#not super happy about where i put lucy but i dunno what would be better
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Loud House Reviews: Ghosted!
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Halloween Havoc returns! Lori is haunted by a ghost and brings in LIncoln and Clyde ot fix things.. only to find out he’s actually the beloved school mascot and must enlist Lucy and her crew of goths to help her. The bar from the overlook hotel, 1900′s disco, and Boris, the best loud house character i’d never heard of all insue. All hail boris, and prepare for full review with spoilers. under the cut. 
We’re back! I’m sorry this is a week late. This is both due to having a LOT going on.. as well as my own fault for pushign this review back to do a review of the first episode of Starkid’s “Nightmare Time”.. only to have to push BOTH back after I was unable to finish this weeks’ Ducktales on Monday because I ended up having to get off it so my mom, who works from home, can use it, and because AT&T is an utter nightmare we’re thankfully leaving, so if nothing else that will hopefully never be an issue again. 
TLDR: I kept putting this one off, didn’t realize this week’s episode was in fact on this week, and now I have to get 5 reviews done in the span of three days: I have this episode, this week’s loud house, the amphibia halloween special, and reviews of Ducktales “The Duck Knight Returns” and the first darkwing duck episode “Darkly Dawns the Duck”. 
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I kid, this blog will end as I too hope to end.. taking rusty and Zach with me. But i got myself into this mess and i’m getting myself out of it. I will get these done even if it kills me.. my ghost can then take care of the two fictional children. ON with the review!
We open at Fairway University. 
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I had to. Lori is practicing for the big tournament coming up.. which normally would have me super excited as tournaments are my shit... but we’re not talking two people beating the shit out of each other, wether it be for the sport of it, because their master told them to, because one of htem is a demon who will end the world, or because their loved ones will be murdered if they don’t beat people up as a team for demons, nor people playing card games for their grandpa’s soul, or a grudge caused by an abusive childhood that leads to a battle over gods inside trading cards, or because the school decided why not, or because you need to both keep your godlike dragon that’s also in a card and your friends safe, or.. you get the idea. I love Anime tournaments in what anime I have watched. Me watching or reading of those is like coke to me... a golf tournament however?
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Yeah i’m not big into non-wrestling sports in general, let alone one where hte main action is a ball went really far. I mean it IS impressive a golfer can do that and accuratley no less, that’s some Hawkeye level stuff, it’s just not for me. I do HIGHLY enjoy mini golf, and mini golf episodes as both simpsons and gravity falls episodes on that are a good time. I mean any episode that gets flanders to say this is worth at least one watch. 
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And thanks to fond memories of my grandpa using them to get around his carnival, yes my grandpa owned a carnival and yes it was great and yes he was a great man and I miss him every day, and carting me around in them. If it were street legal i’d have one. And finally I LOVE happy gilmore. While Adam Sandler took a turn, and hopefully Hubie Halloween is a sign that long national nightmare is over, that film still holds up and is still REALLY damn funny. And by this point your probably wondering what the hell my point is.  Well the hell my point is is that in light of me liking golf related things for weird reason despite praying for death but death won’t come at the thought of watching actual golf, I love fairway university. I love the fact that a golf based college is credible, I love the fact it goes so far in it’s theme that the text books are all golf related, the dorms are all weirdly golf themed, and students apparently can get an arnold palmer at any time of night. I also assume the dorms have on demand streaming for happy gilmore and caddyshack, and a genisis with a copy of lee carvillo’s putting challenge.  Back on the actual episode at long last, Lori is putting in some driving practice and facetiming bobby. The reason the tournament is so important is that she needs to beat the evil elf Malketh at golf or else Suryr will end all life... I may of been reading walt simsons’s thor lately but admit it you would watch that. No it’s more mundane than a fire giant trying to commit universal genocide: Being the only freshman on the team, as in that good, if she dosen’t do well, she might loose her scholarship. Granted I DOUBT they’d take it away after one game, but it’s understandable why she fears loosing it: She can’t afford college any other way. Her parents finances are spread among 11 kids who all live comofrtably and while every loud would gladly give things up so she could go to college still.. Lori wouldn’t accept it. She’d be grateful.. but she wouldn’t have her family be miserable for her sake, even if it’s her dream. This is her one shot for the career she wants and loosing this would destroy her. Even if she’d still have Bobby.  But Bobby is pulled away because his customers are annoyed.. and by customers I mean just Vito.. the rest seem fine despite the line, who complalins his spumoni is melting... because apparently he can’t just have bobby get him a fresh one as Bobby would be happy to do because he’s made of pure joy and it was nice seeing him. Though I do hope to see him in college himself next season. It is WEIRD having the casagrandes season 1 paired with a season of the loud house taking place months later.. and having the halloween episode for season 2 show up months ahead of season 2 itself. 
But soon Lori has bigger problems than Bobby having to go or crushing loss... after consulting the school gopher, because the dean apparently really loves caddyshack as ANY dean of a golfiing school should. I forgot to mention it above but I freaking love that movie too. Good stuff. Back on point, Lori soon gets stalked by a g-g-g-host! And nope this ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no fooling around.. nor is it a scooby doo esque scheme. This is an actual ghost. Represented by a ball of light but .. yup they went there. And look I get the show breaks from reality a lot: Luann acts like the silver age joker once a year and gets away with it, Lisa gets up to dexter’s lab esque shenanigans on an episodic basis, and Girl Jordan isn’t part of the group despite clearly sharing their intrests and being intrested in both lincoln and stella.  There are stretches in reality.. but mostly for humor or because it’d make a good plot. Most of the plots are grounded in reality: From Luna’s entire romance arc, with her insecurities and her and sam’s worries about each other, to Luaan’s nervousness about her first kiss, to Lincoln and friends having to learn that sometimes a girl dosen’t want to date you just because their nice to you, to Lynn learning not to be a dick and hten forgetting it overnight because this show hates me, the show grounds wacky shenanigans in relatable slice of life stuff. It’s what makes it and it’s sister show work so well. Grounding the exagerated comedy with likeable relatable characters. IT’s what works.  Why I bring this up is this and family bonding show a possible trend of the show getting into more bizzare stuff. A ghost here, a secret agent there.. it means the loud world can get as insane as it wants and the reason I bring it up is simple: Is that a GOOD thing. And my opinon, it CAN be if used right. With Family Bonding the fact there are Secret Agents is just.. casually mentioned. Like yup james bond esque spies exist and have weather dominators and an 11 year old just stopped them. It’s just.. treated like a normal thing when it’s not. Here.. a ghost showing up.. is treated like someone suddenly finding out ghosts are fucking real. Lori slowly comes unraveled a bit as the first few minutes go: She deals with seeing a ghost glow on the range, having the ghost drop books on her in the library, and having it serve her an arnold palmer.. in what genuinely looks like the bar from the overlook hotel from the shining. 
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I get it’s a deliberate shout out, especially since it’s bartender is a ghost. But it just raises so many questions: Was it a concidence or did whoever put this bar in really love the shining? Did he want teenagers to murder their wives and children? Did he? Is this building haunted and not just by the genearl ghost that haunts everything? Did they take this from the overlook since it didn’t burn down in the movie? Does this mean shining and loud house are the same universe and by the same token so is community and the casagrandes? WHy is a tea with lemonade called an arnold palmer? But yeah after breaking down in her room Lori can’t take being stalked by a ghost and does what 80% of people in a paranomal activity film take too long to do and calls a ghost hunter. Specifically clyde! And to my shock this is apparently the first time the two have interacted since season 2! And it shows.. their on perfectly fine terms, to the point she has his number and they can talk like humans. I like it.. it’s subtle. Again wouldv’e appricated the episode where he got over here being more finte, but still, this is better than him either passing out in his own master roshi esque blood or trying to get her to leave bobby because bobby is a saint. The worst he’s done is break up with someone because her brother made his sister cry, when none of that makes any sense but he’s dumn and noble enough i’ll allow it, and telling sergio never to come back, which his show framed as a bad thing but really I would two after two minutes with him. 
She called Clyde because he’s the brains behind the outfit... but Clyde has her on speaker. Wah wah wah. Their watching ARRRGH! The ghost adventuers style show that showed up in an episode I never saw but read about. Wah wah wah indeed, but it was apparenlty made up. Why their still into it I dunno, but apparently argh ghost blasters ARE ACTUAL LASER GUNS. This show has gone enitrely off the rails and i’m fine with that. As long as it’s funny. But seriously who gives out actual proton packs I ask you your just asking for some kid to blast himself in the face. But yeah Clincoln McCloud is on the case. And while i’m still annoyed they didn’t bring at least two more friends to play ghostbusters, presumibly stella because she’s the compitent one and Zach because he could NOT belivie in something for a change and tha’td be funny. I know i’m beating a dead horse but it dosen’t HAVE to be all or nothing with their friend groups. You do know that right writers?
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I mean I get only using them here as opposed to family bonding, but still, if you can use LIam outside of his episodes you can use the rest of them.. and I don’t even like Zach but he’d be in his element here. It’s not complicated but it is frustrating.  Anyways the boys and Lynn Sr arrive with Lynn Sr making a scene.. which embarasses Lori but i’m on his side here. His oldest went to college. She left the nest. It’s a lot. Plus she apparently hasn’t visted home yet so he misses his baby. Just accept it. She also asked the boys to be subtle about their ghost hunting which does not work at all. Lori you knew who you were asking for this. It’s like asking Sterling Archer NOT to be sarcastic, loud and slightly hammered. It’s part of the process.  Natrually hyjinks insue as our heroes chase the ghost with the most... on this campus.. and end up shaming him into leaving. Yes really. Clyde even says that’s what usually works on him. Oh Clyde.. if that were true you would’ve stopped trying to break up two people clearly in love with each other for your own benift, you twit.  So problem solved right, ghost busted, no more stalking and no lori turning into a monster and ushering in 80 sequels with no real resolution right? 
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Yeah I mean this is a half hour special. Everyone at Fairway starts playing off, and it turns out because they realized the ghost was missing. Yes.. everyone knew the ghost was real. Thankfully given this is a halloween episode fairway isn’t some kind of rosemary’s baby, midsommar, herditary, paranomal activity , god a lot of movies use this death cult scenario. That we’re aware of Lori may just not be the target. The team captain takes Lori aside to explain things: They normally don’t tell freshman this until after their first game because the plot says so, but Fairway has a ghost. And again what makes this work is the guy does realize people might not belivie this and while normal for the students of fairway, it’s not normal for everyone and they might not belivie in it.  But no turns out the ghost is beloved 1900′s era Caddy, Shanks Bogey, who in the moment that cemented him as a legend singelhandidly helped Fairway to a big comeback in their first tournament ever, and was given a permanent positoin after graduation. Because they train caddy’s here too which makes sense. And now his ghost lives there too and still helps to this day. OR did anyway. Now why he coudln’t of told her this or why they don’t check to make sure one of the students dosen’t bring ghost hunters around or an exorcist or ash williams?
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This episode already runs on nonsense i’m just going with it. Point is LOri’s hair’s falling out, more apparenlty, from the stress as she retreats into her hoodie.. Clyde gave her one to protect her because ARRRRGH! is really freaking shameless apparently. While LIncoln dosen’t know how to put a ghost back luckily Lucy has the mortuariy club over and LIncoln sends them over. Also Lori dosen’t want dad driving them, but Lincoln was on speaker which.. yeah Clyde I might get, the only person he’d probably want privacy with is his girlfriend, he and Lincoln have the exact same running crew but lincoln has 10 other people int he house who may eevesdrop.  But hell yeah, it’s my first Lucy episode on the blog and my first with her club period. For Lucy she IS one of the sisters I like I just haven’t checked out her episodes since season 2,a nd that’s my fault and something I intend to correct. She’s adorably, hilarious in her creepiness, and endearing in how she feels ignored at itmes.. because she is. They also ALL can apparently do her suddenly sneak up on people batman schtick as they all pop up on lincoln when he mentions a ghost. But yeah I love she has her own adams family esque group of goths, and that one of them is a Haiku from an earlier episode. While he and clyde hitting it off went nowhere it IS nice for the show to actually bring back an earlier character they entirely forgot about. It’s very rare for them. 
But yeah I already like these guys, arriving in coffisn and accidently sending my new faviorite borris flying.. a boy who talks like dracula, looks like an orlock and talks in the third person, though he ends up completing a cheer pyramid, because as an intentional joke or not, fairway , a school for a sport built on quite conversation... has a cheers squad. But hey we get boris talking about his hollow bones and cheering out of it so we’re good. 
But now the goth gang can get down to business. They try the obvious first a séance which.. yeah if bill and ted and beetlejuice have taught me anything, Seance’s can only end in friendly ghost murder. Granted unlike Otho I think Lucy knows what she’s doing, I just don’t want Shanks to die. This dosen’t quite work as while there is some bubbles it’s just Froggy 2 who apparently goes here when he’s not with adelaide. Good for him, getting some higher book learning. That’s rare for frogs. Though the faces on the Club are priceless as they are adorable. 
Plan B is to set out Shank’s faviorite food, Ferminted Bean Meal.. which yes is both to set up a fart joke and may or may not exist. He also liked pigs in a blanket, which is a good gag. Lori asks why theyd idn’t go with that I say they simply did because these are professional Goths, and they will always go for the weirdest option possible. It’s who you signed on for lori. You could’ve just called the fentons at the start of this but no, no crossover for us. And yes it’d be butch heartman free but as far as I’m concerned he can go fuck himself for, most among a LARGE pile of him being a jackass, promoting faith healing seminars that among serious illnesses.. include autisim, aka equating what I have to things like alhimers and cancer. No joke there just screw him, don’t screw danny phantom it’s great, moving on.  They intend for shanks to eat it but Lori’s teamates do instead as does the one club member who has weird hair that really unernves me. I get it’s supposed to be spider like but still, the rest of the club is really well designed, including him minus the hair. Why this why. They all get stomach poisoning and blame Lori for it despite, you know, eating strange food left in the middle of campus which is never a good idea, as it’s either someone’s elses or possibly spiked. What did you think was going to happen? Lucy’s last ditch effort is partying like it’s 1900. We do get the club and lori in top hats and canes with presumibly pocket’s full of miracles. So that’s neat. But it fails thanks to the cheerleaders coming in, boris very much included. Lori is desparing,.. until it turns out the disco ball which broke offers a mirror to the other side.. and thus where shanks is.. at the graveyard just off campus. Haiku finds this school creepy and wants to go there. Me too little sister, me too. 
Lori opts to go alone.. while this shit terrifies her, understandably, it was her mess and she needs to clean it up.. even though him not explaning himself to her or anyone else did this I don’t know if he can talk so fair enough. He can however caddy obviously as Lori gives him a heartfelt apology, and then plays a round, with him helping.. though apparently returning her ball also opens a doorway to hell. Go figure. Great gag though especially lori’s casual “that was disturbing”. He dosen’t give a sign he’s coming back though. Then we cut to the game.. with no real sign lori told anyone anything.. was.. was a chunk cut out of this episode or did they just run out of time? I dunno it’s jarring but the game is down to her, and Lori ends up in a sandtrap with the sun in her eyes. But luckily shanks returns! He llfts an umbrella for her. Again I think it’s less that he’s inconsiderate and more that he’s mute.. or maybe he’s just a jackass I dunno. We don’t know enough about him. Point is Lori wins, her scholarship is secure and her family is cheering her on.. well okay her family in terms of lincoln, clyde, because he counts dammit, and her parents the rest of the girls minus lucy are absent because they needed room for her club. Whose in the sun somehow. Lori wins, Boris does an exorcist head spin, and Lucy feels he’s lost to them. I mean.. he has to go home.. unless he dosen’t have one... which is probable. Man now I want a fairway spinoff even more.. I mean just give lori and bobby an off campus place, have leni and her two friends move in, maybe throw in carol and have boris living in a hole in the backyard and we’re good. Please nick, greenlight this. I will write it for you just give me the go ahead. 
Final Thoughts:
This one was okay. As I said the reality breaks are fine if their used for good reaosn, but I felt the episode put Lori though a bit much. She hasn’t been unsympathetic in so long, and she has a genuine heartwrenching reason to want to do well and is terrified of shanks. It’s not her fault no one told her. I mean that should be in the brochure “We have a ghost but he’s a casper ghost and not a gozer ghost so your good”. I mean the fact Jack Fenton HASN’T come blaring down the campus is only because he already did that and is banned from campus. that and he drove through the comisary.. like through both walls. The Fenton Van is thick.  Point is lori goes through a lot of pain and humilation for no reason. It also feels like a two parter put into one half hour: The first half has a problem that’s seemingly solved only to have a cliffhanger with Lucy coming in as the solution. That being said I aboslutely love the mortuariy club. Why they can’t repalce spider head with rocky I don’t know, but otherwise I love em. Especailly boris who i’m fine with him staying at fairway as long as I get that spinoff> The Clyde and LIncoln antics are just “ha ha their mech dosen’t work”.. when they still have rayguns as part of the merch, though I do appricate that them running out of power is set up: Their guns discharge as a running gag so it’s no suprise their out by the time our heroes need them. And Clyde’s line about shame and guilt “Just like me!” was gold. This dosen’t really have the missed opprtunity smell of family bonding or strife of the party, it did fine enough and the scene of lori and shanks playing golf was really sweet.  It really is just okay: Not AMAZING, but not terrible. I’ve seen much worse already this season, but the creative halloweeny premise, fun with the goth gang, and general weirdness of fairway make it a hole in two. Not a slam dunk but still fun. Just because an episode is mostly okay dosen’t make it bad.  If you liked this review follow for more, as I have weekly coverage of ducktales and loud house and ocasionally the casagrandes and later today should have, space and time permitting, reviews of the new loud house, the new amphibia, and later this weekend some darkwing duck. Until then stay safe, stay spooky and happy halloween. Play us out white stripes!
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Mass Effect AU!
So, I mentioned that I have an Em and Mac Mass Effect AU in the Fic Writer Meme, and I finally decided I should share the bare bones of it. Whether or not it turns into anything is up in the air. I may just end up writing it for myself unless it garners interest, then maybe I’ll throw it onto my ao3 account. But below is where it’s at! @asaara-writes, you seemed interested, so have a look! Anyone can, really, or I wouldn’t be posting it here!
Also, this spans from before the first game, all the way to the end of ME3, so what you see under the Keep Reading is indeed long. But here’s the summary:
So, we’ll start with Mac first. 
Mac is still an orphan, growing up in Earth’s slums, stealing, lying, and fighting his way to survive like he would post-apocalypse. Doing odd jobs and saving all of his credits so he could get off Earth and make a life for himself. Right around he turns 18 or so, he’s finally got enough credits to finally leave the planet, and gets going on a transport first to the Citadel to find some decent work. Turns out, Mac hates the Citadel almost as much as he hated his life on Earth. He can’t stand the bureaucratic bullshit near the Presidium, and the thin veils in the Wards between the “haves” and the “have nots”. He hates how people like him are, in essence, hidden away to only emulate that the Citadel is a great place to live and only shows the elite prancing around like their shit doesn’t stink.
He can’t find decent work, or at least none that lasts. He either gets fired for showing up late or even drunk (because let’s be real, he started drinking young here too), or the company he works for shuts down not long after he’s hired. 
He’s not weirded out by the aliens, even though seeing them for the first time on the transport from the Citadel, all he did was stare. He finds that he likes the asari, and probably hooked up with more than one during his time on the station, but nothing there tripped his trigger enough to want to stay.
So he heads to the Terminus Systems. The transport he’s on gets hijacked on the way out, and it’s either join the Blue Suns or die, so Mac joins, since they’re more likely to accept a human into their ranks than the other gangs. FINALLY he has steady work. He runs a few security stints, a few larger operations, and pulls off assassinations like he would as a merc in the wasteland. 
He still meets and marries Lucy, and still has Dunc, but by then he’s got a more permanent thing on Omega. Since he’s part of the Blue Suns, he doesn’t have to pay his own protection fee in the district that everyone else does. He lives in the district he “protects”, so why should he have to pay his own organization? Mac absolutely still lies about his job to Lucy, saying he just “runs security” for a few people, and then sometimes has to leave the station, but never for long. Yes, she still dies. A gang war suddenly erupts as people are still out and about, and Lucy is caught in the crossfire and is gunned down. Mac scoops up Dunc and runs to the nearest Blue Suns stronghold to take shelter. He has to explain a lot, since he kept his family very separate from his job, so a lot of his “friends” didn’t even know he had a family, and now he’s appearing with a kid he claims is his son. 
It sinks in hard that Mac has to get Dunc off of Omega if he’s gonna have a better chance at life than Mac. Right around then, one of his bosses offers a job with a transport and enough credits to cover for the job, since he’s been trustworthy up until then. He gets the “keys” and the cash, and as soon as he hits the mass relay to leave the Omega system, he turns tail and runs, stowing Dunc away on the ship. He bounces all over the Terminus, knowing that as soon as the Blue Suns figure out that he’s gone, they’ll be on his ass. He doesn’t stay on a planet for more than a week, but is finally able to ditch the stolen ship and hitch a ride back to an Alliance controlled system. He heads to a backwater planet, and uses the credits he stole to help set up some housing for him and Dunc, and lands a steady job (doing what, I dunno yet). 
I would say that he’s not a biotic. He wouldn’t know what to do with it, let alone get the schooling he would need to control it. Dunc isn’t one either. He’s seen what non-combat biotics can do, and there’s the little bit of thrill, but he doesn’t really care if someone is one or not. 
Now.. Em.
Em is Alliance. In this case, she’s not a medic, but she's a Vanguard biotic with assault rifle training and the bonus Reave (don’t worry, she’s still extremely nice and nurturing). She was born on a small, backwater planet (not the same as where Mac is right now), and once her parents figured out that Em was a biotic, they sent her to the best schooling they could. She got a lot of grants to go to these schools, and the Alliance offered to pay for her schooling, and give an added bonus if she committed at least one enlistment period to them. She was given the choice when she was a teenager, and agreed. She sent 100% of the bonus back to her parents to help ease the debt that they were in. It helped with a good chunk, and her parents could breathe easier. 
During her time in the Alliance, she becomes almost instant friends with Shepard. She does her thing, heading to new planets, meeting new lifeforms, living the dream of an explorer and as a soldier, and climbs the ranks pretty quickly. She eventually gets engaged, but her fiance is as horrible to her as he was in Fallout. He just shows it a lot earlier, and not as the tragic figure I paint Nate.
She’s in good with a few high ranking admirals. Just like Shepard looks to Anderson as a fatherly-figure type, Hackett takes an intense interest in Em's career. They’re as good of friends as they can be without breaching protocol. But one night, she’s standing at Hackett’s door with a fresh scar on her face, the ring’s off her finger, and she’s begging to be transferred, something she absolutely never does otherwise. He takes her in, transfers her under someone else’s command, and court-martials her ex-fiance. Because I hate him too, he faces criminal charges too cause they find stuff in his quarters, probably Hallex.
So Em’s transferred to a backwater planet to get away and just do something fairly mindless to help her forget. 
To the same planet Mac is now on. 
Em patrols around the medium sized place, and very literally bumps into Mac, who’s just doing his job and minding his own business. He gets frustrated from being ran into, and she’s very apologetic. Mac doesn’t buy into the whole “nice” Alliance crap. They didn’t help him, so why should he be nice to them? Their first meeting ends there. He moves on, and she just kinda keeps patrolling.
The second meeting goes worse than the first. Em is on patrol a few days later in the same spot, and sees a model fighter skitter past, and a small “ow”, as if someone small had tripped and fell. She picks up the model and heads over to Dunc who scraped his knee. She crouches down and comforts him, gives him some medi-gel to heal up the scrape really fast, and hands him his toy back. Dunc is happy and thankful, but Mac appears and accuses her of trying to hurt his son and she should just stay away from them because he didn’t do anything and he doesn’t understand why she’s suddenly so fucking interested. She tries to explain that he fell, and she didn’t hurt him, but he’s not having it. He scoops up Dunc, and tells her to leave them alone. 
She’s obviously kind of sad because she really was telling the truth, and she just wanted him to believe her, even if they never saw each other again. 
Dunc, meanwhile, does tell his dad that she didn’t hurt him at all, and explains that she actually helped him. He shows the medi-gel still drying on his knee, and it makes Mac feel like an asshole.
So a few days or probably a week passes by, and Em’s at the local bar, off duty and enjoying her time off. Mac appears, looking at first for a drink and then notices her. He turns away at first, rolling his eyes, because of course seeing her is gonna ruin his night and he finally has some credits left over for a few drinks. But, he thinks better of it, rolls his eyes again, picks up his drink, and heads over to her. He doesn’t offer a greeting. Just plops himself down in the seat next to her and grumpily apologizes to her. He explains that his son vouched for what she said earlier, and that where he came from, people don’t usually help others out of the goodness of their hearts. 
She accepts his apology after a bit, and they end up chatting for a while. He learns a little bit about her, even from what she doesn’t say, and he doesn’t tell her much, but he offers that he had only been on the same planet as her for only a few years. 
So let’s fast forward a little while, probably a few weeks to a month or so, and both Em and Mac eventually end up liking that she’s on patrol. Dunc warms up to her a LOT after their first meeting, and Em offers to let them come along with her on some patrols. It’s never super far, but she shows him a few really pretty spots, and some good spots for food in the town they’re at (I’m assuming Mac has his few spots that he knows and likes and that’s it). Eventually, they get to be really good friends. 
But one night, he has her over for casual drinks and whatever (they start doing this regularly), and they over-indulge. Not enough to get into bed together, but enough for secrets to be spilled. She confesses that the scar she got wasn’t from a badass fight, but that it was from her fiance. He confesses that he was part of the Blue Suns, but that he left, and the way he left has him scared that they’ll eventually find him. 
Em just listens, and as much as her protocols tell her that he should be put under arrest, she doesn’t. She feels she knows him enough to overlook his criminal past, because in her mind, he was just doing what he could to survive, and she promises that if the Blue Suns ever came for him, she would protect him and his son. They talk about it for a while, and she learns that he’s a really good sniper. She doesn’t judge him, just accepts him, and he feels he can relax more around her, especially since he’s told absolutely no one this. 
She eventually receives orders that her tour on this planet is over I would say that it’s about a year to a year and a half after Em lands on the planet that she would have to leave, so the pair have plenty of time to get to know each other. She gets an Earth standard month to get ready to leave, but it puts her in an awkward position. She doesn’t want to leave, but she knows she has to. 
Basically, she looks him dead in the eye and confesses that she has romantic feelings for him, and that she has to leave. Knowing that he may never see her again, and that he actually does feel the same, he confesses his to her. Em basically finds out where she’s going, and does some sweet talking, and secures a spot for Mac and Dunc on the ship, and offers to take them along. He’s wishy washy at first, but then remembers her promise to protect him, and he agrees. They pack what they would need, sell the rest, and say their goodbyes. For once, he’s not running. He gets to follow her and see some of the same stuff that she does, and he ends up not really minding life on a ship. 
Her new assignment is on the Citadel. Mac is basically yelling “FUUUUUUCK” into the vacuum of space. But he just begrudgingly goes with it, because hey, he doesn’t have to worry about bills anymore. He can just get the stuff he needs by handing a list to his new girlfriend and she gets it for him under the Alliance’s credit chit, since everything she would ever need is paid for. He does a few odd jobs to keep himself occupied, but nothing that would last more than a few days (on his terms), but after a while, they hear of the Normandy coming into dock from its maiden voyage. 
Suddenly, both of them are thrust into the crowd of meeting Commander Shepard. Em and Shepard instantly recognize each other, and they catch up briefly. Mac isn’t super jealous but he makes it a point to ask if they were a thing in the past. She says no, he doesn’t have anything to worry about, because all she sees in Shepard besides a friend and a CO is maybe an older brother figure. (Maybe they went to the same school, since he’s also a biotic in my playthrough)
When Shepard becomes a Spectre, he seeks her out to come along with him, and agrees only if Mac can come along. Dunc is in school at this point, and Mac doesn’t just want to uproot him, but notices Hackett is staying on the Citadel, and since Em really trusts him, Dunc goes to just stay with Hackett (and I hc that he becomes the best grandpa ever when he’s not on duty) on the condition that they’re allowed to call each other whenever they want or need, like if Dunc is upset about a bully or a bad grade in school, and when Mac needs to call his boy for like, an update as to where they are or when they’ll be back to the Citadel. I like to think that Shepard does visit the station regularly so they aren’t completely separated, and because there are a lot of things to do there.
Basically, during ME1, only Em is available as a squadmate to go with Shepard. 
They don’t join Shepard during ME2, but Em does sometimes feed him info from time to time on major happenings. She uses fake accounts, an IP scrambler, and all that jazz to stay out of trouble from both the Alliance and Cerberus. She doesn’t do it often. She doesn’t want to risk her career, as much as both Em and Mac want to help Shepard. They also have a sense of permanence together. Since the gap between ME1 and ME3 is about three years, they have a normal, healthy relationship. I would say that about a couple of months before ME3, Em and Mac know pretty much everything about each other, and a few weeks before Shepard returns to Earth for ME3, they get married. Mac eventually gets formally approached by Hackett during this gap to join the Alliance. One tour with Em, and his criminal record would be erased. (The Blue Suns never find him, btw)
Shepard returns to Earth, and Anderson assigns them to Normandy sneakily so they can ride with familiar faces after Shepard is cleared of the charges from working for Cerberus. 
Aaaand the Reapers come. They take Earth first, just like canon. 
But Em and Mac’s first priority becomes very, very clear as the world basically ends, and that’s Get. Dunc. To. The. Normandy. Now.
So for ME3, both Em and Mac are available to go with Shepard on away missions. If both go along with Shepard, they will engage in conversations, like “I hope Joker made sure Dunc strapped himself in before he did that flip.” (I like to think that Dunc hangs out with Joker while on board. He would hang out with everyone, but I think he would like to sit in one of the chairs and would absolutely steal EDI’s copilot seat when she gets up just to hang with Joker)
As much as Mac didn’t like being on Earth, or growing up there, he is pretty devastated to see it be attacked like this. Em feels absolutely terrible, because she knows he grew up there, and offers her support, but tries to establish contact with her parents on her home planet. They get to correspond briefly, but eventually the Reapers come for her planet too, and no one is able to get out in time. 
Anyway, they ride around the galaxy just like you would in the game, gathering anyone and everyone they can to take back Earth. They eventually get everyone they can, and head back. They get to the final run, and are gathering all of their forces, but Em suddenly faints right before the “go”. Shepard and Mac see this happen, and both of them cart her to the makeshift clinic. Em can’t come along to the final run anymore, since she fainted because she’s now pregnant. Shepard says absolutely not, they can do the run without her, but he’s really happy for her (Shepard totally romances Liara. They’re my OTP with my M!Shep). Mac is really happy too, but he’s also scared. Like “I’m so scared because this is the end of the world, but I’m so super happy.”
So Shepard heads out on the final run, and just like the game, Shepard almost makes it before he gets hurt. Em, being Em, runs out to help Shepard up and get him to the Citadel so they can get the Crucible online. She won’t hear about it later because she’s not about to watch her best friend die before he can save the galaxy one last time. So she helps him up and they get beamed up to the Citadel.
Shepard chooses the Destroy ending of the trilogy. It blows the station apart, and they’re trapped under rubble for a while. They’re eventually found, but Shepard is barely hanging on, and Em’s in and out of consciousness, but also majorly hurt even though she was further back than Shepard. She wakes up for more than a few minutes on the surface of Earth again, back in the makeshift clinic. She sees Mac, and as soon as he sees her open her eyes, he’s sobbing. Very emotional from everything happening. And everyone is okay, eventually.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Dancing With Ben Week 2
A Ben Hardy x Reader Fic Most Memorable Year - Jive
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Summary: Reader is one of the pro dancers on Dancing With the Stars. It’s her second season on the show, and this time, her partner is none other than Ben Hardy. Will they win the Mirror Ball? Maybe they’ll win something even more meaningful!
Word Count: 3.1K
Tag List: @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @twigleektribute23@asquiresofftime, @caborhapch, @iwasnothingbutacityboy, @a-kind-of-magik @ionlyhavepicturesofflowers Let me know if you’d like to be added!
A/N: This chapter was super fun! Lots of good Queen and BoRhap discussions, plus a special appearance from Rami!
Week 1
Week 2 here we go!!!
You were still coming down off the high from the first night. Ben really had done a superb foxtrot. This week you knew would be more intense since you had less time, but you were sure of his dedication now. He wasn’t satisfied with his scores, and was absolutely determined to do better this time around. When you got to rehearsal, you were surprised to find him already there.
“Look at you, eager beaver!” you said, setting down your bag and removing your shirt so you could get your mic pack on. 
He bounced on his toes. “I’m ready to go again! What have we got this week?” 
When you were both camera ready, you sat cross legged on the floor, patting the wood beside you. He took a seat there, stretching his legs out. 
“So, this week’s theme is most memorable year,” you explained. “What would you say is yours?”
He leaned back against the mirrored wall and looked up at the ceiling in thought. “It sounds kinda stupid, but I have to say 2018. Bohemian Rhapsody was really a life changing experience for me and I loved being a part of it.”
“That’s not stupid at all!” you encouraged. “Tell me more about what made it so special.”
“The story was really meaningful,” he said. “The music is awesome. But I also met people who became more like my brothers than just my cast mates. I miss them all so much, even though we talk almost every day.”
“I love that,” you assured him. “And I’m really glad you picked something happy because this week, we’re doing the jive.”
“The jive?” he questioned.
“Yeah, it’s high energy, but a lot of fun,” you said. “I really think you’re gonna like it. And since you chose your time on Bohemian Rhapsody, I think we should do a Queen song!”
His lips turned up into a grin. “Which one?”
“Don’t Stop Me Now,” you said. 
“Yes!” he cried, his face lighting up in a way that made your stomach flutter. “I love that song!”
“Who doesn’t?” you returned, equally excited. “And it’s the perfect tempo for a jive.”
“I never thought a Queen song would be right for ballroom,” he said.
“You’d be surprised!” you replied, getting to your feet and helping him up. “Now we’re gonna warm up because jive is a lot of cardio and a lot of footwork. I don’t want you to pull or strain anything.”
You began with some light cardio to get your heart rates up and warm up your muscles. Then you sat down again to stretch out your legs. You observed him to be sure his form was right.
“You should feel this one in your hamstrings,” you said. “Right here.” 
You placed your hand beneath his leg, but your fingers brushed the underside of his knee. He jerked away from you and you blinked, surprised. Then, you smiled mischievously at him. A pink tint rose in his cheeks and around his ears.
“Ben, are you ticklish?” you asked.
“No,” he answered, too quickly. “Okay, a little, behind my knees. It’s a really weird spot to be ticklish, but luckily, very few people touch me there.”
“I think you’re holding out on me,” you said with a smirk. 
“Don’t you dare,” he warned.
You crawled across the floor and lunged at him with a laugh. You were too fast for him so you quickly straddled him, pinning him under you. You ran your fingers experimentally over his tummy, but he didn’t react. You inched your way up, holding his gaze as you went. Your fingers were just trailing from his chest to his underarms when suddenly, his hands snapped up, digging his fingers into your sides and tickling you furiously. You screamed and fell to the side, releasing Ben from your hold as you giggled and tried to fight him off. 
“Y/N, are you ticklish?” he mocked your earlier tone as you writhed beneath him.
Through your laughter, you nodded. “Incredibly so! I’m sorry, please let me up!”
He stopped, and you remained on your back a moment to catch your breath. He sat up, looking smugly at you. 
“I’d say we’re pretty well warmed up, wouldn’t you?” you asked.
“I think so.”
“Well, let’s dance then!”
He helped you to your feet so you could start this week’s routine. 
He had an easier time of the jive than he did the foxtrot, which you found unusual. But Ben was great at keeping time and staying on the beat, so his kicks and flicks were good. You corrected him on a few things, making sure his feet didn’t look like they were flopping on the kicks, and keeping his arm long on moves where he was reaching. 
“Okay, step, kick, step, good!” you praised as you went. “Keep your eyes up, Ben!”
He obeyed. It was another one of those moments where he almost stopped you in your tracks. God, those eyes were going to be the death of you. 
“Kick, kick, kick, and turn!”
 You continued on until it was lunch time. You were both sweaty messes, so you ordered food to the studio instead of going out. You also took this time to check your phones and grab some water. You flopped down on the floor next to Ben, still breathing hard from your last run through. You opened your Instagram story camera, chose a random filter and began filming you and Ben.
“Hey there, Ben, did you just take a shower, dude?” you teased. “You’re all wet.”
“We can’t all be you, Y/N!” he protested lightly. “Looking bloody perfect after dancing all day.”
You giggled girlishly at the compliment. Then he flipped his hair, dripping sweat on you and your phone. You gasped dramatically.
“Ew!” you cried.
He snickered. “That’s what you get for making fun of me,” he said as he pinched your cheek. 
“Very rude, Benjamin,” you play scolded. 
You posted the video to your story, tagging Ben in it. You wrote over it “Yes, we are very hard at work” as well as #TeamQueen. He got you back when lunch arrived. He snapped a photo of you mid-bite and posted it to his own story, writing “Caught Y/N slippin” with laughing emojis. It was an unflattering photo where your cheeks were puffy from a mouth full of noodles. You smacked him playfully on the arm for it before getting back to work. 
You felt amazing about the routine by the end of the day. Ben was doing really well and you were sure this routine would earn him even higher scores than last week. Halfway through the week, you and Ben were plugging away at it for what felt like the millionth time that day. He was hitting every step. 
“One, two, three, four, five, step, turn on eight,” you said as you guided him. “Great job, Ben!”
He looked at you and smiled, the way he did after that first dance, and you stumbled through the beat. Ben stopped abruptly. His mouth fell open as mirth danced behind his eyes. The color drained from your face.
“Did you just miss a step?” he wondered.
“No!” you said defensively. “I was just...improvising.”
“Yeah,” you insisted. You busted into some casual, more hip-hop dance moves, shaking your rear to the music, which was still playing.
“Really?” he said. “Twerking? To Queen?”
You giggled. “It’s what Freddie would have wanted.”
You slowed and stopped as he burst into laughter.
“You’re not wrong,” he said. “But, you did miss the step.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “So what if I did?”
“I’m the coach now,” he joked. 
You punched him in the arm. “Nice try, Hardy. You wanna take a water break?”
He nodded and you took seats together. He pulled his phone from his bag and smiled when he opened it.
“Something nice?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he said. “Rami texted. He said he and Lucy got tickets to the show this week.”
“That’s awesome!” you said.  “Considering the theme and the dance we’re doing, it seems appropriate for them to be there.”
“I agree,” he said. 
You opened up Instagram. You scrolled through your DMs and groaned. You were flooded with messages demanding to know if you and Ben were dating. It was exactly like when you and James were partners.
“What’s up?” he questioned.
“I put up one story of us together and people are already asking if we’re dating,” you sighed. “Just like last season.”
“So you and James...weren’t together?” 
You looked at him. “Of course not. I’m a professional, and we just didn’t feel that way about each other.”
“Good,” he said, turning his eyes back to his phone.
You blinked. “Good?”
He met your gaze again, looking flustered. “Well, I just - I dunno - I thought you might have been with him and I didn’t…” he trailed off. “Don’t look at me like that.”
You chuckled. “I get it. Sometimes, dancing together can make it appear that there’s something more than there is. It so often looks romantic when we’re putting on a show. The choreography tells a story. But usually it’s just a deep friendship between partners. That’s what me and James were. Best friends.”
“So...you are single then?”
“Oh, yeah. God, I haven’t had a serious boyfriend in...two years I guess now.”
A beat passed. 
“What about you?” you wondered. “Any ladies in your life?”
“Just one,” he said. “Her name’s Frankie.”
A pang of...something shot through your heart. Jealousy? Disappointment? You didn’t want to name it. Then you’d have to face it.
“You wanna see a picture?” he offered.
“Yeah, sure,” you agreed.
He opened his phone again and pulled up a picture of a sweet little dog. You laughed with a bit of a new something. Relief? Again, you dared not name it.
“She’s your dog?!”
He chuckled. “Yeah. That’s my best girl right there.”
“Is she with you in LA while you’re here?”
“Nah, she’s at my mum’s house,” he explained. “Although she said she and dad are streaming the show. I don’t think they can vote, but they’re cheering me on anyway.”
“That’s the cutest thing in the world,” you said. “And your Bohemian Rhapsody brothers?”
“They all watched last week and texted me what a great job I did,” he said, looking at his phone gratefully. “I think they’re gonna like this one even more.”
“I think they are too,” you said. “Shall we return to practicing?”
He nodded, helping you up off the floor.
With the jive, jumping back in was quite literal. Although you hadn’t choreographed a terribly difficult jive - it was only week two after all - it was challenging. Even so, you and Ben had a ton of fun. The dance was just the right pace for his energy and he was eager to do the song justice as well.  
On the final day of rehearsal, the producers wanted some more for the video package, so they had you ask Ben more about filming Bohemian Rhapsody. Once again, you sat across from him on the floor and started to “interview” him. 
“So, what was it like meeting Roger Taylor and Brian May for the first time?” you asked.
“Amazing,” he said. “Roger and Brian are wonderful people, and they really helped us learn about themselves, John, and Freddie of course.”
“Did Roger help you with your drumming?”
“Well, he had to,” he said. “I had no drumming experience before I got that part.”
“What?!” you gasped. 
“And - lots of people know this now - I lied and said that I did,” he said. “I just wanted it so bad. It was legitimately the coolest role I’ve ever been up for.”
“You do remember you were in the X-Men movies, right?”
“Of course!” he laughed. “But this was Queen. They’re legends. Anyway, I don’t regret it. I learned a lot, and like I said, met the greatest people. I’m including Brian and Roger in that category as well because they’re honestly fantastic men.”
“They seem wonderful,” you said. “How did you feel about the reaction to the movie?”
“That was seriously one of the craziest parts about the whole thing,” he told you. “Critics kind of had it out for this film. People nitpicked and analyzed and pointed out every little thing that they thought was wrong or inaccurate and got hung up on that. And yet, the general public loved it. It killed at the box office and then later on in sales. It’s sort of like Queen themselves when they got their start. Music critics and others in the industry sort of wrote them off but the public loved them.”
“So, what do you want to say with this dance about your experience with Bohemian Rhapsody?” 
He bit his lip to think on it and you squirmed when your heart skipped a beat. 
“I think I just want it to reflect how much fun I had making it,” he said. “And how proud I am of what we created. I think it’s a great film and we’re all really proud of it.”
“Well, I think you’re on the right track because you’re killing this dance,” you said. “Let’s go out there and celebrate what you all accomplished.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
You high fived and got up to rehearse again.
When show time came, Ben was not nearly as nervous as last time. You thought it was because he knew the song he was dancing to, and he felt more comfortable in the jive than he had in the foxtrot. You and Ben were going last that night, so it was right before the first elimination. You hoped that aspect didn’t shake Ben’s confidence. So far, even watching the other couples go hadn’t. It made you more confident as well. 
At your turn, you and Ben headed down to the dance floor to take your places as the video package played. He focused on you, so he wouldn’t get distracted and miss the cue to start. It faded to black and the music began. 
It started off slow. Ben stroked your face on the first two counts. You twirled in his arms. Then it picked up. You ran down the stairs and started to really jive. Ben was grinning like a little boy as you went. Once again, you found it remarkable how well he stayed on the beat and kept up with you. You hardly even felt like you were backleading. This dance really just allowed you to have fun together. 
After the final notes played, you hugged him again. He carried you over to the judges to get their feedback. He put his arm around your shoulder and you both panted as you waited to hear what they had to say. 
“Ben!” Carrie Ann cried. “That was amazing! For you to pull off a jive on your second week as well as you just did...I’m so impressed.” She went on to tell him little tweaks to improve it. He nodded and thanked her.
“I wasn’t too sure about jive and a Queen song,” Len began sourly. “But I must say, I was entertained. A lot of jive content, so well done, Y/N. Ben, there were a few things I’d like to see more from you…” he went on and explained them.
“Benjamin!” Bruno cried enthusiastically. “I loved it! You really were like a tiger defying the laws of gravity! You were so light on your feet, which I know is difficult for men with your build, no?” He only criticized Ben on keeping his hands tight when extending so his lines didn’t fall short. 
You both thanked the judges for their feedback as Tom turned to Ben.
“Now, I believe there’s a special guest here for you tonight,” Tom said. 
Ben smiled. “Yeah, um, Rami’s here,” he said. 
Tom urged Rami to come up to the dance floor as the crowd cheered for him. Ben released you and embraced Rami warmly. When they broke apart, Tom approached. 
“Rami, tell us what you thought of your friend’s dance,” he said before holding his mic out for Rami to speak into.
“I thought you were incredible, Ben,” he said. “Lucy actually took a video of the whole thing and sent it to Brian and Roger.”
You all laughed.
“But seriously, I thought he did great, and I’m really proud of you, man,” he finished.
Ben hugged him again. “Thanks, mate.”
Rami waved to the crowd and returned to his seat next to Lucy. You remained by the judges’ desk to receive your scores. Carrie Ann scored you an eight. Len scored you another seven, so you shot him a thumbs down. Bruno scored you an eight. You squeezed Ben to you.
“That’s amazing!” you said, turning to lead him up to the stage. “See? You got better!”
“I know, but I now I want even more!” he returned. 
“We’re gonna get there, Ben, I promise,” you assured him. 
The other couples were already standing in their places, waiting to find out who was going home this week. You and Ben took your spot and you heard him gulp. You squeezed hand. He brought yours up and pressed it to his lips. You blushed and looked at the floor. 
Tom and Erin went through couple after couple, telling them whether they were safe or in danger. Artem and his partner were in danger. Sasha and his partner were also in danger. They got down to three couples who didn’t know yet. You felt like your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. You released Ben’s hand to wrap your arms around his waist. 
“Ben and Y/N,” said Tom, leaving a long dramatic pause. This was the worst part of what you did. You knew they had to make it suspenseful, but it killed you every time. “You two are safe to dance next week!”
A shout of excitement escaped you as you jumped into Ben. He held you so tightly you thought you might burst. You were so grateful to get to dance with him. You were nowhere near ready for this journey to end. 
The couple that ended up eliminated was Artem and his partner. As the show ended, you and Ben went over to give them hugs and congratulate them. Selfishly, you were glad it wasn’t you. As you headed backstage to change, you stopped and looked at Ben.
“You know what next week is?” you wondered excitedly.
“What?” he asked.
“Disney night!” you squealed.
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lacktastrophe · 5 years
Hey, what is your opinion on the whole Daisy and Sandy deal? I know Daisy's been obsessing over her, but to be fair to Daisy, how much do we even really know about their past friendship to begin with? Maybe they were super close back then and Daisy only feels bitter about the fact that their friendship meant more to her than to Sandy? I dunno... what's your opinion on this?
Contrast to Mike and Lucy, there hasn’t been a chapter which heavily elaborates on Daisy pre-chapter 1. Where Mike and Lucy had chapters with their own inner monologe about their relationship, most of Daisy’s history with Sandy is visited briefly whenever Sandy is bought up. The majority of this occurs in Volume 1, with a small amount of revisiting the subject in the later volumes. Canonically, Daisy and Sandy were said to be quite close to each other when they started school, with Daisy believing they were best friends as she described it in Rising Temperature, and during At Loose Ends describing as having fond memories of their relationship. In her own words, Sandy meant a great deal to her. She expressed this to both Abbey and Augustus respectively in those chapters so I believe those express her sincere feelings on the subject. 
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It might be surprising revisiting Daisy’s history, but Daisy did not immediately have a crush on Mike as early as their primary school years; instead she more likely resented him, as she would often find herself and her caring nature second fiddle to Mike when it came to Sandy, not at all unlike her relationship triangle with Mike and Lucy. This can be seen in ‘Search for Treasure’, a small mini-comic Taeshi made that illustrates this.
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When Sandy moves away from Roseville, Daisy form a better relationship with Mike since without Sandy they only had each other. It’s during this period Daisy develops her crush on him believing she was ble to see what Sandy saw. Although, as luck would have it, she would still need to fight for attention, but from Lucy, who Mike went back to in Sandy’s absense, and Lucy couldn’t have been otherwise thankful.
Having had to experience this again for a second time, Daisy can’t help but grow resentful towards Lucy, because now she’s getting in the way of her happiness. Daisy attributes both experiences due to her inferior sex-appeal. We can tell based on what she tells Augustus and later in Model Girlfriend.
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I feel it’s awful being Daisy because there’s no explanation to why her first supposed best friend hasn’t tried to get in touch with her again, even though she managed to get in touch with Mike. It appears Sandy’s compeltely forgotten about her, and that plagues Daisy on a subconscious level whenever she hears her name. I can’t help but figure that both this and her difficulties in getting attention from people were what did a solid number on her self-esteem. That seems to be the case given how Model Girlfriend went when Sandy only recalled her when Daisy mentioned she tutored her in Math and English. Their relationship started to shift ever so closer towards seeming one-sided. Not at all being the best friend she should have been. The coup de grace was there when Sandy accidentally stroked one of Daisy’s insecurities causing her to break down, suddenly there was an idea Daisy thought she was ditched because she wasn’t attractive.
I’ve gotta feel for Daisy because it seems like all this time she felt hat she was missing this one friend who could constantly feed her all this attention, but she couldn’t ever find that particular person. She tried with Sandy, then Mike, then Augustus, who seemed to be the right fit. If only his bad vibes didn’t ruin that. Paulo had other girls on his mind. What she really likely just more friends to bounce around, and she appeared to have picked that up in time with the friends she has now. Though she wouldn’t realise and would seem to gravitate back to the more significant things in her mind too; First kiss, first friend, first crush, etc. It feels a bit like the things Daisy would obsess over given her obsession with Mike and Sandy. So hopefully the things Paulo tells her in Witch Hunt lets her move closer towards putting it behind her, and seeing the significance in what she currently has.
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fallen029 · 5 years
Guild of Our Own
The rainfall outside had a torrential aspect to it, which always brought a new dynamic around the bar. Such weather on its own was rather dreary, typically evoking the desire to do little more than find somewhere warm to escape it, but when you added in the risk of flooding and the thunder that accompanied it, hunkering down in the warm spot you found was most favorable.
Mirajane found this to typically meant that whoever was at the bar when the storm kicked up would probably stick around for the duration while those who might come in at a later time regularly found it best to stay away for the day. This could either prove to be good entertainment, should those trapped be some of her more typical cohorts, or a rather sour time, should this not be the case. With the rapid growth the guildhall had experienced in the past year or so, Mirajane found that, while she did enjoy meeting new people and discovering things about them, those she wasn’t as close with began to greatly outnumber the alternate. As the flood of members caused jobs to become in an even higher demand, everyone seemed to be gone every chance they got and so was the case, it felt, that during that late season thunder storm.
“It’s really coming down,” Lucy remarked as she sat up at the bar, keeping Mirajane company as she snuggled her summoned spirit, Plue, in her lap. “I wonder when it’ll finally stop.”
The celestial mage originally arrived at the hall hoping to snag a solo job, but the prospects looked bleak and, once the weather turned, she found it better to sulk at the hall for the day. As Happy and Natsu seemed absent, no doubt spending the storm trying to find adequate pots to put under the man holes in their roof, and Erza had been away for a good number of weeks, on some S-Class job on the other side of the kingdom, Levy became Lucy’s only hope for company that day. If the sulking Gajeel in the corner told her anything though, it was that the letter mage more than likely wouldn’t be around for the day.
He went through much larger leaps to improve his mood, when expecting her.
“I dunno,” Mira hummed as she stood behind the bar, rubbing absently with a rag at the bar top. “I kind of like the feel of it.”
“The feel of what?”
“Today,” she answered with a smile. “Today just has a good feel to it.”
“If you say so,” Lucy relented without much of a fight as Plue, from her lap, only nodded his head in agreement with the barmaid. “It’s been pretty boring overall.”
“Sometimes boring is good,” Mira insisted though, usually, this would be far from her ideal day.
Though most would loathe the drama haven that cultivated around the guildhall and thus left Mirajane with the hectic job of either corralling it or cleaning up the aftermath, she found the chaos a welcome distraction, in the months following her sister’s untimely supposed passing conjoined with the loss of her power. It made working the bar less of drawn out, mindless work and more akin to what she was used to, when she was out working jobs. Now, the distraction wasn’t only welcome, but rather craved. It was the norm.
So it was odd, to say the least, for Lucy to see her seemingly relishing in the relative stillness.
It wasn’t like she had much time to linger on the thought though. It was around that time that the guildhall doors open as thunder crackled over head and wind, now given an entry point, ripped into the hall with no reserve, rustling the posters on the request board and blowing anything not weighted on the nearby tables. This brought some grumbles from those around as some drops of rain came roaring in as well, but the sight of the person who was willing to brave such a storm pretty much shut complaints down before they got too far.
“Laxus! You’re drenched.”
Freed was one of those who’d found himself trapped in the hall that day, missing the already departed Evergreen and missing out on Bickslow possibly showing up. Which was no matter, in those days. He no longer only spent his days with the two of them. No. Now he also attempted to assist the many lower members with anything they might need. Many who were brave enough to approach a man of such esteem were greeted to someone who knew much about a broad scope of magic, given his rune spells led him down many interesting rabbit holes. He was actually very busy imparting some of his knowledge on one such member that afternoon, but abandoned it without thought, the second he saw his idol there, water literally dripping from his person.
“Yeah,” was what he got grumbled in reply to his worry though as Laxus looked less than pleased to be standing in a puddle of his own making. “I know.”
While the man’s most faithful of followers fretted over his state, Lucy only made a face over at the bar.
“He’ll be in a bad mood,” she muttered mostly to Plue who agreed with that as well, nodding his head up at the woman as, given the chill in the air from the door being opened, he cuddled closer into her lap for warmth.
“What makes you say that?” Mira asked with a giggle though her eyes were on the slayer then. “It’s just a little water.”
“All over the huge, fuzzy coat he wears,” Lucy pointed out.  Then she sighed once more, it not being lost on her just how boring the day was, to be discussing Laxus Dreyar of all people.
But Mira seemed very concerned with him, or at least was trying to be helpful, as she usually was. It made sense, anyways, given it would be her job to clean up the mess he’d brought in with him.
“Here’s a towel, Laxus,” she announced when, after rushing off to find one, she returned to the man with a bright smile. It was returned from the grateful Freed, but the man in question only leveled his glare on her. But Mira only smiled brighter at the sight, adding, “You really should have timed your day better. You’ll catch a cold, at this rate.”
He grumbled something under his breath as Freed nodded along with the woman, but after a beat, Laxus remarked in a louder voice, “I need somewhere to hang my coat.”
“Oh, of course,” Mirajane was quick to say, turning off then to lead him to the back. “Here, follow me. If Natsu was around, he could just flame it for you, you know? Flash dry it.”
“I really don’t think that would be a good idea,” Freed tried, but it didn’t matter anyways; not only was the other slayer not around, there was no way that Laxus would ever let him get close enough to try anyhow.
Their chatter, anyways, seemed to annoy Laxus as Freed followed he and Mirajane to the back hallway, where a coat rack stood, no doubt for the waitstaff mostly. Left in the front of the hall, it would more than likely find itself being used as a weapon in the never-ending member disputes rather than for it’s intended purpose.
As Laxus slipped the by then super heavy, soggy mess of a coat from his shoulders, Freed only volunteered himself to go up to the infirmary to see if there was something for the slayer to change in to, given he was just as soaked beneath the garment.
Mira doubted the success of this venture and Laxus had no intention on putting any gross article of clothing the man found lying about anyways, but both let the other man head off on his fruitless search all the same.
The second he disappeared around a corner though, Mirajane was quick to reach out and take the towel from Laxus, moving to run it down his face as the man only gave her something of a smirk.
“Your coat,” she remarked, “is gonna take forever to dry out, you know.”
“I know.”
“You’ll probably,” Mirajane went on as she leaned up then, so that she could run the towel over his golden locks, “have to stick around for awhile. Wait it out.”
“Probably,” he agreed, making a face when, finished with the towel, she threw it with no ceremony down to the ground and reached out instead to slip her hands between the wet fabric of his shirt and his taught stomach, the cotton sticking a bit as she pushed it up.
“And I mean, even then, maybe even til close.”
“Or maybe,” he agreed, allowing her to push his shirt up, “even later.”
“I mean, it’s awfully soaked.”
But he didn’t finish his thought, or perhaps he had and that was it. She felt like a full thought, anyways, as she beamed up at him as, his chest free of the shirt, she only rested her palms against it, smiling much softer now, up at him, given they were alone, and he felt more easy, giving it right back to her.
“I have to get back to work,” she remarked simply as she turned to at least attempt to hang his shirt on the rack too, but he didn’t see it as getting very dry that way.
Still, reaching down to grab the towel, he nodded at the woman as he said, “I’mma head to the bathhouse. Clean up in there. I’ll stick around though. After.”
“’kay,” she sighed after him, but couldn’t offer up much else as there was a shout then, for her, from the bar area. Something about a refill. And the slayer had managed to track mud all about now and, with Lisanna and Kinana not in that day, it would be up to her to clean it up. Mostly to herself, she added, “You know where I’ll be.”
He did.
It was the whole reason he braved the storm.
He would tell her as much, later in the evening, when the storm faded and people finally were able to escape back into their routine schedule. It would have to wait as, first, he would be bombarded by Evergreen and Bickslow arriving to gripe at Freed some because, clearly, he’d planned to get Laxus stuck up at the hall and therefore all to himself (oh, the man could be so lucky to have such foresight) and Mirajane would loose Lucy to the arrival of Natsu and Happy, but then spend the rest of the night halfheartedly working and mostly joking around with her younger sister.
Eventually though, as the hall cleared out and Laxus tricked the Thunder Legion into ditching off, just the three of them, he went back to retrieve his coat and shirt while Mirajane ushered the final stragglers out of the door.
“We should build a guild,” he grumbled as, alone at last, he slid into a stool at the bar as she went around, doing final closing duties, “for just the two of us. None of these others. Just you and me. By ourselves.”
Mira hummed some, hardly glancing up from the register as she closed out for the night.
“That’s called marriage, I think, dragon,” she offered as he choked some, on the beer she’d slid him.
“Then let’s not do that,” he said around his cough, but Mira only smiled down at the jewels she was counting.
The day was long dead and the night was well on it’s way there when they departed for the night, Mirajane wrapped up in his now dry fluffy coat, giggling softly as the man complained softly about having to take off in a few days, for another S-Class job.
“You mean you can’t just come in everyday and watch me work from afar?” Mira complained as they arrived at his apartment for the night.
“Ain’t that far.”
“Far enough that I have to take you in the back to be alone with you.”
“You took me in the back to feel me up,” Laxus corrected before adding, “Violating me, felt like.”
“You do it to me every time you trick me into going downstairs.”
“Quit falling for me claiming Gramps, for some dumb reason, wants me and you to go do stock. Right that very second. Maybe then I’ll stop.”
“If you have to go away,” Mira yawned as he keyed into his door before taking a step back, allowing her entrance first, “then can we at least spend every single day until then doing that?”
“Taking stock? I dunno. People might start catching on.”
“You coming into the hall,” she corrected. “If you’re going to go away, spend everyday with me. The most that we can, anyways.”
It wasn’t as if the man did every day, after all, though given she so rarely took days off, it very much so was daily for her.
“How come you think I came in today? Huh? Just to get drenched?”
Mirajane walked through his dark apartment with ease, shrugging off his coat onto the couch before disappearing into his bathroom, to get ready for bed. Before she closed the door though, she did reply, “It was  a thunder storm. Did you just have to recharge?”
“I had to spend time with my demon,” Laxus corrected, sounding quite official in his assessment as he stripped down, this time on his own, just to slide into his sheets and await her company. “It’s how come I’ll come in every day.”
He wasn’t sure if she heard him or not as, though the apartment was rather small, his voice felt much the same then as he wasn’t too comfortable, not completely, with his declaration. When Mirajane finally joined him then, it was to fall into his chest and he griped, just a bit, though his arms tightened around her and he nuzzled the top of her head as they settled in for the night.
“One day,” she told him softly, “we can tell everyone and it won’t even be a big deal, I bet. Don’t you think? Dragon?”
He just let out a sleepy sigh though as he remarked, “One day, we’ll have our own guild. Just me and you.”
Smiling, it was all Mira could do to nod before she drifted off.
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autumn-maple13 · 6 years
Lost to Time - Chapter 18
Chapter 18: Expectations
Duscae was a region very different from Leide, that much was clear almost as soon as they passed through the blockade and into the region's damp air. There was thick foliage and grass off to either side of the road as the group rode down it, leaving Amara to wonder how a region of wetlands could co-exist beside the dustbowl they had just left so peacefully.
But then again, how could Noct's Armiger and her father's be co-existing so well within her, considering the reactions she kept having to her King's power?
'He does not know yet the extent of the power you have laid out before you, child.' another king's voice overshadowed her thoughts, making her head start to hurt.
'Who is 'he'?'
But no response came. Shaking her head, Amara refocused on the road, noticing a gas station up ahead. Realizing it would still be some distance to their destination, she flicked on her blinker to signal the guys of her intentions and listened to them pull up behind her at the pumps.
"Excellent idea Amara, we still have some ways to go yet," Ignis remarked, turning off the Regalia as the guys hopped out.
The duo set to fueling their respective vehicles as Noctis stepped away from the others, his phone buzzing in his pocket.
"Who could this be?" he asked himself more than anyone as he pulled the device out, answering it as Gladio and Prompto moved in to eavesdrop. He tried to wave them off. "Hello? Oh, Iris?"
Amara and Ignis both turned their attention to the raven-haired man now, staring holes into him as he listened to the girl talk.
"Yeah, will do." Almost as soon as he had put his phone away, the others were surrounding him.
"Was that Iris? Hmph. Can't even call her own brother." Gladio was clearly trying to sound annoyed, but his amusement was too obvious as Ignis leaned towards him.
"In all fairness, yours wasn't the obituary broadcast all over Lucis."
"What about me? She say anything about me?" Prompto's mind was clearly all over the place, judging by the unchecked emotion in his voice before excitement seemed to take over him, making Amara remember the sign they had just passed.
"Prompto, not right now."
"We'll make a trip to the chocobo farm later."
"But chocobos!" he whined. "Lestallum's still ages away, c'mon – just a quick visit?"
Noctis shook his head. "First thing's first, Lestallum."
Though defeated, Prompto still put on a grin. "Fine! But next time we're checking out the chocobos, no questions asked!"
Amara shook her head at her friends' antics, looking out at the sky as it started to rain. "Oh, shit."
"Indeed." Ignis's agreement seemed to pull the other's attention to their friend's dilemma. "I'd say it may be best to wait it out, but I doubt it will do us any good."
"I don't mind getting wet-"
"But the risk of you hydroplaning is too high." Ignis interrupted.
"Fine, then let's head over to the Crow's Nest and get some lunch, and hope the rain eases up by the time we're done." The woman didn't want to argue with the guys, instead heading inside the gas station to ask the clerk if it was alright for her to leave the motorcycle up by the building where it wouldn't get wet. Ignis put the hood up on the Regalia as he moved it into a parking spot not far away, leaving Amara to move her bike before she and the guys made a dash for the diner next door. While the younger guys busied themselves with the pinball machine, Amara and Gladio slipped into seats at the bar, listening to Ignis talk with the guy working the counter before he came to claim the seat on the redhead's other side.
"He says there are a few havens near here, should we not make it very far before nightfall."
"I dunno Iggy, I think Amara might prefer the caravan again." Gladio's smirk made his point clear enough, earning him a hard kick to the shin from the woman. She watched with a smirk of her own as the brunette hopped up from his stool, nursing his now surely bruised leg with a grimace on his face.
Ignis chuckled beside them, turning his attention back to the menu. "I seem to recall that you are usually the one who ends up in that position Gladio. On Noct's couch, in the tent the other night, when else? Hm…"
"Ignis!" Amara's voice was pleading, but her face held a threat that only disappeared when the owner approached them.
"So, you ready to order?"
Noctis and Prompto were happy to rejoin them to order, though everyone ended up ordering the salmon meal, before returning to the game to wait for it to cook. Amara and the guys decided then to shift over to a booth to wait, with Amara and Ignis sipping on their ordered coffees on one side while Gladio tried to sit against the wall on the other, keeping his legs firmly in the corner as best he could.
"You know Iggy, I think you had her trapped more than I did the other night."
"Can we not talk about this now?!" the woman was started to turn red in the face. "For the love of the Six not in public like this at least! People'll think the wrong things hearing you say shit like that!"
"Oh please."
"Gladiolus Amicitia, in case you haven't noticed I'm a young woman clearly traveling with a group of guys. That alone is enough to start talk since I am obviously not related to any of you, but if you keep saying stuff like that it's only going to make it worse."
"Why do you even care what everyone else is saying?"
"Because it draws attention. The fact that I'm still in my uniform is bad enough, the fact that all of us are decked out in all black and traveling in a super unique car is bad enough – but all that pales in comparison to the way people scrutinize you when they think they've found a piece of juicy gossip, and believe me, having a slutty sounding rumor attached to an already stand out group just makes people look for them more." She felt like she was back in high school almost, burying her face in her gloved hands while she took in the fact that she just had to explain something like that to Gladiolus of all people: the man who's lap it fell into when a paparazzi got too close to Noctis. "How did you keep Noctis out of the tabloids so long if you don't even realize the basics of the gossip circle?"
"Ignis." Gladio shrugged as if it should have been as obvious as her own explanation. "Guys with cameras, yeah I keep them off his case, but the guys with the pens and papers? Not so easy to keep in line."
"For you." Ignis was the one smirking now, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't get a chance to say anything else though, with the guys rocketing over to join them the second the owner started plating their food. The older man laughed, bringing everyone their plates and drinks.
"Y'all enjoy!"
And they did, taking their time to eat as Amara kept an eye on the weather outside. It didn't seem like it was going to lighten up anytime soon, so once they were done, she turned her attention to the people who were still moving about in the rain.
"I really hope we can at least make it part way before tonight."
"Yeah, 'specially with Iris waiting on us." Gladio agreed, looking out the window himself before something caught his attention. "Hey, I think I know someone who can help us pass the time."
The others were left to follow as Gladio forced his way out of the booth, heading outside into the rain. "That woman over there in the red hat, Sania."
"Someone you know?" Prompto was looking curiously at the woman who didn't seem to know they were even there.
"Spoke with her just the once, back at Hammerhead."
"Now that you mention it, you were chatting someone up." Noctis didn't seem too impressed.
"She's real knowledgeable about wildlife, could teach us a thing or two. Go on and introduce yourself."
And so Noct did as he was told, after a gentle shove in her direction, only to return a few moments later with a grimace. "She wants us to head over to the Slough and catch her some red frogs."
"Frogs?" Amara deadpanned, shrugging in confusion. "Really?"
"Yeah, 'the quicker the better'." The king rubbed his neck, pulling out the map to look at and pointing across the road a moment later. "Looks like it's just down there."
"Alright, let's get going then." The group wasted no time in getting across the road to the grassy slope that led down to the slough, though Amara was less than thrilled about the slick surface that she knew was a disaster waiting.
"Be careful not to fall guys. The garula won't bother us if we don't provoke them, but in this rain, there's no telling if a giant toad is hanging around. They will attack us with no warning if we don't see them first."
"Giant toad?"
"Never mind, just watch your step."
Taking her warning to heart, the guys did pay a bit more attention to their footing, even soon spotting the garula she had mentioned. The beast herd paid them no mind, even as Amara led them straight through their grassy patch, leaving them to wonder momentarily if just what it might take to invoke the wrath of such gentle seeming creatures (and if they might be added to the menu if they could take one down). The woman had noticed something else up ahead though, as the water of the slough came into view, a water tower standing beside an overgrown shack of sorts.
"Hey guys, if this storm decides to pick up even more while we're out here, we can use that place for shelter until there's a break for us to leave."
"Sounds good." Noctis agreed, though he nearly slipped when she came to a sudden stop in front of him – surveying the area.
"The water is going to be too deep on this side for us to find frogs. We'll have to walk around it and see if we can find a better spot."
"Walk around that?" Prompto was clearly concerned by the size of the water hole.
"We might not have to go all the way around, but if Noct's already agreed to do this for Sania, we can't go back empty-handed." So, they kept walking, until they reached a marshy area that was off the side of the lake, with several large stones in and around it. "Hey, this should be a good place to look!"
"We might need to hold off some though." Ignis was looking off at something above them, moments before a familiar buzz filled her ear.
"Imperials?!" the group watched from the cover of the few trees of the area as the dropship came in close, descending to a few dozen feet above them before its hatch opened and allowed a small patrol of Niflheim Axmen to drop down. "How the fuck did they even find us in this weather?"
"I think we should figure it out later." Gladiolus had already summoned his sword before the dropship had begun to lift away, and the others followed suit. This time it was Noctis who made himself busy warping around after the MTs while the others covered him, leaving Amara thankful that the patrol was made of a weaker few of the Empire's mechanical soldiers. As they watched the wrecked 'corpses' disintegrate, Prompto soon pointed out another detail.
"Hey, the rain's stopped!"
Distracted from the fight of only moments prior, the group exchanged a few smiles but were quick to follow Amara when she started for the marshy area once more.
"Then let's go ahead and find these frogs so we can get back and leave!"
Now there was a sight – Noctis in his fatigues walking straight into the marsh with the Glaive on his heels while the rest of the guys watched in mock horror, fanning out along the more ground. Unfazed by the grassy muck that was threatening to steal their shoes, Noctis soon found a frog, Amara finding another not far away. Prompto let out a squeal when he found a rather slippery one after to dive back after it when it squirmed out of his too loose grasp. Ignis fared much better, finding one that all but leaped at him from its rocky perch. Gladio was the last to find one, but they soon saw him going after something moving through the taller grass near some of the large, mossy rocks they had entered the area by, holding up a rather large frog a few moments later with a grin on his face.
"Hey Amara, I'll buy you a coffee if you kiss it."
"Hey Gladdy, I won't pay any medical fees if you try to make me."
"Worth a shot."
"Let's just get these back to Sania before they escape us again." Ignis clearly wanted to get back to the station, though with the looks he was giving Amara and Noctis they figured easily he had more than one reason for the rush. The redhead laughed, realizing how filthy her boots (and pants) were before she motioned for everyone to get a move on once more.
Without the rain making the walk all the more treacherous, they found themselves back in the parking lot fairly soon and held their nabbed froggies carefully as they followed Noctis over to the woman who had sent them on the hunt. The woman's face lit up as she looked at the creatures, holding out a special container for them to be placed in.
"Look at all these lovelies! Thank you, now my research can spring along."
"Research?" Amara couldn't hide her curiosity, wondering just what the strange woman would want to research that involved frogs.
"From longer nights to earthquakes, there's been a lot of strange phenomena of late. The world's out of whack, and there's no end to the mysteries that want for solving."
"Mysteries like… frogs." Noctis was clearly trying to put the pieces together, standing there with his hands on hips and a look his school friends recognized from their chemistry class all that time ago.
"Yep. You see, red frogs only appeared recently. We don't know what gave rise to the mutation. But this tiny critter could the key to the world's mysteries in its webbed feet." Sania poked gently at the largest frog with a smile on her face. "Fascinating stuff, right? Maybe I'll be able to tell you more if we run into each other again."
Taking that for a cue, the group was quick to exchange goodbyes with her and hurry back to their vehicles. Amara took a moment to examine her own map while she waited for the guys to load up, meeting them at the lot's exit.
"Let's try to make Lestallum."
"We should be able to reach it just before dusk." Ignis nodded and pulled out onto the road behind her. It was a scenic drive as they left the station, driving through more lush grassland and under some of the region's famous stone arches until finally reaching the spreading forest. It was already getting darker in the sky, with the sun painting the horizon in brilliant reds – making the woman in front hit the gas. They soon reached a blockade gate that marked their entrance into the Cleigne region, a long, high road stretching out in front of them over the massive canyon below, curving off to the side somewhere ahead. It led them directly into a tunnel carved into the cliffside, and with the sky still growing steadily darker, Amara was happy to see city speed limit signs up ahead. They entered the city limits as darkness truly fell over them and found parking down below the main street as the lights began to turn on to keep the city illuminated.
"Hey, Noct, where are we supposed to meet Iris?" the Glaive called from chaining up her motorcycle next to the Regalia, retrieving her bag from the car's trunk as the others did the same.
"The Leville."
"You know how to get there?"
"Can't be that hard to figure out."
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
Tanabata Special BSD Ver
me and @soul-dwelling did a tanabata RP. enjoy
rain: *humming* Mori: "Oh, Rain..." rain: GYEH! s-sir! please don't startle me like that! Mori: "My apologies, but I have a request~" rain: I have legitimate reasons to feel highly concerned. Mori: "I swear, this request is on the level." rain: ... *sigh* I don't have much choice in the matter, do I? oh well, what is it? ~meanwhile~ naoya: tanabata festival, eh? sounds like a pretty fun time, haha! Gin: "What will you wear?" higuchi: well, kouyou did mention something about outfits being supplied. Gin: "...Supplied by _whom_?" higuchi:..........*Excalibur face* naoya: ah hell. Gin: "...Nope." higuchi: kouyou said she'd supply as well! Gin: *sighs* "Very well." -elsewhere- Lucy: "So what goes on at this thing?" atsushi: well, you take these slips of paper and write down your wish, then you tie it onto the tree. Lucy: "Huh. Any food?" atsushi: I think there should be food stands on the festival grounds. Kyouka: *pops up* "Let's do this." -meanwhile- Kunikida: "He refuses to join us." aya: aw. *pouts* boo. Katai: T~T "I don't want to leave my futon..." aya:... hey katai, didn't you say that lady with the long hair was gonna be there too? Katai: .\\\\. "...Wh-Who do you mean?" aya: miss yamato somethin'? Katai: "...I mean, yes, I guess..." aya: success! -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: “Amazing! I can feel the breeze against my nethers!” eckleburg: sir please. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *holds up a small potted plant* "Maybe I can bring this." mark: sounds good! I'm gonna do all the shooting games and win a shit ton of prizes! Oscar: ufufu, so energetic ^^ Steinbeck: "And I heard Lovecraft will stop by--" lovecraft: hello. ebie: hiya! -elsewhere- Dazai: "...Too shallow." kenji: were you going to go swimming in the canal? hehe, silly dazai, it's shin deep! Dazai: "I wanted to see whether drowning was possible." Kunikida: "GET OUT OF THAT WATER, BEFORE I KILL YOU!" Dazai: OWO "You promise?" ranpo: ...oi! hey poe family! yosano: nice outfits, very retro. Rowena: thank you. miss ao picked them out for us. Poe: *holding Karl--who is also in an outfit* -elsewhere- rain: sir, I just have one thing to ask... Mori: "And what's that?" rain: *in a rather skimpy kimono* WHY IS MINE THE MOST REVEALING?!?! Mori: "Because it was in your size and had a super design~" rain: I can barely cover myself! >~< Mori: "...I fail to see the problem." rain: YOU WOULD! DX< Akutagawa: "Could you stop yelling? It's hurting my head." Chuuya: .\\\\\\. hirotsu: so uncouth. Mori: D: "Why do you have to be so mean?" elise: it's cause you're a pervert, rintarou. Mori: TT~TT "So mean..." *curls up into a ball* elise: ...rintarooou, I want to play carnival games! Mori: *bounces back up* "Of course, Elise!" ^_^ naoya + hirotsu: he cheered up fast. higuchi:...wait, where are kajii and ayako- *FIREWORKS BOOM* higuchi: found them. Motojiro: *giggling* "Fire the next one!" ayako: FIRE IN THE HOLE! *BOOOM* -she accidently blew up a choco covered banana stand........................and one fell between rain's.....assets.- rain: WHY?! higuchi: ok that was on purpose! Chuuya: "..." *nosebleed, falls back* koyuou: D8> chuuya! rain: wah! mr nakahara I'm sorry! D8> -elsewhere- Lucy: *looking around* atsushi: see anything you want to do first? Lucy: "Want to do the goldfish game?" atsushi: sounds good! -on the hill- yana: remember, the boss told us to have fun. leo: just three of us? yana: lessens suspicion. Ivan: "Maybe the Master would like a souvenir~" yana: sure, knock yourselves out. leo: pushkin and katya aren't joining us then? yana: they said something about it being kupala night, so they were gonna have a bonfire. leo: I see. *sweatdrop* Ivan: "...Them. With fire?" yana: relax, Chekov's watching them. Lydia's watching them too. leo: that's....somewhat more comforting... Ivan: "Hm. Might as well start with food." yana: <sounds good> -elsewhere- Katai: ,~, Naomi: *hugging her stuffed elephant* hehe~ Tanizaki: ^^; kirako: ^^ Dazai: "Want one?" *holds up takoyaki* kirako: oh, thanks. *nom* Dazai: *smiles* "Pretty good outing..." kirako: ^^ atsushi: yeah. have you decided on what you want to write on your papers? Dazai: "Maybe...How many 'x's' in asphix--'" Kunikida: "No." Naomi: It should be obvious~ Tanizaki: "???" naomi: 7w7 atsushi: naomi no. naomi: TnT Lucy: *eyeroll, as she writes down her note* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Feel better?" rain: y-yeah. thank you, mr nakahara. Chuuya: ^\\\^ "Happy to help..." *looks at her* rain: it looks nice. pretty fancy, though. Chuuya: "Then it suits you." rain: eh? really? I-I don't normally wear really fancy things like this. .///.' Chuuya: *small smile* "You should. You take to them well." rain: ./////. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holding a sparkler* "...Yay." naoya: see? look at you, having fun! ^^ Akutagawa: "..." *small smile* "I'm just staring at fire, that's all." naoya: ....but you're still enjoying yourself, right? Akutagawa: "...Yes." naoya: see? ^^ *pats his back* Akutagawa: -\\\- "St-Stop..." -elsewhere- leo: *looking up at the moon* ... Ivan: "Nice view." leo: y-yes. Ivan: "Never get out much..." leo: .........*leans against his shoulder slightly* Ivan: "...??? ..." *pat pat* leo: .... .///////. Ivan: "Cold?" leo: um... w-well.... 7//////7;; Ivan: "How about some tea?" leo: is there a stand for that here? Hyde: "Fresh tea! We got it at our stand!" leo: ._.; that's....rather convenient. Hyde: "That's our motto, ma'am: 'Convenient!' So, what you want?" -elsewhere- rain: hmmm... *putting her paper up on the tree* [please let me have a little more confidence this year - Rain] Chuuya: *attaches his note* [Make my progress move more swiftly - Chuuya] rain: ^^ Chuuya: *smiles at her* Dazai: "My turn!" rain: O_O w-when did he- Dazai: *ties his* [Give me a beautiful end (with a gorgeous woman). -- Dazai] naoya: ..............who the fuck invited him here? Dazai: "I'M. EVERY. WHERE." atsushi: dazai please! you've had too much sake! Dazai: *giggles* "Maybe you haven't had enough--" atsushi: dazai no. Dazai: *pulls a bottle out of his kimono* "Drink-y's all around! Who's got the bowl..." *CHOP* Dazai: *collapsed on the floor* Chuuya: *holding his fist* "And stay down..." rain: ^^; atsushi: ._.; yosano: we'll take him from here. Dazai: X_X rain: ._.; -elsewhere- higuchi: there we go [please keep my sister safe - I.H.] [Protect Ryu. ~ gin] [please let rintarou stop being a creepy perv, also please bring Q home - elise <3] [Make Elise happy--maybe with a new dress~ - Mori] elise: ... Mori: *smiles* elise: *pouts* (thinking: rintarou you dummy, you don't get it at all!) Mori: "??? ...Are you hungry?" -elsewhere [I wish to be free from this curse - Leo] [May every one of Master's wishes be granted~ Ivan] yana: .... Ivan: "...You're going to get your wish?" yana:....heh, I dunno. what can someone like me even wish for? Ivan: "Maybe something small? Just not as small as Kat--" leo: please do not. Ivan: ^^; "In any case, just make dreams become reality. All you can do, right?" yana: I guess so. Ivan: "..." *slight nudge* "That's the spirit." yana: *small chuckle* well, in that case....*smirks* it's a secret~ Ivan: *nods, smiles* -elsewhere- Lucy: *nom nom nom* atsushi: how is it? Lucy: "Not too bad..." *picks off some of the cotton candy, offers it* atsushi: thanks. ^^ *nom* Lucy: ^^ "What else is there to try here? We could walk along the water..." atsushi: sounds great. kenji: kyouka, want to play some of the games? Kyouka: "Okay. What prizes are there?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *lights a sparkler* aya: hehe ^^ Katai: Q~Q *hides under kimono* ???: well well, aint this just a shocking scene. -it's the number's bomber- Katai: "Eep!" Kunikida: "!!!!" boy: relax, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm still on parole, remember? *points to the tracker bracelet* Kunikida: "...Better safe than sorry, as I'm sure you'd understand..." *holding his book* boy: yeah yeah, I hear....who's the munchkin?? aya: my name is aya! boy: cool. 'name's suuji. Kunikida: *stands in front of Aya* suuji: jeez, hostile much?....crap you're taller than I thought. .-.; Kunikida: *looks down* "Harm one hair on their heads, and I'll break you in two." suuji: alright, alright! I hear you, sheesh! i'm on parole, even if I use my ability once, the tracker will alert the cops and i'll get thrown back in jail. I don't want to go back, there, ok?! Kunikida: "..." Katai: Q_Q "...You like games, Suuji?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *collapsed* ranpo: should we take him home? Poe: "I don't know?" *pokes him with a stick* ???: *sigh* allow me. -a wild ango appears- Poe: ._. "..." *offers the stick* Dazai: "Zzz..." ango: he's just asleep.... *sigh* i'll drive him home then. Dazai: =w= *pats Ango's back* ango: =_.=; Dazai: *muttering* "Take me home..." ango: I'm doing that now. -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *blows bubbles* Naomi: hehe ^^ kirako: ^^ Tachihara: "Yo, pretty ladies! And weird guy." Naomi: oh god, this creep again. kirako: 7-7; Tachihara: "What you been up to? Enjoying the sights?" Tanizaki: "..." *rolling up a sleeve* Naomi: ....*grin* Tachihara: "See? That's the smile I'd like to see, pretty girl--" Tanizaki: *elbow dive* Tachihara: "-EEEEEE!" Naomi: rekt. Tachihara: "GET OFF OF ME--" Tanizaki: *slams his head face-first into the dirt* naomi:....*stares* ..... ouo Tachihara: *smacking his hand around, trying to push him off* Tanizaki: *sits on his back* naomi: O///u///O -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking up at the stars* rain: .....*small smile* Chuuya: *his hand bumps into hers* rain: !! o///o Chuuya: "!!!!" *pulls his hand back* >\\\\> rain: ... ./////. *squirms a bit* Chuuya: "...I'm sorry." rain: I-I-it's fine, really. Chuuya: "I'm just, not sure when to, you know..." rain: ?? Chuuya: "...Am I too forward?" rain: eh? I-I don't think so. w-with you, I feel a bit more at ease. Chuuya: "...Would you like to hold hands?" rain:...*holding his hand, lightly* *blushing* Chuuya: .\\\\. *slight squeeze* rain:...*tiny smile* ....*leans in closer* Chuuya: *gulps* *leans in* *The bushes rustle* rain: !!! *falls over* -squish~- Chuuya: O\\\\\\O Gin: "Oh, sorry. I was looking--" *sees* "..." rain: *she's right on top of chuuya* ./////////////////////////. higuchi:....*ahem* Gin: "..." *covers Higuchi's eyes* Chuuya: *muffled voice* rain: *sitting up......* o////////////////////////////////////////////o Chuuya: *holding his breath* .\\\\\\\. rain: .////////////////////////////////////////////////. um.... higuchi: weeee'll just leave you two be Gin: *pulls Higuchi away* "We're so sorry." Chuuya: "..." *soul escaping out of his mouth* rain:... >//////////////< I'm so sorry! Chuuya: "It-It's my fault, probably..." rain: y-you didn't do anything wrong, really! Chuuya: "I-I should've, I don't know, pulled back before I embarrassed you." >\\\\< rain: .....I just wish it could have been more private... Chuuya: "...Me, too." rain:.....*smooch* Chuuya: .\\\\. "..." =\\\\= *smooch* -elsewhere- ango: *driving dazai back to his place*......*sigh* -scarlet sky plays on the car's radio- ango: .....brings back memories, huh? you getting black out drunk, and we'd have to drive you back home. Dazai: *holding his head* "...I don't want to remember." T~T ango: ......odasaku would always give you a piggy back ride. I told him he was babying you, but he insisted... Dazai: *sniff* "He was attentive..." ango: yeah....he sure was. Dazai: "Oh, please--you know he was..." ango:....say, what did you make your wish for? Dazai: "..." *goofy smile* "A speedy end~" ango: *sigh* of course you did Dazai: "...and maybe for a good year for others..." ango: perhaps. Dazai: "What'd you wish for? New glasses?" ango: ...not really. I figured it'd be in my best interest not to wish for the impossible... Dazai: "...Then wish for the possible." ango:....perhaps. Dazai: "Like a new haircut..." ango: *small chuckle* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: ._. "...Quiet." twain: hmmn? whats up? Steinbeck: "I thought we'd find larger crowds..." Oscar: hmm? why is that, johnny boy? Steinbeck: "Festival. Fireworks. Food. Games. Just...Do we have the right address?" ebie: yeppers! Oscar: well it is getting later in the evening now. twain: yeah. *has a backpack full of prizes* Steinbeck: "Hmm...Someone cleaned up at the games." twain: heck yeah I did! sawyer: heck yeah we did! huck: -_-; Steinbeck: "What're you gonna do with it all?" twain: might keep some of it, might auction the rest on ebay. Steinbeck: "Well, do something good with the dollars." twain: got it! Steinbeck: "And where is Lovecraft?" lovecraft: *swimming along the canal* *monotone* wheeeee..... Steinbeck: "...Well, as long as he is happy." ^^ -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...Something is missing." naoya: eh? Akutagawa: "...Rashomon." *hands his wish to it* naoya: is it the weretiger? rashomon: ^u^ *tying the paper on* Akutagawa: "...I asked to get stronger. I leave it to the universe to determine how it wishes to define 'strength.'" naoya: ah. that makes sense. strength of body, strength of mind, strength of heart. Akutagawa: "Sound soul and all that..." naoya: yep. Akutagawa: "..." *sniff* naoya:....hey, you go find your little buddy, ok? Akutagawa: "...'Little buddy'?" naoya: the weretiger. what did you think I meant? Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. "R-Right...Thanks." *walks* naoya: hey, got to get all the gag bases covered for these things, right? haha! Akutagawa: *fast walking--turns a corner* -bump- Akutagawa: "!!!" Alcott: eep! Akutagawa: "Oh. Sorry." alcott: um.... *mumble mumble* Fitzgerald: "And just what are you doing to my assistant, there...?" *evil smiling aura* Akutagawa: .________. Fitzgerald: *pulls out $200* "This should be enough..." *tightens his fist* Akutagawa: "Nope." *Rashomon bounce* bram: what..was that...? Fitzgerald: "Comedy relief? I think I read that is common at these festivals." bram:.....I....see. *sweatdrop* alcott: best not to overthink it. you'll just hurt yourself. -elsewhere- Poe: *holds up Karl* Rowena: *snaps a pic* hehe, cute. ^^ lana: ^^ Poe: ^^ "Just a fun time..." -elsewhere- Lucy: *yawns* atsushi: the fireworks are about to start soon. Lucy: "Yeah, yeah, I'm up, I'm up..." *lean* atsushi: o////////////o *stiff tiger tail* Lucy: =w= "Should be some good fireworks tonight..." *pats his knee* atsushi: O///////////////////////////////////////////////O y-y-y-y-yeah. Lucy: *yawns* "What did you wish for...?" atsushi: its a secret. Lucy: *pouts* "Aw, don't you want to share?" atsushi: well...im not sure what I want to wish for. I could have some ideas, but I don't think they'd be very original. ^^; Lucy: "Like maybe world peace, finding your true love...?" atsushi: ... .///////. *gulp* Lucy: "No pressure, of course." *small smooch* atsushi: o////////////o *smoooooch* >///////////< Lucy: o\\\\o "..." *holds his hand* atsushi: ^////^ -elsewhere- Gin: "You okay?" higuchi: yeah, why wouldn't I be? Gin: "You just seem a little distracted." higuchi: do I? Gin: "Yes. Did you want to have somewhere less crowded?" higuchi: sure. -elsewhere- Mori: ^^ "So cute..." elise: *has a big ol stuffed bear* I will call him sir tibbers. Tachihara: "Yeah, real cute..." *has a black eye and a torn kimono* hirotsu: I'm not even shocked Tachihara: *spits* "Real funny, old man..." *adjusts his kimono* -elsewhere- Kunikida: -_-# suuji: not a bad shot, kiddo. aya: ^u^ Katai: "Quite good..." *aims* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sighs* rain: this is nice. Chuuya: *nods* "Yes..." *cradles her* rain: .... u/////u Chuuya: *smooch* rain: u//////u -elsewhere- Dazai: "Zzz..." ango:....*tucks him in*.....good night. *glances at the photo on his dresser. The one with them and oda* ........................... *exits* Dazai: "Zzzz..." =w= ango:.....*back in his car* .....I shouldn't wish for the impossible.... *looks at his paper and tears it up* [I wish things could go back to they way they were] Dazai: *turns...sniffs...* T_T -elsewhere, at the fireworks show- Akutagawa: *still walking* atsushi: =w=...... !!! Lucy: =w= *cuddles* Akutagawa: "... ... .... ..." *stare* atsushi: *sweats* Lucy: *spots him--* O____O Akutagawa: "..." *approaches--and lies down between them* "..." atsushi:.....um.....hi? Akutagawa: *intense stare* "Hello." atsushi: OuO;;;; Lucy: "...The heck are you doing?" Akutagawa: "You looked comfortable." *takes Atsushi's hand* atsushi: *sweats* Lucy: *fuming--reaches over Akutagawa to grab Atsushi's hand* Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. atsushi: o///o; erm.... Lucy: "Keep your hands off my boyfriend..." *growls* Akutagawa: -_-; *pushes Lucy away, cuddles next to Atsushi* atsushi: um...*gulps and double hug* IPANICKEDOKAY?! Lucy: o\\\\\o Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. "...What is this?" atsushi: I-I don't know, I just got nervous and panicked! >///~///<;;; Lucy: -\\\\-# "....So frustrating." Akutagawa: "..." *shifts so that each of them is on each side of Atsushi...cuddles* =\\\= atsushi: Y///w///Y; Lucy: *sighs* *hugs Atsushi* >\\\\\< Akutagawa: =\\\w\\\= -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "I think that's the last sparkler..." Oscar: *sigh* so fleeting... Steinbeck: "Could be worst. At least our group doesn't have some lunatic who brings a thousand rockets with him--" *BOOM* Steinbeck: o_o;;;; ebie: oooooh. was that a rocket? Motojiro: "A ROCKET?! Ha! That is merely a term the uneducated use for our glorious baby!" ayako: MEHEHEHEHEHEHE! Steinbeck: "...Don't stare at the crazies, Ebie..." ebie: ok. Oscar: oh dear. ^^; Motojiro: "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" -elsewhere- Mori: *yawns* kouyou: my my, exhausted already? Mori: "Just overwhelmed by the cuteness~" kouyou: is. that. so? ^^# Mori: *nods* "Elise looks so precious in her outfit with that new dollie..." elise:... =___=; we are not amused. Mori: "Cutey cutey cute..." kouyou: ugh. -elsewhere- Chuuya: =\\\w\\\= "...I think we should re-join the others?" rain: I-if you want...but you may have to clean off a bit... 7///7; Chuuya: "...!!!" *covers his chest with the kimono, wipes his face* "Is-Is it almost off?" rain: y-yeah. Chuuya: *rubs a bit more--stares at her* "..." .\\\. rain: .////. Chuuya: "..." *reaches for her kimono, adjusting it* rain: t-thanks... Chuuya: ^\\\^ "Can't have you showing off more than you need to...At least, not to anyone but me..." *smooch* rain: r-right... ^///////^; Chuuya: *holds her hand* rain: ^////^ Chuuya: "I...love you." rain: *blushing* I-I love you too. Chuuya: *smiles, walking with her* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Maybe we should be heading home?" Naomi: yeah. *yawns* kenji: zzzzzzzzzz Kyouka: *carrying Kenji* suuji: night. Katai: "Good night..." ^^; Kunikida: *growl* suuji:.....*walking back over to his parole officer* Katai: "..." *nudges* "I think you've been mean to him. Right, Aya?" aya: yeah, he looks kind of sad. Kunikida: "What would you have me do--invite him to tea?" aya: I dunno. Katai: ^^; "Maybe just...wish him a good night?" Kunikida: "..." *sighs* *calls to Suuji* "Good night." suuji:...t-thanks. Kunikida: "..." *nods* "And keep your nose clean." suuji:...*chuckle* will do. Kunikida: "..." *abruptly turns around* suuji:....if this is about her, I wouldn't blame you for being mad at me... Kunikida: "...'Mad' is an understatement." suuji: .....*sigh* I'm trying man. I really am... Kunikida: "...Let me know how that goes." suuji:....thanks. Kunikida: *nods* "You know where I am." suuji:.... -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." higuchi: *carrying him on her back* phew... hirotsu: *carrying naoya on his back* naoya: *passed out drunk* Gin: "Some celebration..." -elsewhere- Lucy: -_-# atsushi: Q_Q did I mess up? I'm really sorry. Q___Q Lucy: "...Why? What did you think that was going to do?" atsushi: I don't know. am I an idiot? Lucy: *sighs* "I don't think that at all...I think you want to please a lot of people..." *hug* atsushi: *sniffles* I-I guess.... Lucy: *strokes his back* "...You made me feel really good for a lot of tonight." atsushi: 7////7 Lucy: "...Could you...let me have you to myself? For a bit?" atsushi: sounds fair. Lucy: "Good." *pats his bottom* atsushi: .///. -elsewhere- Mori: "But I insist on giving you a ride--" rain: it's fine, really! Mori: "But how will I know you'll get home safel--" Chuuya: "Fine, if someone has to make sure she gets home, I'll escort her. Okay? Is that sufficient?" rain: *smiles* Mori: "..." *sighs* "Very well. Good night, Rain." rain: ... Mori: "Good night, Chuuya." Chuuya: *nods* "Sir." *opens his car's door for Rain* rain: *getting in* Chuuya: *once she is seated, closes the door for her* rain: thank you, mr nakahara. Chuuya: *smiles* "Of course." *walks to the driver's side, gets in* rain: *she seems calmer now* Chuuya: *starts the car, smiles at her*
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massivedrickhead · 8 years
One More Year: Chapter 19
Helloooo super sorry about the delay, I was sick the past two weeks but I'm feeling better now so hopefully updates will be more frequent. I'm also sorry this chapter's shorter than usual, but I wanted to get something out and since the last chapter was so long I'm hoping you'll forgive me.
Pretty please review!
I do not own Pitch Perfect or any of its characters
Chapter 19
Over the next few weeks, both Beca and Chloe were in full-time study mode preparing for their mid-terms.
On the day that the exams were over, there was a palpable feeling of relief around the school.
"Well, that's it," Jesse said, grinning as the six of them walked out of the school. "It's out of our hands now." Beca, Chloe, Aubrey, Stacie, Jesse, and Benji had become something of a gang in the past month.
Chloe's hand involuntarily tightened around Beca's.
"So, Becaw are you having your usual end of term party? Fat Amy will be home from college and I'm sure she can get us beer again," Jesse asked.
"Maybe," Beca said. "My dad still feels bad about missing my birthday so he's been home a lot more."
"Oh, that's too bad," Jesse said.
"Too bad?" Aubrey said. "Yeah it must really suck having your dad around, Beca."
"Yeah," Benji said, grinning, "I mean having a dad is great and everything Beca, but where is Jesse going to go to drink shitty beer?"
Beca and the others started laughing.
"Okay, take it easy, you know I didn't mean it like that," Jesse said, holding his hands up in surrender.
Once they arrived at their cars they said their goodbyes. Chloe climbed into Beca's. It was a Friday and as their mid-terms were done, Beca was staying over at Chloe's for the first time. They were both nervous and excited.
"So tomorrow, I thought I'd give you your Christmas present," Beca said as she drove to Chloe's.
"You didn't have to get me a Christmas present!" Chloe said.
"Relax, it didn't cost me anything," Beca said, laughing at her. "And Aubrey and all the others will be there too."
Chloe frowned, puzzled.
"You'll see," Beca said. "You just need to be free tomorrow night. I'll pick you up at 6ish?"
"Okay," Chloe said, feeling another flutter of excitement. "How do you think the mid-terms went?"
"Uhh, I dunno," Beca said. "I do so terrible in exams that I'm trying not to get my hopes up. How did you do?"
"Okay I think," Chloe said. "Hopefully well enough that Barden University doesn't laugh in my face when they get my application."
"They'd be idiots not to want you," Beca said.
Beca felt a flurry of nerves as she parked up outside of Chloe's house. She grabbed her bag from the back seat and the pair made their way inside.
The typical flurry of Beale activity greeted them inside. Beca's mom was making dinner while the twins ran laps around the kitchen table. They could hear Lucy speaking loudly to one of her friends on the phone. Both her dad and Johnny were still at work.
"Hello girls!" Chloe's Mom called out. "How did it go?"
"Pretty good, I think," Chloe said.
"Yeah, it went okay," Beca said. The more she thought about it the more she was convinced that she'd messed it up.
"Well I won't badger you about it," her Mom said, sensing both girls would rather not talk about it. "Dinner will be ready in about an hour."
"Cool, thanks Mom," Chloe said. "We're gonna go dump Beca's stuff upstairs."
Chloe's Mom had been apprehensive about letting Beca stay over, but she trusted her. She knew she wouldn't pressure Chloe into doing anything she wasn't ready to do.
On the way to Chloe's room, Beca spotted the bathroom that Chloe had once locked herself in. The bottom of the door was still bent in where it had been kicked.
Beca tore her eyes away and focused on Chloe again. Seeing the door like that made it all feel a lot more real.
Chloe closed the door after them when they went into her bedroom.
Beca put her bag on the floor and then sat on the bed beside Chloe.
"I'm really glad you're staying tonight," Chloe said, looking down at her hands which were tightly clenched together.
"You're nervous," Beca said, placing her hand on top of Chloe's.
"A little," Chloe said.
"You know that nothing's going to happen that you don't want to happen, right?" Beca said.
"I know," Chloe said, smiling as she looked over at Beca. "You're the best."
Beca laughed and shook her head. "And you're my favourite."
They ate dinner with the family, and for once Chloe didn't finish too far behind the rest of the family. Beca made sure to keep pace with her, and fielding the seemingly endless questions from the twins definitely helped her slow down.
"Are you Chloe's girlfriend?"
"I am."
"Do you like dinosaurs?"
"I do."
"What's on your wrist?"
"It's a tattoo."
"What's a tattoo?"
"Um... It's like a drawing you get on yourself but it stays there forever."
"Mom I want a tattoo!"
After dinner, they watched a movie with the rest of the family. Robbie wanted to watch Cars, Aliza wanted to watch Monsters Inc., so the family decided on Toy Story 3 as a compromise. Beca struggled to hide the fact that she cried at the end.
"I finally found a movie I like," Beca said, subtly wiping her eyes as they headed upstairs.
"I can't believe you haven't seen it before," Chloe said, pretending not to notice.
"I saw the first two," Beca said. "And I guess I liked them. I was a kid, I don't remember."
Chloe shook her head.
She shut the bedroom door behind them.
"So, what do you want to do?" Beca asked as they once again found themselves sitting on Chloe's bed.
"Um, we could change for bed and watch another movie? I know you've already had to watch a movie and-"
"A movie sounds great," Beca said, cutting her off. She was willing to do whatever it took to stop Chloe feeling nervous.
Chloe smiled and kissed her gently. "Or we could just keep doing this," she said, her hands clenching in her lap again.
Beca kissed her back. "Movie first," she said. She kissed Chloe on the forehead before taking her stuff so she could change in the bathroom.
After putting on a pair of pyjama bottoms, a baggy t-shirt, and brushing her teeth, she left the bathroom, bumping into Lucy on the landing.
"Hi," Beca said. She hadn't really spoken to Chloe's sister much, and she got the impression that Lucy didn't like her.
"Hey," Lucy replied. She hesitated before using the bathroom. "Um, listen, I just wanted to say that you and Chloe are really cute together."
"Oh," Beca said, surprised. "Thanks." She laughed because Lucy looked slightly uncomfortable. "I know it's hard to say sincere things when you're thirteen so thanks, I appreciate you saying that."
She saw a flicker of a smile on Lucy's face before she rolled her eyes and went into the bathroom.
"Your sister thinks we're cute together," Beca said, climbing into bed beside Chloe once the redhead had went and cleaned her own teeth and face. She lifted her arm so Chloe could cuddle up to her.
"Oh," Chloe said. "Cool. She hates everything so this must be a first."
"So what are we watching?" Beca asked, nodding towards the laptop which was resting on their laps.
"Whip It," Chloe said. She had looked through her DVDs for a movie she thought Beca might like.
"Hot girls playing roller-derby? I'm in," Beca said. She felt Chloe laugh against her.
"Are you saying you think that there are more hot girls than me?"
"Oh you're the hottest of all the hot girls," Beca said.
They watched the movie, and Beca found that she didn't hate it. It was funny and, if you ignored the romance, full of really cool women.
"Two good movies in one night," Beca said when it was over, "this is the first time this has ever happened."
Chloe laughed and turned off the laptop before putting it on her floor.
She lay down and Beca mirrored her so they were lying face to face. Since the bed was only a single, they were lying very close together, their legs entwined. Beca's eyes were roaming over Chloe's face, taking everything in.
"You're so pretty," Beca said. One of her hands was resting on Chloe's side, her thumb brushing across her ribs. Chloe smiled, relieved it was dark so that Beca couldn't see her blush.
"You're pretty too," Chloe said. She swept a strand of hair from Beca's face. "I love you."
"I love you too," Beca said, softly, before leaning in and kissing her.
They kissed for a long time, until they finally broke apart, both red faced and a little out of breath.
Beca swept a tear from Chloe's cheek with her thumb. "Are you okay?"
Chloe nodded, smiling. "It's a happy tear. I'm just so glad you're here."
"Me too," Beca said, smiling herself. She kissed her again.
They fell asleep not long after, wrapped in each others arms.
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twilight-deviant · 8 years
I'm not entirely convinced that Flynn killed Anthony, what's your take on the whole thing?
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I dunno. I’m a little wary of theorizing too much without some big hiatus before the next episode. Because odds are we’ll get our answer Monday. But! I’m down to discuss it definitely.
Flynn… and Anthony.
I mean, the thing about Anthony is, yeah, we didn’t know him very well. He only left the Mothership a few times when his expertise was necessary. But we’re still sad he died. Because he was a good man and he went out trying to do a good thing. I mean, he was a really good man. Like aaaaaaaall the way back to the Pilot, his introductory scene. (I’m derailing to mention this in case people haven’t noticed.) Anthony told Rufus to leave and go get tacos. He told Rufus to take Jiya with him. At this point, Anthony had already called Flynn. Connor said Anthony made a call to an unknown number (since disconnected) 30 minutes before Flynn arrived. Anthony knew Flynn was coming. But before that happened, he tried to get Rufus and Jiya out of the building so they wouldn’t get hurt. Just the fact that it was Taco Tuesday and Rufus’s turn to go get them sort of implies Anthony scheduled the siege specifically for that day. My heart. Okay? Anthony was good and he cared about his babies and I hurt.
So anyway, Flynn killing Anthony. I want to say it sounds impossible. They were friends, confidants. A lot of their relationship is just implied or behind the scenes. But they were close, definitely. They were the closest thing to a friend for months. Amidst revolving mercenaries of an unknown count, Flynn and Anthony were always the two with a conscience. To me. (Granted, Flynn tries to bury his deep, but we KNOW it bothers him.) Nothing beats this look they share in 1.08 when that man is being murdered behind them. Sorry didn’t feel like editing out network logo in corner.
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This glance is my everything. Looking away, closing eyes and ears. The guilt they share! They don’t want to kill people. But they’ve come too far to stop. And they are, together, sacrificing their own morals for the bigger picture. There is an understanding between them. Honestly, I think Flynn needed Anthony more than he would ever admit to. Anthony was his peer. He’s not going to talk with or confide in any of the other guys. He’s above them. So now he just has Emma. And he is trusting her way too quickly, imo. I think he’s so in need of a die hard supporter in the fight against Rittenhouse that he’ll take anyone.
But there’s the thing, yeah. Anthony wasn’t a super important main character, but if he’s taken out, it will be by another important character, not a goon. So that leaves us with two suspects in his murder: Flynn and Emma. I’m not gonna lie. I want it to be Emma. Because I don’t want it to be Flynn. I really don’t want it to be Flynn. (May I blather more about their friendship in a minute?)
Thinking about Flynn’s mindset right now, it isn’t… too out there that he would become really emotional about Anthony’s betrayal. Because it’s coming directly after Lucy’s. Flynn is still feeling that one. Then Anthony too?! It’s a bit final straw, ya know. Lucy and Anthony, Flynn trusted them, and they let him down. I can see him becoming very upset at Anthony’s plan to blow up the Mothership. Possibly to the point of shooting him. It would very much be a heat of the moment kill though, not premeditated. I’m saying he most likely caught Anthony in the act. Not that he saw the C4 and waited until he saw Anthony planting it. And the fact that the shots were in the chest and dealt at close range implies the person was in front of Anthony. They were standing, facing, having a conversation. Doesn’t tell much, but Flynn would give Anthony the chance to talk his way out of it. 
But THEN we get into the impracticality of Flynn killing Anthony. It’s like we were seeing the sped up version of Jiya being trained to replace Rufus. As soon as Emma (another pilot) hit the scene, Anthony became expendable. Except no? Anthony is worlds ahead of her. He was the smartest pilot. She was in the woods for ten years. She’s out of practice flying. Way out of practice. Not to mention that she has no experience with the Mothership. She only ever flew the Lifeboat. It is ASTOUNDING she even got it to take off before they blew up the warehouse. And while the Mothership is fairly self-sustaining with its pretty battery (made by genius Anthony Bruhl), it does need maintenance. We just saw him doing some in 1.13. Not only was Emma impressed to see him doing it away from Mason Industries (implying she can’t) but, once again, she. does not. know. the Mothership. Okay? She did not have a hand in building it. If something goes wrong, she is sorely handicapped in fixing it. Which is one of the many reasons why killing Anthony is such a ridiculous decision. And I just can’t see Flynn making such a grievous error. He is a strategist. It’s what he does. He makes plans. Why would he shoot himself in the foot like that?
So yes, I do want to believe it was Emma who killed Anthony. Which is a relief in its own way but worrisome in another. Because that would mean Emma has put Flynn in a situation where he needs her. The man can do many things, but he cannot pilot a time machine. So if she is anything less than a trustworthy ally, she has him over a barrel. In a way, she has all the power in Flynn’s team now. Flynn can plan and shoot and recite history, but he cannot get to these places unless someone takes him. So he just has to hope that she’s as cooperative as Anthony was. And if he shot Anthony, it means he’s putting a lot of faith into someone he just met. (And this would be coming from a man who’s just been twice betrayed?) But if Emma shot Anthony, her motives in doing so are nothing good. Just the fact that she quickly changed her opinion from wanting to destroy the machine herself to seeing its advantage probably means that she has a plot for it so horrible that she killed the man who helped her fake her death. It’s… worrisome.
I’ll wait and see who the killer is, but I would like for it to be Emma. Even though it does start her on the villain path. I’m worried. Flynn’s at her mercy and I don’t even think he’s realized it yet. Anthony didn’t abuse it and instead did everything Flynn said. But we don’t know this woman. We don’t know if she’ll go along with all of Flynn’s plans or interject some of her own. 
But anyway, may I speak more on Flynn/Anthony’s friendship now and why him killing Anthony seems out of character? (I am, of course, excluding the option of spontaneous emotional killing.)
As far as the job is concerned, Flynn and Anthony were more like comrades just working together out of necessity. But you have to look deeper, okay? Because they really were the closest thing they had to a friend. For months. They were equals, intellectuals. They spoke to each other, confided in each other… cared for each other? Wait, waaaaait. Let me back that last one up. I can explain. It’s subtle and you can miss it, but there’s so much implied by one line of dialogue.
In 1.08, Flynn checks in with Anthony on a payphone. He is displeased to hear about our team interfering and asks if he should come back. But Anthony tells him, “No, what you’re doing is too important.” Before the reveal of Flynn’s business with Maria, she’s implied to be Part B of their mission, thus the mentioned importance. But no. Nope. And after we found out what Flynn was really doing, Anthony’s line there meant a lot to me. Saving Gabriel had no outcome on the fight against Rittenhouse. Anthony wanted Flynn to succeed in a personal errand. He wanted Flynn to save his brother and make his mother happy. That’s friendship, right? Or a… reasonable facsimile. Friendship born from needing someone under difficult and trying circumstances. And not only did Anthony want Flynn to save his brother, but it means Flynn confided in him about it, to the point that Anthony understood why it was important. Flynn opened up and shared something incredibly personal. And what did Anthony do? He actually went and made a file on Maria. He confirmed that she would be at Lockman. He helped Flynn save his brother. It’s sweet, right? And on the flip side, Flynn… didn’t… kill Rufus when Anthony told him not to. Aww?
And just their little conversation in 1.03. Flynn says, “I told you there’s gonna be casualties, Anthony.” Makes me wonder about the conversations they had together. And the phone call Anthony made telling Flynn when to come steal the Mothership. I’m really curious about their relationship before the series began. I’m guessing Flynn found out about Anthony and his hesitance with Rittenhouse through the journal. Sought him out. They spoke together, devised a plan. I’m curious about that. They’re friends, okay? They were friends. In a very loose definition of the word, but yes.
So obviously I really don’t want to believe Flynn killed Anthony. It hurts too much. But if he did do it, I know it undoubtedly hurt him too. And I’d like to see the fallout of his guilt and regret. I better get it. I already feel incredibly deprived of the actual scene. I would have LOVED to see Flynn’s reaction to betrayal. And everything after it up until Anthony’s death. Give me that over a “dramatic reveal” of Anthony’s body.
And if I can just draaaaaag this conversation back to my shipper trash priorities. Anthony betrayed Flynn and was shot twice for it (allegedly). Lucy betrayed Flynn and walked away. I’m not saying he can’t kill her, but I am saying he really, really, really doesn’t want to… and probably can’t. Lucy can get away with so much more than other people. She has immunity from his wrath. ♥
tl;dr: Maybe it was Emma? Flynn/Anthony bffs.
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fallen029 · 5 years
“I bet you thought that Mirajane would be here.”
Laxus blinked. Once. Twice. Then shrugged his shoulders.
“I mean,” he began slowly, hands in his jeans, rocking back on his feet some as he stared with a blank expression into the eyes of Lisanna Strauss, “you told me to come to the storage room at three, ‘cause your older sister wanted to speak with me. So yeah, I’d say I was.”
“Well, jokes on you!”
Again, he blinked. Just once. Rocked on his feet instead of shrugged. The blank expression was much the same though.
“I mean,” he went on, sounding bored, “not much of a joke. At most, just a lie. I’m assuming. Unless- Is Mira behind that box over there?”
Lisanna didn’t even glance over at it as she continued to beam victoriously up into the slayer’s eyes.
“Nope,” she sang, popping the latter half of the word on the tip of her tongue.
“Great.” He turned that time, on his heels, headed right back for the door. “See ya.”
“Wait!” Annoyed now, Lisanna moved to grab his arm. “Where are you going?”
Laxus only frowned down at her. “Back to the fucking bar. And don’t fucking lie about your sister needing me again.”
“Why? ‘cause it plays at your love-struck heartstrings?”
“No.” And he shrugged her off then. “Because I’m an important mage, Lisanna. I don’t have time for whatever stupid things normally take place in this bar.”
“You were drinking with the Thunder Legion.”
“I’m way too far above you, Lisanna, for you to judge my actions.”
“Your ego, maybe, but-”
“Don’t,” he warned once more with a glare, “pull this shit again.”
“But don’t you wanna hear why I asked you to-”
“Laxus- Hey, come back! If you don’t then...I’ll tell Mira that you’re being a massive bully to me. She won’t like that. At all.”
“I don’t,” he grumbled over his shoulder, “care.”
And bleh, Laxus had to be the worst guy in the whole hall for her sister to fall in love with.  
See, Lisanna, like most other people, was immediately weary over the idea of her sister and the slayer dating. For obvious reasons. Even removed from the basic ones, such as guild relationships turning nasty when they inevitably fell apart, worsened still by the fact Mira and Laxus were two of their top wizards and Fairy Tail couldn’t stand to lose either, but also because, well, Laxus was super weird.
“He’s not...super weird,” Lucy hummed some when the pair discussed the guild’s most recent dramatic happening. “Just… I mean, it depends on your definition of super.”
“He fits my description,” Lisanna assured her and the blonde hummed because she was trying to keep an open mind about all this (and she also wasn’t completely certain the Thunder Legion weren’t lurking around, waiting to beat anyone up that shared their discouraging thoughts about their idol).
This hardly bothered the youngest Strauss, however, as she found herself voicing this same thing to the Thunder Legion themselves, one day when she was filling in at the bar for her sister as Mirajane took off early, on a date with Laxus. Bleh.
“He is not super weird,” Freed defended, sounding much more forceful on the topic than Lucy had been. “At all.”
“Eh, I dunno about that one,” Bickslow snickered, tongue dangling from his mouth as his babies floated all about. “We’re all a little bit weird, yeah? And the boss, oh, man, the boss is, like, twelve times as great as the rest of us. The better the person, the weirder the person.”
“Can’t be right.” Evergreen hardly glanced up from filing her nails though she did nod at her glass as Lisanna went around the table, offering refills. “Because you’re not much of a person at all, Bickslow. And you’re the weirdest one alive.”
“Cut me deep, yeah?” He pretended to sniffle, the man did, as his babies moaned. “Maybe I’m special.”
“Oh, you’re plenty special.”
“What’s that supposed to mean, Ever?”
“Exactly what I said.”
“Laxus,” Freed spoke over his two counterparts bickering, “is not weird, Lisanna. If anything, and do not take this the wrong way, your sister...well...”
“Oh, yeah, she’s major weird.” Lisanna hardly cared for that portion of things. “But in the right ways. Unlike Laxus.”
It felt like that should be the standard response of most people. And it pretty much was, as she waded her way through drinking, not nearly as much of course, with Cana one day, who found Laxus to be super-duper weird (or maybe she was just slurring her words again…) and even sitting in through a round of cards with Macao and Wakaba, though they might have just been kind of jealous.
Which was weird in it’s own right.
“What would Mirajane even want with a weirdo like that?” Happy huffed as she and him sat in the grass together one day, not lifting a single finger to help Natsu as struggled with his fishing pole, down by the stream, wrangling in a super big fish for their lunch. The other slayer hadn’t said that he thought Laxus was weird, mostly because Lisanna didn’t want to mention Laxus’ name too loudly around him, for fear she’d have to listen to him gripe about wanting a fight with him. Happy’s endorsement to her opinion was enough. He even insisted some then, the Exceed did, “Mirajane needs a real man!”
The realest men of all real men had his own apprehensions when it came to Mirajane’s new love interest, but still, Elfman told it as true to his youngest sister as he could.
“Don’t really matter, how weird we think he is,” Elfman sighed one night over the poor attempt at dinner the pair of them had attempted to make as Mirajane, instead of being around to either cook it for them or bring them something home from the hall, was out with the slayer in question. Staring pitifully at his plate of burnt meatloaf, he remarked, “There’s only one person who’s opinion matters. And she’s the biggest man I know!”
Lisanna figured Laxus didn’t agree much, with the end of that, but she did find one day, as she laid in her older sister’s bed one night, following a successful date, both giggling and giddy, just how much Mirajane actually found Laxus to be, well…
“Oh, he’s the weirdest man you’ve ever met,” Mirajane agreed after Lisanna, once her giggles died down, found herself voicing this opinion to her older sister only to find it completely founded in fact. “He, like, obsessively shines his boots. Or has one of the Thunder Legion do it. And he insists on going out on his motorcycle, at least once a month, even though he gets violently motion sick from it. And he’s very serious about his hair- It’s kind of annoying, actually. Vain about it, almost. And-”
“Then why do you like him?”
That was it.
The bunt version, at least.
Lisanna had never found it in her to just flat out question her sister on this, not in the few months this had all been developing and it would be rude, really, for her to list to others just why Laxus was all wrong for her sister. So she didn’t. She tried to draw it out of them.
It never worked.
But it was on Mira.
Mira could go on forever about how ‘weird’ Laxus was. But she only smiled when her sister stopped her from doing this with a question.
“That’s a completely different thing, Lisanna. Why I like him.” Mira hummed some, as they laid beside one another, her staring up at her ceiling and her younger sister, off to her side, only staring up at her. “There’s a lot of reasons, actually.”
And it wasn't about what Mirajane listed. Some of the reasons felt generic and just part of that early relationship bliss. Some were deeper, maybe, and more meaningful. But they all blurred together, regardless, as what stood out to Lisanna instead was her sister’s tone of voice. It wasn’t familiar, really, to Lisanna, even though what they were doing at the moment, giggling about guys, certainly was.
When Mirajane spoke about Laxus, really, truly, spoke about Laxus, well…
“I just,” Lisanna griped that day, down in the basement storage room, where Laxus was annoyed, thinking she’d drug him off down there to, well, really he wasn’t sure what she was doing, but if Mira wasn’t even in on it, then he wanted out of there and fast, “called you down here to tell you something. And you’re never alone, at the hall. Or when you are, you put your headphones in and mean mug everyone and that’s kind of rude, you know, and you should really-”
“What,” he griped, tone harsh and heavy, but still, he paused as he spoke, on the basement steps, “did you want to say to me? Lisanna?”
“Just that…I like that you’re with my sister. A lot. Because...I think that she really likes you. Even though you’re super weird. And… Just don’t hurt her, you know?” Blushing some, as she meant for this all to go in a much more lighthearted direction when she tricked him into speaking with her, Lisanna kicked at the ground then as she added, “And also, you know, if you ever wanted to hang out with me, say, by the stream? On Thursday afternoons? When Natsu isn’t out on a job? That wouldn’t be inconspicuous and certainly wouldn’t be a trap to get you to fight him or anything-”
“Didn’t ask for your bless, kid, about your sister and me.” Still, Laxus was just standing there, midway up the stairs. Sighing some, his shoulders fell and his tone fell back to the void one as he glanced over his shoulder, down there at her. “And beside, I’m not the fucking weirdo.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re the one trickin’ guys into comin’ down to the dank basement with ya. Masquerade with guys as your sister a lot, do ya?”
“Shut up, Laxus! You big jerk!”
She stuck her tongue out at him as the slayer merely snorted and started up the stairs once more, leaving her alone, down in the basement, alone.
But feeling better, at least.
Not nearly as good as she did, however, the following weak as, this time, Happy and Natsu found it better to bicker amongst themselves as she sat, bored, holding the fishing pole and hoping for a bite.
It was swift, the change in air. It went from a light, breezy, lazy spring afternoon to suddenly a static filled air and she heard it before she saw it. The loud crack of thunder as a lightning bolt raced through the air, strike Natsu, who had no time or wherewithal to ready himself as, only moments before, he’d definitely been wining his argument with his little buddy.
Happy yelled as Lisanna expressed surprise, but Natsu only fell to the ground, twitching as electricity bounced off his body, all his hairs standing on end.
“Laxus!” Happy cried out as, not struck and yet frightened, he dove for Lisanna’s protection as she only jumped to her feet, watching as he came then, from out of the shadows, walking passed them, headed deeper into the forest.
“Passin’ through,” he remarked simply and, from the pack on his back, it was clear he was headed for a new job. “Then I see you weirdos here, mucking up Magnolia’s best fishin’ spot-”
“Weirdos?” Happy growled some, from the safety of Lisanna’s arms. “You’re the the weird one, Lax-”
“What ya say, cat?” And he paused then, the blond slayer, just to glare over at them as, finally, Natsu’s twitching stopped.
Nothing. At all. But as Happy coward with fear, Lisanna, slowly, began to smile, raising one hand to wave at Laxus.
“He’ll really appreciate it,” she assured the older man who only snorted, hiking his bag further up his shoulder as he kept on, deeper into the forest. “Thanks, Laxus!”
He didn’t tell her not to mention it.
He felt like it was heavily implied.
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fallen029 · 5 years
Can I request something too? Modern high school Miraxus au. Love your stories
Class was insufferable and Laxus was all, but losing hope in ever learning the quadratic formula. He did nothing to help his cause, of course, given the fact that he certainly wasn’t paying attention and was, instead, pretty focused on something far more important. Rather than copying down any of the notes during the first half of class, he spent it filling the lines of his notebook with something far more important. In his deliberate lettering, he worked diligently at it, thoughtful and questioning on the only thing that meant something to him in his life.
Besides, Freed could teach him how to, uh, solve the, uh, what was it? Quads or something? Freed was probably a master at quads. Whatever the fuck that meant. Yeah. Formulas were his thing. Laxus did catch a warning the teacher offered right before the bell to end the period, something about a test in the coming days over the subject and, well, yeah, surely, Freed could help him.
And if not, well, fuck school anyways.
Fuck everything, anyways.
“You,” Evergreen complained as she met him in the hallway though her eyes were searching around him for someone else, “look happy today, Laxus.”
“He’s thinkin’ about fuckin’,” Bickslow offered as they’d met there, outside of his locker, as the teen fiddled around in there for something.
“What?” Ever asked with a frown as Laxus mostly ignored the two of them. They were definitely the lower tier of friends. Right now, he just needed Freed to come around, so he could drop off his calc homework and instruct the guy to call him later that night, if not come over, to teach him how to do it. Maybe.
If things went right, Laxus might have plans.
“We’re all,” Bickslow insisted, “thinkin’ ‘bout fuckin’ all the time. Except, of course, when you’re thinkin’ about eatin’. Or sleepin’. Do you think about sleepin’, do you think, Laxus, Ever, when you’re sleepin’? What are you thinkin’ about then? Nothin’? I’ve been wonderin’- Ah, here ya are, babies.”
Ever’s eyes widened at the latter half of his sentence and finally glanced in the locker. “Bickslow, what the fuck?”
“I found ‘em, see?” he remarked as he’d lifted his massive amount of junk in his locker up to reveal a sweater beneath that housed five little mice. “Babies. Their mother had been killed. Squished.”
“By what?”
“My shoe. Mice are fuckin’ disgustin’.”
“No, Ever, I was doing a service to the world. But then I saw these little, pink, scared babies, and-”
“Where did you find them? Home? And you brought them here?”
“Ah, no, I found them down in the basement.”
“Basement of what?”
“The school.” He was really growing annoyed with her. She was so fucking dense. “I, uh, mightta found some paint cans down there if you, uh, catch my, uh, drift, yeah?”
But she didn’t care about that. Instead, she began to lecture him about taking fucking baby rodents in as pets, to which he argued they weren’t pets, they were his children now, he’d named them, so she could get fucked, and in fact, there came Elfman Strauss right then, and then Evergreen got mad and actually called Elfman over to stomp Bickslow instead and it was just a whole thing.
A whole thing that Laxus wanted nothing to do with.
Leaving them then (it was clear they needed no help in their descent into madness), he was kind of annoyed because he’d just wasted an entire minute of the short amount of time he had between classes. Not on their drivel (though that too was a waste), but rather the fact he was waiting for someone who didn’t pass by and that was shit. His time was golden.
She was in the library, which is what he figured, as he sped-walked to get there before next bell. Mirajane Strauss. She was at a table with her lame sister and her sister’s even lamer friend, Natsu. Fucking gross.
“I waited for you,” he complained as he approached the table they were seated at. “Mira.”
She smiled though, from his presence, though his looming over the table really put a damper on Natsu and Lisanna.
“We’re meeting in the library today. Did I forget that?” She only shrugged some at him. “Sorry.”
“Yeah, well- What the fuck are you doing, Dragneel?” Laxus complained then as he observed he and Lisanna, seated across from one another at the square table, both leaning forwards as she held a lighter, slight flame ablaze, as the other guy held a finger right through the middle of the round flame. “Moron.”
“I bet he couldn’t hold it there for-” Lisanna started, but Natsu finally swore, removing his finger. As Laxus glared and Mira looked on quizzically though, he just shoved his finger into his mouth before, with his other hand, moving to stick another finger through the flame. And then Lisanna started counting softly under her breath.
Fucking underclassmen.
“We’re in our first aid class, anyways,” Mira pointed out slowly. “We’re supposed to be researching for our term papers, but I guess if he burns himself bad enough, Ms. Porlyusica can have us-”
Laxus blood ran cold just from the name. “Is she in here yet? Shit. I don’t wanna see her.”
“At least you’re not in the class.” And Lisanna sent her sister a glare as Natsu, once more, had to pull his finger away in pain. “I only took it because Mira insisted to us that-”
“I thought,” her sister complained right back, “that Mr. Gildarts was teaching the class. He used to. It’s not my fault he got fired.”
“That’s right.” Natsu spit his fingers out of his mouth to glare at Laxus. “It’s yours!”
“Look, pyro, I’m really not in the mood,” the blond retorted with a glare. “I ain’t got nothin’ to do with what my grandfather does.”
“He fired him for showing up drunk, literally, everyday.” Mira’s eyes fell back to the thick medical book before her. “I really don’t think that Master Makarov had a choice.”
“That’s right, sis, sell out to your in-laws,” Lisanna retorted with a stuck out tongue.
“Gildarts deserved better,” Natsu agreed.
“You’re going to be late,” Mira warned her boyfriend instead as the guy still just stood there before the table. “And Ms. Porlyusica will, you know, eventually come to class. I guess.”
“Gildarts would have been here by now,” Lisanna insisted softly to which Natsu was quick to nod.
“I wanted to give you this.” And Laxus was pulling a folded sheet of paper from his pocket then, to hand to the oldest Strauss girl. “Mira.” He coughed then, as he passed it off, and looked off. “I thought maybe you could come over later, tonight, maybe, and we could go over it? I dunno though because Freed’s gonna freak out about calculus-”
Mira didn’t even open the paper, instead setting it down. “I’ll come over, Lax. Sometime around six, okay?”
He grinned then, easily, and she grinned and Lisanna gagged while Natsu just snatched up the lighter and held it under his palm instead.
“What,” Lisanna started as she tried to reach over and snatch the paper after the older boy rushed off, right as the bell for next period rang, “is this? Mira?”
But her sister snatched it first, holding it away from her. “None of your business.”
“I could burn it, after you read it,” Natsu offered. “If you really want to keep it secret, Mira.”
Ms. Porlyusica was entering the room then though, first to confiscate Natsu’s lighter and then to lecture them all on how little work they seemed to be doing in their research. As Lisanna and Natsu lamented their favorite lighter being gone forever (it had a super cool design on it and everything), Mirajane unfolded the paper and laid it flat against the pages of her book, to read over it without drawing much attention.
She marked her own corrections on the sheet of notebook paper, in far prettier handwriting than Laxus’ thick, block letters. It would be a long few classes though, before she saw him at lunch. She didn’t have time to sit with him either because Lucy was having a complete meltdown, again, over something really basic, Laxus grumbled, and dumb and stupid and girly and why was she just giving him the paper back? When he needed her to go over it with him?
“We can tonight,” she insisted as she rushed off, out of the cafeteria, to the girl’s bathroom, where she’d no doubt do little more than reaffirm all of Lucy’s bad behavior. Because this was all bad behavior. Laxus never did that with his friends. No. He made them better people. Smarter people.
“Uh, Laxus, I’s just wonderin’, is all, what would happen if, say, five baby mice kinda escaped my pockets and are now running freely about the cafeteria? I’m just wonderin’ though.”
Freed, who’d yet to hear about this development, hardly glanced up from his lunch tray. “That sounds like a high specific- What is crawling up my leg!”
“Oi, great! Ya found one!”
The day couldn’t end fast enough for Laxus. He still, as the only one with a car, take Freed, Ever, and Bickslow all home, but that sucked even worse because Bickslow was held after school, and Evergreen kept insisting they should let the little freak walk, but well…
So he was rushing a bit, around the house he shared with his grandfather, to pick up around the place as the clock ticked closer and closer to six. Makarov, who got home in the middle of his grandson’s meltdown over why neither of them ever vacuumed, and where did they even keep one, only snickered a bit.
“Mira coming over?”
“Shut up, gramps. And stay in your fucking room while she’s here.”
Yeah, right.
Makarov made sure to greet Mira at the door, just to get under the teen’s skin, but he also had better things to do than ruin his grandson’s life for the night.
“Keep the door open,” he snickered as Laxus led Mira to his room and that got a finger from the boy, but Makarov was already laughing into a beer can. “Before you end up like your father. Can’t raise another kid, I can’t.”
Mirajane’s cheeks were all red when they got in there, but Laxus only slammed the door heavily behind him.
“He’s a fucking creep,” he growled at the closed door, but she was already focusing on slipping her guitar case off her back.
“Anyways,” she began as she pulled an acoustic from the case, “did you read over the corrections I made? To your lyrics? I think it flows better, that way, Laxus.”
But he was too busy glaring to care much for her words. Still, when he fell down onto the floor, before his bed, she only moved to join him, guitar in her lap.
“You’re,” he grumbled softly as he pulled the folded sheet of paper from his pocket, to set it on the ground, at their sides, so she could glance over it, “the artist.”
“Hardly.” And she giggled some. “I really like your writing. Your structure or whatever, I guess? I’m not really technical.”
“Neither am I.”
“But you’re poetic.”
“I’m not teasing you, dragon,” she insisted and he liked when she called him that. She started about a week after he first asked her out, because they went to the carnival that was in town and he won her this really big, bright, yellow dragon from those fucking trick games that they have. It made him feel special, to have a nickname. One so personal, just to her. “I really think you are.”
“Yeah, well,” he grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head back, to glare up at the ceiling. “You can’t stay long, right?”
She never could. She had to get home and cook for her brother and sister. Their parents were gone, constantly, away on business, and as the oldest, she was needed to retain order.
“No,” she sighed as she took to testing each string, tuning them. “I can’t.”
“Then you should start tryin’, uh, chords or whatever it is that you do. How does it even work? So I wrote you something and now you’ll sing it and, what? Just see what sounds good?”
“Trial and error.” But she was nodding then, over to his desk in the corner. “While I do this though, you need to go over there and start looking over your pre-cal.”
“Freed came up to me during gym class and said that you-”
“Fuckin’ turncoat.”
“If you flunk that class, Laxus, you can’t-”
“I fuckin’ know what I-”
“Do it.”
And she had a look about her, when she was annoyed. A dark one. It helped, he figured, when dealing with unruly younger siblings.
Still, he rose to his feet and sulked over to the desk. There were grumbles, of course, but those faded as she began to strum at her guitar and hum, softly, under her breath at first, trying to figure something, it seemed, and he grumbled again that it sounded better the way he wrote it, but Mira only strummed louder, and, well, he was probably still going to flunk, but he’d at least read over the chapter in the text book. It would have helped, of course, to have notes, but then he wouldn’t have been able to bullshit some words on a sheet of paper and con his girlfriend into coming over with it.
So really, who was really losing out?
Him on his education, fine, but once Mira started singing somewhere other than just the stupid school dances, who would be laughing then?
Probably not him, still, because he’d still be flunking.
Man, the more he thought about it, maybe he should actually start trying in class…
Or just bank on his girlfriend eventually making it big and taking care of him for the rest of forever.
He would, after all, have to be credited as her songwriter. Way more important than calc.
And when he eventually abandoned his work completely and she gave up on her guitar, and they were  all alone, there, together, on the floor, well, fuck school and making it big and every other dumb thing that tried to drown out the usual thing that occupied his thoughts.
“Fuck,” he complained against Mira’s lips when he heard his grandfather pass by, whistling a loud tune, down the hallway.
But Mirajane only giggled up at him and her eyes were so blue and nice and pretty and he wasn’t that poetic at all. That’s probably why she completely changed every fucking thing in the lyrics he’d given her.
He was never going to be accredited…
It was true though. Her eyes were all those things. And maybe that wasn’t deep or interesting and yeah, he probably was going to fail his test at least, but man, if that moment didn’t make it worth it.
“You’re really, uh, pretty, Mira,” he muttered softly as she moved back from him then, because it was late and she had to get home soon, to make sure her siblings ate. 
“Yeah,” she agreed. “I am.”
“Did you want me to say you’re pretty too, Laxus? You have pretty hair.”
“You can come over tomorrow.” She was moving to pack up her guitar. “To my house.”
“Hard pass.”
“My parents will be back then, from their business trip, and-”
“Bigger pass.”
“You’re coming.”
He was. 
“I’ll work more on the song too, for you,” she was going on as she was leaving and he rose, to walk her to door. “Dragon.”
He could feel a pit in his stomach rising, just from the thought of being around her father and mother again (they were more than a bit harsh), not to mention her brother and sister, but still managed his usual cocky grin. 
“Can’t,” he said as he led her out of the room, “wait.”
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fallen029 · 7 years
"Hey! No peeking!"
"I'm not peeking."
"Happy, is she peeking?"
"Aye, sir!"
"You stupid cat," Lucy growled. "You didn't even look at me."
"I didn't have to," Happy responded from his place above them as he flew over their heads. "You always peek."
That was true enough. Since becoming a couple, Lucy and Natsu had both learned things about each other. The most important thing about Natsu at that moment was that, well, he really liked to surprise her with things. Even the stupidest of things. Once he ran into the guild hall all out of breath and everything before demanding that she come with him. He even made her close her eyes and everything. Then he led her through the city (and into a few walls. Happy claims on accident, but she wasn't too sure) and back to her apartment where, low and behold…he had bought her a pack of gum.
No, seriously.
So any sane person at that point in such a relationship would realize that their partner just had an issue weighing what counted as important and what didn't. Only anyone that knew Natsu and Lucy knew that when it came to the sane person in their relationship, there just wasn't one.
Lucy had many bad habits. One of them, as Natsu found out, was her inability to just allow herself to be freaking surprised. Annoying. He went out of his way sometimes doing all sorts of cool stuff (like buying her a candy bar or making her bed after he messed it up or cleaning up the mud he got on her carpet) that was just begging for him to surprise her with. But the second he said to cover her eyes, she'd completely pretend to until he wasn't looking and then just open them.
The nerve.
So that meant that he had to take to just putting his hands over his eyes. That was his newest technique to keep her from peeking. He used it that time that he bought her some milk (after drinking all the rest), that time he washed her clothes (and also somehow managed to shrink all her clothes. Again, she's pretty certain that was on purpose) and even the time he bought Plue this really cool looking collar (that went over horribly with both her and Happy, but Plue rather seemed to like it).
All in all however, that method seemed to fail as all Lucy would do wait for him to wiggle his fingers or something and then just open her eyes and peek around them. She was really sneaky like that.
Not that he could blame her. With the surprises that he was doling out, who could contain themselves?
And for Lucy's part, it wasn't like she really wanted to peek. Or cared about any of the stupid things he wanted to 'surprise' her with. For the most part they just turned out to be a) him fixing/replacing something he broke or ate, b) something that she didn't want, or c) him doing chores around her apartment. Yeah, like she really cared to be surprised with any of that.
Still though, it was just like people said. The thought was what counted…sort of. It was the thought of getting a gift that made her behave like that. Just the thought of Natsu giving her something made her want it that instant without fail. Even though she knew it would probably be something she in actuality did not want nor need or had just been waiting on him to do, it was still the anticipation that made her act the way she did.
"Na-ah, Luce," Natsu said in that moment. He had been leading her down the road with his hands covering her eyes as he walked behind her. Now though, he released her as she blinked in surprise. "You're not cheating again."
"What?" She turned around to look at him. Even Happy had took to hovering, wondering what they were doing. "Are you not going to give me my surprise now? Because that's not fair, Natsu and you know it. You can't-"
"Nope." He wasn't even looking at her. Instead he was messing with his signature scarf. "I'm going to find another way to keep you from peeking."
She only stared at him as he took the long and thick strip of fabric in both hands, giving her a menacing grin while he was at it. Taking a step back, Lucy put her hands up in the air in surrender.
"N-Never mind, Natsu," she said slowly. "I don't want the surprise anyhow. I-"
"Nope!" he declared loudly. "Too late."
"Come here, Luce!" He jumped at her, easily wrestling her to the ground before beginning to wrap his scarf around her eyes as a makeshift blindfold. Had any other man been holding down any other woman in the streets of Magnolia, some sort of alarm would have been raised. But considering it was Natsu (no one was even sure if he knew what sex was anyhow) and Lucy (why was she with him again?) no one even batted an eye.
"No fair, Natsu," the blonde raved as he boyfriend pulled her back to her feet. "I can't see a thing."
"I think that's the point," Happy chimed from the air.
"If you guys run me into something, I'm going to be super mad."
"What else is new?"
"Ah, you know me, Luce. I would never hurt you," he told her as he patted her shoulders. "Now be a good girl and hurry this along, huh? I mean, this surprise business is starting to eat into my picking a fight with Gray time."
"You're the one that insisted on surprising me, idiot!"
So they walked for a long time with Lucy complaining the whole time. Natsu and Happy took to making faces at one another to pass the time. It was really the only thing to keep themselves from dying of boredom. Gah! Why did he like doing things for Lucy again?
…Oh yeah. Because she was his girlfriend. Huh. Who knew those were so much work?
It was all going great too. They were almost to Lucy's apartment where his surprise would be waiting for her…when he kind of got distracted and may have accidentally ran her into the canal.
"Oh no," Natsu groaned as she walked right into it. He came up short though, stopping right before he fell in himself. "My scarf."
"Natsu!" She stood up, the water coming about waist high on her. Some guys in a boat yelled something at her about finally falling in, but she was too focused on her boyfriend to even care.
Ripping the scarf away from her eyes, she turned to glare at him as Happy came to land on the ground next to him. It only took Natsu and Happy a moment to begin laughing. Loudly. Uncontrollably.
"You totally did that on purpose," Lucy accused as she moved to climb out of the water. "You big jerk."
"It was an accident," Natsu said between laughs. "I'm sorry, Luce, I-"
"No." She threw his scarf at him when she got back up on the sidewalk. "You big dope!"
"Uh-oh, Natsu," Happy giggled. "Now she's angry with us."
"I didn't mean to," Natsu sighed as he realized that he was in some serious trouble then. "Lucy-"
"No, Natsu. You two are always being mean to me for no reason," she told him as she turned to walk away from them, scurrying towards her apartment. It was rather cold out after all. "Leave me alone."
"Yeah, Natsu. Leave her alone." Happy was up and running after Lucy then. "How dare you walk her into the canal? You-"
"You too, Happy. You're both jerks."
Natsu groaned, figuring he had better head after her as well. "Luce, wait. The surprise-"
"Like I really want a damn piece of gum, Natsu. Leave me alone."
"Do you think she's found it yet?"
"I dunno," Natsu told Happy with a shrug. They were standing outside Lucy's building, right under her window, trying to figure out what she was doing in there. Happy had immediately suggested going in through the window, but Natsu thought that they should give Lucy a few minutes to cool off.
"I think she would have screamed if she found it."
"Screamed? Do women do that?"
"With a surprise like that? Sure."
Natsu only crossed his arms, sighing a little, his waterlogged scarf dripping in one hand. "I only wish she hadn't gotten my scarf all wet."
"Uh, Natsu?" Happy gave him an odd look. "I think that was more of your fault than hers."
"How do you figure?"
Rolling his eyes, Happy decided not to answer. Instead, he took to the air before moving to gather Natsu up in his arms. Time to go through the window.
The apartment was quiet when they made it in. Honestly, Natsu didn't know why Lucy just didn't lock her window like a normal person if she didn't want him going through it. If anything, he thought that meant she secretly wanted him to use it. That was the only deduction he could make.
"Shhh," he shushed Happy. He could hear her in her bathroom. She had probably taken a bath. "Let's just wait for her to come out, huh? Clearly she hasn't seen the surprise yet."
"Or maybe she was unimpressed."
Natsu hadn't thought of that and just sat there for a moment on Lucy's bed before shaking his head. Nope, no way.
It took Lucy forever to come out of her bathroom. And by forever, Natsu totally meant fifteen minutes. Gah! He almost clawed his own eyes out in boredom.
"What are you two doing in here?" Lucy asked when she found them, though she didn't look too shocked to see them. She had to have known that they'd show up eventually. She had changed after her bath and looked in better spirits. "Other than annoying me further?"
"We came to say sorry, Lucy." Happy was bouncing on her bed then, but came to a stop with a smile all of a sudden. "And you're going to forgive us."
"Why would I-"
"Because you love us," he sang.
"Shut up, cat!"
Natsu sighed, getting to his feet then. "Did you not look on your dresser, Luce?"
"My what?"
Coming up behind her, he put his hands over her eyes. "No peeking."
"Walk over to the dresser. Come on."
When they got to it, Natsu dropped his hands. Getting pumped again, he said, "Surprise!"
Lucy blinked as she stared down at her cluttered dresser, her eyes falling after a moment on a little black box. When she looked back at Natsu, he only smiled brightly.
"Open it then."
"Open it, Luce. Come on."
Slowly, she reached out to pick up the box and open it. Not a moment later a little firefly fluttered out.
"Surprise!" Natsu jumped slightly with happiness as Happy giggled. "We caught a firefly! Just for you, Luce!"
Lucy was too embarrassed to be angry. Her blush was deeper than it ever had been before.
"And you put it in a box like this because…?"
"Oh, because I don't need it no more," he told her as he patted his pocket. "I thought it was too risky, you know, to keep the ring in that box. Then you might find it, you know?"
"Natsu," Happy complained as Lucy slowly turned to look at him.
"Then there is a ring?" she asked slowly, almost in a breathless manner.
"Oh yeah. Of course." He was grinning real big, still excited by the firefly. "I was gonna ask you if you wanted to get mar… Oh. Oops."
She jumped on him then so suddenly that it almost made Natsu topple over. Tossing her arms around his neck, she pressed kisses to his cheek.
"Natsu," she cooed. "Oh, this is so wonderful. I have to go tell Gray and Erza and Levy and Mira and- Oh! Levy can be my maid of honor and-"
"Ah man," Natsu complained as he allowed her to continue kiss him. Scratching at his head as he dropped his wet scarf on the floor, he said, "I was totally gonna surprise you and everything."
"Nice going, Natsu," Happy complained, though he was clearly excited too. "It was going to be real great when he asked you, Lucy. Now he ruined it."
"If you were going to be there, it wouldn't have been that great."
She only sighed, taking a step back to look at Natsu. He still seemed upset about ruining everything. Reaching out, she took his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her.
"Ask me."
"Ask you what?"
"You know. If I want to marry you."
"No." He turned away from her then, crossing his arms. "Now you ruined the surprise, tricking me like that. How come you have to ask questions, huh? Like it's so odd to keep a firefly in a jewelry box?"
She blinked. Then she sighed. "Natsu-"
"And you got my scarf all wet and haven't even apologized!"
That one got her. Starting to grow angry, she said, "You're the one that led me into the canal, idiot!"
"I don't see your point."
Okay. So she was going to have to be the grownup in the situation. What else was new? Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the ceiling before counting to ten.
"Natsu," she said slowly. "If I wash your scarf, then will you ask me?"
"Mmmm…maybe. It depends."
"On what?"
"Are you going to use some of that good smelling stuff that will make it smell all nice and stuff?"
She blinked. "You mean detergent?"
"That's the thing."
Letting out a long sigh, she said, "Yeah, sure."
"Okay then." Turning back around to look at her, he reached into his pocket. "Lucy, will you-" Then he stopped. "Oops, wrong pocket." Digging into the other pocket then, he began once more. "Lucy, will you-" Another stop. Then he frowned. "Uh-oh."
"Natsu," she began slowly, trying to keep the panic out of her voice. He only grinned sheepishly.
"Well, it'll be a surprise then, huh? When we find it?"
"Why would you take it out of the box if you were just going to lose it?"
He groaned. "I'm sorry, Luce, I just-"
"Happy." Lucy looked to the blue Exceed then. "Do you know where it is?"
"No," he told her with a frown. "I'm not the thief here. You are."
"You. You probably stole it and sold it." Happy nodded his head. "She looks like the type, doesn't she, Natsu?"
"Well," he began slowly, stroking his chin. "That does make sense, I suppose."
"Natsu, don't encourage him."
"Gah, you sure dodged a bullet with this one, Natsu," Happy told him, going back to bouncing on the bed. "Good thing you lost the ring."
"Good thing is right."
"Natsu." Lucy huffed, crossing her arms. "We are going to start looking for this ring right now and we're not going to stop until we find it."
"What? No. Lucy-"
"Now, Natsu."
"I mean it."
"But I wanted to go to the guild hall and fight somebody. Come on, Luce. This isn't fair."
"Not fair? You dunking me in the canal wasn't fair."
"You got my scarf wet," he defended. "So we're all even on that front."
"You're the one that wrapped it around my head!"
"I still don't see your point."
"Welp, it looks like you guys are all good here," Happy began as he came to a stop with his bounces. Looking for a ring sounded like an awful lot of work. Especially considering his life would change very little whether they found it or not. Natsu and Lucy were already an annoying married couple as far as he was concerned. "I'm just going to go-"
"No way, cat." Lucy turned her daggers on him. "You are going to help look too."
"Why me?"
"Are you going to be living with us when Natsu and I get married? Are you going to be eating our food? Using all our stuff?"
"…I'm with Natsu. I don't see your point in any of this."
"Get to searching, cat."
As Lucy went on a rampage, rummaging all around the room for the item, Natsu and Happy got busy pretending to look.
"When are you gonna tell her that you still have it in your pocket?" Happy whispered to Natsu.
"In a few minutes," he laughed. "Then it'll be an even better surprise, huh?"
Happy only sighed, looking over at the blonde who was overturning all her pillows and blankets in her fruitless search.
"Are you sure you want to marry her?"
"Yeah, little buddy," Natsu grinned, watching her with a mixture of amusement and fascination. "She's the one."
"And you're sure it's not just 'cause she can make your clothes smell nice? 'cause I think we can find a lot of people that use detergent in their laundry."
"It's more than just that," Natsu assured him with a grin. "And you know that you love her too."
Happy only made a noise. He cared for Lucy deeply, but he never rightly liked to admit it.
"Say it," Natsu ordered. "You love her."
"Hey! Don't use my stuff back on me!"
"I better not hear the two of you talk again until you find my damn ring," Lucy growled at them causing the two best friends share a grin.
Yeah, she was the one.
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elliotthezubat · 5 years
 Joker: "Good morning!" *grabs a thermos of coffee* "Well, I'm heading out~"
nana: whatever.
sasori: *yaaawn*
scarlet: how was the first night for you?
sasori: i slept well, all things considered...
Joker: *looks outside* "..." *taps a security device on the door before climbing up an indoor stairway*
sasori: so, what am i supposed to be doing?
scarlet: for starters, getting a decent meal.
Joker: *calls back* "And keep an eye on Nana--she bites!"
nana: SCREW YOU!
sasori: .___.;
Joker: "..." *shuts the door, looks up the stairs...then flashes away*
Inka: *walking through streets with a hoodie on* "...You didn't need to follow me for this."
ritsu: *in gothic lolita attire with a parasol* but it's important to keep you safe, besides, i enjoy a little people watching~
Inka: "...Uh huuuuuuh..." *looking around* "The fire trail is faint...but I think I see where a fight will happen soon enough..."
Tsukiyo: *shivers* "Ugh, they said a giant laser hit the Moon. Is Haijima working on blowing it up now or something?"
Konro: *looking at his medicine* "Gee, what if the medicine comes from aliens?"
Tsukiyo: "WHAT?!"
Konro: ^^; "I'm just making a little joke..."
fang-hua: ^^; still, pretty scary stuff.....
Tsukiyo: -3- "Anything that hurts the Moon is an offense to me."
Benimaru: "Look who's got a high opinion of herself."
Tsukiyo: >3<
eibon: nngh.... *opening his eyes*
Blair: "Hello, sir...Feeling better?"
eibon: i suppose so...*looking around*
Blair: "We had you moved to Gallows Manor. But your children told us what you may like us to bring over."
eibon: ah, i see. are they around?
Blair: *nods* "They were making some soup for you..."
eibon: ah. *tries to get up*
Blair: "Wow--rest up! You need to recuperate..."
eibon: yes, right....
Blair: "I'll call your kids in~" ^w^
Lucy: "Feeling better this morning?"
atsushi: yeah, i guess so...
Lucy: "...But...?"
atsushi: but what?
Lucy: >3< "But you just said 'guess so,' so there must be something else still bothering you!"
atsushi: well, i guess im still kind of tired. ^^;
Lucy: "..." *sets down some tea* "Did you sleep at all?"
atsushi: i dont remember falling asleep.
Lucy: "?! Then no wonder you're tired. So, you didn't sleep at all, or you fell asleep but didn't feel like you slept?"
Atsushi: yeah pretty much.
Lucy: "That's no good. We're asking Kunikida to give you today off."
Vulcan: "Nice wheels, Hibana..."'
Hibana: "Only the best. Also, why are you here?"
Vulcan: "I want to have a word with Haijima, too! After the shit they did with my family's work!"
Viktor: *rubbing his hands*
shinra: *fiddling with his tie*
Akitaru: "Feel alright? Too tight?"
shinra: i dunno, im not used to formal wear.
Akitaru: "You've had to wear your formal uniform before. Just think of this as workplace training."
shinra: yep, my palms are sweating already.
Viktor: "Yeah, facing your eminent demise does that." Q_Q
Saria: "I spy with my little eye...something that starts with 'S'!"
genny: *sigh* is it sand?
Saria: "Correct!"
lei-lei: *balancing a pencil on her nose*
Asher: =_= *squinting eyes*
Monica: *has stolen a soda from the cooler*
stephanie: oooh are those piercings real?
Kau'i: "Yes, they are real. Like 'em?"
stephanie: super shiny!
Kau'i: "Um, thanks? What, never seen piercings?"
stephanie: of course i have! i've had piercings since i was a baby!
Kau'i: "Huh--your parents were the type to pierce your ears as a baby?"
stephanie: my mommy's a beauty queen in california, and she has lots of friends!
Kau'i: "Like beauty pageants and stuff?"
stephanie: yep! but most of her friends are guys. she invites them over a lot. ^^
bully 2:.....bruh...
Monica: *waves* "Just drop it."
stephanie: ok!
Kau'i: -_-; "Odd group..."
Derek: "Maybe don't talk so friendly to the lower grades."
Haijima Secretary: "Right this way."
shinra: *sweating*
Secretary: *opens the doors to a corporate office...that has shelves of video game systems along the wall*
shinra: ??
*The President is seated at a desk, playing a Game Boy*
shinra: *takes a seat, smiling nervously*
Viktor: *sweating, as he takes his seat*
Hibana: *sits, crosses her arms*
Akitaru: "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us..."
kahono: *enters with some coffee and a slice of toast*
President: *staring at the Game Boy*
Viktor: Q_Q
Hibana: -_-;
shinra: *AHEM*
President: "Shhhhh. I'm fighting Tatanga."
Akitaru: "Um...Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice?"
Hibana: *facepalm*
kahono: sir, please focus.
President: "Hmm? Oh, it's you. Well, it's good you're here--if you want to continue to function as Fire Force Companies, you can't afford to make enemies with Haijima Heavy Industries."
Hibana: -___-; "I'm already on the Board of Directors, so I'm fine. But these fools are screwed."
shinra: *GULP*
Akitaru: "...Is that a threat?"
President: *sets down the Game Boy, stares at them* "I won't waste your time today, so let's get to the point: I want to form an alliance against the Preacher."
shinra: so you arent working with them then?
President: "Why would Haijima work with someone trying to destroy the world? There's no profit in that--trust me, we've looked into it: you can't make money if the world comes to an end. Did you know that? I didn't."
shinra: .....
President: "We extend this offer not lightly: we want something in exchange from you, Shinra Kusakabe."
shinra: and what is that?
President: "The Adora Burst--we want to see how it works."
shinra: for the record, i dont know how all it works 100% either.
President: "Which is why you will be residing here."
shinra: ??!!
kahono: sir-
President: "If Kusakabe agrees, I will suspend all testing on the children."
shinra: !!!!!
Hibana: "..."
President: "Not a bad deal, right?"
kahono: sir, if i may interject, i feel mr kusakabe has a right to live a normal life. he seems content with being in the 8th. i feel it wouldnt be fair to him to take that away from him...
President: "I am thinking about the good of this company and our shared desires to stop the Preacher: letting him have a 'normal' life compromises how quickly we can solve this problem, which costs us time and money."
shinra: hey, im not an object, you know.
President: "So you decline this deal?"
shinra: i....i need time to think about it.
President: "Ah, I get it--you're driving a hard bargain. Very well--if you join, I will cancel the assassination order I put out on Viktor Licht."
Viktor: "WHAT?!!"
shinra: .....
Akitaru: "This is insane--you are admitting that you were trying to murder one of my men? That does not convince me you are not in league with the Preacher. My investigations already point the finger at your organization having some relationship to the Preacher and the secret of Amaterasu."
kahono: commander oubi-
Akitaru: "Viktor, tell them."
Viktor: "We know there is something--someone--inside Amaterasu. We discovered that some inhuman is the real founder of the Holy Sol Temple. And it's not unreasonable you have some connection to the Preacher after your work with Giovanni and..." *glances at Hibana*
Hibana: *frowns*
kahono: .....
President: "So, because the Holy Sol Temple is founded by some inhuman, and because Haijima worked with the Temple to make Amaterasu, you suspect us?"
Viktor: "It's a reasonable assumption..."
President: "I will not ignore that Haijima breaks multiple laws to further our research. As you said, it is public knowledge we condoned--hell, we _approved_, Hibana's research with the Witch Shaula. Did you know that?"
shinra: !!!
Hibana: "..." *nods*
Viktor: "...Then the human inside Amaterasu--"
President: "Yes. We put a human inside Amaterasu to power it."
shinra:....*shakes and covers his mouth*
Akitaru: *puts a hand on his shoulder*
shinra:....i dont feel well.....
President: "It is thanks to her sacrifice that Death City enjoys an independent power source regardless of the multiple disasters that are visited upon this city--"
Akitaru: "You...monsters..."
President: "..." *goes back to his Game Boy* "Tell me, Commander. If you could've substituted yourself for your wife and daughter, would you?"
Akitaru: "..." *tosses the chair back, reaching across the desk--*
kahono: commander oubi-
Akitaru: *grabs the President by the tie--*
Secretary: *pulls out a gun, aims it at Akitaru's head* "Let go."
shinra: !!!!!!!!
kahono: !!!!!
Hibana: *has a fan to the Secretary's neck* "You first, bitch."
Viktor: *hiding under his chair*
kahono: ok everyone, take a deep breath and think happy thoughts.
President: "..." *nods to the Secretary*
Secretary: "..." *lowers the gun*
Hibana: "I'm not putting the fan down, so keep talking, _sir_."
Akitaru: *glaring at the President*
President: "As I was saying, we want to keep Amaterasu running. That is why we need someone else with the Adora Burst..."
shinra: ........
President: "Mr. Kusakabe...With your Burst, we could save the lives of millions depending on energy..."
secretary: why him and not the kurai girl. doesnt she also possess the burst?
shinra: !!!!!
President: "Good question--too many lawyers, too much money."
President: "But you don't have that problem, Mr. Kusakabe. And we know you have a hero complex--a desire to save others. I would think you would be willing to give up your own life as a firefighter to save someone else, yes?"
shinra: ....if it came down to it, yeah....
Akitaru: "No."
shinra: commander?
Akitaru: "You undervalue your own life to think you have to throw it away...when you know your survival means you can save more lives."
kahono: he's right. you have so much potential, it'd be a waste to throw it all away.
Akitaru: *pats Shinra's shoulder* "So let's do more than just sacrifice ourselves...Let's save lives."
???: sir, you arent allowed in there!
*the door is knocked down--along with a security guard*
kahono: oh goodness.
kahono: how ambitious, that's a joseph for you.
President: "??? Joseph? Oh, let him speak."
shinra: there's a name tag right there.
-the name plate on the desk reads 'Gureo Haijima'-
Vulcan: "...Wait, this guy's the president?" *looks around* "...The hell is with all the video game systems?"
Gureo: "You say you can build Amaterasu without sacrificing one person?"
Vulcan: "Huh? Oh, yeah--I can do that! I've seen enough creatures die off for 'progress,' and I won't let you bastards kill more people!"
Akitaru: "I think you should pursue this plan, _sir_. It'd be less illegal and not get Shinra killed."
Gureo: "...Would it cost much?"
Vulcan: "I just need the equipment and parts!"
Gureo: "No pay?"
Vulcan: "I don't need your blood money!"
Gureo: "Okay, it's a deal. We won't sacrifice Kusakabe to Amaterasu."
shinra: and the kids and viktor?
Gureo: "Like I said, we'll cancel the assassination order on Licht."
Viktor: *passes out* XwX
shinra: just like that?
Gureo: "Just like that..." *sets down the Game Boy, showing a microphone on it*
shinra:....what's the catch?
Gureo: "The catch is we will not suspend child testing."
kahono: rest assured, the kids are being taken well care of. i've made sure of that, sir.
Akitaru: "..."
Gureo: "It would be a waste not to learn as much as we can about their abilities."
shinra:....as long as you arent hurting anyone, im alright with this.
kahono: shall i show them out, sir?
Gureo: *nods* "Yes, please. I have other meetings to attend to..." *pulls out a 3DS* "...Oh, darn--I missed my house visit with Hambo..."
-as they walk outside, shinra spots tatsu, who waves to him-
shinra: *waves back*
Kurono: *watching* "..."
kahono: that reminds me, i wanted to give you something, shinra. *hands him a paper* i photocopied this drawing that tatsu did last night.
-the drawing is of him, shinra, kahono, kurono, puppet girl, and the other kids-
Akitaru: "Shinra? Hibana is going to drive us to the hospital..."
shinra: !! r-right...
kahono: let's all meet up for coffee sometime. ^^
Hibana: "Hmm."
lisa: *looking around*
Arthur: "Always be on the look-out for interlopers..."
maki: how're you holding up?
lisa: the coat's a bit heavier than i was expecting.
Arthur: "It is modified for different people depending on ability. For example, I need to be able to swing my arms, so the fabric there is lighter."
lisa: ah. so i guess im just using a standard issue coat right now?
maki: pretty much. but we can always have something custom made for you.
Arthur: *nods* "Sister Iris modifies some of the coats, so you can ask her later."
lisa: i see.
maki: i helped shinra with his pants....that sounds weird saying it out loud.
lisa: ^^; come to think of it, you and iris helped vul with tamaki's new uniform, right?
maki: yep!
Arthur: "..." *looks down*
lisa:...hey, you alright arthur?
Arthur: "...I should have considered more what she was feeling."
lisa: ??
Arthur: "...Since leaving the First, she has never completely gotten over what happened..."
Arthur: "Perhaps we should have asked her to sit out that mission..."
lisa:...maybe i could talk to her? i dont know what all happened, but maybe i could help?
Arthur: "...Right, I forgot--you too have experiences with betraying someone's trust--you're perfect for this task!"
lisa: *GLARES* you get a 2 minute head start.
Arthur: "??? Then what happens?"
maki: *GASP* look! the new wan-wan-nyan mascot keychains are out!
lisa: !! *looks*
maki: *kicks arthur aside* so cuuuute! they're in little summer outfits!
lisa: hnng! i need to get one of each!
Arthur: "?!" *falls on his face--then keeps rolling down the road like a ball*
izumi: *looking out the window*
*the desert stretches out...there's a dune up ahead...*
Sid: *pulls the bus over*
preston: have we arrived already?
Sid: "Exit the bus and stand by the road--we'll be walking to the campsite."
genny: we're gonna die.
Derek: "You're not going to die--we got cloaks for everyone who didn't bring one, so put them on to shield against the sun."
lei-lei: woohoo! this is gonna be so fun!
Asher + Monica: "No, it won't."
Asher: "..."
Monica: "..."
Kau'i: *passing out cloaks...* *looks at Lukas* "Here's your cloak."
lukas: thank you.
Saria: "I'm glad you brought the sunglasses."
lukas: best to be cautious.
Saria: *smiles*
Sid: "Hurry up--we want to get to the campsite before the sun gets any higher."
Relan: ^^; "I'm fine, really...You can let go now."
shinra: im just....happy you're alive...
Relan: "Y-Yeah?"
shinra: *holding relan's good hand* if you need anything at all, let us know, ok?
Relan: *nods* "I will. I just wish I was back in the field...Not that I am as much use as Lieutenant Hinawa..."
shinra: ...
iris: ....well, nozomi did bring over some audio books for you.
Relan: "Oh, great! Please tell her thanks..."
Inka: *sniffs* "..." *points down a road in the slums*
ritsu: *follows*
Inka: "...You may want to step back. Given what I'm sensing, we'll have an explosive fight happening..." *she follows a line towards a building*
sasori: *in a hoodie, walking along*
Inka: *follows the line...smiles* "Bingo."
sasori: *looks at a list*
Inka: *following 10 steps behind...the line is circling around Sasori...Inka's finger twitches, but she's not lifting her hand* "..."
ritsu: ??
Inka: "C-Could you not look at this? It's making me nervous..." *the line has circled around*
ritsu: *looking away*
Inka: *traces her finger towards Sasori...then the line continues until it reaches Ritsu's head, where Inka zaps her brain*
ritsu: *collapses*
Inka: *catches her* "..." ("The hell with these lines wanting me to knock Ritsu out but not Sasori?!") *looks where Sasori was heading*
-she's gone-
Inka: "Shit!"
Crona: *unconscious*
mami: ........
Ragnarok: *growling, shaking*
mami:....*trying not to cry* please....stop....
Ragnarok: *twisting under constraints, melting and solidifying as he screams* "LET ME OUT! I CAN'T TAKE THIS!"
*knock knock*
Spirit: *peeks in*
Spirit: "Hey..."
Spirit: "How's Crona?"
mami:...*bites her lip*
Spirit: "..." *pats her shoulder*
mami: im scared....
Spirit: "I know. Lord Death is doing everything he can..."
mami: i-if something happens to them i-....i dont know what i'll do....
Spirit: "Hey, don't think like that. Crona is going to be fine."
Spirit: "What they need right now is for you to be strong--so when they wake up..."
Spirit: "Have you gotten any sleep?"
Harris: "Hello, Nataku. Ready to begin?"
tatsu: *steady breaths* ok. im ready.
Kurono: *walks into the room*
Axel: =n= "It's too hot...Why couldn't we have done this by the beach?"
genny: *being carried by lei-lei*
Sid: "Imagine the challenges for someone like me. I once had to dig through the desert here looking for something a witch buried..."
Kanin: *looking out at the distance* "???" *squints his eyes* "Um, Miss Naigus? What's that on the horizon?"
*it's a sandstorm!*
nygus: everyone, take cover!
Asher: "Shit..." *grabs Izumi, pulling her to the ground*
Axel: *grabs onto Zeke*
hibiki: *hiding behind a rock*
Kau'i: "Shit...Dagon, transform!"
*the storm...seems to be just circling around them?*
izumi: ??? (the heck?)
fuyuka: EEP!
lukas: !! saria!
Saria: "On it!" *transforms into her whip form*
lukas: *yanks back*
fuyuka: *lands*
Sid: "Hang on just a little longer, everyone!"
Duncan: "This is crazy!"
Kazue: "..." *looks up* "?!"
*a giant shadow is forming over the group*
hibiki: !!! zeke, axel! transform!
zeke: right!
Axel: "On it!" *does so*
Yafeu: "WHAT IS THAT?!"
*in the shadow...eyes open*
hibiki: *throwing zeke at it's eye*
zeke: HYAAH!
*a giant hand forms, grabbing Zeke*
Axel: "?!!! BRO!"
preston: *takes aim and shoots*
???: "..." *bricks form around the exterior of the giant--and start falling onto the students*
Kazue: "?!!!" *flash steps, grabbing NOTers to get them out of the way*
lumina: *shooting with a revolver arm*
*then out of the giant appears...a statue of two people kissing?*
genny: W-WHAT THE HECK!???! O//////o
*a giant laser beam is charging up from the giant*
izumi: !!!!
Sid: *calls into a walkie talkie* "Okay, you two--that's enough."
*the sandstorm fades, while the giant is revealed as a genie-esque creature*
zeke: *changes back and falls onto the ground* ow!
Sid: "That concludes your first test. Say hello to your guest lecturers..."
*The genie shrinks down*
Jinn: "..."
zubaidah: i see some of you need work on your reflexes
genny: 7////7;;;
Jinn: "And tossing a projectile weapon at an enemy before ascertaining its powers put your weapon at risk." *offers a hand to Zeke*
zeke: ehehe. ^^;;
Sid: "Good work, Lukas, Saria."
lukas: thank you, sir!
Saria: "Fuyuka, you okay?"
fuyuka: Q_Q im sorry i got swept up...
Sid: "That is why we had this crash course--so that you all take more seriously the dangers you will face as meisters and weapons."
Axel: TnT
Duncan: "...I knew this was a test all along."
amelia: you arent fooling anyone.
Duncan: >3<
Jinn: "Ha. Now, hurry up--you still got some distance to go."
Vulcan: *setting out blueprints*
Viktor: *unpacking*
nozomi: oh, you're back!
karin: how did it go?
Viktor: "I'm not dead!"
Vulcan: "I'm building a new Amaterasu."
karin: wow! that's amazing, vulcan!
Vulcan: "Thanks...This is going to be a challenge..."
shinra: *looking down at his lunch*
Petra: "??? Something wrong with your meal?"
shinra: it's really good....*wipes his eyes*
Petra: "...I haven't seen my cooking bring tears. Did something happen at Haijima, or the hospital?"
shinra: im just...really emotional about everything, i guess.
Petra: "Hmph. 'Emotional,' or responding in an expected way?"
shinra i-i dunno....
Petra: "...I'm sorry what happened to Relan. Is he going to be okay?"
shinra: h-he should be better by november...
Petra: *nods* "That's something at least."
Kid: "..."
liz: everything ok?
Kid: "...Something is wrong again."
liz: *listening*
Kid: *rubs his hands* "It's not taking me over. But I can sense madness."
liz: hmmm...
Kid: "It-It's too coincidental with everything going on."
liz: well, patti and i are here for you. ok?
Kid: *nods* "I-I don't feel like I've lost control, not like before...but this is here. And I can't find it."
Asher: *panting*
nygus: should we take a break here?
Sid: "It has been an hour--but they do need to push beyond their limits..."
Axel: *holding onto his brother* T~T "I was so worried I was gonna lose you, bro!"
zeke: *pat pat*
amelia: should we be drinking from our canteens?
Sid: "On average, you'll lose 900 ML of sweat every hour--so I suggest you drink that much..."
genny: how do we even estimate that? -~-;;;
Kanin: "That's about 30 oz, so make sure you're drinking about 4 of those water bottles every hour."
genny: .. .///. r-right...
preston: permission to take off my shirt? ^w^;;;;
stephanie: eeeew he's all sweaty!
Monica: "Gross--can't believe they let someone like that here. He'd probably be the first one caught..."
lukas: do those girls ever shut up? -_-#
Bully 2: "The fuck you say?" *shoves Lukas*
lukas: WOAH! *trips over a rock....and somehow falls out of his pants and shirt* GYA! >///~///<;;;
Saria: >\\\\< "You jerks! What is wrong with you?!" *picks up Lukas's clothes*
Jinn: "..."
Monica: "Ha! Nice ass, bitch!"
hibiki: can you just stop?
Kau'i: "... ... ..."
nygus: alright, settle down everyone.
Monica: "He can't even keep his clothes on--how is this shit-for-brains going to handle a real fight?"
Derek: "Miss Nygus, I think breaking up that group may be best--to keep an eye on them."
Chuuya: "Keep security around my residence while we're out."
higuchi: right. i'll be around.
Chuuya: "Thanks...No sign of the Rats?"
higuchi: nothing thus far. we've had a raid on zverkov mining, but nothing...
Chuuya: "...This may sound crazy...but you've heard the stories of Infernals underground?"
higuchi: ....i've heard rumors, but those are j-just ghost stories, right? ^^;
Chuuya: "Best be careful. Hell, at this point, roping in an expert wouldn't be the worst--"
Motojiro: *pops up behind Higuchi*
Motojiro: "..." *collapses*
Chuuya: "...Well, technically an expert."
Motojiro: *has a fist imprint in his face* "I just get excited about new discoveries--like making sure your surveillance teams don't get burnt to a crisp by pyrokinetic level 5 horned Infernals with the capacity of incinerating human flesh, bone, and muscle at 1381 degrees Celsius!"
higuchi:............ .______.;;;;;
Chuuya: "Kajii, maybe accompany one of the teams--and bring a fire extinguisher."
Joker: *looking around* "..." *walks back down the stairs* "I'm home~"
sasori: hey, i got that thing you asked me to get.
Joker: "Super!" *holds out his hand*
sasori: *hands him the bag*
Joker: *opens the bag--and inhales deeply* "Ah, good stuff..."
sasori: *looks*
Joker: *pulls out some leaves*
sasori: -____- getting that for you was _not_ fun.
Joker: "Oh, for real? Did they overcharge?"
sasori: the smell wasnt too great. and i felt like all eyes were on me on the way home.
Joker: "...Huh. Maybe you're sensitive to this stuff."
sasori: =_=# well for starters i'm 16...
Joker: "Eh, that's not too young--I was a few years older than you...Want a hit?"
sasori: pass.
Joker: " 'Kay. I'm going to nod off for a bit..."
sasori: im just gonna check on nana.
Joker: "Good plan..." *walks to his room*
Sid: "Start by laying down your blanket. We're going to need to weight them down against desert winds."
hibiki: using rocks, right?
Sid: "Right. But check the rocks for crevices--you don't want something full of wildlife. You also can bring weighted items with you to put on the blankets, like Derek did."
stephanie: >~<;;
Monica: *shakes a rock at Stephanie* "Beware--we have scorpions in these rocks."
stephanie: just no tarantulas, they're so creepy!!
???: "You got a problem with spiders, kid?"
stephanie: OwO eh?
Sid: "Oh, look who finally showed up."
???: -~- "It's hot as balls here...and I got lost." *pulls down his hoodie, revealing Giriko*
izumi: oh, arent you that guy from the other day?
Giriko: "??? Oh, you're that girl who--" *remembers knocking out one of the kids* O____O;
{*flashbacks to Giriko talking to Lord Death*}
{Giriko: *curled up against the mirror* "I SAID I WAS SORRY!"}
{lord death: now, you'll be on your best behavior for this trip, wont you?}
{Yumi: *holding up My Little Pony fanfiction* "I can read more."}
Giriko: Q___Q "...I think I need sleep. Which one of you brats is going to make my tent?"
Monica: *staring*
Giriko: *turns, spots Monica* "...SHIT! A ZOMBIE!" *falls back*
Sid: -_-####
nygus: rude.
Monica: -\\\-# "Asshole."
Saria: "Zeke, I need another rock here."
zeke: got it. YO! this rock looks like australia!
Kanin: "Oh, hey, it kind of does!"
Duncan: "No, the bottom isn't curved enough..."
zeke: it almost does tho. WHO WANTS THE AUSTRALIA ROCK?
Axel: "Dude, a rock this awesome needs to be held by the person most deserving of it. I suggest Rock Paper Scissors."
zeke: hehe good one.
Saria: "I'm game! We keep going in groups until only 2 are left?"
Child: *crying* "My cat is stuck up the tree..."
lisa: alright, we'll get the kitty down. *lifts herself with her tentacles and picks the cat up*
Cat: "Nya?" *sniffs at Lisa*
Child: *sniffle* "Thank you, ma'am!"
lisa: no problem. ^^
Arthur: *looking around* "..." *spots an alley*
maki: ?? you ok arthur?
Arthur: "..."
{Arthur: *tied to a chair* "Let me out..."}
Arthur: "N-Nothing..."
Arthur: "...Um, are there any more feeds to do for the serfs, or should we retire?" *avoiding eye contact*
Hibana: *changing her bandage*
gabriella: mikami and ryuuko offered to take hanako out today.
Hibana: "..." *nods* *applies the bandage...hand shakes*
gabriella:.....*holds her hand*
Hibana: "..." *squeeze*
gabriella: do you want to talk about it?
Hibana: "...I wanted, so badly, to find out who did that to the sisters...and how it could be replicated..."
gabriella: *listening*
Hibana: "Then I unlocked it, creating pyrokinetics...or whatever they are. I still don't know--the implementation of that witch's magic made these...things that aren't quite like Infernals. And I just got roped up in wanting to learn more and more..."
Hibana: "I just told myself, like when we experimented on that serial killer Infernal, 'Maybe they can finally be useful with their lives'... ...The hell is wrong with me."
gabriella: *hugs her* you just wanted answers. we couldnt have known....
Hibana: "I didn't even see them as humans. Just specimens."
gabriella:....*rubs her back*
Hibana: "..." *hug*
Mephisto: "This is a surprise to have you visit."
lord death: well, there's a little, erm.....incident, with one of our students. so....do you think we can have a certain little...husk? ^^;;;;;
Mephisto: "...What kind of 'husk' *air quotes* are you looking for? A tall 'husk,' or a husky 'husk'?"
lord death: well. *holds up a sketch* something like this perhaps?
Mephisto: "Oooo~ Excellent sketch! Hmm...I'll have my team find one that matches most of these qualities."
lord death: thank you.
Mephisto: "May I inquire who will occupy this 'husk'?"
-lord death explains-
Mephisto: "Oh my. And what will Crona do? Isn't Ragnarok their blood?"
lord death: we'll likely give them a transfusion, worst case scenario.
Mephisto: "What blood type is Black Blood?"
lord death:......a legit good question.
Medusa: *looking through a crystal ball* "Let's map this out..."
*dark splotches appear on a global map...*
Medusa: *taps along some spots* "Hmm...Madness has intensified in those locations...which means some witches around them would notice..."
neian: baba?
Medusa: *nods* "Here. Want to see a new spot?"
neian: *babble*
Medusa: *picks her up* *spins the globe on the crystal ball* "Okay, tap a spot, Neian."
neian: *poke*
*the globe stops on a spot with a bright handprint*
Medusa: "Okay, destination determined."
Spirit: *sets out plates* "...Oh, right..." *puts one plate away*
sachiko: empty nest syndrome?
Spirit: ^^; "Guess so...Been a while since having a kid on an overnight trip."
sachiko: yeah, but at least we have the night to ourselves~
Spirit: "Oh, yeah?" *slides a hand along her arm*
sachiko: 7w7~
izumi: does anyone else feel embarrassed for some reason?
Asher: "Yeah, Axel is still trying to find a spot to use the toilet."
Axel: *looking behind a boulder* "AM I FAR ENOUGH AWAY FROM CAMP YET?"
Sid: "Go further!"
lukas: so what now?
Kau'i: *sneers* "We're having a ghost story contest tonight..."
genny: sounds fun.
Duncan: "What's the prize?"
Kau'i: "We don't tie you out in the desert to get eaten by scorpions."
hibiki: scorpions dont typically eat people. -_-;
Kau'i: "Then vultures--whatever!"
Vulture: *eyeing Duncan* O^O
Duncan: Q_Q;
zubaidah: so who wants to start?
Kanin: "I think Genny may have us beat..."
genny: eh?
Kanin: "I just mean, you write stories, so you probably got a ton of scary tales..." ^^;
genny: .////. i-i guess, b-but i mostly write comedy stories, so-
Jinn: "I like comedy."
Sid: "..." ("Hard to tell with the mask...")
eibon: *observing the coffee machine*
Gopher: "..." *looks around Eibon*
eibon: fascinating, simply fascinating....
Gopher: "It's...percolating?"
Akitaru: *counting* "40 spears, 12 arm blades..."
rita: *silently counting and taking notes*
Akitaru: "Okay--this'll be a lot. Usually--"
Petra: *signing for Rita*
Akitaru: "--we'd walk these over. But even with Iris having more of you here to help move them, I'm not sure this is a simple walk."
rita: *signing* <understood>
Akitaru: *nods* "And could you take Tamaki with you?"
hibiki: so i guess we're going to be reviewed on the test now?
Sid: "You had your fun with ghost stories--"
Duncan: Q_Q *shivering in place*
Sid: "--so now it's time for a discussion about Zubaidah and Jinn's test on you."
Giriko: *sitting away from the fire, back turned to the others* "..." *sips his drink*
Kanin: *glances at Amelia* "..."
amelia: .....
Sid: "Some of you already heard it. For example, Hibiki, tossing Zeke at the opponent put his safety at risk."
hibiki: *wince* yeah....sorry.
zeke: ^^;
Sid: "Your weapons are not what we classify as returnable weapons, like boomerangs. If you're going to use Axel and Zeke effectively, then your weapons need to think up a way to be recoverable."
Axel: "..."
hibiki:....understood, sir.
Sid: *nods* "I've set up some lessons tomorrow with Giriko for you. Let's see..." *reviewing notes* "Izumi and Asher."
izumi: yes sir?
Sid: "The first rule when facing a threat is survival: if you die out there, you're not going to be able to save anyone else. Asher had the right idea to make sure you didn't both go flying up in the storm."
izumi: t-thanks for that, asher.
Asher: "Um...you're welcome...sure."
Sid: "Where I see a flaw is what to do next--because Asher is a close-range weapon, and against Jinn, you'd be dead."
izumi: *gulp* ._.;;;
Sid: "You were acting in your meister-weapon teams, like Lukas and Saria rescuing a classmate..."
lukas: *nod*
Sid: "What you're all lacking now is to stop acting like individuals and instead work as a team..." *looks at Monica, Stephanie...and Kazue, Kanin, Duncan...*
Monica: *grunts*
amelia: understood.
Sid: "That's why we have to expedite your training. Some of you have already had combat experience, like that plant monster attack some time ago. Now we're moving on with chain resonance."
hibiki: that's a resonance between multiple teams, right?
Sid: "Correct. More specifically, the meisters need to get their souls in sync with each other."
lukas: ah...
Sid: "I'll put you into your 3-meister teams tomorrow, and we'll have you working with me, Naigus, Giriko...So you'll need to really focus on teamwork and not just running around willy-nilly."
Kazue: -_-;
amelia: understood.
Jinn: "Zubaidah and I also will be assisting meisters and weapons with improving their resonance."
Derek: *tightening his jaw*
Kau'i: "Tch. How are we supposed to do 'chain resonance' with such weak newbie meisters here?"
Monica: "Could ask you the same--how many years you been here without graduating?"
Kau'i: "?!"
nisha: zzzzz.....
Giriko: "Jeez...Got our work cut out for us with this lot."
Jinn: "Indeed."
-in a forest of black thorns....-
-footsteps running-
???: waaAaIit....coOme..BaaacCkk....
Crona: *panting, running* "N-No! Get away!"
chrona?: *chasing after them, bloody wings sprouting out of their back and holding a sword*
Crona: "I'm not you! Stay away from me!" *trips* "AH!" *falls onto the dirt of the forest* *panting, clawing themselves away*
chRona?: wheRe arE You gOing?
Crona: *sobbing* "I don't know! Just anywhere but here!"
KroNa??: but i am you, where do you think your power comes from? without me, without This MadNess, you aRe NOTHING.
Crona: "Shut up..." *sniffling* "I know what I am..." *holding their head in pain*
????:....na....pl...se.......ke up....
Crona: *shaking under sheets, screaming*
mami: *holding their hand*
Crona: *pants...looks at Mami* "..."
mami: chrona! are you alright?
Crona: *whimpering*
mami:...*hugs them*
Crona: *shaking* *shaking their head* "No..."
mami: *rubs their back* im here chrona....im here....*trying not to cry*
Crona: *sobbing, clutching their stomach*
stocking: ooh! look at this, kiddo!
Kid: "???" *looks*
-it's a pamphlet for a cooking contest-
Kid: "Ah, that looks fun."
stocking: im thinking about entering.
Kid: *smiles* "I think you should."
stocking: ^^
Kid: "Do they have categories?"
stocking: 'create an imaginative meal with full appetizer, main course, dessert, and beverage to match the given theme'
Kid: "Hmm...I wonder what kind of themes they are imagining."
stocking: perhaps an ocean theme, or maybe a june bridal theme?
Kid: "Both sound delightful. It sounds like you may have a meal or two in mind?"
stocking: i've got some ideas cooking~ hehe~
Kid: "Ha...And for visual design?"
Axel: *snoring*
Sid: *heating up food over the fire...it's still dark out*
amelia: *sniff* *opens her eyes* ??
Kanin: *yawns, stretches*
Giriko: *sipping coffee* "Ugh--no one brought milk for this?"
zubaidah: i see we have some early risers.
Sid: "Need to be--before the noon heat wipes us out."
amelia: what are you making?
Sid: "Just some instant hot cereal and pancakes."
amelia: ah.
Monica: *groans...sniffs...finds Stephanie's foot next to her face* "?!" *tugs at her foot*
stephanie: hehehe~
Monica: "Fucking move over!" *shoves her*
stephanie: *rolls onto the dirt* *PATOOIE* *ACHOO* huh? what happened? where's jared?
Monica: "In your dreams!" *kicks her in the butt*
stephanie: where are we? oh shit did i get hella stoned again?
Sid: "Stephanie! Monica! Stop goofing around! We have training in an hour--and you're going to need the energy."
genny: *already up* yeah, jeez.
Asher: *snoring*
Axel: *sniffs* "..." *sleep walks to the pancakes*
Yafeu: *grumbling* "Darn tired of..." *yawns, as he trips over Preston and Lukas* "...OW!"
zeke: spoopy....*snore* scary...skeletons...zzzz.....
preston: zzzzzzz
Saria: *yawns, stretches, smiles* "Good morning, everyone!"
Duncan: =A= "Shut the hell up and go back to sleep..."
lei-lei: *sleep kick*
Duncan: "OW!"
Jinn: "... ... ..." *summons a trumpet--and blows loudly into it*
izumi: ?!?!?!
preston: hnn?
bully 4: OI WHAT THE FUCK?!
Jinn: "Oh, good--you're awake. Get dressed and eat your breakfast, then we will commence your exercises in 50 minutes."
nisha: *sits up, still asleep*
izumi: ogh...what time is it?
Derek: =_= *checks his watch* "...5:04 in the morning..."
izumi: that early?
Giriko: "Hey, you'd rather wait until the desert Sun is out and burns your skin to a fried crisp?"
izumi: .____.
Asher: =~= "This sucks..."
Dagon: "Your pancake, sir."
Kau'i: "Ah, sweet--thanks..." *nom* "?! Where's the freaking pancake syrup?!"
Dagon: "On its way, sir."
amelia: do we have eggs?
Derek: *eyeroll, grabs cereal*
Sid: *shakes a carton labeled 'eggs'*
stephanie: what kind of bird laid that?
Monica: "One whose ovaries died on them."
izumi: ._.
Sid: "It's called packing smart: low-weight, high-protein--"
Yafeu: *tugging on some food* "RUBBERY AS PENCIL ERASERS!"
Kanin: "Beggars can't be choosers..." *examining the packaging* "Is this vegetarian granola?"
Duncan: "...What other kind of granola would there be? Stupid."
Chuuya: *picks up Miyuri's suitcase* "Hmm...What's in here?"
miyuri: miyuri packed her clothes and swimsuit!
Chuuya: "Feels a little light."
miyuri: is that bad?
Chuuya: "Just wanted to make sure you packed enough--we won't be doing laundry while we're there."
iris: *asleep* ...
{-in a dark place, a woman can be heard screaming-}
{???: hurry up and push already!}
{-soon, a baby's cry is heard-}
{????: oh go- oh god! my baby! my baby!}
{???: so you've had a girl...}
{????: please, let me hold her.}
{???:....take it away.}
{????: please! i need to hold her! just let me hold her for a moment!}
{???: you know we cannot allow that. we've prolonged the ritual for long enough, and now that the child is here, we can continue as planned}
{???: no please! let me see my baby! please! NO!!}
iris: *jolts awake* AH!!....*panting, shaking*
*knock knock*
iris: !!!!
Akitaru: *calling from outside* "You okay in there?"
iris: ...y-yeah....im fine....(what...what was that....?)
Akitaru: "Okay. Breakfast is on the table."
iris: ok...thank you...
Akitaru: "..." *walks away*
iris:.....*shaking, pulling the covers around herself*
Chuuya: *snores*
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: "Nnng!" *wakes up* "H-Huh?"
sonia: arent we gonna head out soon?
Chuuya: *wipes his mouth* "Wh-What time is it?"
sonia: *holds up the alarm clock*
Chuuya: O_o "?!!! Shit! The cab is coming in 10 minutes!"
sonia: !!! let's go!
Chuuya: *grabs his suitcase* "Right! Get the carrier for Mito!" *he's still in his pajamas*
Harvar: *grabs a duffle bag* "Ready."
ox: ok.
Thunder: ^o^ "Ready!"
kim: we're here!
Jacqueline: "Hello, everyone." *waves at Fire and Thunder*
fire: hiya!
Harvar: "...Where's the ride?"
Asher: *in weapon form* "...I'm not sensing anything."
Kanin: *eyes closed* "Yeah, Mr. Barrett is really hiding himself..."
Duncan: -_-# *in weapon form* "Just dig through the dirt until you find him."
*they are in a wide stretch of desert sand*
izumi: .....
Kau'i: "SCREW THIS!" *stabs the trident into the sand* "GET OUT OF HERE, SID! I KNOW YOU'RE SOMEWHERE IN HERE!" *running back and forth, stabbing into the sand*
izumi: um. a-are you sure you should be doing that?
Dagon: -____- "Sir..."
Duncan: "...He does have a point. Sid is already technically dead."
Giriko: *pats a tall golem* "And this big guy here is Gruk."
Gruk: O_______O
Axel: *in weapon form* "Wooooooooo! He is huge!"
Saria: *also in weapon form* Q__Q *she and Lukas are surrounded by a bunch of golem*
lukas: ok, we can handle this. i hope.
nisha: zzzzzz =u=
fuyuka: Q~Q oh jeeeeez...
hibiki: stay close, guys.
zeke: right.
Giriko: *rotates his neck* "Well, we'll see about that. See, this is about some long-range fighting. And poor little ole' me is at a disadvantage..." *transforms, flying into a sky, and landing in Gruk's hands as a chainsaw* "NOW I'M ALL REVVED UP!!!"
hibiki: (ok hibiki, think. how do we handle this?)
nisha: *deflecting some of the smaller golems, still sleeping?*
Axel: "...Hibiki, how fast can you run?"
Gruk: *running up to Hibiki, swinging Giriko*
Giriko: "HA HA HA HA HA!"
hibiki: !!!! *running* you two got a plan?
zeke: yeah; not getting killed!
Axel: "But we're supposed to learn how not to get captured! And we can't sail back into Hibiki's hands--" *spots something* "...I GOT AN IDEA!"
zeke: yeah bro?
Gruk: *swings a fist, just missing Hibiki*
hibiki: SHIT!
Axel: "Aim for the cactus!"
*there is a cactus behind Gruk*
hibiki: what?
Axel: "Trust us!"
hibiki:....alright. *KUNAI TOSS*
*Axel and Zeke fly around Gruk*
Giriko: "BAD MOVE, KIDDO!"
hibiki: !!!
Gruk: *lifts up Giriko--before bringing the chainsaw down onto Hibiki*
hibiki: *flinches*
*a motor freezes*
Giriko: "...Huh?"
*a bunch of cactus needles have stabbed into Giriko's motor*
Axel: *stuck in the wet remains of a demolished cactus* "WOOT!"
hibiki: huh?
*when tossed, Axel and Zeke increased their speed so that, rather than merely getting stuck inside the cactus, the force of impact blew it up*
Giriko: "Damn it!" *trying to start up the engine* "Aw, nuts! Golems, handle the other ones while I get this out--" *turns back into a human...then realizes he has needles stuck in his face, arms, and butt* "... ... ..."
coyote: *wandering the desert, sniffing at a black rock?*
Black Rock: "..." *rattles*
coyote: *growls*
???: {Hooooooot...Not cold...What is this...}
coyote: *snarls*
*the rock stops rattling*
coyote: *bats its paw at it*
???: {Tactile stimulus...Processing...Inferior shape...Solution--}
*the rock cracks open--and black tendrils choke the coyote*
coyote: *whines and yelps, trying to get away*
*the blackness forms a mouth, letting out something that sounds like a cross between a whine, a scream--and a giggle, as it crunches its 'teeth' down onto the coyote's snout*
Takehisa: "Careful how you set those in there--" *shifts, pointing--then cringes, clutching his bandaged shoulder*
Petra: -_- *ignoring him, as she deposits weapons in the back of the Matchbox*
iris: are you alright, captain?
Takehisa: "I'm fine. Healing my shoulder is taking longer than optimal."
iris: try to get some rest.
Takehisa: "I will. ...You look like you could use more sleep, too."
shinra: want me to go with you gals?
tamaki: why?
shinra: guess im curious how you do this blessing thing? ^^;
Petra: "We can explain it to you later--nuns have actual work to do--"
Takehisa: *grabs Shinra's head from the top with his good arm* "Go with them. Keep an eye on them."
Petra: -_-###
shinra: ok.
Vulcan: "Who's driving?" *holds up the keys*
Yotsuba: "Yay! This'll be fun!"
Foein: ^^; "Don't get your hopes up--the church has been kind of deserted..."
ruby: maaan it's been too long since we were here last. i wonder if sister maple's still here or if she's in a brigade now?
Yotsuba: "Yay! This'll be fun!"
Foein: ^^; "Don't get your hopes up--the church has been kind of deserted..."
ruby: maaan it's been too long since we were here last. i wonder if sister maple's still here or if she's in a brigade now?
Yotsuba: OwO; "I'm not quite sure I've met her--but I'm sure she's super-duper lovely~!" ^w^
Foein: "We'll see soon enough. I hope Sister Evergreen is hanging in there--baptizing all these weapons is exhausting."
pearl: *looks around*
*the church...has seen better days...the fountain is not running...*
ruby: jeez, looks like a ghost town!
pearl: ruby!
ruby: just sayin'
Yotsuba: "..." *whispers* "Hello?"
*Echo*: "Helloooooooo?"
Foein: -_-; "I'll...go let Father Cypress know we're here."
Jinn: -_-; "The point is to work together--"
Zarya (Bully 4): *inaudible loud grunt*
Jinn: "... ... ...Meisters, get your weapons under control."
preston: my my, they're spirited, arent they? =u=
Zarya: *LOUD GRUNTS, nails off her weapon form poking out*
Jinn: "... ... ...Permission to knock them out?"
zubaidah: *snaps fingers*
Jinn: *out of the lamp comes an aromatic mist...that passes by the weapons*
Zarya: "..." *LOUD YAWN, before turning back into human--and collapsing onto Stephanie*
stephanie: URK- >3<
Jinn: *sighs* "Meisters...you have your work cut out for you with these 3."
Zarya: *snore*
lord death: *knocks on the door*
Crona: *shivers* "E-Enter?"
lord death: *enters the room* hello chrona. how're you holding up?
Crona: ._. "...Well--"
Ragnarok: *locked in a giant glass tube sticking out of Crona's back, shaking with rage*
lord death: would you like some tea?
Crona: "S-Sure?"
lord death: *pours some* it's decaf.
Crona: ^^; "Good...I haven't slept..."
lord death:....i was wanting to make an offer for you to help with your...current situation.
Crona: "Wh-What kind of offer?" *hugging a pillow*
lord death: well, some arrangements have been made, and we were considering giving you a transfusion, and putting ragnarok into a separate body.
Crona: "A new body? ...But if Ragnarok is my blood, what will happen to me?"
lord death: you'll recieve new blood. how it will affect you, im not certain, but hopefully it will be an improvement to you, in a manner of speaking.
Crona: "...What if the body rejects Ragnarok? What will happen to him?"
lord death: it's an uninhabited body, so im sure he'll adapt just fine.
Crona: "..." *shakes* "S-So, it's a surgery?"
lord death: ultimately, it's up to you if you want to do this.
Crona: "...I want to think about this...Can I answer tomorrow?"
lord death: of course. this is a big thing to consider, so take as much time as you need.
Crona: "Th-Thank you..."
lord death: *exits*
Crona: "..." *glances*
Ragnarok: *shaking with rage*
Crona: *hugs the pillow tighter*
Black Star: *passed out...in the front yard?*
naho: *poke poke with a stick*
tsubaki: what on earth...?
Black Star: "Nggggh..." *he's still in his boxers and sleep shirt*
Shamrock: "I found him like this upon waking. Also, your window is smashed."
*there's broken glass on the front lawn*
tsubaki: black*star?....*moves him away from the glass, then turns the hose on*
Black Star: *eyes snap open* *high-pitched scream--as he rolls along the grass* "WHAT THE HELL?!"
tsubaki: are you alright? what happened to you?
Black Star: "I-I don't know! Why the hell am I wet on the front lawn?!"
Paperboy: *rides by on a bike--tosses the paper at Black Star's head*
Black Star: "... ... ..."
otogiri: i wasnt aware such deliveries were still available...
Belkia: "This is an old-fashion kind of town..."
Black Star: -_-# "I probably just sleepwalked..."
tsubaki: hmmm....
Shamrock: "I'll call a window repairperson..."
Belkia: *tosses a towel over Black Star's head*
Petra: *looking out the Matchbox window*
shinra: we there yet?
Vulcan: "Not sure--I haven't driven here before. Usually Sister Iris grabs a muscle-load of weapons and hauls ass over to the church."
Petra: *glare*
Vulcan: "...'Hauls butt'?"
iris: it's not far now.
Chuuya: *collapses in the airplane seat* -~-
miyuri: *face pressed to the window* woooooow!!
Flight Attendant: *spots the family* "First time on a plane, kiddos?"
sonia: yes ma'am.
miyuri: what's that thing?
Flight Attendant: "???" *looks*
-she's pointing to the engine-
Flight Attendant: "Oh! That's the engine. It's what gives the plane the push up and forward to fly."
miyuri: oooooh! and what's that?
Flight Attendant: *looks*
-she's pointing to the wing this time-
Flight Attendant: ._. "...The wing of the plane? It...lets the plane stay parallel to the Earth and fly over?"
miyuri: wooooow!
Damon: *puts a blanket over a napping Soul*
soul: ......
becky: *puts a cool compress on his head*
Damon: "What happened to him?"
becky: i dont know....im gonna call aunt blair.
Damon: "Good idea."
{???: "Well, look at you--all grown up, huh?"}
{soul:...what the hell do _you_ want?}
{*music slightly off-tempo plays on a record...Soul is in a pinstripe suit*}
{Little Demon: *turns in a chair* "I think it was about time to explore our partnership once again." *toothy grin* "Or has playing daddy taken up too much of your busy schedule?"}
{soul: you leave them out of this.}
{Little Demon: *holds up his hands* "I'm not involving them. Just think of this as my come-back, given the new...atmosphere around here."}
{Little Demon: "Haven't you and your old friends felt it? Or do you not speak to them? I haven't notice much interaction between you and your old teammates. You should check on them, after their last encounters with Madness."}
{soul:........if it gets you to shut your trap, fine.}
{*an old-fashion phone slides on a table to Soul*}
{soul:...i think i'll do it in the real world, thank you very much.}
{Little Demon: "Then wake your ass up and stop being a frail sickly boy."}
soul: *opens his eyes*
becky: morning dad.
soul: hey kiddos....you have breakfast yet?
Damon: "We left out some cereal for you..."
soul: thanks....dad's gonna make a few calls.
Sid: "So, how did your training go?" *covered in bandages*
*his students from training earlier are under the tent*
Kau'i: *has a black eye* -_-#
zubaidah: honestly, could have gone better.
Jinn: "They are so difficult--like children."
Giriko: "Ugh, some are smarter than they let on...I'm still pulling needles out of my ass."
Monica: *still asleep*
Gruk: *playing with Stephanie*
stephanie: pattycake pattycake~ ^w^
Axel: "So, where you all from?" *looks at Fuyuka*
fuyuka: j-japan...
nisha: im from india.
Axel: "Oh, neat! You been back recently?"
Asher: *passes a drink pouch to her* "Here."
izumi: thanks...
Kanin: ^^; "Quite the work-out, huh? You two held up really well."
Asher: >_>;
amelia: *staring out into the distance*
Kanin: "??? Amelia? You okay?"
amelia: alright....but a bit uneasy...
Kanin: "..." *looks around* "It is pretty hot. Mr. Barett and Nurse Naigus said to stay under the tent until late afternoon..."
amelia: i dont think it's that, exactly......
Kanin: "...But you feel something else?"
amelia: *nods* something beyond the horizon....
Kanin: "???" *looks at the horizon*
-a breeze blows past-
Duncan: *shivers* "Stupid desert wind." *huddles under his cloak*
Chuuya: "Now landing can be a bit bumpy..."
sonia: *asleep*
Chuuya: "..." *looks at Miyuri*
miyuri: *she has gotten her nausea bag to pop out* oh! hehe! ^w^
Chuuya: ^^; "Just make sure you'll buckled in...We're descending."
miyuri: ok!
*the wheels fall out on the plane...the wings alter shape...*
miyuri: oh! *presses face to the window* woooow!
*the plane descends--hitting the runway with a jerk and rolling down, decreasing speed*
sonia: hnn...? *yawn*
Chuuya: "We've landed."
soul: *holds up his soda* cheers.
Kid: "Cheers!"
Black Star: "Um, yeah..." *sips*
soul: you ok black*star? you're a bit quiet.
Black Star: =_= "I couldn't freaking sleep well..."
soul: ah. trouble sleeping?
Black Star: "I jumped out the window."
soul: ??
Kid: "That's unusual--why would you do that?"
Black Star: "I don't know! I just remember a lot of running, some inky black stuff--then, bam, I wake up wet in my boxers on the front lawn."
Kid: "..."
Black Star: "...Tsubaki turned the hose on me."
soul: wait, what was that part in the middle?
Black Star: "Inky black stuff?"
soul: yeah, that. i had a nightmare about it too....i also met the little demon again...
Kid: "...A little too coincidental...I had felt anxious, not dissimilar to..." *gestures to his chin* "...before."
soul:....do you think it has to do with what happened with the moon?
Kid: *sighs* "That is what we are looking into. The madness you have felt before, Soul, and that I have experienced makes sense. Not sure why Black Star would be affected so strongly."
Kid: *forehead flick* "Not very attuned to perception, though."
Black Star: -n-#
soul: hmmm....is eibon still at your house, kid?
Kid: *nods*
soul: maybe he might know something?
Kid: "I could ask...He is still recovering."
eibon: what a curious contraption. *flushing the toilet* fascinating...
Gopher: ._. "Sir, please shut the door before...whatever you were just doing."
liz: ugh, you do know what those are used for, right?
eibon: do tell.
liz: *whispers*
eibon:........................................................far more advanced than a chamber pot.
liz: TMI!!
Cyprus: *walking through the garden*
evergreen: *watering plants*
Cyprus: "Coming along nicely, Sister?"
evergreen: *nods*
Cyprus: *looks around...aside from some bees on the flowers, it's rather deserted* *sighs*
evergreen: is everything alright?
Cyprus: "Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. I just suppose I'm not used to a freer schedule." ^^;
Asher: *napping in the tent*
Saria: "Good work out there--" *hands water bottle* ""Cheers!"
izumi: thanks.
Saria: "What do you think we'll do next? I don't know how to top trying to sense Mr. Barett's soul or fighting Golems..."
izumi: not sure...
Derek: "After the intense workout, it'll be breathing exercises, then a lecture."
lukas: ah.
Dagon: "At this rate, I'll fall asleep...like certain people."
Crona: "So that's what he offered..."
mami:....so what are you going to do?
Crona: "I don't know! I can't keep going on like this!" *shaking*
mami: *hugs*
Crona: *holds onto her* *crying*
mami: *trying to hold back tears*
Crona: *hic* "I-I can't take this..."
Ragnarok: *shaking in the container, growling*
mami: if i could take you out of this situation, i would without a second thought.
Crona: "R-Really?"
mami: *nods* even if that meant bearing the burden myself.
Crona: "...Sh-Should I?"
mami:....i hate to say it, but it seems the best option right now...but it's ultimately up to you.
Crona: "..." *nods*
Black Star: *walking home--and a baseball rolls by his feet* "???"
child: hey, can ya throw that back?
Black Star: "Sure thing!" *picks it up, tosses it underhanded--and it goes flying up into the sky* ._______.;
child 2: woah....
Black Star: "...What the flying crap is going on with me?!!"
*something bright shines in the sky...*
child 3: !!!
*the baseball crashes back down--blowing up someone’s car*
*in a cafe, someone inside can be seen looking out--*
Endeavor: "MY CAR! AGAIN?!"
child: bail, BAIL!
Black Star: *running with the kids* "GAAAAAAH, that was so awesome but so not what I was trying to do!!!"
Endeavor: *running outside, trying to contain the fire* "Damn it!"
Kid: *checking himself in the mirror*
eibon: feeling alright?
Kid: "!!! Oh-Oh, yes. Sorry. Just...worried about a repeat."
eibon: would you like something to eat to calm your nerves? i have some old recipies from my mother that i've memorized.
Kid: "..." *smiles* "I would like that. Thank you."
Vulcan: *opens the back of the Matchbox* "Okay, let's see..." *pulls out a bag of hand grenade* "Sister Iris."
iris: thank you.
Vulcan: "Okay, who wants the giant spears?"
shinra: *looks around* .....(man, this place has seen better days...)
*dust and sand blow along the stone steps*
Petra: *picking up items* "Come now--don't dawdle. Tamaki, the handcuffs."
tamaki: yes ma'am!
*the courtyard looks empty...*
Vulcan: "..." *carrying another box* "Not used to the Church after my family built Amaterasu..."
shinra: *looking around*
*the doors are open...a few nuns can be seen inside, milling about and kneeling in prayer...*
-one sister looks up-
???: oh, you're the 8th, yes?
Petra: "Yes. Hello, Sister. We have items to have baptized."
nun: yes, right this way.
Petra: "We will bring these in. Outsiders will have to stay outside." *looks at Iris* "...Iris? Come along."
iris: oh. yes.
Vulcan: "..." *sits on a bench*
Vulcan: "...Yeah..." *brushes dust off the bench*
shinra:....*tapping his foot*
???: *humming* "Oh! Look what the 8th brought in!"
shinra: *looks*
Foien: *waves*
shinra: ah, father Li. how are you?
Foien: *rubbing his artificial arm* "Hanging in there. I haven't seen you lately."
shinra: yeah. are the other members of the 1st around?
Foien: "A few of us, yes...Just not Karim."
iris:......(the preacher....they're the ones who created this church.....so...why am i still praying?)
Petra: *in prayer*
rita:......(sister iris looks so sad.....) *signing* <are you alright?>
iris: hmm? *signing* oh, yes, im ok.
???: "Oh, so many here!"
iris: *glances*
*A nun looks at them...not smiling* *looks at their number badges*
iris: um, hello.
Nun: "The Eighth really has so many?" *stares at Tamaki's outfit*
tamaki: what?
Nun: "What kind of a nun's habit is that?"
tamaki: it's a combat uniform. =n= it's got shorts.
Nun: "I see...I haven't seen many combat nuns--I'm mostly around here..."
tamaki: you'd be surprised. *does some kung-fu moves....and ends up stumbling into a pew* OW! *BLEEEEEEEP*
iris: !!!! O_____O
Petra: *facepalm*
Nun: D8 "The pew!"
rita: ._.;;
iris: *sweatdrop* (_that's_ your concern...?) .....
Nun: "...I think it's best if you step outside."
tamaki:...that's fair. *exits*
shinra:.....do you think iris is ok?
Foien: "Is it about those rumors about the Preacher?"
shinra: i dont know, she wasnt really herself this morning, and im worried.
Foien: "That's...been going around. Ever since the conspiracy theory that the Hoods are the real founders of the Holy Sun Temple..."
shinra: ......
Foien: "I am less afraid of such a story, as it doesn't shake my faith...But it does those of others...and there is something worse to think about."
shinra: ??
Foien: "Even though I know this Preacher is a fraud, the followers they have amassed...That's a devotion to what they consider to be a god."
shinra:.....*shakes slightly, but tries to keep cool*
Vulcan: "..."
Foien: "As long as the Preacher hides in the shadows, whether in the Nether or elsewhere, it is obvious they want to destroy this world. And our faith."
shinra:....so what do we do?
Foien: "...Keep up our faith--in God and in each other."
Foien: *smiles* "Well, I better check on the others..."
Blair: *floats a doll by Becky*
becky: *observing*
Damon: "That's so cool..."
Blair: ^^ "Just a little trick I learned~"
becky: is learning magic hard?
Blair: "At first it was. I had to work to make sure I could contain it all."
becky: ...
Damon: "And if you couldn't?"
Blair: OwO;;; "...Well...I learned I'm mostly fire-proof."
becky: .____.;;;
Blair: "And that's been useful for me! Like the time the weirdo shoved me into a stove. Or the time I cooked for your father and his meister--and burnt the fish."
Damon: "Is that why Dad doesn't like you cooking?!"
Blair: ^^; "How about I just order take-out?"
Hajiki: *fist-bumps Takeru's chest*
takeru: ??
Hajiki: "Huh--sturdy! Your balance has gotten better."
takeru: um t-thanks?
hito: you're surprisingly timid, noto.
takeru: WAH! h-hito! you startled me!
Hajiki: -_-; "Need more courage there, Juggernaut."
hito: out of curiosity, why did you join the 2nd?
takeru: well, i was kind of encouraged to do it, to try to be a bit braver, i guess.
Hajiki: "Encouraged? You were recruited?"
takeru: y-yeah.
Hajiki: "I guess the 2nd saw your size and thought 'Scoop him up before someone else gets him!' But coming in from China is a long trip."
takeru: ^^;
hito: and how about you, hajiki?
Hajiki: "Death City seemed like my kind of place--somewhere to show my mettle! Way better than...than...Wait, where did I come from?"
hito: *sweatdrop*
Hajiki: "...Anyway, the Commander recruited me after seeing me in a training exercise. How about you?"
hito: well, my dad was in the 2nd brigade, and i wanted to follow in his footsteps.
Hajiki: "D'aw! I'm sure you can! But we'll need to bulk you up."
hito: -_-;
Kanin: *scratching behind his ear...with his back leg* "..."
amelia: kanin?
Kanin: "Y-Yeah?"
amelia: are you alright?
Kanin: "Just the desert sand--itches like the dickens." ^^;
Kanin: *pants slightly* "..." *covers his mouth* "I-I think I better drink something..."
-at camp-
Axel: *slurping out of a juice pack*
hibiki: *listening to music*
Sid: *securing the tents against the wind*
zubaidah: *keeping watch*
Jinn: *showing off different transformations to students*
stephanie: oooh!
Asher: "Huh. Being a Death Scythe lets you take on multiple forms?"
Jinn: *changing forms again* "Or depending on the weapon type--you may have one with multiple properties."
hibiki: yeah, take harudori for instance. she's officially classified as a halberd, but she's a tri-blader.
Saria: "Neat! I'm not sure we have many multi-formers here, though. I can only go into whip form, not, like whip and...something not whip. Um...Nunchucks?"
lukas: sure, let's go with that. ^^
Saria: ^^; *nervous laugh*
Jinn: "The goal, however, is to be powerful even in the simplest form..." *turns back into a lamp, just sits there*
Duncan: "... ... ..."
Asher: "...What exactly can a lamp do--"
*the lamp leaps, just missing Asher's head*
Asher: *hood blown back off their head* .______.
preston: owo;
Jinn: *reverts to human form, his eye through his clothing glaring at Yafeu*
Yafeu: "...SO, NO?"
Vulcan: *examining water fountain* "You know, I could probably soup this thing up. Water seems to be blocked by sediment..."
shinra: hmm....
Evergreen: *studying the two* "I would advise against that." *sees the 8 on Shinra's uniform*
shinra: hello ma'am.
Evergreen: "Hmm. I wasn't expecting firefighters here...This is a holy site."
shinra: well, we're waiting on our friends inside. blessing the items and all that.
Evergreen: "I see...Sorry. It's been some time since we've had visitors blessing items. I haven't seen you around before. I am Sister Evergreen."
shinra: *nods* Shinra Kusakabe, 8th brigade.
Vulcan: "Vulcan Joseph, engineer at the 8th."
Evergreen: "Hello. ...How is your day going?"
iris: *exits*
Petra: *carrying a satchel of daggers*
Vulcan: "Doing alright. Looks like the sisters handled the first blessing of weapons."
*a bee flies by, landing on one of the flowers*
iris: *nods* shinra, could you...follow me for a moment?
shinra: um. sure.
Vulcan: *takes the satchel* "Go ahead--we'll load up." *looks at Tamaki* "...The hell happened to your face?"
Evergreen: "?!"
tamaki: YuY
-at a cemetery...-
Shinra: *holding a broom* *looks over at the sunflowers* "...It's nice of them to plant those."
iris: *nods*....they're planted to guide the lost souls of the sol church to the sun....
Shinra: "I didn't know their significance..." *looks at one tomb*
-revolution, rest in peace, new future-
Shinra: O_O; "Th-That's one super-bright tomb..."
iris: oh dear...
Shinra: "All these flowers and--is that a disco ball?!"
iris: ^^; i get the feeling sister hibana might have been behind this.
Hibana: *sleep sneeze* "...Zzzz..."
-back at the cemetery-
Shinra: "Do we leave it up?"
iris: ^^;;; *praying* hello everyone, sorry i havent been here a while. clematis, please dont overeat, sakura, dont oversleep, rose, keep a watchful eye on everyone, ok?
Shinra: "..." *looks at the flowers outside...spots a watering can*
-and so-
iris: thank you, for watering the flowers...
Shinra: "Happy to help! ...Can I ask you something?"
iris: what is it?
Shinra: "You've seemed worried...Is it about the Preacher?"
iris:....i guess im not very good at hiding things, am i?
Shinra: ^^; "I wouldn't expect a nun to lie."
iris: .....
Shinra: "S-Sorry! It was just a little...humor. S-Sorry...I like that about you...You're open and honest."
iris: t-thanks... *wipes her eyes*
Shinra: "Iris...We don't know everything about the Preacher or this story."
iris: i-i know....i just....i had a hard time focusing on the baptism today.......shinra, what do you think of the sol church? be honest, please....
Shinra: "..." *looks down* "What do I think? I--"
???: *SCREAM*
iris: ?!?!?
Evergreen: *clutching her head--as her body explodes in flames*
iris: !!!!!!!!!!!
*the other nuns back up*
Petra: *running back--bumping into Iris* "It happened instantly!"
iris: *shaking*
tamaki: *battle stance*
Vulcan: "Shit!" *looking through the satchel* "I know I left an extinguisher bomb here--where is it?!"
rita: >~<;;;
Juniper: *bumps into Iris* "Why is this happening?! Sister Evergreen was so devout! Why would God do this to her?!"
iris: *speechless*
Evergreen: *roars at Iris, Juniper, and Petra*
shinra: *battle stance* alright, let's finish this, tamaki!
tamaki: right!
Evergreen: GRAUAAAAAA!"
Petra: *holds her hands* "Begin the prayer..."
tamaki: *charges* the flame is the soul's breath...
rita: *silently praying*
Petra: "The black is the soul's release..."
iris: ashes to ashes.....
Evergreen: *collapses to her knees*
shinra: return to the great flame!
tamaki: *dropkick* RATOMU!
Evergreen: *lets out an inhuman cry of pain...before her body collapses into ashes*
Juniper: *staring...falls to her knees in front of the ashes, sobbing*
iris:.....*rubs her back*
rita: *sniffle*
*footsteps are heard coming*
Cypress: "What's going on?!"
Foien: *spots the remains* "...Oh no. Sister Evergreen..."
nun: i cant! i cant do this anymore!
maple: who's going to take her place?
Cypress: "...We have priorities first. Let's lay our sister to rest."
Assault: *bandaged, arm in a sling from having been stepped on by the Giant Infernal* "Giovanni will be displeased you are playing with his experiments."
guruna: >XP who caaaaares~@
Jonah: "Besides, Giovanni is going through...changes."
Inka: "??? Puberty?"
guruna: EEEEEW he's like, way too old for that!~@
Haumea: "Besides, you're thinking of Sho-chan."
arrow: im sure it's antics like this that are partially the reason he's confined himself to his room...
ritsu: perhaps i could....persuade him to come out~?
orochi: please dont.
Inka: "God no."
Jonah: "Even that disturbs me."
Haumea: "...Yeah, let's not."
ritsu: perhaps you're right. poor boy might be traumatized if i showed him what lies underneath, fufu~
Jonah: "...Ha! Because 'Nether'!"
Assault: -__________-
orochi: she means it, once she flashed these two perverts, and they took of running in horror. take my word for it, you _dont_ want to know.
ritsu: OROCHI! that's private info!
Inka: "... ... ..." *slight nosebleed*
Jonah: "I once turned into an Eldritch abomination. I've seen it all. Including Giovanni changing."
arrow:......im surrounded by freaks. -_-;
Haumea: *puts an arm around Arrow* "What was that, fresh meat?"
arrow: not today, please, im exhausted enough as it is.
ritsu: best leave her be for now, wouldnt want to wear her out.
Haumea: -n- *holds a finger to her head* "Need help falling asleep?"
Gruk: *motionless*
Sid: *seated with students around the campfire* "We still need to improve the chain resonance for some of you."
izumi: *yaaaaawn*
Sid: "...Perhaps this may be a better conversation in the morning--you'll be up early before the sun rises."
hibiki: what time even is it?
Duncan: *pulls out his calculator watch* "9:14 and 32 seconds."
lei-lei: wow!
genny: so tired.....
Kanin: *looking up at the Moon* "..."
Sid: "Okay, you're dismissed. See you at 5 AM."
Monica: "Thank God--what a waste of a day..." *rubs her shoulder*
Black Star:*sitting up in bed, looking at his hand* "..." *makes a fist--and sees something around it* "?!"
tsubaki: *asleep*
Black Star: *blinks* ("...Must be my imagination. Not like I see souls or anything...") *lies down, still looking up at the ceiling* "..." *tosses*
tsubaki: nnh...black*star?
Black Star: "...Hey. Sorry. Can't sleep."
tsubaki: .....want some tea?
Black Star: *nods*
tsubaki: *gets up* ok.
Vulcan: *driving them back* "..."
{Cypress: "...ashes to ashes...Latom."}
{Cypress: "..." *looks at to the 8th* "I'm sorry...We were lucky that you were here, and we weren't exactly the most welcoming. After so much..."}
{tamaki: it's alright....all in a day's work, right?....s-sorry, that was a bit insensitive, huh?}
{Cypress: "Life does not always go the way we expect. We leave it in God's hands to guide us to what best we can do to make this world better, yes?"}
{tamaki: i guess......}
{Petra: *nods* "Thank you, Father."}
iris:......*leans against shinra's shoulder*.....
Shinra: "..." *puts an arm around her*
Shinra: *pat pat*
Crona: "..."
nurse valentine: just checking in.
Crona: "Hello...I'm not yet asleep. I don't think the medicine is helping."
nurse valentine: hmm.
Crona: "...Nurse? I'm not sure what to do."
nurse valentine: want to talk about it?
Crona: "..." *nods* "I've been like this for so long...I can't imagine being something else now...I don't know if I deserve to."
nurse valentine: ....everyone deserves a shot at a second chance. i found mine....
Crona: "Is-Is that so?"
nurse valentine: *nods, with a small smile*
Crona: "...I think I'll have my decision in the morning, then."
nurse valentine: take as much time as you need.
Crona: *lies back down* "Th-Thank you, Nurse..." *wipes their eyes*
Asher: "Zzz..."
amelia: ........
zeke: *snores*
Kanin: *tossing*
izumi: *sleeping*
???: "YIP YIP YIP!"
izumi: hm?? *rubs her eyes*
Kanin: *sleep growl*
*it sounds like something running in the sand outside*
izumi: *looks outside*
*running along the outskirt of the camp is a coyote...it has odd markings along its side*
izumi: *squints*
Coyote: *stops...stares at Izumi...walks forward towards her*
nygus: *looks outside* !!!!! sid, sid wake up, now.
Sid: *gets up* "What is it?"
nygus: look.
Giriko: *snore grunt* "H-Huh?"
Sid: *looks outside* *studies the markings* "..." *holds out his hand* "Nygus, transform."
nygus: *knife form*
izumi: mr barrett?
Sid: *steps outside, holding the knife* "Stay back. Wake up the others..."
izumi: w-what's going on?
Sid: "Just do it!"
zeke: *rubs eyes, looking outside* is it a fire?
Axel: *sleep whine* "Five more minutes..."
izumi: asher, asher get up!
amelia: !!!!!
Monica: =___=# "Shut the...*yawn*...up." *looks--and sees Stephanie's feet again* "GAH!" *shoves*
Asher: "Ugh. I'm up, I'm up. What the hell..."
amelia: everyone, wake up. NOW!
stephanie: zzzzz...
Kanin: *gets up* "Amelia? What's wrong?" *scratches his arm*
Kau'i: =_= *looks outside* "?!!! Shit!" *grabs Dagon's arm*
Derek: *studying what's outside* "..."
Sid: *circling with the coyote*
lumina: *transforms*
Coyote: *its eyes shine a red color under the Moonlight...those fur markings look like tear-drops or...*
zeke: are those......oh....oh shit. bro, BRO GET UP!
hibiki: zeke, what the hell?
Axel: "HUH?!" *gets up*
Kanin: *staring outside* "..."
genny: *hyperventilating* oh god, oh god i dont wanna die, i dont wanna die....!
Monica: *hears 'Kishin egg'* "..." *shoves Stephanie away, grabs Yolanda's arm*
yolanda: oi what the hell?
Monica: "Get up." *transforms*
yolanda: what the fuck monica? *spots it* oh...oh fuck me running.
Coyote: *growls at Sid*
Monica: "Don't you dare run! Stay there!" *shoves herself into Yolanda's hands*
yolanda: oh HELL NO am i fighting _that_!
amelia: mr barrett, what's the plan?
Monica: *sends a soul shockwave into Yolanda* "This is our chance--don't fuck this up for me!"
Sid: *calls back* "Stay back! Get Zubaidah and Jinn to evacuate you! I'm--"
yolanda: YEOW! fuck! ok! you dont have to be a dick about it, crimeny!
Coyote: *leaps--and bites into Sid's neck*
Sid: *screams*
amelia: !!! kazue!
*Kazue isn't there...*
amelia: !!! *grabs nygus from sid's hand and stabs the coyote*
Coyote: *yips--lets go of Sid...something black is foaming out of its mouth*
Axel: "SHIT! It's got rabies!"
amelia: ....just as i suspected....
zeke: black blood.....
Sid: *holds his neck...nothing leaking out of him, but the black foam is still there* "..." *rubs it off of himself onto the sand*
Coyote: *wide-eyed, looking at all of them...*
*the sand shifts underneath the Coyote...*
nygus: sid, are you alright?
Coyote: "???"
Sid: "I think so. We need to contain the Kishin and the blood--"
???: *underground* "Leave that to me!"
Coyote: "?!"
*the sand explodes up, as Gruk appears, grabbing the coyote in both hands*
amelia: *knocked back*
izumi: mr giriko!
Kanin: "?!" *catches Amelia*
amelia: t-thank you.
Giriko: *behind Izumi* "Right behind you." *gestures with his gloves* "That's it, Gurk! Hold 'em!"
stephanie: hooray! hooray! go for it! go fight win!
Coyote: *wiggling under both hands, shaking like a snake*
Gruk: *struggling to hold on--*
Coyote: *slips out of the grip--and slides down Gruk's "mouth"*
Giriko: "?!!!"
hibiki: that's not good.
stephanie: OwO;;;
Gruk: *moving its arms, trying to punch into its own torso--as it starts to glow black...and ooze comes out of its "eyes" until--*
stephanie: EEP!!
*Gruk explodes, black blood leaking out of its remains...leaving the Coyote in a new, blacker form, gears from the golem fused into it*
Giriko: "GRUK! You fucking bastard!"
hibiki: got any other ideas?
*something slides up Hibiki's leg...*
hibiki: ??!?!??!?
*it's the black blood*
hibiki: !!!!!! get OFF!
Black Blood: *its 'mouth' opens--*
zeke: NO! *SLICE*
*an arm reaches out of the sand, grabbing Hibiki's leg*
hibiki: eh?
*a soul shock goes through Hibiki's leg--shocking the blood and sending it at Zeke's face*
zeke: GAH- *SPIT* gegh! gross!
*the hand is still on Hibiki's leg*
hibiki: *looks*
Kazue: *popping up out of the sand, holding onto Hibiki's leg* "..."
hibiki: dont just stand there, DO SOMETHING!
Kazue: *nods* *holds out a switchblade, aims at Zeke's cheek--*
Monica: "You cowardly cunt--get the fuck in there and slice that motherfucker!" *dragging her weapon form out into the field*
yolanda: >~<
Sid: "I said retreat! All of you!"
hibiki: we're DWMA students, arent we?
Kazue: *brings the knife to Zeke's face--*
zeke: O_O;; *gulp*
Asher: *slaps Kazue upside the head* "Asshole. You're scaring him. Just zap it off."
zeke: thanks fam.
Kazue: -_-; *uses a soul zap on it--as the black blood releases, crawling into the sand...*
lei-lei: HYAH! *kicking at the blood* genny! are you ok?
Sid: "You may be students--but this is beyond you--"
genny: *in fetal position, trembling*
Coyote: *spots Lei-Lei and Genny* "..." *grins--and leaps at them*
lei-lei: !!!!! *blade arm*
genny: NOO!!!
Coyote: *its mouth opens...into four parts, baring fangs and a slithering tongue--*
amelia: !!!! STOP! *her wavelength seems to be increasing?*
Coyote: *has pounced on Lei-Lei--but has turned back to look at Amelia*
nygus: ?! (her wavelength...it's almost like.....no, she couldnt be, could she?)
Sid: "Nygus..."
amelia: *glaring at it.* stand. down.
Coyote: "..." *gets off of Lei-Lei, but circles around Amelia, alternating between yips and growls*
amelia: *watching, shaking a bit, but standing her ground*
Monica: "Now's our chance--do it!"
Coyote: *barks at Amelia, moving forward and backward at Amelia*
yolanda: *gulps and starts running for it*
Monica: *grins in her weapon form--*
Sid: "?!!! NO! Don't--"
Coyote: *it's tail unrolls like a gear--as it wraps around Yolanda's leg*
yolanda: !!!!
Coyote: *the tail swings Yolanda away, as she loses her grip on Monica, who lands in the sand*
Monica: "...Da fuck?!"
yolanda: nngh...
Monica: "..."
{Monica: "I want to be like you, big bro!"}
Monica: "..." *reverts to human form, with her machete arm* *stalks up to the Coyote...*
Coyote: *focused on Amelia*
amelia: .........
Coyote: *barks at Amelia, careful how close it marches up to her*
hibiki: what's she doing? she's just standing there...
Coyote: *gets up within leaping-range of Amelia...crouches down, readying itself to pounce at her*
Monica: "Almost there..."
Coyote: *leaps*
amelia: !!!
Monica: *leaps at the Coyote*
*then something big and furry tackles the Coyote*
Monica: "?!" *crashes face-first into the sand*
Kanin: *in werewolf form has tackled the Coyote, using a choke-hold on it*
Coyote: *desperately trying to move, its tongue sliding out like a snake's*
amelia: !!!! kanin!
Giriko: *pushing the kids away* "Move it!"
*a sand tornado forms in front of the kids*
izumi: EEEP!
lukas: *running*
Jinn: *calling from the tornado* "Step in."
stephanie: i forgot one of my slippers!
Zarya: *grunts, and picks Stephanie up*
stephanie: OwO
Zarya: *tosses Stephanie right into the tornado*
stephanie: EEP!
Jinn: *from inside the tornado* "I got you. Toss the rest in."
Asher: *helping Zeke walk to the tornado* *gulp*
zeke: i feel sick, bro.
Axel: "It-It's going to be okay, bro..." Q_Q
hibiki: come on, let's go!
Kanin: *trying to choke the Coyote*
Coyote: *slithering--until it gets out of its grip, stretching its neck until it's sniping at Kanin's face*
amelia: no stop!
Kanin: *barks back at it--before it grabs the Coyote's snout in one hand and its hind legs in the other hand*
Coyote: *wiggling*
Kanin: *barks back at it--before it grabs the Coyote's snout in one hand and its hind legs in the other hand*
Coyote: *wiggling*
Kanin: *growling, as it tugs harder at the Coyote--*
Monica: ("I'm not letting you get all the credit...") *runs at them--and brings her blade down at the Coyote, slicing it in half*
lei-lei: *carrying genny to the tornado*
Kanin: "?!!!" *falls back...on all fours, glaring at Monica, his glance shifting everywhere at Sid, Nygus, and Amelia...*
Derek: *waving Lei-Lei and Genny forward* *looking around* "I've counted everywhere...We're missing one."
amelia: are you alright?
nygus: where's armstrong?
*The coyote's remains lie motionless*
Kanin: *growling...he's staring at Amelia, huffing and puffing...*
*in a tent, someone is shivering in fear*
amelia:....*hugs* it's ok, im fine, really.....
Duncan: *shaking* "N-No...Just stay here. Just stay here..."
Kanin: *growls at Amelia, barking*
*there's black blood on Kanin's face...The Moon is giggling above*
Monica: *gets up, looking at Kanin and Amelia* "...Hmph. Is that all it took to take down a Kishin? That's pretty simple..."
amelia:......*wipes the blood away*
Kanin: *still barking at Amelia, sniping at her*
Monica: "??? The hell is with him?"
amelia:.....you really arent leaving me any choice, are you?.......very well.....*CHOP* bad kanin. bad.
*the coyote's back half is motionless...but no one can see a hind leg kicking slightly...
Kanin: "?!" Q_Q *dog whimper*
Monica: "Ha! That's one way of dealing with a mutt..."
amelia: *glances behind monica* !!!! behind you!
Monica: "?!" *swings her arm blade--*
*It's too late: the Coyote's front half has tackled Monica...as black blood pours out of it*
Monica: "?!!!!"
{Monica: *in her school uniform, prim and proper, looking up at the DWMA stairs* "..." *inhale* "Okay, big bro. Let's do this."}
Monica: *screams--until she's silent, the black blood completely covering and consuming her...*
????: get OFF OF HER!!
Duncan: *still hiding in the tent, shaking*
Sid: *has knocked the back of BlackBlood!Monica's head with a tombstone, shattering it* "Let go!"
BlackBlood!Monica: "..." *stands up, turns...her face is a coyote-like snout, snake-like eyes, gear-like appendages along the shoulders...it's like a being of just blood...the blood forms two arm blades* "..." *slices Sid*
Sid: "?! ..." *his top half falls off*
nygus: !!!!! shit!
Sid: *has fallen forward, now sliced at the hip*
izumi: mr barrett!!
BlackBlood!Monica: *lets out an inhuman chittering...looks at Kanin and Amelia* "..." *blades out, rushes at them, moving swiftly*
Asher: *still holding up Zeke* "Izumi! Get out of there!"
Kanin: "?!" *pushes Amelia away--and runs at Monica, barking*
izumi: .....*runs in* we cant leave them behind!
Monica: *slices at Kanin, slicing off their arm*
Kanin: *bites into Monica's shoulder, black blood coating his mouth--before he flings Monica into Duncan's tent*
Duncan: "EEEEEEEK!"
izumi: duncan! take my hand!
Duncan: *screaming incoherently--trying to avoid Monica's slices and Kanin's clawing and bites...his arms reach out of the tent*
izumi: *grabs and pulls him out* ok, now go! hurry!
Sid: *standing up on his arm* "...Nygus, could you pick me up. I'm going to need some help with this next part."
nygus: ok
Duncan: *holding onto Izumi's arms, running with her, sobbing*
Kanin: *pins Monica down*
izumi: i guess we're even now, huh?
Monica: *mouth opens, revealing the slithering tongue, striking at Kanin's face*
Duncan: Q_______Q "...Wh-What the hell is that thing?!"
izumi:....monica.....you go ahead. im going to try and save her.
Duncan: "Are you insane?!! Leave her! She's dead now!"
izumi: i can at least try to help her!
Duncan: "..."
{???: "At least try for once in your life, Duncan!"}
Duncan: "..." *lets go* "G-Good luck..." *runs off*
izumi: ok. (what am i doing? am i really crazy?).....*bites her lip* (if i dont help her, then who will? no. i have to do it. maka...she would have done the same....wouldnt she?) *runs in*
Kanin: *trying to pin Monica down--only for her to slip out of his reach--*
Monica: *stabs blades into Kanin's back*
amelia: kazue, transform!
Kanin: *howls in pain, desperately trying to bite at her arms*
Kazue: *does so*
amelia: *runs in*
Monica: *focused on Kanin, stabbing repeatedly into him, exposing his spinal cord*
Kanin: *pants, barking mindlessly, biting into her arm*
amelia: take this! *spinning at monica, slicing at her* ~DEATHMARCH WALTZ!~
*the slice rips black blood off of Monica's face, revealing her eye and mouth*
Monica: *looking terrified* "B-Bro..."
Kanin: *turns around, trying to bite at Monica's neck*
izumi: hey! monica! fight it!
Monica: *turns at Izumi...the blood falls back over her face, as she grows silent again and aims a blade at Izumi*
izumi: *throws a rock at her*
Kanin: *gets up, spinal cord still revealed, watching*
amelia: kanin, stop!
Monica: "?!" *slices the rock in half...runs at Izumi*
Kanin: *growling--and bites at Amelia*
izumi: *running* (come on, think!)
amelia: *jumps back, her dress ripped around the waist......revealing two black stripes*
Monica: "ALBAAAAAARN!" *slithers along the ground, alternating with a four-leg run at her*
Kanin: *chewing through the dress's skirt, eyeing Amelia...spits out the skirt, on all fours, stalking at her*
Kazue: "..."
amelia:.....kanin.....you arent....the only one hiding something.....
Kanin: *growls* *getting into position to pounce again, salivating*
amelia: you probably cant hear what im saying, but please, come back.
izumi: *running, but trips on a rock* AH!
Kanin: *he looks gone...leaps*
Monica: *leaps, blades out, aiming at Izumi's head--*
izumi: *rolls to the side*
amelia:....*takes a breath....and starts singing?*
Monica: *slams the blades to the side of Izumi, then turns her head to stare at Izumi, snakelike eyes narrowing before her mouth opens, the tongue slicing towards Izumi*
Kanin: *pins Amelia down, open his mouth to bite into her neck...then hears the song...*
{Kanin: *humming*}
{amelia: *asleep* nn....papa....}
{Kanin: "..." *tucks her in, continues to sing quietly*}
izumi: come on, snap out of it already!!
Monica: "WEAKLING!" *slice* "NEPOTISM!" *tongue strike* "YOU'RE ONLY HERE BECAUSE OF FAMILY!"
{Monica: *knocked down a flight of stairs* *looks up*}
{Bully: "You're only here because of your brother!"}
{???: what a poser.}
{Monica: *sniffle...then her stare gets colder, as she turns her arm into a machete* " 'Poser'? I'll show you..." *runs up, screaming*}
Monica: *runs at Izumi, swinging her blade*
izumi: *dodging, one of her ponytails getting sliced off*
Monica: *SCREAMS* *lifts up both blades, bringing them down at Izumi*
izumi: !!!! im only here because of family? then what are _you_ here for, huh?!
*the blades come down--just stopping right above Izumi's eyeballs*
izumi: *flinches*
Monica: "... ... ...Bro-Bro..." *the black blood bubbles*
izumi:.....your brother....he's a DWMA student too, right?
Monica: *the black blood melts away just at her eyes* "The best..."
izumi:...i'd call you a hypocrite, but that wont do either of us any good right now.....
Monica: "?!!!" *the blood covers her eyes again, but the mouth opens, revealing a mess of muscles and teeth* "YOU MAKING FUN OF ME?!" *her arms are blades again, but she's stepped back now*
izumi: actually...im a bit envious of you, all things considered. you got to meet your sibling. got to really know them.....i never got a chance to meet maka.
Monica: *slight pant, still stepping back* "Th-Then why do you do this? If you never met a dead person, what do you have to compare yourself to?" *still stepping back, but her blade swings are more erratic, as if not aiming at Izumi*
izumi: ....i guess, i want to feel close to her. maybe i just want my life to have some kind of meaning.....you know spirit's actually my step-dad, right?.....
Monica: "...I don't know shit about you, Albarn. I just know you piss me off..." *the blood has fallen off her face completely but still coats the rest of her*
izumi: .....my birth father is dr rodigy.
Monica: "And I should know who that is?" *more of the black blood pulls away*
izumi: most people would......he was....a really horrible man. i was used as a test subject for his experiments. mom and i came to death city to escape from him. i wanted to get him out of my life, more than anything. i wanted to live a happy life, but if i ignore my past, then i cant improve myself for my future, can i?
Monica: "..." *dissolves the blades* "You don't want to ignore your past, but you change your name? That's kind of a fucked up inconsistency...But I get that. Why take on the name of some abusive shitbag."
izumi: yeah, i guess so. you know, when you arent being mean to me, you're actually kinda cool.
Monica: "?!!! The hell is that coming from?!" >\\\\> "Don't fucking condescend to me, you weak brat..." *the black blood has almost all fallen off of her, along with the gears left from Gruk*
izumi: maybe we can start over and maybe be friends? *extends a hand*
Monica: "... ... ...I'm not going that far." *holds up a bloody fist*
izumi: *fist bump*
Monica: *fist bump*
Monica: X_X *falls down*
izumi: D8
Asher: *knocked Monica over the head with their weapon arm* "... ... ...Oh. I ruined the moment?"
izumi:..... ^^;; i'll grab her arms, you grab her legs?
Asher: >_>; "When she wakes up, just tell her a bird hit her or something, 'kay?" *picks up the legs* "Ugh--she's all bloody and sweaty."
izumi:......you were jealous, werent you?
Asher: "...I'm not jealous. At all."
izumi: whatever you say, partner.
Asher: =\\\\=; "Shut up."
Kanin: *panting, still in wolf form, but he's stopped attacking*
Sid: *watching*
amelia:...*petting his head, humming*
Kanin: *dog whimpering...* "Zzz..." *still in wolf form*
nygus: should we report this to lord death? or does he already know about this?
Sid: "I don't think he would know even this..." *looks at the coyote's remains...it's decomposing* "Looks like the blood got away."
nygus:....we should have the area quarantined for now.
Sid: "And the students, unfortunately. We don't know how much blood got on them."
Giriko: *looking at Gruk's remains* "..." *there's still black blood on them*
zubaidah: you can always make another one.
Giriko: "I-I know that! Doesn't change the work I put into this one. Gruk should've been able to handle that thing. Now I need to strengthen his design."
sonia: *asleep*
Chuuya: *looking over the schedule* "Hmm...Should be do-able."
mito: *jumps up onto the chair next to his, looking* mrrrp?
*Chuuya has a schedule of beach activities, restaurants to visit, and other day activities*
mito: *relaxes on the chair*
Chuuya: *strokes her back* "Glad the hotel has a pet policy."
Axel: *in a bathrobe, shaking* "Ugh--I hate decontamination..." T~T
hibiki: hopefully we arent stuck here for long. i get antsy without my headphones.
preston: *on call* really- no really mama im just fine.
Saria: *on a phone* "Dad, please! I'm fine! We'll be out in a few hours...I think?"
yolanda: ugh, last night was such a shit show.
stephanie: totes. only less coke.
Monica: *holding ice to her head* -_-# "If you don't shut up, I'm going to shove my boot up your ass." *she's barefoot, also in a bathrobe* "Ugh...How the hell does a bird drop a coconut in the middle of a desert?"
Zarya: "..."
izumi: *offers her a soda*
Monica: "Oh, thanks."
izumi: figured you might want something.
yolanda: the hell? since when are _you_ two buddy-buddy?
Monica: "..." *sips*
genny: *sitting outside the door to the room kanin is in* .....
*growling can be heard inside*
*the growling stops*
genny: are you alright in there?
Kanin: "..." *grunts*
genny:....im glad you're ok.
*sobbing can be heard inside*
genny:......do you....want me to come in?
Kanin: "...It-It's open."
genny:....*gingerly opens the door*
Kanin: *small dog whimper*
genny:....*reaches a hand out*
Kanin: *recoils, shrinking back*
genny:....*sits across from him*....sorry i didnt do much last night......
Kanin: "I-I didn't help..."
genny: you helped fight that monster off. that was pretty brave of you.
Kanin: "...That wasn't me."
genny:.....im not really sure what to say, i know i dont know a lot about you, but i still want to anyway.
Kanin: "Why? I'm just a mindless beast...Are you here just to study me or something?"
genny: you arent mindless, you're smart, caring, friendly...i know, this doesnt mean much coming from a nobody like me, but i still want to know you more..because i.....because i lo-*hic* i lo-*hic* (OH NO! NOW ISNT THE TIME TO BE GETTING HICCUPS!)
Kanin: *grabs her*
genny: !!!
Kanin: *hugs, sobbing*
genny: !!!!!.......*hugs him*
Kanin: *still crying, holding onto her*
*DWMA forensics are in hazmat suits, combing the desert...*
*far away, a sliver of black blood tunnels through the sand*
ox: rise and shine everyone!
kim: *groans*
Harvar: *still lying down*
Jacqueline: =_= *yawns*
kilik: hnn? *checks his watch*
Thunder: *yawns* *rubs eyes* "What time is it?"
Chuuya: ._.; "Miyuri, we should blow up the beach balls and toys at the beach..."
miyuri: ~? Owo
Chuuya: ^^; "We'll do our best to fit them in the back--just don't poke them. Sonia, you got everything?"
sonia: yes papa.
Chuuya: *smiles* "You look lovely. Let's get a photo first."
miyuri: *waves to the camera*
Chuuya: *snaps the pic* "Perfect!" *pets Mito* "Behave yourself while we're out."
mito: mreow
Crona: "...I'll do it."
lord death: you're certain?
Crona: "Y-Yes. I'm not sure this is what I want--but I think it's what I have to do."
Ragnarok: *snarling in his container, banging against the glass*
lord death: very well. i'll inform stein right away.
Crona: "Thank you, sir."
Duncan: *on the phone* "Yes, I-- ...No, I was-- What I'm trying to say-- ...Yes, sir. Yes. I'm sorry. ...Dad? Happy Father's--"
*the phone has hung up*
Duncan: "..."
lei-lei: welp, im all clear.
Duncan: "...Congrats. Guess I'm next..." *walks by her to the examination room, shoulders slumped*
Blair: *in a hazmat suit* "Hello, sweetie~ Let's check your pulse."
Duncan: ._.;
lei-lei:....you think duncan's alright?
Derek: "I don't know him very well. Is he usually so morose?"
lei-lei: usually he's a bit more pompous.
Derek: "I see...They say in battle people show who they really are. And he did hide in the tent."
lei-lei: mm....
*sounds of wheels are heard*
Sid: *his torso on a skateboard* "Derek, gather these students on this list." *holds up a list to him*
Derek: "Yes, sir."
lei-lei *looks*
*the list includes Duncan, Kanin, Amelia, Kazue, Izumi, Asher, and Monica*
lei-lei: ._. oh jeez....
Aizawa: -_-# "If the DWMA can't even handle their trip, that has me more concerned about this trip..."
blood king: you're being too paranoid. what's the worst that can happen, gaha!
Midnight: -_-; "You're all such children. We've moved the location 7 times already, and we've kept the travel plans confidential to only three people--" *points at Nezu, Aizawa, and Blood King*
*knock on the 8th Cathedral*
lisa: yeah?
Yotsuba: ^w^ "Hello, friend! Is Sister Iris here?"
lisa: .-.; um...yes?
Yotsuba: "Splendid!" *claps her hands together, as an almost flowery aura seems to appear around her* "May we enter~?"
Foien: ^^;
Karim: -_-;
lisa: um...sure...come on in... (what's with this girl?)
Yotsuba: *practically skipping in*
Foien: "Thanks. You're Lisa, right? Vulcan had helped me with this arm..."
lisa: yes, that's right. how's it holding up for you?
Foien: "Pretty well. I am having some problems on the middle finger--!!! N-Not that I'm using it like that or anything!" ^^;;;
Karim: *looks out the window to the courtyard* "..."
lisa: want vul to take a look at it?
Foien: "If it wouldn't be a problem..."
Karim: *exits for the courtyard*
rita: *watering flowers*
Karim: *looks around, waves at Rita*
rita: *she hasnt noticed him yet*
Karim: "..." *walks around in front of her*
rita: *looks up* !!!
Karim: *holds up his hands* "S-Sorry...Um..." *trying to sign* <Where Iris?>
rita: !! *signing* <she's asleep right now. she isnt feeling well.>
Karim: *nods* <I can come back.>
Black Star: *doing sit-ups--each time, looking up at Soul* "So--you--saw--what--happened--to--the--NOT--kids?"
soul: yeah i heard...
Black Star: "...I keep feeling off, man. I feel stronger."
soul: hmm...
Black Star: "And I heard there was Black Blood out there from Sid...It was kind of hard to hear him since he's kind of shorter now."
soul: .___.;
Chuuya: *pulls into the parking lot* "Okay, remember the number we're at."
*across the street is the beach*
miyuri: YAAAAAY! *running*
Chuuya: "!!! Look both ways!" *running after her*
sonia: *stares out at the ocean* wow....
Chuuya: *catches up to Miyuri* *sighs* *looks around at the beach* "Okay, time to find where to set up the blanket..."
Crona: *lying down* *gulps*
Stein: *washing his hands*
nurse valentine: we're gonna give you the anesthetic now, is that alright?
Crona: "..." *turns to look out the window of the operating room...*
mami: *watching, trying to keep on a brave face*
Crona: "It-It's alright. I'm ready..." *smiles at Mami*
*from a DWMA hallway, loud screaming can be heard coming from a classroom*
Saria: O_O; "Mr. Sid has been yelling for 5 minutes straight at them..."
lukas: do you think they'll be ok?
Saria: *shakes her head* "I don't know...He sounds really upset."
Duncan: *looks down*
Monica: *feet on the desk* "Tch."
Asher: >_>;
Kanin: *still in a half-ways werewolf form* "..."
Sid: "AND TO TOP IT OFF, THOSE OF YOU WHO COULD'VE BEEN USEFUL THOUGHT, 'Oh, I'll be cool and make a dramatic entrance--'"
Kazue: *holds up a sign* <I do like my dramatic entrances.>
izumi: .w.;;;;
*Sid is lying back-down on the teacher's desk...while his lower body is hanging on the lower part of the desk*
Sid: T~T "Could you please be more careful stitching me back up?"
yolanda: *gulp*
nygus: *hoists his torso up*
Duncan: *covering his mouth* "Oh God--" *grabs a paper bag--and vomits into it*
Kanin: -~-;
yolanda:...i've seen worse.
Asher: *glances at Yolanda* "...The fuck?"
Sid: "Ah...That's better. ...Duncan, you need to get a stomach for this work, or drop out of the Academy. Kanin, you are out of control and will be kept under greater scrutiny. Monica, you are suspended for 2 weeks and will be going through more medical exams to make sure the black blood's effects on you are limited."
Monica: "WHAT THE F--"
Sid: *throws an eraser at her--that slams into her mouth*
Monica: *knocked back* @O@
yolanda: ._.
Sid: "As for the rest of you...I appreciate Izumi's good work rescuing a classmate, but I can't let that stand. Therefore, the rest of you are on restroom clean-up duty for the next 2 weeks."
izumi: yes sir...
Asher: "Ugh. But they're so gross."
Kazue: <Didn't one of your coworkers used to smash the toilets with a hammer?>
Sid: "Shut up and start cleaning--OW!"
izumi: OxO;;;;
Patty: *glancing around the kitchen...slithers up to a bowl of cake batter...reaches for it--*
Patty: >~< "OW!"
stocking: NO TOUCHIE! *she's super focused*
Patty: "Aw, you're no fun." -n-
Kid: *sighs* *holds up a cookie* "Patty, leave her be." *shakes the cookie*
Patty: OwO "Cookie!" *runs after Kid*
stocking: this recipe needs to be perfect.
Kid: *tosses the cookie down the hall*
Patty: *yips after it*
Kid: *stands in the doorway, watching Stocking* "..."'
stocking: *sigh* man, this is exhausting... TT~TT
Kid: "Maybe 5 minutes for a drink of water?"
stocking: good idea.
Crona: *groans*
Stein: "Good afternoon."
Crona: "Wha..." *groggy*
mami: *holding chrona's hand*
Crona: "Mami? ...Where am I?"
mami: you're in the recovery room. *she has bandages on her arm*
Crona: *looks at her arm* "...Oh no..."
mami: it's fine. i wanted to...
Stein: "How do you feel?"
Crona: "...I can't hear Ragnarok...Wh-Where is he?!"
nurse valentine: look to your right.
Crona: *turns*
-in the other bed is a tall, muscular man with black hair-
Crona: "???"
Man: *groans, eyes closed--and throws a pillow at Crona*
Crona: ._.;
mami: D8<
Man: "Shut up, you stupid bastard--I'm exhausted."
Crona: "!!! Ragnarok?!"
nurse valentine: and how are you feeling, chrona?
Crona: "I-I don't know? Tired? Hungry?"
Stein: "Water for now. Stick to the IV pack for now too."
ragnarok: real talk here....how well equipped am i?
mami:.....*summons one of her rifles, and smacks him with it*
ragnarok: YEOW!!
Karim: *still sitting in the 8th's courtyard* "..."
Foein: *looking around the workshop*
Yotsuba: "--and then we can braid each other's hair and look at my sticker collection and order pizza and stay up late with a pillow fight--"
tamaki: *dead eyed expression* (why? why is this happening?)
iris: father fulham, rita told me you were out here.
Karim: "Yo. Hey. How you holding up? Doing okay?"
iris: i guess so. you?
Karim: "...Did you know Sister Evergreen very well?"
iris:.....not too well.
Karim: "Hmph. I talked to her every time I stopped by. She wrote a recommendation for me to get into the 1st."
iris: really? i didnt know that.
Karim: "Yeah. I'm not exactly the most talkative person."
iris:....i guess you heard about the group suicide this morning too, huh?
Karim: "..." *nods*
iris: i just....i cant imagine doing something like that....
Karim: "...I could."
iris: ?!
Karim: "If you lost something that was so full of meaning in your life, when everything feels useless and hopeless...I could imagine someone doing that."
iris:.........you arent going to....are you?
Karim: "No. I'm just saying I know where they are coming from. And if I didn't know that, how could I be a good minister to a flock?"
iris: i suppose.....
Karim: "...I wanted to stop by to ask whether she suffered."
iris:.....i dont know.....
Karim: "...I see..." *lowers his head, putting it in his hands*
iris:.....would you like something to eat?
Karim: "...You cook?"
iris: a little bit.
*at the front steps of the DWMA*
Spirit: T~T "IZUMI!!!"
izumi: hey da-
Spirit: *tight bear hug*
izumi: >nO t-tight...
Asher: *eyeroll* "That's just embarrassing--"
Asher: O_O; "H-Hey, Cassidy. What's up?" ^^;;;;
Monica: "..."
*someone puts Monica into a headlock*
Monica: "GRK!"
izumi: eh?
*it's a young man holding Monica in a headlock*
Monica: "Knock it off!" *grabs his arm, holding it behind his back*
Man: "A-Ah! Slippery, huh?!" *tickles under her arm*
Monica: >#< "Cut that shit--ha ha--out!" *smashes the palm of her hand up at his chin*
Man: *still fighting Monica* "Hey! I'm Lorenzo!" *grabs Monica's head by the top--and slams it down to the floor* "I'm sorry for my sister's behavior."
Monica: X____X
izumi: wait, you're-
Spirit: "Wow, Lorenzo, that's you?!" *pats the top of his head* "Look how tall you've gotten!"
Lorenzo: ^^; "Mr. Albarn, I've been this tall for 2 years now." *steps down on Monica's head into the sidewalk* "How you been?"
Monica: *muffled scream, as she grabs Lorenzo's ankle, clawing into it*
izumi: ._.;
Spirit: "I didn't know...she, was your sister."
Lorenzo: "??? Oh? I heard she got into trouble, but didn't think it was this bad." *waves at Izumi and Asher* "Hello."
izumi: it's nice to meet you, sir. *bows*
Asher: "...The hell is wrong with you and your freak bully of a sister?"
izumi: asher!
Lorenzo: "I had thought training Monica on her weapon here would do good for her like it did for me." *taps Spirit's arm* "Like Mr. Albarn and Dr. Stein did for me."
Spirit: .______. "D-Don't mention him..."
Monica: *by this point, she is now gnawing on Lorenzo's leg*
izumi: oh yeah, uncle stein said he was working on something today, right?
Spirit: *nods* "I was going to the hospital to check on Mami and Crona. I think you should, too."
izumi: *nods* yes sir.
Lorenzo: "D'aw, Uncle Stein. That's cute." ^^ *stamps his foot down on Monica's head*
Monica: *stands up--picking up her brother with both hands* "Sounds really corny. What's your friend in for?"
izumi: *sweatdrop*
Mephisto: *on the phone* "So the vessel was satisfactory and to your liking, Nurse~?"
nurse valentine: he seems to be adapting quite nicely. we'll need to keep them both here for a few days to check on them, but other than that, she transfusion seems to have been a success.
Mephisto: "Ah, marvelous! I'm glad we could be of assistance. Do let me know if you see any signs of his soul rejecting the body--we had to go through 5 of those just for Amaimon."
Amaimon: *sitting in front of a baby's toy to fit the square peg into the square hole...and shoving it into the circle hole*
nurse valentine: *sweatdrop* i'll keep that in mind....that reminds me. doctor?
Stein: "Hmm?"
nurse valentine: shall i call for lord death to come in and do a soul examination on chrona?
Stein: "Yes, please do so."
Kanin: *walking home with Amelia* "..."
amelia:....are you going to be alright?
Kanin: "...Amelia. I don't know."
amelia:....they wont lock you away....will they?
Kanin: *tenses* "...I don't want to talk about this. Let's just go home."
amelia:....ok......can we make a hotpot tonight?
Kanin: "...We don't have the ingredients. We'll stop by the grocery."
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
and more stuff
Kid: *stretches* stocking: tired already? Kid: "Not sure..." *lies down* stocking: *hug* Kid: =w= *hug* -elsewhere- Zuno: "Where am I? Who are you?" Assi: "..." *sad smile* "It's me, Assi. Remember?" Zuno: "...Oh! Right!" *awkward laugh* mono: .... Assi: "..." *puts out notes in front of him, with photos* "I've done better taking notes for you. Remember this?" Zuno: *nods* "Yeah. We got groceries this afternoon." Assi: "Good! And yesterday?" Zuno: "..." *shakes his head* -elsewhere- Mori: "You clean up nicely." miura: ...no comment, sir. Mori: -_-; "I think this suit looks good on me. Wouldn't kill you to give me a compliment." miura: ...it's fitting, sir. Mori: ^^; "...Close enough." *opens the door to the club* miura: hmm? Mori: "Let's head on in. We can enjoy a cigar, take in the music..." miura: right. *Mori gets them a second-floor booth overlooking the dance floor, setting out drinks for them* miura: *observing* Mori: "They look quite happy, don't they?" *sips* miura: they sure do seem to be enjoying themselves. Mori: "Some humans enjoy social gatherings. Some humans prefer a bit of privacy." miura: so i've noticed. Mori: *points to one person in the corner of the dance floor, drinking alone at a booth* "What do you think that person is feeling?" miura: judging by their heat signatures, they seem lonely. Mori: "...Well, that's one way to figure that out. I was thinking more how they were slumped over, drinking alone, staring at nothing...Perhaps they need company." miura: are you suggesting we intervene? Mori: "But of course~" miura: -.-; Mori: *gestures to club employee* "Extend an invitation to that lonely person below..." employee: sure thing. Mori: *smiles at Miura* "Let's show you a bit more about human interaction." miura: -.-; lady: um...hi? Mori: "Hello. Care to share a drink with us?" lady: um...sure? Mori: "I'm Mori. And this is my associate, Miura." miura: *nods* lady: just call me reina. Mori: "Pleased to meet you." *opens bottle of wine, pours glasses* "How do you like this establishment?" reina: it's nice. it'd be even nicer if my shithead date didnt stand me up. bastard. Mori: "I'm sorry. It sounds like you were looking forward to that date." *passes wine glass to her* reina: *sigh* whatever, it was just a hook up, anyway... Mori: "Ah, I see." *sips* "Had you made alternative plans in case your hook up did not work out?" reina: i dunno. Mori: *smiles* "Well, you know what I think? I tend to think that things in life are meant to be. And now Miura and I get to meet you." reina: i see. so what exactly do you guys do? Mori: "I'm a physician, Miura is my assistant." reina: ah. i see. Mori: "And what is your profession?" reina: just an office lady. Mori: "Aw...Is the work not satisfying?" reina: well, pays the bills. *sips* Mori: "That's a positive way to look at it...What do you do for fun?" -elsewhere- Relan: *yawns, walking to the kitchen* yu: zzzz Relan: "???" *looks around for a blanket* -early morning- FD: *sits up, stretches* zoey: *asleep on the floor* FD: "...Zoey. Awaken." zoey: *yaaaawn* hmmn? FD: "I require your services." zoey: what do you wish of me, master fyodor? FD: "Get atop me. I want to look at your face." zoey: *crawling onto him* FD: "..." *strokes her cheek* "Such incredible eyes..." zoey: ahhh....*blush* FD: "What do you see...?" *rubs a hand along her side* zoey: *pant* my beloved master. FD: *smiles, as he kisses her lips lightly* zoey: mmmn~<3 FD: "Zoey...You love me, don't you?" *draws her down, holding her* zoey: of course! i love you more than anything! FD: "Ah...I'm glad...Are you still sore?" -elsewhere- Gin: *yawn* higuchi: zzzz Gin: "..." *pulls her closer in a hug* higuchi: =w= Gin: "Good morning." *smooch* -elsewhere- Arthur: *brushing his teeth* "Die, vile cavity goblins, die." -elsewhere- Mori: *yawns* -silence- Mori: "..." *presses his intercom* "Breakfast." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I think Grandma has a day outing planned for you..." sonia: *shiny eyes* Chuuya: *smiles* "So make sure to say 'please' and 'thank you,' and don't talk to strangers, okay?" sonia: ok, papa. and i'll stay away from the demon and the waste of bandages. Chuuya: ^^ "Good girl." *hug* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *in her sports uniform* "Let's do this." atsushi: *nods* Lucy: "...Good luck out there." atsushi: we will. Lucy: *weak smile* atsushi: *hug* Lucy: .\\\\\. "...O-O-Okay..." *pat pat* atsushi: ^^ Kyoka: "You can do more hugging later. We're going to be late at this rate." atsushi: ah! right! Lucy: "I'll watch at work today. Stay safe, you two." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *steadying his breathing* naoya: you gonna be ok, kiddo? Akutagawa: *closes his eyes* "I have been picturing what victory will look like..." naoya: oh? Akutagawa: *opens his eyes...smiles* "I will win." -elsewhere- fuyumi: *knocks* shouto, time to get up. Todoroki: *turns over* =____= fuyumi: *knocks* shouto, get up. Todoroki: *pushes himself up* "I'm up, I'm up..." fuyumi: you have a big day ahead of you. Todoroki: "Right...A few hours to go." fuyumi: ^^ Todoroki: "I'll get ready. Thank you." fuyumi: *smiles and heads back downstairs* Todoroki: *walks to the bathroom...* -silence. his reflection is his only company- Todoroki: *he stands at such an angle that the mirror shows only his scarred side* "..." -...- Todoroki: *shivers* "I don't need it...I don't need it..." -elsewhere- Mineta: "And then I'll put the trophy in the center of my room, and it will attract every girl and woman in the world to my bedroom, and then I'll be happy." -elsewhere- Izuku: owo;;; *stretching* "It'll go fine...Just stay calm..." -elsewhere- Kid: *adjusting his tie* "What will you be doing today?" stocking: work. you? *kiss on the cheek* Kid: =\\\= "I-I was thinking of attending the games on Father’s behalf." stocking: sounds like fun. ^^ Kid: "I hope so...Have a good day at work." stocking: ^^ -elsewhere- Yohei: *picks up Toru* "Guess who has the day off?" toru: bupa? Yohei: "Yep--Papa!" toru: *laughs* ^u^ Yohei: "Hee hee...We'll get to play all day--" *BOOM* chie: o-o EMINE! D8< Emine: "...What? I thought I was helping her with making the mini-freezer." nea:..... ^^ *cracks knuckles* Kepuri: *glaring at Emine...her face is covered in soot, there is a small fire on her right shoulder* "..." *holds a very large wrench, tapping it against her hand* Emine: "..." *pushes Chie out of the way as he tries to run away* chie: *grabs him by the ankle with a shadow arm and drags him back* oh no you dont, mr! Emine: O______O "SHOTARO! DO A GOOD DEED!" Shotaro: "On it!" *hands Kepuri a bigger wrench* Kepuri: ^^ Emine: "YOU TRAITOR!" Yohei: -_-;;;; "...Be smarter than him, Toru." -elsewhere- Announcer #1: "Welcome to the next round of the Sports Festival!" announcer 2: this time, we have our UA students taking center stage! Announcer #1: "And here they come! Starting with Class 1A!" ochako: ^^ momo: *determined* Todoroki: "..." Izuku: owo;;; Iida: *super serious* Bakugo: *glaring* Mineta: *staring at Momo* eijiro: *looking at the audience* tsuyu: *tongue slap* stahp that. Mineta: >3< Audience Member’s sign: "I <3 Red Hair Guy!" eijiro: ^^ denki: *waves* hi ma! Mama Kouji: "Do your best, sweetie! Did you make sure to wear clean underwear?" Kouji: ^^; announcer: following up, we have class 1B! Bakugo: .\\\. *looks back* itsuka: ^^ yui: ... Bakugo: "..." *wave* pony: ^^ Monoma: *low growling* itsuka: !. *waves* ^^ yui: *signing* <monoma, chill.> Monoma: "I am chill! I am absolute zero!" hiryu: you sure about that? ibara: lord have mercy on him. Monoma: *sips a juice pack--angrily* *ANGRY SLURPING* Bakugo: "...Oh, I'm going to eliminate him first. After I kick Deku's ass." Izuku: "...Then that would be 'I'm going to eliminate him second.'" Bakugo: "SHUT UP, DEKU!" -class 1C is up next- mei: *waves* -then the other classes- hitoshi: .... Izuku: "!!!" *meek wave* yuuji: *glances up at the audience* Audience Member #3: "Do your best, stitch-face guy!" yuuji: it's face paint, but thanks. *scratching the back of his neck* Aizawa: "Okay, line up..." -students lining up- Aizawa: "And now, Midnight will introduce the theme to Round 1 of your competition." Mineta: *shiny eyes* "Hells yeah!" pony: o///o midnight: *pulls the lever to show the game played* Iida: "What do you think the first round will be?" -obstacle race- Bakugo: "..." *gleeful face--that still looks evil* "Heh heh heh..." Todoroki: "..." Izuku: o_o; itsuka: *sweatdrop* eijiro: you're kinda freaking me out, man. Bakugo: "I get to blast my way to the finish line _and_ finish off some people in the competition." Izuku: *intense stare back* Monoma: "NO! IT IS I WHO WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" itsuka: neito do not. -_-; ochako: *determination* Todoroki: "..." *glances at Ochako* ochako: ^^ *peace sign* Todoroki: "..." *nods* Monoma: -3- Iida: "I wonder what kind of obstacles will be in store..." atsushi: so it's like what we did then, huh? Kyoka: "Yes. Let us hope it turns out better for them." *looks down* "..." *small sigh* atsushi: you ok? Kyoka: "I feel badly Tamaki is not continuing in the competition." atsushi: yeah, i guess. Kyoka: "...Then we'll have to do even better now." *stares* "You have to beat Akutagawa." atsushi: .... 7.7 r-right. Kyoka: *looks around* "At least he's not here." atsushi: thank god. in all seriousness, he kiiinda freaks me out. Kyoka: "I know. Just don't be alone with him." atsushi: yeah, who knows what he'd try to do..... (thinking: DONT THINK ANYTHING PERVY, BRAIN!) {Akutagawa: "Let me wash your back..."} atsushi: *cringe* Kyoka: "???" {Akutagawa: "I made the bed for you~ <3 " } atsushi: *smacking head against the seat* Kyoka: !!! "Stop that. You can't afford the brain damage." atsushi: im fine! Kyoka: "...We'll get you some ice cream." atsushi: thank you. Q.Q Kyoka: *raises hand* "Two ice creams, please." vendor: here ya go. atsushi: *nom* TTuTT Kyoka: ^^ *nom nom* atsushi: *lick lick* Akutagawa: "Do you like that flavor?" Kyoka: o_o atsushi: *SCREAMS* -his icecream flies up....and lands on his face- atsushi: ACK! Kyoka: "...Let me get a napkin--" Akutagawa: "I'll clean it off." *leans closer* atsushi: O_O;;; *SCREAMS ON THE INSIDE* Kyoka: "..." ("Nope nope nopenopenope--") Akutagawa: *opens his mouth slightly...then removes his handkerchief, wiping it off Atsushi's face* atsushi:...thanks....i think. Akutagawa: "You are welcome. Remember what I did--as I was kind to you today. But in competition, I will dominate." atsushi: riiiiight. >-> Kyoka: *spray bottle* "Go away." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *passes out the sodas* "Drink up!" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *chopping vegetables* naho: *streeetch* Sakuya: "??? Hungry?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Look what was on sale!" louisa: hmm? mary: cool! bram: ... 0_0 Fitzgerald: "I think the patchwork look will create a toyshop atmosphere for this room." mary: i think it's super cute! bram: 7_7; of course you would, mary. Fitzgerald: "Great! Let's figure out where to put it..." *takes out a tablet and stylus* -elsewhere- Relan: *looks at the line* "Jeez...It's going to take forever to get in." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "The students are approaching the starting line..." ochako: *focused* Izuku: *sweating* Iida: *staring forward* midnight: get ready.....GO! *The students take off--into the doorway* ochako: *sprinting* student: urk- student 2: move it! student 3: ow! who's elbow is that? Mineta: *squeezed* Izuku: "Th-They made the doorway this narrow so people couldn't get through..." Todoroki: "Pardon me..." *charging up his ice powers* momo: *summons a javalin to get herself out* there we- GO! *LOUD EXPLOSION* Bakugo: "OUTTA MY WAY!" ochako: WOAH! *gravity'ing herself out* Student #1: *drooling, as they pick up--* hitoshi: ... yuuji: 0_0; um...thats.... hitoshi:...you want on? yuuji: um...im good...thanks..... hitoshi:....alright then. Student #2: *drooling, making groaning noise* "Yeaaaaaaah..." yuuji: (thinking: freaky) Aizawa: "Todoroki is in the lead. But--" *splat splat splat* Todoroki: "??? ...Sticky balls?" Mineta: "YES! Todoroki! Prepare to taste the fury of my killer--" -KO- Mineta: *PWNED* "AAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAH!" *SLAM--roll roll roll roll...* Izuku: o____O ochako: HOLY HOT CROSS BUNS! Iida: "The robots? From the entrance exam?" Todoroki: "...I never faced these." Bakugo: "Ha! We have! So I guess you're at a disadvantage--" Todoroki: "They should look more threatening." Bakugo: "Yeah! ...Wait, what?" Todoroki: *summoning ice...* announcer: AND SHOUTO TODOROKI IS COOLING THINGS DOWN! BUT THE COMPETITION IS HEATING UP! Todoroki: *freezes the robot--and runs* Student #3: "Follow him!" Todoroki: *passes the legs* "Bad idea...I froze the robot while it was top-heavy, so I'm going to let gravity do it's work...while I escape." Student #3: "...What'd he say about 'gravy'?" -BOOOM- ochako: D8 eijiro: *breaks through* IM OKAY! THAT WAS A DICK MOVE TODOROKI! DICK. MOVE. Student #5: "HOLY CRAP! That hard guy survived!" student 6: phrasing! eijiro: *notices something* WOAH! heavy metal much?! Tetsutetsu: *smashes out* "CLASS 1A, YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF DICKS! I'D BE DEAD IF I WASN'T ME!" Student #5: "Another hard guy!" eijiro: *already running* YEET YEET! hiryu: come on, we should work our way through as well! Bakugo: "OUT OF MY WAY, LOSERS!" *runs forward--then blasts upward over the robot* hanta: *following with his tapes* you surprised me there, bakugou, here i was thinking you'd just blast your way on through! Tokoyami: "We will follow your example. Right, Shadow?" dark shadow: *screeaw* ^w^ -more students rush through- Announcer #1: "Jeez, Class 1A is just smashing through without hesitance! They must have some incredible powers!" Aizawa: "...That's not why..." namiko: ?? announcer 3: oh, they were part of the USJ incident a while, back, right? Aizawa: "And when you face that kind of fear, you learn. You get the experience, the courage, to face your fears, rather than run from them." ochako: *phew*.... o_o; oh. Present Mic: "THESE ARE THE FALLS!" Aizawa: "...I'm not a fan of 'Sherlock.'" tsuyu: *crawling on a rope* announcer: and tsuyu asui is already taking a lead! satsuki asui: go tsu! ??? fufufufu~ ochako: huh Iida: *finally caught up, pants, looks at ???* "???" mei: consider this an open letter to all those tech companies out there. the wire arrows, and the hover soles. *flying forwards with her wires* MY PRECIOUS BABIES~! hitoshi:...huh. mina: no way! i call hax! ochako: come on! let's go! Iida: "...I cannot fail, not in front of my brother. I mustn't show an unsightly performance." *assumes figure skater pose on the tightrope* -in the stadium- attendee: that kid up front, that's endevour's kid, isnt it? shinra: wait....are you telling me....that shouto todoroki is the son of endevour? as in _the_ endevour?! Relan: "??? Um...Is he the guy with that fire beard?" shinra: yeah, i met him once actually.....he was a big bag of dicks. Relan: o_o; "...'Kay. Um, I mean, Todoroki seems a little...cold, so to speak. But if he's Fire Beard's son, why doesn't he use his flame abilities?" shinra: well, endevor isnt a fire ability user, but a quirked human. i guess todoroki's ice powers comes from his mom's side? Relan: "But if you had both fire and ice abilities, why would you rely on only one and not both?" shinra: *shrugs* -soon, they make it to the mine field- Todoroki: ("Damn. They designed this portion so that it would require those in first to be cautious how they proceeded through the mines. I will have to be careful and--") Bakugo: "YOU ICEY-HOT BASTARD!" Todoroki: -_-; Bakugo: "YOU DECLARED WAR ON THE WRONG PERSON!" *blasts the ground in front of Todoroki* Todoroki: "?!!!" *ice shield* announcer: and it's broken into utter chaos! -BOOM! BOOM! KABLOOIE- Bakugo: "?!! What the hell?!" Todoroki: "That was multiple explosions..." Izuku: "AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHH!!!!" announcer: AND IZUKU MIDORIYA APPEARS TO BE SURFING ON THE RECOIL!!! inko: *SCREAMS and faints* Bakugo: "DEKU! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Izuku: *determined zoom-in stare* Todoroki: *summoning ice along the battlefield* "This may clear the path for others--but I cannot let them win!" *Todoroki and Bakugo follow Izuku...* *Izuku is flipping over* Izuku: o____o Izuku: ("ALL MIGHTY CRAP! Okay, I'm stalling--calm down...Wait...If I time it right...") *EPIC EYE STARING MOMENT* Izuku: "SHEET METAL...FLIP!" *Izuku slams down the metal in front of Bakugo and Todoroki* *KA-BOOM* Present Mic: "Holy cow! Great work on teaching them that technique, Eraserhead!" Aizawa: "...Not me. That's something they learned on their own..." Izuku: *back on his feet...stumbles to first place* announcer: ....IZUKU MIDORIYA IS THE WINNER!!!!! shinra: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH!!!! -massive cheering- inko: *sobbing with joy* MY BABYYYYY!!! announcer: coming up in second and 3rd respectivly are Shouto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou! Izuku: *crying, smiling* Bakugo: *clenching his fist* "Why that little..." Todoroki: "..." *ice coming off of him* ochako: congrats you guys! ^^ itsuka: *hugging katsuki* congrats on making 3rd! Bakugo: =\\\\= *angry grumbling noises* Monoma: *GLARE* Iida: *traumatized* "I failed...The speedster was too slow..." momo: you did your best. *smiles* *Something is behind Momo* momo:.... -beatdown ensues- Mineta: X______X -later- ochako: *sipping her drink* whoo! that was exciting today! Izuku: QWQ "frozen* tsuyu: congrats on making first, izuku. Todoroki: "..." *sitting away* Izuku: "Th-Thank you..." ochako: ^^..... hmm? hey, arent you gonna sit with us, todoroki? Todoroki: "...No." *gets up and leaves* ochako: ah-........ mina: jeez, who stuck a thumbtack up his butt?? ochako:... Iida: "...So focused." ochako:...brb. *follows him* Izuku: "..." -outside- ochako: todoroki?? jeez, where is he? hitoshi: ....? ochako: did you see- hitoshi: *points* ochako: thanks. Todoroki: *seated on top of wall* ochako: *gravities herself up to the wall* urk....*gulp* hey todoroki. ^^ Todoroki: "...Hello." ochako: ...congrats on making 2nd! *smiles* Todoroki: "It was not first." ochako: but at least it's something, right? Todoroki: "Unless you're at the top, it is nothing." ochako: *small pout* .....so, i hear tomorrow they're going to have a halftime concert. that should be fun, right? Todoroki: "...I would rather train. But no point in over-working my body." ochako: yeah, it'd be bad if you injured yourself now. *looks up at the sky* Todoroki: "...Congratulations on placing." ochako: ^^ thanks. im just glad i made it in! that counts as something, right? Todoroki: *grunt* ochako:....*looking at the passers by below* shark kid: i didnt make it in... shark dad: it's ok son, you did your best, and im proud of you for that. shark kid:...*small smile* ochako: ....*small smile and looks at todoroki* Todoroki: "..." *sniff* *one icy tear* ochako:..??? todoroki? are you...ok? Todoroki: *wipes his tear* "Fine. Thank you for asking." ochako: .....you gonna stick around? maybe play some of the games? Todoroki: "...Okay." ochako: awesome! ^^ Todoroki: "...What do you play?" -elsewhere- Gin: "Another drink?" naoya: hell yeeeeah. higuchi: ^^ Gin: *pours for Naoya* "Ichiyo?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Calvary." karin: hmm? Arthur: "Calvary would be a great game to play." Vulcan: "...It'll never catch on." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walking through the streets* atsushi: *walking home with groceries* Akutagawa: "..." *watches from afar* atsushi: ok. that should be everything now. Akutagawa: "Hello." *now next to him* atsushi: YEEP! jeez, what the heck?! Akutagawa: "...Do you need help carrying?" atsushi: umm...im good, thanks. Akutagawa: "...Oh. Very well. Okay." atsushi: *walking away* Akutagawa: "...Watch your back." atsushi: *looks back* Akutagawa: "You shouldn't let something happen to you." atsushi: noted. Akutagawa: "..." *follows* atsushi: .... ouo;;;; Akutagawa: "...Oh. You were heading this way?" atsushi: um... yeeesss? Akutagawa: "So am I." atsushi: ookaaaay then. *screaming on the inside* Akutagawa: *walks beside him* "...You like bread?" atsushi: i guess. im more of a chazuke guy to be honest. Akutagawa: "...I never get to have that." atsushi: well, there is a nice restaurant that serves it. i could write the address down for you if you want. (thinking: lucy save me) Akutagawa: "..." *hold out his hand* atsushi: *writes it down and hands him the paper* Akutagawa: *takes the paper* "..." *intense stare* atsushi:....well, i should be heading home now. Akutagawa: "...If you must. I suppose you need rest for competition." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How did the festival go?" shinra: it was awesome! tamaki: his friend won first. Akitaru: "Hey, that's great for him!" Relan: "...Not when Bakugo gets his hands on him..." tamaki: not if bakugo's girlfriend is there to calm him down. Relan: "Hope she's around, then. And can get release his tensions, then." Akitaru: "..." *inwardly cackling* karin: *elbows him in the side* Relan: "???" Akitaru: *covers his mouth, calms down* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "You wash behind your ears?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay. Time to brush your teeth." sonia: ok, papa. -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Your mini-freezer is complete!" nea: yay~! ^^ Emine: *pixelated mess* Shinoda: ^^ -elsewhere- atsushi: im back! Kyoka: "That's good. Did you get my ice cream?" atsushi: *hands it to her* Kyoka: "Yay. Also, you had some visitors." atsushi: oh? Kyoka: "Dazai left a note. Lucy has been knocking every five minutes looking for you." atsushi: ah. *looks at dazai's note* Dazai's note: "Do your best!" atsushi: *smiles* Dazai's note: "I'll be watching! And when this is done, you're getting all you can eat!" atsushi: ...*shiny eyes* Kyoka: "???" atsushi: chazuke.... =u= Kyoka: "...You should bring that home, too." -elsewhere- Dazai: TTWTT "So proud of him..." kirako: ^^; Dazai: *patting his belly* "Sweet child, doing so well in competition, using his opponents to his advantage..." mii: zzzz Dazai: *strokes Mii* "Cat been behaving?" kirako: *nods* mii: =u= Dazai: "That's good...Hey, Kirako?" kirako: hmm? Dazai: "Thanks for letting me hang out here." kirako: no problem. ^^ Dazai: *smiles* "You know what would be great? I can mix a drink..." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "I'm home." fuyumi: welcome back! Todoroki: "...Hi. ...I'm sorry I--...That I failed." fuyumi:...*hug* you did your best.......do you want to spend the night here? Todoroki: "...Okay." fuyumi: *smiles* i'll go set up the guest room. Todoroki: "...Thank you." fuyumi: ^^ *goes to do that* Todoroki: "..." *sits on couch* -text alert- Todoroki: "???" *looks at phone* -text from; dad- Todoroki: "..." *deletes* -text from; ochako- Todoroki: "..." *opens it* ochako: [hey todoroki! you get home OK? ^o^] Todoroki: "..." [at sister's] ochako: [neat.] Todoroki: [are you home?] ochako: [yep! dad ordered pizza!] Todoroki: [must be nice] ochako: [yeppers ^^] Todoroki: "..." [which toppings?] ochako: [pepperoni] Todoroki: [well, enjoy it] ochako: [aaand my dog just stole one slice >.< ] Todoroki: [oh, you have a pet?] -she sends a pic of her and a golden lab, with a pizza slice in its mouth- ochako: [this is trixie. #ftselfie] Todoroki: [so, a pizza dog] ochako: [actually she's a lab. XD] Todoroki: "..." [ha] -elsewhere- Emine: *bandaging himself* lin: *tending to his injuries* at least you completed your bad deed today. Emine: "Yes. Just wish it was with fewer injuries..." *looks at her eyes* lin: ^^ Emine: *leans to her face* lin: *smooch* Emine: o\\\\o "..." >\\\< *smooch* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Thanks for the meal, Mom." ^^ inko: ^^ of course, sweetie! *hug* MY BABY WON! Izuku: "GRK! M-Mom...Can't breathe--" -knocks- Izuku: "??? I-I'll get it." *looks through peephole* yuuji: *scratching the back of his head, looking away awkwardly* Izuku: "!!! Oh, Mom? It's a friend from school." *opens the door* yuuji: um....hey mrs M. inko: oh, hello. yuuji, was it? yuuji: *nods* ....yeah. Izuku: "You were passing by? We were just sitting for dinner..." yuuji: oh...cool. mind if i...uh... inko: it's fine. ^^ yuuji:...'kay. Izuku: "I'll get another plate!" -and so- Izuku: ^^ "So, what do you think about the Festival?" yuuji:.....ok i guess.....congrats on 1st. Izuku: "Th-Thanks...I mean, the competition isn't done yet..." yuuji: far from it. Izuku: ._.; "...Yeah...Lot of competition out there, too." yuuji: *nods* i didnt make it to the next round, but it's all good i guess. Izuku: "...I hope you go to the rest of the Festival. There are a lot of fun activities for the audience members." yuuji: yeah, i saw. might help aizawa out with stuff maybe. Izuku: "Oh, good! You like working with him?" yuuji:...it's cool, i guess. dont have much else to do. Izuku: "...Hobbies?" yuuji: *shrugs* guess i've been listening to music more often. Izuku: "Do you play any instruments?" yuuji: nah, not really...doesnt that jirou kid in your class play bass? Izuku: *nods* "Yeah. I only heard her play once." yuuji: cool. Izuku: "Maybe you could ask her? She performs now and then." yuuji: she gonna be at the half time show tomorrow? Izuku: "Yeah. I could introduce you." yuuji: cool. Izuku: ^^ "What kind of music do you like?" yuuji: old school stuff. led zepplin, AC/DC, stuff like that. Izuku: "Then I think you and Jirou will get along great!" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *splashes water on his face* kabuki: it's starting to get a lot colder out. Benimaru: "Yes." *summons a flame* "I think many of us will keep warm." kabuki: indeed. sister kirei told me the shrine got their kotatsu out today. Benimaru: "That should be comforting. Will you be making use of it?" kabuki: if they invite is to. Benimaru: *nods* "I assume they will. The shrine has been welcoming lately." kabuki: they usually are. Benimaru: "...Hmm. I think I'll bring a gift." -elsewhere- Higan: *adjusting his suit* lavender: *helping with his tie* Higan: ^^ "Thanks. You're looking good." lavender: ^^ Higan: "I can't wait to get there...I think you'll like the atmosphere." -elsewhere- Gin: *sniffs, passes box of tissue* naoya: jeez, colds are a bitch, aint they? Gin: *nod nod* "Been drinking as much green tea as I can." naoya: *chuckles* here i thought you wearing that mask would prevent you from getting sick. Gin: -_-; "Ha ha...ha...AHCHOO!" -elsewhere- Kid: *washing Stocking's hair* "Feel good?" stocking: *nods* =///= Kid: "You must've had a long day..." *massages her shoulders* stocking: yeah no kidding...how were the games, babe? Kid: "Impressive...The student, Midoriya, won this round without using his ability." stocking: woah. Kid: *nods* "Truly remarkable." *readies the mobile showerhead* "After what his class did against supervillains at the training facility, he must have been prepared for such an outcome." stocking: i guess. Kid: *smiles* "Ready to rinse?" -elsewhere- Mori: *sips his drink* elise: *drawing* Mori: "???" *looks over her shoulder* -it's a drawing of shizuka with her head off, rain in a grave, and miura- Mori: "...That's...an interesting illustration, Elise." elise: it's all your secretaries. Mori: "...Yes, they are." elise: ^^ Mori: "...Do you miss Shizuka and Rain?" elise:...i guess. *shrugs* but shizuka's right behind that door. Mori: ^^; "But you promise not to tell anyone that's where Shizuka is, yes?" elise: im not gonna say anything. Mori: "Good, Elise." ^^ "...What do you think of Miura?" elise: ...i mean, i _did_ pull her head off once. Mori: "That is true. Do you like her more since doing so?" elise: maybe. as long as she isnt going psycho terminator mode. Mori: *small chuckle* "I know you'll be able to handle her if that were to happen. But I think she's been on good behavior." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Glad you got home safely." atsushi: yeah, same here. Lucy: *pats his head* "Did you have any problems?" atsushi:.......define 'problems' Lucy: "...Of the stalker variety?" atsushi: then just a lil, yeah. Lucy: *sigh* "Did he hurt you?" atsushi: no, luckily. Lucy: "..." *pats his cheek* "Be safe. You may have to go tiger on his butt." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking at a photograph* -it's of himself, higuchi, and rain- Chuuya: "..." ("Sonia looks so much like her...") sonia: ?? Chuuya: "??? Sonia? Can't sleep?" sonia: *looks* Chuuya: "...Do you recognize who's in the photo?" sonia: papa, aunt higuchi, and mama Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes." *points to Rain* "That's her. And you look like her..." sonia:....*looks at the mirror* do i? Chuuya: "...I think so." *smiles* sonia:....*lean* Chuuya: *pat pat* "Want some tea?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay..." *leaves her in front of the mirror, as he walks to the kitchen* "..." ("I can't not see him...") sonia:....(thinking: the demon isnt my father....the demon will never be my father) Chuuya: ("What he did to Rain...What the Rats said...I just can't...") sonia: ..... mito: *resting on sonia's lap* sonia:...good kitty... Chuuya: *heating the water, exits, sees Mito on Sonia's lap* "..." *smiles* "Want a snack?" sonia: yes please. *picks up mito* you're a nice kitty. you'll scare the mean ol rats away, right? mito: *mew* Chuuya: "Mito is good at chasing down rats..." sonia: *hug* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *hugs back* sonia: =///= Chuuya: "You're a great child, Sonia..." sonia: thanks, papa. {naoya: that kid's gonna be depending on you, you know.} Chuuya: ("I know...But...I just...") sonia: =////= zzzz Chuuya: "..." *picks her up carefully* sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *takes her to her bed, tucking her in* sonia: *holding her bear* Chuuya: "..." *strokes her hair off her face, kisses her forehead* sonia: =w= Chuuya: "Sleep well, Sonia..." -elsewhere- Dazai: =w= kirako: zzzz mii: *standing guard outside the door* Dazai: *turns over, hugs Kirako* kirako: =///= Dazai: "Mmm...Zzz..." mii:...*taps the door* Dazai: "Huh?" *looks up* -tap tap- Dazai: *gets out of bed, opens the door* mii: *walking over to where the tea is* Dazai: "..." *sits there* "What's up?" mii: i was meaning to speak with you about that rodent i found a while ago. Dazai: "Oh?" *takes a cup* mii: do you recall it having a camera inside? well, after a little digging around, i've discovered our culprits. Dazai: "Oh? Who?" mii: the rats in the house of the dead, fittingly enough. Dazai: "Hmmm...Any location?" mii: it's difficult to detemine that, but i suggest you keep everyone alert. Dazai: "Understood." mii: in the mean time, i'll see if they hid any more cameras around. Dazai: "Thanks. Hate to think what they've recorded so far." mii: ...i'll be taking my stroll now if you dont mind. Dazai: "Hey, do what you gotta..." *opens the door* mii: *walking off* -elsewhere- FD: "Any new discoveries?" katya: <at the given moment, no> FD: "Hmm..." <Perhaps need to have some surveillance in additional locations.> katya: <when are you gonna pit me against enemies who actually put up a decent fight, huh?> FD: "..." *smiles* <I could have you practice...> katya: <my guns crave to kill> FD: "Hmm..." <I have one prisoner...> katya: <ugh, not the neet. she'll probably piss herself at best. i want someone i can actually enjoy fighting!> FD: *sigh* <Then why don't you take a walk and find someone to shoot?> katya: *hmph* <very well, i'll go play in the old sewers.> FD: <Have fun. Hide the bodies, collect their valuables.> katya: <will do> FD: *starts reviewing a file...* yana: trigger happy, that one. guess thats why they call her the 'silver bullet witch', huh? FD: *nods* "At least she meets her target. Helpful to have her right now." yana: *nods* FD: "Speaking of meeting one's target..." *hands Yana a photograph* "Try to find more info on this one." yana: hmm? *examining* *It's a photo of Izuku* FD: "Care to visit the Festival again?" yana: hmm...eh, sure. FD: *smiles* "Good girl." yana: still creepy! FD: "Yes." yana: -_-; -elsewhere- Poe: ^W^ rowena: tea's ready now. lenore: cool. Poe: "Thank you. It smells good." lenore: *looking at photographs* -one displays poe and rowena's other brother with his wife and daughter- lenore: there's more of you? Poe: *nod* "So to speak." rowena: *nods* henry would be the oldest of us. Poe: "It has been a while since I saw them...How old is she now?" rowena: i think emilia is 7 now. Poe: "...That's good." *sips, looking down* karl: o^o~? Poe: "..." *pets Karl* "H-Henry probably hasn't been interested in seeing me." rowena: should i call him and ask? Poe: .\\\. "I-I-I wouldn't go out of your way..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *tossing in bed* {ami: papa!} {Akitaru: "Ami!"} {-she and chitose are burning-} {chitose: *screaming*} {Akitaru: *looking all around, trying to find a blanket or something...*} -knocking- Akitaru: *his eyes break open...he's covered in a cold sweat...he trips of the bed to the door* shinra: cant sleep.... Akitaru: "...Yeah. I can't either.....Have something to drink?" shinra: *nods* Akitaru: "Okay..." *goes with Shinra to the kitchen* "I'll have some milk...Want some? Or tea?" shinra: *nods* Akitaru: *starts making tea* "You having bad dreams?" shinra: just trouble sleeping i guess. Akitaru: *nods* "...A lot happening at once. Including missions." shinra: yeah...*his hands are shaking* Akitaru: "..." *holds his hand* shinra:...t-thanks dad. Akitaru: *smiles* "You're welcome. Just got to take things one day at a time." -elsewhere- Yohei: *hug* chie ^///^ Yohei: *smooch* "...You're huggable." chie: *hug* so are you~ Yohei: ^\\\^ "I try..." *rubs her back* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looking out a window* naoya: looking for something? Akutagawa: "...No. The streets seem quiet outside." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...You ever think there's something wrong with yourself?" naoya: what do you mean? Akutagawa: "...I wouldn't be like this if I wasn't so messed up. Dazai. The Tiger. There's something corrupted with me." naoya: .....need some tea or something? Akutagawa: "...Okay sure." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, walking through village* -elsewhere- Kid: *hug, smooch* stocking: =///w///= Kid: *rests his head next to hers* "...Your hair smells great." stocking: thanks~ Kid: *smiles* *small kiss on her cheek* "I love you." stocking: i love you too, hun~<3 Kid: *closes his eyes, smiling, lying next to his wife* stocking: *smoooooch* Kid: ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- Joker: "Another beer?" scarlet: yeah, sure. ivy: *hic* hi-heebahnah y-yew fughkin bitch! i'll-i'll fugk-gin khill ya... Joker: "...Maybe not another beer for Ivy." *hands one to Scarlet* scarlet: no kidding. *sweatdrop* Joker: "Hey, Ivy? How would, you know, go about cornering Hibana? She's pretty powerful..." ivy: i dunnu...i jus...wanna shee her die, yknow? she pisshes me off shoo much. Joker: "Yeah, I hear ya. You tried the hostage thing, you tried breaking and entering...Maybe you need another strategy, like when she least expects it." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *snore* atsushi: *tucking her in* odasaku: like a real dad. atsushi: thanks. Kyoka: =w= *curls up under the sheets* atsushi:...*hands her her rabbit plushie* Kyoka: *happy sigh as she hugs her rabbit* atsushi: .... Kyoka: *her breathing grows more steady...* atsushi: *exits the room* Kyoka: "Dad...Mom..." odasaku:....*head pats* Lucy: *asleep on his couch* "Zzz..." atsushi: ....*puts blanket over her and carries her to his bed. he ended up taking the couch* Lucy: =w= ("Zzz...So comfy...") -elsewhere- Spirit: *has ice on his back* -____- sachiko: jeez. -_-; Spirit: "I think I'm out of the competition..." izumi: i think you're a champ, dad. Spirit: ^^; "Thanks, kiddo...At least I can watch the games on TV..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Scoot over." -elsewhere- Victor: *asleep at his work station* nozomi:...*puts a blanket over him* Victor: "Mmmm...Zzzz..." -elsewhere- sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *asleep in his bed* -silence- Chuuya: *tosses slightly* -...- {Chuuya: *hears a noise from Mori's office* "???"} {rain: *exiting, whimpering*} {Chuuya: "??? Rain?"} {rain: !!! m-mr nakahara!} {Chuuya: "You okay?"} {rain: y-yeah...j-just finishing up some last-minute work. ^^ *there are tears in her eyes, and she looks slightly disheveled*} {Chuuya: "..." *removes his handkerchief, offers it to her*} {rain: *wipes tears* i-im fine, really... ^^ } {Chuuya: "...Do you...need some help?"} {rain: *shakes head* t-thanks for offering though. ^^ } {Chuuya: "..." *looks past her into the office* "I can...give you a ride. Home."} {rain:....} {Chuuya: "...My car is just outside." *inside, he sees Mori*} {rain:...its fine....i can take a cab. im sure you're really busy right now...} {Chuuya: "...I'm not. But I don't want to make you..." *pulls out a card, hands it to her*} {rain: ?? *looks at it*} {*It has his cell phone number on it*} {rain:...*sniff*} {Chuuya: *soft smile* "If you ever need anything...just to talk..."} {rain:...ok} Chuuya: *whimpers in his sleep* -silence- Chuuya: *opens his eyes, rubbing his tears away* "...I missed everything." -...- Chuuya: *looks at the alarm clock: 4:14 AM* "..." *goes to the bathroom, splashes water in his face* -silence- Chuuya: *looks in the mirror* "...Rain...Why didn't I...It was so obvious." -...- Chuuya: "...Mori...All of it...Why didn't I stop it." -...- Chuuya: *closes his eyes--and only sees Rain's face* rain?: *tearfully smiling* Chuuya: *sobs* -...- Chuuya: *hugs himself, trying to get a grip...* -...- Chuuya: "Rain..." *crying* mito: *nuzzles his leg* Chuuya: "!!" *looks down* "..." *pets her* mito: ^w^ Chuuya: ("I'm not getting back to sleep any time soon...") *walks Mito to the kitchen* mito: *follows* Chuuya: *opens a tin of food, setting it onto a plate* mito: *nom nom* Chuuya: *starts brewing coffee...* *looks at his phone* -no new messages- Chuuya: "..." *pulls up news* -A Champ In The Making! Izuku Midoriya's Victory!- Chuuya: "Hmm...Good for him on that one. But that's gonna make him a target..." mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "..." *smiles at Mito, scratches lightly under her chin* "Good meal?" mito: *mewl* Chuuya: "That's good..." *finishes making his coffee* "..." *types a text* [can't sleep. just checking in] kouyou: [what's wrong?] Chuuya: [nightmare about something from earlier. still feel bad about rain] kouyou:..... [i see] Chuuya: [sonia reminds me so much of her] kouyou:..... [its mind boggling] Chuuya: "..." [yeah. sorry for waking you] kouyou: [if you need any help, let me know] Chuuya: [will do. thanks] -elsewhere- Vulcan: *stretches* *grunts* yu: zzzz *asleep on a cot* Vulcan: "???" ("Got to get him a decent bed...And not that hospital one that looks like Baymax.") -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: *making breakfast* Kid: *sniffs* "Smells good..." stocking: you want anything on it? *she's making pancakes* Kid: "Whipped cream?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *holding up a burnt plate of food* "..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *opens his eyes, looking around* -morning daylight shines through the window- Todoroki: "...Oh, right." *looks at the blanket* "..." -it's a goddamn frozen blanket- Todoroki: o_____O *internal screaming* -elsewhere- Joker: *waking up, muttering in his sleep* "No more beer, Dad--I've had enough." -phone call- misora: wakey wakey, mr manager! Joker: -___-;; "My head has tiny men inside, hammering inside...Why are you calling so early?" misora: are you hung over? Joker: "Yes. Give me a status update." -elsewhere- Yohei: "...Shotaro, don't sleep on the dining table." Shotaro: *snoring* Kepuri: "...Could someone pass the salt?" -elsewhere- Karim: *buttoning his coat* foien: *streeeetch*.....*looks at his stub* ...... Karim: "...Ready to start drills?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *putting on a t-shirt* "I'm about to head out, Mom." inko: dont forget your phone, sweetie! Izuku: "Oh, right!" *unplugs it, grabs it from his desk, along with his keys and wallet* "And I charged it, too!" inko: ^^ Izuku: *hug* "I'll be home by curfew." -elsewhere- Meme: "Yummy!" mio: *nom* Anya: "Quite a variety of options at the Festival." tsugumi: it's got stuff from all over the world, some of these things i've never even _heard_ of! Anya: "Hmm...Oh! They have oysters! From the Rocky Mountains!" ???: i wouldnt do that if i were you. Anya: "???" twain: *waves* ebie: *nomming on a caramel apple* ^^ Anya: "Why shouldn't I have them? Would I be allergic?" twain: if you want to be on your knees hugging the porcelain throne, go nuts. Anya: o_o;;;; "How...crude." Meme: "Not the only reason to skip it..." *whistles innocently* tsugumi: *notices one game* ooh! Anya: "???" *looks at the game* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *stretching in the locker room* student: oi! araragi! you going to be at the concert today? Akutagawa: "Is it just noise, or does it have some redeeming aural value?" student:...huh? Akutagawa: "...Is the music going to be good?" student: oh! sure. Akutagawa: "...Might as well. Anyone else going?" -elsewhere- Gin: "...Well, this is foolish." miura: tell me about it. -_-; elise: -__-; Mori: "But they're matching outfits! You have to love them." higuchi:.....my eyes burn. Gin: =\\\\= "Kill me." hirotsu: i could, in theory, but i would rather not incite your brother's wrath. Gin: "Not literally." Mori: "Smile for the camera!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Got the tickets?" soul: got 'em right here. kilik: awesome. Black Star: "Then let's do this!" -elsewhere- Q: *whistling* Kyoka: "Oh." Q: hmm? oh hiya traitor! Kyoka: "Hello. Are you still wetting your bed?" Q: have you met number 36 yet? atsushi: ._.; um... Q: oh, i know you! you're big bro dazai's new boy toy, right? Kyoka: "???" atsushi: *almost chokes* THAT'S NOT WHAT IS GOING ON! Kyoka: "..." *trying not to laugh* Q: oh. because akutagawa would get pretty mad if that were true. i think he wants to stick it up your bum. atsushi: ............*almost dies* odasaku: ...... *silent tears of shocked horror* Kyoka: *struggling to breathe, covering her face* Lucy: "Oh! There you two are!" *walks up--then sees Q* "..." Q: hmm? oh, is this the girl you pee in? atsushi: *FAINTS OUT OF PURE SHOCK* Kyoka: *catches Atsushi--still shaking as she tries to hold in laughter* Lucy: "..." *cracks her knuckles* "Oh, little boy~" ^^# Q: *pokes lucy's stomach* are you pregnant? atsushi: LUCY NO! Lucy: "..." .\\\. "YOU ODIOUS PARASITE! Anne! Smash!" anne: *BAM* Q: owie! Lucy: >\\\\\< Kyoka: *doubled over, laughing* atsushi: D8 Lucy: *picks up Atsushi* "Let's get you home. For your own sake. Not for anything else. At all." Kyoka: "...A likely story." Q: *pouts* meanies! im telling mori on you! *runs off* Kyoka: "...I wonder how he'll react upon hearing that you just beat up a member of the Port Mafia." Lucy: -\\\- "It was just a small smack." Q: you arent even with us anymore, traitor!...........but aunt kouyou might get mad..... oh noooooo Q_Q mama chuuya save me! Chuuya: -____-;; "That's not my name. And what the hell happened to your face?" Q: the weretiger's girlfriend is being mean! sonia: *peeeek* Chuuya: *sighs* "Q, what did you say to her?" Lucy: *spots Sonia* ^\\\^ Q: i asked if she was pregnant because- atsushi: *covers his mouth* he was saying silly kid stuff! ^^;;;;; Q: =n= Chuuya: "???" *looks at Kyoka* Kyoka: "..." *whispers in his ear* Chuuya: "..." sonia: ?? Kyoka and Chuuya: *doubled over, trying not to laugh* sonia: ????? Lucy: D:< "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" atsushi: .//////////. please kill me god. Kid: "I can arrange that." atsushi: *SCREAMS and jumps into a tree* Q_Q Q: hmm? hiya zebra man! Kid: "??? Oh, hello." Lucy: -_-; "Now I'm going to need a fireman to get the cat out of the tree..." sonia: ??? Kid: "??? Oh. Is that your sister?" *looks at Q, points at Sonia* atsushi: can we help you? *muttering* and why do you sound like dazai? Q: oh sonia?....*shrug* Chuuya: -_-; ("He's dense _and_ sounds stupid...") "She's my daughter." Kid: "...You're awfully young." Chuuya: "!!!" atsushi: she's adopted, actually. Kid: "Ah. Well, that answers all of my questions. Now, for my last order of business--" *picks up Q* Q: OuO; atsushi: WAIT DON- Kid: *dropkicks Q* "DISGUSTING ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE!" Q:.... *smirks* Kid: *having kicked Q away, pats his hands* "There. I feel relieved." *turns around to face the others* -a hand print appears on kid's neck- Kyoka: ._.; "...He just kicked Q down the street..." Chuuya: -_-;;; "He'll get what's coming to him..." atsushi: *SCREAMS* SOMEONE CALL DAZAI! Kid: "??? What?" Q: *grins and pulls his doll out. it's laughing* Kid: "???? Oh! My wife has a doll, too! I'm glad to see a young boy willing to play with dolls and not be constrained by gender normatives about--" *sees Atsushi* atsushi: *grabs the doll* IMDOINGYOUAFAVOR! Q: D8< HEY! I WAS GONNA CURSE HIM WITH THAT! Kid: "...Curse me with a doll?" *happy sigh* "That's just like my Stocking. She's so--" *realizes* "YOU WERE GOING TO CURSE ME?!" Q: OuO;;; *murderous smile at atsushi* you rotton shit. Kyoka: "You may not kill him yet. He and Lucy have not yet had congress--" Lucy: o\\\\\o -after an explanation [obviously leaving out the whole 'mafia' thing]- Kid: Q____Q "...Get this mark off of me." stocking: *worried* atsushi: oh! there he is now. stocking:...oh, you're that weird guy from a while back. -__-; Q: *pouts* Dazai: "Hello! I'm here to save you all!" *puts on a long rubber glove* "Drop your pants and bend over." Kid: ._. stocking: D8< Kid: "It's on my neck!" atsushi: *hands dazai the doll* Q: aww, no fair. i bet cursing a death god would have been hilarious. Dazai: "..." *takes the doll* "I don't know why they let Q play with these things like this." stocking: *looks at chuuya* what is wrong with that kid? Chuuya: *frowns* "It's...a condition. Tactile." stocking:...... Q:.... stocking: well, we'll be off now. *hugs kid and exits with him* Kid: =\\\= Chuuya: "...Come along, Q, Sonia." sonia:....... Q:.....*sniff* Lucy: *sighs* "This was all bizarre." atsushi: no kidding.....thanks again, dazai. that could have been disastrous. Dazai: "Maybe...I mean, he is a death god. Maybe he could've survived it and-- ... DEATH GOD?! Wait a minute! You think he knows suicidal techniques?" atsushi: dazai no. Dazai: -3- Lucy: *shakes her head* Kyoka: *thumbs down* -elsewhere- Relan: "I got the drinks!" shinra: awesome! -elsewhere- Assi: *hanging upside down from the storm gutter on the roof* DX -elsewhere- yana: *walking around* .... ???: "Lost, little lady?" yana: *shaft head tilts back* nyeh? ???: owo; "...I was just asking--" yana: you!....who're you? Steinbeck: "J-Johnny. Steinbeck. John Steinbeck. Johnny John Steinbeck--" yana: woah, chill dude, i just asked who you were, not for your life story. Steinbeck: "...I can tell it to you. I grew up with vines everywhere--" yana: uuh huh. cool story bro. Steinbeck: owo;;;; "...Are you going to the Festival?" yana: i've been going for the past few days. *sips her soda* Steinbeck: "Oh? You enjoying it?" yana: *shrugs* gives me something to do. dad said i could use the fresh air. Steinbeck: "Oh...You live with your dad?" yana: ....a bunch of people actually. big house. Steinbeck: "Oh! I come from a big family, too." ^^ yana: oh. cool. Steinbeck: "...What's your name?" yana: call me 'yana'. *sips* i'd ask you the same thing, but you just told me. like. 5 times. Steinbeck: *giggles* "Yeah...You like grape soda?" yana: hold up. *kicks mineta into the trash* .....he was lookin at us funny. Mineta: *bouncing in the trash can, screaming "DAMN IT!"* Steinbeck: "...Thanks for doing that." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *passes dish along* "Here you go." eijiro: awesome! *nom nom* Bakugo: "One good thing I can say about the Festival: good eats. Almost makes the weaklings around here worth it." eijiro: *nom nom* Bakugo: "So, who you think will get eliminated next?" eijiro: probably that monoma guy. he's a dick. Bakugo: "Tch. No kidding. Dude's got so many hangups that's just a walking ball of creep." Monoma: *hiding behind potted plants* *glare* eijiro: i dont know what's up his butt, but he needs to get over it. Bakugo: "I bet it's still Itsuka's foot up his ass." Monoma: "!!!!" eijiro: oooh. sick burn. Bakugo: "As sick as he is in the head--" Monoma: *pops from the plants--covered in leaves* "I AM NOT SICK IN THE HEAD, YOU HOT-HEAD AND COLD, HARD MAN!" eijiro: *SCREAMS AND THROWS HIS CHICKEN AT HIM* Monoma: *chicken'd* X_X *KO'ed* Bakugo: "...Did he just get defeated by fried chicken?" -elsewhere- Gin: "Happy to get out of that ridiculous outfit." miura: seconded. Gin: "...Is his mind going?" miura: it's anyone’s guess. i'll schedule a therapy appointment for him. Gin: "Thank you....Do you like this work?" miura: *shrugs* it's all i know, so sure. Gin: "Given what I've seen Motojiro accomplish, he could always adjust your work." miura: perhaps. and given his apprentice working as hard as she is... Gin: "How is she, by the way?" miura:....she's certainly energetic. -_-; ayako: MYEE HE HE HE! XD Gin: "...??? What is that noise?" miura: best not to question it. *knock on the locker room door* miura: ?? *x-ray vision on* *Motojiro is outside, shoving Ayako* Motojiro: "Go in! Leave me alone for a bit!" -WHAM- ayako: *falls face first* OOF! >3< ..... oh heya! Gin: "...Hello." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Brave knights! Take your steeds and assemble!" child: ._.; child 2: who is this guy? child 3: *raises hand* where's the teacher? Arthur: *is on a hobby horse* "I am your leader now! I will teach you the ways of chivalry, jousting, and how to roast a boar and cure the meat for proper storage in the winter!" girl: ._.; *Muffled screams are heard from the closet* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *wearing metallic butterfly wings* "Okay, keep the camera rolling...This is Iron Butterfly, Test Number 1." akaderu: *thumbs up, recording* Kepuri: *thumbs up--and presses a switch...the wings start flapping* "It's working! This is great!" *The wings start flapping faster--and go so fast they bury her into the ground* mana: oh shit. Kepuri: @~@ "My legs hurt now..." Emine: "..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...You all look like a mess." atsushi: long day. Lucy: -\\\- Kyoka: *sly smile* Kunikida: "In any case, I have one task for you." *hands paperwork* "And you have mail." kenji: hmm? atsushi: oh? Kyoka: *looks at Kenji* Kunikida: "From that model." atsushi: oooh. her. *excalibur face* Lucy: "...Who is 'her'?" -one explanation later- Lucy: "...Hmph." atsushi: dazai, could you read it? my head is still spinning from today. Dazai: "On it!" *opens the letter* " 'Dear cutie-potootie--'" Lucy: -_-; atsushi: *gags* why? Dazai: " 'I saw you in the sports competition thingie on TV. Congratulations! You were really doing well out there, running back and forth and stuff.'" -Dazai was reading all of this with a Valley Girl voice...- atsushi: -_-; Dazai: " 'I'll be recording the other rounds--so you better not lose, 'cause when you win, I'll give you a big hug and kiss! x's and o's.' Signed Honey Crisp." atsushi: *throws up in the garbage can* Lucy: D8> Kunikida: "..." *sighs* Dazai: owo;;; "....Maybe ginger ale, sweetie?" atsushi: in perspective.....having akutagawa stalking me sounds just about dandy. -___-; Kyoka: "...Never say that." atsushi: .x.; Lucy: *rubs his back* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Where's the best spot for the concert?" tsuyu: how about over there? Izuku: "Oh, great! Let's go!" -elsewhere- Mori: "And then she hit you, Q?" Q: TT3TT *nods* Mori: "Hmm...That was mean of her. I don't know whether that technically violates the agreement we have with the Agency, as that girl is not with them officially..." Q: *pouts* elise: =n= Mori: "Elise, what do you think we should do to her?" elise: *shrug* Mori: "..." *smiles* "I think we'll have a meeting with her..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *sets out the food* "Just about ready for the watch party!" fang-hua: awesome! Konro: "Should be enjoyable. The games so far have been competitive." Tsukiyo: "So the concert should be even better!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Y-You're sure the mark is gone?" stocking: *hands him a mirror* -yep, it's gone- Kid: *sigh* "Thank goodness..." *falls back* stocking: *stroking his head and hums* Kid: =w= stocking: ^^ Kid: "Thank you..." *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *laughing at an online video...* iris: *small chuckle* Vulcan: "Ha ha ha...Check this out. A giraffe was just born...It's so freaking cute." shinra: .-. Vulcan: "See? There's the mother tending to her child. And then--" *loud noises heard on the video* ???: "Kill that motherfucker!" -someone in video got tazed- shinra: .___.;;; Patty: *passed out in the grass* Vulcan: "...Sister? Why does that girl kinda look like you?" iris: i think that's takeru's girlfriend? Vulcan: "Huh. Hope she has a good lawyer." Baby Giraffe: Q~Q -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Lunch is ready." sonia: *nom* Chuuya: "You like pasta?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "It was a favorite of mine growing up, too." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "DOWN IN FRONT!" itsuka: hmm? Bakugo: "Can't see the stage..." -3- guy: WOOOOO! Todoroki: "..." ochako: *levitating them* how's that? itsuka: woah! Todoroki: "!!!" Bakugo: "Oh, sweet, I can see things." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "That's it for today. Go home." atsushi: *nods* Lucy: "Want dinner at home, or go out?" atsushi: maybe we could have dinner at home? Lucy: "Okay. Order in, or are you expecting me to cook something?" atsushi: just leave it to me ^^ Lucy: ^^ "Good." Kyoka: "Make it tasty." -elsewhere- yana: <im home!> FD: <Welcome. How did it go?> yana: <well, found out the guild remnants have a new leader of sorts> FD: <A capable leader?> yana: <from what i gather. but we'll see soon enough.> *smirks* FD: <Indeed. Something to look forward to...> -elsewhere- Poe: *shiver* karl: O^O~? Poe: "...Just felt something off..." karl: *resting on his head* Poe: *pet pet* ^^ karl: =w= Poe: *opens a new notebook, starts jotting* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *spits up dirt* "That was awful..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "I finished the forms." mary: awesome! louisa: that's good to know. ^^ Fitzgerald: "And what have you all been up to?" -elsewhere- Monoma: X____X pony: nate? you ok? Monoma: "I was hit by chicken...I'm dead now." pony: ._.; chicken man: i didnt do anything! pony:.... *picks him up* i'll take ya to da nurse, den. Monoma: X____X "My head hurts..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...The music wasn't terrible." naoya: at least you got to enjoy yourself, today, right? Akutagawa: "Eh..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *sighs* hanako: hmm? Hibana: "Oh, nothing, sweetie." *smiles* "Just a lot on Mommy's mind." hanako: oh.... *resting her head on her lap* Hibana: *strokes her head* "Feeling okay?" hanako: yeah Hibana: "...I love you." hanako: love you too, mama. Hibana: ^^ *pat pat* -elsewhere- Joker: *sipping milk* "Ugh..." scarlet: how you holding up? Joker: "Fine enough--just overdid it on the drink. Needed something to settle my stomach." scarlet: ah. Joker: *passes a plate of cookies--all poker symbol shaped* scarlet: *nom* Joker: ^^ "Old recipe I had." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." *holds up a drawing* "Who did this?" *he's designed like a gorilla* iris: hibana sent that in the mail, today. Akitaru: "..." *hands it to Iris* "Burn it." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *holding a cross, rubbing his thumb along it* -silence- Hawthorne: *sighs* ("Please, God...") -...- Hawthorne: "..." *starts weeping* -...- Hawthorne: *tosses the cross down, covering his face* -.....- Hawthorne: *sobbing--as he starts slapping his wrist* "Stupid stupid stupid..." -.....- Hawthorne: "You're so stupid! What did you think was going to happen?!" -...- Hawthorne: *collapses against the wall...curls up in a ball and sobs* -silence- Hawthorne: *continues sobbing silently* -in another room- keek: *whimpering* i wanna go home soon.... *knock knock* keek: !?! w-who is- Hawthorne: "It's me." keek: oh....i see.... Hawthorne: "...May I enter?" keek:...s-sure, whatever. Hawthorne: *enters* "...Oh." keek: *she's by herself, huddled under a blanket on a makeshift bed* Hawthorne: "...Not the most comfortable beds here." keek:...its something.... Hawthorne: "...This place?...It is...not good." keek:...*tears falling* i never asked for this... Hawthorne: "...No one does." *sits beside her* keek: i've seen some messed up shit on the deep web. i-i thought i'd be prepared for something like this... b-but this...i-its too much....i just want my mom. *crying* Hawthorne: "..." *pats her shoulder* keek: *crying* Hawthorne: "...I'm sorry. This is...a trying time, to be sure." keek: a-am i just a bad kid? Hawthorne: "...No. No, you are not." keek: *sniff* Hawthorne: "This is...This has to be part of God's plan." keek:...d-does he hate us? Hawthorne: "No, no...He doesn't. God loves all of his children." keek: ..... Hawthorne: "We can't know what He wants...We just have to believe He knows what he is doing..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Well, good night." fuyumi: night. Todoroki: *nods, turns and starts walking* -...- {Todoroki: *a child, hiding*} {-BOOM-} {???: get out here. NOW!} {Todoroki: *shudders, pushes himself further back under his bed*} {???: i know you're in there!} {Todoroki: *shaking, trying to keep quiet*} -...- Todoroki: "???" *his hand has moved to his scar--and he quickly pulls back his hand with a grunt* -silence- Todoroki: *shakes his head, keeps walking* -elsewhere- stocking: better? Kid: *nods* "Thanks..." stocking: any time, babe *smooch* Kid: =w= "So soft..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *hug* *sighs* "This is perfect..." stocking: *humming* Kid: *closes his eyes, resting with her* stocking: i love you so much, you know that? Kid: *opens his eyes, looks at her...nods* "...I do." *smiles* "But I appreciate the reminder--as if my love for you was not already a reminder." stocking: *chuckles and holds him* Kid: =w= *hugs her* "I love you." -elsewhere- Gin: "More?" *hold wine bottle* -elsewhere- Relan: "Zzz..." shinra: *tucks him in* Relan: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *asleep on the couch* mito: =w= sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *shifts slightly, pulling the blanket over himself and Sonia* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: *happy sigh, holds her close* -...- {Chuuya: *flipping through photos on his phone*} {rain: hmm? what are you looking at?} {Chuuya: .\\\. "!!! N-Nothing!" *on his phone is a photo of a younger Kouyou with a small boy wearing a big hat*} {rain: is that you?} {Chuuya: .\\\\\. *nods*} {rain: ^^ you looked really adorable....n-not implying you arent adorable now! *muttering* i mean your more handsome than adorable.. i-i mean- } {Chuuya: -\\\\- "I get it, I get it...Th-Thanks...Kouyou just insisted on sending old pics to me."} {rain: i see.} {Chuuya: "...This isn't fair. I should get to see a pic of you when you were a kid."} {rain:...i dont exactly have any on me...} {Chuuya: "...Oh. Sorry. ... Um...Want to see another one?"} {rain: sure ^^} Chuuya: *shudders* sonia: *shifting in her sleep* Chuuya: *opens his eyes* "??" sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *tucks her in a bit more, looking up at the ceiling* -silence, the lights from the cars driving past shining on the ceiling- Chuuya: *closes his eyes, sighs* -elsewhere- Mori: "..." {Mori: "Do you like it here?"} {shizuka: *nods* i think this office will work nicely, mr mori. ^^ } {Mori: "I'm happy to hear. I imagine this will take getting used to, so if you have a question, please feel free to ask."} {shizuka: *nods* understood, sir.} {Mori: "I also would like to call in for lunch. Tell me, what do you like to eat?"} {shizuka: oh, it's alright. i brought my own for today, but i appreciate the offer, sir. ^^ } {Mori: "Not even a dessert?"} {shizuka: ah! darn i forgot. *sigh*} {Mori: "Then let me order you something. Name it."} {shizuka: eh? are you sure about that, sir? i-i mean you're probably busy-} {Mori: "I'm making time, because I want to make sure you are taken care of while you are at work." *smiles*} {shizuka: *small blush* um...t-thank you, i guess.} {Mori: "You're welcome." *sets a menu down in front of her, looks over her shoulder* "Pick what you wish. I'm buying."} -...- Mori: *sighs* "...I want something sweet." -silence- Mori: *hits the intercom* -elsewhere- Emine: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *turning in his sleep* -knocks on his door- Akutagawa: =___= *gets out of bed, answers the door* -it was gin- Akutagawa: *opens the door* "...Hello." gin: cant sleep? Akutagawa: "..." *shakes his head* "How did you know?" gin: sisterly instincts. Akutagawa: "..." *small laugh* "...Care to come in?" gin: *opens the door* *small nod* Akutagawa: "...Thanks." *sits down* "Can't sleep either?" gin: *shrugs* anything bothering you? Akutagawa: "...My regard for the Tiger." gin: ah. Akutagawa: "...I wonder what I should be doing..." gin: did you try telling him? Akutagawa: "...I did not get the answer I wanted." gin: ...*pats his back* Akutagawa: *shudders* "...I'm never going to convince him, am I?" gin: who knows. Akutagawa: "...I don't know what to do. I feel like I've wasted my time." gin: ....*hug* Akutagawa: "..." *hug* *sniff* gin: its going to be ok. Akutagawa: "...I hope so..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "It's okay, buddy..." *pat pat* toru: *hic* chie: *rocking him and humming* toru: .... Yohei: *smiles* ("She's so good at this...") chie: *humming* toru:.....zzzzz chie: *sigh* Yohei: *smiles at her* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi: *tucking her in* Kyoka: *smiles, resting more comfortably* atsushi:....*sighs and relaxes on the couch* .... Oda: How are you feeling? atsushi: alright, i guess. Oda: That's good. You deserve the rest. atsushi: *smiles and yawns* night. Oda: ...Good night. -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *unbuttons his shirt, lies down in bed* -silence- Kunikida: *stares up at the ceiling, arms behind his head* "..." *sighs* -...- Kunikida: "Hmph." *takes off his glasses, sets them on his nightstand, and turns off the lights* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sipping milk, walks into the garage* karin: zzzzz *asleep at her desk* Akitaru: "..." *takes a blanket, drapes it over her shoulders* karin: =w= Akitaru: *looks at her...then at what she is building* -it appears to be a pair of fisticuffs- Akitaru: *looks at the size of them against his own hands* -on the desk is a picture of karin and irina as kids- Akitaru: "..." ("To lose someone in your family...") -...- {ami: when i gwo up, im gonna be big and stwong just like you, papa!} {Akitaru: "Oh, really? Let me see that strength..." *holds up his palm*} {ami: *high five* hehe! ^^ } Akitaru: *sets down the photo carefully, exits the garage* -early morning- Chuuya: *yawns, opens his eyes...looks around* sonia: *asleep* mito: zzz Chuuya: *smiles* *nudge nudge* sonia: mmn? *yawn* morning, papa. Chuuya: "Good morning. Sleep okay?" sonia: *nods* i got to see mama in my dream again. she's making lots of friends. Chuuya: "..." *sad smile* "Really? That's really good. She talked with you?" sonia: *nods* she misses us a lot....i miss her too... Chuuya: "..." *nods* "That makes sense...We love her. And I wish she was back too..." *pats her head* "At least she is watching over you." sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "And I'm here, too. *hug* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "Your mom and I love you, Sonia." -elsewhere- Kid: *washing his hair* stocking: *streeeeetch* Kid: *smiles* "Sleep well?" stocking: *nods* you? Kid: "Quite well..." *his voice gets muffled, as he puts his head under the water to rinse* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Morning, Mom!" *he's in All Might pajamas* inko: morning sweetie. *kiss on the forehead* Izuku: ^\\\^ "I had a lot of fun at the concert! And I'm excited about the Festival! There's so much to do there!" inko: ^^ Izuku: "Want me to bring something home? They have delicious spongecake..." -elsewhere- yuuji:....*staring at the ceiling*....*sigh* *his phone buzzes* yuuji: *checking it* hmm? Aizawa: [where are you?] yuuji: [at the apartment. just woke up] Aizawa: [hurry up to the school. pick up cat food. Dry Bones brand. will pay you back] yuuji: ... [k] Aizawa: [thanks] -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Breakfast is almost done! How y'all want your eggs?" -elsewhere- Stein: *walking to school, carrying a first aid kit* "Wonder why Aizawa needed both of us..." valentine: hopefully there are survivors. Stein: "True. In any case, will offer good time to analyze the subjects..." Aizawa: "Yo." *waves* "Over here." -inside- Aizawa: *puts on his coat, steps into the hallway* valentine: so what's the damage? Aizawa: "Nothing too terrible. Just a fight that got out of hand..." Monoma: -____x valentine: i see. Bakugo: "HE STARTED IT!" valentine: both of you just chill out. -_-; *administering the tranquilizers* Monoma and Bakugo: *both collapse on the bed* Bakugo: *drooling* "Stoopid tranq..." Monoma: "Mah mooh mah..." valentine: -_-; Aizawa: "Thank you. Please tend to their wounds." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holding coffee* naoya: sleep well? Akutagawa: "A bit better after speaking with Gin." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...Just still feel conflicted." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "Zzz..." RHOD member: oi, get up. Hawthorne: =_= *sits up* "I'm awake..." *turns over--and sees his Bible on the floor* "..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sips tea* "So Bram, are you feeling better?" bram: a little bit, yes. *sigh* Fitzgerald: "...It is a difficult condition, isn't it?" bram: *nods* though it isnt nearly as bad as it used to be. when i was a child, i couldnt even leave my bed because i was so ill. Fitzgerald: "..." *nods* "That sounds horrible." bram: it was horrible. Fitzgerald: "...Well, I'm glad you have made some progress. And that you have help." bram: *nods* when i first met mary, she was being attacked by wolves, she didnt look like she had means of protecting herself, so i had to step in and chase them off. i sort of became a bodyguard for her after that incident. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...I'm surprised, given how different you two seem." bram: *nods* despite all the misfortunes that befall her, she always looks to the brighter side. it's a rather admirable trait to have in this world. Fitzgerald: "..." *looks down into his tea* "I suppose so...Would need to if we want to move forward." -elsewhere- Arthur: *wearing an All Might mask* shinra: ?? Relan: "...You actually bought one of those at the Festival?" Arthur: *muffled* "A knight must wear a helmet." tamaki: *sighs* *she has on a wild wild pussycats t-shirt* Relan: "Cool shirt, Tamaki!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looks at burrito stand* "..." eijiro: whats up? Todoroki: "Debating what to eat." -elsewhere- Lucy: *rolling out pizza dough* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "File this." atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "??? Problem?" atsushi: *shakes head* i'll get right to it, sir! Kunikida: "Thank you." *looks back at the letter* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, chewing a slipper* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Anticipating what the next round will be?" atsushi: not sure. Kyoka: "I hope it is one you win." atsushi: me too. Kyoka: "??? Oh. Hello." Chuuya: "Hey." atsushi: good luck! OwO;;; Chuuya: "...Relax. He's not here." atsushi: who? oh...right... ahahahaha....haaaa.... ^^;;;; Chuuya: "So, you two enjoying the festivities? I was going to take Sonia on some of the rides." atsushi: sounds good. sonia: *staaaare* Kyoka: "..." *waves* "Hello, Sonia." sonia: *waves* eijiro: eeeey! ozaki! what's up? sonia: ??? Chuuya: ^^;; "Not much..." eijiro: ?? who's that? your sister or something? sonia: no, he's my papa. eijiro: ^^........ OuO; Chuuya: o\\\w\\\o "...It's a long story." odasaku: awkwaaaard. Chuuya: "...Sweetie, this is one of my classmates, Eijiro." eijiro: um....hiiii? .u.;;; sonia:....spiky. Chuuya: "..." *small chortle* -elsewhere- Mori: "The others are at that Festival?" kouyou: seems so. Mori: "Hmm. Hope it yields good results...The child?" kouyou: *glare* you wont be laying a single finger on my granddaughter, understood~? ^^# Mori: owo;;;; "I was thinking nothing of the kind!" kouyou: you better not be. Mori: owo;;;;;;;;;;;; "...I still think she would enjoy a playdate with Elise." -elsewhere- Hibana: "More cotton candy?" hanako: yep! mikami: ^^ Hibana: "Here you go..." *plucks some for Hanako* -elsewhere- Dazai: *sitting on the balcony* namiko: TT~TT Dazai: "??? Hey, what's wrong?" namiko: everything pretty much.....the river looks nice today. how deep do you think it is? Dazai: "Oh! Oh! I know this one! It's three me's deep!" namiko: ......so from this height, i wont break my neck then. Dazai: "..." *calmly turns his head, still smiling* ^^# "...What?" namiko: uhh..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Q___Q;;; Dazai: "Why would you want to do that?" namiko: my life is too stressful, my quirk just causes problems, my own parents forget i even exits half the time *mutter mutter* Dazai: "Yo, kid...What is our Quirk?" namiko: uhhhhhh..... Dazai: QWQ "...And why are my eyes burning?" namiko: *absconds* Dazai: "!!! Wait, don't just go!" -she escaped- Dazai: "...." *starts rubbing his eyes* "Jeez..." -elsewhere- Motojiro "..." *sighs* "Quiet." ayako: *sneak sneak sneak sneak* .u. Motojiro: *putting together a lemon device...* -elsewhere- Tachihara: *grunts* hirotsu: ?? Tachihara: "Just not feeling this, man. I think I need to have an actual opponent." -elsewhere- Gin: *in casual wear and a jacket* "Ready to ride?" *holds up a motorcycle helmet* higuchi: *nods* naoya: *thumbs up* Gin: *puts on her helmet, gets on the cycle* "Hold on tight." higuchi: *holding on* Gin: *starts the engine--and takes off* -elsewhere- Yumi: "More crayons, sweetie?" shiori: *nods* Yumi: *opens a new box* "Here you go! Just remember to draw on the paper only." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *his face is painted like a cat* "..." ochako: hehe, cute. Todoroki: "I was pressured into it." Izuku: ^^ *his face is painted like a bunny* ochako: brb. *goes to the stand, later she returns with her face painted like a puppy* Todoroki: "...Ha. That suits you." Izuku: *thumbs up* ochako: ^u^ Izuku: "Come on! Let's get a photo. You two first!" ochako: peace! *v sign* Todoroki: "Um..." *SNAP* ochako: hehe ^^ Todoroki: -\\\- Izuku: "Came out great!" *shows the pic* ochako: awesome! Izuku: "Yeah, you two look good in it." Todoroki: .\\\\. ochako: *giggles* you look adorable, todoroki. Todoroki: "...Th-Thank you." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...May I ask a question?" kirei: yes? Benimaru: "...My shoulders feel a bit sore." kirei: *rubbing his shoulders* Benimaru: *sigh* "Thank you...That is nice..." kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: "Kirei...I...love..." kirei: *smooch* i love you too. Benimaru: =\\\= *hugs her* kirei: u///u Benimaru: *rests his head against her chest* "...Your heart." kirei: *hug* Benimaru: *soft hum* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Another slice?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Good work. I appreciate the cat food." yuuji: no prob. Aizawa: "How much was it?" *pulls out his wallet with his scarf* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at a mannequin--which has some tech on it* "Nice threads." karin: thanks. it's a little pet project im working on. Akitaru: *looking behind it* "Got a name for it?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *walking slowly with a slight limp* -elsewhere- Dazai: "--and then she ran away." yosano: huh. Dazai: "Any idea what was up with her?" *still rubbing his eyes* "Gah, they still burn..." yosano: hold on a sec. *hands him eye drops and pulls her phone out* Dazai: "Thanks..." *puts in drops* "What you looking up?" yosano: did she look like this? -on the screen is a photo of the pro hero, teary blue- Dazai: "That's her! I think. My eyes are still recovering." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Better head home. Be safe getting back." atsushi: good night! ^^; Kyoka: "Good night." *waves at Sonia* sonia: *wave wave* Kyoka: "That went well. You didn't get stalked." atsushi: ^^; Kyoka: "Want to stop by somewhere for food?" atsushi: sure! Kyoka: "Tofu. And dessert." -elsewhere- Gin: "Just up that hill..." *Gin parks the motorcycle...where a blanket is left...with a picnic basket* higuchi: wow, the view is amazing! Gin: *nods* "I scouted it out for earlier missions. Thought it would be the best location..." *holds Higuchi's hand* higuchi: ^/////^ Gin: *leads her to sit on the blanket, as she removes food from the basket* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *covering his ears* -___-;;; zoey: *moaning* FD: *grunting, slapping her bottom* Hawthorne: "It never ends..." keek: TT____TT i feel sick. Hawthorne: "..." *pats her shoulder* "Let's get you some ginger ale." keek: *sniff* Hawthorne: "...I'm sorry." FD: "Take it harder..." zoey: ah~! FD: "So close...So close..." *rests his fingers along her neck* zoey: nnh~<3 FD: *he pants--thrusts harder, his fingers increasing their grip along her neck, and then--* "ahhhh…" zoey: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~<3<3<3<3 FD: *cums inside her, his body shivering, his hand vibrating along her neck...before it shifts down, massaging her side* "Ah...God damn..." zoey: *panting, her whole body shaking* ah~ FD: *pulls himself out of her, massaging her sides* "How did that feel...having all of that inside you?" zoey: *pant* f-feels so good... FD: "I am glad to hear...It was excellent for me as well." *his fingers slide into her* zoey: ah~<3 *blush* FD: *his teeth bite lightly on her ear, as he massages her inner walls...he rubs himself along her side* zoey: *panting* m-master~ FD: "mmnn..." *licks behind her ear, his thumb along her clitoris...he's already getting hard again* keek: *urk* Hawthorne: *covers her ears* -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddle* stocking: =///////= *purrs* Kid: "Hee hee..." *smooch, pats her hip* stocking: *nuzzle* hehe~ Kid: *sniffs her hair* "It's fruity..." stocking: =////w////= Kid: *kisses the back of her neck, under her hair* stocking: this is nice. Kid: "Mmm..." *holds her, breathing steadily* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *sips her beer* "...Not bad." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *walking* yuuji: .... Todoroki: *spots Yuuji...narrows his eyes* yuuji: yo. Todoroki: "The former villain." yuuji: i have a name, you know. Todoroki: "Then actually earn the privilege of being called it." yuuji: tch-, you must think your hot shit because you’re the son of the number two hero, huh? whatever, its none of my business- Todoroki: "I think I am powerful and capable because I am. My parents have nothing to do with it. My actions speak for themselves--as do yours." yuuji: .... whatever. im not trying to be a hero or villain or anything here. im just trying to find a purpose in life, i guess. Todoroki: "...I guess that is all anyone can do. I can relate." yuuji: that's why i enrolled in the general department. im not exactly 'hero material'. im just me. Todoroki: "And why should anyone believe you won't continue being a villain?" yuuji: because the only reason i had to be a villain is long gone... *his eyes look dull* Todoroki: "...Oh." yuuji: .....*rubs his eyes* Todoroki: "...Need to sit?" yuuji: ....let me just get something from the machine real quick. *gets a soda* Todoroki: "..." *looks at flavors available* yuuji: i guess this is the part where i start elaborating my tragic backstory to you, right? Todoroki: "...I suppose so." *gets a cinnamon cola...He chills it with his touch* yuuji: when i was just a kid, my mom kind of walked out on us. few days later, my old man took his pistol and just... *puts his fingers to his head like a gun and 'pulls the trigger'* bang. Todoroki: "...Oh." yuuji: i ended up in foster home after foster home after that. one night, i got bored and just kind of left. decided to hang around the graveyard....that's where i met sachi. Todoroki: "Sachi?" yuuji: sachi inaba... her home life...she was way worse off than i was. her parents were one of those extremely religious nutjobs. we're talking westboro level nutjobs. they treated her like complete shit, all because she had a quirk. Todoroki: "...And so you two..." yuuji: we just took off. sachi was angry at the world. she wanted to make it pay for all she was put through. she thought 'if they wanted to treat me like the bad guy, then i'll become the badguy'. of course, this was after a few weeks of getting to know each other first, i mean, we didnt just elope on the first meeting, that'd just be silly. Todoroki: "...So you acted like villains." yuuji: yeah, eventually kurogiri found us and brought us in....sachi was happy. she had the life of freedom she always wanted for so long, and i just wanted to be by her side...then....*he is tearing up* she was....killed by mafiosos...by some...shadowy demon....i-it wasnt tokoyami, it was...something different... Todoroki: "...I'm sorry." yuuji: well, now you know my reasons, right? Todoroki: "Yes." yuuji: if you still want to judge, then judge all you damn well please. *sips his drink and sighs* Todoroki: "...Everyone has an origin story. Yours clarifies your motive." yuuji: i guess...its getting late, i should head home. thanks for the talk, i guess. hitoshi: *listening from behind a tree* ..... Todoroki: ".. Thanks for sharing. Night." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *looking at sweets at bakery* ranpo: *nom* Kunikida: *takes a cookie* "Any idea about the Rats?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *wipes off table* himawari: *tending to plants* Shamrock: "How are the plants?" himawari: doing well. Shamrock: "...They look healthier than ever." himawari: *small smile* Shamrock: "You must be treating the plants well." himawari: *nods* Shamrock: "Good work..." *sets out plates and cups* "I'll finish the tea." himawari: ^^ Shamrock: "Milk? Honey?" himawari: sure. Shamrock: *pours tea, then starts to add milk* "Say when." -elsewhere- Anya: *holding large bags of Festival souvenirs* -elsewhere- Hibana: "There you go..." *has made a flower crown* -elsewhere- Tool: *sips water* "..." *hiccup* -elsewhere- Mori: *signs the last form* "Here you go." miura: *nods and files it* Mori: *watches her* miura:...sir? Mori: "...You're surprisingly lifelike." miura: i'll take that as some kind of odd compliment, sir. Mori: "Sorry, it's just, given my medical studies, I didn't think it was possible for someone robotic to pass so convincingly as human--at least, when it comes to appearance and movement..." miura: i see. well, given technological advancements in the past few years... Mori: "...Can you change your voice?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Sleep well, okay? Need anything before bed?" sonia: im good. Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes, you are." *forehead kiss* "Sweet dreams, Sonia." sonia: night, papa. Chuuya: "Good night..." *turns off the lights* sonia: *closing her eyes* Chuuya: *carefully shuts the door, watching her as he does* sonia: *holding her teddy and sleeping* Chuuya: *shuts the door completely* -silence- Chuuya: "..." *puts some soft music on his phone, at a low volume* mito: *resting on the couch* =w= Chuuya: *sits down next to Mito, pets her before checking his phone* -text from; dazai, kouyou, kyouka, akutagawa- Chuuya: "..." *starts with Akutagawa* Akutagawa: [did you see the Tiger?] Chuuya: "..." [yes] Akutagawa: [okay thank you good night] Chuuya: "...???" *checks Kyoka's text* Kyoka: [pic] *It's of Atsushi* -it shows atsushi with tiger face paint- Chuuya: "..." *snort laugh, saves the pic* Chuuya: [that's pretty funny] Kyoka: [^^] Chuuya: *looks at Kouyou's text* kouyou: [doing well?] Chuuya: [okay. took sonia to festival] kouyou: [did she have fun?] Chuuya: [i think so. i took a pic] *attaches one of her with a candy apple* kouyou: ^^ [how cute!] Chuuya: [i know, right?!] kouyou: [^^ good night.] Chuuya: *smiles--then sees Dazai's text* o____________O Chuuya: "..." *covers his eyes* mito: 0^0~? Chuuya: "...Butt dial. Awful, awful butt dial." mito: *peeeeek* *Dazai is looking over his shoulder, blowing a kiss at the mirror...He's wearing only socks* mito: .... ._. Chuuya: "...He must have texted the wrong person. I _hope_ he texted the wrong person." *the phone rings, hiding the image* Chuuya: "???" *looks* Dazai: [...yeah, just ignore that. that wasn't for you] Chuuya: "..." [I KNEW THAT!] -it was a mass text (yosano: *deletes pic* ranpo: ....huh. naomi: ..... atsushi: .______________________________. WHY?!?! odasaku: ... no comment. ango: D.8 Kunikida: "..." *sets down the phone...writes onto his paper...pulls out a hammer from the page--and smashes the phone, along with his living room table*) Dazai: [well, i got other apologies to make. l8r!] Chuuya: "..." *covers his eyes* "Why..." (kirako: ..... ./////. nice ) (Dazai: "MY PUBLIC ADORES ME!" *hug*) Chuuya: "..." *lies back on couch* "Ugh..." mito: *rests on his stomach* Chuuya: "..." *pets Mito* mito: *purrrr* Chuuya: *closes his eyes* {Chuuya: *trying to take a photo with his phone* "...Did it flash?"} {kouyou: yes, yes it did.} {Chuuya: ^^ "I'm glad. I couldn't tell with the hat covering my eyes..."} {kouyou: did you two want to see how it turned out?} {Chuuya: *nod nod*} {Dazai: "Better hold it low enough for Chuuya to see..."} {Chuuya: Q_Q } {kouyou: *tugs dazai's ear* behave you. *she shows it to them*} {Dazai: QWQ } {Chuuya: "Oh! It looks good...Doesn't it?" *looks at Kouyou*} {kouyou: *she smiles and nods*} {Chuuya: ^\\^ "I'm glad."} {Dazai: *nod nod*} Chuuya: *opens his eyes* "...He still doesn't know how to take photos." -elsewhere- Gin: "Mmm..." *hug, kiss* higuchi: ^////^ Gin: "..." *pulls back...takes off her own jacket, hugs Higuchi again* "...So nice." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *shivers* kim: you ok? Jacqueline: *nods* "Just cold...Ironic." -elsewhere- Poe: *reading* karl: *asleep* Poe: *closes his book, puts on his nightcap--pets Karl before blowing out his candle* -elsewhere- lana: night dad. Mr Shephard: "Good night, honey. Get some sleep." lana: *smiles and heads to her room and goes to sleep* *yawn* {Poe: *smiles*} lana: =///w///= -elsewhere- mafura: ?? Touma: *looking at an old photo* -it appears to be of two men and a younger shuuhei- Touma: "Hmm...I wonder..." mafura: ~? Touma: "He did have some family..." -elsewhere- himawari:..... {-a sister is laying on the outskirts of a burning nunnery, bleeding badly-} {sister: <ah.....am i....going to die here?> } {???: You don't have to.} {sister: *she looks up* ?? } {*A man in a kimono stands...One sleeve covers his hand*} {Mr. Tsubaki: ...You can continue to live...in a way. But you would survive this.} {sister: *she reaches out* <please.....save me...>} himawari:....*sighs* Shamrock: "???" himawari: ?? ^^ just thinking. Shamrock: *nods* "..." ("She's talking a lot more now...") "I was wondering...whether you could help me in the garden this weekend." himawari: ^^ sure. Shamrock: *smiles* "Good...It will help before the weather gets colder." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Zzz..." *BANG* yu: WOAH WHAT THE *BAM* ow Vulcan: "?!!!" *sits up, looking around* -...- Relan: *sits up* ("Wh-What was that?") *BANG* Relan: "!!!" *looks at Button's cage* buttons: >~< *hiding under his wheel* *Loud moaning and growls coming from the hallway* Relan: Q___Q ("Vulcan, if you brought another wolverine into the building...") tamaki: what the hell is going on?! *There are dirt footprints in the hallway* shinra: *has a fire extinguisher out* tamaki: *arming herself with a mop* *The dirt footprints lead into...the cellar* tamaki: *gulp* *Chittering is heard--then, from the shadows...something is tossed at them* shinra: *tugs the nozzle* -SPRRRRT- tamaki: *SCREAMING* *PTPTH* STOP! STOP!! *The object tossed rolls along the floor at them...It's a donkey's head* tamaki: *SCREEEEEEEAM* iris: EEK! >^< shinra: WHAT THE HECK?! WHERE IS THE LIGHTSWITCH?! Relan: "I got it!" *presses the light switch--off...five times* "...Oh, right!" *presses it on* *DUN DUN DUN...* shinra: ._. tamaki: ._. iris: ._. Relan: ._. shinra: someone get the commander down here. *Arthur is on the floor, in an awkward pose, in his boxers, eating a very large chunk of meat...he's covered in something red* maki: O_____O what the heck?! Relan: *screams* karin: what the hell is he doing covered in ketchup? Akitaru: "Wh-What's going on?!" Takehisa: *yawn* "Obviously he wanted condiments..." shinra: a good question. iris: arthur? are you dead? *poke poke* Arthur: "Mmm...Meat...Hamburger...Fish...Squirrel..." yu: ._.; we really need a medic here. tamaki + shinra + iris + maki: so true. Akitaru: "Hmmm...I suppose I could start interviewing." Death the Kid: Relan: "Yeah, and a medic would help when Tamaki has her accidents--" tamaki: *glare* shinra: *protective stance* >8\ Relan: Q~Q Arthur: *suddenly wakes up--and his fist slams into Akitaru's jaw* Akitaru: "..." *unaffected* "...Um...???" Arthur: "..." *looks around--then at himself* "...Am I underdressed? Where's my armor?" *then sees the donkey's head* "AND WHO KILLED MY STEED?!" -elsewhere- Joker: *on the phone* -_____- "I know, I know..." -elsewhere- Stein: *typing at his computer...takes another sip of coffee* "Okay. Done with this file." -elsewhere- Dazai: *sips his beer* kirako: *buzzed* hehehue~ Dazai: "Hee hee...Really good, isn't it?" *pats her back* kirako: yeeeep. =w= Dazai: "Hee hee..." *reaches for her glasses, taking them off carefully--and putting them on* kirako: owo Dazai: "Do I look cute and sexy now~?" *bishi sparkle* kirako: *gets really close to him*.....i cant see shit. Dazai: "Then you won't see this coming..." *kisses her lips* kirako: O////O ?! Dazai: *leans back, smiling* "See?" kirako: TnT you naughty boy. am i going to need to punish you? Dazai: "If I keep misbehaving...will you?" *his hand rests on her lower back...and downward* kirako: *crawling onto him* you tell me~? Dazai: "I guess you will...Guess I have to be really bad..." *his other hand takes her breast* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *taps a finger on the table* bartender: *slips him some orange juice* Akutagawa: "Thank you." *sips* -early morning- Izuku: *skipping rope* -elsewhere- Kid: *small snore* stocking: ...... *kisses both his earlobes* Kid: "Mmm...Ah..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm..." *returns the kiss* "...M-Morning." ^\\\^ stocking: good morning yourself, handsome~ Kid: "Hee hee..." *rests hand along her cheek* "Beautiful..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *hugs her* "I wish I could just spend all day here..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Hmm...Out of orange juice. Apple juice okay?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: *pours a cup for her* "Drink up!" sonia: *sips* ^^ Chuuya: "Good for you trying something new..." *pours milk on his cereal* "So, Gin and Higuchi will be with you today." sonia: okay. Chuuya: "They said they had some fun activities planned." sonia: *smiles* Chuuya: "And I'll be home tonight after the Festival. And we'll have ice cream." -elsewhere- Gin: "??? The small child who follows our lemonheaded explosives expert?" hirotsu: college student, actually. and yes, today is her birthday. Gin: "...And Motojiro has no plans to celebrate, does he?" hirotsu: not that i know of. in all seriousness, i think the young lady has forgotten herself. her mind seems to be all over the place. Gin: "Then a party may ground her." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Another cushion, please." TTWTT ranpo: *puts on his glasses*....dude. you guys are nasty. Kyoka: "..." kirako: ahahaha...haha...haaaa .w.;;;; Kunikida: "???" ranpo: i'll tell you when you're older, kunikida. yosano: yeah, im not even gonna touch that. Kyoka: "I think Kirako already touched it." -stunned silence- fukuzawa:...... *inhales* atsushi:......*FAINTS* odasaku:....*stoic face as a single tear falls* bruh. Dazai: owo;;; "Get him a cushion!" ranpo: preferably not one that was on your butt. Kyoka: *nod nod* Kunikida: "Yes." Dazai: o\\\w\\\o -elsewhere- Monoma: "..." *evil chuckling* hitoshi:.....*turns away and speed walks away* Monoma: "Yes...Yes..." *writing notes* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *puts on his kimono* ???: pardon me~ are you the head of this little town~? Benimaru: *feeling tense* "Yes." tsurugi: we're looking for this man, he's a vampire. a scary scary vampire! *holding up a photograph....of mr tsubaki* Benimaru: "Hmm...Yes, I did see this person." tsurugi: oh~? Benimaru: "A few months ago he had passed through, during an attack on this village. I had meant to question him--but he had escaped before I could." tsurugi: *pouts* i see. weeeeelll if you see him again, let us know~ *leaves behind a C3 business card* Benimaru: "Of course. Thank you." *turns and departs...heading to the infirmary* *inside* reimi: hmm? commander? Benimaru: *walks by Reimi, enters Mr. Tsubaki's office* reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, commander! Welcome! How was that ointment for your--" Benimaru: *pulls back his fist...* Mr. Tsubaki: owo;;; Benimaru: *heats up his arm, increasing the force of his blow, extinguishing the flame just before his fist collides with Mr. Tsubaki's face--knocking the 'doctor' back into the wall* reimi: O_O ?! Mr. Tsubaki: *collapsed on the floor* "...WHAT THE EVER LOVING HELL WAS THAT FOR?! Homicidal nutty rage is _not_ a side effect of medicine for your--" Benimaru: "Oh, no, the doctor had a nasty fall from his chair..." *takes Mr. Tsubaki by the back of his head--and keeps slamming it against the floor* Mr. Tsubaki: "Ow!" *slam* "Hey!" *slam* "It's not my fault you--" *slam slam slam slam* Benimaru: "You're going to need a lot of bandages for that. Sister, please hand me bandages for the doctor." reimi: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Benimaru: "Give me the damn bandages! Now!" reimi: why are you attacking him?! Benimaru: *grabs Reimi by the shoulders* "They are hunting him. Need an alibi--and a disguise." *pushes her aside, grabs the bandages himself--and starts wrapping them around Mr. Tsubaki's face* reimi: ah! *wince* Mr. Tsubaki: "GRK--?!" *his mouth is covered, as Benimaru wraps his entire head in bandages* *muffled mutter groan* reimi: ??? Benimaru: "Yes, I know. You're welcome." *looks at Reimi* "The doctor is on leave until he recovers. He is not to leave his home. You better stay under the radar, too, in case they come back for you." reimi: what are you talking about? Benimaru: "..." *looks at her eyes* reimi: *worried* Benimaru: "...Vampire. I can't believe it." reimi:.......do you want us to leave? *tearing up* Benimaru: *pats her shoulder* "I wouldn't be hiding him if I was kicking you out right now. We'll discuss this further. Just get him home and keep him there." Mr. Tsubaki: *muffled yelling* Benimaru: *DEATH GLARE* Mr. Tsubaki: o______o *shuts up* reimi:.....right.... -elsewhere- Touma: *on the phone* "No sign of him?" tsurugi: not yet, but we'll find him soon, mr touma! ^^ Touma: "Any information you gathered?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *shivers* tsubaki: hmm? Shamrock: *looks around the room* "...Sorry. Just something feels...off. Or like..." *touches his eyepatch* tsubaki:...is it your.....y-you know...? Shamrock: "My eye?" tsubaki:....*she nods* Shamrock: "...It's like a phantom pain." tsubaki:.....i see.... how did it happen? Shamrock: "..." *swallows* "A mission that went badly. Training didn't prepare me...Bad information on the mission." tsubaki:...*pat pat* Shamrock: *nods* "...I was told by a supervisor that getting your scars in battle were just indications of injury..." *holds a hand to his heart* "...but that there are far deeper scars that do not heal." tsubaki: ...... Shamrock: "...I won't act like I'm at 100 percent, but I learn to live without an eye. Learning to live with other experiences...actions I have taken..." *stares into Tsubaki's eyes* "That is more difficult, to live with what you have done." {Masamune: "Sister...Want to play?"} tsubaki: *tears streaming* ...r....right... Shamrock: "!!! Oh dear..." *snatches four tissues out of the holder, quickly hands them to her* "H-Here..." tsubaki: *sniff* t-thanks. Shamrock: *pat pat* "I'm sorry." tsubaki: i-it's fine.... Shamrock: "..." *nods* "...It doesn't go away." -elsewhere- Poe: QWQ lana: is everything ok? Poe: "...I'm happy. So why am I crying? Did I break? Is my head torn asunder? Has my heart exploded into flames?" lana: ???? ...ACK! MY EYES! namiko: Q_Q Poe: "?!!!" namiko: *SCREEEEEAMS and runs* karl: Q^Q Poe: "L-Lana!" *looks at the person running away* "...What was with that person?" -elsewhere- Arthur: -_-; "Why do I have to get the groceries? I only ate all the hamburgers, most of the hot dogs, the chips, four bottles of ketchup, a Diet Coke--" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Are you coming down with a cold?" yuuji: ?? Aizawa: "You seem distracted." yuuji: ....just had a talk with a classmate the other day. Aizawa: "Oh?" yuuji: yeah......is mic not in today? Aizawa: "Hence why I asked you: he's under the weather." yuuji: ah. that sucks. Aizawa: "He may be back at work tomorrow--so I need your help today." yuuji: ok then... um...how do i use this? Aizawa: "...What? The microphone, the soundboard, or the tranquilizer gun?" yuuji: wait the what now? 0-0 Aizawa: "Mic gets overly excited. I need a nap. I tranq him, then I sleep like someone who is in a deep sleep." yuuji: .______.; Aizawa: "Is that a problem?" *aims the gun at him* yuuji: o______________________o not at all sir. Aizawa: "Good." *zips up his sleeping bag* "I'm taking my break. Get the studio ready." yuuji:...*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Motojiro: -_______- ayako: O.O sonia: happy birthday. ayako: waaaait a sec..... *checks phone* ohSHITIFORGOT! Gin: ^^; "We tried not to." -elsewhere- Kishiri: .\\\. vivian: arent these outfits super cute? *in one of the cheerleader outfits* Kishiri: *nosebleed* "Wh-Why are you in that outfit, though?" vivian: i wanted to show off for you <3 Kishiri: .\\\w\\\. "I wasn't complaining...You look so hot." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "--and that's when Mom grounded me for a month." eijiro:....yikes. denki:....how do you _kick a ceiling_?!....on _accident_?! Bakugo: "I"m that good!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looks at his left hand* -...- {Todoroki: *crying, stepping back from a lit candle*} ???: todoroki? Todoroki: "..." *sighs, cold coming from his mouth* "Yes?" ochako: you ok? Todoroki: "Fine. Thank you. And you?" ochako: super excited! Todoroki: ._. "Oh?" -elsewhere- ???: "Atsushi?" atsushi: ?? hmm? Lucy: *looking down at him* "Wake up..." atsushi: *reaches up....his hand on her cheek* Lucy: .\\\. "Y-You had a pretty bad faint, from what they told me..." atsushi: ow, my head...am i dead? is this heaven? Lucy: o\\\\o "...No? J-Just stay down...I'll get more ice." atsushi:.... !!! *gets up* MY NAME IS ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA, 18 YEARS OLD! I WAS BORN MAY 5TH AND AM A MEMBER OF THE ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY! ...ok. i dont have amnesia, that's good. ahhhh. headache... shouldnt have been yelling. Lucy: -\\\- "I said lie down." *gently pushes his shoulders down* "You need to recuperate, or Dr. Hacksaw will try something desperate." atsushi:... ._. noted. Lucy: "..." *strokes his face* "Just glad you're relatively okay." atsushi: .... .//////. r-right.... .... *sweating* (thinking: OHGODNONOTNOWPLEASEGODOWNBEFORESHESEESITPLEASEGODPLEASE) Lucy: *smiles, leans down...* yosano: need some alone time, i see? atsushi: O/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;;;; kill me Lucy: o\\\\o *looks over* "I-I was just checking his eyes! You know, make sure he can still see!" *her hands rest next to each side of his head* atsushi: OwO;;; yosano: ....*glance* looks like he can see and feel just fine. atsushi: O________________________O;;;; Lucy: "??? What does that mean--" *shifts--and falls forward* atsushi: O////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O Lucy: o\\\\\\\\\o *loud scream--as she slaps Atsushi's face* atsushi: yeah, i kind of deserve that. Lucy: o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o *pulls back...looks down, then up* "...I HAVE TO KNEED DOUGH!" *runs--into a wall* atsushi: could you do me a solid and dig a hole for me to die in? i would appreciate that. Dazai: *pops up behind him* "On it! Meanwhile, Doc will have to help Lucy--" Lucy: X______X atsushi: DAZAI WHEN DID YOU- nevermind. -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *reading his Bible* -...- Hawthorne: *whispers passages to himself* "...valley of death..." -...- Hawthorne: "..." *sighs...looks around* -the room is still. stagnant- Hawthorne: *sniff* "Ugh..." ???: *sniff* Hawthorne: "?!!!" *looks* -it is a younger hawthorne? bloodied and crying- Hawthorne: "...You again." -the boy looks up, empty holes for eyes and a wide smile- Hawthorne: "...I shouldn't be surprised." *holds his Bible closer* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...They seem shaken." naho: *sigh* i dont know what to do. *hugging her pusheen pillow* Sakuya: "...I guess be there if they want to talk...Sure Black Star and Himawari know better than us..." naho: ....does black*star hate us? Sakuya: "...I don't know." naho: .... Sakuya: "...Dude's got all of us living here, Mr. Tsubaki trying to sleep with his partner and girlfriend...I don't like it. But I get why he'd be pissed." naho:......*frowns* Sakuya: "...We can't take it personally. He is letting us live here." naho: i guess. Black Star: "...Just have to be the kind of person we're supposed to be. Able to look ourselves in the mirror..." *glances at a mirror* -white*star is reflected- Sakuya: o_o;;; "...How long you been listening?" Black Star: "..." *looks away from the mirror* "Long enough." naho: .... Black Star: "...I don't hate having either of you here." naho: really? Black Star: "Really. I'm not upset with you all." naho: hmmm... Black Star: "...What have I done to make you feel that way?" naho: well, um.... >->;;; Sakuya: " 'Damn vampire' tends to be a common phrase from you..." Black Star: "Yeah, but--" naho: *puppy eyes* Black Star: o\\\o "St-Stop that! I'm just saying, like...you all just showed up here out of nowhere, and everything got all turned around--" naho: *puppy eyes intensify* Black Star: Q____Q "...I'M SO SORRY!" naho: *hug* TT3TT Black Star: *hug* TT__TT -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *bandaged, in bed* -_____- reimi: .... Mr. Tsubaki: "...How did they find me?" reimi: i dont know.....what do you plan on doing now? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I got nowhere else to go. And I'm not leaving you here to get captured." reimi:.....but asakusa is my home now... Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "So I'm not leaving. Not right now..." *cringes* "...Do I stay in hiding? Change my face? Stay a fox?" reimi:....im not sure.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Why did your commander hide me?" reimi:....im not sure... Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* "He seems protective of what is inside this community...Maybe that's all..." -elsewhere- Monoma: *still chuckling evilly* hitoshi: *avoiding monoma like the plague* student: that monoma kid freaks me out student 2: are you _sure_ he's a hero? Monoma: *smiles, now friendly* "The plan worked perfectly. Now onto Round 2." -elsewhere- Izuku: *holding a giant frog plushie* "...Thanks for winning it." ^^; tsuyu: any time. Izuku: "Looking forward to the next round?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *staring at his bowl of ice cream* "...Thanks." itsuka: no problem. ^^ Bakugo: "...Good that you moved onto the next round." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *hammering metal* "Just a bit more...Yu! Where are the fuel tanks?!" yu: i got them here. Vulcan: "LOAD THEM IN, THEN!" yu: on it! -elsewhere- Gin: "The cake was delicious." ayako: zzzzzz higuchi: seems she tuckered herself out. Motojiro: -_- ("Thank God...") Gin: "I'll carry her to her bed." -elsewhere- Mori: "It _is_ tasty cake." ^^ elise: *nods* Q: true that! Mori: ^^ "And some ice cream." *scoops out some* -elsewhere- Kid: *adding peppermint to dessert* -elsewhere- Hibana: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Touma: *tracing paths on a map* mafura: ~? Touma: "Where could he have gone..." *all paths lead to and from Asakusa* mafura: is mr foxy there? Touma: "Only place he could be." mafura: aaah. Touma: "...Mafura. How would you like to visit a friend of mine?" mafura: uu! mafura-chan would love to meet one of mr touma's friends!
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