#not that he doesnt deserve the hype hes fucking awesome
hecksupremechips · 11 months
I finally watched the across the spiderverse movie and teehee Hobie is pretty cool 🥰
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how in the world do you do it? i sent that ask yesterday and i'm still making my way through your masterpost kind of reeling- almost every moment i paused the show (s2 especially) and thought, that's weird, but couldn't put my finger on why, you've talked about, and expanded on, and it's all so well put. you're slowly curing the countless little ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ bouncing around in my head. it's so satisfying, too, to see all those asks with LWA disagreeing with popular fanon. i'd been thinking it was only me.
i'm curious about your interpretation of the bullet catch, specifically aziraphale's motives. i scrolled through a few of your tags and didn't find much about it, but i might have missed something.
i've seen people say it was retaliation for the holy water request (ooc?), or some deliberate test of crowley's willingness to go through with it (and so go through with their relationship, in spite of the danger, or something). then, of course, there's the generally accepted afaik "elaborate trust fall, general aziraphalean ridiculousness" version, but convincing somebody to nearly shoot you seems like a lot (understatement), even then.
it comes across to me as a bit cruel, if that makes sense. this isn't reliant on crowley not wanting to shoot him, or just doing well under pressure. if he's never even shot a gun before, this is almost entirely luck, and i don't buy that the only thing at stake is paperwork, however much they repeat it to themselves. crowley's hands wouldn't have been shaking so badly. if he messes up, he's gonna hurt aziraphale, or have to watch his human body die. it's so fucked.
maybe it could be said that, without their miracles working, they knew they were being watched, and had to continue, but i don't buy that either. aziraphale didn't act like he felt threatened afterwards until furfur showed up- was doing the complete opposite.
that's all i've got for now, but yeah. this blog is awesome and i'm so here for your sideburn theories. have a nice day pls
oh anon✨ you're so sweet!!! i really dk about all that, i just like chatting shit and trying to spot patterns/contradictory stuff/things that don't make sense beyond the script (if that makes sense), so whilst you all might not get Smart out of me you will at least get Passionate🤌
(also YES for LWA appreciation, they deserve it 💕 - still dont know why they do it but im just happy to be involved)
ooooh okay bullet catch. couple of thoughts from me:
aziraphale was happy to go on stage and try to ameliorate the situation between crowley and mrs h (my beloved), but reticent to scope out any Showy-Offy tricks from goldstones shop
crowley hyped aziraphale up enough to go into the shop and find a new trick to perform; hes the angel who fooled nefertiti and is performing on the West End Stage, after all!!!
aziraphale is taken in by the bullet catch trick upon seeing it, but was previously happy to consider another trick. he also, presumably, wasnt aware of the element of trusting a stooge until it was told to him
aziraphale persuades crowley to perform it, even when crowley is obviously uncomfortable, and crowley isn't truthful with him re: firearms experience
crowley agreed, providing that they make use of their miracles if it goes tits up
aziraphale doesnt inform crowley on any of the plan; crowley is notably caught unawares when called out in the audience
miracles don't work, neither of them stop the performance. crowley once again still very uncomfortable, literally shaking on stage, and yet seems to calm at aziraphale ploughing on ahead.
so okay, yeah, ive basically just recited the scene - but a few conclusions:
aziraphale doesn't want to let crowley down or embarrass him by backing out of the act, or indeed by messing it up
i think there's probably some element of aziraphale doing it for himself (self-esteem), but in a way that, post-Realisation, he is showing off a bit... it strikes me that crowley wasn't fully cognizant of this little hobby of his, and aziraphale is taking a moment to do something that (bless him, he thinks) he's good at, and wow crowley as a result
i don't think the holy water request came into his motivations at all, for the same reasons you said. however, it is an appropriate mirror to the holy water request narratively; i think it will come back up in s3, and i think the bullet catch will at least emotionally inform aziraphale on whether to give crowley the water or not
as for crowley's motivations in going along with it; i think to some extent he's paying back the favour, but mainly that it's truly just to make aziraphale happy. a step beyond that; to him, aziraphale is in need of something, and that is something aziraphale is only trusting crowley to deliver. crowley of course assumes miracles will be their safety net, so agrees to be aziraphale's knight in shining armour (*cough* playing hero)
when the miracles fail, aziraphale still has trust in crowley to do it properly. crowley however is left to trust in aziraphale's trust in kind. he still wants to do this for him, but the stakes are a bit higher in that he could shoot his best friend (?) in the face and not see him again on earth for any number of years (imo, it's never, ever been about the paperwork). but aziraphale isn't backing down; is crowley about to disappoint him? of course not.
tl;dr: they're both arseholes for their respective lacks of transparency with each other, deliberately put themselves in harm's way, and it was by sheer luck that they pulled it off. but it is a huge seismic shift in how they see each other, and i don't think we've been shown/suggested the full implications of the whole thing just yet.
thank you so much for your kind words, they honestly make my day!!! hope you have a lovely day too!!!✨💕
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kareofbears · 3 years
persona 5 strikers thoughts and feelings
This is going to be a long post. Like, the type of post you’d only really have time to read when you’re trying to sleep but you’re not ready to be unconscious yet so you’re just looking for something to do to spend your time with minimal effort. 
So in 2018, a masterpiece was born into the world: Into the Spider-verse was released and it was amazing—it’s honestly the best spiderman movie we have without a doubt, and it’ll be very far into the future before Spider-verse is beaten as the best spiderman movie. Them’s the facts. Then in 2019, Spider-man: Far From Home was dropped. It’s a great movie! Great characters, great continuation of who these characters are and works fantastic as a continuation of a story. It’s really hard trying to take the torch of a previous movie (or in Marvel’s case, juggling twenty something movies) and come up with a new movie that both works on its own, as well as being the next step in this series of films. Thus, with that idea in mind, I think it’s kind of unfair to judge into the spiderverse and far from home, because these are two movies with two completely different objectives in mind. 
Okay, so this is still a persona 5 strikers post, I promise, but the idea is the same: Persona 5 could basically do whatever it wanted—new story, new characters, new everything, and it’s just plain old awesome. However, Persona 5 strikers did not have that sort of freedom. It was bound to the original game, and it had its own rules and stuff it had to keep intact, characters they had to work with, and on top of that, it had to justify its existence as a sequel (lets pretend money doesnt exist lmfao). 
SO, the big question is: did it do that? Did it justify its existence? 
And my answer: holy fuck did it ever do that
I came into this game knowing the extreme bare minimum. I knew there was someone named Sophia, and i knew there was roadtrip, and i knew there were Personas. That’s my knowledge of it before i played it on the Switch.  I should also clarify like, early on, that i was not expecting anything from this game. At all. I was the world’s biggest cynic of this game—if you scroll down my p5s tag far enough, youll just see me complaining about a game that hasn’t even come out yet. I was fully expecting to have this be a Waifu show, and any male character that isn’t Akira to just be shoved aside like some kind of nerd in a high school hallway, and i have never been more pleased to be wrong. In fact, i actually owe it an apology, because of how fucking rude i was for no reason!!! Because this game deserves everything to be honest. 
Persona 5 strikers is, frankly, insane. Insane in the sense that it got to pull shit off that just would never have existed in the original game, because the original game is scared. It had to be as impressive as possible and garner as much attention as possible. Strikers does not have that problem—every single person who bought that game does not need to be convinced that persona 5 is a good game. They already played it. That means Atlus can just fuck around and have a good time, and man did they have a good time. There’s still scenes that still shock me if i think about it too hard, because i’m used to atlus having to follow this sort of rule set when it comes to persona 5 (or any of the main games im assuming, but i havent played them.) And on top of that, there’s still shit that’s Atlus Trademarked Branded in a good way. The style of story of story telling, and revealing the mystery that is so integral to what p5 is, is still there. 
So, to make this even a little bit comprehensible, i will make a list! 
First of all, What is this game?
In short, this game is an OVA of an anime. It’s bonus side content that has one thing in mind: to showcase these lovable characters more by putting them in fun situations. That’s it, and it is just phenomenal. That was the main point of, i’d say, like forty hours of the game. It’s just fun times with fun characters. 
But to get deeper of what i think is happening, or what they were thinking during the development, is that this is a second opportunity. Persona 5 (as we all know) had a lot of problems, and we were not quiet about those problems. We yelled it all out, made posts, made complaints on every social media platform ever. And Atlus heard all of them, and Strikers is a way to mitigate those mistakes. Aside from being a fun OVA, Strikers also works to be a deeper exploration of these characters—more specifically, the characters that did not receive much in the original game. Creating this sequel is having the ability to redo what they felt (or to be more specific, we felt) in the original game while adding new ones. I will get to that in a second.  
The format of the game 
Absolutely brilliant to throw them on a road trip. P5V already forced us to experience Shibuya for 200+ hours, and im so glad that they didn’t do that again. Going from town to town, making us experience these new places alongside our favorite characters is so good, and it just makes sense. It’s fun, it’s lighthearted, and it’s actually shockingly good. But one thing i do want to talk about early on is the way the story unfolds and the villains that they use, and what they do with it because it’s very interesting. 
So as we explore japan and stuff, we encounter jails, and with those jails comes an antagonist. This antagonist works to be a parallel to one of our characters. That character will find it in their hearts to feel bad for the antagonist, because the antagonist could have been them had the original game not happen. At first I thought all of the thieves were gonna get an antagonist, and i was really hyped for the ryuji one. And then came to hour forty of the game where i realized “yeah that’s not gonna happen. There’s just not enough time.” And i was right, and the game ended. But i am not salty at all, honestly, because the people who got a direct antagonist were: Ann, Yusuke, and Haru. (we wont count zen and sophie). 
Is there a trend??? Yes. these are all characters in the original game that have received the worst treatment by atlus. The three of them are basically cast aside the minute they finished their original arc, and its horrible! BUT that’s why this is the path that atlus chose for them—to give them more depth, and screentime, and a way to show their inner self. That isn’t to say that the ones who aren’t those three (makoto, futaba, mona, akira, ryuji) didn’t get anything. Futaba still has her thing at the end with ichinose, and she was very prevalent and animated during the rest of the game. Mona and Akira have to be a focal points, that’s just the nature of the game. The other two though, I will talk about in depth in a second.  
Y’all i poke fun at shumako fans sometimes cause its kind of easy and fun, but i honestly love makoto. In my very first playthrough of p5 (my first ever jrpg game, first persona game, i had no idea what i was doing), i had only maxed out two characters: ryuji and makoto. And i know she had a lot of screentime and love in the original game which is great, but i truly felt like she was dissed in this game. Her only roles were
A driver
Someone to tell them “we don’t have a choice. Let’s keep going and see where this takes us.” (seriously, if you replay this game, you will see how much she does this)
Idk, i just wish she had more to do, especially compared to how much love they gave the other characters. 
But let’s talk about some of the new characters! 
Damn you atlus. Damn you and your insistence at bringing in cop characters. I was fully on board with hating zenkichi, i was fucking ready for it. I was convinced that there was nothing they could do convince to like zenkichi. I was immune to their copaganda. 
And then i ended up loving him, which makes me sad a little bit. I didn’t realize how desperate i was to have an adult who has a persona. Someone who wants the world to change just as much as they do, while still having that aspect of them that makes them adult. Like??? As someone who is technically an adult, its a breath of fresh air. An adult. Who fights. For justice. Using a persona. And god i love akane so much, and her obsession with the thieves (that scene is probably in my top ten fave scenes of the game). Also what i loved about zenkichi is that he fucking hates the cops!! He hates the system of the cops!! And thats why i actually really started to love him!! Because i thought it was atlus saying that the systematic problem of the police cannot be solved by one person, and zenkichi threw away his badge. I actually cried at that part!! 
But then he became a cop again, and i was just :/ but as a character, i really love him to bits and would love to do a study on him, or at least use him as an outside pov. But! i absolutely love his persona, since im a les miserables fan hehe
she’s probably my favorite new aspect of the game. I was ready to not like her—again, i just suck like that, lmfao—and when i saw her, i was scared that she was just another waifu. I mean, she was very cute after all. But then as the game went on, i thought she was a little too cute. And even further into the game, i finally slapped myself in the face and realized oh my god shes not a waifu. Shes a sister. 
That blew my mind, im ngl to you. A female character that isn’t supposed to be romanced? By jove, what a miracle! 
And she…is an amazing character. Im sorry, i just love her so much. I love her so much that she  probably ranks as my fifth or sixth favorite character which is surprising even to me. Everything about her is delightful and invigorating. She’s funny??? Her comedic timing is amazing, and she has such chemistry with the rest of the team. She’s actually useful to the plot, and while her character design is a little too on the nose for me in terms of cuteness (i mean, good god she’s wearing oversized sweater to show how cute and tiny she is, and her hair has literal hearts in it), she is absolutely lovable. 
But what i actually really wanna gush about for a second is sophia at the last stage of the game. You get the idea, i dont really like to get excited over things, so at this point i figured that there was nothing this game could do to shock me. 
And then sophia had a persona awakening. 
Like. holy fuck did i yell. I didnt realize what was happening until the music had already kicked in. and its just so fucking smart!!! Sophia??? The ai?? With no heart?? gOT A PERSONA???? AWAKENING??? BECAUSE SHE LEARNED WHAT THE HEART IS AND THE PASSION THAT YOU NEED IN ORDER TO GET A PERSONA??? I started crying honestly, because it was just so smart. And looking back on it now, its obvious!! Of course it would lead to this, it only made sense that the culmination of her character arc leads to her getting a persona, nothing else would have been as good. Also, her voice actor is just amazing?? When she was talking to ichinose at the end, i actually got incredibly emotional because of the line reads. Its just so spot on and it really captures the essence of sophia.
Muah. five stars Atlus. You got me. 
Ryuji <3!!!!
Oh man. Oh boy. Okay. so where do i start. 
Yall know i love him. Hes probably my favorite fictional male character of all time, and he is the one i was the absolute most cynical about in this game. I was expecting literally nothing. Nothing. Like. nothing. I thought he was just gonna keep being used as a joke, or a gag, and he’s gonna be super horny all the time for the other girls and it was gonna make me mad and there was gonna be some insane homophobic/queerphobic jokes in every other scene and i know i was being unfair, but i cant help it. 
And then i played the first two hours of the game, and i cried the entire time. Because ryuji has never been better than he is in this game. Its crazy. 
The ryuji in persona 5 strikers is who ryuji should have been/how he should have been treated this entire time. From the actual funny jokes (for example, the gold bar joke + his reaction to it in the beginning of the game), defending his female friends instead of being the one people need to defend from (natsume arc), and the fact that he was the one to be there with morgana and akira in the very beginning of the game. Its such a small thing that they didnt even need to do, but it was such an integral part of the original game for me, that i just was convinced that nothing like this was going to happen. But then it happened. Its just small stuff like that that could have been overlooked but it wasn’t because this game? Persona 5 strikers? Fucking loves ryuji. 
The actual respect they gave this boy is insane and i wasn't ready for it. Like, they gave the shujin trio lunch, they gave the little charm of the katana when they were in natsume’s jail, and, in my opinion this is the second-best thing that they could have given ryuji is sophia. Ryuji and sophia are the pinnacle of a brother & sister bonding relationship in the game that isn’t akira & futaba. And its really prevalent too?? Small stuff from the beginning of the game (pulling her out of a jail, calling her shorty), but then you have the iconic “shut the fuck up” scene, and that scene was so well characterized and written and voice acted, that somehow him saying “fuck” was the least exciting part of that scene to me. Ryuji is an older brother to her, like its undoubtable, and its only further cemented at the end of the game where Ryuji helps out ichinose because he knows how much sophia cares about her. This game. Love ryuji. And i love. This game. 
You know what else i love? Akiryu. 
Guys. i was fully prepared to starve in terms of akiryu. But theres just. So much of it. I wont get too deep into it, because i think this aspect of the game for me still needs marinate a little bit. Like, what was that last shot when EMMA died and Ryuji walked to approach Akira so they could relish in their victory together?? And the smile from both of them??? What the fuck. That was amazing. Also Joker being saved by Ryuji when he was about to fall from the cliff to save sophia??? WHAT. The LEADER AND HIS RIGHT HAND MAN? WHAT. anyway. If theres anything i want to keep for myself in my own brain, its the akiryu aspect of this game, so i wont talk too much about that part of things (instead, itll probably manifest in fic lmfaooo). 
Sure, there’s tidbits of stuff i dont like that they gave ryuji: sexualizing ann in that one cut scene and making him touch the jails even though it hurts, and i recognize those and frown at them, but for the most part, i am blown away with how they treated him.
Basically, Ryuji has never been better. From the opening of the game with him being the first text message and the one to sling his arm around akira, to the very last cut scene where it was ryuji wordlessly leaving because he’s so confident that they would never be separated for long, this game adores Ryuji and i am so so happy to say that.
The Royal aspect of things
Yeah, i had to talk about this, but itll be a short thing i just wanted to point out. Because the last part of this game...is persona 5 royal. Which is curious. Like taking reality and giving that power to someone else so you dont have to experience suffering anymore? And even like, the final section just looked a lot like the top half of maruki’s palace?? And whats even crazier is that we had a boss fight with sophia, just like how we had a boss fight with sumire? Royal and Strikers have like, the same thesis statement. It’s kind of uncanny.It’s interesting, it’s like atlus came up with these two ideas, and then just decided they liked both of them so much that they just did it twice. I don’t mind though—actually, in terms of how the last Palace/Jails go, i probably like them both about equally. 
Though i did love the final battle in this one more than i did in royal. Splitting into teams?? Thats cool as fuck, and really innovative and i didnt see it coming. It also kicked my ass. A lot. 
Now for the last stretch: the small stuff!
The music — bomb as fuck. In my heart, Daredevil is ranked the same as Rivers. Axe to grind is also amazing, but Daredevil owns me
Akechi — i really debated whether or not to talk about him, but i figured a bullet point should be enough. Im really shocked that he wasnt in this at all. Like not even a name drop. If this is an OVA, and the point of the game is to please the fans, and akechi is arguably the fan favorite character, i was really ready for something. But there was nothing, except for the pancake hallway if that even counts as a reference. Thats it. Thats all i wanted to say about him.
The humour — FUCKING HILARIOUS im convinced that in my fifty hour playtime, five of that is dedicated to me laughing and unable to continue the game 
Akira — so much personality! His lines of dialogue are crazy sometimes (like. Whats up with him saying Ryuji has ‘nice abs’ when they were in bath? Im crazy and even i dont know what the fuck that could mean) 
Battle system — oh my god i almost forgot to talk about this. I love it! I kind of miss the turn based aspect just because i found it very comforting for some reason, but this hack and slash style of gameplay is so invigorating because i do feel like it justifies shit like the baton pass and huge attacks.  This battle system fully encompases how the Phantom Thieves are supposed to fight, you know what i mean?
Anyway, thats my thoughts on strikers. Loved it. Amazing. 9.3/10, wouldve been higher but Konoe’s Jail almost bored me to death. Also im a monster and i didnt do any requests that isn’t a fun one, teehee. As if i play persona 5 for the persona aspect of things.
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the-kipsabian · 5 years
Please do this at your convenience but like. Can you put me together a playlist of what you consider to be Danny's best vocals? Or his best work in general? Nsp, starbomb, skyhill? I just want a good starting place
dude, honestly tho? i would be absolutely honored to do this
k so aaaAAAA lets start with. skyhill i guess since thats the first one on the line? (technically i think northern hues is the first band he was in that published stuff but i havent listened to it myself so i dont knoooow anything about it other than what i just read from a comment on a youtube video and that is that it definitely sounds like the kind of music dan would have made in his stoner days which probably was true lol)
skyhill has a lot of really good chill songs tho? i personally really love ‘the city as you walk’ and ‘black & white’ the most i think - both are like lyrically really nice to listen to and the chorus especially in black & white is just hnggg. its so good tbh. but really any skyhill songs are good! they arents. as advanced vocally as his later stuff obviously, since this band is like. 12 years old at this point at least but its nice chill stuff with honestly really nice but simple lyrics if you want some good stuff to listen to as a break from all the dick jokes and whatnots that nsp and starbomb have to offer tho!
starbomb is honestly a bit more difficult tho cause its like. much more arin-heavy with the raps and such? but! lets not have that fool us cause there are still plenty of quality songs with pretty vocals by dan tho! ..also hahaa i think its needless to say but hey heres a heavy nsfw warning for these songs
‘mega marital problems’ is a personal favorite, mostly cause dan does like. three different voices in this one? and its hilarious. also if you listen in the chorus parts, you can hear the layered singing he does and its honestly just so good mmmm
‘crasher-vania’ i feel like im gonna betray myself if i dont put this on the list for multiple reasons. 1. its EASILY the most popular song on the album. 2. its freaking fantastic, with the story and the lyrics. 3. the chorus, again? (as dan most often did the chorus work on the first album!) it sounds beautiful and especially in the second chorus, you can hear him emoting it out with the lyrics. 4. the background music. if you stop to listen to it, its honestly so good? like, its very simple, yes, but it works and it just sounds awesome. always brings a smile on my face to listen to those tasty keyboard jams ~
im gonna add ‘regretroid’ here too, as its a personal favorite too. but also his voice. goes so high? and it sounds nice?? also this song is just banging with a female feature vocalist! which is real nice!!
as for the second starbomb album! im separating it a little cause woo the boys honestly improve a lot between the albums (which is crazy cause theres only like. a year? year and a half at max? between these two albums so i cant even think how good the third one is gonna sound with five years between albums and how good current nsp sounds lol)
‘smash!’ i gotta mention cause its like. the single song from the album i feel like? also cause mark is in it! and they all sound rad and yeah it doesnt have exactly too much singing but what it has sounds. so freaking good tho mmmmm i lov
‘glass joe’s title fight’ is a must on this tho cause like. this is the one starbomb song thats so much more sing than rap heavy and hngggg its so good
‘god of no more’ okay but. dans vocals in this are gorgeous. and its a super fun song too. so its a win-win
and as a personal favorite, im just gonna throw ‘robots in need of disguise’ here cause i love this song. no other reason really lol
and thennnnn we arrive to the glory that is ninja sex party! i could be a little shit and just say to listen to all lol, but im gonna try to pick things here and there among my favorites! trying to also go by album order with these ~ also nsfw warning for this but idk what you expect with a band called ninja sex party tho
‘nsp theme song’ i mean. come on. you gotta start somewhere so lets go with this lol. and its hilarious (and kinda cute but maybe thats just me lol) and the lyrics are just. well what you’d expect with the name of the song. its very simple vocal-wise, but other than that, grade a stuff tho
‘dinosaur laser fight’ is just a classic, so here you go. its wonderful and weird and animated by arin so aaaaaa!
..also i wanna add ‘objects of desire’ here cause this song is like. lyrical genius tbh. its fucking weird but its also like a ballad so theres some nice vocal stuff here too so yay. thingssssss
‘unicorn wizard’ i honestly wouldnt be true to myself if i didnt add my FIRST nsp song to this list, the one that got me listening to these fools cause mmm. this song is ridiculous and but also lyrics? are so good?? idk how that combo works out but it does and its beautiful. also dannys vocals in the chorus are mmmmm. so solid
‘fyi i wanna f your a’ im not even ashamed to say this is one of my faves tbh. its just. the glorious kind of weird and this is like one of my favorite examples of how well these nerds write lyrics tho? also such a hard song to learn the lyrics tho, but its so worth it, trust me lol. aLSO DAN HARMONIES IN THE SECOND PART GIVE ME SO MUCH LIFE HOLY SHIT
‘let’s get this terrible party started’ gets a special mention cause of the badass jams tbh. also the lyric ‘its a ninja sex party party’ gets me every fucking time. even after five years of listening to this song lol
oooof attitude city is so hard to pick just few songs from tho aaaa. but, as ive done about three from every album so far, lets try that with this one too. tho honestly just. listen to the entirety of attitude city its so good mmm. but. lets start with what i personally feel is the most underrated song on the album, ‘peppermint creams’. i dont think i need to say more than holy shit the emotions tho? especially in the chorus cause mmm. my heart
‘attitude city’ gets here too tho cause like. im personally very nostalgic for this song as it was the first real hype i had for the album so yeah. also its honestly just a really good song. also the video. includes dancing. and we all should know how i feel about dan dancing so mmmMMM im biased as shit i admit it
‘cookies!’ i wanna put this here cause it shows the how stupidly versatile these nerds are with their songs, cause this is badass and silly cute at the same time and hngg. also visually? demon!dan is way too much of a guilty pleasure. judge me all you want i donT CARE
..also i just gotta mention ‘samurai abstinence patrol’ cause of the vocal work. and just cause this song was in progress for four years before this final form and its beautiful honestly. also ‘danny french kissed a girl like he was the king of versailles’ will never get old to me gosh
I SWEAR IM DONE WITH ATTITUDE CITY AFTER THIS but also ‘6969′ is a must to mention. its an eight and half minute song but its just. amazing at everything. beautiful jams and awesome vocals. its gorgeous tbh, a masterpiece
‘cool patrol’. first of all cause apparently i “traumatized” one of my friends by making him watch the video to this and yeah. this is vocally one of my absolute favorites from them tho, dan sounds amazing in both styles, and its just. so positive and cute and aaaaa. its just such an uplifting song i love it
‘danny don’t you know’ cause this one made my cry the first few times i listened to it and its just. so relatable. also fucking beautiful vocals tho and yes the lyrics are personal which makes it even more emotional song. hnggg i love this so much tho cause it just. goes from kind of a ballad to a more of a rock song and its amazing. development similar to the story its telling
‘first date’ i mean. i gotta put my current fave song of theirs here, right? RIGHT? personally i love this cause its just a positive song, in a way i guess, but it stays true to the original nsp style and the lyrics are just perfect for their song about dating tbh. especially with how it just keeps getting gradually weirder and weirder. its just perfection hnggg i love this song. so much. god its so good (honestly tho if you give me a lyric like ‘i’ll take you back to your place and we’ll craft the perfect alibi’ idk how you expect me, a thriller writer, not to absolutely love this song to hell and back)
‘courtship of the mermaid’ idk how you expect me to make a list without this. the emotions in the vocals of this song are beautiful and its, again, hilariously absurd. as a mermaid princess i highly approve of this song
‘mansion party’ its so sad there will probably never be a video of this song cause they want to film it in an actual mansion and so far they havent mentioned that they got a chance to do that so mmmm. cause this song is so fucking banging it deserves a video honestly. the chorus is like. one of the few things in this world that makes me wanna dance. and also theres so many genius lyrics in this that its just pure gold all the way through tbh (also how do you smoke champagne? asking for a friend)
one more i swear, but the whole cool patrol album is so good hngg. but! ‘smooth talkin’’! in all of its absurdity is a must to listen to. its just what the title says, about how smooth danny is with talking to ladies. im not gonna explain more just. it goes as well as you’d expect at this point
..this is already super long but hey did you know we are still missing the two cover albums tho??
‘everybody wants to rule the world’ this one makes me wanna cry every single time. its so nice and emotional and just. a+ vocals. its just beautiful
‘subdivisions’ idk what it is really with this song but these lyrics just fit together with dan’s voice so well its just. hnggg so gorgeous? i mean it might be cause its a rush song but also yeah. its so good
‘africa’ i mean i already told you, but his vocals are so nice in this and they fit into the style of the song so well. plus africa is a beautiful song to begin with so its a win-win really
‘pour some sugar on me’ cause oh boy my pal isnt this song just banging mmmmmmMMMMM
and for the finale! ‘heat of the moment’! like. everything about this song is just really good okay? the vocals and especially the music itself is like mmm i love it?? also the cowbell. idk what it is with that in this song, but it just. it sounds so good with dan’s vocals and aaaaa
..have i rambled enough? is this a good list?? literally just mmm anything from any of these bands is a good listen, these are just mostly my personal faves or what i feel like would be the best representations of what they are about!
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serendibidibidis · 6 years
11 questions
the favorite @smittenbyschmidt I still feel awe struck any time you notice me because wow 
so basically you answer 11 questions then write 11 new questions 
How would you describe your personal aesthetic?: My personal aesthetic, is quite far from an aesthetic actually. It's rather messy and miss matched, kind of useless information, whilst having bursts of a certain interest that over time will fade...
You’re writing an autobiography about your life. What would the book be titled?: "The book isn't always better than the movie" (I'm gonna tell you why even though nobody asked: you know how some books are entirely different than the movie? Well metaphorically that's how my life is as well. Most people are allowed to watch my movie but will never get the chance to read my book whilst they're are a few who read the book before seeing the movie. (The book is like a negative past and vulnerability while the movie is very little problems nothing is wrong kinda deal.) One being better than the other doesnt imply that its greater than but simply happier or easier on the heart.
You have the chance to switch places with any television or movie character. Who do you chose?: This is probably really odd but like an interviewer.. like someone who talks to criminals, victims, and celebrities too.. it doesn't really make sense, but (for celebs) I have questions that aren’t the typical ones, and (for criminals) I also want the experience of it.. not many people can say they've talked to a convicted killer. as for victims I want to interview them because I think it would be very empowering.. I want to listen to them and treat them properly. but I also think I would gain a healing aspect from it. so I think it would be cool to be an interviewer/reporter type person...
If you had the chance to spend the day with your ultimate bias, what would you do with them?: First who the fuck is my ult because that will help with what we'll do but I'd probably cry.
If you could become fluent in any language right now, what language would you choose?: Japanese so it is easier to talk with one of my friends, otherwise, I really wish I knew Pakistan's languages.
I read this question and thought it was awesome, so i’m kinda copying it.Describe what your favorite color is without saying the actual name of the color.: I don't have a favorite color but I do have a color in mind so guess and see if I did a good job.. it's usually a bright color. It is most commonly associated with happiness, it doesn't really have a set season due to the fact if you use a darker/lighter shade it goes with basically anything.. although I guess it might not really be a winter color. it's a primary color (does that give it away?)
Go to your music, and hit shuffle. What are the first 3 songs that come up?:  'Kiss the boy' Keiynan Lonsdale (He recently came out & this song is so beautiful with talking about how your love isn’t wrong & deserves to be open please listen to it or read the lyrics because it's so beautiful) 'Capture' Gray & Rhythm Power (it's from a show on Kbs and I love it, you should all watch it the show is full of memes) 'Open arms' Pretty Much (this is such a pretty harmony they have I love it)
You have to eat the same three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) every day for a month (snacks can differ day to day, but the meals must be the same). What three meals do you choose?: Okay so I usually only eat two meals a day so I'll say ramen (if I don't specify then I can change the flavor) & fried rice from panda Express lol (if I ate a 3rd one I'd say eggs because eggs are in everything so... I'm sorry for out smarting your question)
Did you drink a sufficient amount of water today??: This is soft, I drank an unreasonable amount because the thirst is real ™️ (^^ I wrote that last night but its 7am right now and I haven't been up for a full hour yet but I'm on my 3rd glass so... does that contribute to how much I drink?)
Do you believe in aliens?: (Was gonna make a joke about anyone who immigrated should be believed in but) I'm sure they're out there, however I don't see they hype with aliens.. SEND ME ANON HATE IDC YES I THINK ALIENS ARE OVERRATED 
What’s your favorite book?: Book book is “I Hunt Killers” poetry book is “the princess saves herself in this one” 
now here are my 11 shitty questions 
1. What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?:
2. Tell me about your day:
3. What is something about yourself you wish others appreciated about you more?:
4.  What languages can you speak?:
5. Some of your favorite emojis even if they're not commonly used:
6. a misconception you had about kpop: (for example I used to think that got7′s JinYoung was an asshole cause of all the fancams where he rejected fans love but in reality he's the softest bean)
7.  Any song recommendations?:
8. Brag about yourself: (I'm deadass gonna grade you like a teacher so the more the better)
9. Do you have any “useless” knowledge?: (pls share an “useless” fact)
10. The ocean or space, and why?: 
11. How are you?: (in depth response required “I'm fine” is not allowed)
I’m Tagging, @mybrainsamess , @ssamdominic , @soul-less23 , @aomgworldwide , @fishiepower , And I'm giving @smittenbyschmidt an honorary tag, you don't have to make another 11 questions but I am curious about your answers 🤔☺️💘
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cielospeaks · 4 years
v happy to put out this guda5 event review!
Story- 9/10. only putting as 9/10 bc technically i dont like that they use only avenger and not archer nobu (like. she exists. tho tbh its mostly my gripes w avenger nobu as a whole character on a lot of levels) however it doesnt detract that much from the story. the story was really fantastic! it was bizarre, but also knew when to take things seriously, and i think it fleshed everyone out a lot which was nice (i do like katsu in funnier roles as well, but for a story abt familial ties and katsu kinda... growing to stand up for himself without his big sister a more serious tone was much better). the antagonists got nice arcs and are def in the same category as other guda npcs that “gosh i wish you were playable”. the memes abt serizawa’s strategy to attack on a weekday and stuff were funny also. anyways pretty top tier! def my favorite story of gudaguda events so far. i loved the relationship between katsu and himichans brother (and the ending between them made me even more hyped abt katsu servant, tho i wish he and himichan had lines together), and izous role especially in the event! he really shone and he deserved it so much, im so proud of him!
Free servant- n/a (counting katsu as gacha). no free servant, but unlike something like saber wars 2 it wasnt fucking bullshit. see gacha area
Gacha servant- 11/10. it gets this high a rating bc the whole gacha was excellent. the ces were nice, the characters were amazing! and it used the fp gacha awesomely also, by means of katsu! limited 1 star is rough, but w farming friend points in the event and 1 stars being easy enough to summon id say its easier than mori or izou, who are limited 3 stars. and as far as the quartz gacha i was so happy to see himiko added! at first i was scared bc i was watching the announcement w no sound but had a bad feeling the 5 star would be himi (and that id be sad not to roll her) but then she came home like... after 60 quartz! bless her heart. and hajime mightve eaten more but he came home easily enough too! thank you both so much ;w;
Event gameplay- 7/10. like summer the gameplay was fine enough, i like the easier clear events (tho it is satisfying to clear a “tough” boss with a good strategy, like rulerteam, for hard level events). himiko absolutely slays at everything! the bosses weren’t too hard but were satisfying. raids arent my favorite thing but i prefer them to like... the cf event last year. the farming was sweet, i kept thinking of the “its a farm” line and the first summer event, it was a nice nostalgic throwback. also katsu and himichans lines for picking up the farming stuff are nice.
Other- 8/10. ok first thing first, the okita costume was like. A+++++ tier. i know its only a small appearance change but she looks so good! not that her usual outfits arent good, its just like! idk maybe just the novelty but its a good look for her! and the animation up + hiji strengthening was a nice gift too! (i know that was before but still). again, npcs were wonderful and i was happy to see them, and bless them implementing katsu as playable, it gives me hope ;w; kinda sad that besides shibata in flashbacks the other npcs were absent (and heck, mori barely got any screentime either ;n; ) my theory is that odd number gudagudas are focused on okita/bakumatsu/shinsengumi and even numbers are focused on nobu/sengoku. we’ll see next year if thats correct, and if so it could mean our old buddies akechi/shibata/maxwell might get another crack at being servants (maybe even our two new friends from this one as well, but idk). it would be funny if we got a weird jttw crossover w wukong and guest appearance from xuanzang, but that might just be too out there lol.
oh and i forgot to mention abt myroom! it was nice! honestly the event (and maybe partly the sheer novelty that i barely know anything abt yamatai era) revived that feeling i had initially abt “im so excited to set off on a history adventure!” w go and other such games/series. i think this song sums it up. the music was also very nice!
Overall- 9/10.
as far as gudaguda events this one is by far the best imo. katsu becoming playable, and both the story and characters being solid. no free 4 star is a bit sad, but im much more glad katsu is a 1 star (he gets sweet outfits!). sure his np would prolly be different if he was a 4 star but it fits his character as it is (tho im never using it unless i can give him guts ;w; ). himiko, one of my most desired servants, also is added and thats awesome! hajime chan is very cute also and im super happy to see him in the game. ofc being a gudaguda event it introduces new characters and promptly confines them to npc heck, but.... katsu exists so... there’s hope? i esp feel for shibata and serizawa, they deserve to be playable so bad.
for reference, id say the shishou event was a solid 6/10. decent gameplay, not quite as fun to see the lineups as the previous years (i liked how in the loud king events they were introduced like... wrestling teams or something) but the gameplay was largely the same and i loved the misty scotland castle setting (if it wasnt obvious by my happy abundant macbeth references). shishous bunny suit is cute but i dont have her, nor any plans (i like summer shishou just fine), and as a character i like her better than the loud kings, but it just felt... more fitting? i guess? with the event structure. but either way, not a bad event by a long way. the loud king fest events arent my favorite as a whole, so thats mostly why its not higher.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
fuuuck yoooou kohaku aanbaaaaa~
and the impure king
also papa chuuya is best chuuya
Stein: *sips* valentine: *writing down notes* Stein: "Okay..." *draws a line on the chalkboard* "That's it." valentine: hmm? *The chalkboard has a few symbols: a flame, a foot, a soul...* valentine: what's that? Stein: "Biology. An understand of so many abilities..." valentine: ah. Stein: "...Just about there...and then...then... valentine: hmm Stein: "...Something is missing. There is this connection between these abilities..." valentine: how so? Stein: *taps the chalk between the soul and the fire* "Weapons and fire users seem to draw upon similar energies in similar ways..." valentine: ah. like elemental alignment? Stein: "Yes..." *opens an exorcist book* "...There has to be a connection..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Hmm...What'd you get for #4?" ochako: great wall of china. Chuuya: "Yes. But I can't get the year on it..." ochako: what about you, iida? Iida: "7th Century BCE." ochako: ah. mikami: i-i guess that makes sense? ryuuko: hmm... Iida: "And who was blocked by the Great Wall?" sayu: the hunny nut cheerios! Chuuya: ._.; sayu:...sorry~ i forgot breakfast this morning. ^^; Chuuya: "Order something?" mikami: i-it's ok sayu. you can have part of our bento. sayu: awesome! thanks mikamika! mikami: ^^ *her smile is soft, almost like rain's had been...* Chuuya: Q\\Q *covers his face with his book* ryuuko: *staaaaare* Iida: "...Close reader." ryuuko:...*holding mikami close* mikami: eh? r-ryuuko? .///.; Chuuya: *sweating, still staring at the book covering his face* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Commander still under the weather?" fang-hua: a bit. Tsukiyo: "D'aw, that's too bad...Doc saw him?" fang-hua: *nods* Tsukiyo: "Hope he recovers soon--Konro seems stressed." -elsewhere- rowena: well, that should be everything. Poe: "..." rowena: hmm? is something on your mind? Poe: "I-I don't know..." ???: well, look what we have here? freak one and freak two out an about~ rowena: ??? *turns* kohaku: heh. Poe: O~O kohaku: out in the middle of the day? im kind of shocked. rowena: you're that aanba girl i've heard about, arent you? kohaku: holy shit she got it. someone give this bitch a fuckin medal. Poe: "..." *stare* kohaku: nyeh? the fuck are _you_ staring at? trying to think up some riddle to stump me? yeah, from what i hear, you try to do that to that detective, but it never works~! rowena: ?! Poe: *opens a book...* kohaku: and what about that clerk? do you really think she gives a single ounce of a shit about you? you're just a pathetic loser who only has a raccoon for a friend! how about you do us a favor and just drop dead? Poe: "I-I could suck you into a world of your worst nightmares!" kohaku: oh? and what will that do? nothing. because you're still going to be a piece of shit who cant even beat one of the greatest minds he's ever encountered! Poe: "I-I-I can suck you in!" kohaku: i can see you trembling, and you're stuttering. you cant do a single thing to me. you're nothing. nothing but a waste. rowena: ....*gripping fist* Poe: "I-I-I am-" kohaku: you're a freak! a freak of nature who couldnt even win the attention of his childhood sweetheart. you're going to die alone and unloved like the filth you are. rowena: stop it... Poe: … *trembling* *drops his book* kohaku: look at you. a pathetic mess. do us all a favor and die <3 Poe: *falls to his knees* kohaku: heh~ rowena: *slams kohaku against the wall, strangling her* kohaku: grk- rowena: insult me all you like....*glare* but dont you _ever_ insult my brother... Poe: QWQ -after that- rowena: are you ok brother? Poe: *sniff* "I-I hurt..." rowena: .....lets get you home... Poe: *sniff* *holds her hand...* rowena: .... lana: ?? edgar, rowena, hey! rowena: !!...good evening. Poe: "Eep!" *hides under his cloak* lana:....?? edgar? are you ok? Poe: *shakes* lana: ??... rowena: .....some rude person said some rather cruel things.... Poe: "I-I-I-I'm worthless..." lana: ...edgar.....*holds his hand*.... -after dropping them off at his house, rowena went back to the dorm- lana: .....*holding his hand and patting his back* Poe: *whimper whimper* "So pathetic..." lana: you arent pathetic edgar. you're sweet, smart. Poe: "I-I-I couldn't even attack her..." *holds up his book* "I was going to pull her into this tome of ceaseless torment* lana: .... Poe: "Th-The old me would have trapped her in a book and let her die in it..." lana: *stroking his back* -you're no better than when you were young- Poe: "I-I-I should be alone...That's all I deserve." lana: ....you got it all wrong! just because some asshole told you that doesnt mean it's true. they dont know a single thing about you. who you are and what you want in life... to be fair, i dont entirely know either, but i want to. Poe: "...I thought I wanted t-to make the best d-d-detective story ever..." lana: you will someday. Poe: "I-I can't even make one that Ranpo can't solve..." lana: well, he did say it was fun, from what i recall. Poe: "...Is that really enough?" lana: i believe in you, edgar. *smiles and hugs him* Poe: o\\\\o "..." *pat pat* lana: .....was there anything else bothering you? Poe: "...I don't know...So much..." lana: im here if you want to talk. Poe: "...Have I gotten worse?" lana: ?? Poe: "I-I feel ill, I sweat more, I write more poetically..." lana: ?? edgar.... Poe: "...Since I met you, I...I..." lana: ??.... ./////. Poe: "...I have felt weird..." lana: .... *brushing his bangs away from his eyes* Poe: *stares at her* "...L-Lana?" lana: ...your eyes are... ./////////. Poe: "..." .\\\. "Y-Yes...They have been this way all my life..." lana: ..... beautiful. *blushing* Poe: "???" lana: *smiles* *kiss* i love you. Poe: o\\\\\\\\o "...I love you, too." (*screaming internally* "I JUST SAID WHAT I WAS FEELING WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!") lana: *blushing* >////////< Poe: "...Am I still alive?" lana: hehe, yes edgar, you're alive. Poe: "..." *smiles* "I am glad." lana: *smiles and hugs him* Poe: *hug, soft sigh* =w= lana: this is nice... Poe: *nods* "You hug well." lana: ^///^ Poe: "..." *closes his eyes, letting out small pleased murmur* lana: *nuzzle* u////u Poe: *lies back, letting her head rest on his shoulder* =\\\\= -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sips coffee* iris: late night? Akitaru: "Yeah...kinda nervous about this mission..." iris: hard not to be. Akitaru: "You got the supplies ready?" iris: *nods* Akitaru: "Awesome...Well, get some sleep. I have to finish these papers." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *inhales deeply* akaderu: doing better? Kepuri: *nod nod* "I'm fully over this stupid cold." *sips orange juice--then grimaces* >___< -morning- Kid: *sits up in bed, stretches* stocking: zzzzzz..... Kid: *smiles...grabs his robe...* stocking: *shivering* Kid: *tucks her in...* stocking: =u= Kid: *goes to the kitchen, turns on the stove* stocking: *yaaaawn* Kid: *enters with a tray* stocking: aww~ *The tray has a heart-shaped pancake* stocking: cute~ Kid: "Suits you~" -elsewhere- Poe: "Zzzz..." lana: *yawns and smiles* Poe: *small grumble noise* lana:... ^///^ (thinking: cute) *small forehead kiss* Poe: "Hu-wha?" *opens one eye* o///- lana: morning, edgar. Poe: "...Dream wraith?" lana: *small giggle* nope. just me. Poe: "...Oh. That's...pleasantly surprising." lana: sleep well? Poe: "Yes. My dreams were quite satisfactory. And you?" lana: yeah. same here. .///. Poe: .////. "...So..." lana: ....did you want breakfast yet? Poe: "..." *stomach growls* .////. -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Rise and shine!" shinra: *yaaaawn* Arthur: =-= "Kill all...*yawn* dragons." Victor: owo *shaking violently* tamaki: zzzzzz...... Relan: *nudges Tamaki* tamaki: n-nyeh?! whodat? Relan: "Commander said to wake up--" tamaki: im up im up! Takehisa: *cooking breakfast* Vulcan: *thumbing through phone* maki: mornin'! karin: mornin’! Vulcan: "Hey, Doc, Maki." yu: *yawn* nozomi: good morning. Victor: "MOAR COFFEE." -elsewhere- Meme: *singing to herself* "La la la..." mio: zzzz Meme: "???" *leans down* mio: *mumbling incoherently* Meme: *smooch* mio: O///////////O MIIIIIIIIII! M-m-m-mEME! Meme: "Good morning!" mio: ./////. m-morning... Meme: "Ready to start today?" mio: yeah. *streeeeetch* -elsewhere- mito: *licking chuuya's face* Chuuya: *small grumble* "Huh? ..." *pets Mito* mito: mew~ Chuuya: *yawn* "Some night..." *gets out of bed* mito: ^^ Chuuya: *drags himself to the kitchen, looking back to see whether Mito is following* mito: *yep, she's following him* Chuuya: *sets down plate with food, refills Mito's water* mito: ^^ Chuuya: *pets Mito before pulling out a bowl and pouring in cereal* *checks his phone* -one text from kouyou, one from naoya, and one from an unlisted number- Chuuya: *goes to Kouyou's first* kouyou: [did you sleep well?] Chuuya: [woke up exhausted but got studying done] kouyou: [that's good] Chuuya: [thanks] *looks at Naoya's texts* naoya: [not comin in today. feel like shit -_- bleugh] Chuuya: [sick?] naoya: [ya] Chuuya: [feel better. want anything while i'm out?] naoya: [nah. hirotsu's got it covered] Chuuya: [cool. feel better] *looks at text from unknown number* ochako: [hey ozaki! U hyped for the sports festival? \(^o^)/ ] Chuuya: "???" [hadn't thought of it] ochako: [it's gonna be epic! i can feel it!] Chuuya: [okay?] -elsewhere- Mori: *tossing half-asleep* miura: good morning, sir. Mori: *wakes up with a start* "DON'T PUT THE BOW ON ME!" miura: i had no intention of that, sir. Mori: .____. "...Thank goodness--it was just a dream..." miura: likewise. anyway, i have your schedule for today printed out. Mori: "What's on it?" *gets out of bed, shaking a bit* miura: the usual, executive meeting later at 4...sir? Mori: "What? What is it?" miura: you seem uneasy... Mori: "Just a...bizarre dream." miura: hmm. Mori: ("Why did I look like...that?") -elsewhere- Shotaro: *eating cereal* nea: *yaaaaawn* Yohei: "Long night?" -elsewhere- todo: mamushi. get up. it's time. Mamushi: *groans* "Wh-What?" todo: it is time for us to begin. i trust you know the way. Mamushi: "..." *points into the forest* "That way..." todo: *nods and follows* Mamushi: "..." *stares at the trees* "I used to play here." todo: *saying nothing* -up ahead is a deralict building- todo: is this goma hall? Mamushi: "...It's seen better days." *rubs her eye* todo: then we must hurry. we've been wasting enough time as is. Mamushi: "R-Right..." *pushes away a large plank of debris from the entryway* todo: *entering* Mamushi: *looking around* "It's...all demolished?" todo: *peeeeek* hmm? Mamushi: *spots a light underneath debris* "...Wait..." *moves aside some debris with a grunt* "...A flame?" todo: how peculiar...im sure there is a secret entryway somewhere.... ah! there we go. Mamushi: "I do not understand. Why is there a cellar down--*cough cough*" todo: are you alright, miss hojo? Mamushi: "It-It's nothing I can't handle." todo: perhaps let me hold onto the right eye? Mamushi: "What?! But, teacher...you said it was dangerous to have both in your body." todo: it's alright. we're just about there. right now, im more concerned with your well-being... Mamushi: "..." *reaches a hand to her eye* todo: there we go...*small smile* -after busting down the door- -inside the room, a strange thing is suspended by chains and ofuda- Mamushi: *stares in confusion* todo: so this is the 'impure king'.....in 1858, the monk known as 'fukaku' made a deal with karura, a spirit that possessed the kurikura blade. but even with that, he was unable to fully defeat the impure king, so he subdued him by removing both the 'eyes' and sealing them away... *smirks* so this is what the myoda has been hiding for all these years...i wonder....if we return the eyes....will that revive the impure king? Mamushi: "Wh-What? But that--that idea is monstrous..." todo: then again....i am a monstrous man. Mamushi: "...What the hell are you?" -FWOOOOOM- tatsuma: ... todo: well, i was wondering when you would show up… Mamushi: "High priest!" tatsuma: not to worry mamushi, we'll finish this and get you home safe and sound, ok? Mamushi: *stares in shock* tatsuma: i will make sure this ends with me, and i wont let it plague another generation. -a bird like entity appears besides him- todo: the vermillion phoenix karura....what a splendid familiar... Mamushi: "High Priest...?" tatsuma: now, put the eyes down...and begone! -several fireballs shoot at todo- todo: *rushing at him* -FWOOOOOOM- tatsuma:..... !!!!! todo: heh... *removing the left eye* wakey wakey~ tatsuma: NO DON'T- -too late- Mamushi: *shudders* tatsuma: hold on mamushi, we need to go warn the others! Mamushi: " 'Hold on'?" -BOOOOOOOOOM- juzo: ?!?!?! w-what the? tatsuma: right on time, get mamushi back to the inn. juzo: w-wha? -a cancerous blob bursts out of the shrine- juzo: ???!!!! w-what is.... tatsuma: the impure king. -back at the inn- madoka: *walking through the halls, but hears two members of true cross* ???: they're seriously gonna kill the kid? madoka: ?? *listening in* ???: "He released his power. What else can be done?" ???: not sure what to tell fujimoto... ???: "...Wait until the task is completed." madoka:.... *her heart sinks and she sneaks to rin's room* rin...rin get up! Rin: *sleep talking* "I can't eat another bite..." madoka: *shaking him* rin get up! we need to go, now! Rin: *eyes snap open* "...Madoka? Why aren't I at dinner?" madoka: come on, we need to go, it isnt safe here. *getting her jacket on* Rin: "..." *grabs his sword* "Explain on the way." madoka:.... -elsewhere- uwabami hojo:..... !!!!! is...is that-? kinzo: HOLY FUCK IT'S THE BLOB! Bon: "...Oh no..." izumo: i-is that.... shura: motherfucker! uwabami hojo: everyone! front and center now! Shima: Q~Q konekomaru: what do you think is going on? shiemi: *going to check on rin and madoka* rin? madoka? are you in he-.... !!!!! Shima: "...They doing the nasty?" izumo: SHIEMI DONT LOO-....where the fuck are they? -they flew the coop- shura:.....fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Bon: "...Damn it. What the hell did he do now?" shura: of all the times to go awol! *grumbles* did he find out about the execution notice? shiemi: EXE-WHAT!?! Shima: "Oh, man! If they weren't going to kill him before, they're going to now--" -shura's phone rings- shura: WHAT. IS IT? Mephisto: "Guess who it iiiiiiis~." shura: -_________- what the hell do you want? Mephisto: "I have a fun little document. Guess whose name is on it." shura: ....is this about rin? Mephisto: "Bingo! Give the lady a prize!" felisia: *clapping* shura: can you get to the point? we got kind of a situation here called THE IMPURE KING IS WAKING UP! D8< Mephisto: "Short version: Rin's gonna die." shura: I GOT THAT PART! and, spoiler alert, he and kaname flew the coop. Mephisto: "Oh! Where are they registered?" shura: we're trying to find that out! shiemi: w-we can help look for them! Shima: "Rin's pretty fast, though..." shiemi: he and madoka can help us fight the impure king, then that will clear his name right? Mephisto: "How am I supposed to know--I'm not Head Pope." "...Okay, sure." shura:.....we're on speaker mode, arent we? felisia: yep. shura: -__________________-;;;;; Mephisto: "So, have Rin defeat the Impure King, or kill Rin. Take your pick." shura:....*siiiighs* alright then kids, you heard the man. go find rin and madoka, then kick some impure king ass. shiemi: oh thank you miss shu- shura: just keep this under wraps for now, ok? shiemi: *nods* konekomaru: but....where are they? Bon: *stares at Shura* shura: that's the problem... *notices something on her phone*...............mephisto......why....DIDNT YOU TELL ME....there was a GPS tracker?! Mephisto: "I put those things on so often I lost track." *holds up his map--and sees 40 different color spots on it* "...Huh. Why did I put a tracker on _that_ person?" shura: can i narrow it down? Mephisto: "The blue dot." shura: right. *hands her phone to bon* you guys find rin and madoka, i'll help subdue the impure king. Bon: "How are you going to do that?" shura: just leave it to the pros kiddos~<3 -in the woods someplace- madoka: .....*uneasy* Rin: "..." *hugging his legs, turned away from her, seated in the tree branches* madoka: ....rin?... Rin: "...How high are we?" madoka: im not sure.......rin.....am i....being selfish? Rin: "...How?" madoka: when i heard they were going to kill you....i was so scared....and i made you run away with me because i wanted to keep you safe.....i dont want you to get hurt, rin....*trembling* Rin: "..." *hug* "Love is selfish--because the person you see completes you." madoka:...*hugs him* i guess....t-that makes sense... Rin: "...Where are we going? We can't just..." madoka:....im not sure.... -creeeak- madoka: WOAH! -CRASH- Rin: "Ow..." madoka: ow....a-are you ok? *she landed on top of him* Rin: .///. *nod nod* madoka: t-thats good... *blush* konekomaru: ._.;;;; um..... izumo: there you are! madoka: O-O;; Rin: o\\\\o madoka: w-w-we-we werent doing anything lewd!! >////< izumo: um...i didnt say you were? madoka: *realizing...and grabs a branch* im not letting you hurt rin! *her hands are shaking* izumo: *facepalm* oh for the love of. we're here to _help_ him. Rin: " 'Help'?" *holds his scabbard* "Funny way to 'help' when I got a death warrant." izumo: listen knuckleheads. do you want to stay on the run forever, or do you want a chance to clear your name? Rin: "..." *puts down scabbard* "What're you thinking?" shiemi: *turns him around.....to face part of the impure king* that. madoka: ....how did we miss that? -shiemi and the others explain the situation- Rin: "...So, it's weak to fire?" izumo: *nods* madoka: you're able to control the flames better now, right rin? Rin: owo;;;; "Kinda?" izumo: good enough. let's go! Rin: "Well, I'll need something to get up there--" ???: *cough cough* madoka: ?? izumo: ??... !!! bon! isnt that your dad?! Bon: "!!!" *runs to him* "Dad? What happened?" tatsuma: s-son? is...that you?...guess...i didnt die... -a small bird appears- karura: i have healed your wounds, but you must take it easy, or else you will certainly die. Rin: "...Why is that bird talking? And on fire?" karura: i am known as karura. once upon a time i was servant of the myoda dharmani, but when the secret was exposed, that pact was anulled. i am now bound to tatsuma suguro by a personal agreement. Bon: "So Dad can stop the Impure King--" tatsuma: i cant....im already spent. but i can tell you how to beat the impure king. it will continue to grow until it is the size of a fortress. then a large spore sack will form in the center. Rin: "...Then we just got to burn this mushroom. Where's the weak spot?" tatsuma: inside of the sack. but should it rupture, it will release a deadly miasma. Rin: "Right, that thing!" *starts running* tatsuma:....15 years ago, i made a deal with karura to use the aeon wave flame. it converts one's lifespan into flames. i was planning to use it to defeat the pure king, but i was only able to hold it in place. Bon: " 'One's lifespan'..." *looks at his dad* tatsuma:...rin...i want you to use the kurikura to cleave the impure king's core like fukaku did many years prior...then i will use the remaining aeon wave to finish it off... Bon: "And what will happen to you?!" tatsuma: *smiles* the lives of hundreds are more important than the life of your good for nothing father. karura: oh? you are tatsuma's son? Bon: "...Yes, I am." karura: i am able to transfer the aeon wave to one of the high priests blood. tatsuma: NO! bon's still so young, you musnt get him involved!! i swore on my life this plague would end with me! Bon: *bites his finger, revealing blood* tatsuma: !! karura: so that's how it is then? Bon: "It is. Give it to me." karura: so be it... -a flame appears from the blood- Bon: "!!!" tatsuma:....*sigh* i never wanted you to bear this burden... Bon: *stares at the flames* "...Just have to stop this miasma before it's too late." tatsuma:...listen close son. im going to reach you a barrier sutra. listen well... izumo: .... konekomaru: .... Bon: "Barrier...How?" tatsuma: should the spore sack burst, this will prevent the miasma from escaping....so pay close attention... Bon: "Right..." *watches* -elsewhere- shura: *slicing* damn! they keep multiplying... uwabami hojo: how are things on your end, mr okumura? Yukio: *firing shots* "Trying to hold the line--with little luck!" ???: mr okumuuuuraaaa~ Yukio: *freezes* -a red light is seen in the distance- Yukio: "...!! A fire!" myoda: good! bring it over here! Yukio: "I-I don't think that's an ally coming..." Yukio: *runs towards it* -a young man with feathered ears is staring up at the sky- Yukio: "!!! Todo..." todo: *grins* lovely evening, isnt it, mr okumura? -elsewhere- tatsuma: do you get it now son? Bon: *nods* tatsuma:...you're finally becoming a man. Bon: -___-;;; "...Whatever. Let's go kill this thing." madoka: we're right behind you, bon. *smiles* Rin: *nod nod* "Let's get going!" -back with yukio- todo: come on out boy, i just want a friendly chat <3 *throws a fireball* Yukio: *dodges, fires a shot* todo: ah, there you are. you look tired. busy night i take it? Yukio: *firing more shots* todo: tsk tsk, so violent. *It's coming down onto Todo* todo: *dodge* phew. that could have gone badly. i just want to talk. so tell me, how is your brother these days? Yukio: "Nowhere near you." -elsewhere- madoka: it almost looks like a real fortress... Rin: "With a giant mushroom in the center." kuro: rin! there's a really stinky monster around! Rin: "?! Which direction?" kuro: *points to the impure king* Rin: "...Oh. Um...Well, spores kinda smell, and you got a strong sense of smell..." madoka: kuro, do you want to help us get up there? kuro: NYEH?! rin! you guys cant be serious! Rin: "Well, yeah! We need your size and great leaping ability to get us up there to squash that thing!" kuro: *sigh* alright then. *POOF* madoka: thanks kuro! ^^ Rin: "Yay!" -elsewhere- todo: *dodging bullets* my my, what got into you tonight? Yukio: *silent, firing more shots* todo: did i touch a nerve? how's your dad? Yukio: "Quiet!" *shoots at Todo's feet* todo: i heard he's in weak condition. who knows how long the old codger has left- Yukio: *leaps at Todo, firing* todo: *punch* oops. Yukio: *knocked back* "Ugh..." todo: you must be so stressed from your family holding you back. i understand that completely... -he grins- todo: you're a doctor, correct? Yukio: "Yes...and you'll need one..." todo: from what i heard, fujimoto was also a skilled doctor. as well as a skilled dragoon, but such is to be expected of a former paladin....he always gave your brother the better treatment....and what of you? you were trained to be a weapon. his replacement, so to speak. Yukio: "Quiet..." todo: you think to yourself 'this isnt fair'....admit it. you hate your brother, dont you? Yukio: "N-No! I don't--" -elsewhere- kuro: *running along the 'walls' of the impure king* madoka: woah! Rin: *hanging on* O_O -tendrils shoot at them, but madoka shoots at the tendrils with her arrows- Rin: *flames along his scabbard, as he tries to swing at them* kuro: rin! i see a bolder down there! Rin: "To land on, or toss at this thing?" kuro: to land on! Rin: "Okay! Then do it, buddy!" -nice landing- Rin: "Okay! Now, point me to it's soft spot!" madoka: bon, get ready. -a large round shape is in the center- Bon: "Okay...Just got to prepare the incantation..." madoka: we'll hold off the enemy. Rin: "Right!" *holds the scabbard on fire* madoka: *shooting arrows* Rin: *striking at flames* Bon: *inhales* -elsewhere- todo: already tired? Yukio: *panting, struggling to stay standing* todo: *smirks*.....?? oh? what's this now? Yukio: *aims again--but stumbles, firing just past Todo* -several magic circles begin to glow- todo: so you werent just aimlessly shooting....clever boy. Yukio: *smirks* "You will be contained now..." -several watery creatures appear, some female looking, some male looking, some resembling children- Yukio: "Naiads..." todo: *smirks* water beats fire....well im right in a pickle, arent i? Yukio: *gets on his knees, panting, exhausted* todo: heh. you cant even keep up...so much for in your prime....*lunges and pins him to the ground* how boring...perhaps i should kill you here and now... Yukio: "L-Let go!" -inside the impure king- madoka: rin! look out! *shooting arrows* Rin: *dodges, still trying to unsheathe his sword* "Damn it..." -elsewhere- shura: ..... !!!! oh shit- everyone! outside the barrier! now! Monk #1: "!!!" -the spore sack twitches violently- Monk #2: "That d..."Monk #2: "That ain't good..." -BOOOOOOOOOOOM- Monk #1: !!!! -elsewhere- todo: *pulls back fist* good night, yukio okumura~ *about to punch* Yukio: "NO!" *he's feeling warm...* todo: hmm? *FWOOSH* todo: *jumps back* well, this certainly is a game changer... Yukio: *trying to look* ("Everything's dark...No...Blue?") todo: seems i underestimated you...those eyes.....they arent your own... -POW- todo: *knocked back* oof- Yukio: *vision slowly returning* "Wh-What?" todo: well, fancy seeing you here mr shima. juzo: word to the wise, it's not a smart idea to go flaunting your flames about like that if you're trying to hide. Yukio: ("...Flames...") juzo: after all the lives you have ruined, there wont even be ashes left of you, todo! -inside the impure king- madoka: *cough* rin! bon! are you guys ok?? Rin: *forcing a smile, as he swings his sheathed sword at tendrils* "Just fine!" Bon: *focusing the fire* "..." kuro: *looking at a large entity* t-that's- impure king: *ROARS* -outside the barrier, rain begins to fall- Bon: "...W-We can't stop this thing...It's not possible..." -elsewhere- Yukio: "..." *light bulb* todo: *still battling juzo and the others of the myoda* Yukio: "Um, excuse me? I think I have an idea..." juzo: eh? monk: you want to make a strategy now?! Yukio: *shrug* "It's that or Todo keeps gaining ground..." juzo: ....alright. what do you have in mind? todo: done already? awww, but im just getting started~ Yukio: "So you'll hold him while we let Mother Nature weaken him..." juzo: right. narumi! shishamo! take the lead! Narumi: "Have at thee!" todo: *battling* *smirks* have at me all you like, i'll just absorb the weaker flames anyway. it's almost like trick-or-treating! juzo: TRICK OR TREAT THIS! FIRE LIFE SAMAHDI! *throws a bigass fireball at todo* -BOOOOOM- Yukio: *watches* "Just a bit more..." todo: fighting fire with fire? despite how the saying goes. it wont work-...urk-...w-what? Yukio: "Over-working yourself in your old age, teach?" todo: ....clever boy... -FWOOOOOOM- *Everyone is blown back, Yukio having to hang onto a boulder...* juzo: is he....dead? Yukio: "He's ash." ???: huhuhuhu~ Yukio: "!!!" todo: *getting up, his body ash and crumbling* making me overheat. not a bad plan...however, dont underestimate the healing abilities of a phoenix... Yukio: "No..." todo: *crumbling in the rain* oh...i forgot its raining...this might....make recovery difficult... -inside the impure king- madoka: *panting* this is bad... Rin: "J-Just have to keep going...as long as we can..." madoka: r-right. cant give up now... Bon: *stumbling, his finger still pressed to the ground* kuro: *clawing at tendrils* Bon: *panting, staring* "How much longer...?" karura: with thing going the way they are, the barrier may not last if you continue to be exposed to the miasma. Bon: "I'm fine--" *cough cough* madoka: !! Rin: "Bon! Hang on! Let us protect you like those princesses in fairy tales!" Bon: "...The hell you just call me?!" madoka: ^^;; dont worry, we got you covered! Rin: "Yep! Shining Knight Madoka and Rin to the rescu--" *cough cough* madoka: rin! Rin: *waves his hand* "I-I can do it..." *smiles* "Just trust me..." madoka: *nods and keeps shooting arrows* Bon: *on his knees and hand, trying to keep a hold...* Rin: *knocking down tendrils* impure king *ROAAAAAR* Rin: *thinking, as he sees a small flame on his shoulder* "...Could I...?" madoka: *nearly about to collapse* Rin: *remembers...* "Do these flames only burn humans or..." *spots Madoka* "!!!" *catches her* madoka: *pant* t-thanks.... RIN! BEHIND YOU! Rin: "?!" *turns* -a large tendril is coming down onto them- Rin: *tugging at his sword* "Come on, come on!" -why was i saved?- Rin: ("...I just wanted to be a hero...But then...I'm...") -why did fujimoto save me?- Rin: ("Because...Because...I...don't know.") -why are you alive?- madoka: RIN! Rin: *flames are along his back* "..." madoka: ....*holds his hand* Rin: "!!!" madoka:....*smiles* Bon: "Urk..." *falling down* madoka: !!! Bon: *he lets go* Rin: "Oh crap..." shura: *fighting off tendrils* GUYS! NOW ISNT THE TIME FOR MAKING GOOGOO EYES AT EACH OTHER! D8< Rin: "THAT'S NOT WHAT WE'RE DOING! I'm trying to figure out how to burn these things!" shura: USE YOUR SWORD THEN! PROVE FUJIMOTO HE WAS RIGHT TO RAISE YOU! Rin: *tugs on the sword from its sheathe* -why did he save me?- Rin: *removes the sword* "So I can do this!" *ignites in blue flames* madoka: !!! *smiles* shura: *grins* raise hell, kid. Rin: *leaps and slices at tendrils* ("This is too slow...") ???: good grief. this is pathetic to watch. Bon: *lying on the ground* "Wh-What...?" Rin: "?!" -a large bird like creature has appeared besides rin- bird: i am ucchusma. the impurity kongo. the impure king is my age old foe. the blade you wield was once our lord's weapon. if you desire to defeat the impure king, i will teach you how to guide the flame. Rin: ._. "...'Kay. What's Step #1?" -the bird has now possessed the koma sword- Rin: " So, you gave me a power-up?" ucchusma: more or less speaking. i will call forth the fire life samadhi, a flame with the power to burn anything in the material world. with that, i will purify the impure king and the whole mountain with flame using your flames of satan. Rin: "Wh-What?! By 'material,' that'd kill everyone on this mountain!" ucchusma: so? it is of little consequence. all those who entered the impure palace and were touched by its servants are contaminated. the impure king can come back from even a remnant, therefore each one must be purified. let us go. Rin: "...So, just need to burn away impurities...even those attached to living flesh..." *small sneer* ucchusma: *chanting the sutra* Rin: *repeating the chant* ("So what do I do...") madoka: *running up the steps, shooting at tendrils as she does* Rin: ("Just need to burn...") impure king: *ROOOOOOOARS* madoka: RIN! Rin: ("Burn it all...Burn it all!") -CLANG- ucchusma: ?? why do you hesitate? Rin: "...Because...I can't kill them..." -its in your nature- Rin: ("No...I mean, I know I am...Satan's son...") madoka: *jumps* -BURN IT ALL! BURN IT! SCORCH THEM! THEY WANT YOU DEAD! KILL THEM BEFORE THEY KILL YOU!- Rin: ("...I want to...") -hug- madoka: *she had jumped onto his back, and is holding him* it's ok rin... Rin: "...What do I do...?" madoka: *holds his hands* we got this. all of us. *smiles* Rin: *inhales* "O-Okay...I just have to focus--* *FWOOM* *Flames cover Rin and Madoka* madoka: !!!....*closes her eyes* it feels warm... -a large wave of blue flames appears- uwabami hojo: !!!.... wha? monk: hey, only the fungus is burning off... monk 2: feels kinda nice actually... Yukio: "...Rin...What the hell have you done...?" monk 3: LOOK! THE IMPURE KING! -the impure palace is vanishing- Shima: "...Wow..." konekomaru: he...he did it! shiemi: *smiles* i knew he could do it! izumo: well i'll be... true cross member: wait, satan's son is...helping us? true cross member 2: am i tripping balls right now? Monk #3: "Not exactly proper language..." -the impure king has vanished, and rain still falls- Rin: *panting* "...Damn..." madoka: ha.....we....*she hugs rin tightly* we did it!! Rin: .\\\\. "...We did?" *looks around...then smiles widely* madoka: ^////^ *tears falling* Rin: "???" *hug* madoka: im so proud of you rin. Rin: "...You are?" madoka: ^^ of course rin. *smiles* shura: great job, kiddos. the three of you are heroes. -several people come running up- konekomaru: okumura! Bon: *struggling to stand* Shima: "What the heck did you all do up here?!" madoka: well...we beat the impure king. ^^ izumo: *JAWDROP* she says it so casually....are you _sure_ she's a rookie? shiemi: wow! so brave. madoka: oh, i was terrified! but i couldnt let that stop me. Rin: "Always brave is more like it..." *rubs the back of his head* ^\\\^ shiemi: ?? yuki? Yukio: *grim stare, as he marches up the hill* Rin: "!!! Bro! Look what I did! I told you I'd do this!" shura: ?? Rin: "I said I'd be the hero you wanted me to be, who Dad would want, who could leave you eating my-" Yukio: *Punch* madoka: !!! shiemi: YUKI! Rin: *stunned, down on the grass* "...What the hell?!" Yukio: "I told you not to use those flames!" shura: those flames just saved our asses! Yukio: "And what if he got out of control? He is Satan's son! The powers that be could still kill him! I told you to keep control of him, and you just did not list--" Rin: *Punch* shura: *grabs him* RIN! YUKIO! CALM DOWN! *clunks their heads together* Rin: X_X Yukio: X_X madoka: D8> shura: -_-; -later- Rin: *snoring* madoka: zzzzz....*asleep next to him* Rin: *yawns, opens his eyes* "..." o\\\o madoka: *yawn* hmm? hey rin....how's your head? Rin: "..." *touches his head--and winces* "Gah! Man...The Impure King must've hit me hard..." madoka:..... rin... Rin: "??? A-Are you okay? Did we win?" madoka: *she nods* yeah. we did it. we beat it. Rin: "..." *hug* madoka: *smooch* u/////u i love you. Rin: .\\\. "I-I love you...And I...I..." Shima: "OooooooOOOOOOOOoooo..." madoka: O////O s-sh-shima?! shiemi: oh my. .///.; Rin: o\\\\\o "WHY ARE YOU ALL IN MY ROOM?!" izumo: this is an inn, remember? Rin: "THEN CAN'T WE BUY EXTRA ROOMS?!" Shima: "So you can do things alone in this room?" madoka: eh......EHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?! O///////////////////////////O *KO* awawawawawa -elsewhere- yaozo: and that's what happened. felisia: ... Mephisto: "...So, I guess we can't kill Rin?" yaozo: the boy is a hero. Mephisto: "So, no killing, got it." *sips his drink* "Sweet." yaozo: right....i'll just be going then. Mephisto: "So soon?" yaozo: *nods* if the vatican needs me to give a testimony, i shall do so. *exits* felisia: well.....*cuddles up to mephisto* seems we have the room all to ourselves now~<3 Mephisto: "Indeed~" felisia: i brought something special for the trip. so im just gonna put that on real quick, ok~? Mephisto: *chuckles* "Alright..." felisia: i'll only be a moment~ -after a short moment, something is felt pressed against his back- Mephisto: "...Oh. You." shura: *holding a kunai to his neck* alright. start talkin... Mephisto: -_-; "...Fine. So, the key is to use honey, not sugar--" shura: just what are you planning to use rin for, huh? Mephisto: "..." *smiles at her* "You know what would be a shame?" shura: is this going to be some vague threat? Mephisto: "Not vague. A promise." shura:.....*removes the kunai and heads for the door* i got my eye on you.........oh...and tell felisia i said congrats on her pregnancy. *exits* Mephisto: "...Huh." felisia:....*hug* i trust your judgement...call it instinct i guess.... Mephisto: "..." *hug* "So trusting..." felisia: *crawling onto his lap* now, where were we~? Mephisto: *smirks* "In the best place possible..." *smooch* felisia: ah~<3 konekomaru: *opens the door* mr yaozo are you-............. O____________________O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; *closes the door* felisia: OuO;;;; Mephisto: "...I usually enjoy audiences, but not like that." -morning- izumo: finally, we're heading on home. unagi: *peeeeek* Shima: .\\\. *waves* unagi: <um....shima-kun.....you'll....write back....wont you?> Shima: <Of-Of course!> o\\\w\\\o unagi:....t-thank you....renzou. uwabami hojo: ..... renzou. a word with you for a moment. Shima: "??? Um...Yes?" uwabami hojo: im fine with you having unagi as a friend, but that's as far as i can allow your relationship to go. Shima: "Huh? I mean...Wait, why not further? I mean, if I wanted something more--" uwabami hojo: *grabs shima by the shoulders and looks him straight in the eye* renzou. unagi is 12. Shima: “Eh-…….EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!” -on the plane home- Rin: "..." izumo: koneko, shima, you guys look awful. konekomaru: i saw nothing...i saw nothing... Shima: Q____Q "The universe hates me as much as I hate myself." izumo: good. madoka: *holding rin's hand* Rin: "..." *pat pat* -upon arriving to the airport, several people are there with a sign that reads 'welcome home exwires'!- adrian: well if it aint the heroes of kyoto! seiya: congratulations. gilda: ^^ Rin: owo kyouko: oi! rin! yukio! Rin: *waves, smiling* kyouko: you....*shaking him* YOU ALMOST DIED MORON! D8< madoka: ^^; ???: -aAAAAADOOOOKAAAAAAAAA!!!! *TACKLES HER* madoka: AH sayaka: I MISSED YOU SO MUUUUUUUUUUCH! TT~TT Rin: X____X Bon: "..." sayaka: hey guys! how was kyoto? did you see kyoto tower? did you take pics? we got new students at school! one girl considers me her senpai now! kyouko: sayaka, inhale. sayaka: *BREATHES IN...then out* sorry. im just so hyped! Yukio: *grabbing his bag* Rin: "That's great news!" *shaking still from Kyouko's attack* -elsewhere- ???: right....i see.....i'll keep an eye on them....understood lord lucifer... -elsewhere- ango: ._.; um.....this is.....er...... Kunikida: "...Why?" ango: exactly. dazai, what are you trying to do here? Dazai: "You two have so much in common!" ango: i dont see it. Kunikida: "Agreed." Dazai: owo;;; "...You both can't stand me.* ango: .... Kunikida: "...He is quite annoying." ango: what you mean to say is 'neither of you can stand me'. Dazai: -3- Kunikida: "His grammar is atrocious." ango: isnt that the truth. -_.-; Dazai: "See? You're getting along great!" ango: -_.-; Kunikida: "...I'm going to need more alcohol." ango: tomato juice please. im driving. Dazai: *pouts* "Fine...I'll get your drinks." Kunikida: "...Was he always like this?" ango:....to be honest, he has improved quite a bit....thought that's a stretch. Kunikida: "...I'm reticent to admit the same. I can only imagine how worse he was before the Agency." ango: ......you're better off not knowing... Kunikida: "Perhaps. After his behavior at work..." ango: ....being in the mafia...can mess a person up...a lot...especially under the care of the mafia's boss... Kunikida: "Hmm...I cannot imagine." ango: .... Kunikida: *holds up glass* -elsewhere- Rin: "I just want to sleep for days..." kyouko: i can imagine. we got your bed all set up for you. oh, and you start classes again the day after tomorrow, just to give you a day to get your bearings back. Rin: "...Only a day?" Q_Q kyouko:....rin? are you sure you're alright? Rin: *nods* *yawn* "Just exhausted..." kyouko:..well, if you need anything, let us know, ok? Rin: *weak smile* "R-Right...Thanks." -elsewhere- Kid: "Feeling better?" stocking: yeah. *yawn* Kid: *rubs her back* "Need more sleep?" -elsewhere- Relan: *kitten yawn* shinra: zzzz Relan: "..." *hug* shinra: =///w///= Relan: "Feel okay?" shinra: yeah. Relan: "..." *rubs his hand lightly through his hair* shinra: =/////= Relan: "It's soft." -elsewhere- keek: Q_____Q Hawthorne: "..." barkova: *growls* heheheh~ Hawthorne: "Stop that noise, you mutt." barkova: *snarls* Hawthorne: *glare* barkova: *snarling* FD: "Down." barkova: !!....*silences herself, trembling...almost as if afraid* FD: "Corner." barkova: *crawling to a corner and curls into a ball* .... Hawthorne: "...Disgusting." yana: ... keek: Q_Q FD: "??? Why are you crying?" keek: THIS PLACE IS TERRIFYING AND I WANNA GO HOME! FD: "..." keek: i-i never asked to be brought here. i just want to go home and see my mom again... FD: "I can arrange that." keek: r-really? FD: "Yes. She would look nice with a bomb along her neck as well." keek: !!! no please! dont involve her in this! i-i'll be good! just dont hurt her! FD: "Then do as I say, before I get angry." keek: o-ok.... FD: "Zoey, what shall we do with them..." zoey: whatever you see fit, master fyodor... FD: "..." *smirks* "Care to have some fun?" zoey: for you, anything! FD: "Good. Take the pastor and get him to change that expression. Make the girl watch." -elsewhere- Yohei: *shivers* chie: everything ok, honey? Yohei: "...Fine. It's fine." chie: yohei...i can tell when something is bothering you...*hug* Yohei: "...Don't tell the others. Not yet." chie: *nods* is it....him? Yohei: *nods* chie:....*rubs his back* Yohei: "...New info at work. Just...Why?" chie: ....... medea: ....... *walking back to her room* ..... Shotaro: "G'morning Medea!" medea: !!! Shotaro: "Ready for breakfast? ...You okay?" medea: just....just tired is all....i think...i will sleep in today... Shotaro: "...Well, feel better soon." medea:.....right...... -elsewhere- Lucy: *grumble* anne: *poke poke* Lucy: =_____= "Stupid sleep..." -in another room- kirako: zzzz.... Dazai: *whistling in the kitchen* mii: *mreeeeeow* Dazai: "???" *looks down* -it appears to be a mouse.....with a camera inside it?- Dazai: "Hmm..." kirako: *yaaaawns* morning... *in a nightshirt and panties* Dazai: *kicks the mouse behind him* *smiles* "Hey there." kirako: making breakfast? Dazai: "Surprised?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "And pancakes are done!" *sets down...very burnt pancakes* mikami: um...thank you commander ^^; gabriella: ^^; hanako: yay! Hibana: Eat up~ -elsewhere- Meme: *puts on her sweater vest* mio: *yaaaawn* -at school- atsushi: *working hard* Kyoka: "Impressive." atsushi: *hella focused* Kyoka: *looks over his shoulder* -elsewhere- tsuyu: seems they're setting up for the sports festival more and more each day. Izuku: owo *shaking* ochako: this is gonna be so exciting! Iida: "An important moment to demonstrate our improved skills since last time we engaged in competition!" Bakugo: -____- ochako: what do you think, todoroki? Todoroki: *staring at an envelope in his hands* "..." ochako: >w> what's that ya got there? Todoroki: "Nothing." ochako: hmmm... Iida: "That looks like the envelope of tickets that were distributed to all students. ... !!!! You mean you haven't given your tickets to anyone?!" Todoroki: "Quiet." ochako: .... Bakugo: "What, you don't want your mom going?" Todoroki: "..." Izuku: "..." *light bulb* "!!!" eijiro: what about your sister? Todoroki: "...I haven't given her a ticket yet." eijiro: planning on doing that when you get home? Todoroki: "...I don't know." -elsewhere- Student: *running, tossing off his jacket--which is on fire* "Get away from me!" shinra: ?!?! Student: "They're not leaving me alone! Call the cops!" shinra: oi! the hell are you guys doing? girl in glasses: nyeh? who's this brat? Student: "Th-They wanted money! I gave it to them! Then they burned my jacket!" TT~TT girl in glasses: yeah, it wasnt enough brat. shinra: *KICK ATTACK* girl in glasses: tch- oh, you really want to go up against an oni? heh, be my guest. *holding a die, and rolls it. 3* -BOOOOM- shinra: *has already ran with the student* girl in glasses: !!! fuck! -elsewhere- Arthur: *puts on a mask* "..." mina: is that a welding mask, boyle? jirou: nice. Arthur: "I thought if the new recruit Vulcan can do it, so can I..." mina: like from star trek?! *shiny eyes* Arthur: "...What is this 'Trek in the Stars' of which you speak?" mina: dude, have you been like, living in the middle ages or something?! Arthur: "No era in this world ever dies, so long as it lives on, in our hearts and minds!" *holds up blow torch* -he was put on janitorial duty- Arthur: *holding a plunger* "...Vile toilet. I will be the end of you." marie: *SCREAMING* -BOOOOOOM- Arthur: o____o "...Truly, you are an expert..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *holding his head, groaning* -the apartment is empty- Kunikida: "..." *stumbles out of bed* "Medicine..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Right there." kirei: *rubbing his shoulders* Benimaru: =\\\= "That's good..." -elsewhere- Poe: *humming* rowena: doing well, i see. *smiles* Poe: .w. "...Maybe?" rowena: how is lana? Poe: o\\\\o "...Lana-y?" rowena: ...brother? are you ok? Poe: *nod nod nod* rowena: ....did something happen? *worried* Poe: "...I have a girlfriend. I'm scared." rowena: !! brother, im so happy for you! Poe: .\\\. "I'm going to screw this up." rowena: o.o; why do you think that? Poe: "...Because I'm cursed." rowena:....brother.... Poe: "I'm not worthy..." -elsewhere- FD: "You completed punishment?" zoey: yes.... keek: *still shaking, horrified* Hawthorne: ………. FD: "Good..." *pats Zoey's head* zoey: ah~ sonia: *peeking out her door, just out of sight* FD: "..." *spots Sonia* "..." sonia: *has already gone back inside her room* ...... FD: "...Zoey, perhaps you should punish the other one..." *walks to Sonia's door* keek: *already hiding in her room* zoey: open up.....OPEN THE DOOR! keek: *whimpering* sonia:....... FD: *knocks on Sonia's door* sonia: .... FD: "Sonia? May I enter?" sonia:......... FD: *opens the door* sonia:....*stares at him* ....... FD: "...Are you hungry?" sonia:.... yana: not much of a conversationalist, is she? FD: "No. But she looks hungry. Might as well give her something." sonia: ...... -elsewhere- Bon: "..." *tosses a ball against the wall* konekomaru: *already catching up with school work* Shima: "..." *headdesk* konekomaru: ?? Shima: "I'm an idiot." konekomaru: is this about unagi still? Shima: *nods* konekomaru: ^^; well, to be fair you never actually asked. Shima: "She looked like her older sister!" konekomaru: *sweatdrop* oh, by the way, night market is open tonight. did you want to go? Shima: TT~TT *nod nod* Bon: "..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *pouts* nozomi: everything alright? Vulcan: "Just thinking...about those Hoods..." nozomi: ....oh.... Vulcan: "Yeah. Just nervous about this mission." -elsewhere- Anya: *looking up at the sky* bailey: thinking about stuff, princess? Anya: -_-; "Don't call me that." bailey: isnt it true though? O.O; Anya: "...I just don't like being called that while I'm here." bailey: oh. im sorry. D8> Anya: "It's fine. Just don't make a habit of it, please." bailey: noted! -elsewhere- Giriko: *holding a ping pong paddle* "Ready!" -elsewhere- Gopher: "SMASH IT!" kirika: *squish* freaking roaches... Gopher: *huge sigh of relief, as he leans against Kirika* "So grateful..." kirika: -_-; Gopher: "I hate those tiny creatures, with their antenna and legs and...and..." o_____o kirika: what? Gopher: "...What if there are more of them?" -elsewhere- Medusa: *sips juice* neian: zzzz Medusa: "..." *rocks the crib just a bit* neian: =w= Medusa: *content sigh* grimoire: seems the child has mellowed you out after hundreds of years. Medusa: -_-;;; "I have not changed that much." -elsewhere- Yumi: *making Shiori's bed* shiori: zzz lord death: ^^ Yumi: *whispers* "She's growing so big..." lord death: i know. Yumi: "...Death?" lord death: hmm? Yumi: "...She's going to need you." lord death:....i know...hey shiori.. shiori: *yawn* pa! pa! lord death:...*craddling her* Yumi: TTWTT stocking:.....*walking away*....*sigh* Kid: *whispers* "Found you..." stocking: !!!! kid! jeez, i nearly jumped out of my skin! Kid: ._.; "S-Sorry..." stocking: *sigh* i-it's fine... Kid: "...What's wrong?" stocking: just this whole sibling thing im trying to get used to....it feels so surreal. Kid: *nods* "I have...some familiarity with that." stocking:...s-sorry... Kid: "It's fine...I have a sense how you may feel...but maybe I could ask, do you feel badly about this?" stocking:....how so? Kid: "Are you upset with the situation?" stocking: i wouldnt go that far. i mean, i am shocked, but im not mad or anything. Kid: *nods* "Any sense how you'll react when your parents have this child?" stocking: i dont really know....i'll just have to take it in stride. Kid: "...I think...your sibling will have the best sister possible." stocking: ^^; Kid: *pats her hand* -elsewhere- ebie: maaaaaail caaaaaaall! oscar: *looking at a letter*....i'll read this one in secret~<3 Steinbeck: "...We get mail?" ebie: yep! oh, and your sister sent you a letter! Steinbeck: *takes it* "..." rosasharn: [dear big brother, how are you doing? we're all doing well so far back home. midge is growing up so quick, she looks just like her papa. ruthie and winfield ask about you every day, as does ma. you know how she worries, haha. write back soon, your sister, rose of sharon.] Steinbeck: "..." *his hand shakes slightly* twain:..you ok? Steinbeck: "Fine! Just...fine." twain: ok then. Steinbeck: "..." *folds the letter, puts it in his pocket* -elsewhere- Lucy: "Another!" clerk: ma'am...you've had 9 shots of orange juice... Lucy: "A. NOTH. ER!" atsushi: OwO;;;; Lucy: *stares at Atsushi* "...Be my drinking buddy." atsushi: um... okaaaay? OwO;;;; odasaku: *sweatdrop* Lucy: *leans forward, holding the glass up to him* atsushi: here i go! *takes a full chug* haa... Lucy: "...I like a man who can hold his juice..." atsushi: ^^; (thinking: at least it isnt something like alchohol, i would die) odasaku: you and ango would get along great in that aspect. Lucy: *leans against him* =w= atsushi: O////////////O um... odasaku: .... 7.7; Lucy: *holds his hand, breathes calmly* "..." -a shiver goes up atsushi's body....and his tail pops out- Lucy: *feels the tail hit her* o\\\\\\o atsushi: O/////////O;;;; Lucy: O\\\\\O "...It's big." odasaku: you two um....need a moment alone? atsushi: yeah... Lucy: o\\\\\o "...Have you always been able to have that...tail?" atsushi: since this summer, yeah....i think? Lucy: "...What about..." *pats his head, rubbing his hair* "...ears?" atsushi: uhhh...... o/////////////o *sweating, tail twitching all over* Kyoka: "Is there sinning here?" atsushi: O_O;;;; odasaku: busted. ._.; Lucy: -_-; "Not now..." o\\\o "I mean...no?" atsushi:.... *atsushi.exe has stopped responding* Kyoka: "..." *takes Atsushi's hand* "He's going home. He is not feeling well. Goodbye." Lucy: D:< -outside- naoya: tough break, kiddo. Akutagawa: *clawing a pillar* naoya:...say, something rather funny happened the other day! Akutagawa: "ThERE'S NOthing fuNNY..." naoya: O-O;....well i was hiking through the woods the other day, and guess who i ran into... Akutagawa: "Dead hiker." naoya: no....mori. *she cracks up laughing* Akutagawa: "...Ha ha ha..." naoya: *grins* see, there ya go! Akutagawa: "..." -\\\\- "Let's just go." -elsewhere- akaderu: *in a fast food uniform, collapsed on the couch* X_X im dead.... -elsewhere- miura: ... Mori: "Well? What is it?" miura: no comment, sir... Mori: "Hmph. Not much of a conversationalist..." miura: -.-; Mori: "Can't you tell a joke?" miura: you mean besides kajii's 'sex life'? Mori: "...High five?" miura: *high five* Mori: "Good one!" miura: thank you sir. Mori: "You're welcome....You drink?" miura: im not physically able to sir, given that, in case you forgot, i'm a goddamn robot. Mori: "Motor oil?" miura: hah. funny. Mori: "...Do you do anything for fun? I mean, if you can't drink, what do you do?" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How are you~?" stocking: doing well dad. how was the trip? Mephisto: "Illuminating." *holds up a gift bag* stocking: oh? Mephisto: "Something sweet for our sweet daughter~" stocking: *shiny eyes* felisia: hope you like it. stocking: *HUG* TTuTT Mephisto: "!!!" *pat pat* "Are you okay?" stocking: just happy... -elsewhere- Dazai: "Where did it come from?" atsushi: i think it just popped out cause i was nervous... i mean, i know it's a side effect of my ability but.... ./////.; it's still awkward... Dazai: "...Maybe see a doctor? Or...a vet?" atsushi: -_-; odasaku: that...actually is kinda funny. atsushi: no one is asking you od- Dazai: "??? 'Odd'?" atsushi: ._.; oddly enough? OuO;; Dazai: "...Okay. But maybe it's tiger puberty." atsushi: =////=; what was it like for you?.....when you started having those.....weird feelings that make you feel funny? Dazai: "...You mean when I noticed how attractive certain people were?" atsushi: i guess? Dazai: "...I think I lost my virginity before I realized how attractive people are." atsushi: O-O; um- Dazai: "It didn't feel like anything. Maybe other people's first time is good. But it felt empty. Just happened." atsushi:.....oh... Dazai: "With time, I had good experiences, and bad experiences. I screwed up, a lot." atsushi:....*pats his back* Dazai: *small smile* "You're going to be fine." atsushi:....t-thanks... odasaku:....*pats his back* Dazai: "And hey, you're getting sex education at school, so just be smart." atsushi: o-of course! .... .//////.;;;; Dazai: "??? What, you need some more sex ed?" atsushi: im fine thank you! Dazai: *nods, pats his head* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "!!!!" *holds up the newspaper* kim: what happened? Jacqueline: "Doesn't this surveillance photo have someone who looks familiar?" kim: *examines* ?? *squiiiint* *It looks like her mom* kim:...*her stomach drops* Jacqueline: "...What is she doing?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *holding the envelope* fuyumi: more fan mail? ^^; Todoroki: *holds it to her* "Take it." fuyumi: oh? um... *opens it* !! Todoroki: "...Will you be in attendance?" fuyumi: *smiles* it'd be my pleasure. -elsewhere- Meme: *frowning* tsugumi: is everything ok, meme? mio: you look uneasy... Meme: "Just tense...irritated...Want to punch something..." mio: did someone say some shit to you? Meme: "..." *nod nod* mio: want me to beat them up? Meme: *shakes her head* "...I want a punching bag. Can you hold it for me?" -elsewhere- eijiro: SPORTS FESTIVAL HYYYYPE! atsushi: ???? i am so confused. Lucy: "That thing where the Quirk students compete against each other?" momo: not just quirk students. over the years, it has grown and expanded to various types of students. Kyoka: "Such as ability users?" momo: i dont see why not. ^^ Kyoka: *looks at Lucy* Lucy: *looks at Kyoka* Lucy and Kyoka: "..." *look at Atsushi* atsushi: um.... ^^; ochako: deku. iida.....*her face is intense* LET'S DO OUR BEST!! Iida: ._. Izuku: o_o "Y-Yeah..." mina: its like she's possessed all the sudden. ._.; Izuku: "M-Must be pumped up?" ^^; Todoroki: "..." ochako: IM TOTALLY GONNA WRECK THIS! YEEEEAH! Izuku: o_____o Todoroki: "..." -later, at lunch- Izuku: "...So, I was wondering..." ochako: hmm? whats up? Izuku: "I'm sorry if this seems intrusive, and you're totally free not to answer. I mean, I wouldn't want to look like I'm delving into other people's business, but at the same time I think learning more about my classmates can help me rationalize what is--" Iida: *slaps Izuku upside the head* Izuku: *focused* "Why did you want to become a hero?" ochako: oh! um...well...uhh....i-if i tell you, you promise you wont look down on me? Izuku: "O-Of course I won't!" Iida: *nod nod* ("...Although I am taller than you.") ochako: well.....*sigh* im doing it for money. ^^;; Izuku: "!!!" Iida: "...Well, why is that wrong to seek a more comfortable lifestyle?" ochako: it's just...well, my family owns a construction company, but we dont get much business, so we're kinda broke. Izuku: "...Oh." ochako: thats why i want to become a pro hero. i can earn lots of money so my family can live easier lives! Iida: "That is quite noble!" Izuku: "Yeah! It's what anyone would want..." Todoroki: *around the corner* "..." -elsewhere- Yohei: *flipping through documents* coworker: oi, nanami. how's the fam? Yohei: *smiles* "Quite well. Kiddo will be doing computer coding in no time." coworker: haha. Yohei: *points to a pic on his desk* "Looks like his mom." coworker: he's got your eyes though. Yohei: "...A bit gentler than mine." -elsewhere- Hibana: *mixing chemicals* -elsewhere- Bakugo: *drinking milk--looking around him* "..." eijiro: you excited man? Bakugo: "...Just something to do. Got to show this class is the best. And that I'm the best." eijiro: yeah! ....you feel like someone is staring at us right now? Bakugo: "Every. Damn. Day." eijiro: almost feels malicious. creepy. *shivers* Bakugo: "..." *hands Eijiro a knife* "Toss this." eijiro: HUEH?! O_O; Bakugo: "He'll dodge it. He always does." eijiro: uuuuhhhh ._.;;;;;;;; Bakugo: "..." *takes the knife back* "I'll do it." *tosses it into shrubs in the cafeteria--and a loud yell is heard* eijiro: HOLY SHIT! Mineta: *sits up out of the bushes* Q__Q *he's holding a camera...* eijiro: oh. it was nothing important then. Bakugo: "Yep." Mineta: "YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!" student: so? pony: *gives him a cup full of ice* Mineta: TT~TT "Thank you, Pony." pony: yeah, ya needed some ice for dat burn. Mineta: Q_______Q "EVERYONE IS SO MEAN!" -elsewhere- Stein: "...What's security like at this festival?" marie: they've strengthened it up five times since last time, given the incidents that have been occurring recently. Stein: *nods* "Gonna be loud...but it'll bring in ratings." marie: remember how fun it was when we were taking part? Stein: "...I was just there to win." marie: ...still, it was fun. Stein: "Hmm...It was kind of funny seeing Spirit lose." marie: yeah. kami was so pissed off at him for that. kneed him right in the balls. Stein: "...Ha." Spirit: *flames around him* "..." marie: OuO; Stein: "Oh. Hello, Spir--" Spirit: "LET ME TELL YOU ONE THING! THIS COMPETITION IS GOING TO BE MASSIVE! AND I'M GOING TO RECLAIM MY CREDIBILITY AT IT!" marie: are you...saying you're going to compete? ._.; Spirit: "...Sure?" -elsewhere- Master: "Put that banner up higher." miranda: *nods and putting it up* Master: *thumbs up* "The Sports Festival should be a killer for business." miranda: yeah. *smiles* remember that year i was in the olympics? good times. *smiles* Master: *nods* "We are still proud of you." miranda: ^^ -elsewhere- Hyde: *drops a TV into the living room* licht: *raises a brow* romina: ooh. Hyde: "Guess who's watching the festival?!" julian: us? Hyde: "Yep!" *hands Julian a bowl and a bag of microwavable popcorn* julian: ._.; Hyde: "I got plenty! So keep making it!" -elsewhere- Izuku: o_______o *looking into a shop window* "New...alternative...action figures...of All Might..." *grabs his wallet--and sees the cash* "Aw...I don't have enough money." ???: *hands him some cash* Izuku: "?!" *looks* ???: here. take it....dont worry, its not stolen or something, haha. Izuku: "I-I can't take your money! I mean, I didn't earn it. And it could be a poor example if I wish to be a model superhero. Furthermore--" -she smiles- yana: easy kiddo. im just trying to be a good Samaritan here. ^^ i can tell you really want it. if you want, you could pay me back some time later. Izuku: "..." *nod nod* "Th-Thank you! Um...Where do I send you the money?" atsushi: !!! here! let me! yana: ... Izuku: "???" atsushi: it's this one, right? -elsewhere- Iida: *doing squats* -elsewhere- Meme: *pants, pants...takes another swing at the punching bag* mio: *timing her* Meme: *punch punch punch* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "We're home." nea: welcome back! medea: *still in her room* ... Kepuri: "...Where's the psychic?" mana: she's in her room. she hasnt left since this morning... Kepuri: "..." *takes bags of fast food, hands them to Mana--then takes out a bag labeled 'Medea'* "Give the rest to everyone. Tell Shotaro I got him the Happy Meal he wanted." *walks to the stairs* mana: ok....medea? we got you lunch. medea:...not hungry... Kepuri: "Come on--you need to eat something." *shakes the bag* "We got you fries!" medea:...*takes the bag and closes the door* Kepuri: -_- "...You're welcome." medea:..*silently weeping* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Report." atsushi: *hands it to him* Kunikida: "...You have not let this work get in the way of what you need to finish in school, have you?" atsushi: no sir. Kunikida: "Even that competition?" atsushi: *nods* Kunikida: "...Then wear this." *holds up a uniform* atsushi: oh.. um... ._.; Kunikida: "Promote us." atsushi: .___.; this is...um.... *The uniform has the Agency's name in big letters* Kunikida: "Is there a problem?" atsushi: not at all sir! Kunikida: "Good. Then get back to training. Dazai said something about sparring--" atsushi: *looks at the door* Dazai: *opens the door* "Meet your sparring partner!" *Someone seven feet tall is behind Dazai* atsushi: O_O;;;;; um...who is that? Dazai: "Meet Winnifred! She's a great compet--" Winnifred: *grabs Dazai by the head--and tosses him back like a ragdoll* -elsewhere- Kid: *sips his hot chocolate* kirika: *playing her game with mocha resting on her head* Patty: *collapsed on the couch* "Zzz..." liz: peaceful. Wes: *sighs, smiles* "Yeah." lord death: ^^ my precious family. Yumi: *small smile* "Indeed." *sets down drinks* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "I'm home." mitsuki bakugou: welcome back kiddo! so i heard you're takin part in the sports festival? Bakugo: " 'Course I am. Got to make an impression." -elsewhere- himiko: *watching tv* fang: guuba! guubaguu! Dabi: “…” compress: the joys of fatherhood? Dabi: "...Kill me..." compress: no help there. Dabi: Q_______Q -elsewhere- FD: "And done." yana: *takes a peek* huh. FD: "...'Huh'? I only get a 'huh'?" yana: i mean, what kind of reaction are you looking for here man, like 'woooah that is so cool!' or 'eeew what the fuck man?!' FD: "...Drive the fear of death into people." yana: ...dark. FD: ^^ "Thank you." yana: no probs. FD: "Now, I have to complete a task for our 'guests.' Care to assist?" yana: sure, got time to kill. FD: "Take care of the children. I'll deal with Hawthorne." yana: yep. sonia: .... barkova: 8D keek: Q_Q FD: "Have fun~" *closes the door* yana: alright brats, listen the fuck up. it's story time. FD: *approaches Hawthorne's room--and spots blood under the door* "..." *knocks down the door* "...What fun is this if you're going to torture yourself?" Hawthorne: "..." mitchell?: h e  a s k e d  y o u  a  q u e s t i o n... Hawthorne: "I...am not here for anyone's amusement--" FD: "Really? Because this is rather amusing in how pathetic you look." Hawthorne: "..." zoey: he is pathetic, isnt he master fyodor? FD: "Indeed. Zoey, he is filthy. Remove those rags from him." zoey: *tearing them off* Hawthorne: *does not resist, stares at the floor* FD: "Look at me." Hawthorne: "..." FD: "...Zoey..." zoey:...*slaps hawthorne* he gave you an order. Hawthorne: *swallows...looks up* FD: "I need you at your best. This is not it. Your mind is like clay, which we will mold. But your body...Zoey will now do what is necessary to fix you up. Fix his wounds and heal his scars as well as you can." zoey: of course, master fyodor. FD: *nods* "I will leave you to it." *turns to depart* Hawthorne: "Will you give me what I ask?" FD: "...And more." *departs* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looks at the poster* " 'Sports festival'?" kouyou: i even went and got you some new gym clothes~ *holding up a green track suit* Chuuya: "...Green?" naoya: she said something about it bringing your hair out? kouyou: ... Chuuya: "...F-Fine..." -elsewhere- Mori: "Now, get some sleep." elise: zzzzz =u= Mori: *small smile, as he tucks her in and exits* -...- Mori: *sighs* ("Too quiet.") -....- Mori: *presses a button on the intercom* miura: yes sir? Mori: "Come here." miura: do you require something, sir? Mori: "...Someone to speak with. I...want company." miura:...are you requesting anything lewd of me, sir? Mori: *shakes his head 'no'* "...I don't want to be alone tonight." miura:...very well then, sir. Mori: *nods* "Thank you...Do you...drink tea?" miura: no. Mori: "...Do you have more jokes memorized?" miura:...sir.. Mori: "...What? Are you suggesting _I_ am a joke?" miura: not at all sir. Mori: "...Do you dream?" miura: surprisingly, no. i do not dream of electric sheep. Mori: *smirks* "And that, Miura, is a joke." miura:...ah. Mori: "...Do you like it here?" miura: it's the only place i really know, so i suppose yes. Mori: "You can always see more places." miura: i have no particular interest at present. Mori: "But is there anything keeping you here?" miura: simple. i have a job to do. Mori: "...What if there was more to keep you?" miura: if you're suggesting anything sexual, im afraid i will have to decline. Mori: "...Not what I..." *sighs* "Nevermind. But promise me, you will consider not some_one_, but some_thing_, that fulfills you, makes you want to stay other than work." miura:...i'll consider it. Mori: *nods* "...May you sleep by my side tonight? Nothing sexual. Just to know I am not alone." miura:...very well. Mori: *opens the door to his room...stays dressed, just lies down...* miura:...*pats his head, like a mother would to her child* Mori: *small shake...* miura:.......*small humming* Mori: *closes his eyes* "M..." miura: .... Mori: "Zzz..." miura:...sleep well sir.... Mori: *sleeps* -elsewhere- Giovanni: "Unacceptable." lisa: .... Giovanni: *holds the photo up to her* "You took this from the workshop, didn't you?" lisa: ..... -elsewhere- Relan: *shivers* shinra: *hug* ^^ Relan: *calms down...* "Zzz..." -morning- Motojirou: *snoring* ayako: WAAAAKEE UUUUUUUP! *banging pans together* Motojirou: O___O *falls off* "Ouch!" ayako: YAAAAY HE'S UP! Motojirou: "...What now? I was having good dreams." ayako: we got stuff to do today! Motojirou: -____- "Can I at least eat first?" -elsewhere- Mori: *snoring* miura: .... (thinking: he was...almost like a child in that moment....) Mori: *turns over, yawns, opens his eyes* "...???" miura: good morning sir. Mori: ._. "...Good morning. Did you sleep?" -elsewhere- atsushi: .... odasaku: nervous? atsushi:...i dunno.... odasaku:....*head pat* atsushi: thanks. odasaku: no probs. *Knock knock* atsushi: it's open. Lucy: *pops in her head* "Ready?" atsushi: yeah. *smiles* Lucy: "...You look better smiling." *smiles back* atsushi: .///////////. Lucy: "Now hurry up." -elsewhere- Kid: *hums* stocking: =////u////= Kid: *smiles* "Well, look at that..." stocking: hmm? what? Kid: *small smooch on her nose* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "And what are you up to today?" *hug* stocking: not much, you? Kid: "I have the day off..." stocking: ah. Kid: "May I spend my day with you?" stocking: it would be my pleasure~ Kid: *offers his arm, smiles* stocking: *smooch* ~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Todoroki: *jogging* ochako: *whistling* Todoroki: "???" ochako: hey todoroki! training hard? Todoroki: "...Oh. Hello. Yes." ochako: this is gonna be eeeepiiiic! Todoroki: "...It will be an opportunity for true heroes to rise to prominence." ochako: i know! >u< Todoroki: "...Well, good luck." ochako: you too, todoroki! ^^ Todoroki: -\\\\- "...Okay." ochako: ^^ Todoroki: "...Are you jogging as well?" ochako: yep! im pumped! Todoroki: "...I was taking this path..." ochako: cool! i think the observatory tower is up ahead. you can see a huge part of the city from there! Todoroki: "Oh. I have not been there." ochako: eh? for real? well, death city is a huge place. maybe we could stop by? Todoroki: "...If we can climb the stairs." ochako: you're on! Todoroki: *follows...small smile* -elsewhere- FD: "And did he learn his lesson?" zoey: yes... FD: "Very good...What is he doing now?" zoey: healing for now.... FD: "Good...Because you and I must speak." zoey: what is it? FD: "Are you happy here?" zoey: of course i am! if i can be by your side, i'm more than happy! FD: "Because I would hate to think you are as miserable as others occupying this location...After how Hawthorne behaved, I cannot afford to have you be unhappy." zoey: *blush* FD: "How may I improve your mood?" -elsewhere- Relan: "I can't imagine being in that festival..." shinra: i think you could have the potential. Relan: "When the competitors include...that explode-y guy?" shinra: we could take him on! >u< Bakugo: "...Really?" Relan: Q_Q shinra: JEZZUSFUCK! iris: how long was he....? Relan: *hides behind Iris* -elsewhere- Dazai: *staring at the dish in the oven* "..." *in an apron and with oven mitts* "...Just a bit more." -ding- Dazai: ^W^ *opens the oven removes the dish* "..." *inhales* "Ah, good..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "This outfit is stupid." gin: well it's practical. Akutagawa: "I fail to see why I must wear this." naoya: ceremonial. i wore the same kind of outfit when i was in high school. Akutagawa: "Yours was this goofy?" naoya: eh. i had no real opinion. could have been worse, you could be down to practically your underwear! Akutagawa: "...I'm debating that point..." higuchi:.... ._.; Akutagawa: "I have no more time for this. Are the measurements sufficient on this attire?" -elsewhere- Akane: *speaking to security* "Be sure to check in and check out when you finish your shift." guard: *salutes* sir. Akane: "...Interesting cape. Your name?" guy: they call me 'the crooster!' clay: ACK! Akane: *writing down the name, then looks at Clay* "???" clay: MY EYES BURN DUDE! namiko: TT_TT *hiding under the bleachers* Akane: *sighs, puts on goggles, tosses bottle of drops to Clay* "At least we have 'tear gas' as a superhero this year..." namiko: that's fair. midnight: it's 'teary blue' actually. Akane: "Just describing the practical technique...So, all exits are guarded. After the last attack on students, whether by villains or rogue witches, I'm happy to have most preparations completed." clay: and protection from giant whales falling out of the sky! Akane: "...I told you, they don't migrate here." clay: then explain the one that fell into the lake then a few months ago, huh? Akane: "...That was a whale commandeered by electronic implants." clay: so like a robo whale? Akane: "Yes." clay: oh. Akane: "Professor Midnight, who is your biggest hero, height-wise?" midnight: in terms of height? as in all the time or maximum growth? -elsewhere- Iida: "...Brother? It's me..." tensei: oh, a pleasure to hear from you, tenya. what's up? Iida: *small smile* "I'm preparing for the festival. I've been improving my training. I...just want..." tensei: hmm? Iida: "...bring honor to our family." tensei: *smiles* i think you already are. Iida: "..." *manly tears, bows* "THANK YOU, BROTHER!" -elsewhere- Hiro: *looking at festival schedule* "Some musical performances on some evenings..." EF: ah. Hiro: "You get tickets?" EF: yep. Hiro: "Same. Guess I'll see you there! I hope I can actually see it this year--usually, someone is blocking my view..." -elsewhere- Reporter: *waving at teachers* "Excuse me! An interview, please!" marie: oh. you're ann terveau, from the news station? Reporter: *beaming* "Yes, I am! And you...Mjolnir, correct? The student from an earlier festival and now a teacher here, correct?" marie: that's correct. and dont forget that im a death scythe~ ^^ *wink* Ann: "...O-Of course not." ^^; "I wanted to ask about the upcoming Festival. Who are the students favored to win this year?" marie: well, as a teacher, i shouldnt really be picking favorites out of fairness to the others. Ann: "Aw, come on--there has to be a few you're mentoring for this event." -elsewhere- Stein: *falls down onto the couch* valentine: long day? Stein: "Security protocols, stocking the medical offices...Will be over-time at the infirmary during the games." valentine: ah. Stein: "...Could I have your assistance in the infirmary during the games?" valentine: already way ahead of you. Stein: "Thanks, Val..." *lies back* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *whistling, as he sets out a photo...showing some students in sports uniforms* reimi: that's...watanuki, isnt it? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Sakuya, yes. And Naho. And Lilac." reimi:...you miss them, dont you...? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Eat well. You'll need the energy." lilac:...t-thank you. Shamrock: "You're welcome." X_^ tsubaki: ^^ Sakuya: "Could someone pass the salt?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." ochako: wooooah! the view is awesome from up here! Todoroki: "...There is a lot to see." ochako: *smiles* can you see your house from here? Todoroki: "..." *points* ochako: woah! Todoroki: "And yours?" ochako: oh, it's on the other side of town. Todoroki: "Point it to me." -elsewhere- Yohei: *sips coffee* chie: *kiss* Yohei: ^\\^ "What's that for?" chie: love you~ Yohei: *smiles* "Love you, too." chie: ^///^~<3 Yohei: *puts a hand on her hip, letting her sit in his lap* chie: o///o Yohei: *rests his head along her shoulder* chie: *hug* Yohei: *hug* chie: =////= Yohei: "Are you...okay?" chie: yeah. of course i am. Yohei: *nods* "I'm glad...Toru sleeping okay?" chie: *nods* Yohei: "...Want to lie down for a bit?" chie: ....yeah. Yohei: *picks her up, takes her to their bed* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *in a suit again...but his eyes look out, dead* "..." zoey: well?.....say something you.... Hawthorne: "...What would you have me say?" zoey: ..... Hawthorne: "...Why are you here?" zoey:...it's simple. im here only to serve the man i love Hawthorne: "And what if he does not return those feelings?" zoey: *grabs him by the neck* YOU DONT KNOW A THING ABOUT MASTER FYODOR!! HE LOVES ME MORE THAN ANYONE!! Hawthorne: *choking, but smirking* "Love...Hate...Same emotion...I see how he looks at you. He has no love for you. Just hatred..." zoey: *grabbing tighter* SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!! Hawthorne: *grabs her wrists, trying to pull them away, bringing up his knees to push her away* "Yes, woman, suffer as I have suffered, in sight of me, your worst enemy...No friendly hand pulls at his heart-strings, for he has no love in his heart. How could he love a monster like you, who murders her only friend?" zoey: he...hehehe..AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ahhh~ i only....did...what master fyodor...asked of me... Hawthorne: "And you killed your friend. You killed your friend because a madman told you to. You killed your only friend because a madman told you to. You killed your only friend because a madman told you to--then defiled you, from the inside out, like the base whore you are--" zoey: *slaps him...with a lead pipe* Hawthorne: *knocked to the floor, bleeding from the head* zoey: ......*exits the room* ......... FD: "..." *steps out, looks at Hawthorne...follows Zoey* zoey: master fyodor...? you...dont believe him....do you? FD: "Of course not." *rests his hand along her cheek* "I love you." zoey: ahhh *blush* FD: "But there are two problems." zoey: w-what is it, master fyodor? FD: "First, you have damaged one of our members. He will need your medical treatment." zoey:....understood. FD: "Second, you will treat him..." *turns her around--and slams her against the wall* "...after your punishment." zoey: ah! *pant* m-master fyo- FD: *slaps a hand over her mouth, as he leans onto her* "I can't have you killing my soldiers..." *jams his nails into her side* zoey: *letting out a muffled moan* FD: *rips her skirt with his nails, tearing it off of her* "You like blood so much?" *digs his nails into her bare leg* zoey: a-ahhh~!' FD: *grabs her underwear by the edge--tugging on them until they start to tatter* zoey: *blush* FD: "Are you really so embarrassed, Zoey, at being in a state of undress before me?" *turns her around, lifting up her shirt over her head* "You have no reason to be ashamed, before the man who loves you, who has seen all of you." zoey: it...f-feels good... FD: *grabs her bra--and rips it down, his mouth reaching her breast* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Hey, Kim. How're you holding up?" kim: good. you? Spirit: "A'ight. Just working out for the Festival..." kim: you're...taking part? sachiko:.... >////>; Spirit: "Yeah. What's wrong with that?" kim: no, nothing at all!....hey sachiko. sachiko: miss diehl. Spirit: "We're getting items for dinner. You hungry?" kim: eh, sure. Spirit: "Feel free to invite Jackie--plenty of food tonight!" kim: cool. Spirit: "And bring dessert!" -elsewhere- Kepuri: "What is her deal?!" chie: im not sure....she seems....hurt. Kepuri: "Then go to a doctor!" chie: i dont mean physical hurting. -_-; Kepuri: "Then a head doctor! You know, a shrink!" chie: perhaps... -elsewhere- Izuku: *sets his new action figure on the shelf* "...I'll make you proud, sir." -elsewhere- rowena: *reading* Poe: "Sister? I finished the cookies." rowena: *smiles* that's great. ^^ lenore: *casually perched on her head* Poe: *offers a cookie to Lenore* lenore *nom nom* Poe: ^^ "Glad you like it." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "I'm home." fuyumi: welcome back! Todoroki: "May I provide any assistance with dinner?" fuyumi: sure. Todoroki: *grabs an apron* "...Anything interesting happen?" -elsewhere- Mr. Urakaka: *asleep on the couch, still in his work clothes* "Zzz..." ochako:...*smiles and puts the blanket over him* -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* kilik: guess he's crashing here tonight then? soul: seems like. Black Star: *swings his arm* soul:...whatcha think he's dreaming about? kilik: *shrug* Black Star: "Give it to me..." kilik:...*smirks, pulling out shaving cream and putting it into the palm of black*star's hand* Black Star: "Yeah, that's it...Big burger..." *moves his hand up to his mouth* "NOM." kilik + soul: *holding in laughter* Black Star: *muttering* "Tsubaaaaaaaakiiii....I told you I don't like whipped cream on my burger." -they just lose it- Black Star: *wakes up* "..." *growls* -elsewhere- kenji: *humming* Kunikida: "I have an errand for you." kenji: okay! what is it? Kunikida: "Delivers this package to the police." kenji: okay! hey kyouka, lets do our best! Kyouka: "Yay." -elsewhere- yana: *checking the cameras* *Dazai is washing dishes, Lucy is...holding up a sports uniform?* yana: *yawn* uuuugh. so laaaaame. are we ever gonna get this damned plan going? FD: *enters, buttoning his shirt* "What do we need to move forward?" yana: *looks back at him ala shaft head tilt* well, for starters, we need to finish contacting that guy, but it may take months. FD: "Can you make it 'weeks'?" yana: i could try, but i cant guarantee it. -_-; FD: "Please do." *adjusts his tie* yana: *nods* *glances through the door* zoey: *panting, laying on the floor* yana: *cringe* FD: "...I'll be done in a few minutes. Tend to the children." yana:....right. -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *hands out towels* -elsewhere- kenji: ^^ Kyoka: "...There it is." -after that- kenji: what do you want to do now? ^^ Kyoka: "Crepes." kenji: that sounds yummy! Kyoka: "Good. I hope you have money." ???: hueeeee....the city is so big and scary. i wish i could go home... kenji: !!!! ???: *a young boy, around 14, looks up* ueh? k-kenji? kenji: *HUG* NANKICHI!! Kyoka: "???" kenji: oh! kyouka, this is nankichii, he's from ihatov like me! nankichii, this is kyouka, she's one of my coworkers! nankichii: e-e-ehhh? coworkers? what? *confused* Kyoka: "Student employee." nankichii: ehhhh??? -elsewhere- hirotsu + naoya: *belting out an epic enka duet. it is a marvelous sight to behold* higuchi: ^^; Gin: "..." *downs another shot* higuchi: wait, where did tachihara and ryunosuke go? Gin: "??? ... Oh no." clerk: sir. you're drunk. go back to your room please. -_-; Tachihara: "No, you go back to your room!" Akutagawa: *shivering* -a voice can be heard singing in one of the rooms...atsushi's voice- Akutagawa: "..." *follows the voice* atsushi: *singing karaoke* Lucy: QWQ Akutagawa: *staring from the window* Q~Q kirako: *claps* naomi: ^^ Lucy: "Bravo!" atsushi: aw, shucks guys. ^^ *scratching the back of his head, blushing a bit* Lucy: "Encore!" atsushi: well- *notices the window* *SCREAM* Lucy: "!!!" Akutagawa: *face pressed against the glass* naomi: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! Akutagawa: *smashes the window* -he got tazed- Lucy: o_o; atsushi: that was terrifying. -underground- RHOD member: <boss, we have a problem. someone leaked our location. we'll need to move to the secondary base.> FD: *sigh* <Begin.> -elsewhere- Mori: "???" miura: someone sent us the location of the rats... Mori: *smiles* "Send our team!" miura: understood. -and so- naoya: look out fuckers, pest control is in town! hirotsu: *approaching the door....he sent it flying back* -silence.......no one is here...- Akutagawa: "..." Chuuya: "Damn it." *sniffle* naoya: ??? -a small child can be heard whimpering from one of the rooms- Chuuya: "???" *follows the sound* -the room is empty, save for two beds....the sound is coming from under one of them- sonia: *whimpering, clutching a stuffed bear* Chuuya: "..." *approaches one bed* sonia: ??? .....*staring up at him* Chuuya: "...Hey." sonia: .....are you....going to kill me? Chuuya: "No...Why would you think that?" sonia:....are you....an angel? Chuuya: "No. Human. Like you." *removes his glove* sonia: ....... *staring out the door* Akutagawa: "...Why is there a small person under that bed?" sonia: ......they left me in this place.....told me i was nothing more than dead weight....*crawling out and going out of the room* Chuuya: "...What is your name?" sonia:.....sonia.....*points to the incubator* i came out of here....from a dead thing.... naoya: the heck is that? hirotsu: an incubator? *examining it* nirvana corporation...? how long has this been here...? Chuuya: ("...Dead thing?") higuchi: *checking rooms*.... ?? *spots a box with 'to mr nakahara' written on it with a letter* what the....?......hey chuuya? you might want to see this. Chuuya: "??? ..." sonia:....*points to the box* mommy in there. Chuuya: "...What do you mean--" sonia: mommy in there.....she died.....i was supposed to be dead too.....but then they grew me in the tube...and now im here.... naoya: that's pretty freaky.... Chuuya: "..." *opens the box* -rain's body is left inside- higuchi: *screaming in horror* hirotsu: !!!! Chuuya: "..." *turns his head--and vomits* naoya: what the fucking shit?!?! sonia:....mommy in there. naoya: w-what the fuck does she mean 'mommy in there'?! Chuuya: "..." *looks up, cleaning his mouth, stares at Higuchi* "...No..." higuchi:....*realization* ......*her face went pale* Chuuya: *stares at Sonia...* naoya: t-the fuck did they do?! th-they turned her into some fucking doll.....what kind of sick fucks are we dealing with?! sonia:.....mommy died..... Chuuya: "..." *sobbing* higuchi:.....chuuya....we should probably leave now....we should bring her with us... Chuuya: "The...The..." naoya: h-h-hey, g-get a hold of yourself! Chuuya: *crying, walking ahead* hirotsu: ..... -in the mafia office- kouyou: !!!! miura: .... elise: EEEEEW SO CREEPY! Mori: "...Uuuuuuuuuummmmm..." hirotsu: and that's the report. naoya: what the hell kind of sick, deprived bastards are we dealing with, mori?! Mori: "...Truly disturbing ones. Poor Rain." higuchi: .........*hard stare at mori* hirotsu: what do we do with her now? *glances at chuuya* Chuuya: "...Sonia? Are you hungry?" Mori: *calm smile before Higuchi* sonia: *hugging his leg, as if hiding from mori* ...... kouyou:..... Mori: "???" Chuuya: *pats Sonia's head* "Come along. I'll make you something good to eat." sonia:....*holding onto the back of his shirt and following* Mori: "At least someone here is good with children." kouyou: .....*small smile* Chuuya: "You like pizza?" sonia:....what's that, papa? Chuuya: .\\\. "...Um...I'm not...Um...It-It's bread with cheese on it..." sonia: *imagining a bread loaf with a slice of cheese on it* oh. Chuuya: "And tomato sauce." -elsewhere- keek: *terrified* FD: "Which of you told them our location?" -no one says anything- keek: *tears falling* FD: "...Keek. Child. Come here..." keek: *trembling* FD: *approach Keek...and hugs her* keek: ??? zoey: .....*malicious glare at keek* FD: "You know who did it. And I promise, if you tell me, I won’t hurt you." keek: i-i dont.... ???: it was me sir! -a young lady approaches- ???: im the one who told the mafia our location FD: "...Why?" ???: i thought......if we lured them into a trap...we could....kill them.... FD: "And so you risk our location on that gamble? What is your name?" ???:....sasha...sir.... FD: "I appreciate your honesty, Sasha. Thank you." sasha:..... FD: "I would like to reward you. Zoey, if you would be so kind..." zoey: *goes up to sasha......and slits her throat* sasha: !!!! *choking on her blood and twitching.....before finally dying* FD: "Oh, you've made a mess, Sasha." sasha: ........ -no one says a thing- keek: *tears still falling* FD: "Well, now that this task has been taken care of, I want all but Zoey and Keek to begin the clean up, unpacking, and organizing. Dismissed." -they all go about their business- keek: ......... zoey: *glaring at keek* FD: *pats Keek's shoulder* "And this is what happens...to anyone who goes against my wishes. Do you understand, Keek?" keek:....*nods. still whimpering* FD: "Good. Now get Sasha out of here. Zoey and I must talk." keek: ......*staring at sasha's corpse* -sasha's eyes are wide in shock...- zoey: ...... FD: "...Zoey? Will you miss Sonia?" zoey: ......will we.....retrieve the new child soon...? FD: "When you wish me to do so, I will." zoey: ah~ FD: "..." *pats her cheek* "That's my girl." zoey: ^^ FD: "...I think I can help you with the new child, too." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *staring at Sonia* "..." sonia: *nom nom* *shiny eyes* delicious! {higuchi: i think....this kid is rain and mori's child....they must have revived her with the incubator....} {Chuuya: "...Same."} {higuchi:....what do we do with her?} {Chuuya: "...Keep her away from Mori."} {higuchi: no arguments from me on that...} {Chuuya: "I just...think that look on his face..." *shudders* "I don't want to know what is going through his mind."} {sonia: *holding her stuffed bear* .....} {Chuuya: "...Hey, Sonia...Does your bear have a name?"} {sonia:....*shakes head* i hid my dream drawings in it...} {Chuuya: "...Drawings?"} {sonia:....i have.....dreams about mommy. about papa......about the demon....} {Chuuya: " 'Demon'?"} -tug tug- Chuuya: "???" sonia: are you ok, papa? Chuuya: "...Fine...Why do you call me 'Papa'?" sonia:....*pulls out a drawing of herself, rain....and chuuya* Chuuya: *holding back tears* "...Oh." *small smile* sonia: you look like the same papa in my dreams..... Chuuya: "In these dreams...what is your mama like?" sonia: mama's really nice....she gives the best hugs. Chuuya: "...Yeah." sonia: ......where are they gonna put mommy now? Chuuya: "...They're...going to let her rest." sonia:.....oh....i wish mommy wasnt dead. Chuuya: "...Me too, Sonia." sonia:.....*hug* Chuuya: "!!! ..." *pat pat, hug* -elsewhere- Gin: "How is Chuuya dealing with all of this?" higuchi: im not sure.....i think....taking sonia in might help him.....god....i can still see her in there.....she looked peaceful... Gin: *nods* "...That they would do such a thing to her...is mortifying.” higuchi:......why would they.....is this some kind of sick joke to them? Gin: "Likely. And to send a message, not only to Mori...but to Chuuya." higuchi: .....*trembling* she never deserved any of this.... Gin: *holds her hand* "No. She did not." higuchi: *hugs and whimpers* Gin: *hug, strokes her back* "..." -elsewhere- Mori: "But Elise, aren't you happy to have another child here to play with?" elise: i gueeeesss... she kinda looks like you a bit. how gross. Mori: ^^;;;; "...Just your imagination." elise: and i think she already hates your guts, rintarou. Mori: ^^;;;;;;;;;; "...I'm sure we'll get along when we get to know each other." -elsewhere- Rin: "How's your mom doing, Stocking?" stocking: doing well. im gonna help set the nursery up later. Rin: "D'aw! I can't imagine how they'll set it up...Your dad's going to add any of his otaku stuff?" stocking:....*excalibur face* that's a scary thought. Rin: "Maybe you could get some candy-shaped plushie for your future sibling." stocking: that would be cute ^^ Rin: "Darn right it would be!" *opens another can of soda* "So, how long before you have a kid?" stocking: RIN! D8< Rin: "What? I thought that's what would happen next after the wedding. I already have a bet going how long before--" izumo: *tapes his mouth shut* stop. Rin: OXO "Hmph?!" Yukio: -_-;;; "My apologies." -elsewhere- Ann: "Thanks for your time!" *turns off her recorder* "Great interview." -elsewhere- Arthur: -_____- "It's him..." tamaki: ??? *excalibur face* dear god. Aoyama: "Bonjour, chaton! Hello, Boyle." tamaki: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* hello aoyama. -_-; Aoyama: "You look in fine form today. Excited for the upcoming Festival?" tamaki: yeah, i guess. (thinking: knowing my luck, im gonna be humiliated most likely...) Aoyama: *takes her hand* "Then I wish you the best of luck. And I hope you will be cheering for me." *kisses her hand* Arthur: "..." tamaki: .......... nozomi: oh, hello mr aoyama. it's been a while since we spoke last. Aoyama: "Ah, Miss Nozomi! Hello. You are looking well." -elsewhere- Lucy: *sigh* "Craziness." atsushi: yeah, no kidding. odasaku: .... Lucy: "..." *hug* "Don't get killed by that weirdo." atsushi: !! *hug* i wont... Lucy: *pat pat* "Good...Good." *leans her head on his shoulder* odasaku:...i'll just....*ahem* let you two have a moment.. 7.7 Lucy: "...Atsushi...Thanks." atsushi: *smiles* you're welcome. Lucy: *pulls back, smiles--and pats his head* "Good boy." atsushi: >///<; Lucy: *stretches* "Well, I'm starving. Make me something~" -elsewhere- Hibana: "Mmm~" *smooch* gabriella: *smooch* ~<3 Hibana: *lies down* "Did you ever think it'd be like this?" gabriella: no....but im so happy it is... Hibana: *hug* "...Thank you, for not giving up on me." gabriella:....*hug* Hibana: "I love you, so much... -elsewhere- FD: *seated, in front of a white wall...just staring at it* "..." yana: im back! i got you a housewarming gift. *hands him a mug* FD: "..." *blinks* "Huh?" *looks around, then at the mug* -it has '#1 boss' written on it- FD: "..." yana: im gonna go set my room out. FD: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *pouting* naho: you ok? Sakuya: "Just...irritated." naho:....*hug* Sakuya: "..." *sniff, hugs* naho: do you want to watch some movies? Sakuya: *nods* "Something...kind of light." naho: ok~ ^^ Sakuya: *sits on the couch* "..." naho: ^^ -elsewhere- Benimaru: *staring up at the Moon* kirei: *asleep, resting her head against his shoulder* Benimaru: *glances at her* "..." ("The Moon only makes her look more beautiful.") kirei: =///= Benimaru: "..." *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- Medusa: -___-; "She's drunk again." shaula: awwwcumooooon im not daaat druuunk. Medusa: "Do I need to show you what you have been shit-posting during your video game playing?" -elsewhere- Emine: *picking a lock* *whispers* "How is this a 'good deed' again?" Shotaro: "Shh!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Welcome home.” stocking: hey kiddo~ *hug* Kid: ^^ *hug* "How was it?" stocking: today went pretty well. Kid: *smiles* "I'm glad." *smooch* stocking: mmm~<3 Kid: *rubs her arm* "All finished for the day?" stocking: yep. shiori: stocky! stocky! stocking: *picks her up* hey to you too, kiddo! shiori: ^o^ Kid: *smiles* "...Perfect." stocking: ^^ Kid: *takes his phone--and snaps a pic* -elsewhere- Vulcan: o_o;;; "...Why does this new robot have...ostrich legs?" karin: we got a commission for a promotional poster by the UA. one of their students is gonna pose with this thing to promote the sports festival. Vulcan: "...That is so rad. Have you named it?" -elsewhere- PlushFix: *shudders, covered in blood* hina: *whistling and playing with a butterfly knife* that was fun, right guys? saku: ... PlushFix: "...I need a bath." *shakes like a dog* hina: *picks him up and throws him into the washing machine* PlushFix: D: "At least let me take a bath with someone hot!" hina: *tosses in a plush toy of a fire ball* PlushFix: -___- "...Cute. How am I supposed to fuck this?" -elsewhere- Anya: *snores* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Thank you for the meal, ma'am." sachiko: no problem, kiddos ^^ kim: ^^ izumi: jackie, how do you like working in the library? Jacqueline: "It's enjoyable enough: quiet, get to keep things organized...But I do not like the rabies shots." izumi: O-O; eh? Jacqueline: "...I was kidding, about Poe's raccoon in the library?" izumi: oh, i see. i think i've seen that raccoon. Jacqueline: "Cute enough--but kind of noisy." kim: from what i've seen in pictures, he's kind of become the library mascot, haha! Jacqueline: "And leaving his fruit-juice footprints everywhere..." -__-; -elsewhere- Stein: *sips a beer* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Zzz..." -morning- sonia: zzzzz.... Chuuya: "..." mito: *sleeping next to her* Chuuya: *steps away to the kitchen* -there is a few texts, from kouyou, naoya, hirotsu, higuchi, and akutagawa- Chuuya: "?!" *pulls up Kouyou's* kouyou: [how did sonia sleep the first night?] Chuuya: [a bit of adjustment but okay. had her take my bed, i took the couch] kouyou: [i'll be buying her some new clothes today ^^ #proudgrandma] Chuuya: -_-; ['kay] *looks at Hirotsu's* hirotsu: [congratulations on parenthood. if you ever need a nanny, let me know. im already taking care of four children as it is. ie tachihara, naoya, and the akutagawas] hirotsu: [*congratulations] Chuuya: [lol. thanx] *pulls up Higuchi's* higuchi: [u feeling any better? if u want to talk about it, let me know, k?] Chuuya: "..." [thanks.] higuchi: [ok] Chuuya: *pulls up Akutagawa's* Akutagawa: [how is the child?] Chuuya: [sleeping. seems to be resting.] Akutagawa: [good. let me know whether you need me to pick something up.] Chuuya: "..." [okay] *glancing at Naoya's text* naoya: [eyyy congrats on the kid!] Chuuya: -____-;;; [i'm just watching her today.] naoya: [u on parental leave or somethin?] Chuuya: [i don't know. i may have to ask akutagawa for class notes] naoya: [ah.] Chuuya: [can you cover for me at work?] naoya: [are you asking me to play 'executive'? like? for legits?] Chuuya: "..." [no. i am asking you to take on some of my lesser tasks. i have kouyou covering executive duties] naoya: .... [oh. can do] Chuuya: [thanks. make sure akutagawa doesn't do anything stupid] naoya: [*thumbs up emoticon*] Chuuya: *small smile...sets down the phone, opens the fridge, removes some eggs and milk...* sonia: zzz.... mito: *yawns* =w= Chuuya: *pours some milk into Mito's dish, then starts mixing items into bowl...* sonia: *waking up* ??? Chuuya: *already pouring pancake mix into skillet* sonia: *walking into the room and looking around* Chuuya: "...Good morning, Sonia. I'm making breakfast for us." sonia: .....*trying to get up onto the bar seat* Chuuya: "..." *sets down skillet, removes oven mitts* "Here, let me help you up." sonia: ... Chuuya: *picks her up with his hands to drop her into the seat* sonia: thank you. Chuuya: "You're welcome! So, what do you like on your pancakes?" sonia:...? Chuuya: "Maybe banana slices? Chocolate chips? Berries?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *loading his rifle* -elsewhere- Kid: *yawns* stocking: morning~ Kid: *smiles* "Good morning, Stocking." stocking: *smooch* Kid: *small giggle* "Aw...How was your sleep?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: *staring at an octopus plushie* "..." nozomi: is everything ok? Vulcan: "Y-Yeah...This plushie just...looks familiar. Whose is it?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: =_= teacher: mr araragi? Akutagawa: "...What?" teacher: please pay attention.
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