#but there was this idea that one of the characters got cloned (based on a superpower subset that she got from etc.)
aparticularbandit · 5 months
but also for someone who has definitely played around with amnesia and rebuilding and reliving and such stuff in fic before (just because i never posted it doesn't mean i didn't play around with it), i. now kind of want to figure out how to play around with that with junko. the scenario would need to be different. but.
#musings#prompts#bandit brainstorms#just like#in the now definitely abandoned epic superhero crossover i was planning#(and did a good chunk of writing on actually)#(and then posted something set in that universe but none of the main fics#it was just too big in scope for me to keep that many moving parts going#and also there was a thing i didn't want to write and by the time i figured out how to get around writing it i'd lost a lot of drive for it#but there was this idea that one of the characters got cloned (based on a superpower subset that she got from etc.)#so there were three of them with this subset#but that the clones were kids being raised - her clones weren't /her age/ etc.#and said character could shapeshift and /did/ - into herself as a child - to try and get away from the people who were experimenting on her#and got hit hard enough to lose her memory#and she got put in a safe space and raised to adulthood without regaining any of her memories#and then eventually gained them back#and there was that disconnect of who she was and who she is and how to implement them and how to just...address all of that#and that's kind of what i'd like to do with junko#not necessarily being reverted to childhood again#and certainly not the clone stuff#but a more permanent sort of memory loss#which plays into stuff we know is possible in canon!#and i know dr0 plays with that /a bit/#but i want a junko who goes for /years/ as an entirely different person#who /becomes/ an entirely different (perhaps well-adjusted) person#and /then/ regains her memories#like the idea of that is just fascinating to me#idk if it is for anyone else
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hermitadaymay · 1 year
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A challenge inspired by Hermitober, but with a twist: instead of theme prompts, we focus on a specific Hermit every day!
THE RULES: There aren’t any! Participate as much or as little as you want, doing any type of fanwork you want, as long as it features or is inspired by the Hermit of the day! Use Wednesdays to catch up or do bonus challenges, which are explained below the cut. Tag your posts with #hermitaday to have them reblogged to the blog, or you can submit them directly!
WHY SHOULD I PARTICIPATE? To show love to every Hermit, from the most to least subscribed, from those who have been on the server from day 1 to those who only joined last season! And because challenges are fun.
WHO’S RUNNING THIS? Hi! My name is Luna! You can use she/her, he/him, or ze/hir pronouns for me. My main blog is @as-if-unreal.
FAVORITE BUILD - May 3rd The Hermits have built a lot of wild stuff over the years. From cute starter bases to massive organic structures to groundbreaking redstone contraptions, they’ve put thousands of hours into their builds. Which one has inspired you?
FAVORITE “ALT” HERMIT - May 10th Evil clones, camera accounts, NPCs, and alter egos abound on and off the Hermitcraft server. Show your love for Renbob, Evil Xisuma, Helsknight, the Demise spirits, or any other characters the Hermits play on this day!
FAVORITE PET(S) - May 17th Scar wouldn’t be the same without Jellie. Joe wouldn’t be the same without his armies of dogs. From the in-game Gigapies chicken farm to the real-life friends we see on @mcyt-cats, animals play a big part in the Hermits’ lives! They deserve a day all their own!
FRIENDS OF HERMITCRAFT - May 24th Hermitcraft doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The Hermits are constantly working on other projects with other amazing creators featured in the Life SMP, MCC, Empires SMP, and beyond. This is the day to appreciate all the cool friends from off-server that enrich the non-Hermitcraft content the Hermits make!
FREE SPACE - May 31st Got an idea that didn’t fit on another day? Want to wrap up the month with a big group photo? Inspired to make something for a Hermit after their day has passed? Get it all in on one final day!
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rawcherrycake · 15 days
As promised, a render tutorial!! (Featuring Donnie as our model, because of course)
Reminding the process can vary from piece to piece and it's usually really messy, but this is just the general workflow.
Let's start with the sketch: it's an absolute mess, but it's just to get the idea down. There isn't any real science or pressure in it tbh, but i'd recommend looking for references either for poses or inspo (palettes, styles, aesthetics etc.) REMEMBER TO FLIP THE SKETCH BEFORE JUMPING TO LINEART! If you use liquify or transform afterwards it can look blurry and weird.
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Once you got that done, it's lineart time: I tend to keep my linearts raw and crisp, meaning i don't usually erase lines that stick out. Note that i use a medium/big sized brush + high pressure sensibility, making the lines very variable
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Add a base: A solid color will do, it's just so we don't go out of line!
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Colorful tint: On a clipping layer on top of the base we'll put some colors (1-3) that match the theme/environment, this will give the actual colors some variation and depth
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Painting down: The color picker will be your best friend in this process. In the same layer with a soft blending brush you'll gently add your character's colors, trying to avoid using small brushes. If you need to fix something grab the color in that specific area with the color picker, since most probably it's a different color than the one in the ref. Make a mess, basically
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Shadow makes a big difference: On a different layer you'll block down the shading, the color will vary on your environment/style but i'd recommend not using pure black or just purple on all drawings. Put layer in multiply and lower opacity to liking.
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If there's shadow there's light: Same as shadow, the color will vary depending on enviroment/style. I went the easy way and picked a light yellow in a lower opacity.
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Bounce light: Basically the same thing, just this time it isn't a single color. You'll pick the nearest color for bounce light on a lower opacity.
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My favorite part, texture: I love this because i can experiment with different brushes! I put all the color layers together into a single one, but that's optional. I'd just say go nuts, see what seems right. Usually i don't add much texture to skin, but did for Donnie's goggles, plastron and bandages! (+ changed the lineart to an off-black color)
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Finishing touches: I'll go with some warm/light color with an airbrush and highlight some important parts like the face and chest, overlay and lower opacity.
I'll also add random noise, overlay and a really low opacity.
Now, since i use Krita and it doesn't have the color aberration option i do it manually, but if your program does have it then go ahead and use it on the lineart!
The way i do it is cloning the lineart three times and paint them in red, blue and green, moving them just a little to different sides, overlay and lower opacity
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In the end i suffer my way through the background and crop the drawing! And done!
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Hope anything of this is at least a tiny bit coherent xD like i said, my process is a mess and i just do what feels right
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heyclickadee · 5 months
Okay, a few thoughts on the trailer now that I’ve collected my thoughts a bit:
1. Between the shots of the crashed ship and Omega in the cockpit, it’s looking like a self-rescue on Omega’s part. At this point I’m thinking she gets herself and Crosshair out, and then, based on the shots of Cross with the batch, gets separated from him at some point. He rejoins the batch, and she is…somewhere else. Though I don’t know if that means she goes back to Tantiss.
2. It’s entirely possible that she gets got by one of the bounty Hunters in the trailer, and that’s what separates her from Crosshair.
3. I do think that it is Crosshair in the armor, but other possibilities include: one, Tech, who may not have his own armor anymore and needed to wear something protective on short notice, and; two, Hunter’s having a real bad time and is actually hallucinating Crosshair being with them. I don’t think that’s the case though—I think it really is Crosshair.
4. It’s also possible that those shots with Crosshair are from a little later on in the season.
5. Poor Omega’s going to be in Tantiss for months.
6. I swear Hunter looks like he’s lost weight. Like. I know a lot of the fandom is deep in the Crosshair and Tech are twins sauce (and honestly, I am too, I adore that head-canon and basically think if it as canon), but darn it if Hunter isn’t getting so drawn he’s starting to look a little like Crosshair.
7. I find it weirdly amusing that the half the trailer in which the bad batch actually features is mostly taken up by Hunter and Wrecker doing Adventure Man things. I get the sense they were scrounging to find shots of the batchers that weren’t massively spoilery (and they still put those shots of Crosshair in. Which, admittedly, is one of the things that makes me slightly suspicious of that being Crosshair at all, because that could be a misdirect, but only slightly).
8. I’m going to laugh if it turns out that Cid hired all of the bounty hunters we see to find Omega. Like, if that’s what she uses the money she got from Hemlock for, and she’s basically trying to get Omega out of the situation she got Omega into and goes a little overboard on the means.
9. Ventress! I’ll be honest, Ventress has never been at the top of my favorite character list, though I’ve warmed up to her quite a bit (I used to like the idea of her more than the execution), but I always love Nika Futterman’s performance, and I’m intrigued to see Ventress here at the very least. Because. How. She was very dead. Very, very dead. Not “fell into The Mists” dead—she had a funeral after being dead for months. My only thoughts are that were either seeing her in a flashback sequence that takes place before Dark Disciple, or it turns out that nightsisters can use their force magic to do some weird shit after getting hit by lightning. Either way, I don’t think she’s fighting Wrecker and Hunter here—that’s just some misleading editing.
10. Man, I hope Hemlock dies a lot.
11. Anyway, speaking of the dead and those back from it, Tech is so alive and I’m trying to not be the Smuggest of Gremlins until we for sure see him, but jeez are they making that difficult. (I checked the trailer release blurb on the Star Wars dot com page—it doesn’t mention Tech being dead. It just says the team is “scattered” after the events of season two. Like. Guys, you’re not even trying anymore.)
12. And more on Tech, I do think it’s possible—possible, mind you—that Tech is the guy we see in the clone X armor in front of what looks like the Archium. There are some small differences between that armor and both the armor we see on Clone X in season two, and the Clone X we see speaking later in the trailer—namely, the shoulder straps, what looks like a glass visor covering the two eyeholes, and *sigh* the pouches. And it’s the straps and the pouches that are giving him a bit more of a Tech-ish silhouette—especially the pouches, and especially from behind. If it is Tech, though, I don’t think it’s a brainwashed Tech at all (and honestly, it’s the pouches that make me lean towards not brainwashed if it is Tech in there, because a shin pouch is just a very Tech-and-not-blank-slate thing to wear).
I actually think it’s more likely that it’s Tech in disguise and having taken the armor from the Clone X we see later in the trailer (with some adjustments of his own), and that that’s what’s being referred to by the titles “Infiltration” and “Extraction;” Tech infiltrating imperial forces, and then the others having to get him (and probably the people of Pabu) out. And, if that’s the case, I’m banking on these shots being from the midseason. (I know I said I wasn’t going to speculate on the episode titles. That was aspirational.)
Basically, I could be persuaded that it’s Tech in there or that it’s not. I’m less likely to be persuaded that it’s a brainwashed Tech in there—I still don’t think that’s happening.
12. Whether that is Tech in that armor or not, I do think that the clone X we see speaking in the trailer isn’t the same guy in the armor in the Archium shot.
13. I am SO HAPPY to see Phee back THANK GOODNESS. I was a little worried they’d drop her like a rock, but nope! She’s here! She’s got her cool jacket! We see her ship!
14. There is a criminally small amount of Echo in the trailer, but I’m not giving up on seeing more of him. It’s possible that he’s either a walking spoiler, or that he features a little more heavily in the back half of the season.
15. “The Cavalry Has Arrived” is the most optimistic episode title in the whole damn show and, yes, I will die on this hill.
16. Crosshair. Oh, Crosshair. Someone please save him immediately.
17. There’s a lot of early doom panic around, well, everyone and everyone (especially Hunter) dying that I’m honestly going to ignore going forward. For reasons.
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talesfrommedinastation · 10 months
My redneck neighbor Doug's interpretations on various 'Bad Batch' characters: Side Character Edition!
I'm chuffed that everyone thinks my neighbor Doug is funny: he really is a gem. I had no idea we'd bond over Star Wars and crappy weather, but here we are.
Naturally, I had to bother him about other characters that showed up on The Bad Batch, so, here we go!
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Phee Genoa: Ah-ha, that there’s Church Lady. You know her, she’s got a big square in her pocketbook and you don’t know if it’s pound cake or a brick, because the Lord saves but He can’t help you in the alley when you’re in Treme and the streetlights just turned on. She has two ex-husbands who are both preachers and they turned to Jesus because they are so scared of Church Lady in court. 
(So I guess he’s saying Phee has raw WHO DAT energy, for my Saints fans out there)
Cid: Looking at this fat lizard bitch makes me hungry. I call that one Houma-BBQ because I’m guessing we could feed a whole parish fire station based on the size of her tail. I wish she’d shut up, she reminds me of my mother-in-law. 
Cad Bane: Homeboy looks like a Sesame Street character who teaches Big Bird about concealed carry laws. I call him Gun Safety Muppet. I don’t like him because he shot my Wife and I’s Boyfriend on the other show and his robot needs to be tossed into a wood chipper. 
(“I’m not gay, but Jenny and I…well, we would make an exception to that man. You ever see ‘Deadwood’? Man is fine. I’m not GAY.”)
Fennec Shand: That’s The Chick that’s in Everything. She was on ER and Boba Fett and I think a Marvel show too? I like her. Hope she kills Gun Safety Muppet and hurls his blue ass into a dumpster. 
Howzer: That’s my niece’s boyfriend, Jorge. We all love Jorge, nice guy, owns an auto repair shop and always remembers plates and napkins for the cookouts after church.
Gregor: Jorge’s cousin, Manny. Met him once at Christmas in Miami, nice guy, only drinks brown liquor and insists everyone arm wrestle him. But he’s got a good job as a PE teacher, we respect education, come on now. 
The Martez Sisters: Aw, man, it’s Jorge’s Unemployed Sisters. I hate it when they show up for Christmas and get into fights with my momma. 
(“Doug, you know they’re not related to the clones at all, right?” “Says who?” “The PLOT?” “Eh, they’ll change it, just watch.”)
Mayday: Aw, I liked this guy so much! That’s Sassy Park Ranger, he’s the type that gives you your camping permits, warns you about the bears, and then is all disappointed when you don’t properly stow your food and the bears destroy the campsite. I need to go back to Little River Canyon, that place was pretty. 
Lt. Nolan: THAT STUPID BLOND JACKASS. (Doug was so enraged by the guy he had nothing else to add. Damn.)
Senator Chuchi: Why does this lady make me want a blue slushie? I’ll call her the Sonic Special. They need more Sonics here in the north, they really do. 
Cody: That’s Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend, he’s sad all the time. We know why. (Confirmed that Doug is a Codywan shipper and I don’t know what to do about that)
Royce Hemlock: Is that Jimmy Neutron after he grew up and became one of those guys that’s on the internet all the time writing creepy things? It’s Jimmy-the-Scientist. He looks like the type of person dogs get weird around.
Rex: That's Rex. He's a king. Respect him.
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doumadono · 10 months
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Step into the sin bin! Sinful Sunday is a unique writing extravaganza on this blog, where I explore your every idea and curiosity about your beloved characters. Got a headcanon burning to be shared? Craving to explore a particular kink? Look no further, you're in the right spot! Send me an ask, and in return, you'll receive either a little blurb or set of headcanons! Share your thoughts anytime you fancy. Saturday morning is when the floodgates open, and the posts will come pouring in! 😉🔥
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for Sinful Sunday participation, kindly ensure you're 18 or older. Your safety matters, and I'll tag my content accordingly. Please respect this request and do your part
feel free to send your asks, thoughts, imaginations, or requests either anon or not
you're also welcome to share your own headcanons or imagines for the character of your choice! I'm eager to engage in conversations about them with you 😊
Sinful Sunday will last all through Sunday and will end Sunday night at midnight, 23:59 CET
any additional Sinful Sunday requests I receive afterward will be either reserved for the next Sunday or considered for a future request, depending on my current mood and availability
Sinful Sunday-specific tag for all asks, blurbs, and headcanons will be: #doumadonos sinful sunday 🔥
Sinful Sunday kicks off on the upcoming Sunday, September 10th!
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Firstly, on the Sundays of December 24th and 31st, I won't be posting anything for Sinful Sunday. Given that it's the Christmas season and I'll be with my family, I've decided that the last Sinful Sunday of the year 2023 will be on Sunday, the 17th.
Due to the high volume of requests every Sunday, it's become physically challenging to complete all of them in a single day. To address this, I'm implementing a new rule – I'll be posting approximately 5 pieces for every Sinful Sunday. Any requests remaining in my inbox will be automatically scheduled for the following weekend.
I'll be adjusting the priority for Sinful Sunday requests, giving top priority to those that come in off-anon. While anonymous questions are still welcomed, I'll be initially focusing on non-anonymous requests.
I'm aware many of you enjoy the Hantengu Clones, but I kindly request not to ask for similar scenarios with different clones once a scenario has already been published with one of them.
I'm open to delving into darker content, so feel free to share your more intense thoughts/thirsts with me without hesitation! 🔥
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In light of the recent poll results, I'm thrilled to share that Sinful Sunday is set to unfold bi-monthly, taking place every two weeks, starting January 14th, 2024
Any requests submitted from now on will be posted on the specified day (in the event of a substantial number of requests, they will be posted based on the order of reception in my inbox. Just a gentle reminder: I'm featuring only 4-5 pieces each Sunday!)
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As I'm heading to Japan on March 1st, there will be some changes to Sinful Sunday.
the upcoming Sinful Sunday by the end of February will be the last one before my Japan trip. Sinful Sunday will resume on April 27th, and I'll remind you about it in a post
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due to the large number of 5k celebration requests, Sinful Sunday will be postponed to May 11th
I've decided to change things up for this recurring event. Since Sinful Sunday happens every two weeks, in the first week - I'll collect your requests. Then, a week before the event - I'll post a poll with all the submitted requests, so you can vote for your favourites. I think this will be the healthiest approach, especially since the last few Sinful Sundays have been overwhelming due to the influx of requests in a single day
the two works with the most votes will be posted every Sinful Sunday
all unused requests will either be deleted or saved for separate stories (only if I really like specific requests)
repeated or similar requests to stories I've already posted will be deleted
you can submit requests for Sunful Sunday starting now, and the first poll will be posted on May 4th
fandoms I write for: My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Honkai Star Rail, Genshin Impact, Jujutsu Kaisen, Wind Breaker, Bucchigiri!?, Obey Me, Haikyuu
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questforgalas · 1 year
Code Red Training
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GIF by mlmanakin
Summary: Kix has to give a training on the menstrual cycle to the 501st. It goes exactly how you think it would
Characters: 501st legion (Jesse, Fives, Rex, Kix, Echo, Dogma, Appo, and made up clone names), Ahsoka Tano
WC: 2.4K
Notes: This is based off another silly HC I posted the other day I couldn't get out of my head. I think the idea of the engineered clones raised surrounded by men learning about the menstrual cycle is a hilarious concept. Very silly stuff. The boys are in awe of their commander after
Tags: descriptions of the menstrual cycle and what occurs. Swearing
Tay's Masterlist
Read on AO3
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Kix was running out of tasks to keep his hands busy. The informational flimsies were on the fourth variation of stacking, and he’d rearranged the educational sculptures in every possible space on the desk. He wasn’t nervous. He just could make a list of 1000 other duties he’d rather be doing than, well, this.
Kix had the 41st Elite Corps to thank for this one. The poor padawan commander of the 41st apparently wasn’t prepared for her cycle, and while she was trying to retreat to her quarters to remedy the situation, she was caught with a noticeable blood stain that, understandably, caused her troopers to go into a panic. Chaos ensued as an entire corps sprang into action to save their commander who, to their knowledge, was bleeding to death for no reason.  
There’s no official report on the matter, but the message from Insi, the medic of the 41st, simply said “The troopers involved won’t be looking Commander Offee in the eye anytime soon”.
So now, all battalions led by a female general or commander had to sit through educational training on the menstrual cycle.
A 3-D model of the uterus taunted him from across the desk.
“Gotta say, don’t exactly envy you with this one, Kix,” Captain Rex’s voice interrupted Kix’s internal battle to cancel the next session and run, but instead, he turned to face his Captain, standing at attention and offering a short salute.
“You envy everything else I get to deal with, sir?” The medic offered a sly smirk as Rex put him at ease.
“You got me there,” Rex chuckled. “Although, last I remember, it wasn’t too long ago you’d be right next to Fives and Jesse when I’d be threatening another ‘fresher duty to ward off any antics.”
Kix brought a hand to his chest, feigning hurt, “Me, sir? Antics? I’d never.”
“Just because you knew how to hide the evidence better doesn’t mean you were more innocent.” A playful shove on his shoulder broke his performance.
“It’s called a medic’s attention to detail, sir.”
Rex offered a hum in response, the fond smile on his lips softening the threat of his eye roll, and he continued to make his way across the room to the chair set up in the back corner. As the commanding officer, Rex had to give his approval on the training which meant Kix already took him through the session – The captain remained professional the entire session, but the increasing crimson of his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed – so his presence here now only meant one thing.
Rex knew who was on the roster, and he was here for a show.
“You think you’re being sly Captain, but I see right through you,” Kix accused.
“I’m not sure what you mean. It’s my duty as captain to perform surprise training inspections. It’s for the good of my men.” Rex’s face remained impassive, but the medic didn’t miss the smirk tugging at his lips or the glint in his eyes.
Before he could answer, he heard voices coming down the hall. Kix went through the same mental routine he did when he boarded a LAATi, and with one last deep breath, he readied himself for battle.
“Wait, wait, wait! A tube?! They have an actual tube in them?”
“Not just a tube, Hardcase. Two tubes!”
“Can females create metal?!”
“How does a baby even fit in there? Like, the same size as us in the tube? Come out of THAT!”
The first ten minutes of the session went about as well as Kix could hope for. Characteristic of this group, they were rowdy when they filed in, most coming in from the mess hall, and many in the middle of glorified battle stories that their audience wasn’t buying. As they took their seats, they settled in, and most conversation had quieted down, but when Kix stood upfront waiting for a second too long, pointed looks by Echo and Dogma had the room quieting down quickly.
Much to Kix’s surprise, the group remained attentive and curious during the first parts of his notes as he walked them through the anatomy. Not to his surprise, all hell broke lose when he started to explain conception and gestation. When the questions erupted, Kix stole a glance to the back of the room. Rex was barely holding his composure, and it looked like Jesse’s outburst broke the professional dam as Rex quickly hid his face behind his hand, shoulders shaking.
“Alright, alright, alright. Calm down! One question at a time,” Kix barked. “First, the fallopian tubes are not metal tubes, Hardcase. It’s just what they’re called because they connect two sections. Second, yes, babies as big as we are when we come out of the tube are born through the vagina. If necessary, they can be cut out, bu-“
“THEY CUT THEM OU-“ Smack “Ow!”
“Cut it, Appo,” Echo scolded.
“As I was saying, they can be cut out, but that’s in emergency situations. And lastly, they don’t lay eggs. Not females with this anatomy. They carry eggs, and once a female hits puberty, their ovaries release one egg once a month for it to be fertilized,” Kix finished.
“Oh I can tell you allll about how they’re ferti-“ Smack. “Ow!”
“Fives, you’ve never even talked to a girl,” Echo was on a roll Kix very much appreciated.
Taking a pause before moving onto the next section, Kix swept his gaze across the room. Dogma furiously scribbled notes while Hardcase and Oddball looked like they were trying to solve the equation of an ion engine. Echo lazed with his arms across his chest, attention trained on the medic, but gave Appo another swat when he noticed his head nodding to the side. Fives still rubbed the back of his head where Echo hit him, looking like a hurt loth pup not getting to make his crude joke.
Crowded in the middle, a hand raised. Kix recognized the trooper as one of the newest 501st.
“Yes, Doma?”
“Thank you, sir. I’m just curious. What, what happens to the egg if it isn’t fertilized? Does it just…fall out?” The trooper looked around on the ground as if expecting to find a scattering of eggs around him. A soft laugh floated from the back corner of the room.
“Well, Doma, that leads us into the final part of this training. If the egg isn’t fertilized, then the female body goes through what is called the ‘menstrual cycle’ in common. It’s possibly called other things in other languages, but it all refers to the same process.”
Kix picked up the 3-D model and moved back to the front and center of the room, pointing to the uterine lining.
“When released, the egg settles in the lining of the uterus. If it’s not fertilized, the lining sheds and discards the old lining and the egg through the vagina. Then the lining builds up again over the next month preparing for the next egg,” Kix explained. Silence settled over the room and not a single trooper moved. Even Echo looked like Kix just explained a 10-page battle strategy to him with one minute to learn it. “Ok, where did I lose you all?”
Eyes glanced around, no one wanting to speak first. Finally, Dogma raised his hand.
“What exactly do you mean by ‘sheds and discards the old lining’?” he grimaced.
“Here goes nothing,” Kix thought.
“Well, exactly what it sounds like. The lining literally tears itself from the uterus, falls through the vagina, and exits.”
Fives, Hardcase, Jesse, and a trooper Kix didn’t recognize jumped to their feet, yelling questions. Dogma turned pale. Doma was bracing his head in his hands. Echo’s eyes went wide, stare fixed on a spot in front of him, and troopers around the room reacted with a mix of horror and confusion. The quiet laugh in the corner of the room mingled with the ruckus. Acting fast, Kix brought his fingers to his lips and let out a whistle the patrol across camp could probably hear. Immediately, the questions ceased, but the looks of horror remained. His narrowed eyes got the message across, and all the troopers settled back into their seats. Once he was sure they were focused back on him, Kix went on.
“This is where we’ll open up the question portion of the training.”
Every hand shot up.
“Fives, if this is a joke,” Kix warned.
“No, it’s serious I promise!” Fives pleaded. Kix nodded for him to go on. “When they’re going through this men-menstrol? Mens-“
“Thanks, vod. When they’re going through this menstrual cycle, is it painful?”
“Yes. Pain can vary female to female, but common symptoms are severe cramps. Many females experience cramps painful enough to cripple them anywhere from a couple hours to days. Other common symptoms are muscle cramps in their lower backs and legs, interrupted sleep cycle, severe mood swings, bloating, digestive changes, and headaches or migraines.” Kix explained. A room of faces grimaced back at him.
“How long does it last for,” Echo asked.
“Again, it varies female to female, but on average 3 to 7 days.”
“7 days?! They’re just…bleeding! For 7 days!” A trooper exclaimed in the back.
“Maker, I didn’t think of that,” Jesse mused. “They’re just walking around with their bodies tearing itself on the inside, and they’re just…ok?”
“Well…” Kix started. “I wouldn’t say they’re ‘ok’, but they’re expected to go through life with it. So yes, many females you encounter could be in their cycle.”
“And this happens, every month?” Jesse asked, amazement in his voice.
“Yes, once the female becomes of age, and as long as everything is regular, it happens once a month.”
“Whoa,” Awe passed over the troopers.
“Wait,” Appo shot up in his seat. “Commander Tano!”
Kix’s eyes instinctively found Rex’s. The captain’s smirk turned into a wolfish grin, and it took all of Kix’s respect for the decorated captain to not flip him off.
“What about the commander?” Kix returned to the group.
“Well, she’s a female!” Appo blurted.
“Appo, are you asking if Commander Tano experiences a menstrual cycle?” Kix asked. The captain answered with a vigorous nod of his head, blood rushing to his cheeks.
“Well, I can’t disclose patient information, but Commander Tano is of the age that it’s common for females to begin theirs.”
“That..is so…fucking…cool!” Oddball exclaimed.
“You mean our Commander is out there kicking clanker butt while her body is literally tearing itself on the inside? I mean, can she be any greater?” Echo proclaimed, a proud twinkle in his eye.
“Ohhhh is that why she randomly hordes all the chocolate cakes in the mess?” Fives mused.
“I don’t think I need to remind all of you that it is not procedure or polite to bombard the commander with questions about this,” a stern voice interrupted from the back. Amusement still danced in his eyes, but the expression on Rex’s face shut all conversation down immediately.
“Yes, sir,” echoed unanimously.
“Alright, well, if there aren’t any more questions, that concludes the training,” Kix dismissed. While his brothers filed out of the room, Kix allowed himself to relax his shoulders for the first time since Fives entered.
Rex appeared in front of him, hand clasping down on his shoulder, “Not bad trooper. I think you’ll only be getting questions from Hardcase for the next 20 rotations.”
“Hey, Rex. Have you noticed the boys have been…odd lately?” Ahsoka asked while she and Rex made their way through the halls of the Resolute,
“Not sure I know what you mean, Commander,” Rex responded.
Walking through the narrow halls, a few troopers stepped to the side to salute the commander and captain as they passed. Ahsoka noticed two things. First, their eyes went wide when they first took her in. Second, their force signatures spiked instantly with something mixed with astonishment and pride. Once they passed, she could swear she heard one of them murmur, “An absolute legend.”
These types of occurrences had been happening regularly over the last few weeks, and Ahsoka grew more confused with each one.
“I don’t know. All of them have been looking at me like the shinies look at Anakin when they meet him for the first time. It’s, unnerving,” she explained.
Rex did his best to hide the chuckle rumbling in his chest. Of course, he’d noticed his brothers completely obvious demeanor change towards their commander. Ever since Kix’s trainings finished, the whole 501st viewed their vod’ika in a whole new light – one that put her on par, if not higher, than their general.
“Eh, I’m sure it’s nothing. You know how they get, especially in between missions. Restless and bored. Start actin’ weird. Don’t pay attention to it,” Rex tried to deflect.
Making their way around the corner, Fives and Echo were spotted leaving the mess heading in their direction. When the ARCs recognized who was ahead of them, Fives bounded their way.
“Commander! Lucky running into you. Here, I grabbed an extra chocolate cake just for you. Figured you can stash it away, save it for later,” Fives suggested, giving a wink like he and Ahsoka were in on a secret only the two of them know.
“Uh, thanks, Fives. That was, kind?” Ahsoka shot a look to Rex that said “See?”, but he just shrugged her off as if Fives giving her chocolate cakes happened every day.
“Oh, and commander, I stopped by the med bay earlier. I saw they were low on high strength painkillers, so I requested that Kix put in a supply order right away so we’re well stocked. Wouldn’t want to be caught unprepared, right?” Echo added.
Rex groaned internally. For ARCs, these two were the most obvious troopers he’d ever known.
“That’s, good to know, Echo. Thanks, I think?” Ahsoka tried her best to sound polite, but the whole interaction just confused her more.
“You’re welcome! Well, we’re off to the rec center for some sparring. Rex, join us later?” Echo asked.
“Another time, Echo. I have a briefing at 1500,” Rex answered, dismissing the troopers.
Later that day, Ahsoka stashed that cake in her quarters and made a note to stop by the med bay to grab some of the painkillers before next week. She didn’t know what was going on with the boys, but she wasn’t going to not take advantage.
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cryptocism · 2 months
I love the comic book writing sensibility that Frequency has, like how Three and Five's ending is great for the story being told but if it were a published comic it would still leave them on the table for if a future writer wanted to use them.
whats funny is that despite doing my best to keep in line with dc comics/comic writing sensibilities throughout the fic (staying as comics-accurate as possible in terms of continuity/tone/characterization/story elements etc) that particular comic writing reality was one that was like. kind of a genuine anxiety that i didn't know i had until i started writing this thing.
ive said before that in the original concept for Frequency all of the clones (besides Thad) were going to end up dead. whether it was via killing each other or unintentionally being the instrument of their own demise (disney villain style). obviously it changed because creating an entire narrative about this one character's redemption arc and then not allowing any of the other villains to have a shot at redemption felt hypocritical and like. mean. not to mention antithetical to the whole ethos of the story.
but the reason why killing off all the other clones was my first instinct is partially because i had this kinda subconscious recoil to the idea that any of them would actually continue on after the story was over.
like, because i was trying to stick to canon so much, while figuring out the story a thought came up a couple times that basically went like, "okay, well, if this was a real comic, then...". and inevitably i had a realization that if this WAS a real comic, my original clone characters would be canonized, and therefore available to any future writer who wanted to yank them out of their respective endgames and inject them into other stories. which i Did Not Like the Idea Of.
classic "making up a guy to get mad at" except it was more "making up a reality to get anxious about". because obviously no matter how much it sticks to canon, Frequency still exists in a fan-created space.
but! i'd never made up original characters to put in my own fanmade stuff before and was definitely feeling protective. because all those original clones i made had yknow: a story purpose and narrative function to facilitate the actual key characters, Thad and Bart. the idea of them being removed from that context in any capacity, even if it was in the hands of a good writer, made me have this gut "no STOP you're ruining it!!!!" reaction.
they were all made for Frequency, and to foil Thad as a character, i didnt like the idea of Three being brought back as a one-note villain or Jude and Nathaniel getting folded into the wider Flash cast of allies. and none of them were made to be main character material. plus the character roster at DC is already uhh Extremely Stacked i genuinely did not want the takeaway to be "and here's the nEW ADDITIONS TO THE FLASH FAMILY!" because that wasnt the intention
anyway i got over it lol. i still did my best not to leave any loose ends, and have each ending be wholly satisfying on its own, and ideally the oc clones basically continue on offscreen while the true adventures are based around Thad and Bart. but yeah it felt right to leave off on that note (and served the story much better than killing everybody off)
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Hello! I've been reading through all your posts so far and even though I am personally an ML fan and not a salter, I love media analysis and I'm sad that there isn't much of them in the fandom. There are directions in the show that I'm not satisfied with and I'm currently working on a rewrite for a future comic.
I'm curious about your ideas and takes on how you would personally rewrite ML, right now one of my issues is figuring out how the Peacock Miraculous works bcuz of sentimonsters. How would you write them?
I'm glad that you're enjoying my stuff! I label it all as salt because - as best I can tell - this fandom defines that as anything even slightly negative, but my goal is more analysis and discussion than angry ranting. Talking about what a piece of media did wrong and how you would improve it is a fantastic way to improve your own writing. It's why I got into media analysis in the first place!
Funnily enough, I do have a massive rewrite out there somewhere on AO3, so I DO have thought about how to handle sentimonsters. Or, more specifically, I've thought about how to handle the peacock. I'll give those first, then circle back to sentis.
In my humble opinion, the idea of sentimonsters should be scrapped for the following reasons, all of which existed long before the sentitheory was even on my radar:
Sentimonsters are too derivative. They feel like akuma clones and not a unique power. You can tell that the power was only created because they wanted/needed a power that would let the peacock be used at a distance the same way the butterfly is even though no other miraculous works this way.
If you want to do a slavery plot, the kwamis are right there being enslaved. You don't need to add human-looking slaves to the mix. Especially given that many of those human-looking slaves are apparently fine to kill off? Just, the ethics around the way the show does sentimonsters will always make me feel icky. Meanwhile the kwamis don't have the awkward element of being magical constructs that were made to serve. They were a free people before the miraculous. The one way I've played with using Felix is as a kwamis freedom fighter instead of a senti one.
Sentimonsters have too nebulous of a lore. In what way are they emotions brought to life? Outside of Feast, emotions don't seem to effect them at all. Nooroo's powers feel far more emotion based than Dusuu's and it bothers me.
There's also the fact that one of the show's biggest problems is character bloat. No writer alive can write a satisfying story that features a team of 36 characters! (18 humans + 18 kwamis) This is why the kwamis act as a hive mind once Marinette becomes the Guardian. You just can't write that many characters into a scene and keep their personalities straight, so they're now a single unit even though it makes Sass and Wayzz feel out of character.
Give all of that and the way the miracle box is kinda... well, it feels a little too cultural appropriation-ish for my tastes. I won't go on a full rant here, but to give two highlights: the zodiac miraculous don't seem to have a thing to do with the real Chinese zodiac and a box based on Chinese lore would NOT use a black cat for the symbol of bad luck. Black cats being bad luck is relatively modern European lore. In other words, the Chinese stuff is just there for ascetics and not actually representative of Chinese culture, so I had no moral issues scrapping the miracle box and making a much smaller version and neither should you if you're so inclined!
The thing about lore is that it only matters as much as the show makes it matter and, outside of a few key miraculous, I really do think you can change them without most readers caring because of how little the powers actually matter to the show's lore. Like they have completely scrapped the idea of making a person match their miraculous even though that was supposedly a big thing back in season two. This is extra true because it took us so long to learn all the powers in canon, so there are a lot of fics that pre-date the canon reveal and do different things.
But if you want to keep sentimonsters to be more canon accurate, I would consider all of the following as options or things to keep in mind. Feel free to use all or none of them as I'm probably never touching this plot and, if I do, it will doubtless be different from whatever you do:
Doing something to make the difference between valid and non-valid sentimonsters abundantly clear and not just "the creator decides who is valid" OR just don't make any sentimonster valid and have Emilie have used the miraculous out of a desire to help people because she didn't know it would kill her
Have Gabriel be more conflicted about the use of sentimonsters since, you know, his kid is one and Adrien, Felix, and Kagami are the only sentimonsters he dealt with for many, many years
Consider having Nathalie make one sentimonster (maybe even present it as her own child) in order to help Gabriel so it's not a slew of akuma 2.0 on the battlefield. Instead its someone at the school looking for Ladybug and Chat Noir after the villains realize that they're teenagers. (This could be a good way to use Lila and make her powers make sense)
Redo Dusuu's Force or make the tie between sentimonsters and emotions more clear. Like Felix is made from jealousy and Adrien is made from love so that's the source of their conflict
Use Felix as a third, morally neutral party who only cares about sentimonsters and have him act toward those goals like we all thought he was going to after season five. Magneto from X-men should be your template for him not whatever canon did.
Consider letting Kagami know from the start and let her know that she and Adrien are meant to be, but she's not allowed to tell him the truth or something. If you don't go that route then, at the very least, have her finding out be a big deal for her relationship with her mother.
Go all in with Adrien's commands. Gabriel wants Adrien to date Kagami? He's going to date Kagami. None of this Y-7 undo button BS. Go big or go home.
Give the sentimonsters a way to break free. That's what the power of love is supposed to be about. You could go super cheesy with this if you combined it with Adrien's source emotion being love. The literal love child using the thing that made him to overcome what he was made to be to be what he wants to be sounds very fun to me.
Consider giving the senti kids superpowers. It's honestly kinda weird how relatively normal they are. Like, sure, Felix is supposed to be super smart, but we only know that from his Wikipedia and that's about it.
I could go on, but that's a lot, so we'll stop here. Feel free to send additional asks or message me. I have many, many thoughts about how to fix canon while trying to stay true to the core ideas of the story. Or, at least, the things I consider to be the core. I legitimately enjoy the adaption process and think the fun of fanfiction is largely trying to fit alternate takes on canon into the base framework so it still appeals to fans of the source.
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alitherandom · 2 months
Bad Batch is almost over so I'm going to ramble. If anyone can relate, please reply or reblog. Share what this show has meant to you, share your thoughts, share theories, tag people. Let's give it a send off.
Star Wars has been a massive part of my life for years.
I loved everything about the Clone Wars, the world building, the character development for the jedi, but most of all the clones. As someone who finds it hard to read faces, it was fun getting to know each of the clones as individuals with their own personalities and I actually never had any issues telling them apart. It hits hard, I think that's what makes their stories even more tragic.
Echo and Fives are my favourite Star Wars characters so I was really happy when Echo came back in Clone Wars season 7. That was why I decided to watch the Bad Batch- it then became my favourite series.
I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do when this show ends. I think the hardest part is not knowing what the galaxy has in store for the batch and where it could go from here. Whatever happens I’ll always be grateful for the experiences I've had as part of this community over the last few years.
I think that's what's great about being part of a fandom. Seeing all the different ideas and projects that get put out there every day as well as knowing everyone else is in just as much suspense as I am. I haven't interacted on here that much until the last few months, but I check the tags a lot and all the fanart has been immaculate. The writers and artists are crazy talented and work so hard, I admire the level of dedication and aspire to be like that. 😂
I'm also really grateful for the three seasons we got with Clone Force 99.
Seeing Echo go from a shiny in the Clone Wars to becoming who he is now. (I could talk about that for ages, but I'll save that for another post.)
Seeing Crosshair regain his trust in the batch and get to change.
Seeing Hunter step up for his brothers and Omega.
Seeing more sides to Wrecker's strength.
Seeing Omega go from that kid who'd never seen dirt before to learning from her brothers and proving how brave she is.
And lastly, seeing Tech make the choice he did back in season 2. It wasn't easy to watch, because he deserved more time and there was definitely a massive hole in season 3 without him.
I'm not ready to say goodbye to any of them.
My favourite episodes in season 1 were the last few, when Kamino fell. It was the end of an era as well as a new beginning.
My favourite episode in season 2 was episode 8. I was really proud of Echo, plus he got a hug from Omega which I have admittedly rewatched far too many times.
My favourite episodes in season 3 were episodes 13 and 14. The stakes have been so high and it's been great seeing Echo's ARC skills in action again. (Plus the dialogue with Rampart was top tier. Hate that guy, but it was hilarious.)
I'm well aware of all the theories for the finale. I'm choosing to ignore most of them, but I’d like to present my own.
I hope Echo gets to finish what Fives started and the clones can finally be free, including Tech if he's CX2. I hope the batch gets to burn Tantiss to the ground and fly off into the sunset with Omega and the kids from the vault, and then I hope they continue a lifetime of bullying Rampart. I also hope Emerie gets to whack Hemlock with a steel chair, and then the Zillo beast can eat him.
…After all, Star Wars is based on hope, right?
If anyone actually ended up reading this to the end you're a real one- have a great final Bad Batch eve, and may the force be with you.
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green-alm0nd · 3 months
[Tech x fem!reader]: You can't catch me now
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Although everyone told you to let go, you can't help but wonder if there's someone you know under the mask of the well-known clone assassin. You finally find a chance to do so.
WARNINGS: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, SPOILERS FOR TBB S3, angst, mentions of mental breakdowns, canon violence, and a little bit of fluff, italics mean flashbacks. A bit long lol. Not proofread.
This is actually a 'songfic' based on the song 'Can't catch me know' from Olivia Rodrigo. (Click here to listen to the song)
Blood trickled down your nose, painting the grey surface you stood in with a bright red color.
'There's blood on the side of the mountain'
Your breathing was unsteady, irregular; and your knees were about to give out as you saw the now faceless clone assassin.
'There's writing all over the wall'
You were against the idea of going back to Pabu after rescuing Omega, mainly because you didn't want to remember the nostalgic happiness you felt in Pain when he was with you.
'Shadows of us are still dancing, in every room and every hall'
Yet, there you were. You say down on the bed on the small cottage that you and him had rented.
It had been a long time since you dared to step in that small house, everything reminded you of him. Guilt never left you, it always hunted you like a ghost.
Dust accumulated on the corners of your old bedroom, one that never got to be a long-lasting bedroom.
'There's snow falling under the city'
And, in the middle of the now destroyed battlefield, Tantiss cried. All the destruction, all the people that had died had stained the planet red; a reminder of what had happened.
Little particles of dust hovered around, dancing and making the atmosphere even more melancholic.
Your knees began to tremble.
'You thought that it would wash away'
Everything came back to you: the memories, the feelings, the butterflies.
It took one look to the tall man standing opposite you to make you remember everything.
'The bitter taste of my fury, and all of the messes you made'
Back when you joined the squad, you had thought he was just shy and that's why he never really talk to you. When he did, it would only be for curt responses or reminders. As time passed, and you both got along better, you realised he had not talked to you at first because he had felt intimidated by you.
You had laughed at his confession. Intimidated? You were only a medical assistant. Yet, you found it endearing for the clone to admit that.
'Yeah, you think that you got away'
Your comm beeped. You figured it would either be Wrecker or Hunter, asking if you were still alive.
But you didn't care.
Your throat was dry and you dropped your blaster to the ground.
'But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze'
The first time you kissed was after a year of travelling with the squad of defective clones. He was developed feelings for you, and he had developed them fast. So had you.
He kissed you under the shadow of a palm try, hiding from the heat of the planet the Bad Batch had landed to pick some supplies for Cid.
'My footsteps on the ground'
After you kissed back, he had been out of words. It had been the first time you had seen him absolutely speechless. You laughed at the tall man's face, and how flustered he was.
'You'll see my face in every place, but you can't catch me now'
Everywhere you turned, everywhere you looked, you could only see the smart clone's face haunt you. In your dreams, sometimes in real life after hallucinating. Upon realising that he was not there, you'd break.
You'd break, and you'd cry.
You'd cry, and sob, and whimper because no one could hear you: not even him.
'Through wading grass the months will pass'
It had been around six months since you lost him, but it felt like an eternity. And now, to find him there, was as if your heart had finished breaking.
What had they don't to him?
'You'll feel it all around'
One if the things you had done in Pabu that pained you to remember, was grabbing an old box you two had found on the side of an alleyway, filling it with things that were precious to eachother.
"This is an Ipomea alba, also known as a 'Moonflower'. They glow at night and I recall that this delicacy of a flower contrasted very well with your hair. Thus, why I will place it here." He said, and you laughed at that. You decided to place a wristband that you had made for him that had broken after a mission, but that he had saved it. You found it and decided to put it there.
You and him had hidden the box somewhere in Pabu.
The only thing you did was cry when you remembered that. Because you couldn't remember where the box was.
'I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere'
The night's you'd shelter in your mind until the day your body stopped working where the ones with him: stargazing, kissing, sleeping, investigating together.
You had agreed on helping Hunter rescue Omega, though the ache in your chest made it harder to breathe every time anyone would mention his name.
'But you can't catch me now. No, you can't catch me now'
The realisation that dawned over you when you realised what Plan 99 meant made your heart stop for a nanosecond.
You screamed his name, as if that would make him come back to the cabinet you were stuck in with the rest of the squad.
His eyes gently smiled at you, a very rare sight since he was not one on smiling, but rather showing you his love.
You took another step forward, your heart beating as fast as the first time you had seen him.
His tall and slim body still made him look like the older brother of the squad, though he was the middle brother.
You swallowed, and kept your feet on the ground this time.
'There's blood on the side of the mountain'
His eyes hypnotized you, hazel coloured ones locking into yours. You gulped, again, and took a step back.
How much time had you been standing there? Had it been seconds but it felt like longer? Had it been a minute?
'It's turning a new shape of red'
But you did not care: because he was alive.
All this time The Bad Batch had been trying to defend themselves from the threat that now stood in front of you, that seemed harmless for a second.
Did he remember you? Could he even remember after his memory was wiped? Had his memories come back? You didn't know, and you couldn't tell.
'Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded don't burn the way you'd expect'
Your lip quivered, and you tried to keep your posture straight but failed miserably, as a whisper came out of your mouth.
'Oh, you thought that this was the end?'
I feel like it's a bit rushed but I hope you liked it!
A/N: a jellyfish stung me while surfing and I wrote this to forget about the pain lol
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scottpetersen · 4 months
How I Think Certain DuckTales (2017) Characters Would Wield A Lightsaber
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Ok. Here I’ll be going over how I think certain DuckTales (2017) characters would wield a lightsaber in a fight if they were lightsaber duelists. This post was partly inspired by @writebackatya’s If You Could Give Any DuckTales (2017) Character A Gun Which One Would You Give It To post and credit also goes to @boingodigitalart since I probably couldn’t have found it if he hadn’t reblogged it. The idea of DuckTales (2017) characters wielding guns got me to think about how they might wield lightsabers. I’ll be determining what types of lightsaber fighting styles from the Star Wars mythos they might prefer based on their personalities and the skills they already have. Also, Spoiler Alert for the DuckTales (2017) TV series and the Star Wars franchise. With all that out of the way, let’s dive right in.
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As shown in the episode ‘The First Adventure!’, Scrooge seemed to favor both blocking and attacking in a sword fight. So, if Scrooge were to use a lightsaber, he might try out something like Djem So, a lightsaber combat form that’s, as stated in The Jedi Path book, about both blocking and attacking in a lightsaber-to-lightsaber duel. Scrooge might also practice Shien, a lightsaber combat form which, as stated in the Fightsaber Jedi Lightsaber Combat book, is basically about reflecting blaster bolts back at the opponent since, as shown in the episode ‘Moonvasion! Part 1’, Scrooge seems to have some skills reflecting blaster bolts back at an opponent. Also, given that, as shown in the episode ‘The First Adventure!’, Scrooge uses his cane as a pogo stick, he might use a sabercane in the same way since, as shown in the Star Wars The Clone Wars episode ‘Lightsaber Lost’, a sabercane is basically lightsaber hidden inside a cane.
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As shown in the episode ‘The Golden Lagoon Of White Agony Plains!’, Goldie seems to favor parrying in a melee fight. So, I think that means that Goldie might also try out Djem So if she were to use a lightsaber. After all, as also stated in The Jedi Path book, ripostes are a part of Djem So. Also, Goldie might try out a lightsaber move like Trakata which, as shown in the Star Wars Visions episode ‘The Elder’, is a lightsaber move that involves getting the opponent focused on attacking their adversary’s lightsaber blade before that adversary turns their lightsaber off and then turns it back on as a way to catch their opponent off-guard. After all, as also shown in the episode ‘The Golden Lagoon Of White Agony Plains!’, Goldie is a really skilled thief and con artist who likes to outwit and trick the people around her. Trakata would be pretty risky since turning your lightsaber off mid-combat does run the risk of getting hit by the opponent’s lightsaber as a YouTuber named EckhartsLadder pointed out in their Why didn’t Jedi/Sith TURN OFF THEIR LIGHTSABERS to avoid an opponent’s blade? | Star Wars Lore YouTube video. But, since Goldie is, as I already pointed out, a skilled thief and con artist, and, as shown in the episode ‘The Golden Lagoon Of White Agony Plains!’, seemed to know a thing or 2 about melee combat. I think that she would know just the right time to use Trakata. So, I think that a lightsaber move like Trakata would be fitting for someone like Goldie.
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As shown in the episode ‘Daytrip Of Doom!’, Donald fights with a lot of rage that he allows to guide him and focuses mostly on offense by coming at his opponent with a series of wild movements and, as shown in the episode ‘What Ever Happened To Donald Duck?!’, Donald focuses his rage and uses it to protect his family. So, if he were to use a lightsaber, I think that he would try out a combination between Juyo and Vaapad. After all, as shown in The Force Unleashed novelization, Juyo was a form designed for offense and was described as a vicious form of lightsaber combat that is filled with fury and, as shown in the Revenge Of The Sith novelization, Vaapad involved the practitioner using anger as a weapon without letting it control them. Given everything I already said, Donald lets his anger guide him but also focuses and uses it to protect his family. So, I think that a combination between Juyo and Vaapad would be fitting for Donald since he lets his anger guide him like a Sith but also doesn’t let it make him hurt his loved ones like a Jedi.
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As shown in the episode ‘Louie’s Eleven!’, Daisy fights pretty ferociously and is able to focus her rage for a specific task just like Donald. So, if Daisy were to use a lightsaber, she might try out a combination of Juyo and Vaapad for the same reasons I said Donald might in my previous point. But, as also shown in the episode ‘Louie’s Eleven!’, Daisy seems to prefer dodging and evading and then delivering a ferocious counterattack while Donald, on the other hand, seems to prefer charging the enemy head-on. So, during a lightsaber duel, Daisy might dodge and evade the opponent’s lightsaber strikes and then counter with ferocious lightsaber strikes with her combination between Juyo and Vaapad as opposed to Donald who would probably just charge the opponent head-on.
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As shown in the episode ‘Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!’, Della used acrobatics during her fight against the Gilded Man. So, if Della were to use a lightsaber, she might try out Ataru. After all, shown in The Jedi Path book, Ataru involves acrobatics and it also involves all sorts of energetic movements. And, as shown in the episode ‘What Ever Happened To Della Duck?!’, Della can be quite energetic. Also, using Ataru might allow Della to outmaneuver her opponent with its acrobatics and deliver all kinds of punches and kicks as well as lightsaber strikes. Plus, as also shown in the episode ‘What Ever Happened To Della Duck?!’, Della has a prosthetic leg. So, the kicks Della delivers with her prosthetic would probably do more damage.
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As shown in the episode ‘Daytrip Of Doom!’, Webby is quite the combat enthusiast. So, if Webby were to use a lightsaber, she might try out every form of lightsaber combat. After all, given that Webby is a combat enthusiast, she would probably really relish the opportunity to practice as many moves as possible with a weapon she’s never seen before. Webby’s combat enthusiasm probably also means that she would really like to practice lightsaber combat forms with quite a few different types of lightsabers like the regular single-bladed lightsaber, 2 single-bladed lightsabers at the same time, the double-bladed saberstaff, etc. Also, as shown in the episode ‘From The Confidential Casefiles Of Agent 22!’, Webby was trained to fight by her grandma Beakley who was a secret agent. So, I think that means it would be easy for Webby to deduce the strengths and weaknesses of certain lightsaber combat forms. For example, Webby would probably be able to easily deduce that Soresu would only, as Darth Traya described Soresu in the Knights Of The Old Republic 2 video game, delay the inevitable since Soresu, as shown in The Jedi Path book, is a lightsaber combat form that only focuses on defense without any focus on offense thus leaving no room to counterattack.
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As shown in the episode ‘The Phantom And The Sorceress!’, Lena has magical powers at her disposal that she can use in combat. So, if Lena were to use a lightsaber, I think that she would try out Niman. As shown in The Jedi Path book, Niman is a form of lightsaber combat that encourages integrating Force abilities into lightsaber combat. Obviously, Lena doesn’t have the Force. But Lena’s magical abilities would make a sufficient substitute. Also, Lena might get some help from Webby to use a lightsaber properly. After all, as shown in the episode ‘The Other Bin Of Scrooge McDuck!’, Lena and Webby have a strong bond and, as I already pointed out in my previous point, Webby was trained to fight by her grandma Beakley who was a secret agent. And I think that Webby would be incredibly thrilled to spar with Lena given their bond and the fact that, as I also already pointed out in my previous point, Webby is a combat enthusiast.
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As shown in the episode ‘The Duck Knight Returns!’, Drake Mallard AKA Darkwing Duck is able to take quite a bit of punishment and keep on fighting. So, if Drake were to use a lightsaber, I think that he would try out Djem So. After all, like I pointed out earlier, Djem So is about both blocking and attacking. And, as shown in the episode ‘Moonvasion! Part 1’, Drake takes the enemy’s punishment and counters with his own strikes. the defensive part of Djem So would be perfect when paired with Drake’s resilience and ability to persevere and the offensive part of Djem So would be perfect when paired with Drake’s ability to fight back while persevering through the enemy’s attacks. But I think Drake might also practice Soresu. After all, as also shown in the episode ‘Moonvasion! Part 1’, Drake has a limit to how much punishment he can take before collapsing and is somewhat lacking in terms of fighting skills compared to other characters from the DuckTales (2017) TV series. Plus, Drake might exercise more caution when dealing with an opponent who is wielding a lightsaber since, as shown in the episode ‘Let’s Get Dangerous! Part 2: A Case Of Mistaken Reality!’, Drake as well as Launchpad were able to think up strategies to take down the Fearsome Four by playing off their weaknesses that they read and watched in in-universe Darkwing Duck media. And, as shown in the Star Wars: Darth Bane: Rule Of Two novel, Darth Bane taught Darth Zannah Soresu in order for Darth Zannah to accommodate for her relative lack of physical prowess with Soresu’s dedication to defense and redirection. So, Soresu might also help Drake accommodate for his relative lack of fighting skills. And Drake might also practice a little bit of Ataru. After all, as shown in the episode ‘Let’s Get Dangerous! Part 1: The St. Canardian Guardian!’, Drake sometimes fights with acrobatics and, like I pointed out earlier, Ataru is about acrobatics.
Well, that’s all for this post.
See you all next time.
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l0vergirlatheart · 1 year
Hello! I have this idea/request for sagau loosely based off of me and my friend’s dynamic where there are two separate creators. Like, not two reader clones or smth just two separate people, either of them can be reader, or both??? Idk, just do whatever you want with this idea :)
They both play genshin, and both of their accs r self aware. One of them is a whale who has all the characters and plays everyday. However, they dont know much about building characters because their fav part of the game is the lore and knows a lot abt it and always talks while playing. The other is a f2p that plays for several weeks straight before taking along break, and only has their fav characters (COUGH wanderer COUGH) and they are the type to never speak AT ALL while gaming. They also have more of a meta player mindset while building their fav characters and doesnt care for much for the lore.
I just like to imagine how the genshin cast would react to them in coop, especially for the first time. Just seeing one of them rant to the other about the lore or seeing one of them one shot all the enemies. And imagine two if the same characters from the different accs meeting each other.
absolutely love the idea of two wanderers as that silly little fucking spiderman meme
also there's scaramouche instead of wanderer for now for the plot
DOUBLES! ft. scaramouche and albedo
c.w // spoilers for sumeru quest and scara's backstory, heavy(?) angst in scara's part, pet names BECAUSE I CAN!!1!11!! GRAHH
start under cut
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"What are these talent levels?? Why'd you crown Albedo's normal attack? It's the most useless in his kit- you know you should've leveled his Skill, right?" You said, while you looked at your friends Albedo- it honestly hurt to look at.
"Uh.. Yeah, I totally knew that.. I just was.. testing it.. out..?" Your friend mumbled into their mic, obviously lying.
Meanwhile, in one of your worlds, two Albedos were silently watching the other.
'Why is there another me? I could've swore I killed Dorian.. but he also has a star mark. It looks exactly like mine.' They both thought to themselves.
Eventually, one of them spoke out.
"Who are you?" Albedo said, staring at the other blankly, the smallest bit of confusion and fascination only seen if you truly tried to look for it hard within his eyes.
"I am Albedo."
"I am also Albedo. Are you sure you're really 'Albedo'?"
"Are you sure you're Albedo?"
This went on for a while.. neither of them were like this usually, but the other just wouldn't give up. Both were persistent when curiosity had peaked, and this just got very interesting.
end : 1/2
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"...well, that was one hell of a boss fight.." You mumbled under your breath.. you had barely managed to make it out of Scaramouche's boss fight alive-- half of your characters were dead, and the others were barely hanging on by a thread-- you truly need to thank the ancient Genshin cooks for Sweet Madames and Chicken Mushroom Skewers..
"It sucks that Scara really thinks that about himself. I mean, sure, he was abandoned by Raiden, but not because he was weak or anything. It's really because she just didn't want to control every aspect of his life, but there are of course, better ways she could've done that. You do have to understand that both made mistakes that lead them to where they are now, and..." You went off on a ramble, and unbeknownst to you, a certain purple-haired boy was listening to everything that spilled from your lips.
Everything he's ever known and believed in-- it was all just.. just a misunderstanding? He felt hopeless all of a sudden, he felt like falling.. and he did.
That's when you looked back at the screen, suddenly knocked out of your rambling state and (semi)yelled out, "Oh shit, ain't nobody gonna catch him?!" ...and nobody did. You silently flinched at the sound of the impact-- even through a screen, you could tell that hurt horribly.
"Oh no, poor darling.." You mumbled sympathetically as you read each and every word stated and said during the 'quest,' just like you did with each and every other one. You knew all of this yet you still felt so sad for the poor puppet Scaramouche. He really didn't deserve any of that, you thought to yourself as you wished you could've done something, or that you could do something.. if only it weren't through a screen.
Scaramouche hated being pitied, but maybe.. maybe if it was you, he didn't mind, and maybe he felt a small sense of pride because it meant in some way, and at some point, you cared for him.. and that filled him with more joy than either of you realized, and much more joy than you ever will even think.
end : 2/2
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darkladylumiya · 2 months
My thoughts on Tales of the Empire
I'll start with my overall thoughts - the animation is really good, though at this point the contrast between more standard Clone Wars-style models and the more realistic ones who look like they could be from a video game is a bit jarring (though this could easily be a just me thing, I've not seen anyone else talk about this), the Barriss arc was way better than the Morgan Elsbeth one, which I doubt was a surprise to anyone, though I still have some issues with both. My big thing is that, compared to Tales of the Jedi, where we get little excerpts and character moments to fill out the characters and their progression through time, here Tales of the Empire is more or less our only source for info on these characters at this point in time. We know what happens with Dooku and Ahsoka in between their episodes - we have no clue what happened to Morgan to get her from Dathomir to running a planet for example, or how Barriss went from inquisitor to hermit healer (though this example is much less extreme).
Anyway, into the arcs proper. Get excited everyone, other force witch clans are back! Like the... checks notes Mountain clan. Not Singing Mountain. Just... Mountain. Cool, thanks Filoni. A decade later you finally make other Dathomiri clans canon, but you just shave a word off a name and now it's totally your own original idea, right? And don't worry, we'll have more totally original ideas from Filoni later, but first. Okay, the first episode is kinda like... a nothing episode. We end the episode with Morgan in the same position as she was halfway through, with a strange plot where Morgan immediately tries to seduce people to the Dark Side because... I don't know, she can? And again, we have no clue how she made it off planet. Dathomir doesn't exactly get a lot of space traffic, and apparently there are droid gunships still scouring the planet looking to kill literally any Nightsister left. Surely the first episode should have dealt with her getting off-planet? And not her sowing some dissent in a clan we've never met before and never see again? Some dissent which immediately ends and goes nowhere because most of them are now dead.
Anyway, next episode, she's in charge of a planet now because she has to be for The Mandalorian to still work - surely her getting to be in charge of a planet should have been an episode? Have the first one be her family getting killed and then her getting off-planet with some scavengers or pirates or whatever, the second episode is her rise to power over this planet and then the last is her meeting Thrawn? But sure, whatever, she's in charge already, cool. She's the designer of the TIE Defender, because they love beating my boy down. I'm not even going to ask how a Nightsister who has probably never even seen a starship before her clan got murdered figured out in the however many years it's been now knows how to design one of the best starfighters out there. Let's actually address that though - how many years has it been? The Battle of Dathomir was 20 BBY. The episode starts with a shot of Coruscant, where we see six Venators before finally an Imperial-class Star Destroyer appears. This implies to me that this has to be early on in the Empire, right? The first five years or so maybe? But then in Rebels season four there's an episode where they steal a TIE Defender prototype. So it took the Empire, or I guess Thrawn more specifically, at least seven years to go from design to a single test model? That's just strange to me, but who knows, it's been forever since I've seen that Rebels episode so maybe I'm just misremembering how they talked about it there. Anyway, the thing that truly got me was Pellaeon and Rukh. Fucking Rukh. But yeah, why was Eli Vanto not here but Pellaeon was? New canon more or less replaced Pellaeon's role with Vanto, so why is he not here now but Pellaeon is? My guess - because Filoni wanted to cover all the Thrawn bases. He read a brief summary of people and things associated with Thrawn in Legends and he put them all in one episode. We have Pellaeon, we have TIE Defenders, we have fUCKINg Rukh. I genuinely do not know why the FUCK Rukh is here.
Okay, let me explain. In the original Thrawn trilogy from the 90s, Rukh is Thrawn's personal bodyguard. Rukh is a Noghri, a species who regard Darth Vader as the savior of their people because their planet got nuked during the Clone Wars (it was an accident) and Vader came in and promised to help rebuild the planet, which he did. Very slowly, so the Noghri would always be indebted to him, because as it turns out they're very good assassins and commandos. But the important thing to note is that they're sworn to Vader, and serve him. Now in the books they work for Thrawn because they're more broadly sworn to the Empire, and after Vader is dead they end up working for Thrawn once he's in charge of the Empire. But Filoni doesn't care, the Noghri are associated with Thrawn and so here Rukh is as his bodyguard testing whether Morgan can fight. As soon as she got attacked, I immediately guessed it was going to be a Noghri, but once I saw the face of her attacker I was much less sure, because the head is completely wrong for a Noghri by the way, their head looks nothing like that. But anyway I lost it when Pellaeon said Rukh's name, because I knew I was fucking right. We're just pulling out all the sick Thrawn trilogy references, but not actually using these characters in any meaningful way - Rukh is here so his character page on Wookieepedia can have a canon tab now and so Filoni can show off his cred of pretending to have read a single book in his life. Oh yes, there is another thing Rukh is famous for by the way. KILLING THRAWN. I'm sure Filoni just forgot that little detail. Or who knows, maybe he'll just recreate it word for word at some point because he cannot do anything but steal from other people's work but do it in a worse and more amateurish way. I was so upset with Rukh being here with no explanation or justification I really did not care about anything else that happened in the rest of the arc. Thrawn shows up and recruits Elsbeth and then the third episode is just her killing a diplomat and burning a forest for no reason, yeah sure whatever who cares. I simply wish at some point there would be a notable character from Legends who is just... left there, and doesn't get dragged by cowboy hat man into whatever nostalgia bait ploy or attempt to pretend he has ever read a book, because the nostalgia bait doesn't work anymore. It just doesn't - it simply pisses me off. You're reminding me of better stories while I watch your lame shows, Filoni. Is that really what you want?
Ugh. Anyway, Barriss. I have a lot less to say because it's actually pretty good. I think it's way too short and she deserved way more screentime, or at the least not having to share an equal amount with Morgan Elsbeth (who I honestly forgot was even in the Mandalorian, I genuinely thought she was made up for the Ahsoka tv show for a while she's so forgettable). Anyway, the fundamental flaw is still that Barriss's massive heel-turn change of heart came out of nowhere and makes little sense with her character as established, so while this does a decent job at building upon that, it doesn't change that her arc in The Clone Wars makes no sense and was obviously chosen so that Ahsoka could be emotionally devastated by her best friend betraying her. A different complaint I then have is like... when did Barriss, woman who killed over a dozen people in a terrorist bombing, at least one of whom was someone she knew and liked, Barriss who murdered a woman in cold blood and purposefully framed her best friend so she could get away with this bombing, Barriss who convinces a wife to make her husband into a living bomb, Barriss who kills three clones with her friend's lightsabers to set her up even further and leads her purposefully where she has stashed more of the same bomb material, and indeed Barriss who kills someone who seemed to be her friend with the same technique she used to kill the woman who was about to rat her out - you want me to believe she suddenly has an issue with killing a village full of people? I'm sorry, but you have to actually explain how she sees this as different. Because you don't actually address at any point how she might feel about her terrorism now, or even what exactly her moral compass is. Killing innocents is good when she does it bad bad when it doesn't make the political statement she wants to make? I just don't get it. Anyway, final episode is the best of the series because it does the most to actually have a moral and message and actually does something pretty interesting? Whether she dies or not (I doubt she does personally), it's still an interesting setup for something else, either another season of this or a comic or book or whatever, to come back to and follow what the hell Lyn (and probably Barriss too) does now. I'm also glad Filoni finally remembered Barriss's specialty was healing actually, and not terrorism, even though we don't actually get to see her do any healing, with the Force or otherwise. Oh also, why does she look so old? It's like she aged 50 years over the course of 10? Like Lyn looks exactly the same but Barriss looks like she's 80. Idk, that was weird. Anyway I've rambled long enough, Filoni is still a hack who's never read a book in his life, but the Barriss stuff here was pretty good, at least somewhat enjoyable throughout. If you watch anything, watch that - all the Morgan Elsbeth stuff is terribly forgettable or outright frustrating.
5/6 edit: I’ve fixed Eli’s name (sorry Eli) and while it’s been pointed out to me that Rukh is in Rebels, a fact I was unaware of, I’m going to maintain the rant as it stands with this disclaimer here at the end - Rukh was in Rebels and was not originally added in this show. However, I still think his design sucks.
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celestial-specter · 4 months
So I finally got around to watching the first three episodes of the final season, and I’ve got to say, I’m very intrigued by the addition of the three clone cadets! Most of my interest comes from their names- and since I haven’t seen anyone else discuss them yet, I thought I’d throw my own thoughts out there.
As we have seen in many star wars projects over the years, character names seem to be overwhelming literal, either revealing elements of their background, or foreshadowing their future (think how in Rebels, Kanan means ‘little wolf’, while his true name, Caleb, means ‘dog’, foreshadowing his link to the Loth wolves.)
Of course, we know that the clones either name themselves or have the name bestowed on them by their brothers (think of Echo getting his name). The trio of clones that we meet in Paths Unknown are named Deke, Stak, and Mox. There hasn’t been much information released regarding at what age clones typically receive their names, however in the Clone Wars episode Clone Cadets, we see Cutup take his name from a trainer who criticizes him for his attitude. As that episode focuses on Domino squad’s final training simulation before graduation, and that they all appear to be fully grown adult clones, it can be assumed that they are all around ten years old, the same age of most clones sent to war. Given that we see Cutup choose his name during this episode, and that Echo is struggling with his nickname and remembering Fives’ name, it suggests that Domino squad had only recently begun thinking about what name they would choose for themselves.
While we haven’t been given a definitive age for Deke, Stak and Mox they are all still clearly children. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t even have names by the time they were taken off Kamino, and had to create names for each other while trying to survive on the planet they were stranded on.
To begin with Mox, his is the name I could find the least amount of reference for. There seems to be three possible interpretations:
Mox is a type of fuel designed for use in nuclear reactors.
Mox is a shortened version of moxie, meaning ‘energy, courage, and determination.’
Mox is the Latin word for ‘soon.’
I’m not overly drawn to the first idea, but I can understand the second - as Mox is clearly the eldest and protective over his younger brothers, I can see him taking a name which shows that side of his personality. I also see Mox as a direct parallel of Hunter; both are the eldest brothers of their respective groups, and are both incredibly wary of outsiders due to their need to keep their brothers safe.
However, I much prefer the third choice. The idea that Mox’s name means ‘soon’ can have both good and bad implications. For starters, Mox is clearly the most emotionally conflicted throughout the episode, unsure of his place on the mission, and of his place once they leave the planet. Hunter assures him that he has time to consider being something other than a soldier, and Mox offers his hand to Hunter. This action could be foreshadowing that soon, Hunter himself will be able to retire from this lifestyle, by finding Omega and Crosshair. Alternatively, Mox’s name meaning soon could be a very bad omen for the batch, as it could foreshadow the clone cadets being used as leverage against them (I’m thinking this could come into play when the empire attacks Pabu if the cadets are there).
Moving on, the word Deke was originally coined by Hemingway as a shortened form of the word decoy. We do not see him act as a decoy in any way during this episode, so I believe it is solely to foreshadow future events. Considering the many parallels drawn between Deke and Tech during this episode (e.g. Stak dubbing Deke ‘the smart one’ and Deke almost falling to his death in the base) his name meaning decoy only makes me more convinced that Tech is still around in some capacity (even if that capacity is just his body being used for cloning experiments).
Finally, Stak is most commonly considered to be an old version of the word stick, which makes sense when you consider the basic stick-based weapons that the cadets carry, and Wrecker’s first words to Stak and Deke when he meets them: ‘Blaster beats stick, kid!’ Knowing that the Star Wars writers love foreshadowing, this comment has me thinking things might not end so well for Stak. Interestingly, another link I found while researching this is that Stak is a common phrase in the Rogue Trooper series, in which a war is fought between facist Norts and democratic Southers (you can already see the obvious parallels to Star Wars here). In the series, in an attempt to win the war, the Southers create genetically engineered soldiers, but only one, known as Rogue, survives. Even more links involve one of the main stories of this series being titled ‘The Marauders’, and each one of the genetically engineered soldiers having a bio-chip in their body. While not a direct link, these coincidences do make me think there is a direct link between the two medias, it is possible that there is a fan of the Rogue Trooper series within the team behind The Bad Batch.
Either way, I’m very happy to finally be getting some explanation into what happened to the young clones who never saw the battlefield during the clone wars - though I am a little concerned that their worth being tied to their unexplored identity as soldiers could lead to them taking risks in further episodes in the hopes of proving themselves.
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optimisticsaladalpaca · 11 months
What the fuck. Like, seriously. What in the fuck was this post back in April. Who in their right mind actually sat their ass down to go on a whole rant about how an indie animation is a clone of another show that came out after the first? You can tell that this person was born with an ability. And that ability is stupidity.
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Ok, so let's recap on this major 'what the fuck' post. I'm just going to point out things that makes absolutely no sense.
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Do you know how many shooting games tend use firearms as one of the weapons when you first play it? Do you not know that firearms existed waaaaaay before Helluva Boss was getting developed? Because I guarantee you, Helluva Boss was not the only one that referenced about firearms at all. There's no originality. It's just straight up inspiration. Who cares if Lackadaisy is using similar weapons! You're acting like Helluva Boss owns that shit, dawg.
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So actors can't voice another character after the previous one? Wow! Didn't think that was a rule now. My fucking god bloody hell... Michael Dietz who voiced Vee from The Owl House was the same lady who voiced Amethyst from Steven Universe for gods sake. Why is Michael Kovach voicing Rocky a bad thing? All because he used to be Angel Dust? Be glad that he's actually voicing a character that doesn't constantly swear and bring up corny middle school sex jokes that take up almost half of the pilot.
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...This right here was one of the most stupidest takes I've ever seen in media and it will forever stay in my memory. Because what. The actual. Fuck. MOXXIE AIN'T THE ONLY ONE THAT WEARS A BOWTIE, BRO!
Lackadaisy has been worked on since 2006 and it has wonderful world building with enjoyable characters that you can actually love. It's also refreshing because it doesn't have unnecessary sex jokes or swearing just to prove that it's "mature." And it actually has funny humor. Lackadaisy is it's own thing and I love the concept of it being in St Louis and that it takes place in the 1920s. Not to mention, it took the Lackadaisy crew four years to work on the animation pilot. Fucking 4 and it hasn't changed it's story since it was first created years ago. It had it's own ideas and interesting plot, while Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel have been getting worked on AFTER that! Plus, they aren't even comparable. They are completely different.
Lackadaisy is about cats that wanna shoot each other until their eyes stop activating. Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel take place in literal HELL. LACKADAISY TAKES PLACE ON EARTH 😬....
These Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel fans make me sick. Lackadaisy is better than both of these trashy shows and that's my own opinion. The fact that an actual great western pilot is getting compared to a horny demon show is beyond me.
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