#not tarot whoops
ANYWAY i’m sick so it’s time for bourbon-spiked ginger tea with a medieval fortune’s worth of cinnamon and honey. and eating whole sautéed cloves of garlic.
i haven’t pulled the tower in a while but i sure do feel like i should’ve.
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macksartblock · 6 months
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i'm tired and i'm done looking at these lmao
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mossgrem · 2 months
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Deltarune themed tarot cards I made for one of my finals awhile back!
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adorastarot · 10 months
Jungkook's Path Towards his FS
Hi everyone <3 I truly couldn't remember if someone asked this question or if I decided to just...do it? But I did it yesterday so i decided to post it!
♡ This reading will have a follow-up reading for Ko-fi monthly members [view here] - More details on Jungkook's Path towards his fs
Jungkook's Path/Energy
King of wands, ace of wands, 4 of cups
Jk is honestly on the right path towards his fs even though he doesn’t see it. He is currently doing what he needs to do - taking charge of his life especially when it comes to his career. Being more bold and confident - even daring. He is not scared anymore to make hard decisions to show how much he has grown, to show his true self. This approach to life will put him on the right path to his fs. Once he is fully aligned things will just simply start moving and his life will start to change so quickly. The more aligned he remains the quicker and smother things will go. Mars seems to have a very big influence on Jk around this time, people may witness JK’s leadership skills coming through or an overwhelming amount of confidence just suddenly bursting through the seems. He needs to learn to change his point of view sometimes, he can get too stuck with his own way of thinking and miss opportunities, that is probably the main thing that he needs to work on right now. The things that he needs to improve before meeting the fs.
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fs path/energy
6 of wands, 4 of pents, the world
The fs is going through their own sort of reevaluation too. Self-worth is going to be an important theme for their “rebirth” I keep hearing that word because that is what it may feel like. The fs will start to also feel like things are aligning, but in a different way, their alignment seems to be put into motion when it comes to their self-confidence. The more confident they are the more things will move for the fs. They are about to experience a big success for the first time and they will need to learn how to handle that pressure. Their professional life is very connected to their path towards JK. But once again, travelling is coming up. This person is being guided to travel. When they make plans to travel, money falls on their lap and everything changes to allow for these things to happen. It’s by experiencing life like this that things will unfold.
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Energy of the path towards the connection
temperance, 2 of cups
Their current energy together is beautiful. Not yet, but soon there will be a meeting of two souls. These people need to balance themselves out and have a clear vision of what it is that they want to achieve. They have to know what they want first. Pay attention to your inner compass. The 2 of cups for some reason in this reading…these two need to stop offering their cups to people that aren’t worthy of them.
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cicada-candy · 23 days
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(I Don't Have A Caption For this lol)
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this is a metal,,-ish version that im sort of conflicted about.
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saltiestbunny · 1 year
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Queen of Wands (2020)
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what are pixals 2 swords suppose to mean one is blue and the other is purple why is that
They don’t “mean” anything; they’re just her swords! She has a blue sword for her first iteration as Sam X, then purple in her second interaction, and by the time she comes clean with her identity she uses both of them!
…They do glow though, and Jay nicknames them her “Saber Swords”
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sadevergreen · 2 years
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h hermitcraft..,,,,..,,,, : )
i am not over double life at all scar deserves everything HHHH 😭😭😭
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cookinguptales · 1 year
wwdits tarot: the lovers
I’m a hopeless romantic and you all already know that. I will not apologize for anything that is about to transpire.
Let's do VI. The Lovers.
Okay, real talk tho, The Lovers is not always about literal lovers. It’s about pairs and duality. This can mean relationships -- sometimes a romantic one, sometimes just a relationship with someone else who’s important to you. Family, friends, a business partner, etc. 
When it comes to the relationships reading of this card, the important part is a sense of harmony. These are two people who trust each other implicitly and communicate well. This card is usually either telling a person to depend on this relationship or work towards achieving it.
There is a secondary meaning to this card, too, though. The pair can also be a pair of choices. The card won’t tell you which to choose, but instead calls on a person to look inside for a better understanding of which path to take. 
In other words, at its heart The Lovers is a card about knowing yourself. It tells you to look inside and figure out who you are and what you want. It calls for perfect openness and honesty, even when it's difficult. This will help strengthen your relationships but also help you make difficult choices.
All that out of the way… I really went back and forth on this one.  I always knew that I wanted Laszlo and Nadja to be on this one; not only are they literal lovers (the lovers of all time, honestly) but they really do trust each other and communicate on a level that bewilders and charms us all.
But… after a lot of thought, I’ve decided to deviate from tradition a bit and put more than one pair on here. Some of this is my own sentimentality, I’ll admit, but I think I also want to go a little bit deeper with this card.
The Lovers, when reversed, is about disharmony, both in your relationships and within yourself. It means you don’t know who you are and it means that you’re not communicating with full honesty and understanding in your closest relationships. And when upright, the card is a tacit warning against this. It’s a card that tells us to value our relationships, but also to carefully evaluate them and whether we’re being fully open with our loved ones and cognizant of what we want.
So… I think what I want here is an example of the harmony that this card represents, but also an example of the potential that this card seeks to realize.
So I’ve decided to make this a card of harmony, but also disharmony. Emotional closeness, but also distance. Being true to yourself, but also lying to yourself to protect yourself from uncertainty.
Yeah, I want to put Nandor and Guillermo on here, too.
I’m sure I don’t have to go into a lot of detail about Laszlo and Nadja and why they belong on this card. They’ve been together for centuries, they've grown together, and they communicate very well. They are keenly aware of the other’s emotional state and every time they have to keep anything from each other, it seems to physically wound them.
What really gets me, though, is the way they’ve helped each other flourish. That detail in s4 about how, due to abuse and neglect, Laszlo had a very difficult time expressing his emotions until Nadja worked with him for hundreds of years. She saw that potential in him and she supported him until she was finally able to draw it out. And he supports (most of) her murders and harebrained schemes without question. He believes in that beautiful, fierce peasant girl that he met all those centuries ago, and he will fight anyone who tries to disparage her.
Through knowing each other, they've come to know themselves, which is really the key to The Lovers. Seeing themselves through their partner's eyes has allowed them to see truths about themselves they might not have otherwise seen, and has allowed for a kind of open confidence that both accomplish through the support of the other.
Love that for them. Love those two weirdos. ;o;
And when I look at Nandor and Guillermo now, I see the beginnings of something like that. Both of them are able to be themselves with each other in a way they can’t with anyone else, and they have a trust and dependence on one another that doesn’t always seem earned. But… they’re not all the way there yet. They aren’t fully open with each other. They don’t live in harmony together. Their communication is frankly abysmal. They aren’t quite in full card reversal but at times it feels close.
So to me, I feel like we have The Lovers card in both of these relationships, to some degree. We have the platonic ideal of the card, an almost perfect partnership where the two of them are deeply in harmony with one another… and we’ve got the kind of relationship that The Lovers feels like it’s there to treat. The kind that needs to listen to this card's advice to become its final form. The reversal that is slowly being turned upright.
There’s an inherent potential in The Lovers, and I feel like I wanted to capture that as well as the ideal definition of the card. Because just like a great relationship has helped Nadja and Laszlo understand themselves, I think Nandor and Guillermo also need to be honest with themselves so they can be honest with each other. I think that, like Nadja and Laszlo, the health of their relationship is inextricably tied to self-knowledge and the choices they make.
So… The Lovers is a card about relationships but also about knowing yourself and making choices. It’s about the end result (having a great relationship) but also the time spent getting there (learning to open up and be honest with yourself and your partner). It is a card that doesn't necessarily describe the now, but what can be.
And it's a card that sternly warns against letting lies and misunderstandings ruin your relationships.
Anyway... yeah. I want both of these relationships on the card to show the different stages of the same idea, so to speak, and for this more than any other card I have a very specific idea about imagery.
I’ll show you the RSW card first, but I’ll warn you that I’m about to make a departure.
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The RSW version of this card depicts a vision of Eden. Adam and Eve and the archangel Raphael. (He is an angel of the air, and the symbol associated with this card is… well, obviously it’s Gemini. lmao) So you’ve got these two lovers, but also the tree of good/evil there to represent choice. It represents both meanings of the card.
For the vampires, though, there’s an image that immediately came to mind when I thought of The Lovers, and it’s this:
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(censored for your comfort)
In WWDITS, Laszlo and Nadja are often paired together for interviews, as are Nandor and Guillermo. But while Nadja and Laszlo are often presented as a unified front (sitting close together on the couch, holding hands between chairs, standing huddled together as they plot), Nandor and Guillermo are often either posed on unfair standing or several feet apart. Maybe Nandor is sitting and Guillermo is standing to his side. Maybe Nandor is on one side of the room, in the foreground, and Guillermo is on the other, by the door. The two are sitting in separate chairs, not touching. A game of strategy lies between them. The two of them maintain a certain distance.
This framing is very consistent with both pairs.
What’s interesting to me, though, is what happens when both pairs are together in the same frame. What we sometimes get is a frame like this, where Laszlo and Nadja are together in the center of the couch, and Nandor and Guillermo are together behind the couch — but on opposite ends of it.
I’ve always thought that dichotomy was fascinating. Together and apart, but both still paired. Moreover, what gets me is that Nadja and Laszlo often have an absent-minded intimacy; they will hold hands without even looking at each other. On the other hand, Nandor and Guillermo will steal looks at each other across the room, but they do not touch. It’s an appeal for intimacy, but one that is rarely fully met.
So if I were to make a card featuring both pairs, both together and apart, I would have a scene where the four are being interviewed. Laszlo and Nadja together in the center of the couch, holding hands and turned slightly toward each other as they look at the camera. And behind them, Nandor and Guillermo behind the couch, standing several feet apart but also just barely turned toward each other. And unlike Laszlo and Nadja, who stare straight ahead, secure in their intimacy, Nandor and Guillermo are pretending that they aren’t both stealing glances at the other.
(No angels allowed! This is an antichrist-ian show, thank you.)
And who knows! Maybe one day the two of them will actually listen to the advice of The Lovers, talk to each other frankly, and end up framed more like this!
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no one is allowed to make fun of me for my decisions for this card okay bye
wwdits tarot masterpost
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neoyi · 6 months
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02. The High Priestess
Nothing exhibits an air of mystery quite like the High Priestess. From deep within, one must trust their instincts, emotions, and innermost thoughts.
The High Priestess card has been noted as a "divinely feminine card" of secrecy~ Mona doesn't really fit the spiritual angle, but she is a mastery of hidden intent and feelings, especially concerning the matter of a certain plague doctor whom she has deep feelings for, but they're both oblivious raisins who can't damn well spit it out.
Most people only know her as the keeper of a questionably safe beaker-juggling mini-game. She, who is of little words and endless boredom, Mona passes the time making pocket money from most of the stupid, stupid denizens.
Her true passion is science and she's just as wont to be sneaky and amoral alongside Plague to prove her many hypothesis, usually with way more gusto than her mischievous partner (and she's equally as prone to some chicanery as well.) Mona only presents the illusion of a laconic, quiet woman, but she's incredibly enthusiastic, expressive, and wordy to respected peers. Mind, I genuinely think the front she puts up IS due to genuine boredom, she'd care less that some village idiot figured out the real her because she's just that apathetic to their existence.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♦️ THE LIST: ♦️ 0. The Fool - Reize 01. The Magician - Shovel Knight
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mixingpumpkins · 3 months
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The Porcupine and Anemone
How are your boundaries holding up? Between the demands of everyday life and all the unexpected challenges that seem to have been rearing their heads lately, it’s not your fault if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed and prickly. Dig in and protect yourself however you need to — it’s not selfish to attend to your own needs. (You can’t pour from an empty cup, after all.) ✨🦇
yesterday’s reading | my tarot reading tag
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rose-colored-tarot · 1 year
What happened w/ ArcaneMysteries?
Let me set the scene: it is the mid 2010s. The plague du jour was Ebola, thinking Trump was president was the result of a bad acid trip and Tumblr still had porn (ie the user base was the highest it’s ever been). This may just be the nostalgia, but Witchblr was different. It was bigger, more active and had this sense of community. There were a lot of people and blogs set up for mentor/mentee relationships and educating new people. You had to put a disclaimer on your posts that you were not trying to educate any minor because someone allegedly got sued. The “what kind of witch are you” quizzes and master lists of correspondences straight from Cunningham were numerous and repetitive. Poisoning yourself with mugwort tea for prophetic visions was the thing to do.
ArcaneMysteries was one of the biggest divination blogs out there (if not actually the biggest, then at least the loudest). He claimed to be a gay man of color, the most recent in a long line of tarot readers in his family. He had posts upon posts of very pretty, almost professionally designed tarot correspondence lists, symbolism, card meanings, tips and spreads. You could not scroll through the tarot tag without seeing a ton of his content. At one point, there was even an ArcaneUniversity tumblr page, set up by him and run by multiple people, meant to be a place for people wanting to learn tarot to congregate, ask questions, seek mentors etc.
I think what got people suspicious in the first place was the sheer volume of content he was generating and the speed he was putting things out. I’m talking multiple spreads a day sometimes, all of which were watermarked with his url up top. Come to find out, he was stealing entire spreads from other tarot readers, other websites and books. Verbatim, exactly the same and claiming he created them.
I don’t remember how quickly all this happened, but after this became public knowledge, one day he just wasn’t there anymore. I’m not sure if he deleted his blog or if staff did (although I doubt it). He just sort of faded into obscurity. Most of his posts are lost to the void, but the occasional one still circulates. They’re not objectively bad content, but they’re not his to claim ownership of.
Moral of the story: if you build an empire out of stolen content, no matter how large, it will crumble beneath your feet and you will be dragged down with it.
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lunapwrites · 6 months
2023 Recap and New Year Reading
One thing I think I'm proud of this year is how I approached bullet journaling. Despite sometimes going weeks at a time without making entries, instead of giving up I just went "ah, hell, we'll try again next month" and went about setting up the next few pages. That's... progress I think.
Anyway one of the reasons I bring this up is because last year, when I started this thing, I kicked off the year with a rune and tarot reading. And I think overall they were pretty on point, even if I was refusing to see the VERY COMMON THEME in all of it. Like... what brand of copium was I on that I saw 3 of Cups with the Empress and the Ace of Cups AND Death and went "Yep nope nothing to see here folks! Having a normal one!"
[This would be where I would stare flatly into the camera, Office style.]
The overall theme of 2023 was change. My partner and I did a lot of evaluating where we were and where we wanted to be, and started making moves to get there - some glacial, some... a lot quicker than I had expected lmao. But I think with my reading, my issue was that I made everything too broad and didn't focus on what was most on my mind - which turned out to be exactly what's on my mind now, and how it related to my existing commitments - including my fandom presence and writing. Which... has been difficult this year, particularly with being sick in one form or another for half of it.
With all of that said, 2024, it seems, is shaping up to be the transitional year - I pulled the Magician, which lends itself to a lot of power and potential. For the first half of the year, there's going to be a lot of good (or at least positive leaning) vibes up until April, supposedly - the Sun, Justice, the Empress (again), the High Priestess... all major arcana, all BDE cards. A lot of the messaging is about joy and balance and trusting my instincts. The vibes will be immaculate and everything's going to fall into place.
...Until May, which is when we can expect the Bean to make their appearance. Which... well, Five of Swords wasn't exactly the most surprising pull here. That is going to be a rough, scary transition, and I already knew it would be. But it's not forever.
We're (probably,) going to get our shit together a bit over the summer and into fall (Knight of Wands, the Chariot, 9 of Wands, King of Pentacles, the Fool) and then we're up for a setback of some kind in November (10 of Swords.) Given the context of the Fool and the overall timing, I think this is going to be related to moving Bean into their own room, and could be as simple as difficulty adjusting (for both of us tbh.) I'm not really seeing anything that indicates major issues, but the final card of the year (Judgement) is giving me a bit of an empowering message here.
Taken in aggregate, the message is clear: I have everything I need to succeed, so long as I remember not to rush important decisions and to ask for help when I need it. We can and we will achieve the balance I so desperately crave if we put the work in.
I did also do a rune reading, which overall seems to support the tarot one and gives me some additional context: likely looking at some conflict with work and family in the coming year (which I expected and which is already occuring to an extent) and my overall well-being is going to take a hit (also expected) - thurisaz and othala (r). However, my biggest pillars (my partner, my friends, and my overall... domestic situation? Home and finances lol) are going to be solid and are positive enough, in my view, to compensate - dagaz, uruz, fehu, jera, laguz. And of course the messaging is all the same: go with the flow, don't be fucking stubborn, ask for help, act with deliberation - tiwaz (r), perthro (r), eihwaz, ingwaz, mannaz.
Anyway. Yeah. Lots of big changes coming obviously, and I don't know what things are realistically going to look like six months from now, but I know whatever it is I'm going to do my best, and I'm gonna remember to breathe.
... And hopefully I can forgive myself for the times I mess up as well as I did with the bullet journal this year lol.
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waldrea-art · 2 years
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Ilarien Mahariel | Dragon Age Origins
The Star - hope, inspiration, positivity, faith, renewal, healing, rejuvenation
@idaholoser‘s lovely Warden :)
more dragon age art | more tarot art
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goddesstrolls · 11 months
Send ‘▮‘ and a character name, and I’ll assign a tarot card (or multiple) to them!
If you’re sending a character that isn’t one of mine, please make sure there’s a profile available and/or link one in your ask :> Otherwise I’ll just assign based on Vibes.
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volinare · 1 year
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reading I did earlier today. First one i've done in so fucking long so it was a big one.
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