#not that i understand suyeong either but like
cosmos-flowcr · 2 years
ok i watched the first two episodes of the interest of love, and like........ i’m sorry, is the first male lead supposed to be likeable...? like sir, this is EMBARRASSING
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necronatural · 3 years
characters ask. im gonna ask about only my favs. wei wuxian / han suyeong / mrs coulter. share ur wisdom with us crossy...
i'll do 1 at a time for asks. nothing interesting to say about wei wuxian and idk who mrs coulter is.han suyeong...i havent read orv in 2 years and never finished the novel full stop but
Favourite thing About Them
She causes soooooo many problems 1863 is like look at the unfathomable extent of problems she causes. I really do like that even though she revels in being problematic and cutthroat she really does care a lot and it frustrates people both on the level that she doesn't spare the feelings of others and also that even though she cares she's still willing to do what she knows needs to be done. it was FASCINATING to see what would have happened had she never had a wide range of pushback from the people she cares about and took the lead in every decision and her technique for flattening the star system. i think she fills out the cast soooo well she is just narrative-wise and character-wise the tritagonist of all time
Least Favourite Thing About Them
nothing. she's perfect. my least favourite thing is she should have had a stronger role through the whole novel instead of it gradually building up to core importance
kim dokja :) and the girls in general. and later in the novel yu junghyeok. her unparalleled skill at bouncing off people she is good in every scenario. another thing i dont like is that she should have bounced off more people. bounce her off yu junghyeok's exwife it'll be funny i promise
JuHanKim is the name i think? In isolation its like they are just friends. but as a unit they both enable each other and make each other worse. whats not to love.
I'm also a huiwon/suyeong truther i KNOW it would just be replicating the dynamic of dokhyeok literally in-novel they point out the parallels of their dynamic but i dont care <3 its a good dynamic <3
The thing about her having a fantastic dynamic with everyone she has a moment with is that no dynamic is that bad and no one ever ships her with someone where the dynamic is bad. so like. HARD LIFE BEING PERFECT I GUESS LOLLL
I do think just pairing her off with either kim dokja or yu junghyeok in isolation undermines what makes them so fascinating??
Random Headcanon
She fucked Kim Dokja's mom.
Unpopular Opinion
dokhyeok being the central focus is early novel dynamic i dont understand people who have FINISHED the novel believing she is just a member of the supporting cast...she literally competes with yu junghyeok as his equal in the journey to the west LARP arc ... MORE focus on their trinity when you write your little yaoi metas.
Favourite Picture
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love you.
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immortal-tale · 3 years
Maybe this is connected to the ORV timeline. It didn't have a starting point, but it's something we can make sense of.
'Outer Gods' are beings from other dimensions that weren't saved. That would explain why Kim Dokja became an Outer God.
Now, I have 3 questions:
1. If OD's/KDJ's 'story' started when he first read the story, what were the memories all about before he turned 15? (Is the trauma he had fake or an image/illusion caused by what happened during and after 15? Or is it from another dimension when his soul got seperated and spread across the universe?)
2. The author and reader ended the novel in 10 years so why start at 15 when it ended at 28? (Is it a time jump? World skip? If so, then he didn't exactly read it for 10 years nor did he know the full story of the original Yu Junghyeok. That would also explain why therr's some parts about him that he doesn't understand. It just "seemed" like he read it for 10 years. It's either he read it for a longer or shorter time)
3. Why did he reincarnate at 15? (He started reading TWSA at 15, right? Kim Dokja often said that the novel "saved" him. So– why 15 and not younger when nothing saved him? Is it because that's the limit the <star stream>can do? Or is it because that was the age Han Suyeong knew about?)
These memories lacked any obvious starting point, and they were not consistently linked to each other, either. However, I was able to follow them. As if I was connecting the constellations that couldn’t be connected previously.
Perhaps only I was able to connect them in this world.
And in that moment, I understood.
I understood what the ‘Outer God’ was, why Yu Jung-Hyeok from the original story had to become one willingly.
….And, why he had no choice but to become the ‘Secretive Plotter’.
The story of pain that went on for tens of thousands, hundreds, maybe even for millions of years. Stories discarded by the world-line and couldn’t be acknowledged as ‘Fables’. And the fragments of Fables that became the subconsciousness of the worlds, drifting around in the universe and ruminating on the ancient memories. Finally, the voices of those that were not saved.
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avsuyeong · 5 years
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     hello  everyone  !  i’m  meg  ,  a  20  year  old  female  that  uses  she/her  pronouns  who  currently  resides  in  est  !  i’m  genuinely  super  boring  ...  so  on  to  the  actual  interesting  person  here  !!!  click  the  read  more  to  read  up  on  suyeong  ,  the  true  star  of  this  show  !  feel  free  to  message  me  on  discord  @  i  know  you  know  lee  minho#0420  or  im  me  ,  or  even  like  this  and  i’ll  come  to  you  ,  for  some  good  old  fashioned  plotting  !
faceclaim’s  name  and  occupation:  hwang  hyunjin  of  stray  kids  .
avenger’s  name:  nam  suyeong  .
hero  name:  siren  .
date  of  birth  and  age:  08/16/8699  .
birthplace:  jeju  island  ,  south  korea  .
power:  hydrokinesis  is  the  ability  to  create  ,  shape  &  manipulate  water  ,  and  a  number  of  other liquids  ,  in  any  form  .  this  power  is  also  known  as  water  bending  or  water  manipulation  .
the  user  can  manipulate  water  in  any  state  ,  be  it  liquid  ,  gas  or  even  solid  .  this  gives  the  user  the  ability  to  manipulate  ice  and  gasses  to  an  extent  .  
the  user  can  harden  water  to  form  tangable  things  such  as  shields  ,  weapons  or  walkways  .
the  user  can  draw  strength  from  water  ,  and  even  heal  most  of  their  wounds  with  it  .  they  can  also  heal  other’s  wounds  ,  though  it’s  more  draining  .
the  user  can  summon  mass  amounts  of  water  from  surrounding  areas  .
while  the  user  is  able  to  manipulate  any  form  of  water  regardless  of  state  ,  the  user  is  not  able  to  create  ice  nor  gas  .
the  user  has  a  lower  resistance  to  fire  ,  thus  burns  easier  and  much  worse  .
when  the  user  creates  water  using  their  own  body  ,  like  things  such  as  water  blasts  ,  this  can  quickly  dehydrate  the  user  due  to  the  water  being  pulled  from  within  them  and  thus  is  dangerous  .
summoning  or  shaping  mass  amounts  of  water  also  significantly  weakens  the  user  ,  and  often  requires  rest  for  recuperation  .
hydrokinesis  is  useless  when  used  against  stronger  hydrokinetics  .  all  attacks  made  can  be  redirected  as  the  stronger  hydrokinetic  can  take  control  .
the  user  is  less  useful  in  fights  against  pyrokinetics  due  to  their  powers  being  counteractive  &  their  increased  chance  of  serious  injury  .
the  user  is  less  useful  in  areas  where  water  is  less  abundant  or  where  there  is  no  water  around  .
the  user  is  unable  to  create  water  out  of  thin  air  .  the  user  needs  a  source  ,  even  if  it  is  a  small  amount  that  he  can  make  larger  or  water  from  within  himself  used  to  “  create  ”  water  .  in  anycase  ,  the  user  can’t  just  make  water  appear  when  there  is  none  .
years  in  the  academy:  three  .
occupation:  student  .
origins:  TRIGGER  WARNINGS  —  abuse  ,  mentions  of  sexual  abuse  &  rape  ,  mentions  of  suicide  ,  descriptions  of  method  of  suicide  .
     nam  suyeong  was  born  and  raised  on  jeju  island  in  south  korea  .  he  was  primarily  raised  by  a  single  mother  ,  his  father  having  left  them  when  he  was  too  young  to  truly  understand  that  he  was  never  coming  back  .  he  spent  a  lot  of  his  childhood  into  his  teen  years  watching  his  mother  want  for  things  she  couldn’t  have  .  whether  it  was  jobs  she  couldn’t  seem  to  get  ,  a  dress  she  couldn’t  afford  ,  or  most  probably  ,  a  man  who  just  wouldn’t  stay  .  you  see  ,  the  men  in  suyeong’s  mother’s  life  never  stayed  .  and  she  always  ,  always  wanted  them  to  .  
     suyeong  spent  most  of  his  life  watching  men  walk  in  and  out  of  his  mother’s  life  ,  and  his  own  .  at  first  suyeong  would  get  attached  to  each  man  ,  craving  the  love  of  a  father  that  he  so  desperately  wanted  ,  but  soon  enough  he  realized  wanting  things  doesn’t  get  you  anywhere  .  look  where  it  got  his  mother  .  man  after  man  using  her  ,  and  throwing  her  away  .  soon  enough  ,  suyeong  didn’t  find  himself  easily  attached  to  anything  or  anyone  —  everything  in  this  world  was  temporary  anyways  .
     he  began  to  lose  his  trust  in  people  ,  too  .  some  days  he  wondered  if  anyone  had  any  good  left  in  them  at  all  aside  from  his  poor  mother  .  seeing  men  that  would  scream  at  her  at  the  top  of  their  lungs  and  beat  her  black  and  blue…  and  it  didn’t  help  when  some  of  her  lovers  took  quite  a  liking  to  him  instead  .  the  longer  the  man  stayed  ,  the  worse  he  showed  himself  to  be  .  whether  he  was  beating  them  up  or  sneaking  into  suyeong’s  room  most  nights  while  the  boy  said  nothing  because  his  dear  mother  just  wanted  to  be  loved  —  they’d  never  have  a  happy  family  .  he’d  never  have  a  picturesque  life  .  
     suyeong  never  really  knew  his  father  ,  but  he  ,  like  his  father  before  him  ,  was  a  mutant  .  his  mother  was  human  ,  helpless  and  frail  and  needed  to  be  protected  .  his  father  had  always  said  he’d  protect  her  ,  protect  their  son  —  but  he  lied  how  most  men  did  .  suyeong  didn’t  spend  much  of  his  older  years  wondering  about  his  father  ,  not  until  his  powers  began  to  truly  manifest  ,  of  course  .  they’d  always  sort’ve  been  there  .  his  mother  had  always  known  ,  from  the  moment  he  was  making  shapes  from  water  during  tubbies  .  but  he  didn’t  ,  until  he  needed  to  .
     the  worse  the  man  ,  the  worse  the  wounds  .  he  doesn’t  really  remember  the  first  time  he  found  his  mother  crying  over  her  split  lip  and  bruised  cheek  but  he  remembers  how  it  felt  so  natural  as  he  helped  clean  her  up  to  use  the  water  to  heal  her  .  to  fix  those  wounds  .  not  how  other’s  did  ,  no  .  he  didn’t  just  cleanse  her  skin  with  the  water  but  he  could  use  it  —  use  it  to  stop  her  pain  .  on  the  worst  nights  ,  he’d  pass  out  trying  to  make  her  stop  hurting  .  
     suyeong  was  scouted  by  the  avengers  academy  when  he  was  sixteen  years  old  and  recently  orphaned  .  he’d  found  his  mother  days  prior  in  the  tub  of  all  place  ,  blood  pooling  around  her  .  he  tried  ,  he  tried  harder  than  he  ever  had  but  with  no  proper  training  it  was  no  use  and  by  the  time  she  got  to  the  hospital  ,  even  with  all  the  healing  he’d  done  ,  it  was  too  late  .  he  blames  himself  ,  blames  that  he  wasn’t  powerful  enough  to  save  her  ,  wasn't  strong  enough  to  save  her  ,  wasn't ENOUGH to  save  her  .  of  course  ,  it  was  what  ended  up  putting  him  in  the  sights  of  the  scouts  .  someone  with  such  healing  ability  from  their  hydrokinesis  at  such  a  young  age  —  thus  he  began  to  attend  the  academy  .  he  had  no  place  else  to  go  ,  after  all  .  
     suyeong  is ��now  somewhat  of  a  condradiction  .  while  he  doesn’t  seem  harmful  or  ruthless  ,  and  while  he  seems  to  take  quite  a  liking  to  men  being  gay  and  all  ,  his  sunshiney  smile  and  feigned  innocence  is  often  used  against  the  men  he  takes  to  bed  .  he  doesn’t  trust  most  men  ,  and  has  few  genuine  close  friends  of  either  gender  but  is  much  less  trusting  when  it  comes  to  guys  .  of  course  ,  that  doesn’t  stop  him  from  sleeping  around  .  he  often  takes  pride  in  making  men  want  him  when  they  can’t  have  him  ,  making  them  feel  how  his  mother  did  .  after  all  ,  that’s  all  men  ever  did  to  her  .
     he  isn’t  always  nice  ,  and  doesn’t  really  pretend  to  be  .  but  he  isn’t  evil  ,  either  .  he’s  had  it  rough  ,  and  anyone  who  sticks  around  and  looks  hard  enough  can  see  it  in  his  eyes  and  the  way  he  closes  almost  everyone  out  .  he’s  pessimistic  when  it  comes  to  most  things  and  doesn’t  dare  tell  anyone  everything  about  himself  lest  they  know  too  much  and  use  it  to  hurt  him  ,  or  worse  ,  leave  because  of  it  .  but  he  has  some  close  friends  who  know  just  enough  that  he  cares  for  genuinely  .
     above  almost  all  else  ,  he’s  cocky  .  he  holds  himself  in  high  regards  ,  at  least  outwardly  .  especially  when  it  comes  to  men  ,  he’s  sure  everyone  wants  him  and  isn’t  afraid  to  act  like  it  .  he  doesn’t  ever  seem  self-doubting  or  as  though  he  has  a  war  waging  against  himself  inside  but  looks  ,  looks  can  be  quite  deceiving  .  
     aside  from  his  history  and  personality  ,  there’s  his  powers  .  his  grasp  on  his  power  is  much  stronger  now  ,  his  control  and  use  of  his  ability  has  significantly  improved  during  his  time  attending  the  academy  .  if  anyone  were  to  ask  him  ,  he’d  say  he  should  be  a  senior  .  he’s  talented  ,  powerful  ,  intelligent  —  but  what  the  director  sees  is  that  he’s  emotional  ,  even  if  he  tries  to  hide  it  .  his  feelings  rule  him  in  the  worst  ways  and  he  can  lose  control  due  to  it  .  one  day  he’ll  be  ready  ,  one  day  he’ll  be  a  wonderful  and  useful  assest  for  seoul  ,  but  not  today  .    
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immortal-tale · 3 years
It reminds me of the "Broken Film Theory" that was mentioned during the 5th main scenario. When Kim Dokja was explaining to Han Suyeong as to why he won't kill Shin Yuseong.
"they"? is the message some kind of "epilogue"? "Enternity" and "epilogue" are the 2 ■■ Kim Dokja acquired.
The quote continues: Don't judge without knowing the full story. Also, WHY THE HELL ARE THERE SO MANY FORESHADOWING!?!
⸢(What an interesting story.)⸥
It was none other than Simulation who decided to butt in.
⸢It’s written with the idea that ‘Those who can’t understand it, will not’.)⸥
I thought I heard a light sigh, and then tiny sparks danced in front of my eyes. The power leaking out from [The 4th Wall] flipped through the pages of the book and began extracting several paragraphs.
And once those seemingly disparate paragraphs, taken from different short stories, were connected, they formed the following lines of texts.
⸢Emotions, passed down from the distant, remote universe. That is the flow of the ancient times that this writer could never follow after. We were terrified.⸥
⸢They were like monsters from a universe we couldn’t recognise.⸥
⸢This ‘Fear’ didn’t stem from what we could predict. This was pure ‘Terror’ emanating from those that we could never understand.⸥
⸢With great difficulty, we assigned names to each of those Terrors. We wanted to pretend that, by assigning names to the creatures of the unknown, we’d be able to understand them.⸥
Only now did it feel like the message this book wished to convey was revealing itself.
⸢Of course, whether our attempt has any meaning or not, only they can decide.⸥
After reading that resignation-filled paragraph, I thought I could see why the ‘Outer Gods’ ridiculed these ‘Recorders of Fear’ so much. All those Modifiers attached to them, strictly speaking, didn’t reflect their original essence.
⸢If you, the reader, meet them someday, remember this. The one who stares into the abyss will have no choice but to either go mad, or become the abyss itself.⸥
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