#not season 16 Penelope
If You're Not There
Garvez -s15-ish WC: 2,074 Penelope hits Luke with her car, hospital things ensue. Read it on Ao3 It's here, the car fic. Though I can not condone saying thank you to being run over, I can write a fic about it!
“I have them! I’m not trained for this, but I have them!”
Penelope’s voice was loud and gritted and aggravated coming in clear through their phones. She wasn’t supposed to be there. Definitely not in her car. Definitely not chasing down Luke chasing down a suspect. But, there she was, and there they were…and then, there they -weren’t-
The next thing the team heard was a screamed, “NONO!” followed by squealing rubber, two hard dull thunks, the last sound to come through their phones before the line ended.
Sound stopped, a buzzing white static filling her ears, filling her vision. She didn’t remember cutting the engine or making the call for EMS, though clearly both those things had been done. All she remembered was seeing the suspect dart in front of her and then seeing Luke and the dawning on his face at seeing her and the car and it all felt very slow and too fast and then Luke wasn’t in front of her any more and there was thudding - drum brakes, they’re slower to stop.
An object in motion…
Feelings that went back over 20 years, feelings from her parents, finding out they’d died, blaming herself, took root in her gut and blossomed in her brain. Was she responsible for another…was Luke…was the man?
“What?…Was I takin’ too long to washout?…Had’ta…take things into your own hands…Garcia?” He wrung out the question, heavy lungs pushing on each syllable, an attempt to lighten the mood. Yeah, it hurt to talk, he’d been hit with a large, chromed steel object, but miraculously, amazingly, he was mostly fine. Lacerations, fractured femur, bruised ribs, and a concussion (the hit to the road knocking him unconscious) the doctors had told him, were all things he’d be feeling when the pain meds wore off, but he was alive and she was there with him. Penelope sitting beside him on his hospital bed when he opened his eyes, the sight nearly enough for him to think he hadn’t woken up. Though, admittedly, this was not the scenario he saw them in when Penelope and beds were at play in his mind. That would have to wait.
Yeah, likely forever, Alvez.
She turned on him, large red-rimmed eyes and pink-stained “O” gaping. “Luke Alvez, I did not! You can’t believe I would do this on purpose! There’s no way I could have known he was just going to run in front of me! But if I had, then trust you me, I could have guessed you’d come darting out after like Batman!”
Ok, that was not what she had stuck around for 12 hours to tell him, but that…that...THAT MAN!
She stood up, anxious energy needing expelled, wrists flicking fingers, fury and sorrow and some other feelings refusing to be named blending inside her like the world’s worst margarita.
She was wracked with guilt seeing the product of her pursuit skills, body parts hanging in apparatuses from the ceiling like a gruesome marionette in front of her. Like too many pictures she’d seen before, like the victim of some sick killer. Only, this time, she was the cause, and it wasn’t a stranger, it was Luke, who, even strung up, was making light of the situation.
Stupid Newbie. Even after all this time he still acted like he was invincible. She feared one day he’d find out he wasn’t… or he wouldn’t find out, and she’d- they’d be left to move through the aftermath.
It was just the two of them in the room due to new safety procedures. One visitor at a time. After everyone had heard and seen for themselves that he’d be fine they went home, no point in staying when Penelope insisted she needed to be the first one he saw so she could apologize (although JJ wondered how quickly that apology was going to turn to Penelope telling Luke off for the stunt). The team had assured her it wasn’t her fault, no one blamed her, least of all Luke, which only made her feel more at fault, more guilty.
Less capable. Less helpful.
Luke’s hand moved to cover hers, to hold her there beside him, but whatever they’d put in the drip slowed his reflexes making everything thick and weighty like a sandbag after a storm. Though he knew she was moving, he wasn’t fast enough, his hand covered the space where hers had been moments before and he frowned, confused and disappointed at his body’s poor reaction time looking to where it rested atop only blue hospital sheets.
He looked up, hurt furrowing his brow, “Hey, be nice…I was hit with a car, you know.” His brow lifted, he couldn’t keep the sly smile at bay as it slithered into place. Teasing her was as natural as breathing and the dopamine (or the morphine) freely flowing through him at the moment was making discerning “good” idea from “bad” idea nearly impossible, “talking to Penelope” being the only idea his brain seemed to care about and want to work towards.
She turned around bleating out a sad laugh from the foot of his bed, “I know. I did it.” Squaring her shoulders, her face became a little more stern, “So come on, let me have it, say all the mean things you want.” She tucked her chin up, preparing for the blows.
He just looked at her, glassy-eyed, sly smile morphing to softly spread across his face and rocked his head. “Not a chance. You caught the guy, right? You did that. Penelope Garcia.” His brain wanted to tack on ‘my angel, my light, my savior’ a million different endearments for a future time, but even his tongue knew it wasn’t a good idea and swallowed it before it escaped.
Penelope had begun to pace and fidget. She couldn’t deal with his over the top good natured attitude right now. Ridiculous, even after she hits him with a car he’s still all compliments and sloppy softness.
Back and forth and back and forth she spun in a tight line just out of reach, a self-imposed punishment- no pacifying pets allowed…not that his mere touch brought any kind of uncanny alleviation to her off moods. “With my CAR, LUKE! Because I knocked him unconscious! Because of me we could have lost the only lead we have! Because I couldn’t predict what he was going to do! Because I’m not trained for this! It’s not my job! We could still-” Her head tore down, fingers combing at her scalp, wide-eyed babbling as she spun “Oh god, oh-oh god! We could still, and it’s all because of what I did!”
She was getting more and more worked up with every whirl of her heel. The frequent movement, coupled with her increasing volume and the bright sunlight streaming in were suddenly making Luke feel very funny in the head, very dizzy, very much like…His cheeks smarted and his throat tightened….Oh. Oh no. “Hey. St-stop pacing, -I’m getting car sick.”
Stopping dead center, Penelope watched as his eyes slammed shut and the top half of him rocked back, his Adam’s apple bobbing down and up. She glared, taking the spoon from the table tray near by and throwing it at him, hissing, “That’s the concussion! From when you RAN IN FRONT OF MY CAR!”
After a moment, queazy spell mostly abated, his eyes opened to inspect the assault. Slowly his head tilted down and a hand came up to his chest, fingers sluggishly clutching the handle. He looked back up at Penelope’s angry face, doped up smile once again beaming at her as he shook the plastic tool, chiding, “Careful I’m precious cargo.”
She stomped her foot, unable to control her volume, “Luke, stop! It’s not funny! I could have killed you!” Anguish quickly replaced anger, Penelope crossing her arms and turning away.
He couldn’t have that.
“Hey. Chica, com’mere,” his voice much lower than he’d gone for, much more quiet, he was getting drowsy, he could hear it in his words, feel it in his muscles. But he’d apparently just regained consciousness from…unconsciousness…which appeared to be affecting Penelope greatly. With effort, Luke raised both hands off the bed a few inches, beckoning her back to his side. His head was growing weighty, rapidly sinking into the pillow and he could hear the distant beeps of medical equipment. Luke fought to keep his eyes open, trained on her.
Penelope turned back to face him, expression contorted sadly taking in Luke, in this bed, strung up and doped up and beat up. Because of her.
His slack fingers curled just barely, calling her towards him expectantly.
She frowned before dropping her arms to her sides and coming back to sit on the edge of his bed with the OK leg. This time when Luke reached for her hand he got it, fingers playing with fingers, lacing and scooping and thrumming, thumb drifting over knuckles, pride and pleasure striking heavily in his ribs…Or gravity, but he was pretty sure it was pride and pleasure at holding some small part of her. He was also very sure it was the concussion, but she had this aura of light glowing around her, reminding him of all those statues and paintings of Mary he saw growing up. Penelope Garcia, his guardian angel.
He’d already forgotten why he’d called her over, but found a new thread to latch on to. “They said you rode with me, in the ambulance. ‘Said the paramedics said you refused to let go. Weren’t responding. A catatonic grip. ‘Said they had to work around you…that I was lucky to have someone so willing to fight for me.” He smiled up at her dizzily, and even at half mast his eyes were shining full of affection.
She refused to meet the look she knew waited for her there, instead focusing on their playing fingers, the IV coming from his wrist, the gray plastic oxygen monitor on his fingertip a deathly ashen contrast to his warm and living tone…everything wrong but sort of right. “Hmf. Who am I supposed to argue with if you’re not there?”
‘If you’re not there.’ It was the first time she’d let herself really say the thing she was most afraid of. Truth be told, it went a little bit further than that, than just not leaving him. She stayed by his side, and she rode in the ambulance, and she took ownership of his property, and she called his family.
She called his family.
Very sweet people. She didn’t want to worry them, but needed them to know, even if she didn’t know much at the time. And then when they were all in the waiting room after his surgery for the leg fracture, she called them again to update them. The team didn’t know. They didn’t need to know. But Luke was bound to find out…One of those very sweet people on the other end of the phone that she totally did not search through his camera roll snooping for pictures of to envision better - was almost certain to call him and check in which would definitely prompt the question “How did you know?” and “Who told you?” if that wasn’t something they’d lead with…and then the cat, or Kitten, would be out of the bag. She couldn’t tell him though. How did she explain something like that?
He tried to sit up more. She felt the tears stinging at the corners of her eyes tight and sharp, fear, worry, pain, sorrow. If you’re not there. Her tongue darted out to pull in her lips, and before she knew what had happened what she was feeling wasn’t her own lips but his. Dry and rough moving gently, hot breath escaping.
Luke forced his eyes open, nothing around him but a dark room. A dream? He’d dreamed about what it would be to kiss her before, nearly every time when they were alone, sometimes when she was briefing them, a lot at home on his own…but he was sure this was the real thing. In none of those conjurings had a little contented sigh ever parted his lips, nor drifted into his mouth and down to his heart.
In none of them had he felt her pull away.
And wait, hadn’t it just been daylight?
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ropoto · 2 years
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i ship it
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sapphicprentiss · 1 year
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Emily Prentiss in Criminal Minds: Evolution 'Pay-Per-View'
taglist: @ilyprentiss @hotch-girl @proselys @ry-kills-jemily @buckleyhans @lovelyy-moonlight @midnightsjareau @eveljerome @blownawcy @mmmmmkay77 @paulitalblond @catgirlspence @falling-forever-in-a-hole @kalexdanversfan @anlin2058 @charleyspiderman @captkatecastle @demonicbaby666 @lesbiansguidetoanangryinch @moonlight-breeze-44
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browneyesandhair · 5 months
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Colin: What if we spent all our time together? Penelope: You'd tire of me Colin: Not possible
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calcat89 · 11 months
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Me when I have deep-seated abandonment issues (and not just like people dumping me abandonment although that too but like people dying and going into witness protection abandonment issues) and also deep-seated insecurities and then I go on a date with a guy and I feel things for him that I haven’t felt in a long long time and I’ve secretly felt things for him for a long time but I’m terrified and can’t handle change and it’s crazy that a guy like him could be into a girl like me so instead of trying to process it all which I can’t because my emotions are too big and hard to process I pull the ripcord and bail, hurting both me and the guy I might have had a future with
Anyway society if the criminal minds writers knew how to write and develop characters with character flaws >>>>>>>>>>>>>
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I'm glad Garcia ended things with Tyler but again she was only thinking about herself, her boundaries, her growth etc while still failing to realise how she treated her team, luke and Emily especially and she didn't even acknowledge that she was willing to jeopardise the case for the most small selfish reason. And disappointingly Tyler is gonna be back next season.
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So funny story:
Every time I've ever binge watched Criminal Minds I've ended up pregnant.
And even though my husbands had a vasectomy, I'm sitting here watching season 16 and my brains like: 👁👄👁.
I feel like this is a trauma response.
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milla984 · 1 year
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Criminal Minds S16E07 What Doesn't Kill Us
@matthew-gray-gubler-lover, @reidselle, @reidsbookclub, @thisiscalmanditsdoctorreid​, @pretty-boys-book-club, @spookydrreid, @f-me-reid, @redwithjoon​, @gublerpals​, @foxy-eva​, @hopefullawyerfishprofessor​, @scorpiofangirl1109​, @a-potato-wearing-plaid​, @broken-stardust, @fangirlshrewt97​​
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aluneinthemoon · 2 years
His wife: “I’m glad you’re not that somebody”
him: has a serial killer network, is a serial killer, is probably gonna kill that neighbour…
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What bothers me most about the Greencia sex reveal scene besides the fact that it shouldn't have happened, is the fact that they're on her kitchen counter.
The connection between fat girls and food-adventurous sex. She's fat therefor she can only be kinky with food. Also the banality of the implication of food sex at all, the gag in every teen comedy of the 2000s. Am I reading too much into this? Were they both just supposed to be so overcome with passion that they couldn't make it to the bedroom? Idk.
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ropoto · 2 years
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Garvez || Criminal Minds 16.01
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sapphicprentiss · 1 year
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Emily Prentiss in Criminal Minds: Evolution 'Oedipus Wrecks'
taglist: @ilyprentiss @hotch-girl @buckleyhans @proselys @midnightsjareau @ry-kills-jemily @lovelyy-moonlight @eveljerome @blownawcy @mmmmmkay77 @paulitalblond @catgirlspence @falling-forever-in-a-hole @kalexdanversfan @anlin2058 @charleyspiderman @captkatecastle @demonicbaby666 @lesbiansguidetoanangryinch @moonlight-breeze-44
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supercriminalbean · 2 years
So apparently I never posted my thoughts on the final the fuck. Okay so here it is.
Things that made me insane during criminal minds evolution:
Written while I watched so enjoy my bumbling mess. Spoiler alert of course.
Episode 10.
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Episode 10:
I have no energy and I'm sick so let's go.
Preview. Rossi Tyler sounds like he just adopt another child.
Flash back...ahh
I love Krystal tho.
I still wish JJ was unit chief but Krystal being the support wife ìs the best thing ever.
Dave please leave the BAU after this case please.
I love in charge Emily Prentiss no one fucks with her family.
And yes Rebecca coming into help. Fuck I hope her and Tara try again.
Rebecca better not get in trouble.
Aww poor Holly.
Dave staring into the camera.
Emily gasp aww.
Emily degrading Bailey is great hehe. The girl is scared her father is in danger.
Bailey is doing his best can Emily just breath please
Gold star...ooh tgoes reaction.
Luke's hand on Penelopes back while Will watches JJ concerned. The boys know how close thier girls are with Rossi.
JJ tapping Penelope should just melts me.
My first though and my hope is that its the thing that Reid is on...I know it won't be and I won't see him but a bitch can hope right..
Garcia phone call...
Tyler in surgery..
D did she just call him David...why did they cut deep...
Luke is the pole support we all need. He's pure strong he's always looking after him come onnnnn.
Ellias wife is stupid his kids are smart.
She found a kill kittttt.
Rossi is a fucking legend yes bitch.
Aww Garcia smile is the cutesttt.
Rossi profiling is hot fuck yesssss.
Yesss bitch Yesss.
Yeah I need therapy but man I love David Rossi.
Fuck I'm proud of him.
Let's gooo.
It worked...kinda...
Ugh fuck off Rebecca and Bailey I dislike you two.
Emily is highly pissed off.
Did Bailey just swear
Okay Emily knows something up with deputy douchbag
Luke and Tara profiling together yes.
Go Rossi go.
NOOOOOOO you don't get to quit David Rossi fuck you.
(Was anyone else hoping that Krystal was going to turn into Aaron like unreasonable I know but still)
I like the flower in Garcia hair.
Fucking hell deputy dick ugh.
Did he just lose his shittt. Yesssss.yess yesss.
No no no. If that's JJ.
Will like this bitch.
So can Bailey please get shot.
What is gold starrrrrr.
Maybe Bailey is his undercover man.
Will...be careful.
JJ concern for Dave...
JJ..don't get death or Luke be careful.
Will and JJ working together...
Omg Bailey dead..haha shit.
JJ concern is love. I love them.
Luke....Luke...Holy fuck you got him.
Is Elias crying?...
JJ & WILL is love.
JJ talking to Sydney is ahh so sweet.
Sydney is girl boss.
Hold on Rossi they coming.
Aww Krystal
Time to live!
Luke fuck yeahh.
Ewwww fuck no.
Garcia never see him again please.
Wait is she finially breaking it over with him... Yay.
Goodbye kiss. Now a hello kiss with Luke right...right..?
Dave and Emily hug. The hey you...
A whole group hug cos they got the son of a bitch.
Dave kissing penelopes cheek 🥺 my daddy issues.
Bailey funeral...
Aww the team..
I hope Will is around alot more.
Okay I need to stop getting my hopes up for thoes two.
JJ admiting how scared she was when he was out.
Will saying they make a good teammm.
JJ is babbbbyyyyyy. I love these two so much.
Why do I think Dave knows what it is.
What are thoes men doing...
Oh no
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i-have-so-many-qns · 1 year
Watching the new Criminal Minds season. Its really good. I am enjoying it...
It feels more edgy maybe? Which I like. However, it still feels off... something is missing and I can't put my finger on it.
Is it Reid? IDK..
Also, I'm on the 3rd episode and they mention the pandemic SO MANY TIMES... If I treated this like a drinking game I think I would be out by now...
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therearemorethings · 2 years
That got very kinky very fast. I feel like I need to bathe myself in holy water and then go find jesus.
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