#not quite feeling this jude thing
..... After playing the new Baxter Dlc for Our Life I don't think this will be a purely Obey Me blog...
Listen I ALWAYS loved Cove, but I played Our Life before making this blog! Now that I've played the Baxter Dlc I'm itching to write something for him! And Cove to!
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discountwives · 2 years
i kinda let myself go good lord i got so fat
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dontexpectmuch · 1 month
Jude with a mechanical engineering student, and she's working on f1 and is a good friend of the drivers and jude gets jealous and hard launches at a race? She works for redbull and is friends with the real Madrid guys, ty, God bless
jude is aware of how much attention he gets, no matter where he goes or whom he talks to. so many people shy away from talking to him due to all the eyes that were on him, yet he tries to stay positive and look at the bright side of the picture. as a rising star, it can be hard to meet someone that would willingly hide their relationship from the world, though when he got to know you, he felt like his prayers have had finally been answered.
it was the miami grand prix he had been invited to, ferrari have shown their interest about his appearance multiple times and when his other friends finally had the time to come along, he immediately went to the race and enjoyed his time there.
it was also the place where he met the cute engineering student that was walking out of the rivals garage, cute cap with the official team shirt on, baggy pants and a book in hand. he sneaked away from the group and followed you to the water fountain in the middle of the two garages, desperately trying to look cool yet uninterested.
so when you two fall into a conversation [slight argument] about the team and who would win the race, jude knew that he had to keep in touch with you, exactly what he did.
now, two years later, the two of you have been in a private and secret relationship, something both of you enjoyed at the beginning. the relationship blossomed quietly, only his most trusted friends knew about it, same with you. having an intelligent partner who works for one of the best sports team ever is something that jude is incredibly proud [and turned on] of, it’s like a match made in heaven. no one could disturb your little bubble of happiness and peace, and you would like to keep it that way as long as you can.
but these days, jude really wants to post about his relationship, just to mark his territory. just to let all of those sneaky, weird, [and attractive, fuck] drivers know that their ‘friend’ slash engineer was off the market.
especially now, when all you talk about is the garage and the people you work with.
“well, and then i told max to-“
you immediately stop talking when you hear jude let out an annoyed sigh, eyes wide as you look at your boyfriend.
the atmosphere around you is quite comfortable, you’d say, or at least it is to you. it has been quite some since you were able to sit down and have a nice, home cooked meal together. normally your schedules clash during the week, and weekends were spent outside the house, exploring new places and trying new things.
and normally, jude would love to hear you talk about your week, about the new stuff you learned that he definitely did not understand, but the sparkle inside your eyes made it all worth it. he didn’t know why he is so annoyed about you talking about the person you literally work with, more likely work for, but just hearing the name drop from your lips makes him want to go and shoot a ball at all of their heads.
“uh, you okay, my love?” your concern for him makes jude melt, and he wishes that he could just ignore this negative feeling growing inside of him, yet he simply can’t.
he shrugs, corners if his lips turning slightly down, “don’t know, why don’t you ask your little friend max. that’s what you always do, right?”
he knew that this was the moment he royally fucked up, no turning back now.
when you frown and look at him with those confused eyes, jude gets even more worked up than he should.
as if you don’t know what he is talking about.
“i beg your pardon, jude?”
you called him ‘jude’, meaning you were also getting worked up about the situation, well, his behavior.
he scoffs again, getting up from the table to put his empty plate away.
it was delicious, he would say, but right now he just wants to be pissed about this whole situation [that he started].
you copy his movements, actually quite sad that your usual chat time after eating is interrupted by this petty argument.
“hey, ‘m talkin’ to you.” your confusion does not seem to go away, no matter how you try to look at the situation. jude simply takes your plate from your hands and places it inside the dishwasher, before he dries his hands to continue the conversation [discussion].
“all ‘m sayin’ is that you love to be seen with your little racer buddies instead of with me.” he moves out of the kitchen back to the dining table to pick up the other dishes and the drinks.
“what the fuck?” is all you can say about his statement as you take the drinks from his hands to put them into the fridge, “what do you mean i ‘love to be seen’ with them? i work with those people and actually get along with them, just like you do with your teammates.”
the tension [not the hot one] between you rises by the second and jude is once again walking around the apartment, “that’s not the same.”
“the fuck you mean it’s not the same? it literally is?”
a few minutes ago jude would have [maybe, probably not] admitted that he might have gone too far with what he had said to you, but now seeing you getting so offensive about something that bothers him, he no longer feels like he should back off. instead he wants to win this, he wants you to understand that he is right and that you being seen with others could be, no it is, disrespectful to your relationship.
“you are my girlfriend, why would you want to be seen with other guys?!” raising his voice was something he rarely did whenever you guys argued. he preferred to keep calm in order to avoid hurting you in any way. but right now, his voice was getting louder with each argument he made, heating up the whole conversation even more.
you genuinely did not understand why he would come up with this argument all of a sudden, it is not the first time that you are seen at max’ side at races or maybe even next to others. you had a healthy relationship with most drivers and pleasant conversations with them in between races and breaks. everyone knew that you are the intern who will soon work for the redbull racing team, and jude actually was the one to be the proudest of you. it is literally how and where you guys met.
“the reason why i am seen with them is because, one; i work with them. we have to talk a lot because of the development of the car and i still have to learn a lot from the other engineers. two, i get along with them, you know, like normal co workers do, because, fuck, why not? you know all of this.” you feel your throat straining with how much and how loud you are talking, but the rage inside of you somehow numbs the pain.
“so people thinking that you are dating one of them also comes with the job, yeah?”
jude now stands tall in front if you, nostrils flared and eyes wide. he isn’t mad at you entirely, he knows it, but more like at the situation and the people that dare to pair you with someone that is not him.
but you cannot know that he isn’t mad at you, because in your eyes it seems like he is blaming you for the stuff the media puts into the news. your heart beats faster than ever and this whole situation makes your head spin.
“i don’t control what the media says? like, it’s not in my hands? to them i am a single woman who is successfully working for a motorsport team, rumors are bound to happen?”
“well, there is always some truth behind rumors, right?”
something inside you snapped, “what about you, huh?!”
jude almost flinched when you suddenly raised your voice at him, a sight he has never seen before.
“you also get paired up with a new woman every fucking day, jude. do you see me complain about it? no! because i trust you.” right now, you really wished to cry. was it that hard to understand?
the comfortable atmosphere from a few minutes ago vanished entirely, coldness and a bitter feeling on your tongue seem to have replaced it. during the two years you and jude havr spent together, you never had such an argument to this extent.
“but i am never pictured next to those people! i never even talked to them ever in my life!”
suddenly still, your eyes widened, mouth dry as you speak up, “are you accusing me of cheating on you?”
jude looks at you with his mouth open, feeling like a deer caught in headlights.
“no, never…” the stark contrast between your voices now compared to just a second ago is almost cinematic, as if you had practiced this scene multiple times already. silently looking at one another, eyes dancing around the others faces in order to understand what just had happened.
“do you also think that way when i talk to aurelien and eduardo?” your voice breaks as you speak up, a defeated feeling replaces the rage inside, “do you actually think like this of me?”
judes shoulders sack down as he listens to you speak, this is absolutely not something he ever thought of, nor would he ever dare to accuse you of such thing.
he wants to speak up, yet you quickly cut him off, “just for your information, to the media and the rest to the world, we both are single individuals who don’t even know each other. and all the guys on the grid know that i am a taken person, they would never do such thing.”
you scoff as you shake your head, turning around to go to the front door.
jude panics as he watches your fast steps, immediately following you, “what- uh, where are you going?”
you quickly put on your shoes and put your bag on your shoulders, not in the mood to continue any of this, “wanna go home.”
“but this is home-“
your head snaps to his direction, eyes cold, “apparently not. at least not now.”
jude closes his hand around your wirst, not wanting you to go away when the situation between you is so heated.
“let’s find a solution, babe, c’mon.” he begs, voice husky and desperate. he did not know that it would escalate like this, but now he regrets to even bring up this topic.
you sigh, all of this arguing took a toll on you and now you want to do nothing more but lay in your bed and not to think of anything anymore.
inhaling deeply, you look at jude, his big brown eyes never left yours anyway, and he truly does look like he wants to fix this, which you do too.
“listen,” you begin, taking one last deep breath, “you cannot accuse me of such thing and then expect me to do nothing about it-“
“i don’t want you to do anything, just, let’s stop arguing.”
scoffing, you tighten the grip on your bag, “you started all if this because apparently, you do not trust me, jude.”
“it’s babe-“
“it’s jude right now, don’t test me.” you threaten him, not in the mood for his little jokes.
shaking your head, an almost mocking laugh leaves your lips, “we decided to keep our relationship a secret. you, by the way, wanted to do it this way the most. i would have launched our relationship ages ago, because i trust you and i trust our bond. y’know, communicating and stuff.”
judes voice cracks slightly as he speaks up, deep sigh leaving his body as he tries to hold your hand, a sign that he is getting desperate, “i trust you, too, babe. ‘t’s just- i don’t know, like, rumors and shit and i don’t want you to have reporters on your neck at all times, y’know.”
you frown at his words, “but that does not explain why you literally sprung at me for mentioning max, or the others. when we first started dating, i already knew what would come along with being with you, and i would take it all, jude, everything.”
jude smiles at your words, now looking down at your hands, so you continue, “all those annoying rumors about me, people following me and what not, i genuinely will take it all, because i love you. not max, not lando nor charles or whomever you’re jealous of.”
“i ain’t jealous.” he rolls his eyes, slowly stepping closer to you.
“don’t lie to me, belli.” you smirk at him.
jude chuckles, his thumb dancing across your knuckles help you to be at ease.
“sooo?” you look at him confused, waiting for him to continue.
“do we just post a picture together? or like, do a sex tap-“
“shut it.” you pinch his waist, chuckling as he squirms away from your touch, “we will do a, hm, maybe a soft launch? yeah, something like that.”
jude groans, throwing his head back, “that takes way too long.”
“well,” you shrug, “ that’s what you get for literally yelling at me for doing my job.”
“and i’m sorry, love.” judes hand now caresses your cheek softly, head tilted down as his bog brown eyes apologetically look at yours, “next time, i will calmly ask you about something that bothers me, okay?”
“okay.” you smile at him, leaning into his touch.
“you have a race this weekend, no?”
“yeah, in belgium this time, why?”
“just because.”
“still trouble in paradise?” you hear landos [annoying] kind voice from behind you, making you draw your eyebrows together.
turning around, you tilt your head in question, “wait, how do you know?”
lando innocently smiles at you, shrugging his shoulders, “max and i are somewhat besties, y’know.”
“max.” you grumble, already planning on how to get your revenge from him.
“so? everything okay now?” lando questions again, this time in a slightly more serious manner than before.
“it’s always okay between us, just rocky at times.” you tell him, not stopping yourself from smiling when you think of your boyfriend.
lando nods his head at something behind you, “seems like goal-machine over there still wants to rip off my head, though.”
“goal-machine-?” you turn around and are immediately met with the sight of jude leaning against some tires in the garage.
he looks good, you must admit. sunglasses on too of his nose, oversized shirt with the first few buttons undone, night dress pants and matching shoes, a real snack.
a snack that should not be here, or well, a snack you did not know that would be here. so, you bid your goodbyes to lando and walk closer to jude, coming to halt a fee steps in front of him.
“eh, hi?” you greet him, confused but happy.
he smiles down at you, taking off his glasses to get a better look at you, “hey there, sexy lady.”
you scoff, rolling your eyes as you cross your arms in front of your chest, “not now, i am working, y’know.”
“chatting it up with little lad over there is quite some work, huh?” jude points at lando with his head, who still, you don’t know why, is standing inside the redbull garage, subtly [nit really] glancing at your direction every now and then.
“lando just likes to annoy me, nothing more.” you explain, smiling as you watch jude stand up straight.
“well, let’s annoy him back.” he smirks down at you.
jude cuts you off by placing his soft lips on top of yours as his muscular arm sneaks around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. at first you feel like resisting, but the more he deepened the kiss, the more you could not get enough of it. tilting your head to gain better control, you feel up his chest before you place your hands at the back of his next, enjoying this public display of affection more than ever. maybe because it is the first time you’ve ever done something like this in a place like the garage-
you immediately push jude away, eyes wide open, “jude! there are cameras everywhere!”
he just smiles down at you, that little tease, before taking your hand into his, “you wanted to go public anyway.”
“i wanted a soft launch, though! i always wanted to soft launch a relationship.” you whine, moving closer to out your forehead against his chest in defeat.
“you can still soft launch it, love.”
you shake your head, still against his chest while you feel his hand move up and down your back, “no, let me grieve in peace, please.”
“love you too, babe.”
“shut it, you ruined my dreams.”
“you’re welcome.”
enjoy 🥰
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anadiasmount · 2 months
u and jude being in the same friend group and ur all together on a trip, though jude has been in love with you since day one and on the first night there u two sleep together, leaving u confused and wishing for more knowing things couldn’t be the same after the special night <3
no one knows - jude bellingham x reader.
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quick sum: request above!
wc: 2.5k | masterlist | jude’s masterlist
psa 🗣️: hii!! ik i said this would be posted sooner but i got sidetracked (what’s new… also don't hate me i didn't proof read...) ANYWAYS... this does contain small bit of smut so minors dni! like always hope you enjoy 🤍
the soft waves of the hammock you laid on rocked slowly as you stared out into the almost night sky. the different shades of orange now purple and blue, tiny star appearing in the distance, waves hitting the shore making the whole atmosphere just at peace. it was a king day of travel, having missed your first flight due to a delay on the train.
you had arrived last, but it didn’t matter because you were finally with your friends, wanting to make most of the trip you had planned. you changed into a knitted crème color swimsuit, loving how it fit and hugged your figure, accentuating your curves and pushing up your cleavage just right.
everyone inside was asleep, but you couldn’t go to sleep without wanting to watch the night fall. you loved the beach, the smell, the feel of sand, how your hair went to its natural state, and the feeling of freedom. you quickly got distracted by the click of the door opening, footsteps approaching where you were.
“hi,” you squeak as you see jude lean against the palm tree pole, shirtless and wearing similar shorts as your bathing suit. “you okay? you were the last to arrive and your here alone,” jude asked softly not being able to hold back the gulp at how dreamingly your body looked under this ray and light.
“i’m okay… just can’t sleep for some reason,” you stifle a small laugh, “plus i haven’t seen a view like this in so long, i just wanted too see it, i mean take a look.” jude obliged, looking around in a daze at how the night sky looked now. “yeah you’re right… i feel at ease,” jude nodded.
“how come you’re still up? is everything okay with you?” you sat up, propping your elbow and the back of your hand resting on your temple, your full attention on jude. you couldn’t deny but feel a tad bit confused he was here. jude never really spoke to you an when he did it was short and simple. so you wouldn’t be surprised if he made small talk and left.
“jet leg i guess? you’d think after all the constant travel i’d be used to it but it’s always difficult to fall asleep after a long flight for me,” jude explained taking a seat on the wood chair that was by the balcony. you hummed in response, your hand dragging up from your thigh to your hip letting it rest.
you sensed he wanted to tell you more, his fingers tapping against his massive and toned thighs, his eyes adverting from you to the sea. jude wasn’t shy, quite the opposite, and he knew in this moment it was now or never. “do i make you nervous?” you ask slyly, standing and walking over to him. you hated feeling awkward and left out around him, and you needed to know the reason behind it.
jude was a complete different person in his games, in public, around your friends, yet, he treats you so differently which threw you off the edge. jude roamed your eyes from your tanned shiny legs, your curved torso and bust, his heart stammering against his chest as you looked so willingly and utterly beautiful. “or do you just hate me?”
“hate you? why would i hate you?”
“don’t know… you tell me. it’s like this every time we’re around each other. the tension? you can’t even look into my face? you barely speak a word to me? if i’ve done something to offend you, let me know so i can apologize,” you spoke dearly, following his exact movements by roaming your eyes on his figure. legs spread out begging to be touch, abs defined, with veins adorning his arms. jude was fucked, all he could think about was you in this damn bathing suit and the silly theory you made in your head.
hate you? that’s impossible.
“what if i told you it was the opposite? what if i told you i’m infatuated by you?” jude looked up, standing and over towering you, your gaze shifted from confident to shy. your eyes lowering as jude looked down at you. “that when i’m around you all i can think about is you. how you look, smile, talk and walk, smell… it’s so infuriating to be this madly in love with you and not being able to do a thing about it…” jude confessed, drawing the air out of your lungs, like the wind that breezed the night sea.
“i feel like you’re lying to me…” you couldn’t help but say. a hesitance of insecurity, and that’s there’s absolutely no way this man was in love or was confessing any sort of feelings when actions proved otherwise. “why would i lie to you hm? i’m being completely truthful here y/n,” god the way he said your name had you trembling your knees. “you can’t be jude. we’re so different-”
“that’s what you think, and it’s all in your head. tell me this second you don’t feel it? the magnitude sensation for me to approach you? i can see it in your pretty face darling. now it’s you who can’t even look at me? or yet talk,” jude inches closer to you, seeing your chest rapidly raise up and down.
“you’re everything to me… i’ve had to resist myself because i have no idea if you feel the same way. i’d rather love you from a distance than be embarrassed and you not liking me back…” jude traced with his fingertips along your forearm. “don’t you see it? everything i’ve done it’s because of you… i wouldn’t be here if you weren’t y/n. i just want you…” his pleading and vulnerability in his voice had you gulping a response.
“let me show it to you hm? how you make me feel… how you deserved to be treated,” you nodded feeling the heat rise in you. the familiar desire to be wanted, appreciated, touched by a man like jude. “please jude…” you said in a small whimper, looking up where jude had a hungry gazed, lips slightly open. “show me-”
you remembered how cool the wall was when he hit your back against it, kissing you deeply, so messy and hot. how his hands traveled from your side and around your spine, gripping your ass as he ran his tongue down from your jaw and pulse point. you could feel everything, how big jude was, how hot his skin was to your touch, how desperate the need was.
he had dragged you to his room, his lips never leaving yours any second. it was so vivid in your head, how your back pressed against his chest, how his fingers slowly traced your abdomen down to inside your bottoms, his fingers covered by you slick coat, adding the bit-test of pressure on you clit rubbing it in small circles. all you could focus on was the determination and how hot he looked like this.
jude untied the bows from your bottoms, freeing you completely. he felt like he would die any second, this was real and no turning back. he could’ve watched you all night like this. so sensitive with the smallest touch.the familiar burn in your tummy when he sunk into you with a forceful thrust, hips curling and rocking to pleasure waves of emotions, the heat between your legs as he talked you through it all. the flicker in his eyes when you moaned and begged his name, how your nails scratched against his back asking for more and more.
“you belong to me… don’t you forget that y/n…” he kissed you sloppy, pushing one last thrust and spilling into you. it wasn’t just one round, he made sure to take you against the wall, balcony, shower, and the small couch in his room, in many positions too. he wanted to savor the moment like he imagined. this was way better than his dreams and thoughts in his head. you were so tight, so wet, very much made exactly for him.
the heavy weight on top you made you wake up early. you were used to waking up this early, but not with a hot body on top of you. with one eye barely open you looked at the digital clock, showing just before 7am, the whole house quiet. you looked around before your eyes landed on a sleepy jude, tucked between your arm and head nuzzled into your neck.
your heart raced, not being able to control your confused and guilty emotions. last night was real then? not a sick dream in your head or a movie, it had happened here in his room. “oh shit…” you whispered, chest sinking down as your controlled your breathing. you had to get out, feeling a tad stuck and rushed in space. this wasn’t supposed to happen… even though it felt so right. so meant to be.
you had managed to sneak jude to his back without waking him up. his lips pursed and brown drawn in, breathing heavy. you changed quickly back to your bikini, leaving the room how you had remembered. you ran a hand against your hair, the need to throw water in your face to cool the warmth in your cheeks. you weren’t used to this. you never did one night stands or had friends with benefits relationships. if that’s even what it was.
you couldn’t help but think maybe jude was lying to just get into your pants. you had seen how jude was like when around other woman. but you weren’t other woman. you we’re y/n. the shy but outgoing, smart but naive, and overly patient y/n. you didn’t want it be like them, or seen like them either. all you could think of was him. his brown eyes and stupid gentlemen demeanor.
you avoided him anywhere he was or walked in. the only way you could escape and let go of things was this. you weren’t used to this and didn’t have much experience so you did what you were best at which was ignore jude. but even your friends had noticed you were off and that there was a glow to you. drawing attention from everyone and the person who caused it all.
a small part of you did have a twinge of faith… what if he wasn’t lying? what if everything he proved to you last night was exactly how he felt? what if he was madly in love with you? that you were the woman of his dreams? that it wasn’t just sex and there was raw emotions included?
the ghost feeling against your back made you shiver, realizing it was jude who stood behind you, locking you with both arms extending out to cage you in as you cut up fruit. “you left me this morning,” jude spoke into your ear, feeling your weight shift from one foot to another. “i didn’t want anyone to catch us,” you say shaky, making up a lie knowing part of it was true.
“you’re lying to me…”
“am not. let me go… i-i-i need to bring this outside.”
“you are darling, you think i didn’t notice? you can’t even look at me without talking to me, and you’ve ignored me the whole day thinking i haven’t realized that,” jude let you go but followed behind you speaking a little louder. “lower your voice! i haven’t said anything to anyone!” you hiss, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the pool room. “what is it you want from me?” you say pleading.
“i want you! i thought i made that clear last night. not just with sex, but with my confession? before we fell asleep? don’t tell me you forgot that,” you shook your head. “i’m just having trouble to process all this, jude… i feel like we’re making a huge mistake…”
“to whom? to our friends? or to you?” jude asked sincerely. you always seemed to put them first over yourself and jude noticed that. “why would it be a mistake? if at the end of the day what we have is real…”
“jude it’s been one night together between us! look at us now! i can’t risk our group falling if we don’t work out jude! it’s not fair to them, to me and you!” you tried to reason but jude shook his head. he stood up from where he leaned, his broad frame over towering yours again.
“why are you so adamant we won’t work? we’ve barely been given a shot here! you’re overthinking it y/n. they don’t have to know a single thing pretty girl, not unless you don’t want them too.but for once think of what you want and your heart desires. not what your friends say. forget them and for once think about yourself,” jude spoke, grabbing your hands.
“i want us to work more than anything y/n. i’m not lying to you and have never gave you the reason either. i’m a good man y/n. just let me in here,” he poked your heart, seeing a sad smile appear on your face. “we can’t be so quick to judge without even trying! why is it so hard to do that? i just want to be with you, i’ve suffered enough as it is already,” jude was pleading, wanting to do anything to keep you here with him.
“and if we do and i lose you jude? people have walked in and straight out of my life. what if we try and it’s going so well just for us to part? i can’t handle losing someone else i love,” you whimper, tears of exhaustion and pain let out. “imagine me now and then? i’ve always thought what’s best for myself and i’m just confused jude… why me?” your voice sounded strained and from another dimension.
“why not you? you’re perfect y/n. anyone who thinks other wise must have been dropped into their head. you have everything that makes me so drawn to you… your eyes… your smile… your way of being… your hair… your everything. you’re everything i want and i’m willing to prove that to you however you ask. just let me be the man you need pretty girl…” jude rested his forehead against yours, his thumb stroking your jaw as you began to fall deeper into this new wave and world with him.
“no one knows. just me and you jude,” you kissed him feverently. the aching burn in your chest as he kissed you with such devotion and power. you shivered beneath him, arms wrapping around his neck and pulled him closer. jude let out a small groan gripping your hips and pushing you to his lower body. there was no self-control here, no professionalism. he quickly became your favorite taste, and feeling. just two humans brought together in the most correct and soulmate way.
two humans who had no idea what was ahead of them.
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leviscolwill · 10 months
ballroom extravaganza
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pairing: jude bellingham x f1 driver!reader
summary: you always hated arguing with jude, but even more so when you're about to race monaco's streets (wc: 1,7k)
req: jude bellingham x f1 related f!reader ! (driver if u can or js a driver’s relative) where they argue before a match/race that doesn’t go really well + she crashes/dnf or he gets rlly hurt in a match
contents: jude is jealous, reader drives for mclaren w lando (sorry oscar my beloved </3), possible racing inconstancies (i can't drive to save my life), reader crashes (nothing too bad happens tho), gasly slander sorryyyy, language ??, quite angsty but happy (&fluffy) ending i swear
note: i didn't want to make either jude or reader 'the bad guy™' so i hope i didn't side with one more than the other writing the argument part :| i had so much fun writing it, so i hope you enjoy reading it (lmk by rb and giving feedback !!). finally, thank you for requesting anon,, i hope you like it 🫶
now playing: ballroom extravaganza by dpr ian (moodswings in to order)
"i'm just saying, i don't like the way he looked at you when he said that"
"you're being ridiculous jude, he's my teammate and i've known him for years."
jude had always been the jealous type, and you never had any problem with this, until now. he tried to tell you how lando was flirting with you when that's really just how he communicated. sure, he was kinda flirty at times, but he knew you were in a relationship and never crossed any lines with you. but jealousy seemed to get the best of your boyfriend in that moment.
"that's not the point y/n, i'm a man and i know what he meant when he said he'll take you to this 'perfect seaside italian restaurant if your boyfriend won't'. and you just stood there laughing." his voice was louder now, and you hated it whenever jude screamed, especially when those screams were directed at you.
"you're delusional... he didn't imply anything with that, he was only joking." you tried to reason your boyfriend.
"i still don't like it, i'm not asking you to never talk to him again, just make it clear you're-"
"but he knows that jude! i talk about you all the time, let's be serious for a second, come on." you laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation you were in, 45 minutes before the monaco grand prix fighting with your boyfriend in your driver room, it was probably the last thing you should be doing on a track where your focus was the most important thing.
you were always grateful whenever jude made time to see you racing because you knew how packed his schedule was. but right now, he was the last person you needed to see given the circumstances.
"jude, please just leave, i'm sick of fighting."
"i'm not leaving, we're having this conversation whether you like it or not." he said in a calmer tone, but it was too late, the damage was done.
"well, you're in my room right now and i want you out. i need to focus and you're not exactly helping right now."
"but we need to talk it out, i don't want you to go while we're fighting." you would have sworn his voice broke a bit when he ended his sentence.
"maybe you shouldn't have picked a fight with me then! maybe you shouldn't be here at all actually..." you practically whisper the last part and you immediately regret the words that came out of your mouth, knowing well you didn't mean them.
"okay then..." jude quickly gets up and you can't help but look at your feet, you can almost feel the sad look on his face.
"i love you."
you wanted to say it back but he closed the door with a loud bang before you could mutter any sound.
the only thing jude left behind was the faint smell of his cologne for you to think about what just happened and not focus on your race at all.
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deep breaths. deep breaths were what you needed, you tried to shift your focus on your start, how you needed to get away from sainz, given how close he was to you. whenever your mind drifted off to the argument you had with jude, you found another thing to focus on before the race. the formation lap would start in a couple minutes, your focus needed to be on monaco's streets for at least an hour and a half, then you'll handle the rest later with jude, you always did.
the formation lap started and everything went perfectly well, you just had to wait for the red lights to turn off and you'll be gone, no more thinking, or overthinking.
"it's lights out and away we go in the streets of monaco."
perfect start, now you just had to race like you knew how to for 78 laps. nothing you couldn't do.
the first 46 laps went perfectly, you managed to overtake carlos' ferrari and pierre's alpine. everything went well, then you thought about jude, you knew he was probably still mad at you but you still hoped he was watching the race, waiting for you with papaya-coloured headphones. as your thoughts kept going you were about to get to the trickiest part of the circuit, mirabeau.
as your focus shifted back to your race, you forgot the most important thing, the biggest danger on track is the other drivers.
your brain barely had time to register the bright blue alpine trying to overtake you when there was clearly no space. next thing you knew, your head hit the cockpit. before you hit the wall at god knows what speed, you thought about how you didn't tell jude you loved him back, and how you hoped he was still aware of how much he meant to you in that moment.
pitch black, no sound at all, you couldn't feel anything for about thirty seconds because of the shock.
then everything came back. you felt the urge to move your legs around, they moved. perfect. then you felt like your position was unusual, you came to a conclusion on your own, your car was on its side. you didn't even get to think about getting out because you felt a horrible pain in your head, where it was hit you assumed.
and lastly, you saw the medics making sure you were okay, you moved your hand for them to understand the message. you were okay, they helped you out of the car, saying you would be taken to the infirmary.
you couldn't stop smiling, you felt terrible about the race and it was probably the biggest crash you ever experienced but everything was well, your family and friends saw you get out of the car safely, and you'd be able to tell jude you loved him. everything was well.
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you had to answer the medics questions that made you feel like a 4-year-old: "what's your name ? do you know which day of the week it is ?" you knew it was for safety reasons but you absolutely hated it.
jude opened the door in pure jude fashion, loudly. you almost stopped waiting for him at that point but he was here finally.
he didn't even talk to you, words weren't needed. he just held you really tight even though you were still on the, very uncomfortable, infirmary bed. you felt his arms that were holding onto you shake as he kissed your hair.
"you have no idea how fucking terrified i was y/n." while jude had been to a fair few races with you, he'd never seen any big crashes, let alone involving you. yes, you could only imagine how scary that must have been for him, feeling powerless over the situation, you knew it all too well. you felt that way when jude was injured and you were absolutely helpless, of course you never wished for your boyfriend to ever feel that way, but here you were.
"i love you." you felt like it was the first thing you should say right now. "so so so much. i'm sorry for not saying it earlier." jude looked at you as tears started to form in your eyes, he quickly wiped them away and kissed away the sudden wave of sadness surging through you.
"and i'm sorry for getting mad at you, i shouldn't even have told you about it before the race, it was-"
jude was cut short when someone knocked and opened the door quickly after. pierre came in with a sorry look on his face, you heard he dnf after he damaged his car. poor thing.
"y/n, are you okay? i'm sorry about-" he started rambling with a french accent.
"i'm fine don't worry, just... can we talk about it later? you can come to our motorhome, they make great coffee there i swear." you tried to joke to lighten up the atmosphere, but it was still as tense as before.
if looks could kill, gasly would have died right here the way your boyfriend eyed him in silence, his gaze following the driver on his way out.
"what a fucking dickhead. how is he driving a whole f1 car? even i would do a better job than him i swear..." your boyfriend's pettiness amused you, even more so knowing that boy couldn't ride a bike without scaring the life out of you.
his features visibly changed and you knew he wanted to talk your argument out, as you were both calmer about the situation. but he didn't get the chance to speak a word before lando opened the door.
"what did that french hooligan do to my favourite teammate? that was a barbarian try at overtaking really." you laughed at your teammate being dramatic, as always.
"i'm fine, i think gasly needs prescription glasses though, i don't know where he saw the space there but i'm okay."
once again, you felt jude's eyes burning holes in lando's skull as he went silent, he quickly took the hint and left.
you couldn't help but burst out laughing at jude when it was just you two in the room.
"you need to stop glaring at people like that."
"i just don't like him." you took his hand as he looked at you, his look much softer than the one he gave pierre and lando.
"i only want you. alright? it doesn't matter how lando views me, whether what you think is true. he will never be you." you told him stroking your thumb on the back of his hand.
"i know that, i was just mad at how he acted with you. i'm sorry about that. i trust you, 100%. i just don't like how comfortable he was making these comments y'know."
"i get that, i'll make my boundaries clear with him, okay? let's not fight over silly things like that anymore."
jude softly grabbed your jaw and kissed you, you could tell you both needed this talk, and this kiss, to clear the air.
you pull out of the kiss first, suddenly feeling the urge to annoy him.
"you know... you look good when you're jealous, i might try that more often..." jude faked a serious face.
"if attention was what you wanted, you just had to ask love." he joked as you playfully hit his arm.
"just no more leaving without saying 'i love you' alright?" he asks before quickly kissing your forehead.
"never again."
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69dias · 2 months
jude eats reader out … But his face is all bloodied up
tw for blood and injuries ! jude is practically bleeding but he’s desperate to eat reader out basically lolz enjoy! I’m so sorry cuz it’s been a while but pls lmk your thoughts!
when jude finds you, he’s a bloody mess. his face is stained red, neck practically blending into his kit, injured and angrier than you’ve ever seen him, and grabbing onto you before you can even say a word.
your first instinct is to reach up to the wound that covers his face but he grabs your hand faster than you can register, leaning down to press his forehead against yours with an agitated sigh. he’s still a bit sweaty, clearly still high on adrenaline, but it’s jude and you could never turn him down because he’s looking at you with desperation and something akin to hunger laced in his gaze. so when he presses a kiss on your cheek, you don’t turn away. and when the small pecks travel down, the blood on his face undoubtedly getting on yours, you lean into his lips, catching him halfway so you can finally kiss him.
it’s all-consuming, his hands are shaky like he’s scared to touch you but he’s doing it like you’ll disappear any moment. you’re not quite sure why he’s so needy today, why his voice is already breaking as he hums and groans into the kiss — maybe it’s the vulnerability of being so open for the whole world to see just minutes prior, maybe it’s because he wants you to fix him up and this is the only way he knows how — but regardless, you arch up into him, your own hands smoothing over the mess he’s made of his face.
jude pulls away before you get to really dominate the kiss, hands clutching the collar of his jersey that you’re wearing like it’s keeping him standing. he sinks down, pressing his forehead against the fabric on your chest and curses into you like you can grant him whatever it is that he’s looking for. it’s a mix of frustration, regret, anger, and you don’t know how to respond, just stroking his skin and wiping off as much of the blood as you can manage from this angle. it’s in half of your interests to pull him up, clean him up all the way and talk him through this, but he’s on his knees, toying with the hem of your shirt before you can act on anything you’re thinking of.
“baby,” you start, slow and careful because the last thing you want to do is push a button too far. he shakes his head, unbuttoning your jeans. the blood is truly everywhere now; smudged all over his face and his chin and you know it’ll be smeared all over your inner thighs if he continues. you’re not sure the idea is as squeamish as you might��ve thought previously. “talk to me, baby.”
“there’s nothing to say.” he kisses your stomach, voice hoarse and gritty
you know he’s lying, and he looks too pretty for you to move past it. your hands find the nape of his neck, grabbing it and gently tugging so he looks up at you. he sighs, eyes shutting just as you look into them. despite your hold, his own hands continue pulling at your jeans, yanking them down so they’re at your knees. you shiver when his touch travels up and down your thighs, letting go of him so he can get back to making you feel good. your panties come down next, and you have to stop yourself from groaning out loud when he grabs the lace with his teeth, snapping it against your thighs as he drags them downwards.
still, you can’t fight the concern blooming in your stomach when you look at his face. despite knowing better, you prod at the issue.
“jude,” it’s laced with desperation, quiet and breathy still because he’s licking a stripe up your bare thigh, but the concern has him stopping. he blows on the wetness, then swipes it away with his thumb, still shaking. “what happened?”
“nothing,” he’s quick to respond, punctuates the curt answer with an eye roll. if his plan is to shut you up, it’s working — just as quick as he’d gotten you naked, he’s pushing your goosebump-riddled thighs apart, two fingers reaching up to spread you open for him. it makes you shiver, gasp shakily under him, but you’re really not done with the conversation, and you make that as clear as you can with a tightened grip on his hair.
“don’t worry about me, beautiful. let go, relax for me?” whenever jude looks straight into your eyes, you truly lose all your rationale, but it’s even worse when he’s between your legs.
when he doesn’t get another response, he leans in, a man starved and parched, leaving sloppy kitten licks all over your cunt. you keen, knees buckling right into his warm awaiting hands as he pushes you back up against the wall, sitting up on his knees for more support. if you were to look down, you’d see the fresh blood still smeared all over his face on your thighs, but he’s almost made you forget about it with the way he’s eating you out.
his hands leave your thighs for a second, once again spreading you open so he can lick right at your clit until your head spins and you feel a steady pressure in your core. you can’t even string together a coherent thought, can’t even look down at him when you feel his gaze burning into your face. all you can do is stroke the skin of his face, pushing him forward into your cunt until his small groans are muffled and he goes from small licks to just slurping and practically making out with your clit.
“ju - fuck, jude, please, just tell me what happened to you —“ it comes out garbled and half moaned, but no matter how good it feels, genuine concern overrides the euphoria when you see the mess he’s made of himself.
he pulls away for a second, leaving you out of breath, spits on your entrance and prods at it with his middle finger. you can see the annoyance on his face, but you make him face you anyways. “got hurt. tackle. boot hit my face. good?”
“baby, you should’ve gotten it cleaned—“
“I didn’t want to get it clean, I wanted to eat your pretty pussy out.”
it takes you by surprise, and you breath out a laugh, one that morphs into a moan as he dives back into you.
he’s at it with more of a fervor this time, sliding a finger in and curling it until he feels you clench around him. you grit your teeth, letting out pathetic moans at how full you feel, his name leaving your lips in between the sounds you allow yourself to make.
“f-fuck, more, please,” you’re close to buckling over, but jude’s strenuous groans and the grip he’s holding you with lets you relax a little, truly feeling the steady pressure in your abdomen.
he’s pumping a finger in and out of you, he tells you he has you, eases another finger in until the tears that prickle the corners of your eyes finally spill over. it makes your mouth drop open in a silent moan, head buzzing and ears ringing as you press your shaking hands to the back of his head.
“I’m f– fuck, so fucking close,” you can feel the coil in your lower belly so close to snapping that it makes you want to run away from the feeling. It’s all too much, because his tongue is soft on your clit and his fingers are jackhammering into you like he has a point to prove, his muffled groans somewhere in the back of your mind; all you can do is squirm and push your hips up to get yourself over the precipice of pleasure –
“Fu- fu- uck, Jesus –”
He pulls away, rubbing a thumb over your clit. “I got you, beautiful, just let go, let go for me –”
What you expect to be a wave, crashing into you is nothing but a soft roll of ecstasy taking ahold of every inch of your skin. It starts in your head, numbing your senses and then heightening them, makes its way down to your arms until you’re grasping at jude’s hair because it’s so fucking good, rolls down your legs until you clench your toes, grapples at your throat until your voice is choked out and all you can do is pant helplessly.
when he pulls away, his face is a mess, and you sink down to kneel between his open legs. it takes you several moments to get your breathing in order, to stop shaking and actually pay attention to how jude is looking at you like he could eat you alive. before he can get to that, though, you finally get a chance to rub a trembling finger over the skin of his ruined face, pulling him in closer so it lands on your shoulder.
you kiss his temple, and he sighs in your arms, letting you take care of him at last.
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trentsgirl · 5 months
— 🤍 ⋆⭒˚。⋆ (part two to stupidly in love with you)
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⟡ summary: after being banned from the next match, jude decided to drown his sorrows in alcohol. as you accompanied him on his way home, he shared something with you.
⟡ content: friends to lovers, very fluffy, mentions of kissing, no cliffhanger this time, around nine hundred words.
⟡ streaming: better by zayn.
⟡ masterlist, part one, part two.
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escorting jude back to his home was quite tiring and draining. it felt like you had walked for ages until you finally managed to get him to bed.
jude quickly fell asleep, dozing off as soon as his head touched the pillow. you couldn’t help but smile softly at the sound of his snores, although it quickly faded as you noticed the mess in his room.
being someone who values cleanliness, you promptly began tidying up jude’s room, making sure to be as quiet as possible. you didn’t want to risk waking him, especially considering how intoxicated he was. you didn’t want him to start rambling endlessly again.
after folding the last of the numerous t-shirts strewn on the floor, you closed the closet and were just about to leave his room when jude unexpectedly grabbed your wrist as you walked by the bed.
you were taken aback as jude quietly uttered, “don’t go..”
you couldn’t fathom how jude had sensed your intention to leave, but you knew he wouldn’t provide a clear explanation as he was about to drift off to sleep again.
“uhm, jude, i need to head home. it’s really late.” you whispered, trying to gently release his hold on your wrist, but was left astonished by his strength even in his drowsy state.
jude struggled to contain his emotions and actions, but he was certain about one thing - he wanted you to stay with him. he longed for your presence, not just tonight, but every night.
“don’t leave, please..” he murmured, his eyes opening to reveal a pleading gaze that instantly melted your hopeless heart.
jude was your achhilles’ heel, and you despised the power he held over you.
typically, you wouldn’t hesitate to share a bed with jude. it had occurred a few times during your friendship, like on vacations or when he traveled for football.
however, this time was different. because this time he confessed his feelings for you.
but, seeing him so vulnerable was agonizing, and it pained you physically.
in a moment of weakness, you gave in, sighing as you slipped under the covers. thhe warmth from both the blanket and jude’s body heat enveloped you.
he wasted no time in clinging to you and you made no effort to push him away, exuding excitement like a little boy who had just been given candy. your heart started racing, and heat crept up your cheeks. there was no way you could drift off to sleep in this state.
the room fell into a brief silence before jude broke it, his voice sounding more alert. “i wasn’t lying, you know... when i said i love you.”
his voice resonated with such sincerity that it tugged at your heart. as you lay on your side, your gaze fixated on the man who held your deepest affections. the intensity in his eyes implored you to trust him, to believe in his words.
curiosity compelled you to pose a question, testing the depths of his emotions. “when did you first realize that you loved me?” you inquired.
without hesitation, jude responded with unwavering honesty. “i’ve loved you for longer than i care to admit, y/n. perhaps it was that night we spent together in greece, or the time you told me i was the one you trusted most. but i was afraid of ruining what we had, or lose you, so i kept my feelings to myself.”
his heartfelt admission crashed over you like a powerful wave, leaving you stunned and overwhelmed. your cheeks flushed, and you found it difficult to maintain eye contact, fearing that your emotions would be too transparent.
for years, you had convinced yourself that jude would never view you in a romantic light.
he had been involved with other women, introducing you to so many that you had lost all hope for a romantic connection between the two of you.
the realization that jude reciprocated your feelings brought both a sense of bliss and trepidation. it was a mix of emotions - the joy of knowing that you no longer had to conceal your love, and the fear of what this newfound vulnerability might entail.
“you won’t ruin or lose me,” you assured him, reclaiming your gaze and locking it with his. determined to convey your reciprocal feelings, you boldly caressed his cheek, bridging the distance between your lips.
a sudden hitch in his breath revealed his anticipation and exhilaration coursing through his veins.
“you’ll always have me, jude.” you whispered before finally uniting your lips with his, cherishing the electrifying sensation that passed between you.
jude’s initial surprise quickly faded as he responded with equal fervor. he settled the rhythm of the kiss into a tranquil and unhurried rhythm, as if he wanted to savor every moment. it became evident that jude had no intention of letting you slip away after this. he was determined to make you his, forever.
the sensation of his lips against yours surpassed any expectations you had. it felt like pure bliss, surpassing even your wildest imagination. in this moment, you wished that time would stand still, never allowing you to return to a time before experiencing the euphoria of his kiss.
with a gentle separation, you finally uttered the words he longed to hear:
“i love you too.”
jude’s face broke into a triumphant grin, his heart leaping with joy. he had sensed your reciprocation from the moment your lips met, but he couldn’t contain his excitement.
lovingly pressing a kiss against the tip of your nose, he responded with a tender smile, “i know, baby. i know.”
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jb5lover · 6 months
we always talks bout you going completely dumb while he’s fucking you but imagine the opposite where jude is just completely drunk on you 😵‍💫 it’s been a few weeks since you guys have been able to be together and when u finally get the chance to, neither of u wanna stop 🫣 and despite how tired u are, u can tell he’s in that headspace where he is practically on cloud 9 and just wanna let him make himself feel good
you guys would be like 1 hour into your long evening together, both of you already having had numerous orgasms within that time frame. your body is just about ready to give up, your legs and your hips feeling the late impact of his constant thrusts into you. not that he needed that much effort to slide it in, you were beyond wet enough from the second you guys saw each other earlier.
somehow though, and it really was a mystery, it just seemed like jude was gaining more and more energy. it was a common theme in your relationship that he was able to last a lifetime if you guys went a prolonged period without fucking, but you had never seen him quite like this before. you couldn’t count how many times he had filled you up tonight, but from the way you could feel the load dripping out of you as buried himself as deep as possible, you knew it had to be a lot. you wondered how he still had it in him to be giving it to you as good as this, without showing any signs of stopping soon.
“fuck, you’re so perfect,” he sighed as he paid close attention to his cock sliding into your already filled hole. he looked mesmerised by the sight, as if it was the most beautiful thing ever created. he was pretty much using your body at this point, and you were more than happy to let him do so, both of recognising that you were too tired to do any of the work. “it’s so good,” you moaned hazily, your eyes drifting closed. “i’m glad you think so, cause we have a long way to go,” he said, as he sped up his thrusts once more, drawing yet another moan out of you.
it was a nonstop cycle of making you finish, which would then trigger him to cum inside you, and then he’d think about how hot it was that he just needed to do it again. he simply couldn’t get enough of you. “fuck, i can’t stop, you’re so fucking amazing,” he grunted. the way you’d cry a little when you came, how your eyes would roll back when he slammed against your sweet spot, how you’d beg him to go easy on you even though you both know you wanted it hard. he never wanted to stop. and no matter how sore you’d be tomorrow, you didn’t want him to either.
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dontexpectmuch · 23 days
hey pookie love your writing and the memes you be adding at the end are sooo😭😭😭😭
I was wondering if you could write something about watching true crimes w Jude real fluffy and cute 🥺
sending you kisses 😚
i changed it up a bit! hope u don’t mind :3
“babe, that shit’s fucked up.”
it is a normal saturday noon, and like always you and jude decided to spend your free day together. you wanted to get some coffee, he wants to shop for a bit, so naturally you combine both of your wishes.
getting ready in your bedroom, you sigh as you look at jude through the mirror. he himself looks quite comfortable laying on top of your bed sheets, his phone at hand. he knew that you like to listen to podcasts while getting ready, though he did nit know what kind of podcasts exactly.
“what do you mean, love?” you lean closer to the mirror as you do your lashes, determination written over your face.
jude scoffs, “unbelievable.” he mutters to himself as he gets up from your bed, moving closer to you as he watches you do your, whatever it is.
“that dude just said that some murderer gutted one of his victims with his mouth. and then ate him. like? the fuck?” he looks bewildered by the content you oh so calmly listen to, not really affected by anything.
finishing one eye, you turn around to look up at your boyfriend, his face showcasing how he feels about your podcast.
“bebé, it’s true crime, of course they describe how some stuff happened.” you explain, quickly pressing a kiss on his abdomen before turning around to finish your make up.
jude stays quiet for a while, just watching you do your thing, humming to yourself. the podcast is still playing in the background, the description if certain acts getting more and more detailed and even brutal.
he decides to speak up again, his imagination running wild as he listens to the words, “and you are not, y’know, affected by it?”
he steps closer to your body, massaging your shoulders with bis big hands, smirking to himself as you sigh and lean against his touch.
you shake your head, “no, it helps me relax and get ready faster.”
“relax, you say?” he raises his eyebrows, his hands now trailing down from your shoulders to the front of your neck, “i can help you relax even better, hm?”
you groan as you push away his hands, “not now, love, gotta get ready.”
he sighs and moves back to your bed, watching you get ready once more, “boring.” he says under his breath.
“shut it.”
“make me.”
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lucy90712 · 2 months
HEYYYYY CAN I PLS PLS PLS request the same football guys on ur period headcanon with a clumsy gf that js always falls and hits things and very careless with their body and stuff
- To begin with it scared Pablo how clumsy you were he always notices a few new bruises on you every time he sees you and he just worries that you will seriously hurt yourself one day and he doesn't want to see that as he doesn't like to see you in pain 
- As time goes on he gets used to it and he knows that your clumsiness is just part of you and it's something he learns to love especially the little noises you make as you trip up or accidentally knock something over 
- You are always apologising when you accidentally knock over something or walk into something in Pablo's house and every time he tells you that there's no need for you to apologise but he will never be able to change that habit as everyone else in your life expects apologise for you just being the way you are 
- Pablo develops a sixth sense almost about when you are going to hurt yourself whenever you go anywhere he can just tell if you will trip over something so he tries his best to stop it happening but he can't always intervene in time but he's always there to help you up or make you feel less embarrassed 
- Sometimes Pablo protects you without realising he's doing it if you are both in the kitchen and you are bent down getting something from a cupboard Pablo will put his hand above your head so when you come back up your head hits his hand instead of the counter 
- Pedri gets used to your clumsiness pretty quickly he's met plenty of people who are a bit clumsy although you are worse than all of them combined at times but that doesn't put him off as he just loves you for you 
- He likes to make jokes about your clumsiness at times but whenever he's injured you always come right back at him and that usually stops his teasing as he knows your not wrong both of you can be a bad as each other when it comes to injuries 
- Seeing as you are both quite often hurt in some way you do a lot of taking care of each other you always help Pedri with his recovery and give him massages to help his muscles and he's always cleaning your cuts or putting cream on your bruises to help them heal faster 
- He doesn't like to see you hurt especially if something hurts you a bit more than normal and causes a few tears that really upsets him as he doesn't like to see you in so much pain he always wishes he could completely take away all the pain you feel but he can't so instead he just comforts you when your hurt 
- As much as he hates seeing you in pain he weirdly loves your clumsiness it makes you unique and he loves getting to the end of the day and hearing about all of the silly things you've done throughout the day like walking into your desk that you sit at every day it always brightens his day the way you can laugh at the stupid things you do 
- When you first start dating and seeing more of each other Jude notices that you always come round with new bruises and straight away he worries that someone is hurting you when you go home but he doesn't mention it to begin with as he doesn't want to trigger you 
- One day when you turn up with a burn on your hand from your hair straightener he can't hold back his worries any longer and he sits you down and asks you seriously if you are ok or if anyone is hurting you that's when you explain that you are just clumsy and you tell him where all of your bruises and other injures are from which calms him down 
- Once he knows that you are ok and that no one is hurting you he feels a lot better but he's still worried that you are able to do all of this to yourself but you reassure him that you are fine and it's something you've lived with your whole life which again makes him feel a bit less worried as he knows that you are used to it all
- From that day onwards he decided that he wants to do everything that he can to protect you so that you don't end up with as many bruises because he hates to see your legs and arms covered in them 
- When he's with you he always makes sure that you don't walk into things or trip on things it's not easy as somehow you always find a way to walk into doorframes or trip on seemingly nothing but he does his best to keep you safe but if he can't he will always put bandages on your injures so that you don't make them worse 
- Joao can be clumsy at times and some days he's worse than others but you are like 10x worse than he is pretty much constantly most of the time you can't go the whole day without doing something anyone else would consider clumsy but you just consider it normal life 
- When you moved in with Joao he was already well aware of your clumsiness so he pretty much baby proof the house so he makes sure there isn't rugs anywhere you would walk everyday and any furniture with sharp corners have protection on them so you can't hurt yourself if you walk into them 
- To minimise the chance of serious injury Joao won't let you do anything that involves getting on a ladder without him there and even anything that involves using a sharp knife he doesn't like you to do alone but you don't mind as it means you get to do those things together which makes them more fun 
- When you have people over you try and be extra careful as you don't want to embarrass yourself but one day Joao has some people over and you accidentally trip while carrying groceries which makes his friends laugh but he gets straight up to check on you and make sure you are ok and aren't embarrassed because he truly cares about you 
- He then has to explain that you are just clumsy but that he loves that about you and his friends quickly move on from laughing especially when he tells them that you will always try harder not to seem so clumsy around other people 
- Hector is quick to notice that you are always tripping over things and sometimes nothing other than your own two feet when you go to his your trip on the rug every time and when you go out places any uneven part of the pavement will get you 
- Once he notices the pattern he moves the rug in his place because he doesn't want you to trip every time you come and see him especially because he sees the way you blush every time and he knows you get embarrassed and he cares a lot more about you than a rug which is just there for decoration 
- Whenever you go anywhere together he makes sure that he is always holding your hand so he can either steer you round uneven parts in the pavement or hold you up if you do trip so that you don't fall 
- You often worry that Hector won't want to be seen with you especially as he becomes more well known as you think he won't want to be associated with someone who can't stand on their own two feet properly as his teammates will make fun of him or fans will make fun him for being with you 
- Hector doesn't care at all about being seen with you he is more than happy to show you off because he loves you even if people judge him for it that won't change his feelings and he definitely won't stand for people making fun of you so he will block people on social media who make fun of you 
- There are times that Marc doesn't know how you haven't broken a bone before he's always expecting you to be at the hospital on your nighttime FaceTime calls on the days you don't see each other but it hasn't happened yet in the years he's known you 
- He likes to joke with you and ask what new injuries you have every time he talks to you but as much as he jokes around he really does care about you so if you were to ever really hurt yourself he would be so upset or even if you just get sick of being clumsy he is always there to comfort you 
- When he's with you he does everything he can to stop you getting hurt as he never likes seeing you hurt he becomes really protective when it comes to you if he could fight the floor after it trips you up he would but he can't so instead he just tries his best to make sure you are ok 
- On the off chance he can't intervene before you hurt yourself he will baby you and take care of you for the rest of the day you won't have to lift a finger so there's no chance that you can't do anymore damage to your body 
- Even if he's not with you if you tell him that you accidentally cut yourself even if it doesn't hurt he will invite himself over to take care of you as he can't have his girlfriend hurting without him being there he has to be there to cuddle you and make you feel better 
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luckykiwiii101 · 4 days
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A Tendency To Kill…
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And It Takes One To Know One….
Hey Upper East Siders.
Words out that it’s been…6 months since you’ve been sitting on your ass, procrastinating. Maybe that why it’s so flat…
Wait…you haven’t been procrastinating?
What a shame. When B built a bridge, it all came crashing down. Well maybe, the bolts weren’t strong enough.
Persist once. Shame on you. Persist twice. The blame’s on you. Persisting is nothing if you aren’t out to persist forever. Because your persistence should result in the 3D also showing you proof later…meaning that you can’t just “stop” persisting when it’s right in-front of you. If you know what I mean.
But what’s “persisting” if you don’t take it seriously.
If you ask me, you’re too bold playing around with the only thing holding your hope for a bright future. Or any future at all.
The only way to persist is, with a tendency to kill.
Woah woah woah!! Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here and unleash the murderers roaming tumblr.
What I mean is…murder the old state. Until it no longer exists. Replace it with your new state.
You’ve already created the monster that you call “yourself” today. So what makes you think you can’t create another one. Except, this new one will be more in your favour. Completely in your favour.
Done with being nice. Because look how ever so far that’s gotten you…
You’re out to kill. (Metaphorically incase some of you illiterate dumb fucks can’t get this information into your brain, as usual, because if you did, you’d be sitting in your mansion right now, or wherever you desire, just anywhere but your lazy arse).
A wise girl once said, peak failure is the moment you’re too lazy to get off your metaphorical arse and persist, even though it doesn’t require getting off your physical arse. How embarrassing. Now how do you stoop that low….into your couch. You’re leaving a dent. It’s been ages. The springs must feel a new awakening when you finally choose to get up. If you get up. Don’t you feel butt hurt? Like literally? I cant imagine. How will you be able to do anything? Instead of running on treadmills and getting absolutely nowhere, quite literally. Instead venture into your mind, and actually get somewhere. You know you create your reality. Yet you refuse to…
The old you no longer exists. The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. And I mean literally. Get the hell off your phone, and start applying instead of scrolling tumblr searching for answers you already know the answer to.
You haven’t truly persisted if you haven’t drowned the old state in the new state. You’re somebody else now. And if you ever return to your old self, then you never truly claimed your new state. Only call yourself a success when you actually persist. And currently, by the looks of it you aren’t.
Cmon, try it. You’ll start to like who you become along the way. Wouldn’t it be satisfying to give yourself what you deserve?
Well either way, it’s not my problem what life you choose to live. Nobody’s going to shake you out of your trance when we all leave with our success stories, and you’re just…here.
And if books could kill, we wouldn’t wanna be you…since all you really seem to do is look for more info in them. It’s about time they bite your face off. You’re supposed to be attending Constance Billard/St Jude’s private school, not Hogwarts.
I hope I don’t see you here instead of enjoying your summer with your dream life. How many summers have gone by? I’m losing track. Well I guess some things never change…especially you.
- gossip girl
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judes-hoe · 3 months
HII🩷😘love your fics.
Imagine Reader has POOR communication issues. She’s really upset about something that has happened and Jude is really trying to console her but she’s not saying anything. To take her mind off of things she just thinks SEX! And all of a sudden starts rubbing on Jude and he’s not having it - he wants her to talk to him. She doesn’t listen yearning for an escape and then he finally has the strength to get a hold of her. And is so fluffy and soft and is like ‘baby, please , I wanna make you feel better, can we do it the healthy way. can we please talk. I care about you my love’
This is inspired by how hard j find it to communicate in my relationships I just shut off 😭😭💔
Thank you☺️this is gonna be a little long
You’ve never had good communication skills before because of a past relationship. Today was just really hard for you a work and you don’t wanna tell Jude about and to just ramble to him about it cause in your last relationship your ex would get annoyed with you. Jude never knew about you last relationship either. But when you get home from work he can tell the smile you have on is fake. He walks over to you at the door giving you a kiss, you take off your coat and set your purse down. You and jude sit on the couch, you try to watch tv to get your mind off work. Jude can feel your tense and ask you what’s wrong. You don’t reply for a couple minutes before you go over to him and just start kissing his neck and rubbing up on him. He keeps saying he wants to talk and stuff. But when you don’t stop he grabs a hold of you a pulse you off him and makes you look him in the eyes. You can tell he’s not having it given he’s not hard yet and normally he is. You look at him with a sorry expression and you hang your head low. He grabs your head and says “baby,please, talk to me I can tell something wrong and we gotta communicate,its what helps a relationship,” and hearing him say that makes you start crying. You tuck your head in his neck and he holds you closer to his chest. Once you’re done crying you tell him about work and then you tell him that you never have been able to communicate with him because of your ex. But Jude then tells you that he’s nothing like you ex, and that if work stresses you so much then you can quit, and that he can take care of you and that he wants you for the rest of his life and that it’s okay for you to quit and you just start cry again and he just wipes your tears and gives you a kiss.
Please request🫶🏻 inbox is open always even if it’s just to chat😁
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anadiasmount · 7 months
imagine you're dating jude but no one knows and you're at an event or game or whatever and you hear some girls talking about him and how he's so hot and blah blah blah and you're just sitting there smiling to yourself because no matter how much they talk, at the end of the day he comes home to you.
let’s say you’re back home and he’s cooking dinner for you after the match, and he’s just so excited and over the moon over the performance and goal! literally he cannot stop tapping about it and mentioning just how perfect it was.
you sat on the counter there quietly listening with the biggest grin on your face bc you love when he talks about his achievements and career, you could listen to him all day. it makes you not only super grateful but yet more trusted and wanted by this bc since your relationship was yet to be known by everyone.
“you’re awfully quiet? something on your mind?” he asks dropping the spatulas and striding over to you. placing a small kiss on your lips while he pulls you towards him, chest to chest. “nothing. i’m just so proud of you jude. it makes me so happy how far you’ve comed along in just months. and to be able here to support and love you along the way it the tip of the iceberg,” you grab his face a place a small kiss to his cheek, your lipstick leaving a mark behind.
you giggled at his confused reaction when you give him a teasing look, showing him that you were hiding something from him. jude groans and insists you tell him what you’re thinking of, “tell me please, you can’t give me that look and not say anything?”
when his big hands trail over your sides you moved around to try him to stop, your feet banging and making noise on the cabinets below as you try to free yourself from him. “fine fine. just be quiet! your mom is still here,” you say, motioning to bring his voice to a whisper or quiet voice.
your mind drifts back off to the game where you had been sitting patiently for the match to start. it was cold out so you kept playing with your beanie and scarf to get it warm and close to you. while getting distracted by the new stadiums latest features, your head cocks forward to the group of four girls who brought up your boyfriends name.
no one knew the two of you we’re together, you and jude agreeing to when time was right as all you wanted was to share the most right now when no one was seeing or being judgy. plus knowing how protective his fans are, you weren’t quite ready for their comments.
a blond girl spoke up about he different things he would do to him, the red head about how he gave out big dick energy, and the two brunettes were chatting how hot and talented he was, that it should be them supporting him, and only them. you sat there with your arms crossed and feeling buddy, an expression of wanting to let the world know he was your boyfriend.
“during the game the girls infront of me, kept going on and on of how hot and sexy you were, that you legit give out big dick energy, that’s you’re super talented and such a mommas boy. how they could treat you better and give you the world and it just made me laugh,” you chuckle and reenacted their voices and hang gestures, giving him a huge grin.
jude laughs loudly and throws his head back, forgetting the promise he had just done prior to keep his voice down. “little did they know my girlfriend was behind them, looking beautiful in my jersey and supporting me through the end, even if she didn’t agree with me to continue playing,” he says frowning in the last sentence.
“i’ll say it once and i’ll say it again, risks like even how small or big they are, should never be taken. but i can’t do anything about that, let alone you bc ik how stubborn and fearless you are,” you purse your lips together and hug him, feeling him let out a sigh of relief. “i’m just so happy to be here with you after all this time. i love you so so much you know? you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,” you say softly kissing his neck, shoulder, and jaw.
“ i know baby, i know, but i only do it bc of the team and for me, we all need each other even in the worst timings. i won’t make it a habit though. and as for me being the best thing in your life, i can say the same. i’ve never met anyone like you, who’s loves me conditionally through my goods and bads, let’s me be the jude i want to be,” he closes the gap and kisses you feverently, whispering i love yous along your lips.
but then comes to a halt and groans, quickly sprinting to the stove where he freaks out over the food, “MY CHICKEN! ITS BURNING!”
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dontexpectmuch · 21 days
i know how much you guys love this series, so i give you a new part. this one how ever will be;
comments/feedback is highly appreciated! please, im getting desperate :d
Habits Jude Bellingham might develop before you guys get into a relationship!
(a Lost in Madrid drabble!)
it is no secret that jude just loves to talk. he genuinely enjoys it so much to share any and every thought that goes through his mind, no matter how small it might be. he couldn’t tell when it started exactly, but suddenly he found himself on his way to you, a tired student that just wants to finish their work. as soon as he lifts his hand, knocks on your door and enters the room his lips start moving, talking so lively and fast that you need some time to register what is even happening.
“what do you mean ‘m talkin’ your ear off? you literally study literature and shit!” - “it’s more about reading, jude.” you sigh, wishing for any kind of help at this moment.
it is also nothing new for you to receive messages from jude during your quiet evenings when you decide to stay home. jude recently got into sending audio messages, you being his number one victim [forced] friend, whom he shared this new passion with. and most of the times he won’t even say anything important. he’ll just sing a new spanish song he has learned that past week. and he will sing. no matter how terrible it sounds and how much it makes your ears bleed. though, you also always listen to those audios, even though you know what the content will be.
“jude?” opening your door after hearing a desperate knock, you did not think that you would see your [not] friend standing there. he looks tiredly at you, clothes wrinkled and sandals on, “mum wanted me to bring you some cake she baked.” he gives you the tupperware filled with slices of cake, energy low. you feel your shoulders relax as you look up at him, “tell her i love her, please.” he just nods. and even though he always complains to you about how he is not some delivery boy, he can’t help but get excited at the thought of seeing your soft eyes when you receive food his mum made. it makes him feel giddy inside.
he makes you trip purposely whenever you walk in front of him, and then giggles and jogs away to join the others on the field when you send daggers his way with your glare.
he forces you to play two-touch, even though you have told him multiple times already that you cannot play really well. he quite literally forces you to become better, giving you tips while making you pass the ball against the wall back and forth. “i don’t want to do this anymore, jude.” - “well, that’s too damn bad.” his gaze serious as he corrects your form once more. “bitch.” you murmur under your breath, praying for him to just disappear somewhere and leave you alone.
“what?” you ask as you look up from your notes, eyes wide as you watch jude place a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll onto your desk. “i heard that you like sweets, or whatever.” he says, [desperately] wanting to look cool. your heart starts to pick up in speed when you look back and forth between jude and the things he just gave you, warmth spreading through your body. “thanks.”
“watch me.” he smirks at you, who looks quite annoyed tired at him. “i’ll hit this first time.” - “like you did to me on my first day here?” - “dude! i told you not to talk about it anymore, ‘t’s a sensitive topic for me, ‘kay?”
heartfelt conversations between you are not as rare as one might think. whenever jude comes to you to talk your ear off while toi work on your research, you sometimes tell him about your own stuff. that leads to various topics you two discuss, which also results in sharing some intimate thoughts. it makes jude, who usually looks so confident and well put together, look more human, like a 20 year old guy who also learns something new every day.
surpriseee! hope you like it!! :)
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grantgustluv · 11 months
big baby - jude bellingham
pairing: jude bellingham x fem!reader
author’s note: part 2 to my lando imagine (his champion) currently being written as we speak. HOPE YOU ENJOY MY LOVES <3
warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff. I feel like everyone needs a clingy jude in their life
Jude was known to be quite a hot headed player on the pitch especially if a decision didn’t go his or his teams way. There had been many times when his teammates had to drag him away from getting into some sort of argument or fight over a foul or a decision against him. So if his teammates were to see him now they would be teasing him for months on end.
It was a Sunday morning, which meant it was Jude’s day off. He had his head resting on your chest, arms wrapped around your waist clinging to you like a koala, with soft snores escaping his lips. Your alarm had gone off 30 minutes ago and as you’d moved to turn it off Jude had rolled on top of you and trapped you in this position not allowing you to leave the comfort of his arms or the bed. However, your stomach was begging you to leave and get some food as it continued to rumble underneath your lump of a boyfriend. Jude’s snores had got a little louder, signalling that he was falling into an even deeper sleep, so you took your chance and carefully snook out of the peaceful man’s embrace and quietly made your way out the room.
You had finally made your way into the kitchen and started to pour yourself a bowl of cereal before you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. “Why’d you leave?” your sleepy boyfriend mumbled into your neck, his deep, raspy voice prominent due to having just woken up, nearly making your knees buckle at the gorgeous sound. “I was hungry sweetheart,” you answered sweetly, knowing your boyfriend wasn’t really a morning person. He released a small grunt into your neck, clearly displeased with your answer. “Come back to bed,” he whined, holding you tighter to his chest. You giggled at your clingy boyfriend and quickly finished your cereal before making your way back upstairs to your bedroom, with Jude having clung to you the full way back to your bed, finally having let go of you to go to the toilet.
You had just got yourself comfortable under the covers, putting a movie on the tv and turning down the volume before Jude trudged back over to the bed and wrapped himself around you again, this time with his arm wrapped around your stomach and his head resting in the crook of your neck with his head angled so he could watch the movie you had put on.
You were about 20 minutes into the movie before you heard Jude yawn next to you. “Go back to sleep if you want baby,” you mumbled to him, kissing the top of his head gently. “Can you do the thing please?” he asked, yawning again. “Of course my big baby,” you giggled quietly before trailing your index finger gently from the bridge to the tip of his nose and repeating until you looked down at him and saw that his breaths were getting heavier and his eyes were closing. After a few minutes his head fell into the crook of your neck, his soft snores became a little louder and his arm became a little heavier around your stomach.
Jude looked angelic and calm when he slept and it was one of your favourite sights, looking down and seeing him so peaceful made your heart flutter. You teased him for being your big baby, but you knew that you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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lxndonorris · 1 year
new heights - Jude Bellingham
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Y/N x Jude Bellingham Theme: Smutish, Teasing, Touching (Not explicit) Jude's new kit arrives in the mail, you ask him to put it on for you x word count: 1680+
When your boyfriend Jude was approached by Real Madrid for a possible transfer, both of you were excited right away. He's been talking a lot about his dream to play for one of the most iconic football clubs of all time. Having multiple Madrid jerseys himself, he immediately agreed to switch teams. Jude loves to play for BVB, but when he got the chance to expand his qualities and experience, he couldn't say no. Now, after a month of negotiations, the deal is finally done, and once the league is over, he'd transfer to Madrid this summer. Without you knowing, he prepared a little surprise for the two of you.
Now, the sun is slowly setting on a beautiful Friday evening, when you find yourself sitting on the sofa, inside of the arms of your boyfriend, with his arm around your shoulder, and the tips of his fingers run up and down your arm. Your head is resting against his chest, while he's wearing a navy blue shirt, black shorts, and socks. On the other hand, you're wearing a loose shirt, one of his favorites, and another pair of his shorts. Immediately once you got together, you'd claim his clothes as your own, of course, he wouldn't mind at all. Even though, at times, Jude tends to be more possessive about pieces of clothing, especially his kits. This would always make you smile, because, fair enough.
You're scrolling through your Instagram feed, liking a few pictures of your friends, and checking out a few fan edits. Even though it's not public yet, a few people are speculating that Jude would play for another team this season. Just then, the doorbell rings, and he jumps off the sofa, much to your surprise, catching your attention right away. This must be something important when he acts like that. Tilting your head curiously, you hear him talking to another man, most likely a mailman. They exchange a quick chat before the door closes with a soft thud. Softly, you hear his footsteps echo through the hallway as he's approaching the living room again.
Before he even enters the room, you narrow your eyes in suspicion. 'What is he up to?' You think to yourself when he finally enters through the doorframe. Jude is carrying a big package, and while he walks, he looks at it with a coy smile spread across his whole face. "What is that?" You say rather loudly, visibly snapping him out of his daydream. Jude flinches, stops right away, and lifts his head to look into your eyes right away. "Oh, uh, whaaat?" He says, blushing immediately. "That package." You nod towards that huge thing inside his grasp. "Oh, that. uh. Nothing." He stutters and tries to play it cool, making his way toward the bedroom.
Before Jude can close the door behind him, you follow him inside the room, startling him again. "Y/N. you scared me." He says once you stand right behind him, your eyes fixated on that package. "Do you have something to confess to me, Jude?" You say, slowly lifting your head to face him once more. He blinks a few times, trying his best to regain his composure, before he takes a deep breath. "Fine." Jude sighs, defeated before he puts it down on the bed, and waves for you to come closer. Grinning happily, you join his side and look closely as he starts to open it. "Is it something for me?" You say excitedly, watching his beautiful hands struggle a little. "Not quite, yet." He chuckles softly, and you pout. "Mean bean." You say softly, and finally, he manages to defeat that package.
"Fuck, that looks good," Jude says, and both of you look in awe at his new Real Madrid jersey, white, gold, and black. Most important, however, is the name printed on its back. "Bellingham 5." The two of you whisper in unison, and you can feel him getting more and more excited. "Jude! Why didn't you tell me!" You pout again, turning toward him. He turns his head, smiling brightly, and you spot a fiery spark igniting in his beautiful eyes. "It was meant as a surprise," Jude growls happily, the sound of his voice sending shivers down your spine.
"And what a surprise this is." You say, and lean in for a sweet kiss. Since he is a little taller than you, he bends down, placing a tender kiss right on your lips. Embracing him on yours, you kiss him again, once, then twice, before he separates himself from you, turning his attention back to the jersey. Proudly, you intertwine your arm with his, while placing your other hand on his firm chest, stroking him lovingly through his shirt. "It looks so good, with your name on it." You say, both of you admiring his new gear. "It does, doesn't it." Jude smiles even harder, as he takes the shirt out of the box. Lifting it right in front of the two of you, you get a better look at it. Unable to resist, you reach for it, feeling the fabric between two fingers. "It feels nice, too."
You giggle, and he nods in agreement. "It better be feeling good." He snickers, turning it around, back to the front, smiling like a child on Christmas Eve. Removing your eyes from the jersey for a second, you spot a pair of white shorts left inside the box. "Ohh." You say, drawing Jude's attention. "Yup, asked for the whole thing to show you." He licks his lower lip and watches you get the shorts out of the package. "It's so beautiful." You smile and notice him admiring his new jersey some more. "It is." He says, his voice is so soft, it's barely hearable. For a second, you're unable to stop staring at your gorgeous boyfriend, who's seemingly shining brighter than the sun outside.
"You should put it on." You smirk, and at the sound of these words, Jude turns his upper body toward you. "You want me to, babé?" He mirrors your smirk perfectly, giving you goosebumps. "Don't make me beg, please." You pout, wearing your best puppy dog eyes. Jude, instead of giving in right away, tilts his head. "But I like that." He smiles coyly, and you nudge him playfully. "Okay, okay." Both of you giggle. "You're very persuasive," Jude growls again, acting all shy and innocent. "You know me, babé." You say, imitating him flawlessly. Jude shrugs with one eyebrow, while you make your way to sit right on the edge of the bed, facing him.
He hands you the jersey, and without further ado, he starts undressing. His shirt is the first to drop to the floor, exposing his well-formed body, his strong arms, pecs, and abs. Admiring his strong physique, you watch him putting his hands behind his head, causing his muscles to tense and bulge. "Gorgeous boy." You smirk, causing him to blush slightly again. Jude then reaches for the jersey, and you hand it to him, your hands brushing over one another. Your eyes meet shortly, and you see that fire still burning behind his eyes. Jude bites his lip, trying his best to hide a mischievous smirk. Effortlessly, he slides into the white jersey, and it fits perfectly. It's flattering his physique in all the right ways, and you enjoy how smooth it seems to be, running along his big arms, his muscles, and his waist.
Still admiring his chest, you nearly missed him sliding outside of his shorts, and you hold back a deep breath when he is standing there just in his underwear. Jude is fully aware of how much you adore his thighs, and he approaches you now, placing a hand on your chin, to lift your head gently. "Enjoying the show?" He smirks, kissing you lovingly. "Uhuh." You nod, raising your eyebrows once you separate from each other. Without you knowing, he stole those white shorts right out of your hands, and with a wink, he puts them on. Blushing, you place your hands on your thighs, trying to regain your composure, but when he's looking like that, it's very hard for you to not want him more.
"Fuuuck." You watch him strike that typical footballer pose, hand on his hips, his chest firm inside his jersey, and his thighs exposed. "You look damn hot." You say, when he reaches for your hand, pulling you off the bed and right into his arms. "That good, huh?" He smirks again, and you just nod. Jude is looking so phenomenally good in this kit. It's flattering his body effortlessly. Not only the tight jersey but those shorts as well. It seems like it's been handmade just for him. Steadying yourself against his chest, you use this opportunity to stroke him, his chest, pecs, and further down to his tensing abs. "How does it feel?" You say, your eyes watching every move of your fingers before you manage to look at his face again. He, on the other hand, is looking at you the whole time, smirking.
"It feels amazing." He purrs contently, and slowly turns his body to one side. "How does it look?" Jude smiles, motioning for you to watch his strong back. "Very good. Especially with your name." You say, following every letter of his name with one of your fingers, and he shudders as shivers run down his spine. While your eyes wander down his back to his butt, your hands follow his spine, until you stroke the small of his back, sometimes his ass as well. Carefully, he turns back to face you, with you now hugging him tightly. "Do you like it?" Jude smirks again, his hands now stroking your back, and your waist too. "It looks amazing, thank you for this." You say, leaning in for another, this time, more passionate kiss.
Feeling his body against yours, engulfing you in a comforting warmth, you rest your head against his firm chest again. "I love you, Y/N." Jude growls, placing another kiss on your forehead. "I love you, too."
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