#not sobbing while eating drywall At All-
Hey!! I just wanted to say, your art is such an inspiration for me! I feel much more motivated and I smile every time I see your work. Artist to artist, I just wanted to spread the positivity of creation to you. I have been nervous to say something outwardly like this. Is it too cheesy? But I believe it is worth it. I hope your day has been going well, and if it hasn't been so much, I hope this may brighten it! Oh, I also love all the comments and thoughts you leave in your tags. It's just as enthralling as your art! You have so much life in the lines you draw and the words you weave. -Dolly
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wyrm-clangen · 11 months
I am connecting the dots to make Shineivy’s death so angsty
This was on a patrol with Fierchasm who had just become a warrior at 15 moons which is later than most apprentices. She was also mentored by Riftstar
Shineivy likely had just recovered from birth that moon or maybe a moon before as her kits were 4-5 moons when she died.
Fiercechasm has the adventurous trait.
So here’s my idea- as likely one of her very first patrols post becoming a warrior Fiercechasm is sent on a patrol with Shineivy.
Likely Riftstar has to send out some patrols with Fogtail still heavily mourning rainstripe. Maybe he’s even hesitant to send Shineivy because she’s his mate and she just recovered from having kits but they don’t have the warriors to spare as likely pointed out by even Shineivy herself. So, for safety he has her sent with a warrior he knows he can trust to keep her safe- Fiercechasm.
It’s a simple patrol but precautions should be made especially in Leafbare. Still, Fierchasm is excited for her first patrol as a warrior. She’s not just an apprentice she’s equal to all the other warriors and can go any which way she desires.
When the weather starts picking up Shineivy points it out first but Fiercechasm, far too elated to be on this patrol as a warrior and feeling the urge to see explore more,insists they keep going.
Yet the storm picks up and the two are forced to hide in a cave for cover. The cave is then buried with snow leaving them trapped.
As they huddle together for warmth Shineivy may tell Fiercechasm to not fall asleep because she may not wake again if she does. And they both promise to keep the other awake. Yet, just for a moment Fiercechasm allows herself to close her eyes and she falls asleep
Eventually Fiercechasm would awaken shivering with snow coated on her fur but alive. Some snow had toppled down revealing a way out of the cave. When she notices Shineivy’s limp body she doesn’t worry at first and may even find it humorous, both promised not to fall asleep but both did. Something they can both laugh about when Shineivy wakes up
Yet Shineivy is not moving, and not breathing, Fierchasm tries to feel for a heart but finds nothing. Though she’s not a medicine cat so who knows. (She does. She does. But she’ll deny it as long as possible) she instead starts trying to drag Shineivy’s body out of the cave to get help. (If she doesn’t do it now will she get a chance to bury the body later…)
Likely Fiercechasm is intercepted by a patrol who is searching for her. With how harsh the storm was ,even Riftstar knew sending out warriors to search for his mate would be a death sentence but as soon as the storm clears warriors are sent out to find any signs of where they are..
And of course they find Fiercechasm struggling to drag Shineivy’s body with her and even without a medicine cat it is easy to tell that Shineivy is gone.
(This went on for longer then I thought lol. Hopefully my ramblings made some sort of sense)
Fiercechasm's voice shaking from the cold while she tries to reassure Shine that they're almost home. Shineivy not responding, but that's- that's fine.
The idea of her thinking this would be such a funny story to tell when they got home- the two of them falling asleep in the cave despite their promise not to. Shineivy- bright eyed and snarky as always, would make some silly joke about how she'd earned a nap for putting up with a pebble-brained young warrior like her, and Fiercechasm would laugh because somehow the older molly's jokes always managed to make her feel warm inside- I'M PUNCHING WALLS.
WHO WAS ON THE SEARCH PATROL??? Like, I can't imagine Riftstar NOT going, but also Plum DEFINITELY volunteers-
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dj-of-the-coven · 2 years
The difference in energy between joshneku and beatneku is staggering lmao, like SUCH a vibe change. Beat & Neku r like that couple that's fucking sickening to be around bc they're yearning at the same time that they're literally all over each other, like stealing each other's drinks and buying each other flowers and holding hands even when it's severely inconveniencing. meanwhile I literally can't imagine joshneku as anything but hand in unlovable hand, I can make him worse also they divorce and get back together and divorce again like six times and each time Neku's like eating ice cream and sobbing on Shiki's well-adjusted lesbian lap while she's fucking sweating trying not to tell him she got engaged to Eri last month and Beat's just eating drywall from the pain of not killing Joshua with his bare hands  
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NAPOLEON: (whispered) Peril. ILYA: Fuck u bitch NAPOLEON: Ur mom ILYA: Heyyyyyyyyy NAPOLEON: Ur dad ILYA: NoOooOooOOOOO NAPOLEON: My brother in Christopher ILYA: Ur done NAPOLEON: *sobs* ILYA: I eat drywall NAPOLEON: *surprised pikachu face* ILYA: *eating drywall* Call forth the rats. NAPOLEON: Menstruating all by yourself, beautiful? ILYA: There is a big booty pheasant by your ear NAPOLEON: Go on, go to sleep, I'll- ILYA: But i wanna watch over the oatmeal NAPOLEON: While you watch the oatmeal, I'll eat sand. ILYA: It can be your little treat for letting me watch the oatmeal NAPOLEON: Are you feeling the power of the flower yet? ILYA: OOOooooooOOooOOOOoooOoOoOo NAPOLEON: There's a lion storm ILYA: *points* Boyliker NAPOLEON: *gasps* MEEEEEEE? END SCENE
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trashyswitch · 2 years
Day 4: Games
William is keeping an eye on Elizabeth and Chris, and spending some time with them both. But Elizabeth is a rough player and a brat...and Chris is a people pleaser and emotional...So they usually get into fights...and William has to try and explain things to Clara, who doesn't always believe him...
I'm early! Hooray! Here's day 4! Enjoy!
William was spending time with Elizabeth and Chris. Chris was playing with a slinky on the ground, while Elizabeth was running around with a Sour Patch Kids doll. 
“Annie needs to eat!” Elizabeth declared, grabbing a plastic baby bottle and raising it up to the long, red-haired doll. She held Annie up by the back of her neck, not seeming to care that holding a real person like that would be considered super wrong. 
William chuckled as he saw Elizabeth holding her doll like that. It was rather funny seeing Elizabeth try to parent. She’s always been somewhat rough with her dolls. She didn’t realize that her play style would reflect her personality so much. And already…she was a little bit too much like William was as a kid…Risky, somewhat bratty, and a rough-houser. She already proved she was not afraid of drinking the mud or throwing anything on the ground. 
Meanwhile, Chris’s playing style seemed to resemble Michael’s: playful, gentle, and imaginative. Chris’s toys rarely ever broke. Not by him, anyway. And Chris could be better trusted to be gentle with glass, animals, and people’s feelings. He was a bit of a people pleaser…which made him somewhat weak, but William planned to address that later on. Chris is still too young to understand the idea of a ‘manly man’ and how he should act like one. 
William watched as Chris put the slinky on the couch, and made the right side of the slinky fall off the couch and onto the ground. The rest of the slinky quickly followed suit, joining the right side of the slinky on the floor. 
William laughed and walked up to Chris. “Let me show you two something:” William said, picking up the slinky and carrying it to the stairs. William walked up to the basement stairs and readied the slinky. “Ready?” William asked. 
“READY!” Chris and Elizabeth both replied happily. 
William let the right side of the slinky fall, and watched as the slinky ‘walked itself’ down the stairs all on its own. 
Elizabeth gasped and ran down the stairs to follow it. “I WANNA TRY! I WANNA TRY!” Elizabeth declared. 
Chris looked at Elizabeth. “Okay…” He said, sounding a little sad. 
William sighed. “She can have a turn with the slinky…then you can have it.” William told him. 
Chris nodded and watched as Elizabeth ran up the stairs with a piece of the slinky in her hand. The rest of the slinky was bouncing up and down beside her as she ran up the stairs. 
“My turn!” Elizabeth said eagerly. 
Elizabeth put the slinky onto the top step and lifted up the left side of the slinky…then she threw the slinky down the stairs, making it just roll and flop down the stairs rather than the casual stepping slinkies are famous for doing. Elizabeth bursted out laughing and ran to the toy chest to grab something else. 
“Hey! Be careful!” Chris whined before he went down the stairs to get his slinky. As Chris got the slinky, Elizabeth threw a Barbie car down the stairs.
“OFF THE CLIFF TO THEIR DOOM!” Elizabeth yelled as she threw a pink barbie car.
“wAIT-” William yelled as he tried to catch the barbie car. “CHRIS MOVE!” William begged. The last thing he wanted was for Chris to get hit with the barbie car. 
The barbie car bounced and flipped all the way down the stairs. Chris yelped and moved out of the way just in time…and watched as the barbie car slammed into the drywall at the bottom of the stairs. 
Elizabeth was doubled over, holding her stomach as she laughed rather manically. Chris looked up at his father…and started to tear up. 
“Oh god-” William ran down the stairs and quickly brought Chris into a hug. “Hey…are you okay?” 
“E-Ewizabeth- she-she almost hit meeeee!” Chris whined, sobbing and crying more. William nodded and rubbed his back as he hugged him. 
Meanwhile, Elizabeth had run down the stairs and grabbed the Barbie car. “AGAIN! AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN!” Elizabeth repeated. 
William let go of Chris and grabbed the hollow windshield of the Barbie car. “No. No throwing the barbie car down the stairs.” William ordered. 
“But it’s funny! So funny!” Elizabeth reacted, holding both sides of the car with both her hands. 
“You almost hit your brother! You scared him!” William told her, giving Chris another hug with his one arm. 
Elizabeth frowned and stuck her tongue out. “Scaredy cat.” Elizabeth bullied, still holding the Barbie car. 
William frowned. “Elizabeth!” William yelled. “Let go, now!” William ordered. 
Elizabeth looked at William…and then smirked. William narrowed his eyes as he noticed the gears in Elizabeth’s brain turning. Then, Elizabeth let go of the car…dropped to the ground dramatically…and SCREAMED. 
Chris covered up his ears and cried more upon hearing her scream so close to him. William had winced at the screaming and quickly started grumbling. He knew EXACTLY what Elizabeth was doing. She was going to scream until her mother found her…and then Liz was going to act like her father was all in the wrong. Most of the time now, this didn’t work…and Clara knew better than to trust Elizabeth now. However at the beginning, it obviously worked enough times for Elizabeth to start repeating it. It sucks…cause now they’ve unintentionally raised a bratty child. 
“Elizabeth!” Clara yelled, running down the stairs and pulling her into a hug. Clara looked towards her husband. “What happened?” 
“Elizabeth a-awmost hit me with the-the bawbie car!” Chris told his mother. 
“Elizabeth thought it would be a WoNdErFuL idea to throw the barbie car down the stairs and nearly hit Chris in the face.” William explained. 
“What in the world-” Clara reacted, looking at Elizabeth with surprise. “What is wrong with you?!” Clara yelled. 
“It was funny!” Elizabeth whined. “And Daddy did it first!” Elizabeth straight up lied. 
“Wait, what?!” William reacted. 
Clara frowned and looked at William for clarification. 
“No I didn’t! I was actually trying to show the kids how slinkies fall down the stairs.” William told his wife. 
Truth be told…Clara had no idea who to believe. Yes, she was supposed to believe William, because Elizabeth had developed the ability to lie. However, William (unfortunately) makes dark and risky choices like Elizabeth. So, William could be lying too. 
So Clara looked down at Chris, who had red cheeks from crying. “What happened, Chris?” 
Chris showed her the slinky…and made it drop to the ground from his hand. “Daddy made the swinky walk down the stairs…” Chris said. He took a pause before continuing. “Daddy said ‘Ewizabeth gets a turn, then me.” Chris added. “Then, Lizzy threw my swinky down the stairs.” Chris looked down, feeling hurt and sad as his crying started up again. 
“Oh gosh…” Clara reacted sadly. “That’s not fair. No one should throw your toys down the stairs.” Clara told him. “However, your daddy knew not to give Elizabeth your toys.” Clara added. 
William widened his eyes as he realized…yes. Technically that’s right…and he had forgotten. 
“HA! YEAH! TAKE THAT, DAD!” Elizabeth laughed, licking her finger and ‘putting out a fire’ on her butt. 
William grumbled at Elizabeth before sighing. “Okay…You’re right. I did give Elizabeth the slinky.” William admitted. “But I did NOT throw the car down the stairs first.” William told his wife. 
“I believe you.” Clara told him, kissing his cheek. “And this Barbie car…is now going to Goodwill.” William told Elizabeth. 
“You give away my car…and I will TICKLE YOU FOR 2 HUNDRED YEARS!” Elizabeth threatened. 
William scoffed. “Like that’s gonna stop me.” William responded. 
As William started walking away, Elizabeth growled and wrapped her arms around William’s leg. 
William groaned. “Elizabeth, let go.” William warned. 
“NO.” Elizabeth started roughly tickling the back of William’s knee to try and stop him. And to William’s surprise, it actually really tickled him. 
“OHohohoho gohohohosh! HAHAHAhahaha!” William laid on his back and tried as hard as he could to not bend his knee and squish Elizabeth’s little fingers. 
Elizabeth looked up with a small smirk. “I warned you.” Elizabeth reminded her father. 
“I…guess she did warn you…” Clara admitted, not really expecting the 7 year old’s tickling to actually tickle him. Usually a 7 year old’s tickling was rough, and not very ticklish. So either William is particularly sensitive to strong tickles, or William just happens to be SUPER ticklish. 
“Hey Daddy!” Elizabeth got up off her father’s leg and pulled him down. She ran behind William and readied her hands on either side of her father. “Let’s play a game! It’s called ‘left, right, or both?’.” Elizabeth declared. 
William bit his lip and tried to look behind him. But Elizabeth only straightened her Dad’s head forward. 
“Now: Left? Right? Or both?” Elizabeth asked her Dad. 
William bit his lip. “I…I don’t know-” William gasped and squealed as one of his sides were tickled. 
Elizabeth made a buzzer sound with her mouth. “WRONG! It’s the left side!” Elizabeth declared. “Now, you get tickles for 5 minutes!” Elizabeth added. 
Whahahahat?! Whyhyhyhyhy?!” William asked. 
“Because you got it wrong!” Elizabeth told his Dad. 
“Thihihihihis ihihisn’t fahahahair!” William complained. 
A few minutes later, Elizabeth stopped tickling him. She brought her hands close to his side again. “Left? Right? Or both?” Elizabeth asked. 
“Uuuuhuhuh…” William looked at his wife. “Both?” William asked. 
Elizabeth smiled and tickled both his sides. “DING DING DING DING DING! You are CORRECT!” Elizabeth declared before stopping her tickle attack. “Alright. Round 2!” Elizabeth exclaimed. “Left? Right? Or both?” Elizabeth asked. 
William thought for a moment. “Mmm…Left.” William replied. 
Elizabeth smirked and tickled his right side. “WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! It’s the right side!” Elizabeth replied. 
William leaned over to the right, giggling and laughing. “Yohohohou’re ehehehevihihil.” William giggled. 
Elizabeth giggled evilly. “I know!” She moved her bangs out of the way and resumed tickling. “Tickles for 5 minutes!” Elizabeth declared proudly. 
William giggled and wiggled around, trying not to squish Elizabeth’s hands, but still needed to move around so he could better handle Elizabeth’s attack. Clara watched with a smile as her husband was tickled by her daughter. She also watched as Chris joined in, and tried tickling his father on his feet. 
Despite the bad behaviour, Clara was glad things turned out this way. Elizabeth may be a bit of a brat. She may be a risky rough-houser…but she was still her daughter. And Clara loved her. 
Though there was only one other person that adored her constantly: And that person was William. 
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autocann1bal · 2 years
part ten of my playlist analysis!!
part 1 <;- part 2 &lt;- part 3 <- part 4 <- part 5 &lt;- part 6 <- part 7 <- part 8 <- part 9 <- right back in we go
stained glass and colorful tears - pierce the veil THE DIFFERENCE IN VIBES FROM THIS ONE AND THE LAST ONE IS SO FUNNY anyway. itd be funnier if lucy was american but i will stand by my lucy loves ptv hc.
careless whisper - george michael real ones have already heard this BUT THIS IS LITERALLY LOCKWOODS SONG CMON BRO HE LOVES IT SM HES LIKE IN THE KITCHEN ON LUCYS FIRST MORNING AT L&CO AND IS LIKE PUTTING ON ENTIRE PERFORMANCE USING A SPATULA AS A MIC CMON ITS SO FUNNY. hopelessly devoted to you - olivia newton john ok this one is a lucy george duo performance they both love this song sm and george absolutely can hit all the high notes. never ending summer - wes reeve RHRFHFHFHF FLUFFY SUMMER VIBES IN THE COUNTRYSIDE THEYRE JUST GOIN ON BIKERIDES AND PCINICS SOBS SCRESMS CREISA. to build a home - the cinematic orchestra, patrick watson shes reading to him in the library <3. could you love me while i hate myself - zeph the song fits the vibe less so but the lyrics are literally lockwood!!!!1!!!!11 stuck on us - claire rosinkranz, aidan bissett i am stuck on THEM theyre eating away at my brain fr. repeat until death - novo amor eepy library vibes (can u tell its my favorite vibe). sweet nothing - taylor swift lockwood is a taylor swift girly you can fight me on this. but yea this is more of him looking at lucy like <33. oceans - seafret oops angst now. lucy feels like theres oceans between them because lockwood is so refined and put together (or so she thinks until she hears him begging winkman to kill him) and shes so,,, not. she thinks shes messy, she thinks shes unprofessional and unfit for this job. stay live - jose gonzalez 'we'll do whatever just to stay alive' feels so lucy and george being the only things keeping lockwood alive. you wouldnt like me - sleeping at last RHRHFHFHFHFHFHFH lockwood feeling like if he shows lucy the real him she'll leave just like everyone else he just. hes so scared of being abandoned (me too homie). wildfire - seafret theyre so painfully in love i love them i love them i lvoe them eating drywall ilove them. hate to be lame - lizzie mcalpine, finneas lucy trying to deny her feelings for lockwood because/???? lockwood???? rteally??? tythat stuck up suit-and-tie wearing bastard?? LOCKWOOD???? type beat. glitch - taylor swift lockwood taylor swift girly agenda is spreading. this one feels relatively self explanatory? cognitive dissonance - sophie holohan 'get too close, build a wall' ok lockwood pack it up. summer 2019 - caroline culver feels like fight vibes. not a breakup fight but definitely a fight. sleep deprivation - chance pena lockwood insomniac part 769984580386. reckless driving - lizzie mcalpine, ben kessler this one is so close to being taken off the playlist actually i just. idk i need help deciding it doesnt feel right. did i make you up - half alive hes so confused because lucy is so??? perfect??? in his life???? impossible he has a hard time trying to figure out if shes real or not just because shes so perfect. agape - bears den lockwood song thats it thats the tweet yes i already make this joke bear with me. state of mind - sod ven more lockwood religious trauma methinks hahahahahahhahahahahahha. hot tea - half alive its even better since they all love tea sm. theyre so soft and fuzzy i love them sm. christmas kids - roar this one os very lucy centric/book lucy centric. its her sister (mary i believe?) watching her leave that tiny town and finally get rid of everything in it. WE'RE FINALLY FUCKING DONE THAT TOOK SO LONG </333
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welcometothevale · 1 year
"And now the pain's different It still exists, it just escapes different And evades vision, makes the rain different Makes the news boring and my rage distant Yes, I'm young and living dreams In love with being noticed and afraid of being seen But I can finally eat and I can fall asleep It's fine, fine, fine"
A modern lamp with a mauve, dome shaped lamp shade and metal base smashed into the olive hued wall, bulb shattering and lamp breaking in half. It clattered on the wood flooring stained to appear like cedar and left gashes marring the boards. The wall had a gaping maw with jagged chunks of drywall hanging snaggle-tooth style.
As a raw wail, a primal sound of grief that rattled her chest, bounced off the walls that were devoid of any form of personality minus the color slapped on their surface. Myra threw something else across the room. A bluetooth speaker this time. It struck her flat screen TV with a crackling thud and actually remained stuck within the screen longways as if she'd thrown a knife.
Her dark brown, nearly black, mass of wild curls was even more disheveled and frizzy than usual due to her hands running through and pulling them. Her headboard had multiple throwing knifes stuck deep within the wood—thrown with all of her force. Those knives wouldn't come out of the headboard easily. Different elements of her bed were strewn about her studio apartment.
"FUCK." The dhampyr screamed so loud, she didn't even recognize her own voice. This was one of those extremely rare times Myra was crying. She'd woken from one of the same night terrors that always plagued her sleeping hours.
Hands zip-tied in her lap, their endorphins in her veins, there wasn't anything Myra could do to stop it. Gilly hung limp in the steel grip of the vampire, flesh nearly translucent with a look that was a mix of pain, terror, and pleasure. It didn't make sense for all of those feelings to exist together on the same expression, but not much made sense in her hazy mind.
Vampire bites had the ability to make their prey completely compliant by pumping the prey with endorphins that would rival any street drug. Humans who knew of vampires sometimes lived in servitude to feel that bite and in the hopes of gaining immortality. Myra had lost count of the times she'd been bitten, but judging from how amazing she felt at the moment the vampires were making sure to keep the feedings frequent.
Gilly was dead and Myra was high off her ass, doing nothing.
A boot to the leg of the dining room table snapped the wood—sending the table sliding into the wall while the legless corner crashed to the floor, scarring the wood once more. Another pained sound, a union of a scream and a sob, and then a floor length mirror bursted on the ground, shards hissing against the flooring as they slid outward in every direction. Her face was crimson and raw from all the tears and exertion caused by the destruction of her home.
It was a lot harder to cut through someone's neck than she had always thought. Especially with a collector's machete left out by some nerdy blood-sucker. Myra didn't stop though. She hacked over and over with wet thwacks until—thump, thump—the vampire hit the ground, head rolling until it met the edge of a rug that slowed its momentum.
Oblivious to the job being finished, she still punished the demon at her feet. She kept swinging the machete, more like an axe now toward the ground, grunting with each strike. She was aware of someone's arms around her torso, pulling her up and back; this made her realize she'd fallen to her knees and was stabbing into what had once resembled a human body.
Myra was in her bathroom. She'd ripped off her shirt and was frantically scrubbing her skin with a wet cloth, trying to get all of the blood off. Blood that wasn't actually there, but it had been there. That day. She'd been drenched in it. Blinded by it. A female member of the institute security had to get the nonrespondent Myra into the shower and clean her off before any of them could leave what had been the vampire's dwelling. The security had come at the call of Aaron—the eldest student to go on the foolish misadventure to hunt vampires pre-graduation—as he had managed to escape to a neighboring house to use a phone. It'd taken them 20 minutes to arrive, and by then Myra had blood coagulating in her curls and half dried on her flesh. There was so much of it—she'd not stopped her torrent of violence until someone had pulled her off—so fresh blood covered the old and dripped down her tan flesh.
Looking up from her bloody body to the mirror in front of her that revealed that her body was clean. Not a trace of crimson was drooling down her skin; there was only the red irritation from her rough scrubbing. Another shriek and her fist collided with the mirror, causing cracks that spread like lightening across the surface. The same fist pulled back, and stuck again, imbedding slivers of glass in her hands and making the mirror explode, shards fell like a rain shower across the bathroom floor. "FUCK." She sobbed, hitting the wall again. "Gilly, I'm so fucking sorry. I'm sorry Gills. It's my fault. It was my idea. You didn't even want to go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She sank to the floor, head spinning and sharp stings of pain barely registering as the pieces of the mirror sliced her once she was sitting. Her legs were bent, knees skyward, and slightly extended and spread. Myra's head rested between her knees as she fought to breath between countless, despondent apologies to the first friend she'd killed.
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