#not the weenus pinch
sculien · 4 months
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whumpookies · 2 years
Fellow whumpers there is actually part of the body that can't be Whumped!!
The shock and horror!
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Pinch your elbow skin as hard as you can! Chances are, you can barely feel it.....thought provoking huh?
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There’s actually a name for the extra loose skin at the joints of our elbows. It’s called the Weenus, otherwise known as olecranal skin. There are parts of the skin with different nerve endings and elbow skin has fewer pain detectors than others.
Yet smack the funny bone it bloody hurts...
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maelstrom-of-emotions · 7 months
Did you know that the skin below your elbow is called a weenus and no matter how hard you pinch it, it doesn't hurt?
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hedghost · 1 year
did you know that...
You Can Pinch a Weenus as Hard as You Want and it won't hurt it's true i tried it
the more you know
why is your font so big babe
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vydante · 3 years
Disco Dust
Steve looked at Iron Man, almost at a shock for words.
“You’re- what?”
“A supersoldier,” Iron Man replied, before amending what he said, “Well, in all the ways that counts, sort of. I guess a better term would just be enhanced. I don’t remember getting shot in the ass with any funky serum, or going through a super soldier process, but…”
The armored Avenger tilts his head almost thoughtfully. 
“I remember going from small, smaller than you, actually,” Steve recounts to a few months ago, when all of the Avengers saw their Captain temporarily de-serumed after a mission went wrong, and immediately shoved that memory back into the recess of his mind. Iron Man continued, unaware of Steve’s slight inner turmoil, “To, well.”
He gestures to himself, and Jan whistles appreciatively next to Thor, who also eyed Iron Man with a gaze that he only gave to other warriors.
And really, Steve gets it. The co-leader of the Avengers stood at an impressive height, an unwritten scale somewhere between Thor and the Hulk, easily topping the scale as the tallest Avenger on most days. And really, only so much of Iron Man’s height is just the armor.
“Wait, so you’re saying that none of that is au naturale?” Hank asks.
“I can only answer no to that, considering I can lift things no humans can… Well, non-enhanced humans, anyways. I mean, I don’t remember what happened that well, but yeah, no, I doubt I got a third super puberty.”
Tony nods sagely next to the armored Avenger, which was strange considering how Steve and nearly half the team thought their benefactor and friend was still half-asleep and not conscious.
“Yeah,” the genius chimes in, voice croaking, “Iron Man, first time meeting me and honeybear, y’know what he did?”
Tony took a chug from his coffee mug. 
“Chucked a truck, right at our heads.”
Steve snapped his head in alarm towards Iron Man, who met his shocked gaze with a shrug.
“I don’t remember that, so take it with a grain of salt.”
“You don’t remember jack shit, head like a swiss cheese, worse than Barnes. Tried to assassinate me.” Tony took another swig, unaware of the bombshell he just dropped on the team. Iron Man, the one person in the room who was always behind Tony in everything he did, who adored the mechanic and showed it through obvious, and sometimes questionable methods (some that made Steve froth at the mouth, though with embarrassment or jealousy, he will never say), the one who literally tries to sacrifice his life for Tony on nearly any occasion he got, tried to kill Tony?
“Iron Man, what is the meaning of this?”
“I mean, I get that Tony can be annoying, but I’ve never thought about killing him before- ow!” Clint rubbed his elbow skin (weenus), sore from Iron Man’s pinch at Clint’s friendly jab at Tony.
“How did you even fail to kill him?” Natasha, one of their newest members, ever present with the most important question ever. Rather on brand for the Black Widow. 
Iron Man sighed, shaking his head.
“Again, who’s to say that I actually tried to kill him.”
“I sprayed some disco fart in his face and spooked ‘im.”
Both responses, from Iron Man and Tony respectively, were said at the same time. For a split second, the table was quiet, before Iron Man slowly turned to Tony.
“You what?”
“Disco farted on you. Sort of.”
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I saw some posts about unusual tickle spots, so I figured I'd share mine ÚwÙ. I have two, really. My back is super sensitive, to even the slightest touch, and my friends think it's hilarious to sneak up and poke my back. My other one is my elbows, I don't know why, but my elbows are probably my most ticklish places 😂. I discovered it back when people were calling the skin on their elbows their "weenus". My friend pinched my elbow as a joke and I SCREAMED. That's all, thanks for reading :)
Aaaah that's so cute! And intriguing!!!
I know that scientifically, the back has the least nerve sensitivity, so ticklish backs are such a delight,,, plus it's easy to get to 😈😈
But omg...elbows??? That's really cute and so fun omggg
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apathy-queer-blog · 7 years
Shit Theatre Kids Say part 1
Theatre Kid quotes:
“Look at that violin ain’t she Thicc”
“You gotta squat for your uterus to breathe”
“Bro you don’t pinch another guys nips, it’s very, very homosexual”
“Belt the notes for Satan”
“You have a choice either recreate the holocaust or recreate the holocaust”
“Didn’t someone shit in the corner last year?”
“Did you just swallow a violin? Are you choking?!”
“I’m gonna piss in the trash can to assert my dominance”
*some one playing a violin* “wow the trumpet is a beautiful instrument”
“Sometimes I remember I’m an idiot.”
“I don’t want to be a teddy bear again.”
“How should I know, I don’t pay attention to time. Time is a social construct.”
“STOP I don’t like greek yogurt I just DONT.”
“Wanna shoot craps? I wanna shoot myself.”
“Nut to the tune of all through the night.”
“You don’t deserve to touch my weenus.”
“I never said you were a thot, until now.”
“I’m gonna fuck your weenus.”
“Kim Kardashian is gonna name her daughter Chicago.” “SHIcago.”
“What are you doi-“ “I AM A CAT.”
“I think you’re lacking confidence in your straight.”
“There’s two people physically cumming in your heart?”
“The light, it hurts.”
“I’m gonna finger your asshole.”
“The emoji movie is a theatrical master piece.”
“David are you okay?” “I’m never okay.”
(To the tune of what a wonderful world) “Red roses too, red roses too, red roses too. And I think to myself red roses too.”
“We’re diverse in LGBTQ kids but that’s about it. Our school is white as fuck.”
“God would love to eat my ass.”
“Dab the pain away, Victoria. Dab the pain away.”
“I’ll put a fucking gypsy in you.”
“Fifty shades of nude.”
“This is communism, we are not communists here.”
“Don’t squirt your white stuff on me, bitch.”
“I paid a quarter for this!!!”
“As they say in the business, nothing... because they’re quiet.”
“Tell your boyfriend to stop licking my face!”
*saxophone playing careless whisper randomly*
“Asians away!”
“Glory holes? I LOVE THEM!”
“Wanna hold an orgy?”
“Pussy plunger.”
“Want me to convert you to lesbianism like a Mormon? Knock knock, *shoves hands in face* pussy~”
“If you’re scrounging the mother fucking sea bed, looking for shrimp or some shit, smash that mother fucking like button.” “Are you that mother fucking like button?” “Yes.” “Guess I have to fuck you now.”
“I gotta stop flirting with all the lesbians.”
“My tits are angry little boys.”
*walks in to people screaming along to 80’s music*
“Thinking about your naked grandma to get rid of your boner but your boner grows more.”
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headbanger1186 · 7 years
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Recipe for my Granny’s famous Apple Crumble!
2 Apples (one green one green) A pinch of salt 2 ½ egg whites 2 sleeves of graham cracker crumbs 2 sandwich bags of brown sugar 2 pinches of butter 1 can of condensed milk An Oven A towel to protect your hands (can be the same one you dry with it’s ok)
Take the apples and put them in a bowl, then put the bowel on top of the fridge. Throw the pinch of salt over your shoulder and mutter a prayer under your breath. The candles just went out in the house and you see the back door was open. The air grows cold around you, the whispers from the dark sneak into your ears. Grasping your crucifex you quickly spin around as the undead vampiric horror leaps at you from your warm pantry. Ripping your cross of it flings it against the wall laughing in your face. Grabbing the pinch of butter you quickly slather it on your neck and the first bite is thwarted and flavorful at the same time. Backing away the vampire is licking its now buttery lips.
Making a break for it you attempt to run but he grabs you by the weenus. Curling back in pain your ashy and cracked elbows hurt his immortal fingers but didn’t kill him. Throwing everything you got at him the bowl smashes, the egg whites splash on his chin and finally that jar of minced garlic you were saving for later breaks across his face meat and burns with the fury of Hephaestus reducing him to a small and shriveled raisin.
After cleaning up the mess you look around and wonder how Grandma ever made that crumble, all the dark forces she had to thwart in order for her grand babies to share and bask in her cooking served up with a thick creamy scoop of vanilla ice cream. Love thy grandmama for they love you.
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