#not that its particularly close to where i live but i prefer to be safe rather than sorry on the internet
i-like-gay-books · 2 years
my life was literally changed by the paramore concert i don't know what to do with myself it was so good
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clockwork-ashes · 3 months
Shallow Waters
Summary: Lucien spends the day with Eris (short one-shot).
Note: Thank you to everyone who shared plot ideas! Huge thank you to @acourtofladydeath for sending a whole list about a month ago :) I am back in my Eris era <3
Eris had always loved the forest. 
The trees grew tall in Autumn, little sky to be seen. Leaves fell to the ground on crisp winds and everything was constantly in motion, a comfort, like a boat rocking on gentle waves. 
As a child, Eris would spend hours on his own, preferring solitude to the company of others. The woods has been his safe haven, a place he could exist where the weight of his title as the High Lord’s heir lost some of its significance. 
Whenever Eris needed a break from his father, he would go to his home in the eastern territories. The forest was older, the rivers lovelier. If he could have spent his whole life there, Eris would have done so. His whirling thoughts always fell silent, and he felt the most at peace.
“Did you see me, Eris?” His youngest brother called, his laughter ringing, shattering the quiet.
“Mhm,” Eris hummed, not looking up from his book. Using the forest floor as a table, he scribbled a note in the chapter's margins. “Nicely done, Lucien.”
A moment passed before Lucien spoke again. “You weren’t even looking,” he accused, frustration clear in his voice. 
Eris briefly looked up from the page he was reading, leaning more comfortably against the tree he was sitting under. Lucien had his boots thrown off along the riverbank. His pants were rolled up terribly as he stood knee deep in the water, the fabric soaked through. “I was,” Eris lied. In truth, he did not have the slightest clue of what Lucien had been trying to show him, but he decided it was best not to further hurt his feelings. 
For a child not yet a decade old, he certainly had an attitude, Eris thought. Lucien crossed his arms, brows raised in a way that suggested he doubted his eldest brother. Eris flashed him a small smile, hoping he would simply let it go. 
Lucien threw his hands up in the air, defeated and dramatic. “Can I go deeper?” He asked.
“Don’t drown,” Eris replied, turning his attention to the book still in his hands.  
Eris read more, taking in the information and jotting notes so he could remember his ideas for later. After going through a few more pages, he paused, his stillness predatory when he noticed it was unnervingly silent. 
Eris looked up to see that his brother was no longer in front of him.“Lucien?” He called out, waiting. When there was no response, he repeated himself, tossing his book carelessly to the ground as he stood. 
Eris quickly jogged to the river’s edge, looking downstream. The water shimmered in the light filtering in through the leaves, flowing lazily. His mother would kill him, Eris thought, her favourite son dead, and not even at the High Lord’s hands. And Eris would never be able to forgive himself, not if something had happened to little Lucien.
Panic choked Eris as he stepped into the river, trying to reassure himself with the knowledge that nothing dangerous lived within the shallow waters. 
“What are you doing?” Lucien said, appearing next to Eris in a burst of golden light. His eyes shone brightly, lovely and foreign to Autumn.  
A death sentence.
Eris fell to his knees, the water cold as he reached for Lucien, pulled him close. He had never particularly liked affection as a child, and he liked it even less as a grown male, but he could not help holding Lucien to him in relief.
Like Lucien had done countless times, he put his arms around his older brother’s neck. “What’s wrong?” He asked, genuinely caring, able to read the emotions of those around him easily.
“Nothing,” Eris replied, large hand cupping the back of Lucien’s head. 
“Did you see me this time?” Lucien said innocently, unaware of the genuine worry he had caused, pulling away to look up at Eris with wide eyes. 
He nodded, “Yes.” Lucien smiled, dimples showing. “Yes, I saw, I’m very impressed.” 
Lucien shrugged, pretending it was nothing, but Eris saw through the act. There was pride in the way he held back his small shoulders, confidence at the rare words of approval. “All of you can winnow.” 
Eris knew he was referring to their brothers, but he also knew that they happened to be children of a High Lord. Whoever Lucien’s father might be, he was clearly a powerful male, Eris thought. “Lucien, you must keep it a secret,” he warned, voice serious. “Show no one else, you understand?” 
Lucien looked confused, frowning as he searched Eris’s face for any signs of deception. He looked ready to argue, a stubborn tilt to his mouth. 
“I mean it, Lucien, just for a little while,” Eris tried to have some empathy leak into his tone. 
Lucien must have seen something in Eris’s gaze that convinced him not to say anything more on the subject. “Alright,” he promised, russet eyes glowing gold as he hugged his older brother again, resting his chin on Eris’ shoulder. 
The river’s shallow waters continued to flow around them, and Eris held Lucien tightly.
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ishanijasmin · 3 months
alive alive
contemplating the living forces of nature, thinking about life beyond biology (the layperson's perspective)
i have been thinking a lot about how the earth is alive. maybe even how the world is alive. like, alive alive. the all-singing, all-dancing, moving, caressing, feeling, vibing atmosphere that we have all found ourselves in. the twinkle of the stars, the erosion of a cliff face, the coming and going of the seasons, the whip of the wind, the rise and fall of the sea, the trickle of a stream. so much of the earth is not what we regard as being alive, and i find it fundamentally unusual that we reserve the idea of life for things that manifest in a specific way. i’m not a biologist, and the science of the universe baffles me. but i don’t know how to stand at the edge of an ocean, my feet slowly being consumed by the waves, wet silt building slowly around my ankles to stabilise me, without thinking, ‘what is this, if not alive?’ what does the ocean do if not soothe? what do the cliffs do if not hold?
last week i took a boat trip to berlenga island, just off the coast of lisbon. i am always humbled by the ocean—by its vastness, and as someone for whom the titanic is always in mind, by its mercy. on the journey back to the hotel, i sat on the floating front of the prow of our little boat for a while and let my legs dangle, watching the waves, and it was as close as you can probably be to riding the sea.
as i got progressively more queasy, i followed the patterns for a long time, and i couldn’t really figure out which direction anything moved in, including myself. lost at sea, immeasurably. so later, i looked it up. did you know waves move in circles? you probably did. i didn’t. i have absolutely no idea how these natural processes work. if i were in an ancient civilisation, i would get hit by wind exactly one time before being like, ‘wow, this is witchcraft, i’m doomed.’ wind: caused by the varying pressures in the atmosphere? hot air rises and cold air rushes in? a mystery! feels plenty alive to me! why does it hit my face the way it does—why some days the gentle stroke of a breeze on my sweaty back in the summer, and others a force big enough to move oceans? why at the same time? lisbon is a particularly significant place to be thinking about this: a city plighted by earthquake, great fire, and tsunami in a matter of hours, and left to rebuild from the wreckage.
i’ve had this in over my head experience with windsurfing and paragliding, as well. the wind, never tamed, but understood by people who’ve been observing it for a lifetime and who still prefer to use modern technology to double check their voyages are safe. a respect and a fear instilled by regarding these changes around us as almost alive. almost.
it’s not that i don’t trust scientists when they explain simple geological concepts to me—i suppose it’s like intellectually knowing something rather than intrinsically knowing it deep, deep in your bones. how can you demystify that? how can the winds—the oceans, the lakes, the tectonic plates, the rock formations and volcanoes—how can they not be alive? they are growing, shrinking, subsisting and existing like all of us, not just to hold life as an ecosystem, but as motion in themselves—erosion, weathering, death and becoming.
i have been reading braiding sweetgrass of late, which is where a good deal of thinking about this comes from. in the book (at least the half of it i’ve read so far), kimmerer talks a lot about the reciprocity between people and land, and the idea that we are all alive and that the earth, the sky, the land and its processes are not a dead ‘it’ while we are an alive ‘they’. the earth is being all the time and so am i and so are we all, and it’s kind of hard to think about and also to not think about.
where am i with all this? breathing through the crushing feeling in my chest that has kept me company every day since i can remember; thinking about doing laundry, about growing a flower trail up the side of my apartment that the kids next door won’t prick themselves on, on getting rid of the fungus gnats that are plaguing a couple of my plants, about my husband who has a headache and is squinting, about recharging. the ecology and community of self is as alive as anything else. dwelling on the world and where we all fit into it and how to preserve ourselves and each other—the human each other, the animal each other, the plant each other, the tectonic plate rock formation beach gravestone church road brick wall limestone cliff fossilised shell firewood smelted and mined ring earthquake each other.
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dapandapod · 10 months
For @firefly-party mine beloved wifi, who asked for steddie, and rain against a window.
There is much to be said about living in a trailer, but Eddie always loved laying in his bed and listen to the rain as it was beating against the roof with fierce determination.
Might be a bit cliché, but look, it's cliché for a reason. right? 
Knowing that it's shitty and cold outside, knowing you are comfortable and warm inside, preferably wrapped up in as many blankets as you own, there is just something universal about that.
It's different after the upside down. It doesn't feel as safe, because some nights during a thunderstorm, he is not sure what is beating the roof, not sure what is reaching for him.
It's also different, because instead of the trailer, he is in a shitty apartment now. Walls stained with time and smoke and cheap landlord's poor taste in wallpaper, windows permanently sealed shut for the same reasons.
And because he is not alone.
Maybe that is the biggest part, actually. The best part, too.
The bed is probably a little too narrow for two people, but they make do by tangling themselves so close together it's hard to say where Eddie begins and where Stevie ends.
The duvet is bunched down by their waists, Steve's leg hooked around Eddie's calf, Eddie's arm across Steve's back, Steve's breath against Eddie's collarbones.
Eddie was never particularly hairy himself, despite his huge mop of hair, and that just allows him to feel the smattering of chest hair pressed against him, and the trail leading from Steve's belly button down his boxers. 
The air is stale with sleep and sweat,  the morning grey through their too short curtains.
Eddie is enjoying the sensation between sleep and wakefulness, where you are aware enough to feel, but asleep enough to drift.
The fog clears only when Steve stirs, shifting closer and nuzzling into the crook of Eddie's neck.
The rain outside has yet to give up its fierceness, true to the season, but without the roof of the trailer, without the thin layer of metal making out the husk of his previous home, it feels different.
Instead of hiding underneath a leaf, he feels like he finally found a burrow, a home. 
Not a very good one, objectively, but his nonetheless. His and Steve's.
Jesus, Eddie finds it hard to believe sometimes. 
Steve shifts again and makes a sound, something that sounds like half a snore, half a word, and Eddie finds himself smiling. That famous hair is a right mess, sticking up in every direction, exposing Steve's forehead.
Rain makes him soft, Eddie thinks, as he leans down the few inches it takes to press his lips to that perfectly kissable forehead.
On the floor above them, Eddie can make out the sounds of their neighbors waking up, but he isn't ready for that yet.
It's warm, cozy, safe. 
Steve gives a content sigh and his arm tightens around Eddie, before it travels up, his hand reaching Eddie's neck, under his hair,  his thumb just touching the shell of Eddie's ear.
"We should probably get up," Steve mutters, eyes still closed, lips pouty in the way they are when his cheek is pressed against the pillow.
"Probably," Eddie agrees, lips still against Steve's forehead. Pulling away is impossible, this moment feels like it is plucked out of time, a bubble of their own. "But when was I ever known to make good choices?"
"Hmmmmm," Steve supplies, and Eddie takes that as Steve disagrees, that Eddie is full of infinite wisdom. Good man.
Along Steve's back, Eddie can track moles, like a star chart written in Braille, just for him to read.
Maybe Steve will let him draw them out again, the sharpie only stayed visible for a few days.
"Did you buy eggs?" Steve says, keeping his eyes stubbornly closed as he plays with Eddie's ear, making him shudder.
"Yeah. And ice cream. Today is an ice-cream-for-breakfast-day." Eddie declares, leaning backwards to pull Steve half on top of him.
That's it, he realizes. That is what he was missing. The weight, the security of another person, the proof of being loved and trusted in ways he only imagined back in that trailer, with the world closed off, still only a thin metal wall away.
"Nancy will have my head if I'm late," Steve grumbles, but moves to fill the spaces where Eddie is not, covering him as much as he can.
"Can't be late if you don't go in," Eddie says with his infinite wisdom, cradling Steve closer, closer, close is never close enough.
"Can't fault that logic," Steve huffs. "I really don't want to get up."
"So stay," Eddie whispers.
He doesn't realize how much he needed to hear it, how much he needs Steve, until he says it.
"Always," Steve promises, promises always, always, always, whenever Eddie asks.
The rain doesn't let up until lunchtime. Steve is only let go to empty his bladder, and Steve stays, stays, always stays.
Rainy days are the best.
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bloodraynebeast · 5 months
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Now that there’s some context to work with, let’s have some fun. I decided to switch it up and compile a list of what Romantic Tropes I could find that are the most fitting and evident for Yashiki / Mashita. You may recognise all of these from TV Tropes. Not safe from MAJOR SPOILERS of the main games and more below.
All Links: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 <-
Updated AO3 Version <-
Romantic Tropes -
1] Age-Gap Romance: Both are adults with Mashita ageing in his late twenties, meanwhile Yashiki is estimated to be within the mid thirties to mid forties range. This instantly becomes comical in the dynamic of their relationship as Mashita often takes the lead and berates the older man.
2] Anger Born Of Worry: This is practically Mashita on a regular basis with Yashiki whenever he feels he gets too emotionally involved in their spirit cases - alleviating the source of their pain, helping innocent people affected while dismissing the threat to his own life. Mashita’s first instinct when saving Yashiki as he falls from the building in Red Riding Hood, is to bark at him for being an idiot and press why he ignored his warnings, his orders to stay outside where it was safe. It becomes a pattern that Mashita makes irritated comments about Yashiki always getting into trouble and his lack of concern for his safety, especially for the sake of others. Whereas Yashiki can sometimes be mildly indignant, but he's normally unambiguous when he's worried. Plus he’s too thankful for any help Mashita gives.
3] Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: For all the times the two can bicker and disagree on their views and ideals - Mashita frequently pointing out his naivety and stating the living and the dead should stay separate, while Yashiki can’t turn a blind eye to the suffering of the dead and wants to help everyone involved - it doesn’t change how compatible they are in their relationship and how well they work as a team. Despite not entirely approving of the other’s methods, they understand. They both also care deeply about the other’s wellbeing, more than enough over their own.
4] Battle Couple: There is often build up to Mashita joining Yashiki in the investigations during the games and other media. In two separate instances with Red Riding Hood and Death Mark 2, and more which can be determinant, Yashiki and Mashita are made to partner up at the climax of a story. They are framed as a force to be reckoned with when they work together, giving the other support and are the type of pair to use guns on a spirit in a confrontation and have it be a success. Word about the two men have spread over the years in the field, as characters from NG mention them in previous cases they’ve closed. Yashiki and Mashita are implied to be inseparable in and out of work and not what the spirits can win against, according to Shou Nagashima.
5] Belligerent Sexual Tension: Noticeable during their more tender and teasing moments, when Mashita offers kind, supportive words and Yashiki reacts softly, or the two are quipping with each other. In other instances it's when the men are frustrated with one another, but Yashiki is shown to have a somewhat calming effect on Mashita’s stormy demeanour on several occasions. There’s also an exchange in the ending of Red Riding Hood where Mashita describes the teacher that was involved as thin, tall and the type popular with students, implying that he was attractive or had an attractive personality, glances at Yashiki before continuing that he wasn’t too unlike him. Given how the student Sayako felt towards the teacher and how Death Mark 2 proceeded with its narrative, could this have been a sly, cautious way of complimenting Yashiki?
6] Birds of a Feather: Yashiki and Mashita both lost someone very important to them that still weighs on them heavily, something they may have confided in each other about off-screen. Neither are particularly equipped for social situations, although in different ways and much prefer their own company. Both can be blunt in their honesty, their remarks and cannot take praise. They also share in appalling sleep schedules as their character art sprites show extreme dark circles under their eyes and more than likely neglect any sort of self care. They enjoy the simple pleasures of sitting in the quiet with a cup of coffee or enjoying a drink, and smoke in Mashita’s case, which is likely one of the reasons why Mashita would visit the Kujou Mansion so frequently. Yashiki and Mashita are not the best at dealing with children and also find themselves drawing blanks or not understanding the appeal when younger characters talk about something new or popular, although much more so on Yashiki’s end.
7] Defrosting Ice King: After meeting Yashiki, Mashita has certainly made some progress. It’s apparent the impact Yashiki has made on him and still retains those effects in the current timeline. Breaking down his character, Mashita does have a secretly good heart but Yashiki makes Mashita stop and consider a gentler, more empathetic approach to situations. In Kokkuri’s case in Death Mark 2, he even talks to the deceased himself much like Yashiki would. He’s also just more at ease and takes part in antics with him in and out of canon.
8] Fan-Preferred Couple: Evidently this. Considering the amount of created content and attention, a majority of the fandom supports Yashiki and Mashita as the main pairing. From the pairing’s popularity alone it is entirely possible if there were an official couple introduced, particularly with either character, they would still be the preference.
9] Fate Drives Us Together: If the Mark incident with Mary hadn’t occurred, or happened later down the line with even worse consequences, the two would likely have never met. Yashiki would have remained as Masamune Kujou and continued his isolation while devoting himself to his family’s obligations, or simply died. It is only through meeting Yashiki that Mashita survives. Otherwise he would’ve been another victim, someone else seen as collateral damage in Masamune’s eyes. In the epilogue of Death Mark after sealing away Mary, Yashiki and Mashita would reunite and continue to investigate spirit related cases together after Mashita returned to normalcy, starting a new career as a private investigator. What started as possibly one-offs soon became partnered work and how their relationship deepened. Years later following the events of Death Mark 2, Yashiki and Mashita would still continue to work together closely, as evident in NG. Mary’s albeit mocking words given her deception of Mashita’s fate being entwined with Yashiki’s comes to mind, and yet rings true.
10] Finishing Each Other's Sentences: Frequently in and out of their work. Yashiki and Mashita are often of one mind and can tell where each other’s thoughts are leading, finishing where the other tends to trail off.
11] I Got You a Drawer: The latest DLC for Death Mark 2, opened up a new aspect of their relationship. Mashita leaves his signature coat behind at Kujou Mansion, which Yashiki doesn’t appear to mind as it’s still hanging out in the open. It’s just accepted with the reason that Mashita must have forgotten about it and yet doesn’t jump to resolve that. It’s also worthy of note that he points out how an item left by Moe was without his permission, whereas he doesn’t linger at all on the fact Mashita left the trench coat behind without permission after however long it’s been there. It poses a question of what else Mashita may leave behind if he’s become so accustomed and comfortable at the mansion, and whether or not this was intentional. The likely answer is yes. But the reasons for why are more curious.
12] Inconvenient Attraction: Feels like Mashita for Yashiki whether it be sexual, romantic or platonic as the ex-detective was evidently drawn to Yashiki in some regard. Presumably Mashita has very few in his circle of people to care about and probably intended to keep it that way given what happened to his mentor, so things are suddenly more complicated when he’s needing to worry about a good natured man always managing to throw himself recklessly into danger. Some curse or spirit always trying to take his life. Enough so that Mashita is called in to help Yashiki as backup by characters like Yasuoka and Rose or goes in to help of his own will. It’s also ironic as someone formerly on the force still holding onto strict laws, having a close relationship with someone constantly breaking said laws - worse still, does so himself for Yashiki’s benefit. I wonder if Mashita places blame on Yashiki for that.
13] Implied Love Interest: This is more subjective, but the vague romantic tones as evidenced in this analysis are all very much implied. They have more attention and development, throughout canon material and alternate universes which we will explore later. There are even accounts from fans saying they thought Death Mark was partly a dating simulator, wholly due to Yashiki and Mashita’s chemistry. As a result, the game gained some reputation online as the “Yaoi Ghost Game”.
14] Like an Old Married Couple: Although both are still relatively young, their conversations sound like old men that have been married to each other for decades. One case being Yashiki growing offended at Mashita always grabbing the coffee he meticulously makes for him before he has a chance to add sugar, which he deems a crucial final touch. Giving away that Mashita does not approve of the sugar intake Yashiki indulges in. Others have Mashita taking a moment to tell him to stop putting everything and anything he finds into his bag, rebuking him for always getting into life threatening situations. Yashiki needing to almost apologise on Mashita’s behalf for his rudeness to Hiroo and other characters, saying he acts like that with everyone or that he didn’t mean what he said that way. Small moments like these are why they are commonly referred to as husbands in the community, which only suited more after Death Mark 2’s release with its marital themes.
15] Lonely Together: Both strike me as the types to often find themselves alone and being generally lonely people, especially Yashiki who’s heavily implied to have spent the majority of his past life in isolation, shutting himself away from people while his sister Saya handled that side of matters. Mashita more because his personality may be too off-putting and rude for others. And yet they are frequently found around each other.
16] Love Overrides the Law: Mashita has brazenly given Yashiki, a civilian with no prior experience, a gun twice for protection despite very strict firearm laws. He also lets Yashiki get away with a long list of misdemeanours, but points out that he keeps track of them. Understandably the exception was when Yashiki to his knowledge at the time confessed to the murder of Kinukawa in Death Mark 2, which Mashita threatened to handcuff him on the spot for if he could, but then suddenly added that it only applied to living beings. Throwing out a theory that the version Yashiki killed wasn’t real, which was later proven right.
17] One Head Taller: Not massive, but height difference is a popular one and as it stands, Yashiki (5’11”) has several centimetres over Mashita (5'8”) - almost another head taller - which fuels a lot of content and discussion. Mashita being the shorter, smaller framed man of the two with all his grumbling attitude and confidence comes off as oddly endearing.
18] Rescue Romance: It goes both ways. After Yashiki saved Mashita’s life during The Mark incident and beyond that, Mashita likely felt indebted to him. Likewise, Mashita returns the favour saving Yashiki’s life during Red Riding Hood, the Bad End Voice Drama; “The Black Demon’s End” and arguably in Death Mark 2. The CG of Mashita saving Yashiki in the DLC is definitely popular for a reason. Mashita in particular is known to go rushing in to save Yashiki, half the time with a gun in hand. Given the nature of their work, the two will probably spend the rest of their time saving each other from close calls, further cementing their trust and loyalty.
19] Ship Tease: Was hesitant to put this one, but at this point the developers are at least aware of the pairing’s existence. The most teasing moments of potential romantic feelings we’ve had so far that I’m aware of are evident in the Voice Dramas and livestream advice column skits, particularly one that had been fan translated where Moe asks if Mashita is “interested” in Yashiki. One could argue the games themselves have teasing based on several analyses, but it largely depends on the player’s perception.
20] Tough Love: Mashita is straight to the point and can seem insensitive at times with Yashiki as he’s shown not to coddle him. He has a protective streak, but not as much in the way that protects Yashiki’s feelings. However, Yashiki seems to somewhat acknowledge that it's what is necessary sometimes when he begins to spiral with guilt. While it’s true Mashita can act a lot softer on him than with the rest of the cast and does console him, he still throws the occasional harsh words at him. Yashiki’s sympathy and naivety can be very dangerous for everyone involved after all, if not careful.
21] Tsundere: Now this is the major one. The huge factor for this pairing. It’s very unanimous within the fandom and can be strongly supported. Almost everything points to Mashita being a tsundere from his long list of actions regarding Yashiki in my previous sections, speaking louder than words, because he has difficulty expressing his feelings. Complaining about things being a hassle when helping Yashiki when in the background he’s already been digging for information, or that he’s helping because it's a job and pays when it’s obvious to the players that he’s heavily concerned. Mashita is notorious for calling Yashiki an idiot when he’s worried as well as in normal conversations, and disgusting in response to Yashiki showing gratitude or care towards him. More than naught with a tut, which is common behaviour. Mashita is more open with Yashiki about what’s on his mind and about more personal matters. The evidence doesn’t stop there as a post on social media from one of the devs had Mashita on Pocky Day - a day about sharing love, happiness and appreciation - additionally his official birthday, comment that he’s definitely not going to the mansion today. But actually had intentions to do so. He’d already prepared to visit. Other instances include outside of canon in livestream Voice Drama skits, where the characters read out fan questions for OOPArts. One in particular includes Yashiki, Moe and Mashita, translated by Keru and uploaded by Marvelously Cheerful. After the session, Mashita admits he only came to the mansion to kill time after seeing Yashiki there, to which Moe asks in a seemingly teasing manner if that means Mashita is interested in him. He responds with a baffled “Huh?!” and tells her to cut it out, not exactly giving an answer. There are other skits with some equally interesting things going on, but are yet to be translated. Nevertheless these livestreams can all be found on the official Experience エクスペリエンス Youtube channel to listen to. More examples can be found but for the sake of keeping these short, let’s move on.
22] Undying Loyalty: To reference the “deep bond” in Mashita’s character file, the relationship Yashiki and Mashita have formed has grown to a degree of deep loyalty, and feels especially obvious on Mashita’s side due to his decisions throughout the main games. To name a few, staying behind to help Yashiki’s situation when he could have focused only on finding the missing information about his mentor, charging in to save Yashiki and getting himself cursed a second time in the process during Shimi-O and running after Yashiki into the love hotel alone when he enters back inside to face the spirit, choosing to risk his life over and over again for his sake in the present time. Meanwhile Yashiki displays quiet appreciation. How much Mashita means to him is mostly conveyed through internal monologues and he knows he can always trust Mashita and trust his intentions even if he doesn’t always like it at first. When apart, Yashiki keeps in contact with Mashita and updates him about the case he’s working on. And when he presumes Mashita to be dead, he tells him that he’ll finish The Departed’s case to the best of his ability because he knows that’s what Mashita would want. They never give up on each other.
23] You Are Better Than You Think You Are: This and dismissing a compliment blend together well here. Yashiki is a conscience-stricken man with low self-esteem and shadowed by the past, so his opinion of himself is very poor. Even before the reveal of his actions as Masamune Kujou. Also despite inventing himself as an entirely new person and Mashita repeatedly reminding him of his capabilities that would do some good - preventing more victims that Yashiki feels responsible for - he often feels doubt over the decisions he makes and questions his own resilience, especially when it leads to consequences that cost an innocent life. This leads to where in both games Mashita takes a moment to assure him in his own words that he’s doing fine, doing everything humanly possible and that he does in fact save people. These scenes are significant because Mashita only goes out of his way to comfort Yashiki like this. Meanwhile Yashiki expresses his affections and admiration towards Mashita in small gestures, which he almost always returns with a sardonic comment or pointed rejection. It’s often seen as a mask to hide how secretly appreciative Mashita is of Yashiki’s kindness and how much he’s valued. 
There are likely more tropes that could hypothetically be applied to the pairing as of currently, but I couldn’t include every possible example without repeating earlier points. We have a smaller amount of material to work with, with our smaller series. Writing out all these tropes however, definitely showcases the amount of layers their relationship has and why it’s appealing to fans. Back to the usual plan for the next part looking at the various hints in CD Voice Drama’s, which may take more time. Thank you so much for reading!
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lunastrophe · 7 months
Hi! I love your blog and deep dives. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the Lolth-worshipper stuff you can find in the whispering depths, close to the well entrance. If I remember correctly, the journals suggest that the worshipper of lolth was an elf but not a drow? Do you think it might connect to any of the other characters we run into in bg3?
Hello, and thank you for an interesting question!
The story of Eliette, the high elf who began to worship Lolth and became the phase spider matriarch, is a very interesting and tragic one. So far, unfortunately, I found no connections between her and other characters from BG3 (or from D&D lore in general).
I suppose that it might be possible to create such connections - only, we do not know very much about Eliette and her past.
🕷️ Surface Life - from the Bloody Journal we know that the elf who became the phase spider was named Eliette. She was a high elf from the surface, but where or when exactly she lived - it is a mystery.
This fragment: "I weep for the decades spent treading the murky waters of profanity..." may suggest that Eliette was still a young elf when she was taken to the Underdark - she wrote about "decades" spent on the surface, not "centuries".
🕷️ Captured - Eliette mentioned "drow captors" in her journal, so at some point, she was clearly captured and brought to the Underdark.
From time to time, drow organize night raids on the surface settlements, and many elves do not survive such attacks. Drow typically prefer to kill them (or torment them and kill them later) than to let them live. It is quite possible, then, that Eliette was captured during such a raid - and that she saw many of her family members and friends dying that night 😔
🕷️ Slave - Lolth-sworn drow usually do not have a habit of keeping surface elves as slaves - they hate them by default and they think them (and surfacers in general) weak and ill-suited for life in the Underdark.
There are exceptions, though. Some drow may want to keep a particularly skilled or interesting elf as a useful slave, a curiosity or a plaything (Halsin's story can be an example of that).
Eliette clearly possessed some knowledge of arcane arts (sketched spell runes in the journal) - so maybe that was the reason why her drow captors found her too useful to simply kill her. Regardless of the reason, she survived and was kept by some noble house as a slave - for a long time, probably, since her own name began to feel "foreign" to her at some point.
🕷️ Menzoberranzan - Eliette mentioned "arachnomancers of Menzoberranzan" in her journal, so we can probably safely assume that this was the city where she was kept as a slave. She must have seen arachnomancers there and picked up some knowledge about them since later, she was able to recognize one's sigils (Tattered Journal).
I have no idea which one of the noble houses of Menzoberranzan could keep Eliette as their slave. She wrote: "I see their house's downfall in visions granted by the Spider Queen herself. When that day comes, when some unnamed whelp from an insignificant house cuts the matron mother's throat..." - but there is nothing overly specific there.
If her visions were true, the house ultimately ended up destroyed and its matron mother was killed - but it is a common end for many drow houses, both lesser and greater ones.
Maybe arachnomancers could be some clue - at least one noble house was particularly associated with them. For example, house wizard of House Melarn of Menzoberranzan was an arachnomancer and Melarni seemed to have an affinity for arachnomancers in general. But the end of the house from Eliette's vision would not fit...
🕷️ To sum things up - Eliette's story is not connected to any BG3 character, but theoretically, some Lolth-sworn drow from Menzoberranzan might remember her:
elven slave is not exactly a usual sight in a drow city, so - unless Eliette was rarely seen outside of the house compound - someone might have noticed her,
many Lolth-sworn drow would find the story about high elf being fascinated by Lolth utterly delightful - or absurd. Either way, it would probably make a popular rumour,
some Menzoberranyr drow might connect Eliette's vision described in her journal with some house's story, recognizing the facts.
These are only "what if..." scenarios, though.
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xamaxenta · 5 months
had an idea about a MAS horror coffee shop au. meet cute on tbe surface but secretly serial murder mystery drama under the lid. now hear me out
sabo owns and runs a coffee shop in town where both ace and marco happen to get coffee, theyre both his regulars but theyre never there at the same time--
marco comes in during the mornings when he jogs during the weekend, he always orders a plain coffee with oat milk, and he talks to sabo about anything new hes found particularly interesting. hes a family doctor with a hobby for traveling, hes silvering at the sides of his hair, usually smiling, and is a down to earth guy you can trust.
SECRETLY , marco is a private detective after spending years as a battlefield medic, he consults with forensics on murder cases sometimes for his familiarity with weapons and violence. for months now hes been quietly following the gruesome serial murders of high profile officials and wealthy people in town and thinks the culprit is the citys local vigilante, the mysterious Fire Fist
ace comes in at the oddest hours of the night when hes strangely beat up or bored and orders something different every time but he never wants it to taste like coffee. he makes jokes and teases and flirts from the dark corners of the shop and doesnt let sabo get a good look at him, but hes suprisingly sweet. tells him he better not be keeping the place open 24/7 (hes not. he keeps it open 20/7 thank u very much) and always smells a little burney, but is a nice guy you can be yourself around.
SECRETLY ace is the local vigilante Fire Fist whos been protecting the city for the last couple years (does he have powers ?? idk. maybe hes just going at that shit dirty batman style) and who has been playing cat and mouse with that private detective for a while now but hes kind of got a thing for the silver fox look soooooo 👀 but hes trying to catch whoevers committing the murders and keep people (marco) safe, without ruining his secret identity and getting arrested
sabo grew up in a strict rich family to the son of an investor, not even a businessman his father never worked at all, but he grew up seeing the way people with money treated others, terrible crimes would just get paid away. so sabo left and built a life on his own instead, started a little coffee shop in an old run down building, he lives in the tiny upstairs unit but hes happy with it. hes too skinny and pale and has a weird scar he prefers to cover with hair and loose clothes, but hes a guy you feel you can tell anything to.
SECRETLY sabo has been spending his free time hunting and slaughtering members of the upper class in increasingly violent and gruesome ways, with his favorite go-to being Lead Pipe At Your Body. but hes meticulous, he never leaves a trace behind, and neither the police nor the detective nor Fire Fist can find him. sabos a vigilante in his own sort of way, the people hes killing are associated with trafficking or violence anyway, but he only knows that because hes been torturing and murdering people for information. which does not stand up well in court. so hes decided will handle it his god damn self instead
now hes trying to keep his secret under wraps by keeping his friends close.. and his enemies........well......... you know 😏
other notes:
-ace and sabo still grew up together but were separated (by the event that gave sabo his scar and hatred?? does ace know its sabo? does sabo remember its ace?? hmm???)
-sabo knows marco is secretly the detective looking for him, and that ace is secretly Fire Fist
-marco and ace do NOT know about sabo being That Murder Guy
sorry this is the kind of overcomplicated au bullshit that appeals to me only but god . i love identity porn i want there to be identities upon facades upon masquerades dude i want to not know where the truth ends and the mask begins
I ALSO LOVE IDENTITY PORN the facets and layers to this is truly beautiful
God tier au anon id love to know more if u have anything
Id love to think Ace has superpowers but what if hes named firefist just bc he packs a insanely hard punch and that is all
I just KNEW the reveal was building up to be Sabo as the serial killer gawd i love him
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charcadett · 2 years
Hi!! Its me 🦀 anon again!! I just wanted to say that the ghost specialist reader hcs were amazing!! ^^ also, may I request a few grusha x reader hcs where the reader has had a lot of near death experiences. Like a very concerning amount? Idk I just thought it would be interesting ^^;
AAA I’m so glad you liked them, that’s awesome! Okay, thats is a very cool idea, so I’m excited to get to it. There’s a bit of a discussion of PTSD and helping each other through flashbacks toward the end, so that may be a tad heavy.
Grusha With S/O Whose Had Several Near Death Experiences
- After so many near-death experiences, it’s a bit strange to admit, but your fear of death has lessened significantly. You were lucky to walk away with no lasting physical injuries, though the symptoms of post-traumatic stress are less than ideal. Once was too many times to almost die. After the fourth time, you’ve decided that life is terrifyingly short and death really isn’t as scary as you once thought. You are going to enjoy living as much as possible.
- Dating Grusha is a bit tricky with this mindset. The two of you have reacted to the trauma of your experiences in two completely different ways. Grusha has closed himself off entirely, and you have taken on a come-what-may attitude and have thrown caution to the wind. It will take a lot of mutual communication and understanding for your relationship to work.
- One thing the two of you share is the understanding that neither of you will ever forget. No matter how much either of you tries, that all-encompassing primal fear, the desperate desire to survive, is etched into your very marrow. You know what it’s like to have your breath catch and your heart race because suddenly, for seemingly no reason, you're there again and you’re so afraid.
- In situations like this, Grusha will get you somewhere safe as fast as he can. Home is preferable, but not always an option. He’ll get you something cold to drink and will talk you through your flashback until you’re grounded. If you like physical contact, he’ll hold you as tight as possible. Grusha never dwells and he never makes you feel weak. After, he will smile and ask if you’re going to be okay. He never lets go of your hand.
- When Grusha has a particularly bad flashback, the last thing he wants is to be alone. He prefers something warm to ground him, he can’t be back there if he’s warm. Soothing and repeated motions are the best way to go. Get him a cup of tea and gently run your fingers through his hair until he stops shaking. It helps exponentially and means everything to him. Before you, he was used to coping alone.
- He worries about you almost constantly. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, it's that he doesn’t trust the universe. He’s convinced you might be the unluckiest person in the world, and he wants nothing more than to wrap you up in bubble wrap. It’ll make him feel better if you take one of his Pokemon with you. If you offer one of your Pokemon to take with him when he goes out, his face will soften as he cradles the ball in his hand like it’s the most precious thing in the world.
- Due to your shared experiences, Grusha feels like you understand him better than anyone. He helps teach you a bit more caution and you help teach him that his life is in no way over. You balance each other out wonderfully.
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pokemoncaretips · 1 year
Any tips for a phantump? Recently, my partner chandelure found one sleeping on my patio. It's been caught and released a few times both by myself and by professionals, but because she keeps coming back I've grown a little attached. I wonder if she feels safe because both of my other pokemon are ghost types? I live in a very dense forest, if it helps!
General notes: The subject of a large number of superstitions, some true, some not, the phantump is one of the safer and more good natured ghost pokemon, though it's evolution does need careful handling and space.
General care: So...we'll need to address one thing before we go any further. The legends of the phantumps origin. Some say they are made when the spirits of people who have died in the forests, particularly children, become pokemon. Others say they've seen trevenant eggs hatch into phantumps.
The thing is, for once, the superstitions around this aren't false. At least, not completely. Though most phantumps are hatched that way, there are a small population that were people. And it's hard, borderline impossible, to tell which is which. People tend to rely on monitoring it's behaviour. Does it seek out one place in particular? Does it react to certain toys? The memories seem to be very faint, but there is something there.
If it keeps coming back, it could be that it just likes you. Or perhaps its family used to live there.
If you know someone who's had a child or family member go missing, it may be the kind thing to do to keep your phantump in its pokeball around them, as even if it is a hatched one, it could still cause distress.
Much has been discussed about the ethics of phantump keeping, but those who really know and understand pokemon know that what matters is the phantumps opinion at the end of the day, and they seem to just be regular ghost types, enjoying battling and playing like any other pokemon. It's slightly controversial, but I personally see nothing wrong with it. If it didn't want to be with you, it would leave.
They don't need feeding, but do photosynthesis to some degree. A sunny windowsill is prime napping territory for a phantump.
The trevenant is a different beast. For one thing, it's large. Very large. It's an outside pokemon. As it evolves, the friendly, personable nature changes drastically, and it becomes introverted and somewhat distant, preferring to be alone. That said, a loyal trevenant tends to stay close, rooting itself in the back yard of its trainer rather than the woods its line prefers. They like to be near you, but just doing their own thing. Try and avoid stomping on the ground near where it roots itself. It spreads its roots out like a small nervous system, and that can overwhelm it.
The rumour that their leaves can be used as medicine has no basis in fact or science. Care rating: Green
Training: Phantump are playful and curious about the world, enjoying meeting new people and pokemon. They often do well in battles. Trevenants will fight for trainers they've bonded with, but tend to ignore strangers commands. Training rating: Green
Safety: It's said that phantump lure children into the woods to make more phantump. This is a fallacy. They are a friendly pokemon, and rather innocently invite children to play. The danger is that wild phantump live in deep woods, and aren't aware that kids can get lost or injured there. They just can't understand that living things need warmth and food and shelter. A phantump with a trainer, living in a house, is much safer. They love pokemon parks, and may invite themselves to play with groups of children. I rank them orange, however, as they may accidently cause accidents by trying to incite games they don't realise are dangerous, like climbing tall, rickety trees. They need supervision.
Trevenants can be aggressive when provoked, but they tend to have good reasons, and a trained one is much more capable of controlling itself. Safety rating: Orange
Overall ranking. A controversial pokemon with a sweet nature, the phantump is a good choice for people looking to keep ghost types. Just be aware that for some people it can cause painful memories.
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enddaysengine · 1 year
Zebub (Accuser Devil, Paths Beyond)
I never got around to accuser devils last time, so I’m glad to return to the zebub, because they are one of the favourite devils out there. Zebubs get their name from Beelzebub, which you can see if you don’t anglecize the Hebrew: Ba’al-zebub. Ba’al is “lord” and zebub is “flies,” so that’s where the very distinctive appearance of these devils originates. Got more to say on that front, but I’ll save it for when I talk about Big B, but consider using them if you are drawing on Canaanite or Phoenician mythology. 
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In-universe, accuser devils are also linked to Baalzebul (with Pathfinder’s alternate spelling) since they manifest fairly exclusively from his layer: Cocytus. The technical term for zebubs is “sneaky bastards” - a role they share with imps. Whereas imps focus on corruption, particularly of spellcasters, zebubs practice classical spycraft. In 2e, they even sneak attack to reinforce this stereotype! 
The iconic ability for accuser devils, however, remains the Infernal Eye, allowing zebubs to pass information onto their handlers with perfect fidelity. This also makes them excellent secret messengers and terrible witnesses. Zebubs forget the memories they transfer with Infernal Eye, so as long as you can guarantee they’ve passed on the message, you can be reasonably assured they don’t know its contents anymore. 
But can you, really?
Outside Pathfinder, 40k is an excellent visual touchstone for zebubs. The game loves its creepy cherub servitors and their aesthetic is close enough to zebubs that you’ll get there if you squint. Although perhaps that is even more apropos advice for Starfinder. Still, consider how you can use zebubs like the Imperium uses cherubs to carry around relics and icons. Even if it doesn’t make encounters tougher at high-level, it may just make them more memorable.
Sozar and Grabba have a better relationship than most imps and zebubs, but they still maintain a healthy professional rivalry. Sozar (the imp) is a logistics and honey traps specialist, maneuvering operatives into positions where they can leverage emotional bonds to acquire intelligence. Grabba prefers eavesdropping and invisibility, directing its open operatives with whispered messages. The two work well together but engage in a never-ending game of oneupmanship, even if it puts their spy networks and missions in untenable situations. 
The Devil’s Left Eyes is coven of zebub occultists who have learned how to reverse their Infernal Eyes. Instead of giving memories to others, their rituals allow them to absorb memories, obliterating them from the minds they are taken from. These rituals can destroy lives, make people forget promises and vows, leave seemingly random holes in their memory, or even lose memories of signing infernal contracts with the zebub. With that said, the coven’s abilities are highly sought after by mortals willing to do anything to forget their pain, trauma, or sorrow despite the danger of leaving oneself at the mercy of the devils’ whims.
Zess the Dragon is a unique zebub blessed by Mahathallah, transforming her dipteran body into that of a dragonfly. Specializing in ferreting out secrets and saboteurs, Zess is frequently summoned to the Material Plane, especially by cutthroat nobles of Cheliax and Taldor. Unknown to the hapless mortal summoning, the Dragon is also an accomplished enchanter and illusionist. Its magic certainly serves its master’s purposes, but it also uses it to trick those same summon into thinking it has used its Infernal Eye when it hasn’t. Zess has accumulated a treasure trove of secret messages, memories, and blackmail over the centuries that mortals believe have been safely forgotten. 
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im-madam-baby · 2 years
❝ 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞❞
In this first post, I would like to introduce myself and share some of my personal background. I believe that getting to know someone's story can help build a better understanding and connection between people. So, here's a little bit about me.
Hello, I'm Heidi. My first name is supposed to be spelled with a 'y' as Heidy, but for safety reasons, I prefer to use Heidi and not include my full name. I am from Indonesia.
I was born in Dili, Timor Leste on June 30, 1998. Although I was born there, there were riots in Timor Leste at the time, so my late maternal grandmother took me to a safe place when I was a baby. My parents followed not long after, and the rest was a journey of moving from one city in Indonesia to another, which happened about four times.
Now try to keep up with me haha.
The first city I lived in after birth was Manokwari, West Papua, where I spent four years (1999-2003) while attending preschool. As a toddler, I don't recall much except for playing with my stuffed doll. I then relocated to Denpasar, Bali, where I lived for almost two years (2003-2005), including attending school from kindergarten through the end of first grade. During my time there, I studied and competed in an abacus competition, although I only remember receiving a number three sticker once and am unsure of its significance.
I also have a bit of a mystical story here about when I was a child when I was living in Bali, but this will be told at another time. For a spooky and horror story time.
Moving on, the second longest city I've lived in is Manado, North Sulawesi, where I spent eight years (2005-2013). As a result, the language spoken in my home is a mix of Manadonese and basic Indonesian, which is still used today. I attended school here from the second grade of primary school until the end of middle school.
When I first started middle school, I was placed in the top class for outstanding students, but for some reason, after seventh grade, the class was removed. Nonetheless, I finished in third place out of the top ten in my eighth-grade class.
I must admit that I'm not someone who talks much to my friends here; almost all of them think I'm mute. I was even verbally bullied; the boys didn't even want to approach me and always mocked me for not being able to speak. There was also a girl who used to make fun of me by saying I was mute until I threw an empty water bottle at her in anger. Basically, they thought I was a freak.
In reality, I only talked frequently with certain people. I was lucky to have five good friends with whom I could hang out. We even thought about forming a music band, but it never materialized because we weren't all good at playing our instruments, haha. I also hung out at my friends' houses, both inside and outside of my circle.
Despite the good times, it often felt like living in hell because others weren't as respectful. However, I now understand that we were all just kids back then, and people's attitudes, behaviors, and personalities inevitably change over time. While I never felt particularly close to them, I believe that people can and do change. Nevertheless, I have no desire to meet them, but I simply wish them a healthy and happy life.
Moving on, the city that I have been living in until now is Balikpapan, located in East Kalimantan, for the past nine years (2013-present). I attended high school here until I graduated, and then moved to Jakarta to pursue my bachelor's degree. However, whenever I had the opportunity to take a vacation for a couple of weeks, I flew back and forth on a plane to spend time at home. The following year, my sister joined me at the same university, so I occasionally flew back and forth with her.
I have many stories while studying offline at my university, but they will also be told at another time.
Mainly at my university, I became a class leader twice for two semesters. During my first year, I met four of my best friends, and together we formed a group called FHAIF, which is named after the five of us. I also have an amazing and thoughtful roommate, as well as another amazing, loud, and kind roommate. Additionally, I have a male best friend who is half-Thai and half-Indonesian, and several other friends whom I cannot describe individually due to the length of this introduction.
Furthermore, I befriended almost everyone in my field of study. I don't mean to brag, but it's true that our group, including myself, was well-known throughout the university among seniors and juniors alike. We were probably one of the most popular groups on campus.
My social environment underwent significant changes during my university years. I took part in various events and organizations, gaining valuable experience and making numerous new connections.
I also have some interesting crush stories to share, but that will have to wait for another time haha.
Anyway, returning to the subject of when I started living in Balikpapan, I won't deny that I had a bit of a culture shock moment at first. I struggled with learning the local language and adjusting to a new environment. I would observe the people around me, listen to how they spoke, and gradually adapt to my surroundings.
Eventually, I was able to make friends with a few people and gradually broaden my connections. People my age in this city are different from my friends in middle school in the previous city; they are friendlier and more respectful.
Although I didn't join any organization here, I've gained quite a bit of experience in making friends. As usual, I always hang out at my friends' houses whenever I am invited or permitted to do so. However, my parents refused to allow me to spend the night at a friend's house because it would be inconvenient for the hosts.
There was another time when I went to a funeral for one of my classmates, and everyone came to mourn and see the coffin being buried. However, I did not witness the burial because some Indonesians believe in superstitions that must be done before and after visiting the grave, and it takes quite a few things to do. So, I just stayed in my friend's car, waiting for the funeral burial to end with the rest of my friends.
Oh, and there was also another where I once skipped a class in high school, jumped the fence, and joined one of my classmates in her car with one of my friends, we were going somewhere I don't remember much about it now. Don't worry, this happened only once, or perhaps not.
I also remembered skipping some classes because I was sick with GERD. I called my mom and told her about it; I remember crying because of the pain. She became so concerned and rushed over to the school to pick me up.
The pain was so severe that I had to be lifted on a stretcher in the middle of a class. I couldn't walk or breathe and had to crouch on my desk while holding my stomach. It was even painful to move my left foot due to the pain in my lower abdomen.
Afterward, on the stretcher, I just covered my face because I was embarrassed to be seen like that by so many people along the way to the car.
But overall, those were all good times haha.
Anyhow, by the time you read this paragraph, I will already be 24 years old in 2022. I have two siblings who can be chaotic at times, and two loving parents. I'm the oldest of three children, with one sister and one brother. My 23-year-old sister is only a year and four months younger than me (born in 1999). While my younger brother, who is five years younger than me, is now 19 years old (born in 2003). The three of us are currently studying at our respective universities.
At home, according to my siblings, I am an angry and noisy person. I'm always angry at them and like to act like a child. As a result, my sister has saved me as "Madam Baby" in her phone contacts, and my brother has saved me as "Assistant" or "household assistant" (cry). It's because whenever I clean the house with my bare face, he says I look like one and teases me about it ...
They can be annoying at times, as we tend to make a big deal out of trivial matters.
We also enjoy playing around and making stupid jokes about each other, as well as sharing our struggles and supporting each other. However, we rarely say "I love you" to each other because, well, who admits that to their siblings? Certainly not us.
But we do know that we love each other, just as we show our love to our parents in our own unique ways without directly saying it.
Despite all the ups and downs that I cannot mention in detail in this introduction, but perhaps in the near future, these experiences have taught me valuable lessons and given me a unique perspective on life. I believe that they have made me stronger and more resilient. I look forward to sharing more about myself and connecting with others who may have had similar experiences. Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction. That's enough about me. These events have shaped me into who I am today, and I'm happy to welcome you into my personal space ♥
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sinaesthetes · 1 year
They usually assume sociopathy when he jokingly admits to seeing people as bugs.
"So, what, we're all little ants to you?" one'll laugh, and he'll laugh too.
"No, no!"
"And you're like, some giant about to stomp on us for running onto your picnic blanket."
He'd shake his head, still laughing. "Not at all, no. I feel more like an entomologist. I like to watch."
"That's a long word for voyeur."
"Oh, that too," he'd say, and they'd fall into laughter again, everyone thinking they'd had a fun joke, that they'd flirted, become closer friends, that they were safe.
They usually were, so it was a good gambit. He was a picky collector. Most specimens he did prefer to watch.
It was a rare find he took home to pin down. A blue morpho, her freshly dyed undercut spread across his worktable. A particularly small pillbug, forced out of its curl to expose the soft belly, leather jacket chitin discarded by the door. The bright beetle wings of perfect party dress, the cicada shell of glittering wrap were framed and mounted on his wall, mismatched trophies from a particularly fruitful expedition.
His favorite he kept live. He'd thought her less interesting on first sight, overshadowed by the bright butterfly who'd accompanied her—even her companion wasn't of the type he'd usually bother with, but she'd alit on his shoulder to bat her eyes and flit from thought to thought, hoping to entice him in a game of catch, and he was never one to turn down an up close observation.
The butterfly's friend, though, watched back. Marked his movements. Waited. Spider, he'd assumed. Not his wheelhouse.
It was the hunger in her eyes that held him. The way she looked back like she needed to find where to cut. The lacey bell sleeves of her 70's dress, held up in front of her chest. He needed to pin her down just like that, orchid mantis.
And when he did, she came screaming, teeth gnashing as he held her back from his face, and when his hips stopped moving and his arms tensed to force her too to still, she spat at him, wild.
"I'll eat you alive."
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dlcgroup · 1 day
ROF Insignia Park Sector-93: The Ideal Location for Families and Investors
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In today's fast-paced world, finding the perfect home can be a challenge, especially for families and investors looking for a place that meets both comfort and investment needs. One such promising location is ROF Insignia Park Sector-93, developed by the renowned DLC Group. This article explores why this area is becoming a favored choice for many.
A Prime Location
Sector-93 is strategically located near key amenities and major transport links, making it an ideal spot for families and investors alike. It’s easily accessible from the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway, ensuring smooth connectivity to nearby cities and towns. This not only saves time but also enhances the overall living experience.
The proximity to major business hubs and educational institutions makes it a preferred choice for working professionals and families with school-going children. Living in ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 means you can enjoy a serene lifestyle while being close to essential services.
Family-Friendly Environment
When looking for a home, families prioritize safety and community. ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 is designed with families in mind. The residential area features parks, playgrounds, and green spaces that promote outdoor activities. Children can play freely in a secure environment, fostering a sense of community among neighbors.
Moreover, the availability of essential services such as grocery stores, hospitals, and schools within reach adds to the convenience. Families can enjoy a balanced lifestyle, with both leisure and daily needs close at hand.
Investment Potential
Investing in ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 is not just about finding a place to live; it’s about making a smart financial decision. With the ongoing development in the region, property values are expected to appreciate significantly over time. This makes it an attractive option for investors looking for profitable ventures.
The reputation of DLC Group as a reliable developer further enhances the appeal. Known for their quality constructions and timely project completions, investing in a property developed by them can provide peace of mind. As the demand for residential spaces continues to rise, properties in this area are likely to yield good returns.
Modern Amenities
One of the standout features of ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 is its focus on modern living. The project offers a variety of amenities that cater to the needs of families and individuals. From well-equipped fitness centers to swimming pools and clubhouses, residents have access to recreational facilities that enhance their quality of life.
Security is a priority in this community. With 24/7 surveillance and gated access, residents can feel safe and secure in their homes. This aspect is especially important for families, who seek a peaceful environment to raise their children.
Nearby SCO Areas
Another highlight of ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 is its proximity to SCO (Shop-cum-Office) areas. These mixed-use developments provide an excellent opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs. Living near SCO zones allows residents to enjoy the convenience of having shops, offices, and recreational spaces within walking distance.
This integration of commercial and residential spaces creates a vibrant community where residents can work, shop, and socialize. Investors can also benefit from the potential rental income from properties in these areas, making it a dual opportunity for both living and investment.
Connectivity and Transportation
The connectivity offered by Sector-93 is another key factor in its desirability. With multiple modes of transport available, including buses, metro services, and easy access to major highways, commuting becomes hassle-free. This is particularly beneficial for working professionals who need to travel regularly for work.
Additionally, the upcoming developments in public transportation and infrastructure improvements in the area are likely to enhance property values further. This makes ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 not only a great place to live but also a smart investment choice.
Community Living
At the heart of ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 is the sense of community it fosters. The layout encourages interaction among residents, with common areas designed for social gatherings and events. This helps build strong relationships among neighbors, creating a supportive environment for families.
Community events, festivals, and celebrations are often organized, providing residents with opportunities to connect and engage. Such social interactions enhance the overall living experience, making it more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Sustainable Living
In today's world, sustainability is a crucial consideration for many homebuyers. ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 incorporates eco-friendly practices in its design and construction. The use of green building materials, energy-efficient systems, and waste management practices contribute to a sustainable living environment.
This commitment to sustainability not only helps reduce the carbon footprint but also creates a healthier living space for families. Investors looking for properties with long-term value will find this aspect particularly appealing.
In conclusion, ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 stands out as an ideal location for both families and investors. Its strategic location, modern amenities, community-focused design, and sustainable practices make it a sought-after destination in today’s real estate market. With the backing of DLC Group, potential buyers can feel confident in their investment choice.
Whether you are looking for a family home or a lucrative investment opportunity, ROF Insignia Park Sector-93 offers the best of both worlds. As the area continues to develop and grow, now is the perfect time to explore the possibilities this vibrant community has to offer.
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safeconnectplus · 2 months
Understanding EMF and How to Protect Yourself
In our increasingly connected world, concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMF) and their potential health impacts have become more prominent. From powerlines to WiFi, wireless headphones, and smartwatches, understanding EMF exposure and how to protect yourself and your family is crucial. This blog will address several common questions and provide guidance on safe practices and effective protection measures.
emf powerlines safe distance: Safe Distance
High-voltage powerlines are a significant source of EMF. While the health risks are still debated, it's generally recommended to maintain a safe distance from powerlines to minimize exposure. Studies suggest that living at least 200-400 meters away from high-voltage powerlines can reduce potential health risks.
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Is WiFi Harmful to Babies?
WiFi emits low-level EMF radiation, which has raised concerns about its safety, especially for babies and young children. Although current research indicates that WiFi exposure is within safety limits, it's prudent to minimize unnecessary exposure. Turning off WiFi at night and keeping routers away from sleeping areas are simple measures to reduce EMF exposure.
Do Wireless Headphones Emit Radiation?
Wireless headphones use Bluetooth technology, which emits low levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation. While the radiation levels are generally considered safe, prolonged and close exposure can be a concern. Using wired headphones or keeping wireless headphones usage limited can help minimize exposure.
Do Smartwatches Cause Cancer?
Smartwatches and other wearable devices emit small amounts of RF radiation. There is no conclusive evidence linking smartwatches to cancer, but some studies suggest a potential risk with long-term, continuous exposure. As a precaution, it's advisable to limit the time you wear such devices and avoid wearing them while sleeping.
Is EMF Sensitivity Real?
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition where individuals report symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and dizziness due to EMF exposure. While EHS is not officially recognized as a medical diagnosis, the symptoms experienced by individuals are real. Reducing EMF exposure can help alleviate these symptoms.
Do WiFi Routers Emit Radiation?
Yes, WiFi routers emit RF radiation. The levels are generally low and considered safe by regulatory standards. However, for those concerned about exposure, placing the router in a less frequently used area and turning it off when not in use can help reduce radiation.
How to Protect Your Home from EMF?
Protecting your home from EMF involves several steps:
Distance: Maintain distance from EMF sources like routers, smart meters, and appliances.
Shielding: Use EMF shielding paint, fabrics, or bed canopies to block EMF.
Turn Off Devices: Turn off WiFi, Bluetooth, and other wireless devices when not in use.
Wired Connections: Use wired internet connections instead of WiFi.
Do EMF Protectors Work?
EMF protectors, such as pendants, chips, and other devices, claim to block or neutralize EMF radiation. The effectiveness of these products is widely debated, with limited scientific evidence supporting their claims. It's essential to research and choose products with credible testing and certifications.
How Do I Turn Off 5G?
Turning off 5G on your device typically involves going into the settings:
Settings: Open your device's settings.
Network & Internet: Navigate to the network settings.
Mobile Networks: Select mobile networks.
Preferred Network Type: Choose a network type other than 5G (e.g., 4G, LTE).
Does EMF Affect Sleep?
EMF exposure, particularly from devices like smartphones and WiFi routers, can potentially disrupt sleep patterns. Reducing EMF exposure at night by turning off devices and using EMF shielding can help improve sleep quality.
Best EMF Blockers
Effective EMF blockers include:
Shielding Fabrics: Use for curtains, clothing, or bed canopies.
EMF Paint: Special paint that blocks EMF for walls and ceilings.
Faraday Cages: Enclosures that block EMF for specific devices.
EMF Bed Canopies: Shielding fabric for beds to reduce exposure while sleeping.
Safe Distance to Live from Cell Phone Tower
Living close to cell phone towers can increase EMF exposure. Experts recommend maintaining a distance of at least 400-500 meters from cell phone towers to reduce potential health risks.
EMF Protectors and Shields
EMF protectors and shields, like phone cases, pendants, and home shielding solutions, aim to reduce EMF exposure. While the effectiveness varies, combining multiple protection strategies can enhance safety.
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WiFi EMF Radiation
WiFi emits RF radiation, a type of EMF. Limiting WiFi usage, placing routers away from high-traffic areas, and using wired connections can reduce exposure.
EMF Protection Tips
Reduce Usage: Limit the use of wireless devices.
Increase Distance: Maintain a safe distance from EMF sources.
Use Shielding: Invest in shielding products for personal and home protection.
Turn Off Devices: Turn off WiFi, Bluetooth, and other wireless devices when not in use.
In conclusion, while the health risks associated with EMF exposure are still being studied, taking precautionary measures can help reduce potential risks. By understanding the sources of EMF and implementing protective strategies, you can create a safer environment for yourself and your family.
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umichenginabroad · 2 months
[week 9] Reflections from Prague :)
Ahoj everyone! 
Welcome to my final blog for this summer! With this blog, it’s going to be a bit different because I’m going to give a deep dive into some reflections and thoughts about my program now that it's over. I’ll do my best to break this post up so that I can touch on all of the important topics!
Classes, Housing, and CEA
During my program I took Cross Cultural Management and Engineering Statistics. Starting off with my culture class, I think that it was one of the best courses that I’ve taken because it really was focused on how to approach different situations with a global perspective and how to apply this to business. It was a very great course and had a lot of good field visits and guest speakers, the visit to Radio Free Europe particularly stuck out to me. For Engineering Statistics, it was a fairly straightforward course especially considering I’ve had a lot of previous exposure with statistics courses and concepts. For both classes the Monday to Wednesday course schedule was very helpful for allowing us to travel and explore our host city of Prague. Additionally, both teachers were very qualified and helpful in promoting travel while imparting extremely helpful career advice throughout their lessons. 
With housing I personally was staying in Prague 1 in an apartment with 6 other roommates. Our apartment itself was nice, especially considering I had my own room which was fairly large. I went random with my roommates and we ended up all becoming very close and getting along which was very helpful. Prague 1 was nice to stay in due to its proximity to CEA and all of the major attractions and stores of the city. However, after visiting some friends in Prague 2, I definitely prefer that area as it is significantly more calm, has much more nature, and overall is more of a local experience. Prague 2 reminded me a lot of my housing last summer in Paris where I was placed in one of the outer districts of Paris. 
CEA itself were all extremely helpful during the entire program and were very receptive to concerns and issues that students had during the program. With regard to the offered excursions, those who attended were very satisfied and had great experiences with them. 
Life in Prague 
After reflecting on the past 8 weeks, I realize now that Prague was an amazing city for study abroad, especially for those who want to travel a lot. Prague is a very inexpensive city, has a lot to do during the day, has amazing nightlife, and is overall fairly safe in my opinion. Prague is a lot less touristy and crowded than cities like Rome and Paris while still maintaining its medieval charm. My biggest complaint about living in Prague was that personally I didn’t have the best experience with the local czechs. Being a post iron curtain city, Prague locals tend to be very neutral and blunt which is not intended to be rude but can sometimes be perceived that way. This was a big adjustment for me as I am used to smiling and being friendly to strangers, and it was very discouraging to do so when it was rarely reciprocated and almost always met with a “czech smile”. Reflecting on this a bit more, I definitely am not as bothered after living there for two months and understanding the context but I feel it is something to truly understand before visiting. This of course was not always the case, and I did have many positive interactions with the locals but I still find it important to mention. 
Prague is overall an amazing city to visit and is very liveable. The public transport is very affordable and efficient, however I prefer walking as Prague is not a huge city. Prague is in a great location in central Europe which makes traveling to other countries very easy and affordable. 
Although Prague isn’t particularly known for its food, there were a few places that stood out for me. Here’s a brief overview of some of my favorites from Prague:
Venue (brunch + coffee)
Cafedu (coffee)
Hanoi Square (vietnamese food)
Sad Man’s Tongue (burgers)
Letna Beer Garden (beer garden w/ some food)
Anonymous Shrink’s Office (cocktail bar)
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Traveling outside of Prague
Over the past two months, I was very fortunate to be able to travel around much of Europe. Budget traveling is not always the most glamorous but it is definitely very efficient especially for those who love exploring and traveling to new places. I used a combination of Eurail trains and budget airlines while staying in hostels and Airbnbs to afford my trips. 
Here’s my ranking of the places I visited from Prague:
Zadar, Croatia
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Rome, Italy 
Vienna, Austria  
Barcelona, Spain
Copenhagen, Denmark  
Budapest, Hungary
All of these trips were amazing and I’m very glad that I was able to visit these places. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in traveling and check out my other blogs for more information about each of these trips!
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Things not going to plan
When studying abroad it is incredibly natural and to be expected that things won’t always go to plan. It is honestly one of the most fun parts of studying abroad and teaches how to adapt and overcome difficult situations. I’ll give an example of something that went wrong from this trip and how we adapted. 
We were planning on taking a 6 hour train to Budapest at 5:45 am and unfortunately my alarms did not go off that morning. My roommate and I then had to take the next train at 7:45 am instead which we did not have any seat reservation for. We attempted to sit in an empty car but then we had to move because someone had previously reserved those seats. Thankfully we got lucky and found a man sitting in the handicap car and he invited us to sit with him because this car did not require seat reservations and we would only need to move if a handicap person needed to sit. We made it to Budapest and did not have to move luckily. Unfortunately that weekend trip had many other issues that we worked through but the train issues were to be expected. We took a train to Vienna from Budapest as well and that also had issues because an earlier train was canceled so our train was overpacked and we were forced to stand for the whole 4 hour journey. 
These situations are not meant to dissuade you from traveling but to make you aware that things won’t always go to plan and being able to adapt is very important. With that being said, when studying abroad you should travel as much as you possibly can and explore close countries to your host country. 
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Final Thoughts
My time studying abroad in Prague has been absolutely amazing and a transformative experience for me. I came into the program knowing barely anyone and I’m leaving Prague having made some close relationships that will carry with me back in Michigan. Through my travels, I’ve had some great experiences and some bad experiences, regardless the past two months have given me some of the best memories of my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Thank you so much for reading and joining me on this journey! I hope that I was able to help and provide some insights into my experiences while studying in Prague. If you have any questions or need any advice, feel free to contact me or come to my IPE peer advising hours. It’s been amazing to document all of these experiences for my second time studying abroad, and I’ll maybe see y’all again in the Winter if I decide to do a semester abroad. But for now, thank you again! (enjoy some of my collection of shameless selfies) 
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czeching out :)
Matt Sinanis
Aerospace Engineering
Engineering in Prague
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baileye · 1 year
when we cross a threshold, and we enter Winter for a time, if we do it bare, we do it right. this is simple.
this, little voice, is a radical, tender act: holding not only an acceptance of Winter, but an active, trained curiosity toward it.
it is a refusal to sense the season as a mere loss of warmth and light— and, instead, to acknowledge it for what it is: a threshold. a purification. a protector equal in Beauty, in Peace, in Mystery, in Strangeness, and Sublimity to Spring.
so much of the pain of our human loneliness is pain of concealment and fear: hastily tidying up our vulnerabilities, tucking ugliness away, and slapping hands over our scars as though these artefacts of our humanity- of longing, of desire, of our deep, unassailable commitment to our aliveness, of each Life you have brushed against and each moment you have noticed you have one of your own- are at all shameful.
Poetry is a barefoot thing. you can live it every hour. you can live it every day.
it is not a mere prettiness. it is reconciliation: a reconciliation to our world. in the complication of a moment, its task is to allow us a measure of divine tenderness with which to exist and acknowledge the scope of our very fragile, very mortal, very brave lives.
after all, Life is not a particularly safe investment. we know this. it seems that to commit to it at all is to be wrung out and broken in the heart. no, it’s not enough to live: little voice, we have to really be in it, too: to move, to love, to cry out entered, touched, possessed; awakened and then suddenly changed beyond all imagining.
this is your debt to it, little voice: you will have Winters. you will watch your own heart’s dismantling in awe. you will be devastated. there will be times where you can only utter: how could such? and what if?
it is your birthright to be devastated.
this, too, is simply a measure of a little voice’s own barefootedness. of a little voice’s own aliveness.
if you have read this little letter and still decided that you would much prefer to keep your heart in tact and unbroken, then my logical advice is that you from now on give your heart to no one and nothing, not even a lover, not even a flower or a poem or a seashell or the past, and especially not the future. i suppose you should then have to wrap it up very carefully. you could even nail it away in a little box or coffin and close your little eyes to all the cracks. in that little box it will be safe and motionless and airless. but it will also be dark and cold; your heart will be changed: it will become unbreakable but it will also become untouchable.
there are other worlds, little voice: worlds in which Winter is not merely feasible, but honourable. perhaps even something worth searching for. worlds in which summer’s joy is not the only measure of a Good Aliveness. worlds where winter is a precious, growing thing.
in Winter, you must have enough courage to love life one more time, and always to love life one more time. you must.
i am here because I want to infect you with a tremendous willingness toward life. i do this because i believe you have the strength in you to bear it.
and so I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and when you are sad, and when you are not sure what you are
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