#Seventh Wonder Hanako
magioftheseas · 8 months
Okay the awful gears (haha, lmao even) have started turning in my head and I'm now obsessed with the implication that Hanako planned on destroying the yorishiro to grant Whatever Wish and then he found out that Tsukasa was his yorishiro and suddenly he's much more agitated and hesitant but Tsukasa is still "no no I'm ride and die, Amane, we can still do this"
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larathia · 4 months
TBHK #114 notes
The main thing I want to start out with is what we are, and are NOT, learning here.
We're NOT learning 'where the fork of this timeline started'. The characters are getting an idea, yes, but we already knew it had to be at least far enough back to affect Tsukasa. Which puts the fork point at least to the 1960s and possibly earlier. We knew that going in.
That's before our current cast of kids were even passing thoughts in their parents' libidos. So what we're really seeing here is fallout.
The Minamotos have significantly fewer missing people. This indicates 'fewer supernaturals around'.
Tsuchigomori is still a teacher, however - this may indicate that there are still School Wonders, although we might not have seven of them.
The Minamotos had an arranged marriage set up for Teru and Aoi. That Teru suspects was for an "unpleasant reason".
And on the "neutral facts" list, we have Tsukasa very definitely vanishing people.
Now, I say Tsukasa doing this is 'neutral' because there's pretty good but oppositional reasons he might be doing that.
He's working for the RHE, as he did in the main timeline, and is thus feeding the kids he vanishes to the RHE, making it stronger, in much the same way that his own sacrifice to help Amane made the RHE stronger. If this is the case, he's still the 'bad guy', and he may be the reason Teru was set up to marry Aoi - sacrificing one of the Akane clan seals the RHE away. It would therefore stop the vanishings.
He's working for himself. This doesn't make him a 'good ghost', but it's possible he's vanishing these kids just because he wants company. Or maybe he and his brother are Up To Something again, because we did see Amane look in on the ritual with a smile. This might have no effect on the RHE whatsoever; it'd just be something he's doing for himself.
Tsukasa may, in fact, be the Seventh Wonder. Bear in mind that Hanako's job was to grant wishes - and take any one thing he wanted as the price for it. "Your life" is certainly on the table. Hanako got sealed into a toilet stall by Teru's grandmother...and she must have had a good reason to go that far, right? Like, maybe...a lot of students going missing, perhaps? Tsukasa might just be the 'never-sealed' version of Seven.
Where Amane stands with all this is yet to be determined. He might not know or believe anything about the supernatural in this timeline. Or, he may be really aware that it's the spirit of his twin at work and he's fully backing it because it's his twin.
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cutesmokes · 10 months
‘Come back down to earth, kay?’  
Summary: After the incident revolving around the boy on the roof, Nene couldn't stop her mind from spiraling. It's winter break now and even after the bathroom ghost promised that she would have her answers, she couldn't help but worry. (Un)fortunately for her, Hanako knows her more than she could even begin to imagine.    
Author’s note: HOHOHO!!!!!!! Surprise @duckymcdoorknob ! I'll be your secret santa this year~! Thank you so much to @hypahticklish for hosting @squealing-santa this year. Good GOD this is a long one. It's been a while since I've written anything but wow I've really had fun not only writing this but having the excuse to finally rewatch this anime~! Happy holidays my dear/p I hope you enjoy this little story about our favorite bathroom ghost~! (its just a tad edgy in the beginning and at the end lol. Yay for overthinking/j) 
Cw: very brief mention of murd3r/ some overthinking
Word count: 1526
Who was he; that boy on the rooftop, why did he look almost identical to the ghost in the bathroom? Hanako looked so.. Scared, maybe? What was that look in his eye- all his courage and confidence That  practically drained from him as was what the stranger said true? Did he really… murder someone?   
Nene cringed as she swept the bathroom floor, the coarse bristles of the broom licking over the floor, the soft sound the only thing audible in the empty school. The world outside was gray and cold, clouds blanketed the dull sky, threatening snow. School had let out early and Yashido stood shivering with a cold that only anxiety could bring. Before she had actually dared to challenge the legend of the Seventh wonder of her school, she would have been home by now; lounging in something cute, the soft twilight cooling the night as she babied her beloved hamster, but now she was here- spending most of her freetime in the girl’s bathroom. 
 She sighed to herself, smiling slightly as she let the broom rest against one of the walls before dusting herself off. She found that, within the last few months, she hasn't minded her chores so much anymore. Sure, she still felt obligated to somehow repay Hanako for all the times he's saved her- it was almost embarrassing how extensive the list was. She always seemed to get herself into trouble but Hanako was always there to save her. It almost made her feel.. Special. She shook her head, denying even the slightest possibility that she could like the ghost more than just a friend. The last time she let herself believe that, it ended in more hurt feelings as she cried into his arms. She really was silly. 
When she looked up, bright gold eyes met her amber ones. with a high pitched scream, she jumped back, almost tripping over herself as she turned back to the ghost boy, who was not trying very hard to hold back amused snickers.
“UGH!! You startled me!” she shouted with an aggravated stomp of her foot. Hanako hung upside down, floating almost weightlessly in front of her as he chuckled. 
“Oh come on, Yashiro, you've been so jumpy lately! What's going on in that head of yours, hum~?” he asked playfully, tapping his pointer finger against her forehead. She turned away from him, going to pick up the broom to return it back to the closet, Hanako not far behind. 
“Its nothing- I've just been in my own world is all.” She muttered nervously, smiling with a dismissive wave of her hand as she walked away from the closet. Once she got home, she could think things over, or, better yet, distract herself from all this bust HAnako wouldn’t have it. He knew her better than just about anyone, probably thanks to the bond they shared due to the mermaid’s scale. Still hovering over her shoulder, his fingers rapidly poked over her cheek and down her arm. Annoyed, Nene swatted at his hands,
“Hanako! Knock it off!”                     
“Not till you tell me what’s wrong~!” he said in a sing-song manner, chasing after her like a child. Seeing the stairs that led to the roof’s exit, Nene ran like her life depended on it. Hanako had gotten so mad last time and she did not want to risk repeating that. Her shoes clicked noisily against the cold wooden steps as she made it to the roof, not without clumsily tripping over the last step and falling through the unlocked door however. As soon as she tumbled out onto the rooftop, the cold wind nipped at her skin, making her shiver- she really wasn't dressed to be out in the cold, she didn't even have her coat! None of that mattered as the apparition appeared in the doorway, his silhouette darkened by the dim lights leading to the stairwell. Nene watched in silent terror as Hanako walked towards her, smiling as he always did, hands hiding behind his back. The poor girl found herself closing her eyes, maybe if she just closed her eyes hed go away- 
Cold fingers cupped her cheek, gently turning it upwards. When her eyes fluttered open again, she found the apparition’s enticing eyes dangerously close to hers again. She felt her heart flutter, making her turn away. Darn him. Hanako just continued smiling as his hands freed her face, only to intertwine with hers, making her squeak. 
“Now now, it's just me~! Friends talk, remember~?” he coos, but Yashiro just turned away again. The boy huffs, pooting just a little.
“You used to make me laugh, ya know. You're so easy to annoy~!” he paused for a moment, thinking- had he ever heard her laugh? He couldn't remember… he smirked slightly, subtly reaching to experimentally squeeze her side. 
Almost immediately, her legs kick out in reaction to the electric shocks that shoot up her nervous system. Nene attempts to roll away from the tingling sensation but finds herself trapped, slumped in a wedge made by the walls of the safety rails that lined the roof with the mischievous ghost above of her. She tried to make herself look angry, but with her cheeks already warming, she knew it would be useless to play anything off.
“Hanako!? What was THAT!?” 
The boy just scooted closer to her side, scooping her up slightly so that they now lay against each other, side by side. 
“Oh! Just checking if you were ticklish or not.” he said casually, his words light, almost sounding excited.
“See- my twin and I used to have battles all the time- it was really fun!” he seemed sad, remembering things Nene couldn't even begin to imagine. Just as quickly as it came, however, the sadness in his tone was replaced with the bouncy, perky tone returned. A hand rose into view , fingers wiggling slightly before he continued.
“Seems to me like you could use a good laugh, Yashiro~” was all he said before fingers quickly began spidering across her stomach. Almost immediately, Yashiro bursts into panicked giggles, kicking and thrashing the best she could. 
“haha-HAnako! Y-hohou you big jerk! Stahahp!” 
“Hum… let me think… nah~! You have to tell me why you were sulking again.” he taunted, fingers bouncing across the top of her leg before rapidly squeezing over her knee. The response was a high, girly squeal, before Nene sank down farther to the ground. She shook her head, not only as a way to decline his little “Deal” but as a desperate attempt to decrease the feeling of delicate fingers across her knees. She knew she couldn't go on like this much longer, but she was feeling suborn. She tried shaking her hand free of hanako’s grasp but the ghost was strong, his fingers traveled down underneath her knee, fingers tenderly clawing at the skin that hid beneath her black tights. 
Her growing laughter turned silent due to the sudden change and intensity. She tried to sit up, but only tumbled into the 7th wonder’s lap as her bright, squealing laughter returned. Chuckling along with her, hanako finally released her hand, only to grab onto the school girl’s hips, squeezing in a new found rhythm. Yashiro’s feet stomped on the cement, her dainty hands latching onto Hanako’s wrists as she called out between squeals.
“OKAYHAHA-!! Okahahay- please! Stahahap!!”  
Fingers scamper up her ribs, jumping up to her shoulder and gently feathering into the crook of her neck before they remove themselves completely. The girl’s hands cup over her chest as she tries to take deep breaths in between her giggles, eyes closing as she grounds herself. Before long, Nene was able to sit up, whipping a tear of mirth from her eye with Hanako waiting, watching with that smug look on his face. Nene took one last breath before beginning to voice the concerns that had been bothering her for weeks. The longer she rambled, the faster she talked, her hands waving around as a way to accentuate her words. It was only when she seemed to start repeating herself was when the bathroom ghost interjected, gently grabbing her hands with his own. Yashiro gasped slightly as she is pulled out of her rant before meeting Hanako’s gaze.
“Hey. it's really cool you wanna know everything about me. No one’s really done that before, and.. I'm glad its you- but you have to be patient, okay? I promise I will tell you everything you want to know when I'm ready, but for now, just come back down to earth, ‘kay? I've missed you.”  
Despite the chill from not only the wind, but from hanako’s hands as well, she could feel a warmth deep within her chest, growing across her cheeks as she blushed softly. Nene became lost in Hanako’s honey-like stare; soft and sweet, feeling tears well up from how touching his words were. He was right. He may have been a tease, but he never broke a promise.. Her smile became more determined as she nodded. She really did trust him, despite all his secrets. 
Neither of them noticed that it had begun to snow..                                        
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artistic-intrxvert · 2 years
hot take: reader who is a friend of nene's (and observant), gets dragged along for cleaning, decides to stick around, pays too much attention and reads the squinty-romance of hananene and gets jealous?
Cuz that's the plotline of most of my daydreams for this fandom and I'm curious how you would take it? If you don't want to write it that's okay! Also sorry if this sounds forceful
Hihi! I love this idea sm- I actually added some plot of my own into it as well I hope you don’t mind 👀 It is not forceful at all!! :) None of you ever make me feel like I am forced to write and I want to let you know that. I love writing for you lovely, valid human beings out there :) I am sorry this is out WAY later than I anticipated! I have been so busy lately hahah- Hope you enjoy and have a good day/night!! <3
Warnings: jealousy(does that even count??), Angst but it turns to fluff i promise :), and swearing (bc why not lol)
Proofread: yes💅
Prompt: Hanako with a S/O who is jealous of Nene and Hanako
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You made your way to the old school building since it was the end of the day and you had to help clean the bathrooms with Nene. You don't even know why you come with anyways, though the reason could be that you took a liking to a certain ghost boy.
You would never admit it but you were jealous of the relationship that Nene had with the seventh wonder. He would get all close and touchy with her, and all she would do is say that she doesn’t like him like that. What really got to you was while she stated that she didn’t feel that way, she always seemed flustered or embarrassed.
It made sense, though. They seemed to get along, the ghost and the girl. Nene had come in to school one day telling you about how she made a wish to this.. “Hanako-San of the toilet”. Yeah..you were a tiny bit confused on what the hell she was talking about. Your words, exactly. She just looked at you nervously and said that they are good friends now.
That got you thinking, what was her wish? She never did quite tell you. All that she had mentioned was that it had something to do with romance. Wait a minute..could she have wished to be his girlfriend? It would make sense..kind of. Hanako is always flirting with her, touchy and whispers in her ear, which causes her face to heat up and scold him while he laughs his ass off.
But at the same time, she claims that she doesn’t like him like that. This was all so confusing to you. Perhaps Hanako was just one of those friends who likes to flirt with everyone. If so, why did he never flirt with you? It just didn’t make sense. Occasionally Hanako would give you a little tease but that’s about it. He would often stare at you, though. While you think it could mean something, you decide against it.
One time Nene got you all in trouble with the Misaki Stairs ghost (which you eventually ended up becoming friends with and you talk to her a lot) and you remember meeting up with them at the bottom of the boundary.
“..I am still in a bond..” or something like that
Those were Hanako’s words. A bond? What could that mean? The more you thought about it the more it all started to come together. They had a connection with each other. That had to be it. That must be why they are such good friends, but wouldn’t Nene tell you? It would have been easier if she just said it instead of trying to hide it from you.
Your walking came to an abrupt halt. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Hanako clearly took a liking to the girl, therefore you should let go..but you can’t. You cant let go, you’ve tried so hard to not let your feelings get in the way of their “bond”, but it never worked. No matter how goddamn hard you try, you end up liking him all the same.
You felt tears fill the rim of your eye lids. Seriously..? You were crying over this? Before you could even scold yourself you realize where your feet had halt. You read the familiar sign that read ‘Girl’s Restroom’. Well, there is no turning back now, you suppose. You could try to skip cleaning but you tried that once, they found you within five minutes.
You wiped your eyes and took a deep breath. It’s going to be fine, just try to think of something else, You told yourself. Pushing all of your feelings down, you entered the bathroom to hear arguing.
“BUT WHAT IF THEY TRIED TO SKIP CLEANING AGAIN?!” Nene’s voice echoed throughout the bathroom. Before you could announce that you didn’t skip cleaning, you saw Kou turn and look at you with a smile.
“(Name)! There you are! Yahsiro thought you skipped cleaning again but I told her you wouldn’t do that!” Kou turned back to Nene, “See? I told you they’d be fine!”
Nene rolled her eyes but looked at you with a soft grin and looked relieved that you were here. “I was worried about you! Where were you, by the way?” She questioned, letting her head tilt to the side.
“O-oh uhm..I got sidetracked, heh..” You said with a nervous look. The two of them looked at you with suspicion but let it slide. “Wait..where’s Hanako? Isn’t he supposed to be here?”
The two, again, glanced at each other. This time they looked like they were anxious about something. “We thought you knew where he was? Did he not go out to find you?” Kou questioned, a worried look on his face. Nene stared at you, worry and concern filling her eyes. She seemed to care a whole lot that Hanako was nowhere to be found. But, didn’t Kou seem worried too?
“I haven’t..I haven’t seen him today. Are you sure he went to look for me?” You asked, worry entangled in your voice. Nene looked like she was truly in a state of panic and fear. “I..I’m not sure anymore. When we entered the bathroom,” she glanced towards Kou.
“He wasn’t here, we assumed he went to look for you or something,” Kou finished her sentence. Now this was interesting. Hanako is normally waiting for you all to help clean, even Kou. It’s strange and unlike him to just disappear without anyone knowing where he went.
“Well, if we don’t know where he is, should we stay here or should we go look for him?” You questioned, looking for answers between the two individuals that stood before you. Kou stepped forward placing a hand on your shoulder, “It’s probably best to stay here. Although it’s unlike him to just..not be here, he’s probably just out for a meeting or something. I’m sure it will all be fine, (Name).”
Kou was always there for you, no matter what crazy things may be happening. You could hate his best friend and he would still be by your side. He's a good person to talk to and that's why he's the only one that you've told about your crush on Hanako to.
“Well, if you two want to wait here, that’s fine. But I am going to go look for him.” Before either of you could tell her not to and that you should just stay put, she had already dropped her mop and darted out the door.
You glanced over at Kou, curious as to what your next move should be. You opened your mouth to say something but couldn't even begin your sentence before you watch Kou run out the door after Nene. So much for having someone you trust by your side, you think yourself.
You let out a quiet sigh and decided it would be best to help them look, couldn't hurt anything to try. You walked out of the bathroom, mentally preparing yourself in case Hanako decides to jump out and scare you.
He's done that before, you know. One time you were on your way to help Yashiro clean and he jumped out from behind a set of lockers and scared the absolute shit out if you. You look upon that day constantly, hoping he never does that again.
Walking down the corridors of the old building was never your favorite part. It was easier when you were headed to the bathroom for cleaning but since everyone had left to go home except for those in clubs, it was quieter than usual. No students rushing to get to their classes, no whispers about friends behind their back. It all just felt so strange.
The silence of the hallways were starting to freak you out, so you decided to call out Hanako's name. Surely that will catch his attention right? Anytime you'd been in danger and you or someone else called out his name, Hanako showed up within seconds.
"Hanako? Where are you? This isn't funny.." Your voice rang out through the halls. Echoes filled your ears, but there wasn't any sound that wasn't your own bouncing off of the walls. Where could he have gone?
You were now by one of the staircases. Before you could enter, you heard laughter and scolding coming from what sounded like two voices. You'd recognize those voices from anywhere! Nene had found Hanako! Thank God, you were starting to get worried.
"Aww, were you really that worried about me?" Hanako spoke in a teasing tone, hands pinching Nene's cheeks. "Yes, and so was (Name). Speaking of, I left them and Kou in the bathroom so we should go back to them before they start to-" she was cut off by Hanako tilting her head up towards his face.
Your heart stopped, eyes widened at the scene before you. Although they didn't actually kiss and Hanako was just teasing, it looked like they kissed to you. Your eyes started to tear up for the second time that day. This time you let them fall.
Nene tried moving her head out of Hanako's hand and noticed you standing there, tears rolling down your cheeks as you stood with a look of betrayal and pain. "(Name)! What's wrong? Did something happen?" She called out to you, but as soon as she finished her sentence you took off where you came.
Hanako turned around just in time to see you run out the door. "(Name)?" He called out but you had ready taken off and your footsteps were getting further and further away. "What just happened?" Hanako looked towards Nene, hoping she had answers.
She didn't say anything as she ran up the stairs and in the direction you went in hope of getting to you. Hanako was left alone in the stairwell. He pulled his hat down slightly and his Haku-joudai twirled around him as he disappeared.
Hanako reappeared in the bathroom, hoping he'd find you there. Instead he found Kou and Nene arguing with each other. "I thought you said you saw them!" Kou shouted. "I did! But then they left without a word and the worst part is they were crying! I don't know where they went!" Nene fired back.
"QUIET! Both of you.." Hanako pushed the two away from each other. He cleared his throat before begining again. "Now, would someone please explain to me what is going on and where (Name) is?"
"I don't know where they are, but I saw them by the top of the stairwell earlier and they looked like they were crying. I asked them what was wrong but they ran off.." Nene said, guilt seething through her voice.
"Hm..well I guess we better go look for them, shouldn't we?" Hanako replied, grabbing both of their wrists and pulling them out of the bathroom to begin the search.
You found yourself crying on the Misaki Stairs, making sure you don't touch the fourth step. Yako came by earlier thinking some random person was on the stairs but once she saw you she sat down and attempted to calm you down.
You let out another soft cry as she sat next to you, rubbing your back in a comforting manner. She had gone into her human form not long after she sat next to you.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, she sounded like she didn't want to be there but you knew she was trying her best. "I guess, it wouldn't hurt to talk about it," you said in between sniffles.
So you explained what had happened, that you had feelings for the honorable no.7 and that you saw him kiss Nene, not leaving out a single detail. "Hm..sounds to me like your out of luck kid. No.7 is a tricky person, I've found. Very pushy, hypocritical, and only cares about himself. If I were you, I'd find someone better," she said, turning back into a fox.
You looked at her with shock but you couldn't say she was wrong. Hanako was tricky person, that boy. He was always trying to get people to tell him all for their secrets but never told a single thing about himself. Now that you think of it, maybe it is all kind of stupid-
You looked up and saw him, the one person you hoped wouldn't see you like this. There he stood, in all of his ghostly glory. He looked concerned and worried but most of all he looked hurt. What could have hurt him? You wouldn't know.
"Hanako? What are you doing here?" You asked wiping your face with your hands, an attempt to get rid of your tears. Yako looked between the two of you before turning around and running up the stairs, out of view and to wherever those halls lead.
"Nevermind that, what is wrong? Did something happen?" He crouched in front of you, looking into your sad, puffy eyes. You felt yourself having butterflies with how close he was, but you shake off the feeling. "No, nothing happened. I just..nevermind, it's stupid and doesn't matter anyway-"
You began to step off the stairs and walk away before you feel someone grab your wrist and soon enough you have been pinned against the wall. You face instantly flushed. Hanako didn't look angry, but now you understand why he looks hurt. He's hurt that you are in pain and feel like you can't talk to him.
"Tell me what's wrong...please?" He took one of his hands and placed it against the side of your face, gently stroking his thumb in a comforting manner. "I...I got jealous.." you started, tears prickling your eyes once more. "I saw that you kissed Nene and I just...I just wish you would flirt with me the way you do with her or be touchy with me. Hell, I wish you would kiss me the way you kiss her..but I know you're in a bond with her so I know it's not possi-" you were cut off by his finger against your lips.
"Why didn't you just say so, dear? I would have happily kissed you earlier if I knew you liked me too~" he spoke in a teasing tone that also felt genuine. You smiled, tears finally leaked, a tint of pink on your face. Hanako was quick to wipe them with a smile.
"Wait, like back? If you liked me, then why did you kiss Yashiro earlier?" You questioned.
He chuckled and said, "Oh, sweet (Name), I didn't kiss her. I was teasing her as I usually do, but to you that must have been seen as a smooch, hm?"
You let out a soft chuckle and wrapped your arms around Hanako. "I guess it was the angle then, huh? I'm glad you feel the same, though. I didn't know how much longer I could go before I pulled you to the side one day and kissed you myself." You teased back, an attempt to fluster him that seemed to work.
Or so you thought. He leaned his head down towards your ear and whispered, "Whats stopping you from doing that right now?" Your face flushed and before you could say anything you heard the voices of Kou and Nene, calling your and Hanako's names.
You pulled away before immediately running towards them in attempt to escape what you thought was about to become a flirt war between you and Hanako. "Everything alright, (Name)? You seemed pretty upset earlier.." Nene asked. You smiled and said, "Yep! I was just a little worried about something is all."
Hanako floated over and butted in after you. "Yep! They're just fine! Now, let's go back to cleaning! Those toilets aren't going to clean themselves!" He said with such a high level of enthusiasm. Kou and Nene groaned but began walking back towards the bathroom.
You walked behind them as Hanako clung onto you the whole way back to the bathroom. Heh, you were never going to hesitate to help Nene clean again.
I am SO sorry that this came out late! The gods of motivation have disappeared randomly but they have returned and I hope to get my other requests done as well! Hope you enjoyed and hope you have an amazing New Year, everyone!
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2n2n · 1 year
I've seen spoilers for the new chapter and honestly that makes me a little irritated about Hanako-kun in the last few chapters, he's been so pathetic, despite being funny, he's the seventh wonder of the school. Teru and Aoi don't even seem to be afraid of him 😢, do you think Aida Iro will, at least for some chapter with Hanako-kun, be serious with them or at least arm herself a little as a leader? It's just that I would love to see others be impressed by him instead of calling him a pervert 😅
I know it's been months in our human earth reading manga time but, it's been, like 2 minutes of feeling sad for Hanako! He can take it I promise!!! We've seen plenty of Hanako being very cool and sexy. I think he could be pathetic for a while.
PLENTY of past chapters for you to reread and enjoy, for impressive Hanako! We got that for a good while! A little humiliation is good for him, and the story. What has he personally done to make Teru or Akane afraid of him? He really bungled that train stuff ... his girlie came and ran him away.... but then, his joudai is the only reason Akane and Teru made it out of there fine, after Hakubo, lol.... it's complicated! It's interesting enough that they don't have destructive animosity towards him... Teru saw into Hanako's sensitive motivations, how he seeks to be the one to carry burdens to save who he loves (not unlike Teru)!
I don't personally really need Hanako to hulk out more and swing his knife around, though he COUUULD do that ... I wish he'd just get on his knees for Nene-chan, lol... I wish he could feel like.. YASHIROOOOOO!!!! WAAAIIT!!!! You don't have to clean bathrooms anymore I promiiiiiise!!!!! maybe with some belittling circumstances, we can get that stubborn guy to be a boyfriend.... light a fire under him....
the way Hanako's agonies have only been depicted humorously right now, I don't think there's a very respectable or reasonable reason he is so upset heehe..... perhaps it is petty... perhaps even, it is dumb. Perhaps he is having stupid feelings. Maybe he doesn't deserve to look cool, right now, lol.....
Everyone is a little too quick to see him as noble in his emotions towards this circumstance... I'm not so sure lol... his funny little brother ran off with his girlfriend to go play.... maybe it is time for not only Hanako, but also, the people who personify him as cool and impressive, to learn the same lesson... he should have to live it and you should have to spectate it.....
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
Anonymous asked:Being a fictionkin of a swap version of a character that literally only you, your friends, and some other people on the internet have thought about is so annoying bc if I were to say I'm a fictionkin of Swap!AU Tsukasa Yugi people would be like "Oh, that swap au where you're in the role of Aoi?" No, the one where I'm in the role of Hanako!!!!!!! 😭😭Yugi Tsukasa!! The seventh of the seven wonders of Kamome Academy!!!!!!!!! Not some student that spreads rumors and has secrets he'll never share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (No hate to Aoi fictionkins, I'm one too but like AGH)- Hanako-kun ☆ ( @blogurl )
the rules page https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/rules
Source calls. This is not a call blog. Here is a list of call blogs. [blog page] [blog post] Don’t sign confessions with blogurls or @/mentions. Don’t leave social media links to oneself, such as discord IDs, twitter user names, etc. Don’t ask people to reblog, comment, like, or interact with ask messages in order to make contact with others. These messages will be deleted.
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hanako-san · 1 year
I'm honestly quite confused about Hanako-kun and Tsukasa's powers. It seems that Tsukasa has the mysterious powers of the red house, but what about Hanako-kun? He received the Hakujodai when he became the seventh mystery, but do you think he also has powers related to that mysterious house identity? Perhaps these powers are the reason why the Minamoto family mentioned him as an evil spirit. What is your opinion?
Jshk is very confusing Anon. Many things are confusing! AidaIro are champions at this!
This confuses me too. I keep hearing how "Hanako-kun is a powerful spirit with great power", but where? When will I see this if it's true. It's easy to say. I want evidence! I want to see it!
I believe that Amane and Tsukasa's powers are connected to the red house. This thing, this evil living in the twins' house, made wishes for the sacrifice of life
They also fulfill the wishes of Amane of living people and Tsukasa of dead people. I think they are related and Haku Joudai/Haku Joudai could be power from God?
Tsukasa is too op and has this thing in his stomach… has the power he has been split between them?
It's so confusing.
You see,I'm also confused here and would rather wait for more guidance.
No. The Minamoto consider all supernaturals to be evil. I wonder if the girls whose lives were ruined and sacrificed and minamoto celebrated afterwards also think so.
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donu-ko · 2 years
Character Analysis: Hanako
    Okay, okay so Just a disclaimer: This blog is most probably going to turn into a blog for TBHK Character analysis, plot analysis, dynamics, and occasional headcanons. All depending on what i feel like writing. If you’ve read this now, continue on for my character analysis of Hanako/Amane Yugi! 
Please be aware this will contain manga spoilers, and it is not yet complete as I’m not completely caught up in the manga!! If I have messed something up please feel free to correct me so I can make it accurate!!
Trigger Warning:
Mentions of:
-S*xual Ass@ult
   While not everything is known about Hanako or his twin brother Tsukasa, we do have some outlines for their backstory. These being that long ago Hanako, who was once known as Amane, fell very ill when he was a mere toddler. His mother was distraught at these news that he was not meant to last more than a month. However later it is shown that the boy lived to his birthday on November 25. This is also where we find out that his brother made a wish to an entity that he later tells Amane lives under their home. We don’t know the type or name of said entity (As far as I know), only that it has apparently taken the place of Tsukasa in return for fulfilling his wish for Amane to get better. Later on in flashbacks, Amane is shown to be bruised in a certain manga panel. These bruises on his neck and arms hint that these could possibly be hickey’s from a S*xual assault. His shirt being unbuttoned in this flashback also hints to this. Tsuchigomori’s yorishiro being destroyed reveals that his yorishiro was given to him BY Amane Yugi. A moonrock that Amane said was quite precious to him and his love of space and the stars. In this flashback it is shown that Amane is still consistently being harmed by something, however he won’t fess up as to who or what it is, and says he doesn’t mind it. He then proceeds to tell his teacher he wants to go to the moon, but then decides he is never going anywhere, never leaving the school. Tsuchigomori proceeds to tell Nene that he peaked into Amane’s records of the future, finding that the boys love of the stars would manifest into him becoming a science teacher. It is later shared that he died, changing his fate and being the first person to do so. Amane now resides as the seventh of the seven wonders, Hanako the wish granting bathroom ghost. But how did Amane become Hanako? What were his regrets that led him to becoming a supernatural? And why a school mystery instead of something like the original Mitsuba’s ghost?
  So..to put it simply, Hanako is a very manipulative, somewhat self centered, and reckless person. He’s not only manipulative, but cunning as well. And a huge liar at almost any moment. This is first shown in the very beginning, first being when Kou discovered Nene’s limited ammount of time left to live. Hanako admitted to pretending to care about them in his own special way, but in the end it makes no difference to him who lives and who dies. Now this could have been just him trying to hide his feelings for Nene, but i genuinely believe that maybe apart from her, he really doesn’t care. He may pretend to and put on a show to look good and heroic, but in the end, as Teru said, he is still an apparition with evil personality traits. This particular ghost is also destroying yorishiro’s for the apparent reason of making sure they cannot be manipulated by Tsukasa’s rumour change. Tsuchigomori adds to this idea by stating that if it were lesser supernaturals then it wouldn’t matter, but they were affecting the wonders. Now why Tsukasa would target the wonders will be left for his own analysis. But why did Hanako think destroying their yorishiro’s and then reappointing them was the best option? And if he destroys all of them until only he is left, he is the only one left to target. But he wouldn’t be able to reinstate the other wonders if he were to destroy his own yorishiro, Tsukasa. However in recent chapters it is shown that Hanako, Tsukasa, and Nene are on a mission to destroy all of the yorishiro’s so that Hanako can wish for Nene’s life span to extend. Perhaps this shows that maybe he *Does* care for only her as he is risking his forgiveness of his sin for her life. Or perhaps he will not succeed because he cannot stand the thought of destroying Tsukasa again. Or even more, before it was for the reason to extend Nene’s life span, it was to grant his own wish of forgiveness. And it may still be that, he could be lying again! We won’t know for a while. As for his reckless personality, in the Sacrifice of the Grim Reaper arc Hanako is shown to not care whatsoever about supernatural’s flooding into the school even though HE is supposed to be responsible for them. Does he want students injured?? Does he want supernaturals to be the superior race? We may never know. And even further than that, he takes things to the extreme length to get what he wants. Sacrificing Nene’s best friend in order to save her, which he knows she wouldn’t want, he even admits that he knows she wouldn’t agree to that which is why he did it without permission. And up until the very moment he disappeared during the severance, he was giving off psychopathic vibes. His eyes were black like Tsukasa’s often are, hinting that maybe something within him wasn’t right. And he was so happy for a hot second there?? It could have been an act, but he was hiding things from Nene which lead to her falling into bad mental health after he disappeared. Which leads me to my final statement...He is ALWAYS hiding things and doing things on only his opinion!!! Nene’s life span, Aoi’s sacrifice, The picture perfect arc, he is a pathological liar!! The picture perfect Arc is one of the best ways to show that he takes things to the extreme to get what he wants, even attempting to trap Nene in a fake world forever, but also saying it was for Kou as well....overall I think he’s quite interesting in terms of personality, but very complex as well.
I will be adding more things later!! Two sections will be added, to give you hints, one will be titled “Amane” and the other “Tsuchigomori”
Thank you for listening and reading!!
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shiftereris · 1 year
I've read 11 volumes of tbhk and watched the anime 3.5 times and I still can't figure out why Hanako is called "Honorable No. 7"
The No. 7 part I get, he's the seventh wonder of Kamome High, but the honorable part? I don't get it.
Can someone help explain this?
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Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun Episode #1: Hanako-san of the Bathroom Transcript
This episode has Nene meeting Hanako-kun.
Female student: Hey, come here! Have you heard the rumors? About the school's Seven Wonders?
{Ornament #1: One}
{Ornament #2: Two}
{Ornament #3: Three}
{Ornament #4: Four}
{Ornament #5: Five}
{Ornament #6: Six}
{Ornament #7: Seven}
Female student: You really haven’t? Oh my gosh, well, where do I start? I’ll tell you the most famous one first.
{Lit ornament: Seven}
Female student: It’s the seventh of the Seven Wonders…Hanako, the Bathroom Ghost. She’s on the third floor of the old building, in the third stall in the girls’ bathroom.  
{Sign: Girls’ Bathroom}
Female student: You can go there and summon her right now if you want! She’ll grant you any wish no matter what it is, but she’ll take something precious from you in exchange, and you won’t know what it is until it’s too late.
Nene: Eumph…
Female student: To call her, knock three times…
Nene’s hand: Knock, knock, knock!
Female student: …and then say…
Nene: Hanako, Hanako, Hanako…are you in there? Eum…eum… 
Hanako-kun: Helllllloooooo…
(Nene: Huah! Heum…)
Nene: Eaum…huah. Okay, hearing things.
Hanako-kun: You summoned me?
Nene: Dueah! Eheauheah, heah! Eueum…HAH! AAAHH! NO!
Hanako-kun: Snerk! Hehehehehehahahahahahaha!
Nene’s thoughts: That sounds like a boy.
Hanako-kun: What’s the matter with you?
Nene: AAH!
Nene’s thoughts: I can see right through him. Such an old uniform…those look like orbs…
Nene: Are…are you a ghost?
Hanako-kun: I prefer “apparition”…or the seventh of the Seven Wonders of the school: Hanako the Bathroom Ghost. I’m delighted to meet you.   
{Caption: Apparition 1: Hanako-san of the Bathroom}
{Sign: Girls’ Bathroom}
Nene: Wait, are you saying you’re Hanako?
Hanako-kun: Yeah. You rang? 
Nene: I’m not stupid! And where’s your bob haircut and red jumpskirt?! 
Hanako-kun: Well, uh, that’s not really the look I’m into these days. 
Hanako-kun: Anyway, mind telling me who you are?
Nene: I don’t understand; you look like a boy.
Hanako-kun: That’s because I am a boy. Believe me, I’m just as bothered about that inaccuracy as you are, but the rest of what you’ve heard is true.
Nene: Euauhm…
Hanako-kun: I will grant your wish and collect a payment that I see as fit. So what is your wish? Please don’t tell me you came here unprepared. 
Nene: Why are you in here? What kind of pervy ghost chooses to haunt the girls’ bathroom?
Hanako-kun: Okay, we’re done.
Hanako-kun: You think I’m…cool? In that case, tell me your name and what it is you wish!
Nene’s thoughts: He got over that fast.
Nene: My name’s Yashiro Nene! And I’m a first year in Class A! My wish is that the guy I’m crushing on will like me back as much as I like him! 
{Text in Hanako’s notebook: YASHIRO: LOVE}
Hanako-kun: Hm, Yashiro. Got it, and you’re asking for your love to be returned. What’s the guy’s name?
Nene: Everybody calls him Minamoto. He’s a second year and way smart. He’s that guy who’s so cool but still nice to everyone! One time, I dropped my pencil case and he picked it up for me!
Hanako-kun: I see…
{Caption: Stare}
Hanako-kun: Easy enough!
(Nene: Huah?)
Hanako-kun: Consider your wish granted!
Nene: Are you serious?! Wait, how does the wish granting thing work from the toilet stall?
{Text on banner: Success}
Nene: Do you use a special item or something?
Hanako-kun: I do. The one I carry works wonders.
Nene: Will you show it to me?
Hanako-kun: Hmhmhm! Voila!
{Text on book: 100 Methods of Love: This Is Love}
{Caption: A how-to book}
{Caption: NO}
Nene: Nuh-uh.
Hanako-kun: Ehuh, hear me out! If I use my power to help you, we’ll have to do an equivalent exchange, and if I’m making a human heart do something that’s not natural, the price is going to reflect that. Trust me, this is much safer. 
Nene: Hold on. What if I’m okay with any price?
Hanako-kun: Oh, are you? I’d say, “Sorry, I don’t have tools that advanced”.
Nene: You were bluffing?!
Nene’s thoughts: But…maybe I should try it.
{Caption: High hopes}
Nene’s thoughts: I mean, he’s a ghost who grants wishes. He must know some tricks. I can’t be the first person to ask for help in the love department. 
Hanako-kun [reading from book]: Method #78: Find creative ways to impress them with your skills. 
Hanako-kun: Let’s show you off! What are your talents?
Hanako-kun: Where are we?
Nene: The best place I could think of to show what I can do: the school student garden! NEAH!
{Caption: TA-DA}
Nene: I’m a garden club superstar!
{Caption: Dirt…}
Nene: Why are you looking at me like that?!
(Hanako-kun: Neah…)
Nene: I can grow flowers too, you know! I’M FEMININE AND DELICATE!
Nene: That’s why I joined. A boy I once liked said he was only attracted to girly girls and I noticed there were lots of ‘em in the garden club. I was also learning how to cook and sew at the same time. I figured once I mastered all three skills, I’d tell him how I felt.    
Hanako-kun: How long did you like him?
Nene: Since right after I started junior high. I only told him how I felt last month. It took me three years to do it, but… 
Nene’s former crush [flashback]: Hold on. You’re saying you like me? Do I even know you?
{Caption: SHOCK}
Nene [flashback]: Neauheauh!
Nene’s former crush [flashback]: Creepy. Sorry, you’re just not my type. I’m not into thick daikon legs.
{Caption: Daikon legs…}
Nene’s thoughts [flashback]: Daikon legs…daikon…daikon.
(Daikon: Radish → Japanese)
Nene: That was a month ago! I’m completely over it and I’m a completely different person now!
Hanako-kun: I don't believe you.
Nene: Well, you should! I am totally obsessed with someone else now. Once that guy sees that someone like Minamoto loves me back, he’ll regret ever turning me down!  
Hanako-kun: Is that so?
(Nene: Huah!)  
Hanako-kun: So anyone’d do?
Nene: Huh? No, Mr. Smarty Pants. I want Minamoto. Don’t pull any funny stuff!
Hanako-kun: You sure? Because something tells me you don’t know very much about this guy. 
Nene: Yes, I do.
Hanako-kun: Then answer this question: what’s his full name? 
Sound effects: Bonk. bonk, bonk, ding!
Nene: Oh, look how big this worm is. Bet Mr. Carp would like to eat that.  
Hanako-kun: That’s what I thought. Huah…here.
Nene: Huah? A blank gift tag?
{Text on heart: Love}
Hanako-kun: Yep! Write a sweet message, then give it to your boy with something you grew! I call this move Operation Present!
Nene’s thoughts: Creative title.
Nene: I’ve tried things like this before; I need magic!
Hanako-kun: But you haven’t tried exactly this on this day, have you? Make the most of what you have now. Let your hard work work for you.
(Nene: Huah?)
Nene: That makes sense. Euahm…okay! Let Operation Present begin!
Hanako-kun: Yaaaay! 
Nene’s thoughts: I still think writing down everything I feel would be too much. 
Minamoto [flashback]: Hey, I think you dropped your pencils.
Nene’s thoughts: I’ll tell him thank you for picking up my pencil box the other day. He cares about me!
Hanako-kun: He’s going to love it! So what type of plants did you grow this season?
Nene: Over there.
Hanako-kun: Other side. Euah…
Hanako-kun: Well…that’s…fun.
(Minamoto: Hey)
Minamoto: What’s going on? Why the excitement?
Boy #1: Dude, you tell us. Come here! Someone left produce on your desk with a thank you note.
{Text on note: Thank you for the other day}
{Caption #1: TOMATO}
{Caption #2: KYU-RI}
(KYU-RI: CUCUMBER → Japanese)
Minamoto: Euhn…euahn…
Boy #1: Did you help a vegan cross the street yesterday or something?
Minamoto: Huh? No… 
Hanako-kun: What fun.
Nene: How did this turn into some weird mystery?
{Text on card: Mermaid}
Hanako-kun: I’m changing the name to Operation Vegetables. Congrats, they’re all talking about it!
Nene: I know they are! Everyone thinks some grateful vegan broke into the school!
Hanako-kun: Or a grateful daikon.
Nene: Huaeah!
Dream daikon: For you!
(Daikon: Radish → Japanese)
Nene: Nawahwahwahwahwahwah!
(Hanako-kun: Hahahahahaha!)
Girl #1: Oh my gosh, she’s screaming at the ceiling!
(Nene: Nawahwahwah!)
(Hanako-kun: Hahahaha!)
(Boys: Ewuah?)
Girl #2: I’ve seen her talking to herself all day.
(Nene: Nawahwahwahwahwahwah!)
(Hanako-kun: Hahahahahaha!)
Nene: I’m so embarrassed. I have to drop gardening club.
Hanako-kun: That’s a little extreme, isn’t it? You have other talents and interests. We’ll try something new!
Nene: Yay…
(Hanako-kun: Yay!)
Nene’s thoughts: I can’t contain my enthusiasm.
{Caption: Operation: Button of Love}
Minamoto: They say he lives under the stairs…
Girl #3: Oh…
Minamoto: …but I’ve never seen anything.
Hanako-kun: Score! I got one! Now’s your chance! Go sew his button of love! 
Nene: I’m on it! Hey, Minamoto!
Girl #3: Looks like you’re missing a button.
Minamoto: Weird; it wasn’t like that earlier.
(Girl #3: Don’t worry, I’ll save you!)
Girl #3: Use mine!
Girl #4: No, use mine!
(Boy #2: No, take mine!)
Nene: Oah…
(Hanako-kun: Hehehehe…)
(Girl #3, Girl #4, Boy #2: Pick me! I wanna be Minamoto’s button!)
{Caption: Failure…}
Nene: I failed.
(Hanako-kun: Hehehe!)
{Caption: Operation: Boxed Lunch}
Hanako-kun: How about using the vegetables to make him a boxed lunch? You can keep it exciting by making them look like cute animals!
Nene: Uh-huh!
{Caption #1: Chop, chop}
{Caption #2: Sizzle}
Boy #1: Nice wrap! You got a girl makin’ you lunch now?
Minamoto: I don’t know who it could be. 
Woman’s voice: AAAAAHHHH!
(Minamoto: Huah! Dueah…)
Minamoto: I think someone forgot this. I’ll take it to the lost and found. 
{Caption: Failure…}
Nene: Another failure.
{Caption: Operation: Corner of Love}
Nene: Nom!
Hanako-kun: Put this toast in your mouth and then bump into him as he turns a corner. Dash out there when I give the signal. 
Nene: Uh-huh!
Hanako-kun: TIME TO RUN! 
Nene: Hm!
Hanako-kun: Will be the signal for you to go. Uah! Deah!
Minamoto: Kou? KOU!
(Hanako-kun: Eh, huah…)
Boy #3: Look, someone just flew at them!
(Hanako-kun: Eh, auah…)
Boy #4: He fell down those stairs! Is he okay?
(Hanako-kun: Ah, ah…ehehe…)
Nene: What? I think I may have run into the wrong person! WAAAAAHHHH!
(Hanako-kun: Oh…oohueah…woaeuh…)
Boy #3: Don’t just stand there! Call an ambulance!
(Nene: I’m so sorry!)
(Hanako-kun: Uah…uh, uh…)
{Sign: Girls’ Bathroom}
Nene: Owauh…none of these things are working, none! And how is running with toast in my mouth supposed to make him want me? 
Hanako-kun: Ehehe!
Nene: Ehehe, NOT FUNNY! Now he seems more confused than ever!
Hanako-kun: Yeah…ooh, I know! Why don’t you just tell him?
Nene: Owah? I can’t! 
Hanako-kun: Come on! I’m running out of ideas! This is all so…new to me.
Nene: Eum? What do you mean, “new”?!
Hanako-kun: Eheh! Not many people know how to summon me, so I’m not as experienced as you think.
Nene: I knew something was off! All these fluffy, wholesome attacks are not what ghosts are usually about! 
Hanako-kun: Except for me! Just call me wholesome Hanako!
{Caption: Grrrrr}
Hanako-kun: I have items that are a little darker too! If you want! Let’s see, where is it? Found it! Here!
Nene: What is this?
Hanako-kun: Kokeshi doll.
Nene: So?
Hanako-kun: It’s kinda sexy.
Nene: HUEH!
(Hanako-kun: AAAAAAAHHHHH!)
Nene: Hueauh!
Nene’s thoughts: I really believed he was going to grant my wish.
Hanako-kun: Note to self: don’t show them the dolls in front of an open window. 
{Text on bag: Seal}
Nene’s thoughts: Is this Hanako’s? Did he mean to drop it?
Hanako-kun: Oweah…
Nene: Hey, Hanako…what are these?
Hanako-kun: Oh. Those are for matchmaking.
Nene: Matchmaking?!
Hanako-kun: No! DON’T TOUCH! Give it to me! I’m serious!
(Nene: Ewuah!)
Nene: Aaaahhh…nom!
Nene: If you don’t want me to swallow it, you’d better explain right now!
Hanako-kun: Euh! Okay, okay, I will! Those are clusters of mermaid scales. Anyone who swallows them will be cursed. Part of that curse is a bond with another who made the same unfortunate---
Nene: Gulp!
{Caption: Gulp} 
Hanako-kun: AIYEE, YASHIRO!
{Caption: Panic, panic}
Nene: I don’t mind!
Hanako-kun: Uah!
Nene: If Minamoto will like me back, then I don’t care if I’m cursed! You had the right items the entire time! Hanako, you…YOU’RE NOTHING BUT AN EVIL LIAR!
Hanako: Ehuheum…
Nene: Heum…ehem!
Hanako-kun: Ohueaum…
Nene: Awah…euh!
Nene’s thoughts: There he is! Finally! But…who’s that girl?
{Caption: Slender legs}  
Girl #3: I, um…
{Caption: Blushing}
Girl #3: I’m sorry, this is hard. Okay. I’ve had a crush on you ever since first year! 
Nene’s thoughts: AAAAHHHHHOWAH!
Minamoto: Oh…
Nene’s thoughts: No, don’t! Don’t say it, please! You can’t like her back! I…I was so close.
Minamoto: Look, I…
Nene: Huah!
Minamoto: Thank you for telling me, but I like someone else. I’ve liked her for a long time, and I hope to be with her someday. I know that’s hard to hear. I’m sorry.
Nene’s thoughts: So that’s it. He likes someone else. But now that I have this, I guess it doesn’t matter.
Hanako-kun [flashback]: Anyone’d do?
Nene: It’s not the same. Hm…neah! My arms! What the…? No!
Nene’s thoughts: I don’t get it. Why is this happening to me? You worked so hard to show him…no, that’s not true. I barely even talk to him at school. It’s my own fault that he doesn’t know my name.
Hanako-kun [flashback]: Let your hard work work for you.
Nene’s thoughts: But what was I working toward? Did I think we would live happily ever after? Or did I just want someone to like me so I’d feel better about myself? Did I swallow this thing to feed my ego? Am I really that selfish? If so…it serves me right. All of it.  
Hanako-kun: There you go!
Nene: Am I in…water?
Hanako-kun: And good thing you are. You were about to dry out.
Nene: Hanako?
Hanako-kun: I’ve got everything ready for you. Hope you like it.
Nene: Hope I like what? What happened to me? 
Hanako-kun: Ta-da!
(Hanako-kun: Hm…) 
Hanako-kun: Oh good, I knew she would love it!
Nene: I DON’T!
Hanako-kun: I tried to tell you; there’s a price for everything. Eating the scales put you under the mermaid’s curse. All the fish are her servants, so that explains your look. And the fact that only you ate one; if you had convinced someone else to swallow a scale with you, then the curse would’ve been split between the two of you. Most people under her spell aren’t turned into fish completely. You still would have had some fish-like traits, however.
Nene: Uhnh!
{Caption: Ugh…}
Hanako-kun: The thing is…only the person who consumes the mermaid scale is affected. The reason they’re called “matchmaking charms” is because people under the same curse will share a special bond with one another. You didn’t give this to him. Why not?
Nene: When I thought about what love means, I realized that’s not how I felt about Minamoto. You were right. I wanted someone like him to want me back, but it could’ve been anyone. I just wanted love. I didn’t realize it until now, after I’ve caused all this trouble. I’m the worst. 
Mermaid: Well, well…
Nene: Aah!
Mermaid: …isn’t that tragic?
Nene: What’s happening?!
Mermaid: Humans truly are the most foolish creatures. But I’ve brought you a reason to celebrate. From this moment on, you will be serving me! I’ll be so good to you. You don’t need anyone else!  
Hanako-kun: Look who’s here. Hello.
Mermaid: Hahahahahaha!
Hanako-kun: That fish is the mermaid, and it looks like she’s ready to collect you as her servant. But I’m not done with you. So she’ll have to wait. 
Nene: Hanako!
Mermaid: How adorably pathetic! The little School Wonder boy thought he could best my powers and millenia of experience.  
Nene: AAH! 
Mermaid: Come to Mommy!
Hanako-kun: Please hold on a second. 
Mermaid: Hm?
Hanako-kun: I haven’t had the chance to grant the girl’s wish for summoning me. Let me finish my work. I’ll then leave you to yours.  
Mermaid: Silence! Don’t you dare presume to command me!
Hanako-kun: I didn’t. I asked. But now…I have no choice but to use force.
Nene: Awaueh! 
Mermaid: SUCH A DISH FOR ME! Aweuagh! I’ve been hit, and by a feeble apparition barely a few decades old? Curse you, School Wonder! 
Hanako-kun: Score! Catch of the day!
Hanako-kun: She’s gone back to her realm for now. She’s pretty persistent though, so we’ll see her again. But at least we’ve bought ourselves some time to plan our next move. 
Nene: I don’t wanna go through that again! Can you keep her away? I just can’t spend my life with that awful, angry sea-witch! This is all because I wanted a boy to like me.  
Hanako-kun: Hmhmhmhm! Humans love ghost stories, but they don’t take them seriously until someone gets cursed. You think every spell will work in your favor. I begged you not to eat that scale, didn’t I? You. Did it. Anyway.  
Nene: Newauh!
Hanako-kun: I also urged you not to use this on your crush. You listened, which means I can still grant you a wish.  
Nene: Awauh?
Hanako-kun: Do you want to be human again? If that’s your wish, I’ll grant it, although there will still be a price.  
Nene: Oh…what kind of price?
Hanako-kun: Well, you know I can’t say until it’s done, but I will keep your life as normal as possible. Do you want to risk it?
Nene: Yes! Please turn me back! I wish to be human again! I understand there’s a price, just get me out of here as soon as possible!
Hanako-kun: You got it. It’s done. As for how you’ll be paying me back…you’ll use your body.  
Nene: What? Awah! 
Hanako-kun: Gulp! 
Nene: WAAAAAHHHH! Uweah…
Hanako-kun: As promised, I’ll minimize the curse’s effects on you. You and I have now been linked across the border between this life and the next.  
Nene: Awah!
Hanako-kun: It’s time to pay.
(Nene: Neah!)  
Hanako-kun: I want…a solid work ethic!
Nene: Huh?
Hanako-kun: Oh wow, what a relief! I was just thinking this would be so much easier if I had a human assistant.  
Nene: Hehehehehe!
(Hanako-kun: Hahahahaha!)
Hanako-kun: What’d you think I meant?
Nene: Eheueaheah…
Hanako-kun: Yashiro, you dirty daikon!
(Daikon: Radish → Japanese) 
Hanako-kun: Aah, heauh! Oh, duoh…
Nene: You’re hurt? I’m not supposed to be able to touch you.
Hanako-kun: We share a bond now and therefore we’re linked, like I said. You know, the least you could do was go easy on me after I granted you an additional wish.   
Nene: Hm? What extra wish?
Hanako-kun: You did say that you wanted somebody to share your feelings, didn’t you?
Nene: Ahuah…
Hanako-kun: Well, now that we’ve entered into a bond, I’m sure we’ll share all sorts of things. 
Nene: Um, that’s kind of stretching it.  
Nene [narrating]: That’s how we met, and where it all began. I became friends with a ghost boy in an empty classroom, as he held my hands by the red rays of twilight.
Hanako-kun: Oh, by the way…you should let those dry. The moisture makes them flare. 
Nene: Huh? 
{Caption: Scales}
Radio announcer: Do you ever wonder where the things we’ve forgotten end up, forgotten moments or souls? If we don’t remember them, does that mean they’re gone? Or are they still here in a new form, desperate for us to notice them? Has anyone out there heard this story? The one about Yousei? 
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magioftheseas · 8 months
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(Credit to @dbs-scans )
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silvershewolf247 · 10 months
Okay, just let me tell about it anyway, okay?
The story goes: Kamome Academy is famous for its rumors regarding its Seven Wonders and supernatural occurrences. Nene Yashiro, a first-year high-school student who loves the occult and wishes for a boyfriend, summons the Seventh and most famous Wonder, "Hanako-san of the Toilet", the spirit of a girl who allegedly haunts the bathroom and can grant wishes for the right price. Upon summoning her, Nene discovers that "Hanako-san" is nothing like the rumors say; Hanako-san is a boy. With a turn of events, she is spiritually bound to Hanako and becomes his assistant, helping him destroy evil supernaturals and change rumors in order to maintain the balance between the spirit world and the human world. Along the way, Nene learns about her connection to the spirit world and the dark secrets regarding Hanako and his past.
And there’s a boy named Kou who comes from a long line of Ghost Exorcists.
So it’s a cool anime, and I’m thinking: Yk what, this trio reminds me of a certain other trio.
And that’s where the idea came from.
Now with casting, Jake is gonna be Yashrio, Devon is gonna be Hanako and Lexy is gonna be Kou.
I’m struggling between Jake’s wish being to get a boyfriend or to get rid of his anxiety, idk which one.
Wait, the anxiety is good. The anxiety is great.
And Hanako has a brother who has his own trio that are hellbent on causing disruptions and chaos among the 7 wonders of the school.
And Yashiro has a best friend that fills her in on scary stories, that’s gonna be Junior.
And in this AU, Chucky was one of Devon’s friends that he snapped and ended up killing. Grant’s apart of that circle too and he’s Chucky’s assistant, but who else will be apart of that trio? Time will tell, Silver.
Any questions? Comments? Concerns?
Sounds like you've got the start of another fun au.
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divadrawsstuff · 2 years
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----★Am I dreaming? - TBHK x Reader★---- - Prologue: (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1286356319-%E2%98%85am-i-dreaming-tbhk-x-reader%E2%98%85-prologue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=xXSaturnRingsXx&wp_originator=1EAYyUO2qzoMgysPtv7%2BwntrdS21fs8jTt20xFbosJ2AD45nQ818wj4dVipD1l7K0KFYRZ4WlUso8PsJA8lhRte%2BnoTtcrmiGSawjWiXCdYw7yMLgtHKhhOncEmRK%2F3O My writing is cringe. So, forgive me lmao :"D POV: You're Hanako - Kun, seventh of the seven wonders. ⚠All rights reserved⚠
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beachblu3s · 4 years
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He’s infodumping about the cosmos to Nene🌙💫⭐️🪐🌕
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ca-3 · 4 years
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Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun x Servamp(??)
Just wanted to do a little crossover with some foxes who have issues with some knife wielding teens...🦊😂 and miss their sensei’s...
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Those high-schoolers are scary....
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beepbeepdespair · 4 years
*TBHK spoilers kinda*
hi! i'm yashiro nene and today i'm teaching my boyfriend's brother how to not stab anyone or anything for 5 minutes *grabs Sakura and Aoi's hands* let's go lesbians let's go
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