#not really a keyboard warrior
deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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yurusanta: the ✨gift✨ that keeps on ✨giving✨
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littlecafe · 10 months
omg when forestella covered legends never die on immortal songs someone said is this a forshadowing for worlds in korea this year and i did not believe because forestella's music and riot's music are very different and the fanbases are basically 2 different circles
but why am i just now seeing hyungho also covered rise at their seoul concert a couple months ago?!!! this was around the same time as their immortal songs too like 2 league songs back to back that's kinda suspicious omg unless he's a fan but why now all of a sudden?! when worlds is heading back to korea ahhh
i don't think they're mainstream enough though but if it manages to happen even if they're not doing the main song i will explode maybe it'll be like a featuring like bobby did for rise
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christiecandor · 6 months
Really starting to fucking despise this site, too
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samuraisharkie · 1 year
Going on record to say I can’t stand scoutandcompany *bracing for impact*
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sapphohere · 1 year
serious question. what could the crows have done in season 2 other than take on pekka rollins? like I really don’t think the writers had any other option. they would have had to waste time creating a whole plotline that would have meant nothing to us and fans would have been just as upset. i really believe they made the best choice by shifting the pekka storyline up and i felt it hit the same beats as it did in crooked kingdom. in fact, it had a little more space to breathe without the parallel plots focused on van eck and jurda parem. they all blend together well in a book but in a tv show it would have been so chaotic trying to convey all the plots as well as give 6 characters meaningful story arcs.
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
Can you maybe elaborate on times where you felt that Louis came of as mean spirited? I have never seen that to be honest
Maybe like the time he told Ash London to “stay on private for a bit longer.”
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sparrowhero · 2 years
but seriously can you imagine like instagram gets ddos'd by the league bc tomura saw you take some kind of couple-looking selfie with someone else and he's decided that nobody gets to post anymore.
you are going to need a LOOOT of patience and strict adherence to boundaries to date this man bc he was raised to basically react (and react explosively) before thinking but he can definitely be normal. it just doesn't really start to happen until he's out from under the evil clutches of AFO. he's not inherently a bad guy he just does not know any better and i kind of wish more people would realize that since like he DOES end up making happy and healthy friendships while still being the big brat he is. i love character development.
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pantherknight · 3 months
I am one of the most annoying people when it comes to how things will work after the revolution and I solidly don't accept "everyone will be nice and figure it out somehow" as an answer.
But revolution is distant and a lot of things have to be done now, things that are very much perceived as burning the whole world down
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desertsandsnstarrysky · 5 months
Bait account or mental retardation?
So I’m not allowed to make a country that represents my country? That’s pretty unfortunate considering…
Are you anon seriously this offended by us Jews?
You need to seriously come off of anon, perhaps sit and talk with me instead of throwing insults around with your half of your information, you have no clue whatever you’re talking about in regards to the history of my people and how war works.
So with that~ anonymous asks are now closed. Thanks for stopping by and being really not up to date with the entire situation.
Also thanks for the ableism for insults 👍
Remember kids, war is never one sided!~
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
No way someone did a shinada no damage run for the komakis
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souporsaladnatural · 17 days
Not to be a Jackles defender bc I am not going to be a keyboard warrior for the rich actor man or claim to know what goes on in his head, but I truly don't understand people being actually mad about jackles dodging talking about Dean's feelings regarding Cas' confession. Like yes, you can read it as "Jackles doesn't think Dean reciprocates and is just trying to fence ride about it and not make anyone mad" but also like. guys. the man so OBVIOUSLY wants another season of supernatural to continue deans story. and there's been so much talk about it recently.
If he really does think Dean reciprocates, why the fuck would he spoil it at a random con?? Why would he spoil what could be a major plot point in the revival? Or make a promise about it that he may not be able to keep due to network interference? He told us that Dean KNOWS what Cas' confession was, and that his love for Dean was TEXT not subtext. He told us that CAS' feelings don't need to be resolved. Idk about you guys but this... it's not a nothing answer to me. It's carefully worded and thought out. To me, these are some pretty big pieces of what, for Jackles, a continuation of their story would look like. He's not closing the door, he's keeping it open
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zeldasnotes · 5 months
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Some of the most kind people Ive ever met had had Jupiter conjunct Moon/Venus. Pure, genuine kindness.
Fama(408) conjunct Uranus can indicate overnight fame. This aspect reminds me of the people who are recorded saying something really funny without realizing it and when they wake up in the morning and see the video went viral.
Venus 10th house is common in the charts of people who work with beauty procedures with a more permanent effect like microblading, cosmetic tattoos, laser hair removal etc. People with these placements often like to get these procedures done on themselves too. Since 10th house is ruled by saturn and saturn is time they want something that lasts instead of just going to a makeupartist.
If one of your parents have Venus in the 5th house you probably hot af.
Moon/Venus conjunct Chiron can mean constantly befriending or falling for the wrong women. They are drawn to people who need healing. But what they forget is that misery loves company.
Everytime I like an artist to the point of liking EVERY song they make we had Venus 8th house synastry. There is a deep understanding here when it comes to art.
Fama(408) conjunct Moon = Soccer mom image👩🏻‍🍼⚽️🧸
People with Ceres(1) conjunct personal planets tend to be well liked.
Venus/Saturn aspects might be hated on more by older people than people their own age. Older women might comment on their looks and older men notice them.
Everytime someone throws a fit in my comments its because I said something about their Moon aspect/sign. Which kinda proves what a sensitive planet the Moon is.
Moon can show where you spend so much time to the point of living there. I read about a person in true crime who lived in her car and she had Moon in the 3rd house, Ive seen Moon in the 6th house who are at work all the time, Ive seen Moon in the 11th housers who are always at their friends house.
Mars, Nessus or Lilith in the 11th house can be keyboard warriors. 🤬💻
Part of Fortune in the 5th house makes someone blessed with extraordinary creativity.
Ive seen people with Lilith Square Jupiter might have to suffer a lot because of rebelling against cultural/religious expectations.
Mars Square Uranus are the kind of people to EXPLODE with physical energy. This makes them excellent at martial arts since they move quick. Mike Tyson have Mars Square Uranus and Pluto.
Venus in Leo in the solar return chart can make you more interested in fashion & haircare that year. 💅
Transit Asteroid Destinn(6583) was conjunct my natal Venus and Transit Moon was in my natal 7th house the day I met the love of my life. Transit Juno(3) was conjunct my natal Juno.
Transit Dejanira(157) conjunct my natal Ascendant was hell. Ive never been victimized by others like I was during that year.
Women with Lilith and Pluto aspecting the Ascendant always look so good in bloodred or jetblack hair.
Moon in the 11th house might find a lot of comfort in social media. Social media can be their escape.
Juicy Couture just screams Taurus energy to me. The soft comfy but still so rich and pretty look to the clothes and bags is pure Taurus. (I cant be the only one who relate certain brands to a sign?)🛍️
Be careful with 2nd house synastry bc it can really make you want to buy someone stuff. I dont know if its house or planet who usually wants to buy bc Ive seen both ways around. Sure it can be a positive thing but not if one is a user and the other is naive. Can also make one expect stuff from the other. 💰
Me and my lilsister have 2nd house synastry but we would never use eachother we just love buying eachother stuff and discuss food and shopping together. For us the giving goes both ways. But Ive seen other situations where one just gave and gave without getting anything back.
Most Libra Venus men Ive met made a very big deal out of what their type is. The type to let eeeeverybody know about how they only date redheads. They can become VERY into what they find beautiful.
Venus says a lot about your behaviour bc Venus is what we find attractive and ofc we act as we want to be seen. Capricorn Venuses for example tend to act in a very mature and serious way. Their behaviour really screams ”take me seriously or live to regret it.”
People with Venus/Pluto tends to get a lot of unwanted suggestions on what to do with their looks.
Transit Asteroid Destinn(6583) was conjunct my natal Venus the day I met the love of my life. And transit Juno(3) was conjunct my natal Juno.
Plutonian Moons can always spot eachother. Same with Chiron 1st house and Lilith 11th house. Thats because these placements all bring experiences in someones youth that can be easily seen on the person later in life.
©️ 2024 Zeldas Notes All Rights Reserved
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longlivetv · 2 months
I just…people still really don’t get it. We don’t get to direct the lives of public figures. We don’t get to tell them who to be, who to date, what causes to be vocal about. Because public figures are still just people. Real people. And internet keyboard warriors not only don’t see it they don’t give a fuck that bullying these real actual human beings does nothing to further whatever agenda they have but does wound the real person behind the persona. All they care about is the illusion of moral purity and that just. Isn’t real. No one is morally pure. Do your best but it’s not black and white. You’re fucking up too, just like whoever you’re attacking.
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kick-a-long · 5 months
Since there’s all this blood libel going around about Jews like me, I’ll lean in. If you get a chance donate blood to your local blood bank.
This blood is used all over the world especially if you’re an American because it is sold and donated all over the world in war zones (like Gaza and Ukraine) and in impoverished areas. Many cultures have a taboo about donating blood. But with just a few easy questions and a few hours you can save lives.
For all the keyboard warriors out there, if you really want to help in global conflicts try donating or selling blood instead of harassing Jews or Taylor swift or whatever else you do with your time. You can even scroll Tilly tokay or insta while you do it.
I’ll even link the Red Cross. So you know it’s going to people who aren’t Jews.
No matter what your culture, creed, or beliefs we all have the same blood. Give in your area.
As Shakespeare said through the Jewish Shylock “if you cut us do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?”
From this Jew trying to combat rising antisemitism, let’s all try something better and different.
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eclairsnme · 10 months
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♡ POV: Being The Itoshi Brother’s Elder Sister ♡
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4
More trouble and very dilf (prick) boss and yandere kaiser!!
tags: idol!you, crack comedy, reunion, familial love, sfw, somewhat of a brat (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎), lack of common sense, dilf boss, kaiser is giving me psycho killer mannn (✦థ ェ థ), red flags!!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
A few years ago,
You picked up the phone and read a message.
It’s a punishing journey here.
It was from Sae, your younger brother.
After reading the message, you flipped the phone to your manager.
You could not be bothered to reply to him as... well, you are in a middle of a scandal.
A rival company is trying to sue you for plagiarising their music.
I mean like ew? (¬、¬)
You debuted in the music industry one year ago and had already gathered a massive fanbase and caused a wave in the industry.
Many were hailing you as the pop star of the century. Recognised not only domestically but also worldwide.
The songs were written by you and with the collaboration of acclaimed song producers.
When all of your songs dominated the Billboard chart, you solidified your status as the youngest and most celebrated star of this era.
You know what they always say, behind every success has its own trials and tribulations, and yeah you were now experiencing that exact phenomenon — a scandalous scandal, a bad suing kind.
The rival company had been trying to produce their very own pop star using you as the manual, however, it was to no avail. Obviously.
You snorted at that. No one could compete with you, naturally.
Therefore, they had to resort to underhand tactics. Such as, wrongly accusing you of plagiarism without any ounce of evidence and trying to sue you to boot?
Huh! The audacity.
More absurdly, he annouced all that mumbo jumbo on the stupid bird app! That hellhole of an app.
It goes without saying that the news spread quickly like lighting speed! Both fans and haters became aware of it and rumors and negative comments began to circulate rapidly. They really popped off there.
What else popped off? Keyboard warriors. They came and showed the heck up. They have never typed their opinions so quickly.
Before you could defend yourself from such an outlandish claim, they had already painted you a bad reputation. You cracked a displeased smile.
It appears that your followers and supporters have left you abruptly and without any hesitation.
And they call themselves loyal fans. You pouted. People’s minds sure do sway rather quickly. That bandwagon sure has lots of passengers.
Today, a crowd gathered outside your studio to protest against what they perceive as your "sinister" conduct.
How very rude!
Prior to your debut, you had anticipated that your first scandal would involve a dating rumour with a super hot man. However, the current scandal being circulated is merely a laughable joke and not the kind you had expected.
The music you made was definitely yours last you checked. It was unquestionably from this absolutely talented brain of yours.
“Pest,” you grumbled.
Oh and what a pest he definitely is. Actually, he was more disgusting than those creepy crawlies. He had a greasy face, greasy hair and an incredibly bad breath.
You shivered. Yucky.
“That bastard!” The boss of your company slammed the table.
Your boss was a tall and well-dressed individual in his mid twenties. He was an efficient and smart, young man that had personally scouted you and propelled your career (well, that is a little too much credit to him but yeh yeh).
This company had a few B-listers if you squint... hard enough. You were his first pop star and damn, you exceeded all his expectations. Not to toot your own horn, but yes you are quite literally The Best.
After learning of the absurdity, he was absolutely furious. He was frothing in the mouth like how baristas froth them age-old milk. You found it quite funny to see his handsome face contort to such comedy.
You hid your giggle behind your hand.
He stopped and knelt down in front of you, "I understand that this situation is difficult for you right now, but I assure you that we will find a solution and overcome this obstacle together."
Even the dumbest person would know that refuting the so-called "claims" was a simple task. However, the bigger issue at hand is the individuals who have already turned their backs on you. Unfortunately, you are currently considered the most disliked public figure.
Can you believe that? Me!
To that, you grunted and took a heavy whiff of the musky meeting room.
Gain back their support?
You suddenly stood up, causing your boss to fall back onto his buttocks.
An idea crossed your little noggin. Your idea is truly exceptional, with a level of creativity that is almost unparalleled. Some people might even dare ask, "From that brain of yours?"
A true visionary of the century you would say. You snickered to your own delight.
“What’s going on?” Your boss asked in confusion.
“I know just the way to make him eat his shit!” You bellowed, lightly brushing the nonexistent dust from your Miu Miu garb.
Oh yes, eat shit he will. Bet, his shit would be the best-tasting shit he will ever consume.
Present day
You, the top idol, stood in front of the screen fake crying your heart out for your dear little brother.
“Do you not love me anymore?!” You dramatically placed your hand over your face, wiping away the fake tears.
Rin covered his ears at that infamous phrase coming from you.
As the situation “escalates”, even Rin’s teammates started to catch on to your act. As in, they actually fell for your poorly executed acting.
“Oi, Rin your sister is calling for you! You bastard of a little brother making her cry,” his teammates and Karasu collectively shouted at him, accusingly.
This was too much for Rin to handle, the embarrassment was too excruciating. He was so close to believing that you were not his sister. Heck, did you hear his internal thoughts? Because he could vaguely hear you crying louder. He shuddered.
To Rin, this was the equivalent of having his mom unexpectedly appear in the classroom and announcing every speck of mole on his body to everyone. Yet again, he shuddered.
You, on the other hand, were just about to tease him more when Mr Manager tapped on your shoulder.
“Your next schedule is in an hour, you need to get ready.”
Ah, talk about getting blue balled. You frowned. You were just about to have fun with Rin.
"Schedule? I thought I was done for today?" You gave him a look of disapproval, with your lips tightly pressed together.
"I-it's the meeting with the boss!" He spread his arms wide in disbelief, brows downturned and mouth gaping like a goldfish.
"That person would not mind," you turned away from the screen and shrugged your shoulders, "no big deal missing one or two meetings."
"You mean, multiple (all) meetings?"
Wow, talk about being unnecessarily observant. You rolled your eyes. If your eyes could roll to the back of your skull that will be great.
So, your boss has this thing where you have to meet him and then goes on to lecture you on your bad public image blah blah blah. A broken record. That is what he is. He needs to learn how to shut up.
"Please you need to attend the meeting or else," your manager took a deep breath, "he will be really angry at me. Since he also specifically mentioned the severity of your behaviour this time around."
"Andddd?" You nonchalantly glance over, not sure why you should care.
Your boss sure is a pain in the buttocks. You can handle yourself well without him. What about the severity of your behaviour this time around? This was not your first rodeo.
"Wait!" You yanked the collar of his shirt, "What do you mean by the severity of my behaviour this time around."
He miserably clutch onto his shirt to ensure he would not die to accidental asphyxiation.
"T-he paps!" He released himself from your grip and whispered into your ears, "They took a photo of you smooching a man! Boss was super - and I mean super duperrr - angry! Since this morning, he has been attempting to hide the entire situation from the public."
Smooch? The only thing you smooched was...
So, someone did catch you getting first base with that German guy.
"Smooch?" Anri gasped, a little too loudly. Actually, loud enough for the entire Blue Lock facility to hear.
Smooch? The Blue Lock players repeated after Anri.
Anri clasped her mouth shut.
Erm oops. (Ŏ艸Ŏ)
Turns out, the screen was still on for everyone to witness.
"End of today's entertainment — hope everyone feels motivated by the special appearance of the wonderful idol," with a click of a button, Ego had the screen turned off to the disgruntlement of the players behind the screen and to the joy of Rin.
"W-we have to go!" Panic filled Mr Manager's voice as he tried to drag you out of the room.
"But my Rin!"
"You are welcome here anytime," Ego interjected.
"Really?" Your teal eyes lid up.
"Reward for work and work for reward. It is widely acknowledged that when individuals receive recognition for their diligent efforts, they tend to exhibit improved performance and exhibit a more optimistic outlook. As a result, it is imperative to provide incentives that are based on performance. By the way, I must take a moment to express my genuine gratitude for your presence here today, Miss."
You blinked at his response, "I don't know what you just said, but I will be back for my little brother, Go-go!"
Ego briefly reflects on his nickname and then lets a faint smile appear on his face, "Hope to see you very soon too."
"Ah, the boss is already calling me! We have to go!"
"Bye-bye, big melon woman!" You did not forget your manners, as you made your way out.
Anri shyly waved back at you.
Damn, I really want big boobs.
His sharp eyes met yours.
You gulped.
You felt like a deer caught in the headlight. It was just a smooch — a very normal German etiquette. No biggie. Right?
Your boss held a photograph of what you believe is the source of this man's frustration.
You took the photograph out of his hands, "I spy with my little eyes a man and an exceptionally drop-dead knockout woman engaged in - you know what? This is actually a really good photo! We could hang it-"
"For goodness sake!"
"-on the wall."
He ruffled his neatly tousled coif into a slightly messy one.
"It is just an old friend," You fidgeted with the ends of your dress.
"Friends do not eat out each other's face!" He exasperated, loosening his tie.
"I don't think you get it. This photo shows very clearly, the nation's biggest star and the German prodigy footballer exchanging salivas! This is big big news! And it will be a scandal if people catch wind that you are going around smooching high profile people! What would people think of you? We have been through so many ups and downs together but this is your first relationship scandal. I can already imagine the looks of your fans-"
"Aren't you being a tad bit dramatic? Isn't it normal for a pretty girl like me to have relationships?"
"You are an idol!" He shouted, a little too loud that you flinched, "And what is this thing that your Manager told me? Regarding your desire for a boyfriend, please keep in mind that as an idol, you have a certain image to uphold."
You stood up and slammed the table, a little too hard — you felt your palm throb underneath. You took angry steps towards him and placed your still throbbing palm on his face ever so not gently.
He stared into your teal eyes and you saw the big gulp he took.
Taking another step closer till your head was right beneath his chin, you stared up at him and squeezed his cheeks with all your might. He groaned and grabbed your wrist.
"What is that for!" He softly clasped onto his tender, reddened cheeks. You harrumphed back at him.
"HA! Idol this idol that." You snorted, "what if he is actually my boyfriend? Have you thought of that? Plus, my fans are mature enough to understand. We've practically grown up together. Don't be delusional, old pal!"
Ah, I am really digging my grave.
"You know very well-" You eyed him sharply, his mouth clammed shut.
"Kaiser and I are super in love and so what if some paps caught us? Is it really possible for someone like me, a young and attractive woman, to remain celibate forever? I am certainly not a nun." You let your mouth run, nervously.
Wow, my grave has been dug real deeeep, very spacious if I say so myself.
To be honest, you were not even too sure what you were even saying. Your boss was being such a prick. Prickly prick. Ugh.
"When did you even meet that guy with your full schedule?" He asked, hands still on your wrist.
"Our love needs no words. Whence our eye meets, we are in love," You physically cringed at your words. Seeing the goosebumps rising from your boss's arms, you were not the only one who thought so it seems.
Great. Just great.
"Let us set this straight. So you are telling me that you are in a relationship with that football player?"
"Why do you act so surprised? C'mon, I have two fine brothers who are also football players. What can I say? I just love a man who can treat the ball right. It is all bound to be. Therefore this is no scandalous scandal you should be worried about."
He releases your hands and stuffs his hands inside the pocket of his suit, reaching for the cigarette pack. He let out a deep breath and then proceeded to light a cigarette. With a shaky breath, he exhaled the thick smoke, his head throbbing from pent-up exhaustion and frustration.
You almost felt sorry for him, almost.
"Sooner or later, the news will explode. I will have a statement prepared for the media. Get ready."
Oh jolly, will you look? My grave is the size of an Olympic pool! How spacious. Sorry, big man.
Your boss was a good man that cared for you. But sometimes it gets overbearing. Very red flag. Do you think maybe that's why he's still single? I mean, he's got a lot going for him - eligible bachelor, CEO, and let's be real, he's pretty good-looking. But there's gotta be a reason, right?
Ladies, if you need a man you can call me.
Kaiser smiled to himself.
The brightness of his phone deepened his smile into one of a Cheshire cat.
On his phone was a picture of you helplessly holding onto him as he savoured your lips.
"Aren't we cute together?" He said to no one in particular as he caresses the rose tattoo on his neck.
Oh, how the world so nicely revolves around him that fate has brought you back to him.
It would be wonderful if you could be in his embrace at this moment.
He puts down the phone and closed his eyes.
Be patient. Mein göttin.
"You should go back to sleep," Sae's soothing voice nearly put you to sleep as you struggled to stay awake.
You heard rustlings on the other end of the call, pretty sure he was in the middle of his training.
"I made a fool out of myself today!" You lamented, snuggling deeper into your silky covers.
"Aren't you always a fool? What did you do this time? Lo siento. Estoy hablando con mi hermana-" You could hear another feint voice conversating with him. Must be his teammates. You yawned.
"- I am sure it is nothing too serious as always. You are tired, go sleep," Sae returned to the conversation.
"It is really really bad..." you spoke softly, rubbing your face onto the silk.
"Did you kill someone?"
"My boss looked like he almost died but no," You stretched your aching body, "I think I just got myself a boyfriend, more like I just told my boss a big lie that is about to be publicised...That guy is not even my boyfriend and when he hears of this garbage - oh boy is he definitely going to have a heart attack. I am in big trouble."
"You dug your own grave," Sae said, cooly.
"I know right, the grave is swimming pool sized."
"Who is the unlucky guy?"
"Kaiser Mikel?" You attempted to recall his surname.
Sae paused for a second before he replied, "Michael. Michael Kaiser?"
"Oh, you know him?"
"I do. He is a... good player. Sister, how did you even get involve with him?" This time, Sae sounded genuinely curious very unlike his usual disinterested self.
"You see," you hugged your bolster tightly, "some bugger quote on quote took a photo of us exchanging salivas."
"Excuse me?" Sae choked, "Exchanging salivas? Mierda-" You could imagine your brother's incredulous yet icked face right now. Well, he wanted to know and you delivered. 「(◔ω◔「)三
"You heard me right."
"I wish I did not just hear that. But Kaiser and you?" Sae did not fail to exaggerate the last part almost in a manner you did not enjoy.
"Why did that sound like you are mocking me?" You grumbled underneath your soft duvet.
"I don't think that guy will mind being your boyfriend if that helps," Sae shook his head thinking about the German prodigy.
"Really?" you exclaimed, your eyes sparkling with sleepy excitement.
“Yeah. He- Dame un momento. I have to go now. I'll send you a text message. Go to sleep now," he paused briefly, "and have a good night."
There the phone line goes. Silence.
As if Sae had actually cast a sleeping spell on you, your head sank back onto the plush pillow and you succumb to silky sheets pulling you into a dreamy languor.
A boyfriend sounds nice... right?
Ring. Ring. Ring.
The sound of incessant phone ringing filled your room, grumbling under the sheets, you unwillingly pick up the phone.
"Who is it?" You drawled on every word in a drowsy stupor.
"Guten morgen, mein engel!"
You ended the call.
When did you fall asleep? You were having such a nice conversation with your brother too.
As you glance towards the window, you notice that the sun has barely even risen. Feeling lethargic, you let out a groan while still in bed.
Five more minutes...
Your dark lashes fluttered shut as you inhaled the fresh scent of cedar from your sheets. You sank softly into the mattress as sleep slowly envelopes you-
Ring. Ring. Ring.
You moaned softly.
"Five more minutes..." You spoke quietly to the spirits in your room.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
"Five just five-"
Ring. RIng. RIng.
Your eyes snapped open, half awake and half annoyed.
"What is it?" Mouth still dry as you tried to sound as harsh as possible to the rude morning caller, but it came out sounding like a meek, saddened mouse.
"Is mein liebling still sleepy?" The timbre of the caller's voice sent chills down your spine.
You know this voice! You rubbed your sleepy eyes and cleared your dry throat, "Kaiser?"
"Yes, Liebling." He purred.
Your bare arms prickled, sending you chills.
You were still sleeping, right?
"Er- wwie komme ich zu Cologne (*how do i get to Cologne)?" You spouted a random German phrase you so happen to remember from your travels.
"You are very cute," he lightly chuckled.
Oh damn, maybe you were half asleep but that was a pretty nice-sounding chuckle. Still, you did not understand what he just said.
"Someone reached out to me and said you are very much in love with me and that we are in a loving relationship," he continued softly, clearly enunciating each and every word you did not understand, "I am very very flattered, Liebling."
You feigned laughter in response, not sure what you are laughing at but he was laughing too so you are safe.
"Yes, it is a joyous occasion," Kaiser laughed in tune with yours.
Seriously, what is this man saying? You thought to yourself between laughs.
☆〜(ゝ。∂)the end (for now) ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
sike! Extras!
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Sae is very unimpressed by Kaiser's courting of his sister. He does not know much outside of soccer but he sure as hell knows that Kaiser's method was, to say the very least, strange. He just hopes the German fella does not hurt his sister. That would be extremely troublesome.
<thank you, darlings for your endless love of reading this! My heart is full SMOOCH SMOOCH ଘ(੭ºัᴗºั)━☆゚*:.>
<also, how would you react if you met someone like Kaiser irl, because girlfriend he is screaming red flag to me>
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lesinquietes · 5 months
Summary: You talk shit to the wrong person on a discussion forum. Idly, you troll one user who’s really into the Paranormal Liberation Front’s new leader, Tomura Shigaraki. You’ve heard he’s being heralded as the Villain of Villains, though you’re not sure that’s a valid title. You decide it’s time to make your opinion known. “Idk if I’d give him that title… lol he’s giving insecure incel.”
Mean!Yandere!Shigaraki x Bimbo!Reader
⚠️ mdni. degradation. incel. misogyny. noncon. oral. panic attacks. shigaraki is a mean dom. slut-shaming. yandere.
Next l
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You snicker as you press enter. Admittedly, you don’t know enough about the white-haired criminal to make that judgement call. You’re basing your statement solely on appearance. What can you say? Making ignorant comments is the essence of shitposting. You get to act a fool online because no one will ever discover who you are.
Until the user you mouthed off to replies.
Crumbleking: the fuck do you know?
Crumbleking: and you think a guy like him wouldn’t get women? he has a fucking army you stupid bitch he can have anyone he wants. that’s not insecure.
You roll your eyes, noticing he didn’t address the incel comment.
(Your username): I literally do not give a fuck lol do you want him @ crumbleking? Seeing as you know so much about his personal life and all
Crumbleking: you should be thankful he hasn’t killed you yet
(Your username): I’m not hearing a no
Crumbleking: get fucked
(Your username): Apparently shig is doing enough of that for both of us lmao
Crumbleking: you’re asking for it
You block the user. How many times has some moron threatened you online? Too many. But you take solace in the fact that, just like you, everyone’s simply a keyboard warrior. At the end of the day, it’s not like any of this shit is serious.
Right? :)
Well, a few days after this incident, you login to your social media account and notice a message in your mailbox. You lift a brow. It’s probably a meme from your best friend. You’re surprised to find a notification next to Requests. Someone you aren’t friends with has messaged you.
Hastily, you tap the Requests tab. You don’t know why your heart is pounding, or why you have a horrid feeling about this. Perhaps you’re under too much stress lately, or perhaps your intuition is trying to tell you something — that you’re in danger.
The request is from someone named Shigaraki. You know it can’t be the real villain. You clue in that it’s likely that freak who was defending him on the forum. He must have determined who you are somehow and resorted to messaging you on your private social.
Shigaraki: hello you dumb slut
Shigaraki: remember me?
Yeah, it’s definitely him. You wonder what his goal is, what he wants from you; normal behaviour doesn’t include stalking. You debate on whether or not to reply. You could play dumb or own up to your role. Of course, it’s far easier to do the former.
You: no?
It’s simple and to-the-point. You see him typing back right away. You hold your breath when he stops. Then, the screenshots from the forum come, reminding you of the conversation.
Shigaraki: i know you’re (username).
You resort to the IP tracker on your laptop, figuring you’ll spook him and he’ll leave you alone. You power it up and click eagerly. When you’re halfway through locating him, it’s as though he’s read your mind.
Shigaraki: if you think I’m not using a vpn then you’re stupider than I thought
The panic really sets in now. You’re hyperventilating. The message shoots you into a panic attack — the kind when your throat constricts and your lungs heave stale air. You scratch at your chest and gasp. You feel like you’re dying. You can’t breathe. With quivering fingers, you type a nasty message to him.
You: what the fuck is wrong with you. why the hell do you care what i think this much???? please leave me alone. blocking you.
That’ll end this terror once and for all. Or will it?
Shigaraki: Don’t you fucking dare you whore
His response is nearly instantaneous.
Shigaraki: if you block me I’ll find you irl
Shigaraki: i just showed you how easy it was to find your social media profile
Shigaraki: i’ll fucking find you
Shigaraki: and we’ll see if you feel the same about me when we’re face to face
You can’t stand it. You press the block button and exit the app. You turn off your phone — as if that’ll help — and throw it onto your bed. You shut down your laptop place it gently atop your desk. That’s enough for tonight. You have to remind yourself that the person threatening you is just a persistent troll, that the Tomura Shigaraki would never waste his precious time bantering with a random person on the Internet. You get to bed using that precise logic.
Except you’re wrong.
A few weeks pass, and you make the foolish mistake of thinking you’re safe. You start to throw caution into the wind, glancing over your shoulder less and walking home from work at night. You don’t notice the pale man trailing you. He watches you at work, as you hustle under pressure, and at home, before you close the curtains. He’s seen you naked twice. He assumes you meant to show off your body to an audience, that you like a bit of exhibitionism. Well, he’ll keep that in mind when he extensively plots out your payback.
Finally, one evening, he strikes. You come home from work and close the door. Securing the locks, you don’t see him until it’s too late.
He wraps a hand around your neck, keeping his pinky lifted to prove a point. He could kill you if he wanted. He could turn you to dust and be done with this stupid shit. In truth, he doesn’t know why he let his anger overtake him to the point where he had to find you. The problem is, he can’t stop his pursuit. If you escaped him right now, he would find you again.
And again.
And again, until he’s able to teach you a fucking lesson.
“Thought you could get away from me, huh?” He rasps next to your ear. “I found your social media account. Didn’t think I’d find your address?” He cackles venomously. “Stupid whore.”
You know immediately who you’re being held captive by. It’s the guy you were talking shit to online. It also happens to be Tomura Shigaraki, in the flesh. You realize, at once, that your luck is positively atrocious. Like, honestly, how the fuck did this happen to you? You can’t make sense if the madness.
He drags his knuckles along your cheek, stroking it. You feel his index finger trace the outline of your lips. Instantly, your heart sinks. On cue, he hums.
“I bet these can suck dick better than they talk shit,” he remarks darkly. “Wanna find out?”
You don’t, but he does.
“Take off your jacket, or I’ll crumble it off with the first two layers of your pretty skin.”
He takes away his hand to allow you space. The way you understand it, if five of his fingers make contact with your body, you’ll begin to fall apart. You’ve seen footage of what he’s done to heroes who have defied him. It causes you to wonder why he’s chosen to torture you, of all people.
The answer lies in his discovery of your social media account. Before he saw what you look like, he was content to merely leave you a little scare. Then, he started diving into your life, going through each and every one of your photos. It turns out you’re quite the socialite. You with your friends. You with your family members. You with animals. Food. Music. Video games. With all these posts, he was granted a perfect snapshot of what it is you do. And now, he wants to watch everything you ever loved decay.
“Why the hell are you doing this?” You hiss, daring to make eye contact tact with your stalker. “Don’t you have better things to do, you fucking freak?”
You spit the last two words with as much vitriol as you can muster. He doesn’t miss the effort you pour into your distaste. He rewards you with a callous cackle.
“Aw, what’s wrong?” He cooes, scarred lips contorting into a smile. “We’re on a first name basis, aren’t we?”
You lick your lips. You can’t recollect if you referred to him by name. Everything is a rapid blur.
“Shig.” He prompts you. “You’re the first and only person that’ll call me that.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks. You didn’t consider it overstepping at the time because you didn’t think you were interacting with Shigaraki. You can see how it might have been construed as intimate in his eyes, given your casual use of the pseudonym. The least you can do is apologize. It won't save your ass, but perhaps it will urge him to go lighter on you.
"I-I'm sorry," you squeak. "T-to be fair, I—“
“To be fair, I should wrap my hand around your throat and watch you beg me for air as your whole body turns to dust.” He interrupts you venomously. “Take off your fucking jacket.”
You unzip the garment and throw it onto your sofa. Next comes your hat and scarf. You finish his request when you’re in only your sweater, pants, socks, and undergarments. He smirks at the result of your swift labour, drinking in your silhouette. He’s seen enough photos of you outdoors to know what lies beneath the rest. Thirst traps, you’d probably call them. Little did you know they’d be used against you one day.
He removes his phone from the back pocket of his jeans. With a languid thumb, he swipes it to life. He logs into his fake social media account and finds yours. It’s bookmarked as a favourite tab, of course, especially considering how many times he’s used your pics to jerk off. If you only knew how many nights his cock twitched, begging to be sheathed in your soft pussy, you’d probably be petrified.
He grins.
“What were you thinking, posting shit like this?”
He twists the screen around for you to see. It’s a photo of you and your bestie in bikinis. Your hair is wet from spending time in the ocean. You and your friend were vacationing at a beach, and you wanted to look your best. Beside her, your lips are coiled around a lollipop, cheeks hollowed out from sucking on it. A thirst trap? Absolutely. But not for him.
He stares at the image one more time before putting the phone away. His crimson orbs lock with yours. A smirk settles across his lips.
“Get on your knees.”
Your eyelids clamp shut. Wordlessly, you lower yourself to the ground. It feels utterly humiliating. You have no choice but to let him use you. There has to be a way out of this situation, but how? If you’re serious about surviving, you have to cook up an escape route.
Shigaraki nears your submissive form. He wishes he brought something to tie you up. You’d look gorgeous bound for him. Helpless and barely willing is how he likes his lovers.
He wasn’t lying when he told you he gets women. Since establishing the Paranormal Liberation Front, people have been throwing themselves at him. They’re attracted to his power. He doesn’t have an interest in any of them, though; there are better things to do, and more enticing partners to find. You fit the bill quite nicely.
He hovers over you, leering at you with his crotch mere centimetres from your face. His jeans smell like laundry detergent — you didn’t expect that. You guess he’s not as crusty as he seems, with his scraggly hair and raspy voice.
Suddenly, he grasps the back of your head with four fingers and pushes your face against his clothed erection. He grinds it along your cheek, twitching in his underwear, yearning to feel the warmth of your slutty mouth. Soon you’ll serve him, but not yet.
“Look what you do to me,” he groans, lulling his head back. “I’ve been waiting for you to fix this problem. Won’t kill you until I’ve had my fill.”
You shiver. You’ve got to get to fuck out of here. If you can distract him, you can jump out of the window and get help. It’s risky, but you don’t have much of a choice.
He releases you and moves to unzip his pants. Your breath hitches. You don’t want this to extend any longer than it has to — not if you can help it. Who knows when he’ll get bored and murder you? He’s unhinged. The time to act is now.
“Wait,” you mumble. “Sh-shirt.”
Shockingly, he lets up for a moment. You take the opportunity to gesture to the garment you’re wearing. It’s your work uniform. Nothing special. He doesn’t have to know that, though.
“Lemme take this off,” you insist. “P-please. I-I don’t wanna ruin in.”
If you remove your shirt, that’ll leave you in merely a bra and pants. Fortunately for you, Shigaraki isn’t a stupid man when it comes to his own satisfaction. He decides to offer you reprieve. Robotically, he steps back to give you space. He’s seen them from afar; he knows they’ll be impressive up close.
“Hurry up.”
He doesn’t anticipate you being a skillful little idiot.
You roll backwards and stumble to your feet. Bolting towards the window, you’re grateful that he didn’t make you strip completely. The hesitation of humiliation and shame might have prevented you from leaping out from the second floor. It’s with luck that you don’t break anything upon hitting the ground.
Shigaraki lunges for your hair a millisecond too late. He catches himself on the window frame. At the same time, you get to your feet and sprint. By the time he reaches the street, panting and growling with fury, you’ve disappeared; there’s not a trace of you left behind.
He suspects you’re off to alert a local hero or police officer. That’s fine. He doesn’t expect them to believe you, and even if they do, how will they protect you? He can feel his power accumulating; moreover, after the impending procedure that’s set to occur in the coming months, he’ll be unstoppable. He doesn’t mind killing those who get in his way.
Thus, with a heavy huff, he lets you go. You obviously want to play, and he’s a master gamer. He knows you want this just as much as he does. After all, didn’t you grasp that he was serious about finding you as many times as you manage to flee from him — that he’ll keep his pursuit steady until you no longer have the strength to run? You must want to be hunted, like pretty prey reserved only for the best.
You have no idea who you’re fucking with.
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