#not really ship art but go wild!!!! go ham!!!!
moullyy · 3 months
LALALALA goodnirmingjng 🖐🖐🖐🖐
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some doodles :3c
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grave-avis · 1 year
Cedar and Bohemian Waxwing for Death and Ramona!
omg fresh meat with my F/O list lets gooo
Cedar waxwing: What do you like most about your partner that isn't part of their physical appearance?
With Death tbh it's a lot of personality traits that the fandom either ignores or never noticed?? My absolute favorite line of his is during a scene at the end of the film where Puss once again drops his sword out of reach, and while Death moves to give it back he just
'tsk tsk, you really gotta stop losing that.'
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To be honest the main reason other than,,,, y'know,,, that he ended up on my F/O list is because of his dry and kinda snaky humor, he made me laugh so many times and NOONE talks about his jokes. With Ramona it's a very similar thing. She is very deadpan and has an unintentional dry sense of humor. The main difference between the two is she's usually not trying to be funny. She kinda just, speaks her mind.
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She doesn't play into the meta humor as much as other characters. She's serious and seems very apathetic but there are so many moments that shows her feelings?? Like the scene where she and Kim are on casual hangout to get coffee and jus,,, gals bein gals? Having a good time and chatting? (Would put the scene in here but I cant find it.)
And a less positive example that's honestly more of an art note is the reaction she has when Knives tells her Scott cheated on the two of them. UGH SUCH A GOOD PANEL.
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^^^ this one with the double linework effect
Bohemian waxwing: What do you like most about your partner that is part of their physical appearance?
Okay well. Honestly I am unapologetically a kinky bitch and with Death,,,
monster type design?? omg?? monsterfuckers rise up??
Teeth are a central part of his design and OMG teeth. ugh. love teeth.
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Ramona isn't a romantic F/O or anything, she's just my roommate but I love her sense of fashion and how she dyes her hair, in my self ship she gets my S/I into hair dye. In my real life she gives me the confidence to go ham on my outfits and makeup, the other day I wore cheetah themed makeup with Liquid gold spots! Wild!
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these are a few of my faves, she has way to many looks across all 6 books we will be here all day.
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chocolatepot · 1 year
chocopot, first of all: i followed you on tumblr bc I found your Howl's Moving Castle fics so incredibly charming. <3 Thank you for writing those.
I've been in fandom long enough that I've seen major fan wanks come and go, enough that i've gone from "oh no, fan wank! can't we all just get along?" to "omg this has all happened before why can't you fools see" to just leaving to go outside and smoke a cigarette til it's over, a la that meme of ben affleck.
I enjoyed the OFMD show, of course. I found it so charming, and it was such a wish fulfillment for me personally to have the perfect delicious dynamics that fandom eats like a full course meal, with the additional surprise of the canon supporting those pairings. I also appreciated the canon approaching this with a light touch, enough to leave room for fandom and also eschewing the usual ham-handed After School Special style way queer rep often is.
(I am of course not dismissing those representation efforts in any way, but those storylines don't always have the forward momentum that leads to the creation of fanworks. Sometimes the non-canon character dynamics lead to MORE fanworks because of more ambiguity to play with, funny enough)
I've been living vicariously through ofmd fanwank from you (thanks for being out there in the field, haha). So much of the Discourse with a capital D just seems so wild to me. The best way I can think to describe it is, instead of the "YesAnd" of most fandoms that feed off each other's energy, it's instead more of a "NoBut."
I was wondering if you think there's something different about this particular flavor of wank and what factors you think contribute to it.
Thanks for reading my long ask, and all the best!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked them. I gave up on DoMAYstic after like a week but I think I wrote some cute fluff during that week.
I started writing a response to this ages ago, but I think I need to scrap it and start over because I was getting too into the weeds.
On one level, I don't find the fandom that wanky at all. The amount of fic, art, gifsets, and vids created for OFMD after just one season is incredible, and while it's slowed down since last summer, it's still pretty intense. I see loads and loads of "Yes And" posts like "imagine ed and stede going to bed on the revenge after they reunite. imagine stede wrapping ed in one of his nightshirts" on Tumblr, and people posting their fic updates and other people reblogging and liking them. There is also discussion of representation in the show and how it's interpreted in fandom, and sometimes the latter is more of a "No But," but it's all in earnest and I think it's productive even when I disagree with people and quietly scroll past.
Now, Twitter? Twitter is an entirely different beast. Twitter as a website is designed to stimulate wank, making people express stupidly brash opinions for attention and then making other people feel the need to amplify that or dunk on it. Every time I spend a day doing Twitter on my fannish account, it's so draining and makes me feel like there's no hope for the fandom because it does the same thing. From my perspective it looks like there's a lot of clout chasing, people becoming semi-BNFs and attacking each other and getting hoist by their own petard when their tactics get used against them.
It's a microcosm, though. Almost none of it seems to escape the group of OFMD fans on Twitter who seem to really care about the drama, so I just kind of ignore it, or enjoy hearing about it secondhand.
The fandom is mostly a "Yes And" place. Sometimes in a good way (feverishly making excellent content), sometimes in a bad way (passing around flawed fanon as Definitely True). The AO3 category is bursting with creativity, thousands of canon and setting AUs, fusions, new ways to have the reunion happen, takes on backstory, and more. There's an incredible amount of fanart that does the same things. The fact that the slash juggernaut is also the main canon ship seems to have produced a fandom with a high degree of unity. While there's lots of discourse over Izzy stans, judging by AO3 that's actually a pretty small faction of the fandom as a whole.
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i-love-you-all · 2 years
Holiday themed ideas - Valorant
I got this ask that I thought was requesting something. In case it wasn’t and you just wanted a list of prompts that I’d request from someone, sorry for blowing you off the first time, and this is a list of holiday fic ideas that I played with but won’t write this year... (anyone can feel free to do something with them but please @ me so I can enjoy)
Non-Shippy stuff:
Sparring session where instead of Brimstone planning who’s paired with who, ppl who walk under the mistlefoe at the same time get paired. KJ gets paired w Breach and (maybe) beats him? Sage going off on someone :p
Decorating the meeting rooms. Brimstone is the tired father figure trying to run a working operation and his adult kids are going wild with lights and baked treats. (Sugar rush Jett anyone?) meanwhile Sova is confused because he would normally celebrate Christmas in January (Plus new years?? hello?? :p)
Snowball fight. Reyna didn’t want to join at first because she hates the cold, but then she gets too into it and makes everyone miserable/scared.
Secret Santa. :p that’s all I had to say...
Building a snowman. Breach is surprisingly good at it because he’s tall enough and strong enough to help stack the snow. He does so begrudgingly because he doesn’t want ppl to know he secretly enjoys it.
The agents have commissioned Omen throughout the year to knit them their personally designed Christmas sweaters. It’s the morning of now, and the agents reveal to each other what they asked for. The older ones/more serious ones just requested boring things like scarves and hats. They get store bought really ugly sweaters instead.
Omen doesn’t like singing in front of others but instead quietly sings carols to Skye’s summons instead.
Reyna goes Christmas shopping but doesn’t tell anyone who it’s for. All the agents suggest random items because they each think it’s for someone different. Maybe her mom? Her dad? An old flame? Viper is the only one who knows who it’s for, and suggests a popular art kit for kids. Reyna thinks her sister would’ve loved it, and it now sits on her gravestone.
Clashing Christmas traditions. Different foods the agents think should be on the table, different activities they want to do, different decorations. But at the end, it is a bonding experience.
Or, if Valorant can afford it, small drabbles of what each of the agents do in the week or so that they have off. They can go home for a couple days, and it’s a small glimpse into their lives around this wintery season. Some have families, some have their memories.
Breach/Sova shippy stuff (I mean this is my main ship LOL):
Scene of sharing a dinner together. A delicious ham prepared by Breach, and all the sides by Sova. Breach is not impressed but some of the things, and Sova doesn’t know what he’s talking abt. Aspic anyone? Mayo dressed salads? (I’m sorry for picking on Russian foods btw)
Sova doesn’t really go “home” for Christmas. His traditions center around going on outdoor camping trips with his father figure/mentor and celebrating with that group. Breach asks to go along this year and Sova has to suffer a miserable Breach who’s really trying his best to be a good sport... but Sova can tell he’s not having fun. Comfort ending with some snuggles in civilization after the countdown ends and the new year begins.
Lazy Christmas morning snowed in with each other, stores are closed and it’s near impossible to even walk around the streets. 
Breach choosing a Christmas tree and taking it super seriously. Sova finds it cute, but doesn’t understand why it’s such a big deal.
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teeth-and-tea · 3 years
I've Been Hunting Slimes for the Past 300 Years and Now Ive Maxed Out My Level: incredibly long name aside, cute af slice of life that suffers Same Face Syndrome. I'm still happy to watch it because of how feel good and fluffy it is though, Im probably gonna forget about it in two or three years tho. 8/10.
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro: I found out this was a webcomic first and suddenly all the HORNINESS made so much more sense. A Femdom, Degradation, Humiliation, Dacryphilia Bullies to Lovers story disguised as a high school rom-com which, I'm not going to lie, misses SKEEVY CITY by mere inches on a regular basis. However, I'm a Dom/Switch and this entire relationship sets off my dom brain center like New York City just shy of midnight. So if you're into that sort of scene, this anime is for you. If not, it's still fascinating but you're probably gonna be a little put off by how mean the Girl!Bully is to the guy MC. Unless you find out something about yourself, in which case, congrats! Stay safe, sane, consensual, and learn about the traffic light system on top of safe words, I promise you'll have a better life in general after that. Still Ongoing, currently 10/10.
Fruits Basket: IM GONNA CRY I LOVE THIS ANIME SO MUCH???? The original anime came out when I was in... I think middle school and my parents were really strict on what I watched so I never got to experience the first wave and I never bothered to watch the show ever after I moved out of the house years later. However, now that I'm much older I honestly can say this is one of my favorite anime to date, and all the characters are charming, lovable, with their own problems that I can connect to or sympathize with, and I love the MC which is always a treat tbh. Except Akito. Akito can suck a sandpaper dick. I'm only on S2 tho so no spoilers! Anime 11/10.
Monster Girl Doctor: went in thinking it was gonna be a monster girl who's a doctor with a homoerotic assistant (her name is SAPPHY okay sue me for thinking it) and ended up watching the entire dubbed harem series. Honestly, I've seen worse and this one has consistent follow-through on interesting characters and backstory enough for me to shove aside the blatant under-monstrousness of the female monsters and the harem-ness of everything else. Dubbing is honestly really good, which is a treat, and the monster designs are not the worst and the MC is tolerable. Honestly, I don't mind having watched it! The mix of cgi and the traditional animation together work pretty strangely though, and it often doesn't flow super well. 7.5/10
So I'm a Spider, So What: Dubbed version which honestly isn't that bad. Took me a bit to get into it, but after realizing that it's got a mismatched timeline a la The Witcher, it made so much more sense. Heavily done in cgi, and you can definitely tell between the 2D and 3D animations, but not the worst in the world. I went in not expecting much but it ended up being an Issekai I can stand and even enjoy. On god has a decent story... with the spider. I'd be a liar if I didnt say I skipped some of the human parts just to get back to the best part of the show. 8/10.
Somali and the Forest Spirit: I'm so fucking nostalgic for this thing it makes me want to go and hug my dad. About a human girl under threat of being eaten with a monster-dominated world. Very obvious "humans fear what they don't understand" message but instead of the humans learning tolerance it's what happens when they get annihilated first so like, kudos for the mangaka for having the guts to do that. I cried like a baby regularly. It's really good, I watched the dub and ID WATCH IT AGAIN!!! 9/10.
To Your Eternity: Oh my god. O h my g o d. Fell in love on the first episode, ngl. About if an immortal being learned how to be a person from scratch. I love it. HOWEVER. Keep a box of tissues on you at all times because you're gonna need them. I'm only on EP7 because that's all that's out right now but just know. I love it. Not for everyone but certainly for my "what do we define as human and the human condition" ass. 12/10.
Those Snow White Notes: A sports anime without any sports. About shamisen playing which is cool because I never realized how cool this instrument was??? Its neat af. OP1&2 are by Burnout Syndrom so know theyre fire. Gonna be real, its pretty alright, but not extraordinary. You can tell they were using the characters as archetypes rather than actually characters which kinda kills a lot of the emotional value you could've had, but I'm still gonna watch it. It doesn't make me cringe as hard as other sports anime tho so I consider it toptier in that regards but if you're a big sports anime fan you might be bummed out by it. Every single musical performance is INCREDIBLE tho. A solid 8/10.
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun: THE ART OMFG IT'S SO GORGEOUS. Listen, if you took coptic markers and gave them an animation budget with some manga panel direction thrown in there, that's this anime. It's beautiful. Gorgeous. I'm in love with the aesthetic every second. Story? Really good. Characters? I love the MC and his evil little twin brother asshat. Demons? Not super imaginative but I'm carrying on happy as can be anyways. Dubbing? A bit shaky at times but I found the voices charming if a little off for some of them. I'm already waiting for the second season with popcorn at the ready. 10/10.
Prison School: I watched this directly after Hanako-kun and it was like I got slapped in the face by sweaty unwashed titties and some fedora wearing schmuck's piss kink. No character is likable or redeemable. I finished it, but at what cost? 2/10 and only because a character shit his pants and I laughed.
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle: watched this right after Prison School and it was NECESSARY tbh. Its so CUTE and honestly, im not even kidding you, the fucking funniest anime I've seen in months. I watched the dub and the VAs are having the time of their lives working on this anime not just giving it their all but literally just going ham. Its great. If I read this im sure id be bored outta my mind but the VAs giving it a joyous performance make it an insta fave for me tbh. 9/10.
Sk8 the Infinity: i watched the dub with my bro and I can confirm that its a spectacular show because we both loved it and we have vastly different tastes. Incredibly SUSPENSFUL AND STRESSFUL for an anime about skateboarding but we finished it in a single sitting tbh. The last episode is not dubbed for some reason but we still loved it. Like if Free! was less obnoxious but the only fan-service here is Joe ♡ a beefcake who owns my lesbian heart. I think there's exactly one named female character tho and I legit couldn't tell you what it was if there was a gun to my head. So, over all, 9.5/10.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: I'm going to be entirely honest, I went in thinking it was going to be a boring isekai of no value. I was right about the Isekai part. It was honestly pretty interesting and focused on nation building like you're playing civilization rather than the usual "Get Stronger" narrative or "Get Some Pussy" narrative most isekais take which is delightfully refreshing. Granted there are flavors of that in this which means it doesn't alienate the big isekai watchers out there, but it's not the whole dish and it doesn't make me want to cringe the same way others do. You've got a slime MC just vibing and building a nation of monsters nbd. Does lose points for making the female monsters more humanoid than their male counterparts but makes them back by only doing perfunctory fan-service and nothing that makes me want to cry... except the butt sumo episode but in fairness it was all a terrible dream. Literally, the MC refuses to dream anymore after that. solid animation, decent voice acting, decent story, made me realize how HUGE this is in the Light Novel community???? There's like 18 fucking novels and that's WILD. 8.5/10.
Spirit Photographer Saburo Kono: a one shot special by the mangaka of The Promised Neverland! Honestly a really delicate touch of both super creepy and really touching, and I'm not gonna lie I'm bummed that this isn't a bigger project but the single chapter makes it a good taste for their style. I've been wondering if I wanna read/watch The Promised Neverland and now I think I will. 10/10
Deranged Detective Ron Kamonohashi: from the mangaka of Hitman Reborn comes this Sherlock and Watson derivative! Not even 20 chapters out yet with a sort of spotty schedule, I honestly love it even thought it's exactly as you expect. HOWEVER. Kamonohashi the "Sherlock" character uses mental pressure to kill all confirmed murderers and it's up to Toto the "Watson" character to save all those people before Kamonohashi kills them! It's just recently introduced a "Moriarty" family of crime lords (not a big spoiler don't worry it was obvious) so the tension surrounding Ron's past is amping up rn. Personally, I think the art is GORGEOUS, the characters engaging, and the story quick enough to keep my interest. Most mysteries are solved within a chapter or two so you're not stuck 20 chapters into one locked room mystery which is just peachy tbh. RN, 10/10. If this gets an anime, I anticipate a legion of fangirls who ship the two main characters along with their many friends. I've been alive too long to believe otherwise.
Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro: Yeah I read the manga after I watched the show. A slower build than the anime, but it works for the format, if theyd done the same with the show then I don't think it wouldve done as well. Honestly? Cuter tbh but just as horny. You dont start really LEARNING about your character until like, chap 65 tho and no real "drama" happens until like 75. A good chunk of the chapters are like 8pgs so its a breeze to get through. I love these slow burn idiots of the century. 9.5/10 because you can DEFINITELY tell the mangaka does hentai too.
Yugen's All-Ghouls Homeroom: one-shot by the mangaka for Food Wars, it's no wonder there's this constant perviness from the MC, a guy who can see and exorcise spirits. Takes place at an all girl's finishing school with KICK ASS monsters tbh, kinda bummed its not longer. The MC? Blatant monsterfucker who is also a CONFRIMED monsterfucker???? Idk i vibe with that single emotion. Everything else is hit or miss. 7/10 for monsters and cool concept, lost points for the MC very pointedly being okay with admitting he'd wait for the teenagers to be adults tho. Creepy af. Could live without that.
Hell's Paradise: I finished the entire 127chps in 3 days and I was really enthusiastic about it 90% of the time thinking about how deep it was and then I actually thought about it and I ended up being very neutral about the whole thing tbh. The art is fantastic tho, but DEFINITELY deserving of the M rating. Tits. Tits everywhere. But not tits to be ecchi over, no, monster hermit tits on beautiful women-ish figures. Now generally I give that a pass but a huge theme in the story is that men and women are "no better than one or the other" but like, lady tits are what you see 99% of the time. Men tits are few and far between. I call bullshit on most of the "deep" themes is what I'm saying, so it's like the mangaka was trying for those deep thoughts but missed the margin a little too far for my preference. That being said, the MC is a married man who loves his wife which automatically makes him my favorite character so like... idk so many good things, so many misses, but overall really spectacular themes and imagery. Unique but classic all at once. It's getting an anime and I have NO IDEA how much censorship they're gonna be doing but they're going to be doing SO MUCH. Oh yeah, and one guy is a plant/human hybrid who fucks a 1000 year old plant-hermit which makes him a canon monster fucker. And one canon non-binary character who I, a nonbinary, actually like. So like... gosh I've got mixed feelings. 8.5/10.
Choujin X: From Sui Ishida, mangaka to the mega hit Tokyo Ghoul comes this brand new manga!... Of one chapter, lol. Not really binge-y because it's just the one chapter out right now but I'm already keeping my eye on it. The grasp on anatomy in the art is PHENOMENAL and you can see Ishida flexing his art skill which is great. Can't give a true rating but I'm giving it a tentative 9/10 because I'm excited to see more.
Shag&Scoob: technically not a manga, its an ongoing webcomic I binged an subscribed to in one day and I just think it deserves more attention. Starts off funny with "what if Scooby Doo had a gun" and has been led to "what if all cartoons are aliens that survive and receive their powers by the humans that love them in an epic war with Martians." On god, its good. I finished the current series in a couple hours so it's a breezy read, highly recommend it. 9/10.
To Your Eternity: Yeah I watched the anime and then finished all current 143 chapters in like 3 days. GOD IM WEAK. I don't buy physical manga unless I know I want to remember the story forever and I'm already budgeting for the current books out. Yeah, this is a good series. That being said, definitely not for the faint of heart or those who suffer under common triggers like suicide, molestation, death, etc. It's all framed as bad and necessary to the story don't get me wrong, but it's there and has lasting affects on the characters. Incredible story telling by the creator of A Silent Voice. Keep tissues nearby at all times. 12/10.
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0tterp0p · 4 years
Ooh for the movie/tv show ask thing into the spiderverse? Or the untamed cause it seems you like that a lot! I havent seen it but ive heard its good! Also your art is super good!!!Hope you have a good day/night!!
1. You are the sweetest 2. See (extensive) end notes****** 3. Thank u so very very much :’)) I hope you have a good whatever time you’re in too!!!!! 
Let’s do into the spiderverse cuz that movie is ART:
favorite male character: Miles Morales. I might have a thing for main characters. 
favorite female character: Doc Oc was a wild ride. Alternately, Aunt May.
least favorite character: I mean, Kingpin is quite, quite evil.
prettiest character: Geez, but it’s Gwen right? Gwen. She’s so pretty. Gwen. I’m thinking about cutting my hair like hers.
funniest character: Spider noir
favorite season: N/A
favorite episode: We’ll go with favorite scene, and it’s That One where What’s Up Danger plays while Miles jumps off the building and goes flying through the city - CHILLS
favorite romantic ship: I do not have a romantic ship here, honestly.
favorite family ship: ALL THE SPIDERS!!!!!!! TOGETHER! FAMBLY!!!!!!!!
favorite friend ship: Peter B. Parker and Miles. They NEED each other!!!!111!
worst ship:  Again, I really don’t think I’ve got one here. What would be terrible? Spider-Ham and Aunt May? 
******I would be absolutely remiss if I did not recommend The Untamed in THE STRONGEST words, like seriously, it has everything. EVERYTHING. Hurt. Comfort after the hurt. A fun, sexy murder mystery. SOULMATES that have been BUILT step by step, little by little, not simply found. A+++ characters.  Eternal devotion?? True, deep enduring kindness, friendship, and love. A great plot AND a great romance, like wow, I didn’t think we could have both--not only that but a romance that is INFORMED BY and deeply tied to the plot and not parallel to it--IT’S SO GOOD. It has made me actually weep more times in its 50 episodes than any other TV show, book, or movie ever, and I am really, really In It. Maybe I’ve lost perspective. I don’t know! I don’t care. It’s so good. I love it here. 
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redrobin-detective · 4 years
Random Quirkless Pro Hero Deku facts
- Pro Hero Izuku has a lot of weaponry on him at all times but he’s personally a big fan of knives. He’s usually got at least 5 or 6 on him at all times in all different sizes. He likes them because they’re multi-use, intimidating and, in the hands of a skilled wielder (like Izuku definitely is) can end fights without permanent damage. His favorite knife is the one he stole off of Stain to Iida’s dismay but its just a really good knife okay, Tenya, nothing personal.
-  Todoroki is rescue hero working at Froppy’s agency in Nara (kind of the middle of nowhere). He doesn’t really get involved in the big villain battles unless he’s caught up in them, does no marketing for himself, rarely takes interviews, does his best to just be another hero... and yet he’s #20 in the charts. He is the highest ranked rescue hero who goes out of his way to avoid the spotlight and he doesn’t know why he’s so highly ranked. This is because he doesn’t understand the overwhelming power of THIRSTY fans.
- Izuku and Katsuki have a very special relationship. They read each other so well, are a well-oiled, scarily efficient team in battle. Outside of that, they’re disasters. Due to past experiences with ‘friendly spars’ that have gotten out of control they need a minimum of 2 babysitters pro heroes to spot them and be in a qualified facility before they go at it (which they don’t always do). Most every time they meet up they’ve got to rough house a bit to everyone’s horror. Bakugou will get loud and indignant if you call them friends but then rant for 30 minutes on why Deku is one of the best damn heroes he’s ever known. 
- Speaking of which, on an operations level Izuku and Katsuki are much better separated than partnered. Kiri much more approachable and adds a sense of balance to Bakugou which is why he’s #1 not long after Izuku leaves. Izuku/Katsuki together were terrifying but a little bit too chaotic? They egged each other on where Kiri calms Bakugou down and Izuku forced to be “in charge” (as composed to constantly competing with Bakugou) of others also makes him less reckless. They’re still a brutally efficient combo but they’ve both agreed that separation really helped them grow.
- Gran Torino went senile not long after Izuku graduated Yuuei having fulfilled his promise to both Nana and Toshi and couldn’t fight any more. Izuku took care of him the best he can and put the old hero up in a luxurious old age home, he visited once a week watching more and more of his mentor slip away. He died when Izuku was still working at Two Hero with Bakugou and it was one of his incentives for leaving the agency and forming One For All. 
- Shinsou ended up in the Hero course during their second year, but he went to 1B. Still maintained a good relationship with Izuku and the 1C gang. After graduation, he was surprised when Yaoyorozu offered him a position at her agency. He works there mainly in intelligence gathering, interrogation and general agency management. He still does field work but not nearly to the extent of other heroes.
- Shinsou and Izuku are the lowest ranked in their grade, Shinsou being in the 90s while Izuku is in the high 70s. Izuku will never let his friend forget that he, quirkless and hated by the system, is higher ranked than Shinsou. Its really because Shinsou is kind of a reclusive hero only known because he works at such a prestigious agency. If and when Shinsou decides to make an effort at his popularity it’s all over for Izuku. Until then, Izuku will lord it over him. 
- As for the 1C gang, Patrick moved back to America right after graduation. He’s doing odds and ends, still trying to figure out what he wants to do. Does frequent calls/visits to Japan to visit his high school friends. Korudo did end up working his father’s company but on his own terms, donates a lot to Izuku’s AFO foundation. Izuku probably sees Taketsu the most, she’s a quirk lawyer and works with Izuku professionally in terms of quirk advocacy and advancement. 
- Hero Names: Bakugou - Kacchan, Todoroki - stays as Shouto, Aoyoma - Lumiere, Shinsou - Hypnos
- As soon as he graduated, Izuku moved into All Might’s old apartment because he couldn’t stand to sell it. He left it almost identical only converting the back study and pretty much living out of boxes the first few years. He’s very, very slowly taking down All Might’s things and putting up his own but each change involves a lot of struggle and crying, but it feels like healing. In addition, Toshi was able to change his will before dying so Izuku inherited an insane amount of money from All Might’s estate. He couldn’t spend it all in his lifetime if he tried. He mostly keeps it away but donates a lot of it to AFO and other charities. 
- Deku is a fan favorite as far submissive ships go. In every fan pairing he’s put in (and there are some wild one out there) he is the delicate, submissive quirkless partner. When asked on it, 1A just comments “have you ever actually seen Deku??” still the trope persists. Popular fan pairings are Bakudeku, Shoudeku, Iideku and Uradeku.
- The Class has varying ways of referring to one another, most of them feel comfortable calling each other by their first names but almost all continue to call Iida by his surname (except Ochako and Izuku when he’s feeling annoyed/sappy). Izuku and Katsuki have a whole language of names within the names they call each other, all you should know is that if you hear Izuku say “Bakugou” or Katsuki “Izu-chan” you better run like hell.
- Midoriya Hisashi was officially killed halfway through Izuku’s Third Year in a villian attack at his office in America. Inko was distraught but Izuku really couldn’t bring himself to mourn a man he never knew (and was already exhausted still grieving for All Might). Inko and Izuku got a sizable payout from it, ensuring Inko will be able to live comfortably for the rest of her life. Izuku never touched the money, relying first on All Might’s money then his own when he had to. ((Most people know I’m pretty ham for DFO so let me say this, on paper “Midoriya Hisashi” was killed it’s up to you if someone else is still around) 
- While OFA doesn’t have any permanent staff, it does have heroes who frequently work there. It started this way because Izuku couldn’t get any heroes to permanently attach and kept it up once he realized the versatility it gave him. Shouto and Uravity usually do at least one or two stints a year. Pretty much all of the unattached heroes of 1A have worked with Deku multiple times (even a few attached, Ingenium surprising everyone by leaving his agency for a month to work with his old friend). Lemillion does it when his schedule allows and a few veteran heroes like Present Mic and Cementoss have done work there as well. And while Number One Kacchan hasn’t officially worked at One For All, he and Red Riot partner do enough inter-agency work that they kind of have. 
- Over the years OFA acquired the respect of many heroes but there’s still assholes who refuse to take orders from a quirkless man. Now officially Deku has no problems with those who do not wish to work with him, it’s well within their rights. However, he’ll usually slyly make it known that people have turned down offers from him or spoke against him. And suddenly those bigoted heroes find they’re getting less support from those connected to Deku (a number that grows bigger by the year). There are less team-ups, less chance of being voted for hero titles, more whispers about how a hero being quirkist in this age is so old-fashioned and not cool. The heroes are like ??? how the hell did this happen while Deku sits there and smiles, not having lifted a finger. He’s a kind man but a vindictive one for sure.
- Izuku named his foundation after All For One, the villain who terrorized Japan and ultimately killed All Might, purely out of spite. While Izuku never confronted him in this universe, he knows the villain is still out there. The AFO Foundation took a name that was once feared and turned it into something that could bring people hope. He wanted to tell all the wannabe criminals who would recognize the name that Izuku knows and he’s not afraid. Also he still considers it his duty as AM’s successor to stop him so the Foundation is two middle fingers up to AFO as a challenge. 
- Rikimaru-shishou (Izuku and later Shinsou’s martial arts teacher in TLWA) has mostly retired from teaching, only taking a few students here and there. Izuku still keeps in contact when possible, meeting up for a friendly spar when he can squeeze it in. Most of the students Daiki takes these days are kids Izuku recommends with puppy dog eyes. 
-Mirio and Izuku end up developing a pretty good relationship. It starts when Izuku tries to intern with Nighteye in his first year and it’s pretty ugly. Nighteye refuses to take him but some, not all, of the Izuku/OFA/Mirio situation comes out. Mirio is very disturbed that his mentor was grooming him to be All Might 2 and kind of separates from Sir and takes Izuku’s side. Really excited by Deku’s vision for a better hero society and they have a big/lil brother relationship. Is super okay when Izuku takes the SoP title from him, like Izuku not bothered with rankings but he knows how important it is to his bro.
- So good news first, Mirio and Tamaki are long term partners and adopt a little girl, Koharu, who has a ‘villainous’ quirk and was abandoned by her family. Mirio being on paternity leave is one of the factors that allows Izuku to take the SoP away from him. So uh bad news, Eri was never recovered during TLWA version of the Overhaul arc. Don’t ask me exact details cause I don’t know lol but Izuku wasn’t really involved and Overhaul and few of his men managed to flee Japan with Eri and haven’t been found since. Mirio and Tamaki both took the loss to heart which is why they wanted to try and pay back that mistake. They’re both great dads though.
- Due to being so outrageously busy during their first year as Pros, Bakugou forgot to maintain a regular haircut schedule so it started to grow out. Izuku and some others commented that the longer hair looked good on him. It got to the point where it was getting in the way so he ties it back in a little tail that looks like a little explosion. That, and his permanent facial scruff, make him a very attractive hero but his personality still leaves a lot to be desired.
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tcmpcral · 4 years
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1. FIRST NAME: masha.
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: my father’s birthday is the day before mine :v
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: i mean, i’m asexual and aromantic but aesthetically i guess i could say the quintessential. roman?? nose for some reason fjfeka; i just like the look of them lies down also certain kinds of genuine smiles get me right in the heart. dark eyes are also very nice. or perhaps i should say like. when someone has dark eyelashes?? i think that’s it. also i’m always reminded of a girl i went to ireland with who had a seriously endearing case of doe eyes, and i’m still not sure if her eyes were just naturally that shape or if she used makeup to get that Look but either way i thought she was extremely pretty the whole time lmao the fact that she was also very sweet and thoughtful didn’t hurt either
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: rice and eggs fjjfiea; eggs in general, tbh. possibly also noodles. and dumplings. cheesecake. lotus paste. smoked cheeses hhhh sALMON. sweet potatoes. maybe pears and apples listen i’m sorry i love food, there can’t be Only One
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: hominy fjfkda; cauliflower. uhhhh also tuna casserole blegh. asparagus jfjkf;da oh YEAH I HATE BOLOGNA TOO i can’t. i can’t do it hhhhghg. and yet i love vienna sausages and deviled ham...
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: whispers taking the long way home so i can spend more time listening to the radio and singing along with it probably lmao
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: whatever i wore the previous day fjfjiea; I’M SLOPPY
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: technically neither, but i guess i’d take flings over the other
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: lies down i do kinda wish i hadn’t dropped out of high school. on that front, it’s worked out in the end, but. still. it would have been nice to have kept up with my friends orz on a different front, i’m conflicted about it, but. sometimes i wonder how much better my life might be today if i’d gone straight for nursing instead of getting an art degree ._.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: i. think i can be
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: yeah it’s still the kung fu panda trilogy lmao. but also tokyo godfathers, shutter island aaand. idk jurassic park? tremors? a good chunk of the x-men movies bc i’m not very picky with them and there’s things i like about most of them?? thinking emoji oH there’s also that movie push from 2009. the one with chris evans :v
12. FAVORITE BOOK: a little princess, war of the worlds, uhhh on the beach, house of stairs, the secret garden. i was once weirdly attached to this book i read in jr. high called where the lilies bloom. i also loved heidi uhhh. see, there were all these obscure books i read in late elementary school and jr. high that i loved that i often have trouble recalling rip. like there was one called eva, and another called home before dark. one named belle prater’s boy. the crystal garden. sweet sassy tree hhhh almost anything written by robert cormier ahaaa
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: i’m honestly very happy keeping dogs as pets, but i’ve always wanted to. like. idk, maybe pet a wolf or a fox or other wild canid. i’d also like to maybe have a cat someday. and parrots and other birds are adorable and i love them, but. oof. they just seem. Intimidating pets. maybe someday i can have ducks or geese again, tho. oh, and. i’ll admit i’ve always been amused at the thought of having a pet goat, bc my grandmother apparently did as a child lmao
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: oh boy there’s. a Bunch. let me think... i. still have a very big soft spot for germany/italy hhh. uh. i hope the rest of them don’t have to be canon bc..... yeah. anyway still attached to beerus and whis... wheezes and both euroshipping (kaiba/bakura) and what’s apparently called stormshipping now (fubuki/manjoume). and ok i have to go with another hetalia one bc i’m such a sucker for france/russia lies down i was also once a big lex/zex shipper, and i still have a soft spot for. what it once was. not entirely too comfortable actually shipping it now since i haven’t Kept Up with kh and i’m not 100% on zexion/ienzo’s age anymore squints
15. PIE OR CAKE: ....whichever one cheesecake falls under :v
16. FAVORITE SCENT: ohghfjfkda there’s A BUNCH. aloe vera, bleach, lysol, sweet pea, tea, tires, sawdust, cucumbers and melons, ginger, beer
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: yeahh, i still don’t really have one but. i do have a lot of affection for weird al lmao
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: whispers i would love to go to russia some day, but i think everyone knows that lmao. i’d also love to revisit ireland, especially killarney and blarney castle. and i’d love to revisit sorrento. and possibly italy in general tbh aaaa. i’ve also always kinda wanted to visit china 6_6
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: pretty sure i’m an introvert, but i also happen to be one who really loves crowds
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: i’m a. very jumpy person kffja; also certain topics Disturb me way more than others, and ngl i have something close to an Actual phobia of the dark rip
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: i’ve never had an iphone, so probably android
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: animal crossing. also tetris when i’m bored. i love puzzle games like poppit and bejeweled lmao i used to play kingdom hearts and super smash brothers, and i miss them both tbh. i also played crisis core, two star fox games, and the world ends with you at some point. and uh. a handful of legend of zelda games when i was a kid. my favorite game is probably majora’s mask :v
23. DREAM JOB: comic book creator orz or some kind of concept artist for animated movies. but. i’ve come to terms with the fact that i’m not really. Good(TM) enough for that, so nowadays i’m much more interested in something more mundane like nursing. as long as it’s night shift, i want it
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: SO MUCH. get my car back in shape, pay off my grandparents’ house probably, go back to school fINALLY, move out lies down there’s so much i could do with that money lmao
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: there. aren’t any tbh lies down the most i usually get to is feeling neutral toward a character lmao except i just remembered umbridge exists so she might count
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: not counting the ones i keep coming back to, there’s uhhh. gundam wing, star wars (waaaay back when the phantom menace was first released lmao), digimon, x-men evolution. i was in the MCU fandom for like a month before i lost interest XD;; i might count yugioh and yugioh gx as part of this, but. i’m still kind of invested in those tbh
all of these i’ve just kinda fallen away from thinking emoji i’ve never really had a bad fandom experience, so. you know
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medea10 · 5 years
Medea Plays Pokemon Sword: Part IV
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So since last time, I earned my eighth and final badge and so I can compete in the Challenger’s Cup.
So...no Elite Four?
Not to complain, but even Alola had an Elite Four.
Instead, we get something that’s almost similar to what the anime does during Pokemon League arcs. Whatever! Off to Wyndon...
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You’re not fooling anybody. This is fucking London!
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I seem to recall obtaining an in-game trade during the Red/Blue games involving a Mr. Mime with that exact, same name.
Nice call-back, guys.
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What the shit?
I would not put the fat squirrely with the apple pokemon in the same room.
Fat Squirrely can’t be trusted.
Well, before I go to the stadium, I think it’s time I do some last-minute training and exploring in the wild area again.
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And flee for my life! Gallade is a fast fucker. Meanwhile...
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Gardevoir doesn’t chase me. I guess some pokemon aren’t scary in this area.
And then this happened...
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A trainer by the name of Tracey gave me something in his pocket and disappeared.
Life just loves to give me an invisible Tracey. Life, thou art cruel.
Oh yeah, because it was Thanksgiving a few days ago, I thought I would have a few family get-togethers.
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Father Zoro and daughter Rei were quite peaceful during their time together.
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Then I got a bunch of Eeveelutions together (they’re all brothers and sisters btw).
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Mic liked what Leafy’s done with his hair.
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And Bolt kept challenging everyone to a race.
Pokedex entry time?
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Nice, you made that reference! At least this reference didn’t involve a Dubwool being turned inside-out like in South Park.
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So...it’s doing self-harm in order to “play” the guitar. Dang!
Okay, time for Champion Cup!
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I have my own speculations of who the dude might be. Right now, the top choices are Professor Oak, Samson Oak, or that one guy at an anime convention that dresses like a buff Diglett.
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First match is against Marnie. I kicked her butt.
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And then I put Hop in his place (for the whatever number it was) time.
After two battles, the champion decided to pay us a visit.
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Not before hamming it up for the peanut gallery. Hey, at least he’s treating us to dinner. However...
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Turns out Leon is with the chairman.
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This is awesome. Piers, Marnie, and the fat bastards of Team Yell are going to team up with us.
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As expected, I can’t trust this bitch. And I was right to believe so because she has hired goons to “take care” of us at every turn.
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And what have we learned from the Red/Blue games? Never trust a goon who’s staring at a wall or poster on a wall.
We end up at the monorail station with more of Oleana’s hired goons blocking our path. This looks like a job for Piers!
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I just love how he pulls out a microphone out of literally nowhere and starts singing in the middle of the station.
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It worked though.
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See, even Marnie is suspicious. This guy has gotta be a shifty mother fucker!
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Yeah, this is totally not an innocent meetup between Rose and Leon.
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Oleana’s hired goons are totally threatening. I think the bloke on the right really wants my corpse.
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Why, do you plan on throwing our bodies off the edge?
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Your hired goons all had steel-type pokemon. My level 70 Cinderace laid waste to these fuckers in 5 minutes or less.
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Jesus Shit!
Okay, if the anime ever gets to this plot, PLEASE have Oleana be played by Miki Itou.
See, I knew this woman and the chairman are full of garbage. And to add to my point...
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This bitch has a pile of garbage as a dynamaxed pokemon.
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Called it.
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Lysandre and Cyrus vibes, guys! Come on, I called it months ago that this guy was going to be the bad guy!
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Anyone else still trust this guy? Show of hands!
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Okay kid, let’s see if you can redeem yourself.
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Blaming me for shit that was your own fault. Yeah, I still hate you. But you’re down a few tiers, so there’s an improvement.
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But you’re still at the same shit-level as Dilandau Albatou. You two both desperately need a punch in the face.
After that little disruption, on with the actual battles.
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Okay, I’m on board with shipping Sonia x Nessa.
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After taking on Nessa. I took out Bea...
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And Raihan’s selfie-obsessed ass!
So now it’s time to take on the big ham, Leon.
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Or not!
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Oh gee, this guy is the bad guy. Who could have seen this coming?
Um, I did. The second he was shown in the PV, I knew this fucker was bad news. I don’t mean to lay it on thick, but...
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Hop and I returned to that spot near Route 1 and run into legendary doggos.
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And go grave-robbing (taking the sword/shield on the ground).
When we went to Hammerlocke, we came across some actual concern.
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You sent literal hired goons to try and shut me down. I’ll deal with you later, lady. Right now, I gotta take down this genocidal dickhead.
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I have to admit, I expected more from Chairman Rose and the Marco Cosmos group in this game. I don’t know if I’m alone in this, but it feels a little light compared to a lot of the other bad teams in the past, and that includes Team Skull and Aether Foundation.
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So after I kicked the chairman’s ass in a battle, we came across this hammy dumbass doing something stupid.
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He tried to catch a mythical beast in a regular pokeball.
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This. This is what happens when you try to do that.
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Plus, you’re up against Satan’s tapeworm here.
Now we gotta take care of this demonic fucker and I can’t even use an attack on it.
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This looks like a job for the legendary doggos!
They take the rusted sword and shield and turned into the actual promotional legendaries we know them for.
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And after a long battle, I caught it...
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With what you’re supposed to use! Geez, even Brandon in Pokemon Generations had enough sense to use an Ultra Ball on a Deoxys.
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I guess homie’s gonna be in the slammer for some time.
Oh well, on with the final match.
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Take a seat, junior. It’s time for me to take your ass out to the cleaners.
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Yeah, kinda make sure your pokemon are higher than this level.
Regardless, I still won.
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I made a grown man cry!
Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure I’m way older than Leon by at least 10-15 years. That would probably look bad, but whatever.
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He shook it off.
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Thank you. Now hopefully he’ll stop acting like a show-boating, ham every time he’s in front of a crowd.
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Oh nice, my “mum” came with Munchlax.
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I gotta do this.
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Or is it?
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To be continued.
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ink-asunder · 5 years
Give me a TAO & Christine fic!!!
Okay, can we go back to this??
I already briefly summarized my thoughts on the TAO/Christine (friend)ship, but I wanted to write them all out here in a more detailed take/outline-thingie because damn do I feel like doing this instead of working.
So here’s a breakdown of how I imagine this fic would go:
In this AU, The Ancient One survives the fall, but her injuries are too severe for her to fight, so she leaves it up to Stephen to Not Fuck Up (maybe with a side of mildly-hammed-up “oh no I’m dying...” just so Stephen is Extra Motivated)
The fic opens with TAO mildly fretting about the possibility she’ll wake up in a world devoured by darkness.
Stephen fights Dormammu, does his thing, saves the world, it’s all good, the end.
Cut to TAO waking up the next morning in the hospital, sunlight streaming through the window by the bed (yes, she’s getting a private room or at least a window bed because fuck hospitals that have no natural light in them I hate them), and she’s all “oh good, Stephen didn’t Fuck Up. And speaking of, I’m sure he or Mordo or Wong will be along shortly to take me home.”
But they weren’t along shortly.
I think Stephen and the other Masters would be a bit caught up regrouping, checking who’s dead, securing the sanctums, etc, etc. And because of that, TAO would be on her own in the hospital for a while until they can get her out.
Admittedly, calling the Sorcerer Supreme “low priority” sounds really disingenuous, but realistically, the Ancient One could totally handle herself laying low in a hospital room for a few hours until Stephen and Kai (the healer OC, forgot to mention that) can get her out.
But just in case, Stephen requested Christine monitor the Ancient One personally because he doesn’t want any of the doctors/technicians sticking their noses where they don’t belong when someone eventually and inevitably notices something unusual in TAO’s lab tests or something.
Let’s look at this from Christine’s perspective for a second.
Your Ex disappears for months. Returns with a weird stab wound, weird clothes, weird delusions/fantasies, and weird... powers...?
So that’s strange enough. Stephen shows up, gets treatment, leaves. That’s it.
Except nO that’s not it, now Stephen’s back and he’s with a fatally injured woman who’s wearing eccentric clothes similar to Stephen’s, and even after they fix her head trauma (because they do in this AU, don’t at me) she also has weird stab injuries?? And her biochemistry is weird, what??
Stephen asked Christine to watch over TAO; he doesn’t want the others causing more fuss than they need to, so Christine just rolls with it and oversees/delegates TAO’s treatment. (A good rule of thumb for this Unique Situation: If TAO doesn’t seem to be sick or in pain, don’t do anything.)
To be honest, Christine is moderately frazzled at this point, but does her job looking out for the patient and focuses on her medical practice to ground her through the Magic Bullshit.
I’d imagine she’d have to deter other doctors and nurses more than once, but all things considered, she does a good job taking care of TAO
By morning, TAO’s awake and staring dreamily boredly out the window. Her body’s healing itself with all that mystic eather, and even though Christine is totally a-okay with whatever’s going on, she needs answers sometime.
So Christine brings TAO some food, (TAO probably can’t leave bed by herself, or at least she’s pretending that’s the case because she values her privacy and is trying to keep a low profile), and sits with TAO a moment, asking her the Concussion Questions and if she’s in any pain, etc. etc.
But then. After the check-up questionnaire, Christine just looks at TAO, leans forward, and goes “Okay, Stephen told me a bunch of wild stuff, are you involved and is this true?”
And TAO’s just like “... :) That depends :) What did he tell you?”
An I’d imagine as Christine unloads all that Stephen told her (in a reasonably frazzled fashion), Tao’s just calmly nodding along every once in a while and she finally decides that at this point, Christine already knows too much for TAO to be able to brush it off, but since Christine has known this much and skillfully kept it from everyone else, so what’s the harm in telling her?
Christine finishes telling her all about it and stops to catch her breath, feeling Super Foolish if she’d misread everything and now spouted something random and crazy to a complete stranger, but TAO just tells her that yes, it’s all true, Aand that’s kind of it.
TAO lets Christine ask questions, and TAO’s really vague. She’s only as specific as she needs to be. But she doesn’t try to actively keep everything from Christine. In fact, with how Christine’s proven herself so far, it’s highly possible to initiate Christine into the Order of the Mystic Arts somehow. Not like teaching her magic or anything--of course not--but Christine could be a valuable resource as a doctor in the states that could medically treat sorcerers discreetly, if she was willing and interested.
More Christine perspective:
So, your ex leaves, comes back delusional, leaves, comes back again with a woman who doesn’t really share in his delusions as much as she confirms their existence. And now this woman is saying that yes, Stephen told you right, you wanna see?
Christine’s shock doesn’t subside, but she feels a sense of relief and comfort in knowing Stephen’s not crazy (and by extention Christine herself isn’t crazy), and hey, Bonus: now there’s this nice but eccentric woman that Christine has all to herself for the day.
Over the course of the day, Stephen checks in with Christine via phone call (”CAn you come get her yet?” “No, one of our Mystical Beasts got loose, I gotta go catch it”), and Christine (she’s like “aaargh stephen”) keeps taking care of TAO.
TAO and Christine chat idly as they see each other (mostly bitching about Stephen, tbh) and by the end of the day, they’ve forged a tentative relationship (gay or platonic as reader/writer chooses)
And when Stephen finally comes to retrieve TAO and bring her home, TAO’s like “She seems nice, when are you going to bring her around??”
And that’s the end of the chapter, and the rest of the fic can go several different ways from there.
Can someone write this? Can I write this?? Would anyone be interested if I write this???
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@cheinsaw said: gimme that nanami/sonia hot take
Don’t really ship it, but that’s probably because nanami just isnt a favorite character of mine. Romantically? It could happen. I’d be okay with it. I just can’t really find myself being invested in them as a pairing bc i just dont care too much about chiaki.
Anonymous said: opinions on toukomaru post-dr3, and on chihiro x chiaki?
Toukomaru: they love each other. Platonically or romantically they mean the world to each other and both are great characters and i love and support them. I dont think danron will ever have wlws that are as top tier. That said komaru is a minor and i am so tired of panty shots with her. We dont need em!!! The touko i know is going to grow outta her togami crush and realize komaru was here all along
Chiaki x Chihiro: i cant see this romantically. they dont really have any canon connection but i see chihiro as more of a parental figure for a.i. chiaki, even though, all things considered, they probably arent the one responsible for creating a.i. chiaki.
@roomofangel-s said: saimota or rantaro x shuichi
as in which one i like more? saimota. i love saimota so so much, man. as for amasai, i like it! the game makes rantaro out to be ace but i can still kinda see them together? rantaro often gets characterized as a playboy but he isnt, but i can imagine him being flirty if he like, gets permission, if that makes any sense? hes the kind to respect boundaries and all that and that is very valid of him. saihara is a bi disaster and definitely thinks he is hit bc lets face it, he is
Anonymous said: Shuichi/Happiness
yes!!! i am so down
Anonymous said: Kaede/Living
Real talk? i am like the only person who was glad kaede died. call me what you will, but i just didnt really like kaede. her design irks me, and she strikes me as “genki girl” in a lotta ways. it was cool seeing her go outta her way to murder. seeing my favorite character become the protag and basically be guaranteed to survive? oh i was so happy, because until then, i was so certain he was a goner
Anonymous said: How do you feel about Haijime and Mahiru as a ship?
Personally, Mahiru just Strikes Me as Lesbian, or at least, bi with a women preference. I can see them as good mlm (hinata being bi) wlw solidarity. great life partner friends, but i cant really see them as in love with each other. they definitely both shittalk their teachers in private though after becoming friends
@birded said: give me all your favorite dr trans hcs! 😍
i dont have too many? but saihara does give me Vibes. feminine voice, self-confidence issues, all that. in a non-despair au maki has to help him take his shots bc he has butterfingers and is also afraid and bc kaito still needs some help with the whole internalized homophobia thing (he would be understanding it’s just he grew up with old people so. yeah)
(the rest of these questions are also from birded im just not gonna tag them a bajillion times)
what's your favorite piece of dr content? mine is dr0 owo
i really liked all of them tbh? i really liked the atmosphere of dr1, the dr2 characters, the v3 ending... i really like drae but god i wish i were the creative director so we could remove that weird tickle minigame and all the komaru panty shots and kotoko undressing. i cant convince myself to read dr0. oops
what's some obscure or little/meaningless stuff in throughout the dr series that you really enjoy? what's some stuff you wish people talked about more?
definitely the use of honorifics! the nis translation removes them which is really sad bc they tell a lot about how the characters feel about each other! ishimaru uses -kun for everyone, which is kinda boyish but respectful! naegi uses -kun/-san bc hes nice, along with saihara and akamatsu.  hinata is just plain rude and uses none of them! i wrote a post abt one of my fav honorific moments here
what are youre thoughts on trans girl chihiro? what about thoughts on touko/komaru?
toukomaru i said up above, but, as for trans girl chihiro. please dont fucking kill me but. it’s not canon. danron 1 was written in 2010 and i doubt kodaka really wanted to make a cool story about a trans character. if chihiro was female, they wouldnt go outta their way and say that they’ve been “lying” to everyone. the game makes it clear they identified as male, and only dressed as a female due to their weak nature. trans people are the gender they say they are, and chihiro never goes and says “im actually a girl,” ya know?
in fics and stuff though? hell fucking yeah. go for it. if you think chihiro is trans go fucking ham but at the end of the day it isnt what kodaka wanted to write, just as much as i think maki is a lesbian and he went and wrote kaitomaki. youre allowed to take fiction and rectify shit you dont like in your art bc sometimes content creators are just bad. go wild
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nostalgic-blood · 6 years
so i went to california a few weeks ago and...
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No, I didn’t go ham. I had friends who were like “HERE HAVE THIS” and then I had this thing, and later went to a convention and THEN I went ham. 
Also this was my first non-family trip so I sort of bought a souvenir anywhere I deemed important enough to do so... America, you took a lot of my money. Oh and Disneyland too. 
...also I couldn’t fit some things and forgot others in that top pic.
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this wall scroll my cat is trying to destroy
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a backpack I bought solely so I was able to even bring all this back, and the posters/prints I STILL needed a friend to ship back anyway...
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and this cute koishi i bought, all of three of which were from fanime, yes...
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Disneyland souvenirs! A friend (Souless) bought the one of the left. You may have noticed Minnie Mouse ears on the first photo! I didn’t actually get them from Disneyland itself, t’was a gift from our Disneyland veteran who led us to many-a-ride and the least amount of waittime possible, Souless’ fiance Kat. :)
And yes Inside Out is my favourite Pixar movie. Watched Coco recently which was really good, but it’s only second to Inside Out. P:
Let’s start off with my ridiculous friends who decided I needed to own more merch:
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All of this was bought by my friend Cannibalfood AKA Akira who went to cons and saw stuff I might like but never got around to actually shipping them to me.. and then, came with me to California and brought this stuff. This is why Negima is on there. It’s been that long.
Oh the non-weeb stuff is souvenirs I got with her while we were in San Fran, including Alcatraz touristy photos since we have few pictures together, a taxidermy place where we each got matching stingray barbs, how romantic. The rock was my very first souvenir. I wasn’t expecting on buying anything else in that shop, so it is the most boring thing here.
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Here’s a look at the Touhou artbooks!
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One of two CDs, this one with best 2hu on it. I recall from reading the back that one of these has some TAMUSIC on it, which has lovely classical pieces. 
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Here’s a semi-random page with some artwork. I recognize some of the artists!
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The other one! I cannot read anything in these books, and yes there’s plenty of text as well as the art.
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Some sample of the art! I’ll have to revisit these books later but from first glance I think I prefer the art of the first book? Idk.
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Next is stuff given to me by various people. The gacha is from Magus, the guy who I stayed at for about half the trip and spent the entire trip WITH since he also went down to SLO and I also shared hotels with him for Fanime. Awesome host, will do again. 10/10. I have another button from someone else but I accidentally included it wit my fanime merch pile photos, so it’ll be along shortly.
The dreamcatcher was made by SlimeMush’s friend who I paid $10 for, and for some mysterious reason it kept being returned to him every time he tried to send it to me. I couldn’t get a good pic of it alone because my cat kept attacking the feathers. SlimeMush also gave me the Flareon button! Apparently all the Eeveelutions he had went to those whose favourite was so-and-so, and apparently there’s equal amounts of love for all of them except for the two he kept himself because he loved them the most. Yes. Flareon is my favourite. :D
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The gacha is a ditto + a ditto version of Sableye. 
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This Monster Hunter blindbox was given to me by Wolfe, whom I’ve had a few MonHun merch exchanges with so far. I also gave him a MonHun figure from another line, which I’ll elaborate further (because I gave them all out similar to SlimeMush giving out the Eeveelution buttons) and kept whichever was left behind. This is Monoblos! I didn’t fight him all too often so I don’t have much impression of it as a monster, also I thought he was white but w/e, still very cool looking to add to my collection!
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Now of all my loot THIS is the stuff I really could have done without in terms of when and where I spent my money. I bought that Incineroar evolution line figure sort of on a whim at a random city in the middle of nowhere, California while on the long drive down to SLO. The Touhou blindboxes, Digimon CD, and RWBY manga came from Kinokuniya in Japantown. Just wanted to buy them because. Even if the Tri series was mediocre in the end the nostalgia still has a strong grip on my heart, especially that music with Kouji Wada. ;_;
And the most touristy thing was buying this wind chime at a gift shop in a spa that I really didn’t need but it was pretty so w/e.
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See? Pretty.
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The results of the blindboxes. Not the luckiest result as I wanted other characters but you CANNOT SAY NO TO WEEB MERCH!
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As much as I have been distancing myself from the show, RWBY’s manga has wondrous art. It also decided to focus on some random unknown side character named Ruby instead of the main characters, which I thought while was quite the bold move, was rather refreshing. 
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DELICIOUS WEISS BACKSTORY. I recall posting something about this particular chapter on here before. YEEEEE!
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So yeah I went to the island prison in San Francisco where AAAAAALL the tourists go. In my defence I have a genuine interest in prisons. Just ask my 300k RWBY fanfiction in which the first quarter of it is set in a prison. It is also not my first prison fic. I put lots of research in that setting to write that kind of shit. 
Also all the souvenirs were the most gimmicky things possible that I didn’t think I’d ever use or would just be paperweight. Except this bag! I may actually use this bag! I know!
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And excluding the stuff that is too big or I forgot to take a pic of near the beginning of the post, THIS was the Fanime loot! Magus got me the Monokuma onesie which was extremely nice of him and now I am no longer perpetually cold. Ah yes the warmth of the hide of a psychotic bear. So good.
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I could not believe the artist who made one of my favourite Aya pics EVER was at the artist alley. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. Obviously this was an instant purchase. This was my phone background for the longest of times. She had Touhou artbooks too but they sold in the first twenty minutes of the first day of the artist alley. Wow. My friend may try to snag me some at AX in July, so here’s hoping!
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I didn’t see a lot of specifically Weiss prints there, and this was the best of the lot IMO. My only wish was that it was a brighter print, or that Weiss herself being so white would stand out more because it’s the least noticeable thing on my wall atm, which is a shame. 
I say this when I saw precisely ONE Aya print (jackpot) and one of another coming up in this bombardment of pics.
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THIS IS PERHAPS THE MOST PROVOCATIVE ONE HERE LOL. But it was the only Tenko, and DRV3 merch was the most difficult of everything I was looking for to find. Unlike 95% of Tenko art SHE ACTUALLY HAS VISIBLE ABS HERE, which according to the official artbooks she’s supposed to have, so bonus points for that. I had a brief discussion with the artist too and we both agreed Tenko was the best and Ouma was overrated. He has great taste.
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Overwatch on the other hand was all over the place in this con, from merch to art, to cosplayers. There were so many cosplayers they didn’t even have enough time to run through half of the tanks and all the supports at the shoot! So sad, so sad. This piece of Widowmaker is beautiful though, so I had to have it.
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I saw this online a while back and really loved this image of all the Overwatch ladies being formal. There was a suit-version too, but for whatever reason I preferred this one. Sadly this print is quite small, as it probably would have benefited the most in being larger what with the many characters and thus detail.
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Out of all this mess the one thing I wanted the most and hunted for the most was charms. I found NO GOOD CHARMS that fitted my taste and interest, and the closest were these buttons. Oh, and I met my good friend Raphyninja at Fanime and he gave me EXCLUSIVE RAPHYNINA MERCH! Thus that button being here and not in the friendo pile. ANYWAY. There was a deal, 3 for 5, so aside from the obvious ones I grabbed Kork. I love Kork. I didn’t think I would for that type of character, but somehow DRV3 managed it. He will of course be very far away from Tenko and Himiko though. >_>
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Here’s a page from one of the Touhou doujins I got, which in hindsight I maybe should not have got? Way too late I noticed that I recognized the seller who I think showed up on a Tumblr post warning of a creeper at the Touhou shoots. He’d try to take pics of cosplayers in a private hotel room at weird, uncomfortable angles as far as I remember, so uh, oops? I was just so excited at finding Touhou doujin for the first time ever that I paid zero attention to the person selling so hopefully I am wrong and they were just someone that resembled that person.
Also I recognized this artist for their cute Satori Koishi content, but could not find any of their Koishi doujins. Sadness.
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I bought two Monster Hunter blindboxes at Fanime because CLEARLY I need more, right. I got a Nargacuga, including the box left remaining in the pile I gave away and the one I already have...  I now have three Nargacugas. That’s quite a lot for something I never fought before...
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I also got this tiny Zinogre. If we include my buttons I have FOUR Nargacugas now and FOUR Zinogres. The difference is I have fought Zinogre multiple times (I have no idea exactly because I have 600 hours in 4U >_>) and actually really like him! Sadly, in grand tradition like the last time I visited San Francisco (when I was five) I lost something, that being my favourite MonHun button, Zinogre. It is now in the wild with my teddy bear and my hat, forever gone in the California abyss. ):
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I got this at the swap meet for 6 dollars. It may not have a stand and is rather dusty, but damn is that a bargain. My only regret is not having the GIGA DRILL BREAKAAAA model instead. I also got that Monokuma bag there too, but that was just because I went there and couldn’t find a single thing I wanted until I saw the bag, which I was on the fence on but wanted to buy SOMETHING from there and got it, thinking that was it ... but then this and the Touhou doujins showed up, soooooo...
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Finally this other Nargacuga that was left behind became my monster in that line of figures, the rest in the hands of my friends. It’s actually cuter than I expected, and barely fit in this cheap crappy display case I bought at a Daiso. I moved my dresser a nudge and the Pokemon fell over, so yeah. 
You may have noticed a drop in quality in the photos and that’s because I cannot be bothered to touch up such a gargantuan amount of images anymore, not with the time I have. Would be nice tho. SO, THAT IS THE GIANT POST OF SPOTTO’S MERCH, NOW WITH 100% MORE QUANTITY THAN BEFORE! I spent too much money so I might as well get something out of it by BRAGGING about it! Right? 
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jeffersonsship · 7 years
Another post about Borba
Warning: this post touches on a hefty subject that some readers may not be comfortable with.
I just had to put into writing what I thought about Borba’s Zootopia comic, you know the one, that seems to have spread like Wildehopps.... I mean wild fire.
I read the comic months ago, didn’t care for it but enjoyed the art, moved on and had forgotten about it until it suddenly started poping up everywhere, and I mean every-where. I decided to take a look at it again recently to refresh myself on it and wanted to share my thoughts in an informal, not really critique or angry manner.
Being that I am, like many of you, a massive Zootopia fan I am always intrigued to read and view the stories and art that circulate the fandom. I’ve even delved into the more heavy handed and emotionally devastating material like “Judy is Dead” and came out actually being moved to tears by it. I feel like “I will Survive” is a genuine attempt at trying to make you feel something, but because of the dramatic shifts in character, choppy dialogue and general lack of fluidity from scene to scene, it comes off as a ham fisted attempt and extremely cold.
The choppy dialogue (I think) can be partially blamed due to things being lost in translation, but holy crap did things not fit right from the get go. Judy finds out she’s pregnant, Judy goes to wake up Nick, Nick acts difficult because he’s messing with her, Judy yells at him, he understands she’s serious but he takes a shower instead of talking? This is just one of the many inconsistencies in logic of how characters should work in my opinion, yeah you can show Nick as being oblivious to Judy, but that means you would need a less aggressive Judy. Certainly not moving one character out of a scene for no reason other than he “needs to feel better.”
This is just one of the many reworkings that the Borba’s comic needs and it doesn’t even scratch the surface of the issue he creates through clumsily mentioning the abortion, having Nick go from ecstatic to sad to angry to accusatory in a matter of three pages, never understanding the fact that Judy is afraid for her life and the life of their child’s and ultimately splitting the two up because that is the logical conclusion here.
Now I’m not one to get fussy if someone wants to sink the Wildehopps ship in a comic, but to do so with almost no tact and giving no logical reason for it just marks the sign of a comic that should have stayed in a scraps portfolio.
To conclude, I really like Borba, I think his art is quite beautiful and detailed, I think that if his story had been more carefully thought out and that the personalities of the characters/ their emotions had been more fleshed out than flashes in the pan then this could have been another fantastic comic for the Zootopia fans instead of meme fodder for the buzzards.
Thank you for reading.
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missinghmmingbird · 7 years
A Regular Saturday
Amethyst had a simple agenda for the day: play games at the arcade, grab her lunch—a ham sandwich with chips—and then visit her mermaid friend.
A mermaid AU for the latest Amedotbomb.
Words: 2704
Also on Ao3!
Amethyst ordered her usual ham sandwich, also buying some chips on the side, grabbed the bag, and ran, the ocean just in view. Her sandals flapped against the boardwalk. The sun had began to set, and far less people populated the beach since the morning.
Teens certainly loved to check out the beach once the moon rose. It was early May, after all. Yes, there were plenty of visitors because the always delightful Summer Break had at last arrived for college students the previous week. Still, it was only at the start of June when the crowds really went wild. All that aside, however, this was a perfect time.
Amethyst's face lit up when she came to where the boardwalk diverged into another path deeper into the ocean. The boardwalk there held games and even a few small rides. And she would have been more than content with spending the rest of the afternoon—and her pocket cash—to play those water shooting games for a prize, and perhaps even surprise—
Not at the moment, though. She slid down the hill and walked onto the beach, then walked over a path of rocks that reached out toward the sea. She ended up under the boardwalk and walked into the very center, jumping back onto sand. She found a group of rocks and sat on one of the smoother ones.
Taking out her sandwich and chips from the bag, she put as many chips as possible in between the buns. It wasn't complete without them! She opened her mouth.
Then she heard it. A splash. A noise of surprise escaped her throat, and she put down her sandwich. Amethyst jumped to her feet, wearing a wicked grin at the sight of fins of a green tail peeking from the water. With a quick spin, she dug into her duffel bag and took out an old fishing pole she... borrowed from Pearl.
Amethyst hurled the line in the radius of where she sat the tail. The bait, which was a piece of ham, floated in the water. She leaned against a boardwalk support, whistling. When a blond head popped out from the water, she stopped.
"It stopped being funny the first time, Amethyst." Peridot grunted, eyebrows narrowing.
Amethyst burst out laughing, arms clutching her stomach and abandoning the fishing pole. "Dunno what you're on about. Still cracks me up," she said after recovering. She swung her feet to sit down again and again grabbed her sandwich. "Hey, girl! Wanna piece?"
"Thank you, I suppose, but we've discussed this already. I don't eat." Peridot shook off some seaweed that littered her hair and swam up to Amethyst. She rested her arms on the rocks.
"Have you ever tried? I'm sure you can?" Amethyst suggested.
"Well, we can. I've known merpeople whose curiosity beat their common sense and tried your human food. Whatever it was didn't go well with their systems." Peridot eyed the sandwich and stuck out her tongue. "We're picky, I suppose you can say."
"Pft, weird." Amethyst adjusted herself, dipping her feet into the water, and put the rest of her sandwich into her mouth. "More for me, then," she added, but the food in her mouth made it come out more mumbled than not.
Peridot squinted. "Humans require random pieces of substance in order to survive. How is that not weird?"
"Food's great! Don't knock it!" Amethyst defended, then leaned back. She sorted through her bag to retrieve a notebook and a pencil and pen. Placing the notebook nearly atop her legs, she said, "'Kay, what'd you do today, then? Besides not eat delicious food?"
Peridot shook her head. "Let's see... well, I did find an abandoned ship a few miles off."
Amethyst gawked, quickly distracted from her notebook. “Shut up! What was it like?”
“Well, abandoned—”
“So observant, Peri.” Amethyst fluttered her eyelids.
“And creepy,” Peridot added, completely dismissing Amethyst’s snarky remark. “It looks as if it sank centuries ago. Since I’ve only recently started journeying away from home, there’s so much I haven’t seen before.”
“Look at you, checkin’ stuff out. You gotta show me someday!” Amethyst exclaimed, leaning forward with excitement.
“Yes, let me just get my magical device where humans can breathe underwater,” Peridot teased, but still grinning.
“Oh, so you’re finally working on it. Great!”
"You'll have to be the first test subject."
"Worth it!"
Peridot rolled her eyes. "So what did you do today, then? See any abandoned ships out there?"
Amethyst shrugged as she scribbled into her notebook. "Hung out at the arcade, played some games, junk like that. Nothing special." Her voice was curt, eyes concentrated on her work which she angled so Peridot couldn't look. "My life's boring. If I was a mermaid, I'd probably... well, I dunno what exactly, but it'd still be cool!"
Peridot scoffed. "Oh, please. I've only been exploring recently, and I can only travel so far. Otherwise, my home has nothing to do! Humans have so much more, er, things to do! From what I've seen, you can do so much more!"
"I guess that's true, but do you ever talk to any other humans? 'Sides me?"
"Not really." Peridot shook her head after thinking it over. "At most, I come near the beach to see you and that's it."
"Aww, how sweet!" Amethyst feigned a moment of swooning.
"Anyway!" Peridot exclaimed, blush dusting her pale cheeks. "I don't meet a lot of humans, if not any at all. You might very well be the first, unless I met one and completely forgot. Which I doubt is the case. You're definitely the first one I've ever become friends with."
"... S-seriously?"
"Of course I'm serious."
Amethyst's gaze averted from Peridot, face feeling warm. In attempts to brush off her racing heart, she added hastily and with a burst of fake pride, "Aren't I special!"
"I-I guess! I mean, yes, but... you know what I mean."
"That's reassuring. Lemme have this one, P-dot."
"R-right." Peridot eyed Amethyst's notebook, which Amethyst returned her attention to and had kept it there for several minutes now. With a suspicious eye, she glanced back up at Amethyst. "What are you doing, exactly, with that tablet?"
Amethyst's body froze. "Uhh, nothing! Don't worry 'bout it!" she shouted quickly, face painted red.
"I'm not worried about it!" Peridot tossed her a lazy wave. "I'm just asking what it is."
"I don't want to show you..." Amethyst turned away, pouting.
Peridot pulled herself a few inches from the water. "Why not? What is it!? Amethyst! Come on!" she whined, clasping her hands together. "Please!"
"Oh, pft, now you know the word please! Fine!" Amethyst exhaled a loud breath, but pointed firmly at Peridot, who lowered herself back into the water. "But don't laugh!"
"So I'm not supposed to laugh?"
"Well, I'd rather you not."
Amethyst turned the notebook around and placed it on the ground. Peridot observed it, getting as close as she could with her limited movement. She squinted at it, almost grabbed it before Amethyst yanked it away, shouting she worried it would get all wet. Finally, Peridot hummed.
“Is that me? How did you do that?”
Amethyst stared at her, then back at her sketch of Peridot. Her eyes grew. “Are you kidding? Ya’ll don’t have drawing? Or just... art!? Tell me I’m reaching or something.”
“Art? No, that doesn't sound familiar. This sounds familiar to meep morps. They're basically things we make out of other things. But we don't have paper, for, well, obvious reasons.”
"Meep—'kay, not gonna bother with that." Amethyst shook her head. "But it's, ya know, close to that."
"Then you're making art of me?" Peridot's pitch elevated.
She bowed her head and placed her notebook neatly back onto her lap. "It's not that good." She glared at the way the eyes didn't align properly, and she could never get Peridot's hair right! She cleared her throat. "I mean, yeah, I am, but... eh, I like to do this junk in my spare time."
"I like it."
"You do?"
"It's me, so of course I do." Mischief sparked in Peridot's eyes.
Amethyst grinned back, snickering.
"But you haven't drawn just me, have you?"
Amethyst snickered. "Gosh, of course not. I've been drawing stuff before meeting you. I've got a couple in here. Wanna see?"
Peridot nodded, and Amethyst hesitantly offered her notebook to her, though giving her a small threat ("Get the pages soaked, and you owe me a new one... somehow."). Peridot began flipping through the pages, angling her body so that while she did so, Amethyst could see what drawings Peridot was looking at. "Wow," Peridot commented under her breath, making Amethyst blush.
There were a few simple drawings, like one of a frog that she had found and brought home with her on a walk one day (she named it Cthulhu because why not?), but Amethyst noticed the ones where she was most inspired to actually kind of try.
Peridot stopped at one of those and glanced over her shoulder at Amethyst. She pointed at the drawing of Amethyst's favorite animal. "Now what's this?"
"Oh, that's a puma!" Amethyst took back the notebook, quietly amazed it sustained no water damage. "I like me some tigers. They're pretty cool land creatures that run real fast. I should just bring a whole book of things humans with feet have that you nerds don't. Pearl probably has something. I can show you all kinds of things you're missing out on."
"That'll probably be a lot of things," Peridot grumbled, mood quickly and visibly deflated.
Amethyst sighed, staring at her mermaid friend for a moment. "I'm guessing the movies are wrong, then?"
Peridot glanced at her. “What movies?”
Amethyst smiled. She had explained what movies a while back, talking about her favorites—the House, though that was due to irony and irony alone, and anything with comic book heroes where they didn’t take everything so seriously! So she was glad Peridot remembered.
As for mermaid movies… Amethyst shrugged. “Ya know, the ones where they have mermaids, and they can magically have feet on land. The rules are different sometimes—can’t touch water, can’t be out after the moon rises, stuff like that. Either way, you'd be able to be sort of human and see a bunch of stuff you can't really enjoy as a mermaid.”
Peridot made a noise of distaste. “Then those are grossly inaccurate, at best! No, I’ve always been a mermaid. Never a human. I don’t know a single mermaid who could walk on land. There have certainly been myths, but they never have proven to be actually true. We've got fins, and that's it.”
“Well, there has to be a way, I'm sure,” Amethyst exclaimed, arms spread out, then lowered her voice with a paranoid look around. The sun had long since set, and the beach side had a tired feel to it. Not many walked the boardwalk at this time, but still! She pulled her legs back up to stand up. “I never knew mermaids existed until I met you! Ya’ll were just myths to me! Maybe there’s a-a-a witch or-or a alchemist who can give you the ability to walk on land whenever you want!”
“There’s never been anything like that," Peridot said sternly. "Don’t you think we’d know if mermaids could walk on land? Of course I’d want to be able to in order to… to…” Peridot stopped, voice growing quiet until Amethyst could hear nothing from her. Peridot just stared at Amethyst in a weird way that made Amethyst's chest flutter.
“To what?”
Peridot blinked. “Uh… experience, you know, human things,” she mumbled, much shyer than previously. "See what it's like in comparison to my world."
Amethyst smiled at her. “Heck, I’d love to show you everything... around here, at least. I mean, yeah, that kinda sucks, but… I still like hanging out with you, if it helps. Tail and all.”
“I would hope so.” Peridot flashed her a smug grin.
Amethyst laughed. Then her phone buzzed. She checked the time after retrieving it from her pocket. “Aww, shoot! Pearl’s gonna have my head if I’m late again! Ugh!” she groaned, grabbing everything and placing the pole and her notebook back inside her bag.
"You have to go already?" Peridot could not conceal her disappointment. "It feels like we just got here!"
Amethyst threw the bag around her shoulder and turned to Peridot. “Sadly, yup. I got stuff to do tomorrow, but maybe I can see you Monday?”
Peridot’s lower lip pouted out, but she nodded. “I'll be waiting. Don’t be late like this time.”
“I wasn’t late! How do you know how time works? You live underwater without any clocks! For all you know, I was ten minutes early.”
“We still have the concept of time, Amethyst.”
"I guess that's true." She paused, halfway turning to walk away, but she stopped. Her eyes grazed over the rocks she stood on. Water washed over them as the ocean levels rose. Tiny splashes of water tickled her feet. Something stuck to her mind, and she worried about saying anything…
“Is something wrong?”
Amethyst looked back at Peridot, flinching. Again, hesitating.
Peridot’s glare deepened. “I can tell that something's bothering you, so—”
“Why me?”
Peridot's eyebrow rose. “Why you… what?”
“It's just... I wanna know! How am I the only human you’ve ever been friends with? There’s gotta be way more interesting humans out there to talk to. And way smarter ones who could tell you about all kinds of things you'd probably like! People who, ya know, don't just waste their time doing nothing all week. Why is it me that you decided ‘hey, maybe we can be friends’?” Amethyst’s questions came out in a rush, but nothing was stopping her yet. She let out an awkward laugh and threw her head back. “Is it ‘cause we both have gem names or something? Something dumb like that, because I guess it could be worse but—”
Amethyst realized she was rambling and felt her face burn. She glanced down at Peridot, who had this determined look in her eyes. Amethyst sat back down, hand sitting in her lap.
Peridot sighed. “I don’t know why you’re the one that caught my attention out of other humans. After all, you aren’t the first one who saw me in the ocean by chance and tried to investigate like a typical nosy human.”
Amethyst rolled her eyes. “Great. That really helps,” she mumbled with a grimace.
“Wait!” Peridot hissed, as if afraid Amethyst would walk away then and there. She sighed heavily. “I don’t know why, but… I certainly don't regret that. You are much easier to talk to than anyone—or anything, really—so I kept coming back. I don't care about 'smarter' humans or ones who don't waste their time, whatever that refers to. I just... liked you. And still like you, I should clarify." Peridot pulled her gaze away when she finished, blush brushing her cheeks again.
Words failed Amethyst. She could tell her eyes were beginning to water and shook her head, hoping her hair could conceal her moment of weakness.
Peridot recoiled. "Oh, shells! Amethyst, I thought that would be at least a little reassuring, but—" Her hand awkwardly reached out toward Amethyst's lap, but never got there.
"S-stop, stop. Don't worry!" Amethyst interrupted her, shaking her hands. "I'm fine, I'm cool. I guess I'm just freakin' over nothing." She threw out a quick breath of laughter. "Typical Amethyst."
"Sure. Typical Amethyst," Peridot agreed but with a deadpan. Then she smirked. "You should probably leave or else that Pearl will take your head. I'd much prefer seeing you return with your head."
Amethyst giggled. "I make no promises." She leaned forward one last time to say inches from Peridot's face, "Night, Peri."
"Good night, Amethyst."
Amethyst turned and ran back up to the boardwalk. She took out her notebook one last time, flipping back to her portrait of Peridot. Her pace slowed, and she smiled. Being late became less of a concern because she couldn't stop staring. It wasn't that it was an amazing drawing, but...
It was certainly one of her favorites.
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not-in-mn-anymore · 6 years
Week #3
This week has been crazy. On top of finishing my first week of classes, IH O week continuing, it was my birthday and I went on my first trip! IH had something planned for each night of the week and it just happened to be that my birthday was an “in house party.” This basically means that they have a security guard checking your ID in the basement of G tower and they give you a free spirit ticket, beer ticket, and unlimited goon (Australian wine that gets the job done and is cheap but tastes disgusting.) Happy birthday to me free drinks. The Red Frog (a volunteer organisation) was there and had a BBQ, fairy bread (an Australian delicacy of white bread, butter, and sprinkles) along with cupcakes. I had a pretty good time and 100% ate too much fairy bread but what can a girl do? It was my birthday so of course I was gonna treat myself.
The next night (my American birthday) IH hosted a “Bara Khanna” which is a formal sit-down dinner with a cocktail hour with appies and everything. This one was apparently a little different than the others (they’re hosted each month,) because it was a welcome dinner for the freshers. The food was actually pretty decent considering it was a banquet. Most banquet food isn’t always the best, and I’m used to the Medina’s food which is really good (nonspon) so I was pleasantly surprised.
After the Bara Khanna, IH had a pub crawl organised with a free charter bus so that was a plus. We went to 3 bars. At this point I don’t remember what they were called but that’s just because I just woke up from a nap and can’t pull the details from my brain at the moment. I remember at the last one they gave me a free birthday shot so hey who said alcohol in Australia is expensive! (Everyone. Everyone says it. Alcohol is expensive.)
Friday I spent going ham on reading some poetry book so I could take the quiz before I left for my trip. What an eventful day.
Saturday, some girls who live on my floor and I headed out to North Stradbroke Island. We had to take the bus and the ferry to get there and the ferry reminded me of being on Salt Spring Island in Canada especially because I had a ham and cheese croissant which is what I usually have there. Also I just realized that half my blog is me talking about food. OH ALSO my friends and I went out for sushi for my birthday forgot to throw that in there. Anyway. When we got there we met with an Aboriginal man and some of his kids. He gave us boomerangs to paint (mine is obviously a work of art. A beautiful kangaroo.) and showed us how to throw boomerangs too. I actually kind of figured it out so that was exciting. After that we went to lunch in “town.” It’s like one road with a few cafes. I got Barramundi (fish only found in the wild on the west coast of Australia,) calamari, and chips. We sat on top of the hill across the road and watched the whales. I have never seen that many be that active in my entire life. When we were done eating we went sand dune surfing. It’s a lot easier than snowboarding, but also a heck of a lot more of a work out. I don’t even like mild hills when I’m at the beach let alone trying to climb like mountain sized piles of sand for hours. I’m pretty sure I still have sand in my hair honestly. But hey nice exfoliator right? We tried getting the sand off by swimming in the ocean and it didn’t work.
Sunday we got up early and went kayaking through the mangroves with a different Aboriginal man who told us stories about the land and a bit of history behind it. For example it used to be Stradbroke Island,  but a ship that was filled with explosives crashed ashore and instead of moving it they just blew it up. Now it’s North and South Stradbroke Island. After that we went back to the same spot for lunch and went on a gorge hike. It was so beautiful and there was a sea turtle that was so big you could see it in the water looking down from the top. It was crazy.
Since last week was so insane I’m pretty sure that this week is just going to be napping and napping at the beach. I’m ok with it though.
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