#not sure why i expected him to forever remain a little kid *sniffles* honestly never processed him growing up into a such a decent young ma
notetaeker · 10 months
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August 7, 2023 - Monday ✧ Productively Challenged 7/50
Cannot believe we’re 1 week into August! Applying to jobs is very mentally taxing so I’m avoided it by filling up my time translating and cleaning 🤧 My little brother, after moving, has proved to be quite the capable and responsible guy and I'm kind of mad that he's so (much) cool(er than me now 😭)
✔️translated… way too much… I’m kinda obsessed 😔 ✔️cleaned the microwave + some other kitchen stuff ✔️hung up some pictures on the walls ✔️hand washed some clothes ✔️ate some mishti doi 💯
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Stick It To Dis Bear!
Summary: An alternate/bonus scene about THE STICKER in Chapter 25 of Super Danganronpa 2: Matsuda Yasuke’s Battle of Despair and Wits.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really.
Notes: I just didn’t feel right leaving out the stupid sticker. I still haven’t gone to a theater in over a year. For obvious reasons. I think I’m done with theaters. Like, forever. The last film I saw was Birds of Prey. That was good. I don’t need to see another movie.
Read this fic among others HERE
Main story is HERE
Commission? Donate?
They managed to get all the testing done in one day, although if Hinata played along in hopes of being told everything, he ended up sorely disappointed. Another to add to the list of people who found Matsuda in general to be a disappointment as a person. At least, Matsuda had an inkling that such was how the chestnut felt.
He was dealing with his own disappointment—with Komaeda still dragging his feet even after Hinata got too exhausted to keep fucking around with them.
“I feel like nothing of value actually happened,” Hinata groused.
That’s because it did. So little happened that it’s barely worth a passing narration, Matsuda thought.
“You’ve done well, Hinata-kun!” Komaeda chirped. “Great work! As expected of an Ultimate!”
“Shove it,” Hinata snapped. “It would’ve been nice if any of that felt like it mattered.”
“Aw, Hinata-kun...” Komaeda does pout, and it visibly gets Hinata more flustered and frustrated. “I really am sorry that you feel like your time was wasted.” Komaeda turns the full force of that pout to Matsuda. “Hinata-kun feels that his time was wasted. Isn’t that sad? Don’t you feel sad?”
“Yeah,” Hinata agreed through gritted teeth. “Doesn’t that make you sad?”
What romcom bullshit did I wake up in now?
“...I guess... It’s sad?”
“It’s so sad!” Komaeda exclaimed emotionally. “Matsuda-kun, you must make up to him! If only it’d abate his pain a little!”
“I mean, I guess it was a pretty big pain,” Hinata agreed with that, too, even if he seemed more confused about it. “It’d be...nice if I got some compensation...”
“What the hell?” Matsuda balked at the idea. “You volunteered?”
“I don’t REMEMBER that!” Hinata shot back. “For all I know, you lied to my face AGAIN! You do seem to like lying if it benefits you!”
Matsuda opened his mouth but hummed thoughtfully. When he went to speak again, he thought against it and hummed some more.
“C-Can you at least pretend you’re ashamed?” Hinata asked, exasperated. “Like, if you agree, surely you see that it’s wrong...”
I don’t really care.
He especially doesn’t care to pretend he cares. That said...
Komaeda was pouting at him. Lower lip stuck out, puppy eyes, the works. For a kid who looked half on death’s doorstep, it shouldn’t have been that effective. What the fuck.
Matsuda sighed loudly.
I don’t really care, but...
“Alright. Compensation. I guess I can do that,” he said before muttering, “What kind of compensation, though...? Do you want a coupon or what?”
“What would I use a coupon for?” Hinata asked, raising an eyebrow. “I mean—I would’ve been fine with just an apology.”
“Oh, Hinata-kun, such a martyr...” Komaeda gave him a pitying look. “You need to raise your standards.”
Hinata flinched for reasons beyond the current conversation.
“...I guess...”
“Yeah, you’re not getting an apology when I’m not sorry,” Matsuda said. “Pick something else.”
“Seriously?” Hinata gave him a look. “I... What the hell am I supposed to ask for?”
“A raise!” Komaeda exclaimed. “Extra vacation days! Or maybe a cruise!”
“I’m not paying for a fucking cruise,” Matsuda snapped. “Just how much money do you think I have?”
“Eh? But, Matsuda-kun, you’re a renowned neurologist,” Komaeda pointed out. “Even if you’re still a minor, you should be making a considerable amount of money...”
“Paid intern,” Matsuda corrected. “I could afford rent and instant food without having to pick up a parttime job on the side. Better than most...other people of my status...” He paused, having to stop himself for a moment before continuing, “I’m still not living the fancy life, though.”
Living as an orphan is never easy, especially in this country.
“That seems unfair,” Komaeda pointed out.
“What rock do you live under? That’s just how it is,” Matsuda scoffed. “Maybe if I had rich parents or even grandparents, it’d be different but I don’t.”
My worthless dad fucking ran the second shit got only a little difficult. Come to think of it, how did I manage after...?
“Rich parents,” Komaeda echoed as Matsuda rubbed his temple irritably. “I see.”
What now?
“Oh nothing!” Komaeda chirped, waving his hand as he was stared at by both Matsuda and Hinata. Right. Hinata.
This was supposed to be about Hinata.
“I, uh, don’t know much about making money,” Hinata confessed rather pitifully. “I’ve done some job-hunting...and I guess I’ve helped out at a convenience store? But only because my parents knew the owner...”
“How down to earth,” Matsuda remarked. “I knew a convenience store owner who gave me a sandwich because she felt sorry for me.”
“The one I knew hated me,” Komaeda chirped. “She said I was cursed! Which I guess was true!”
Both Matsuda and Hinata stared at him again, this time harder than before. Despite that, Komaeda remained bouncy and cheerful.
“Since financial compensation isn’t an option, I guess the best we can do is find something on the island to give Hinata-kun!”
“There’s a supermarket,” Matsuda pointed out dryly.
“I can just go there myself and grab whatever I want,” Hinata said. “I don’t need you picking up anything for me.”
“Do you want to be compensated or not?” Matsuda snapped.
“You’re not the kind of person who gets easily taken advantage of, right?” Komaeda asked, looking at him pityingly again.
“I’m not answering that,” Hinata griped. “But yes, I want compensation, I just... I don’t think I’m going to get the kind of compensation I actually want...”
Komaeda looked at Matsuda next.
“Sucks,” is all he had to offer.
Hinata grumbled, but wasn’t one to give up easily, almost as if he was motivated by a higher force.
“There’s stuff to do, right? Like, go to the beach...”
“I guess I can take you a beach and toss a frisbee for you to fetch,” Matsuda conceded.
“O-Or maybe relax at the park!!”
“Oh, should I bring a leash instead?” Matsuda asked, head tilted.
“T-There’s the movie theater!” Hinata exclaimed in a fit of desperation. “Let’s try that! Let’s go to the movies!”
Matsuda stared. Komaeda stared. Hinata took their silence as agreement.
“The movies,” he decided. “L-Let’s go to the movies.”
Matsuda and Komaeda traded looks.
It was decided, but not without reservations.
“Surely there’s more than one film showing,” Hinata said, looking up at the sign. “I mean... I know I wanted to come here but... This film is supposed to be really bad, right?”
“It is,” Matsuda confirmed.
“It really, really is,” Komaeda agreed. “No offense, Hinata-kun, but you’re going to have to watch this alone if you have your heart set on it.”
“I-I thought I was supposed to be getting treated?!” Hinata protested. “And—I won’t want to see it anyway! I just...” He trails off. “I just...thought it might be nice to watch a move... I wasn’t thinking about...”
Wasn’t thinking is right. I’m also surprised you have the energy.
“Guess it can’t hurt to check,” Matsuda said as he made his way inside. “Of course the main issue is asking...”
Komaeda whistled before Matsuda even had a second to truly dread what came before.
“WHAT AM I, A DOG?!” Monokuma shrieked. “Call me by my NAME or at least a TITLE if you can MANAGE IT?!”
“Why would I when you already answered?” Komaeda retorted. “I just wanted to ask some questions about any films playing?”
“Why? So you can break my fragile little bear heart all over again?” Monokuma sniffled. “Critics are vultures! Vultures, I tell ya!”
“Get the fuck over yourself,” Matsuda snapped. “We’re only here because this dumbass wants to see a movie.”
“I-I’m not a dumbass!” Hinata protested, but Monokuma looked at him as if he were, in fact, a dumbass. “What?! Do you have a problem with that?!”
“Eheh... Upupupu, and here I thought you didn’t want to watch it!” Monokuma cackled. “You were just being tsundere all along! Should’ve known!”
“I don’t want to watch that film, just a film,” Hinata hurriedly corrected but Monokuma just squealed.
“Such a tsundere that you even threw away millions for a sticker!”
“Millions...?” Matsuda echoed.
“For...a sticker?” Komaeda wondered, wide-eyed.
“Don’t worry about it!” Hinata yelped, waving his hand frantically. “I-It’s nothing to worry about!”
“I think tsundere syndrome IS pretty worrying!” Monokuma exclaimed, smacking Hinata on the ass and retrieving the one and only sticker. “I mean, honestly! Imagine paying 150 million yen for this lovely sticker just so you don’t have to watch a movie! Check it, check it!”
“Stop, don’t!” Hinata shrieked, but Monokuma couldn’t be deterred, flinging that sticker into Matsuda’s face.
Matsuda got a good look at it, as did Komaeda. The Monokuma sticker grinned back at them, with the cheekily written following words underneath: I’m sorry, I was born stupid.
Matsuda stared. Komaeda stared. The sticker smugly kept on staring back, radiating contempt and malice.
“H-Hinata-kun,” Komaeda began shakily, sounding close to tears. “You bought this for 150 million yen?”
“I-I had to take out a loan,” was Hinata’s pitiful explanation. “I didn’t...pay for it upfront...”
“What were you going to do if it accrued interest?” Matsuda asked blankly.
“And what are you going to do now that you’re gonna watch the movie anyway?!” Monokuma exclaimed. “All that money—wasted!”
“I can’t believe you’re going to go bankrupt over this shitty sticker,” Matsuda lamented, feeling genuinely apologetic for his cruel fate. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”
And Hinata.
In the end, Hinata ran out of the theater. In the end, Matsuda and Komaeda wordlessly left as well. In the end, Monokuma surely laughed his furry ass off.
Another day largely wasted.
“Do you think Hinata-kun’s going to want his sticker back?” Komaeda asked, grimacing at the thing as if it had committed great offense. Which it had. Simply by existing. “Monokuma didn’t write up a contract. His word isn’t legally binding. Hinata-kun might not have to pay.”
“Hm.” Matsuda stuffed the sticker into his mouth, chewing it and swallowing it much to Komaeda’s awe. “It’s his word against ours. I can at least afford a lawyer.”
“I’ll pay for legal fees! Just for Hinata-kun!” Komaeda exclaimed, fired up now. “And—!”
“Once we get out of here, we’ll take him to see an actual movie,” Matsuda said.
Komaeda shut his mouth.
“Once we get out of here,” Matsuda repeated.
Komaeda said nothing else for the rest of the day, but there was a particular glimmer to his gaze. One that Matsuda took note of, and couldn’t help but hope for a greater significance.
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hismissharley13 · 6 years
Eight Years
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I hadn’t seen Jax in what felt like forever.  He had told me that he didn’t want me coming up to Stockton to visit, I got it. I always panicked when he got hurt and let’s face it, jail time was not about to go smoothly for a member of Samcro.  Hell, even if Jax wasn’t a patch, he’d find trouble.  That guy had a knack for it.
I figured I’d head over to the clubhouse, everyone was going to be heading straight there...Jax wouldn’t live ‘til the next day if he didn’t see Gemma straight away.  Honestly, the woman was a force to be reckoned with.  Past experience taught me that she had no issue with coming to see her son, regardless of what he was doing.  She never batted an eye the time he’d visited me first when he returned from a run, he’d been balls-deep in me and she just walked in like she owned the damn place.
Don’t get me wrong, I liked her.  She was a caring woman with a huge heart, who’d do absolutely anything to save her family.  She just expected to be put first.  I got that, I really did.  So that’s why I resolved to meet him at the club house each time.  It saved me the embarrassment.
The celebration was in full swing by the time I’d arrived, I wanted to make sure that I looked my best.  My long hair swung slightly with each step, tendrils teased wayward by the slight breeze.  The heels of my boots clacked loudly on the sidewalk, then crunched as I reached the gravel by the club.  There were a few people outside, chatting in the cool evening air.  As I approached, Gemma turned and greeted me with a megawatt smile,
“Hey there sweetheart, up for a party?”
“Hi Gem, I’m looking forward to seeing that son of yours,” I hugged her in greeting and she motioned me inside,
I got two steps into the club and the room spun.  Well, I was spun around in a pair of trunk-like arms.  I let out a laugh of half-surprise, half-amusement as Opie set me back on my feet with a grin,
“Welcome home, Ope,” I giggled at him.  Even in the gloom I saw the bruised eye and cut above his brow and frowned.  Leaning up on tip-toes I kissed his whiskery cheek before stepping around him.  There was a lot of people here this evening, as usual it took me an age to even make it as far as the bar.  I tended to stay out of the way when Jax wasn’t about, so everyone took the opportunity to catch up with me, too.
I leaned across the bar to give Chibs a kiss hello, grimacing as my bare forearms stuck to the tacky residue of liquor on the bar-top.  He grinned, the dimples deepening around the scars on his cheeks as he handed me a cloth to wipe my arms,
“Sorry lass, the prospects hav’nae got the hang of pouring the drink intae the glasses instead of over the bar yet,”
“S’ok Chibby, I’ll live.  Can I have a whiskey and coke please?”
I watched as he poured, the golden liquid coating the glass, two finger widths up the side, three cubes of ice and topped with cola.  Chibs always made the perfect mix, he knew exactly how I liked it and always had a smug look on his face when i smacked my lips in approval at the first taste.
“See boys?  Tha’s how tae make a woman smile,” he winked at me roguishly.  I couldn’t help but grin back at him.  Turning my back on the bar, I scanned the room for the one I’d come to see.  I strained to see over the heads of those in the club and failed.  Huffing to myself I climbed up onto the bar to better view the room; Bobby and Juice were at the pool table, looked like they were playing pairs with a couple of crow eaters, there was Lyla talking to Clay and Piney.  Shit.  Lyla being here meant Ima was likely sniffing round the place too.  If she was sniffing round the club she was indubitably sniffing round Jax.  Jax who I couldn’t currently see.  I dropped my gaze and saw two blue eyes looking up at me, crinkled in a grin.  I squatted down onto my haunches and Tig’s hands grabbed my hips, lifting me down to the floor with ease,
“Hiya Tiggy,” I mumbled in his ear as he squeezed me into a hug, “Where’s my guy?”
“Hey baby-doll, I think he went to his bunk.  I’ve not seen him for a little while.  You doin’ ok beautiful?”
“Yeah I’m good thanks, glad to have you all back,”
“Damn good to be back, I tell ya.  Now go find Jax,” he ushered me off with a wicked leer and a smack on the ass.
A few more hugs and hellos got me to the corridor.  I brushed my fingers along the blue tank of JT’s bike fondly as I passed, the sensation of the cool metal comforting.  I took a mouthful of my drink, feeling the warmth slide down my throat and settle in my belly.  As I reached Jax’s room, I noticed the door was shut.  Maybe he just needed some alone time; not something he would have had much of this last eight months.  I stood motionless for a short time outside the door, my eyes tracing the grain of the wood as my mind processed the trains of thought, the anticipation building within me.  I filled my lungs and pushed the air out in a slow stream as I grasped the brass of the door handle.  The metal turned easily in my fingers and the door separating me from Jax swung away.
In times of trauma, most people describe it afterwards like it happened in slow motion, or so fast it was a blur.  That wasn’t what it was like for me.  Everything happened in real time, but I noticed every detail.
The spin of the glass as it left my hand.
The drops of liquid as they formed an arc.
The change of expression on Jax’s face.
The smug smirk on Ima’s.
The scuffle as Jax pulled his jeans up.
The smash of the glass against the wall.
The tone of regret in his voice as he said my name.
The crawling feeling of my skin when he touched me.
“It’s not what it looks like,”
I shrugged my arm roughly out of his hands.  Hands that less than a minute ago had been rocking Ima onto his dick.
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“Don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot, Jax.” I said coldly.  At that moment, I felt nothing but disgust.
“Please, wait, just-”
“-just what, Jax?  What the hell do you think you’re doing? No, you know what?  I don’t give a shit.  I don’t care what you have to say,” He reached for me again and I held a finger up in warning, “NO, you don’t get to fucking touch me,” 
“Where are you going?” he pleaded in a pained voice as i whirled around and stalked down the corridor,
“It’s really not your business any more.” I replied stonily.  I wasn’t going to give him or Ima the satisfaction of my rage.  I strode into the thick of the party and collided with Tig,
“Whoa where’s the fire?” he grabbed my arms instinctively and caught sight of my face, “Baby what’s wrong?”
I looked up into his concerned face mutely.  His lips drew into a line and he ushered me into the club room.  Once the doors had shut, he thumbed away the tears that had escaped onto my cheeks.  Ducking down slightly he asked me again,
“What’s wrong?”
“I, uh, don’t think Jax and I are gonna work out,” I whispered with a watery smile.  Our attentions were drawn to the sudden lack of music.  Jax’s voice rang through the quiet,
“Where’s Kat?  Has anyone seen her?” 
Tig looked at me and I just shook my head.  I couldn’t bring myself to face Jax.  Not right then.  Not after what he had just done.  He took my cue and slid out into the main room.  I heard Clay’s voice answer first,
“What’s up, son?”
“I need to speak to Kat, where is she?”
“I uh, think she left, brother,” Oh Tig, thank you, “she seemed to be in a hurry, man,”
A few moments of murmured voices indicated Jax leaving.  Tig sidled back into the room where I remained stood in the dark, trembling.   Clay pushed the door open slowly,
"Wanna tell me what's got you lyin’ to your VP?"
"Look, all I know is Kat is upset and Jax seems to be th-ah shit, you gotta be kidding me," Tig had looked over Clay's shoulder and must have seen Ima emerging from the dorms.  Lyla's shrill demand from the other side of the window confirmed it,
"Really, Ima? Jax?  Are you serious?"
Her smug purr made me want to smack her mouth to the other side of her face as she replied,
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“Oh please, Lyla, he was practically begging me for it.  Who am I to deny the Vice Pres?”
Clay's indistinct growl pulled my attention back as he let the door swing shut again.  I wasn’t even aware that I was crying at first.  Tig's arms were suddenly enveloping me as silent sobs racked my body.  I got control of myself and concentrated on the scent of leather and Tig's cologne to ground me again.  He was stroking my hair softly, his chin resting on top of my head as he held me tight to him.  As I made to move, he loosened his grip but kept hold of me.  His eyes searched mine as I sniffled,
"Please tell me he wasn't as stupid as I think he was,"
My nod confirmed Tig's suspicion. He dragged a hand down his face in exasperation,
"Stupid sonofa-" the door opening again interrupted his sneer.  I noticed the music had started again when Clay came back into the room,
"I figured sending him out somewhere would be the best option, I don’t know what happened but I think I have a fair idea,” he looked expectantly at Tig.
“Yeah, good.  I'm gonna take Kat to my room until this is figured out.  Do me a favour boss, get rid of that fucking gash Ima,"
Clay's face twisted into a cruel smile, "I'll get Gemma right on it,"
I had no idea what his plans were, right then I didn't care.  I just wanted time to process what the fuck had happened.  I remained silent as Tig ushered me wordlessly to his bunk, thankfully the opposite end of the corridor to Jax's. He sat me on the bed and left, returning with two glasses and a bottle of Jamiesons.
I watched as Tig poured the whiskey, handing me a glass and sipping his own.
"You gonna talk to me, sweetheart?"
I heaved a sigh and swallowed a mouthful of my drink,
"When I opened the door to his room, I was gonna surprise him.  Seems I was surplus to requirement.  He was fucking her into the bed...
...I know on a run there's sweetbutts and things happen, I accept that.   I don't ask.  I don't want to know.  But he's not on a run, Tig, he's home.  I don't know why, I don't-" a slug of whiskey calmed the sobs threatening to break through, "It hurts.   God it hurts so bad," the tears flowed freely as I acknowledged the pain.   I had no more to say,
"Let it out baby doll,"
I held my head in my hands as I felt myself crumble.  I couldn't believe he'd done that to me.  All the promises, all the ‘I love you’s, it all meant nothing.  Eight long years.  I wondered how long he'd been cheating for?  After all, if he'd done it once...
The mattress sank to my left as Tig sat down next to me.  He topped off my glass first then his own before offering me a cigarette.  I took it and allowed him to light it for me.   He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I exhaled the smoke.  When we had finished in silence, he spoke softly,
"You found a level?" He instinctively knew not to ask if I felt better.  Like I could.
"Lil bit," I chewed my lip as I contemplated the liquor swirling in the glass.   I took another mouthful as I considered my request carefully, "I don't wanna be alone tonight,"
"Ok sweetheart, you want me to call someone for you?"
"No, I don't want everyone to know.  Can I stay here?" I instantly felt guilty.  Tig had been just as confined as the rest whilst inside, no doubt he'd be wanting a release, "no, sorry Tig.  Forget I asked.  I'll go back to the apartment, I've no doubt you've got some catching up to do," I shook my head with a smile,
"Like hell you will,"
"But nothing, sweetheart.   You're hurting.  I'm here for you.   Anything you need. I'll sleep on the floor, you can take the bed,"
"Tig I'm not kicking you out of your own bed on your first night of freedom, share with me,"
Tig looked at me carefully, studiously, like he was trying to read my thoughts.
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"You sure you wanna?"
"Look, the guy I've spent eight years of my life with has hurt me tonight beyond measure.   Even if you screwed me and dropped me tomorrow, I don't think I could feel any worse,"
“Oh baby, no,” I didn’t know how much of Tig’s sigh was sympathy and how much was denial.  I felt his eyes searching within me.  I was suddenly very aware of how close his body was to mine.  He shifted slightly towards me and the mood in the room shifted with him.
The air pressed on every inch of my skin.  I felt as if we were connected by an invisible band, pulling me in closer.  I felt like I was drowning.  Like he was my oxygen.  I needed him.   My eyes moved from his electric blue gaze to his lips, watching his tongue dart out across the length of his lower lip.  I felt myself moving closer to him.  He reciprocated.  I trapped my lip between my teeth, allowing it to pull itself free as my eyes flicked back to his.  His fingers ran the length of my jaw as he grazed the pad of his thumb along my lips.  I felt the cool metal of his jewellery in stark contrast to the heated flush of my cheek.
“Sweet girl,” he shook his head a little from side to side as his fingers edged round the back of my neck, “you deserve so much better,” his gaze grew darker as he moved his face towards mine.
I wanted him to know me.  I needed him to heal me.  I had to feel wanted.  Worth something.  I leaned ever closer, intoxicated by the intertwining aromas of whiskey, smoke and leather mixing with his cologne.  My eyes closed momentarily, an invitation.
The spark ignited the charged atmosphere as our lips met...
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Special thanks to my beta readers @twistedrunes @5sos1dsex @scarnotmufasa and @cole-winchester for your eyes and feedback!
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seungminty · 6 years
For granted //Jisung
words: 2.1k
genre: a n g s t 
It’s 1am and I’m trash for angst and Jisung, enjoy.
-mads <3
part 2
Friday, 11:54pm
I sighed when I saw the time as I checked my phone yet again. Struggling to keep my eyes open, I mindlessly clicked on another episode of Brooklyn 99, snuggling deeper into my blanket in an attempt to distract myself from the tears that were slowly gathering at the corners of my eyes. Jisung had said he would facetime me after rehearsals, but after 4 hours of radio silence, I was quickly losing hope. 
Not like I should be surprised.
This had become a regular occurrence in our relationship throughout the past few months; I’d plan dates, he’d cancel them. We’d hang out, he’d work the whole time. We’d argue, he’d come back a few days later, full of flowers and apologies, and I’d fall for him all over again. 
Don’t get me wrong, of course I knew that dating an idol would bring challenges, especially since Stray Kids were so well-known, as well as being self-producing. And for a while, we actually made it work. Yeah, Jisung worked most of the time, but I was also busy with college and my waitressing job. However, we always found time for each other, even if it was just Jisung popping into the cafe to give me lunch, or a pizza night with the boys. 
So yeah, I knew it would be hard, just not... not this hard. 
It wasn't like he’d gotten busier, he was always busy, so was I, but he just didn't make the effort anymore. Every time he cancelled on me to hang with the boys or ignored my good morning texts, my heart broke just a little bit more. We’d argue about his newfound attitude often, but it seemed to tear me apart far more than it did him. Before I could fully explain the extent of the loneliness I felt inside, he would cut me off and accuse me of being too clingy, with many insults thrown in too. He would later blame his foul words on stress, but I had heard that excuse so many times I didn't know what to believe anymore. One thing was certain, though, Jisung had changed. We had changed. I wasn't a priority anymore, and it was destroying me. 
 There had always been a small part of me that still believed this was just a phase, that we could go back to the old us. But I soon realized that that was impossible. I knew that Jisung still loved me, and I knew that he still had a heart of gold, but I couldn't figure out for the life of me why he didn't want to invest time in us anymore.
I guess we're just on different paths now. 
I was suddenly pulled from my depressing train of thought by my phone. Jisung’s name on my phone screen had become such a rare sight that I stared at my lock screen for several seconds before actually reading the text.
Sorry went to the studio after practice and lost track of time.
The studio. That damn studio. 
It was once a place filled up with happy memories, memories of Jisung giddily showing me a hook he’d finally perfected, or lyrics that he’d say I inspired him to write, which always caused both our cheeks to tint pink.
But now, it was the place my boyfriend chose over me, time and time again. I always admired his passion for music, and the last thing I wanted was to be one of those annoying girlfriends who want their boyfriend to only ever spend time with her, but was it really so bad that I wanted my boyfriend to make me feel important every once in a while?
These were the thoughts circulating in my head as I quickly pulled on my shoes and walked out the door towards the studio. By this point, I was so hurt and confused, I didn't have the faintest idea of what I was going to say to Jisung, I just knew that I had to see him. I had to make the pain stop.
I arrived at the studio sooner than I had expected, and a quick glance at the clock above the desk in the darkened reception area revealed that it was a little past 1am.
Wow, what a fun way to be spending your Friday night, y/n.
I sighed as I stood outside his studio door, doing my best to prepare myself for what was to come, whatever the hell that was.
Eventually, I plucked up the courage to open the door, and it creaked open agonisingly slowly to reveal a mop of tangled blonde hair, slumped at a mixing board. I walked up to him, thinking he was asleep, and was about to wake him up when he suddenly spun around towards me, eyes wide and mouth agape, clearly startled by my visit.
“Hey” he stated, his voice deep with exhaustion.
“Oh, hey” I managed to breathe out, my mouth had become dry the moment I walked in, like my subconscious knew that something big was going to go down tonight. 
We remained in an awkward silence for a while, none of us knowing how to react to this new dynamic. Life was Jisung was never quiet, ever. 
“I’m sorry.” He said suddenly. 
I looked him properly in the eyes for the first time that night, and I couldn't hide the puzzled expression on my face.
“Oh...uh, what for? It was just a facetime call, no biggie.”
No biggie? Really? Not like you wallowed in your sadness while finishing off a whole damn tub of ice cream, y/n.
Jisung looked even more shocked than me now, shaking his head and laughing lightly before speaking again.
“Oh, ok that’s fine then. Thought I missed a date or something like that. So how come you’re here then, shouldn’t you be asleep?”.
Even though I had played it off as nothing earlier, I still felt my heart sink at his statement. There was a time when Jisung would've apologised a hundred times over for forgetting to text me goodnight, now he’s so distant he doesn’t even really know what he’s apologising for.
“I, I uh, I just wanted to see you, and I don’t know, have a chat about stuff?” My words came out more like a question, and I cringed at how awkward it sounded. Jisung sighed, running his hands down his face.
“I guess, but I’ve still got this guide track to finish and its getting late, maybe some other time yeah?” He said, already turning back round in his chair.
“No, Jisung, I need to talk, and you need to listen to me,” I stated, my voice so loud that it startled both of us. 
“Right... Y-yeah sure y/n, um... what’s up?” He gulped, wide-eyed and still taken aback by my tone. I was never really one to raise my voice, but I was desperate now, trying to stitch up our fractured love before it disappeared forever.
But then, I realised. I don't think there’s any love left to fix.
I took a deep breath, trying my hardest to steel my nerves before saying the words I vowed I never would.
“Ji, this isn’t working. We... we aren’t working anymore.”
Those words hung Over the silent room like a thick black veil, suffocating me, and as I hesitantly looked at Jisung, it seemed like they were suffocating him too. He was frozen, staring at the ground in shock, before jerking his head up to search my face with panicked eyes as his hands began to shake.
“I-I... no, you can’t... we’re not, it’s fine-” He spluttered, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. I watched with pained eyes as the man I loved unravelled before me, and it was all my fault.
His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, and when it became clear that he wasn’t going to actually say anything, I began to speak, doing my best not to burst into tears.
“Things are just different now. You’re always so busy and that’s great, I'm so so proud of you, but there just isn't enough room for me in your life anymore. We never hang out, and when we do we just argue. And I'm sorry, but I just can't take it anymore, I can't take anymore cancelled dates or ignored messages, because it's destroying me, Jisung. And yes, maybe I am just weak and clingy, but I've got to put myself first for once because god-fucking-damn it Jisung, I've been so sad for so fucking long, and my own boyfriend has no idea!” By the end of my speech, I was nearly screaming, and I quickly realised that the dampness on my cheeks was from the many tears that were now uncontrollably cascading down my face. 
Now, the only sounds in the room were my slight panting and the occasional sniffle. Jisung remained unblinking, still frozen in the same position. It wasn't until I shook my head and turned towards the door that he reached forward and grabbed my arm.
“No!” he shouted, panic clear in his voice. I looked at him, he too, had tears streaming down now, the sight making what was left of my poor heart shatter.
“No... you can’t leave, I’m sorry ok? Really sorry. I-I took you for granted. You were always by my side so I guess I thought you’d stay there forever, because I honestly can’t imagine my world without you in it y/n, standing right next to me. I know I’m a shit boyfriend, and hearing how hurt you are because... because of me, kills me more than you’ll ever know. Honestly, this comeback had me feeling stressed out and down I didn't know what to do, but now I realise, that the only thing that could've made me feel happy again.. was you. Of course it was you. You are my heaven y/n, and I swear I’ll never desert you again. I’m such a fucking idiot, I was so sad that I pushed you away, even though you're the only one who can make me happy.” He laughed bitterly, but his expression quickly reverted to fear as he saw me shaking my head, tears still endlessly falling. 
“I’m sorry Jisung... but I just can’t fall for your apologies again. My heart can’t take any more of this, but I'm sure you'll find a-a nice girl... maybe an idol, someone who’s pretty and isn't so weak that they fall apart like me.” I began to walk away again, determined not to turn back again, in fear that I’d break down even further. 
Behind me, Jisung was really panicking now. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He knew hed been a shitty boyfriend. But he thought that soon he’d feel less stressed and everything would go back to normal. They were Jisung and y/n, they were madly in love and everyone knew it, they couldn’t just break up like this. It was only when I had reached for the door handle did he react. 
“Angel, please.”
I hesitated at those words. 
 Angel. Even thinking of his pet name for me made me want to break down. It reminded me of happier times, when we were so in love we felt we were invincible, a feeling that was all but a distant memory now. 
Against my better judgment, I turned round to see Jisung slumped on the floor on his knees, head bowed and body shaking with sobs. 
I knew what I had to do. I knew what was best, for both of us. 
“I love you Jisung, and know that I’ll always be cheering you on, always.”
I took one last look at the boy who held my heart so tightly that he’d crushed it, before moving to the door, shutting it quietly behind me.
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years
Tom Vs The Forces Of Evil (Au), Chapter 3
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One of the most unusual things about earth for Tom, was school. Mewni didn't have schools, or classes, or tests. So being introduced to Math, science, and earth history was a huge struggle combined with the fact that he didn't know how schools worked or how to even succeed in class. Tom honestly didn't know why he should care, why did all of this matter when he'd be going back home someday? Well according to Marco, him not going to school and being educated would look bad or something. When Monday came back round, Tom wasn't eager to start his second week of school, if it wasn't for Marco he was sure he'd have either blown up the school already, or been lost forever. Despite him being mildly popular for being foreign and for catching the attention by quite a few girls in the school, Tom also didn't feel too comfortable around a lot of the students. Between his pink-bunny backpack, his hat, and his clothing style he seemed to be an easy target for some students to pick on. Marco usually stepped in before Tom did something he'd regret with his magic wand. Thank god for Marco Ubaldo Diaz.
"-So how is your dad gonna do magic without a wand now anyway?" Marco asked Tom, as they wandered around the halls on their way to class. Marco munched on an apple, and Tom snaked on a fruit bar so they could get some more energy before class. "Oh, he doesn't need it...."Tom explained, "By the time you've passed the wand to your child you should be magically skilled enough to not require a wand to do any spells...". He kept droning on and on, "I guess he can do them through his hands and junk? I don't really know...i've never seen him in-" ACK Tom crashed into Marco, who had stopped in his tracks. Marco wasn't looking at Tom, he was staring down the hall in fact. "Marco? What the heck?" Tom grumbled, before waving his hand in front of his friend's face, "Are you like? Under a spell or something?" Then Tom felt someone skate past them, a girl with short blonde hair and wearing a seashell necklace.. It didn't take long for him to put two and two together. She waved at Tom as she rode by, "Hey Tom!!" He waved back and elbowed Marco to wake him from his trance and say something, but instead Marco stumbled where he stood and turned bright red. Jackie lynn Thomas, Marco's crush. She didn't seem to have seen him stumble, and she turned the corner. Marco sorted himself out, he dropped his apple, and threw it into the trash can in his embarrassed state. Only to turn around to a smirking alien, Tom's knowing grin only make Marco more and more embarrassed, Marco stumbled over his words. "Uh...I-I Uh..." "You think she's cute? Don't you Marco.." Tom laughed, "It's cool, Jackie seems nice, she's like one of the only girls here who isn't bothered by my style or isn't trying to ask me out..". If Marco wasn't so red, he might've laughed, a lot of the girls at their school seemed to be crushing on Tom, guess being an alien didn't bother them. Tom was wearing new earth clothes today along with his usual horned hat, a loose purple shirt on top of a black tank top, wearing a cross necklace, jeans, and dark boots. He seemed to think this blended him in a bit more but Marco honestly thought he looked pretty similar even in mewni clothes. "I think your style is cool..." Marco said, trying to calm down, "A-and um...well, I've liked her since we were kids..." Tom took note of Marco's tone. "You've never asked her out..have you?" Marco rubbed the back of his head, "Well no, but we also haven't really talked before...or-" He thought Tom would laugh, but he didn't and bit his lip. "t's ok, my love life hasn't been any better.." Tom laughed to himself, "But that's totally cool, I Can use my experience in love to maybe help you get a date..". He patted Marco on the back, "And don't worry, I won't use magic and stuff...just my dating skills.." Marco didn't think that'd be any better. "Tom, it's fine...you don't have to-" Marco started, assuring his friend. "Yeah, but don't you want to...y'know, date her?" Tom asked, "I mean you can't wait here forever for her to say something, you have to go and get her....". "I-I Don't know..." Marco didn't want to sound weak in front of Tom, but he wasn't sure if Tom was the best person to be a matchmaker. Tom, the guy who thought the best way to settle a despute was simply battle to the death. Tom took his arm gently, "Marco, Jackie seems cool, what are you afraid of?" "Rejection...humiliation.." Marco mumbled, feeling sick to his stomach. Tom bit his lip, he'd dated before, he understood what this felt like....although then again his circumstances were very different. "Well, she seems to think i'm cool, I could be your wing-man!!" He suggested, making Marco's eye widen in panic. Marco steeped in front of Tom before he could move and put his hands out in front of him, "T-Tom, that's very sweet of you...but I really don't need your help." But Tom was stubborn, and walked past Marco, "C'mon Marco, I've dated before and Lilacia's used me as a wingman before when she needed a date, I can totally handle it..". Tom gave Marco a toothy smile, and Marco could tell he was begging with his eyes. He gave in too easily. "Fine, just...don't embarrass me, and do it after class..." Marco mumbled, he didn't mean to make it sound rude, but he wasn't sure what to expect out of Tom and his "Dating skills". Tom hugged him quickly. "Thanks Marco, trust me, by the end of today...Jackie and you will be an item.." ----- Well, Tom wasn't wrong about one thing. He was a pretty darn good wing man, but just not the best for Marco.. Tom eagerly let his math class to catch up to the skater girl, who was about to ride off to her next class. "Hey Jackie!!", Tom called out, running to catch up to her. "Oh, hey Tom!!" She grinned, "What's up little dude?!" "Oh, I wanted to talk to you...", Tom crossed his arms and gave a smug grin, "So Jackie, you seeing anyone currently? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Whatever you're into?". From behind a trashcan, Marco face palmed, he should've known better then to get the alien prince to set him up on dates. But ugh, it was hard to say no to Tom. "Uhhhh....no?" Jackie answered. "Well, I know someone who thinks you're really cute, he's been watching you for awhile now, and he'd love to get to know you better..." Tom said, Marco started to wonder if Tom was a ladies man back home, he was never like this normally. Normally Tom was shy, sad, and emotional, he seemed to be quite the charmer when he wanted to be. Jackie crossed her own arms, and raised an eyebrow, smirking herself. "Oh, is there now?" "Yep, and he told me to tell you he thinks you're the coolest girl he knows.." Tom exclaimed back, proudly. Marco raised an eyebrow himself from his spot, was it working? Jackie laughed. "So what do you say, will you give my friend a chance tonight?" Tom said. Jackie finished laughing and set a hand on Tom's shoulder, "Tom, that's very sweet of you, but i'm not into you like that....but if you ever wanna hang out and chill as pals, i'm super cool with that..". It took Tom a few seconds to realize what happened and his smirk faded, "W-Wait jackie I-" The Jackie checked the clock on the wall, "Aw shoot dude, looks like class is starting soon...I'll catch you later dude!!", and before Tom could say anything else she rode off. Leaving an awkward Tom in the dust. Marco ran up to the boy, "Uhh...What happened?" Tom bit his lower lip. "Well, I guess i'm not as great with matchmaking as I thought.." ---- "I'm so sorry Marco..." Tom said guiltily on their way home, "I screwed up....I really did..." Marco sighed, "Tom, it's ok....you tried your best.." Tom remained silent on their walk home, it was common for him to feel guilty about things like this, even if he shouldn't be guilty. When they got to Marco's house Marco dropped his backpack on the couch, but Tom made his way upstairs, producing a concerned look on Marco's face. "Tom?" Marco followed him upstairs, he must've been in his bedroom. Marco politely knocked on the door, "Tom? Hey, is everything ok?" No answer. "Tom? I'm coming in..." Marco opened the door to the boy's room to find him on his bed face first, and with his movements it wasn't hard to tell what was up. He was crying. "Tom?!", Marco made his way to his bedside and pat Tom's shoulder, "Hey, it's ok...it's not a big deal, there will be other times I can talk to jackie...I think?". He was talking calmly to the boy and rubbing his back, "I'm not mad....please don't cry.." Tom sniffled and looked up, trying to keep himself from angrily snapping at the human,  "T-That's not why I-I'm upset Marco....." He sat up, hugging his legs close to his chest and holding them tight. "I stink at this earth stuff...I-I can't figure out school, I can't find you a date...I-I can't even dress right.." He pulled off his hat and threw it to the side, his pink hair sticking up now. He felt hot tears stream down his face and thank goodness he wasn't holding his wand right now or he might've set the entire house on fire. "I wasn't this bad on Mewni......." He felt so angry. "I suck at this earth stuff, just like i suck back home..." He mumbled into his jeans, "How am I ever gonna live here if i can't do any normal earth stuff?" Marco sat down next to his friend, "Hey.....you wanna know something cool?" Tom didn't reply so Marco continued. "My Dad isn't from america...he moved here when he was a teen.." Marco admitted, "It took awhile for him to adjust too....but even though he lived in a new place he didn't have to change who he was, he adapted to new customs...but he didn't have to give up on who he was or where he came from..." Tom looked at his friend, he stopped crying. Marco smiled at him, "Being on earth, learning all these things...i'm sure it's overwhelming, but don't pressure yourself to adapt...you got to take it at your own pace and besides...I like how weird you are.". Marco stood up and grabbed Tom's hat from off the floor, bring it back to his friend and placing it on his head for him. "You do?" Tom asked, not really looking at Marco. "Of course I do, you're definitely the most interesting and fun exchange student we've taken In and if you think i'd replace you in a heartbeat your solely mistaken..." Marco lightly hit Tom in a playful manner and Tom smiled instantly. "That's...really cool of you Marco..", He said softly. "Earth will take some getting used to, but you're not a failure....you'll see, a few weeks from now.....you're gonna be great in school and nobody will care how you look....". "Are you really sure? I mean, i'm always going to be an outcast here...I'm an alien Marco..." Tom muttered, he was awfully good at putting himself down, but put both hands of the boy's shoulder. "Nothing wrong with that....we can both be outcasts together...", Marco grinned goofy, making the prince laugh. "Heh...yeah....together..." Tom smiled, imagining the two of them forming a group and travelling together. "That sounds kinda fun actually...." Tom smiled wide and hugged Marco, "Sorry I freaked out.....but...thanks, I guess I needed to hear that..." Marco hugged him back, "I can always help with homework....if you need any..? I know Math kinda sucks for you..." "Yeah...that might be cool..." Tom pulled away from him, then he laughed awkwardly, "You don't have to babysit me so much..." "You like it.." Marco teased. he bit his lip, maybe Tom needed a break to relax, Marco lit up with an idea, "You wanna play a game of ping pong?". He nodded to the table in the center of the room and Tom stood up. "Yeah...that sounds nice.." - Tom had no problem warning Marco about him being a ping pong champion back home before they started playing. But Marco still stated he could take him. Tom liked a good challenge. Tom put his wand away to play, promising to use no magic, only his skills. With his skills he might as well have used magic. Marco was losing..HARD. He could've sworn Tom was cheating, but there was nothing Marco could see that told him so. But at least Tom was smiling again, even if it was a malicious one. The ball went sailing past Marco, and the boy shook his head and laughed. "You know it's awful hard to play when I can't get a single hit in....." he said as he retrieved the ball. "Awww, but this is fun!!" , Tom said, making a fake pout, "Not many people back home wanna play with me..." 'I wonder why' , thought Marco. Marco served and Tom hit it back, flaying right past Marco once again, "So...what are we going to do about Jackie?". Tom froze, "Well....what do you mean?" "She thinks you like her....and..." He trailed off, clearly referring to the fact that she knew nothing about his crush on her. Tom felt guilty, and he bit his lip. "I'll take care of it...." "Really?" "Yeah..", He promised, "After I handle some things, and figure out what to say....I'll talk to her..." Marco smiled in gratitude, "Thanks Tom...." Then he served the ball suddenly and and it flew past a distracted Tom. "HEY!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" Tom muttered. "Oops..." Marco said, shrugging and with his own malicious smile. - By the time the week ended, Tom forgot about his previous worries. All the monster fighting, wand practice, and fun times with Marco helped make every day so much better. Marco was a decent tutor, despite Tom sometimes losing focus. The bullying died down a bit, although Marco suspected Tom might've done something himself to solve that. Tom denied it, but Marco was sure he did something considering how scared those kids were when they saw him now. But they didn't seem to be hurt in any way so whatever Tom might've done, just seemed to scare them rather then hurt them. There was just one thing Tom needed to take care of. By Friday, Tom took a deep breath and made his way to Jackie, who was talking to her friends in the hallway. He waved to her and Jackie's friends left as he approached. "Hey dude!" She said cheerfully. "Hey.." He said, taking another breath before continuing, "I know it's been a few days, but i wanted to apologize for what happened on Monday..." "What? No, it's fine Tom..." Jackie replied, "I'm not upset with you or anything-" "No, it's just, i wasn't trying to ask you out.." Tom got out, "I was trying to ask you out for a friend....and I'm sorry that it came out that way by accident." He was worried Jackie would be upset but she smiled and nodded, understanding. "Dude, it's fine, thanks for letting me know about that...", She patted his shoulder, "Are we cool?" "Yeah, we're cool.." Tom replied, smiling. "Cool, i'll see you around then..." She waved him off before skating away and Tom relaxed. He caught up with Marco shortly, who was ready to to head to lunch. "I can understand why you like her..." Tom said, twirling his wand in his hands "She's nice..." Marco grinned and playfully bumped against Tom as they kept walking together. "Yeah, well...you're pretty cool too..." Tom bit his lip and chuckled, "Hey, have I ever thanked you for taking me in and making this new life easier for me?" "Only about a dozen times In fact..." Marco shot back, "If we ever go to mewni, i'd appreciate if if you showed me around..." "Yeah, I think you'd like mewni, i mean we're kinda boring sometimes, but you seem to like monsters and magic stuff....so i guess it could be kinda fun..." Tom suggested, "Just...stay close to me ok? I'm sure your parents would kill me if I really put you in serious danger..." Marco nodded, "Yeah, i'd probably not wanna get eaten either...". "I didn't tell her about your crush..." Tom mumbled, "But maybe we can try again after all this blows over..." "It's fine Tom, maybe next time.....I'll try to tell her? I don't wanna put you in that position again...." "Yeah, but...are you sure?" Tom looked a bit worried, "I mean, you were worried about what she would say an-" "Yeah but like you said....if I want to date her, I can't wait around forever..."Marco sighed, "I'll tell her...someday...." Tom gave the human a toothy grin, "Well, I think you two will make a cute pair...." "Shut up.." Marco said, bumping against Tom. Tom laughed and bumped right back. The two bumped against each other as they walked down the hall together. School might not really be so bad after all.
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magioftheseas · 4 years
Summary: Sometimes, Hanako gets annoyed that he's the only one of the group with secrets.
Rating: G
Warning: None, really. I guess implications to Hanako’s vague past?
Notes: I honestly wrote this just to see if I could come up with a simple enough idea that would then be made into a fairly short fic. I’m trying to get more productive in my writing, see, so sometimes I have to resort to methods like that. In fact, I was so fixated on the idea of completing this before the day was over (and I had like, two hours before it did) that I ended up missing the deadline for applying to a zine I wanted to apply to. Now THAT’S burdensome.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
The world is filled with secrets. He’s known from the beginning that there are a lot of things that are kept from others. Crushes, concerns, dreams, ambitions, motivations—the deepest aspects of a person were often the most hidden.
He knows this well, and yet—
Those two are a bit different.
“Hanako-kun, what’s up?” Yashiro would ask, and the young exorcist would also glance his way. They both had such wide, honest and open gazes. “You’ve been staring for a while.”
“I was thinking,” Hanako says, waving his hand with his usual smile. “You two are way too easygoing.”
“Coming from a spirit!” Minamoto bit back as Yashiro similarly protested.
“I have plenty of worries not in the least thanks to you!”
“That’s not what I mean,” Hanako laughed. “You two are also pretty naïve, aren’t you?”
“And what is that supposed to mean, Hanako?!”
“Yeah, Hanako-kun! What do you mean?!”
What do you think?
Irritation nips at him. His smile twists the slightest bit.
Normal people have secrets. Normal people have baggage that they wouldn’t share with the world. I’ve observed the students here enough to know that hasn’t changed over the decades. You two, on the other hand...
Open books. Both of them. Even with their torn pages.
“Never mind,” Hanako chirps. “I was just thinking.”
“I bet you were,” Minamoto huffed as Yashiro pouted.
“I swear, Hanako-kun. It wouldn’t kill you to be more honest with us sometimes. You’re way too secretive.” She does pause, however. “O-Of course, I only expect you to tell us things when you’re ready.”
“Yeah, what senpai said.”
Even with the verbal agreement, there is a flicker of aggravation in the young exorcist’s eyes. An open book. Hanako already knows what he’s thinking about. It’s obvious. Too obvious. Minamoto Kou was a simple man of simple concerns, after all. He wanted to be respected, but he wanted to protect those around him. His family, friends, Yashiro—and the other Mitsuba.
Even now, Tsukasa lingers between them like blood in the water. They’re both just too afraid to bite because matters could escalate and that wouldn’t be ideal when Yashiro’s always a factor. That—and Minamoto was kind. He and Yashiro were both kind people. There was that, too.
Kindness was often granted as a privilege. It shouldn’t have been such an easy, accessible resource.
It’s cumbersome—how much the two humans that Hanako is closest to just don’t act like normal humans.
Yashiro was tugging at Minamoto’s sleeve, and she sways him into resuming their cleaning. With a sweet and disarming smile, the matter is settled and discarded. It might not ever get brought up again, because these two aren’t the types to hold grudges.
They’re kind. They’re just very, very kind.
How infuriating.
“Is there a reason why you’re giving those two attitude all of a sudden?” Tsuchigomori asks him. “You’ve got them complaining to me about you, Honorable Seventh. And y’know—I can’t exactly reprimand you as your teacher anymore.”
“And yet, you’re reprimanding me,” Hanako pointed out, tucked between the curtains. “I assume you do want me to stop.”
“It’s just troublesome behavior,” Tsuchigomori says with an impassive shrug. “Troublesome for them, for you, for me. Rather than just bottling it up, you should just vent.”
“It is annoying,” Yako chirped up in the midst of grooming her tail. “Those brats are going to keep on whining and it’ll soon be troublesome for everyone.”
“Don’t think we asked your opinion, dumb fox,” Tsuchigomori muttered, to which she hissed back.
“It’s hard to nap peacefully when everyone is as gloomy as you!”
“It’s because,” Hanako spoke up. Immediately, Tsuchigomori turns to face him, ever attentive. “I’m frustrated.”
“With what, exactly?” Yako asked, muffled against her tail. “Don’t tell me you’ve gotten bored of them.”
“Oh no, they’re still plenty fun to mess with.” Hanako waved his hand. “However—don’t you think it’s weird? Yashiro and that boy are both so simple. They don’t really have any deep dark secrets.”
“They don’t,” Tsuchigomori confirmed. “As transparent and blatant as they come. Do you feel awkward, then? Like you don’t fit in? You’re already an apparition, Honorable Seventh.”
Even as a human, I wouldn’t have fit in with them. Even acting as a human, I had to distance myself from them.
“Keeping secrets may be natural, but it is a burden you must undertake if decided.” Tsuchigomori inhales, sighing out smoke. “Even so, don’t act out so much.”
“They’re both still bratty garbage humans,” Yako murmured, ever unimpressed. “Tasteless and tactless.”
“I’m sure you’d make tasty udon,” Hanako cheerfully remarked.
Yako snorted, but curled up into an unassuming ball all the same.
“Honorable Seventh.”
That smile on Hanako’s face remained, even when stared down by Tsuchigomori’s stern, knitted glare.
“Do those humans make you feel inferior?”
Yako’s ear twitched, but she mercifully kept any further commentary to herself.
“Maybe a little,” Hanako admitted, laughing. “I get it. I’ll apologize. I’m sorry for the trouble, sensei.”
Tsuchigomori didn’t look remotely reassured or convinced.
Haven’t you prodded a little too much already? I could still squash you like a bug.
Aha. Those thoughts sound like something Tsukasa would say.
Hanako leaves without another word.
“You don’t have to say anything.”
Yashiro speaks the second he slinks in. She’s not looking his way but her hands are fisting into her skirt.
“It’s not like I don’t understand—sometimes people have a lot more going on. I get frustrated, too, when I see Aoi able to laugh off guys confessing to her. Aoi’s really carefree. Sometimes I envy her so much that I get upset.”
Hanako blinks, tugging at his collar awkwardly.
“I know!” she exclaims. “So don’t—don’t treat me as if I’m shallow just because I might not have as much going on as you do! I’ll have you know I have plenty going on!” She turns on him, fierce despite her tears. “I-I actually really want to have a bunch of rodents! And I want to have a huge garden! A-And not only to I want to marry a handsome boy—I also think I want kids! A-A boy and a girl! It’s too early but—who knows! Having beautiful children might be really, really fun! I don’t know—but I think about it! One time I dreamed about my own daughter making fun of me for my legs! And I woke up crying!”
She was still crying right now, in fact.
“I’m going to graduate and I still want to be friends with Aoi even though she’s inevitably going to an elite college that I could never dream of attending! I-I also want to make more friends. I-I heard that—once you get to college, people start caring a lot less about their appearances...! But that because everyone’s all matured, they’re still super attractive...!” Yashiro blubbers. “I-I’m gonna graduate, I’m gonna go to college, I’m gonna grow up, I’m gonna get my garden, my rodents, my husband, my children, and, and, and... I’m still going to visit you if I can... Because I don’t want you getting lonely. Even if Tsuchigomori-sensei teaches here forever, I—I’ll worry about you, Hanako-kun.” She sniffles. “I’ll worry...a lot. What if you completely go off the deep end without me and Kou-kun? I’m—so worried!”
“Are you saying I’ll become a villain out of loneliness?” Hanako asked, mildly offended, mildly amused. “I was lonely before I met you for a long time.”
“That might make it worse,” Yashiro mutters. “Losing your friends is awful, even if you were friendless before.”
Friendless. I wasn’t really friendless. That said. That said...
“The fact that you’re so compassionate really does irk me,” he said. “Yashiro—you’re way too kind. Please be careful.”
“Or I’ll be taken advantage of, you mean?” Yashiro’s frown deepened, her cheeks darker. “I’m not helpless, Hanako-kun. I’m not always going to need you to save me. I’ll do my best to manage on my own. As well as I can.”
“I believe you. After all, I have underestimated you in the past.”
“Hanako-kun...” Yashiro huffed and she stomped forward. Raising her hand, she furiously ruffled Hanako’s hair. “You’re so immature! Don’t act like you’re not!”
“H-Hey, Yashiro.”
She knocks off his hat so that she can ruffle him harder.
“Immature! Childish! Bratty! Meanie! Hanako-kun!”
“Y-Yashiro, cut it out!”
Yashiro finally laughs at him. Hanako glares back, but then, after a while, his expression twists.
“Sometimes, it’s so heavy I can’t move. I should be glad you can move about so freely.”
Yashiro shakes her head, smile strained but sympathetic.
“We’re friends, Hanako-kun. If you want me to shoulder the burden with you, all you have to do is ask.”
I won’t. I refuse.
But Yashiro does hug him, and it’s far too easy to fall into her embrace.
She really isn’t one to be underestimated.
“There, there,” Yashiro coos, petting his hair. “There, there. Just let Nene-nee help you.”
Hanako chortled.
“I’m half a century older than you.”
Yashiro chuckles.
“You’re still a child, Hanako-kun.”
Still a child. She really is naïve. As if all I am is a child that desperately needs reassurance and validation. I needed more than that. We both did. But, still. Still, still, still.
Hanako’s lips pressed closely together as he buried his face into her shoulder.
I guess this is still nice.
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