#not on anakin's part at least
antianakin · 1 year
I think it's so funny that people point to the "his fate will be the same as ours" moment as proof that if Obi-Wan had been in the room with Anakin when Anakin has to choose whether to be evil or not, Obi-Wan could've convinced him away from it.
Except that this discounts something very important which is that PADME'S LIFE ISN'T AT STAKE IN THAT MOMENT.
Obi-Wan's life might be more important to Anakin than Palpatine's, but it is not and never will be more important than PADME'S life. It would NOT have mattered if Obi-Wan had been standing in Palpatine's office with Mace and Anakin, Anakin would've chosen to side with Palpatine in order to save Padme regardless, every time.
(It might've helped just in the sense that Obi-Wan could engage Anakin in battle and distract him long enough for Mace to kill Palpatine, but that's not the same thing)
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sukugo · 3 months
it's been kinda funny for me going from 2 very fucked up ships to sukugo.
#like just. the difference in how i treat them is so#me with obikin and kv: ahahaheehehe anakin raping obi-wan forcing himself on him obi-wan riddled with guilt vash gets BRUTALLY assaulted#me with sukugo: sukuna 🥺🥺 kiss gojo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 sukuna love 🥺🥺 gojo 🥺🥺🥺 and give him. so many Kiss 🥺#fdhfjgfhdjsjhfshu#i mean it's not like i DON'T have my crazier morally dubious moments with them. (there's nothing i love more than blurred consent)#plus there are aspects of their relationship that do lend themselves for a clash and greater emotional conflict#but they're ultimately a very cute ship. they're just kinky. but they're soft#in contrast to obikin and kv where smth like the lack of consent is inherent to the relationship (at least. in my interpretation of obikin)#as well as like twisted love and crushing psychosexual obsession and codependency and the whole incest thing they both got going on#(i mean obikin isn't incest. but it is. to me)#whereas sukugo is two guys met and found and equal in the other. it's very give and take. it's constructive as ive said before#while the other two are very one person gives and gives and gives and gives#the other takes and takes and takes and takes#until they go up in flames and fuck up everything around them#f.txt#and even in the jjk ships sukugo is quite cute#like lets' say we compare it to smth like fushigo.....THAT'S a crazier ship#it's really about the emotional part#how long the characters have been together and how regard each other. and in these cases. it's bc they're almost (or actual) familial bonds#fdjfhdjfdsffjdsfsjfsdfsdfds it's the incest.#it all comes down to the incest huh FJDSGFHDSG#anyways
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nothinggold13 · 2 months
*watches the prequel trilogy with the og trilogy once* GUYS I THINK I UNDERSTAND STAR WARS NOW
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yana125 · 5 months
Help! I'm writing a fic for a fandom I like but only know about the certain series and game I'm writing about as a casual 'I know this and that because I watched scenes and read the wiki but have never seen all of the episodes/never played with the game' and I've written nine pages of very thought provoking dialogue in the past two days so far that probably wouldn't slide well with the fandom because it contradicts many things in the established canon but I don't care because the cycle of nature doesn't have a good and evil side, Carl, the cycle of nature just cycles, don't blame nature when the people are the ones who use it for good or bad because they were never taught HOW to properly use it and how to deal with emotions in a HEALTHY way, and I abso-fucking-lutely LOVE writing this!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
#will this post show up in the main tags if I write the fandom and characters inside a long ramble of tag or not?#let's tempt fate! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ︵ ┻━┻#I'm watching sw the old republic gameplays and you can say I became obsessed with darth marr and lana#because they are sith but they are not like the sith I'm used to like sidious or maul and I'm intrigued to say the least#then there's ezra and I know I never got to finish rebels and I'm still at the clone wars season 3 with my chorological rewatch#but I know a huge part of his story was his temtation by the dark side and maul and the whole 'ohmygod ezra will be a sith when he returns!#then there was the post I reblogged the other day about the light and dark side of the force#and that the force is not good or bad it's just a force of nature and it's a part of everyone and everything#and that yin and yang are not about good and evil it's just opposite things that are in balance#and the daughter is called the winged goddess in legends and morai is a little owl sitting on her shoulder on the painting and#is connected to ahsoka#and the son is called the fanged god in legends and he had loth-wolves by his feet on the earlier mentioned painting#and they are connected to ezra#and there's this whole theory that if anakin takes the father's place to keep the balance in the force and if ahsoka takes the place of the#daughter as the representation of the light side then ezra may take the place of the son as the representation of the dark side#but the thing is that doesn't have to mean that he becomes evil or something!#on the contrary!#and my mind just went 'BANG! I need to write this!!!'#so I am writing it :D#please don't show up in the main tags :'D
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Cool idea I had: time travel au where teenage Anakin gets send back in time to meet padawan Obi-Wan and his disaster of a Master.
Things go to hell really quickly considering a 16yo Anakin hates severely dislikes his Master while also thinking he is the most amazing thing to walk the earth. ...and Qui-Gon is criticizing his Master for not teaching him emotional control which Anakin does not appreciate. He thought Qui-Gon was cool deathstick smoker, not Council member material. OH! Also - the Council and Anakin bonding. For the fun of it.
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merrysithmas · 9 months
when u have a dual consciousness bc ur a demi god✨💅
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yamineftis · 8 months
Well, Ahsoka was certainly a show
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tennessoui · 2 years
me, screaming: GET A DIVORCE HOLY FUCK #cheating au ... actually au of an au: Korkie discovers the affair immediately after it starts and Anakin has to get a divorce because bribing Korkie into silence is more expensive than a lawyer
But then where’s the ✨drama✨
(I think there are a lot of bad reasons Anakin has to not get divorced. In my mind, Anakin has sort of convinced himself that Padmé would rather not be divorced, that divorce would her hurt more than what they’re doing right now, think of the children, etc etc)
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rainintheevening · 4 months
I am an idiot, and a liar. Though in my defence I fully believed what I was saying. Or at least I wanted to believe what I was saying.
take my hand is going to be neither short nor quick. It has grown, it is growing, it has so much happening in it now, and I'm losing my mind. Or maybe I'm just finding it again. Never ever believe me when I say 'it'll be short'.
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gch1995 · 2 years
That is funny. All Jedi are actually slaves. They don't have a right to own property, they can't marry whoever they want and they obey the Council. They are even recruited like slaves, taken from their families without any choice.I don't know how Ahsoka even can leave the Order when a jedi needs to be watched closesly and not build up ties with the rest of the people or he/she may fall to the Dark Side.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but as they are written as an overall institution in canon, I honestly think that force-sensitive humans and beings in the galaxy of Star Wars would generally be better off if they never got involved with the Jedi Order at all. Like, it’s tragic to realize that the most consistently happy, secure, and well-adjusted point in Anakin Skywalker’s horrendous life was when he was living on Tattoine in physical slavery with his mother. Then, afterwards, that happiness was far too brief and fleeting for the next 34 years of his life. Sure, part of it is his own fault for committing all those crimes he knew were wrong out of anger and fear of the unknown, but not all of it is. The fact that his agency was constantly compromised to ever be able to find healthy support or feel safe doing any better by all of these deeply abusive, arrogant, corrupt, hypocritical, manipulative, oppressive, self-involved, and willfully negligent authority figures within these two space soldier cults for their own ends certainly wasn’t his fault, but he did have his own selfish and vindictive motivations, too.
If we’re going by Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi Order, particularly in Legends (Disney canon keeps screwing up his character), I don’t think it would necessarily be too bad as an optional day camp or law-enforcement job for training with the force and helping out the galaxy on the side. As long as they are old enough and well-adjusted enough to be handling weapons, they get to have a fair choice in the matter of being a Jedi or leaving any time they want, I don’t think the Jedi Order has to be unhealthy.
However, for the most part, I think most of the force-sensitive characters we meet in the canon series do so much better in their lives without ever getting involved in either the Jedi Order or the Sith at all. They often end up becoming deeply dysfunctional adults who develop serious behavioral/impulse control issues, dangerous ends justify the means type morality, poor critical thinking skills, and poor self-awareness because they have been groomed to have little to no self-confidence in their own moral integrity and personal agency, and rarely break out of it.
It’s not just Anakin and the other fallen Jedi who grow up to be deeply problematic tragic living disasters with those toxic mindsets in the series either. Look at Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. They are supposed to be the “ideal” Jedi of their time, but they’re still pretty awful and broken people as adults, anyway. They can never can take true personal accountability for fucking up. They are always in the right, the “blameless victims,” or the “noble failures” who were taken advantage of because they were too nice in their minds. However, we repeatedly see them deliberately betraying, controlling, deceiving, endangering, harming, manipulating, murdering, neglecting, and/or oppressing anyone who either acts a potential threat to or can be of use to “greater good” of their cause or desire to fit in for security without much concern for the potential consequences of their actions and decisions or remorse for the individuals they are sacrificing for their cause.
Even their moments of self-awareness suck because they still can’t admit that they followed a fucked up system that cost them a lot of people because they became too afraid to do the right things under pressures of corrupt authority, facing the unknown, and war. Anakin dies with more self-acceptance and self-awareness than either Obi-Wan and Yoda do throughout the entire series in the last 15 minutes of ROTJ, and he became one of the main villains of Star Wars.
#star wars anon#let’s be honest though they are better than Sith most characters in SW would probably be better if they never encountered the Jedi order too#at least as they are written in canon SW in both the present and past#like I could see Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi Order in legends that is a healthy system that allows for freedom of choice working out#and that was supposed to be Luke’s legacy after the OT movies for the new Jedi order which Disney has been ruining#but for the most part as they are written in CANON the Jedi order are only ‘good’ because they are the lesser of two evil military cults#the Jedi institution generally sucks as a whole in canon and aside from Luke skywalker most of them cause more problems than they solve#it’s sad when you realize that Anakin would have probably turned out a far better person if he had never recruited him as a Jedi at all#I mean the galaxy would still be fucked because of the Jedi Council the Republic Senate the Sith and Palpatine anyway#and Anakin’s life would still suck because Tatooine wasn’t the Republic’s interest#but at least he would still have his mom and have a better chance of growing up to be a good and well-adjusted adult#at least he would be happy if he never encountered the Jedi in canon#luke skywalker#anakin skywalker#darth vader#obi wan kenobi critical#Yoda critical#Jedi order critical#no their entire order didn’t deserve to be mass murdered in response#but those enabling and/or enforcing the system of the Jedi are generally portrayed as the lesser of two evils next to the Sith
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izzythehutt · 5 months
So… based off following you on Tumblr (sorry I’m not weird I just like testing myself because I’ve been told I’m good at perceiving people)
Neal < Anakin < Shigure < Rhett < Sirius
Least favorite fictional character of yours to most favorite
Rhett and Shigure being above Anakin is really odd based on my tumblr, considering I rarely talk about either of them and my user picture has been Darth Vader for about 8 years.
Also, where are the female characters???
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Just started TLJ for fun because it was a Long Day and I wanted some form of distraction that didn't involve the current Ghost Crew kinda high stakes episode I was halfway through and I must say..... this is so strange to me
#the brief scenes with paige just gutted me#you know that post about the unnamed servant in king lear (i THINK it's king lear at least) that has that cs lewis quote#that's paige. like. that's literally her that's her role in the story that's what she chooses to do and that's why#poe's Personally Sanctioned mission to destroy the dreadnought or whatever it's called succeeds. it's because of her#not gonna lie i wish we saw more of her!!!!!#anyhow there are a lot of things that were little gems. like our intro to rose is her sitting alone in an empty space sobbing#because she lost her sister as she's clutching the matching necklace. that was a really good bit#and finn being like. WHERE'S REY. HOW CAN SHE GET TO US IN THIS CHAOS.#and the sheer intensity of rage from kylo ren#unlike many of my fellow tumblr girlies (please don't burn me at the stake for this) i don't find adam driver very attractive and am a bit#puzzled as to what makes people like him So Much (mentally i'm like ???? which is my reaction to timothee chalamet enthusiasm too)#but i can give him one thing. he's absolutely terrifying. the intensity and sheer out of control FORCE of his anger terrifies ME#probably on the same level as hayden's anakin does tbh#i jumped a little when he punched the elevator wall. that man has got Deep Seated Issues that he REALLY needs to work out at this point#there are also bits of this movie that REALLY confuzzle me#like leia's force hovering through space (????) and poe's anger/control/defiance (??????????)#and also LUKE GIVING UP????? i was like. well the video essay peeps on youtube were right about THIS bit being#the Worst Part Thus Far. a luke skywalker abandoning hope is a luke skywalker i'm struggling to recognize#anyhow more thoughts incoming...... class has started and media analysis brain is on#is it EVER OFF THOUGH LOL#tlj liveblog
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oathkeeperoxas · 1 year
wip wednesday
Kenobi looks a mess when Cody steps inside. He slides the door shut after him, wanting to give them that tiny bit of privacy even when he probably shouldn’t. But Kenobi will probably want updates on what happened while he was unconscious – the closed door to Kenobi’s private medbay is only as scandalous as the two of them being alone in a meeting room together. 
“Cody,” Kenobi says, and Cody tries not to focus on the way Kenobi’s mouth goes lax for a moment as tension leaves him and fondness shades his expression. “You’re well?” 
“I didn’t get myself blown up,” Cody tells him, trying to sound stern. His voice dips into concern at the end, which makes Kenobi frown. Cody draws up a chair to sit beside him, busying himself with his datapad to give him a five second excuse to not look at Kenobi’s face and to try and wrangle the overwhelming relief at seeing him alive that is roaring away in his chest. “I’m well.” 
That’s a lie – or it was, before Cody could lay his own eyes on Kenobi and know he’s still alive after the last stunt that he pulled. Cody reigns in the urge to reprimand him for it, because it had gotten an entire platoon out of danger, and that’s where Kenobi’s priorities are – where they’ll always be, if he can choose. Cody only wishes that he put his own health and safety anywhere as near the top of the list. 
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rohirric-hunter · 2 years
Gonna start blocking star wars tags
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christopher-bryant · 2 years
how well known do you think r2 was among the entire clone army or at least his reputation?
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hannibalsloverboy · 3 months
seeing people compare coriolanus snow and anakin skywalker hurts my soul
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