#but i want a junko who goes for /years/ as an entirely different person
starlight-phantom · 11 months
So excited to see someone else play Project: Eden's Garden! It's an amazing fan project and deserves all the love! There any characters you like yet? Any suspicions? Any ideas on who'll live or die?
I know, right?! I was honestly so impressed by it and funnily enough, I saw some videos about it when the prologue was first released and I honestly thought it was a new Danganronpa game made by Kodaka because all the art looked so official. Then I found out it was fanmade and just wow, kudos to everyone working on it, they're making something amazing.
Yes, there are some characters I already love like Toshiko because she's so dang adorable and I love how her personality is just perfectly '14 year old trying their best to appear more mature in front of their older peers but not fooling anyone' also the fact that they managed to draw all those different poses for her sprites and still keep her mouth hidden in all of them is really impressive.
I love Jett because he honestly just has the energy of an excitable dog (especially since he seems to be paired with Mark who has the energy of a tired cat who just wants to be left alone) and he's a joy to talk to, also he does the Scooby Doo laugh for some reason??? But going off the games I've played... I don't think his chances of surviving are good...
And I honestly don't understand why... But I really, really love Kai. Like, okay, his design is lovely, but like... He's kinda a pathetic wet cat of a man but he's also an influencer who sics his fans onto people he doesn't like... So I don't understand why I love him so much. I love him and I hate the fact that I love him but goddammit I love him. Although, while I do really like him, I do not trust him in the slightest, he is suspicious as hell.
I don't really know if I have any suspicions yet since this is just the prologue so far so we only know the basics... But like I said, I don't trust Kai and I think Jett will probably die at some point. I'm not entirely sure why but I find Diana a little suspicious... Maybe it's because of Junko and she's got the similar fashion kinda background but yeah I'm kinda suspicious of her. And I don't know if they'll die or survive or whatever, but I can see a lot of tension between Cassidy and Wenona happening because of their views.
But honestly, the main thing that I find really interesting is that we're playing as a kinda antagonistic character. Like Damon is honestly like a Togami type character but he's the protagonist??? It's a really interesting idea because all the official protagonists are dead set on keeping the group together and hopeful whereas Damon literally walked in and said "Your talents ain't shit, I'm better than all of you and you're stupid for thinking that there's no way someone won't be driven to murder." Like honestly? With his attitude, I have no clue if he'll even make it to the end. But I'm really, really interested to see where his character goes.
Sorry for writing so much, I'm just really excited about this game.
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solarsavoy · 2 years
Okay, so like, I know you’re not finished with the other Danganronpa games but you are at least finished with trigger happy havoc correct? If you are, how about you do that for your fandom Saturday (Trigger Happy is my favorite game out of the franchise. I don’t why but I just love it)
Fandom Saturday, Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc!
Thank you @tuulikannel for getting me into the game.
To start, I had no idea this game existed before December of last year. I'd really been out of gaming for a while because I was focusing on my book and art and fanfiction and then came Danganronpa. It started with a reference in Kristmas Karma, then I got it for Christmas! I played it about a month later and instantly got inspired to write Pandora's Box. Another month goes by and I'm just itching to do another crossover.
Enter Students of Despair. It was just supposed to be a small distraction while I worked on Pandora's Box, not a 136,332 word disaster. 😑 Anyway, all that just to say, I loved it.
It does come with a lot of issues though. The logic was a bit odd in my opinion and there were things that really irritated me about the game. First off, if I want to go check out the bathroom, I should be able to go check out the bathroom. Someone died for christ's sake. Which brings me to my second issue. WHY WEREN'T YOU ABLE TO CHECK OUT THE SUSPECTS' ROOMS?? Like, when Hiro was a suspect, we all had to sneak in to check out his room to find the "evidence" placed there by someone else who clearly had no regard for personal space like we did. Which, duh, they're a murderer and trying to get away with it. I am convinced that this is why we weren't allowed to be Kyoko. She also had no problem going into the boy's bathroom to find the secret room "by accident". Which also leads me to the fact that she was looking for a girl in the boy's bathroom, which only makes it further suspect that she found it in the first place… But anyway, issues.
Despite this, there were still a lot of aspects I liked. I like how Makoto immediately points out "Junko's" differences and how you can even see them yourself on the magazine in the laundry room throughout the story. Like, it was just begging you to figure it out. I, like Makoto, just accepted "Junko's" explanation about photoshop and stuff, maybe because I'm naive. Who knows. But I really enjoyed how it gives you the chance to figure things out. In some ways, the trials are slow, and in others, they kind of go off the rails a bit and I've no idea what's going on, but it was a great source of inspiration regardless.
Other issues, because I actually have a lot now that I'm thinking about it.
I hate how when you're talking to Byakuya in chapter five that you can select the "real" answer, but it isn't "correct" because you aren't supposed to know that yet even though it doesn't go against the logic of the question, but Byakuya just calls you an idiot and has you try again until you get the answer the game wants you to get. 🙄 Speaking of Byakuya, he's such an ass, but I love him. 😆
One thing I really appreciated was the ending. There's no answer. It's open ended. The reason I like it so much is because it actually opens up an entire world of possibilities, Pandora's Box if you will. There's so many places you can go with it. That's why I haven't played the other games yet. Once you know the truth, it can be hard to go back to that world of inspiration. In all honesty though, I'm gonna be playing all the other games in one go the second Pandora's Box is done because I wanna know. 😆 But that's why I hold off. The ideas are less limited by my knowledge of the truth that way.
One thing I really didn't appreciate so much, other than the fact that Byakuya was one of them, is the B-team you're left with at the end, as Deo puts it. They literally take out all the semi-interesting characters one after the other until you're left with nothing but idiots. I mean, I absolutely hate Hiro and I constantly question how in the world he survived every time I see him. They should've stuck with the promo and killed him off. 😒 And, like, he's not even a teenager supposedly. Total creepster.
All in all, I have recommended this game to nearly everyone I know, despite its flaws, and will continue to do so. It's a good game with a lot of potential. Looking forward to playing the rest, after I write Pandora's Box of course. 😏
Thanks for the ask, Hailey, and have a great day everyone!
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With 4th of July finally coming to an end.... it’s time! Time for the story we’ve been planning! That being said:
Danganronpa V4: A New Ending
(Title pending?)
Pairing: Hajime x female reader
Summary: a whole new killing game, with a different group of participants, and a whole new character
The first chapter will come out soon, and when it does, you’ll find the link here!
Here is all our people starring in this story!
Y/N L/N, The Ultimate Forensic Scientist
A spunky young girl with a spunky young attitude. She tends to keep to herself, but isn’t necessarily shy. From her school file, it’s highly assumed that she somehow stumbled across a crime scene as a child, how she actually got there is unknown. Although no older than 13, she was easily able to point out evidence that the forensic specialists already in scene missed before she was quickly escorted away.
Seemingly unbothered by the corpses she witnessed, she then pursued her newly found interest in crime scenes and how to process them, along with collecting evidence.
Her quick learning caught the attention of many, including Hope’s Peak. They offered to pay for her entire schooling if she attended, and she agreed. As Y/N got dressed and ready for her first day at Hope’s Peak, she could have never guessed she would be forced to fight for her life along with 15 others, and put her talent to use.
Hajime Hinata, The Ultimate???
A hotheaded teen who seems to have amnesia, being unable to remember his talent. His uptight nature puts off some of the others, but a few seem interested in him, some even offering to help him discover his talent.
Although he’d never say it, he feels self conscious due to not knowing what his job is supposed to be.
Admires most, if not all, talents, especially the ones that directly make society run better.
Not much can be said about him, he’s still trying to figure out who he is.
He remembers getting ready for the start of the school year, walking out of his home, and then everything going black. Then he woke up on this island, and now has to keep himself and those he cares for alive.
Kokichi Ouma, The Ultimate Supreme Leader
A spry young boy who refuses to really speak of his past. It’s unclear what in his school file is even the truth. He claims to be the supreme leader of an evil organization called DICE, an organization with elegidly 10,000+ members. Hence his talent title. Almost everything that comes out of his mouth he claims to be a lie, so it’s hard to tell what he is actually like.
While he doesn’t ever go into detail of his organization, it seems to be one of the only things he actually cares about and wants to get back to.
He seems hardly bothered by the idea of a killing game, even saying, hopefully joking, that he’d make the first kill. Most are unnerved by his presence and stay away.
Mukuro Ikusaba, The Ultimate Soldier
A quiet, stern girl who does not speak unless absolutely necessary. The older fraternal twin sister of Junko Enoshima, a fashionista famous in Japanese magazine’s. Mukuro seems completely indifferent to anything unless it’s about her sister, to which she grows immediately passionate, almost like a different person. Doesn’t speak about why she and her sister have different last names, claiming it shouldn’t matter.
While not thrilled at the thought of a killing game, she shows extreme faith that her sister will find and rescue her. Most people avoid her, she is the ultimate soldier, after all. Out of everyone, she’d be able to kill the most efficiently.
Doesn’t mind that people avoid her, she likes the quiet anyway.
Makoto Naegi, The Ultimate Lucky Student
A simple, average teenager who lives a simple and average life. He was randomly selected to go to Hope's peak, so he doesn’t really possess any actual talent.
Although talentless, he does seem to possess a decent level of smarts and gets along with everyone easily. No one really fears him, he’s too small and sweet to be capable of murder.
While he doesn’t pose a threat to others, he poses a threat to the mastermind, or anyone who lays their hands on his sister.
Komaru Naegi, a normal student
Komaru possesses no actual talent, much like her brother. However, she is different in the sense that she wasn’t even accepted into Hope’s Peak since she wasn’t quite of age to even be considered as a possibility.
She remembers being taken hostage after she and her parents sent off her older brother, only to awaken on an island, her brother right beside her.
She wants to trust everyone, and takes relief in having her brother by her side.
Shuichi Saihara, The Ultimate Detective
A shy boy who hides his eyes behind a black cap. He seems rather insecure, despite having the talent that poses as the most useful in the current situation. He is quiet and doesn’t like interacting with others, but seems to get more comfortable as time goes on.
He doesn’t like the idea of the killing game, obviously, but he’s mostly worried that some of his classmates will take it seriously.
K1-B0, The Ultimate Robot
Created by a man called Professor Idabashi, a prominent figure in robotics engineering. He created K1-B0(has told others they can call him Keebo) as a culmination of his work.
Keebo doesn’t quite understand human emotions perfectly, but he has a decent idea which is impressive in of itself.
Much like Mukuro, he has faith that he will be saved by a family member. Seeing as he refers to Professor Idabashi as his father. He says he has a tracker, and that when the professor realizes he is missing, a search team will be sent.
Toko Fukawa, The Ultimate Writing Prodigy
An extremely shy and timid girl who does speak to many people. Those she does speak to tend to be weirded out by her... odd and even perverted nature.
She had written multiple books and does seem to be extremely smart, her only issue being her timid nature.
Accused most (if not all) the boys in her class of being perverts.
Angie Yonaga, The Ultimate Artist
Angie loves art in any form, obviously because of her ultimate.
However, she also stands out due to her belief that she is the Devine interpreter for the god Atua, a god she says her people worship.
Angie believes Atua will have his way, and that the killing game is part of something bigger.
Rantaro Amami, The Ultimate Adventurer
A chill, laid back boy who believes in keeping the peace. His calm and collected personality is soothing, leading most, if not all, of the other students to trust him and listen to what he suggests.
Some seem off put by how calm he acts, but most understand that he’s just really good at staying calm and knows that panicking won’t always help.
Often tells tales of his travels to distract those who are afraid.
Nagito Komaeda, The Ultimate Lucky Student
Yet another lucky student, chosen to attend Hope’s Peak at random like Makoto. However, he seems to also have an.... interesting relationship with luck.
His luck has caused death and destruction around him, but he still manages to stay calm and even cheerful in the face of a literal killing game.
Nagito believes hope will prevail no matter what, so he chooses to pretty much just “go with the flow.”
Byakuya Togami, The Ultimate Affluent Progeny
A stuck up and condescending teen who makes it very clear that he does not approve of being trapped on an island like this. This isn’t a funny prank or initiation.
He is rather rich and will inherit the Togami company, after competing against 14 other siblings to “take the crown” and earn the inheritance. He was the youngest of the sibling, or candidates, and is the first youngest to ever come out on top.
Gonta Gokuhara, The Ultimate Entomologist
A.... sweet young man who loves anything and everything bugs. He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has a good heart.
(Jsvshsv I don’t know what to write for Gonta I’ll finish his later)
Mikan Tsumiki, The Ultimate Nurse
A clumsy and frightened girl who somehow manages to find herself in compromising positions constantly. On accident.
With her and Y/N present, people are at ease, seeing they have practically a full medical team in case something were to happen.
While she often does more worse than good due to her clumsy nature, she has a good heart, and people know that.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru, The Ultimate Moral Compass
A stern and strict boy who believes in respect and following rules contstantly. He is probably one of the only students who respects the killing games headmaster, Monokuma.
While not thrilled about the idea of a murder game, he sticks to the idea that it is a prank from upperclassmen.
And that’s our introductions! Sorry some were shorter than others!
Stay tuned!
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honeys-bnbdc · 3 years
Day 5, Dramatic Rescue
These aren’t to be taken too seriously, I even put (crack) after the more ridiculous ones because I’m so benevolent. Some of these are very outta context, so don’t get worried if you don’t em lol- also, ignore any and all typos bc I didn’t proof read this, it jus came straight from tha dome to this post <3
-Whenever Sho laughs, he causes Asuka to laugh and vice versa- this has caused Manjoume so many headaches, he hates being in the same room as them when they get like that
-Placing a flat hand on Johan’s chest grounds/calms him down (making small circles helps too!) Johan is not conscious of this fact, but the rest of the friend group has picked up on it, half em knowingly, and the others unknowingly lol
-Kenzan is gay and trans, he also has an older sister
-Junko and Momoe don’t do anything dueling related when they graduate, and they also don’t get an influential job their parents wanted them to have
-The two have their own houses, but they end up staying at the other’s for weeks regardless
-Through a series of hijinks and shenanigans, Motegi, Taizan, Alice, and Kagurazaka end up going on wacky adventures together- they become good friends despite how they have almost nothing in common
-Judai once had a girlfriend during first year, but they were so unromantic and just hung out with eachother as friends, that they forgot they were even dating (crack)
-Kenzan and Rei are still best friends in college, they even went to the same one somehow
-Kenzan often helps Sho out at the dojo when he has time, and while he’s no longer on the path to becoming an archeologist, he still goes with Jim on any digs he goes on, or just discuss stuff about it lol
-Martin is genderfluid, that’s it, that’s the whole hc
-The only reason Martin’s dad was able to continue seeing him was because Martin convinced him to talk to his mom, and they all discussed when and how he could visit him (after alot of yelling and more fights) but his mom only budged because they never actually signed the divorce papers and Martin really wanted to connect with him again, and that’s honestly the main reason she even considered it (this is a very dumbed down version)
-Judai’s flakey with all his friends still, but he’s in contact with Misawa, O’brien, and Edo, in that order lol
-He’s mostly in contact with Misawa since he still lives in the dark dimension, so it’s easier for Judai to comfortably drag him along everywhere
-Asuka and Kenzan are the buff mom friends of the group- no I will not be taking questions on this
-Junko’s a whore and an adrenaline junkie, no I will not be taking questions on this either (this is more for when she’s older, but she did date around in school)
-Judai’s parents are actually very supporting and dot on Judai whenever they remember he exists- in fact, they’re very independent people, so they barely even see each other or call, so they also neglect each other lmao
-Edo likes to play matchmaker, but he’s actually good at being subtle, so no one notices-plus he doesn’t do unless he’s around the people in question, he doesn’t care to go out of his way (crack)
-Jim was the first person O’brien took to see his parents, and Jim was in awe that he didn’t take Judai first
-Asuka has to call Fubuki at night whenever her paranoia gets too bad, and she’s afraid he’s gone again
-Asuka also tends to overthink and overwork, so she typically has to write lists and repeat what she’s done during the day so she feels like she done enough to deserve rest (yea, this one’s not happy lol)
-Judai actually forgot his memories twice, the first time after the card contest, and the second time right before he left to the academy (I like to think his middle school and academy self are like two completely different people, just so we have another Haou on our hands lol- this can be considered crack)
-Hayato is the type to be constantly anxious about losing his friends, but never contacting them because the nerves make him nausea, and just downright feel bad
-Sho often calls Hayato sporadically just to ramble, Hayato enjoys them alot, and it reassures him that he can just call them and talk about anything (these two hcs are at constant war with each other) (Sho also knows that this helps reassure Hayato lol)
-After Ryo started distancing himself from Sho, he would feel so bad that he would talk himself in circles to Fubuki, and Fubuki would just nod along each time and be, “man, I don’t know what to tell you; either commit or go talk to your little brother”
-O’brien gives the best hugs in the group, everyone is delighted whenever he gives out the rare hug
-Taizan doesn’t have any powers, he’s just so strong that lesser duel spirits are attracted to him, and bigger spirits can materialize if they respect him enough lol
-Alice and Judai are siblings- this is never discussed with each other, they just are
-Kagurazaka is so embarrassed by his high school (and middle school) self that he ends up working at a friends bakery after graduating, and he likes to show off his analysis and psychological skills by guessing the customers orders and favourites lol
-Motegi and Judai are like siblings with too big of an age gap so they never really connected, but they still care for each other a lot-- y’know what I mean? Ya gotta know what I mean---
-Asuka is aro demi, that’s it, that’s the entire hc----
-Burstlady once set the red dorm on fire because she wanted to show off to Judai...by boiling some tea that doesn’t really need that much heat- anyways, she was so embarrassed that Judai just lied and said he wasn’t paying attention lmao
-Glow Moss is something of a cold blooded animal despite, y’know, not having blood- whenever they want to feel warm he just kinda sticks to one of the warmer monsters; they hate it when they do that because they’re like silly putty that’s just a little too sticky
-Sho is dyslexic, no one notices til they graduate
-After everything’s settled down, everyone has jobs, in college,etc., the crew plan big outings with each other and due to past experiences, Asuka or Jim have to be the “leader” when they go out because they’re the only two “actual” responsible ones- Edo and O’brien don’t care to keep everyone in check, Kenzan, Misawa(also, Misawa’s alot more lenient since he’s gotten older), and Rei are too easily swayed into doing stupid things, plus they forget to check on everyone, Ryo doesn’t even want to come to these, Fubuki encourages the others too much, and everyone else is too chaotic
-Whenever they can’t do these outings in a big group, they have to actually plan out who gets to be in a group together because certain combinations end in property damage or a restraining order
@gxmonth The group is a lot more goofy when they’re older while simultaneously more stressed lmfao
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THH 1 - Makoto Naegi
Disclaimer: These are my own personal headcanons and are just for fun! If something I post seems offensive or anything like that, please let me know so I can fix it.
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ID Information:
○ He/they
○ Demi Boy
○ Omnisexual
○ Freshman/First Year (starts HPA at age 14)
○ Class 78-A
○ SHSL Luckster (#78)
○ Born February 5th (Aquarius)
○ 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
○ 130 lbs (59 kgs)
○ A Blood
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Story Changes:
○ I don't really have that many changes I would make about Makoto personality-wise, because I really like all the protags' personalities. However, there should be no incest jokes between him and Komaru (especially in UDG) bc that's disgusting.
○ During the DR3 anime (Despair Arc), which is where the whole DR lore starts (unless you count DR0, one of the books), Makoto is 14. He goes through their sophomore and junior years at HPA and starts Trigger Happy Havoc at 17. However, he still believes he is 14 due to Junko's brainwashing. I'm not sure if I'll keep the whole "Junko doing surgery on them" because I want that to be a plot point in THH. Maybe Makoto and/or another character notices that nobody really looks their age so Junko can feel the despair of them figuring out that their memories have been erased. Anyway, by the time UDG and DR3 (Future and Hope Arc) happen, they're only 18.
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Character Relationships:
○ Sibling of Komaru Naegi, and is very protective and supportive of her. They love each other unconditionally even though they fake-argued a lot of the time before the events of Danganronpa. After they reunite in UDG and DR3 (Hope Arc), they form a closer bond than ever.
○ All of the students of Class 78-A had a very strong bond before their memories were erased (DR3 Despair Arc).
○ Kyoko Kirigiri was always an enigma in Makoto's eyes, no matter how close they seemed to get. He became interested in becoming friends to try and help zem remember zeir SHSL Talent. Kyoko really appreciated the sentiment, but kept zeir guard up just because of their situation. Once the first murder occurred, however, Kyoko went straight to work as the SHSL Detective (unknown to zem). Makoto admired this about zem and helped as much as he could. As the trials keep coming and going, they formed a true, deep, emotional connection. Together, they found the determination to try and uncover the mastermind and save their classmates. However, they didn't want to do it all by themselves, they wanted to include the people they were trying to save in the process so that nobody was left out. Kyoko admired Makoto's selflessness, and finally dropped zeir guard around them. After they escaped and joined The Future Foundation, they formed a real romantic relationship.
○ Byakuya Togami was mysterious like Kyoko, but in a different way. He was more standoffish and rude than genuinely wondering and thoughtful. Throughout the entire game, Byakuya offers information and evidence during class trials but also stirs up trouble between his classmates. He asks a lot of questions about people's Ultimate Talents, especially Makoto's. Despite this, Makoto kept hanging out with him. Byakuya seemed to enjoy the attention and talking about how he'll be the savior of the Togami Corporation. However, after his betrayal in Chapter Two, Makoto distanced himself for a little while to spend more time with Toko, Kyoko, and those who were affected by Chihiro and Mondo's deaths. Byakuya was... troubled by this. He couldn't miss Makoto, could he? He also couldn't look at people like Ishimaru and Toko in the eyes without feeling a way he's never felt before. Guilt? He didn't like this feeling and how Makoto made him feel this, but he wanted to try and fix it. So he went to the person who caused him to feel this way. They had a real conversation for the first time where Byakuya randomly asked Makoto to be his assistant and secretary. Makoto refused for now, simply because he was so confused, and they actually started to become friends! By DR3, they had a friendly "rivalry" to see who was the leader of the group in The Future Foundation.
○ Hina was very sweet and bubbly towards everyone, except if they're mean to the people she cares about (especially Sakura). Since Makoto was one of the more quiet students, she immediately gravitated towards them. They would always try to include him in their workouts with Sakura and donut runs, and gave him words of encouragement when he was feeling down. So when Hina needed the same, Makoto wanted to help. Hina admitted to having a crush on Sakura, but needed advice on how to tell her since she's worried that Sakura might have feelings for a guy from her old dojo. Also because they're in a killing game of all things. However, after Sakura's death in Chapter Four, Hina was almost inconsolable. Makoto comforted them as much as he could, but it was really Hiro who helped Hina the most. After that trial, Hina regained a smile on her face and stopped blaming herself for what happened to Sakura. Makoto and Hina maintained a very strong friendship after they escaped.
○ Makoto knew Toko from childhood, since she was friends with Komaru, but not too-too well. He knew she was always guarded, had a stammer, and found it difficult to relate to people her own age. Makoto was always patient whenever Toko said something a little rude because he knew they didn't mean it and were just nervous. Toko never treated Komaru like that, so Makoto was fine. They talked more during the killing game where Toko admitted that she was intimidated by Byakuya, but couldn't look away from him. Makoto suggested that they might have a crush on him, and Toko took it at face value. She was terrified but thrilled at the same time, and Makoto tries to keep her calm by offering her advice on how to handle these feelings. After Byakuya's betrayal, Toko didn't know what to feel and switched to Syo/Sho for the majority of Chapter Three. When Toko switched back, she decided that she would try and spend some time with Makoto and Hina to sort out her feelings. Through this, she thought she might have some feelings for Komaru, but still can't help but feel infatuation with Byakuya. By the end of the killing game, Toko learned to open up more through her writing. Makoto and them were just as good of friends as Toko and Komaru were.
○ Makoto only met Syo/Sho (goes by either name) during their second year of middle school. They were originally confused as to who Syo/Sho was, but grew to have a surprisingly good friendship with her during their third year of middle school. However, he can still be slightly intimidated by her just because she is more boisterous while they are used to being more reserved. Syo/Sho made an unexpected appearance during Chapter 2 where Byakuya told everyone Toko had DID, without her permission. Obviously, Syo/Sho was furious, but Makoto tried to keep her calm to not incite infighting during a class trial. After that, Syo/Sho only really trusted Makoto for a while. Makoto wanted to help Syo/Sho, so they decided to introduce them to some of the other students (with her permission of course, this isn't Byakuya we're talking about). Through this, Syo/Sho made a few friends, and helped during class trials through her knowledge as a seamstress (not the Ultimate Seamstress, but a seamstress all the same). After the escape, Syo/Sho and Makoto remained friends, but Syo/Sho was only truly vulnerable with Komaru.
○ Makoto was originally really awkward towards Hagakure just because he's a 21-year-old in high school. Also because her predictions always seemed to have Makoto be the butt of a joke or on the losing end of fate. Although, some of his predictions towards the game may have held some truth? It also has a lot of divination tools that helped during the investigations. Although he didn't have much to contribute during the class trials, it's laidback attitude and casual demeanor bring a much needed break from the constant tension of the killing game. She quickly became friends with a lot of the other students and gave them his "wisdom" whenever they seemed down. After the escape, Makoto and Hiro remained friends (friendly, but not too-too close). Hiro made it very apparent that he wanted to try and find it's mom, and Makoto agreed to help.
○ Childhood friends with Sayaka Maizono, which grew into a true friendship and crush during Chapter One. Makoto naturally gravitated towards her and Toko because he already had a previous connection with them. Sayaka always seemed to have really good intuition and judgement of character, so she wanted to talk to Makoto ever since middle school. There seemed to be reciprocated romantic feelings between the two, but Sayaka was also terrified of everyone else. After she became Bloodied (after she was killed), the reality of the situation stabbed Makoto in the heart, and they decided that their last promise to Sayaka would be to find who killed her.
○ Makoto is neutral with Leon Kuwata before his Free Time Events, and sympathetic and friendly with him afterwards. Leon really liked to vent to Makoto about his years in baseball. He also found it really fun to make baseball puns to the unsuspecting Makoto. Leon's ambitions of being a musician seemed to only be fueled by lust, and Leon quickly realized that after spending time with Makoto. He later realized that he missed baseball, but still really wanted to be a singer. So, Makoto helped him to try and do both. After Leon was revealed to be the Stained (new name for the Blackened) Makoto felt betrayed and shocked, but still holds some sympathy towards him. Makoto doesn't hold anything against him, but they realize the severity of the situation the class is in.
○ Is originally intimidated by Mondo Owada, but grows to respect him as they gets to know him (again). They talked a little before the first trial, but after Chapter 1, he avoids Mondo a little more because he originally accused Makoto of murdering Sayaka. During Chapter 2, Mondo give Makoto a genuine but awkward apology which Makoto really appreciates as someone who was never really close to any of his classmates in middle school. They talk more about each other's lives and what they're going to do once they escape the game. After the second trial when Mondo is revealed to be the Stained, Makoto feels more upset than shocked. Again, they don't hold any feelings against Mondo and are mainly upset by their situation and the loss of their classmates. Not only that, but he feels sorrow for the Crazy Diamonds who just lost both of their greatest leaders.
○ Makoto's first impression of Chihiro Fujisaki is that she was really cute and likeable. As they got to know each other, it didn't take long for them to become friends. Makoto learned that Chihiro really respected living creatures, and liked to think about reasons for things. They're really smart, even when it isn't related to computers, but she looks down on herself because she isn't physically strong. Makoto reassured her that everyone has their strengths and that her chance to shine would definitely come. They felt they could be very open around each other (and maybe Chihiro even had a little crush on Makoto ;) ). Makoto is also really impressed by her knowledge of coding and programming. When she became Bloodied during Chapter 2, it was devastating for Makoto and it brought him back to the first trial.
○ Kiyotaka Ishimondo has a difficult relationship with everyone, as he's not used to being on a friends-level with people. Makoto is the first person to be patient with him (along with Mondo, but this post is about Makoto) and they have an understanding of each other. Makoto shows Taka things like dressing casually and doing things simply for the sake of relaxation and enjoyment (Taka found out he really liked calligraphy). Taka also shared how he despised so-called "geniuses" because they remind him of the tragic fall of his late grandfather. After the losses during Chapter 2, Makoto takes it upon themself to comfort Taka and give him a safe place to vent. After he becomes Bloodied in Chapter 3, Makoto almost breaks down.
○ I'm revamping Hifumi Yamada entirely for this one. Makoto tried to talk to Hifumi first because he's read a lot of their fanfics and manga before. Both Hifumi and Makoto were reserved people in middle school so they became friends very quickly. They always talk about their hyperfixations and fandoms. Fandoms gave Makoto and Hifumi places to make friends and places of comfort when they needed it. Toko, Hifumi, and Makoto even planned to create a studio to make their own series (Toko more reluctantly than the others), and revamp Hifumi's old Fanfic Club from it's high school.. When Hifumi "died" the first time, Makoto was terrified for his friend. He had hope that Hifumi would make it, but was anguished once he didn't, and became another Bloodied.
○ Celestia Ludenburg originally had more interest in Makoto than Makoto did in xem. Xe was interested in the SHSL Luckster to see if that talent could beat the SHSL Gambler. Through playing card games and stuff with xem, Makoto became intrigued but cautious towards Celeste. She never believed that everyone would escape, which confused and worried Makoto a lot. Although, it seemed that she really enjoyed sharing xer gambling exploits with the other students. During the third trial, it was revealed that "Ludenburg" wasn't really her last name that xe was faking xer accent. When xe was revealed as the Stained, Makoto felt... different than the other times. He felt betrayed because of all the lies, but also tired. Celeste wasn't really someone they were friends with so there wasn't too much of a connection, but losing three classmates because of xer actions hurt.
○ Similar to Mondo, Makoto was originally intimidated by Sakura. They were introduced to each other through Hina, and Makoto grew to love and respect Sakura. They really appreciate all the efforts she takes to keep herself healthy and protect the people around her. Sakura revealed that there was someone stronger than her that she defeated to become the SHSL Martial Artist, and that person was her father. She also told Makoto that the secret to training is not only building muscle mass, but learning how to use each muscle group along with you mind. There is another person who is stronger than Sakura, Kenshiro. Kenshiro is her rival, and the person that Hina believes Sakura has a crush on. While Sakura may respect Kenshiro, she only views him as a rival towards her ultimate goal, as well as another member of her family's dojo. She also revealed that although she is very strong and comes across as masculine, she has a desire to be feminine. Both Hina and Makoto reassured her that it was okay to feel that way. Sakura always consoles Makoto and gives him advice when it seems no one else, not even Kyoko, can. Hina and Makoto grew even closer after Sakura's suicide in Chapter 4, and banded together with the rest of the survivors so far to try and put an end to the game.
○ Makoto only knew Mukuro Ikusaba as the fake Junko Enoshima and never really got a chance to grow close to her. "Junko" was also a bit of a matchmaker for the five days she was alive. However, Mukuro had all of his memories of Makoto, and has a little bit of a crush on him. Makoto always wondered why "Junko" acted so nervous around him, but never figured out why because she died so early on in the game.
○ When the real Junko was revealed as the Mastermind, Makoto was traumatized, angry, and upset. He felt like yelling, crying, and vomiting all at once. His friends helped keep them steady, but they couldn't help but wonder WHY Junko felt the need to do all of this. He will always consider Junko an enigma, but doesn't give her any benefit of the doubt or sympathy. It was terrible and unforgivable, but what happened happened and Makoto only wants to focus on helping his friends cope with the trauma that she caused.
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Mod, who are your top 10 favorite characters and top 10 least favorite?
//I have actually been wanting to discuss something like this, so I’m glad someone brought it up to me.
//I’ll go through with this, but I won’t be discussing my least favorites, since I don’t want to bring any negativity, and to be honest, I enjoy writing pretty much everyone in this blog. I also fear if I share who my least favorites are in the main series, said characters won’t get as many asks, and I don’t want any unfair bias. I can definitely admit to hating Haiji though, because...well...he obviously won't be receiving any questions anymore. Besides, I doubt many people will disagree with me.
Honorable Mentions:
Makoto Naegi
Mahiru Koizumi
Kirumi Tojo
Kaede Akamatsu
Tsumugi Shirogane
Shuichi Saihara
Iroha Nijiue
Mikihiko Koyasunaga
Yoruko Kabuya
Tsurugi Kinjo
Uchui Porosen
Kibin Hatsudoki
//Though to be honest, everyone may as well be an honorable mention because I love writing every single one of these guys. Also, like I just said, don’t let this top 10 affect your asks. I love every character in this blog and I’m happy to make asks for each and every one of them. It was really hard to narrow it down to 10
#10: Tenko Chabashira
This might seem a little surprising, given that Tenko hasn't had a whole lot of screen time and story relevance so far. She's only been prominent in two arcs, Deadly Harmony and Novoselic Revolution, both of which she didn't have as much screen time as most of the other characters. However, not to spoil anything major, I have big plans for her, and what I've pulled out of her so far is something I'm proud of. My main goal is mainly to give her a bit of development, and tone down on the sexism element of her character. Not remove it entirely, mind you, because let's be real, Tenko unfortunately isn't Tenko without it, but basically to not do what the DR dev team did and make it the forefront of her character, while her other exceedingly good traits are just at the back until later on in the story.
#09: Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi is one of, if not, my favorite character in the original DR series. My main goal of him in this series is trying to grapple with his constantly changing attitude, mainly towards the DRV3 cast besides himself. At first he's glad to see them, then he turns spiteful towards Shuichi and Kaede when they try to fight him, then he straight up just abandons them and attempts to cut off contact. As he is right now, he's conflicted about how to feel about everyone. Sure, they all still hate him, but during Cabaret Kyojin's they came to his defense when he most needed it. That whole arc might've seemed pretty pointless and acted as needless filler, but my true intention of it was to flesh out the characters involved, mainly Kokichi and Kuripa. Speaking of which, that's another plot point that I'm looking forward to branching upon: the little companionship those two have going on right now.
#08: Monaca Towa
Monaca is a character I actually tend to struggle with in the grand scheme of things. The reason being that, arguably, she in canon is the second biggest antagonist in the series behind Junko. What I tried to do with Survivor though, is not make her an antagonist, but make her slowly become more and more redeemable, despite her actions. The reason why I went with this approach is mainly due to Monaca's last appearance in the series, where she states to Toko and Komaru that she's kind of just done with everything to do with Junko and Despair. I don't think it would be easy to bring her back as an antagonist because of THAT fiasco, and that is legitimately one of favorite scenes of her...which is funny because it's from DR3 and I kinda hate the anime. Her whole presence in Survivor is based around the idea of trying to seek redemption, but she doesn't outwardly want to admit this, nor does she really think she's worthy or deserving of said redemption. She's an adult now, and she grew a conscience. A guilty one that weighs her down and makes her come back to earth to basically settle things and make peace, and though it's been difficult, I love how she's turned out so far.
#07: Akira Tsuchiya
I understand many have their reservations about Akira after what he did this arc, but he's still legitimately one of my favorite villains in this blog because despite the fact that he's a psychopath who kills and ruins people all just for causing Despair, he's just kinda super relatable. He constantly lives with the attitude of just being done with everyone's shit, and I know a lot of DR fans can relate to that. He's also the kind of guy who marches to the beat of his own drum, which is obviously a very slow beat. He rarely ever does what Tsumugi tells him to do, unless the plan interests him or gives him something to do, and his character in general is based around the idea of "Shut-in NEET who just so happens to have a power complex." Overall, what makes him unique to me is just how normal he is, especially when he's compared to the chaotic sea that is the Danganronpa Villains.
#06: Mikan Tsumiki
Novoselic Revolution had the very important role in the story of mending Mikan. Without her efforts and the sacrifices she made in that arc, there's a high chance that the group would have failed to retake the kingdom from Angie and Mikihiko. It goes without saying that the screentime Mikan got in this arc was some of my absolute favorite moments on this blog from a writers perspective. A lot of people in DR dislike Mikan for her actions and character change in the third case of the second game, which I really don't think is fair. Mikan was just the character chosen to be afflicted with the Despair Disease. Nothing else would have been changed had it been a different character, so her role early on in Survivor is mainly her trying to come to terms with her actions, as well as things like making things right with Hiyoko (and Ibuki by extrension) and reevaluating whether or not she's a good person. Mikan is an emotionally and mentally broken child, and it's my full intent in my writing of her to heal her wounds like she does for so many other people.
#05: Narumi Osone
Easily my favorite Zetsubou villain in the blog. During Novoselic Revolution, I really buttered up how much I enjoyed writing Mikihiko, but in reality, I was just waiting for the Rebirth Duo (her and Akira) to burst onto the scene. She didn't make for as great a twist villain in Life and Lies of Akeru Yozora as I would've liked her to be, but even now, I still feel like she left an impact. I mean, she committed quite the number of atrocities. The main reason why I like Narumi though, is how she diverges from the rest of the Zetsubou group. While most of them are doing their evil things for reasons that constitute to causing as much Despair as possible, she does it for almost the complete opposite reason. She absolutely despises Despair, and the only reason she's with Organization Zetsubou, is so that she can patiently await and watch as the Hope that stems from the people fighting back. It's also plays into her ideal. Narumi is so obsessed with Hope that she believes that anyone and everyone who is without hope, and gives into Despair, doesn't deserve to live (and ideal that also allows her to easily hit it off with Nagito). To name the best example: The UUV. Their revenge fantasy is based around the Despair they feel post Ayumu and Marin's deaths, and not around the Hope of their goal of reforming society, even if by force. When Narumi notices this, is angers her so much she murders all of them in cold blood, believing them to be beyond redemption. As a final note, Narumi's violent nature and lust for bloodshed (and lest not forget her weird obsession with Makoto) is also made all the more tragic when you remember she's literally just a 14 year old kid with not a lot of life experience. For someone to be this far gone at such a young age is pretty depressing, but it also provides me with a lot of great writing opportunities, and god damn it she isn't a fun character to write.
#04: Mukuro Ikusaba.
I could pretty much just copy/paste the basic things I said about Monaca's personal conflict for Mukuro, but on a much more extreme level. This is something that I plan on actually branching on later down the line, but Mukuro's backstory and reason why she has a presence here is briefly mentioned by Sayaka in one post. To sum up what she said, when the Foundation were first starting to use the machines to bring back the victims of the first killing game, Makoto was the one who suggested possibly bringing Mukuro back, something that understandably, his classmates initially were against. However, at the time, Kyoko was still new to being the Foundation Chairwoman, and Makoto very much pressed the issue with her. Kyoko eventually agreed to the resurrection, but in exchange, any and all actions committed by the soldier, most notably any treacherous or bad ones, would subsequently be Makoto's responsibility. Of course, as you can imagine, Makoto accepted these terms, and Mukuro was resurrected. For a while afterwards, many were very wary of her presence, and most didn't outright accept her as a member of the Foundation, even when the Remnants of Despair officially signed up. What you have to remember is that Mukuro wasn't really brainwashed into helping Junko, at least not in the same way that the Remnants were. Most of what she did for Junko is what she did willingly, but Makoto felt that in reality, Mukuro was just another one of Junko's victims and she'd never known Hope in her life, which is why she turned out so chaotic, so his whole intention of reviving her was to redeem her honor, of which he was pretty much successful. The main trait of Mukuro's though that I tend to focus on, is arguably her most serious: her PTSD. Of all the characters who could have been hit hard with PTSD, it makes the most sense for it to be a soldier, and since the beginning of her revival, Mukuro has been cursed by the lingering ghost of her dead Despair sister. Junko's presence in her mind less drives Mukuro insane though, and simply makes her doubt herself and her presence, wondering if it was worth being revived, or whether or not she truly deserves to live. But regardless of how she feels, she's duty bound to the end, and still supports everyone unquestionably, especially towards those in her own branch being Makoto, her boss, the man who saved her, and of course her undeniable love interest, and Kuripa to whom she disciplines, but also acts as a mother/big sister figure to.
#03: Hajime Hinata.
It might just be me, but I feel like Hajime in particular is the fan fav in this blog. I feel he's shown up in more posts than any other character, which is fine by me given he's also one of my personal favorite characters, and is probably my favorite protagonist (it really changes depending on my mood, honestly, I think they're all as great as each other). The remnants of Despair's conflict is an obvious one that you commonly see in post-game fics such as this one, and in Survivor, and my personal opinion, Hajime is undoubtedly the one who has it the hardest. However, out of all of the characters in the series who HAVE trauma (and let's be real, that's undoubtedly a LOT of characters in both DR canon, and this blog) he's also undoubtedly the one who handles it the best. However, there is a limit to how much pressure he can take, and that causes him to lash out (like he did with Mahiru during Misfortune's Revenge, which I know we don't like to talk about but its the most notable example). He's been through a whole load of shit and the pressure is constantly crushing him like a gigantic boulder, yet he still forces himself to carry it. Outside of my own writing, Hajime has so many conflicting thoughts and trauma in other fics, and in Survivor, I don't intend to flat out copy them, but I do desire to live up to them. The reason why Hajime has so many burdens placed upon him, and as of Misfortune's Revenge now has double as many, yet is still able to keep going strong, is because he's no longer allowing himself to be weighed down by events that are in the past and out of his control. What makes his ideal unique, is that he has power, almost limitless amounts of it, but instead of focusing on what he can do with it, he's more conflicted and focused on what he CAN'T do, and changing the past is one thing he can't, and as of such doesn't focus on it. He only ever focuses on the present, and the future, and worries about that. And you've got to hand it to the guy, while it's definitely been better, his life is actually super good right now. He has at least 15 really great friends/found family members, a home on an island resort, an AI companion in his phone who will always help him out and support him, a smoking-hot red-haired girlfriend, a pretty good job and a lot more. For him, it's not simply a matter of abiding by the Foundation and fixing the chaos that he indirectly caused. It's also about the fear of losing what he has, and wanting to protect it.
#02: Ayumu Fujimori.
I've said this one or two times before, but I think Ayumu turned out spectacular, and when I eventually had to kill him off, I felt really bad about doing so. The main reason why I removed him, and why I currently don't have any plans to bring him back, is due to my future plans, having him around would make little to no sense. He serves mainly as a catalyst for the new phase of the story, a much darker one, and with his death, we enter that phase. I know many people are worried about it, but it's not just Ayumu's reason for being in the story that makes him great. While it isn't obvious right away, the main character that I was trying to portray with him, is that he's basically the darker side of Hajime. The two of them share very similar traits in character, personality and backstory. Some notable points would be
Both of them are incredibly self-doubtful, and that self-doubt caused them to become Ultimate Hopes.
Both of them once held huge admiration for a powerful group of people. For Hajime it was Hope's Peak and for Ayumu it was the Japanese Government
Said power called them useless, which led to their transformation
Both have pretty sad backstories, which involve two different types of cruel parents and family's.
They both have a best friend who likes to sleep.
Said best friend ended up dying horribly right in front of them, with them both unable to do anything about it, which eventually leads them both to go insane and make some bad decisions.
Though their methods differ, ultimately, they both want the same thing: a brighter future for their friends and the people they love
Ayumu might be a threat, and an antagonist, but he doesn't really count as a "villain" per se. At the core, he's basically just a misguided young man, who the world treated like shit, so he just wants to get back at it. He's also an influential figure, pulling many people into his fight, and gaining many supporters outside of his friends in the UUV. For the short time he was on the blog, he was an absolute BLAST to write, and you can damn sure bet I'm going to miss him.
#01: Kuripa Kurafto.
This is undoubtedly the riskiest part of this list, especially since we're talking about an OC here, but I also think a lot of you guys saw this coming. I can understand why some of you might disagree with me on this placement, but I'll tell you now, if you're unimpressed, trust me, I am barely scratching the surface of Kuripa's character. As of such, I have to go on this based off of what's already known about him. His whole character I feel comes full circle at the end of the Ultra Despair Gang arc, in which the first monumental event in the blog actually happens: him killing Haiji Towa by stabbing him in the gut and sending him falling to his death. This is then followed by a speech to Makoto, Komaru, Toko and Byakuya, which basically lays out the key part of Kuripa's character, being his ideals. Every protagonist in Danganronpa goes by a certain ideal that contrasts that of their enemies. For Makoto, it's Hope, for Hajime, it's Future, and for Shuichi it's truth. Kuripa is the complete reverse, being a protagonist that represents Despair. He's not outright a villain, or even a generally bad guy, but he definitely has some apparent darkness to him, and is also incredibly violent when at the peak of rage. Of course, it all stems from a huge event in his life, the murder of his little sister Kotoko by the hands of Matta Gyalusetsu, which has led to his over-arcing conflict: his desire to find Matta and kill him as revenge. I tend to hate characters in stories who have the "My Sister is Dead" archetype or trope, but the main reason is because most characters who have that JUST have that, and for Kuripa that's something I'm trying to avoid. One of the most important parts of Kuripa's character is the contrast between his dark, almost psychopathic side that believes murder is a suitable way to indefinitely solve a problem, and his regular self, who to put simply, is a complete and total clown. He's like a walking meme, and makes a total fool out of himself, either through just being a mindless tomfool, a playful perv, or a loveable idiotic otaku. Still, his presence is indeed important to everyone around him, especially seen through his interactions with Makoto, Kibin, Mukuro, Uchui, Kokichi, The Kyojin's and the High Roller staff. This is another thing in regards to Kuripa's conflict that is quite saddening to. Similar to Hajime, as things currently stand, Kuripa has an excellent life. He's a successful animator who makes a lot of money from his work, he enjoys his time at the Future Foundation and really looks up to both Makoto and Mukuro who both treat him with a reciprocated amount of respect, he gets to work in tangent with his best friend, he has many pals, some of which are part of an anime club, and on top of it all, he has a cute girlfriend who playfully flirts back and forth with him all the time. He has everything a guy could possibly ever want, but due to his one track mind, he can never be satisfied knowing Kotoko's killer is still out there, and he will do whatever it takes to avenge her...even if he needs to cut a few people down to get it...
//Doing this kind of self-reflective character analysis is pretty refreshing and fun to be honest, although, doing it makes it sound like I have a big head, and am complementary of my own writing where I know many might disagree with my techniques and opinions. You're free to, believe me, but please keep any criticism constructive.
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ciairvoyant · 3 years
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i know a lot of the d.r fandom classify hiro as the ‘useless survivor’ in dr1 because a lot of his character is made off of quips and jokes, but the more you actually look into his character / circumstances, it’s quite clearer that it’s probably not entirely the case.
i’ve spoken a lot about it before, but hiro is definitely emotionally intelligent, and a lot of it goes back to his childhood. the fact that the two things we know about his father are a.) he once set the house on fire after falling asleep lighting up a cigarette and b.) him and hiroko broke up due to something she had let go on, it’s safe to say his involvement in hiro’s life wasn’t entirely much, and it was left to hiroko to look after hiro and also deal with the abandonment of a partner at a pretty young age ( somewhere around being 18-20 if you consider how a childs earliest memories are at 4 years old ), something in which was probably a highly stressful and horrible time for her to have to face by herself. considering hiro’s reaction to taking charge to kiyotaka’s state after the loss of mondo, i’d say that perhaps hiroko felt something similar in the same way ... despite his young age, and what he may lack in some senses, hiro has always felt the sense of support and responsibility towards those who need it, leading to him being much more intune to those sorts of emotions. such reactions are even shown more clearly back in chapter one of dr.1, where hiro is the first to go and tell everyone to calm down and that a.) it’s probably just an introductory ceremony thing ( which i actually had the same theory for half the game oops--- ) or that it’s some elaborate prank. while both ideas seem a little bit unusual, his reactions are less about himself and the general tranquility of the room; he takes that responsibility, even if it all comes crumbling apart soon. 
ontop of that, however, it would be safe to assume that hiro’s actual intelligance isn’t all that bad, either. yes, there are plenty of moments where he shows otherwise, but the fact that he had to spend three years in one grade actually has a lot of different meanings to the idea of him not being the smartest. considering his status, and his background, it would be fair to say that hiro probably didn’t have a great time in school, and was probably someone who was bullied / harrassed at school just for his circumstances, ontop of this - he also loved his mother more than anything, and clearly had an obsession with money from a young age. it’s not unusual to assume that actually hiro spent a lot of time in those grades skiving in order to make the money in order to support either just himself so she didn’t have to worry about him, or them both. something backed up by his own final fte with makoto - he probably skipped school to meet up with people like natsumi kuzuryu, to work out how to give them readings ( and answers ) they wanted to hear and to get money he could.
all of this together leads me to my final point - when you combine the two of these, you can tell hiro is quite a skilled person in getting people what they want. years of giving out fortunes and ideas, it’s not hard to presume he’s probably lied more than a few times to tell people exactly what they wanted to hear, or exagerrated a fortune to get that extra money, but thats exactly where his character grows; he tells makoto he’s more than willing to follow junkos plan if it means his death, but then in dr ha.gakure chooses to save kanon despite the fact he knows she wants to kill him as part of the future foundation and that she’s already injured, something to which she enquires him about. he presumes kyoko is a ghost for the beginning of the chapter 4 trial, but then goes onto dismantle an entire monokuma by presumably himself overnight. there’s a lot of levels to who he is and what he wants to show people, and i think it’s a very interesting part of his personality.
tl;dr hiro is smarter than you think, and the day someone forces him to come clean about it all will be my favourite day of all.
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
So in my DR1 Taleshift AU, the talents go as followed: Swimmer!Makoto, LuckyStudent!Chihiro, Programmer!Toko, Novelist!Celestia, Gambler!Leon, BaseballPro!Mondo, GangLeader!Mukuro, Soldier!Sakura, MartialArtist!Kiyotaka, MoralCompass!Byakuya, AffluentProgeny!Junko, Fashionista!Kyoko, Detective!Hifumi, FanficAuthor!Yasuhiro, Clairvoyant!Sayaka and Idol!Aoi. These headcanons mean a lot to me!
Hey anon! Thank you for your patience! I’m sorry it took so long but I had alot of real life affairs to take care of. Even to this day. With that in mind, i would like to bring up that I won’t be accepting any new talentswap asks like this for some good time. 
With that, I hope you enjoy these new headcanons for this AU.
Makoto Naegi as the SHSL Swimmer
He could spend hours in a pool of water just letting his mind wander as his body feels the cool pool sensations.
One day, when he was out on the beach with his family, he spotted what looked like a dolphin in distress and far out into the open waters.
Without thinking, he immediately swam towards the creature and brought her to the beach to have her wounds fixed.
He earned quite a bit of noteriety for that.
He’s the shortest member of his swim team and has been playfully teased for it.
During the summer, he often serves as a lifeguard assistant.
Chihiro Fujisaki as the SHSL Lucky Student
Their luck made it difficult for them to interact with others in social situations.
When their luck causes bad things to happen, it usually results in Chihiro being involved in a given accident making them come off as a bad omen.
When their luck causes good things to happen, they find themselves getting attention from the media and eager crowds.
Chihiro’s constantly changing luck is a prime factor for their timid and frailness.
They put alot of time in researching different forms of luck and rituals in an attempt to change their luck to their preferences.
They’ve picked up a variety of good luck charms and have a tendency of performing superstitious rituals whenever they’re about to do something.
Chihiro is also willing to give those charms to their friends (like Mondo when it comes to big games). 
Touko Fukawa as the SHSL Programmer
Not wanting to be involved with her abusive family, Touko spent her whole time on the computer.
She familiarized herself with the complex workings of the computer and how to make her own programs.
Her specialty is being able to create anti-virus software that can detect and report potential hackers while maintaining a clean software system that can last for decades.
She hates it when people ask her if she can make video games as she believes them to be stupid and not worth her effort.
She enjoys venting her frustrations on message and forum boards by provoking others with her comments.
Syo still exists in this AU because of the abuse and managed to pick up on her original self’s programming skills.
Whenever Syo takes over, she manages to hack security programs and bank accounts as a means of taking revenge against unlucky kids who hurt her or her gloomy self.
She managed to frame them for crimes they didn’t commit, summoned gang members to tear down their homes, and have illegal commodities shipped to them.
Her username is Geno-Zdr50 and after her crimes were revealed, she was given the title of SHSL Hacker.
Celestia Ludenberg as the SHSL Author
She earned recognition for bringing back the gothic-romanticism genre.
Alot of her stories feature tales of romance and tragedy between elegant ladies and their supernatural/undead suitors.
Her wardrobe is similar to her original outfit only with a longer dress and she wears a black veil with red roses.
She claims to have been involved in multiple relationships with different men who provided her with an interesting romantic experience.
Celestia has a strong dislike for tropes and cliches and tries desperately to ensure that her stories avoid them.
The last thing she wants to be considered is a run of the mill author by some half-witted review articles.
Leon Kuwata as the SHSL Gambler
His main attire consists of a red collared shirt, black jeans and shades.
He doesn’t win every game because of his lazy attitude and his tendency to panic whenever things don’t go right for him.
Leon got the title by winning a few big competition games involving blackjack.
He prefers to use slot machines since they make it less hard for him to showcase his skills.
One of his tricks is by flirting with the waitresses or servers and convincing them to give them tips on what the dealers are like.
He often ropes Yasuhiro and Hifumi into joining him whenever he goes gambling believing that their eccentric personalities will boost his chances.
Mondo Oowada as the SHSL Baseball Player
He got into baseball because of his brother who was already a professional player.
Mondo’s has multiple baseball uniforms because of how often he tears or smears them.
He managed to convince some of his friends, who were close to becoming involved in gangs, to join him.
When he started playing, Mondo had a fierce temper and would pick fights against other unruly baseball players which would leave the two of them with bruises and black eyes.
Daiya decided to step in and offer his personalized training sessions to help Mondo before he ruined his career.
By channeling his frustrations into body improvement training and hitting the ball, Mondo was able to get a better control of his temper.
Although there have been cases where the baseballs he swings out of the stadiums end up causing massive damage in random streets.
Mukuro Ikusaba as the SHSL Gang Leader
Just like in canon, she ended up leaving her family to visit a country that was torn apart by war.
But rather than joining Fenrir, Mukuro ended up in the presence of orphans and street rats who lost their families to war.
She managed to convince them to join her in fighting back against the invading soldiers.
Using effective planning and improvised training, she was able to create her own army of resistance fighters who could take on any adult soldier.
They would be known as the Walking Corpses.
She instilled an anti-empathy principle onto her fighters so that they would feel no sorrow or despair for the loss of an ally.
Sakura Oogami as the SHSL Soldier
At an early age, she was recruited by the Japanese government to partake in a program designed to train soldiers.
She was scouted because of her family’s reputation as powerful fighters.
For years, she endured brutal training against a variety of fighters who were three times her age and with no heart in them.
She performed multiple reconnaissance missions which involved rescuing fellow soldiers from enemy territories while also taking down guerilla fighters.
While she won’t say it out loud, Sakura does have sympathy for the guerilla fighters and soldiers who are trying to protect their homeland.
Sakura prefers to use her body to fight, but she knows how to use different guns and weapons.
She actually faced Mukuro and her Corpses once. While her subordinates were easy to apprehend, the Lead Corpse was much more resilient and they ended up in a draw.
To this day, she has yet to take the life of an innocent.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru as the SHSL Fighter
Wanting to uphold the proud name of the Ishimaru Family, Kiyotaka devoted himself to learning martial arts.
While he has studied multiple forms of martial arts, his preferred combat forms are karate, judo and taekwondo.
He has a fanbase of girls who found him to be quite attractive thanks to his handsome physique and his cool profession.
He’s actually very flustered by their attention and tries desperately not to fraternize with dates as they would interfere with his training.
Kiyotaka is always shown wearing a white gi for a uniform and is often barefooted. He claims this is to build endurance. 
Byakuya Togami as the SHSL Public Morals Officer
He runs a tight shift in ensuring that his academy’s rules and regulations are followed by every student.
Byakuya also made a secret group of student officers who would keep an eye on any rule breakers and would report their findings to him.
His punishments range from extra homework to having to clean the entire school during weekends or fun holidays.
He decided to expand his power by influencing different academies using his moral code and conduct.
He’s also openly criticized multiple schools that were lackluster when it came to discipline and how they organized their education system.
With his influence as a Togami, a majority of elite academies in Japan incorporate his strict moral code.
Junko Enoshima as the SHSL Heir
She was born to a wealthy family that specialized in marketing.
At an early age, Junko learned the basics of managing businesses and how to treat employees under her thumb
Her upbringing upheld morals that encouraged her to be as ruthless and tactile when dealing with enemy companies or unruly subjects
She enjoys manipulating stocks and employees as a means of brutally taking down business rivals
Junko also has connections to underground agents that can bring her dirt about her competitors while also assigning them to sabotage their own enterprises.
Kyoko Kirigiri as the SHSL Fashion Model
She undergoes extensive workouts and health routines to maintain a physically fit and beautiful appearance.
Her main styles are based on classic punk while incorporating different concepts of violet.
Sometimes she gives pointers and tips to her model colleagues before a big event but she’ll still be cold and serious when it’s time to perform or showcase her works.
She’s always wearing gloves and there are tons of rumors as to what she’s hiding under her hands.
Kyoko knows how to speak French and English since she often travels to France and the US for modeling events.
Her father is a fashion designer but she stopped modeling his works due to creative differences. 
In her free time, she likes to sketch different designs. Yasuhiro has even asked her for help with creating new characters.
Hifumi Yamada as the SHSL Detective
He wears a classic trench coat and a fiddler hat
He cites Detective Conan as his main inspiration for his career and how to approach his cases
When interrogating potential suspects, he often uses bizarre or outlandish questions in order to make them lose their defenses.
Alot of his cases involve finding lost children or recovering stolen money and valuables
Despite taking on many cases, he has yet to be involved with anything murder related.
He secretly wishes for a detective rival so the cases can be more exciting and that he can be pushed to be a greater detective. 
Yasuhiro Hagakure as the SHSL Doujinshi Author
He grew up loving shonen anime with fantasy settings like Inuyasha or YuYu Hakusho.
His mom helped him in perfecting his writing and drawing skills and later with helping distribute his works.
Yasuhiro didn’t flunk like in canon, but his grades were pretty low since most of his time was spent daydreaming about potential storylines followed by him drawing them out.
The kids at his school were very impressed with his drawings, especially since they were based on their favorite shows.
He became very popular throughout his middle and high school years.
Despite his fandom, there were very few people whom he could call friends since most of them didn’t love the different layers and symbolism of the anime shows the same way he did.
Sometimes when inspired, he’ll pull out drawing supplies and paper from his dreadlocks.
Yasuhiro dreams of making his own anime/manga featuring a (totally not a self insert) protagonist who goes on ghost hunting adventures alongside his magic pet chicken.
Sayaka Maizono as the SHSL Fortune Teller
She dresses up as a carnival themed fortune teller.
Her stage name is the “Fairy of the Moon”. 
She prefers to predict happy and positive things in order to build a good reputation among the public.
When something bad is about to happen, like a fight or an accident, she notices things in extra detail that hint towards the upcoming event. (Like in the Final Destination series)
Sayaka has made several TV appearances where she would make open predictions about a fellow celebrity.
Having been acquainted with Aoi during her appearances, Sayaka often gives warnings to the idol about potential attackers.
Aoi Asahina as the SHSL Idol
While she’s a great singer, she has a hard time with writing her own songs. So she lets her group write them.
Her preferred songs contain messages of friendship and how bonds are important between people.
Aoi pulls off incredible dance movements throughout her performances that many idols have a hard time pulling off.
She has a close friendship with her idol group and considers them as her second family.
Aoi has also sparked controversy for openly supporting idols who defy the harmful expectations of their managers/corporate groups with their choices.
Her opinions on the matter have earned her an equal amount of fans and enemies. 
She has a harder time eating her precious donuts since her manager frequently discourages her from eating unnecessary sweets.
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spookyc · 4 years
*spoilers for danganronpa goodbye despair*
Okay well it seems like you guys wanna hear about the AU so here i go, i'll warn yall now, this is probably gonna be pretty long. Also, tw for death. Okay so, all of the dr 2 cast being ultimate despairs was always a twist i really enjoyed, however I found myself really puzzled at imaging some of these kids being ultimate despairs, like how did Nekomaru become scarred enough to kill people or what about Hiyoko or Mahiru? This line of questioning eventually led me to Ibuki, a character, like the previously mentioned, I couldn't see being an ultimate despair. Ibuki already was a character I enjoyed thinking about because we know so little about her, most stuff we just have to infer due to her backstory being practically nonexistent. So naturally because of the circumstances surrounding her character, I figured i'd take some liberties with her despair arc as well and so far, this is how it goes.
So, Ibuki is a character who was essentially already developed before she even appeared in the game. She's got a strong will, a charming personality, and she doesn't care about others opinions of her. Even her entire free time events all revolve around Hajime, which is completely different from every other character. This means that something extremely awful would have to happen to Ibuki to get her to crack, or rather many awful things in one day. For Ibuki, I decided to take the killing joke approach, Ibuki's one bad day- I mean it spans over a couple of days but it's essentially the same concept.
The beginning of her descent takes place after Sato's death. While Ibuki wasn't as close with Sato as Mahiru was, they were still friends and her death cuts deep. The prospect that another student, most likely Fuyuhiko, committed this act only makes the situation worse. Yet, even in the face of this sorrow, Ibuki still tries her best to cheer the others up. However, her idea does not go as planned.
Mahiru refuses to speak to her at all, she's cut herself off completely from the group and makes an effort to distance herself from them. Hiyoko, shaken by the death of Sato and the loss of Mahiru, turns bitter and hostile. She lashes out at Ibuki, stating that no song of hers would bring Sato or Mahiru back. Lastly, Ibuki turns to Mikan, believing her to be her final hope. What she doesn't expect is Mikan's response.
Mikan, a depressed mess after Sato's death, wants nothing to do with Ibuki. Tears stain her cheeks and turn her eyes red, and when Ibuki attempts to comfort her she lashes out, asking Ibuki if she even cares about Sato's death. Ibuki states that of course she does but Mikan doesn't listen, "C-can't you think of anything else but p-pitying everyone around you?" "Aren't you sad?" "B-besides, there's no point anyway, not when we're broken up like th-this." Those words were like a stab in the gut to Ibuki, was that what this was? Was this just Ibuki's own way of grieving? Helping everyone else who she felt was worse off? And Mikan had a point, no matter how hard Ibuki tried, the group would never get back together, not like this.
And so, she left Mikan alone and in a depressed haze she reflected on what to do, now that her friends were gone. Then she thought back to only a few years ago, to the band she used to be in. She wondered how they were doing now, without her. And with nothing better to do she decided to plan a meetup, maybe they could catch up. What's the worse that could happen? So, with the only hope left within her, she made her way to the music room, their planned meeting place.
Ibuki's hands quivered at the door handle, remembering what had happened there only a few days before. She shook it off though, and pulled the door open with her best forced smile. It didn't take long for that smile to vanish. What Ibuki was greeted with when she opened the doors was nothing less than pure massacre. Lying on the stage lit by a spotlight were the bodies of her old band members.
Blood covered the stage, painting the wood a deep crimson. Their bodies were horribly brutalized, each one looked like they had suffered heavy physical trauma to the head and most were worse off than that. Legs bruised and twisted in awful angles, jaws broken and dangling from their heads by the sinew, eyes knocked from their bloody sockets. But that wasn't the worst of it. Lying in the center of all the bodies was a metal bat decorated in red and gore. And behind all of the girls was a symbol in blood streaming down the walls. A symbol of a bull skull. The Kuzuryu Clan's symbol.
Ibuki couldn't take it any longer. The sadness, the loneliness, the anguish of death. She couldn't take it any longer. She collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down her face, tears she had held inside for far too long. They felt like fire burning her cheeks. Rage, sorrow and grief, they all combined into a single emotion. She wiped her tears and her eyes became ignited with a dull wrath.
She walked to the stage and lifted the disgusting metal bat. And then, gripping it firmly in her hands, she reeled back and struck the bloodied wall. Then she struck again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Andagainandagain- until finally, the wall broke. The wall crumbled beneath her abuse and she could see the symbol no longer. That emotion was revenge.
As she backed away from her destruction, she tossed the bat aside and she gave one last look at the rubble. Her eyes then grew dull completely, devoid of anything but the fiery orbs of revenge. She had fully given in to her despair and she would make sure Fuyuhiko knew about it.
Wow kinda got a bit into it near the end there but yeah this is essentially my idea. tldr: Ibuki loses sato and her attempts to cheer everyone up ends in vain, as their friendship dies with sato. So, in an attempt to get her life together she tries to reconnect with her old band members only to find them all brutally murdered supposedly by the same culprit behind sato's murder, fuyuhiko. In actuality, this was simply planted evidence by the real killer, Junko, who heard about sato's murder as well as ibuki's meeting and decided to, "intervene." This is what I see as her descent into despair, but I also have plans for her time as an ultimate despair, if yall like this is i may continue with it.
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crystalelemental · 4 years
Voting is complete.  Now to wait a week for results that will be utterly predictable, in which no major shifts in popularity occur at all, and not a single one of the new characters, who all seem really cool, will break top 20 because god forbid the fandom collectively stops sucking EoSD’s dick for one year.
Anyway, my picks for everything’s under the cut.
Okina.  I really love Okina.  I don’t get how she’s so (relatively) unpopular.  Like I really don’t.  She’s so much fun!  Like, every time she’s in the spotlight, you’re constantly caught between what she’s telling you and what you think her hidden motivations are.  And oftentimes, I think both are true.  I also just like how she operates.  She’s drawn to ambition and willpower.  It’s why she likes Marisa so much and is determined to get Marisa to work for her, and why she’s so insistent that Aya take pride in beating her, even when she was holding back.  It’s why she helps Sumireko in Violet Detector despite having nothing to gain from it.  She love ambitious, strong-willed people, and seems to motivate those qualities in others.  She wants to see people overcome hardship on their own merits, which, after the reveal in Visionary Fairies that she is disabled and sometimes needs a wheelchair to get around, adds a great new layer of context to this aspect of her character.  Okina is a fantastic character, and my only wish for future works is to see her play a bigger role.
Keiki.  Surprisingly, I adore Keiki too, despite not having played WBaWC.  Keiki just...hits right, you know?  You have this world where everything’s fucked, and humans are used more as resources than as people by the powerful beast youkai in charge.  Keiki’s spawned into existence by their desperation, but all she can think to do is fulfill her role and turn everything static.  I honestly enjoy how she’s super well-intentioned, but her actions are questionable over whether they’re effective or the right thing to do.  Plus she was adorable in the Komachi manga.
Kanako.  Look, we all know I’m a Mountain of Faith person at heart, and especially love the Moriya Shrine, so I’m not gonna waste too much time here.  Kanako’s awesome, she’s the lowest ranked of the three, this had to happen.
Mamizou.  How a character who’s so routinely important to the stories and plays her role this well is so low ranked is beyond me.  Mamizou is such an interesting character.  She’s like this sweet old grandmotherly figure up until she reveals her master plan and desire for power.  She’s like an active version of Yukari and Okina, out in the open and pulling off her grand schemes, and it’s a ton of fun to watch.
Doremy.  My blood pact to vote for her aside, Doremy does sustain as one of my favorites.  She’s just...I don’t know how else to describe it but “unique.”  She’s different from a lot of the cast, in that she’s overall just really nice.  Like she genuinely seems to care about people, and her dream people especially.  She’s got her job to do and will carry it out, but mostly stays out of the way otherwise.  She’s a bit mischievous, but this is Touhou.
Junko.  I like Junko.  Vengeance mom who won over a part of Hell by swearing to bring chaos to the Lunarians.  I don’t have a ton to say, because unfortunately she doesn’t get much play.  I wish she did.  Maybe in the next Fairy-focused manga.  Everyone goes for a sleepover at Clownpiece’s mom’s place, and has to travel into hell and Junko’s just around.  That’s all I really need.
Sumireko.  While Sumireko’s fallen a bit as a favorite, and is almost certainly going to continue falling, I do like the kid.  She’s a bit of an obnoxious dingus at times, but I find her antics funny.  The way she sometimes just goes off on a ranting tangent that’s spot-on is just...it’s very in line for a super smart teen who’s just disillusioned with everything.  I dunno, I just enjoy her a lot.
Concealed Four Seasons.  Turns out, Okina’s not just a great character, but has a kickass theme song.  I love this battle theme, I think it’s my favorite.  It’s got such a good energy to it.
Desire Drive.  Best stage theme in the series.  It’s so catchy.
Lullaby of Deserted Hell.  I love this one entirely because it’s this soft, gentle music that plays as you’re traveling through hell.  And I mean that in the literal sense of it was once physically hell, and also this stage is a fucking disaster and I love it.  It’s like why the sixth stratum theme from Etrian Odyssey 2 is good.  Nightmare land with the most calming theme imaginable.
Heartfelt Fancy.  Listen, SA did good music.  I actually like the stage theme more than Satori’s boss theme.
Lost Emotion.  Kokoro’s theme is great, and one of exactly two themes I remember from the fighting games (the other is the Yorigami sisters’).  Fight game music tends to not be very good, in my opinion, but Lost Emotion hits all the right notes with me.
Shining Needle Castle.  Fun fact!  I don’t like DDC.  At all.  I think the cast is pretty boring, especially in the second half.  I don’t like the collection system.  The only cool thing visually, for me, was fighting music-themed enemies in a thunderstorm, which is cool as shit.  But goddamn this song is good.  It’s one of the few highlights of the game for me.
Dream Palace of the Great Mausoleum.  I really like just how grand it sounds.  Like it sounds awe-inspiring, and fits the area you’re in well.  I like the track on its own, but I really like when a track syncs up with the atmosphere of a place.
Fires of Hokkai.  Speaking of, good god this song.  This is probably the single best establishment of atmosphere in the series.  After everything else in the game, and all the craziness of the last stage, you hit the final destination and it starts out with a quiet heartbeat sound.  Then it just builds and builds into this powerful, driving theme that loops perfectly back to near silence as you encounter Byakuren herself.  Stage 6 is so fucking good, shame I suck at this game too much to ever get there.
Beast Metropolis.  This is purely off sound, since I haven’t played the game.  But you may notice that, thematically, it fits in with a lot of my favorite tracks.  Softer vibe, stage theme setting the mood of an area that you’d expect to be crazy but turns out to be eerily...not that.
Faith is for the Transient People.  This was a toss-up, with a lot of options I was considering, but Sanae’s theme won out.  I do like it a lot, and I didn’t vote for Sanae in characters despite her being one of my long-standing favorites, so she got this one.
Hidden Star in Four Seasons.  Okay listen.  I get that this game is not popular among fans.  I do not get why.  Are you seriously going to look me in the eye and tell me this game wasn’t a relief to play?  After the last four games had bullshit collection systems for resources, having a game that just played lives based off score again isn’t a good thing?  Yes, it was easier.  Good.  Did you miss how bullshit LoLK was?  Sometimes you gotta backpedal, right into the range of things I can actually play.  I know some people don’t like the cast at all, some nonsense about “Why are they so familiar with characters if I’ve never seen them” or something.  But the cast is spectacular.  Eternity Larva’s a fun new fairy to add to the group, and her short-lived stint in VFiS was great, proving that she’s the only fairy who has her own reserve of braincells.  Aunn is precious and wonderful.  Okina.  OKINA.  This was easily my favorite cast since Subterranean Animism, and that was a strong cast.  I just do not get the dislike of this game at all.
Mountain of Faith.  Hey, look at that, I like the games that are simple and fun for me to play.  What a surprise.  MoF was the first game I beat, because Suwako was the first character I encountered and I had to one day git gud enough to beat her.  So I did.  After like three weeks.  That was an adventure.  Anyway, I think MoF holds as one of the best in the series.  Aside from simple gameplay that’s actually fun instead of painful, it had a great cast of characters, and honestly the best environments.  Like, this game just looks good.  Maybe that’s personal bias because autumn theme and autumn is the best season, but I loved the backgrounds in this game.
Forbidden Scrollery.  Hey, it’s the thing that got me into the written works!  Yeah, I really like Forbidden Scrollery.  It’s a fun exploration of things from within the human village, from the perspective of a human who lives there.  Plus we got some of the more interesting lore bits for the series from this work, which is valuable.  And of course...human disguise Mamizou.  10/10.
Visionary Fairies in Shrine.  While there are many fairy-focused manga, this one’s my personal favorite.  Because it’s got Clownpiece.  No really, that’s it.  I like the general fairy shenanigans that the trio gets in to, but I really enjoyed how this one almost focused on Clownpiece’s integration into Gensokyo.  I think it’s a lot more compelling to have that sort of arc for the character, and it really endeared Clownpiece to me as a whole.  My only complaint with it is that Eternity Larva didn’t stick around too.  I know she had less to contribute and that Clownpiece is the central focus of this one, but it would’ve been nice to have Larva stick around and get a bit of development herself.  Maybe next manga, eh?
Subterranean Animism.   I debated this and Cage in Lunatic Runagate.  I actually regret my choice.  Subterranean Animism won out based on my enjoyment of the music and characters in the game, and (if you can believe it) my enjoyment of the gameplay.  Yeah, it turns out when the game rewards just surviving, even if resources are more scarce, I do like 10x better than when resources are only obtained through flying headlong into a storm of bullshit like the next four games demanded.  FUCKING IMAGINE THAT.  Anyway, CiLR was a serious contender that, again, I kinda regret not picking.  Bougetsushou in general was a strong compilation, but CiLR is the one that made it really stand out.  SSiB was a fun silly story, and Inaba was hilarious, but CiLR was by far the most serious and poignant of the works.  It focused really strongly on the characters, something Touhou...hadn’t really done at the time, and still doesn’t always do, and expanded them beautifully.  We get a lot more insight into Kaguya and what her life is like, we get the backstory for the new Reisen, we get background on the Watatsuki sisters, we get the Mokou chapter, arguably the best character development in the entire series.  So it really comes down to a game that I like because I can play it, or a written work that also did a lot for the characters in it.  Both excellent but I locked myself into one or the other.
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 165
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 17 - “Love Story of a Pure-Hearted Maiden” Date watched: 12 December 2019 Original air date: 27 May 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/md9kwKC Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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Remember the Prism Love Checker, the Takoyaki Handy, or the Charm Pencil Case from the last three seasons? Yeah, it’s that time again! Time to loosely base an entire episode around a toy that doesn’t fit the theme of the series.
The Plot
Natts House is sold out of everything, and for some reason there’s an implication that Rin should be doing something about this, but instead she’s crafting a bead bracelet, ignoring her surroundings, and generally acting strangely. Nozomi recalls that only other time she’s seen her friend this way was when she had a crush.....
Later, the girls pay her a visit at her mom’s shop, and see her giddily selling flowers to a handsome young man, and blushing. They confront her and she doesn’t admit to having a crush on this guy, but doesn’t deny it either. Since she agreed to deliver a flower to him, they urge her to make the delivery now while they mind the shop, and dress nicely to do it.
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Nuts gives her a blue bead bracelet to match the red one she’s wearing (again, toys) and she sets off. However, the girls are curious to see her shoot her shot, and after some debate Karen justifies it by saying she’s just looking out for the students, so they follow her in secret. Rin arrives at his residence but hesitates, unsure what to say. Meanwhile, Girinma watches ominously from a tree....
As she’s just about to knock on the door, he opens the porch door and sees her. She gives him the flower and is just about to confess her feelings when a lady comes over and he introduces her as his girlfriend, for whom he buys the flowers. Rin goes from crushing to crushed, but manages to hide her feelings long enough to give them both the bracelets and wish them well before running off and breaking down. She sits on a bench and reflects on how she met him, as a patron of her shop, and starts to cry. Girinma shows up, taunting her dream for being pointless, and he prepares to attack her. The other girls catch up, declare Rin’s feelings to be precious, and they all transform. Girinma turns a nearby water fountain (the large, decorative kind, not the ones you drink from) into a Kowaina, which tosses the girls around. Even Aqua, who is supposed to be able to manipulate water.
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Despite being overpowered and heartbroken, Rouge declares that she still wants to look forward to good things in life, and refuses to give up. The Kowaina suddenly weakens and it turns out Coco and Nuts have cut off the water supply to the fountain. Lemonade, Mint, and Aqua handle Girinma while Rouge and Dream take out the Kowaina, and the day is won.
As they all walk home, Nozomi, Urara, Komachi, and Karen suggest activities to cheer Rin up, but she knocks them each down in turn because they’re impractical or not to her tastes. Then she realizes that with all of them there, including Nuts and Coco, nobody is watching the shop, so they have to get back there as soon as possible, and the episode ends with a still frame.
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The Analysis
First off, if I haven’t established this by now, I’m a sap for romance episodes. Always have been. So seeing Rin crush on someone warms my heart, even if I know it’s not going to end well for her. Also, she’s really cute when she’s like this. I mean, she’s always cute, but more cute. Actively cute.
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I have to give props to her actress, Takeuchi Junko, for this. She sounds a bit more high-pitched and aloof than normal. Also there’s a sequence where she’s roleplaying in the mirror as herself and the guy, switching between personas and voices and it’s hilarious and a good show of skill.
I can’t really say her taste in men is great, this guy’s only notable feature seems to be “he comes to her shop, is personable, and is moderately attractive” but since she’s modeled after Nagisa, the bar isn’t exactly high. And of course, young love is rarely rational. It’s less about who she likes as much as the fact that she likes someone, and the writers’ ability to craft an episode around that. As far as episodes of this show goes, this one isn’t very good, especially coming off the fantastic Komachi focus episode, but it’s still fun overall. In this series, even the bad episodes are still pretty solid. They spend just the right amount of time showing Rin as lovestruck, doing silly things, and then getting heartbroken, before they move into the battle.
Now, the elephant in the room here is the Pop’n Beads Maker. It will appear again, and I know it appeared in HUGtto under a different name. This is a toy that was released in the Precure 5 toyline with branding from the characters, but it doesn’t have any plot relevancy. We’ve seen this before, but the previous items they were plugging were a bit smaller than this.
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In stores now! Wait, I’m 12 years late.
Based on translated Amazon reviews it seems it was well-liked. I don’t have much to say about this. It threads beads onto a string for you so you don’t have to do it by hand. I read mixed reviews of how good it was at doing this. It may feature the least into the story of any of these gimmick items. For reference, the Prism Love Checker was used by Nagisa to see how compatible she was with Fuji-P.... or would have been if she hadn’t chickened out. The Handy was shown to be useful at Akane’s takoyaki cart, and Honoka used it to control a slideshow as well. The pencil cases in Splash Star were used to share messages about how Saki and Mai cared about each other and were sorry for upsetting one another. The bead maker is shown once, as Rin makes a bracelet, we see Nuts hold one more bracelet, and then it’s never seen or heard about again in this episode. Very weird. It’s preferable to forcing their whole relationship to center around the bead maker, but then it comes across as a less effective toy plug. I feel like there’s a middle ground for effectively marketing your product and integrating it into the plot in a non-hamfisted way, but I don’t want to waste time coming up with one.
I would like to point out that, despite being portrayed as sporty and tomboyish, they always take care to show that Rin also has feminine interests as well. She’s happy making flower arrangements, and here she is fawning over a boy. Her friends make note of this, and I’m not bringing it up to say it’s unusual for her. I like that she’s able to express all aspects of her personality mostly freely (she feels a little embarrassed about the crush, as people are wont to do).
I really like how they showcase Rin and Nozomi’s old friendship. We know they’re second generation friends who have known each other since they were very young, and we know they always look out for each other, but I love is how they show it in this episode. Nozomi recalls Rin’s previous crush that got her acting all giddy, and wants to support her wholeheartedly. When she gets her heart broken, Nozomi gives her some space, but when Girinma mocks her, she jumps on the offensive and declares how important Rin’s feelings are. When it’s time to strike the final blow, she works in tandem with Rin and says “Don’t make a maiden angry! You wouldn’t like us when we’re angry!” She has no time for anyone who upsets her friends, especially Rin, and that’s admirable.
Komachi, Urara, and Karen don’t have a whole lot going on this episode. It’s not about them. They’re mostly moral support, and encouraging poor decisions. All of them know they should leave Rin alone to go talk to this guy herself, but they’re also curious to see how she does. Karen is initially the voice of reason, saying they should give her her privacy, and Nuts backs her up. However, when Nozomi insists, she comes around and says as student council president, it’s her responsibility to look out for the students, and comes along. This is a pattern of behavior with her, she acts reasonable at first but then she makes poor decisions. I kinda like that about her, it shows that she’s not the unflappable student council president they all think she is, she’s just good at logic-ing her way into situations. And then when they’re all coming up with ways they can cheer her on, using their unique skills, Komachi suggests that she could write lines for Rin and Urara says she’ll be her stunt double!
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she is unique.
They’re a bunch of dorks and I love them.
Also over on the villain side, Girinma isn’t doing so hot. Bunbee handed him his termination papers and threatened to fire him if he didn’t improve his performance, so he’s especially cynical of Rin’s misadventures when he spots her, but it doesn’t really relate to his attack. It doesn’t seem to amount to much of anything, except to show that Bunbee is at the end of his rope with his employees, which will come into play in a few more episodes.
To wrap it up, it’s a filler episode with the intention of plugging a toy they couldn’t advertise any other way. No Pinkies are gathered, but we see a little insight into Rin’s softer side, and some machinations behind the scenes. It’s not a bad episode, but if I had to recommend ones to skip for time, this would be one of them. I do understand the importance of fleshing out your cast so the audience cares about them and appreciates the bond between characters, which is what this does, but ultimately it’s not especially relevant. I would rate it a 7 on a scale of 10.
Next time, Masuko Mika interviews Karen at home, and we see spring uniforms! Look foward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 Kettei!
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magioftheseas · 5 years
It’s Such A Waste
KamuKoma Week Day 1: childhood lovers / soulmates
alt: hope / despair
Summary: Kamukura Izuru doesn't feel anything except resentment for everything and everyone else. Such resentment is kindled while his feelings for that wayward childhood friend of his remain. Predictably, this is a dire descent.
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of violence but nothing graphically described. Also some unhealthy behavior.
Notes: First fic for the new KamuKoma Week this year! And we’re starting off with a...weird one. It’s not like a certain fic from last year, but uh, considering the prompts, it *is* in a similar vein, huh. I wanted to write a “descent into despair” fic for this kind of AU, basically, and my mind was all over the place. I feel like you can tell. Well. Please enjoy anyway. :>
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“Kamukura-senpai, was it?”
Her smile is bright and cheerful, twisted like a carnivorous plant. Like any other predator, she flashes her teeth.
“I’ve heard about you,” she says, humming. “Quite the lone wolf, eh?”
“Why is this your concern?” His own gaze narrows. “There is no reason for our pathways to intersect, as we are of different classes and grades. And yet, here you are. Your regard is not one driven by mere curiosity, it seems.”
Her lips part.
“Ooh. Is that your talent?”
“You know the answer and yet you ask to be cheeky. How boring.” I can already see through this girl’s saccharine farce. “I implore once again. Why are you so concerned with my existence? Is there a role you wish for me to play? A means in which I can be useful to you? I am not interested either way. You are obvious. Transparent. Blatant. A simpleton. You are boring.”
Her smile twitches, just the slightest bit.
“Wow,” she sighs, inhaling. “You’re one fucking guy.”
She skips forward, placing her well-manicured hands on his chest.
“I think we’ll get along just swimmingly, senpai. After all, I think we’re pretty similar.” Her expression softens. “If there’s anyone who understands me, then surely it’s you, Ultimate Analyst, Kamukura Izuru-senpai.”
He has always known that he was particularly gifted for a child. He was always told as much, always expected of as much. He supposes that someone as himself was destined to never live a normal life from the start. When one is beloved by talent, those who lack it are attracted like ticks to cattle.
He has grown used to and weary of such inevitabilities. Even those extraordinary in one regard are predictable and expectably needy and clingy. People are all the same when it comes to what they want but do not have.
Parasitic. But predictable. And boring. So very, very boring. He has no need for such neediness. It is sickening.
His childhood friend is already such a dire case.
“Ah! Everyone’s so bright! It’s beautiful...!”
His worthless, useless childhood friend who coos over their class pictures like a starving dog over scraps of meat.
“They all look so happy, they’re shining... So, so beautiful... Isn’t it wonderful that everyone’s getting along so wonderfully?” he murmurs, marveling. “Aha... Hahaha... It’s just a shame that your face is dour as always, Izuru-kun.”
“I do not see why our class excites you so,” Kamukura replied drearily. “They are all the same. Wretched and clingy. If it were not for the Class Rep, they would be utterly directionless. And...”
They are not kind to you.
“Doesn’t that just make the Class Rep even better?” his childhood friend asks, eyes wide. “Oh, Izuru-kun, you really should be more open to her. You likely won’t regret it.”
“Boring. So boring.” Kamukura’s gaze flickers to one where the entire class is posing and grinning. All of them save for two. Himself, as he was the one to take the picture. And save for his childhood friend, who had been out sick. This picture is their teacher’s favorite. “I could not be less interested, especially in regards to someone so narrow-minded.”
“Spoken like a shallow cynic,” the other sighs. “Izuru-kun, for a symbol of hope, despite being so incredible and splendid in your own right, you really are disappointing...”
There is nothing to say to that.
“Is there really nothing at Hope’s Peak that peaks your interest?”
There was still nothing to say.
“Ahhh. You might just be hopeless, then. How sad. That’s so horrible... Izuru-kun...”
Is it really hopelessness? Is it really horrible? Is it really—?
“Nagito.” It does not matter. He does not care. Not about any of that. “How are you feeling?”
He places his hand over Nagito’s flushed forehead, noting how his childhood friend’s wretched, wan cheeks darken from a rising blush.
“You are still feverish. I see.”
Nagito coughs so much that his eyes are watery. He manages to regain himself after Kamukura rubs his back.
“Aha. Hahaha. It’s not like it really matters. I’m still suspended,” he says, smile twisted. “Izuru-kun, seriously. Your school life is going to waste the longer you bother with me. Sensei wouldn’t like that.”
You always say such things. As if such matters concerned me at all. They do not.
All these years and you still don’t understand, Nagito?
“Boring. So boring. I have nothing better to do than tend to you, Nagito.”
“Aw, that’s definitely not true... Flatterer...” Nagito’s giggle is wheezy, painful, and anything but endearing. “You should be leading the world’s future with everyone else, Izuru-kun. You should be generating the Ultimate Hope.”
“Boring. So boring.”
He thinks about how easy it would be to twist his childhood friend’s thin, delicate neck where there had once been scars from rope.
This person who talks of the future is someone who draws closer and closer to death, both willingly and inevitably.
“It’s booooooring, isn’t it?”
“Upupupupu. Senpai, despite that stoicism, you’re actually pretty easy to read, too.”
“You hate it, don’t you? This world. This place. That’s why you can’t even be bothered to perk up a little. You’re so gloomy. It’s so sad. So...despairing!”
“Senpai, we’re the same, aren’t we?”
Her arms lock around his own, and she presses up close.
“Aren’t we?”
“It really is a shame.”
“Such a tragedy.”
“What a waste.”
“What a horrible thing to happen.”
“It’s unfortunate. But...”
“...what’s going to be done about the child? Komaeda-san and his wife don’t have any relatives, do they?”
The chattering was obnoxious, especially when done in pseudo quiet whispers. The only one truly quiet because they truly did not want to be heard was Komaeda Nagito, sobbing softly behind the building.
He doesn’t even notice when he’s being approached. He’s curled into a ball. He’s trembling. He’s crying after hours of blankly nodding and acknowledging every adult who attended the funeral. He does stir when poked in the shoulder, but tears continue to spill over as his breath hitches.
“I...I... Izuru-kun...”
His face is frankly disgusting. Swollen and leaking from every orifice save for those reddened ears. The red-brown strands are stuck to his skin, damp from various fluids. It’s disgusting.
He sits beside him, staring up at him. Nagito’s disgusting face buries itself in his shoulder.
“I-I’m sorry... I-I’m so...sorry...”
Without really thinking, his fingers run through those red-brown strands. The ones that are dry are also soft to the touch. It’s not unpleasant, unlike everything else.
“Izuru-kun... U-Uu... S-Sorry...”
“It is fine.”
His parents had them interact in order to impress Nagito’s parents. Now, to continue interacting was utterly unnecessary.
And yet, he had no desire to be anywhere else besides the side of this person who clearly, truly needed him. Not for any particular reason than for the general, instinctual desire for companionship.
“It’s fine, Nagito.”
“It’s so boooooring,” she sighs. “And exhausting. Watching a bunch of needy self-serving fucks tail each other. It really makes me so sick that I could just throooow up!”
She’s pressing into his side. She reeks of sickeningly sweet strawberries. He inwardly thinks of Nagito, who just smelled of sterile hospital rooms and soap. These two are nothing alike. It goes without saying that Nagito’s presence is preferred.
Nagito would not cling to him like this. Not anymore. Not when he’s been deemed a disappointment.
“Don’t you wanna see it burn to the ground?” she asks. “Wouldn’t it be way fucking better if everything just burned to the fucking ground?”
He thinks of how Nagito’s eyes had sparkled when they gazed upon this school for the first time. How his pale hands tightly gripped his acceptance letter. How his knees quaked and bucked.
Nagito had not always cared so much about talent. This wretched place ruined him. So, perhaps.
“Perhaps that would be better,” he murmured. “If it was just reduced to ash.”
It would not make much of a difference, that said. Hope’s Peak Academy was emblematic of the world’s follies and frivolities, but it was merely the refined product. Burning the campus to the ground would not dissipate the poison already sunken into the earth.
But it would be damn satisfying.
Wouldn’t it.
Especially with how this school had affected his Nagito and warped him for the worst.
Her smile is a knowing one. He does not return it.
She gives him another knowing smile when he sees her latched onto a certain Tsumiki Mikan’s arm in passing. He does not return that, either.
“Has Junko been harassing you?”
He twitches, but his expression remains unchanged.
“It is but a minor trifle, Matsuda Yasuke.”
Matsuda’s look darkens, but he shrugs his shoulders over it.
“If you say so. But don’t let her hear you say that.”
“It does not matter. Nothing she does will ever matter to me, Matsuda Yasuke.”
“Sure, sure.” He waves his hand. “But you have been in a worse fucking mood lately. More agitated. You’re usually somewhat complacent so what the hell’s your problem?”
“...nothing. Nothing at all.”
Matsuda, predictably, looks unimpressed.
“Sure. Nothing. Komaeda’s suspension is going to end pretty soon, huh?”
“Yes. It is.”
“Tell him to come visit me right away, will you? Dumbass still doesn’t have a cell phone, so...”
“I will. Of course. You are his doctor, after all.” He speaks the words lowly. “So of course. I will.”
Matsuda snorted, averting his gaze back to the open manga in his hand.
“No need to be such a bitch about it. I swear.” A pause. “You really, really should stay away from Junko. With how irritable you’ve been? She’ll get under your skin big time.”
“But, you know.” Matsuda flips the page. “She’s actually told me about how you more or less let her chat your fucking ear off. That’s curious.” He shuts the book. “Stay the hell away from her. For your own sake.”
“...” Kamukura tilts his head. “What an odd thing to say about your childhood friend.”
“I mean it,” he hissed. “It’d be a pain in the fucking ass if you got caught up in one of her schemes. If not for yourself, don’t get involved in something dumb for Komaeda’s sake.”
He does not dislike Matsuda Yasuke, not truly. Of all other elite students, himself excluded, he is one of the very few who tolerates and even indulgences Nagito’s rambles. Nagito especially adores Matsuda Yasuke, even compared to his adoration for all elite students. He does not dislike him, for that. He understands the kind of person Matsuda Yasuke is, and on some level, he does appreciate it.
Matsuda Yasuke is not the type to bring up sentimental matters lightly. He knows this. That said.
That said.
“She is not wrong about every little thing she says,” Kamukura finds himself saying. “Not when it comes to Hope’s Peak.”
You are not spared from any of that, kind as you may be. You’re complacent.
You have no right to talk about what’s best for Nagito when you’re complacent.
“Kamukura,” Matsuda responds warningly. “Look, I’m serious...”
“You bore me. I have no interest in furthering this conversation.”
“Urgh.” Matsuda rolled his eyes. “Fine. But don’t say I didn’t fucking warn you.”
From someone like you, I really don’t need to hear it.
Truth be told, he’s never much cared for Hope’s Peak from the start.
Perhaps that’s privileged of him. But it was how he felt. It had always been how he felt.
Especially back then. And especially when ‘back then’ had to change because of it.
“Kamukura Izuru-kun, was it? That’s a pretty interesting name. How do you spell it?”
“Is there something you want?”
“Testy, testy.” The man smiles wryly, tugging down his hat. “I’ve heard things about you. So I decided to size you up for myself. Nothing wrong with that, riiiight?”
Of course, he had already known who this person was. Everyone did. To be approached was an experience most could only dream of. He is aware of the fact that his classmates both admire and resent him, and this will only fester those feelings further.
But it’s not those menial nobodies he’s concerned about.
“Hm. You seem to have a lot on your mind, kid,” the man hummed.
“You seem slightly buzzed,” Kamukura retorted. “Your collar is wrinkled, there are stains on your shirt that you have poorly hidden behind your jacket, your face is not consistently shaven. You keep tugging down your hat because you are nervous, even though your smile is so plastered that you must have been in this situation several times over already. Are you really a representative of Hope’s Peak Academy...? It seems the school is more stressful than paradisiacal if you’re any indication. Kizakura-san, was it?”
“Yep.” Kizakura’s grin widened as he held up a hand. “That’s me. And no doubt about it, you’re the real deal.”
Real deal. As if talent is something you can fake.
“With all due respect, I have no interest in enrolling,” he said. “My childhood friend is sickly and susceptible. I have no intention of leaving him to the world’s mercy.”
Nagito suffers enough as it is. But... Once he hears about this...
“I would like for you to report that I am not what you had assumed, that you were disappointed,” he said, lowly so that no one else would hear. “I am not a desirable addition. Something along those lines.”
Kizakura’s grin twisted.
“You don’t want your friend to feel guilty, eh? Remarkably loyal kid, I see.” With that, he pulls out his card. “I can respect that. But, you really do have a place at Hope’s Peak. There’s no one quite like you, Kamukura-kun.”
Adults say that all the time. What boring, worthless words.
“Besides,” Kizakura adds cheekily. “Who knows? That friend of yours might be the winner of the lottery.”
Kamukura takes the card to be polite, nodding and saying nothing more. Even with those words, he had full intention of throwing it away once out of sight.
Of course, once he had the opportunity, it was as if the other had been summoned.
He hides the card expertly, in such a way that even Nagito wouldn’t notice. Nagito, who was flushed with sparkling eyes. Against his paling hair, such features stood out even more.
“I-I heard you were approached by a scout for Hope’s Peak!” he burst out. “Is that really true?”
“It is. But I may not be accepted, Nagito.”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Nagito takes his hands and squeezes them tightly. “Someone as amazing as you? You belong there, Izuru-kun!”
I would rather be by your side above all else, Nagito.
He only sighs.
“We shall see. But please do not concern yourself for now, Nagito.” Nagito’s frown deepens, but he squeaks when Kamukura pulls a hand free to ruffle his hair. “You have not overexerted yourself, have you?”
“Izuru-kun, I’m not five...”
“If you collapse again, it will be worrying.”
“You worry too much...”
“You need to take care, Nagito.”
Yes, regardless of what would happen, he had decided that he would remain by Komaeda Nagito’s side, always.
(And of course, when Nagito showed up on his doorstep, with both an acceptance letter and medical papers in his trembling grip, Kamukura knew his fate was sealed, and after reading through both as Nagito fidgeted anxiously at his table, he resented Hope’s Peak Academy a little more.)
“Yep! It’s pretty damn sickening! How do you think the reserve students keep themselves from rioting, I wonder?”
The reserve course...are ticks. So I do not care for them. They are not like Nagito.
“That saaaaaid, our fellow student body is so carefree that it’s mind-numbingly boring. Just pass the exams and you’re fiiiine, jeez, how’s that supposed to shape them for the future? It’s just going to make them duller and duller. We need spice! Something like—like a burst!”
A burst...perhaps that would be more interesting. As it is, there is a precarious, wretched system in place. One that Nagito is swayed by and fixated on. Something so dreary and cold...
He’s so bored by it.
“More than anything, I want to see the Ultimate Hope spring forth,” Nagito would say.
Under these circumstances? Where the strife and struggles of people are muffled and suffocated while the talented few skirt by with little to no effort? And Nagito thinks I’m disappointing?
“Even if you don’t say anything, I know you agree with me,” she says, chortling. “That’s why you agreed to meet me here, right? This is the old main building. Some students still meet up here for club activities. Right now, we’re going to meet a very particular group.”
Kamukura perks, and he can already guess.
“The student council. They do not strike me as the type to be terribly interested in what you have to say.”
“They’re not,” she said. “Which is why we’re going to play with them another way. Muku-nee should be finished setting things up. I definitely want you to see this, senpai.”
Kamukura blinked, and then, he can viscerally feel the chill brought about by the atmosphere and underlying meaning to her words.
“What are you talking about?”
Enoshima Junko spins around on her heel, and the smile on her face is something that cannot be described any more than the gaping maw of the void.
He can’t help but recall that time in middle school that Nagito had been missing. When he asked around, his classmates shrugged. There were mutters about how maybe he ran away—or maybe ran off to die. He called the police, but was shrugged off by them, as well. He wasn’t Nagito’s family, after all, and maybe he just ran away? What did it matter?
He sees Nagito on the news, and he does not hesitate to rush to the hospital he’s being held at. He is not allowed to see him at that point, either. Brushed off. Disregarded.
When Nagito was released, he did not wait a second before taking him into his arms.
“Sorry,” Nagito mumbled, as if embarrassed. “I’m really, really sorry for worrying you, Izuru-kun. But... Look!” He shows him the lottery ticket in his bone-white grip. “I... I-I won, Izuru-kun! Isn’t that amazing?”
“...I am just glad to see you safe and sound. We should go home, Nagito.”
Nagito giggled, clinging to him as they took the train back. He kept smiling and laughing, grinning wildly as he rambled about what happened. No one would have thought much about it, but the way Nagito’s breath sometimes hitched and wheezed...
“Oh, oh, but sometimes they’d watch TV,” Nagito would say, referring to his kidnapper. “I got to see such a wonderful speech given by Headmaster Kirigiri of Hope’s Peak Academy!”
Nagito’s eyes are sparkling.
“I’m sorry for taking to long to get back to you, though, Izuru-kun,” he added hurriedly. “Um, I wasn’t exactly fed...so I was in pretty bad state when the police finally found me...”
“I just... I didn’t want you to worry, which was why I headed off on my own...but I really, really, really messed that up, Izuru-kun, I’m sorry...”
“B-But it wasn’t so bad! I, um... It’s good, actually...” Nagito trailed off. “If you had been with me that day and if you had been kidnapped as well... That would’ve been the worst. I never would want to drag you down, Izuru-kun.”
“Have you been getting rest, Nagito?”
“A-Actually, I’ve been too agitated to sleep well for a while, but...” Nagito yawns. “For some reason, I’m super drowsy now. Maybe it’s because I’m with Izuru-kun.”
“I will let you know when we reach our stop, so it is alright, Nagito.”
Nagito slumps into his shoulder. His eyelids start to droop. Tenderly, Kamukura strokes his hair. He is paler than before. Frailer than before.
“It is alright, Nagito.”
It was funny. How easily they turned on each other when it started with just one person lashing out. It had been so remarkably easy. So very, very easy.
Enoshima Junko hums as she watches, and he watches as well.
The Ultimates are meant to lead the future, but they’re so easy to misdirect. How pitiful it is. And, yet.
“Pretty entertaining too, am I right?” she asks, grinning widely before gasping. “Oh! Wow! Look at all that blood! Damn, that one was bruuuuutal.”
“How fragile harmony in this world really is,” he murmured. “Well, it is unsurprising.”
And Nagito called them symbols of hope...
He can see how twisted, warped, and wretched these beings tearing each other apart really were. His own lips twist. How deep and effortlessly this display of despair runs.
“Is that excitement, senpai?”
“It is disappointment.”
“So beautiful! So bright! So splendid, so wonderful! You are all just so...”
“Dude just shuuuuut up. No one wants to hear that!”
Nagito’s mouth shuts obediently. With a harsh ‘tch’, their classmate turns away, but he is not the only one who looks upon Nagito with disdain and contempt.
“Komaeda-kun,” their teacher says gently. “The things you say are just a little...”
“Aha. Haha. It’s because I’m trash compared to them. Right, right?”
“Oh, you definitely shouldn’t say that...”
“But isn’t it true?”
“Of course it’s not.”
Kamukura’s eyes narrowed sharply.
“Seriously why does that freak have to be so weird?”
“It’s sooooo creepy!”
“His words are akin to toxic fumes.”
“Komaeda-kun...really is uncomfortable to be around, sometimes...”
“He’s not a bad person, but...”
“He just needs to stay the hell away from us.”
“Sensei. Nidai Nekomaru and Owari Akane are fighting again.”
“Ahhh, I should probably make sure those two don’t wreck anything the gardening club made... This conversation isn’t over, Komaeda-kun!”
“Good luck, sensei.”
She brushes past them, worked up into a huff. He regards her coldly before turning to Nagito. Nagito who seems much more tired than before.
“Aha... Haha, thanks for saving me, Izuru-kun.” He offers a pitiful smile. “Sensei is really kind, isn’t she? But, she...really doesn’t understand...”
“She is willfully ignorant.”
“I wouldn’t go that far...”
“She only speaks to you in regards to how you’re treated. Not the others.”
“Well, it is more my fault, right? I’m so bad at conveying myself... I really am worthless...”
“I understand you fine.” The others are at fault. They are the truly worthless ones. “Right?”
Nagito’s cheeks darken.
“Izuru-kun’s my oldest, dearest, and only friend. That’s for sure.” His smile widens more, but it also strains more. “But, Izuru-kun... Don’t you think you’re too attached to me?”
“I mean,” he inhales. “Compared to the others, I really am a nobody. You shouldn’t limit yourself to me. Um. I’d just be happy to see you happy, Izuru-kun, even if it’s from afar.”
“We’re friends. I just want what’s best for you.”
Time means nothing. It is about effort.
“I only want you, Nagito.”
Nagito sputtered a bit, flustering.
“You really should mature one of these days, Izuru-kun...! You can’t keep saying that!”
What else should I say?
How compared to you, everyone else is akin to insects and murk? How hope means nothing to me so much as the way you light up at the mention of it? How despair, too, is nothing until I see the way your gaze falls as you’re ostracized by people you love and admire time and time again? Those wretched people who fail to appreciate the incredible gift they’re given with zero effort on their part?
“It remains how I feel, Nagito.”
“Geez...” Nagito frowns. “That’s so troubling. Sensei’s right. You should make other friends.”
Other people are nothing. I feel nothing.
In the end, there’s not much to feel. These are, for all intents and purposes, complete strangers who are suffering. Is he really supposed to care?
“...boring...so boring...”
“Awww!” Enoshima whines. “You’re leaving already? There’s still a few left to go!”
“I have seen enough of these nobodies.”
“Nobodies?” She blinks, batting her eyelashes. “Oh, my, senpai, you aren’t suggesting...”
“Take from that what you will,” Kamukura said. “Are you going to stop me?”
“Noooope.” She shakes her head. “I’m happy with the amount of attention you’ve given me thus far, senpai. I hope to engage you more and more down the line. This is the start of a beautiful friendship.”
I only need one friend.
“How much despair do you plan to cause, Enoshima Junko?”
“Enough to throw the whole world into chaos, preferably!”
“My luck works in a very specific pattern, Izuru-kun! Good luck begets bad luck begets good luck begets bad luck begets good luck! So, you really should be more careful around me.”
“Understood. I will be careful.”
“Admittedly, I’m not sure what good luck could balance out the bad luck of losing Izuru-kun, but... You know, Izuru-kun, the more people struggle, the stronger they get...”
“Is that so.”
“I-It is so! What I mean is... You shouldn’t give up regardless of what my bad luck throws at you... You’re an Ultimate, now, so you should be able to overcome any despair and...bring about a bright and shining hope, right?”
“I suppose.”
“Do you understand, Izuru-kun...?”
“Of course I do, Nagito.”
“Good luck with that, I suppose, Enoshima Junko.”
“Aww, thanks!”
With that, he leaves.
There is only one place he can return to.
Because how late in the hour it is, much is obfuscated by darkness, but he knows the code to the door by heart. Even if he did not, he would be able to tell from the buttons that were the most worn under his fingertips. The door is opens. He steps inside, shutting the door behind him and locking it.
Nagito sleeps peacefully, the picture of serenity. Such a contrast to the violent exhibition of before. Nagito sleeps, unknowing and untouched.
He wishes to keep it that way. His childhood friend is one he wants to keep protected. But, above all else...
He wants to keep him close.
So much so that he finds himself crawling into the other’s bed.
“Mmm... Izuru-kun...?”
Nagito stirs from his slumber. He opens his mouth to apologize, but rather than saying the word, he just ends up pressing closer to Nagito’s meager warmth and nuzzles into Nagito’s soft hair.
“W-What...?” Nagito stiffens, but with time, he does relax. His heart is pounding. Kamukura can tell that it’s pounding. “I-Izuru-kun, um... Is something wrong? It’s so late. Why are you here?”
It’s rather ironic, he can’t help but think. I thought of Nagito on death’s doorstep, but it turns out that he is incomparable to a corpse.
Nagito shivers when lips brush against his nape. It’s surprisingly warm. Nagito is warm. He’s especially warm to the touch.
“Izuru-kun...? Did something happen...?”
“It does not matter. Not in the slightest. But allow me to stay here for the night, Nagito.”
“O-Oh. Um... O-Okay...”
Just like this, he can relax with ease. Nagito tense, but he, too, unwinds from careful strokes of his wrists and shoulders.
“It is alright, Nagito.”
“It’s fine.”
When Komaeda finally managed to return to class, the reserve course was rioting and he had heard some awful, wretched, despairing whispers.
Komaeda pushes open the door, heart leaping in his throat, and the only one to greet him is...who else.
“I-Izuru-kun.” He stiffens and then he swallows. “Where is...everyone else?”
“They are out. I volunteered to stay behind, of course, because I knew you were to return today.”
Something feels...wrong.
“Izuru-kun, I heard murmurs of something strange. Of Ultimates...killing each other? For despair? And also...murmurs of other...things...that this school is doing.” Komaeda hesitates, but his childhood friend only draws closer. “Where is the rest of our class? What could they possibly be out doing under these circumstances?”
“They are out because I had them leave.”
Something feels wrong, but it’s Izuru-kun...right?
“Ah. I suppose we should have you visit Matsuda Yasuke.” His cheeks are cupped. Kamukura Izuru’s hands are gentle and warm as always. His gaze, however, seems strange. The tone may not be perceptively different to the untrained ear, but to Komaeda, who has known him for most of his life at this point... “How inconvenient. But I do think he would be rather busy at this moment.”
“I... I don’t really want to bother Matsuda-kun.” I’m more worried about other things. “Sensei, too? Where is she?”
“Nagito, what would you say marks a true hope?”
Komaeda snapped up at that.
“An absolute good,” he answered immediately. “Something that overcomes any darkness or despair and engulfs the world in a dazzling, blinding light. Something that only grows stronger and blooms more beautifully in the face of adversity.”
“Adversity. So if one is unchallenged, they are not true hope.”
“Pushing forward in spite of obstacles or hindrances is part of being human,” Komaeda found himself murmuring, now self-conscious of the way Izuru’s thumbs traced his cheeks. “I’ve told you all this before. Why do you ask? Is this because of the reserves rioting?”
...rioting because...of ridiculous audacious things that couldn’t possibly be true...right?
“That’s a good thing, isn’t it? Adversity to overcome.” Izuru tugs him forward, letting him see out the window. “Obstacles and hindrances. Let us see how others will persevere. That might be interesting, for the ground beneath the Ultimates to crumble and for them to still crawl out on top over the withering masses.”
“Symbols of hope...would never lose to deception and despair.” Komaeda shivered. “These impertinent beings are but mere stepping stones... They’re also being misled. How miserable...despairing... They could never ever reach hope like this. Not that they were capable from the start...”
“Despair. Hope.” Izuru exhaled. “So boring. But it might be something you want to see, Nagito. And that is all I care for.”
“Izuru-kun...” Komaeda grimaced, and squeezed his eyes shut. “You haven’t...fallen into despair, have you?”
“Nothing about me has changed, Nagito.”
Izuru takes his hand, and he squeezes.
“Nothing at all.”
Trembling, Komaeda squeezes back.
24 notes · View notes
ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 6 - My Will, Our Will (7)
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A new challenger has appeared!
Trial: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
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Being on the other side of Shuichi’s glare and pointer finger is terrifying and now I’m understanding why all the culprits and others start freaking out so much. 8′D
Also, ooooh there it is, oh there’s Clair de Lune, i’mnotcryingyou’recrying
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A hope that requires two of their classmates to die... that’s the definition of ‘hope’ that was forced on them. K1-b0 is happy as long as he’s opposing despair - but Shuichi isn’t. I.... I think I understand what he’s saying.
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“S-Seriously Shuichi, I really don’t get a chance to be cool very often and you’re really stealing my thunder -”
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“You, uh, remember that my name is pronounced ‘Kii-bo’ too, right - ?”
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The music is continuing?!?! We’re using Clair de Lune the whole way through?? Man this is making even more of an impact than them playing the opening music - because there’s no triumph to be found here.
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He seems so betrayed! S-Sweetcheeks, we really need to finish his last FTE when this is all over!
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Oh..... oh....... oooooooh -
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Shuichi why would you say something so controversial yet so brave -
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mmm also look at my sweet v-counter skills guys -
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It’s not some great overwhelming force of nature, or some grand enemy to be conquered, something that can be easily shoved into a defining box! It’s a feeling, like anything else! And sure, despair is considered ‘the dark side’, but are we just going to let them also define hope for us?
also. ALSO.
THESE COMMENTS. THESE COMMENTS. I-I can’t stop collecting them -
No, that’s wrong!
What are you saying, hat boy? i might steal ‘hat boy’ that’s really good
Can’t say anything now, scrub
He’s not wearing a hat anymore. THE COMMENTER CORRECTED THE OTHER ONE GFGH
What if Shuichi is the mastermind? girl where have you been for the last hour -
I wonder who’s going to live.
Hope always comes in waves.
You’re slipping up, detective.
hurry up and vote
Show me hope.
There’s hope because there’s despair.
Suck it, hope
Keebo’s not gonna lose!
Keebo is hope...
and hope lives on!
Shuichi is the cycle of despair?
Things are getting interesting.
The fight’s just started!
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The endorphin rush they get when, despite all odds, the good guys win over the bad guys, reaffirming that ‘good’ always overcomes ‘evil’....
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Or worse yet, they revel in it, because to paraphrase a certain someone, ‘they’ll use these tragedies to shine even brighter.’ Watching someone rise above adversity and come out the other side even stronger is inspiring. For the same reason that we enjoy playing the games and cheering the survivors on when Junko or whoever is ultimately defeated in the end, this audience eats up every round of the killing game. They can enjoy that with the privilege granted by being able to observe it from the outside, just like us. But strip that layer away, and -
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I’m sorry, excuse me?
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What’s with that look, Tsumugi? Is it because Shuichi wasn’t actually supposed to fight for despair? Or was the idea that he would be cheered on/convinced by K1-b0, the same way that Naegi convinced the others in the first game?
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Th.... The music..... stopped....
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oh man maybe Tsumugi can hear the music cues. Maybe she realizes Shuichi is onto something. now I’m imagining every time the music shifts Tsumugi’s the only one aware of it, and she’s also the only one reacting appropriately to it ffhg
Also, I assumed that the punishment was execution... but was... was that the mental trap???
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Why wouldn’t there be?! They’re being ‘sacrificed’, aren’t they?!?!
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Everything would make sense -
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Oooh! Ooh - ! Is - is that what it is, then?!
Jeez, it’s super interesting to be in K1-b0′s POV for this - especially with Shuichi being the one asking us questions. Being in his POV before meant he never had the opportunity to really use leading questions like this, which really lends him an unexpected air of authority. Unexpected but earned, mind you...
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You continue the cycle....
Oh, poor, poor Rantaro -
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Did he have the same options laid out for him? Or did he know that he would be choosing to repeat the game? He still had the determination to end the killing game.. so was that left over from his last game’s iteration? How many times has he repeated it? For that matter, how long has he been in holding while they gathered new people??? I swear that one commenter said they had waited 3 years, so???? Rantaro how old are you?? 
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Was there only one person made into a sacrifice, or two like last game? .... side-eyes K1-b0 and Tsumugi -
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Does... that mean Tsumugi was the mastermind last game too, or....
Also Maki as the Ultimate Survivor would absolutely tear things up. They’d have to pull another stunt like they did with Rantaro if they wanted her out of the game. She definitely has the fitness and demeanour to survive, unless she snaps on someone like she did on Kokichi in Chapter 5.
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Just like Kokichi did, Shuichi is going to try and attack the game itself. His name really hasn’t come up since the motive video reveal, but I’d like to think that this strategy was inspired by his Chapter 5 plan.
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What an interesting set of characters to represent despair winning. First we have Izuru, being all disdainful of their choice and mocking him with the word ‘boring’ - very much his thing, but also reminiscent of Kokichi. In fact, I suppose the despair option is very similar to the stalemate situation Kokichi installed when he was pretending to be the mastermind!
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Then Celestia. She’s not a people-pleasing person. So why her? Thinking back, she was one of the most desperate to escape, despite hiding it... so maybe this is Tsumugi ‘showing’, not telling, that she isn’t happy with them choosing the despair option?
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And then the hope fanboy... basically telling them that despair is the inferior option, but couching it in positive language. Passive-aggressively pushing them towards the actual answer (s)he wants - very on point for him.
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Is it really okay to pass the buck like that?
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In perpetuity...
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I..... I don’t have an answer for that.
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It does... sort of suck that he’s singling out those two in his speech, because it can feel like he’s being dismissive of everyone else - but I don’t think that’s true. He definitely appreciates the losses of everyone else, but those two were the ones that hit him hardest.
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of course it’s bloody Komaeda over there having the time of his life during this speech
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First of all - how strange is it that there are only a few people who look like they aren’t in excruciating pain right now. Rantaro’s face can’t be seen, Angie, Ryoma and Tenko look like they’re sleeping, and Kaito is smiling....
And - ah, Kokichi can’t even be seen. But there ‘he’ is, with his own section in this collage - I guess that third ‘body discovery’ we had in chapter 3 was the closest we would ever get to something real, huh? Poor guy...
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“You said I’d be fighting the entire world, Tsumugi? Fine by me! Meet me behind the school after the trial!”
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“S-Shuichi that’s a lot of people -”
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That’s... true. There is a mental barrier that is hard to cross, especially if they’ve all conditioned themselves to accept real people dying for their own entertainment.
Also there are new comments, which means I am obligated to transcribe them.  Most of them is the audience turning on Shuichi, damn. Okay, here it goes:
Forget about Shuichi
You’re in despair, right?
show me the despair ending
it’s okay to feel despair sometimes... THANK YOU ANON COMMENTER
Why have we been doing this...?
Hope doesn’t turn back!
The big reveal, at last
And it was just getting interesting.
We’re the mastermind.
Are they blaming us?
hurry up and refute it
C’mon, Keebo! Attack!
Force hope through.
something’s different right?
C’mon Keebo!
No, that’s wrong!
No, that’s wrong!
What’s going to happen?
mmm... Shuichi’s eyes ^q^ SWEETCHI97 STRIKES AGAIN
What are you saying, detective?
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Oh!!! Oh shit!!! Shuichi you brilliant bastard!!!
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“Thank god - I mean, let’s be honest, we all knew this was coming - uh, I mean -”
Actually though, how depressing. So many times we’ve talked about ‘reasons to live’, and later on, reasons to die, and lo and behold here we are, at the end of everything...
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Shuichi’s learned from the best, Kokichi Ouma - sometimes, death is just a means to an end, and that end is usually flipping someone off.
Random thought - isn’t it interesting that Shuichi is the ‘lone man against everyone’ while Tsumugi, the final boss, is the one ‘acting on behalf of everyone’? When Naegi was trying to rally everyone on his side, they had known at that point that people had been fighting and dying to rescue them. For Hajime and the others, they had the defected Future Foundation members who had risked their own safety to come in and rescue them, and even had Nanami reach out to him. Shuichi, though... Shuichi came to this conclusion on his own, with everyone either against him or swept up in the narrative.
He told Kokichi at the end of Chapter 4 that ‘he was alone, and always would be’. But maybe... that’s not such a bad thing. Maybe Shuichi needed to be alone to have that clarity of thought, and to come up with a way to ‘end everything’. Anyway, it’s just an unexpected parallel I thought of - m-maybe I’m just inserting endgame Kokichi and Kaito thoughts here because the game didn’t. Whoops
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It’s not your own will. 8c
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Can you fight it? Do you have the ability to fight it? The strength of will?
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I love Monokuma’s priorities.
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omg we only have hope as a bullet
And all the noise says hope
Also Shuichi is dominating it too, holy shit! This strength in his voice is super inspiring!
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thank you for bringing back angry Hanamura it’s still one of my favourite things from the second game
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Ohoho I see what you did there with that line ~
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i’m sorry I was just curious about the fluff text
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“That’s redundant btw - I can read the comments just like the rest of you, and they literally are not shutting up about how much they want hope to win.”
speaking of which
What are you doing, Keebo?
Don’t give up hope!
Hope! Hope! Hope!
Please side with hope.
1 vote for hope!
I bet the mastermind is shocked. lol
Hurry up and show me hope.
Hope counter!
show us maki roll! oh hey she has fans too!
it’s unanimous hope.
Hope hasn’t lost yet.
Defeat despair!
cmon it’s hope again! right?
I’m routing for despair so *shrugs*
I got 10 bucks riding on hope. that’s it? weak
I’m on the side of hope, so...
I wanna break Shuichi’s fingers <3 SWEETCHI97 WHO HURT YOU
Huh? It’s hope?
So... So wow, even most of the people talking about wanting despair really did want the hope ending in the end. Shuichi read them like open books.
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This - this is why you’re the Ultimate Robot. Forget the upgrades - the ability to learn, grow, adapt and choose your own path is another part of your strength!
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WE.... WE’RE LOSING HIS POV..... We’re losing his POV?!?!
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Yeah??? You wanna expand on that???
T-Though I mean, they said they’re happy to let themselves die via no vote so exactly what can they do anyway? At the end of the day, they’re viewers, right? Relegated to an observational role. Powerful and untouchable.... but in turn, that separation of realities means what’s left of the class can’t be hurt by them, either.
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Tsumugi he literally said he’s fine with dying. Exactly what can you threaten him with here???
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How is it that after all of this, Shuichi is still unable to fight for himself? Maybe I should amend what I said before - he is fighting for other people. They just... well, they don’t know it yet. He’s fighting to prevent future victims, and he’s trading his own life to protect them. I guess in a sense he is fighting something ‘greater than himself’ like Naegi did, but even he had ‘hope that he and his friends would survive with a happy ending’. This is... completely the opposite of that.
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And we’re back in his POV!
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Oh man she is not happy about this. Not at all.
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Hey? Hey Shuichi? What - what the fuck does that mean? You were going to end it all right then? Mid-trial? Excuse me what the hell did you take poison with you to the trial or something -
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Oh - oh. I just realized. This... This was bloody foreshadowed, way back in Chapter 1 with the escape tunnel. With Kokichi’s speech to Kaede, about how she technically had the moral high ground when she was doing all the classic ‘we can’t give up here!’ encouragement, we got to see firsthand hope being weaponized against us. It was right there.
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Of course they have Naegi pleading for hope here
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He’s just talking over her omfg
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You trivialized their lives in the first place and now they’re supposed to consider them sacred?!
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It’s literally the only thing that still wholly belongs to them, so what other choice do they have???
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Wait what is happening -
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i can’t believe she was a slytherin this whole time
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I’m quietly relieved that she doesn’t ‘nyeh’ in her internal monologue
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this might be worse than nihilism - at least you weren’t able to use that
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How interesting to have him fighting us (along with Sakura and Peko for that matter, the former who literally threw away her life for her classmates and the latter who treated her life as a tool for Fuyuhiko). This was his philosophy and motive of his trial, but he also chose to be the killer and used his life as a means to save the rest of his class, right? Tsumugi, what are you trying to pull here?
Though I guess the whole point was that they were all trying to help the others survive, and Shuichi is getting the whole class to kamikaze themselves so...
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Damn, she didn’t take much convincing at all. It’s nice that she’s repping both Tenko and Angie here. 8′)
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FUCK YEAH WE NAILED THIS HIMIKO! We work well together, who knew!
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Himiko is so well-spoken here. And to think that she was the first to follow in Shuichi’s footsteps - I really thought it would be Maki. Good on you, Himiko.
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lmao that segway - Alright, now it’s Maki time, right?
also Tsumugi why would you phrase it in a way to piss off Maki like damn seriously??
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“No seriously why would you just call me out like that.”
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okay she has a point actually
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Never forget that we are in a class trial where almost all of the survivors are introverts who prefer their emotions on the inside.
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Her... internal dialogue is so interesting and immediately comes off as different from Shuichi’s, Himiko’s and K1-b0′s. It seems... angrier, maybe. Is that it? Or maybe it’s all the red lines that makes it seem that way...
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This whole line of her entire self being at the whim of someone else’s writing seems to be targeted at her more-so than the others because she’s already struggled with the idea that she’s had no choices in her life, and that she’s always been a weapon to be used by others. Actually, that’s probably why this hits so hard - she thought she was developing feelings on her own and making a choice to fight to defend him, and the idea of even that being taken away from her...
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“I have love, but more importantly SPITE ON MY SIDE!!!”
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hsdfjgh no don’t pan over the Kaito portrait w h y my heart
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Angry Mikan is still as terrifying as she was in SDR2!
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As an aside, I don’t know why Hagakure repeatedly showing up is so funny to me - I swear he’s been used more than the others? I-Is he secretly Tsumugi’s favourite character? is it because he’s also older than everyone else and she finds that thought comforting -
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“I won’t go far as saying I don’t want to die mind you, but I’m surprisingly neutral on the subject!”
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If Tsumugi’s ‘everyone’ who she’s fighting for is the living, then the ‘everyone’ Shuichi is fighting for is the dead...
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Even if it’s fiction - it’s their reality. Expecting them to understand that because it’s someone else’s fiction... that’s just not fair, is it?
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Sweetcheeks has an uphill battle to fight, but to have a second class revolt in a single game....
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That’s... that’s it. I think we’ve done it. They’ve finally done it! They were able to turn it around after all!
34 notes · View notes
celegiri-celesgiri · 6 years
How did Celes and Kyouko meet Kotoko? And what did she think about them?
Ah, I’m glad you asked! Here’s an excerpt from a fic I’ve been working on this past year. It’s set in the Celes Lives AU, of course.
Celes watched her friends follow after the little devil-haired boy and she hummed in thought before turning back to Kotoko. Komaru noticed she wasn’t following and looked back.“Hey, Celes?” she called. “Aren’t you coming?”
“I will,” the Lolita murmured. “You two get a head start. I just want to talk to this one for a bit.”
“Don’t you dare think about hurting her!” Nagisa snarled, doubling back immediately.
Celes looked down at him and blinked slowly. “Even if that were my intention, what position would you be in to stop me?”
“I’m leader of the Warriors of Hope-!”
“A made-up organization set on a ridiculous goal that would lead to having no people in this town within a few years.” Celes glared at him. “Therefore, if you wish to continue your suicide mission, I suggest you get to escorting those two out. I only want a quick word with Kotoko and I will follow.”
Nagisa gritted his teeth, but turned on his heel and stormed toward the exit. Komaru and Touko paused to glance at Celes before following him. Celes huffed and turned to Kotoko. She surveyed the little girl for a few moments and sighed.
“Look at yourself,” she grumbled, her voice softer than before. “Soaked in water as you are, your hair will take quite some time to comb. And what young lady goes around showing her underwear so freely? Honestly.” Kotoko looked up at her in shock and Celes smiled. “I take it my voice caught you by surprise?”
“Y-your accent is, uh…gone…” Kotoko blinked in surprise.
“Yes, well, you’re not the only one who takes on different personas,” Celes smirked. “After all, you’re not the only actor in the world. And…certainly not the only one to have gone through terrible things…”
Kotoko stared at this woman, decked in the darkest clothing she’d ever seen anyone wear. What could this woman possibly mean? Kotoko knew she wasn’t the only actor ever, but that didn’t mean she didn’t hurt. So, what could this woman mean by what she’s saying?
Celes leaned down and pushed a sopping lock of hair behind Kotoko’s ear. “Believe it or not, I’m not a bad person, even though I’m an actress, just like you. When people act, I’ve come to understand that they’re doing so to hide their own pain, you know that?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kotoko mumbled, lowering her eyes.
“This entire display, the one you’ve been putting on since we met, leads me to believe otherwise.” Celes knelt down so she could look Kotoko in the eyes. “And you know you can ask for help, right?”
The pink-haired girl shook her head, water gathering in her eyes. “No, I can’t!” she snapped. “I asked for help all the time and no one… no one saved me… No one but Big Sis Junko cared!”
“You weren’t asking the correct adults,” Celes whispered gently. “You and your friends aren’t entirely wrong. Not all adults are good people. Plenty of them are terrible people acting as if they’re good. However… there are good people, real people who want to help you. Junko Enoshima was not one of those people. She used you,just as she used me and my friends.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Kotoko shouted. “Big Sis Junko took us away from our terrible parents! She gave us the freedom to kill them and get away!”
“What she should have done, though, is take you to parents who cared about you and would take care of you the way you needed.” Red eyes held pink. “If she truly cared about you, she wouldn’t have let you end up like this. She would have taken you to people who could help you, who would have done terrible things to your parents without you ever having to spill a single drop of blood. She used you and led you astray and that’s just as bad as anything any of your parents have done to you.”
Kotoko glared at this woman, dressed all in black, who was telling her the only person she thought cared about her had used her. Kotoko didn’t know what to believe anymore, honestly. Those Monokuma kids had nearly attacked her, then these adults had saved her even after she tried to kill them, and now she was finding out that her adopted big sister may possibly have used her the entire time. Nothing made sense anymore.
A finger tapped under her chin and pink eyes rose to find a smile, a real one, shining back at her. “I know it goes against your ideals,” Celes began softly. “But, if you want, I can take you to someone who understands your pain.I can take you and all of your friends away from this place, away from any of this pain, and my friends and I can help you begin to heal. You and I aren’t the only people I know who cover their pain.
“The Future Foundation is avast group, even in this world of despair we live in. I can take that friend of yours, Jataro or whatever, to someone who will appreciate the way he looks and encourage him. Your friend Nagisa seems like the type of child my friend Byakuya would love to have as the next Togami heir. I’m not sure if there are others, but I’m sure I can find a place for all of them.”
“W-what about me?” Kotoko didn’t want to admit it, but she was really starting to like the way this woman was talking. And the red eyes had remained open. While the woman had been acting, she kept her eyes closed or she wouldn’t look at anyone directly, but now her eyes were focused on Kotoko and she was telling the truth. She reminded Kotoko of the gamblers her father occasionally brought home before her mother decided to take her to market.
Celes blinked and gave a wide smile. “While I would not at all mind taking you with me, I’m more than willing to let you choose who will take care of you from now on. And I will have my partner do a background check on them so we can make sure they won’t hurt you. Is that fair?”
Kotoko bit her lip and looked down at the water gathering at her feet. It sounded so nice, being able to move passed what had happened to her here. She would love nothing more than to leave her past behind and keep going forward. However, Kotoko didn’t know if this woman was really telling the truth or not. She couldn’t afford to trust another adult who would just use her.
Movement in front of her drew the tiny actress’ attention. Celes stood and her false smile was back in place. “Well, you don’t have to decide right now, you know.” The accent had returned as well. “It’s your decision, but I have a feeling I will be here fora while, so you have plenty of time to think about it, okay?”
“And don’t forget what I said,” Celes murmured, dropping her accent for just a moment. “I can help your friends, too. You all don’t have to suffer your pain without support anymore.”And just like that, the act was back. “Well, I should go! Your friend Nagisa will be expecting me to follow. I hope to see you soon, Kotoko.”
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the-apocryphal-one · 6 years
More than a Waifu: or, an analysis on Chiaki
This was typed up for a thing over on reddit, and I decided to share it here because I already put several hours into it, no sense letting it go to waste, right? Basically, it’s an analysis on Chiaki (both of them) and why she’s an interesting and relatable character, beyond mere “waifu bait”, as she is sometimes derogatorily called.
I’m aware DR3 doesn’t have the best reputation among the fanbase, but I still think covering the Chiaki there is important for understanding AI Chiaki, and I genuinely like her. So, let’s start:
Chiaki in DR3:
We’re introduced to Chiaki Nanami in the first episode when she literally bumps into Hajime while playing her game. After a couple seconds, she mumbles that she’s okay and is ready to move on with her life when he asks if she’s playing Gala Omega. Her blank demeanor changes and she becomes super excited, talking about how it’s such a classic and asking him how many times he’s played it as she gets up in his face. At this moment, Chisa arrives to pick her up, and before she leaves, Chiaki tells Hajime she thinks having a talent isn’t a big deal—“all I have are games”, while he can “go anywhere and become anything”.
An intro should establish some character traits, and this does a good job—she’s into games, she’s got some social awkwardness issues (not noticing she’s literally walked into someone or that he’s holding his hands up when she enters his personal space), she’s kind, and she doesn’t think much of herself or her talent. She’s also got some cute, romantically-lit moments with Hajime, establishing herself as #1 love interest candidate and a potential friend/emotional support.
Over the course of DR3, she has an arc where she grows from loner to class rep (and no she did not do this in less than a day, there’s mention of multiple lunches or classes, so it took her several to put everything together), becoming the heart of Class 77 and bringing them all together. She doesn’t do this on her own, however, because she feels that she can’t make friends with games—it takes Chisa’s encouragement to get her to try, and later Chisa’s pushing and nomination for her to actually accept the class rep position. She also, as expected, becomes Hajime’s friend at Hope’s Peak, reassuring him whenever he dwells on his lack of talent. Unfortunately, she’s not able to do enough to help him, and after he gets beaten down by Juzo Sakakura in Episode 3, he goes through with the Kamukura Project, disappearing for a whole year.
Episodes 4-7 don’t show us much of Chiaki, probably because they’re very focused on first Nagito, then Junko, Ryota, and Izuru. When we do see her, she’s usually looking sad, playing a game as she waits at their old haunts. I have my grips with this section because Episode 4 should have had more focus on Class 77’s reaction to Twilight Syndrome, to say nothing of how the six-month timeskip in Episode 5 should have been an episode of itself, because that would have been a great time to show more of her leadership growth. The qualities exist, but like almost everything else, they’re brushed over. Her waiting around does, however, indicate she’s very attached to Hajime and either very patient, clingy, or both, which makes sense—her various comments in Episode 1 indicate she had no friends before HPA, and he was the first one she made.
Anyway, after Episode 7 and the Tragedy of Hope’s Peak Academy, the Reserve Course starts parading, Mikan goes missing, and to top it off, it’s raining. Nagito makes his return from his year-long suspension, telling everyone he saw Mikan on the grounds, and they all split up to look for him—Chiaki going with Nagito. They stumble across the real Ryota Mitarai and Junko Enoshima, where Nagito reveals that he plans to kill her so she can be a stepping stone for hope. Chiaki protests at the idea of killing anyone, but its all moot as Nagito spends too long on speeches and Izuru comes in and shoots him. Chiaki recognizes Izuru as Hajime, but he doesn’t recognize her, and while they’re holding gazes, Chisa comes in to rescue them! But she stays behind to cover their escape. So Chiaki half-carries Nagito back to their class, where she rallies them together to go back and save their teacher and Hajime! And here is where everything goes downhill for her, because of her.
First, let’s just start with the fact that she didn’t tell anyone where they were going, or even leave this to the authorities. We know they have cell phones, we see her using hers as a light, and we know there are police. Hell, someone should have stayed behind with Nagito, who is half-conscious and just got shot in the chest—probably Mikan since she’s the nurse. Nobody in Class 77 thinks of this, but I hold Chiaki the most accountable since she’s their leader. She was warned several times—first by Chisa herself telling her to leave, then by Peko coming in injured from her fight with Mukuro, and then by Nagito Komaeda telling them to give up (and while he says he was testing her, she has no way of knowing that at the time)—and she still charged in, without a real plan and without a way out if things went wrong. She genuinely believed they could do this, that the power of their bonds as a class would triumph and save the day like in one of her video games. So no need for planning, right? Wrong.
Her attempted rescue goes exactly as well as you’d expect—Junko outplays them, separates Chiaki from the group, traps her in a dungeon, and then brutally tortures her to death while making Class 77 watch. It’s still really sad two years later and I’m not going to cover everything she goes through, but even here she still shows her grit and determination as she struggles on through a lot of wounds to make it to the end. Which is a trap, of course, and she’s impaled several times over. With that, Junko successfully brainwashes Class 77 into despair—which is a sticky issue among the franchise, and one I’m not gonna get into more than to point out that it was a combination of the brainwashing and the death that made them Ultimate Despair; Chiaki’s death on its own wouldn’t have worked.
Izuru comes in to talk to her, at which point she starts crying as she talks about how she regrets not being able to help anyone, how she doesn’t want to die, and how she just wanted to play games with him again. After she stops moving, he then picks up her hairpin and cries too, and is seen carrying it around with him after. It’s been established multiple times in Dangan Ronpa that people who lose their memories still carry feelings; Ryoko is still in love with Yasuke, Toko and Genocider both share their feelings for Byakuya and friendship for Komaru, and both the DR and SDR2 casts reform their bonds very quickly. So Izuru retaining Hajime’s feelings for Chiaki follows the series’ trend.
That’s pretty much the end of her story, except for two things—one, her struggle, speech, and death motivate Izuru to examine hope as something that could bring unpredictability into his life, which is why he masterminds the Killing School Trip. And two, in said Killing School Trip, there’s an AI who scans the patients’ memories so it can form their ideal person. As it happens, the entire class had an ideal person in mind, leading to…
AI Chiaki:
AI Chiaki stays in the background for most of the prologue—she doesn’t make herself a huge presence, like the Imposter or Nagito. Hajime’s introduction to her is similar to her DR3 counterpart, in that she’s gaming and there are some long pauses where she doesn’t respond, but it’s also relatively different. For one, she starts to nod off near the end of the conversation, and for another she stays relatively calm all throughout it. I mention this because while she’s based off human!Chiaki, she’s not the same person as her, and has her own differences—two of them being, she falls asleep a lot (theorized to be because she’s an AI and ‘loading’, but there’s no real proof of that), and she’s far calmer and more rational. The fact they aren’t the same person is something I think needs to be emphasized, because I know there are some people who consider them the same character.
In the first chapter, she’s relatively minor, keeping to herself. The moment she first starts to stand out is at the party, where she offers to stand guard with Monomi, and after the Imposter is murdered, where she uses her knowledge of video games to suggest keeping watch at the crime scene. She’s useful throughout the trial, but her big moment comes around the time Nagito reveals himself to not be your “ally character” like you’d thought, which I think is good timing. She makes the deduction that the ‘killer’ found their way to the table using the lamp cord, which stops everyone from giving up and moves the case forward.
After this, she becomes more important during the chapters—she’s Hajime’s primary investigation partner in Chapter 2, she helps him investigate the hospital in Chapter 3, she puts together what she thinks is a map of the Funhouse in Chapter 4, she stops Hajime from going into the Final Dead Room in that same chapter, and she’s a trial-point-getter up until her death. Before I cover that, I’m going to cover something else—her personality, or why calling her a Mary Sue is just using a stupid blanket term that doesn’t even make sense—*deep breath*
AI Chiaki is strange. If you’ve heard the term ‘Manic Pixie Dream Girl’, she’s like that, except instead of drawing the protagonist in with her strangeness, she irritates him. She’s either falling asleep when they investigate a new area, or she’s got her head in the clouds. And when she wants people to go somewhere, like to or from the ruins in Chapter 2, she gets a little forceful about making sure they go to that place. In the first two chapters, Hajime makes several inward comments about how annoying or pushy she is. Even after he’s warmed to her, he still gets baffled by her train of thought, sometimes wondering, “what even is this conversation?” She’s also kind of childish, which makes sense since she hasn’t been alive very long—during the Chapter 3 investigation, she tries to pull a prank on Hajime by pretending she wants him to gouge his eyes out before turning on the light in a room, because it’d be embarrassing if he “saw”. It’s like something in a bad anime, and it falls flat on its face. The writing and drawings in her diary are sloppy and crude, more akin to what you’d see from a pre-schooler than a teenage girl. This quirkiness is endearing on the surface, but in-universe, it’s not.
Her Free-Time Events also show that she lacks a lot of basic knowledge about the world, like what Girls’ Day is or where milk comes from, and mentions the flaw tied back to that strangeness—she doesn’t get dating sims. Or, to be more serious, she doesn’t get people. In her words, she’s not good at games where she has to maintain relationships and guess what characters are feeling. She can be good at the latter (which I’ll mention below), but she also makes her share of misses (as mentioned above) and isn’t the greatest at knowing when to share her guesses. She’s nervous about how people will react when she does something, and feels she’s best standing on the sidelines. This is why she doesn’t take a leadership role except in trials—the Imposter tries first, so she doesn’t feel it necessary, and after he dies the group just…splinters. You’ve got Kazuichi and Nekomaru tying up Nagito, Akane running off to fight Monokuma, Fuyuhiko sulking on his own, Hiyoko bullying Mikan, they’re a mess. She’s good at games dealing with calculations, so she can handle the trials, but she doesn’t feel like she can handle her classmates, so she doesn’t try—and this ties back to her human counterpart well. Yes, human!Chiaki became class rep, but only after being pushed to by Chisa. Without that push, she would have stayed on her own, like AI Chiaki does. It’s a nice little character trait that got strengthened by the anime, in my opinion.
So she’s kind of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, except her strangeness isn’t what makes Hajime like and rely on her more—it’s the moments where she’s kind and sensible. Like her human counterpart, she has a strong moral compass, and whenever she displays it, that’s when Hajime’s impressed. She’s usually compassionate towards the murderers and even jerks like Hiyoko or pre-development Fuyuhiko. She’s insightful, if a bit insensitive, like when she suggests the reason Fuyuhiko lived isn’t because of luck, but because Peko deliberately sacrificed herself for him, while Fuyuhiko is in the room and feeling depressed that is Peko is dead. Surprise, surprise, being reminded that Peko died for him makes his mood take a dive and he just wants to be left alone. She also has a very firm stance on killing: it’s wrong.
Throughout the game, AI Chiaki makes declarations that she hates the murders and won’t allow it to happen, but she frequently fails to accomplish this. In Chapter 1, she stands guard, but she’s at the completely wrong area to stop a murder (and even if she were in the cabin, she probably couldn’t have stopped it anyway). In Chapter 2, she plays the game, but doesn’t get the special prize before Fuyuhiko. In Chapter 3, she tries to find a cure for the despair disease with everyone else, but a murder happens first. In Chapter 4, there’s nothing to be done except starve to death. Her efforts are either wasted or not good enough.
Chapter 5 is the first time where she really could have made a difference—the conflict of that chapter is that Nagito is seeking the Future Foundation ‘traitor’, which is her, and takes increasingly drastic measures to do so. First by blowing up the hotel, then by threatening to blow up an island, and finally by masterminding his own death to get everyone but the traitor executed. As Chiaki herself muses in the final trial, if the traitor had revealed themselves, maybe Nagito wouldn’t have gone so far…except she literally couldn’t, because it was against her programming. When she was able to earlier help, her actions weren’t enough to prevent a killing; now that her actions could have prevented it, she is unable to do them. All she can do is drop a butt-ton of hints that she’s the traitor, forcing Hajime to oust her in order to save everyone else.
And there’s the crux. For all her declarations, all her tries, she’s powerless. Her programming, her very nature, makes her powerless. She could break it enough to think that she wanted to save everyone, and that’s incredible, but she needed the others’ help to complete her sacrifice. If Hajime hadn’t gone along with her, or if her diary hadn’t been found to prove she was the traitor, would she have been able to convince them anyway? We don’t know. What we do know is that her thinking freely is a miracle, yet she was still bound by her coding.
Her execution probably highlights the differences between her and her human counterpart the best—while human!Chiaki is crying, gasping in pain, and screaming, AI Chiaki keeps a relatively blank face all throughout. She doesn’t panic or flinch when the huge tank is bearing down on her, nor when Tetris blocks are falling all around her. She tries to escape, but when she has nowhere to run, she accepts it. She goes to her death willingly and with a smile, whereas human!Chiaki had a more, well, human reaction of not wanting to die.
Finally, AI Chiaki makes an appearance to Hajime in the last trial, when he’s spiraling into despair and doubt over all the pressure being placed on him. She delivers a speech about how he’s not part of the game and can make his own future, while reassuring him that she knows he’s scared and that she will never disappear so long as they keep moving forward. She also acts more like her human counterpart here, reciting words human Chiaki told Izuru (“If you just do it, things will work out okay!”) and referencing that she knew him in the past. The scene is pretty ambiguous about whether she’s really there or just Hajime’s hallucination/memories, and I think it’s the better for it, honestly. However, some small part of her is able to help him defeat AI Junko, as shown by her declaring “no, that’s wrong!” in time with him, and she answers his thanks (after he’s gone, of course) with a declaration that she’ll always be watching them…from somewhere. It’s a poignant moment made more poignant when you compare it to last chapter; then, who and what she was—a traitor and an AI—stopped her from preventing a disaster, and it was only with Hajime’s help that she was able to successfully sacrifice herself. Here, who and what she is—Chiaki Nanami, Hajime’s emotional support/love interest/friend/potential ghost or hallucination—is what enables her to successfully prevent a disaster, and she’s able to lift Hajime up on her own.
She doesn’t show up in Side:Hope for more than a brief moment, and fun fact, it’s still ambiguous if she’s really there and if Hajime can see her or not—his dialogue is written in a way that could be construed as him talking to himself. Her brief screentime has her explaining what I explained at the beginning—that she’s an AI who took on Chiaki’s form from their memories—and that this is the future she gave her life for. She then fades away with a smile as Hajime rejoins the rest of the class.
Frankly, I think there’s a lot to love about Chiaki. She’s a socially-awkward gamer, which is something a lot of us either like (being gamers) or can relate to. She has an arc about growing from that loner to someone who can be counted on. She’s a sweetheart who does her best to help her friends succeed; sometimes that isn’t enough, like DR3 Chiaki, and sometimes she needs help herself, like AI Chiaki, but she doesn’t let it stop her from still trying. There are stumbles in DR3 Chiaki’s writing, but I still believe she’s a good character, and that both she and her AI counterpart have nice relationships with Hajime and Class 77. They’re great girls, and I hope this analysis helped fans remember what we love about Chiaki beyond “she’s my waifu”.
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s-ound-wave · 6 years
I just finished NDRV3 last night (a bit late I know) so bear with me because I have a theory that’s probably already been done to death but -
So everything Tsumugi said was a lie. Well, nearly everything. She (and Team DGR) did implant new memories into the 15 characters, and they possibly weren’t ultimates. They also weren’t heading into space, there was potentially no meteors, that entire backstory is a lie. In fact, everything from the Flashback Lights we can rule as a lie, unless cross referenced with something else (that’s not Tsumugi’s own testimony, I’ll get to her in a bit). That’s pretty much the entire game chucked out.
a. Prologue:
 Kaede refers to herself as Kaede Akamatsu. Shuichi, likewise, refers to himself as Shuichi Saihara.
Obviously, given what we’re told by the game about Rantaro, he’s the only one who seems to know what’s going on, that it’s a Killing Game. An interesting point is that he asks ‘who is behind all this’, either suggesting that the 52nd game was drastically different, or that his Killing Game was under much different circumstances than we’ve been led to believe. 
The personalities aren’t all that drastically different. Miu is still foul mouthed, for example. 
Kaede trues several times to ask the Monokubs something, ‘If you guys are the Monokubs, then-‘, presumably asking where Monokuma is. Her sprite while she says this is her shocked one, with sweat on her face and mouth slightly open. It’s not really the face of someone who voluntarily joined up. Neither is how her and Shuichi claim to have gotten there, before the first Flashback Light - being thrown into a car by weird men. 
This is followed up by the Monokubs changing the topic to Ultimate Talents, which Kaede responds that she has a skill she has a skill she devotes herself to, but that she wouldn’t call it an Ultimate Talent. This is said while her sprite is in the ‘crossing arms and looking down’ pose, looking rather crestfallen or concerned. It’s a bit of a stretch, but I’m going to say that this interaction implies that Ultimate Talents exist in this world. 
 Monotaro gives the game away by saying ‘See, according to the backstory, there’s this Ultimate Hunt goin’ on.’ I’m half tempted to ignore everything the Monokubs and Monokuma say, considering I’m not sure how much of it is regular Danganronpa 4th wall breaking and how much is meant to be hints at Tsumugi’s claims at the end. He does say something interesting, claiming that ‘The first thing we need you guys to do is remember your true selves’. Monophanie backs this up by saying ‘need to reclaim your sealed talents’. Both of these could be for the fictional audience’s benefit, if we take what Tsumugi says at face value. 
Kaede’s reaction to Monokid saying there’s going to be a killing game is a shocked sprite, and, in her thoughts ‘K-Killing Game...?’. Again, not really the actions of someone who signed up for a Killing Game willing. 
This is everything usable in the prologue, as far as I’m aware.
b. Chapter Six Trial
There’s no reason for there to be so many discrepancies between the characters’ memories and the canon events of the first two games. Tsumugi is portrayed as some uber fan, why would she settle for less than perfect? The justification that Tsumugi gives is flimsy at best.
Tsumugi, as Makoto Naegi, says ‘If what I said is the truth, then Hope’s Peak Acaemy was...’ when Shuichi brings up the Cospox. Notice the ‘If’.
The places seen when Tsumugi as Chiaki claims that everyone is a huge DanganRonpa fan are - Japan, Australia, England, America and one other place I can’t identify.
When it’s revealed that it’s the 53rd season, the white V changes to a pink 5. Pink is used in DanganRonpa to symbolise lies (and blood, but it’s the wrong shade of pink for that)
What’s the in game justification for the NDRV3 cast not having any memories of the other games? Or Tsumugi not cosplaying as characters from the other games? (Other than the obvious real world justification that those games don’t exist)
I find it odd that Tsumugi as various characters keeps saying ‘DanganRonpa inspired’.
Gonna point out that they made a kid into a robot. Just gonna throw that out there. This has nothing to do with it I just think it’s fucked up that within a matter of second they took a normal teenager and made him into a walking talking surveillance robot.
Shuichi’s supposed audition video. The Shuichi in this claims that he’s a huge fan of DanganRonpa and has always wanted to be in one. Shuichi in chapter one does not recognise Rantaro, a previous contestant, or the Monokubs. He always reacts with fear and shock in the prologue, contrary to how he acts in the audition video.
Right after the wardrobe change. The change here is that there’s an extra bit after Kaede says ‘K-Killing Game?’, where Shuichi says ‘You mean... we were selected!?’ With the happiest expression on his face. This is not shown in the prologue, obviously. I’m doubting that this actually happened, and that it’s not just another trick by Tsumugi to bring them further into despair.
‘Well, if you’re going to call fiction a lie... Then yes’ this line stands out to me for reasons I can’t explain right now.
Kaede’s audition tape. She says she has no faith in humanity, and yet in the prologue worries over Shuichi and acts in ways one who has no faith in humanity wouldn’t really act.
Kaito’s audition tape. Yeah, no, guy didn’t come off like that at all. I think you get the drill.
c. Tsumugi
 Cospox. This is what she uses to justify how she can cosplay as Junko Enoshima while the everyone still thinks she’s real, by claiming that Junko (and the cast of DR and SDR2) are fictional in the world of NDRV3. Problem: She can’t cosplay as Kaede, someone she herself claims to see as fictional. This could mean either that the cospox itself is a lie, or that Kaede isn’t ‘fictional’.
She never claims her own talent was imparted onto her with the Flashback Lights
Interestingly enough, when giving her certain gifts (the prop carrying case is one) her eyes with swirl, like she’s under the effects of Despair. This also happens during the trial, and a few other times during her FTEs. AS far as I’m aware, she’s the only character in NDRV3 who does this.
In her third FTE, she says ‘This is the ‘Cosplay is Fun’ episode’.
The ‘cosplaycat criminal’ line that gets Shuichi thinking that Junko Enoshima and Hope’s Peak is actually real.
Tsumugi says that she’s been working for 53 seasons on the show. Assuming you have a murder once a week like we see in all three DanganRonpa games, and have 16 victims, that’s 14 weeks of murder as it goes until there are two students left. So 14 weeks x 53 = 742 weeks or 14 years, 2 months and 3 weeks of murder. This also means Tsumugi is at minimum in her 30s. This is assuming that she’s telling the truth, of course.
d. Misc
Maybe a bit of a stretch, but the D.I.C.E logo and the Future Foundation logo look similar.
Why is the History of Hope’s Peak Academy book even here, let alone in Kokichi’s lab? All it does is reveal all of the inconsistencies in Tsumugi’s fake memories.
Actually, the labs in general are a bit odd. All of them are really stereotypical, it reminds me of when I’m designing a house in the Sims for a character who’s athletic so there’s just sports equipment everywhere. 
So my theory is as thus:
NDRV3 doesn’t take place in a world where everyone is obsessed with DanganRonpa and watches Killing Games all day. It takes place in the regular old DanganRonpa universe (possibly where people watch Killing Games), some time after the events of DR3.
Tsumugi is a part of the Remnants of Despair. I’m guessing that either a) They are actually putting on a Killing Game reality show so they can watch people slip into despair then climb into hope then slip into despair again (this could be part of why previous survivors carry over) or b) something else, like studying Ultimate Talents in a slightly more gory way than Hope’s Peak was.
Tsumugi being part of the Remnants of Despair would also explain why the memories are imperfect. She worships Junko, she’s obviously going to play up her actions and downplay the actions of everyone else, it’s a classic propaganda move, and everyone who could have told them about the inner workings of Hope’s Peak Academy is no longer part of the Remnants of Despair.
I’m also going to toss out there that Team DGR might be another name for the Remnants of Despair. This isn’t based on anything, other than their running of Killing Games and it’s the organisation Tsumugi is a part of.
All of this is speculation and quite a bit of reaching, but I had fun doing it and not the pressing assessment that’s due today so that’s all that matters, right? I might update this post from time to time.
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