the important word, baby, I couldn't care less about her now, not when I have you, you're everything I want now, please just calm down and listen to me, please" he started crying too.
"No, Eds, I think I just... I just want to go" you turned around to reach for your purse but he beat you to it. He grabbed it first and hide his hands behind his back so you didn't take it.
"Let me go, Eddie! I want to leave! I don't want to be with you anymore!"
"You don't mean that... please tell me you don't mean that, and please don't leave me, not like this, don't leave me over something that isn't true!" his eyes all broken and his voice all blue.
"Why were you so angry before? You met up with her, why did you come back to me in such a bad mood? Was it just because it was me and not her?" you could only cry and beg him for answers.
"I will explain everything if you promise to calm down" he never felt so scared. Was it really over? It was the Great War and the only thing he could do was ask for peace.
You saw him. You really saw the look on his face and the shaking of his voice. The same broken and blue look you saw seconds ago but now you understood. So you called off the troops. And finally listened to him.
"I met Chrissy for a deal, and I have been for a few weeks now, you know this. But I didn't fall back in love with her, not when I am so undoubtedly in love with you"
You kept crying, feeling so many emotions at once. So stupid, so insecure, so sorry. Because you were the one that started this. Drinking your poison all alone. It was all based on your insecurities, your trusting issues. You almost left him, for God's sake.
"Baby, please" Eddie came even closer, he started leaving sweet little kisses on your cheek, neck, hair. You could still feel his tears against your skin and you were sure he could feel yours against his.
You decided not to fight anymore.
"I'm sorry" You hugged him and kept crying on his shoulder. You both had felt so scared.
After a few moments of hugging and crying on each others arms, you spoke again.
"Can I ask why were you angry?"
"It was stupid. I met with Chrissy for the deal and apparently Jason found out she's doing drugs, so he showed up so furious, blaming it all on me, saying I'm forcing her to do drugs. Started calling me al sorts of names and threatening me, until Chrissy was able to calm him down" he explained.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry" You hugged him again, holding him tight into your arms. "And I'm sorry you had to come back after all of that, and fight with me"
"Honestly, I'd take fighting with Jason over fighting with you any time. You scared me so much, princess, I really thought I'd lose you"
And that will be stay in your memories as the night you thought you were going to lose each other. It was war and it wasn't fair. But you'll never come back that bloodshed. The worst was over. You had survived the Great War.
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twothpaste · 1 year
fic bit featuring Claus and Nana. a scientist and a paramedic debate the former's relentless work ethic, despite a No Good Very Bad Lobotomy-Induced Chronic Headache. 😏😖🙄
The process is a softer affair than it used to be. When the world population clambered by the billions, pharmaceuticals comprised a labyrinthine industry. Bloodthirsty minotaurs n' all. Ruthless steel compaction, from the milling n' grinding to the pretty penny on the opposite end. Stuff's still made of powdered plants, mostly. They've still got laboratories, concocting the rest. Factory lines, however, were a centuries-prolonged growing pain. As was the chokehold on your very biology. We're post-apocalyptic anarcho-communists, for Christ's sake. Get with the times. Y'need pills, just take 'em.
When the Commander clambered from its recharge station, it took what was fed to it. And asked for nothing more. Any pang or spasm, no matter how severe, warranted not even a note in its data log. Biology was superfluous. Far as it was aware - ruthless steel had always trumped flesh.
Claus comes to. Six on the dot. Darkness strobing like sun spots. An aching exhale, through a clenched windpipe.
Their left brain says:
- [ Loading Status Report… ] -
- [ <STATUS: "Migraine."_> ] -
Their right brain says:
Zolmitriptan makes it into the running, this morning. Alongside painkillers of an entirely unrelated ilk - dosed low, for his eighty or ninety pounds of biomass. There's the Adderall that almost works like a charm. The SSRI that failed him, the other night. Cyclosporine's what keeps his insides from breaking out into unrestricted civil warfare. A calcium supplement might accompany his lunch. Assuming he can stomach it. Ocean waves send the cramped bathroom roiling, and his guts right along with it. Yellowish wood walls, closing in tight, parrot the creaks in his joints. Or vice versa. Or vice versa… Cold fingers knead the right temple, with blunt faux-nail tips. Incidental luster stings like tarantula hawk.
A ghoulish countenance greets him in the mirror.
He grins back. Crooked teeth n' all.
"G'mornin', sunshine."
The Commander wouldda headed to work nonetheless, bright n' early, on nothin' but a stern order. Claus does it on a cane. N' a belly full of get well soon.
See? Softer.
As they don their lab coat and step outside, the upper bunk remains utterly undisturbed. Hardback volume nestled somewhere ajar in the covers. Sweet dreams of omelets and Middle Earth carry on, and on. Lucas' slumber is as nigh-sacred as it is boulder-esque.
Rhinos predate hippos by thirty-four million years in the fossil record. Prototype Rhinocerocket models, likewise, predate Hippo Launchers by about twenty-two months. With New New Pork shrinking, year by year, tighter quarters had driven both clades to territorial disputes. A contributing factor toward the latter's increased aggression, Claus hypothesizes. They've gotta wonder if similar bloodshed arose along the Nile, when planet Earth simmered to a fever pitch. Or whether Noah took care to board 'em on opposite ends.
(They consider these things in meticulous detail, mulling them back n' forth between circuits n' neurons, to distract themself from the dawning sunbeams. And the nauseous discrepancies beneath their boots, trekking uneven terrain. Both of which gnaw incessantly at every periphery.)
Sanctuary Shipment Part 2: Electric Boogaloo begins in - [ <3 DAYS, 21 HOURS, 27 MINUTES, 49 SECONDS_> ] -. Hippo Launchers, as I'm sure you've gathered, will not simply march onto a ship 'cause you asked 'em nicely. N' those Rhino whistles do fuckall to charm 'em. They'll have to bring out the big guns. Literally. It's an old Pigmask blaster. Standard issue. The heavy sort, that pink suits used to haul around. Yank out all the laser beam cartridges, and replace 'em with a transformer n' a capacitor. Ain't aimin' to hurt 'em. No pain nor irreparable damage is due upon any chimera. 'Specially not on Dr. Westwood's watch. Tune the copper coil just right, n' the big lugs'll doze right on off to sleep mode. No fried wiring. No ruptured batteries. Their artificial hearts won't skip a single beat.
Of course, should he miscalculate his extremely precise adjustments, this chimera may be in for an absolute boatload of pain and irreparable damage.
Claus ain't allowed to work on the EMP Gun unattended. Which is fair, he thinks. Totally reasonable. He most certainly and definitely has no restless qualms about it.
If he wants his electronics specialist, he'll have to wait another four hours. Sheep sleeps in almost as late as Lucas, when given the luxury. His weapons specialist, however, retains the circadian rhythm of a true soldier. Hell, Hox was prob'ly up long before the accursed sun clawed its way over the horizon to chew on Claus' frontal lobe. Now, if he can just find her…
"Hi, Claus," chirps a dearly familiar voice, from the elevated walkway to his left. Pitchy, yet even-keeled. A far cry from the ex-colonel's gruff zeal. "Good morning."
"Hah.. Uh - Mornin', Nana!" Their headache strains in unheeded protest, as they swivel sideways n' up-ways to face her. Cane wobbling ever so slightly. "You're out early! Whatcha up to?"
"Restocking first aid supplies. Bronson got a papercut in the mailroom yesterday. He's on those blood thinners now, you know. Have you ever seen any slasher movies? It was like that. We went through so many sanitizer wipes."
"Sounds like a bloodbath."
"It was."
"I bet the doves were totally traumatized."
"They were. And I figured, well. If I need to restock there, I may as well check everyplace else. I'm headed to the transit ship, next."
"Aw, same here. I'm lookin' for Hox. Have ya seen 'er?"
"No. Why are you down there?"
Claus, hardly perturbed, grants his lowly surroundings only a cursory glance. There's a marked sinkhole next to him. And a big pinkish-whitish hunk of billboard signage. So bleached with age, you can scarcely read the words "YOU HAD ME AT BACON." (Come to think of it, the Harbor's garbage is a trench knife to his right eye's nerves, too.)
"Oh. Heh. Shortcut," he answers.
Nana's ponytail's already comin' loose in the breeze, sending wild strands of blonde across her face. She squints through the thicket. Inspecting her old friend with about as much scrutiny as the litreage of rubbing alcohol available in each work station's first aid kit.
"You look awful."
"Well, shucks, thank ya."
"You've got another migraine. Don't you."
"I resent that accusation," Claus retorts. Leanin' back, shruggin' his arms wide, in a show of lackadaisical cowpoke bravado. Only for his balance to lurch beneath him. And for his head to sear with a particularly potent throb, when he jolts to steady himself. He opts to cough, instead of whimper. "Ah-ugh…!"
"I'm surprised Lucas let you by."
"Hngh.. Luc's asleep," they remind her. With a little shushing hiss, and an index finger to their lips.
"Come on. Up here. I'll get you an ice pack at the med bay."
"Nah. Don't worry. M'fine."
Their winking thumbs-up is less than persuasive. Folks like Jill n' Bateau love to mistake Nana for a terminal case of social agnosia, on account of her tactless tirades. Makes 'em feel real psychologically savvy. But they're simply incorrect. She can tell the difference between an earnest smile and a set of clenched teeth from a mile away.
"You know you don't have to do this to yourself, Claus." They seem to perk up, at that. Their one eager eyebrow, beckoning forth a forehead wrinkle or two. "You could take the day off, or at least stay in bed until you feel a bit better. We don't need you working yourself sick -- "
" -- Dr. Westwood!! We need you over here! Immediately!"
Nana doesn't flinch at the brash bark, or the imposing presence, or the heaps of curly hair that've erupted abruptly beside her. Just glances sideways, expressionless. Heartfelt sentiments sink in her chest, as she sees who's actually snagged Claus' attention.
"Heyyy, Hox! I was just lookin' for ya! What's up?"
"Found somethin' weird out by the Junkyard. You'd better come check it out."
"Aw, yeah? What kinda weird?"
"Weird weird."
"Couldja be more specific?"
"'Fraid I can't. No one on staff right now can identify it. If yer askin' me, I would describe it as ooey-gooey, Mx. Look, with all due respect, can you just get the hell over here?"
"Ten-Four, comrade. Agh. Ughff…"
Their metal hand clatters onto the walkway. Followed by their cane, sideways, clenched in a fist. Boot treads gnash and heave, from garbage to pristine timber. Eighty or ninety pounds of biomass. The other hundred n' ten or so's all metal n' plastic. And every remaining bone's got somethin' to say about it. Climbing used to be Claus' strong suit, back in the days of yore. Nana could offer him a helpin' hand, up top a beachside oak tree, and the little hooligan'd take it as an insult. This morning, he grips tight. Nearly pops every one of her knuckles, as she hoists him up n' over the railing.
"Hah.. Whew. Thank ya, Nana. 'Preciate it."
"Sure," she replies. Dryly.
She spots his limpish leftward lean, sparing his opposite hip, as he rises back to his feet. Hox's limp leans right. Conversely.
"Make sure they take it easy," says the paramedic to the ex-colonel. Doctor's orders. "They've got a migraine. Just so you know."
"A migraine? Huh. I didn't know cyborgs got headaches."
"Oh. Claus gets them all the time."
"Alright, alright! Ha, jeez, y'all! I toldja, I'm fine…! I promise I can handle a little ooey-gooey."
Hox snorts. Nana rolls her eyes.
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jokenotfunny · 2 years
fighting words pt. 1
eddie x platonic! experiment! reader + steve x platonic!experiment! reader
instead of sev using her powers on the people that wrong her, she just starts beating their asses. sometimes
the in-betweens series :
takes place between seasons 2 and 3 before season 3
age 14 ; december 19, 1984 (so steve is still a senior and sev is still in middle school)
a/n : also no eddie in this chapter but he will be in the next one !
- steve's life was going great.
- well everyone's life was going great, it was christmas break after all.
- but steve's life specifically was going really great!
- he didn't have to be in school for two weeks, mr. harrington was stuck three states over due to severe weather conditions and would likely not be home until christmas eve, and he didn't have to see nancy and jonathan all cozied up at school if he was in the comfort of his own house!
- and! his mom was home! downstairs making his favorite seasonal lunch while his grandparents (visiting for the holidays) were in the living room watching outdated christmas movies.
- so yeah. steve was having a pretty damn good christmas break so far.
- but wait- "where's sev?" he sat up abruptly in his bed remembering that you were no longer also watching out dated christmas movies with your grandparents
- he quickly relaxed when he remembered how a few hours ago you ran into his room adorned in your favorite winter coat, a hat and matching gloves, and some fancy boots mrs. harrington had bought you to match her own, with lucas and max in tow (when did they get there?) telling him you'd see him later.
- claiming that you guys were going into town with the others because mike and will found a, quote dustin, "big ass hill for sledding"
- so after a scolding from dustin over your walkie to hurry your asses, because apparently he along with mike and will were outside waiting for you, you all left.
- leaving steve to himself in the comfort of his bed, on this wonderful snowy afternoon.
- he was in such a good mood actually, that he even promised to take you all to the drive-in for some new christmas movie coming out.
- he'd probably come to regret it later when he realized how much money he'd have to spend on all of you but for now in his relaxed, blissful state, he couldn't come to care.
- his large bubble of peace being popped however, when he heard his grandmother hollering for him to come downstairs.
"what's wrong gram?" he asked confusedly, when he was met with her standing at the bottom of the stairs, phone in hand with her arms crossed.
"the chief of police is asking to speak with you, are you involved with gang violence?" she asked in a concerned yet stern tone.
- steve had to restrain himself from laughing at his grandmother's constant concern of gang violence
"no grandma, hopper usually calls to check in about y/n," he calmed her as he took the phone from her and gently nudged her back towards the dining room where his mother was waiting to continue their chess game. "and hawkins isn't like chicago mom, there are no gangs." he heard his mom joke to her, before turning his attention to the phone.
"hey, hop what's up?" he chirped leaning against the wall.
"yeah, no time for casualties harrington, i need you and your parents up here." hopper grumbled in that way, that you know he's pinching his nose in frustration.
" it's just my mom and grandparents, but why?"
"because your sister beat the dog-shit out of this boy and his mother's threatening to sue." he seethed on the other end of the phone.
and that's how steve found himself quickly parking his car behind his mother's and walking through the doors of the police station confusedly trailing behind her seething self , the clacking of her heels echoing through the building..
- they both walked into to see you being verbally torn apart by some woman standing over you, who steve deducted to be the boy in question's mother, while hopper was too busy going back and forth with the boy's father to stop her.
- you didn't seem to phased by the woman's screaming or her proximity however, as you just blankly stared at the woman.
"hey! what the hell do you think you're doing screaming in my daughter's face like that!" screamed mrs. harrington, who marched between you and the woman,
"oh i should've known this she-devil was your child." the woman seethed.
- steve, who decided to stay out of his mother's way, quickly spotted the other kids and went over to them, not missing the ice pack mike was holding to his head.
"henderson, the hell happened man?"
"oh steve, it was amazing you should've been there!"
- everyone began talking at once.
- and it was truly a mess
will was explaining what happened urgently
dustin was animatedly acting out the action of someone falling? or flying steve couldn't tell.
max and lucas were seemingly acting out the part where you were beating up the kid
and mike was angrily ranting about his head injury and gesturing towards a kid who steve hadn't noticed before now, that was sitting across from them looking- well. terrible.
- both of the kids eyes were black, his nose was huge and purple and his lips were swollen.
"okay, alright, before you all tell me- properly and one at a time,"he pointed at them sternly. " she didn't.. you know..." he looked around before wiggling his fingers in the air, looking a them knowingly.
"no and that's what made it even cooler!" dustin emphasized before telling the story.
your pov : flashback to an hour ago at the hill
- you and the others were having the time of your lives
you and mike were racing max and lucas going down the hill on your sleds while will and rob (who i still haven't properly introduced other than his crush on sev i'm sorry 😭🤫🤫!!) were throwing snowballs at you guys on your way down.
- you had noticed a few other kids showed up, but didn't pay any mind to them
- you and max were making your way back up the hill, with mike farther up the hill then you guys when it happened
- one of the new kids who showed up had stopped to talk to mike, and it would have looked like casual conversation if you didn't know mike as well as you did
- his shoulders were tense, he was stepping back from the kid so slowly that the kid didn't notice, nor did mike notice how close to the beginning of the hill he was.
- and then it happened
- the kid shoved mike so hard he tripped backwards and started rolling down the hill
- you would have laughed if he had just fell on his own, but the fact is you had seen this other boy at school before, seen him making fun of mike. you asked mike if he wanted you to deal with him, but he said, and quote, "i can fight my own battles." where you just rolled your eyes with a scoff.
- while your friends all ran up to mike to see if he was okay, you continued your trek up the hill, now with a vengeful march going to confront the kid.
- before you made it to him however you glanced back at your friends and found them huddling over him, while he held his head and blood rand down the side of it. as nice as the snow made hill look, underneath still lied the elements of nature and mike hit his head on a rock on the way down.
- and from there it was honestly a blur for you, you remembered getting to the boy and shoving him to the ground, then punching him in the nose, then next thing you know you were being driven to the sheriff's department, and some woman came in and started yelling at you.
and now back to the present with your mother arguing with the woman
"we have christmas pictures tomorrow, how the hell am i supposed to let him take them like that?!" the boy's mother screeched.
"oh fuck your christmas pictures! your son assaulted a boy and could have killed him and that's what you care about?!" your mother exclaimed. " you should be happy mrs. wheeler isn't pressing charges!" she gestured to mrs. wheeler who came out of the office to fuss over mike's head once again.
"we aren't pressing charges.." the boy's father interjected sternly
"what?! this girl, mangled our son's face, and you don't want to press charges?"
"sue, he's gotten to big for his britches and needed a life lesson. he gets away with so much shit and no consequences because of you, and he needed a reality check." he exclaimed glaring at his son and wife before turning to mrs. wheeler and mrs. harrington.
"i'm so sorry about this whole situation, my boy should have never put his hands on yours, and i'm happy your daughter put my boy in his place. this won't happen again." he said pleadingly.
"the cut's not too big, it's just a little scratch so michael should be fine." mrs. wheeler sighed sharing an understanding look with your mom.
" alright then, is it fine for the rest of us to leave hopper?" your mother asked, as the boy you got into it with's family left the station, quietly arguing about the decision made.
"i don't care." he said waving his hand flippantly. "i don't want to see you in here again harrington." he sternly pointed at you, making you nod, before walking back into his office.
- everyine started making their way to the doors, minus your mom and brother, the last thing you three heard before your friends left the building was-
"son of a bitch, i wanted mrs. harrington to kick that lady with her pointy heels."
- she laughed as she started to gently guide you out of the building.
"you are't angry?" you asked confusedly, at the calm look on her face.
"of course not honey, you defended your friend when he couldn't defend himself, and for that i'm very proud of you." she smiled, not paying attention to the look on your face at the reference to mike being your "friend". "and that bitch sue arlington needed another reality check that my kids are better than hers anyways." she flipped her hair, before walking ahead of you and steve and getting to the car, while she glared at the woman from across the parking lot.
- before steve could even think of what to say, you had started to speak.
"i'm sorry. "he raised his eyebrows confusedly "i know that i'm not supposed to hurt people...but he hurt mike. and then there was blood and i didn't realize what i was doing until it was already done, and-"
"sev, sev calm down it's okay." he calmed you down. "it's like what mom said, you were just defending mike from a bully, nobody's mad at you." steve said.
"that lady was, she yelled at me." you said, as you two looked over at the family that was still in the parking lot.
- the two parents, sue and allen, bickering while the son looked over at you in fear as you glared at him.
"ah screw 'em. they suck anyway." he waved them off, before looking over to the pitiful pouts on you and your friends faces because of the day being ruined. "hey you go stand with them, i'll be right back 'kay?" he sighed before walking towards your mother's car and speaking to her through the window.
"so what happened? are you in trouble? are we in trouble? we didn't even do anything why would we be in trouble?" a bunch of overlapping voices asked once you walked over. you simply shook your head looking over to where your brother was having a conversation with you two's mother.
"no, none of us are in trouble, he just told me to wait here with you guys..." you trailed off as steve jogged over, your mom waving at you guys as she pulled out of the parking lot.
"do any of your parents know about what happened an hour ago?" he asked off-handedly.
"hopper said he was going to call them but i think he got distracted by your mom almost beating that lady up." dustin shrugged.
"but i'm sure they'll know before the end of the day because my mom loves to gossip." mike rolled his eyes., the rest of them groaning in agreement.
"okay well, before you guys have to face the eventual music... you still wanna see that movie at the drive-in?" he asked, chuckling to himself at the quick change of mood in the kids, as you all piled into his car, excitedly chattering about the movie. if he noticed the silent conversation and mouth of a "thank you" from mike and a silent "anytime" from you, he didn't mention it.
a/n: that took me TOO long. also i’m not on hiatus i promise. just between school and work i have no time to do ANYTHING.
a/n 2: also a rare mikesev moment that’s not them at each other’s throats???? crazy ik
taglist : @tuffluuhv @reasontobebeautiful @sadbitchfangirl @ohthatsalittlegay @uselessbutinteresting @creativedogs @howlerwolfmax @kik51199 @spookyscarydinosaur @kenzi-woycehoski
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e-type001 · 1 year
@blitzkriegers has scribbled on the wall:
does evie consider herself a baker? a winters? for the winters to be bakers? something of her own making? the dlc confirms she still wants mia ( theres some “they” but whether that includes ethan is 🤷‍♂️ ), but i’d love to hear your big brain thoughts.
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evie doesn't really understand how names and families really work, she only knows what she's learned through stories and the memories of others. she wasn't given her own last name and, as much as she also hated them and definitely killed them ( i should write up something about that some day ), she loved her sisters. there was a lot of competition to get things right and be the best of the group, it made them all vie for attention but when the scientists all went home and the girls were put back into their isolation rooms, they only had their sisters to talk to. of course none of them told the scientists that they could communicate via telepathy and certainly evie did not let them know that she could project her image into the rooms of her sisters, but she did so out of neglect. she hated her sisters but they were the only ones that understood her or could comprehend that she was still a child. albeit a moldy one but...
most of her caretakers viewed her as a tool, like dealing with a nuclear bomb. they always had their guard up around her and was as impersonal as possible to keep her from getting into their heads as they had designed her with the capability of doing just that. for some time she was very honest and open with them, trying her very best to give them the right answers as she sought out praise from her captors but after awhile, they asked for things beyond her control ( at the time ) or were less forth giving of compliments. she saw most of her caretakers as teachers or instructors, demanding much and giving little in return. because of this, it was impossible to form a bond with them. mia was different.
mia was actually nice to her and i think not being part of the project from its inception was a major factor. any outsider would see a child first and monster second. of course she took her job and the scientists' warnings seriously but she still was compassionate to a degree that others were not. whether that was a natural inclination to be kind to children or because she realized that such a powerful being should be treated carefully to avoid backlash, i don't know but in evie's mind, it was because mia loved her. she finally had some ounce of affection from an adult and like all children, she desired an excess of it. children have no natural restrictions on their emotions and evie was the same.
when allen upset her enough to cause her to break free and kill everyone on the ship ( would love to know what he did, c.apcom ) she had intended to keep mia alive with her inside the ship forever, having no concept that it would slowly run aground or skin with no crew manning it. she had no idea that people do not live like they do in the movies, this would not be a " and they lived happily ever after " type deal because life keeps moving. nature and the molded would have eventually torn the boat apart-- if jack had not come along to save them. evie had worn herself out, pushed her powers to the absolute limit for the first time, fearing no repercussions and it had wiped her out momentarily.
much like mia, jack being so kind as to weather a storm to save her fit the archtype of a parental figure. this completed the set. he was instantly more likable to her than allen because he was completely open to her. allen had kept a block up, not letting her into his mind until the moments before his death, but jack was completely open, having no reason to be defensive of weary of a child.
all evie knew ws now she had a mommy and a daddy that would love her and take care of her forever. marguerite, lucas and zoe were afterthoughts. she did not seem to like lucas, as he was instantly very hostile towards her, whining about how she'd get his bed wet. marguerite was very nice and obviously wanted to care for the child but she already had a mom. if she had been aware of it, she might set marguerite up as a sort of grandmother figure but most children's stories don't have grandparent figures so she really didn't know what to do with her and i think was much more cruel towards marguerite than she needed to be.
the fact that the bakers had a last name was sort of unnoticed by her? i assume that mia used a fake name while at work, at least on this mission she probably borrowed allen's last name just so the paperwork made sense for them to be parents traveling with their daughter ( not that parents have to be married but you know ) and that evie was given that same name, most likely as i said, droney. last names are not as important to evie as her first name. most of the scientists called her e001 and she would refuse to do what they asked until they called her by eveline. so much so that she began writing it on all her stuff as noted on her boot.
as for which family she feels she belongs to, i would say that she thinks that mia belongs to her, as does jack. jack is stuck in the mold with her and eventually she's going to get bored of him but he did accept her as his daughter instantly. within moments of being infected he tried to attack zoe, screaming about accepting eveline's gift and even later, when talking to ethan in the mold, he impresses upon him that she just needs love. even with everything that she did to them and everything she persuaded them to do for her, he still loves her.
but he is stuck inside the mold and he was easily swayed and that bores her. she likes that ethan is his own person just as she likes that mia is. she could have killed mia, she could have drowned her in mold until she was a molded that would just do as she said but that's not what she wants, she craves actual parents that will love her and provide some boundaries, some stability. i think she also wants rose as her sister, she hates that rose is getting more attention than her and is getting the love neither ethan or mia showed her, she is very jealous of rose. rose got the normal life she didn't despite the fact that both of them are moldy girls with superpowers. rose got everything evie wanted and like any other child, she doesn't know how to handle those emotions and throws a huge tantrum and tries to kill her but really, what older sibling hasn't tried to kill their younger siblings? i'm not going to admit to any near-crimes of my own but from personal experience... i know.
much like ethan, she wants rose to want to be her family. rose has no idea who she is and evie does not take the time to talk to her, she's so caught up in her emotions and hates her but similarly to when ethan plunges the syringe into old eveline's neck, evie begins weeping. it is obvious that this is not really a tactic as it does not help her at all, it is literally just a child absolutely decimated that she isn't getting the affection she's begging for. she cannot see outside her own very limited scope. she is roughly ten years old, just mature enough to know what she wants and that she's going about it completely wrong but not emotionally or psychologically developed enough to be able to communicate her desires and fears properly, especially given her extremely unconventional upbringing.
she wants some amalgamation and i think at some point, she'd make up her own last name and want everyone else to take it as theirs, because like everything else she put her name on, it means they belong to her. it is a very limited, childish way of thinking about things because she is a child. she doesn't understand the complexities of names and families, she believes she can just jumble them up together and everything will be fine, no consideration to the other people involved.
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shveris · 2 years
FU inside my head
mysta felt like a fool but he could always count on shu to respond so he wouldn’t be foolish alone.
tags: top!mysta, bottom!shu, shu gets bent over the kitchen counter, misunderstandings, ass eating
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mysta was pent up, way too pent up. it’s been a while since the detective felt that unresolved feeling of impatience inside his chest, holding his nerves in a tight grip (so close to snapping them), to a point he had to sneakily go to a pharmacy to restock on his valerian pills like some sick addict.
and now, after waking up at the ungodly hours of 2:40 in the afternoon, stepping into the big bathroom across his room, his sunset eyes immediately fixated on that plump, perky, perfectly shaped ass of his best friend. shu was slightly bent over the sink, face closer to the mirror mounted to the wall — he was applying his eyeliner with the most concentrated look. he was only wearing his boxers and a cropped tank top; the detective figured he must’ve also just gotten out of bed himself.
“mornin’ mysta”, the sorcerer mumbled without stopping in his motion. mysta slapped himself mentally, what the fuck was he doing?! 
”morning, shu”, a yawn, slow steps towards the sink and shu. mysta brushed his teeth while swimming in his own thoughts, trying to sort them instead of getting distracted by shu’s biceps, his slightly toned abs, and, dear god, mysta was praying, those pretty pink nipples that were barely visible in the mirror, the loose top exposing that chest the sorcerer denied in having. 
liar, mysta thought, continued washing up, heart racing and face burning. why were all his housemates so fucking attractive? the only things he could offer were his pierced tongue and belly button.
“ah, by the way,”, shu pulled away his face from the mirror, turning his head from left to right, comparing both his eyes to check if they were matching, “ike texted me earlier, we’ll be alone for the rest of the day.” the sorcerer decided that his makeup looked good enough and started to put his stuff away.
“out drinking again?”, mysta asked, rubbing some cream he stole from ike under his eyes. it was a saturday after all, their friends liked to party every now and then.
“yeah, kyo and reimu invited us two as well but i knew you needed some extra rest.” mysta sighed, giving the ravenette a look: “you could’ve just tagged along, no need to babysit me.” sometimes the other men in the house acted like he couldn’t take care of himself properly — which was only partly wrong. he could take care of himself, the question would just be how properly? the brunette was used to being alone, used to do his own things without meddling with people too much, he grew up being independent and he liked it, most of the time at least.
“i could’ve, yeah”, shu smiled at him through the mirror, leaving no room to argument — not that mysta would’ve started one anyway, he appreciated what the sorcerer did for him way too much to be a brat about it — and gave mysta a small pat on the back before going downstairs (”let’s eat”).
they found leftovers from yesterday’s dinner, a lasagne vox and luca had made together, and stared at the microwave impatiently as it was heating up their food painfully slow.
shu pulled himself up to sit on the counter, bare legs dangling back and forth, humming a melody unknown to mysta. he himself was leaning his body against the worktop, directly next to shu, where he could smell his lavender scent and feel the comforting warmth of his body. mysta internally gripped his knees, trying really hard to not stare at those milky white thighs, soft and squishy looking, he wanted shu to break his skull with them so badly-
“mysta?” shit, he ended up staring. 
“mhm?” he could feel the embarrassment spreading across his face.
“are you okay? you’ve been awfully quiet this morning. and you’ve been staring a lot, something on your mind?” mysta almost groaned in frustration, the sorcerer was too pure for this world and oh did he feel the need and want to taint him.
“i’m alright, just a bit stressed from work, that’s all.” it wasn’t even a lie, mysta did feel stressed; he felt tense and build up, a weight on top of his body he just couldn’t manage to get rid off, no matter what he did. he tried everything that came to his detective mind: from playing his favorite games to masturbating and fucking himself senseless on a dildo to smoking weed ike always had in his room for creativity boosts, heck he even worked out with luca (worst idea yet) and gave meditation an attempt as vox and shu liked to do that whenever they needed a break. nothing seemed to work for him.
“do you wanna talk about it?”, shu asked quietly, amethyst eyes full focus on the ash brown next to him. mysta could only muster a small huff through his nose, his lips pressed to a thin line: “i would if i knew what to talk about.” the sorcerer gave him a soft and pitiful smile, softly poking mysta’s side to gain his full attention. the detective turned his head, a questioning expression on his face.
“hug?”, shu asked hopeful, almost giving the brunette a heart attack — shu was too adorable for his own good. he only chuckled, a nod following, before accepting the ravenette’s arms around his neck.  the position was a bit awkward but was quickly changed as shu used one of his legs to slot mysta right in front of him. the detective buried his face in the crook of shu’s neck, hands gently holding onto his back, slowly circling down to sit on his bare waist. shu’s skin was as soft and warm as he imagined, as he knew and remembered from late night cuddle and movie sessions with the others (or just the two of them, alone in their own comfort, losing themselves in silence because it was the only constant in their lives).
mysta could stay like that forever; in an embrace, he cherished and so deeply needed, or was it shu he was craving? shu in his purple stockings and corset, shu with a loose tank top and no pants, shu with a towel around his hips, skin still glistening with water from the hot shower he took. 
sometimes he fucked shu inside his head, small and innocent shu yamino – falling apart under his touch, mewling and breathy moans escaping that pretty mouth of his.
mysta got himself together when the microwave finally gave them a ping, practically screaming at his rotting brain before he would get a boner. the way he acted was already embarrassing enough, no need to make it even worse, he thought.
he slowly pulled away from shu, catching his amethyst eyes staring up to him. the smell of lavender was numbing his head for a few seconds, made him swallow, made him look at those pink lips.
“what’s the ma’er?” mysta didn’t even know why he was whispering, didn’t know why shu still had his arms around his neck, didn’t know why everything was spinning and stumbling over itself.
“i, uh, i could help you relax a bit if that’d help a bit”, the sorcerer told, meekly but with the shine of confidence in his eyes.
mysta raised one of his brows, processing what his friend had just suggested.
“are you sure?” his sunset eyes were jumping from shu’s and then back down to those soft-looking lips – back and forth and back and forth and- “yeah, as long as i can help you a bit i’d be glad.” 
mysta wasted no time as he pressed his lips onto shu’s, earning a surprised yelp which he swallowed hungrily. purple tinted fingers held onto mysta’s ash brown hair, nails scraping his scalp at all the right places. the detective used one of his hands to wander underneath the short top, giving one of the buds an experimental and weak flick – shu moaned. he moaned beautifully and full of shock, body stuttering and growing hotter any second. mysta used the opportunity to slip his tongue into the other’s mouth, shu just accepting his fate.
the brunette’s other free hands slid onto one of those milky and perfect thighs, giving the silky flesh a gentle squeeze, drawing another muffled noise out of shu. mysta was enjoying this, he was enjoying this to a point he believed he could get addicted to it. everything inside his mind was just shu, shu, shu, shu, shu, shu-
they parted lips, breathing heavily with rising chests and spinning heads. shu’s eyes were glassy and his whole face flushed with a bright red; something inside mysta was proud. who would’ve thought shu seiso yamino could look like a little whore? needy and lewd, already a tent forming in those boxers, panting like a bitch.
“m- mysta, i- nghhh frick-” his head was falling back alongside his eyes as mysta latched himself onto the ravenette’s neck, sucking and licking and biting and kissing every spot of skin he could catch, grinding their hips together as he did so. the detective’s hands were gripping his waist with so much force, he was certain there would be bruises tomorrow.
shu’s hands tugged on mysta’s shirt, signaling that he wanted it off – the detective made quick work of it as he was feeling himself heating up anyway. the smell of sweat and sex in the air before they even did anything (and yet both of them were completely hard already).
“turn around”, the brunette hushed between sloppy wet kisses, flicking shu’s bud before the sorcerer hazily rolled his body over. mysta had a shit-eating grin on his face, grabbing both of the sorcerer’s cheeks and pulling them apart. shu’s ass felt as nice and heavenly as he imagined, perfectly plump and bouncy.
he experimentally pushed his bulge between the cheeks, earning himself a choked sound – this surely had to be a dream.
“you look so pre’ey, shu”, mysta cooned, slipping one finger under the waistband of the boxershorts, pushing the sorcerer’s body against the counter, knowing that shu’s dick was being sandwiched by his body and the hard surface. the sorcerer was trying to say something, a response, but all that arrived in mysta’s ears was cut-off breathing. 
the brunette slowly slid the thin fabric off of the trembling body under him, letting it hit the floor and tangle around shaking ankles. his hands were kneading the plump cheeks, spreading and pulling them apart even wider – what a gorgeous view, mysta thought.
he got onto his knees, face getting closer.
shu was about to ask what he was doing there but a warm feeling against his exposed ass stopped every thinking process inside his hard working head. a small scream was all he could muster, feeling mysta’s tongue in places he never imagined he would feel it (not that he had ever thought about getting fucked by one of his best friends, nooo, shu yamino would never).
purple eyes rolled to the back of his head as a finger was being pushed in, a sensation shu has even dreamt to experience. his heart was hammering against the hard surface of the counter, his hips unconsciously searching for mysta’s touch while rubbing himself on the countertop, chasing sweet relief. the detective took his sweet time opening up the quivering mess he had made out of the shu yamino, fingers scissoring into the tight heat while his tongue would slick them up every few seconds.
upon adding a third finger, shu let out a loud groan, hiding his face on his forearm.
“there we are”, mysta mumbled, satisfied as his fingers started to massage a single spot.
“w-what- what is that-”, the sorcerer cried, feeling his legs shivering and his whole body tingle. he unconsciously tried squirming away from the touch, it was just too much for him – for shu, who was used to just give, give, give to others (little did he know he was giving so much to mysta at that moment).
“that’s your prostate.” the vibrations of the detective’s lips against his quivering self was the final push for him; with a loud and throaty moan shu spilled himself all over the counter, smearing his cum against the sweaty skin of his stomach. deep but short breaths were all he could manage, trying to concentrate on standing on his two wobbly legs after the most intense orgasm he’s ever had.
shu wasn’t one to experiment with his body in his free time (unlike some of his friends or specifically, mysta), nor was he one who would masturbate regularly. in his high school days more than ever, “more” meaning “maybe twice a month”; it was safe to say shu yamino wasn’t one to experience orgasms often and never from getting eaten out and fingered by his best friend. 
slowly his brain started working again, rationality kicked in and words were forming on the tip of his tongue. he could barely register mysta gripping his waist till something hot pressed against the rim of his hole. his dizzy head was concluding it had to be those damned skilled fingers again.
“mysta, i just ca- NGH-” the brunette had unceremoniously started to shove his dick into shu, making the ravenette squirm. his purple-tinted hands were scrambling on the countertop trying to get a grip on something, anything, to keep him sane. the stretch was taking his breath away, the subtle feeling of a warm burn making him feel like he would split in half. choked out sobs, breaths, eyes wide, and legs shaking; “mysta, mysta, wait, oh my gosh, wait, holy sh- please-”
“relax, i gotchu.” mysta’s hot breath was sending goosebumps down his neck and chest, his deep voice so close to his bright red ears made something inside shu tilt.
“okay, okay”, the sorcerer whispered in a panicked state, the rational part of his brain yelling at him to trust mysta because that’s what he’s been doing for the longest time; mysta’s embrace felt safe and warm, his hands roughy but shy at the same time, movement wild although shu could clearly sense hesitation, “i trust you, mysta.”
butterfly kisses between shu’s shoulderblades fully relaxed his body again, pleasure drowning his mind full. his moans were getting louder the faster mysta went and he was pretty sure his eye makeup was completely ruined.
“fuck, you feel like heaven, shu”, the detective groaned before twisting his hand in shu’s hair, wrapping obsidian and purple locks around his fist. he pulled on it experimentally, waited for a negative reaction from the sorcerer and when there was none he fully pulled shu’s head up with the hair, speeding up his thrusts and the force in which he railed poor shu against the counter. 
a high pitch scream and a mantra of “mysta mysta mysta please please mysta” was all the ravenette could babble, his body too hot and mind too fuzzy to even form coherent thoughts anymore.
the sound of sweaty skin against sweaty skin didn’t even register for the two of them, focus on every tiny movement from the other; mysta’s other hand was back to playing with shu’s chest while his lips, tongue and teeth marked everything they could. his mind was set on painting shu’s skin with everything he had to offer, pretty milky canvas only there to be painted by mysta and mysta alone.
“c- can’t- mysta, i- i can’t”, choked sobs broke the mantra before shu went back to high pitched moans. 
“can’t what?”, mysta chuckled breathlessly, removing his hand from the sorcerer’s chest, grabbing that slim little waist again (with some more force than necessary, of course).
“please, please”, shu cried while looking for the detective with one of his hands, making cute grabbing motions, “cum, wanna cum- please inside, inside, mysta.”
a devilish grin formed on mysta’s lips and he let shu grab onto his own hand resting on the ravenette’s waist: “so needy.”
another scream could be heard from shu, nails drawing blood because of the sheer force he started to grip mysta’s hand with — the detective had changed his angle, hitting the sorcerer’s sweet spot with every thrust. single hot tears rolled down shu’s rosy cheeks and before he could even register his body’s reaction, he came again.
his legs shook one last time before he couldn’t hold himself up no more, almost slipping down if it wasn’t for mysta’s fast reflexes catching him. now completely out of power, he felt like a fleshlight for the detective to use; mysta was gripping his waist and pushing him back on his cock after he pulled out, movement sloppier but still enough to send shu into complete overstimulation. he was a crying mess and trying to hold his upper body up with angled arms on the dirty counter, throat too hoarse to beg — for what? he didn’t even know anymore, all he felt was pleasure, way too much of it, and he was sure his brain had melted into the puddle he felt himself as. 
with one big thrust shu felt himself getting filled up with something hot and he let out an exhausted sigh. he rested his forehead on his arms, feeling mysta do a few slower and way softer pushes till he leaned forward to give him another kiss on the shoulder.
“you okay?”, mysta whispered anxious, post sex anxiety hitting him like a truck; he was scared he hurt shu beyond forgiveness. 
“yeah… yeah, i’m okay, just tired”, the ravenette hushed back, turning his head to look at mysta’s ocean eyes. they were wide in worry and shu thought it didn’t match the deep blush and sweat on his forehead. it took them both a few minutes of deep breathes for the bodies to calm down again, for the blood to stop rushing so loudly in their ears.
an amused laugh rung deep through his chest, which was still unmarked in comparison to his backside, and mysta blinked in confusion.
“you know”, shu chuckled, “when i suggested i could help you relax, i meant something like video games or watching a movie.” his best friend stared at him in disbelief, lips parting to say something but there were no words coming out, only pure shock on mysta’s face. shu’s ruined makeup — staining the underside of his eyes with black and red, the tear streaks clearly visible due to the mascara — was partly responsible for mysta’s reaction, his best friend just looked so incredibly hot and ruined and he could almost start jumping and screaming around in ecstasy knowing he , lousy detective mysta rias, was the one who completely demolished the oh-so composed sorcerer.
“don’t worry, this did the job, right? i don’t mind”, shu smiled, taking his wobbly arm up to comb through mysta’s damp hair and occasionally scraping his scalp with long nails. it was new, for both of them, but especially shu, and humans were mistakenly scared of new things most of the time; shu figured the unknown was more fun to explore if he had someone he trusted with him.
“you-“, mysta bit his lip, his eyes were burning with tears daring to overflow, “you’re unbelievable.” a low chuckle was all that followed from him before he hid his face between shu’s shoulders, still swimming in a sea of lavender and the taste of laughter on his tongue. 
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to the ao3 post and my twitter
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smileygoth · 2 years
13. We Gather Here Tonight (Vamptober 2022)
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Find the full list of chapters here.
Jazz and Lucas try to cover their tracks, but it backfires horribly when they bump into some unexpected neighbours.
CW: Slight mention of dead bodies, otherwise nothing.
Word count: 1,684 words.
Image by BelleDeesse.
Jazz woke up to Lucas knocking timidly on the bathroom door. "Jazz? You okay?"
She blinked and groaned. She'd fallen awkwardly against the sink, her head propped at an odd angle, and there she'd stayed until now. She sat up, rubbing her stiff neck. "Yeah," she replied. Then she remembered. "Are they ... still out there?"
A pause. "Yeah. We'll ... deal with that, don't worry. But first we need to get out of here. You ready?"
Jazz staggered to her feet, clinging on to the edge of the sink to steady herself. One of her legs felt numb. "Be right out." She looked in the mirror and saw the bloody smear on her cheek again. Grimacing, she ran the tap and splashed water on her face, washing the blood away. 
When she came out - before she came out, if she was honest - she caught the stink of split blood. The bodies lay exactly where they'd been when she'd gone into the bathroom, but somehow, with the passing of those few hours, they seemed to have lost something vital. They seemed less real somehow. 
Or maybe that's just your mind playing tricks on you to make it easier for you to do what you know is going to have to be done.
Jazz ignored the voice and looked for Lucas. He'd taken down the windscreen shade and was sitting in the driving seat, idly flicking a switch back and forth. She went to the passenger seat and sat down. "You're going to break it," she said quietly.
"Doesn't do anything with the engine off," he replied. 
"Then you'll break the switch." She tried to smile, but couldn't quite make the muscles in her face work. "What's the plan?"
"We drive," Lucas said. "Away from here. We find somewhere to dump the bodies. We keep driving." He shrugged. "That's it."
Jazz nodded. "I want to add a couple of steps to that, if you don't mind."
"Sure," Lucas said, nodding back. "What do you need?"
They drove. When Lucas felt they were far enough away, they stopped at a supermarket and Jazz went in and came out with bags full of cleaning supplies. Lucas kept driving, and Jazz scrubbed the blood off the walls while he drove. She also looped a bungee cord through the handle on the side door and tied it tightly closed, since the lock on it no longer worked. At some point they stopped at a river and threw the bodies in to be washed away by the current. Then they drove some more. They checked the maps and timed it so that when dawn came, they'd be passing a large forest. And when they got there, they drove the van off the road entirely, forcing it in through the treeline. 
"What happens if we can't get it out tomorrow?" Lucas asked as he turned off the engine.
Jazz shrugged. "Then we've got a long walk ahead of us."
"But we might not find shelter from the sun in time," Lucas protested. 
"Doesn't seem much riskier than what we've been doing," Jazz retorted.
"Hey," Lucas snapped angrily. "This was your idea!"
"And you're the one who broke the rules and got the Camarilla pissed at you so we had to leave town," Jazz yelled back. "So don't start!"
Lucas fell silent, glowering at her.
Enjoying the rest of your life yet? the Voice teased. The two of you, together forever? 
Jazz ignored the Voice, getting up from the passenger seat to have another go at cleaning the van. She'd managed to scrub away all the visible blood, but every time she sat still the faint scent of it still crept into her nostrils. There had to be a bit she'd missed somewhere. If she didn't find it, it might drive her insane.
Lucas stopped her as she was pulling out the bucket of cleaning supplies from where she'd stored in one of the cupboards. "I'm sorry," he said, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. "I'm just stressed out. What happened today ... I try to act tough, but ... it still gets to me too."
Jazz turned her head to look at his face. "Really?"
"Of course," Lucas replied. "I mean, little kids ... I'm sorry you had to go through it too." He trailed a line of kisses along her neck. "You don't have to clean again. Let's just go to bed."
Jazz tried to repress the shiver of pleasure that ran down her spine. It didn't seem appropriate, somehow. "We still have to check the windows first."
Lucas groaned. "We're far enough in the trees that I'm willing to take the risk," he muttered, his fangs grazing her skin just above her pulse. 
Despite herself, Jazz squirmed restlessly. "You going to make it up to me?" She let the bucket drop from her fingers to sit on the floor.
He turned her to face him. "Just trying to make sure the day isn't totally terrible."
By the time the sun rose, they were coiled together in the bed, naked and streaked with blood, and Jazz was just starting to feel better again. 
Got your blood fix and popped those rose-coloured glasses right back on, didn't you? the Voice whispered faintly. Or should that be blood-coloured glasses?
Jazz snuggled closer to Lucas and closed her eyes to the Voice, and let the dawn sleep take her away from it.
She woke up when the van was rocked abruptly by something bumping into it from outside. She shot up in the bed, looking around for the intruder. Lucas was already up and dressed and standing by the side door, listening intently. His eyes were wide and his nostrils kept flaring like he was smelling something.
"What is it?" Jazz asked.
He shook his head and put his finger to his lips. I don't know. Quiet.
She got up and dressed as quietly as she could. Now she could hear something snuffling around outside the van. As she joined Lucas by the door, the van was rocked again. Whatever was outside, it had to be big. She opened her mouth to ask Lucas what they should do, and then the thing outside growled. They both froze, their eyes widening. Jazz felt an icy trickle of fear wind down her spine and coil in her gut. Then the snuffling began again, moving along the length of the van. The thing growled again, more quietly, then they heard it moving away.
"What the hell was that?" Jazz hissed. "It sounded huge!"
"I have no idea," Lucas replied. "But I think we should get out of here as soon as possible."
"How? It's still daylight out!"
"I know," Lucas said, "But it's late. The sun's going down. Can't you feel it?"
Jazz hesitated. Now that he'd brought attention to it, she could feel that heavy drowsiness slowly seeping away. She nodded. "How soon can we take down the shade?"
Lucas glanced at the windscreen, then down at his feet, which still had raw red patches on them from the day before. He sighed. "There's only one way to find out."
Positioning himself awkwardly between the driver and passenger seats, he unpicked the tape on the bottom corner of the shade. "Get over to the side," he warned her. She scooted over, and he hooked his finger beneath the shade and lifted the corner up. A fat ray of sunlight immediately shot into the dark van, and he hissed in pain, pulling his finger back. "Not yet," he said with a weak laugh.
They waited for fifteen minutes, then tried again with the same result. Fifteen minutes later they tried again, and the ray of light seemed weaker. Another fifteen minutes passed and when they tried again the light was faint. Lucas gritted his teeth and put his finger into the light. He grimaced, but his finger didn't blister. "It's not pleasant," he said, "But we should live." 
They pulled the screen down, letting in the last grey light of day. The world outside looked dark, but Jazz could clearly see the silhouettes of the trees against the sky. Her body itched and buzzed as if she was suddenly having an allergic reaction all over her exposed skin. "Ooh," she grumbled. "This sucks."
"It'll stop once the sun finishes going down," Lucas replied. "Let's get going."
Climbing into the passenger seat, he started the engine and flipped on the lights. The forest ahead of the van was brightly illuminated, and in that light they both saw something large dart rapidly behind a tree.
"What the fuck!" Lucas cried, recoiling in his seat. "Did you see that?"
Jazz leaned forward, eyes searching the treeline ahead. "Yeah. It looked ... big. And fast. Lucas, do you smell that?" She was picking up a strange, musty, primal scent from outside. It made her think of monsters and teeth and ... rage. 
Lucas nodded. "Yeah ... never smelled anything like it. You ready to go?"
Jazz jumped into the passenger seat and pulled on her seatbelt. "More than ready."
Lucas turned the wheel and set the van turning in a tight circle. As the headlights swept over the trees, something else was caught in them. And this one didn't hide behind a tree. They had a glimpse of something tall, muscular and furry, with a long snout and large, sharp teeth bared at them. Its eyes gleamed red in the headlights. 
Jazz shrieked. Lucas bared his fangs, his eyes wide and horrified, and pressed down on the accelerator. The van swayed drunkenly as it struggled to complete the turn at speed, barely missing colliding with trees as it went, its tyres sticking in the soft earth. Lucas spun the wheel to straighten the van and send it speeding back the way they had come. They both shrieked again as another of the monsters leaped out in front of them. Jazz thought they were going to hit it, but at the last moment it jumped to the side. They heard a sickening squeal of rending metal along one side of the van. Then the wheels crashed onto the gravel of the road and they picked up speed, dashing along the trail as quickly as the vehicle could manage and leaving the forest and whatever was in it behind.
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tonkiceleb · 2 years
Dexter stardust adventures in outer space download
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8/10 would recommend it, if you’re someone who wants a point-and-click game with old-school feeling but with new-school graphics then this is the game for you! Overall the game was a hit with fun little puzzles and great comic relief. I have to say this is one of my more favoured games of the genre in recent years! How playable is it you wonder? I couldn’t help but play through all 5 episodes (including bonus episode #0) in just 2 sittings. With smooth transitions from cutscene to gameplay, Dexter stardust takes you on a logic-filled journey through space, with an immersive story and the simplest controls we’ve come to expect from a good point-and-click game. Just like watching an animated movie, Bravo!ĭexter Stardust graphically is an absolute beauty to behold! This is a very well-animated game that flows along really nicely. I even liked the first episode, which is very short and works like a tutorial for people that aren’t familiar with point-and-clicks. The touch controls work very well and had no problems finding things to interact with in each scene. A sci-fi story is always a nice touch, and one gets curious to know what comes next. The voices are quite nice, especially Dexter, and only found a strangeness to the girl's voice, but it grows on you. There’s a lot of walking back and forth to get all the items/answers that we need to go forward, but it’s all in good fun. Good cheeky humour, some breaking of the fourth wall on some jokes and the puzzles are enjoyable and not very difficult. I’m a fan of point-and-click adventures, since The Secret of Monkey Island times, and Dexter is quite nice I must say. Well, I thought the smaller screen would be a problem, but no worries there, everything point and clicked just perfectly. Plus plenty of gameplay to look forward to. There’s a fresh spirit and sense of fun that sets this apart from lots of others in the genre. The controls are simple and work just fine. The music reminded me of Pulp Fiction, which is always a winner for me. All in all a game I’d definitely recommend.Ī really refreshing point-and-click sci-fi adventure/romp. The puzzles are typical point and click and although not overly difficult, they offer enough of a challenge to keep me entertained. The graphics are colourful and imaginative, with a comic book look to them and together with the good voice actors, they make the game very enjoyable. The gameplay is straight forward and it took no time to get used to it. It has a good storyline, though I thought the chapters were a little short, and the simple mechanics of the game made it easy to play. This is one of the best puzzle/point-and-click games I’ve played in a while. Go play this now and maybe we'll get to go through more space adventures Overall, a fun, funny and refreshing game that's (amazingly) made by a single guy. The humour was good, too (although the obsession with Mexican food was a little grating after a while). The interface is perfect for mobile (tap onscreen if that area/item is interactive, you'll see the options you have). Unless you want your puzzles hard as nails - because pretty much the only thing I disliked in this game was that the puzzles were more on the easy side, and the difficulty came more from squinting at the screen to find the items you needed in an inventory that becomes quite crowded. How good is the game itself? We handed it over to our App Army to see what they thought.ĭo you like Lucas Arts' old-school point-and-click adventures, Futurama and retro sci-fi movies? Do you want to get away from the current climate apocalypse for at least a few hours? Well, then, I guess you'll love this. It sports a lovely aesthetic that feels simultaneously new and retro. Dexter Stardust: Adventures in Outer Space is a sci-fi point-and-click adventure that follows the titular character through five episodes.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 years
Protective Parents–Steve Harrington
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Requested by @therealbattleangel​
We watched as Hopper, Joyce, Nancy, Johnathan, and Will left. Well, everyone else watched them. I watched Steve's face as Nancy left with Johnathan. He started to look at me so I quickly looked away.
I've known Steve, Nancy, and Johnathan my entire life. I wasn't popular but I wasn't invisible. I'm captain of our girls' volleyball team and chief editor of the yearbook. Even though I'm considered a jock, I'm still a straight-A student. I even volunteer at the middle school, tutoring students in all subjects.
That's how I got to know Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. I tutored Dustin in English, Lucas in Math, and helped Will get caught up.
I looked over, struggling to hold in my laughter when I saw Dustin emptying out the fridge.
"What are you doing?" I asked. I glanced over at Steve holding that Demodog. When he made eye contact with me he rolled his eyes.
"Alright," Dustin said, out of breath, "it should fit now."
"Is this really necessary?" Steve asked.
"Yes, it is," Dustin said instantly. "Okay? This is a groundbreaking scientific discovery. We can't just bury it like some common mammal. Okay? It's not a dog."
"He's got a point," I called out. Steve looked over at me and glared. I sent him an innocent smile and fluttered my eyelashes, making him slowly break. I ignored the feeling in my stomach when the corner of his mouth slowly lifted into a smile.
"Come on, Steve!"
"Alright," he sighed. "Alright, but you're explaining this to Mrs. Byers."
I got off the couch and leaned against the wall, struggling to hold back my laughter as the two struggled to get that thing in Mrs. Byers' freezer. I looked over my shoulder to see Lucas and Max sitting on the couch while Mike paced back and forth.
"Mike," Lucas sighed, "will you just stop already?"
"You weren't in there, okay, Lucas? That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs."
"Demodogs!" Dustin called from the kitchen.
"The chief will take care of her," Lucas said.
"Like she needs protection," Max mumbled.
"Listen," Steve sighed as he walked in, wiping his hands on a towel, "when Coach calls a play in the game, bottom line, you execute it. Alright?"
"First of all, this isn't some stupid sports game," Mike said angrily. "Second of all, we're not even in the game. We're on the bench."
"Right, so my point is. . ." Steve stuttered. We waited for him to continue but he couldn't think of anything inspiring to say. "Right, yeah, we're on the bench. So uhh. . . There's nothing we can do."
"That's not entirely true," Dustin hesitated. "I mean, these Demodogs have a hive mind. When they ran away from the bus, they were called away."
"So if we get their attention," Lucas said, catching on.
"Maybe we can draw them away from the lab," Max finished.
"And clear a path to the gate," Mike added.
"Yeah, and then we all die!" Steve yelled.
"That's one point of view," Dustin shrugged.
"No, that's not a point of view, man," Steve sighed. "That's a fact."
"I got it!" Mike gasped as he ran to the other room. The other kids followed him and Steve just stared at me.
"You gonna help?" He asked.
"Oh no," I chuckled. "You're doing a great job, Steve Harrington the babysitter."
He sent me a look before we joined the kids in the kitchen. Mike was pointing at something on the fridge.
"This is where the chief dug his hole," Mike started to explain as he pointed at one of Will's drawings on the wall. "This is our way into the tunnels."
He jumped up and walked back into the front room. "Here," he said. "Right here. This is like a hive. You see how all the tunnels feed into here? Maybe if we set this on fire. . ."
"Yeah, that's a no," Steve cut him off.
"The Mindflayer would call away his army," Dustin said.
"They'd all come to stop us," Lucas added.
"Hey!" Steve tried to interrupt but the kids were on a role.
"Then we circle back to the exit," Mike continued.
"Guys," Steve tried again.
"By the time they realize we're gone. . ."
"El would be at the gate," Max added.
"Hey, hey!" Steve yelled as he clapped. "This is not happening."
The kids started to object, but he yelled over them. "No no no! No buts. I promised I'd keep you shitheads safe, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. We're staying here, on the bench, and waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everyone understand?"
"This isn't a stupid sports game," Mike said instantly.
"I said, does everybody understand that?" He asked again, aggressively pulling the towel off his shoulder. "I need a yes."
When the kids didn't say anything, I decided to jump in as the other somewhat adult-ish person in the room.
"Look," I sighed, making everyone look at me, "I know you guys are worried about Eleven. I get it. But you also need to realize we have to be smart about this. One wrong move and someone can get hurt."
The kids nodded, looking at each other. I glanced over at Steve to see him staring at me.
"What?" I mouthed. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off when we heard someone rev their engine outside. I looked over to see Max running to the front room. We quickly followed her.
"It's my brother," she said under her breath as she and Lucas ran to the window. "He can't know I'm here. He'll kill me. He'll kill us."
My heart dove into my stomach when I realized that by "us" she meant her and Lucas.
"Get away from the window," I instructed. Lucas ran to his friends and Max ran to me.
"He's going to kill me," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her, glancing back up at Steve.
"Not on my watch," Steve mumbled. He started to walk outside, but I stopped him.
"What are you doing?"
"Keep the kids inside," he said. "Whatever happens, keep them inside."
"Steve," I said, his name getting caught in my throat.
"Keep them inside, Y/N."
I tightened my hold on Max as Steve walked outside. He closed the door behind him, but we could still hear their conversation.
"Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?"
"Yeah, it's me. Don't cream your pants."
"What are you doing here, amigo?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Steve sighed. "Amigo."
"Don't taunt him, Steve," I mumbled.
"Is Steve going to be alright?" Max asked, looking up at me.
"He's going to be fine," I smiled.
"I'm looking for my step-sister." When Billy mentioned her, Max subconsciously tightened her arms around me.
"It's going to be okay," I whispered.
"A little birdie told me she was here," Billy continued.
"Huh," Steve sighed. "That's weird. I don't know her."
"Small, redhead, a bit of a bitch."
Max was officially shaking. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
"Doesn't ring a bell," Steve responded. "Sorry, buddy."
"You know," Billy sighed. "I don't know. This whole situation, Harrington, I don't know. It's giving me the heebe-jeebes."
"Oh yeah?" Steve challenged. "Why is that?"
"My thirteen-year-old sister goes missing, all day, and I find her with you in a stranger's house. And you lie to me about it."
"He's going to kill him," Max whispered.
"No, he won't," I said instantly. "It's going to be okay."
"Were you dropped too much as a child, or what?" Steve asked. Even though I told Max that Steve would be okay, if he kept running his mouth like this, he wouldn't be for much longer.
"I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said," Steve continued, "she's not here."
"Then who is that?"
The boys ducked when Billy and Steve turned towards the front. I was so focused on Max, I didn't notice the boys peeking out the windows.
"Shit!" Dustin gasped. "Did he see us?"
"He definitely did," I said through my teeth.
"Oh shit," I heard Steve sigh. "Listen. . ."
I looked out the window just as Billy pushed Steve down. "Get away from the window," I said quickly. "Now!"
As they ran to the other side of the room, I looked back at Steve. Billy leaned down and said something to Steve but I didn't catch what it was. I jumped when Billy kicked Steve in the ribs. When the door was kicked open, I quickly grabbed the nearby bat.
"Well, well, well," Billy sighed, his anger building. "Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise. I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max."
"Billy, go away."
"You disobeyed me," he said under his breath. "And you know what happens when you disobey me."
"Billy," Max whispered.
"I break things."
Before he could charge Lucas, I hit his thigh with the bat. He instantly went down. The kids all gawked at me.
"Get to the other room," I told them. "To Will's room. Now!"
Billy laughed as he rolled over and stayed on his hands and knees. He sat back, smirking up at me.
"And who are you, baby girl?"
"Back off, Billy," I said, tightening my grip on the bat.
"Put that down," Billy scoffed. "You don't need that."
"You just charged a fourteen-year-old," I cut him off. "If I had a gun, I'd use it."
"Oh!" He chuckled as he finally stood up. "That's hot."
"And you're an ass," I sighed. "An abusive, drunk ass who isn't welcome here. Get out."
"I came to get my sister."
"Bullshit," I said instantly. "You're going to hurt her."
"Why do you care?" He scoffed.
"Why don't you?" I shot back.
I could see by the look in his eyes that he was getting angry. I didn't care. He could be as angry at me as he wanted. As long as his anger was aimed at me and not Max or Lucas.
"Listen," he said through his teeth, "I don't know who you are and I'm sure that, another time, you and I could have some fun. A lot of fun."
"Like I'd ever get with you," I scoffed.
"Yeah?" He taunted. "I could show you a real good time."
"Bullshit," I laughed. "Harrington could show me a better time."
Right as I said that, Steve walked into the house. It was clear by the look on his face that he had heard me. His expression was one of surprise and something else that I couldn't name. Looking at Billy, I could see that comment annoyed him. A lot.
Ignoring how unbelievably embarrassing this was going to be, I pulled on that thread.
"You'd probably hog all the fun," I continued. "Steve, on the other hand, would pay more attention to me than to himself. I'd put money on the fact that you'd take all day to get me to have fun. Steve? It'd probably take, what? Five minutes?"
"Oh yeah?" He challenged.
"Definitely," I chuckled. "I've talked to some of the girls you've been with, Billy. You know what they say?"
"What?" He said, it coming out a growl.
"They all say that you taste like a 60-year-old smoker and make love like one."
That comment sent him over the edge.
"You're dead," he sneered at me.
Steve roughly grabbed Billy and turned him around. "No," he paused, "you are."
I gasped when Steve punched Billy. I ran over and stood protectively in front of the kids. Billy laughed hard as he stood up.
"Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh? I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everyone's been telling me so much about."
Steve put his fingers on Billy's chest and pushed him back.
"Get out," Steve said, his voice full of anger.
Billy swung at Steve but Steve instantly ducked. He stood back up and hit Billy again. As Steve continued to hit her brother, Max was shaking beside me. I grabbed her and tightly held her to my side.
"Damn," Lucas said under his breath, "he's scary."
"Billy or Steve?" Asked Mike.
"Definitely Steve," Dustin chuckled.
"No!" I gasped when Billy hit Steve.
Things just got worse. Soon, Billy was on top of Steve, landing punch after punch. Max had tears streaming down her face and the kids were yelling at Billy to stop. I glanced over and saw it on the counter. I let go of Max, jogged over, and grabbed it. I walked up behind Billy and didn't hesitate to stab him in the neck with the needle.
"Holy shit," Dustin said behind me. I stumbled back as Billy struggled to stand up. He turned around, his glare darkening. He reached up and pulled the syringe out of his neck.
"You bitch," he said slowly. He stumbled toward me but I punched him.
"Shit!" I gasped. I looked down at my fist, shaking out my hand. "How do they beat the crap out of each other and not break their hands?"
I gasped when I remembered Steve. I knelt next to him, moving some hair out of his face.
"Steve?" I whispered. "You okay? Wake up. Come on, Steve. Wake up."
I took a shaky breath as Steve slowly woke up. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Hey," he said under his breath.
"You okay?" I asked.
Steve gasped in pain as he struggled to sit up. I reached forward, instantly helping him. We looked over when Max started yelling. She was standing over Billy with Steve's bat.
"From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?"
"Screw you," Billy said, still out of it.
We all jumped when Max swung the bat, hitting it on the ground in between Billy's legs.
"Say you understand!" Max yelled. "Say it. Say it!"
"I understand," Billy mumbled.
"What?" Max asked.
"I understand," he said, trying to speak up.
Max walked over and grabbed her brother's keys out of his front pocket. Steve and I shared a surprised look.
"Let's go," Max said. She walked out of the house, the other kids going with her.
I turned towards Steve and carefully helped him to his feet. I reached up and gently held his face in my hands, examining the wound.
"I'm sure it looks a lot worse than it is," he gasped in pain.
"I doubt it," I sighed, lowering my hands. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Y/N," he chuckled. He started to walk outside, but I grabbed his arm.
"Steve," I said firmly, "Billy beat the shit out of you. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Y/N," he said gently, grabbing my hands. "I told you I was fine. I can take a beating."
"You shouldn't have had to," I mumbled.
"Billy would've hurt Max," Steve sighed. He cleared his throat as he added, "And you."
I looked up at him, my breath getting caught in my throat when I saw the way he was looking at me.
"Steve," I said, under my breath.
"You guys coming or what?!" Max yelled from outside.
"We better go," Steve said through a painful smile.
"Especially before Max or Dustin gets behind the wheel," Steve chuckled. I wrapped my arm around his waist and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Let's be honest," I smirked, "any of those fourteen-year-olds behind the wheel would be a horrible idea."
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autistic-robin · 3 years
party headcanons for the soul
after the byers family moves, max sends el long letters in the mail about what’s happening in hawkins and little notes she and lucas and dustin have passed back-and-forth in class so that el can still feel included in their group (because max knows how bad it feels to feel distant/excluded from the party)
mike and will have nightly phone calls where they plan campaigns for thanksgiving and winter break— they get so into it sometimes that mike forgets to come down for dinner or will completely abandons his homework
joyce and murray stay in touch and sometimes he visits them to rattle off conspiracy theories and keep them in-the-know about hawkins
also, murray is OBSESSED with el and will because, hello— el has superpowers and was raised in a lab?! will survived a week in an alternate dimension AND a possession?! he has lots of questions and they act like they’re annoyed, but really they both think he’s hilarious
jonathan shows el his stereo and gets her into the talking heads, the clash, the psychedelic furs, and the cure. whenever she’s upset or has a bad day at school, she listens to them on the walkman max gave her
mike goes to max when he realizes he’s in love with will. she’s frustrated at first (“so you were just USING el this whole time?!” “max, i didn’t even know i liked guys! jesus, i’m trying to ask for advice here!”) but once she realizes how freaked out he is, she’s supportive and encourages him to talk to will about it.
lucas sends will comics in the mail, and will sends lucas drawings of a character will’s based off of him— the hero’s superpowers include “earth-shaking sarcasm” and “ability to shoot fireworks from his fingertips”. lucas loves the drawings and puts them up on his bedroom wall.
el and will have nightly “therapy sessions” on will’s bedroom floor, except they don’t actually talk. they just draw with crayons or read to each other, because they both find the most comfort in distraction.
sometimes steve gets bored at family video and calls jonathan (because dustin knows the byers’ home phone number by heart) to debate with him about his taste in movies and music. jonathan acts like he hates it, but he never hangs up first.
robin and steve play a running game at work where they whisper-narrate customers’ inner monologues when they’re out of earshot. they also dub over customers’ voices if they’re talking in the store.
mike starts working multiple jobs to save up for will’s birthday gift— a realistic wizard’s staff just like the drawings will made when they first came up with will the wise. it has “crazy together” engraved on it.
nancy babysits erica when lucas has basketball games to go to.
whenever lucas and max are in a fight and have to sit together with the party at lunch, dustin plays mediator/couple’s therapist while mike tries to get them to fight even more. (“you know, max, lucas told me he actually did remember your anniversary, he just wasn’t sure what to get you so he pretended to forget.” “mike, you’re not helping!” “who said i was trying to?”)
el really wants a dog and begs joyce daily for one. will gets dragged into the campaign and makes protest-style posters that they parade around the house with whenever the topic comes up.
dustin and el talk on cerebro every week— most of their conversations consist of complaining about how dramatic their friends are. sometimes dustin will ask el her opinion on lucas and max’s latest conflict, and her answer is always to tell max to dump his ass.
mike and max start getting closer after he comes out to her, and she teaches him how to skateboard one day when the rest of the party is busy. he’s terrible at it and ends up spraining his ankle, but it’s the most fun he’s had since the byerses moved away.
robin draws on steve’s hands when she’s bored.
max and dustin make running commentary to each other whenever their teachers show the class a video or a movie.
nancy always plays madonna in the car when she drives mike to work, and he complains about it but ends up actually liking some of her music. when he mentions it to will on the phone, will laughs for a minute straight. (“what?! stop laughing at me, lucky star is a classic!” “mike, i need to convert you to the cure.”)
mike tries to call will but el picks up instead, and they end up having a long heart-to-heart about mike’s feelings for will. he apologizes profusely, and el, while a little upset that he lied to her, says it’s okay. when they’re finally done hashing everything out, she asks him if girls can like other girls. mike is just like “THAT’S your take-away?” but internally he’s freaking out because holy shit, are el and max a thing?
steve helps lucas practice before every basketball tournament. dustin watches them from the sidelines and cheers whenever lucas gets past steve.
the party goes to all of lucas’ basketball games and is obnoxiously loud. they make giant signs with glitter— courtesy of erica’s craft supplies collection— and blow noisemakers when he scores a point. lucas acts embarassed and annoyed with them for it, but he secretly loves it.
mike starts letting his hair grow out, and holly likes practicing braiding it while he does his homework at the kitchen table. when she gets it tangled, he threatens to cut it, but they both know he won’t.
el gets really into experimenting with makeup, and sometimes will asks if he can borrow her eyeshadow to wear at home. he likes being artistic with it and el ends up liking his technique so much that he becomes her personal makeup artist.
el sends mike a photo of will wearing eyeshadow in the mail and he immediately calls her and deadpans, “never speak to me again.” el just giggles and hangs up because will’s looking at her weird.
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psychdelia · 3 years
steve knows he’s being fucking stupid. that he should grab his stupid scoops ahoy hat and shirt and put them back on.
but he’s never been too bright, especially when he’s in love.
“open the door.” he meets shaky breaths and silence. “open the door!” he snaps at the kids behind him, eyes locked on his boyfriend, rocking back and forth in the sauna.
these damn kids were about to get themselves killed. he has to save them yet again, but it’s not just their asses on the line. billy is in there, possessed, and max couldn’t get through to him so now it’s steve’s turn to try. shirtless, scared steve who has no idea if he’ll make it out of there alive. running on love and adrenaline, he doesn’t care.
eleven cracks the door open just enough for him to slip in, locking it again.
steve starts sweating immediately. it’s hot. billy is just sitting there, rocking back and forth, knuckles white as they grip the bench he sits on.
steve slowly drops to his knees in front of billy, keeps distance between them as he stares up at his boyfriend. his expression is blank, lost, but his eyes. fuck, his eyes. they’re so sad. exhausted and glazed over, wet with unshed tears. he doesn’t know if billy’s all there, or even there at all.
“billy.” he murmurs softly, hands hovering above his knees, not quite touching him. too scared of what might happen if he does. “billy, baby, it’s me.”
steve doesn’t have the time or energy to deal with the shocked and confused gasps that come from the kids, not when billy’s eyes finally meet his. they brighten just a touch with recognition, still red rimmed and teary.
“hey.” steve smiles sadly. “i-i know you’re in there. i know you’re probably so fucking scared, but you gotta be strong. you’re so strong billy, you just gotta fight.” steve’s hands finally land on his knees, not daring to squeeze or startle him. or the mindflayer.
a tear rolls down billy’s cheek, face unmoving.
“i know.” steve frowns sadly, smoothing circles over billy’s knee with his thumb. “i know you’re tired of fighting and hurting. please, billy, it’s just one last time. i’ll keep you safe and make sure nothing - no one ever hurts you again.”
more tears roll down his cheeks.
“i promise.” steve adds softly. “i know you’re in there, i know you see me, hear me. come on, billy, talk to me. please.” steve begs. he doesn’t realize how the sauna has gotten significantly hotter.
doesn’t have time to worry about it when billy finally cracks and breaks, broken sobs and whimpers leaving his throat. he chokes out a broken “steve.”
the clarity comes back into his eyes, sadness and fear written all over his face.
“he made me do it,” billy cries, shaky hands grabbing onto steve’s and squeezing so tight.
“who? what did he make you do?” steve climbs up onto the bench beside billy.
he should be scared, shouldn’t be pressing their sides flush and ridding of any distance between them. but with billy back to consciousness and seeking his comfort, well he has a little glimmer of hope and lots of love to give.
“i don’t know he-he’s like a shadow. he made me hurt people. i don’t wanna hurt people, steve, please forgive me. i’m sorry. i’m so sorry.” he’s crying freely now, slumping against steve.
“it’s okay, it’s okay. it’s not you, baby, you’re not doing this. none of this is you, but you gotta stay with me. you can’t let it take you again. we’re almost done, just. please stay.” steve’s voice breaks off at the end, holding billy up as his shoulders shake through sobs.
“heather.” billy whimpers. “she’s in m-my trunk. i don’t wanna hurt her anymore but he’s making me.”
“we’ll get her out, okay? she’ll be perfectly fine, just like you. just breathe and stay with me.” steve rubs billy’s back, catches sweat on his fingertips and palm. he glances up to find max tossing lucas the key to the camaro before he sprints out. he comes back with heather, looking shocked and scared and sad.
“it hurts.” billy whines through gritted teeth. “it’s so hot. he-he likes the cold.”
“i know. we’re gonna get him out of you soon. you just gotta keep fighting. gotta stay with me. then everything will be okay. i can’t lose you.” relief washes over steve as billy nods weakly, shaking and crying in his arms.
steve pulls billy even closer and tighter. he’s starting to burn up too, skin sweaty and prickling. he can’t even imagine how billy feels, burning from the inside out. he sneaks a glance out at the kids, catches their shocked and sad eyes. he finally finds eleven’s, big and too strong for a kid her age. she must read his mind because then she’s nodding and reaching toward the thermometer. her eyes are shut tightly, face contorted in pain and determination. it takes a second, but the room gets impossibly hotter.
“too hot.” billy hisses, his skin burning up beneath steve’s hands. they’re both too hot, skin red and sweaty and on fire.
“we’re almost there.” steve reassures. “you love the heat. the california sun and beaches and warm water. this isn’t any different. i’ll take you back. take you to all the beaches and your favorite stores and restaurants and try those street burritos you always talk about. i’ll burn under the sun while you get golden tan and hot to the touch. i wanna give you the world, billy.” steve rambles.
billy cries harder, so scared and in so much pain.
“i love you so much, fuck. too fucking much it hurts. i don’t want you to hurt. not anymore. please just fight him out.” the room feels like it’s getting hotter, steve’s chest getting tight.
he thought he knew love. thought he had already gone through the trial and error of being in love with nancy.
that’s nothing compared to this right now.
“what if i can’t and-“
“you can.” steve cuts him off fiercely. “you can and you will.” the room feels like it can’t get any hotter, feels like it already it.
steve’s moved on from love and sadness and grief. he’s angry, now. so hot and sweaty and irritable. he wants billy to get angry.
“fuck him.” steve spits. “fuck all of them. your mom for leaving you, your dad for hurting you. all the teachers and adults in your life who failed you. fuck this shadow. fuck them! don’t let them win. you’ve been through so much, too fucking much. you can’t give up now. can’t prove them right.”
billy just weeps, shaking his head.
steve gently grabs his face, such a contrast from the anger running through his veins. he coaxes billy into looking up, making eye contact with him.
“listen to me. you’re billy fucking hargrove. you’ve been fighting your whole damn life and you’re so close, so close to winning. to being free and letting me drag our asses back where you belong, under the stupid fucking sun on the stupid fucking sand. you lose now, there’s no more beaches. there’s no more warm water and burritos and sand stuck in your hair for days. you let him win - your dad, the shadow - you lose so much worth fighting for. you hear me?”
billy nods. he’s stopped full on sobbing, left with a quivering bottom lip and leftover tears wetting his cheeks.
“so be my strong, stubborn hardheaded asshole boyfriend and fight this thing out. NOW.”
billy clenches his jaw, nostrils flaring as the fire simmers underneath blue.
“NOW!” steve yells.
the room is as hot as it can get, eleven’s screaming at the thermometer about to break through the fucking wall. max is crying in heather’s arms and the boys are chanting and yelling, cheering billy on.
billy’s eyes and veins are turning black, body twitching before he’s screaming in pain and agony, the black shadow leaving his body and crashing through the sauna ground. it feels like it goes on forever despite it only being a minute, the mindflayer fucked up entity finally leaving billy’s body and leaving a hole right in the middle of the ground.
billy gasps for air and slumps against steve once the room stops shaking and lights stop flickering and the black hole looks more like layers of cement and foundation. he coughs and heaves, throwing up black goo. steve holds him upright, makes sure he’s gotten everything out of his body and system.
steve gently pulls billy back up when he’s reduced to groans and whimpers, beyond relieved when he finds billy’s eyes and skin have returned back to normal, no traces of black or mindflayer left behind.
“hey, hey, hey. billy, you there? look at me.” steve cups his cheeks in his hands, forcing billy to look up at him.
he looks like shit. red and sweaty but worryingly pale at the same time. his hair is damp and flat, sticking to his face. steve can’t imagine that he looks much better himself.
“tacos.” billy finally speaks. he looks up at steve. “they’re street tacos. not burritos.” he grins, sideways and tired but still billy.
steve smiles so fucking wide, heart too big for his chest as he pulls billy into the tightest fucking hug, peppering kisses all over his face and head.
“let’s get you out of here.” steve helps him up, guides him around the hole in the ground and out of the sauna after el opens the door for them.
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neopuppy · 3 years
Regular-Irregular: Part 3 (M)
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Preview: “Whatever, we’ll settle this once and for all.” The alpha seated on the desk turns toward you, brow lifting. “You squirt omega?”
“Huh!?” Your eyes shift between the two sporting amused expressions.
“Even better if she doesn’t. Then we’ll really see whose the squirt master here.”
Pairing: female omega reader x alpha Haechan x alpha Yangyang
Word Count: 2.7k
Genre: omegaverse, pwop I mean this is porn, M/F, this is FICTION.
Smut Warning: overstimulation, squirting, oral, slapping lower regions, explicit language
Part 1–>
Part 2–>
“Hey, omega girl, get over here” an alpha you haven’t been properly introduced to you waves a hand flagging you down. Seated on the desk of another alpha. Both of them wiggling around two fingers in a specific way, glancing at the desktop screen.
“No dude it’s like this” the one seated motions his two middle fingers, tips curling forward. “You have to push down like this.”
“Haechan I fucking know how to make bitches squirt alright?! I’m a pro! One time I got this omega to cum so hard, looked like I got caught in the rain.” You shift around awkwardly listening to their back and forth banter. A few other alphas pretending to stay busy passing by with folders. It never seemed like anyone was actually working around here.
“Whatever, we’ll settle this once and for all.” The alpha seated on the desk turns toward you, brow lifting. “You squirt omega?”
“Huh!?” Your eyes shift between the two sporting amused expressions.
“Even better if she doesn’t. Then we’ll really see whose the squirt master here.” Haechan responds, sick smirk growing . Two fingers parting over his lips, tongue wiggling out in between. Eyes watching you with nothing but impure intention. “How much do you want to bet I can make her squirt faster than you?”
“Hey if we’re placing bets, my moneys on Yangyang.” Lucas steps in, sitting at the other side of Haechans desk. Smile large, hands clapping together. “Love a fun little competition.”
“What the fuck Lucas, I thought we were partners in crime here?” Haechan sits up, hand over chest in offense.
“Hey if I’m putting bills on this, I have to make the right choice. You’ll make her cum too Haechan. I’ve seen Yangyang in action though, he knows what he’s doing.” Lucas shrugs. Catching your bewildered expression, throwing a cocky wink your way.
“He’s not wrong, as I said- I’m a fucking pro.” Yangyang returns his gaze back to you. Tongue darting out to the corner of his mouth. “Now answer the question omega, you a squirter?”
Your face could not feel any hotter with three sets of alpha eyes eating you up. Everyday just had to be something new, didn’t it. Yangyang sits up from the desk, hands wrapping around your waist.
“Are you stupid? Why aren’t you answering me.” It’s hardly a question. His face inching in close, menacing eyes tearing into your mind.
“Yangyang come on dude, don’t be like that. She’s still new.” Haechan stands up, pulling you out of the other alphas hold. Hands smoothing up and down your sides. “You catch more bees with honey, you know that right?” Yangyang scoffs with annoyance. Eyes lazily glaring at you upset with your lack of response.
“You know the rules boys. Friendly competition! Johnny’s using the conference room today though.” Lucas stands up, head hovering high above the cubicle walls. “We’ll just have to make it work here.”
Staplers, pens, and files go flying. Lucas clearing the top of Haechan’s desk to make space. Your eyes turn into saucers, sweat gathering in your lower back. The building kept a cool temperature- something about alphas not wanting to break a sweat at ‘work’. Haechan goes on whispering sweet nothings into your ear, sounds fuzzily passing out the other.
“Here? On the desk?” Yangyang questions glancing around the office for another spot. Another alpha settling down across the way into a seat. Paper cup of water in hand, interest in what will happen next peaked.
“Where else? This way it’s fair. You know Johnny’s rules.” Lucas shifts around the desktop closer to the desk ledge. “Try not to get this covered in slick.”
“Yea yea.. fucking Kun ruining everything for us..” Yangyang mutters, unbuttoning open his blazer. Haechan moves you to the desk, nudging you back until your ass meets the ledge.
“Hop up baby” with a nervous nod, you quickly obey. Shifting your lower half up onto the desk. Yangyang stepping forward, abruptly stopped by Haechan’s arm.
“Since you’re the pro, it’s only fair I start don’t you think?” Haechan throws a sly smile toward the other alpha. Shoving past, settling between your legs.
“I’ll start the timer whenever you’re ready then Haechan.” Lucas voices out, phone held up. Yangyangs eyes roll, moving around the desk. Eyes scorching into your back.
“You ok?” Haechan’s palms spread over your bare thighs. Warm hands dragging against your over heated flesh. He’s calming, a false sense of calming no less. Presence more mischievous than dangerous. Youthful, a young eager to learn alpha. With a lick over your lips, you nod slowly. Hands trembling, balling up into tight fists.
“I don’t think I’ve...” with a bite to your lip you pause. Eyes falling to the peak of desk between your legs.
“What is it? Say it...finish your sentence.” Haechan’s grip on your thighs tightens. Fingers dancing at the edge of your skirt. Core already beginning to twitch and convulse between you. Scent of arousal traveling up both your noses. The embarrassment of everyone always knowing when you’re ready to be split open only turning you on more.
“Squi...” your tone cracks, knuckles digging into the wooden layer beneath you.
“Dumb omega, can’t even say it out loud can you?” Yangyangs lips press to your ear. Whispering harsh words, nails dragging down your spine like a knife. Something about him immature, but too intelligent for his own good.
“Don’t taunt her.” Haechan’s stern vocals interrupt your thoughts. Air passing through your lungs with a struggle. Two strong alpha bodies trapping you between them, slick gushing out of your entrance. Ass becoming uncomfortably damp against the desk.
“You’re not a dumb omega right baby?” Haechan lifts a hand, nudging your chin up with two fingers. “Now shut Yangyang up and say the words.”
“I don’t..” Haechan’s parted lips softly drag across yours. Bumping against each other as you stutter out. “I don’t...think..I’ve...sq-squirted..before” heat soars throughout your limbs. Like a bucket of boiling water pouring down you. Flashes of pre-heat triggering your memory of the familiar sensation.
“That’s a smart omega.” Haechan leans forward, soft lips pecking you. Hand making way between your squished thighs, fingers coating in the slick across your skin. You gulp, swallowing, nodding. Lips growing hungrier for attention, seeking more of his mouth. Fingers teasing up and down your slit.
“So juicy, you’re gonna give me all your slick right?” You rapidly nod, unsure that’s even something your body can do. Desperately needing to be touched. Haechan’s fingers snap in Lucas direction, motioning to start the time. “Lay down baby, let me see you.”
You fall back easily, thighs spreading further open. Back of your head meeting a sturdy chest. Eyes rolling up, locking with Yangyangs.
“I got you” his arms move between yours. Lifting you up, head resting against Yangyangs shoulder. His fingers toying at your blouse buttons, only a few sealed. Top low enough to expose your nipples at any turn, any drop of a paper. Xiaojun insisted you spilled his files every morning, getting on your knees to pick them up, extra slow.
Haechan’s palm cups around your mound, humiliating sound of wetness sounding out. Hand lifting, glistening with slick under the fluorescent office lights.
“Fuck, you’re so wet..” his fingers spread, thick stickiness spreading between each.
Haechan’s eyes full of galaxies as he admires the way you glow over him. Grin growing and twisting, dick hardening. Your eyes fall closed, Yangyang tweaking nipples between fingers, ruthless in his pulling and tugging.
With a wipe of his hand across your skirt, Haechan roughly tugs the minuscule thing off your body. Daily requests from alphas for more revealing clothing flooding your emails. ‘If I can’t see your pussy when you bend over, don’t even bother with that shit.’
“Did I say you could close your eyes omega?” Haechan slaps down your core, droplets of slick jumping up. Eyes flying open, scream ripping from your throat. Yangyangs arms tighten around you as your torso jumps forward. Haechan’s hand repeating the motion, laying down slaps between your thighs. Mound heated up angrily, swelling up with pathetic need.
“Alpha!” Voice finally finding courage to yell out. Evil smile crossing Haechan’s lips, fingers rubbing all around your center. Slick loud and nasty, pooling on the desk.
“Look at you..” Haechan tsks, hands slapping down your inner thighs, squeezing at the fat. Slutty hole fluttering at the sight of an alpha, more than begging to be filled. “So fucking nasty. All you omegas are the same..”
“Tick tock tick tock” Yangyangs voice surprises you, arching into him. Eyes twitching open and shut as Haechan spits on your center. Shooting Yangyang a glare, Haechan moves down to his knees. Eyes drawn in to your ready hole.
With another shove at your thighs, Haechan’s tongue darts into your heat. Working way in past your clenching hole, rapidly. Muscle sliding in as far as it can. Fingers pressing down on your clit. Other hand gripping the back of your thigh, holding you to stay open. Yangyang intently watching for your reactions, lightly pressing your hardened perked buds in. Not wanting to assist Haechan too much with getting you off.
Your chest tightens, head turning to the side. Lucas squeezing at his fat cock through tight slacks. Arousal coursing through you faster at the sight. Not to mention the alphas hovering around as if it’s just another day- because it is. Slurping sounds between your core and Haechan’s mouth so loud. Toes curling behind his back, hips jumping up. Tongue working inside you deep, using strength to pleasure your squeezing walls.
“S-shit fuck” eyes squeezing, thighs attempting to clamp shut around the alphas head. Earning a slap across the inside of one. Hiss slipping past gritted teeth. Hole clenched around Haechan’s tongue as he pulls away. Face filthy, chin dripping in slick. The alpha rises to stand, one hand working at his belt. Tongue licking around lips and any skin within reach.
“So tasty omega, nasty little whore.” Zipper opening up, Haechan tugs out his throbbing dick. Another slap landing on your cunt. Eyes rolling back as the pleasured pain reacts in your coiling stomach.
“Alpha, p-please please!” Neck falling back on Yangyangs shoulder, tongue licking swipes along your neck. Haechan gutturally groans, rubbing over his cock head. Slapping the meat down on your wet folds. He’s teasing too much, not enough, refusing to give you what you need.
“Please, I can’t alpha” your face squeezes. Hips trying to lift toward him. Tip swirling at your entrance, dipping in only enough for a taste of your tight walls. Haechan’s eyes fluttering, lips pulled tight, forcing his hips away. With an extra rough slap to your cunt, he shoves two fingers in. Nothing patient about his motions, knuckles gliding in. Fingers reaching deep into you, jerking around as his face breaks into concentration. Haechan leans over above you, forearm roughly shaking. Teeth gritted, other hand moving to your lower stomach.
“Come on baby, I know you can do it..” Haechan grits out words, hand pushing down on you. Fingers thrusting inside you savagely, determined to win. He finally feels it, that spongey like texture. Palm beating against your clit with each thrust of his fingers.
“Fuck” Haechan mutters, head shaking. Sweat collecting along his forehead. Arm trembling with all his power. He presses in roughly, hand on your stomach shoving you in.
“ALPHA!” Jerking around in Yangyangs hold trying to break free. Orgasm exploding inside of you, like an electric chair shock killing every nerve in your body. Haechan screams through grinding teeth, cock jumping between his legs. Pussy sucking his fingers in so good, nearly crying to himself. Thumb reaching down, swiping at the hood of your clit. He works it into a circle, forcing pressure down.
“A-alpha! No!-..” Hips jumping off the table, clear liquid shooting up everywhere. Alphas around the offices jaws falling open watching Haechan’s blissful face get drenched in slick. Your slick endlessly bursting free, Haechan not letting up one bit. Mouth hung open, tongue lapping at the squirt hitting him.
“Holy shit..” Yangyang mumbles against your cheek. Dick becoming painfully hard the longer he has to wait. Loud pants fill the room, some from you, Haechan, others.
Haechan’s fingers rip free, immediately returning to his knees. Mouth opening wide over your mound, sucking up every last drop of slick like a madman. Face contorting in pain with overstimulation, tingle never leaving your stomach. Omega inside of you desperate for more, for alpha cock.
“My turn..” Yangyang moves away, rounding the table swiftly. He shoves Haechan with no remorse, eyes wide and crazed blazing into your core. Haechan grunts falling back to the floor, dizzy off your taste. Face dripping in absurd amounts of slick, hair drenched.
“Fuck this..” Yangyang unzips himself. Long cock falling free, messy strokes up and down. Shifting up to your elbows, eyes hungrily watching. He presses in, cock head pushing at your swollen entrance. Core tightening nervously, mind appeased focusing on relaxing open.
Yangyang slides in, pussy spreading around cock with an extra loud wet squelch. Satisfied smirk drawing onto his lips, grinding into you with every inch. Hands wrapping around your knees pressing them forward. Yangyang gets you folded up, looking for the perfect angle. Hips swiveling into you nonstop, cock issuing harsh punishing thrusts. He can’t wait, watching you and Haechan took too long. Balls filled up ready to spill.
Wetness covering his slacks with each thrust forward. Nothing about his movements slow, fucking you with no concern. Only stilling to grind in deeply, nose scrunched up in search for your deepest spot.
“Fuck I’m gonna fucking cum..” his eyes squeeze shut, face wrinkling up. Head shaking, resisting the urge. Hips slam into you faster, hands wrapping around your neck loosely. Trying to gain a hold on you, using all of his body weight to fuck into you. Your head turning side to side catching Lucas tugging at his cock roughly. Pained scream falling free as another orgasm hits. Yangyang not slowing down, needing to push you past your limits. Groaning to himself as you tighten up.
He pulls away, when you start convulsing around his size. Cock slowly slipping out, pushing your leg open. Delivering brutal slaps back and forth across your clit. Whined screams and cries fleeing your lips. Another rush of slick pouring from your hole. Yangyangs hand roughly stroking your walls together, slick shooting out aggressively. Landing all over Haechan’s work desk, keyboard, Yangyangs shirt. His hands and forearms shining.
With a deep growl, he plunges back in, chasing an orgasm. Your eyes rolling back as Yangyang animalistically fucks into you, slick shooting up between your bodies. Shout tearing out from his lips in climax. He finally drops, cock pulsating with every pass of cum. Your muscles relaxing, back falling flat. Tension of needing more finally freeing you. Minutes passing as you lay in a daze catching your breath.
“Who won?” Yangyang lifts up, skin drenched in you. Chest rising and falling trying to catch his own breath.
“The fuck, how should I know..” Lucas grunts, tucking himself back in. Zipper seal sounding as he steps away with a leg shake.
“If anyone asks, I won.” Yangyang smirks, hand slapping down on your core. An embarrassing sound of wetness sounding out, loud enough for anyone within 20 feet to hear. Your hips twitching up, pussy too swollen for anymore. Both alphas half redressed before stepping away with barely a wave goodbye.
With wobbly legs you stand, picking up your discarded skirt from the floor. Holding on to one of the cubicle walls as you hobble back into the ruined garment. Wetness left behind on your body sticky, some drying tightly on your skin already. Needing the bathroom, you drag a hand down the hallway wall. Feet slowly dragging toward the omega restroom- your own personal one with shower and toiletries.
Releasing half a weak whimper before a hand slaps down over your opened mouth. Pressed into the wall, hard covered cock pressing into your lower back.
“Don’t make a sound” a low rasp whispers directly into your ear. Other hand squeezing your breast, fingers dipping into the pocket on your top. “If you say anything I’ll make you regret it.” The alpha releases you, foot steps quickly walking out of the hallway.
You slump against the wall, mind still wracked. Confusion settling over you yet again. Forehead pressed against the wall, eyes falling to your pocket. Corner of a folded up paper poking out- a note. Holding yourself up with one arm, you shake it open.
‘Copy room tomorrow. 10am. Do not repeat this to anyone.’ -J
Part 4–>
a/n: “there is no plot”
omg theres kind of a plot🤪
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@seuomo @unknown5tar @nanascupid @doieclayed @johnjaespeach @eggbutnotyolk @skittlez-area512 @jaehyunluvcult @lauraneuuh @hyucksslut @woofie-nctzen-fanarts @sweetmoonlight9 @multifandombtvh @notsooperfect @lenaluvs @hyunsannie @reinventingpersona @kawaiiayasan @resceluwu @hemlockbeauty @jaeminielovebot @snapcracklen @bands-messed-me-up @whlplazh @prettychannie @scruffiejelly @nominsgirl @5sos-wdw @winwiniee @sheytanni @aaaaalex05
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transmascwillbyers · 2 years
Could you write a little fic about Will finding out that Mike likes superman and likes the muscle guys on his posters so he teases him abt it lol? (His type)
Also flufffffff
(You dont have to but if you do thank you<3)
Have a great day!
Sure, anon! This is probably going to be a little short side, but I'll hopefully make it work, so here goes! (Very minor TW for some body image issues on Will's part, but it's nothing too serious and it's only like 2 lines anyway, so you can definitely skip it.)
"Hey, uh... Mike?"
"Yeah?" Mike said, his green eyes darting around the room as a blush started to creep into his pale cheeks.
"Um... I-I don't want to make anything awkward here, but how come you have a massive poster of superman right next to your bed?" Silence. Of course. Mike stared up at the ceiling, wringing his hands as the awkwardness sank in.
"Look, it's a long story, but, um..." Well, Will could guess that. When the two of them had first started dating, he didn't know anything about what Mike's "type" was. Will didn't think he had one, given how long they'd been falling for each other- he thought that, if anything, Mike's type was probably awkward nerds with bowl cuts who were willing to play D&D and Nintendo on all their dates. But... well, Mike had been acting a little bit weird around his boyfriend lately, hadn't he?
It started at lunchtime, when Dustin had challenged Will to an arm wrestling match. If he was just some random kid, Will probably wouldn't have cared, but he knew that everyone in the party had seen the weak little 12-year-old he once was, that little kid who got lost in the Upside Down so many years ago. Will was still a little scared of getting pitied, even if he hid it well, so he shrugged, rolled up his sleeve, and started the match.
After an agonizing minute or so, Will actually won, and Dustin spent the rest of the period complaining about how “Hey, no fair! You probably just bribed El to help you or something!” Figures. But the one reaction that did surprise him was Mike’s. The minute he turned back to his boyfriend, he saw that Mike’s face had turned a deep shade of red, his wide eyes locked on Will’s arms and staring blankly like he was mesmerized. Oh, god, Will realized, what if he is mesmerized? 
“Mike, what are you-”
“I-I have to go to the bathroom,” Mike said, slamming down his lunch tray and bolting off. Okay, so that was weird, Will thought, but maybe he just really likes my arms or something? It was easy to write off, and nothing too strange happened afterwards. That was, until Lucas asked the two of them if they ever wanted to be gym buddies with him- he had to lift weights for basketball- and Mike got flustered all over again.
“Sorry, y-you? Me? Will?” Mike said, looking back and forth between the two of them like he was watching a ping-pong match. “I-I’m sorry, but… n-never mind. What I mean is, um, uh… yeah, never mind. Sorry.” And then Mike turned back to his lunch, not talking for the final few minutes of break time. It was just another one of those moments that made Will wonder, what’s going on inside that boy’s head? And why does he get so flustered every time something like this comes up?
But it didn’t totally click until Mike invited Will over to his house, and he saw the posters in Mike’s room. Will hadn’t been in Mike’s room for a few years, actually- whenever the party needed somewhere to hang out, they’d always go to his basement, but never his room. It always seemed too quiet, too intimate, too personal. Still, Will had figured, hey, we’re dating now, right? What’s the harm? But of course, when he came back for the first time in a few years, he saw the posters plastered all over Mike’s walls. Superheroes, bodybuilders, all kinds of muscular men lined up like constellations of stars all over the room. And that was when Will realized it.
Oh, god. Maybe he does have a type.
“I had a crush on superman when I was, like, twelve,” Mike says, sighing and rolling his eyes up towards the ceiling. “It was just this… dumb little kid thing, you know? But then I realized that there might have been an underlying factor about why, and, well… y-you get it. It’s why I was… weird. Wh-when you arm wrestled Dustin, I mean. I just… you know what? I should stop talking.” There’s a quick pause as Will stares up at the posters, millions of thoughts running through his mind. “...Will?”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe this,” Will says, laughing even though there’s a bit of fear behind his eyes. “So… so that time in the van, when you called El superman? That was-”
“That was just where my mind went, okay? Don’t judge me!” 
“Who said I was?” 
“Well, you were laughing!”“I laugh when I think you’re being cute, Mike. Not when you’re being an idiot.” Will reached over to ruffle Mike’s hair, smiling up at the slightly taller boy. When he let go, his haircut actually looked a little bit less disheveled. Figures.
“Well… thanks. For not caring. You know?” Right, right. Not caring. Except, if you like muscular guys, and I’m not like that, then what does that mean? Are you going to break up with me now? Is it all just going to- “Hey, Will, you okay? You’re kinda… spacing out.” Will laughed, a little less joyful this time, and stared down at the ground.
“I-it’s fine,” he muttered, not looking Mike in the eyes. “It’s just… you know, if muscular men are your type, and I’m not like that, then…”
“Will.” Mike’s hand slipped into his, gentle and calming, and Will looked back up at his boyfriend’s eyes. Mike was smiling at him, eyes twinkling, like the superman poster right next to him didn’t even matter. Like Will was the real superhero.
“I don’t care what you look like. You know that,” Mike said, resting his forehead on Will’s as he started closing the gap between them. “I fell in love with you because you were kind, and patient, and because you could put up with all the dumb things I did to you before I figured myself out. I fell in love with you because you’re my best friend, Will. And, sure, when you do sporty stuff… I mean, I do think it’s kind of cute. But it’s not why I love you. I love you for you, no matter what you look like. Okay?” And with that, Mike pressed a quick kiss to Will’s forehead, fleeting yet sweet, tender, really… lovely. Mike did love him. Of course he did. He always did.
“O-okay, then,” Will said, his hands shaking ever-so-slightly as they wrapped around Mike’s waist. Now, it was his turn to be flustered. “Um… do you maybe want to cuddle for a bit? Just… slow down for a bit?” Mike nodded, and the two of them sat down on his bed, arms around each other like they were holding on for dear life. No. Like they were each other’s life.
And Will knew that, no matter Mike’s “type” was, the fact that they could even be this close made them perfect together.
Hope you liked it! This was really fun to write, so I might do something like this again- I'll see how it goes!
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COSMIC - S3:E6; Chapter Six, E Pluribus Unum - [Pt. 4]
A Will Byers x Fem!Reader Series
𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺, 𝘦𝘭 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘴. 𝘥𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘶𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺/𝘯 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴. 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦, 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘹 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘨𝘰, 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺/𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭'𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴.
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⚠️: (1) very brief mention of anxiety, (comedic) filler dialogue is not my strong suit unless i have a purpose for it, sassy will, protective Max, Jonathan being a good bro, Lucas and Y/n being iconic as usual, and a little bit of a third-wall break from me calling out the show's logic 😀 why this is my breaking point? idk
📝: let us have some lumax... as a ✨️treat✨️
🔑: b/f = breakfast food (if you don't eat breakfast, it can be anything really)
"Will, you know you can--," Mike sighed with a wince, no doubt trying to be the friend he was last year. Almost like he had forgotten how to be. "you can be honest with me about this stuff. I get it, man. I do. What you went through last year was... scary. It was really scary,"
Looking up from my last few bites of cereal and peeking through the window I barely make out the two of them sitting on the porch together. From what I can see, which isn't very much, the air is still very much tense. I can only see the back of her head as she sits to the left of Mike, but as he looks at her... I don't know, he almost looks shocked. Relieved? I can't very well make it out when the two of them keep turning away, but it's likely for the best. They need their privacy.
"I appreciate that, Mike." A passing glimpse of my old friend makes me smile, but I can't bring myself to all the way. Not with all the dangers we're still facing.
I take another bite, my attention wandering to the living room where the others are still gathered. Jonathan and Nancy are pretty much just bouncing theories back and forth between themselves now, and Lucas and Max have grown aware of the two missing party members out on the porch.
"She's not giving up anytime soon, is she?" Mike asked, his voice lost farther away in guilt than his eyes as he watched her pace.
Any instinct I'd normally have to get protective doesn't come. It's clear, for once in a long time, there's no ill intent. Just a glimpse of the old Mike; the one who, Y/n had told me of, had given Dustin a certain best friend speech all that time ago.
"Can you blame her?"
I know for certain I'm not the only one who misses how things used to be. It's something that comes up often, whether in stolen moments or subtle glances. Lucas, Dustin, and I most of all, had been there for the most tight-knit of days back in elementary school. But no matter how much we try and intervene, it's been proven many times over this is something only they can fix.
Looking back out, I see Y/n setting down her comm on the steps at her feet. Mike is watching her carefully. He looks the most vulnerable I think I can ever remember seeing him. Probably since that night with the Mind Flayer.
I shake my head of the thought and creeping blush and return to my cereal. I really need to give them privacy.
Nothing about their friendship stands a chance if I'm breathing down their neck. I should know this by now, it's happened before. Granted, things were never this bad in fifth grade-- shoot! A couple of pieces tumble off my spoon as I try to eat them, my head ducking after them in reflex but it does nothing. I feel myself frown instinctually as they fall back into the milk with a small plop and looking up at the others I'm glad to see no one saw. But they were starting to break off from each other and mill about.
Swallowing the last bites of my cereal and downing the remaining bit of milk before rinsing my bowl, I was at Max and Lucas' side at a moment's notice. They had since gotten up from the couch and were lingering by the phone, not so subtly trying to catch a glimpse at the two outside every once in a while.
Prying a pointer finger free from the arms folded against his chest, Lucas gestures wearily to the window. "Are they actually," His eyes meet with Max once before landing on mine, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "talking?"
Glancing back at the two, I find them both still facing out at the forest. It's hard to tell if either of them is speaking. Mike looks as if he's staring at his shoes and I wonder to myself just what might have pushed him to this point. What finally brought him here?
"Yeah," I nod with a small smile. "I mean, hopefully."
Max narrowed her eyes over my shoulder, and I have no doubts she's trying to scope out the air between the two. "Isn't that, like, a fire hazard?"
"Hey," I chide, despite the half-hearted chuckle that arose at the comment. "Watch it. Besides, this is progress. We all wanted this."
She wastes no time in tossing me a blatantly playful 'you know what I mean' look and shrugs it off. "Well, duh, yeah! In a perfect world those two would be best friends and not just for the sake of appearances, but, Will, face it. They're just not. Besides," Max straightens, almost in a defensive manner as she prickles, her eyes settling on who I could only assume to be Mike. "no one could blame her. Not with the shit he's been pulling,"
The very hot and itchy feeling of anger in my chest I had been getting well acquainted with threatened to return at the many examples gathered over the past two years. But none quite so much as the memory of the mall.
She looked around quickly, her voice falling into a whispered hiss. "What, so I should be locked up all day, too?"
A sharp breath escapes without me trying as the moment shoots to the surface above most of the rest. Most.
"It's not my fault you can't move on!"
That was a side of Mike I thought I'd never see. I never thought it could even exist. But I was wrong. It did exist. But as ridiculous as it sounds, the more things unravel, the more I start to see the old Mike. The Mike that was willing to put his pride aside for the sake of his friends cause at the end of the day, the ones he loved were what mattered most. Even if it meant going on a long, stumbling ramble he meant to be an apology.
"And I guess... I feel like I've been losing you to her. That once you two got together, I wouldn't ever see you. Which is totally stupid, I know, cause, like she said... friends don't do that..." he looks at me sincerely. Apologetically. "You wouldn't do that, and you haven't... and even worse, I went and did that exact same thing."
It was true Mike wasn't who he used to be. But something in my gut was telling me he wasn't all gone. And I refused to believe he was. It was the least I could do for him. After all, he did the same for me.
Hardly any time had passed before Lucas seemed to jump in with similar thoughts.
"They used to be," he admitted wistfully, causing Max to straighten in curiosity. "Best friends, I mean."
"Who, those two?" Max laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. But I could see it dying in her eyes fairly quickly when she met my gaze. And all either of us could offer her was a simple shrug. "Wait, you guys are serious? I thought they always just, you know, tolerated each other?"
"They do now," I say, "barely," and Lucas nods solemnly along.
"It's true. I mean, don't forget, Mike once jumped off a cliff for her and Dustin,"
Apparently, Max hadn't heard about that story before. Her head jerked flat to the back of her shoulders as she rapidly blinked, looking as if she had short-circuited back about three hours in time.
"Uhm, sorry," Max threw a dry laugh at both of us. "He what now?"
"I told you this!" Lucas insisted with great shock. "Last year. At the arcade. Ya know, when you didn't believe me?"
"No, no, no. You told me Dustin, Y/n, Mike and you got in a huge fight about El. The three of them went looking for her, got chased down by those bullies. And basically, a bunch of shit went down: Troy knocked Y/n out, getting ready to kick the shit out of her or something, and Mike and Dustin were nearly killed defending her until El showed up. But you didn't exactly go into detail,"
Lucas threw his shoulders up in defense. "If I did skim on the on details, it was because you kept eyeing the door like you were gonna bolt!" Max crossed her arms in a challenging manner, but I smiled a little to myself when I saw the signs of their lighthearted argument. Neither of them was mad and both held traces of amusement. "Besides... I wasn't there. I was on the other side of town. You know, doing real work and finding the gate. I warned everyone about the bad men."
Max was clearly fighting a losing battle with a smile, her lips puckering harder as she tried not to crack. But the more sheepish Lucas grew the more she melted.
"So you really didn't know he jumped off of a cliff?"
"No!" She turned to me, playfully batting at my arm and 'turning' back on Lucas. "Stalker here didn't exactly specify. So what the hell happened?"
Lucas shrugged again, trying to recall the details he had heard from the others. I do as well. It's then I realize neither of us were actually there for the encounter. "Apparently Troy and James cornered them at the quarry like I said. Mike couldn't throw for shit but apparently Troy could. It did a number on Y/n—she was out for most of it, I don't think she realizes Troy was ready to give her a few broken ribs while she was out,"
"Jesus," Max mutters, eyes drifting away.
I don't bother nodding. I'm too focused on trying to find a spot in the room to take my mind off of the growing pit in my stomach and the grit in my teeth. No wonder I avoided the details. I really hate hearing this story.
Judging by Max's reaction throughout, she didn't love it either. It was all I could do to tune out. I didn't want to hear it again, once was enough. The story of Y/n nearly punching Troy's lights out, however, I could listen to any day.
I'm not sure what makes me decide to tune in again, but when I do, Lucas is wagging his finger thoughtfully at Max as he recalls. Maybe it's something she said about this sounding familiar.
"Hey, I did mention the cliff. I specifically remember saying Mike jumped off of a freaking. cliff."
Max thinks hard on it for a second before something in her face catches. She gives us each a wince before focusing it on Lucas. "Maaaybe there's a slight possibility you did?"
He threw his arms up in exasperation and I chuckled. "Are you serious?" I ask, thoroughly amused by the whole ordeal.
"I don't know! Cut me some slack, I was brand new, and some randos start stalking me--" without taking her eyes off of me she affectionately nudges Lucas with her arm, causing a small smile to break out on his face as he looks down at her. "--hot and cold, hot and cold, and then dumps this elaborate sci-fi story in my lap, insisting I never say a word! I guess I convinced myself it was all bullshit and then when it wasn't, I didn't pick everything up. That or if I did catch on I didn't take it literally. It happens."
Lucas and I shared a look before we met her now defensive stance. It wasn't very hard to tell however there wasn't much bite to it. She gave way easily with a small roll of eyes and an 'Oh, like you two are so perfect,' just as Nancy stepped up to us.
"Sorry, guys," she flashed a quick, polite smile as she squeezed in to use the phone. All of us stepped out of her way, and it was then I caught Jonathan's eye back in the kitchen. "Thanks,"
I excused myself with a quick nod and wandered back into the kitchen where Jonathan was. He stood arms outstretched, propping himself up on the counter as Nancy began dialing the first of many numbers on a small notepad before stepping as far into the living room as she could.
"Hey," he said.
Looking down at the counter between us, I spotted the open phonebook the two of them had previously been studying. Several addresses were marked, other pages of the book were dog-eared. But I had a sneaking suspicion our search for the flayed was going to be a lot more complicated than going through Hawkins with a fine-tooth comb.
"Any theories?"
Jonathan shakes his head and shrugs.
"It's all pretty much in the air right now," he flips a few pages before ultimately letting them all fall back into place. "But my best guess says if anything is going on, it's somewhere it doesn't draw a lot of eyes,"
All I can do in this moment is nod as my mind returns to the heavy picture. I can feel his eyes on me as I move back further into the kitchen and start digging through the fridge. Jonathan turns around to face me and I can hear the curiosity in his voice.
"Didn't you just eat?"
"It's not for me," I answer, retrieving a few things from inside and closing the fridge.
Jonathan looks (not so) subtly between me and the view of the front porch outside as a knowing look crosses his face. I try not to pay him any mind as I pull a dish out from the cabinet and begin making b/f with the necessities from the fridge and cupboards.
"I don't want to hear it," I say, and he cracks a smile.
"I didn't say anything,"
"Then you think really loud,"
"Will, come on," Jonathan chuckled, dropping his ballpoint pen on the phone book and turning to face me completely. He nods towards the window and speaks at a volume only we can hear. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You have someone you care about, who—and I have it on pretty good authority—cares about you too."
"Then why do I not like where this is going?"
"Maybe because you're not used to this kind of territory? Maybe this is all new to you still and you might be a little nervous—all of that's totally fine, you know. It's normal."
"Or maybe I don't really want to have an awkward conversation about relationships right now?"
"Ouch," he frowned despite a small dry laugh. "But fair. I guess? The point is, Will--" he stops mid-sentence, looking for the right words. He sighs. "I don't know, it's just. It's nice. It's nice seeing you happy. The both of you, I mean,"
Acting like my blush wasn't there, I looked up from my task for the first time since starting it. Just out of my peripherals I could sense Jonathan following my line of sight to the two people I couldn't keep off of my mind for long.
"You're conflicted," Jonathan says in realization. His voice is quiet, likely for my sake. But all I can focus on is the mindblowing fact that I haven't visibly confirmed his suspicions in any way. Unless he can tell my heart rate just skipped a beat.
To my surprise, I'm completely calm despite it all. I look out there and I see my two best friends, two of the many people I love, and the one person I want to be with. Tentatively, she reaches out for Mike's hand that lays still at his side and places hers over in a tender grip. He gratefully squeezes her hand back, and though I can't see her face, I can see Mike's: there's resolve in his watering eyes and a smile of relief. Seeing it all, I'm not surprised my answer for Jonathan is so sure.
Taking the last of Y/n's breakfast in hand, finally prepared, I turn to Jonathan with a certain growing clarity.
"No," I smile. It feels so good to say and as I'm saying it, it's like a nagging question I never even got to ask has been lifted off of my chest. For the first time, any scary feeling I don't necessarily understand with Mike is something I feel like I can actually tackle. Cause one thing is for certain, and it's something Y/n has helped me realize; I'm not alone. "I'm really not,"
By the time Mike and Y/n had returned, Will had gotten Y/n's breakfast laid out on the breakfast bar. Nancy had already hung up the phone on her first three numbers and was dialing her fourth when the wooden creak of the screen door pulled everyone's attention to the unlikely sight of Mike and Y/n simpering and hiding chuckles under their breaths, not unlike old times. Both of them quickly discovered the attention fixed on them and came to a slow, the screen door bouncing shut behind them.
Rather than address the elephant in the room and eager to move on, Y/n gave the many lingering eyes a half-hearted shrug. "What'd we miss?"
She was met with awkward upturned lips and several shrugs right back. Nancy just turned back to whoever had just answered the phone.
Ever grateful for the sound of her partner's voice, Y/n gladly accepted the excuse to step away and came to meet Will. She released a mixed sigh as the room dispersed once more. Glancing over Y/n's shoulder, Will caught a glimpse of Mike as he joined what looked to be a prying Lucas and Max. His warm eyes falling back over his partner, Will spoke up with a hopeful glint to match his lowered tone.
"How'd it go?" he prompts, returning to his seat on the inner bar stool. Y/n followed suit without even thinking, taking a seat to his left as he nudged the b/f further into sight with a hopeful smile.
Butterflies lit up in his stomach in tune with the smile that lit up her face at the welcome sight. Already diving in with a mouthful, her thanks a muffled 'mmk ymm' and a tight and grateful squeeze on his arm before she could even get properly settled in her seat.
"Can't believe I'm saying this," she began after swallowing her first bite. She flashed Will a mischievous smile, and he couldn't help but notice a layer to her he hadn't seen in ages. "But I just might be thinking twice about killing him,"
"Oh, well, that's a step in the right direction," Will nodded, more than happy to play along.
"I think so, yes."
Y/n chuckled with him as her attention traveled steadily to Mike's increasingly tensing figure. Upon returning, he had quickly taken note of his absent girlfriend—or, ex-girlfriend, he reminded himself. She was still in her room, using her powers and exerting herself for the sake of everyone. All over again. And while her determination to do the right thing had been one of the many things about El to have won his heart, he couldn't easily fight the tightening clutch at his chest.
"Holy shit, you're alive," Lucas had mused the moment Mike had joined their side.
"Ha ha,"
Max took sudden hold of his wrists, much to Mike's (very visible) disdain, lifting his arms above her head, making a show to inspect him. "Nope," she concluded with a lopsided smirk as he yanked his hand away. "no sign of third-degree burns. You behaved! I'm surprised,"
"I get it alright?" Mike looked around, quickly letting go of his frustrations much to the Mayfield girl's surprise. Nevertheless, her folded arms and sharp sigh indicated she wasn't easily convinced of his new change, but she was willing to give him this. But she could steadily feel her walls rebuilding themselves at Mike's next comment. "Where's El? She's not still in there looking for the Flayed, is she?"
Lucas shrugged. "Yeah, but I'm sure it's fine. She said it could take a while,"
The lesson with Y/n freshly learned on his mind was just enough to keep him from blurting out his concerns. But the worry still clutched at his heart, and Mike feared it just might take control. It took just about everything in him to keep his voice steady and his mind open.
"Okay, but shouldn't we at least check on her? It can't be good for her to be looking this long, it takes a lot out of her,"
"Mike," Max sighed. "If she says she can handle it, then you let her handle it,"
Mike nodded, chewing on his bottom lip to keep his worries from spilling out. But it only delayed them. Max rolled her eyes in great exasperation when he let loose the breath that had been holding them back. "Okay, but what if she's just saying that so we don't worry? Like—not that she knows she can't handle it or anything, but that she knows she needs a break but she doesn't want to waste any time cause that's just who she is--"
"--Just relax, Mike. Give her a chance. For her. She's done this a million times,"
"That's kind of my point. She's always putting herself on the line and draining her battery for the sake of the group, it can't be good for her."
"Yeah, micromanaging her can't be too good for her either," Max huffed, Mike not far behind her. "And it's not like we're making her do this, or it's just all for us. She's saved countless people,"
It was clear to anyone watching the two were elbow-deep in their newest 'debate'. Having sat through just about one too many himself, Lucas knew he could slip away quietly without their noticing, and whatever was going on at the breakfast bar was looking far more appealing than another fight.
Lucas noticed Y/n was already halfway through her breakfast when he joined them, but with over five years of friendship with a Henderson under his belt, stuff like this didn't surprise him. Just like the Byers, they didn't like stuff going to waste. But the look growing on her face as she, Will, and Jonathan watched silently as Nancy fought to get a word in over the phone said otherwise—it was obvious Y/n's worries were seeding in her stomach at record speeds.
"Yes, yes, um, I was just..." Nancy shook her head around as she tried to summon the words. She remained in the corner of the kitchen, notepad in hand, crease in her brow, and desperation begging to escape her voice. This was one of their last possible leads, they had tried everything else. "following up to see if anything else had gone missing, or if-- okay,"
Nancy's shoulders sunk in defeat, falling low much like the tone in her voice. Behind her, the four listening in exchanged wary glances.
"Um, sorry to bother--"
Nancy didn't have to tell them the dial tone had been the one to cut her off this time. She had pulled the phone away with a huff before slamming it on the hook with a harsh 'twing'. Frustrated sighs echoing hers rippled out amongst the kitchen as everyone visibly deflated. Apart from Y/n, who, with a grumble, had grabbed her now empty dish and walked it over to the sink. Jonathan made sure to cross out the number in the phone book (not without a bitter scowl) and Nancy came to his side, eager to get a glance over his shoulder.
"Who's next?"
"There is no next," Jonathan said. "Unless you want to start calling random people's homes,"
Nancy chucked her notepad on the counter in an agitated manner. "It doesn't make any sense,"
"What part of any of this makes sense?"
"There's a pattern, okay?" Nancy insists. "A consistency to their behavior. They've been feeding on these chemicals since this started an-and what? They just stop out of the blue?"
"Maybe they have all the chemicals they need?" Will wondered aloud. "Maybe they've all turned into those things?"
"But what about the source? I mean, did the Mind Flayer just suddenly stop infecting people? And, even if the flayed are monsters now, why can't El find them?"
The sudden clang of a freshly Y/n's washed dish sliding into the drying rack pulled all attention to her.
"Why can't anyone?" she said with a thoughtful hitch in her voice, eager to make her way back to Will's side. Planting herself against the wall between Will and Lucas, she gestured over her shoulder out front where Nancy's car was still parked. "wouldn't we have heard something about it on the radio? An emergency broadcast on the drive in about the hospital—I mean someone had to have seen something. Or at least, if this is happening everywhere, wouldn't we have heard something by now?"
"Well, I don't know about the hospital but don't they hide?" Lucas gestured to Will curiously. "Didn't you say he uses you only when he needs you?"
He nodded gravely. "He does. But that's what we really need to worry about. If he was hiding in people like Tom and Mrs. Driscoll on top of possessing Billy, who knows how many people he could get ahold of?"
-"Okay, can you guys settle something for us?"
Max came striding up with Mike close in tow, cutting all conversation short.
Y/n's arms involuntary interlock over her chest as she braces herself for whatever is to come. She tries, at the very least, to remind herself of her friends' patience with her own arguments with Mike—so she didn't exactly have room to complain about an awkward situation.
"Who do you think should decide El's limits: Mike, or Eleven?"
"Okay, the way that you're framing that is so unfair,"
"There's nothing unfair about it, Mike, this is your whole problem! It's also precisely the reason she dumped your ass,"
Y/n couldn't stop the weak and tired plea of her best friend's name from slipping past her lips. Just when she thought the worst had been put aside, she was realizing all too late she wasn't the only one involved in an inner-party conflict. All of this had been lost, however, in Nancy's shock.
"El dumped you?"
Mike's cheeks flushed red and the hot static in his chest was sparking but he did what he could to roll it off his shoulders.
"Does it matter? My point is, I don't think it's a good idea she be in there that long,"
Max bristled at this—whether from subconscious connections to her own trauma at home, her newfound protectiveness for El, or a powerful combination of the two. Regardless, she was quick to fire back on behalf of her new friend.
"Of course it matters! You never trust her to do anything. All you can accuse me of is enlightening her—how to be her own person," in the blink of an eye, Max had zeroed in on Y/n with a hopeful glint, confused as to why her other best friend was shooting her a 'what the hell' look. "Come on, Y/n, tell him. He's being ridiculous,"
Y/n straightened up off the wall, looking around at all the eyes suddenly on her. Her mouth fell open and shut once or twice before she cleared her throat. Something told her she was not going to get the best reaction.
"What, you really want my input?"
Incredulous, Max nodded. "Besides the fact you've been complaining about not seeing El all year," Almost no one caught the split-second exchange between Mike and Y/n before the silent understanding fizzled out when they broke their gaze. "you're basically in the same boat as El." Max continued, none the wiser. "I mean, I'd say the same thing about Will if he was going around telling you how and when to use your powers,"
Y/n stayed silent apart from the small sigh taking place of a coherent answer. Her eyes dropped to the floor as if the courage lay somewhere within the details of the old floorboards. But it didn't stay, it returned to Max and the others with stubborn confidence, and the grip on her arms subtly tightened.
"I'm sorry Max, but I think I agree with Mike on this one,"
Silence. Silence, and then--
Max and Mike shared a fleeting distasteful glance at having had the same thought, but both were quick to shake it off. The others seemed just as shocked.
"Y/n, you cannot be serious right now,"
Her stance begged to stiffen at Max's reaction, but she had been anticipating this. Especially as her mind returned to the day this drama all started days ago—when El had first sought their council; Max had been quite eager for El to dump her boyfriend, and completely disregarded her own suggestion to talk things out. But with that memory, also came the heart-melting sight of El discovering her true sense of self for the first time in her entire life. This only prompted Y/n to quickly explain.
"That doesn't mean I don't agree with you, Max—about El needing to be her own person." Y/n settled on Mike as she said this, her tone towards him, for the first time in ages, gentle and pleading. "Mike, I know you. And I also know how much she means to you. But that's exactly why you of all people should understand how important it is she discovers who she is outside of her relationships with other people--
"--she has never had that opportunity before."
"--And you should have seen her," a somber smile threatened Y/n's face made Mike falter as he imagined the sight. "She was so happy."
"Sorry," Max pursed her lips but quieted all the same.
"That's something you should want for her. And you know what, it's good for you too. And I'm not just saying that because, as much shit as we may or may not have been saying behind your back--"
"--You've what?"
"--not important--" Mike caught Will's eye over Y/n's shoulder and he felt a murmur in his heart again when they shared a tiny, noiseless laugh as Y/n continued, unaware. Just a small breath of air, barely noticeable but enough. "we missed hanging out with you. With you and El. None of us have seen you, actually present with us since the snowball, and it's been hard."
Max felt the satisfaction drain from her as soon as Y/n turned back to her.
"But Max, you wanted my opinion and here it is: I get what he's saying. And yeah, that's coming from someone like El. That's exactly why I agree, actually."
"But Y/n...?"
"Again, I'm not saying El shouldn't make her own decisions. They're her powers, she knows them better than anyone and she should be the one calling the shots. But..."
The memories hadn't stopped. Frankly, she was willing to spend as much time as she could get out on that porch even if she wasn't calling for her brother, who, infuriatingly enough, was still MIA. Between Will's presence, the distraction of the task at hand, and the current argument unfolding before everyone's eyes, it had done enough to keep the memories from last November on the back burner. But now, the pot was boiling over and spilling out as she somberly met eyes with the only two in the room who had been there with her during her endeavor. Even among the chaos of saving Will, each of them had found room to look out for her.
With one look, Y/n knew both Jonathan and Nancy were reliving everything with her. Will might have been reunited with them that night, but they were the only two to remember what it took to get there.
"But having someone looking out for you can make all the difference,"
Nancy and Jonathan knew at once what she had been referring to—Jonathan more than anyone. The sight of her strain as she put her life on the line to save his brother was something he would never forget.
"Especially when in situations like this. It is—and should be—our choice but it isn't much of one. Not when the people we love, and many more are in danger."
Max had yet to consider that, and it was clear to all by the shift in her feet and subtle change in demeanor. That didn't mean she was too happy with where this conversation was going, but she would much rather hear Y/n out than Mike.
Poorly masking the slouch in her posture with crossed arms, Max sent a small pout Y/n's way. "So what, then? You want her to stop?"
"No, I never said that." Y/n quickly defends. "Just, maybe you should try and see where Mike is coming from. He's worried about her and I kinda understand why. She's been through a lot trying to protect everyone. Twice. And now, the Mind Flayer is back with his-- little--" her nose scrunched up as she fought the words she still couldn't believe she was uttering. "flesh monsters-- the flayed—whatever. And that's a lot of responsibility with a line she probably shouldn't cross but she's willing to cause that's just the kind of person she is. But it doesn't mean she can't get scared or that it doesn't help to know someone's looking out for her, or willing to cross one for her,"
Y/n finished with a huff, not realizing until now she had never stopped to take a breath. She could feel the stares of the others, all a mix of worry and confusion on their faces, but she didn't much care at the moment. Her insides were winding back into knots so she allowed herself to sink back into the wall in between her boyfriend and Lucas. It wasn't long before Will's hand was rubbing soothing circles on her back as he looked up at her in concern, the conversation picking back up around them.
"She's not gonna be alone, Y/n," Nancy reassured, making sure the young girl met her eyes. She exchanged a single understanding glance with Jonathan before they both returned their soft gaze to her. "And neither are you. We're all here. Together. And we're all gonna be looking out for each other," she finishes, turning to make sure Mike heard. "But in order to do that, you have to trust us. You have to trust her,"
Mike could feel the tension returning to his shoulders and seizing up his body. His defenses were kicking in again. But he doesn't see the tension spilling off of him and pouring back into Y/n, who's cup was already running full.
"I do trust her," Mike defended.
His friend pulled her face from her palms which she had distressfully been rubbing up and down her cheeks, nose, and eyes, and gruffed impatiently at the boy. "Then why are you fighting this?"
"I thought you agreed with me!"
"I do! She should take a break, even if for a few minutes but--"
"--great," Mike jumped in, in his desperation to help El, disregarding what else his friend might have to say. Subconsciously, too afraid to hear it. "So let's get her,"
Max made a show of rolling her eyes and grasping the air angrily beside him.
"Why not?!"
"Because that's not what she decided!"
"And if she hurts herself?!" He was yelling now, the panic in his voice no longer contained. Nancy made a move to say something but he cut her off before she could manage a single syllable. "Or gets herself killed?!"
"Mike," Jonathan's voice had cut in this time, laced with understanding, but Mike wouldn't have it. His worried had consumed him completely. He could hardly register the rising pitch of his own voice, let alone the looks he was etching onto everyone's faces around him.
"No, there's nothing that justifies that! I'm just trying to demonstrate how careless everyone here can be with El's powers. You're all treating her like a machine when she's not a machine and I don't want her to die looking for the Flayed when they've obviously vanished off the face of the earth. So can we PLEASE just come up with a new plan because I love her and I can't lose her again!"
The room had come to a stand still at the command of those very words. They clung to the air, silencing everyone and everything but the pounding drums in Mike's chest as he realizes what he has said. Shock had etched itself on everyone's faces and lodged Mike's next breath in his lungs—his gaze was miles away. Max felt her gaping mouth snap shut, and Will sensed the sudden gaze of his girlfriend burning into the side of his head.
It hadn't exactly been a secret—Mike and El's feelings for one another. But never before had it been brought to words. Not like this. And just when Mike was sure the silence was going to drown him, the gentle creak of the wooden door unveiled an even more gentle, wide-eyed gaze that roamed the group.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing," Mike insists, refusing to meet El's eyes. "Nothing."
"Just family discussion," said Lucas through a Chesire grin. This only prompted Y/n to bury her growing smirk in the crook of her elbow that rested on his shoulder.
Had he not known any better, Will would have said he noticed a certain sag in El's shoulders.
"Oh," she said with a hint of disappointment that lingered only for a moment. Drawing in a deep and courageous breath, El gave a nod. "I found him,"
Him? The group wondered simultaneously. El had been searching for many suspects—all of which they believed to be flayed. But there was just one 'him' to truly be worried about. One they all feared would slip past her lips the moment Nancy asked the question on everyone's minds—the question everyone already knew the answer to.
"Found who?"
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
World Food Program USA:
"In over 80 countries including Ukraine, the U.N. World Food Programme is continuing to provide vital food assistance. You can support our life-changing efforts today: $75 can provide a family of five with an emergency box containing enough food for an entire month."
Franciscan Relief Fund:
"The Franciscan Relief Fund was established by the Franciscan Friars in 2020 to bring food assistance to men, women, and children facing hunger during times of natural disaster, war, disease, unemployment or poverty...While many are leaving the country, the Franciscan Friars are staying to help and be with the people they serve. Through the Franciscan Relief Fund, we will send funds to the friars to help those who desperately need our help with food, clothing and medicine. Please – give generously and with gratitude to The Franciscan Relief Fund."
Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders:
"Your 100% tax-deductible gift helps Doctors Without Borders respond quickly to emergencies in places like Ukraine, Haiti, Yemen and beyond."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
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