#not my favorite but a goodie indeed !!
absoblume-reblogs · 11 months
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he’s a jerk with that being said I like him
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mrsoharaa · 2 months
i came home to my bedroom being cutely decorated by my cousin for my bday (which was yesterday) and I sobbed so ugily LOL 😭😭
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werecreature-addicted · 7 months
Need a fluffy little date with my werewolf husband for Valentine’s Day and then I need him to breed to me. Is that to much to ask🤷🏻‍♀️
Happy Valentine's Day to all my werewolf lovers :3
Werewolf husband who has never heard of Valentine's Day and doesn't know what it entails. He tries his best with human holidays but just don't expect him to ask you to be his valentine without telling him that's what you want first.
Normally for super romantic dates, he likes to take you out into the forest, take you to a secluded spot, and look up at the stars together, and then he can chase you home and fuck you on the ground when he catches you.
But it's February and still too cold to be going outside. So indeed he sets up an indoor picnic for the two of you in the living room! Yes you still need to get dressed up and be cute even though you're just going to a different room in the house. there's a blanket in the middle of the room and a picnic basket filled with all sorts of goodies, champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries, raw meat- ah that one's just for him don't worry about it. You take turns feeding each other and drink champagne from heart-shaped glasses.
"be my Vallentine?" you ask
"I will gladly be your Vallentine today, and yours every other day of the year."
he pushes the basket to the side and lets you lay down on the blanket as he slowly strips you out of your pretty clothes, if you let him he'll lick champagne and melted chocolate off of your pretty body before he settles in between your legs for his favorite dessert.
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midnightwinters · 2 months
We are the readers, not the writer.
MHA fandom isn't bad because of the shipping the only bad thing about it is when people are trying to push a narrative that isn't real. (sprinkle of spoilers btw)
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Uraraka Ochao isn't made to be Midoriya Izuku's romantic partner, but she is indeed his friend. She is a HERO who's wish was to make her parents life easier and happier. YES she had a small crush on Midoriya and got teased for it. But at the start of it all she supported him at the beginning and suggested the name Deku in a positive light as his hero name. She was the first one to act when Deku was berserk asking Shinso for help. She upgraded her costume because of this and wanted to be better as a HERO. Deku looked up to her as a HERO because she was the one who took the initiative to ask the civilians to let him stay as a student and future hero.
She isn't a weak princess that needs to be saved by her prince Izuku. She may be a girl but she isn't a heroine because she is a HERO that wanted to save Toga Himiko, a girl that should've had support since she was little. Ochao even offers up her own blood and calling her cute despite being in a battle of death with Himiko.
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Bakugo Katsuki, isn't a bad boy or an evil bully that torments Izuku. At the start ever since he was young his quirk was considered highly due to it's power. He thought he was the king on a throne because of the praises but then comes in Midoriya Izuku a quirkless boy who thought highly of him and wanted to be a hero besides him. But yet despite bullying him he allowed kid Izuku to hang around him watching AM on tv, getting AM cards, hunting for bugs multiple times, and even that moment at the "lake." When Katsuki tells Izuku to jump off a building, he comes to later regret this.
He is the first one told about One for All and hides it from others and even goes out of his way to help Izuku nurture the other quirks within One for All. He took an injury for Deku but he's an evil bully? He thought of Izuku before he died and realized the pain Izuku went through during his journey but he's not good to be by Izuku's side right? He regrets not grabbing Izuku's hand as a kid, but he knows he shouldn't be the one to grab his hand. He bows and apologizes to Izuku in the rain for all the things he did and said when they were kids. Where we come to find out from the parents of Bakugo that he hates the rain. His apology was humbling but Izuku never gives him a response and simple collapses. He kept an All Might card that he got with Izuku till this day by his side. He wants to atone for what he did as kids, and wants to support Izuku. He's cried in front of Izuku 3 times:
losing to Izuku
being the reason for All Might's downfall
finding out Izuku only has the embers and may not be heroes together
Goodie Two shoes Kacchan: He goes to bed real early, he gets good grades, he wears all might merch in secret~
My Hero Academia started with Kacchan and Deku. It ended with Kacchan and Deku. If you can't accept that Kacchan is integral to the story and an important person to the main character Midoriya Izuku than you will never understand this manga.
(btw he accepts himself as Kacchan Bakugo the one nickname that Izuku continues to still call him to this day.)
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Midoriya Izuku the infamous boy that started quirkless and ended quirkless. Despite the setback in his life he still continued and pushed towards dreams of being a hero. He wanted to be as cool as his figure All Might and cool like his childhood friend Kacchan. In the beginning he is the first one to react to Kacchan and desperately tries to save him despite being quirkless. All Might who sees the hero in Izuku that day offers him the ability to be a hero, a quirk that would change his life.
Izuku has and will always be reckless with and without a quirk. It's one of the reasons why he can't hate Bakugo and wanted to save Tenko. All Might tells Izuku not to tell anyone about his quirk and who does he tell despite his favorite hero telling him this? his childhood friend Kacchan. Despite his whole class seeing Izuku reckless multiple times who is the one to worry? Ochao? NO it's his childhood friend Kacchan. Who is the person who desperately wants to visit Izuku while injured? Idk Ochao? NO It's Bakugo Katsuki not once but twice.
Izuku is a fanboy of heroes, but he's possibly the biggest fanboys of All Might and Explosive Murder God Dynamite. His room in the dorms and his room at home is filled with All Might. His first costume was inspired by All Might. He is able to copy All Might signature's smile. But when it comes to Kacchan, he reflexively starts to copy him at first it's when he needs courage to deal with villians at USJ but when Kacchan gets hurt by the semi fused All for One/Shigiraki he becomes so angry that he copies him. When sees Kacchan and everyone's lifeless corpse/bodies he's becomes so infuriated blackwhip starts to go out of control. Blackwhip came when Izuku was angry with Monoma when he started to back-talk Kacchan. But blackwhip was a canon izch moment? Not really, it was Ochao being a hero and another piece of evidence that Katsuki is Izuku's "weakness and strength."
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I don't hate any MHA ship unless it's just straight up weird but do know that this manga wasn't made explicitly for you. It was made by Horikoshi who intended to make this something that he could enjoy at the time he first started writing it. So please know the difference between canon and your ship.
The only characters in the series that are canonically the worst in the manga and the real world is All For One, Overhaul, and Endeavor.
The one's that redeemed themselves is Bakugo, Nagant, Yuga, Gentle and La Brava (Stain kinda).
The ones that deserved better in their youth are Shigiraki, Twice, Dabi, Himiko, and Spinner.
Goodbye My Hero Academia, you were everything <3
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doctorroseficmarathon · 3 months
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Presenting the DoctorRose Fic Marathon 2024, August 1st-31st
Hello everyone! After taking a year off from the fic marathon we are back and bigger than ever! But since it’s been a while I figure I’ll reintroduce myself and the fic marathon! I’m @bigbad-tardis and the DoctorRose Fic Marathon is one month where authors write as much doctorrose fanfic as possible! There are prompts to get people inspired, but they are not necessary to follow. Write whatever you want, the point of the month is to just to write! The event of hosted on ao3, but the fics can be posted anywhere!
Normally the fic marathon was the month of September but because of scheduling, now the fic marathon will be moved up a month to August 1st-31st! And now there are 31 prompts instead of 30 to reflect this change! That makes this the biggest fic marathon ever. This is a beginner friendly event designed only to inspire people to write for the Doctor and Rose. It can be any pairing, ninerose, tenrose, elevenrose, hey! Even fifteenrose! Whatever floats your boat. And if you post your fic on tumblr, tag this account so I can reblog! I will also be posting on Twitter as well with help from @holdinontostars so check us out there too as docrosefic!
Before we get started, let’s refresh on the rules.
If you choose to connect any oneshots, do so as a series instead of a single story.
There is no set length or rating, write the fic you want to write! Tag your work appropriately but all types of fics are welcome during the fic marathon.
Tag the fic DoctorRose Fic Marathon (2024) so we can see what’s being posted!
Have fun!
There’s event is designed to be low stress, there is no need to feel like you have to write all of the prompts or for every day, or even in any order. They are only there to generate ideas and whatever fic you can write is plenty!
Now onto the prompts!
1. “We need you, I need you.”
This can be said in dialogue, this could be the start to the fic, whatever you want! It
2. Truth Serum
An oldie but a goodie! Keen eyes might remember it from previous events.
3. One Bed
There was only one bed, oh no, what will the Doctor and Rose do?
4. Sickfic
I’m actually not sure if I’ve done this one before. But personally I think we need more sickfics out there! This one was suggested anonymously by a follower!
5. “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf”
Who is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf indeed, I think there is a lot more than meets the eye to our formerly godlike friend Rose Tyler.
6. Accidental Baby Acquisition
Half kidfic, half adoption, half chaos. What would it be like if the Doctor and Rose suddenly acquired a child, whether that be their own, an orphan, or anything of the sort.
7. (Super)hero
This one is a little self indulgent, but the Doctor might be one of the greatest heroes ever. Or Rose too for that matter. (But personally I’d like to see a cape or two)
8. Bad Wolf as Disability
This could be any disability, but you can’t expect me to believe that Bad Wolf didn’t leave any side effects. This was was also anonymously suggested.
9. “His One Constant Companion”
What if the Doctor’s constant companion isn’t death, but in fact someone else?
10. Episode Fix-It
Previously there was a trio of prompts corresponding to GitF, Doomsday, and Journey’s End, but I’ve combined and expanded the prompt to apply to any episode.
11. At a Ball
This was also anonymously suggested! Big fan of elaborate dresses and dancing.
12. Multi Doctor
Haven’t you wondered what it would be like for there to be multiple Doctors in the same time and only one Rose?
13. Reunion
You all know why.
14. “You Are Who You Choose to Be”
This quote from the Iron Giant is about a weapon who doesn’t want to hurt anyone, kind of like the Doctor in a way, no?
15. Time Loop
Heaven Sent, Eve of the Daleks, it’s a sci-fi classic for a reason.
16. Alternate First Meeting
This juggernaut of a prompt has been in the fic marathon three times, and that’s because it’s my favorite!
17. Phones
One of the features of New Who is that the Doctor upgrades the companions phones, how does that change the dynamic.
18. Jealousy
This was anonymously submitted as well!
19. Soulmates
Another anonymous submission but oh they’re so right. The Doctor and Rose are soulmates.
20. “The North Wind Blows and Carries Down the Distant Rose”
Have you guys ever noticed that the wind picks up during dimensional travel sometimes… the north wind carries the distant Rose? Just saying
21. Bad Wolf/The Oncoming Storm
Everyone fears someone, the TARDIS just happens to have two of the most scary people ever.
22. Supernatural
No im not talking about superwholock. Unless that’s something you like, then feel free, but this was intended to be an all encompassing trope for the people who wanted magic and mermaids. It’s even more relevant now that Doctor Who is experimenting with superstition.
23. Only Description
This guy is the only “challenging” prompt for the event. Try to write a story without dialogue and only using description.
24. Sun, Moon, and Stars
Rose Tyler burns like the sun, the Doctor sometimes lands on the moon. Loads of possibilities here!
25. The Master
I’m just saying that the Rose, Doctor, Master dynamic could be hilarious if given the chance.
26. Domestics
The Doctor said he didn’t do domestic, but ever since they met Rose they seem very versed in it. Curious.
27. “Something of the Wolf”
We all know that there has to be something has to have changed with Rose Tyler after Bad Wolf, and apparently other people have noticed too.
28. Classic
This could mean a lot of things, Classic Who references, or are the Doctor and Rose a classic love story?
29. Timey Wimey
The Tenth Doctor invented this iconic phrase, there are numerous ways this could apply to the Doctor and Rose.
30. Dreams
Look, the Doctor is a telepath, everyone dreams. Loads of possibilities here.
31. Forever
I always try to end out the month with the sappiest of prompts, and I think this one fits.
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merakiui · 10 days
Well in my interpretation, the both of them were copying each other— in Riddle's case unknowingly and I just love the idea that there were implications of Tako, sleazy and disgusting Tako doing Riddle's favorite professor— dare I say his professor, yet nothing was confirmed except for the part where professor was late.
It could be Riddle reading too much on the appearance of the professor that he became so delulu!!! I'm not sure if I didn't understand the fic much (I apologize to you and to my fellow readers, English is my 4th language aside from my birth language huhuhu) but I really liked that you didn't exactly confirm and just gave subtle signs that are up to us if there were something going on or if we were adapting Riddle's pov in the matter, with him thinking to much and became paranoid ever since Tako came unto the picture.
BUT BUT it got me thinking, since Riddle is a goodie two shoes who's a nice and talented young individual. I wonder what his preference really is?
If given the chance will Riddle like the same girl who follows the rules and obedient—perfectly made for him or or would he choose the student who's the exact opposite of who he hoped to have as his own, someone who disregards the rules and instead does whatever she wants?
Back to the fic!! I'm sorry if the structure of this ask is too much, when I ramble too much I forget how to write coherently huhuhu, I love the line where Riddle said that Tako would be the one who'd destroy the professors life but he stated that Riddle would be the one who'd do both. And that's exactly what happened! The part where Riddle finally had enough and thought that Azul was smiling before he died.. I wonder if the sleazy Tako wanted that to happen? He set up the trap where he'd let Riddle's mind destroy himself and the thought that if Azul couldn't have the professor (if professor really was professional and had a strict student-teacher relationship) then Riddle absolutely can't have what Azul couldn't have?
Love lots to you Mera!! I love all your fics and rambles of twist! It has me foaming in the mouth and I want to inject it into my every being. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
(>ω<)♡ THANK YOU SO SO SOOOOO MUCH OMG!!!!! Gently cradling your words and this ask!!!! It means so much. <3 I'm so happy you enjoyed the story and various aspects of it!! I loved writing about Riddle and Azul copying each other. It happens so suddenly that it's difficult to determine which one of them started it, but it's still jarring all the same from Riddle's pov.
And you're correct!!! I decided to leave the relationship between Azul and Reader ambiguous so that readers could theorize whether Riddle's paranoia has any credit or not. He seems like such a reliable narrator in the beginning, but when his obsession gets the better of him and those slivers of doubt and copycat behaviors worm their way in then his own sensible narration loses its veracity.
I'm so glad you liked the line about Riddle ruining both Azul and Reader's lives!!!! I felt like this >:) when I wrote it. Azul knows what he's doing, but he's going to continue being a cockroach rat about it because that's just how he is!!! Truly a troublesome tako... >_< and look what it got him: blunt force trauma. ;;; although Azul was probably prepared for the worst when he stepped into Riddle's room. In my heart, there's a sequel to this fic where it's revealed Azul was indeed practicing Riddle's handwriting to frame him for things he didn't do so the gravity of his crime seems even more severe and premeditated even though it was mostly a crime of passion. If tako's going down, Riddle is coming with him.
Italian mafia Azul....... 👁 👁 oh, he would be so terrible. One day I'll write a fic with mafia boss Azul x spy reader hehehehe.
I think Riddle's ideal girl changes with his character development. If it's keeping with twst canon, then pre-overblot he drools over the demure sweetheart from his hometown who his mother sets him up with because she approves of you and your demeanor. You follow the rules, you listen to authority, you're conditioned to be the perfect wife, etc. After his overblot and once he learns to be more lenient with himself and others, he'd enjoy a more outgoing, rebellious sort of girl. Or maybe he's always secretly admired that type but has only ever scoffed and turned his nose up at you because of your behavior. But now that Riddle's healing and doing all sorts of things behind his mother's back while he's away at NRC (and has the freedom to do so) maybe that type grows on him more than he realized it would.
( ꈍ◡ꈍ) hehe Riddle is so precious. Thank you again for enjoying my work, lovely anon!!!! Sending you all the love and joy and many sweet treats~~
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello! I saw that you're reopening requests, so here's mine!
Since father's day is around the corner can I request a god x reader where their kids surprise their father with gifts and goodies for fathers day? (Hades, Thor, and Buddha) I just imagine Buddha being gifted a gift basket of his favorite snacks and homemade sweets from his beloved and kids. Thank you!
-He woke as soon as you stirred, his arms pulling you to him, to hug you close which made you hum quietly in content, snuggling with your husband for a few minutes.
-When you pulled back, you pecked his forehead gently, “Stay in bed and don’t get up. Pretend you’re still asleep.” He was confused by your command, but did as you asked, after pulling in for a proper kiss.
-He heard his children moments later, twins, a boy and a girl, giggling as they ran down the hall to the kitchen, hearing your light footsteps behind them, it sounded almost like they were plotting something.
-Smells of his favorite breakfast filled his nose and he inhaled deeply, a smile appearing on his lips as he heard the three of you puttering around in the kitchen, his children helping you cook.
-He heard the footsteps coming to the bedroom and pretended to be asleep before the door opened and he heard two little voices, “Daddy-daddy!!”
-He rolled over, gathering them into his arms, hugging them close as you walked in, carrying a breakfast tray for breakfast in bed as they beamed up at him, “Happy Father’s Day!”
-Hades- He paused for a moment before looking at the calendar, realizing it was indeed Father’s Day and he pecked them both on their cheeks, “Thank you my loves.” Your daughter was holding a card that she and her brother made themselves, looking pretty good for a pair of four-year-olds, while your son held a gift box. Hades smiled warmly, seeing a brand new pen before he attacked his children with kisses, making you giggle as you set the tray down on the nightstand before your daughter turned, “You have a present too, right mommy?” you smiled and pulled out what looked to be another pen gift box and Hades was confused before he opened the box, his eyes going huge, seeing a positive pregnancy test. He looked at you, eyes wide before he was blinded by a camera flash, your son getting the photo of the moment. Breakfast was paused for a moment as you sat on the bed, listening to Hades chase your twins around the house, the two of them playing keep-away with the camera. You knew he was happy, hearing him laugh as you sighed softly, feeling content.
-Thor- He smiled softly, pecking each of his children on the cheek before pecking you on the cheek, thank you all as you set the tray on his lap and he smiled. He knew you were making his favorites, but to see it, seeing that his children helped you with it, it made him so happy. He ate quietly while you kept your children entertained, smiling gently down at them as your daughter beamed, “Did we surprise you, papa?” he chuckled, ruffling your hair before your son spoke, “We have a present for you, but it’s in the backyard!” Thor was a little confused, looking at you as you smiled before you told them to go and get dressed and they ran out, giggling. Once he was finished and you both were dressed, he closed his eyes, hunching over to let his children guide him to the backyard, but you had your hands on his waist, keeping him from bumping into things. When Thor opened his eyes, finding a large picnic set up, complete with games, he softened, he adored playing with his children, it was the highlight of his day as he smiled, kneeling to hug them both, thanking them before they ran off to play and joined you on the blanket, laying his head in your lap, relaxing.
-Buddha- His eyes widened at the huge basket the twins were carrying, full of his favorite snacks, baked goods, and candies, he threw his hands up, a huge smile on his face, “I love it!!” they beamed, leaving the basket on the bed to pounce on their father, hugging him as he laughed warmly. To keep them busy while Buddha ate, seeing your soufflé pancakes with fresh fruit, you asked them to open the basket and tell him all of the different snacks the three of you had stuffed into it. Once his meal was finished you set the tray off to the side before you gave a small smile to your children who lit up, your daughter speaking first, “Mommy has a present for you too!” your son nodded, his hands on his hips, “Yeah it’s a big one!” Buddha looked over at you, confused, and his confusion only grew as you handed him a pen gift box. He opened it and instantly his jaw dropped, turning to you, tears appearing in his eyes, “Really?!” you giggled, allowing yourself to be embraced, with your children quickly joining in, “I am, it will be right around the holidays.” He inhaled deeply, so happy, he had a wonderful family, a tasty gift to enjoy, and a new bundle of joy on the way. Best Father’s Day ever!
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annabolinas · 11 months
Who is your fav portrayal of Jane Seymour and Kathryn Howard?
Good question! My favorite portrayals of Jane Seymour and Catherine Howard are Anne Stallybrass in The Six Wives of Henry VIII (1970), the BBC miniseries, and Lynne Frederick in its movie adaptation, Henry VIII and His Six Wives (1972), respectively. In case you want to watch either portrayal, both the 1970 show and the 1972 film are available on OK (dot) ru. Just search for "the six wives of Henry VIII Jane Seymour" for the first one and the title of the movie for the second, making sure to choose the video which is 1:59:19. Best of all, there's no ads or popups!
Anyways, here's the long answer itself. It's quite a long post below, so be warned.
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It's very easy to make Jane into either a cipher (e.g. Wolf Hall, Anne Boleyn [2021]) or a bland non-entity (e.g. Anne of the Thousand Days, Season 3 of The Tudors), but Stallybrass portrays her sympathetically, yet as a rounded human. That's the key, really. This is a living, breathing Jane, not the bland Goody Two-Shoes of Annabelle Wallis in Season 3 of The Tudors. As an Anne fan, I do feel this portrayal exonerates her rather too much of culpability in the former's unjust execution - this portrayal of Jane isn't involved at all with the plot to get rid of Anne but feels guilty anyways. However, it's a very moving depiction of a gentle, introverted believer in traditional Catholicism who would much rather be in the countryside, at Wolf Hall, than dealing with court intrigue.
Henry falls for her during his 1535 visit to Wolf Hall, and while Jane wants to protect her chastity, they bond over their shared fear of the plague and faith. Despite her arrival back at court after the royal visit, she longs for the comforts of her country home. She tells her sister-in-law Anne Stanhope that she'd much rather be arranging flowers at Wolf Hall than be at court after Anne rips Henry's locket off her neck. This Jane also stands up for what she believes in. She shows a love for monasticism at her first meeting with Henry, passionately telling him that the locals visiting Hailes Abbey are "afraid for the abbeys, sir, for their souls!". Later, she pleads with Henry to restore the abbeys during the Pilgrimage of Grace, which she argues must be God's punishment. The fact Henry proceeds to scream at her and damage her faith by revealing the Blood of Christ from Hailes is in fact, a vial of duck's blood, doesn't diminish her bravery.
Indeed, Jane takes no part in the plot to get rid of Anne here, although she nevertheless feels guilty over it. She intercedes for Mary to return to court after her submission, to which Henry replies, "If you had your way, my little nun," he says, "every villain in the country would go free." Jane's shy reply that "I should make a very poor ruler" is met with more condescending "affection" from Henry. Indeed, this version of Jane actually flees from the Christmas 1536 celebrations at one point, as it gets too overwhelming for her. This makes Henry's condescension and later, outright mental and emotional abuse, even more heartbreaking; even worse, Henry's treatment of her is probably just how it really was in history. After he shows her the duck's blood, Henry quickly apologizes and sinks into self-pity so bad Jane has to comfort him while pitifully weeping, "I am bound to obey and serve you, sir." Even as Henry celebrates Edward's birth and baptism, he fails to notice Jane lapsing in and out of consciousness. His tears by her body, lying in state, are too little, too late.
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Lynne Frederick was actually only 17 when this movie was filmed - looking back, perhaps they could've waited a year or two. Nevertheless, this is somehow the best portrayal of Catherine Howard on screen despite her only appearing on screen for fifteen minutes in a two-hour movie. Let me just briefly summarize her storyline and give some analysis, because there's so much good stuff in here.
Frederick's Catherine is a vivacious, warm-hearted teenager who finds herself the object of Henry's unwanted affections. This Henry is, as in history, prematurely aged and far taller/stouter than Catherine, which makes his asking her uncle Norfolk whether she is "a good girl" even more disturbing. As Henry leaves Lambeth, Norfolk and Bishop Gardiner walk with Catherine, who protests that "I had not looked for it, sir. I had wished -" Gardiner then cuts her off saying that she "may no longer consider your own wishes. You now have a duty to return England to the true faith." It's a very telling exchange, as Catherine's own emotions or feelings are brutally trampled on by the men around her; all she can do is look mournfully at both of them.
When next we see her, she's already married to Henry, enjoying the jewels and rich clothes that being his queen brings. It's a grotesque sight, as the teenage Catherine kisses, and is in turn fondled by an old man nearly three times her age. However, being queen isn't all positive, as she reveals to Henry that she had a nightmare of a bird caught in a room crying out to her for help, perhaps a manifestation of her own feelings of helplessness. Her kind-heartedness is shown when she sends a puppy to Anne of Cleves, who in this film has solely been depicted as comic relief. In a later scene, as Henry limps to the window on his cane, he blows a kiss to Catherine, who is walking in the garden with Culpeper. Although she returns his kiss, it's a sign of things to come.
While Henry and Catherine enjoy themselves on the Northern Progress, in private, he is disappointed to discover she's not yet pregnant. Nevertheless, he gives her a rich jewel, although he does have to read the text for her, as Catherine admits she can't read very well, another heartbreaking detail. The audience's (and my) horror skyrockets when Henry proceeds to uncover Catherine's thigh from beneath her dressing robe and rain kisses on it, as the camera pans up to an incredibly disturbed Catherine who winces and tries to pull herself together. Her marriage to Henry is a gilded cage, and it is difficult to escape the conclusion this Catherine thinks of Henry more as a father figure than a husband.
After Henry is told of her premarital relationships, though, he abandons her, much to her dismay. She is then questioned by Archbishop Cranmer, maintaining that she was raped by Dereham "without my will or consent" and staunchly denying a precontract, despite Cranmer's argument it would save her life. When he accuses her of adultery with Culpeper, though, she tearfully pleads for his help, weeping, "I would have wed him. And been his wife. But they worked on me, sir. My Lord of Norfolk - Bishop Gardiner - my grandmother. Talking, whispering together. Telling him I was bound. That I was bound to the king. And now my fame is gone and I'm nothing young and I -" When Cranmer tells her she must calm down, Catherine swings around and screams, "Don't touch me! You all handle me!" It's a poignant allusion to her premarital abuse, as it's specified in the movie that Catherine was only 13 when Manox preyed on her. She then recalls her cousin Anne's bravery in death before dissolving into another flood of tears.
In the end, she makes her way to the block, silently but with composure. She pays the executioner, is blindfolded, kneels, and then, holding a rosary, stretches out her hands like the wings of a bird in flight. The tragedy of this depiction of Catherine (and arguably the real Catherine) is that from the moment we see her, she's a pawn of men, who use her to further their own desires and agendas. Only in death is she freed.
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suguru-getos · 8 hours
someone is sick…and by someone i mean my favorite lady on the planet. my poor thing. working through it too, because your workplace—soon to be former—are a bunch of animals. tch. i got you something—satoru too. it will help. i hope it brightens your day a bit. and im all yours when you come home, mm? we’ll unwind with a bath—maybe something that will soothe your sinuses and throat. i’ll take good care of you and enjoy doing it. 🖤
uhhhh he acts like he’s the only one who lives here?? technically it’s my house?? anyway—i did indeed get my little sickly princess girl some little goodies to help her smile while she toughs it out. you’re a trooper. one time—before rct—i broke a nail off my finger and called off of school. so. for what that’s worth. my wife is the strongest actually. but hey. you knew this already!! but imma put your blankie in the dryer and we’ll eat takeout and just cuddle on the couch :3
Yes your favorite lady on the planet is sick :(( and she is @ work as well. 😩 I know they wouldn’t allow me to work from home Sugu so I didn’t even ask today! I miss you already, I want you here with me I wish 🥰💕 my Angel husband and the Loml!! I love baths with you, you love me & take care of me so much I’m so blessed to have you! ✨🫶🏻
Toruuu!! Technically it’s the Geto Estate wdym? 😭 thank you for getting me da goodies, what did ya get me though? 👀 Thank you for calling me the Strongest but in reality, I’m just a baby 🥹🫠 looking forward to cuddling with you & latching onto you like a Koala 🐨 my love my babyhusband my DADDY ILY!
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You had a hard long week and do a spa day face mask, hair treatment, body scrub and a long bath with your favorite peach bath salts Matt comes over even though you didn't expect him and all spa treatments he gets too. You sit together on the sofa with a glass of wine and a moisturizing mask on your face.
AH omg this is so stinking cute, I love it. I really enjoyed writing this, hope you like it💌 thank you
girls night with Matt (Matt x f reader)
wc || <1k
warnings || none (?)
masterlist + rules
Work this week has been awful, your boss had been on your case all week, it just felt like everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Luckily for you, it was Friday, which meant you were finally able to wash away the week- quite literally.
You had spent the evening taking care of yourself, laying in a long hot bath with your favourite peach bath salts while your hair mask worked its magic.
Stepping out of the bath feeling like a new woman, wrapping yourself in a satin nightgown before you began painting your toes. Applying some cuticle oil to your fingernails, massaging it in.
Hearing your door knock you walk over to check in the peephole. To your surprise, it was Matt.
Beaming as you opened the door to him. “Well hello there.”
“Hello, my Angel, may I come in?” He sweetly asks with his hands behind his back.
“Of course.” Kissing his lips sweetly as he enters.
“These are for you… I heard about your week, I’m sorry.” He empathetically grins as his head tilts to the side.
Beaming wider when he pulls a beautiful bouquet of flowers from behind him. “Matt… they’re gorgeous. Thank you so much.” Pecking quickly all over his face.
“You’re always welcome, I think they’re your favourite- but I can’t actually tell.” He jokes in an attempt to make you feel better.
His joke caught you off guard which made a laugh burst from behind your lips. “They are. Thank you.” Kissing his cheek as you walked towards the kitchen, filling up a vase before trimming the stems and arranging them. “You’re just in time.” You say while placing the vase on your dining table.
“For what?” He questions, sounding intrigued.
“Masks.” You giggled as you paced up towards him.
His smile matches your excitement. You both loved having these kinds of nights, some guys are too insecure to enjoy some pampering, but not Matt. He loved it when you acted and spoke to him like one of your girlfriends. It was quite a bit of a guilty pleasure, except neither of you felt guilty when doing it.
“Have a shower first and I’ll get everything ready.” You gushed. “I’ll get your stuff from your draw.” Smiling as you ran into your bedroom, collecting some bits and pieces for Matt. “You want to stay over?”
“Great, thanks, and yes I’d love to.” Grinning at you while he kicked off his shoes and removed his coat.
“I haven’t moved anything in there so it should all still be the same, I’ll go get the snacks ready.” Kissing his nose before leaving the room.
Filling the tray with all kinds of goodies; cut up fruit, chocolates and other nibbles. Opening a bottle of chilled rosé, holding two glasses in hand as you balanced everything to the coffee table. Setting everything down, lighting some candles and incense.
Matt enters the living room while he put on his t-shirt, grinning at you before taking a seat on the sofa.
“All squeaky clean?” You joke as you unscrewed the container of your favourite hair mask.
“Indeed.” He leans over to kiss you tenderly.
“Ready for girls' night?”
“Chin up.” Sitting atop of him, straddling him as you rubbed the conditioner into his hair, being sure to massage his scalp.
Wiping your fingers on the hand towel on your lap, you began to delicately swipe on a moisturising mask. Smiling as you did so.
Doing the same to yourself, gently applying the mask. Getting off Matt’s thighs, washing your hands before you jumped onto the sofa next to him.
“May I offer you some wine, my good friend?” You jest, holding the glasses and bottle.
“Most certainly, kind chap.” He jokes back, extending a hand.
You had this fun ongoing joke where you’d speak in an odd and old posh voice, you didn’t know how it started, but you both couldn’t stop doing it.
Filling his glass halfway, doing the same with yours, maybe a little more for you, oops. Slumping back into the sofa with your legs curled up under you.
“Snacks?” Turning to look at him after taking a sip from your glass.
“Oh, yeah.” Digging into the fruit with his fork. “Good selection.” He smiles in between his chew.
“I know right.” You say with a mouthful of mixed fruit.
“What were you going to watch?” He asks as he dug into the bag of chocolate.
“I was going to watch real housewives, but I don’t know if you want to listen to them bicker.” You chuckle.
“Yeah put it on, I wanna know what happened after that dinner.”
Laughing to yourself as you flicked through the tv. You love Matt- a lot, but when he was comfortable with stuff like this, it made you fall even harder.
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thesims4blogger · 10 months
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (December 5th, 2023)
Following last week’s Laundry List, there is a new game patch out today in preparation for the release of The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack this Thursday (December 7th).
If you have auto updates enabled in Origin’s “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.Advertisement
To ensure your game is up to date, check the game version found in Documents > EA > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.txt. Your game should now read: PC: / Mac: / Console: 1.84
Sul Sul Simmers!
The newest expansion pack has been freely living in all our heads and For Rent is finally due! The Property Owner is coming to visit in just a few days, but in the meantime there’s a couple of Base Game additions and a bevy of fixes to call out and share. Our favorite SimGuruNova is going to go into details below. Thanks all!
–   SimGuruNinja
What’s New?
Sink Assignments
The jig is up for Sims who had a penchant for shoving Harvestfest turkey bones down the drains of those poor, poor bathroom sinks. Starting today, all sinks can now be designated as Kitchen or Bathroom sinks.
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The assignment you choose determines whether hands or dishes are autonomously washed in them. Unless, of course, you live for the chaos and assign the wrong labels to each sink. We won’t stop you from letting your Sims continue to be little freaks!
Switch Control to This Household
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Listen, as much as we love the Manage Worlds screen, every healthy relationship requires a bit of space. So, we’ve declared a bit of independence from Manage Worlds, giving you the chance to switch your active household from Live mode directly with the “Switch Control to This Household” interaction! While we added this as a means to switch between units of your Residential Rental more seamlessly, this interaction will be available on the front door of all occupied residences, not just Residential Rental units. Rejoice with me, my fellow rotational gameplay Simmers!
Base Game Additions That’ll Knock Your Shoes Off
In celebration of the release of For Rent, we have a few housewarming goodies coming to the Base Game. Along with a cozy new outfit that’ll have your Sims lounging in style, Sims can now interact with the Men’s Shoe Rack and Women’s Shoe Rack items from Base Game to set rules for the house determining whether or not shoes are removed at the door. Which means everyone will know whether or not your Sim is wearing socks under those sneakers (please, for my sanity, make sure they are!)
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Bug Fixes
Base Game/Multipack
Quick Meal interactions on fridges have been renamed to “Quick Meal or Drink” and “Microwaved Quick Meal or Drink”. Gone are the days of “Glass of Milk” erasure!
Sims who finish their drinks while also eating will now make sure to finish their meal afterward. That’s right, Mrs. Landgraab, chugging your Juice on the Rocks doesn’t count as “girl dinner”.
Child Sims with the Genius trait will no longer gain the Want to Solve Hard Problems, They’ll have to wait a few years before diving into such complex abstraction.
Sims with a Fear of Fire will no longer be tormented by constant, unavoidable fires starting while they are cooking.
On a somewhat related note, Sims will no longer be given the option to Cook Together on broken stoves.
In an attempt to curtail unwarranted surreal horror gameplay, household members should no longer randomly be labeled as neighbors and become unable to use doors.
In the spirit of respecting the laws of physics, towels hung on the wall are no longer translucent when hit with natural light.
Though they are things of beauty, certain columns will now, indeed, fade away… when they would otherwise be blocking the camera in Live Mode.
Sims will no longer be constantly using their phones at every hour of the day. Not a cell phone in sight, just simulated people living in the moment. Beautiful.
Hairy houseguests deciding to shave in your Sim’s bathroom will no longer cause the game to freeze.
Sims should now actually be able to finish writing songs. Perhaps those of us with closets full of unfinished projects should take notes.
Child Sims will now only have age-appropriate thought bubbles.
After plenty of confidence building exercises, certain table lamps will no longer snap to the wall when placed and will be comfortable standing wherever you place them.
Infants who age up in a dirty diaper will no longer produce stink clouds as if forced to wear that dirty diaper into adulthood (Rest assured, I hated writing that just as much as you hated reading it).
Sims will thankfully no longer slip and fall in mud puddles while holding an infant.
Adjusted frequency of body hair on randomized Sims to be slightly less excessive.
Some of the less friendly toddler and infant hairs have been taught proper conflict resolution and will now play nicely with hats.
Sims living on Private Dwelling lots are now willing to make exceptions for food deliveries. Because everyone loves a good pizza, even territorial curmudgeons.
Basement stairs should now play nicely with terrain when the lot has a raised foundation.
Changing foundation height should no longer stop windows from being placed on curved walls.
Sims have learned what it means to be that guy and will no longer constantly ask “What Happened?” for no apparent reason during conversations.
Sims who would invite themselves over and make themselves a little too welcome have relearned their manners and should now knock.
Much to the disappointment of illusionists everywhere, glass walls over basements should no longer hide basement walls when viewed from above.
We’ve educated Sims on the dangers of over-caffeination, so autonomous coffee making/drinking should happen a bit less frequently.
Blonde gardeners and redhead pizza deliverers everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief, because parents with graying hair swatches are now more likely to have children that match their base hair color, rather than unexpected red or blonde hair.
When loading back into a save and entering Manage Worlds, there’s no longer a chance that occupied lots appear empty.
A previously unnamed PooHoo bush has now discovered its true name.
Hitting the Undo button on the controller no longer pulls up the search bar in Build Mode.
The nails from Poolside Splash are now tagged for both masculine and feminine frame Sims.
As fun as it was, Sims should no longer grow a second pair of feet when wearing the retro bikini from Poolside Splash.
Laundry Day
Hampers can now be dragged in and out of Sim inventories in Live Mode. The excuses for putting off laundry end here!
Dirty cloth diapers will now go into laundry hampers, where they belong, rather than the floor, where they do not belong.
Dream Home Decorator
The Standard Gas Oven by Blazin’ Ladles no longer disappears when placed on lots. May your ladles remain ever ablaze…
My Wedding Stories
Certain veils should no longer force Sims to have red hair (seriously, what is it with this update and red hair?)
Werewolves will no longer autonomously Check On infants during their rampage. And thank goodness for that.
Plants no longer revert to dirt piles in dormant phases, and instead will simply stop growing. They should also now only become dormant when entering their off seasons, at the appropriate time.
Get Famous
Sims who have chosen to forgo the spotlight will no longer gain unwanted fame.
Cottage Living
Sims will now retain the Heroic Haggler buff when buying discounted items at village shops after haggling. Let them enjoy their Karen moment!
Your Sims will no longer be doomed to a life of Sisyphean crafting endeavors. They should now be able to complete the task to create a Cross-Stitch for the Taste for Adventure errand.
High School Years
The pink swatch of the Benchmark Seating chair is no longer masquerading as blue in the preview.
Teens who get more than 250 Social Bunny followers should now be able to complete the third level Admired Icon aspiration.
Growing Together
Playing other households will no longer cause Sims to forget certain achieved Milestones. In other words, the game will neither gaslight nor gatekeep your girlboss Sims anymore.
We gave that creepy tree in San Sequoia a stern warning. It should no longer be encroaching upon the buildable area of the Sequoia Cottage lot.
Sims will no longer earn the First Promotion milestone when getting a new job, no matter how much your Sim is willing to be annoying and debate the semantics of that.
Toddlers should now be able to Sing a Song with infants without being interrupted.
Horse Ranch
Your adorable little money laundering scheme has yee’d its last haw! Sims will no longer receive double the stated number of Simoleons for selling mini goats and sheep.
Sims riding horses should now have an easier time saying howdy (and other things) to other horses nearby.
Sims will no longer be taunted by an unreachable log filled with frogs in Chestnut Ridge.
The era of heavy metal square dancing has waned. Sims will now only autonomously perform Cowpoke Dance if Ranch music is playing.
For Rent
Fixed an issue where rent could go into negatives or be excessively high.
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vinetae · 2 years
Park Jimin as the hot professor who finds his goodie too shoes of a student in a strip club. It's safe to say that the classes after the encounter will be interesting.....
Ahaha! Perfect timing! I just came down with a really bad cold so I've got nothing better to do than to just sit in my reading chair and let my groggy, drugged imagination run wild LOL
This doesn't really make a lot of sense with the grant talk and stuff but IT'S A FANFIC, NONE OF IT IS REAL.
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Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
Pairings: College Professor!Jimin x Student!Reader
Warnings: Angst. Sexual content, foul language, 18+
Summary: You had asked your Psych professor for his signature in signing off your volunteer hours. Only a few weeks later, you two are caught at the same club.
Strip club to be exact.
Where you work, to be exact.
Find my main masterlist here
Find part 2 of this - here
The clock's rotating tick echoes through the hushed, crowded room. Pages flip, textbooks slam, and the sound of pencils scratching against the papers could only be heard. The professor's hands clap, as he explains. 
"Let's go over the basics for this class." His hand follows up the path of the beautifully sketched cortex of the brain, showing his students their materials. 
"What is this?" He asks, turning his body towards the class. A few laughs and mocks enter, as he keeps his professional stance. He chuckles, shaking his head. 
"This is called the brain. Many of you seem to not have one, apparently." 
They all 'ooo' at his comment, as the chalk clacks against the blackboard. His hands draw a new image, as a smile tugs your lips. This had been your favorite subject for psychology. 
"Mental disorders, such as Anti-social personality disorder and Borderline personality disorder are in the category of.. ?"
The class goes silent. He sighs, flicking his chocolate irises towards you. A smile peaks his expression. "Miss Choi?" You take a stand, making your way to the blackboard as he hands you the little piece of white chalk. You raise the chalk to the board, starting to explain out loud. 
"Anti-social Personality Disorder and Borderline personality disorder is in the name. Personality disorders. Therefore, they would be categorized under personality Disorders." You finish filling in the blanks, as you continue. 
"Mood personality disorders are far more common. Such as the notorious; Depression. While other disorders such as anxiety and PTSD, would be filed in Anxiety Disorders." You set the chalk down, turning to the class as you noticed some had rolled their eyes. 
"Indeed, Miss Choi." He flashes you a smile. He watches as you return to your desk, sneaking a peak at the way your hips sway in your stroll. He clears his throat before continuing. 
The classroom bell rings, signaling for the rest of the bunch to hurry onto their next class for the day. You're quick to rush as well, throwing the ton of your things carelessly into your bag. You hear the clicks of shoes, eyes glancing to catch sight of someone's expensive Dr. Martens. 
"Leaving so soon, Miss Choi?" His voice was smooth like skates gliding on ice. The mixture of new-shoe-smell and his orange blossom cologne had almost stopped your senses. You straighten your back, flashing him a smile. 
"I've got study group today." He hums, as you watch the sole of his expensive-looking shoes tap on the hardwood. He takes in a deep breath, admiring the peace and quiet. "Well, get home safely." He's about to return to his desk to clean up his workspace, as he turns around, sending you a little smile as he adds; 
"Wouldn't want anything happening to my favorite student."
The beat had boomed through the darkened walls. The red and gold lights stream all around the expensive looking establishment. Your feet stride to the bar, greeting your favorite co-worker. "Well if it isn't miss priss" She comments, sending you a wink. You chuckle, taking a sip from your sparkling water she'd slid to you. "Do you really have to use that name when I'm off the clock?"
She chuckles, flipping the hand towel over her shoulder. "Do you really have to look like the mother mary when you come in here to clock-in?" You giggle, taking another sip from your bubbly water as you shrug. She smiles, sliding over your new outfit. "Kim's changed the theme. Tonight it's mystery and masks." You nod, taking the little pieces of cloth before making your way over to the changing rooms. 
You take a step back, admiring the seam work on your expensive looking attire. The golden, sparkling jeweled piece cups the curves of your breasts, blue butterflies clasp in the front to give a little peak to your cleavage. The matching sparkles trail down the front of your torso, meeting to clasp with the golden jeweled undergarments that barely covered anything. You sigh, slipping the final touch on before making your way out of the changing rooms. 
Loud music echoed through the place. Jimin's head turns to the side, looking to find an empty seat. His chocolate irises flick off-beat to the music pounding in the area. A soft female voice calls out, as his head cranes to the sound. "First time?"
He chuckles, nodding softly. She smiles, cleaning the inside of the shot glass. He watches, eyes narrowing on the way her breasts peak out to give him a little taste. His tongue unconciously comes out to lick the pad of his lips. She smirks, sliding the filled glass over his way. "I'm not part of the show, you know." He's quickly pulled from his trance, nodding before bowing slightly. "Sorry.." 
She nods, a smirk tugging her lips. "Anybody catch your eye yet? Well, besides me." He takes a look around, watching the women take a spin around the metal and golden hued poles, legs coming out to give hint to everything they hadn't even tried to hide. He internally cringes at the sight. Spinning his chair back around, he shakes his head. 
The bartender hums, before a wide smirk paints her darkened features. The red and gold lights bounce off her powdered face. "I've got just the girl."
His eyes take a second to adjust to the dimmed lighting, as the large framed man had lead him to a narrow hallway before opening the door to a large room. The walls decorated with splashes of reds and golds, with a hint of black to draw some in. "Here?" Jimin asks, as the large man had nodded, before shutting the door. He takes in a deep breath before walking over to sit on the red leather seats. He leans back, legs spreading apart just a bit to seem a little more experienced. 
He's never actually been to a strip club you see. 
Of course, this might've been obvious already..
He actually had to Wikihow how to act a strip club. Of course he knew the basic rules, but was he allowed to converse with them? No talking? How much would it cost? Even though money hadn't been an issue but still..
He didn't want to upset any of the.. uhh.. dancers.
The price wasn't bad at all. He had no idea what the hell he just paid for though..
This all seems confusing.
Don't worry.
He's just as fucking lost. 
The music starts to fade in, a familiar song echoes through the empty room. His eyes trail up, watching as a fit, young looking women had appeared on stage. Her body decorated in revealing gold and black laced jewels, her hips sway to the music beat, as she's now standing right infront of him. He clears his throat, shifting in his seat. His eyes glance up to meet hers, but she's quick to dismiss the contact. Instead, her legs swing over, as she straddles his lap. He swallows the lump in his throat, as her fingers come to toy with the clasps of his white button up, her manicured nails scrape his adam's apple gently. Her body slides down before returning to the pole. The red lipstick that had been plumping her lips had smeared just a bit, giving her a more sultry expression. 
He watches the way her legs wrap around the pole, watching as her body gracefully spins around the golden pole. Her soft moves reminded him of someone he knew. The way her head follows the beat of her own rymth, eyes peaking through the golden mask that had hidden her features, adorned with a innocence he felt too familiar with. The bottom of his lip pulls in, biting on the flesh as his mind wanders around her body movements and language. She was excellent at hiding what she had truly been feeling. Yet, he saw something he'd seen too many times before. 
___ (Two Weeks Before) ___
The school bell had rung once more, another day complete. Jimin's eyes lay upon the only body left in his class, as she strides over, settling some papers onto his desk. "Can I help you?" Her smile beams with confidence, as she taps her finger against the papers she'd laid down. "I'd like to apply for being your assistant." He chuckles at her cute expression. It had been filled with so much confidence and determination. "I don't really have a need for a class assistant." She takes a seat in front of him, a pleading look plasters her features. 
"Mister Park, I know it's too early in the semester right now, but this is for a very good cause." He leans back, hand coming to run through his blonde locks before questioning her. "Is that so? What's this cause." His fingers come up to quote her urgency. She nods, sliding the papers closer to him.
"The mental institute that I'm applying for is wanting me to have more volenteer hours. I've already tried with the community service department, but they said they only take juveniles."
He hums, pondering her proposition. Her eyes burns his own with passion. He saw how much she wanted this. 
"What about your other classes?" She shakes her head. "Miss Lee already had an assistant." 
"Aren't you in humanitarians as well?" She nods. "Mister Im was quite upset at the request.." Jimin silently chuckles to himself at her formal language. He sits up in his chair, nodding.
Her face lights up as she watches him skim over the papers. "Really!?" She stands, excitement bursts in her veins. He nods, standing to settle her down.
"You can start today, actually." She nods, her smile being brighter than the sun. He packs the rest of his things, flashing her a quick smile.
"Start by organizing the class's extra supplies." She nods, as her hand reaches out to his. 
His hand comes to meet his, watching as her sleeve lifts to reveal a small, magnolia shaped flower wrist tattoo.
Fuck. Oh fucking shit.
Everything hits him at once. The small tattoo the performer had, had matched Y/n's perfectly. The lump in his throat growing twice in size. 
What does he do? 
He can't just pause this session and say 'Oh by the way, I'm your psych professor.'
If he knows it's her and she's wearing a mask, and he's not.. 
Does she recognize him??
Her walks strides close to him, her body standing tall between his legs. Her body sinks down, knees resting between the space of his thighs. Fingers trail along the zipper of his trousers before her head rises up to meet his. She watches the way his blonde locks fall to the front of his face, head tilting to the side. She leans up, whispering into his ear softly. 
"Are you nervous?" Her voice sounded like smooth honey. One he'd heard too many times before. Usually, just asking if he needed help filing the class's test sheets. He gulps, feeling the way her body turns around, giving him a beautiful view of her backside. Her torso rolls to the beat, hands coming down to hold herself in place as she grinds against his hardening cock. He groans, hands fisting at the sight. His head lulls back, trying to think of himself anywhere but here; 
Where his best student is giving him a lap dance. 
He couldn't do this. 
He's quick to gently push her off, rising to make his way to the exit. 
You pause, scoffing.
"What's his problem?"
Your eyes glance down, taking notice of a little ring settled in the crease of the club's leather couch. You reach down, admiring the expensive looking band. 
He takes in a deep breath before walking into his empty classroom. He smiles at the emptiness, setting down his  Prada briefcase. Just as he's about to start writing the lesson down on the board for the day, a voice calls out to him. 
"Mister Park!" She smiles, running over to his desk, setting her pink and blue backpack onto his desk. His jaw tightens, ignoring her. She pouts, standing in front of his body.
"Mister Park, I've completed the spreadsheets for this year's schedule." She smiles, taking a few steps back to stand at his side. Explaining her ideas, while he's writing today's lesson on the board.
"I've also come up with a new item list for all the students to follow so they can pass your class with flying colors! Here-" He turns away, checking his sheet of paper summary on his desk before continuing to jot down the lesson. Her eyebrows knit together in questioning.
"Mister Park..? Is something the matter?"
He finally turns to meet her frown features. Body slouched and mimics one like a puppy getting kicked by it's owner. He internally breaks at her pout. 
"Miss Choi, this is my class. You have no say in how I run it." 
"Yeah but I was thinki-"
"That's the thing! You don't think. You're here to clean up the gum from under the desks, and maybe sharpen a few extra pencils. The only reason I let you be my assistant was because it was for your resume so you could look like a perfect little straight A student." She backs away, a hurt expression paints her features. 
"I- I was just trying to help.." He scoffs, pointing at her desk.
"Take your seat, Miss Choi."
You knew you shouldn't have gotten too friendly with your professor. You just thought that he'd be a lot less stressed if he had a schedule for his classes. A few new pencils in line, and an organizer you'd bought him for secret santa a few months ago before winter break. You'd been in this class for almost two years, and he'd always been so kind and friendly towards you. You thought that returning those gestures would be the right thing to do. 
Apparently, he actually hated you. 
Your eyes screw at his words, the feeling in your chest tightening, remembering his cold tone.
'Little straight A student..'
You sigh, slamming your laptop shut. You couldn't get his harsh tone out of your head. 
Jimin lets out a deep breath, pinching the space between the bridge of his nose in frustration. Maybe he'd been a little too harsh on you. You'd just been trying to help.,
Hell, maybe you didn't even recognize him that night. 
He groans, plopping down onto the comfort of his bed, a hand coming to shield the light from his eyes. The room had gone quiet, as his mind gripes at him for ever saying those harsh things to you. The more he replayed the scene in his head, the more of a dick he felt like. He sighs, sitting up, reaching over to grab at the TV remote. Once he's settled in, he flips through the daytime channels that had been playing some stupid rom or sit coms. Just as  his eyes were about to lull asleep, the ding from his phone jolts his body awake. 
His leg eagerly taps against the marbled floor's flat. His eyes flicker around the restaurant, as he takes in a few deep breaths. The moment he'd gotten that text a few hours ago, he'd been nothing but a nervous wreak. He'd gotten a random text from an unknown number, asking for him to meet up at a nearby place to give his ring back. 
Stupid fucking idea to have your name emblemed on his ring. 
He mentally groans at the thought, taking another sip from his drink. The ding of the restaurant makes his heart drop, as his eyes set on you. Your mini-skirt that revealed your tight-covered legs had made him more drunk than fifteen beers ever could. Your black turtleneck had wrapped around your neck, a golden, small necklace decorated your neck gracefully. You're quick to take a glance around, before stopping on him. You smile, making your way over to his table. You slide in the booth, flashing him a professional smile. 
"I assume you're aware of why I asked you here." He tries to keep the atmosphere light and short. He chuckles, taking a sip of his drink. She smiles, straightening her back. "You seem to be in a better mood." She comments, as the waitress takes her order. 
"I was feeling a little sick this morning." He watches the way her eyebrows knit together in concern, hands coming to clasp on the table. "Are you feeling better?" He nods. 
"I went home to take a quick nap, but then you texted. How'd you even get my number, by the way?" She smiles, leaning down to quiet her voice. "That's a secret, Park." He chuckles at her cute expression. Your light rosy cheeks and lips had been stained by the winter's harsh blows. The tip of your nose had resembled Rudolph's. That made him melt inside faster than Olaf. 
"So." She starts once more, sliding a small folder over the table top. He takes a silent gulp. 
"This was what I was trying to explain earlier this morning. This schedule has everything for this semester. You've always complained of struggling with organization, so I thought this might better with that. It contains contexts, a glossary, an index, cards, empty spaces for students to write their own thoughts, a feedback page so students can also make any comments about how well they're understanding the materials. What would need to be improved about it, and what you could do to possibly help them through the semester so they can do more than just just skim by."
He'd been all ears with your suggestions, until from the corner of his eyes, a familiar gold and black band wrapped around her index finger. He pauses, taking notice of the diamond placed right in the center of the ring. 
His ring. 
"So, what do you think?" He's pulled out of his thoughts by your voice. His throat clears as he takes a few glances around. You frown, leaning closer.
"You can just say you hate it, you know. No reason to avoid me.." He shakes his head, eyes glancing back to you.
"No, I'm not ignoring you, Y/n." You chuckle at his words.
"Loosing formalities, Mister Park?"
He chuckles, trying to hide the nervous tone in his voice. You watch as his eyes take a glance to your hand. 
"That's a nice ring." You nod, trying to be non-chalant about the story as possible.
"Yep, got it from work. Someone left it in one of the booths.." 
"I thought you said you worked at an animal shelter." Your eyes go wide at the realization. 
"I.. quit a while back. I work in a restaurant outside of town now." He hums, taking a sip from his glass. "You don't think it's owner is missing it?" 
You shake your head. "Like I said. No lost and found, so my boss says we can keep anything we find." You watch as he raises as eyebrow. "That's odd. I used to work as a waiter as well, but we never got to keep anything we found. Seems like rules more fit for a club of some sorts." You choke on your water, turning away as to not cough in his face. 
He chuckles, setting his drink down to hand you a napkin. "Like a golf club of some sorts." You laugh along, trying to cover the absolute terrified tone in your voice. 
"You.. caught me. Hah.." You chuckle nervously. He smiles, taking a bite of his salad before continuing.
"Funny, Y/n. There's not a golf club around here for miles." 
You pause, trying to think of an excuse. "My.. father owns one. We go every Saturday." You watch as he raises an eyebrow. "Your dad makes you work at his golf club?" You nod.
"Well- I volunteer. Been doing it since I was 14." He nods, downing the rest of his glass.
"Does the ring have any writing? You might be able to return it to it's owner. Who knows," He takes a look at your folder, continuing. 
"Might even get something bigger in return." 
You sigh, spinning the circular golden jewelry piece around your index finger. His words ring in your mind, as guilt sets in. Even though it had been fair game, you still felt bad for taking the ring. It's not like you were going to sell it on the market or anything. You'd really loved the designs, especially the clear diamond set in the middle. It had reminded you of flowers for some reason. You loved it..
But it wasn't yours. 
So now here you were, sitting at the bar, waiting for your brain to make a decision. On one hand, you knew how important something can be to someone, and how it must feel horrible to loose such a precious item. On the other, you knew the ton of the men that come in and out of the club had been filthy rich, and probably could buy a million of these silly rings. 
Taking in a deep breath, you spin around to scan the club. You tried to remember what the man had been wearing. Something of a white button up and black trousers. 
Well this won't be difficult at all.
You make your way around the club for a few hours, pushing past the crowded groups of horndogs and co-workers who are giving lazy lap dances. After a while passes, you groan, taking a seat away from all of the crowded groups. You sigh, toying with the little golden and black band that wraps around your finger. The diamond shines through the dark atmosphere, glimmering even in the darkest of places of the club. Your eyes catch on a pair of black shoes stand right in front of you. Your eyes glance up, noticing the same sandy blonde hair illuminating more than the red lights. His hand reaches out, face being concealed with aid from the dark area.
"Care to dance?" 
Honestly, you denied. 
At first.
Hey man, listen. 
... *insert cricket noises here*
Okay there was nothing to explain it. 
You just wanted to have some fun, okay? You're off the clock anwyays. What's a little dance?
His hands come to gently trail up your sides, as your hips sway side to side along with the deep beat of the music. His lips come to tease the skin of your ear, as you felt his large arms wrap around your torso. Your body had been perfectly slotted between his chest and forearms, as he guides you through the songs. You felt high. You'd only ever watched from above, seeing all the crazy people going at it on the dance floor. You'd always scoffed at it, wondering why people just couldn't keep it in their pants but now..
Now you knew. 
"So what brought you here?" His voice is drowned a bit by the blaring music. Yet, you can still make out what he says. You tilt your head, giving him more access to the side of your neck, yet; he doesn't go for it. 
"I'm here with a few friends." You're quick to lie, reaching back to try and guide his lips to your neck. Yet, he stays right where he is. It felt more like a loving embrace than a quick grind on the floor. 
"Friends abandoned you I'm guessing?" You nod, turning around in his arms, but he keeps you still. Something about this felt off. 
"Who brought you?" You question, pressing your ass into his crotch. His hips move away, as you groan at his deny. He chuckles, a hand coming up to pet the crown of your hair gently.
You really weren't in a loving mood right now. You wanted to get fucked, and that's it. Yet, this asshole had the decency to keep his hands to himself. 
Little fucker. 
"So why are you here?" You ask, reaching back behind to palm over his crotch. Yet, he's as soft as a pillow. His hand takes your wrist, as he chuckles against your ear, guiding your hand up to cup his jaw.
"Why so many questions?" He smiles, twirling you softly before pulling you back into his arms. You scoff at the move. You pull away, as he lets you go.
"You came to a club to spin a girl around?"
He shrugs. "Would you rather me be a creep?" 
"I'd rather you act like a normal person in a strip club." He raises an eyebrow at the comment. "How I'm acting should be the normal for any guy." You roll your eyes, walking away. He chuckles, following in your steps. You huff, spinning back around to face him.
"Listen man, this isn't the ninth-grade school dance. Either fuck me or go find a virgin mary to creep to." His eyes roll at your comment, as he folds his arms across his chest.
"So you'd rather have an asshole fuck you in the dirty alleyway of this club for maybe, what? A few minutes at most, than to have a real man take care of you like how it should be?"
You groan out, pushing at his chest a bit as you let out all of your frustration. 
"I don't need a gentleman, I need a good fucking. And your little goodie two shoes self ain't what I'm looking for." He chuckles at the name. 
"Thought you'd have the most experience with being a 'goodie two shoes', Y/n." 
You're quick to back away, but stand nowhere near as strong as he had. His arm comes out to catch your wrist, pulling you back into his sight of vision. Your eyes flash up to meet his, the professional aura had slipped with each passing second. The internal clock inside your head telling you to hurry up was ticking with cold blood. 
A smirk plasters his face, as he takes a look around the place. "So this is your father's golf club?" Your throat goes dry at his sentence. 
"Obviously not.." 
He chuckles, nudging your body forward before letting you go. His eyes take a glance back down to your hand, admiring the ring decorating your left index. 
"Got a reason for my ring being on your hand?" 
"Obviously I didn't know that it was your ring.." Your face lights up with idea to turn the tables. Your arms cross over your chest, finally finding your confidence his aura had drained of you. "Got any reason for being at a strip club?" 
"I was just about to ask you the same thing." 
Even though the music was blasting louder than a rock concert, the silence between you two had been deadly. His eyes matched the same, fierce and confident look you'd been trying to give off. 
"You grinded with one of your students." He chuckles at the accusation. 
"Actually, I danced. You were the one trying to grab my dick, were you not?" Your mouth screws at that. 
He was right. 
"Well you were the one to ask." 
"didn't recognize you at first." He bites back. 
"At first?" Hah. You've caught him. 
His smirk screws tight on his face, the red and black strobes illuminate his aura even more. "I didn't want to be rude." 
"So you knew that I was one of your students? Yet, you still asked me to dance." 
"To dance. Once again, you were the one trying to implement more." 
You huff, tightening your arms in frustration. "Because I didn't think my professor would be at a strip club!"
He chuckles, voice lowering to a deep tone. "You don't think I have needs?" Your heart drops to your stomach. His smirk only urks him on even more. He leans forward, leaning against the bar's surface, sporting a relaxed position.
His lips brush past your cheek, tickling the shell of your ear as you hear the husk in his tone. 
You shake your head, pushing him away quickly. "Well if you knew it was me, why'd you continue?" 
He chuckles, tilting his head to ask the bartender -your best friend- for whiskey sour. His head cranes back to you, smirking. She could obviously sense the tension between the two of you, but she had her own problems to deal with right now. 
His finger lifts, pointing around the room before contuining; "Does it look like we're at school right now?" 
You scoff. "You're a pervert." 
"Oh really? How so? I was just here, wanting to take a beautiful woman dancing, and she kept trying to grope me like a drunkie." He takes a sip from his glass, before settling it back down on the bar.
"If anything my dear, you're the pervert."
He chuckles, taking the extra lemon between his lips, watching as you swallow at the action. 
"I mean really, who's that desperate for a fucking that they just go at it with the first guy they see? That's how you get kidnaped." He shakes the lemon, acting as if he's giving you a lesson in morals. 
"For a psych major, Miss Choi, you're not very smart." Your hands fist at your sides. His pride swells a little too much in his chest. 
"Why are you acting like such an asshole!?" His eyes flick to yours, scoffing. 
"Why are you acting like such a brat?" You uncross your arms to hit his side. He's quick to catch your throw, eyes baring into yours.
"Not very professional of you, Y/n. What would the club think of their employee hitting a customer?" 
Your eyes blow wide. You can see his cocky smile from miles away. He takes another sip, watching as your forehead peaks a little vein at the top, your face completely red. 
"If you tell anyone I'll-"
"You'll what, Miss Choi? I'm the only psych professor on campus, and no other college will accept you so late into this semester." Your teeth grind at his words. 
"You're stuck with me, My dear." 
"Fuck. You." 
He sucks in a breath, before laughing at your anger. "Seems like that was your plan, wasn't?" 
You sigh, giving up. You had to suck it up to this asshole, at least for the remainder of the year. Your eyes shift from fierce and vexed, to soft and calm. 
At least you tried to give that off. 
He takes notice, laughing at the quick change. "Are you seriously worried THAT much about me telling someone?" His demeanor switches to one that mirrors yours as well.
"Who would I tell, huh? I've got no grudge against you, Y/n. You're my best student." You take in a deep breath, kind of agreeing silently to his words. He pats the barstool parallel to his, motioning for you to join him. You take a seat, sipping on the sparkling water you'd ordered previously. 
"It's just.. I don't come from a rich background like the other students on campus. There only reason I got in was because of my GPA and SAT scores that were through the roof. I had a three-thousand dollar grant along with the hope scholarship but.." You laugh at the reasoning for your job. 
"But?" He questions, leaning in to give you his full attention. 
You lift the can to your lips, taking a swig before continuing. "Tuition was fucking expensive.. I can't afford things like-" You take a glance down before motioning to his black suede Louis Vuitton suit. 
He glances down, chuckling at your pout. "I have noticed your style to be a bit.. diverse than the other students." 
Your eyes roll in your head at his choice of words. Of course your walmart plaid skirt and clearance section white button up from the men's department you tailored yourself was unusual. It didn't look like the other students Armani and Gucci outfits..
"Thanks for that." You laugh sarcastically. He taps on the counter as Milana sends him another whiskey sour quickly.
"Do you really have a passion for this?" He motions for you to take a glance around, watching as your co-workers dance on the laps of men who looked like they could already be considered for retirement settlements. 
"Oh of course. I just live for twearking on old geizers laps for a few bucks. Who fucking wouldn't." Your hand reaches out to ask Milana for another bubbly water but she hands you a shot glass instead.
"Trust me girly, you look like you need it." She pours the dark, syrupy liquid into your glass as your hand hesitates to pick it up. 
"Well did you run out of time for applying for more grants?" He questions, watching your hesitation towards your drink. 
"No. When I tried applying for the five-hundred grant, they denied."
His eyebrow raises at this. "Well, how many did you apply for?" 
Your voice goes silent. He takes that as a challenge to question it.
You shake your head. He continues. 
You take in a breath, laying your chin on the bar's surface. "Try.. fourty-two?"
His eyes widen like cartoons at that. "Fourty-two grants?! Holy shit- You must have the money for sure now though, right?"
You shake your head. "Have to live on campus for at-least two years, remember? That's an extra eleven-thousand I didn't have." 
He scoffs, getting annoyed by your situation as well. His eyes soften, laying his head down to match your own. "I didn't know it had costed you this much, Y/n." 
You nod, straightening your back before shaking your head. "No matter. It's just life, you know? Gotta do the shitty stuff to make your future bright.. or whatever the fucking board says." He chuckles, before nodding in agreeance. 
"You know if you were to ask, you'd been doing such an amazing job at being my assistant, I would've paid you for it." You let out a short laugh, shaking your head. 
"Wouldn't be considered volunteer work then, would it?" He sighs, nodding. "You're right."
He takes another sip from his refill, teasing the cherry stem between his teeth. "There's has to be a better way than just being these asshole's wet dream." 
You shrug. "It's not really something my professor should be worrying about anyways." 
He takes in a deep breath, glancing around the room before an idea pops into his mind. 
"I can just write it off as volunteer work. You only need my signature as confirmation, right?" You nod at his question.
"Wouldn't they be suspicious of it?" 
"They've got too many things on their plates than worrying if a teacher is paying his student to help out in his classroom." 
Your voice lowers, only really wanting the idea to be heard by you.
"Sounds like the beginning of a porno.." 
He however, is quick to catch on, chuckling.
"dirty way to put it, I would say." Your cheeks go red at his tone. His eyes glance up to yours, lips wrapped around the edge of his glass, giving you a teasing 'what?' look. 
He sets his glass down, holding his hand out to reach yours. 
"So, deal?" 
You extend your to meet his, giving a firm shake. 
Taking in a breath, his smile radiates confidence and joy as he walks through the halls of the corridor where his classroom is. Students crowd around the halls, splitting down the middle as he makes his way through.
He greets them all with smiles and hellos before reaching his classroom. He takes his keys out to unlock the door, walking in, his eyes set upon your little figure fitting up under the empty space of his desk. He chuckles to himself, walking over to set hi briefcase on top. He bends down, tilting his head at your knelt position. 
"Cleaning included?" 
You're quick to jump, which makes your head bump on the desk's underside. You whine, scooting out from up under before rising to meet his level. "A screw was loose under here. I thought I could tighten it with my hand." A greasy smile spreads his face.
"Now that sounds like the beginning of a porno." 
You scoff, turning your body away to place the stacks of paper in front of him. He glances down with a confused look. 
"These are the index and glossary portions of the guides I talked to about at the resturant." He nods, flipping quickly through the pages before taking a look up to meet your eyes. 
"Very.. thick." He awnsers, scanning over bits of the papers. Leaning back in his chair, his legs spread wide a bit, carding a hand through his blonde locks. "Did you have breakfast?" 
He watches as your eyes glance down quickly to his lap before switching back up to meet his own. Your cheek sinks in a bit at his physic as you shake your head. 
"I don't usually eat breakfast." 
He hums, leaning up to push his metal bento box to your side of his desk. You shake your head in denial. 
"Come on, breakfast is the most important meal. Here," He sits up, extending his arm to hand you his sterile chopsticks. His eyes narrow in annoyance at your stubborness. He leans forward, picking up a small bite of rice and spam before holding it up to your mouth. "Eat." 
"I'm not hungry." 
He scoffs lightly, scooting his chair closer to yours. "Bite." 
"I said I'm not hungry-"
It took you a few minutes to realize his knee was slotted between yours, body propped up, barely being a few inches from yours. He's sat on the edge of his chair, as you take notice in how large he actually was compared to you. 
"I-..I'm not hungry.." 
"Did I ask?" 
You're quiet. 
He takes it as a notion to edge you on even more. "It's not polite to ignore your superior, Miss Choi. Once again; did I ask?" 
Your throat dries at his words. He's seemed to keep his professional tone, yet there's something else lurking behind it's superiority. 
"N.. No."
"Then open." 
Your mouth slowly falls wide just before the bell starts to ring, as students start flooding classrooms. You're quick to rise from the chair, returning to your desk. Jimin sighs, closing the lid on his bento box before standing to write the lesson of the day. 
Your stomach starts grumbling quickly as soon as class had started. Students starting pouring in like fish as the seats had been quickly filled. You groan silently, hand holding your stomach in agony. Usually, you'd be fine right now. But ever since you got a whiff of his ham and rice meal, your stomach could not shut up about it. Your vision had even started going wonky only a few minutes in. 
"Young-il's mother has been suffering from hysteria, paranoid ideation, and hallucinations. Which of these could Young-il's mother be diagnosed with?" His voice is drowned out by your gurgling stomach. Your eyes wince in pain, tapping your leg on the floor as a vice to gain some relief. 
"Miss Choi?" 
Fuck you were hungry. 
"Miss Choi?" 
If only you had taken that damn bite when he offered!
"Miss Choi.. ?"
"Fuck!" You whine, watching as all of the student's attention flashes straight to you. 
Oh shit..
"Are you feeling alright, Miss Choi?" Your eyes glance up, as he watches you wince in pain. He notices your hand clenching your stomach.
"U-huh." Your eyes switch to the board, squinting to try and figure out what the fuck he was explaining. 
"Uhm- I think his mother's diagnosis would be stimulant p-psychosis." He nods hesitantly before returning to his board.
"Correct. The usual symptoms for stimulant psychosis are paranoia, disorganized thinking, hysteria, hallucinations, and many more. Very good, Miss Choi." You nod silently, patiently waiting for the bell to ring so you can get some food in your stomach. 
Having prayers anwsered, the bell comes quickly after as the students clear out as quickly as they had flooded in. You stand up in a hurry, packing your thinks before making your way towards the exit. His voice catches your attention before you're able to leave. 
"Are you alright? You look a little pale-" You turn around, nodding. 
"Lunch time." You hurry towards the door before turning around. "Are you not coming?" 
He shakes his head, motioning to his bento box. "Cafeteria's too loud a lot of the times. I just sit in here and grade papers." You nod before rushing to the lunch room. 
He chuckles, watching as you run for the exit, taking a bite of his lunch. 
"Thank you." You bow before taking your tray of goodies, quickly making your way back to class. After you had a few bites of the rice, you felt a lot better. Your hand reaches for the knob, before you heard a giggle coming from inside of his classroom. You move away from the glass so that you're not seen. 
"I just wanted to thank you for last night. Those papers never would've been graded on time if it wasn't for you, Jimin." 
"No problem. I had a little extra time on my hands anyways." Your eyes peak through the glass, gasping silently, watching the way the woman's legs swing back and forth on the front of his desk. Her hand reaching down to tug at his loose button up, manicured nails trailing along the prominent line of his jaw. 
"You know, I've always loved pyschology as well." His eyebrow quirks, lifting his eyes to meet hers. "Really? You seemed more like a sorority type of girl." She smiles, flashing her pearly white teeth, brushing his shoulder. "Ah, you're so funny! So what, am I like a sexy cheerleader or something?" 
He thinks for a second before replying. "No, more like the girl from Legally Blonde." She straightens at the comment. "Oh, so the sexy lawyer?" 
He shakes his head. "Nope, just look like you belong in a sorority. You know, with all the glitter and stuff." She chuckles before pulling on his collar to straddle his lap. Her hands drape down to grab at his, to steady her by the waist. 
His eyes widen at the sudden move, eyes flicking to the classroom door. "Uhm Miss Kim I don't think is a good ti-"
Her finger comes to press against his lips as her head lowers down to his waist. "Think of it as a 'thank you'. You know, for helping me with the papers?" 
He clears his throat, as his body goes stiff at her touch. 
"It's lunch period right now and I have another set of students to te- oh fuck.." His hands grip the arm rests, head lulling back as her lips wrap around the tip of his cock. She moans, coiling her hand around the rest of his length before moving it up and down. 
His hand comes to tug at her loose bun, carding through her black locks. His head falls back against his chair, mouth parting to let a certain name slip from his lips. 
"Fuck.. Y/n.."
Miss Kim's too deep into her own thoughts to notice the slip up. 
"Mmm how dirty of you, Jimin. Getting blown in your classroom.. what if a student was to walk i-"
At that, your body flies forward, the door slamming open as your figure hits the floor. Your lunch tray spilling all over the cold flat as the two stumble to fix their clothes. 
"Oh fuck!" He yelps, pushing the teacher off to fix himself. Your jaw drops at the scene. 
"I..I-" You're frozen in a pile of cold wheat noodles, kimchi and rice. Miss Kim is quick to adjust herself before trying to shoo you out. Mister Park just sits there with eyes just as wide as yours. 
"What the fuck are you doing!? Get out!" She yells, stomping her expensive high heel on the floor. 
You stutter, trying to pick up your things as your mumble a string of sorries. 
Once you've got to you're feet, you rush out slamming into a few people on the way. 
The following few days were a nightmare. You'd been extremely silent, and honestly? Jimin didn't blame you. 
You watched your professor get blown by another teacher.
He groans stuffing his face into the palms of his hands, wanting to crawl in a hole and die. 
He watches from his desk as you bend down to scrape the last bits of gum from up under the tables. He'd been pretending to grade more papers for the last hour and he had enough. He quickly stands, packing the rest of his things into the pockets of his briefcase.
Once he's gone, you bang your head onto the floor, not caring if it was goin to leave marks in the morning. 
You groan, standing to finish the rest of your duties. You're just about finished wiping down his desk before your hip bumps into the corner. 
"Fuck.." You whine, rubbing at the raw skin before taking notice of the little crack that had appeared. Your eyes squint some more, seeing a little shiny thing hidden away from sight. Looking around the room for any witnesses, you let curiosity get the better of you. 
Your hand wraps around the metal handle, popping the drawer open easily. 
"Y/n?" You jump from your spot, quickly shutting the drawer to back away from his desk. Your eyes flash up, seeing his large frame sling his briefcase onto his shoulder. A concerned look paints his expression. "Why were you in my desk?" 
"I- Uh.." Your eyes trail around, trying to find anything to back up your story. 
Truth is, you didn't even know why you were going through his drawers. 
You'd never been one to snoop around other people's belongings..
His arms cross his chest, eyebrow quirking at your stuttering self. "You..?"
Think, Y/n!
"I was looking for a pen!"
He quirks, walking over to his desk to shake the pen cup in the corner. "You were saying?"
Your hands comes to clasp in the front, head bowing from shame as you avoid eye contact. 
"I.. don't know why I was going through your things.." 
He hums, leaning down to catch your eyes, bringing your gaze to follow his back up. "You don't know why you invaded my privacy?"
You huff, biting the inside of your cheek from frustration. "It was her fault! She should've locked the fucking door at least!" His eyes widen at your tone. "You mean Miss Kim?"
You nod, not even realizing that's why you were snooping in the first place. 
"That doesn't explain why you're going through my stuff, Y/n." Your hands clench into balls at the thought. "I don't know, okay!? I hit my fucking side on your damn desk and it popped open! When I tried to go and fix it, it opened even more and I saw-" You stop, not really remembering what you had seen. 
Until some remembered what was next to his desk.
"You saw... ?"
"I saw my papers." Your eyes glance up to his, your blood starting to boil. "I saw my papers.. in your trash can." 
He quickly leans over, seeing your once neatly folded and organized ideas for the classroom thrown carelessly into garbage. His eyes widen, reaching down to pull the folders out. His eyes take a quick glance back to you before continuing. "I didn't throw these away, Y/n. You remember when I said how much I loved your ideas." 
Your head shakes, tears starting to well in your eyes. You worked for hours on end trying to perfect those. You wanted to do good in his class, and maybe he'd even give you some extra credit points for having such a high work ethic. 
"You never said how much you loved them.." 
"What? Of course I did." 
You sniff, drying your cheek with the puff of your sleeve. "In the restaurant.. Before class.. You kept changing the topic." He shakes his head, trying to catch your gaze once more. 
"Y/n, I loved your ideas." 
Your cheeks flush red, finally looking into his eyes. Yours, being glassy and watery. "Why did you keep avoiding them, then?" 
He reaches over, handing you a tissue. "They're thick folders, Y/n. I've had three classes today, I just haven't had the time." You wince from his words, replying. 
"I gave them to you over a week ago.." 
His eyes widen, mouth dropping to the floor as he tries to find something to stop your crying. "Y/n- I- I'm sorry.." 
Your face burns as your voice amplifies. "I worked forever on those! The estimated reading time was only about an hour!" 
He chuckles. "Estimated reading time? I didn't know you put so much effort into them-" 
"Of course I did! I wanted you to be proud of me!" That makes him pause. His hands suddenly felt heavy, as everything in the room had felt like it was more noticable than before. 
"Y.. You wanted me to be proud of you?" He watches as you sniff, teary and glassy eyes delve into his. His voice felt faded and nearly gone. He searched for any words, but nothing came to mouth. 
You take a deep breath, wiping the rest of your tears away before finishing. "Guess it doesn't matter anymore." 
You reach down, slinging your backpack over your shoulder about to make your way to the door before his wrist catches yours, pulling you into his chest. Arms coiled tightly around your frame, as his chin rested atop of your head. 
"I am proud of you, Y/n. You're my favorite student, you know that." You half-heartly laugh at his words. Eyes glancing up to meet his. 
"Do I? You seemed pretty occupied with Eun-ji."
His eyes bare into yours. "You mean Miss Kim?" He chuckles, loosening his grip on you. "She's your superior, Y/n. We don't use informal with teachers." 
Your arms reach around to clasp his waist, pulling your body flushed against his. "Really? What will happen if I do, Jimin."
His throat swallow a large gulp at your words. Your grip doesn't faulter on his body. 
"Y/n I don't thi-" 
"No. Don't you fucking tell me about formalities when you're supposed to be calling me by my last name as well." He's frozen. 
Because you're right. 
He's let it slip one too many times. 
He watches your frown slip into more of a smile-smirk at his silence. "Teachers don't pay their students. Teachers don't hug their students. And teacher for sure don't moan their student's name. Do they?" 
Your grip loosens to snag his tie, pulling his body closer to yours. He groans as you rub your thigh against the tent of his suit pants. 
"Fuck.." He chuckles, running a hand through his hair before giving you a smirk. "You were watching me?" 
You lean back, planting your ass on the flat of his desk, pulling him between the space of your thighs, guiding him like a puppy by his tie. "How could I not? You could practically hear her from the other side of campus." 
His hands comes to caress your waist, leaning his head further down to meet your level. "How dirty of you." 
"Mmm, taking dirty talk from her?" You bite back, watching as his jaw tightens at the catch. His head lowers, nose brushing the side of your neck, inhaling your flowery scent. 
"Don't like it?" He quirks, leaning back a bit to watch your expression darken. 
"I want you to use your own words." 
A smirk tugs the corner of his lips. 
His hand comes to trail and back of your spine before reaching inside to quickly pop your bra apart. You gasp at the sudden movement, his hand coming to kneed your outer thigh. His breath trails along your cheek, brushing the shell of your ear. 
"On one hand, I want to stay true to my promise and take you on a date, eat out at a nice restaurant, and take you back to your place like the gentleman I am." 
You scoff, caressing the side of his cheek, whispering. "And the other hand?" 
His voice lowers to where not even an echo can pick it up. "I want to put you in your place for ever using informalities with me." 
You smirk, rubbing the inside of your thigh against his outer thigh. "So I'm not allowed to use your name?" 
He chuckles, pressing you further into the surface of his desk, whispering into your ear. "Only when you're moaning it." 
"Fucking fine by me." A light slap to your out thigh makes you jump. "Another thing. It's not very ladylike of you to curse like that, now is it?" 
"Oh? So you don't want, Oh Jimin! Oh fuck, Jimin! Oh my God." Your faked moans make a little deep growl emit from his chest. 
Your tongue comes out to lick at your lips, sucking on your bottom one. "Yes?~" 
He chuckles at that, shaking his head. "Dirty girl. Was this your little plan all along?" 
You shrug, innocent look peaks your expression. "Maybe, maybe not." 
"Volenteer service?" 
"Oh, that's real. I've got 82 hours left." 
He hums, watching as your eyes flash a little with your cute demeanor once more. "And the money situation?" 
"Broke as shattered glass." 
He chuckles at the joke. "Cute." 
You pout, wrapping your legs around his waist tighter. "Not sexy, stunning, gorgeous?" 
He shakes his head. "More than appearance, my dear. Body language?" 
You scoff, loosening your grip from his neck. "Yeah? What does my body language say?" 
He quicks a smirk before tugging on your white button up collar, face flush to his. "Needy." 
You whine, hips unconsciously grinding up against his own. He chuckles at the motion. 
His hand comes to trail along the skin of your neck, using his other hand to support your back. 
You whine out, pulling at his neck to bring your body closer to his. -if that was even fucking possible-
"You take too long." 
He laughs, watching you fidget in his arms. "And you're too impatient." 
"You know, I think Eun-ji tried doming you." He chuckles, pulling you up with his body a bit to get more comfortable. 
"Still naughty of you to be watching." 
You shrug, contuingng. "Just saying. I think she was like a domnatrix or something." His eyes roll playfully. 
"Why? Jealous?" 
"Of you? hell yeah. I mean she's pretty hot teacher, not gonna lie. I mean I'm sure some of the other students have thought the same-" 
He scoffs, pulling away. "Then go fuck her." 
You pout, playing with the fabric of his tie. "I'm not gay, dude." 
His eyes narrow, gripping your wrists to pin on each side of you. "Call me dude again and I'll make your ass redder than santa's fucking sleigh." 
You smirk, wrapping your arms back around his neck to catch his anger. "Oh so it's fine for you to cuss? Yeah, cause that's fair." 
"I'm older." 
"Psh, by a few years." 
"six years." 
your eyes roll at his words. "Psh, ain't nothing." 
His hands slam onto the desk, reminding you of how trapped you actually were. "You know what?" 
He backs away, leaving you frustrated on the desk. He starts buttoning his shirt once more, fixing his tie before picking his briefcase he'd thrown down for a hot minute. 
"Hey wait where are you going-" He smirks, walking over to the door, acting like he's about to walk out before you yell out. 
"Hey! You! Come back here and fuck me like a man!" 
He turns around before sending you a wink. 
"I'm good." 
Haha. Oneshots are the easiest AND hardest things to write. This took about three days I think? I've lost count with all of my works.
For the person who requested this, you can ask for a part two if you want. (AKA lots of smut lol)
I hope you enjoyed!
©vinntaege 2023. I do not condone any translations, copies, modifications, or repostings anywhere for ANY of my works.
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rad-ramenkingles · 4 months
Long overdue follow up. 
Second Blurry Boy, is the one, the only… Robin Mask!
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So this one like the others to follow had some planned extras but I unfortunately can't manage to fully realize those bits and bobs. For now to get it out, because you all did vote I was able to piece together the basic Character Piece for you. (Something I'm hoping to do for the rest, just it's quite an adjustment using the other arm for spriting at the moment)
Hope you all enjoy the British Baddie Goodie flip flopping Gentleman Chojin for what he is worth. Also I chose the anime Colors as it's my favorite look for Robin, and in my own Headcanon is his starting point look. “Oh what's that mean? Starting point? Are you saying you have other Robin variations planned?” Yes, I do indeed I do. This for me is Robin when we first meet him in Kinnikuman, wearing and rocking colors similar to his father, and his father before him, and before him. I plan on doing my own specific thing for all the Kinnikuman characters, just to keep fun for myself. I will also when I am able to work my good arm will do way more variations and have a bigger work flow. Just a day at a time for now guys and gals. 
Stay tuned for the next one when I can manage to drop it, and thanks to everyone who voted again. Appreciate you all! Two down, four more to go…
(Also I've presented him here at 300x the normal size just for convenience on the eyes.)
Until the next post, stay gentlemanly everyone.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Just finished ep 4 for Tokyo debunker and honestly out of all the anomalies we’ve seen so far, this one might be my favorite, I think it was really creative
When are we ever gonna see the day where the ghouls actually capture and anomaly LMAOO I SWEAR WE’RE ALSO DESTROYING THEM
I didn’t expect to see the Like dove so early this episode and it appeared twice which I was honestly surprised at
I already miss jabberwock bro, poor MC was just getting held at gun point so much this time around 😭 (also when Romeo sees the cut on your cheek and worries AAAA I WAS GIGGLING AND KICKING ME FEET SO MUCH)
Romeo is definitely my favorite out of the three (Taiga got some problems bro😭)
All in all I really loved the ep and it is a close favorite but jabberwock is still my No. 1 fav episodes rn
Taiga has got some problems and if he plays his cards right my mc could be one of them ♡
Hard agree about the anomaly design. It was very creative and cool looking! I am sort of curious about if we might see more instances of anomalies created by the happenings at Darkwick... it would be especially cool if that happened in Hotarubi and we could get some answers about why Taiga and Haku were together in the beginning because they're having the same problem...
Speaking of Hotarubi, I thought it was very interesting that Zenji was reciting the Crane Wife story... I forget the name of what exactly he is doing but I know it because it gets used in Monster Hunter Rise to introduce the new hunts. Here's an example with my favorite monster:
Anyway given that we've been talking about Towa maybe having once been an anomalous creature I thought it was interesting, interesting indeed...
Personally I think that the solution to the amount of guns MC has had put to her head in Book 4 is to give her one of her own. Come on Romeo give her a gun, she deserves it, I deserve it, we ALL deserve it for being forced to let Ritsu run roughshod over us in your book. I could see him doing it too, he was so soft on her by the end. I get that some people don't like guns but... Romeo teaching MC to shoot because he's worried about how little she's able to defend herself. He's really patient with her and super strict about it, but she'll be able to defend herself so help him.
Jabberwock is still the best book imho so far too. I don't know where I would rate the others though... I think I like Book 1 a bit better than 2? But that's because no Leo. I'll have to think on it a bit more.
Oh yes and the anomalies. Out of all the dorms the two who I think stand the biggest chance of actually capturing an anomaly are Hotarubi and Mortranken, one because they're allegedly goodie too shoes and the other because they're science brained morons who wanted to work with MC so they could do that from the start. But yeah... given our track record I won't hold my breath.
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ecc-poetry · 2 years
"TERF Wars" notes and recs
Before you read the sestina, if you indeed do, I urge you to check out these creative efforts from fellow LGBTQ+ zillennials:
"I'm Done with JK Rowling" Jessie Gender (The biggest direct inspiration for this piece. It's 3.5 hours long, so if you love long Youtube videos like I do, you're welcome.)
Trans Witches Are Witches (Get this bundle of LGBTQ+ games, zines, music, and other creative goodies! It's 80% off until 02/24/23.)
"A Brief Look at Harry Potter" Lily Simpson (Yes, my favorite Harry Potter/JKR retrospectives from trans creators get even longer. This one is 10 hours, I've watched it twice, if you start now you can be done by the weekend.)
Harry Potter Rebind Laur Flom (Separating the art from the artist by rebinding the Harry Potter books without JKR.)
And then some navel-gazing from me under the cut.
As a member of the Harry Potter generation, I've been thinking about my relationship with JK Rowling and her work. I never actually finished the Harry Potter books, and while I remember participating in fannish activities (midnight screenings and book release parties, fanfic-reading and -writing, a letter to JK Rowling that I don't think I ever actually mailed), Harry Potter as a world never became one of the ones that really grabbed me and shaped me. In hindsight, I'm still not sure why. It didn't offer me what I think I wanted then, which was a deep understanding and empathy for my internal state.
Speaking of understanding and empathy.
Many trans creatives, from video essayists to writers to visual artists, have spoken movingly and with moral urgency about JKR's transphobia and the threat it poses. But they shouldn't have to do all the work. Transphobia is an attack on all women--and all people--because bigotry is intersectional. I wanted to write something that would come from my own experience as a queer cisgender woman and repudiate the idea that transphobic rhetoric serves me in any way. To whit: There is no conflict between the rights of women and the rights of trans people (they're overlapping categories). There is no trans debate--a human person, with dignity and feelings and inalienable rights, is not to be "debated."
I hope that this poem serves as one more pebble of resistance against the forces that seek to undermine our rights. Trans liberation now. <3
P.S. I owe big thanks to my bestie Anthea Carns, author of the musical "The Devil and Sarah Blackwater" as well as other stuff that is good! Without her this sestina would have been (even more) tortured and (even less) focused.
Also, a big thank-you to my family. We watched all 7 Harry Potter films over the winter holidays, and seeing my parents raise many of the critiques I've seen over the years, in real time, was fascinating. When Hedwig died, my mother turned to us and said, "This is cruel. You don't do that to children." And that really stuck with me.
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lulubelle814 · 11 months
Just Dizziness - Chapter 22
Arriving back home, we settled back in my room to resume the movie marathon.  This time she put on I Saw the Light.
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When the movie ended, it was noticeably late.  Rather than end the night, we decided to put on one more movie.  Sarah suggested Thor Ragnarok, and I agreed.  It was my favorite Marvel movie.  When Odin told Thor and Loki that he loved both his sons, it made me cry more than usual.  The look on Loki’s face was both sad and haunting.  All I wanted to do at that moment was hug and comfort him.
When the movie and mid/post credit scenes were over, both of us were tired between the late hour and the over abundance of amazing goodies nibbled on throughout the movies, and I was fast asleep before Sarah could even make it off the bed.
Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up to the sound of thunder.  I attempted to stand up, but a dizzy spell said otherwise causing me to fall back onto the bed.  But that’s when I spotted something that seemed a little out of place tucked just a little under the pillow.  Slowly reaching for it, I managed to pull it out.  It was a familiar looking soft, long sleeved blue sweater.  Bringing it up to my face, it felt amazing and smelled of that citrus and musk I loved so much, but I wasn't sure where it came from.  Maybe it was a surprise from my bestie, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.  It was good timing too as it was unusually cold in my room, and I pulled it on over my thin t-shirt.  
It was a little large for my somewhat small frame.  Had I lost weight?  I wasn't sure, but right now, my entire world revolved around this amazing sweater with the smell that reminded me of him.
Laying back down, I was able to easily fall back asleep.
The next morning, Sarah came in to wake me up so that we could both get ready for her appointment.  She noticed the sweater and had no idea where it came from but didn’t want to rock the boat because it seemed to make me happy.
“Hey sleepyhead, time to get up.  The appointment is in about 3 hours, but check in time is 90 minutes ahead, and it’ll take us most of that time just to get there.”
It was a cooler day out today allowing me to wear the blue sweater.  Pulling on my favorite black leggings and a pair of flats, I met her out in the living room.  Sarah was not allowed to eat before the tests, but she grabbed leftover croissants for me to eat on the way and then for her to eat afterwards.  
I noticed she seemed a bit wobbly this morning.  When we made it outside, I gestured to a taxi.  “It will be a nice walk.”  She began to take off and started to stumble.
“Taxi, now.”  I gave absolutely no room for argument.  Sarah didn’t look like she felt great this morning.  Maybe she just didn’t sleep well last night or was coming down with something.  Her breathing was a bit off, but I refused to let her miss this appointment.  The itch in the back of my brain was going crazy.  I had to know one way or the other.
The taxi pulled up to the hospital about 20 minutes later.  Helping Sarah inside, she checked in early for her tests.  The gentleman behind the desk took one look at her and called for a nurse and a wheelchair.  “You don’t look so good.  Let's see if we have a bed so you can lay down.  If we can get the tests started early, we’ll let you know.”
They were indeed able to find a spare bed, and the nurse had a doctor come round to check in on her.  “It’s a good thing your friend had you come in early.  I’m going to run a few extra tests if that’s ok?  Our cardiologist will be here shortly, but I’d like to run a few routine tests just to be safe.”
Sarah agreed and submitted a urine sample.  The phlebotomist then came by and drew a few vials of blood.  Soon after, the cardiologist came by to run his own general tests.  “It looks like we can go ahead and have someone take you to get that MRI done.  Dr. Fell sent me his notes as well.  With your current symptoms, I’d also like to do a coronary angiogram, an ECG, and an EKG just to rule out other possible issues.”
“She’ll do it.”  I responded.
“I guess I’ll do it.”  Sarah confirmed and squeezed my hand.
By the time someone came to take Sarah for her tests, her breathing was noticeably worse, and she was becoming a bit pale.  “Don’t worry about me.  I’ll be fine.  Plus, I’m surrounded by doctors and nurses.  What could go wrong?”
She was wheeled away.  The nurse that took her advised that the tests would be done in succession and shouldn’t be more than 1.5 - 2 hours.  So when it came upon hour 3, I was getting worried.  They finally came back, and Sarah was very out of it.
“What happened?”
“She crashed during one of the tests, but we don’t know why.  We were able to bring her back around, but only just.  Once we get the results back, we’ll know how to proceed.”
They parked her bed and put on the breaks.  Once they left the room, I crawled right onto the bed next to her and gently hugged her from the side.  ‘I should have made her come in sooner, should have made her go see that damn doctor sooner,’ I thought to myself.
The cardiologist finally came in about an hour later.  “Her results have started coming in, and I’ve pinpointed the source of the issue.  It appears she has a rare congenital heart defect that would even make a heart transplant extremely dangerous if she were in perfect health.  I’m sorry.  I’m so, so sorry.  Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do but make her comfortable.”
I turned away from the doctor and cried into Sarah’s shoulder as the doctor administered some pain medication before leaving.  
I could feel her breaths getting more and more shallow, her heart beat getting slower until it stopped altogether.
“There’s nothing you could have done.”
I cried hard, ignoring the voice.
“I had to show you.  You needed to know that you couldn’t have changed anything.”
Finally looking up, I saw her standing at the end of the bed looking at me, dressed in the same clothes from 3 years ago, the last day I saw her alive.
“When the hospital called and told you I was gone, I know you spent all this time blaming yourself thinking you could have changed something, but I promise nothing could have been done.  You have to stop blaming yourself.”
“I can’t,” I finally responded. “You can.  You have to.  I’ll always be watching over you.”
“You swear?”
“I swear it.  And what’s more important is you have to go back.  You can’t stay here.  He needs you.”
She disappeared from the room along with her body on the bed, leaving me completely alone.  I laid on my side, crying my heart out until I had no more tears left, falling asleep from the overwhelming emotional exhaustion.
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Chapter 23
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