#i may have Uh rewatched a certain part
hecksupremechips · 11 months
I finally watched the across the spiderverse movie and teehee Hobie is pretty cool 🥰
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alestrameria · 3 months
You watch 'War Horse' with the NRC Equestrian Members headcanons
I just rewatched it (sorta. Midway. Only towards the end since i accidentally caught it on cable tv. Oops) and i realised they should watch it too. I cant be the only one crying alone in the club. Also first time + semi-serious so yanno
Uh...vague?? Spoilers for War Horse under the cut ig
- He's tearing up a good portion into the movie but denies it
- I think he'd start sobbing when the other horse died
-Cheered through his tears when Joey the horse finally was able to jump I just know it
-Instead of a red face his eyes are red and puffy from crying so much. You spend a good ten minutes giving him tissues
- Crybaby number 2
-Also denies it like Riddle but more loudly "IM FINE! IM NOT CRYING!"
-Also cheered his heart out for Joey to escape no man's land all while big fat tears rolled down his face
-You can literally see his eyes welling up with tears and him trembling on the couch but decide not to comment on it
-Also is bawling loudly by the end of the movie. Give him like 20?? Thirty mins to stop crying. Maybe a comforting pat too
- The main character reuniting with his horse near the end of the movie after all the troubles and obstacles they both went through got to him hardest I feel
- actually he's a little better than baby 1 and 2 above, he's pretty neutral and poker-faced throughout the movie
- may have accidentally fell asleep a few times but thankfully Sebek's so enthusiastic and into the movie he managed to wake Silver up
-He still teared up at certain parts though
-the war setting reminds him of papa Lilia and what Lilia might've gone through
-thats why the feels really hit when the horse was sold to someone else after the war, only for the boy to get it back again at the end
-Silver joins the huddled shaking mess that is the Equestrian club in their collective cry session over hit acclaimed movie War Horse
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gaytotaldrama · 1 year
For the requests: maybe Brott? (Brick x Scott)
full disclosure: i haven't gotten to TDROTI in my rewatch yet (mid-TDWT rn) so if anyone seems OOC i apologize it's been a while since ive seen it!! but i think brott is a super cute pairing and brick has always been one of my faves from the newer casts so i hope you enjoy :)
also on my ao3!
Part of a soldier's duty is to keep alert, and notice the little things not everyone else does. Brick may not be top of the class, but he had to have gotten picked for the new season of Total Drama for a reason. And if he really wants a shot at the money, it's probably best to start strategizing before the game even begins.
Which is why Brick starts people-watching as soon as he boards the boat to the island, so he can get a head start on sizing up the - somewhat intimidating - competition.
The most obvious threats, he checks out first. The girl in the grey tracksuit is clearly super athletic, as is the guy in the jersey he's pretty sure is named Lightning. Loud, both of them, but probably also headstrong. Easy to anger. Brick's known plenty like that over the course of his years of training. They'll be ones to watch out for, for sure.
The big guy is quiet - really quiet - and Brick's positive he's got to be secretly housing some mad brains up there. The small kid with the glasses won't get anywhere in the physical challenges, but in Brick's experience, those types of people can serve up a truly merciless smackdown of intelligence. Brick wouldn't call himself dumb, but he's never exactly been an Einstein - watch out for them, too.
Zoey is sweet - she'd introduced herself to Brick near the top of the boat ride, obviously eager to get to know her fellow competitors - and therefore not much cause for concern. Ditto Mike, who seems both nervous and excited, and ultimately, non-threatening. Dakota (and he knows her name is Dakota, because she'd loudly announced herself as she'd sashayed on board) is caught up in her own glossy glamorous self, the curly-haired guy too wrapped up in his video games to give Brick cause for much worry. The Italian girl is a little scary (not that Brick's afraid or anything, haha) and the small kid in the green sweater has done nothing but meditate this whole time. Yeah, they shouldn't be a problem.
Neither is the loud girl in the pink jacket. Brick never caught her name - he's sure she introduced herself, but she's been talking the ear off of everyone non-stop and in all that prattle, none of it seems to actually hold any merit. And Brick would know a thing or two about merit, yes sir!
Chatty Cathy's current victim appears to be the only other remaining contestant - looks like your classic Nova Scotian farm boy, chopped red hair, threadbare wifebeater, unimpressed look on his face. Brick doesn't know his name, or his deal - strength from years of outdoor chores? Some hidden smarts no one would assume of him? Brick has no idea. Come to think of it, Brick's not even sure he's heard the guy say a word. Not that it's in any way easy to get a sentence in edgewise with pink jacket girl around, of course - had she said her name was Tracey? Sarah?
"What are you staring at, buzzcut?"
Brick instantly straightens his spine, standing at attention, embarrassed to have been caught looking at the farm boy. "Nothing. I wasn't staring at anything."
"Uh, yeah, you totally were," says pink jacket. "It was so obvious! By the way, did you know that my great-great-great-great-great uncle Gordon first coined the term obvious wayyyyyy back in - "
"Put a sock in it," farm guy mutters, and strangely, she seems to listen to him. He diverts his attention back to Brick, advancing on him like some sort of terrifying jungle cat. "Trying to size up the competition?" He sniffs, thin lips curled into a sneer. "All you need to know about me is that I'm gonna kick your sorry ass off this island."
Brick stands his ground. "With all due respect, you don't know that for certain. Mr....?"
"Scott." He grabs a hold of the front of Brick's shirt, pulling him in close and oh no, he's hot, and whoa, he's got freckles like everywhere. "I'll make sure you won't forget it, private."
And with one last withering glare, he lets go of Brick and stomps away.
"Wow." In all that had just happened, Brick had forgotten Staci (!!) entirely, but she's throwing an arm around his shoulder now in what she likely thinks is a comforting manner. "That guy is gonna eat you alive! Speaking of cannibals, my cousin's sister's dog's landlord totally eats people! Chris would probably love to have him on the show, yah, he's a total maniac but I bet he'd be great for ratings, ya know? Ya know, my great-great-great-great - "
But Brick isn't listening to a word. He's staring down at his shirt, positive he can see the imprint of Scott's fingers seared into the fabric there, because why else would Brick have burned the way he did when Scott touched him?
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hellooo dear!. I read the spicy one from @taran-chan that @oldtvserieslover requested.
I love the idea of thenamesh ghost hunter AU. So may I request a prompt for a second part of your story >Be Still, My Beating Heart<? Because it’s quite funny how the ghost are fond of Gil! Let it be funny, cute and a bit jealousy from Thena
"Are we really sure about this?"
Thena shook her head with a smile as she adjusted the equipment he himself had procured for this--their newest hunt location. "I'm sure it'll be fine if you don't have a panic attack."
Gil just looked over at her from where he was seated on the couch, where supposedly their ghost target of choice had passed away mysteriously some 200 years ago. He made it seem like she was miles and miles away from him. "Once you get the equipment set up you can come and sit with me, right?"
"Gil," she chided him. Gil was such a cut of muscle all his own, but every hunt made him curl up like a dog with its tail between its legs. "I have to see if we get anything."
"Fine," Gil sighed dramatically, tugging at the flannel over his shirt, "leave me to the spirits, I guess."
"I'm sure they'd love to get their hands on you," Thena rolled her eyes. If their hunts in this area had taught her anything, it was that he was apparently a real heartthrob to ghosts.
"Maybe there'll be some nice, old lady ghosts," Gil shrugged, still looking around them anxiously with the flashlight.
Thena examined the screen, picking up any possible signs of ghosts around them. "There's someone next to you."
Thena pressed her laughter into her palm, mostly for the sake of not missing anything when they were rewatching things later. "Don't scream, Gil--you'll scare them."
Gil squirmed, pressing himself into the corner of the old sofa.
"Hello," Thena greeted spectre, as she always did. "Can you tell us who's here?"
The frequency scanner barked at them a few times before spitting out, "Helen."
"Helen," Gil nodded, waving the flashlight around wildly in his nervousness (but careful not to shine it directly in Thena's eyes). "That's, uh, a pretty name."
Thena looked between the heat sensors and the light matrix and the ovilus, all set up and trained on Gil's position. She smiled at him, "Gil, you sure know how to make a lady blush."
"Stop it!" he whispered to her in a hiss, no doubt blushing himself from being teased about this again.
"Helen, do you fancy sitting down with my friend Gil, here?" Thena asked, and received a very excited spike in activity on their equipment. She reached for the ovilus, "can you tell us what you're doing here?"
"We are having fun," Thena laughed to herself while Gil waved at her to hurry up, squirming around on the couch as if he could see a ghost inching closer to him on the chaise. "Can you say 'Gil' for me?"
Thena snorted amidst her laughter. "These ghosts just can't get enough of you."
"Well, I guess they had some sympathy for me sitting here by myself."
"My poor Gilgamesh," Thena tilted her head and fluttered her lashes at him. "Say something to poor Helen. She came all this way."
"Uh, h-hey," Gil started, just as nervously as he always did. He held his hands on his lap, like a kid in trouble at school. "How's...the afterlife?"
"So romantic," Thena teased him again as she adjusted some settings on the equipment. "Oh."
"What?--oh-what?" Gil asked with a certain nervous edge to his voice, "Thena?"
"Helen is," Thena blinked, watching the stick-figure representation of Helen's energy sit itself right on Gil on the screen. "Helen is a little bit forward."
"What is she doing?"
"She's in your lap."
"Oh, th-that's okay, thank you," Gil leapt up, rushing back to the table with Thena and their equipment, bumping into it and rattling it loudly. "I'm, uh, not...interested?"
Thena frowned at the ovilus. She had never gotten 'inside' from the damned machine before. It was two syllables--doubly unlikely to be a mistake from another frequency. It seemed so deliberate. It seemed so...inappropriate. "Okay, Helen, take it easy."
Thena shook the expensive piece of equipment in her hand, "you better be talking about how tall he is, Helen."
"Thena, what's going on?" Gil all but whimpered as he rounded the table and wrapped his arms around her for his own comfort.
They both looked at the screen, blushing at the next word to pop up on the screen. Gil sputtered, "th-this lady is wild."
Thena shut the ovilus off with a huff, "I'm not calling her a lady if she's going to ask about my boyfriend's co-"
Gil let out another loud yelp as their proximity sensor went off.
"Helen doesn't take well to rejection?" Thena guessed, watching as the sensor flashed and beeped loudly at them a few times. "Helen, he's a taken man. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be the other woman, even after your death."
"Thena, don't antagonise the ghost, please?" Gil held her tighter as she got up to move around the room.
"It's nothing personal, Helen," Thena frowned as she shut off their flashlights and examined the light matrix for any possible movement. The lack of light also encouraged Gil to hold her even tighter. "But you can't just come onto people like that nowadays. It's not very proper."
Gil's eyes were peeled open, focused on the lights and just waiting for something to appear in front of them (like in his nightmares). "Thena..."
"If you give me a sign that you're here we can talk like ladies about this," Thena called out to the dark and the net of green led dots projected around the room.
"No, we can't," Gil corrected Thena liberally about that, "I'm quite happy with her, Helen--sorry."
"I don't want some dead lady to try and posses you--or me!"
"She was already in your lap earlier," Thena reminded him. She flinched.
"What?" Gil looked at her, wrapping up in his arms from behind.
"Did-" Thena paused, caught somewhere between flustered and unnerved. "Did you...whisper something in my ear?"
"Like what?"
"Anything!" Thena whispered back to him, tucking herself a little closer to his chest. And when Thena got nervous around the ghosts, it was time to go.
"No, I didn't whisper anything," Gil shook his head, already grabbing the equipment off the table and shoving it all in the satchel on Thena's hip. "Let's go--time to get the hell outta here."
"I mean it, Gil, she whispered in my ear," Thena mumbled as Gil did up the satchel clasp with clumsy fingers. "She whispered 'mine' directly in my ear."
"Nope, sorry Helen, I'm all hers, we're leaving now--okay, bye!" Gil rushed out all in one breath, picking up Thena and running out of the house full tilt.
He all but leapt from the front porch of the house, rushing right to the rent-a-car parked a few doors down from the creepy old place. He set Thena on the hood, leaning his head on her shoulder to catch his breath.
Thena tilted her head to rest against his, also breathing heavily. "That...that was..."
"Fucked up-"
Gil pulled his head up, dreading the hungry look in her eyes, "Thena, no."
"But she's totally haunting that place!" Thena shook Gil by the shoulder. "She addressed us directly! I don't even think it's a ghost--it might be a demon or something!"
"Nope!" Gil shook his head, "nope, nope, no--absolutely not."
"Well, you're not going back there, but-"
"No, Thena, you're not either," Gil held her chin and tipped it back to him. "Helen doesn't seem all that fond of you. And I'm not letting you waltz back in there alone."
"But the evidence-!"
"Thena," Gil leaned in closer, "look at me."
She was unable to do anything else.
"You're not going back in there," he said in a low - maybe kind of sexy - tone. "Did we or did we not tell Helen that you're mine?"
"Well," Thena blinked, feeling heat in her cheeks as Gil held her eyes with his, "a-actually, we told her that you're m-"
"So," he whispered, his breath hitting her lips before he pulled away, "get in the car. We already have plenty of great evidence, and we might have even picked up that last little whisper, too."
Thena blinked, sliding off the hood of the car and feeling the cold of the night air against her blushed cheeks. Maybe she should get more used to calling Gil her boyfriend on hunts, she thought.
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stellocchia · 3 years
This is part 3 of the Comprehensive Analysis of c!Tommy and c!Dream’s relationship during the Exile Arc
Part 1 -  Part 2
Here we go again! When I started this I did NOT think it would be this long or take this much time, that said the Exile Arc is very nice to rewatch. There are a lot of little moments I didn’t notice on first watch. 
Anyway, as always from here on out it’ll all be about the characters and we will be discussing some heavy topics so do keep that in mind!
We are now onte the 4th proper Exile stream: Tommy Is Holding It Together in Exile with Dream
This one peculiarly enough does not start with Tommy drowning. Also I want to mention that this is the second time during exile where Tommy mentions that he thinks he is allucinating. The first time it was in regard to seeing a group of mobs, this time it was in regard to Tubbo being on-line. Also at the beginning of the stream he finds a present left from HBomb consisting of 1 fire resistance potion 1 strenght II potion, Wait and a photo of the Queen, Tubbo and Vikkstar.
“We need to do something and quick today. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but every single day at the start of my stream Dream logs on uh... and I’m starting... *sigh* he said that Technoblade was over there” (moment when he decides to go scout out Techno’s cabin)
“Okay, what if- just- just to investigate it because I know- I know that big man Dream wouldn’t be too happy if he knew so...” (the manipulation is turning out to be quite effective)
By the way, the reason Tommy states for wanting to see Techno at this point is literally just too feel again like there was someone near (he did say “to smell” someone near, which does tie in with him saying he could “almost smell” Dream when he was searching Techno’s cabin when only Ghostbur and Tommy were there, which I’m sure we could analize further, but I won’t), not to team with him. Once again, :t no point was it Tommy’s intention for them to team up. 
“I’m very lonely out here heh, I’m very lonely back home” (casual use of “home” to referr to Logstedshire)
“I wanna go back, I wanna go back. I don’t like this no I don’t like this now we’ve been away for too long” (panicked speach patterns get worse the longer he is away)
“Friend??? No, horse” (Lmao)
“Dream wouldn’t want me going in here...” “Dream wouldn’t like it if I was here! Dream wouldn’t like it if I stole! He’d loose his shit, he’d loose his shit. Surely not...” *Dream joins the game* “oh Oh OH NO! I’m in deep fried shit!”
I want to point out that I personally think a bit of time has passed since last stream, mainly because of this progression. At this point it’s not only fear of physical pain prompting him to act a certain way, it’s also Dream’s conditioning: suddenly what Dream wants it’s extremely important and the same goes with what he would and wouldn’t approve of. And, if I remember correctly, this particular scene was quite the eye opener for a lot of the audience at the time. 
“Okay we run back we run back we run back we run back *screams* okay which way’s back? which way’s back? which way’s back? He [Dream] can’t know he can’t know” (panicked speach patterns once again, getting worse)
“I knew I shouldn’t have gone there, that was stupid that was stupid that was stupid” (self-loathing)
“Now how do I get home?” “No no, chat, we should just get home!” “We should probably get home quick” “Is anyone at home? Maybe Wilbur came home” (Logsteshire has now the title of “home”, but it’s definitely not safe)
“No!” *creeper blows up* “*sigh* I deserve that” (self-loathing)
“You know let’s clean up our land. What we need to do before... before He arrives. Maybe we should make a little safe spot, nah, there isn’t enough time today. You know I reckon after last night He is gonna be okay with us, He is gonna be much more...” (hard time speaking or thinking about Dream)
Tommy proceeds to seat down with the compass listening to Far and looking towards L’Manburg for a while. Then Tubbo (hallucination, which is quite worrying) comes out of the portal with the compass in hand and they stare at each other for a bit, after that he keeps seeing Tubbo (always hallucination) throughout the stream. 
“I actually just woke up Tommy and I came straight here, to visit you” “Why would you go stra- straight here?” “Because I wanted to see you~” “Why?” “Uh, because we’re friends” “Oh yeah... hi Dream!” “Hello”
Dream arrives and blows up Tommy’s armour and weapons (I actually did not remember about Dream taking the weapons every time as well, but it does make sense in Dream’s f*cked up way considering that his intent was leaving Tommy entirely defenceless so that he would be more dependent on him). This time though, Dream makes Tommy light up the tnt, with minimal resistance from Tommy at this point (he just says: “I don’t really want to”, but he can’t bring himself to resist more then that). 
I do find quite interesting that every time they seem to have the blowing up and insecurities part of the conversation at first and then basically re-start all over. It happened last stream as well. Also, Dream keeps accentuating 2 points to Tommy: how everything back in L’Manburg is better without him there and how, while it is basically effortless to come visit Tommy, he is the only one making the effort (even going as far as going to visit first thing in the morning). 
“I’ve had a little idea by the way, I want to know what you think” “Okay” “And also if I’m allowed” “Okay” “*sigh* Basically, I’ve been thinking, you know how we made our Big Path to get home?” “Yes, it’s been a little while” “Yeah yeah, I’m thinking: I throw a party!”
So, couple of things to talk about here: Tommy feels the need to constantly ask Dream for permission (because Dream just puts so many rules to this supposed “exile”), another indication of some time having passed since the last stream for them, considering that the last stream was literally the day before irl (I’m talking about the “it’s been a little while” part) and also this is when we are introduced to the idea of the party.
“I’m allowed? I’m allowed?” “Yeah, can I come?” “Of co- uh- yeah” “Okay, they’re allowed to come” (talking about the party)
“Well Dream, is it me or is it you that’s been left by themselves for about 13 days now?” (irl it’s been 4-5 days, though at least now we have a bit of a timeframe for them as well)
Ghostbur arrives with Phil (who gifts Tommy the Tommy Slippers, which are a pair of diamond boots, a stack of black wool, 8 iron blocks and a Friendship Emerald) 
“Guys are you- are you real?” “Am I real?” “Because I keep fucking seeing... I keep seeing Tubbo” (Tommy finally mentioning the hallucination to others, also Ghostbur pretends to see him, though it was confirmed later on that he wasn’t there)
“Dream’s here by the way, Dream’s always here” (now that’s kinda ominous)
“Dream, Dream I swear to Christ I think I just kept seeing Tubbo” “I didn’t see him, I never saw him once. Phil didn’t see him either, it was only you and Wilbur. Pretty sure he wasn’t here~” “My eyes are not the most reliable, I see lots of things” 
I’d say from here on out is when Tommy starts trusting Dream over his and Ghostbur’s perceptions of reality. After all, as I said at the start, this is not the first, nor the last time where he questions his own perception of reality and, as we talked about in the last analysis, it’s not the first time that Dream tries to assert himself as his main source of information (callback to him negating having ever destroyed any of Tommy’s belongings). Also Fundy came to visit giving Tommy an efficiency II fortune I diamond axe (may I point out now how Fundy is literally the one person, aside from Dream and Ghostbur, visiting the most and how he is the only one aside from Ghostbur always saying “hi” whenever Tommy logs on? Their friendship is so underrated). 
“I’m going- I’m going crackers...” “Hi Tommy! I think- I think I saw Tubbo as well” “Dream was Tubbo here?” “I did not ever see Tubbo, but I don’t know, I haven’t seen him” (confirmation of what I said before)
“Dream, now that you showed up everyone started to visit me again!” “Well I think it’s just because the- well, to be fair, are they here with you right now? They’re just running around, like, I don’t think they are here visiting you, they’re just visiting Logstedshire” “Oh” (Dream enhancing Tommy’s feeling of loneliness)
“He [Tubbo] told me he missed you” “Really?” “Well-” “Yeah! I gave him a compass that pointed towards you at all times and he siad ‘I really miss him'“ “Really?” “Yeah” (...) “I thought I saw the compass in a chest, like he threw it in a chest in the Community House, but I’m not- maybe it was a different compass, I’m not sure”
Ghostbur was actually a great support during Tommy’s exile. From pointing out the holes in Dream’s rules, to trying and reassure and support Tommy when he is feeling down, often going directly against Dream’s narrative, even going as far as creating a physical connection between Tommy and Tubbo through the compasses. It’s no surprise then that Dream tried to get rid of him right after this stream. Tommy builds his first girlfrend, “hot girl”.
“Hey Tommy, don’t you worry, I’ll be at the beach party!” (Ghostbur said, like a liar...)
“Wilbur did you burn my hit novel?” “No!” “I heard you did” “No!” “Did you know that that was the only book in history that sold better then the Bible?” “No! No! No! Didn’t do it!” (Ghostbur said again, like a liar...)
“Wilbur we need a chest room” “No I don’t really need one, I just go to L’manburg” “Low blow ghost” (Ghost [derogatory])
“I’m sleep deprived” (we’re back into character after the 20 minutes of them bullying Brand)
“I have a gift for you Tommy” *gives Tommy iron helmet, chestplate and pants* “Armour? For me?” “Yeah” “Oh thank you, thank you!” “You’re welcome”
Remember this part because Dream will use this as a point against Tommy when destroying Logstedshire, just like Techno does later on. In case anyone was wondering: if you give something freely to someone as a gift you have literally no right to then hold it over their head at a later date. That’s just manipulative as shit. 
This neds with Phil, Dream and Tommy making a cake for the beach party and deciding on the last few details, and:
“We’re getting better everyone. We’re getting- are we- we’re getting better. I guess- I guess we’re bonding... *sigh* I guess...”
I’ll leave this off by reminding everyone that Dream and Tommy called Dream blowing up Tommy’s armour and weapons “bonding”. 
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mazojo · 4 years
Winter 2021 Anime Opinions
As always its that time of the year I pretend to be an anime connoisseur and leave my review on this seasons anime so take it with a grain of salt asdfgh from the one I enjoyed the least to the most.
Wave!!: Surfing Yappe!! (TV)
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You are seeing currently the only probably best thing about Wave asdfghj Tanaka bby I am SO sorry you got stuck here,,,,, Its bad because I had so many expectations for Wave but it just...... isn’t very good? The characters feel 2 dimensional, animation is veeeery average and the plot is all over the place? Dont even get me started on the Shou situation plot device that they just brushed over and went on with and,,,,,big sigh
Urasekai Picnic
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To be honest is not very fair to compare this one to the rest as ive only watched the first 2 eps but ill catch up eventually asdfghj its not bad just that the plot didnt capture me as much as I hoped but the two main characters cutiess the plot just confuses me asdfgh but I don't have much to say about it
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season
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So uh anyways Chile I don't wanna talk about it the only reason this is not dead last is because RayEmma cute moments but yeah don't watch this clown show go read the manga for self care ✨
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
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The only reason this is here is because she. The main girl I cant remember the name of sucks and main dude is very normal asdfgh the plot is basically “Want people to like you? change everything about yourself and become a normie robot!!!” ASDFGHJ Like its so over the top and cringe at times it becomes very confusing but hey I am not caught up either so I may change opinions (x doubt tho)
2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu
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From this point onwards I basically like everything. 2.43 Started suuuuper strong for me, definitely thought it would be one of my favs this season but as the eps went by I just.... kinda lost interest asdfgh? Like its not bad, but its a sort of mix between Stars Align and Haikyuu where I would have loved a more character based story with dark subplots like Stars Align but got the parts I always criticize about Haikyuu were there was a point I didn't really knew any of the characters? ASDFGH like the enemy team is super cool and Love their designs but if you ask me to tell you anything about them I already forgot rip. Its still cute and the animation is cool but yeah it kind of disappointed me in the end a bit ;w;
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
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AOT Is so sexci because it keeps on hurting me and I come back every-time for it ASDFGHJ Not much to say that hasn't been said, characters are super interesting, plot is a bit confusing at times for me to follow but amazing and I just :))) could go on about certain characters :))))) but I wont :))))
Wonder Egg Priority
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Wonder egg priority is very talked about right now so I wont get too much into it other than definitely give it a watch if you like the more philosophical and “makes you reflect on your life choices” sort of anime ASDFGHJ the visuals are stunning and the characters very well build, although I am very confused at times I am still enjoying it tons ^^ Trigger warning however for some heavy topics I recommend checking the warnings before watching it <3
Kemono Jihen
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I LOVE THEM OKaY? asdfghjk Kemono Jihen gives me the found family topes and I eat them all right up, I love the characters , their designs, the plot, everything. To be fair tho, I did enjoy the manga more than the anime but maybe its a pacing thing? idk but I definitely recommend 100% taking on the manga and maybe after watch the anime but I am enjoying it tons!!
Kai Byoui Ramune
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This one may come as a surprise lol?? Like I haven't seen a single soul talk about Ramune but like??? I am actually enjoying it a lot?? and look forward every week for the ep? asdfghj Like yes I will be the first to admit the animation isn't really the beeeeest out there but the plot is funny while also being serious, the characters are quirky and interesting to keep the flow going and I am liking the undertone heavy messages? the soundtrack also slaps imo and yeah I would definitely say to watch the first ep and if you like that sort of dynamic take it up on the rest!
I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol
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Okay I will be the first one to admit this is just me being trash for the idol shows but like?? its my list so I get to decide which found family I am screaming about next ASDFGHJ. As an avid A3 stan this gave me serious vibes of my boys (plus they were made form the same company so like not very surprised there loll) and like I think the characters are cute with adorable relationships and cute songs and its just a lighthearted show I sit down every Wednesday and smile through the 25 minutes so yes I Chu deserves a high spot and yes I recommend it even if it has like a 6.3 on myanimelist sksksks
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
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Look at Gen!!!! enough reasons to watch dr stone!!!! ASDFGH but in all seriousness I....... love them okAy? The plot is amazing and the characters are super entertaining (hiiii Ukyo Gen Senku and Chrome muak) and although it may seem a bit slower paced than first season the arc is gonna get better and better and the finale is gonna be great if they stick to the manga. Only sad that I dont get to see my pirate fuckboy but we better be getting a third season
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
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when I say this is the happiness of all my Tuesdays I ain’t even exaggerating ASDFGHJ Does this have an important plot? no. Is it transcending to animation? not really. Is it BSD content I've been starving for? absolutely!!! Tbh I see my favorite anime characters in chibi version and I go feral, go watch BSD pogg!!
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Me?? searching for that one gif of the side ship scene am obsessed over?? more likely than you think ASDFGH Horimiya holds a special place in my heart because it was the first manga I ever read and the nostalgia is stroNG,,,,,, The plot isn't anything really transcending but the way the characters are captured the feelings just,,,,,, stan!! Also Yuki x Tooru supremacy !
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Okaaaaay this is also me being a bitch for sports anime but like, again, are we surprised?? ASDFGHJ It may be my love for Hayato speaking but ive absolutely loves Skate Leading Stars, I love the group, the main characters, the ships, the routines and its so pretty and they are in love and like the competition and asdfgh its gOoD OKaY??? Watch it if anything for Hayato 👉🏻 👈🏻 My bastard bitch I love the gremlin.
Beastars 2nd Season
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I think we are all sleeping on Beastars brushing it off as a furry show. I don’t speak enough about it and I am not one to go about poetic cinemaness on main but beastars is a very poetic cinema show and yall sleeping on it. Coming from someone who was uncomfortable at first with the whole animal relationships part at first, just know beastars is so much more than that, it has a complicated plot with critics about the society within the show with amazing characters, great soundtrack and animation plus banger plot. Pina, Jack, Juno and Legoshi best characters and every week I look forward for the next eps so I hope yall go give it some love.
SK8 The Infinity
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If it wasnt clear from my spam every Saturday that I am absolutely in love with this show I dont know what to tell you ASDFGHJ. Sk8 has an amazing range of characters I find fascinating, specially Reki, very much so everything Reki asdfgh but yeah!! Its super entertaining with an interesting plot and its definetely becoming one of my favorite animes because the amount of times ive rewatched the episodes to cope is kind of embarrassing lmaooo, definetely give it a try although I understand its not for everyone but like,,,,, do it for Reki? 🤧👉🏻👈🏻
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undertalethingems · 4 years
Yeah, I used to be pretty bad about how I interpereted Papyrus. It's not that I'm not obsessed with canon, I am, but what happened with me was I got so caught up in Fanon is...warped how I saw Canon? Until I replayed the game and just went 'none of this makes sense, thats not what i remember.' (1/2)
hey uh
i never got part 2 :”D
but, in regards to what you sent--yeah, it can be easy to fall into that kind of trap. it’s why i always recommend people play the game for themselves, do their own research, look at what actual canon shows rather than rely just on what gets repeated and portayed in the fandom.
Even with unexpected guests, there’s a lot of headcanon you may not pick up on unless you know canon well enough to distinguish it, and i’ve sometimes worried that people will take the headcanons i’ve woven into my stories as fact. now, i do pride myself on basing my headcanons on things we see in-game, but they are just my headcanons. If anyone ever wants me to clarify canon, I’m happy to do so, because i know it can get confusing :’D
Luckily Undertale is a game that’s fun to go back to, and I know rewatching playthroughs or listening to the music when certain parts of the fandom have gotten me down can remind me just how much I love the characters and the world. AUs can be fun, but sometimes it’s good to go back to the beginning and revisit what started it all ^^
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kyuuppi · 4 years
how much would it take for izaya to give into his emotions and truly fall in love with someone and how would that person try to pry into izaya and get him to be more vulnerable around them? like what lengths would u have to go in order to see the REAL izaya? i wonder this a lot considering he's such a lonely and isolated character who honestly just needs a hug and deserves so much... i think someone rlly needs to understand him to the fullest
So uh somehow this got out of hand and I spent 3 hours researching and rewatching DRRR
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Disclaimer: I just wanna be clear that this is all just my own personal opinion based on my understanding of canon content. Everyone is free to have their own hcs and whatnot, I am no authority in any sense of the word. Your personal Izaya is the real Izaya, no exceptions. 💛
We are told, explicitly, that Izaya has always liked keeping a certain distance from other people since he was a child. Prior to high school, Izaya was a model student in every regard except his social avoidance. He preferred watching his classmates rather than interactimg with them.
Izaya’s interest in watching his peers gradually expands into watching all “humans” (at some point he begins to separate himself from others, perhaps finding everyone so unrelatable that he no longer considers himself a part of their category... the foundation of his god complex). We see the parts where he meets Shinra, forms a club that becomes something of a small crime circle, and our first sample of Izaya’s ability to manipulate people via Nakura. For the majority of the series we understand Izaya as someone with a god complex and unhealthy obsession with watching others. He has no qualms about manipulating and watching people get hurt--if there is not already trouble, he will create it just for the sheer entertainment it provides him. Izaya does not feel guilt for his actions on other people because he does not consider himself one of them; those are humans, he is a god. 
So, overall Izaya’s general feelings about others seem limited to their entertainment value and usefulness. However, there are a handful of people Izaya clearly feels differently about: Shinra, Shizuo, and Aoba.
Izaya initially accepted Shinra’s suggestion to make a biology club only because he found Shinra strange. Shinra is the opposite of Izaya in many ways, most notably that he has no interest in what other people; his focus is solely on Celty. Izaya actually admits to being jealous of Shinra for his relationship with Celty. I think this is a key point because it implies Izaya is 1) capable of growing attached to people and even considering them something akin to a friend (he even seems visibly upset in the episode where he is hospitalized and called Shinra only to have the man hang up on him in favor of spending time with Celty) and 2) Izaya--as you mentioned in your ask--may be lonely and yearn for some form of love. 
Izaya says he loves all humans except for Shizuo, proving just how strongly he dislikes the blond. The main reason Izaya claims to dislike him is because Shizuo is so violent, the antithesis to Izaya’s personal policy of never actually hurting people himself. Izaya manipulates people to the point of suicide and murder but he never actually commits violent acts himself. Moreover, Shizuo is not like the humans Izaya adores--his superhuman strength makes him alien, perhaps even above humans--like a god. Shizuo is a threat to Izaya on several levels, physical and psychological. 
Aoba is described as basically a younger version of Izaya; he has an obsession with watching people and Izaya immediately dislikes him for it. With this, we can assume Izaya is uncomfortable with people who are too similar to himself.
That being said, I think this leaves us with two options of who would most likely catch Izaya’s attention: someone who is either too much alike or too unalike.
There are two common tropes in fanfiction for Izaya’s S/O where they are either super intelligent, able to rival even Izaya’s own intellect and counter his manipulative ways or the exact opposite where it is someone who is so openly affectionate and believes in the good of everyone. I personally find the second more viable because, frankly, the first reads like a Mary Sue to me. Few people are canonically immune to Izaya’s manipulation, let alone smarter than him. I think outsmarting someone with a god complex like Izaya would be more likely to piss him off than tug on his heart strings. 
On the other hand, a Y/n who, despite seeing the worst of him and perhaps even being a victim of his tactics, remains strong in their morality and shows no malice towards Izaya despite his crimes against them--I think that is the type of person Izaya would develop a romantic interest in. He is surrounded by people with ulterior motives and selfishness--even when Shinra saved him from a knife, it turned out to only be because Shinra knew it would earn Celty’s favor. Izaya expects people to be selfish, twisted, and so on. A pure hearted person would intrigue him and in the beginning he would likely do everything he can to break them, just to prove to himself they are just like all his other humans. His tactics will get more and more personal as he gets desperate--instead of having random gang members he pays to kidnap them, it will be he himself showing up to smooth talk them. He would do things he has done in canon which are, objectively, pretty awful: lying about others around them, setting them up for a crime they did not commit, goading them into committing suicide, etc. 
Izaya is not for the faint of heart. 
The thing that would change Izaya’s whole mindset is realizing that, despite all he has done to them, they still care about him if only for the mere fact he is another person. Saving him, protecting him, or defending him in some way--even when he certainly does not need it--would really get to him. He will, in return, find himself subconsciously protecting them when they need it. He’ll assume he is just doing it out of some weird form of politeness after they had worked so hard of him but it progressively happens more and more to the point he eventually realizes it is much deeper than that.
In his field of work, having people he cares about is dangerous. There are many people who would like to get back at him. Because of that, he has learned to be careful with the few things important to him and that will extend to his S/O. Sometimes he comes off as slightly paranoid with his requests (albeit always spoken in his usual seemingly unbothered manner) and very quickly gets them to move into his apartment where he knows it's safer. Unfortunately, being in a serious relationship with Izaya requires the sacrifice of some independence. Not only is it too dangerous to do some things alone, but Izaya also keeps tabs on all of their devices and essentially knows their location at any given time. Part of it is just Izaya being Izaya (namely an informant and all-knowing “god”), but most of it is concern for them because they’re his now. They are his responsibility, their safety takes priority above even his own. 
Getting Izaya to fully trust them is a long, rocky journey but once he does, he never second-guesses his judgement. While he trusts them around his work and knowing secrets not even Namie has access to, he does try to keep them separated from his work, if only for their own safety. 
As far as vulnerability goes, Izaya will share things with his S/O that he wouldn’t tell anyone else but there will always be some thoughts and feelings he keeps to himself. It isn’t that he doesn’t trust them, there are just things he feels he can’t share or possibly doesn’t want to speak aloud.
You asked to what lengths I would be willing to pry to get Izaya to be vulnerable but I don't think Izaya is the type you can pry with. He is a master of deciet, manipulating him or trying to sweet talk things out of him is futile. His S/O can only offer the assurance that they are there and show their unconditional love and support, Izaya will open up about what he wants to on his own time. His S/O can, however, sometimes persuade Izaya to take breaks on the nights he is overthinking and working himself too hard. He values their opinion above anyone elses and genuinely listens to their advice when reasonable. If his S/O notices he is stressed and tries to "surprise" him (it's almost impossible to actually surprise him) with his favorite sushi or a nice shoulder massage, he will be very appreciative and sure to repay them for their efforts later on.
Finally, Izaya is not good at dealing with others’ emotions in a sympathetic way. If his S/O needs comfort, Izaya can only listen and offer logical advice. He has no problems getting rid of physical threats but when it comes to invisible enemies like insecurity, Izaya is at a loss. 
Overall, I think Izaya is an emotionally stunted bb who never expects to fall in love until it happens but, once it does, he is all in. 
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y0itsbri · 3 years
I adore your writing!
Can you please, please, please write an early gallavich fic?! I have such a soft spot for seasons 1-3 in particular. I think it’ll be a great dynamic to explore more. They’re just adorable!
Thank you so much and I look forward to your future work!! 💛
omg hi you’re so sweet anon!! 🥺💛💛 (i think i'm gonna try something a little bit different with this, let me know if you had anything specific in mind that i missed or that you would like to see!) -- apologies if it's ooc, it's been a little bit since i've rewatched early seasons. this got a little more angsty than i expected oops
ian didn't think fear and love were supposed to go hand in hand. at least as closely as it has been for him. all of his siblings' relationships had issues in one way or another, but he didn't see the same fear that he felt. he kept everything bottled inside of him, threatening to shatter. the big feelings weathering him down over time, threatening to drown him. he was everyone's dirty little secret. secrets stuffed in magazines or in locker rooms or freezer closets. he was just a kid over everything else. as much as he liked to think he held some power, he was beginning to feel afraid it had slipped, if he ever even had it at all. he wasn't particularly careful, but he was afraid of being caught in the middle of something he was told was so wrong. he's seen the consequences and it hadn't been pretty. but how could love be so wrong? especially when it felt so good. he knew he was good.
but ian didn't think he truly knew how good it could be until he met mickey. there was still secrets with mickey, of course. there was definitely more at stake if anyone were to ever find out - his household not exactly hanging up a rainbow flag during the month of june. or any month. so it's not like ian's fear had vanished. but more like mickey made things just better. everything else felt like a blip on the radar, too small to even be detected. he was all consumed. he would do anything to feel this electric and this fearless. this powerful. being with mickey is how he noticed the power had slipped before. how did he not notice? why didn't he care to notice?
at first, he didn't mind being mickey's secret. it was exhilarating. with every glance with mickey, he felt warm, enveloped, seen. he wasn't hiding and mickey couldn't either, even if he tried. with every touch, he felt it burn deep. a shock being sent straight up his spine. if he was a cartoon, electricity sparks would be flying. it was like mickey was fire - through his anger and violence and art and love. he was wild fire and spreading quick, taking out everything in its path. ian stood in the middle of the path with welcome arms, daring, begging it to take him too.
brash words and snarky comments from mickey's mouth were nothing but love poems as far as ian was concerned. he may not be able to play things cool, but he didn't want to if he even had a chance of making mickey smile. god what he would give to make mickey smile. to laugh if he was lucky. he didn't want to play anything cool if it even had a chance of making mickey feel good. all he wanted to do was make mickey feel good. feel safe.
it was like a magnetic pull in some stupid way that didn't make sense but made perfect sense. being in each others' space or even knowing that the other was even alive was enough to make ian see stars whenever he closed his eyes. a wish come true. separated by juvie walls or pocketed together by summer sweat, ian couldn't shake him. he didn't want to shake him, his best friend. because that's what they were. even if they couldn't explicitly say that. they couldn't say a lot.
ian knew that mickey's fear was so strongly rooted and for good reason. he wondered if he would ever be able to dig him out and free him. he wondered why he wasn't enough for mickey's love to over-shine his trepidation in the same way. he couldn't live with the possibility of mickey not feeling it the way he was so certain he had. he couldn't fake that. right? it killed him to keep his heart so locked away when it was aching to burst with every breath of mickey. he needed to go before there was nothing left but splatters between his ribs. so he left. he had to. if mickey didn't want him, he didn't want himself. he couldn't stand to be with himself anymore, every part of town a constant reminder of his own heart threatening to crumble like the buildings he once inhabited. he did what he needed to do. they would understand someday. they had to. they would be fine without him. he needed this.
it had been a few weeks into basic training, ian's phone had been blowing up with messages. he hadn't responded to anyone. they wouldn't understand yet. a smattering of messages made him stop in his tracks. he didn't know hear them come in. it could have been days ago. his heart felt like it was going to leap out of his throat. he couldn't bring himself to block the one person who held his heart in his palms, keeping it warm and alive despite the crackling cold circling around him. this is why he had left. this was bad. it was so bad. but if it was bad, then why did it feel so good? so good and warm. mickey.
Mick (3:56 am): i know u dont wanna hear from me man but tell me ur ok. u gotta be.
Mick (3:57 am): deb and mandy wont get off my ass. pick up ur fuckin phone.
Mick (4:05 am): for me. for them. idgaf.
Mick (4:07 am): im not good w words but uh listen to this. it's late - queen
Mick (4:10 am): c ya. plz dont get ur army ass killed
Mick (6:12 am): fuck gallagher
The way you love me Is the sweetest love around But after all this time The more I'm trying The more I seem to let you down Yes, baby
Now you tell me you're leaving And I just can't believe it's true Oh, you know that I can love you Though I know I can't be true Oh, you made me love you Don't tell me that we're through
fuck. he was in too deep again. this is why he left. his stomach ran cold. he was drowning he thinks. his phone died, and he didn't bother charging it. no one would throw him a lifejacket now. how could anyone forgive him? he couldn't even forgive himself. he couldn't be saved now. it's late. too late. too late. too late. he couldn't look back. he would be fine. he had to be. right?
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skellebonez · 4 years
Monkie Kid Headcanons Part 2: Red Son and Demon Bull Family Backstory
Follow up to this post, with a lot more heavy thinking needed this time. Since these characters technically had backstories in Journey to the West, I wanted to really think over how to work those into what we have in the show (even though it kinda doesn’t 100% work and is really messy if you overthink it since the show throws some stuff to the wayside). This took me multiple days to work out so I hope it at least makes sense.
Warning: This one actually gets very VERY dark with emotional and psychological abuse detailed in the later half, so I am putting all of these under a read more. Seriously. I want you to be aware of this before you click that button. Do not ignore this warning please.
I PROMISE that part 3 will be a lot less heavy. I just wanted to get this out so I could finally move on from it.
First, gonna preface this with the fact we all know Monkie Kid is not 100% accurate to Journey to the West. Characters that are supposed to be dead are alive after all, and Red Son’s existence in the show itself in particular kinda makes no sense when I overthink about him. Red Boy is evil in his first appearance, but comes back redeemed way later in the novel (and with his name changed to that of an actual deity who had already existed outside of JTTW with a completely different backstory).
In reality, JTTW is fiction based on historical events and Monkie Kid is made to be a kid’s show and was never going to be accurate to the novel. Not even adaptations of JTTW are. So basically, I headcanon this: in the show, JTTW the novel exists as a highly accurate and very important piece of historical novelization (a non-fiction novel). But like most examples of real non-fiction novels (like Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood), it is not entirely accurate and there are bits and pieces that do not line up. It is, however, incredibly close to 98% accuracy and anyone in it who reads it is impressed.
That being said, Red Son did study with Guanyin for quite a few years (though he was not entirely redeemed like his book counterpart, he was getting there). He actually did learn a lot and was pretty darn happy to be under her teaching at the time. Mostly because he didn’t know what was going on outside...
Unfortunately, later portions of JTTW confirm that Red Son being taken... completely ruined Monkey King and Demon Bull King’s friendly relationship. So that, combined with other events in the Fiery Mountains, it is incredibly likely that is why DBK was so bent on ruling and taking out Wukong for good. He wanted revenge for a lot of stuff Monkey King did.
Before we get into the depressing stuff, I personally headcanon that DBK was actually just. Dead. Completely dead. That is why he went from being covered in floof to being big buff body builder man. Hair does not grow back when you are dead. Removing the staff completely revived him. I needed a silly weird headcanon in here ok?
Since Princess Iron Fan calls him her husband, not her ex-husband as he had divorced her to be with Princess Jade Face in JTTW, I think they either reconciled at some point or PJF... didn’t exist? Since LMK is a kid’s show the later is more likely... but this is my headcanon. Given her personality in the show and book I think it is possible that they mutually divorced due to losing Red Son, DBK remarried, then realized he still loved PIF and wanted to go back to her and she took him back.
We don’t actually know much about PJF so... uh... I like to think she was shockingly chill about it and is just living comfortably somewhere else now. And never wants to see Monkey King again. I hope she is living her best fox spirit life.
Also unfortunately, DBK did not stand a chance and when he was sealed it took a major toll on PIF. She was left alone, her renewed husband either trapped or dead under a mountain and her son kinda sorta still arrested by a deity. This made her more distant to everyone and a lot more cold.
When news of what happened to his father reached Red Son, he pleaded with Guanyin to be allowed to leave her teaching to stay with his mother. He knew what isolation felt like and did not wish for her to feel the same any longer. Guanyin trusted her disciple and allowed him to return to his mother permanently, if he desired. Alone.
This was a mistake. Oh boy was this a mistake. Heaven should have either sent someone else completely or had someone accompany Red Son to PIF to help her because this one decision is why everything in show happens.
At first things go pretty well. PIF is definitely in need of support, but she is ecstatic to see her son again. And that lasts. For a while. Until she starts to project onto Red. She starts to blame him for being captured, for not being strong enough to take out Wukong when he had the True Samadhi Fire, for not being there to keep DBK from leaving her, for not being there to help his father fight Wukong a second time. Everything is Red Son’s fault now.
This simmers for a while before it starts to come forth to the surface. She starts being colder and more distant and giving Red little jabs in their conversations. She says them so sweetly it always takes Red a second to register what she says. 
“Oh Red Son, if only your father were here to see this. Too bad you weren’t there to save him.” “I love you my son, even if you can be useless at times.” “Princess Jade Face would have loved you I bet, but you were far too busy with the celestials to visit. I understand.”
This starts to wear Red down after a while, until he starts to believe his mother. He WASN’T there when he father was defeated, he COULD have taken care of Wukong, he WAS the reason his father left his mother. She was as warm and loving to him as she was when he was a small child when he came back but now? Now she’s as cold to him as anyone else.
She is never outright physically abusive, that is below her in her mind. But other things? Like not having his meals prepared along side hers? Insulting him as casually as saying the sky is blue? Pointing out every mistake he makes when writing or working on a project? Taking his things and “losing” them, only to “find” them days later in a place she told him to look and telling him he needs to be more careful? “Mistakenly” locking Red Son in his room and ignoring his yells and pleas to be let out? Those are on the table.
And this is when he becomes obsessed with getting back in her good graces and starts to push aside his teachings from Guanyin. He just wants his mother back.
His mother does not come back... but his old self does.
Guanyin does not learn of this until long after it is impossible to convince Red Son to leave his mother. She has the kneejerk reaction to just take him back by force but... for some reason she does not. She lets him stay. Perhaps she does not want to make the wrong decision again. Perhaps she feels she taught him everything she could. No one really knows. She does not discuss this.
After a while PIF does lessen her emotional and psychological abuse, once she is certain Red Son will never leave her. She even starts to treat him nicely, like her son who she always loved, like a mother again, even praises and defends him from others again (and Red Son eats it up because this is exactly what he wanted and just fuels his determination to prove himself and stay in her good graces). And at the time the show begins she has come to terms with the fact Red Son was not, in fact, at fault for anything and even regrets this portion of her life.
Make no mistake, however, her treating him less bad, even well at times, now does NOT in any way absolve her of how she treated him in the past. She is still abusive and she has done nothing that could truly set anything right. She still calls him things like “her sweet useless boy” and pulls shit like the racing episode. It’s not really any better. It’s just not actively as bad as it used to be at the moment.
DBK in show did not notice how PIF had changed because in the pilot he was too distracted with being revived and as the show went on he was too distracted with the power of the White Bone Spirit calling to him.
Upon a rewatch he actually seems to be under WBS’s thrall multiple times before episode 10, such as the racing episode where we can clearly see his eyes glowing with possession blue, and I think this affected his personality a bit. Not much, I think he was still neglectful and cold to Red Son from the get go, but WBS probably exacerbated the worst parts of his personality long before taking over completely.
But I think he sure does notice NOW that the thrall no longer has him. Whether or not he does anything about this is up in the air, however. It is entirely possible he falls fully into neglect and does nothing to stop anything.
Red Son knows, very deep down, that his father is neglectful and his mother is abusive. He knows. He just won’t admit that not even demons are like this to their children. Won’t admit that he doesn’t deserve it, that he never deserved it. Because he loved his mother deeply before he left. He loved her when she convinced him he did. And he still loves her, and his father. He’s stubborn. He doesn’t want to give up on that.
It is going to take a LOT for someone to show him that he deserves better. But having his father back has not been everything he had hoped it would be and now... now it may be possible for someone to reach him. At least convince him that SOMETHING needs to change.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Stupid Tickly Feeling...
Virgil is plagued by the usual itchy feeling. But it keeps occurring right on the spots that tickle when itched! Virgil accidentally puts himself into a lee mood, and asks the dark sides for help. Though, it looks as if only one side can help...
This fanfic will have a bit of crude humor because...Remus. But, I've kept it very minimal.
Also, this fanfic was suggested by @agarus-fallen-lershal on Tumblr. Thank you for the merged ideas! and I hope you enjoy!
Virgil had been sitting in his room watching something on his phone, when he felt it: a tickly feeling on his foot. He looked up and looked at his foot for only a few seconds, before he pulled his foot closer to itch it. But while he was scratching the bottom of his foot, his fingernails were unintentionally tickling his foot while he itched. This caused a small, wobbly grin to appear on his face.
Virgil big his lip as he felt the itchy spot reach his toes. Uh oh...Those were a REALLY bad ticklish spot! But...He had to itch it! So, Virgil ignored his sensitivity and scratched under his toes. OOOOHOHO BOY! So much as one simple stroke of his fingernails would pull his grin wider! The more he itched under his toes, the more the ticklishness made him titter and pause his breathing. Stupid ticklish feet...Who’s idea was it to make his feet so ticklish?! And WHY?! It was such an inconvenience!
Finally, through the titters and wonky smirks, Virgil stopped itching. The tickly feeling seemed to have left...For now, anyway. Virgil sighed in content and grabbed his phone again. He needed to rewind his video a little bit to rewatch the spots he had missed. It didn’t take long for Virgil to get caught up on the video. Eventually, the video ended, and Virgil was back to finding something else to watch.
But quickly, the ticklish feeling returned! This time, on his hip. Oh NOOOOO...Why there of all places?! Virgil gulped in embarrassment, rather than annoyance. If there’s one spot he’s not gonna itch, it was his hip. So, Virgil tried to ignore it. He focused on finding a new video instead. He scrolled and scrolled through the many youtube recommendations, and narrowed down the videos he might wanna watch. But then, the ticklish feeling increased! And it spread to his armpit! Virgil sighed and did try to scratch under his armpit. But the moment he had jumped from his own nail jab, Virgil stopped. Damn...So much for ridding himself of the itchy feeling…
To make things worse, the ticklish feeling had moved from his hip to his ribs! Virgil scratched at the spot, and continued to unintentionally tickle himself. Though his ribs weren’t nearly as ticklish as his hips, they were ticklish enough to make himself jump when scratched. He grunted slightly as his body jumped and twitched from the digging and scratching. Why was he so ticklish? And why couldn’t the ticklish feeling move somewhere that wasn’t as ticklish?
The other part about his struggles was that the moving itchiness and his ticklish scratching...might’ve been putting him into a lee mood. Even though the scratching made himself jump and smile all wobbly, it didn’t really make him laugh. It barely tickled enough to make him giggle! And what he really wanted to do right then, was giggle and laugh under another person’s fingers. But who in the world was gonna tickle him without judging him? Virgil finally stopped scratching and thought to himself.
Well, Virgil could easily take Roman off the list because He judges EVERYONE, both out loud AND in his head! He even laughed his head off at Janus’s name! What kind of a man does that?! No one laughed at his name! So why would he laugh at Janus’s? All in all, Roman as a ler? BIIIIIG no-no!
Logan would be quite good if given the opportunity, and he wouldn’t lie to you about his thoughts on it. But Virgil sensed that Logan would also make it feel really awkward. And everyone knows awkwardness just kills the mood in no time. So...scratch him off the list.
Patton most likely wouldn’t judge him. But he’d be too worried about how much is too much. So much so, that Patton would kill the mood with his own carefulness! And the truth was, Virgil wanted rough! Like, quite rough! Much more rough than what Patton was capable of doing. So sadly...Patton’s scratched off the list too.
Janus was a big fat maybe. He would be good at covering up his feelings about it, and would probably make a good ler! I mean the man has 6 separate arms! That idea alone, can send shivers up any lee’s spine! So Janus?...He gets a star key.
Lastly, the least judgemental, and the most daring and rough of all: Remus! Now THERE was a monster waiting for lees! Remus was basically a real, human version of the tickle monster from that Raggedy Ann series! What were they called again?
Oh! Gazooks!
Yup! Remus was DEFINITELY a human Gazook!
So off to Remus he ran, in hopes of lots of tickles! Virgil just couldn’t wait! He knew Remus would never judge him for something as weird as this! In fact, he knew Remus would encourage something as weird as this! That made this quest even better! Virgil slowed himself down in front of Remus’s room, and walked himself up to the door. A simple knock was all that was needed to get Remus’s attention.
“Come on in, Virgil!” Remus declared happily. Virgil happily walked in and watched Remus close the door behind him. “What brings you here, Virgey?” Remus asked.
“I...have a small secret I wanna tell you...Please don’t laugh.” Virgil begged.
Remus gasped and quickly sat Virgil down. “Oh, of course! I promise. Now tell tell tell! Please tell me! I’m all ears!” Remus begged, making his ears bigger with a wide grin.
Virgil giggled and sat down. “Well...I’m in a mood…” Virgil told him.
Remus nodded. “Uh huh...I see that! What kind of mood?” Remus asked.
Virgil bit his lip and cleared his throat. “Iwannabetickled.” Virgil told him really fast.
Remus gasped and cooed as he felt a hurt expression fall onto his face. “Awwwwww! I would love to help you, I really would. But…” Remus leaned in and put his hand up to shield the air from hearing his secret. “I’m in a lee mood too.” Remus whispered to him.
Virgil’s eyes widened. Wait, WHAT?! Virgil backed up and looked at Remus with his jaw dropped. “No way…”
“Yes! I’m actually in a lee mood myself! It’s so rare, as well.” Remus admitted.
Virgil frowned and looked down. “So...you can’t tickle me?” Virgil asked him with hurt eyes.
Remus looked at his own nails. “Well I could, but I wouldn’t be as effective.” Remus admitted. “You know who WOULD be a good tickler though?” Remus asked. Virgil leaned in to listen. “Janus.” Remus replied.
Virgil smiled widely and nodded. “He would be perfect for the job.” Virgil admitted.
“And the best part? He can tickle us both with 3 separate arms!” Remus added.
Virgil gasped. “I didn’t even think of that!” Virgil admitted.
Remus giggled and loosely covered his mouth with his palm. “So what do you think?” Remus asked.
Virgil clapped his hands and stood up. “I think we should ask.” Virgil told him.
“Woooooow! Getting eager, are we?” Remus teased, bouncing his eyebrows up and down.
Virgil wrapped his entire hand around Remus’s face and pushed him away. Remus laughed as he flopped onto the bed. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get him!” Remus declared.
Virgil and Remus quickly ran out of the room and sprinted right up to Janus’s bedroom door.
“Will you do the honors, my lee-ige?” Remus asked politely.
“I’d rather you do the knocking.” Virgil admitted. “Oh! And by the way?” Virgil paused his words and flipped him off with his right hand.
Remus, smirking like the idiot he is, made his hand into the ‘okay’ sign and bounced the circular O part of the sign up and down around the middle finger to make the gesture unnecessarily dirty. Virgil slapped Remus’s hand away and knocked on the door instead. Remus just guffawed at this and waited for Janus to answer.
“Oh! Remus and Virgil. I suspected as such. I was totally not expecting just Remus.” Janus greeted.
“We need help.” Remus told him.
“Lots of help.” Virgil added.
“Hm...Totally don’t feel rushed at all…” Janus muttered out loud as he let the boys in.
“Virgil and I are both in a lee mood. Can you please tickle us?” Remus asked.
Janus widened his eyes and blinked in surprise. “...I…”
“I was in a lee mood and I went to Remus for help. But Remus told me he was in a lee mood too. So we both came to you because we both wanted tickles…” Virgil admitted, biting his thumbnail nervously.
“And your 6 hands looked very intimidating and helpful for this certain problem.” Remus added. “So may you please use your tiiicklish fingies to throw us into a puddle of hysterical laughter?” Remus asked.
Janus smirked and wrapped the both of them up in one arm each. “I will happily drive you insane with my tickly fingers.” Janus replied proudly. Janus quickly started skittering ten fingers each on Remus and Virgil’s ribs first.
“oHOHOHO GEHEHEHEHEEZ!” Virgil’s lips immediately morphed into a toothy smile as he fell into hysterical laughter.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA! YAAAHAHAHAHAY!” Remus kicked his feet and cheered confidently. He wasn’t even afraid to hide his love for tickles! He was just happy to experience it!
Virgil looked at Janus’s skittering fingers that moved up and down his ribcage. “IHIHI GUEHEHESS WEHEHE’RE STAHAHARTIHING OHOFF STROHOHONG!” Virgil reacted.
“Believe whatever you like, Virgil…” Janus said with a big smirk.
Virgil shook his head back and forth and flapped his arms around. He was strapped right into Janus’s grasp with just one arm! Normally it would take 2 arms to capture the wiggle worm without losing his grip. But the tickling was quickly weakening Virgil, making him easier to trap in one single arm. “IHIHIHI- HOHOHOW AHAHARE YOHOU SOHOHOHO STROHOHOHONG?!” Virgil asked, not realizing the situation.
“Now why would I tell you that?” Janus responded back.
Remus was a puddle of snorts and giggles. Janus’s left fingers had moved to digging into his hip, while the other hand had started poking and twirling in and around his belly button. “WAHAHA! *snort* NAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO- *snort* NOHOHO BEHEHELLYYYYY!” Remus squeaked as he failed to cover up his sensitive spots. Janus had captured Remus with his arm under his armpits. So any attempts to cover up the ticklish spots were impossible. He couldn’t reach down to stop any of the fingers! Meaning he had to deal with his exposed belly button and his vulnerable hip being dug into and poked! It was just unfair! And that almost made the situation even BETTER!
“WAHAHAIT- WHAHAHAT AHAHARE YOU DOHOHOIHIHING?!” Virgil asked loudly. Virgil watched in horror as the hands moved down to his feet. While one of the hands grabbed Virgil’s ankle, the other hand had summoned a feather and started fluttering it on his inner arch. “Uhuhuh ohohohoh! Notthere! Nonononono PLEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!” Virgil tugged on his foot desperately and cackled loudly. His foot was way too ticklish for such an attack! “WHYHYHYHY THEHEHE FEHEHEHEATHEHEHER?!” Virgil asked.
Janus giggled. “Why, what a great question to ask!” He reacted. “I chose to use a feather because it is one of the softest tickle tools a ler can ever use against a lee. They’re soft, yet stiff. They can be rough, or they can be soft. They can make a person all giggly and melt in one’s arms, or they can drive a person mad with how abnormally soft the touch is.” Janus explained in excruciating detail.
Next, Janus summoned a second feather and started tickling Remus’s belly button with it! Remus squeaked and blushed brightly. The man couldn’t even stare at it! it was so flustering to see, let alone get tickled by it! Remus was starting to physically melt into Janus’s arms. “Nooooohohohohohohohohoho! Yohohohou’re beheing ehehehevihihihil!” Remus told him.
“Me? Evil? Never.” Janus reacted.
Janus moved Virgil’s feather up to the back of his knee next. Virgil’s laughter cooled down into giggles. “Ahahahalrihihihight. Thahahahank yohohohohou Jahahahanuhuhuhus.” Virgil told him.
“Let’s see just how long Virgil and Remus can handle giggling while a feather tickles in their giggle spots...” Janus decided.
Remus was a complete mess of giggles. He was blushing a scarlet red color, barely moving, and actually cuddling Janus while he was being tickled! It was completely clear that Remus was enjoying it. He was just not afraid of showing people that! Then again, this is Remus we’re talking about: He’s not afraid of showing people ANYTHING! He’s the most blunt person you’ll meet! It’s quite hilarious most of the time. This time though, it made Remus look really cute!
Virgil was leaning his head back and giggling with a toothy smile on his face while his knee pit was lightly attacked. As seconds turned into minutes, Virgil started slowly lessening his wiggles. When minutes hit double digits, the tugs started to slow and Virgil was falling limp to the softer giggles. He couldn’t believe he was saying this...But lighter tickles were surprisingly more overwhelming than the stronger tickles!
Janus decided to drop the feathers and dig into both boys’ hips. Remus AND Virgil’s eyes bursted open to the size of dinner plates, and shrieked like toddlers! Remus’s bursted into witch-like cackles and kicked his feet wildly, while Virgil threw his head back and laughed hysterically! Both boys were wiggling back and forth as much as their weakened bodies could. But Janus had already dominated them with his strength! And he was NOT afraid to weaken them further.
Soon though, Janus finally gave the boys a long break. He laid each lee down onto the bed and calmly put a blanket onto them.
...Only for Remus to kick the blanket off and throw it into Janus’s face. “You think I’m cold after being tickled?” Remus reacted.
“Well if you’re gonna be an ass about it, then have it your way! No tickle cuddles for you.” Janus declared, as he put a blanket onto Virgil.
“wwWWHAT?!” Remus shouted. Remus stuttered in offence, before finally flopping onto his pillow and pouting. “F-Fine!” Remus whined as he turned away.
Janus rolled his eyes and laid beside Virgil. He gently wrapped two of his arms around Virgil and rested his chin onto his chest. Virgil smiled at this and turned to face Janus. “Thank you Janus. You’re a life-saver.” Virgil told him before snuggling himself into Janus’s arms. Janus smiled and wrapped his arms around him again while softly humming a familiar melody.
Soon, Remus’s pouty frown softened into genuine hurt. It didn’t take very long for Remus to start feeling guilty for his actions. His hunger for love quickly overcame him as he turned himself onto his back. “I’m sorry Janus.” Remus whined. He laid his head onto Janus’s shoulder. “Thank you for the tickles.” Remus told him.
Janus smiled and looked over at Remus with love and appreciation in his eyes. Janus wrapped his arms around Remus’s shoulders and back, and pulled Remus closer to cuddle him. Remus happily took the cuddles and softly snuggled into Janus’s side.
With both boys in the snake boy’s snuggly warm grasp, Janus slowly brought the pair of lower hands to Virgil and Remus’s side and started very gently skittering. The boys started to giggle and slightly wiggle in his arms at the tickles, and didn’t push the distracting nails away. They welcomed every scratch, every wiggle and every poke and prod. Virgil and Remus found tickling to be quite fun! Especially when coming from an exceptionally great ler! Speaking of the ler..,
This wouldn’t have been nearly as fun or worth the fear, if it weren’t for Janus. The snake’s judgement-free attitude made it easier for them to tell, and his response made everything all the more enjoyable.
So...thank you Janus. And thank you Remus as well!
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gaawachan · 4 years
Critical Role 126 Discord Convo
Here, my sibling and I talked a bit about Veth, Caleb, the Cerberus Assembly, and Astrid/Wulf in particular (it starts out a bit goofy at first but gets serious): Sibling: Did you see that animatic I sent you, speaking of that scene?
Me: Yes
Sibling: Like, it'd be great to update it with Astrid and Wulf in a mound just behind the 9
Me: Lol, they would have seen the polymorphed worm, too... And the yeti friends... "They... built snowmen in balenpost?"
Sibling: And had to camp out while they disappeared into the wizard tower... the Beau-shaped hole in Balenpost lol
Me: There was a jester one too
Sibling: LOL. Like, a snowman... a snowman with 2 heads
Me: and sad faces
Sibling: One kicked over snowman and two human-shaped holes in the snowbanks. But seriously, there's no way someone isn't aware that Vess is dead. Her window was open, letting the snow come in
Me: Oh, the assembly knows. At the very least, Ludinus, Trent, and the scourgers definitely know. Astrid "thanked" Caleb because she's assuming he killed her, or she wants that to be the case, at least.
Sibling: Veth is totally missing the point. The writing is on the wall, Astrid is using the shit out of Caleb and I think, at the very least it might be an interesting DQ6 moment where when they come back from saving the world, Astrid's already taken Trent's place and they have to deal with it that way.
Me:  Yeah, it's very obvious, especially when you consider how Astrid and Caleb have similarities. Like... Astrid's panic attack in the alley reminded me of Caleb's breakdown in Shady Creek Run. Right after the manipulation is over and they're out of sight, they have a breakdown. Tbh... If Caleb were to replace anyone on the assembly, it shouldn't be Trent. It should be Ludinus. Ludinus is the root of the problems in the empire, pretty much everyone is certain at this point that that is the case. The king is evil but seems incompetent/useless.
Sibling: I wonder, honestly, if that'll be the conclusion to the M9? If Caleb's arc will conclude it?
Me: But at the same time I don't want him to be in the assembly; I don't think he WANTS to be.
Sibling: Rewatching the table scene *Veth: (to Wulf) "When the war was a bit more hot... Were you much more busy?" Wulf: "Not any more than yourselves." Veth: "No I mean, were you out on the lines like a soldier?" Wulf: "I'm not much of a frontliner... More of a scout, if you would."* Wulf is totally tailing them. Wulf is absolutely the person they sent after them, I'm certain of it.
Me: Yeah, I figured. There's going to be a confrontation in Eiselcross when they're traveling with Essek, I'm sure of it. That's gonna be rough.
Sibling: No, I know that, but it stuck out to me. I feel like Matt's dropping major hint bombs... ex vs current bf?
Me: I wonder if Essek has MET Wulf before.Sibling: I like Wulf more than Astrid.
Me:  Me, too.
Sibling: I think I'll be sad if he gets gravity crushed, but he better not lay a finger... on my butterfinger.
Me:  I mean, I feel bad for them both, but the problem is that they can't be trusted with power, and if the Assembly falls, they may try to seize power. Tbh I just don't see them surviving to the end and that's pretty sad.
Sibling: I could see Wulf being turned if the party spent more time on things, seeing as he seems to be more of a piece to be manipulated than a major player himself... but their focus is entirely on Trent and Astrid, which makes me think that he'll be canned.
Me:  Actually, I'm not so sure about that Wulf thing. I think he may be harder to reach in some ways. See the thing is... Astrid wants power.  That's understandable.  But it's not clear if she wants power for necessarily nefarious purposes or if it's just that the life of poverty she led before coupled with how much she's lost drives her to reach for it, and it's not clear what would satisfy her or whether or not she'd be interested in taking her life in a different direction, so that's complicated.
Me: But with Wulf... Wulf's issues are simpler, which I think arguably makes him harder to reach. Wulf and Astrid have both basically shrugged off their parents' deaths at this point, they've both indicated as much in different ways, but Wulf's a servant of the Raven Queen.  He can rationalize the death of anything and anyone under her banner.  Unlike Astrid, who is motivated by power/ambition, Wulf is the holy soldier... of the death god.  That's uh... zealotry.
Me: Worse still, he has religious motivations for going against those who use Dunamancy, which is likely an anathema to the Raven Queen. He was already following her when he was a teenager, because Caleb was looking to see if he had any symbols of her on him when they first reunited. Honestly I really don't think either of them can truly be reached unless Caleb DOES take over the assembly and even then they might do scummy stuff behind his back out of perceived necessity.
Sibling: If his motivations have been so tied up in his religion, it would make it very difficult to reach him, true. But Astrid seems to have invested so much into her ambitions that I wonder if she might try to quiet those talking her out of it. She seems very aware of her actions' consequences, unlike someone like Essek who had ambitions without understanding where his studies would take him. If they're left alive, which I don't think they will be, Caleb's best scenario would be to avoid the assembly as much as possible.
Me: Honestly at this point I feel like the entire government of the Empire needs to be cleared out and replaced, ideally by the Cobalt Soul.  Though that would be very controversial, I don't think any other organization can be trusted with filling that vacuum. The Soul is ultimately an international religious organization, but considering they have shown willingness to weed out corruption within their own ranks, it would be interesting if they pooled their resources and had the Empire taken over by a circle of vetted monks instead of corrupt mages, and then have them transition to a democracy eventually.
Sibling: Considering that Matt has reinforced that the Cobalt Soul is attempting to weed out its own corruption, but can't seem to do so for other organizations... I wonder how long it would last. At least they wouldn't have to operate in secret anymore. Maybe that would lift their final restriction?
Me: Well, the thing that really chafes at me with respect to Caleb potentially joining the assembly is that he just DOESN'T FIT THERE.  I've thought this before but Caleb would be more at home working for the Cobalt Soul than the Assembly.  He's been talking about burning out the rot in the Empire for ages now, and that's basically the goals of the expositors. I wouldn't object to him being involved in the Empire's government... as long as that government did not consist of anything resembling the assembly. A complete restructuring.
Sibling: I mean, you can't really rework the gov unless you're already in a position like Ludinus, but even then, Caleb I still feel like is not the person for that.
Me:  But let's be real, ideally he would be the head of the Soltryce Academy... and that's the thing... One of the problems with Wulf and Astrid is that you get the feel that they could rationalize doing anything.  And you have to wonder under all that rationalization and manipulation if there is any malice/sadism... there probably is, which sucks because Astrid is actually far better positioned to be an effective politician than Caleb; she's had experience around it for over a decade, she probably knows politics very well. Caleb is earnest and an excellent negotiator but he is not a politician. He would be best off as an ambassador, if I had to pick a political position for him to take.
Sibling: The government does still need to be overthrown for Essek to come hang out with Caleb though, so it must be done.
Me: It must be done. Looping back to Veth/Astrid... Here are some of the posts on Veth's behavior that I've seen. *posts a bunch of links* It's interesting... the Astrid thing. I haven't seen anyone else point this out, but... Veth probably sees Astrid as being Caleb's Yeza.  And if Caleb can go back to Astrid and be happy, it's like a test run for her going back to Yeza. Which is pretty messed up. He keeps telling her "Yes, I care for her, but we've both changed" and that's not something Veth wants to think about because it applies to her as well, except that... well, Yeza really hasn't changed.  Just her.
Sibling: 1) Ah, skirting her trauma by attempting to address what she sees as Caleb's? Addressing her issues by proxy? Overbearing mom living vicariously through her son...? ... That kind of makes my stomach churn, but I get it. 2) Another revenge perspective. Considering her knee-jerk reaction to kill people who've wronged her family or the party, I think revenge is totally an aspect that has gone unexplored for her. 3) Eugh, the romance still squicks me out, but I understand. Nott was a different person to Veth, she probably had a hope out for returning to her form and going back to Yeza... But I wonder if she thought he wouldn't accept her, and she had Caleb as like... (ew) a backup?
Me: I mean, it's pretty well-established that she has a thing for Caleb.  And yeah, her feelings for him are pretty fucked up because of their dynamic up to the point where they went to Felderwin. The CA did wrong her family, and so did Essek, and Veth is very much a vengeance-minded person in a far more straightforward way than Caleb.  Most of the others have told Caleb that if he goes after the Assembly, it should be for the right reasons.  Interestingly, Veth, Fjord, and Jester don't seem to agree exactly. Jester sees it as a sort of "why not both?" thing.  Fjord seems to have no qualms with vengeance at all (unsurprising considering which parts of his past have not yet been resolved, and yet Fjord has never gotten shit for that like Caleb has, and Sabian has done far less harm/damage than Trent).  But Veth?  Veth sees vengeance as clearcut, something that ought to be pursued and then when it's done, it's done and she's satisfied.  It's interesting that the person who Caleb was most attached to at the start of the campaign is also by far the most unhealthy influence on him in the group at this point.
Sibling: I think it's because Fjord hasn't been molded by Sabian. Sabian wronged him, but the more Fjord found out about himself, the less important that seemed. And the more they found out, the more you begin to call into question whether what he did was to get rid of Vandran, an unsavory figure or... something else? Not to mention, Sabian is insignificant, whereas Caleb's abuser is still abusing people to this day. I can see there are major differences between the consequences of either of their revenge quests.
Me: Yes, but that's precisely my point. Sabian is not hugely harmful in comparison to Trent, so it's interesting that people give Caleb shit for being motivated partially by revenge, while Fjord doesn't get any when that's basically his ONLY motivation for tracking down Sabian.
Sibling: Probably because Fjord might get a reason without killing Sabian. Caleb might be walking into a trap, laid out by his peers. I still am of the opinion that killing Trent is a net positive. Just the act of getting rid of him is necessary to stop the cycle. But what comes next is the most important part. Because if Trent is dead when they come back, and Astrid sits in his place... The perpetuation of this cycle won't come to a close.
Me: Yes.  I mean, personally?  His entire section of the Empire's government should be outright dissolved.  It's absolutely revolting.  The thing is that it's not just Trent that needs to go; it's his POSITION.  That needs to not exist, and I don't see that ever happening so long as Ludinus exists as well.  Edit: Well, you basically said what I meant in a different way, lol.
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mar-bluu · 4 years
While i still ride out the last of the joy i got from rewatching Ruby Gloom, have some prompts based off some of my favourite quotes!
“For the first time, I'm speechless. Really, really speechless. I couldn't say a word really. Nothing comes to mind.”
“I hate the rain, bad things happen to me when it rains.” “Well, look on the bright side, A, bad things happen to you when it doesn't rain.”
“Don't worry, ceilings always cause problems for me, too. That and walls.”
 “At least it’s not acid rain”
“We demand an answer! Who are you? What are you doing with B?” “Technically that's two answers.” “But we still demand them!”
“No! Not for good, not for bad, not even forever! More like, not for long.”
“This is my lucky charm! It brings me luck!” “And you supply the charm of course?”
“Thanks, but right now the bright side is a just barely enough light side”
“You must be A, B has told us so much about you. Do you really talk to yourself in the bathtub?” 
“Unbelievable, on the seventh anniversary when A was rescued from a ice flow, they're stuck on an ice flow.”
“I believe that's called: Onomatopoeia.” “No, B, that’‘s irony.”
“My cousin got struck by lightning. Twice.” “Well, what're the odds it could happen to you too?” *lightning strike* “Fairly good. It’s genetic.”
“Uh, I'd move out if i was my roommate!”
*B, obviously crying and trying to hide it* “Uh, hi A! I’m very happy to make you some happy tea! I'm so happy, happy, happy, happy!”
“Must be a bummer to send invites to your own funeral”
“Saying all bats have to fly is like saying all girls have to wear pink, and we all know that's not true”
“Oh god, he really does like A!”
“He's cute when he's pleading for his afterlife, ain't he?”
“One day she pulled the Ouija board out of the cupboard, and it fell on top of her head. may she rest in peace”
“I've been defeated by a stuffed, one of a kind sock”
“Warning, love spell may cause serious inconvenience for wearer. Side effects include: swooning, stalking, chasing, screaming, giggling and nausea.”
“Fun? FUN!? Is our near death and certain peril fun!?”
“If they can take a little break, we can take a big break!”
“We have to save our friends!” “'Friends' is such a strong word, they're really more acquaintances”
“I can't concentrate right now with all these hearts distracting me”
“...I'll just leave the costumes here and back away slowly... to the door”
“I was doing an up-do and it up... and went”
“Maybe try something not so violent and 12th century?”
“Don't mind me, I'm just pretending to be a hat rack”
“I'll put it on my list! I only have 158 things to do first”
“Life is like cheese, there may be some holes in it, and mould, and it may stink. But wow.. is it ever tasty”
“Uh- B isn’t here right now, please leave a message at the tone. Ooah!”
“You will not disarm me!” “Uh.. A bit late for that don't you think?”
“I can't play all these parts myself! well, I could but that wouldn't be fair to the actors”
“Well, maybe I can grow a beard and move to Alaska?”
“Well there is one more thing we haven’t tried” “No! You can't mean-“ “That's right. group therapy”
“Tonight we come face to face with history. Once we leave this door there's no going back.”
“That’s not a real person!”
“Something is definitely in the air.” “Well it sure isn’t love!”
“Bubonic plague?” “B, the category is 'things that taste yummy'”
“I hate surprises. last time I was surprised that pack of wolves was ruthless”
*smacking their head into the wall* “Family visits are always fun! Family visits are always fun! Family visits are always fun!”
“Gee, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me! Apart from my doctor telling me I don't have rickets”
“Wow. I will never say 'hello how are you?' again in my life”
“Woah, don’t you wanna wait until we're dead before you take all our stuff?”
“You can't just tell a twister to 'behave'!”
“Godspeed, furry, grey rodent.”
“Huh, remind me to go away more often.”
“That's not an entirely awful idea, better than using paint thinner to put out a grease fire.”
“I might not know where I'm from, but I know where I belong.”
“Sure, I landed face down but it was only 40 feet, I’m fine!”
“He’s so romantic and dreamy! And I never use that word!”
“I'm laughing about it right now. Inside. if you were my pancreas you'd know what I was talking about.”
 “That's why I came here, to bother no one. Because they are dead”
“The only thing I’m sure of is that we might not get out if we don’t make an effort to get out.”
“Race you to the horizon!”
“Bye moon, never change.”
“I had to fish your ribs out of the rain gutter for weeks.”
“Never a dull moment when the family comes to visit, huh?”
“That doesn’t explain why I’m suddenly Mother Nature’s new best friend!”
“But, we’re in love?”
“Sure you might be a bit waterlogged and have 17 degree burns due to the lightning, but that’s no reason to give up!”
“Welcome to: disaster camp!”
“‘Left the tap running’? You couldn’t have let them down easy?” 
“What’s a gal gotta do to get a little privacy around here?”
“Just go! The pain is killing me! And I have a high threshold!”
“Hey A! I’m smiling for real!”
“Okay, I didn’t mean this much space!”
“Uh, the dead girl’s got a point there.”
“Page 378, encyclopaedias don’t lie.”
“Hmm, sounds like the cat’s rearranging the furniture again.”
“I am an ugly, horrifying creature, and I’ve got this!”
“Well, isn’t this awkward?”
“Good luck, loverboy!” “Yeah make with the ��wooing’ or whatever.”
“No need to be awkward, it’s just acting and we’re all mature here.”
“Your secrets will always be safe with me.”
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fandomlurker · 4 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: “Win Big”
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And so we begin. For real, this time.
And to start, we have to go all the way back to Animaniacs season 1, episode 2, with the very first Pinky and the Brain skit which is named “Win Big”.
Interestingly enough, the duo are not directly trying to take over the world in this episode. The premise is that Brain needs money to buy the one part needed for his actual plan to take over the world using a machine he calls the “Super-Conductive Magnetic Infindibulator”, which will “deplete hydrogen and promote gravitational collapse [to produce] a magnetic charge from the center of the Earth so strong that every person who has loose change in their pockets will be magnetically drawn to the ground and stuck there”.
For those of you who are new to the series and for those of you who maybe can’t remember the show very well, I want to say that yes, what you’re probably asking yourself right now is true: Brain’s plans are almost always this complex and completely absurd with giant, glaring holes in logistics. There’s been a long-time “theory” that while their theme song says “one is a genius, the other’s insane” and intends to indicate that Brain is the genius while Pinky’s insane, it’s actually the other way around. And honestly? That doesn’t exactly hold up to any kind of scrutiny at all. Brain is actually a genius…he’s just also very, very short-sighted and lacks a lot of common sense. He’s so focused on his goal of world domination that he forgets to account for even the most obvious of details that would completely ruin what he’s trying to accomplish. And Pinky? Well, Pinky’s a lot smarter than he seems, but I wouldn’t exactly mark him as a genius. He’s just more worldly, more emotionally intelligent, and has a knack for pointing out the obvious. For you D&D nerds out there, think of it like this: Brain is a high INT low WIS character while Pinky is a high WIS low INT character.
As for which one is “insane”? Disregarding the…let’s just say “problematic” baggage that comes with that word, I’d argue that Pinky is just neurodivergent and Brain has a lot of problems. Like, a lot of problems. We’ll get more into that mess much farther down the line.
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In any case, the opening of this episode has Brain pulling Pinky away from watching what is obviously supposed to be The Honeymooners, complete with “Bang, zoom, right in the kisser!” quote and everything. That quote, or one like it, was what the character Ralph Kramden would frustratedly yell at his wife, Alice, after she’d dismiss a get rich quick scheme of his. It was an ultimately impotent threat of violence, as he never did hit her. A lot of folks before me have delved into how messed up and controversial that whole running gag was, so I didn’t particularly feel the need to go over it here.
However, it does become immediately relevant because as Pinky laughs at the joke and excitedly quotes it while Brain is trying to get his attention, Brain reaches up and gently holds both their faces close for a few moments…
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“Stop saying that, Pinky!...”
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…then more aggressively tugs Pinky’s face down as he finishes with “…Or I shall have to hurt you.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry, Brain. NARF!”
Isn’t it interesting how the very first thing this series does is juxtapose Pinky and the Brain’s relationship with that of the main married couple on The Honeymooners? Like, it’s certainly not the most healthy of a relationship parallel to make, but in Pinky and Brain’s favour their world is governed by slapstick humour and thus any and all violence is much less serious. Also, there’s Pinky’s…uh…special relationship with physical pain that will become more apparent as the series goes on. Like, of course this kind of behaviour is wrong and appalling in real life, but this is a Warner Brothers Looney Toons-style cartoon and there’s a big difference between the two.
There’s also this little tidbit of information on the Animaniacs wiki regarding this episode and its writer, Peter Hastings:
“Although Peter Hastings has stated that he always tried to have Brain threaten to hurt Pinky but never actually hit him (because he felt this was both funnier and truer to the character), Tom Ruegger and the other producers would often have Brain actually hit Pinky. Even in this very first short, the Brain does follow through.”
Moving on, though, after Brain Rube Goldberg machine’s his way out of their cage and points out that Pinky has an “inordinately short attention span” after Pinky gets briefly distracted by another TV show that’s a very blatant parody of Jeopardy, he explains to Pinky his latest plan for world domination.
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“EGAD, Brain, brilliant!”
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“…Uh oh, no, wait…what if they take off their pants?”
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^ The face of a man who somehow managed to forget that clothes are removable.
See what I mean about Pinky having a knack for pointing out the obvious? It’s very much needed to counteract Brain’s complete lack of foresight and introspection.
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“Then…we’ll have to take over the world quickly.”
…Though there’s also something to be said for Brain’s stubbornness.
So they need a part for Brain’s machine called a Infindibulator, which is for some reason listed in the Farmer’s Almanac??? Which to my knowledge doesn’t sell anything at all??? Okay, Brain, whatever you say.
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Brain actually kicks Pinky directly in the ass to get him up onto the Almanac to read it,
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which would be alarming if not for Pinky’s completely happy and sincere “Thanks! :D” afterwards. It’s a mere hint to Pinky’s…predilections. I find it interesting that it’s so subtly foreshadowed in this very first short. I know you newer folks might think I’m joking, but I assure you I’m not. You will see.
As a side note, it’s so odd hearing Rob Paulsen’s early Pinky voice in these first several Animaniacs shorts. I’ve seen fans say that it’s more lispy than the standard Pinky voice that we’re all familiar with, but to me it just sounds like Pinky with a very, very bad cold and a stuffy nose. Get this mouse some nasal spray.
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So Pinky finds the entry for the Infindibulator and it costs a whopping $99000. Where would two little lab mice find that kind of cash?
It sure is lucky and convenient that the TV is still on during that moment and tuned into an episode of Jeopardy—I mean “Gyp-Parody” (Really, writers? Really? In addition to being a horrible and lazy pun, I would rather not have to type a slur so much, so I’m just going to call it the name of the show it’s based on) where the reward for winning totals $99000.
And here we go, the first of its kind. The birth of the most famous running joke from Pinky and the Brain!
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“Pinky… Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
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“I think so, Brain, but where are we going to get a duck and a hose at this hour?”
…Believe it or not, Pinky’s bizarre answers do have an explanation and a certain logic to them, but we find out the hows and whys much, much farther along in the series. That said, I’ll be damned if I know how he got to this particular train of thought right now. The inner machinations of Pinky’s mind are an enigma.
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So Brain gets the idea to become a contestant on Jeopardy to win the amount of money they need for their plan. Pinky points out that the questions on the game show are very, very hard and Brain would have to get all of them right, and I just love Brain slowly turning his head to face Pinky with the most deadpan “Bitch, are you for real?” look on his face.
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To Brain’s credit, he doesn’t berate the other mouse at all for his doubts. He just very calmly asks Pinky to quiz him about anything he can think of. When Pinky asks him “What is pie?”, well, see above for the summary of the answer Brain gives.
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He then asks for a harder question, and Pinky asks him which TV character says “Bang! Zoom!—“ before Brain cuts him off with a wack of a pencil for quoting something inane and annoying him again.
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Though he quivers a little before the smack, Pinky’s fine afterwards. Smiling, even.
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And he happily gives Brain the answer anyway, complete with bows. “Ralph Kramden! TA-DAH! :D”
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But Brain is insistent on preparing to go on Jeopardy, grabbing Pinky by the tail to drag him off-screen and Pinky is…
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He’s, uhh, more than fine with it.
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Now we get the debut of the human suit mecha. It’s quite the staple of the series; the go-to for a human disguise whenever the mice need one.
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And it certainly is…something. You may be noticing the lack of a human head. Don’t worry about it. Brain certainly didn’t.
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I love Brain’s playful little “Honey, I’m hoooome!~” when he pops his head out, despite having a deadpan look on his face the entire time. He’s having fun!
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“Ahahaha! Oh, that’s a funny joke, Brain!”
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“I am not devoid of humour.”
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Pinky is having a little less fun with his tail accidentally tied along with the shoelaces, however.
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It’s fine, he’s fine. He’ll be okay! Pinky is indestructible.
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He’s a pocket pal now. He’s fine.
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Makin’ my way downtown, walkin’ fast…~
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Okay, sorry, he’s hailing a cab instead. Effectively, too!
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Oh hi, Warners, nice to see you! Doing a literal running gag, I see. Nice, nice.
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So if you were wondering how regular humans would react to Brain’s “clever” and totally made without proper foresight disguise, well…
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“Wh—HOA! Hey, if you don’t mind me askin’, bub, what happened to your head?”
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“Nothing. I am a mouse in a large, mechanical suit.”
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“Hehehehe! Okay, all right, my fault for askin’, right? Heh.”
Yup. This isn’t the first time this kind of thing happens. I guess since they’re in Hollywood the taxi driver’s seen worse.
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So Brain gets on the show (don’t worry about how, shh) and the announcer calls him “Brian” instead and Brain politely tries to correct him. I can’t exactly fault the announcer because 1. “Brain” isn’t a name and 2. Look at Brain’s gloriously messed up handwriting.
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The host walks on in. It’s pretty cute that they gave him the parody name “Alex Quebec”. It’s a suitable pun and rhyme to hint at the fact that Alex Trebek was born in Canada. Rest in peace, Mr. Trebek.
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The first question is in the category of celebrity shoe sizes and asks what size sandals Plato wore. Umm. Okaaaaay… Thank goodness this show first aired before websites for foot fetishists cataloguing celebrity feet was a thing. Also is it just me, or does that font looks like something off of The Simpsons?
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I don’t know if I should be worried or not that Brain got the correct answer to this question. (Seven and a half, if you’re curious.)
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Question two is totally a trick question, though. There’s no such place as “Lestho”. “Lesotho”, however, is a real kingdom in South Africa. King Moshoeshoe I was indeed the ruler in 1820 as Brain answers, although the place was called “Basutoland” at the time and didn’t formally become a kingdom until 1822.
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Question three is a normal if extremely hard question for anyone unfamiliar with geographic locations off of the southeast of Asia. There are a lot of correct answers, and Brain answers correctly with “Bikar, Ailuk, and Ailinglaplap”. As this post notes, he is totally flexing on everyone by naming very obscure coral atoll islands that are some of the furthest neighbours from the Isle of Yap.
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You smug asshole, Brain.
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We don’t get the questions Brain answers correctly in the following montage, but we do get a close-up of his handwriting. Look at this. Just…look at it.
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We get to see the aftermath of Brain’s monopolizing of the scores, though. The other contestants aren’t looking too good. Note that it seems there were times that they did manage to buzz in to answer before Brain did, but they must have got all of their answers or at least most of them wrong. They’re both in the negatives.
“Any plans on how you’ll spend your winnings?”
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“Yes. I plan to take over the world!”
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“…Ah haha, my fault for asking.”
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Pinky claps and congratulates Brain on doing so well so far, because he’s a sweetheart like that, and
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Brain flicks him back into the pocket. Man, you’re so quietly mean in this first episode, Brain.
Now it’s the final question, from the category “Quotable Quotes”. I remember this kind of category as usually being the easiest on Jeopardy, so it’s kind of surprising that it’s the Final Jeopardy question.
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Looks like someone forgot that Jeopardy questions aren’t all science, history, and geography-related. Sometimes they’re about pop-culture.
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Brain is…not very good with pop-culture. And Pinky’s been banished to the bottom of the coat pocket.
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“Umm. Uh, who is, uhh… I, umm. Who is, uhh… Who is…uhh, Pinky…?”
Oh Brain, honey, it’s cute that you got so stumped and flustered that you just blurted out the only name that came to mind (and because Pinky was quoting it earlier, but still!), but it’s also so very, very sad.
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Of course that’s incorrect, and Brain is just so monumentally defeated.
“And how much did you wager?”
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We then cut to the mice watching Brain’s horrible defeat on TV, and Pinky suggests a few other game shows they could try: Wheel of Misfortune, $10,000 Pile-A-Mud… The latter of which is supposed to be a parody of the old game show Pyramid, which wasn’t around in that format by the time this episode aired, so…good luck with that one, Pinky.
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But no, Brain doesn’t plan on going on any more game shows. He instead walks sadly over to their cage to rest for tomorrow night.
It’s then that we are witness to the birth of the other memetic exchange this show is known for:
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“Why, Brain? What are we going to do tomorrow night?”
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“The same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world!”
That wink, though. It’s the confident wink that sells this and tells us all you need to know about the Brain. No matter how bad his defeat, how humiliated he gets, or how sad he feels about failing, Brain always gets back to business sooner or later. He has determination on his side. And Pinky, of course.
And that was the very first Pinky and the Brain short! A pretty good start for the series, really. Nothing spectacular, and definitely not the worst, just a good start that sets the tone of the series well and establishes several of the running gags the show is known for. The creators pretty much have Brain as a character down right away: serious but not devoid of humour, single-minded, stubborn, egotistical, smart, and determined to meet his goals. There are a few things missing from him that we get later, and he certainly softens a bit by the time the spin-off starts, but they’ve set up a solid foundation to build on so far here. Pinky’s character is a little more nebulous in this episode, though. He’s shown to be generally good-natured, smarter than he first seems, easily distracted but well-meaning, and willing and able to help Brain achieve his goals. Still, he’s missing the much of the overwhelming kindness and his enthusiasm for Brain’s plans and awe at Brain’s intellect that he has as we go further through the series. I mean, there are hints of it here, too, but it’s much more understated compared to later on. Not to mention that Pinky gains a bit of a sassy side to him that somehow still manages to be friendly, like when you gently tease your friends while still caring about them.
I understand that you can’t really squeeze all of that into the first, like, fifteen minutes or so of a series, though.
Also, the animation for this episode wasn’t exactly the best of the series. There are points where Brain looks kinda muppet-y and Pinky is uncharacteristically gaunt and gangly. I mean, Pinky is usually a little gangly but not as hunched over and his nose stretched out so much. It’s not the worst, either, and serves as a decent baseline of how the characters look. Wang Film Production looks to be the animation studio behind this one, and I’d say their style is the most “normal” quality of the ones that get to animate for PatB. They do settle into a better and more consistent style for the show, so I’ll try and be on the look-out for that.
I’m not sure if the other posts I’m going to do on this rewatch will be quite so play-by-play as this one was. Since this is the first, I felt the need to establish in more detail the kind of things that happen in your average episode of PatB and the general rhythm of the show. I’m definitely going to try and include every instance of the ongoing running gags the series has, though.
I feel I should also say that from now on I might have to double or triple the amount of episodes in one post, too. There are some episodes in a long-running series like this where not too much of note happens, I’m sure, and I know at least a few are either silent shorts, cameos in other Animaniacs skits or little music videos and you can only get so much out of those entries.
Yes, music videos. Including a cameo appearance in a Macarena parody. I’ll prepare as best as I can to cringe so hard from secondhand embarrassment that I morph into a pretzel shape.
We’re only getting started, folks. Things are only going to get weirder and more interesting from here on out.
15 notes · View notes
travllingbunny · 4 years
Clarke Griffin’s memories and images in her mindspace
 In this post I will list all the drawings from Clarke's mindspace seen in season 6 of The 100 (in episodes 6x06, 6x07 and 6x10) that we have been able to spot - most of which (over 90 of them! Yes, this is gonna be a long post) we've been able to identify, with image comparisons to scenes from the show. 
First, credit where credit is due: this idea first came from @ofnailbatsandaxefives who identified many of the drawings and made a bunch of side to side comparisons last year after 6x07 aired in this post. 
I later tried to identify the rest of the drawings, with the help of a few people here and on Twitter (rewatching the show also helped), but this resulted in an endless number of reblogs. Episode 6x10 Matryoshka also had more drawings that weren't in 6x07 Nevermind, some images were misindentified, and I decided to redo all the images with better resolution screencaps. 
Big thanks to everyone who helped in identifying some of the trickier images (many of them are on Twitter and I don’t know if they have Tumblr profiles), especially (Twitter handles) SheiGarche (who identified several of these and corrected some of my mistakes), Lovestory813, BellarkeMood, taunadora, becki_travels, fabiana_vec, indreamswake, KindZouzou and my Tumblr mutual @jeanie205​ (I’m sorry if I forgot anyone).
See also my earlier post about Sets, props and costumes in 6x07 Nevermind.
As a BONUS in addition to the images on Clarke’s memory wall, I’ll also go over audio flashbacks heard at the end of 6x06, in 6x07 and 6x10 -  as a mix of voices representing Clarke’s jumbled memories. Many of them can be heard and identified in the episodes, but special thanks to (Twitter user) klarksbell for removing the background sounds from the scenes so some of the background voices could be heard clearer. 
(In a follow-up post. I’ll go over Clarke's drawings from her Shallow Valley home in season 5, which we also saw in the mindspace version of her Shallow Valley home in her happy place; and those we saw in season 5, many of which overlap as the set was re-used for 6x07. I’ve also noticed that the art department used many of these drawings for the drawings representing Clarke’s memories on her mindspace wall.)
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Before I start listing the moments from Clarke’s memory wall - her mindspace version of the actual cell in Skybox she used to be locked in on the Ark - let’s compare the two different versions of this wall. The first one was seen in the very last scene of 6x06 Memento Mori - where we first learned Clarke was still alive (yeah, yeah, of course no one really bought it that she was dead ;) but it was still such a Hell yeah moment) and in 6x07 Nevermind.
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But when we saw Clarke in her mindspace again in 6x10 Matryoshka, the walls were different: there were at least 3 new images that weren’t seen in 6x07, and many other images were moved around and placed in different ways. Which does make sense, as Clarke’s mindspace was reacting to her states of mind, so we should probably assume it was always changing, with different memories being more or less prominent at any given time. 
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And finally here are the identified images with side-by-side comparisons. Some were obvious and taken straight from the scenes (I've been told there's a software for that), others are a bit less straightforward (and several of them were also seen as Clarke's drawings in season 5).
I'm going to do them chronologically, not by episode but by when those things happened in Clarke's life. 
Starting with the image of Clarke and Wells as children on the Ark (confirmed by Jason Rothenberg on Twitter). The closest thing in the show is the video of them Jaha watched in 1x12.
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The next one was tricky as it's not a scene from the show either. It was first misidentified as Clarke watching what ALIE showed her in 3x16, nuclear plants melting on Earth, but that scene is shown in another drawing. It shows a young girl watching the Earth from the Ark.  We've decided that this is young Clarke on the Ark. I used the Octavia flashback scene from 1x06 for comparison to show this is a window on the Ark and a view from there (not because it's the same scene - which it can't be,as this wouldn’t be Clarke’s memory). But the girl looks younger and is touching the window as if yearning for Earth.
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Flashbacks in 1x03, a year before the Pilot: Abby and Jake during the happy times; Jake when Clarke overheard him tell Abby that Ark was dying and he'd go public with it; Wells when Clarke told him about it.
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1x01 - there are more images from the Pilot than from any other episode.
The first scene of the show - the image on the floor in the mindspace version of Clarke's cell in Skybox is the same image she drew on the floor of her actual cell.
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This portrait of Abby seems to represent the next scene where Abby told Clarke she was being sent to Earth. When the camera zoomed on it in 6x06, we heard the dialogue from that scene over it ("Clarke, I love you so much!" -  "Mom?")
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When the camera zoomed on this pic of Wells on the dropship in 6x07, we heard Wells' voice saying "Welcome back" as he did in that scene. 
I've been told that the inscription from the Ark we see below is a Chinese proverb that means, more or less, "A friend in need is a friend indeed".
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"We're back bitches!" twice - the second is from Clarke's POV. The first one was one of the drawings Josephine touched and we (and Josephine) heard an audio flashback of it and this, uh, memorable line. 
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Mount Weather - the first time Clarke saw it, after landing. 
 I spot the same image among Clarke's drawings we saw in her Shallow Valley home in season 5, though it was really tiny in the background.
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More scenes from the Pilot:
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It's a pity that the plan to have Eli Goree guest star in 6x07 didn't work out, but at least we had many Wells images and even in the voice memories - I clearly heard Clarke telling him "How can you forgive me?"/"I blamed you because my father's dead and it's my mother's fault."
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1x04 Finn with one of the pencils from the shelter he found, trying to impress Clarke. 
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1x05 Brief time of Clarke being happy and infatuated, right before Raven arrived and her heart got broken for the first time.
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There was a bit of disagreement about this Bellamy image (or images). It shows up as a part of the drawing of him torturing Lincoln in the scene from 1x07 on one of the walls, but it also appears on its own on the ceiling:
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@SheiGarche believes that, since this appears as a part of the Lincoln torture scene, the Bellamy image must be from that episode. However, while the rest of the scene 100% matches the 1x07 scene, Bellamy's image doesn't match - in posture or expression - anything from that episode.   On the other hand, especially when you look at the Bellamy image on its own, as it is on the ceiling, it looks most like a drawing based on the scene from 1x02 - "I heard you have a gun''...
I think that the ceiling drawing represents season 1 Bellamy in general, and was drawn based on the 1x02 scene. OTOH, the art department made the 1x07 image from the 1x07 scene but couldn't get a good Bellamy angle so they edited in that same Bellamy image in. You decide.
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A Raven portrait, which is probably not about any particular scene (some images just represent certain characters), but it most closely matches this love-triangle moment from 1x08. 
The same portrait was seen as one of Clarke's drawings in season 5.
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1x09 - negotiations with Anya and the Grounders on the bridge. Also the first time Clarke has ever seen horses in real life.
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Probably some of the Grounder warriors who got burned in the Ring of Fire, but this scene clearly indicated that Clarke was thinking about closing the door on Finn and Bellamy and that they may have been burned.
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This image gave us so much trouble, until it turned out it was just a random woman from Mount Weather who yelled "CONTAINMENT BREACH!" when Clarke entered the mess hall dragging Maya and saw all the people sitting there.
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Another one of character portraits that are probably not important for any particular scene or moment. But going by Miller's hair and facial hair, it can only be season 2 Miller at the time he and Clarke were both in MW (this is from 2x02).
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Ending of 2x02:
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2x03 - Escape from Mount Weather
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2x04 Anya after Clarke beat the crap out of her and managed to win their fight. "You fought well".
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Now a few more character portraits. This image of Raven with a brace doesn't 100% fit a scene from the show, but it looks a lot like this promo pic of her - except for her red jacket, which she wore in 2x05 when Clarke first saw her with a leg brace.
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Since Jaha has a beard and hair, it can only be from season 2 or 3, which limits it to 2x07 or 3x16, the only times he and Clarke were in the same place. I used 2x07 image of non-chipped Jaha, when he came to Camp him and argued for Arkers leaving, pitting him against Clarke,as this would’ve meant abandoning her friends to their fate in MW.
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Portrait of Indra - also probably not about any particular scene, but it looks like their first meeting in 2x07. It was also among Clarke's drawings in season 5.
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2x08  This image is one of the few that were not seen on the memory wall in 6x07, but appeared in 6x10.  Maybe it's because the ALIE projection said in 6x07 her most painful memories were not on the wall - and the scene of Clarke killing Finn was only seen represented in her dark place by the pole and knife. Maybe she was able to process some of those memories better by 6x10?
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2x09 Raven holding Finn’s dead body
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This profile of Lexa is probably not from any particular scene, but a general image of the warrior leader/ally Lexa from S2. I used the scene of her making a speech in 2x15, but there were scenes in 2x09 (like when she told Clarke that Love is weakness) that looked similar.
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2x10 Well, an attack by giant mutant gorilla would be pretty memorable to anyone.
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2x11 I previously thought this image of people in radiation suits (also seen among Clarke's drawings in S5) was from 4x12/13, but looking more closely, now I think these are Mount Weather Ground unit guards - specifically, are Emerson and the other Mountain Man who tried to assassinate Clarke in 2x11. The outfits, helmets, guns are the closest match.
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2x12 Clarke's guilt over letting the MW missile drop on the people in Tondc was referenced not just in 6x07 when her projection of Octavia called her out on writing her off there, but also in 6x10: 
Josephine: I wasn't always like this. 
Clarke: I know the feeling. I mean, look around you.
*Josephine looks at this big image on the wall*
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2x15 - breaching the Mount Weather door
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I'm about 95% sure that this picture of Lexa is her betrayal in 2x15.
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 "Together" - "Together"
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3x01 The most important character in the show! LOL
...seriously though, this little bunny (? who looks more like a squirrel in the drawing?) that Clarke used as a bait to catch a panther, stands for the 3 months Clarke spent in wilderness.
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The only image of Niylah on the wall. It's the scene when she lied to protect Clarke when Roan and a bounty hunter came looking for her.
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Another character portrait not related to a specific scene, and another one that was seen as one of Clarke's drawings hanging in her Shallow Valley home in S5. Going by the hair and beard, it's seasons 3-4 Kane, so I used the scene of his and Abby's meeting with Clarke in 3x03.
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3x07 - there are 3 images of Lexa from this episode
Lexa smiling during the talk in which she asked Clarke to stay - this is the most prominent of the images of Lexa (one of the images that appear multiple times on the wall + had a flashback). Seems these softer moments are larger in Clarke's mind than warrior/leader Lexa.
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The second most prominent image of Lexa (one of the pictures the camera zoomed in on in 6x06, when we also heard the dialogue among the audio memories - "Can we talk about something else?" - "We don't have to talk at all").
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and Lexa right after she was shot by Titus.
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3x11 What turned out to be the most important of all Clarke's memories, as it contained info on the neural mesh and how Raven was freed from ALIE and that Clarke has to remove from the wall and hide from Josephine.
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3x13  Luna, refusing the Flame
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3x15 When Clarke didn't break and give ALIE the password and it almost cost her her mother's life. This drawing was previously misidentified as Murphy being hanged in S1 - some thought there were two hanging scenes, but there's just one and it's clearly indoors.
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3x16 - there are several scenes from the City of Light. Including the image of the COL itself. You can see even see the tiny figures of Lexa and the people she's fighting.
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What ALIE showed Clarke: the Earth, full of nuclear plants melting, telling her about the upcoming Praimfaya.
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Clarke pulling the kill switch and destroying COL
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One of the first things Clarke saw after returning from the City of Light was Murphy is one of his most heroic moments - pumping Ontari's heart so Clarke could take the Flame.
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 This one seems a bit random: it's a moment when Indra came and hugged Kane while Octavia, Clarke, Bellamy and Abby were already there in the Grounder shrine - but I think it's important as the scene when they all discussed what to do in the situation and Clarke told them all about Praimfaya.
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Roan, after agreeing to an alliance because of Praimfaya, giving a public speech in Polis to say that 'an attack against the 13th clan is an attack on all of us'.
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The drawing of Arkadia is another one that was hanging in Clarke's Shallow Valley home in season 5 - and was also seen in the mindspace version of that home in 6x07. I used a scene from 4x03.
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4x04 There are 3 scenes from this episode, and all of them have to do with Jasper. The first two are two of Jasper's pranks: "floating" Jaha, and the prank Jasper pulled on Clarke. But the mood of the latter got ruined because he had already found the List before Clarke came in. (Josephine touched this drawing briefly in 6x07 and we heard the audio flashback: (Monty: "Clarke, wait..." - Clarke: "Really?" )
And what happened right after, in the same scene, when Jasper started telling everyone present about the List. (Jasper's angry comments can also be heard clearly among the mix of voices at the beginning of 6x07 - more about that later)
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The portrait of Emori is probably from 4x07, when they had their first major interaction. It was also one of Clarke's drawings that could be glimpsed in the background in S5.
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Skip the next one if you don't want to see an image of a person dying a gruesome and painful death in a radiation chamber.
4x08 The unfortunate Grounder thief from the Rock Line clan whose name we never learned, at the moment of his death.
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4x10  Octavia in the Conclave - more of a symbolic representation (with the sigils around her). This was a very prominent drawing in Clarke's sketchbook that we saw a couple of times in season 5. 
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4x11 Another one of the 3 images that weren't seen in 6x07 but were in the second version of the memory wall, in 6x10 - Clarke pointing a gun at Bellamy to stop him from opening the bunker door, before she broke down and cried. The drawing even shows Clarke’s hand with a gun.
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4x12 the rocket in Becca's lab
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4x13  Clarke being left behind in Praimfaya and watching her friends leave while she was aligning the satellite dish so they could get to the Ring and survive. 
This was also another prominent drawing from Clarke's sketchbook we saw in season 5.
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There's another scene from 4x13, but that one happens 6 years later, so I'll come back to it later...
5x01 Post-Praimfaya
Polis was Clarke's destination after she left Becca's lab - trying and failing to open the door of the bunker after the temple had collapsed on it. Then realizing she'll be alone for at least 5 years.
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Then she went to Arkadia, where she only found "ghosts" - the chest with Maya's music player, Jasper's goggles and his letter to Monty (as we saw in the flashback in Clarke's "dark place", where the chest played an important role).
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The bird that kind of tried to eat Clarke (?), showed Clarke where Eden was, and then got thanked, shot and eaten by Clarke.
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Shallow Valley
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This image is both a memory of 6 year old Madi (not the moment they met, but when Clarke was drawing her while she was fishing), of Clarke drawing her and of the drawing she made and gave Madi to make friends with her.
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Madi and Clarke, but some 6 years later.  This image was prominent of at the beginning of 6x07 when we saw a flashback of it when Clarke touched it ("I'm sorry they left without you" - "If I was with them, I never would've met you").
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4x13 - 2199 days after Praimfaya: Gagarin transport ship, the moment when Clarke saw it clearly and realized it wasn't the ship she was hoping for ("Never mind, I see you"), but one to be afraid of.
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5x03 - Makes snse that images of Diyoza, Shaw and McCreary are all from the episode where they captured and tortured Clarke.
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Bellamy reuniting with Clarke. 
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Coming out of the bunker. 
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 5x06  - Madi watching Octavia practice. 
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5x09 - There were quite a few changes between the memory wall in 6x07 and 6x10, and the most obvious one was seen right after Clarke woke up in her mindspace - the big image of Bellamy when Octavia arrested him and right before Clarke left him at her mercy in Polis.
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5x12 - This is one of the rare drawings that doesn’t fully represent a memory correctly as Clarke saw it. But it makes sense to me that Clarke remembers it this way - seeing Madi in pain when she zapped the shock collar to stop her from leaving and going to war. But in fact, the screenshot shows Madi shocked that Clarke put a shock collar on her. Clarke closed her eyes and had her back turned to Madi, because she couldn’t watch it when she actually zapped the shock collar,  and only heard her scream.
This was another drawing Josephine touched and had a flashback of (we  heard Madi screaming and Clarke saying “I won’t let you die in this war”), commenting "Child abuse dressed up as protection!"
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5x13 - Clarke pulling the lever to close the door of the Gagarin ship, after waiting until the last moment for Bellamy to come in, closing the door after Bellamy, Monty, Emori and Murphy were inside and the missiles were already hitting the Earth.
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One last image. It's clearly Madi, and with the horizontal placement of the drawing, I thought it was Clarke putting Madi in cryo. But it turns out the same image - only vertical - was one of her drawings she had in Shallow Valley in season 5... so, I don't know.
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There are other images that we couldn't link to anything specific or weren't sure. Mostly locations, objects and nature images.   1) A forest? 2) Waterfall/rocky shore? 3) Rubble?) 
If anyone identifies any of them or notice other images or anything else, I’ll be editing and reblogging this post.
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BONUS - audio memories
ending scene of 6x06
Lines I can hear:
over the image of Abby: Abby and Clarke in 1x01: "Clarke, I love you so much!" - "Mom?" 
 "I'm scared"? - this line can be heard clearly but I don’t know who it is. It sounds like a child, but I don’t thin Madi or Charlotte ever said it.
Finn in 1x01 when they see the deer: "No animals, eh?"
Madi in 5x11: "I love you, Clarke" (the entire line was “...but we’re on the wrong side of this war”
Clarke to Wells in 1x03, after learning the truth: "How can you forgive me?"
Madi to Clarke in 5x01, during the scene by the fire: "I'm sorry they left without you."
Bellamy trying to convince Clarke not to leave in 2x16 “You don’t have to do this alone”.
Clarke to Madi in 5x12, as she puts a shock collar on her: "I will not let you die in this war!" 
over the image of Lexa in bed with Clarke - Lexa and Clarke in 3x07: "Can we talk about something else?” - We don't have to talk at all." 
over the image of Bellamy: Bellamy to Lincoln in 1x07: "You're gonna give us the antidote or you're gonna wish you had". Other lines whispered in the background:
Bellamy in 2x16: "(If you want forgiveness) I'll give that to you" 
Bellamy during his reunion with Clarke in 5x04: "Clarke, you saved us all."
 "This is how we get to peace" (sounds like Bellamy but Clarke was the one who actually said it in 5x08)
Bellamy in 1x07: "Who we are and who we have to be to survive are two different things."
opening scene of 6x07
Clarke to Wells in 1x03: “I blamed you because my father’s dead and it’s my mother’s fault” (heard while Clarke is looking at the wall with the image of her parents, among others)
 (over the image of Wells) Bellamy: “Who else knows about this?” (in 1x04, when Clarke realized one of the Delinquents had killed Wells)
(also over the image of Wells) Wells: “Welcome back!” (1x01)
 (over the image of Roan & Lexa fighting in 3x04: “It’s always something with you!” – Roan to Clarke in 4x01 
we also hear Lexa’s and Roan’s grunts during their fight
(over the two images of Madi) Madi (5x11): “I love you, Clarke” 
Madi screaming when Clarke zaps the shock collar in 5x12
Two angry lines by Jasper are overlapping as the camera slides from Lexa to Bellamy:  
as we see Lexa in focus: “Truth hurts” - Jasper in 3x11, after ALIE!Raven blamed her for the deaths of Jake, Wells, Finn & Lexa
 as we see Bellamy in focus: “I found your list. I guess we know who really matters to you” (Jasper in 4x04)
Madi in 5x12: “I’m not a child anymore, Clarke. I’m the Commander, and my people are dying”
(ETA) Jasper yelling “We are Apogee!” and Clarke, Octavia, Monty and Finn yelling happily with him, just before he gets speared in the Pilot
Clarke in 3x11: “I let her get to me.”
the flashback to Madi and Clarke by the fire in 5x01 “I’m sorry they left without you” - “If I was with them, I never would have met you” 
more of Jasper’s ranting in 3x11: “I was going to save everyone!” (talking about his plans in 2x16 to kill Cage)
flashback to the Pilot, as we see the drawing on the floor: “Prisoner 319, face the wall!”  Some of the lower volume lines in the background, which can only be identified after the background noise was removed:
Bellamy to Clarke in 3x11, after ALIE!Raven had made her lost it: “I’ll let her beat me up for a while.” 
ALIE-controlled Raven yelling “Let me go!” in 3x11, when she’s trying to find out the location and help ALIE, and everyone grabs her and subdues her
Octavia in 2x16: “I know where my loyalties lie!” 
Bellamy in 5x09, when he brought Madi to see Clarke in her cell: “Clarke, this isn’t goodbye”.
I also hear someone yelling "Octavia!", and mentions of Jasper’s and Jaha’s names.
Josephine and Clarke  in 6x07 
Josephine touching images and we hear flashbacks of scenes from 1x01 (”We’re back, bitches!), 5x12 (Madi screaming when Clarke puts a shock collar and Clarke saying “I won’t let you die in this war”) and 4x04 (”Clarke, wait...” - “Really?” when Clarke got covered in foam as Jasper pranked her). There are many other whispered lines I don't recognize.
In 6x10, however, everything was mixed up -  Clarke's and Josephine's memories were all mashed up, because the boundaries between their minds were disappearing - so it’s pretty much impossible to make out anything. But Clarke’s memories are probably the same mix as in 6x07, because I can still hear Wells saying "Welcome back". 
If anyone notices something I did not, please tell - I will edit this post with any new info!
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miggydiaz · 4 years
for the salty ask: 3, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27 for spn
I had to do this one today because I have a LOT of Supernatural feelings and so a lot of these are even longer than my CK one. But thanks for the ask @wonderwolfballoon!
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? 100000000% I have unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion in the SPN fandom. SPN was the fandom that taught me to make JUDICIOUS use of the blocking feature tumblr offers in order to curate my experience. I would actually encourage anyone and everyone to use the blocking feature if they disagree with people. Honestly, we don’t owe anyone our time or energy, especially on the internet! It is much healthier than sending or responding to hate, IMO. 7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* This is actually a hard one for me to answer, so let me start by saying -- I have not seen a SINGLE episode since 9x05? I think? Whichever episode was the Dr. Deanlittle one where he talks to animals. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the first 5 seasons, and they are all I watch anymore and I pretend nothing else exists after that (except The French Mistake because that episode is hilarious). But uh... I guess the simple answer is when I was originally watching it, I really loved Dean. He was brash, snarky, rough around the edges... but kind of soft in a I’m too toxically masculine to deal with my softness sort of way that I love seeing characters grow out of as they mature. But when I go back and rewatch now, much older than I was in 2006 when I first started watching, I see how awful a lot of his older behavior truly was. I still love Dean, and I will be a Dean girl until I die probably, but sometimes you gotta remind yourself that your faves have been problematic in the past so you don’t put them up on fandom constructed pedestals.
10. Most disliked arc? Why? AND AS A BONUS, MY ANSWER to 11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I could write a literal essay about all of the problems I have with the later seasons (the ones I watched, which encompasses 6, 7, 8, and a few episodes of 9). But by far and away, the thing I hated most, was the Men of Letters.
Okay, this is where I am going to recognize my love of certain characters is at FUNDAMENTAL ODDS with how that character develops later and what history and background we get later on them. I RECOGNIZE this character is problematic, and I would NEVER STAND for his shit IRL, but fiction is complicated and nuanced, and fantastic circumstances do not make for normal behaviors. That being said, with all warnings I could possibly give, and with the full understanding that what I am about to say is basically fandom blasphemy of the highest order...
I like John Winchester’s character.
I know, I know. If you wanna stop reading and block me now, you are free to do that. I will not hold it against you. I am not about to apologize for anything he has done. I just need to contextualize why I have such an issue with the MOL storyline and it starts with the simple fact that I liked John Winchester as he was originally presented.
To me, and with the full understanding that I am answering this from the perspective of someone who DOES NOT regard anything past season 5 as personal canon, John Winchester is the perfect example of a truly complicated character. Here’s a parent who, if we take the pilot and the original s2 Djinn episodes at face value, could have been a great parent, who then got shoved into a fantastically impossible situation and made terrible choices that he thought were necessary in order to keep himself and his sons safe. That does not EXCUSE the heaps of abuse that he piled onto Dean in any way. We know John and Mary didn’t have a great marriage. But we also know from the pilot that John was at least a caring and present father, mostly,  for the 4 years he got to parent in a normal world, and that if Mary had lived, John would’ve been a softball playing dad who raised his kids and had a loving marriage with his wife. (Again, I need to reiterate, I did not watch anything past the early episodes of s9. If there is later canon that negates this, I do not know about it, nor do I want to because I don’t think of anything past 5 as canon) This is all important to me because these things emphasize that John was “NORMAL”. He was a mechanic, from a family of mechanics, whose father didn’t bail on him (a man in the episode where Dean is transported back in time to Lawrence tells John to ‘say hi to your old man for me’ or something to that effect). He was just a midwestern dude. Giving John Winchester a fantastical background through this Men of Letters bullshit made me SO MAD. First of all, I hate when later canon negates previous canon. I cannon TELL you how much I hate it. And the later seasons of Supernatural are riddled with stuff that doesn’t make any damn sense in the context of original, Kripke written canon, which is exactly why I stopped watching. That’s not ~Evolution of the show.~ That’s conveniently forgetting stuff that made your show and its premise so successful to begin with in order to keep filming episodes so you can keep making money. It’s the sacrifice of art for capitalism and yes I know this is a stupid TV show but as a writer myself it PISSES ME OFF.
ALSO, the idea that this toxically masculine family was set on this path by Heaven, and inherited this curse that put them on this path from their mother was such a good plot twist in its heyday. We spent four seasons thinking of Mary Winchester as a victim of circumstance, whose fate could not have been avoided because she was the mother to Sam, who is effectively cursed. And then, we learn that its BECAUSE of Mary that this ball even got rolling in the first place. IDK if you were around for that time in the fandom but at least in my circle, this was a big fucking deal. There had been so much (rightful) discourse about John before this, and what kind of parent he was, that Mary became almost deified in the same way Dean deifies her. And then we find out that this whole story gets set in motion by a decision she made because this was the life she found herself in. This was great. It was interesting. And even though the MOL doesn’t negate any of this, it does give John this weirdly fantastical that isn’t necessary. Let this guy be just some Joe Schmoe who fell in love with a kick ass hunter and had no idea any of this even existed. Let Mary and her want to be ‘normal’ be a complicated moral choice that fundamentally altered the paths of her husband and sons. It’s good tv!
Also, I fucking hate the bunker. The best episodes are Dean and Sam having moments in the car, or while in motel rooms on their cases, or whatever. I don’t mind them having a home base. I’m fine with that. But if a building could ever be a Mary Sue character, the bunker is it. I hate all of the MOL storyline, starting with this place.
I may not even tag this as Supernatural, I don’t need angry later season stans in my inbox.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
There’s nothing good about anything that happened after season 6. It’s all a bunch of retconning bullshit. Season 6 had its moments where it was interesting, so I cut it a little bit of slack, but as far as I’m concerned, the show ended in season 5. I’m not sure that’s necessarily unpopular, but it does feel that way on tumblr, so. 
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Aside from ending it in season 5?
Oooh, I’m about to blaspheme again. I am definitely not tagging this as Supernatural.
I would never have introduced Castiel, and I would’ve given that entire storyline to Anna. Or, alternatively, I would’ve flipped their story lines.
Look, for whatever it’s worth... I agree with the idea that Dean Winchester is a repressed bisexual. His Dr. Sexy love, the entire storyline with Benny in season 8, etc. I just don’t think he feels romantically about Castiel. And like, that’s okay! Just because you’re not into someone who is into you doesn’t mean you owe them a relationship or anything, no matter what the fandom thinks.
But I also think Dean has a big problem when it comes to women. Again, obviously later on in the series, Dean shifts and Charlie happens and Claire Novak and I know all of these things from gifs okay, context is not applicable here because I have none. But early on, Dean struggles A LOT with thinking of women as A) capable and B) trustworthy. He exists in a perpetual state of identifying women along the Madonna/Whore binary. Even Jo, however you feel about her, and to be clear, I loved Jo, but he doesn’t stop thinking of her really as a kid until they’re about to shoot the devil. Up until then, he’s genuinely surprised Ellen lets her out of the damn house.
Giving him a strong, capable woman who rebels against Heaven for HIM would have fundamentally altered Dean’s perceptions of women much earlier on than we get and would have forced him to examine some of that misogyny head on.
Dean has no problems trusting men. This is why the entire Gordon fiasco happens, right? It was less work for him to trust Castiel because Castiel is the inverse of Ruby. Angel to her Demon. Angels and demons don’t really have genders, but for the sake of presentation of vessels, man to her woman. Not even getting me started on the problematic parts of having significant demons mostly symbolized by women (Meg, Ruby, Lilith) and having significant angels mostly represented by Men (Castiel, Michael, Lucifer, Zachariah, Gabriel, Raphael), and how that ties into the idea of Original Sin and yada yada, but just like it’s interesting to have Mary and her decisions be the catalyst for the story, it’s interesting to have this badass warrior angel in Anna who marches down to Hell to yank Dean out, and through her interactions with him, decide to rebel against the ultimate patriarchy, while Dean gets an equally strong female counterpart to Sam’s Ruby, a woman for all intents and purposes that he respects as a soldier and an ally and not just a potential piece of ass.
Also, Castiel fans being literally unbearable is why I left the fandom. Nothing against Misha or anything, and not even anything against Cas as a character (who I very much enjoyed in seasons 4 and 5), but his fans have always been the worst and they try to insert him into everything.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Castiel/Destiel fans, which even though I also hated the direction the show was going, drove me out of the fandom. Not like, personally or directly, but just the sheer mental hoops they had to jump through in order to make their ship work and I just got tired of seeing all of the contrived meta on my dash. Oh, and the rampant misogyny that came out of those early Castiel fans. I didn’t appreciate it from the Wincest corner, and I definitely didn’t appreciate it from the fans of the new guy. Gross.
22. Popular character you hate?
Oof. I don’t know. I don’t really hate Castiel, because again, I liked him a lot in seasons 4 and 5. Even 6 was interesting, even if I don’t regard it as my own personal show canon. I don’t think there was a popular character in those first five seasons I ever really hated. I didn’t fundamentally hate a character at all until the MOL stuff came around. Um. Yeah, I don’t really have an answer for this.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Pretty much every female character ever. Jo, Ellen, Ruby, Meg... although Meg became more popular as the series went on, Anna. Um. OH, BELA. Bela ESPECIALLY, I recently rewatched season 3 and I cannot emphasize how MUCH I love Bela. She was the best purely human foil ever. Bela is hands down the character I love most that the fandom had frothing at the mouth hatred for. It doesn’t help that I legitimately think Lauren Cohan is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. But seriously, Bela. Hands down.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? 
I have! Many of times, and ALWAYS WITH THE CAVEAT to stop at the end of season 5. Not a single one of them has listened to me and almost all of them came to me at the end of the finale and were like WHY DID I WASTE SO MUCH TIME, and I don’t want to say I told them so, but like, I explicitly in neon colored text once told them so, so like, idk what to tell them. But yes! I think if someone is interested in some classic mystery television that has an overarching theme of family and forgiveness and striking out against the boxes that life tries to put us all into, SPN is a great show. But only the first 5 seasons. Also, be prepared for some thematically problematic parts of the show because there’s a lot of cishet toxic masculinity in those early seasons, and we should examine our media critically. There’s also a lot of good though too, and IMO, the good outweighs the bad.
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I would’ve ended it at season 5. I would’ve had Sam escape the pit and seen him standing under the street lamp, but then I would’ve had him walking away to leave Dean with Lisa (btw, side note, I DIDN’T like Lisa because I don’t think Dean would ever be truly happy with someone completely outside the life). Not because Sam doesn’t love his brother, but because he *does* love his brother, and because he would want Dean to be happy, even though Dean and Sam’s ideas of what makes the other happy have always been a little bit screwed up.. but that’s a different story.
27. Least shippable character?
Probably Zachariah. God, could you imagine? And... maybe Alastair, but I’m sure there are fics out there that I do not want to think about.
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