#not necessarily being reverted to childhood again
aparticularbandit · 8 months
but also for someone who has definitely played around with amnesia and rebuilding and reliving and such stuff in fic before (just because i never posted it doesn't mean i didn't play around with it), i. now kind of want to figure out how to play around with that with junko. the scenario would need to be different. but.
#musings#prompts#bandit brainstorms#just like#in the now definitely abandoned epic superhero crossover i was planning#(and did a good chunk of writing on actually)#(and then posted something set in that universe but none of the main fics#it was just too big in scope for me to keep that many moving parts going#and also there was a thing i didn't want to write and by the time i figured out how to get around writing it i'd lost a lot of drive for it#but there was this idea that one of the characters got cloned (based on a superpower subset that she got from etc.)#so there were three of them with this subset#but that the clones were kids being raised - her clones weren't /her age/ etc.#and said character could shapeshift and /did/ - into herself as a child - to try and get away from the people who were experimenting on her#and got hit hard enough to lose her memory#and she got put in a safe space and raised to adulthood without regaining any of her memories#and then eventually gained them back#and there was that disconnect of who she was and who she is and how to implement them and how to just...address all of that#and that's kind of what i'd like to do with junko#not necessarily being reverted to childhood again#and certainly not the clone stuff#but a more permanent sort of memory loss#which plays into stuff we know is possible in canon!#and i know dr0 plays with that /a bit/#but i want a junko who goes for /years/ as an entirely different person#who /becomes/ an entirely different (perhaps well-adjusted) person#and /then/ regains her memories#like the idea of that is just fascinating to me#idk if it is for anyone else
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no-where-new-hero · 3 months
✨ love your fandom asks ✨ #16, please! 👀
hehe thank you @gogandmagog for sending this ask! excuse me while i blather about emily of new moon again :))
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
I can't say this is necessarily a tiny detail and also I've yelled it to the skies before, but the fact that Dean's voice is very nearly the last thing we hear at the end of Emily's Quest is something I love to harp on. Because if LMM were content with Dean just being a symbol of the patriarchy or judgmental masculinity or whatever, it would be so nice and easy to write him off in the middle of the novel. The last thing he could write to Emily is the long-overdue praise for The Moral of the Rose, and that would be that. But no, he intrudes, almost more overtly than Teddy in the middle of Emily and Teddy's happy ending.
I don't think LMM intended this to be sinister--I think she saw this as closure, that Dean gives Emily the Disappointed House, that he finally seems to revert to the safe and comforting friendship of her childhood. But it persists this strange triangulation of Emily, Dean, and Teddy that the entire third book is strung across, either intentionally or not. I was actually flipping through Emily's Quest earlier today (as one does) and got caught at the part where Emily learns of Ilse and Teddy's engagement:
"Well," she said aloud to Emily-in-the-glass. "I've spilled my cup of life's wine on the ground--somehow. And she will give me no more. So I must go thirsty. Would--would it have been different if I had gone to him that night he called. If I only knew!" She thought she could see Dean's ironical, compassionate eyes.
Why does she think of Dean here? You'd think her whole psyche would be focused on missing Teddy. But she thinks of Dean--either from a sudden new sympathy with him, who also lost his love and is left with his own "what ifs," or because she's so used to seeing herself through his eyes that she thinks of herself as he might, with a kind of dry secondhand kindness that's more acceptable than facing her own feelings on the matter. I don't know. But again, where Teddy is, Dean comes also. And that's a very odd flavor to temper Emily's eventual happily ever after with and something that I refuse to overlook.
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