#not taking drabbles right now but tackling the ones in my inbox
Calling all BMC Writers!
Hello fellow BMC nerds :>
If this project hasn't shown up to you yet or if you're not in the Discord server, then you probably haven't heard about this project I'm working on: Feelin' Kinda Cocky!
Feelin' Kinda Cocky is a Be More Chill dating sim/visual novel where you play as Michael, and romance one of four love interests at Middleborough high (not including secret routes and possible polyamorous routes).
This game has been in production for two years now, but is stuck in the writing phase. I just recently completed Rich's route and have just started Dustin's. Not to mention, I have a bit of early-game material for Jake and Jeremy. Between school, extracurriculars, and taking care of my mental health, it has taken me a long time to write. However, I was recently prescribed ADHD meds, which will tackle my executive dysfunction. That, combined with a lofty New Years resolution, I'm aiming to get all of the writing done before the end of 2023. ...Especially because the artists for this game have been extremely patient with me, and I want them to be able to contribute sooner rather than later. Although I might have one or both of 'em draw some stuff to make the Tumblr page look nicer-
So that's why I'm here! To looks for some likeminded writers in the BMC fandom, which I know there are many on Tumblr lmao- If you're interested in helping out, there's two options right now:
The FKC Community Idea Drop:
The FKC Community Idea Drop is a Google Doc for you to just drop your ideas down. Are there any post-Squip ideas/drabbles/scenarios/dynamics you've ever wanted to see fully realized? Well throw 'em on the doc! If your idea makes it into the game, you'll be credited by whichever name you put on the doc, because I don't believe in stealing ideas. This is a non-committal way to contribute to the game at whatever pace or frequency you want. Feel free to just go wild with whatever you wanna put on there!
Link here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/134HD8ZxBILGacL5Zg165A-mU0IX3HbQqynKuyCqctIE/edit?usp=sharing
2. Joining the FKC team
Everyone who has joined the team so far (two artists and a writer) has joined completely voluntarily, purely in an effort to bring this idea to life. I feel like this is a given, but I want to make it clear that this is not a paid job for anyone involved, including myself. Just like Be Less Single, Feelin' Kinda Cocky will be published on a website and/or on Steam for free, meaning I will make absolutely no money off this game. I just want to make a fan-game with the help of my fellow fandom nerds lol
As a writer, I'm hoping we can work collaboratively to come up with storylines, route events, and dynamics between the ships. Whether you want to work on all the routes, or just focus on one ship, I'd love to work with you! I am currently one person attempting to plan out and write four separate routes, all with three different endings if you don't include secret routes, which I will write myself regardless.
I will also say, if you want to multitask (for example, be an artist or a programmer while also being a writer), go ahead.
For the writing (and the game as a whole), I want to make it clear that I care a great deal about positive representation. And I don't mean just making cute little scenes of our favorite ships (though that is absolutely apart of the game); I mean accurately depicting things like trauma, mental illness, neurodivergency, queer experiences, relationships and friendships, so on and so forth. Not only because all the things I listed are important to me, but because they're extremely important to a lot of other people, especially within this fandom.
Now, if there are any other ways you'd want to contribute to Feelin' Kinda Cocky's development, let me know! And if you have any questions at all, my inbox is always open, and so is the Discord server (linked on this Tumblr page)!
Thank you to everyone who's been with the development so far! Hopefully, this turns out awesome when it's done :)
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mandelene · 3 years
Hi, I’m a big fan of the FACE family, especially the father/son interaction between America and England. I don’t know if you’re taking drabble prompts right now but if you are could you do one with Alfred seriously hurt/sick and Arthur doing the comforting? The setting is not important it can be nation-verse or not, I just really need some Arthur and Alfred hurt/comfort in these trying times. Thanks so much and cheers from Poland!! <3
I hope this suffices, and sorry for taking so long to get to it! 💕
Just a Little Banged Up 
Word Count: 921
He wakes to the feeling of someone petting his head—it’s warm and protective. The rest of his body feels sore and achy, like he’s been repeatedly hit with a hammer, so the soothing fingers against his scalp are a welcome distraction.
When Alfred cautiously opens his eyes, he squints against the bright lights in the ceiling, and it takes him several exhausting seconds to realize where he is. He’s in bed. In a hospital. The comforting hand belongs to Dad, who is sitting at the bedside, looking like someone has just died.
What the hell happened?
“There you are, love,” Dad says as Alfred blinks through the double vision distorting the world. “It’s all right—you’re all right.” 
He tries to speak, but even his throat hurts. He reaches up a hand to massage his neck, but that’s when he realizes he’s in a neck brace. “...What’s going on?”  
“You were in a car accident. You’ve been admitted to the hospital...We’ve all been very worried about you—Matthew and Papa just left to get some food, but they’ll be back soon,” Dad says, keeping his voice low and quiet. His hand continues its gentle strokes against Alfred’s hair.
He remembers now, but it’s a bit of a blur. He was on his way home from the gym, and a black Jeep ran a stop sign. The guy hit the driver’s side of his car, and the last thing he recalls is the sensation of being thrown to the right and feeling a giant, crushing weight on his chest.
“You’re going to recover,” Dad assures as he leans forward and presses a worried kiss against his brow.
Alfred swallows hard and grimaces against the pain. “…How bad?” 
“Two broken ribs, a concussion, whiplash, a compound fracture of your fibula in your left leg, and a myriad of bruises. You were conscious for quite some time before being taken for surgery for your leg. Do you remember any of that?”
“I don’t think so…I had surgery? Oh, man…Ughhh, my head really hurts.” 
Dad pats the knee of his uninjured leg and says, “You’re due for another dose of pain medication. Your nurse should be here any moment…It’s good to see you awake and able to hold a conversation.”
Alfred squeezes his eyes shut and can’t help but let a small groan escape him. “What happened to the car?”
“Don’t worry about that, poppet. What’s most important is that you’re going to be okay with rest and physical therapy.”
“So, I’m guessing that means it was totaled?” 
Dad sighs, and Alfred can see that he’s trying his absolute hardest not to be emotional. “Yes. To be frank, it’s a miracle you weren’t gravely injured, Alfred. You could’ve…You could’ve been killed.”
Please, don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry, especially over me, Alfred thinks. He tries to move his neck so he can look Dad in the eyes and shoot him a dumb smile, but the brace has him completely immobilized.
“I’m okay,” Alfred tells him, fighting against his own tears now. “I’m sorry for scaring everyone like that.”  
“Don’t apologize. I’m just so relieved...”
Oh, no, he can feel it coming. He’s a grown adult! He’s not going to cry. No, sir! Not today!
He bursts into tears against his will a moment later, and poor Dad tries his best to be comforting by offering him the gentlest hug possible, mindful of his ribs, neck, and head.
“It’s okay now, my dear boy,” Dad whispers, carding a hand through his hair again. “Don’t worry about a thing. Matthew, your papa, and I are going to take good care of you once you’re able to be discharged. We’re here for you.” 
“Yikes,” Alfred jokes, swiping at his tears with his right hand and then regretting it upon realizing he’s tugging on his IV. “Then, I’m definitely in big trouble.” 
Dad very lightly slaps his left shoulder to chide him. “Ungrateful brat.” 
Alfred manages a raspy laugh. “You’d know better than anyone else.” 
His nurse then comes in with his pain medication, and within just a few minutes, Alfred begins to feel a difference. The pain slowly ebbs away bit by bit, and suddenly, a feeling of intense lethargy washes over him. His eyelids flutter, and Dad gives his hand a little squeeze.
“Sleepy?” Dad asks.
“Yeah, a bit.” 
“Good—that’s from the medication. Your body needs sleep to heal, so try to rest.”
“No, I’ve gotta stay awake now that I know you let them do surgery on me. Clearly, I can’t trust you,” Alfred teases. 
Dad scoffs. “It’s not like there was a choice in the matter unless you wanted to wake up to a bone protruding from your leg!” 
“Ouch. It was that bad?”
“I’m afraid so.” 
“Gross…But kinda gnarly. Do you have pictures?” 
 “What? I’m curious. It must have looked naaasty.” 
“Go to sleep. I don’t know why I was so concerned about you,” Dad huffs, but Alfred knows he’s not actually irritated. That’s just Dad-talk for “I love you, and I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Okay, goodnight, Dad.” 
“Goodnight, poppet. I’ll be right here should you need anything...And no more surgeries for now.” 
“I promise.”
“Okay...Just one more thing—if I do end up spontaneously dying, tell Mattie he can’t have my PlayStation 5 because I’m taking that thing to the grave with me. Do you know how long it took me to get my hands on one? I basically had to sell my soul.” 
“Fine, fine. I’m going to sleep.”
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keeper0fthestars · 3 years
Tumblr Writers Q&A
Thank you lovely @fromthedeskoftheraven and @songsformonkeys for the tag, your answers are fascinating, i really enjoyed reading them! 💕
1) How many complete fics/one shots do you have that you have not published (yet)? None.
2) How many WIPS do you have right now? ooof *hides head in hands* 27 (not counting my notes app)
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both? Both!! I have taken requests, I’ve even managed to finish a few!! Altho i am the slowest writer ever and there are requests sitting in my inbox that are a year old. I would love to be able to thrive on requests or prompts but here’s the thing: I write for myself, I write to cope with my own circumstance and I don’t know how to trick my brain into writing for someone else 😅
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have? Currently I have 5 requests in my inbox. (My most sincere apologies to dia and flora 😭)
5) How many fandoms do you write for? The Mandalorian - Triple Frontier - Narcos
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for? lotr, the hobbit, marvel, plus others that we won’t discuss ok 😂
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other? Writing reader inserts from second person was new to me when i joined this fandom. I don't use y/n though.
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for? None, really!
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? Heck yes. More importantly tho, I leave comments on everything i read. Writing is hard and supporting other writers is how I show my appreciation for what they do.
10) What is your favorite genre to write for? Fluff. Romance. Soft smut. Domesticity.
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)? Fave trope to write: I can’t write without a healthy dose of feelings/comfort/safety. There’s a reason all my fics feature Established Relationships. Throw in a Gruff competent badass who is only soft for their s/o??? I froth. That’s my ultimate jam …but I’m always hungry to read mutual pining, slow burn, mild hurt/comfort, only one bed, idiots to lovers, fake dating, huddling for warmth. Also I love a good italicized oh moment.
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? I’ve been known to write fics based off a single inspo photo/gif.. so to some extent I’m visually motivated, seeing as I have a sideblog dedicated to visual inspiration. Having said that, once I have an idea in place, nothing motivates me more than making a playlist/moodboard - or finding a perfect poem or line of lyrics. Flailing with others in the chat sometimes helps get the words flowing.
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write? So many. Sci-fi, Historical romance, time travel, oooh also poetry, stuff that I find too intimidating to attempt myself.
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? I’ve never really thought in those terms before tbh.
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction? since highschool
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? Not at all, actually. Like @songsformonkeys also mentioned, it wasn't until after i had years and years of notebooks filled with fics, that I discovered other people did that too.
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well? I also use AO3.
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of “Drabble”, “One shots” and “fics”? You can call it whatever you want, I'll still read it.
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other? i've only ever been able to publish one-shots, although i have multi-chap ideas and one day I’d love to be able to tackle a proper fic.
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? I have sequels and/or prequels planned for a few of my one shots, and I hope to finish writing them. But if we’re talking incomplete wips, yeah, several been abandoned because i got stuck midway through and lost motivation.
21) What is one of your main “pet-peeves” as a writer on Tumblr? Sadly, some of the best fics I’ve had the pleasure of reading on here get little to no recognition. Idk if this is a pet peeve and idk if anyone else relates but I will say it is daunting to post your writing on a platform like this. For an introvert like me, it’s a very ‘nose pressed into the glass’ type of thing - like you’re crashing a party where everyone there is already friends, and I don’t know if that feeing ever goes away, at least for me.
22) Do you write at a particular time of day? I write whenever free time and inspiration collide, which is not as often as i'd like.
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc to write or do you need silence? I'm stealing Raven's answer because same: Definitely silence, I need to hear my thoughts.
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? if I do outline, it's done in my head. Sometimes a single line of conversation spills out first, and I write the whole thing in bits and pieces around that. If I’m very lucky I can stitch it all together into a complete fic.
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day? Listen. I am a chronic editor, and I always let it sit for a few days and then come back to it with fresh eyes before i post it. But yes, once I'm happy with it, I almost always upload and post on the spot.
I don’t know who would like a tag or who has not done this yet so feel free to ignore🌸: @mourningbirds1 @hiscyarika @thirstworldproblemss @magpie-to-the-morning @floraandfrost @thosewickedlovelies @qveenbvtch @starlight-starwrites @miraclesabound @lareinadehades
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spinchip · 4 years
Hey so I really like your Hometown Glory au and the image of the elemental masters interacting with Lloyd is just in my mind so I written some drabble
(Submitted by @sombrerokiwi)
When Griffen bumped into the kid on the boat ride to the island he thought that the kid was one of the worker’s sons or something. A bit odd that their boss would let him run around in a boat but considering that he literally is in a boat full of elemental masters, it wouldn’t exactly be the strangest thing to see. A little concerning but nothing dangerous exactly happened to them so far besides some warnings and taunts all between them.
So it was shocking to find out that this kid is apparently the master of energy.
What Griffen was focused on was the fact that Chen let them compete in the tournament.
Don’t get him wrong, he was totally going to sweep the competition away and beat all the competitors at their own game. However, letting a kid into this? That’s just wrong.
All the other champions are already older than twenty and then they have to fight this kid who clearly has very limited training? Yeah no that’s not happening. He isn’t going to beat up a kid because he was caught up in this mess.
  If ever he is going to face him, he is going lose. Winning is great and all but he isn’t going to beat up a kid.
  Kai wasn’t here for the tournament at all, he was here for Nya. All he wanted was to bring Nya home and forget all this tournament of elements BS.
  That all ended when the ship left and when they were basically stranded here once Zane left.
  He wasn’t sure what he was expecting in the tournament. Fights obviously of course. But other than that he doesn’t really know. And everyone else was an elemental master so who knows if he truly has the advantage or not.
  A thirteen year old being announced as one of those masters wasn’t something he would have ever expected. I mean who lets a thirteen year old into what basically is an illegal fight club?
  When the first event rolled around he went and last saw the kid being helped by the invisible guy. To be fair it was more like the guy purposefully dropped his blade in front of him and then stole another one from Cole if he remembers correctly.
  Kai just barely got through by beating the metal elemental master Karlof.
  It was clear to everyone that Karlof was the loser here. What was not expected however was for him to fall down a trap door to who knows where!
  Kai thought that the losers just kind of just either get sent home or are benched somewhere in the area, not dropped down below!
  “Hey hey Chen what exactly is under the trap door?! Do we get thrown to out deaths or something or do we just get thrown into cells?!” shouted Jay
  Chen looked at him with some annoyance. “Well why should I tell you? If you keep winning and not lose then you would never need to know what exactly happens!”
  No one liked that answer. There were murmerings all about and some are glancing at the kid with worry.
  Kai may not want to participate in this tournament but right now it looks like he has three goals in mind. First he needs to find a way off this island if things ever go to hell. Second is to protect Nya and make sure she doesn’t get disqualified. And third is to find out more about the kid and protect him.
  Nya can protect herself and Kai knows but he isn’t about to turn a blind eye at her and now that there is a kid in the mix, he isn’t going to let a thirteen year old get hurt in this place.
  He may not like the kid but he is still just a kid. No one really in this place feels great about the idea of beating up a spunky overconfident kid.
  Later he finds out his name is Lloyd and it turns out that underneath his spunky persona, he is actually a really good kid. Cole and Jay sooned joined him, Nya, and Lloyd at their table. During their time eating Jay talked about how he would tinker with some electronics when he was young, how Cole would basically be the strongest person anyone would have met, and how Lloyd would talk about how his training lessons and something about how his uncle and mom know almost everything about Ninjago.
  At that short time the group seemed to have decided to protect the kid at all times. Kai isn’t sure about the others but like hell is he going to let this kid get hurt.
  Chamille wasn’t sure what to make of this Lloyd kid.
  On one hand he’s a kid and beating up children is generally frowned upon.
  On the other hand she really wants to win
  When first meeting him she thought he would immediately be disqualified first round through and through. Of course then Paleman pitied him and nudged him towards a jade blade and he advanced.
  Then Karlof fell down the trap door and that puts a new perspective in things.
  For one this means that the losers would be either given death or worse and now everyone is just being real paranoid with each other and making allies with each other and waiting to backstab the other when the time is right.
  This also means that if the squirt loses it means that they are probably sending him to his death.
  Chamille wants to go and teach him that he isn’t that much of a hotshot as he thinks he is but at the same time she doesn’t think death is the best method to teach him.
  As the rounds went by and more and more people get disqualified, everyone just sort of held their breath and hoped to not fight the kid. There is even some talk of finding a way off this island after some rumors fly around that this competition isn’t what it seems. And to be honest, after hearing that the kid is actually competing with them, she is starting to believe that. 
  Lloyd may be the so called Master of Energy but it took Chamille years to fully master her element. Lloyd is no older than thirteen and she doubts he even scratched a surface of his power. Maybe he is as powerful as everyone else but he obviously doesn’t have control over it.
  Of course Chamille was the unlucky one and has to be the one to be pitted against him.
  Chen says that they have to beat each other at Thunderblade and if he thinks that situation makes it better that she is competing with a literal kid then it really doesn’t.
  Everyone took their respective teams however there is some more people at Lloyd’s side than hers and really, she can’t blame them. It’s a rigged fight. I mean pitting a child against an adult is something that isn’t exactly considered fair.
  So she slows down a bit and everyone on her team seem to go a little easier on him. She wants to win of course but she still wants to give him fair chance at least.
  Then one of them starts talking about how Chen is planning to steal their powers for his own goals.
  At first she thought really it’s just something to get her to lose. She wants to win first and foremost and she already gave Lloyd a fighting chance when he had it and if he couldn’t catch up then shame on him. She’s in it for the glory.
  They kept trying to convince the others still and now her own teammates seem to try to sabotage her as well.
  She would have still called it BS if it weren’t for the fact that the kid started to beg to listen to them and to stop the tornament for the sake of surviving and keeping their powers and stopping Chen.
  There was some desperation in his eyes that made Chamille realise that Lloyd was not lying and was telling the honest truth. They both decided to win together and stop Chen once and for all.
  Chen tried to rigged the competition but luckily she is a master of Forme, and as such she can trick Chen into believing that she herself is Lloyd.
  The moment they realised that she wasn’t Lloyd, Clouse started to do some weird magic stuff on Lloyd holding him back. And then Tox decided to just tackle Clouse to stop it. Stupid move if you ask her but if it works, it works.
  At one point both she and Lloyd got the buggy and started to get the same amount of points. Chen of course kept trying to rig the competition but she doubts that at this pace, there is anything able to stop them.
  The moment the race finished they both won. Everyone started to gain up on Chen and take him down and let them go home and stop his plans.
  Chen of course was quick and presses one of the trap door buttons.
  Griffen however is quicker. Especially since he is the elemental master of speed.
  He pushes both Lloyd and her out of the way and falls into the abyss down below.
  Chamille’s not sure what Chen is planning but by god she is going to kick that guys ass for thinking that he can steal all their powers and get away with it.
WOW! Thank you so much for writing this little fic, I’m so glad you like my AU enough to write for it! i was so excited to read this when i opened my inbox! Thanks again, i love this :]
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rkivepacks · 4 years
Tumblr media
TITLE: one time with you and me Originally posted on: AO3/dtgloss Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jeongguk) Rating: PG13 Genre: fluff, drabble, established!taekook Word Count: 1,623 Trigger Warning/s: swearing Disclaimer:  This work is solely from the idea of the author. Should there be similarities with the works of other respected artists are purely unintentional. This also do not reflect on the real lives of the artists portrayed in this work. Comments, suggestions and any other concerns are accepted in my inbox. Thank you! NOTES:   ∟ banner by @rkivepacks​   ∟ request banner here   ∟ request prompt/fic here 
Summary:  Home started having almost double of everything.
“Are they a couple?”
Is the first question of the interviewer. She said it stems off the viral post of a fan who previously posted a clip of the two who supposedly act like a couple in front of the flashing cameras at the red carpet.
Are they a couple? Yes.
“Yes.” Jungkook answers Taehyung just on the side of the car door, before they go their separate ways.
The two just finished having a late celebratory dinner at one of the restaurants that is not too crowded for their liking at the mall. Their anniversary was last week but due to the hectic schedules of the two, they were only able to take time and drive to the mall together and do a simple glass tinkling and steam off the stress.
“Yes.” Taehyung answers when Jungkook makes him swear off his life, promising that it is past them and taken care off.
“Yes” is what Jungkook says when asked if he is okay with their situation.
“Yes” is Taehyung ensuring Jungkook that it has, indeed, been taken care of.
Are they a couple? Yes, finally.
“Are they together?”
Together. Is together enough to bind people together?
In what contexts should the word ‘together’ be used?
Can you use together in a sentence that pertains to two people?
Is together enough for Jungkook and Taehyung?
Are they together?
Perhaps the answer at this time, is yes. They are together.
Jungkook and Taehyung are together because they love each other deeply. Admirations that go beyond just mere awing a person is what they have for each other.
Together, they sleep in one bed.
Together, they have at least two meals a day with each other.
Together, they strive to have more than together .
So are they together, maybe at that time, yes.
But together is not them having days away from each other, laying in a bed without one another.
“How did Taehyung and Jungkook meet?”
The two of them were introduced by mutual friends.
“Is it safe to assume you’d like another drink?” Jungkook asks Taehyung, watching him sway a glass of red wine that’s ordered in from the restaurant they are in. Jungkook, dressed in black slacks that are not too tight or not too loose, contrasts with Taehyung’s slacks that are loose, and Jungkook is adorning a polo that fits him just right, in between a yellow that isn’ bright but not mustard yellow either. It goes well with Taehyung’s polo adorned in a wool vest and glasses perched on his high nose.
“Thank you, Jungkook.” Taehyung tips his head down lightly, hands holding up his glass up to his chest-level towards Jungkook, signaling that he is ready to have another glass.
“I believe we haven’t been able to speak at the last party, but I’m pretty sure I have seen you there.” Jungkook pushes to have a conversation with him. He is not the type of person who is so friendly that he’d be willing to speak to anyone on sight. He also is not a bitch to ignore people.
He’s telling himself he did not talk to Taehyung because he feels himself gravitate towards him. He’s just alcohol-infused.
“Yeah it’s because I left early before Jin had the chance to get us into one circle.” Taehyung chuckles, bringing the glass to his lips, the wine-filled glass slowly decreasing its contents.
“Did you have work the next day or are you just not that into Jin’s circle-making abilities?” Jungkook chimes, face turned left towards Taehyung, nursing his own glass.
“Wife. I am immune to Jin’s circle-making abilities.”
Jungkook is not drunk, but he was not sure if he heard that correctly. “Oh, okay.” Is what he says. This attractive man his drunk self is trying to flirt with (his drunk self said, not him. He doesn’t flirt. Ever), has a wife. Possibly has a family. “Forgive me for the invasive questions. The drunk person I am tonight is not the same as me tomorrow when I wake up.” He leans towards slightly to the table, before situating himself back to his previous place.
“Ah, don’t worry. It’s not like I keep my marriage a secret. Actually, I don’t think I will even be keeping a marriage.” He chuckles.
Taehyung looks over at Jungkook who seems either too drunk to catch his joke, or he is waiting for a signal that tells him it’s okay to laugh at the joke and possibly add to it.
“I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it from Jimin but I am about to be divorced.” Taehyung adds, noticing that Jungkook is in fact, not too drunk to have his comprehension skills stomped down but he is reading the room.
“Yeah Jimin has a big mouth.” Jungkook replies, chuckling, choosing to ignore the latter statement.
“I think the alcohol is starting to hit as well. But as for me, I am the same person I am when I’m drunk and sober.” Taehyung raises his right hand as if to swear, body turned towards to Jungkook, making the latter chuckle.
“Alright. I take your word for it.” Jungkook replies.
“I’d like to know you more after this, Jungkook.” Taehyung says after their laughter has died now.
“Me too.”
“I’m married but-”
They both speak at the same time, Jungkook almost cut off by Taehyung’s sentence. He gestures for the other to speak.
“-but I’d like to possibly maybe see you more, you know.” He says.
“What is see-able in me?” Jungkook teases the other.
“See-able is not a word.”
“It is now.”
“I’d like to ask, what does that have to do with you being married? Wife doesn’t like a friendly husband?” Jungkook jokes.
“You know what I mean!” Taehyung cries out, making the other laugh. “But ok, sure.” Fishing his phone out of his pocket, exchanging phone numbers with Taehyung.
“How do you manage conflicts?”
The two of them fight. Jungkook argues Taehyung is more experienced on it as he has been married and the other exploded more and the current argument lasts for another 6 minutes.
They fight over simple things.
They fight over who washes the dishes. They fight over being late to outings.
They fight over small things that may seem like big things.
They fought over their situation. Taehyung’s previous marriage. People’s opinions on their set-up.
They fight together.
Jungkook has stopped speaking to some people who assumed they know better by watching dramas that tackled issues about marriage and the loss of it. They most probably assumed,although they haven’t said it to Jungkook’s face, that he is a homewrecker. When he’s not.
It is not his job to give people a timeline of when and how things happened.
So how do they manage conflicts?
They leave each other for a while.
They tend to hurl borderline below the belt insults at one another and they would rather not repeat it the next argument. The solution? Cool down away from each other then talk.
When the two of them get mad, they have a tendency to lay out all the possible insults they can throw at one another.
They don’t want a repeat of Taehyung and Jungkook slamming a door at each other it did not open the third time.
Nine months into their relationship, when Taehyung comes home with the news.
“The divorce has gone through. I’m not married anymore.” Is what he says when they were on the floor of the living room, staring ahead at the series playing in front of them.
Jungkook has his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders, legs open to accommodate the latter.
The divorce has gone through.
Taehyung’s not married anymore.
Home will finally only refer to one place and its underlying implication that home could either be at Jungkook’s or at his ex-wife will be gone. There is no need for pity eyes looking at one another, afraid to speak out the words that loom over them.
Home is with Jungkook only.
Taehyung is not bound by the chains of his past anymore.
Later that night. They talk about it more. The ingress and egress of the divorce. What they should do between the two of them, the works.
The apartment that first belongs to Jungkook only-- they now hold a contract that states ownership for the two of them.
Home started having almost double of everything.
They spent the first weekend buying boxes and storages for some things that would go in the trash or donated and the last day of it packing and rearranging rooms.
They also rearrange their weeks. What was before a six days meeting now consumes the whole week.
There is no other place Taehyung is supposed to be in.
“How much do you love each other?”
The last question.
How much does Jungkook love Taehyung?
“I love you enough to just show you how much I do. I am not the clingiest person to you. I do not blurt out ‘i love you’ at the most inconvenient time. I will show you how much I love you by staying by your side. I hope you feel how much I love you every time you wake up in the morning and sleep in the evening, I will be the one in front of you.” Jungkook says.
How much does Taehyung love Jungkook?
“I love you too much that I can’t put them in words anymore. Same as you, I’d rather show you and I hope it resonates with you.” Taehyung pauses. “I loved you even at the time you said no and after you finally said yes. I will love you and be the last person I will love and would go lengths for.”
12 notes · View notes
jungshookz · 6 years
ceo!yoongi - the proposal
Tumblr media
→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: ceo!au, the fluffiest fluff, a lil bit of n s f w 
→ wordcount: 3.1k 
→ notes: first drabble ever!!! surprisingly a loT of you guys wanted more ceo!yoongi after i started the character ask game (that is stiLL open pls spam my inbox) so here you go!!! i might do more drabbles like this with any of my stories so if y’all want a particular scenario just let me know and i can make ur wildest dreams come tru and as usual the gif isn’t mine! 
yoongi’s never been so nervous in his entire life before. 
“i’m sO excited like i was literally thinking about ice cream the moment we got up this morning”
you look like a kid with your face basically pressed up against the glass as you look down at the array of ice cream flavours
yoongi mentioned yesterday that he was in the mood for dessert which is honestly suCh a rarity so of course you had to jump at the opportunity to return to the ice cream parlour that is now yours and yoongi’s special lil place
the last time you were here you had the cinnamon toast crunch flavour which was reaLLy good but you wanna branch out and try something different
every time you guys come here yoongi lets you pick out a flavour for him because you refuse to let him get his low-fat low-fun vanilla frozen yogurt
“whoever decided to put s’mores into ice cream is a certified genius” you mutter to yourself and your mouth basically starts watering when you catch sight of cookie dough cheesecake ice cream!!
whOmstve comes up with these flavours???????
you want to eat ice cream all day every day
if only diabetes wasn’t a thing
“close your mouth, baby.” yoongi can’t help but chuckle and he reaches over to tap your chin shut “you take your time. i’ll be over there.”
you roll your eyes when he hands you his card as per usual
he never lets you pay and you have to admit you’re becoming a wee bit spoilt
“no. it’s on me, boss” you tuck his card into his pocket and pat his chest gently
“one more word out of you and i’ll make sure to ask them to add extra sprinkles and chocolate sauce on your ice cream”
yoongi’s eyes widen at your threat
the ice cream alone is sweet enough
but with extra sprinkles anD chocolate sauce
he could die
he wiLL die
“alright. you got me there.”
“hm. i know.”
yoongi smiles and he can’t help but pull you in closer with an arm wrapped around your waist
it’s pretty late so PDA isn’t a big deal because there aren’t a lot of people here at this hour
“stubborn as a mule, you are”
good god he adores you
“go and warm up our booth for us” you poke his nose
yoongi nods and leans down to give you a sweet little kiss before squeezing your hip and drawing away from you then heading off to your guys’ usual spot
he seems a little off today but the two of you had a long night yesterday (wink wonk) so you’re not that surprised but even after a long night (wink wonk) he’s not usually thIs out of it
you don’t think too much of it though
he’s been super busy at work lately
you should know considering you’re the one organising his schedules
the other day he had like eight meetings back to back
the poor man
when he disappears to the back you turn your attention back to the triLLION and one flavours
every time you come in here you’re always making hard decisions
chocolate chip cookie vanilla swirl vs peach cobbler feels more like a life or death situation
“okay, let’s see…”
yoongi doesn’t know if he’s ever been so nervous in his entire life before
his foot keeps tapping on the ground
his palms are kind of gross and clammy
aNd he’s chewing on his bottom lip which is something he never does because it displays nervousness which he neVER IS
all because of the little blue velvet box resting in his inner suit pocket containing a big fat diamond ring
it’s just burning a damn hole in his pocket
he feels his heart thrumming away
he’s going to propose to you tonight
to the woman he loves more than anything in this damn world
y/n y/l/n
y/n y/l/n who walked into his life wearing skinny jeans and a polka dotted blouse one morning and then a white button up and a tight pencil skirt with stilettos the next morning
y/n y/l/n who talked shit about him tO him the first time the two of you met
y/n y/l/n who was always a hot mess but somehow remained organised and responsible when it came to work
y/n y/l/n who stayed with him after his disastrous date and kissed him after tying his tie 
y/n y/l/n who he slowly but surely fell in love with over time
he loves you
and he wants to spend the rest of his life with you by his side
yoongi’s heart flutters at the memory of when you kissed him for the first time and how your cheeks grew dark and how your lashes fluttered and how you tilted your head and let out a little sigh as you kissed him
the two of you have shared hundreds of kisses since then
that seems like such a long time ago when in reality it’s only been like five or six months? you two have only been dating for a short while but... he knows this is the right decision
this is what he wants because he loves you
but what if you say no
oh no
yoongi didn’t think this through
what if you say NO
then it’ll be awkward at work
what if you break up with him
maybe this relationship is moving too fast
then he just wasted money on this big fat engagement ring that’ll mock him and remind him that you said no every time he looks at it
“okay! red velvet cake ice cream for me. churro ice cream for you. look! there are even little hunks of churro on the top.” yoongi’s broken out of his little panic when you slide in next to him
your excited smile is a momentary distraction from his little panic
“y/n - look how artificial yours looks. no ice cream should be thAt red. red velvet cake shouldn’t even be red! who in their right mind decided that they wanted to dye their chocolate cake red???” yoongi sighs when he sees you shovel a small scoop into your mouth
he swears that you’re probably going to die one day of eating too many artificial things and when they cut you open
“shush!” when yoongi opens his mouth again to say something you pop one of the churro chunks into his mouth and he chews thoughtfully before nodding satisfactorily
“okay listen - i know we’ve been fighting over this, but i’m willing to compromise. i’ll sacrifice the left side of the bed-“
“because that’s my side?”
“it’s mY SIDe too okay if you slept on the right side we wouldn’t have this problem”
“maybe if you slept on the right side we wouldn’t have this problem”
“you’re the one who asked me to move in you idiot!!!!”
“don’t disrespect your boss”
“don’t disrespect your girlfriend!!” you whine and swat yoongi’s hand away when he reaches up to pinch your cheek “anyWAYS- i’m willing to sacrifice the left side of the bed if you give me the right side of the closet.”
“but that’s mY side of the closet”
“oh my god yoongi - half of my clothes are already on the right side of the closet anD i’ve taken up the top two drawers-“
“you made that pretty clear when i went to get my socks and instead i pulled out a lacy red thong” yoongi smirks and licks a sprinkling of cinnamon sugar off his bottom lip
“-that you ripped later that night. you still owe me a new thong, by the way.” you point out
“okay okay. here. i have a deal for you. i’ll give you the left side of the bed, the right side of the closet, and i’ll replace aLL the lingerie pieces i’ve apparently destroyed if you-“
if you
oh god
this is happening
okay yes
this is happening he’s going to do this
he’ll give you the left side of the bed, the right side of the closet, and he’ll replace all the lingerie that he’s apparently destroyed if you marry him
just say it
“if i…?” you’re not even looking at him you’re finishing the final scoop of your ice cream and you’re trying to scoop out every last chunk and you have your tongue poking out in concentration and goD it’s so endearing
everything about you is so endearing
he loves you.
he wants to marry you.
“marry me.” yoongi doesn’t realise he’s actually said it out loud until he notices he can’t hear you talking anymore
and then he’s looking over and you’re staring right at him with wide eyes and with a plastic spoon hanging out of your mouth
you swallow thickly and you feel like your heart isn’t even beating anymore
did he
did yoongi just
he just asked u to
yoongi pushes his nerves aside
it’s too late now
and it’s now or never
if you say no you two can just carry on like the way it is now
it’ll be fine
“ʷʰᵃᵗˀ” you squeak out and it’s so quiet you’re not sure yoongi even heard you
yoongi swallows and reaches into his inner suit pocket
his fingers are trembling a little but he manages to pull it together kinda
you nearly bite the spoon in half when he pulls out a petit velvet box and pulls it open to reveal
a glimmering, gorgeous, rose gold engagement ring
“marry me.” you look up from the ring at yoongi and he’s looking right at you with his intense gaze and you’ve never seen yoongi look so damn serious in the entire time that you’ve known him
min yoongi
the man that you love soOO so fuckign much
just asked you to marry him
he wants you to become his w…wife
“your reaction is giving me mixed signals and i don’t know if i should be nervous or not” yoongi chuckles and scratches the back of his neck and his eyes flicker away from you and he slouches a little
he’s not feeling so confident anymore yikEs
“i… i know you might think we might be moving too fast which is totally understandable but i just… i’m very much in love with you and-“
“yes.” you finally breathe out
you wanna marry him too
the next thing yoongi knows he’s being tackled and is suddenly on his back staring up at the ceiling and he hears your giggles and squeals of excitement and yES YES YES YES I’LL MARRY YOU yES and he feels you peppering kisses all over his face
yoongi has an arm wrapped around your waist while the other clutches at the top of the booth to keep the two of you from sliding off the damn thing
when you finally calm down you lean down to give yoongi a soft kiss
he can’t help but smile because you taste like red velvet cake ice cream
and then the two of you are sitting back up and you’re wiping away tears of joy with one hand while yoongi slips the diamond ring onto your other (very shaky) hand (which is a result of your sugar high and also exciTEMENT)
you admire the ring and the way it twinkles under the dim light of the lightbulb dangling above the two of you and then you look up at yoongi and he just looks… so happy
you cup his cheeks and he immediately leans in to give you another peck
“i love you” you murmur and nudge your nose against his and yoongi sighs happily
“love you more” good god he’s turned soft
and it’s all because of yoU
“love you mosT” you give yoongi a warning look that tells him you’re willing to play this game all night long and he raises his hands in defeat “love you most but i think i might love this ring even more” you joke and yoongi scowls playfully
seriously tho it’s a beautifuL ring that probably costs more than your entire life
if you look at it for too long it’ll probably blind you
“i love you but i don’t think i can finish this ice cream” yoongi pushes his cup away and you’re not surprised because he’s like the pickiest person on planet earth  
the two of you walk hand in hand back to his car and you feel your insides flutter when he opens the door for you and goes like “here you go, mrs. min” and you respond with a curtsey and a “thank you kindly, mr. min”
he holds your hand the entire ride back home and he can’t stop the wide smile that tugs at his lips when you pull his hand up and press a soft kiss over his knuckles
you have your own set of keys to yoongi’s place obviOusly and as you’re unlocking the front door yoongi has his arms wrapped around you from behind and his chin is propped up on your shoulder
you turn around and kiss him while blindly twisting the knob and walking the two of you into the house
the keys fall to the floor with a clatter
and then yoongi’s suit jacket falls to the floor
and then your purse
and whoops
there goes your skirt
you let out a squeal when yoongi suddenly hoists you up and wraps your legs around his waist while his hands cup you under your thighs
“are we already consummating the marriage? you literally jusT proposed to me” you chide playfully and give yoongi’s bicep a squeeze (he’s been working out recently and it’s…,.,,. really paying off) while yoongi walks the two of you up to the bedroom
“you know how impatient i am”  
the entire time yoongi’s fucking you he has one hand in between your legs (because duh) and the other hand his fingers are intertwined with yours
your ring bites a little when he squeezes your hand and it’s just a reminder that the two of you are going to get married
he wants to marry the fuCk out of you
he also wants to fuck the fuck out of you (which is what he’s currently doing) because you look extra good tonight for some reason
your eyes are all blown out and your lips are swollen from how much he’s kissing you and your hair is perfectly tousled from when you took it down from its bun after work and you smeLL like his shampoo and you taste like ice cream
and you guys have had,,, like a lot of sex but he doesn’t think he’s ever had an orgasm this intense before like his moans and gasps are louder than usual
eventually what pushes him over the edge is when you say “i- ah! nngh i can’t, fuck, i can’t wait to marry you i- yoongi-! oh god yoongi right there - i love you s-so much”
afterwards yoongi has a hand wrapped around you while you snuggle up to him with your hand resting on his chest and he’s never felt so warm and happy and fuzzy before even though the two of you are slightly sweaty and sticky
he pouts when you pull away and slip into his shirt
god you look good in his clothes  
“where are you going?” he makes grabby hands at you and you giggle and look at him fondly
your soon to be husband is adorable
“i’m gonna run a bath for us - yoU stay here” you crawl back onto the bed and lean down to kiss him “i’ll be back, mr min”
“i’ll be waiting - mrs min.”
you’re sure the entire floor can hear jimin when you show him your sparkling new accessory the next morning
and you’re sure the entire floor can also hear yOu
jimin’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when you strolled into the break room and you yawned and covered your mouth with your left hand and u were omG i’m soOo tired and then he caught sight of the monster diamond just chilling on your finger
and then the two of you literally just starting screaming and jumping up and down and no one was formulating proper sentences like it was just a bunch of “YOU-“ “I-“ “OH MY-“ “I KNOW“ 
[unidentifiable screeching] 
of course when yoongi pops in to see what all the commotion is about it all makes sense when he sees you and jimin
the two of you are sitting there acting like you weren’t just screaming your heads off a second ago
in fact you’re just sitting there with your cups of coffee small talking and all that
“the weather’s beautiful today.”
“i know! i heard it’s going to be sunny this whole week.”
[slurps coffee aggressively]
“morning, mr park.” yoongi greets and jimin nods his head and is like good morning sir “morning, jagi” yoongi’s a little more quiet with you because he doesn’t like to show off his soFt side in front of too many people because then they won’t fear him as much ://// but jimin is an exception
he swoops down to give you a kiss and then he’s moving past you to make himself a cup of coffee
you said you’d bring it to him but that was like 10 minutes ago lol whoops
it’s just utter silence as yoongi stirs his coffee
the only thing you can hear is the occasional clink of his spoon against the mug
before he leaves the break room he turns around to face the two of you and is like ….you may continue and he shuts the door behind him and then it’s all AHHHH YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED OH MY GOD OF COURSE I’LL BE YOUR BRIDESMAN
yoongi smiles to himself and shakes his head
1K notes · View notes
trashy--bin · 6 years
Rp/Ask Meme Masterlist
Kiss Memes
Send A Heart For A Specific Kiss
{ For every 🌷 I receive, my character will kiss yours }
First five asks get a kiss
Send "I dare you to kiss..." with a url/name and my muse will have to kiss..
Nsf/w(ish) Memes
Send Me A Fe/tish And I’ll Rate It
Embarrassment Meme
Send Me And “Oh My!” For Your Muse To Accidentally Walk In On Mine Naked
You have the entirety of ONE ask to make my muse blush and squirm.. 
Send me 👚 and my Muse will tell you about their underwear
Send “Smack!!” to slap my muses ass. Send “Smack reversed!!” for the opposite
Submit a picture of an outfit and my muse will react to yours asking them..
Tease my muse
Send me "ff+" and a character name and my character will react to finding..
Send ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to walk in on my muse changing their clothes
Send "Oh come on you look cute." For my muse in a random generated outfit..
Acts of Affection
send me “-👕” to catch my muse without a shirt on
Send in sexy pictures of your Muse to my submit box, and see how mine reacts
{ Put an erotic thought your character has had about mine in my inbox }
Send "Ribbons" to find my muse wearing nothing but ribbons
Send “It’s hot out!” for my muse to react to your’s taking their shirt off.
If I receive 5 "💓" my muse will go into heat for 5 hours..
Send "xxx" to force my muse to have an orgasm
Wardrobe change nsfw edition
sexual sentences
Sinday Asks
For every (¬‿¬) I get my muse will remove a piece of clothing
Random Number Generator Memes
Embarrassment Meme
For multimuses: I’ve written my muses’ names on a randomly numbered list..
Send “Knock Knock” and I’ll use a random number generator and respond to..
Send in 🎲 for me to roll! Our muses will go through one of these scenarios..
Send me “?” and i’ll write a starter for you that includes one of the following..
Super duper angst meme Send ➴  and I will generate a number..
Send "Oh come on you look cute." For my muse in a random generated outfit..
Dark/Violent Starters
RP-Meme: These Feelings..
Wardrobe change nsfw edition
Send “Pain is weakness leaving the body” to see how your muse will find mine..
Random Rp Memes
Send Me “Bite” For My Muse To Bite Yours..
Send “ 👗 “ For Your Muse To Catch Mine Wearing An Article Of Clothing..
Send Me “Restrained” + A Number For A starter In Which..
Send "7 Minutes In Heaven" To Put Our Muses In A Locked Closet Together
Send “Idiot.” For My Muse To Do Something Stupid To Impress Yours
Send “👀” To Find My Muse Wearing Nothing But An Oversized Shirt..
Send A Symbol For A Corresponding Prompt/Starter..
Send 💗 To Pull My Muse Into A Sudden Hug And Hold Them Tight..
Send 💪 To Touch My Muse’s Muscles
Send In 👕 To Catch My Muse Wearing An Embarrassing Outfit
Send Me ⚠ To Find My Muse At The End Of A Trail Of Blood
Your Muse Finds Mine On The Brink Of Death. Send "😱" For A Starter..  
My Muse Has Been Having The Same Nightmare For Weeks Now..
Send Me 🔺 For Your Muse To Sit On Mine While Mine Does Push Ups..
Send "Blank mind" For A Situation Where My Muse doesn't remember anything..
Send me a color and I’ll write a starter based on that..
Want a random starter? Send me a symbol…
Send "Do I know you?" for my muse to forget who your muse is all together
My muse hasn't slept for days. Send 🛏 for your muse to drag mine to bed 
Send 🐇 to give my muse a plush toy
Send “Busted” for your muse to find out a secret.. 
Send “Um...” for your muse to come upon my muse destroying something in a fit
Send me “bruises?” for my muse’s reaction to yours catching them secretly..
Send "👗" for your muse to walk in on mine wearing a dress
My Muse called your Muse just as the sun went down..
My Muse is having a rough week, and accidentally broke down in front of yours..
Send me ₩ for my muse to sit in your muse's lap
Text Meme
My Muse is getting flirted with while your Muse sits by and gets jealous..
Send “🎨” to start a paint fight with my muse
Send ⚔ to spar with my muse
Upon touching my Muse, Your's is thrown into one of Mine's Tragic Memories..
Put "Life Story" into my inbox for a thread where your muse witnesses..
Send ➺to find my muse badly wounded and bleeding after a battle
Send "Flashback" to have your muse see one of my muse's bad memories
My Muse just showed up at your Muses doorstep in the middle of the night..
Send me “You’re quiet” for my Muse’s jealous response to seeing your Muse..
Send "Don't be scared" for your muse to find mine injured and alone
Send me “I can’t sleep” to let your muse cuddle in bed with mine
Send me “Boop.” to let your muse to lightly touch my muse’s nose..
Send “⚠️” for your muse to see my muse in a different form..
Send ‘how could you?’ for a thread where my muse betrays yours..
Send ⚠️ and a number 1-70 for my muse’s reaction to yours causing that noise
My muse found an injured animal and came to yours for help..
Gimme all the babies! Send me 👼🏽 for a starter where your muse is a child 
Send ‘regress’ to meet my muse as a child
Send ‘🌸😴🌸’ for my muse to find yours asleep/unconscious in a meadow..
Pin my muse..
Send ♪Singing Soul♪ and I will shuffle My music playlist..
My muse has been feeling low and hiding everything from yours, send one to..
Send 🍛 to receive a home made lunch from my muse..
Send “lick” for my muse’s reaction to yours stealing a lick of their ice cream..
Send 💪 for my muse’s reaction to yours picking them up..
Send 😴 for my muse to fall asleep with their head in your muse’s lap
Send 👂 for your muse to overhear a conversation..
Send in ‘•••’ for my muse to suddenly lose voice
Symbol Meme - Affectionate/Nice Edition
Send me 🍷 to hand my muse a poisoned drink
Send in 🏊 to catch my muse in their swimsuit
Send in 🌟 to have a snowball fight with my muse
send 💃 for my muse to ask yours to dance
Send me "&" for my muses reaction to yours tracing one of their scars
Send “🌿” my muse will talk to yours about something that’s bothering them
Send “What happened to you?” to find my muse in a disheveled state..
Send a ◕ for my muse to pick up your muse and carry them somewhere
Send “🍴” for my muse to cook / bake something for yours
Manhandling symbol starters
Silly fluff meme
My muse went missing and you decided to go find them..
Send “Don’t, please.” for your muse to stop mine from killing someone
Send “beat” for your muse to listen to my muse’s heartbeat
Send a ♠ for my muse’s reaction to waking up after having a one night stand..
Send “Who did this” to find my muse beaten half to death
Send me “👀“ for my Muse to catch yours staring at them
Send “🔚” to slap my muse across the face while they’re mid sentence
Tied Up Meme
Send a ₦ for my muse to react to your muse tackle hugging them
Send ⚔ to walk in on my muse training
Send ‘Don’t you dare touch them!’ to see how my muse reacts to..
Send ❄️ to find my muse out in the cold and alone
Send ⚔ to spar with my muse
Send me   “ ✚ “   for my muse to find yours after a fight, bruised and bloody
Send “That doesn’t look like a scratch.” for my muse to react to yours finding..
Send ‘Don’t you dare touch them!’ to see how my muse reacts to being..
Send me a “ 👐 “ for your muse to put their cold hands on my muse’s face
Acts of Affection
send me “-👕” to catch my muse without a shirt on
Send “You’re hot” for my muse’s reaction to your muse saying that..
{ Send ☄ to deck my character right in the face  }
My muse looks quite upset, send ✗to ask them what’s wrong. Alternatively..
{ Send ✨ for a starter where our characters attend a ball }
Send “It’s hot out!” for my muse to react to your’s taking their shirt off
Aggressive Symbol Meme
Send 😱 to slap my muse and afterwards kiss them passionately!
Send a symbol for the following..
Send 💔 for your muse to try to save my muses soul from shattering..
Cuddles & Platonic Touch Meme
Touch Starved Meme
Send "Is this you?" and my muse will respond to yours finding an old picture.. 
Violent/Painful Starter Pack
Send (╯°□°)╯ for my muse’s reaction to yours punching out someone.. 
Send 👋 to ruffle my muse’s hair!
send ⚠ to pick up/carry my muse
Au Memes
Send ✞ for my muse to be a fallen angel who landed right at your muses feet
Send “Within You” for your muse to be a demon possessing my muse’s body..
Send “Clip clop” for a starter where my muse is a centaur. 
Send “✪” for your muse to be assigned to mine as my guardian angel
Send “✬” to have my muse assigned to yours as your guardian angel 
Send "🐙" for a cute thread where our muses are children fighting over a plush
Send 📀 for an AU where our muses are partners in crime
Send “🐁” for an AU where my muse is a scientist experimenting on your muse..
Send 🔁 for a thread where our muses reverse roles
Send “another world” for a starter in a verse I rarely/never use
Send me “Tag, you’re it!” for a starter where our muses are children
Send “Second Side” to interact with an evil version of my muse..
Send 🐉 to try to steal from my muse’s, a dragon, stash of treasures
Send “Wait. Who are you?” to interact with an AU version of my Muse
Send me Gotta Catch ‘Em All for a Pokemon AU starter
😈 for a starter where my muse is a demon..
Send 🎱 to meet an alternative version of my muse
Send 'AU' and I'll generate a number 1-50 and create an AU starter..
Send 🎲 and I will generate an AU off this list..
Royalty AU Starters
Send a ♕ for a royal AU of our muses
Send 💠 for an AU where our muses are magical girls
Headcanon Memes
Send In A Word For A Detailed Headcanon
Send Me “Childish” For One Thing My Muse Was Afraid Of As A Child..
For every person that sends ✭ I will give a random headcanon about my muse
More & More! Headcanons
Send me headcanons that you have about the character I play..
Monstrous Headcanons
Send me a word plus 'Headcanon' and I'll give a headcanon based on that word
Outfit Headcanons
Send a symbol and Ill describe/draw what my muse wears in specific scenarios..
Drabble Memes
Send Me ‘✂’ And My Muse Will Kill Yours. Right Now. Brutally, Horribly, Bloody..
Send "Hero" for a drabble about my muse sacrificing themselves..
Collection of Drabble Prompts
Peer into my muse's memories
Send 💀 for a drabble of my muse dying in yours arms after saving their life
Send me 'Fading to Dust' for my muses reaction to watching yours die..
Memory Meme 
Send ‘Flashback’to see one of my muse’s old memories
Send In A Word, And I’ll Write A Drabble Or Starter Based On It
M!A Memes
Fun Events/M!A’s..
M!A: Afflicted Hearts..
Send “Suddenly winged” for a starter where my muse has woken up to find..
Send Me a Good M!A, Anyone can send so long as its in Anon..
Send me “Bam!” and I’ll Fuse my Muses for an entire thread
Send me ‘👤🔀👤’ for our muses to switch bodies for one thread
Send me “Here Kitty Kitty!” My muse will grow cat ears and a tail for a thread..
Send “🍭” and my muse will become a child
Life Changing Magical Anons
{ Send 😈 for my character to turn villainous for a thread } 
M!A Master Post
Harmless Magic Anons
Sentence Memes
Sentence Starters
Affection Starters
First Meeting / Icebreakers
Fire-related starters
Protective sentence starters
“Secretly we all love angst” Sentence Starters
Simple introduction starters
Send one if we havent interacted (or even if we have the more the merrier)
Naga sentence starters
Protector / protectee starters
RP starters: Concern
“Guide to Troubled Birds” sentence meme
Fighting Sentence Starters
Royalty AU Starters
Random Sentence Starters
Send me “?” and i’ll write a starter for you that includes one of the following..
Super duper angst meme Send ➴  and I will generate a number..
Dark/Violent Starters
sexual sentences
Sparring/Training Sentence Starters
🎭 Masquerade Ball Starters 🎭
Fluff Starters
Other Memes
Send ☭ x For A vs. Battle Quote To Your Muse
My Muse Somehow Has A Control Collar Placed On Their Neck..
Send Me "Dear Diary," To Read My Muse’s Journal Entry From..
Send Me “Dear Diary” And I'll share a Single Paragraph From My Muse's Diary..
Reblog if you want anons about your muse’s worst memories..  
Rip out my muse’s heart in 1 ask.. 
You have the entirety of ONE ask to make my muse blush and squirm..
My muse is completely intoxicated. Send me questions..
Break my character’s heart with ONE ask box message
My character takes a fatal blow intended for your character..
Your muse catches sight of a pretty nasty scar they didn’t know mine had..
Send me a letter with a + My muse will talk about three of their favorite things..
If they had a kid meme
Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn't send yours, and one that they did
Send my character a ► and a command. They must obey.
Your muse hears someone calling mine 'a monster', what does your muse do
Send me  😳  to see how my muse would make yours blush
Send “🤫” to hear something that my muse is withholding from yours
Send “have at you!” to have my muse tell you about their fighting style
What would your muse do to mine if they saw them acting not themselves
What costume should my muse wear for Halloween
Fuck, Marry, Kill. Send me three names
Let’s play, KHS  kiss, hug, slap
Tell my Muse something you’ve always wanted to say..
Try to make my muse blush! Do whatever it takes..
Sum my muse up as a news article title
Send “ ☄ ” and a question/comment to talk to a npc from my muse’s backstory..
Check my muse's inventory
My muse is now in an RPG. Send me an ask to progress the story..
Send “Nudge” on anon if you want to ship with my muse but you’re too shy..
Send my muse a name and they will answer “Yes or No” to the following..
Send my muse a word and they’ll tell you something about their past..
What does your muse think is my muse’s most attractive feature
Outfit meme
My muse in a relationship
For each o(`ω´ )o my muse gets they’ll take a shot..
Send me a (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ to get a hug, a kiss, or a slap..
Go into my inbox and tell me a situation you’d love to see my Muse go through..
Go on anon and pretend to be my muse’s child
Send me 🙆to meet a friend of my muse
Send me 👪 to meet a family member of my muse
Interview the Muse 
Your muse arrives home to find a note saying my muse was kidnapped..
Send ❥ to have a thread with one of my muse’s family members
Send my muse a food or a drink and they will have to eat or drink it
Send my muse a dream and they will react to having it..
Grab my muse by the torso and growl/whisper something into their ear
Send "🔥" For My Muse To Admit A Fear They Have 
Send my muses anonymous love-letters. Bonus: Hint at who the author is..
Elemental questions
Give my muse a fear and they’ll rate it from 1-10 according to this scale..
My muse has gone berserk Send in your muse’s reaction to finding my muse..
Send “⚡️” + a dare. My character MUST follow through with it
Hey lets play how hot is that character
Send a Nightmare For My Muse to Have..
Send 💕 my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are
My muse just grabbed your muse’s hand and started running..
Send in a food and my muse will rate the food on a scale of 1-10 
Who can make my muse blush first? Send in 😳 + an attempt to do so!
For each "😔" sent my muse will admit something they are ashamed of
Send 🗑 to find a letter in my Muses garbage addressed to yours
Send “🐻”and my muse will tell you a random childhood story
Send "Mom" or "Dad" + question and my muse's parent will answer
send “▶▶” to get a glimpse at a scene from my muse’s future. send “◀◀” to..
Send my muse a nightmare. Make my muse scream and wake up in a sweat
Meet the People in My Muse’s Life, Send a Symbol, and they’ll tell you about..
Shove something in my Muse’s mouth
What’s the absolute worst present you can give my muse
Send in your muse’s reaction to hearing my muse thrashing and crying out..
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart..
Ask me something about my muse's childhood you've wanted to know
Send “Treasure Chest Opened! You Acquired _____” Along with an Item..
Send “Till Death Do Us Part” and my muse will react to yours..
Unusual questions for your muse
More Unusual Questions for your Muse
Send “🐑” for my character to state a nickname they have for yours..
Send me ✏️ for your character to receive a misaddressed letter from mine.. 
My muse has been gravely wounded. How does your muse react?
Send ‘Spill it!’ and a question and my muse has to tell the truth
My Muse is thinking about getting a tattoo..
Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse..
Send me a 🎄for one of my character’s reaction to being under a mistletoe.. 
My Muse doesn’t realize someone hung a Mistletoe above them. Let them know 
For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory 
Send me a word and my muse will reveal a memory that has to do with it
Destroy My Muse On Anon..
For every ∯ I get I will say/confess something without specifying.. 
Send “Smash or Pass” + a name and my muse will answer with 100% honesty
Send 〰 to learn about one of my muse's scars
Your muse catches sight of a pretty nasty scar they didn’t know mine had.. 
Leave an object in my ask and my muse will react to it being given to them
11 notes · View notes
n3rdlif343va · 7 years
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.” - Seungchuchu please!
Yup still working through filling these since I seem to be incapable of keeping any prompt response under 1,000 words. If you are wondering if I got your prompt, please know that I still have a bunch sitting in my inbox and I intend to get to every one of them! Sorry for ficlets instead of drabbles, I am completely without self-control!! Nerd and Days Prompt Party
This one is for my fellow Crusader of Fluff and I will post this along with the first scene of this one shot (found here) to Ao3 along with the connecting scene of them getting their bodies painted (because again, how can I not???) This one comes with art! Links are in the story so please click them and give the beautiful @magical-mistral some love!!
And now for some Seungchuchu to brighten your day ;) (Long post so it gets a cut lol)
The night had been ridiculously long, and Seung-gil wasstill questioning his sanity as he stood in the shower watching the gray andwhite paint stain a ring around his drain. His skin felt raw as he began toscrub, wanting to remove every ounce of paint immediately. He was positive thathis clothes would need to be destroyed, the entire inside of both hissweatpants and sweatshirt had been coated in a swirl of bleeding colors. It wasbeyond Seung-gil’s understanding that the paint could stay perfectly in placeon his body for an entire evening, be an absolute bear to scrub off in theshower, but also leave the outrageous imprint of color inside of his clothes.At least he had worn his least favorite sweats, he mused, finally slamming offthe water to step from his shower for a second time that night.
Phichit sat in the middle of Seung-gil’s bed with his legscrossed, fiddling with the folded cloth in his lap. He had bought the pajamasfor Seung-gil on a whim, and it wasn’t until the fifth minute in his showerthat Phichit had finally got up the nerve to actually give them to Seung-gil.It was their fourth night together, and Seung-gil had gone along with Phichit’scrazy painted body plans, so it was time for a gift for his patient and lovingboyfriend.
It wasn’t only Phichit’s crazy ideas for sightseeing anddate nights that had Seung-gil’s patience on display, but also theunderstanding line that they hadn’t crossed in all of their time together.Every night they curled together under the covers, snuggling close andexchanging soft smiles and even softer kisses until they drifted off intocomfortable sleep. It had been the best four days of Phichit’s life, and he hadalready started contemplating never leaving. When the bathroom door opened, andSeung-gil appeared with a startled look on his face, Phichit waved a hesitanthand and tucked the cloth bundle close to his chest.
The blush spread like wild fire over Seung-gil’s cheeks ashe stood in the bathroom doorway clutching his towel around his waist. He wasthankful that he hadn’t strolled into his bedroom completely naked, butembarrassingly frozen by the small amount of cloth that was covering him. Ithad been a carefully calculated maneuver to make sure Phichit was not pressurednor uncomfortable in Seung-gil’s home, an intention which had been possiblyderailed by Seung-gil’s current lack of attire. Waving back at Phichit,Seung-gil continued to awkwardly stand in place, unsure of his next move.
“I… um… bought you something!” Phichit hopped from the bedand moved across the room, holding out the pajamas with shaking hands. Shynesswas not usually a problem for Phichit, but sometimes the mere sight ofSeung-gil could sap him of all his clever lines. Seung-gil looked amazing inhis current half-wet, barely clothed state and Phichit’s eyes were havingtrouble focusing on his boyfriend’s face. Pressing the pajamas into Seung-gil’schest, Phichit backed away again to return to his spot on the bed, careful tokeep his eyes averted as to not increase the awkwardness of the situation.
It was the little hamster head on the shirt that caughtSeung-gil’s attention first. The cheeks were chubby and it had a tiny smilethat reminded Seung-gil of Phichit whenever he snuck a bite of Seung-gil’s foodand attempted to hide the fact that he was chewing. Under the little furry facewere the words “cuddle me” and Seung-gil couldn’t help the cheesy smile thatburst forth on his face. His boyfriend was a total nerd, but he loved thenerdiness more than he could ever describe. Turning back into the bathroom,Seung-gil paused to look over his shoulder at Phichit. “Thanks, P,” he said,smile still twitching nervously at the corners of his lips, “I love them.”Closing the door behind him, Seung-gil flung his towel and immediately yankedthe pajamas over his body.
Bouncing with his own giddiness, Phichit reached over to thenightstand to retrieve his phone. Somehow the weirdness of accidentallycatching his boyfriend mostly nude had passed without much effort and Phichitcould feel his happiness overtaking his worry. Seung-gil had loved his present,Phichit loved Seung-gil, and all felt right with the world again. Hearing thebathroom door knob turn, Phichit aimed his phone directly at Seung-gil as hestepped from the bathroom.
The flash blinded him as Seung-gil threw up a hand toprotect his eyes. Putting his hands on his hips, he tilted his head to one sideand considered Phichit’s pleased smile, “Phichit…” he warned, trying torestrain his own grin. The pajamas were not Seung-gil’s normal, oversizedflannel pajama bottoms. Instead they were a tight fit over his arms and legs, notuncomfortable, but also not leaving much to the imagination. He felt like atoddler shoved into Christmas jammies, except that he wasn’t sure the image wasa cute one.
Seung-gil was the cutest human Phichit had ever known. Hisface was a war of uncertainty and humor, making Phichit want to tackle him intocuddles. Waving a hand in the air, Phichit giggled through his request forSeung-gil to come closer. Watching as the tight-fitted pajamas moved withSeung-gil, Phichit felt his cheeks burn as his thoughts became questionablyinappropriate. Reaching out, he snagged Seung-gil’s hand and pulled hisreluctant boyfriend to sit behind Phichit on the bed. Back resting onSeung-gil’s chest, Phichit blushed harder as Seung-gil’s arms circled Phichit’swaist to tug them closer together.
“Is this is the shirt I sent you?” Seung-gil peered overPhichit’s shoulder attempting to read the words upside down. He hadn’t seen theshirt in person, having sent it directly to Phichit from the seller, but itseemed to fit perfectly. The words still made Seung-gil chuckle as he watchedthe pink hue spread over Phichit’s cheeks. Sometimes Phichit really did looklike a happy hamster, and the shirt (proudly displaying the words “it is ahamster thing, you wouldn’t understand) was perfect. Squeezing Phichit’s waist,Seung-gil leaned forward to place his chin on Phichit’s shoulder.
“It is really soft, isn’t it?” To distract himself, Phichitbegan fiddling with the camera settings on his phone. He heard Seung-gil humhis agreement next to Phichit’s ear and a shiver ran down Phichit’s spine.Maybe it was watching Seung-gil move around the venue painted as a bored huskyfor several hours, or maybe it was simply finally getting alone time together,but whatever it was, Phichit’s mind had begun to wander to a plethora of nextsteps. Trying to slow down the racing beat of his heart, Phichit leaned furtherback onto Seung-gil and held his phone up. “Say cheese!” Phichit requested,turning at the last second to plant a kiss on Seung-gil’s cheek.
The face fire was instantaneous as Seung-gil watched Phichitpress a kiss to his cheek in the forward-facing camera. Breath stalled in hislungs, Seung-gil looked down at Phichit.
The flood of thoughts came faster than his blush asSeung-gil was hit with a flash of everything he wanted. A house filled to thebrim with hamsters and huskies, Phichit by his side for every meal and in hisarms every night. Someone to celebrate victories with and the same shoulderthere to cry on when defeat stung the depths of his soul. The sound ofPhichit’s laugh, a product of a meme on his phone or Seung-gil’s own sarcastichumor, creating the cheerful soundtrack to every moment of Seung-gil’s life.Retirement, gray hair, wrinkles, and years’ worth of cheesy t-shirts and evencheesier pajama sets. It all passed by Seung-gil’s conscious mind in a fleetingmoment, but the effect left his chest heaving and tears springing to his eyes.
He had done something wrong. Phichit pushed away fromSeung-gil, shocked by the hint of tears and Seung-gil’s ragged breathing. Angrywith himself for ruining their night, Phichit threw himself from the bed,fleeing into the hallway. “I will… I’ll…” he wanted to tell Seung-gil thatPhichit would give him space, but the words were evaporating before he couldget them out. The fear and hurt gripped Phichit’s throat and he ran for theguest room, wondering how expensive it would be to change his flight. He didn’tknow why Seung-gil was so upset, but Phichit knew it was probably something hedid and he couldn’t handle hearing it.
“Stop!” Seung-gil was confused, his head was throbbingtrying to figure out what had happened. One second he was sitting on the bedimagining an entire lifetime with Phichit and the next second Phichit wasrunning away from him as if Seung-gil was on fire. “I… why did you leave?” Hecouldn’t look up, but he heard the little squeak come from Phichit and felt hisheart squeeze.
“I upset you, I didn’t know why… I… well, I have never donethis before,” Phichit waved a wild hand between himself and Seung-gil, “Ishould have asked… or something… I don’t know…” His own inability to speak waspathetic and Phichit hung his head toward the floor.
“I think…” Seung-gil paused to take a deep breath, handsballed at his sides, tears still stinging his eyes, as he practically shouted,“I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.” Words ringing in his ears, Seung-gilglared holes into the ground, feeling the weight of his declarationoverwhelming his mind.
The sound of running feet over the carpet had Seung-gilsnapping his head up in time to catch Phichit as he launched into Seung-gil’sarms. With a heavy thud, they landed in a heap on the carpet. Their tears mixedtogether as they kissed, crashing smiles causing a clumsiness that made themboth laugh.
“Idiot,” Phichit squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the joytaking over his whole body as he rested his forehead against Seung-gil’s, “I’min love with an idiot.” He laughed as Seung-gil tickled his sides, pushingPhichit onto his back in the middle of the hallway.
“And I’m in love with the human version of a hamster,”Seung-gil laughed, shaking his head and pressing another kiss to Phichit’slips. His head felt light and his chest felt full, as the future he had beenimagining felt so real and possible that he almost began to cry again. Never inhis wildest dreams did he think he would fall in love, and yet here he was,lying in his hallway, so in love that it felt like it was inflating his entirebody. Feeling overwhelmed, Seung-gil wrapped an arm around Phichit’s waist andburied his head in Phichit’s shoulder.
“I’m going to tell our grandchildren about this someday,”Phichit teased, realizing what he had said only after the words were alreadyout. Eyes wide, he stared at Seung-gil’s face as his head raised abovePhichit’s. “I don’t know where that came from… I’m sor-”
“I’m going to tell them you called me an idiot.” Lifting ahand, Seung-gil stroked his fingers over Phichit’s cheek. “I’m also going totell them that this whole thing happened while I was dressed like an overgrowntoddler.”
Phichit burst out laughing, throwing his arms aroundSeung-gil and hugging him tight. “You do look like one, but I love it,” feelingSeung-gil’s hands snake back to his sides, Phichit squealed. “No moretickles!!” Wiggling free, Phichit took off at a run towards Seung-gil’s room, lookingover his shoulder to stick his tongue out at Seung-gil.
Pausing, Seung-gil felt the tears returning even as theyclashed with his laughter. He was in love. Phichit loved him back. Suddenly,the world felt perfect.
Third beautiful art of these boys that I was surprised with today :) I have the best partner in fluff :)
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Next Contestant
AN: I received a drabble request from the awesome @dragonfoxroar7 to basically write a one-shot based on the song Next Contestant by Nickleback for our favorite ship, GAJEVY!! I suggest you listen to the song first but if you don’t wanna that’s cool too! ^-^ Please feel free to comment, inbox, request, etc! Thanks for reading!! 
The sound of rock music was pouring from the pub as the bass shook the building causing the bright neon sign labeled, ‘Fairy Tail’ to look like it was vibrating. Lines of people stood outside waiting to get in to see one of the most famous local bands, Shadow Gear. And once you were inside, the smell of beer, sweat and food takes over your senses, but that is ignored due to the excited aura of the room.
“Isn’t Levy up next?” Panther Lily asked after finishing his spiked kiwi drink, knocking the dark hardwood bar counter. The bartender nodded his head in acknowledgement, preparing him another.
Gajeel let out a grunt, taking a swig of beer before turning in his seat to face the stage with a look of slight annoyance on his face. “Sometimes I wish she would take a weekend off and not play for her stupid fanboys.” He scoffed eyeing the crowd of guys that stood in front of the stage.
“Is that jealousy I hear?” Lily chuckled earning a glare from his best friend. “And you know as well as me that she does it because she loves it and she’s good.”
Gajeel crossed his arms over his chest leaning his back against the bar, watching Mira take the stage after the previous band left. “Let’s give up once again for ‘The Sick Puppies’, you did wonderful fellas!” The pub cheered, clapping and howling at Mira’s command. “Alright, alright! Settle down.” She giggled into the mic, “Let’s give a big welcome to one of Fairy Tail’s original and beloved….SHADOW GEAR!”
The entire pub erupted into cheers, hoots, whistles and the like as Levy, Jet and Droy took stage. Droy sat down at the drum set, Jet plugged in his guitar and Levy took center stage at the microphone. Her hair was loose and wild, her bangs nearly falling into her eyes and the wavy blue locks cascading to her shoulders. She wore a blank tank top that had a heart shaped piece of iron on it, along with short denim shorts, gray knee high socks and black combat boots.
Gajeel chest puffed out with pride at her outfit, she said she had a surprise for him but this was definitely unexpected. Every piece of clothing she wore, he bought her with the iron heart tank top and combat boots being the newest edition. This may seem trivial to other people but to Gajeel, nothing makes him happier than seeing his woman wearing the things he bought her.
He heard a few men whistle and that made Gajeel’s high come crashing down. Stiffening in his seat, he watched as some of the men look lustfully at his girlfriend.
“Stupid bastards,” Gajeel muttered under his breath as he mentally tore the men to shreds. Lily watched the scene with amusement as he shook his head. No matter what Levy wore to her concerts, Gajeel always had to hold back his jealousy of watching other men eye his girl.
“Hey guys! You ready to have fun tonight?!” Levy spoke into the mic with a beaming smile. The pub cheered once again, with a few guys saying vulgar things like, “only if it’s with you baby,” or “we can have fun all night long.” Levy didn’t hear this over the screams of people but Gajeel did.
He shot up out of his seat ready to tackle the nearest pervert but Lily quickly stopped him. With a tight grip on his shoulder he spoke loud enough for the enrage man to hear him. “Not right now, Levy’s about to go on and she’ll be upset if you got hurt or you hurt someone else.”
They stood there for a few seconds as Levy spoke again into the mic declaring the few songs they were going to perform and when to catch them next. Gajeel took in a deep breath, forcing it out as he sat back down at the bar. He knew from that moment that before he left, he wasn’t leaving the pub without punching someone.
With that declaration, Shadow Gear started to play their first song for the night. The upbeat tempo and Levy’s singing voice eased some of the tension from Gajeel’s shoulders as he gazed at his girlfriend. He couldn’t help the small smirk that curled his lips as he watched Levy bounce up and down the stage singing and the crowd singing along with her. Her hips swaying to the beat and her hair doing whatever it wants to do as she dance, stomp and sing.
Lily and Gajeel would chuckle every time she would nearly trip due to getting overly excited by the music, but that made her even more adorable. Once the last song was done, she was panting into the mic, smiling wide. “Thanks again guys for all your support! We’ll see you again in two weeks and try not to get into too many drinking contests with Cana.”
The pub laughed and laughed harder when a loud, ‘AW COME ON!’ could be heard from the bar. Everyone knew about the legendary Cana, but there were a few overly confident guys that think they can drink her under the table. By the end of the night, there’ll be a pile of passed out men and women near the bar with possible alcohol poisoning.
“Take her warning fellas. Let’s give a big cheer again for our favorite band,” Mira said taking the stage along Shadow Gear. The pub erupted into loud applause, shouts and whistles, causing Gajeel to cover his ears from the deafening roaring. The band bowed before stepping off stage.
Gajeel watched carefully as Levy stepped into the crowd, trying to weed through the men that flocked to her side. They offered her drinks, a dance or to sit with them and like always she would politely decline and push more into the crowd. One guy grabbed Levy’s arm spinning her around to face him, quickly putting his hand on her lower back and grasping her hand as if to start waltzing.
Gajeel let out a strangled growl as he bolted up, pushing his way through the dense crowd not caring who he bumped into. When he finally got close, he could hear Levy demand he let her go and him shushing her with a finger on her lips. With a tap on the stranger’s shoulders, the man didn’t even look behind him before saying, “Fuck off!”
Grabbing the man tightly by the shoulder, Gajeel turned him around and slammed his fist against the man’s nose, knocking him sideways into a group of people. Before Levy realized what was happening, she was being pulled through the mass of people, Gajeels hand tightly grasping hers. The crowd almost parted for him as they could sense anger oozing from the large male.
Once at the bar, Gajeel sat down in his stool, picking up Levy and placing her in his lap. With his arms wrapped tightly around her and his face hiding in the crook of her neck, Lily tried his best not to laugh at the display of obvious annoyance and pouting.
“You guys did very good tonight, Levy.” Lily chuckled as he watched Levy try to turn in Gajeel’s embrace in order to look at her sulking boyfriend. Instead, she settled for leaning more into him and stroking his studded arms.
“Thanks, Lily. I’m glad everyone had fun.”
“Yea! You were wonderful!” A female voice said behind them, causing Levy to squeal and wiggle out of Gajeel’s grasp.
“Lu! You’re here!” She squealed embracing her best friend. “I thought you couldn’t make it because of your book deadline.”
“I still have the deadline, I just chose to watch my best friend instead.” Lucy beamed as the girls squealed some more and hugged.
Natsu stepped away from the excited girls in order to talk to the guys. Tilting his head in Gajeel’s direction with his hands in his jean pockets he asked, “What’s up with metal face?”
Gajeel grunted telling him to shut his mouth. “Gajeel’s jealous and grumpy because a few guys tried to get a little too handsy with Levy. “ Lily added earning a glare from Gajeel.
Natsu nodded his head in approval, “I understand. Lucy gets enough looks as it is but if someone tries to touch her I’ll burn them to a crisp.” He declared smacking his fist into his open palm with a wide grin.
“Not if you burn yourself first, flame brain.”
“Hey! That was an accident iron mouth! And you swore never to talk about it!”
“I swore nothing you idiot!” Gajeel stated, as Lily watched them argue and bump heads. He knew that his friend was only looking for a fight, a way to let out his frustration, so he continued sipping on his beverage.
“Congrats, Levy!” Cana cheered smacking Levy on the butt causing her to yelp and jump at the contact. “You had almost every guy in here eyeing you down!”
“Um, thanks Cana.” Levy smiled sheepishly rubbing her butt with her back facing a pissed off Gajeel.
“Oi! No one’s allowed to touch Levy’s ass but me. Got it!” Gajeel demanded getting off his stool again. Lily took another swig of his drink, muttering, ‘here we go again,’ into his glass.
With a beer in one hand, Cana drunkenly swayed closer to Levy, drapping her arm over the girl’s shoulder. “Aw, come on Gajeel! You gotta learn to share, my friend. Ain’t that right?”
A few agreements could be heard from the men at the bar but they instantly quieted down at the sight of Gajeel’s glare. “Anyone who touches my girl gonna need a new fucking insurance plan.”
Lily sputtered spitting out his drink all over an unsuspecting Natsu, causing Cana to bellow in laughter letting Levy go. She walked over to Gajeel and grabbed his hand, causing his irritated scowl to down cast on her. She knew it wasn’t for her but knew her boyfriend well enough that the next person that pissed him off tonight would most likely would really need a new insurance plan.
“Gajeel, I’m tired let’s go home.” She smiled up at him earning a ‘tch’ in response.
Before they could leave the group, Cana yelled suggestively, “I suggest you use some of that frustration to your benefit once you get home!” Gajeel tried his best to ignore her as they weed their way to the door, but failed miserably at her next comment. “And I mean use your penis!”
“CANA!” Levy yelled back at her in embarrassment as her face flushed. Gajeel growled causing her to face him again. “Stupid alcoholic!” He stated, lifting Levy up and placing her over his shoulders. “But, she’s got a point, Gihee.” He said groping his girlfriend’s butt as he quickly made his way out of the pub and to his car.
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Red string of fate
Leave “Red String of Fate” in my inbox… To see what is in our muse’s destinies then I’ll write a drabble for it. ||No Longer Accepting||Note: I’m putting all under readmore bc length (or any other reason), numbers are on the bottom for a surprise, and i’ll make use of any AU I can to make these work. ((Geebs, this took me forever to come up with an idea for. Sorry you had to wait so long! I forgot about doing this over the hiatus OTL))
Fate, Destiny, prophecies, all sorts of ways to ringing people in to fix the messes that others can’t be bothered, or are too scared to get involved with. It was the year XXXXX whenever the oracle had prophesized children born in that year during the passing of the Salaur comet would gain unearthly ‘powers’ so to speak.
This comet was one that would visit twice every half a millennium, which equates to every 500 years. Not every child would come to have powers, however. The comet would hang in the sky for a period of a week before disappearing once more to return once more in the summer time before it would disappear into the galaxy once more. As this was the case, a good number of children would be affected by the comet’s unusual effects, and some having more aptitude for stronger powers.
It was rare, but in written history, it’s been said that some come to not possess any powers. Poor children born with no talents or skills to speak of have been forsaken by the comet and are left powerless.
With every raise of power, there will always be an equal opposite. As children were born with supernatural powers, so would evil sleeping beneath the earth. Having absorbed enough energy of the earth during the past half millennia, they would rise up once more in hopes to finally subjugate human kind.
The reason behind children gaining powers has been theorized to be because fate does not wish for the human race to be subjugated and thus grants special powers to children.
Mizumachi being one of these children who was granted powers had the mastery of mater. Some call him ‘Poseidon,’ for reasons he couldn’t quite understand, but accepted. His friend was often called ‘Trident,’ perhaps to match his name. He always thought that the name ‘Anchor’ or something would do just fine for Kakei.
A kid from a different village was known for his immense speed. He’d run so fast he needed something made to cover up his eyes. Don’t ask what his nickname was, Mizumachi didn’t bother remembering. He’s never met the guy after all.
Kakei had gone off on his own mission to subjugate the vile demons spawning in a nearby cavern. He’d left before Mizumachi because he was determined to not leave until he could convince another person he wanted to join their team.
The guy was someone that he found on his own abandoned as a kid, and he brought him home with him. The only thing they knew about him was that his name seemed to be ‘Mika’. He had two differently colored eyes and they were born days apart from each other—however, he had no powers.
This being the supposed reason he may have been abandoned by his family, if he had one still alive. Mizumachi often liked to look on the ‘bright’ side (if it could be considered bright) and suggest that they didn’t abandon him and he may have accidentally been misplaced. For all they knew, he was the only one left.
Sad to think you were thrown away, right? Since that’s the case, just come up with the theory that you weren’t thrown away, but ‘misplaced.’
The blond never could understand why anyone would want to abandon the guy. He was an angel (a nickname Mizumachi gave to Mika), wasn’t he? It was hard to think that he had a single bad bone in his body. He was gentle, generous, and just so full of happiness! Like a ray of happiness!
“Come on dude, stop struggling! You’re already here! You aren’t gonna be a burden, trust me!” Mizumachi had dragged Mika all the way to Ravern’s Trench, which housed many evil creatures. Every so often the gifted children would be tasked to ridding a good percentage of the monsters to prevent them from overtaking the town that was only 30 minutes away on foot.
Their town wasn’t too big population-wise so if they were attacked, it spelled certain doom for everyone in it.
Kakei was already fighting alongside a few other gifted children further down into the trench. Mizumachi looked around and set Mika up high in a tree on a sturdy branch with the instructions to stay there.
“Why did you bring him here? You know he can’t do anything.” A voice came from behind the blond. “Ah! Kakei! Sup, dude? I brought Mika along for moral support! As long as I see his smile, it gives me energy to keep going! He’s got that super sunshine smile, ya know? He’s not useless.”
This was something Mizumachi said often in regards to the other male. “I never said he was. Look, I understand how you feel, but It’s still too dangerous for him to be here. Take him back to town. I can hold my own for another hour.” Kakei argued, clearly disgruntled.
Mizumachi shook his index finger, making ‘tut tut tut’ sounds.
“Mika will be fine! I’ll look after him and he can fend for himself!” Mizumachi was the only one who seemed to believe in his words. Wherever Mizumachi got this idea was beyond comprehension. “Alright, let’s go!” Grabbing onto the back of Kakei’s shirt, he jumped down into the trench whilst sprouting water from the bottom of his feet as if he were riding the waves with Kakei in tow.
These two operated by Mizumachi mainly paving the way and Kakei summoning a pair of long heavy chains with anchors attached at the ends of them and slamming them into the evil creatures. See? Anchor suited him better than Trident.
It wasn’t as though Mizumachi couldn’t fight himself. He could very well flood the entire trench if he wanted to (but he won’t) and drown everything in the water aside from him. He was good friends with the water and it wouldn’t ever harm him.
When you’re in battle, your sense of time gets messed up. He didn’t know how long he was fighting the evil demons when he heard a distressed cry for help. Immediately, Kakei was on it. He was the quicker of the two when it came to maneuvering rough terrains. He was going to have to save Mika who was clutching onto the tree for dear life as he was watching his friend fight off these grotesque creatures that could make anyone feel sick to their stomach.
Mizumachi just found them really ugly playthings for him to use his powers on. These creatures were just condensed manifestations of power that had spells cast on them. They weren’t alive, and were only acting out of what task they were given, which was destroy and subjugate humans.
Focusing on fighting off the creatures while Kakei went off to defend Mika, the blond was trying to keep a good understanding of his surroundings. He had to keep good focus, but that was hard when you were worried about your friends.
Just a second, that’s all he took to look up to see whether or not Kakei had eradicated the evil creature that had somehow made it up the trench. That one moment of being distracted was all an evil hound needed to lunge at Mizumachi to tackle him down to the ground.
All the guy could hear was his name being shouted before he could feel poisonous fangs sinking into his shoulder. The pain didn’t last too long considering the anchor that came flying afterwards flew towards the hound  to throw it off and effectively kill it.
“You should know better than to be distracted! You idiot!” Kakei grabbed Mizumachi and with the help of the other gifted children nearby who cleared the area, he hoisted Mizumachi all the way up to the top of the trench, to safety.
While being dragged up the trench, Mizumachi was laughing quietly to himself. It hurt. His shoulder was full of searing pain and he felt faint. Sweat was running down his forehead like a flood. Weird, because he wasn’t activating his powers anymore.
Ahhhh… he could hear people yelling at him. Maybe some crying. He couldn’t really tell. He could only hear a loud ringing sound in his ears. “Kakei… where is Mika? Is he okay?” The poison of the evil hound was very potent and scarily effective. It was no joke to say that he would croak in the next minutes.
This was no time to be worrying about someone else right now! Of course, even if either of them told him that, he couldn’t hear them.
“Haha… ya know, Mika always thinks of himself as useless, or like… a defective person. He’s not any of that. He’s my …good friend.” His breathing was becoming more ragged and heavy. Words were coming out much breathier. Sweat still beading up and rolling down his face. His whole body was heating up. “I like him…ya know? Always …smiling and …trying to make the best out of l-life. He doesn’t know it, //cough//  b-but he’s something …really special.”
He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he felt something warm around his shoulders. Maybe someone hugging him? That might have been it. It was so warm and comforting. It had him feeling a sense of peace and calm.
“O-oi! What are you…? Is that…? Hey! Mizumachi! Are you okay?”
The strong searing pain in his shoulder was residing and the ringing in his ears was growing quieter and quieter. Was he… dead?
Blink blink.
He could see his friends around him and he could definitely feel Mika hugging him. Nope, he’s not dead! Judging by the way his shoulder looks and feels—yep, all better now. Healed up well!
“What’s going on?” Kakei was very confused by the looks of things.
“He’s got the Holy element. Really super cool and rare, right? Phew, I almost died there!” Mizumachi laughed tiredly.
“You!” Kakei smacked him upside the head, not appreciating how he was making light of this situation. If not for this ‘miracle’ he would’ve died!
This was definitely not the time to be so happy and carefree! They were still on a battleground after all. Geez this guy had no sense of danger right now! Such a bother.
“Mika has always had the Holy element. He’s really good at healing and expelling impurities. That’s why I always get so quickly after getting sick. This guy sometimes holds your hand, ya know?” Another laugh. Mika may have thought he was being slick, but Mizumachi has caught him doing so sometimes. During one of those times, he happened to notice that Mika’s hands were glowing a very bright golden color.
The element of the legends in the hands of the one people thought was an invalid. The reason no one could determine which category his ‘powers’ belonged to was because they simply overlooked the possibility he could have the ability of the legends.
A pure heart of gold, that’s what he had. He was full of warmth and love. Makes sense as to why he holds the Holy element, right?
“Since he never truly awakened his abilities everyone thought he was an invalid. That’s why I kept dragging you around you know? I thought for sure you’d awaken one day. Who knew I had to almost die to get you to awaken? Geez!”
This bothered him because each element had special criteria needed in order for them to awaken. For those who had the water element like Mizumachi, all you needed was boundless amount determination. Fire required endless amount of pride. Each element had something like that.
No one knew what the Holy element needed, but Mizumachi was sure it was either confidence, or the feeling of being accepted. He could be wrong though! That’s just a theory of his!
Maybe you gotta feel desperate? Feel brave? Fall in love?
Haha! He kids, he kids.
Anyways, what matters is that Mika awakened his powers—finally.
“Nhaa~ There was a reason I call you Angel, ya know. Now that you awakened your powers, you need to train and learn how to control it! Then you can join Kakei and I to make a unit! Gotta make sure I don’t kill myself right? Let’s save the world!”
46.) Our muses are destined to fight along side each other to save the world from the end
((Ahhhh this is the best idea that I could think of. I think having the Holy element like an angel suits lil ol’ Mika. Saving the world though, such a grand thing. Obviously super heroes and the like are the only option. I tried. Hopefully this is satisfactory. As I had to build the world, I had to go into some story building before I could get started-- thus the length.))
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mandelene · 3 years
So, I’m not taking drabble requests right now, but I have like 10 of them sitting in my inbox because you guys have been sending them in anyway. 😅 So, I’m gonna start tackling them. Please don’t send any more requests until I’m done with the ones in my inbox, if that’s ok! I’ll let you guys know when you can send more. Thanks! 💕
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