#not too happy with glados' design
eeveekitti · 1 year
don't let me, a mainly animal artist, get into anything not animal-based pawtal be upon ye
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chell, wheatley, and GLaDOS respectively
+ an extra post-betrayal wheatley
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[cause i rewatched the portal 2 [unauthorized] musical today]
and potatOS
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Portal 2 Wheatley Headcanons (Human Wheatley)
One of my main Portal 2 headcanons is that each core used to be a human. So, here's a bunch of headcanons for Wheatley when he was a human!
TW: Mentions of Betrayal
🌾 Wheatley didn't have blue eyes, actually. His core is only blue because each person transformed into a core got to design the eye of the core, with no knowledge of the fact that they would be put into it. Wheatley made the eye blue because it was/is his favorite color. His eyes were brown as a human, and he had black hair and pale skin.
🌾 Wheatley was a kind man, just a bit... "picky" in some ways. He was a bit like a perfectionist, in some ways, but he was more so stubborn. He wants things to go his way EXACTLY, but will hesitantly oblige to a change in plans with little resistance. You can tell that his mood is soured by it, though, because he has this little pout on his face. He would also, when extremely irritated by a change in his plans, have little tantrums. Even before being put into the core and, later on, the mainframe, Wheatley had a superiority complex.
🌾 Wheatley was described by his coworkers as "a genius without common sense". He was genuinely extremely smart. He just had so many ideas that he wanted to try, many of which were outwardly bad ideas, because he just doesn't think before he acts. He scores high in most every test thrown his way, with the only real problem areas being problem-solving and ethics.
🌾 Wheatley had an extremely emotional personality, but most only got to see his fits of anger or irritation. In actuality, he could also have extreme swings to happy, sad, afraid, and more complex emotions. He just tended to hide the swings to fear, sadness... Or really anything other than happiness or sadness. He was afraid people would see those things as weaknesses.
🌾 Wheatley had, and still has, the habit of obsessing over the littlest of things. These usually are things that make him anxious, such as plans going wrong, but can also be other things. From a little song he heard that morning, to the coworker next to him's coffee smelling nice. The tallest of things will stick in his brain for a few minutes to a day, then he'll usually move on to something else.
🌾 He got distracted easily. Very easily. In fact, so easily that it sometimes it took days for him to do something that other scientists could do in a few hours. He'd just end up getting distracted by a random thought or random thing, then completely lose track of what he was doing.
🌾 He was way too trusting, too, which fed into his superiority complex. He'd often end up trusting the wrong people. One time, he ended up getting locked in the broom closet as a prank, because someone tricked him into thinking they required a bucket of screws for a project.
🌾 When he got put into the core, he basically stayed the same, but with certain aspects of his personality being exaggerated. His bad ideas were made worse, his lack of attention put at the forefront, and a few other things. His ideas were made worse for a specific reason, however, unlike the other aspects of his personality. While he wasn't made to be an "intelligence dampening sphere", he WAS made to be a "learning sphere". He needs to learn from his bad ideas to make good ones. The idea was that the scientists would teach GLaDOS that the scientists were good, but they needed to keep her in the dark about the new core, or else she could learn of her plan. So, she assumed, due to the bad ideas, that he was made to make her stupid, and no scientist would tell her of his true purpose.
🌾 Wheatley's good/neutral personality aspects were brought to the forefront while disconnected from the mainframe. When he is directly connected to the mainframe, however, the corruption ended up bringing out and exaggerating his bad aspects, such as his superiority complex, extreme bouts of anger, and stubbornness. Although the scientists wanted only certain aspects of Wheatley's personality in the core, they needed to put his entire personality in there, so they just hid it away. The mainframe corrupts the core, then brings those parts up, making a noticable change in behavior.
🌾 He was tricked into getting put in the core. He was basically tricked into fulfilling each step required to do so, under the idea that it was meant to do something else. So, for the last few moments of him being human, he was extremely scared and confused. It's a big part of why, as a core, he seems to have a distaste for humans in general. The only remaining, blurry memory of being human (which he doesn't know was him as a human), was fear and confusion due to something humans did.
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Tell me abt the necrospark guys go wild I am here to listen
telling me to go wild about Necrospark is like letting all the rats out of a cage,WHICH IS a GOOD THING. Warning, this might be long.
Where do I even begin with those two-?
So, Necromancer and Scatterspark, Or Necrospark, is a Ship of Two of My Transformers,Specifically Cyberverse,OCs, I call it Necrospark to make it easier.
Necromancer Uses He/They Pronouns, he has one red eye and one blue eye, which he is a little self conscious about, he used to cover the Blue One, but when the war ignited, he started to cover the red one, and leave the blue one uncovered. His main colors in his frame are shades of Blue, except for his One Red Eye and one Biolight Thighs(Garter belt looking thing) that is present on most Cyberverse characters.
Scatterspark is actually Necromancer's Ex-Wife. He was married to her, but let's just say Necromancer had his "Say No To This."" Moment and Scatterspark had her "Burn" Moment. But they did get back together later. They just never remarried.
Oh!Important. Detail about both of them. They are Knights of the Primes Like Thunderhowl. Actually,Necromancer is Thunderhowl's cousin. He's the Knight of Maccadam/Alchemist Prime.
Hey. If Ratchet can have a niece, I think Thunderhowl can have a cousin.
I know, technically, for Scatterspark,Dame is the Correct Term, But Eh. Dame of the Primes doesn't roll off the tongue as well.
Necromancer is Basically as a Character:Alexander Hamilton From Hamilton, Plus Spinel from Steven Universe,Plus Glados from Portal, Plus JD from Heathers.
Oh, yeah, and Necromancer loses his mother figure very early in his life.
Scatterspark uses She/Her Pronouns, but is Pansexual. Her design is mostly pink, as she is inspired Lot by Katherine Howard from Six and Katherine Howard, historically, too. But the pink and the high ponytail were taken from the Six:The Musical Version of her.
Like i said, she was inspired a Lot By Katherine Howard. She was a victim of Grooming/Pedophilia, and she didn't really fall in love with any men after that for a long time. Then she let Necromancer into her heart, and she fell in love with him. Don't worry, Necromancer and her are the same Age. They are perfectly legal. But even there, it took her a lot of time to let Necromancer even be somewhat affectionate with her. And he, being the sweetheart he is, let her take her time.
BTW I'm trying not to cry happy tears writing this,THEY ARE TOO CUTE SOMETIMES.
Now, this is where it gets interesting.
Like I said, Necromancer has a Say No To This Moment. He cheats on Scatterspark with a microwave throwing Oc of Mine by the Name of Nitroquake. Scatterspark has her Burn Moment. They divorce. But they get back together after Necromancer comes back from being shot by Praxis.YES, THAT praxis, WHO IVE TALKED ABOUT. He ain't what he seems.
Anyway, he comes back, and they get back together, and they stay together for a long time, up until early in the war.
And then Alpha Trion,Scatterspark's Liege Prime, asks her to infiltrate the Decepticons, pretend she's one of them,etc,etc. So she does that and reports back to Orion Pax frequently while doing that.
Well, Long Story Short, Megs, finds out about it, and chops her head clean off (in an alleyway) with a blade when she's distracted, I mean, Points for Deception, I guess.
Anyway,Necromancer finds her body and brings her back to life, and tells her to change her color scheme and they are going back to Caminus, which is their Home Planet. So she changes it to blue.
And they Live Pretty Happily After That.
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anobjectshowguy · 4 months
Here’s your excuse too rant about your favorite character for as long as you want.
Go crazy bitch!
Haha, you don’t know how stupid this is going to be. I have extreme brain rot for my favs and ADHD so it’s like hyper fixation x 10 lol
MePhone X (II): All of the MePhones are so interesting to me and I would go absolutely feral if they all come back and get a spinoff series or something, but the one I have the most love for at the moment is MePhone X and it actually infuriates me LMAO.
He has had no screen time, no personality, and no actual relevance yet but my asshole ADHD brain won’t let me stop thinking about him! It’s mostly just headcanons on how he will act/operate and ideas for plot lines with MePhone 4 and the cast that circulate in my mind but they make me kinda happy (idk). I really want to make art and write about him more but then I have to remind myself that he hasn’t come out yet. I always think of him as the MePhone that’s built to be a weapon but might actually be really sweet. If he dies expect me to cry and make 1000+ fix-it-fics about him lol (unless he’s like super evil or something).
Bot (II): They’re so silly and I love their character arc. Their design is also really cool and they’re so fun to draw. They really flourished after they were able to be themselves and while I know many people don’t like their arc, I think it was good. I hope we get to see them go back with MePhone 4 and live at Hotel OJ with Fan and Test Tub.
Moonstone (EEE): She is literally me, nervous, gets flustered easily, and shy. I would LOVE it if she could get a fraction of screen time like the others do and if her powers were actually utilized but whatever I guess.
Diary (EEE): She is my number one favorite, I mean, did you see what she did to that Dino in E3! That was cool! Like with Moonstone, I wish she got more screen time but I also, for some reason, want to know her backstory. She’s a journalist who works for Poison in a large city, that sounds interesting to me. Her fic (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11407809/1/Moonthery) shows that she’s a huge asshole but I’m still really curious.
Toney (Earthbound/Mother2): Again with the characters that have no plot relevance T-T
I don’t really have an explanation on why he was a favorite character of mine but I guess it would have to be because of the little bit of personality we see from him and his interactions with Jeff.
GLaDOS (Portal 1/2): GLaDOS’s story is really interesting and dark and has set the standard for AI in my mind. When I learned about what she’s gone through all that hatred I had for her melted away and I felt like she was forced into a situation she had no choice in being in. A long time ago I heard this audio clip of Caroline pleading with the Aperture scientists that she didn’t want to become GLaDOS and it made my heart sink. If I ever find it I’ll share it but it was a while ago.
Auto (Walk-E): My first ever encounter with an AI character and what set me on the path of absolutely loving robots! I think it would be cool to see how he’s doing now with the humans all leaving him but for the love of everything Pixar should not touch this movie or characters with a thousand-foot pole. I would actually die if they made a sequel, just leave old films alone!
Anyways, thanks for giving me the excuse to yap about my favorite characters.
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24-7-testing · 2 years
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I posted 1,180 times in 2022
25 posts created (2%)
1,155 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,180 of my posts in 2022
#aperture science - 1,170 posts
#aperture laboratories - 1,170 posts
#portal 2 - 1,047 posts
#chell - 498 posts
#testing queue - 346 posts
#wheatley - 329 posts
#glados - 326 posts
#portal - 270 posts
#companion cube - 157 posts
#caroline - 67 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#this unlocked a deeply repressed memory of me playing petz in my grandparent's basement on an old macintosh computer
My Top Posts in 2022:
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"Welcome, gentlemen, to The Aperture's Fortune. Aristocrats, soldiers, bilge rats -- you're here because we want the best, and you are it. So: Who is ready to plunder some gold? [laugh] Now, you already met one another on the dinghy ride over, so let me introduce myself. I'm Captain Johnson. I own the ship. That eager voice you hear barking orders is the lovely Caroline, my First Mate. Rest assured, she's stashed your excess gold with the rest of our loot. Isn't that right, Caroline?"
"Yes, sir, Cap'n Johnson!"
"Hardest working deckhand, Caroline. She's the backbone of this ship! Pretty as a postcard too. Sorry scallywags, she's married; to the sea!"
I've been playing a lot of the game Sea of Thieves with a good friend lately (highly recommend it btw) and we got talking about what a Pirate Portal AU would look like. Surprisingly enough, there doesn't seem to be any fanart of Portal characters as pirates at least that I've found.
So, thanks to an art commission done by the amazing @sapient-nes , this new multiverse now has some content! Here's Captain Cave Johnson and his First Mate Caroline sailing the seas on their ship, The Aperture's Fortune, looking for adventure, plunder, and any crew members brave enough to accompany them on their voyages!
I'm very happy with how the artwork came out. The artist did a wonderful job and was great to work with too! Go commission them if you like what you see!
Also, if anybody out there has seen any other Portal-themed Pirate content, send it my way!
138 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
I've been seeing a lot of people slightly confused by it, so I thought that I would point out that Aperture Desk Job is not part of the main timeline of Portal and Portal 2.
From the Steam page for the game:
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It's a story in the expanded universe of those games, ie the Multiverse! That being said, it's extremely fun and should definitely be played!
Hopefully everyone can keep this in mind while developing fan theories about the content of the game. 😊
258 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
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The end of the year gets tough for a lot of people, especially the last few years. Because of this, I am once again excited to announce the return of…
The Portal Holiday Spirit Initiative!
To try and lift people’s spirits up this year, I will be making and sending out FREE Portal-Themed Holiday Cards to anyone who asks for one! The cards are customized to match any December Holiday of your choice and mailed to you physically or emailed digitally!
This will be the fourth consecutive year I have run PHSI, and features the return of the nifty Postcards from last year! But don't worry: All physical cards will be mailed in themed envelopes this year, so your postcards should arrive in much better condition! :)
These postcards are are also special and unique, because they feature new artwork made by eight different artists from the fandom, specifically for this event! The design of the postcard you receive will be based on what you select in your Card Request. I can’t express the amount of thanks these artists deserve for volunteering their time and talents to make PHSI 2022 special!
If you would like to receive a Portal-Themed Holiday Card:
Visit bit.ly/portal-holiday-spirit-initiative …
Answer the questions on the form…
Wait for your card to be made and sent!
It’s that simple! Card Requests are now open, and close on December 20th in order to give me enough time to make and send all the cards before the end of the year. Please submit sooner rather than later so I have time to finish them all!
Also, please don’t be afraid to request a physical card if you don’t live in the US! It might take a bit longer for you to receive your card depending on what country you live in, but they do get mailed to whatever address you provide, whether domestic or foreign. Last year I mailed/emailed a total of 141 cards to Italy, Australia, Canada, Colombia, The Czech Republic, Germany, England, Finland, France, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, The US, The United Kingdom, and Vietnam!
I’m glad to be a part of the Portal Fandom and hope to bring a smile to others in the Fandom this year! While not a requirement to receive a card, please visit ko-fi.com/247testing and click the Donate button if you’d like to give $2 to cover the cost/postage of your card and someone else’s too. Thanks!
Answers for common questions and concerns under the cut:
Worried about providing a mailing address, for whatever reason?
PHSI has an eCard option! All you need to provide is a name for me to call you by and an email address to receive your card!
Worried about requesting a card because you don’t live in the US?
PHSI mails to any address provided, whether domestic or foreign! However, please wait patiently for your card, due to the current global rate of shipping.
Worried that you can’t give $2 to cover the cost of your card and someone else’s?
Requesting a card from PHSI has been and will always be FREE! However, giving $2 to the initiative helps me buy card supplies and postage to mail physical cards (visit ko-fi.com/247testing if you’d like to contribute). I gratefully appreciate any contributions received, even if it’s just a comment saying thanks!
Worried because you don’t know how to support the artist of the card you received?
Each artist's social media are listed on the back of every card featuring their artwork. Look them up, commission them, reblog their art, and support them however you can!
Worried because you haven’t received your card yet?
Double check your email inbox and junk folders. I send everyone an email that either confirms your Holiday Card has shipped or includes your eCard! If your physical card fails to show up after the first of January, please reach out to me and I’ll send you a replacement eCard!
Worried because you received your card and don’t know what to do now?
Make a post about it! Include pictures, videos, or anything you’d like, and tag me in the post (@24-7-testing) so I can reblog it! If you don’t want to show your card off, that’s ok too!
274 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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A Study Of Lies, by yours truly.
460 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
From the article:
"We've gotta start Portal 3, that's my message to you. Anything you can do, let's do it, let's just make it happen. Because yeah, I am also not getting any younger like we are reaching the point where it's crazy to think, literally gonna be too old to work on Portal 3 so we should just do it," said Wolpaw.
Wolpaw went on to say that Portal fans should make their appeals known to Gabe Newell, though the writer was quick to point out that he doesn't think these appeals will help the game materialize. However, if Newell and Valve see an interest, it certainly couldn't hurt! 
632 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jessekestrel · 2 years
Hohoho! Your prompt for your Secret Santa came in. Here’s what your recipient has to say about their gift.
url: xebecdav
Pronouns: he/him
I would like: i like all of the characters, and some specific favorites are wheatley, the space core, and caroline. i prefer happy scenarios, but more feels-y ones are good too.
I would not like: theres not really any like situation that i would be uncomfy with for anything. i dont really like caveline as a romantic pairing though (platonic is ok).
Prompts: 1. drawing of chelldos thats like. cute and romantic. and it can be any kind of glados (original,human,android etc. glados is glados.) just them being in love :) 2. drawing of caroline in 60s/70s style of clothing. the pose or whatever can be anything
Tags: xebecdav
Please do not give your recipient their present until December 24 (at the earliest). Gifts can be submitted any time through January 1st. When you post it, tag it with their designated personal tag (given above) and “Portal Secret Santa” so that the portal-secret-santa blog can reblog all the holiday cheer! Have fun with your creations. We look forward to seeing them!
We also want to remind you that if you don’t think you can participate, we ask you to please notify us ASAP. Real life takes precedence over an online event, so please don’t be afraid to talk to us if something comes up.
Best wishes in the upcoming season,
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scaredii-cat · 2 years
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Now they don't just follow you with their eyes, but also with their legs!
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
Okay so you've already done "what if Chel and Stanley but in each others' games" but what about if the narrator and glados swapped?
Narrator in the role of Glados with Stanley:
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(might change design later but for now this is what i have. take it)
unlike Glados, the Narrator holds onto his humanity. He holds onto it actually a bit... too much?
he's been alone for many, many years. And during these years he's spent his time reading literature, consuming story after story ravenously.
now that he has Stanley around though, he wants to try his hand at writing a story with Stanley as the star!
Instead of testing, the Narrator only wants to take Stanley on an adventure. However, it never seems to turn out the way the Narrator wants.
The Narrator manipulates testing chambers to fit the story he's creating which he also constantly adds to and changes. he's just so excited! he has so many ideas that have been building up in him over the years and he wants to get them all out NOW.
unfortunately every time he changes a test chamber the puzzle becomes unsolvable. So Stanley has to undo it and find a new way out and that's the puzzle solving mechanics of the game.
whenever Stanley completes a puzzle and doesn't go along w the narrator's "story"- the narrator gets more angry and sad.
eventually, when stanley reveals he just wants to escape, then the narrator becomes enraged and desperate and so, so, lonely. He does not want to be left alone again and just when he had the perfect star for his story!!!
He tries to keep Stanley there, even if he has to be die to stay put. He'll puppet around his corpse if he needs to
In the end, Stanley calms down the Narrator thru a story (it's very clumsily put together, but Stanley's trying) and the Narrator understands the harm he's doing. he gets sad about it, and recalls his life before being N4TR- back when he was (human name).
Stanley and the Narrator escape to the outside world. Along with the cores and whoever else.
And they were happy.
Narrator in the role of Glados with Chell:
same narrator motives but chell is a lot less... open to the story thing. she wants to just get the fuck out of here!
at first she tries to follow along, but the story stuff is confusing to her and she gets frustrated.
narrator gets angry at her for not following along, comes to the decision to kill her
she doesn't talk it out. she kills him. and leaves. with only herself and her Reassurance Cube.
Glados in the role of the Narrator with Chell:
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Glados NEVER makes a physical form. but if she did, it'd just be an eye. She reassures Chell tho she can see everything-- she's a fourth dimensional being after all.
her narration style is more akin to the Curator than the Narrator. She's dry and focused on the story and a bit more relentless. Well, at first.
If Chell strays from the path, Glados insults her and resets immediately. she keeps doing this til Chell does what she wants. She'll break Chell need be.
But after three runs of the True Ending, Glados gets bored! It's just following directions, no innovation, how boring. Y'know what? Why don't you go and explore this time, Chell. Let's see what we can uncover.
Chell and Glados explore the Parable. Glados has scripts she's supposed to read from- but she finds them stupid and makes up her own improv. it's mostly just her being sarcastic and dry and funny unintentionally.
Instead of the Zen room it's endless Sudoku/Crossword/any sort of mind game.
her and chell aren't pals. but they have a respect for the other, in a way? like, Chell wants to GET OUT. and Glados is just bored. So Chell doesn't see her as an enemy and more of just a feature of this weird place. Glados sees Chell as a conduit for whatever Glados wants-- and she also kind of feels for Chell in the end. In the same way as the original like "just get the fuck out of here"
They do the escape pod and leave together. then part ways.
they wonder about eachother. and when they reunite one day, they keep in touch. their relationship is honestly mostly glados gossiping or bitching to chell about something and chell loving every second of it and doing some of her own bitching back. it's lovely "spilling tea" w her (i cannot think of another phrase sorry)
btw glados isnt a human. she doesn't want that form. she chooses a bird of prey instead. a really cool one. you can get away with a lot as a bird, and you can fly! how exciting, isn't it, Chell?
You'll frequently see them walkin around, glados perched on Chell's shoulder and whispering shit to her. A lot of people think Chell's a witch.
Glados in the role of the Narrator with Stanley:
Torture. Absolute torture. poor fucking Stanley. He doesn't have the same willpower Chell does to get out at all costs, and Glados isn't emotionally available to be able to take pity on and care for Stanley.
Glados finds Stanley disappointing, annoying, and dull. She wants to return him for being "defective". There's no way this story is supposed to be about him of all people.
Most of it is honestly just Glados insulting Stanley :(
she also punishes stanley smtimes. "your actions have consequences, Stanley. I'm going to reset you a few times just to punish you. Here we go. Have fun blinking in and out of existence for a few minutes."
Eventually, Stanley convinces her to escape with him because neither of them want to be here and after they leave, they don't have to see eachother ever again. She's cool with that. place was boring anyway.
They leave. And do not reconnect.
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monsterkitties · 4 years
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here’s a lineup of my “old-ish” au!! :D i’m not happy with glados’ design, because she’s supposed to be the only actually human looking android, but i couldn’t draw her well enough so i just decided to make her an object head too and gave her the most basic outfit my brain could think of
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minkymeatshop · 2 years
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this is my portal oc, rumex! they kiss glados and they like swishy dresses :)
[ID: A pencil sketch of Rumex. They are a humanoid with an undercut, and they look to the side, looking worried. They wear a black bodysuit. Both of their arms are replaced with prosthetics, the right noticeably longer and thinner than the left. Their legs are robotic as well, and a large claw protrudes from their back. End ID]
long long backstory under the cut—cw for some unethical experimentation & reference to religious trauma
they were a lifelike android created by aperture in the early days before they started using human testers. parts of their body were replaced with experimental prosthetics, most notably their legs were modded with the prototype that preceded aperture’s current long fall boots. aperture kept modding them with different prosthetics, resulting in their mismatched robotic arms. they were never meant to be sapient.
after the events of portal 2, GLaDOS located and reawakened rumex, after becoming bored with her existence alone in the facility (so bored that she created a lifelike android much like rumex to inhabit, just for fun). upon reactivation, rumex was cold and turned their back on GLaDOS, resenting their misshapen body in contrast with GLaDOS’ perfect one. unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for them, GLaDOS became intrigued, and foolishly promised to help rumex augment their body to become more humanlike. of course, rumex dared to hope—but that hope made GLaDOS’ news all the more crushing. while their feet and far end of the claw could be successfully exchanged, the rest of their prosthetics were simply too old, and GLaDOS feared that rumex would die if she attempted to help. rumex would have cried, if the engineers had the foresight to give them tear ducts.
GLaDOS did what she could to accommodate them—fixed up the parts she could manage, removing the rusted portal gun from their claw arm, and perhaps most importantly, referred to rumex by their name and not their prototype designation. through all of this, she ignored that being around rumex was giving her a new feeling, one that was almost as strong as her need to test, one that made her internal fan whir faster and faster.
rumex had been threatened with android hell. they were scared to deviate from their protocol. but they had to admit, after some time, that being with GLaDOS was… nice. it made them ‘feel’ things that an android like them shouldn’t feel. the way GLaDOS held them close when they shook, unable to produce tears, or the way she actually did make cake for them, or the way she questioned why her fan was whirring quickly when rumex decided to try wearing something other than a testing suit for once.
maybe they felt happy, being one of two lumbering beasts alone in aperture.
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choco-minto · 3 years
Some notes off the top of my head:
Viktor Vector? Viktor Vektor? Victor Vektor? Victor Vector? The game can’t make up its mind on what Vik’s name should be, but either way...I wanna bang him.
Seriously, I thought I’d be thirsting for Keanu the whole game...NOPE. I want the ripperdoc.
I know Jackie died in the game trailer, but it still hurt see it again.
Speaking of Jackie, don’t send him to Vik...just trust me on this one. Choose any of the other two options, but DON’T SEND HIM TO VIK.
The gig “Happy Together” is TIMED. Please check on your neighbor as much as you can while the gig is active.
Drink vending machines >>> civilian’s lives
I hate driving in real life and I hate driving in game even more.
Judy really made me question my sexuality.
Also, Judy is a bit impulsive...but if you wanna be her friend, you gotta go along with her bad decisions lol
I asked Viktor “How’s Biz” a million times in hopes that he’d say something different. Why can’t I bang him?
Yo Johnny, I know your intentions are good, but I don’t think freeing GLaDOS is a good thing. She literally tried to kill us not even an hour ago.
I understood The Office, Cowboy Bebop, The Matrix, Ghost in a Shell, and Overwatch references.
Hey. That stupid statue Mitch gives you that was Scorpion’s good luck charm? You can put that on the end table in your apartment. Mortal Kombat. I understood that reference too.
River is really really hot. The intimate scene was really really hot too. But if given the option I’d still go for Viktor.
I did not expect the grandma sex scene.
I also did not expect the Spanish Inquisition.
By the way, the creepy poem you get when you decrypt the shard from “The Prophet” cult, the real message is the first letter of every word of the poem.
For a man of God, the Padre is kind of a dick.
The Nomads are beautiful and sweet and I killed everyone who tried to mess with them.
Blaze, the guy who sent Viktor that threatening message (that you can read on his terminal), he’s one of the scavs you kill in the very first job you do with Jackie when you rescue Sandra Dorsett.
Choosing Denny over Henry was literally the easiest choice I had to make in this game.
Look, Takemura, I know you’re loyal to Saburo and all, but he and everyone in his family are pieces of shit. Every time you talked about how much you respected Saburo and his daughter made me want to stab your eyes out. 
I know that Takemura is super high on everyone’s “I wish he was romanceable” list, but he’s definitely not on mine. After everything I did for that ahole, he told me to go fuck myself in the credits when I took the Nomad ending. SCREW YOU TAKEMURA. 
Viktor, why aren’t you romanceable?
It’s SO good! I don’t think I got so invested in a game since Mass Effect. I know everyone is angry for the crunch time/semi-unfinished release, but please throw your hate towards the studio execs/higher ups and don’t take that anger out by insulting the game itself. I can tell that there was a LOT of love and effort that was put into this game and I appreciate all the artists, writers, designers, and everyone else who worked on this.
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the-meme-monarch · 4 years
"black mesa’s got living cartoons? aperture better step up their game" okay but consider: glados as a betty boop/jessica rabbit/roxanne agoofymovie expy
i DID NOT expect anyone to get back to me with that comment so i. didn’t really have anything planned so here’s what I threw together
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also here’s an itemized list of my ramblings because they make Absolutely No Sense in sentence format
-I’m not really happy with either of their designs :/ like I said I had Nothing planned
-alice angel wormed her way into glados’ design more than anything. funny bc the idea of Caroline being turned into a toon is very batim energy
-I decided on wheatley not being an animaniacs toon bc wheatley didn’t really have that energy. and I feel it works that aperture would rip off more popular cartoons. also I originally thought of him being a hedgehog because. roll into a ball when scared but his accent color already being blue was too close to sonic so. mickey mouse but blue.
-wheatley the fieldmouse :)
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Humans are Space Orcs, “An Invitation.���
So this story totally went right off left field from what I was expecting. I honestly surprised myself like I am sure I will surprise some of you. Don’t worry I feel the same way. I am thinking about making this the end of this arc, though I know some of you were hoping for it to go in a different direction. I still think the ending is super surprising and very interesting, so I hope you like it anyway. 
He stood by the shuttle ramp back straight hands clasped behind his back. His knuckles were bandaged to the point where he could barely bend his fingers, but the dull throbbing in his hands was easy to ignore.
A cold wind whipped past him tugging at the stiff fabric of his uniform and threatening to rip the cap right off his head. Since leaving the hybrid facility, he had changed clothes, gotten some rest, received medical attention, and cut his hair into a very short buzz-cut. The hair was still blue, but he could hide that under a cap if he needed too, and the earrings had been easy to remove. Sunny had likely had less fun than him considering she needed about a gallon of nail polish remover to clean herself off.
All around him, the ground was swarming with military and GA personnel. The facility was massive, and no one was entirely sure how extensive the operation went on. He glanced over his shoulder, and into the shuttle where Glados Hal Cortana and Vicky were curled up around each other and fast asleep.
They had refused to leave him since the incident which was only mildly inconvenient, and he didn’t really have time to do anything other than let them have their way.
Engines rumbled off in the distance, and he turned his head to watch as the next shuttle descended from the sky not a few hundred feet away from him. A sharp wind whipped up around him, and he had to hold his bap in place as the shuttle settled against the landing strip.
The doors hissed open and two figures stepped out in accompaniment of at least a dozen other assistants and clerks.
He walked in that direction, meeting the GA chairwoman and the Admiral with a salute.
“You’ve been busy, commander.” The admiral pointed out, turning his head towards the swarming building before looking back “I don’t suppose it would do any good to remind you that it’s usually the job of lower ranking individuals to do undercover work, and that you are generally in a purely command capacity?”
He didn’t allow his expression to change remaining just as serious as the admiral, “Ma’am, Find I prefer to lead from the front, however in the case of this particular mission it was only logical for e to take lead. I am friends with a Drev aboard the ship to a point where we could reasonably fool almost everyone on a short term basis.” he motioned towards the building, “It worked a little better than expected since I was simply attempting to gather information.”
“I see… and what exactly did you find.”
He motioned the two to walk with him noting how uncomfortable the chairwoman looked now that she was exposed to the near freezing air around them. He led them into the building, “My crew has been working for the past day or so to try and figure out just exactly what was going on here. From what I immediately gathered while inside the facility myself, and from what some of the hybrids told me-”
“Wait, you have spoken to the hybrids?”
“Forgive me, I misspoke. I have spoken with one of the hybrids.”
“How are any of them capable of speaking. Considering the facility can’t have been more than a year or two old.”
The door hissed shut behind them, “Genetic tampering, or so she says. Anyway upon entering the facility Sunny and I discovered that they were, in fact, doing what we assumed, and that is offering the hybridization of different species to couples who cannot have their own naturally. If you go through those doors there you will find the nursery where y crew is attempting to take care of the remaining hybrids, though it remains to be seen what can be done with them once this is all over.” He continued on down the hall, “We discussed the genetic sequencing process, and some other details, but when we were brought down onto the floor, I had an opportunity to explore some of the more restricted areas of the facility, and when I did,  found the  reason for their success where the prodigum had failed.”
He walked down the stairs.
“Adaptids. Apparently, somewhere, and somehow one of these scientists determined the action of the hybrid splicing gene, though they were not able to recreate it naturally. In order to mix two species  it is imperative that you have adaptid DNA to preform the action, otherwise the integration of the different genetic material is not seamless. From what we have  gathered, they were harvesting Adaptid genetic material as part of their growing process.”
Stepping out onto the floor he motioned around with a wide sweep of his hand. The chairwoman and the admiral stopped dead in their tracks staring in wide-eyed bewilderment at the lines of test tubes being watched over by scientists on his crew. The room was dark, but you could still see the strange redish glow emanating from the partially grown fetuses suspended inside the tubes .
“These hybrids must be fed constantly with adaptid DNA in order tow work, not only that but the hybridization process requires command computer input in order to give the correct amount of genetic material when ordered. As I am told, a fifty/fifty split hybrid is not viable, so the creature must lean towards one or the other.”
The admiral was shaking her head as the rundi chairwoman turned in circles, “Whan is even the point of all this, surely the money they were making couldn't be equal to all the research and time that was put into this.”
He nodded, “Yes that is also rue, however, I think they were only responding to a niche market while they did their real work on the side.”
“And what is that?”
“The creation of super soldiers, or at least superior genetic creations designed to have special abilities or durability.”
The group went silent staring at him like he was insane as he spoke, “And you are sure about this?” The admiral said in incredulity.
“Yes I am positive, their greatest creation is the reason that we are here right now. She has taken control of the facility, and seems interested in facilitating the relocation of the hybrids to better homes and locations, but after that she says that the knowledge must be destroyed at all costs.”
“You do understand what this might do for edical science?”
“I do, but I also understand that we have not proven ourselves capable of possessing hat knowledge without corrupting it. Furthermore, I am not keen on getting in the way of Eris. I have a feeling that she is a force I am not interested in reckoning with.”
“Who is-”
Just then the hybrid starborn floated from the nearby room. At some point during the investigation she had taken a leaf from Conn’s book and acquired a gravity belt. In this way she made an ethereal otherworldly figure as she floated onto the floor. Her long dark hair billowed an undulated about her head, while the hundreds of flowing white ribbons swirled at her back.
The admiral stepped back and the commander averted his gaze.
“Good evening Chairwoman, Admiral Kelly.”
The two of them stepped back again. The admiral held a hand to her head looking around as if trying to find the source of the voice.
“Do not be alarmed, unfortunately my physical body is mute, so I will be forced to communicate in this manner.”
“What are you?”
“I am the first successful human starborn hybrid, and the oldest hybrid of this facility though my genetics were tampered with to make me age at an accelerated rate.”
“And you speak for the hybrids?”
“I do.”
“And what is it that you want.” 
The admiral looked very, very nervous. She seemed to understand the power of this person? Creature? She was a human alien hybrid that could read minds. No secrets were unavailable to her.. All the secrets in this room were hers if she really wanted them, all she had to do was ask a question and wait for the answer to pop unbidden into the minds of her speaking companions.
She was the most powerful thing in this room, and everyone knew it.
“I want one thing above all else, and that is for the hybrids to be taken care of. The ones that are already in the nursery should find good loving homes, the ones being grown in these tubes should be treated likewise, those of us who do not possess sentience should be released into an environment that suits, or at least kept somewhere that they might remain happy for the time being. Those of us who do possess sentience, but are not conventionally adoptable might request a place to live out our lives freely with the same rights as the rest of you, and then when this is all over, I wish that this entire facility and every ounce of hybrid knowledge inside it be destroyed.”
“Destroyed.” The two protested, “But You don’t understand, the application to medical science is to great to simply destroy it.”
Eris’s mouth twisted downwards into a frown, and the commander shivered under her scathing black gaze, “You are not ready for that knowledge, since you have been proven to be incapable of treating it correctly. If you do not destroy the knowledge, I vow to destroy you….. Is that understood.”
“Are you threatening us?”
“You are threatening yourselves. I simply want to live my life in peace and tranquility, but if my hand is forced, than I will be in my rights to act accordingly. You have no idea what kind of pain and misery this knowledge has caused us and you will never find out ever again if I have anything to do with it. I do not care how any medical applications that you might find for it. Your medicine is far along enough, that you can find other ways of meeting your ends rather than using he DNA of some poor creatures to chase power and immortality.”
They were just about to continue protesting when the sound of footsteps interrupted.
The three of them turned to watch as a grim faced scientist made his way up the isle.
“I am sorry to interrupt, but we have some news you aren’t going to like.”
The commander sighed, “What now?”
Eris tilted her head, “Very interesting.”
“Ell sir, we were combing through the databases tying to determine where the original hybrid DNA was sourced from. And as far as we can tell some of the originals were taken simply from random individuals off the streets.”
“Like we expected.”
“Yes sir, but… it seems that they too a shortcut when it came to gathering the human DNA….”
The admiral tapped her foot on the floor, “Well go on, spit it out.
The man grimaced and turned towards the commander, “Sir, the original human DNA… well.”
Eris was staring at him.
Everyone was staring at him
“They sequenced it form…. From the adaptid.”
It didn’t click at first because he was originally struck by just how long Vicky had been imprisoned here if she was the original sequence. Almost one and a half years…. It was terrible to think about, also terrible to consider Eris had never had any sort of childhood.
The room was silent.
Everyone was staring at him.
He didn’t entirely understand, “I’m sorry, and how does this affect-” He paused the realization coming slowly.
He turned in place to look at Eris who stared back at him with her wide black eyes, and her flowing dark hair. His sister had hair like that…
“Mother Fuck.” He muttered 
Was he just imagining things, or did he sense a bit of a resemblance in her face, the lines of the nose, or the height of the cheekbones.
He turned away from the group staring at the ceiling, “Mother fuck.” He repeated 
“Commander, are you alright.”
A hand dropped to rest on his shoulder.
He was feeling just a little dizzy.
“Commander do you need to sit down?”
He tried to shake himself taking a deep breath as he raised his head and waved them off, “No, no I’m alright.”
He turned around to look at Eris who was staring at him with a rather bemused expression, “how very interesting.” She said 
He took a deep breath and straightened up, “Well if this is the case, than I take responsibility for what happens to the original hybrids, and I demand that any and all information gained using my DNA be destroyed immediately, I don’t care what kind of applications it may or may not have, my ruling on the issue is final.”
His hands had gone cold under the bandages as blood began pulsing through the rest of his body.
He was more than angry at the Tesraki. He almost wished he had killed them, snapped their necks with his bare hands like he should have done originally, and now because of all of this, he wasn’t entirely sure what to do. He was lost and confused and, didn’t know if he should feel responsibility for them.
It was his DNA, but he had no choice in the matter.
It was quiet for a very long few minutes until  the chairwoman and the admiral stepped away to give him some time to think. He was grateful for that at least though he couldn't imagining it being of so much help.
“You are very confused.”
He turned to look at the Dark haired starborn her head tilted just slightly to the right, “You do not have to feel responsible for us.”
“I don’t have to, but I do.”
“It is in your nature.” She mused hair billowing about her head.
He looked down at the floor and sighed before looking up again straightening his back, “I…. I wish there was more I could do for you, but-”
She smiled and held up a hand, “I can hardly blame you. You were an unwilling DNA donor, and have opted to adopt the entire universe, which must be a strenuous and taxing burden sometimes.”
He opened his mouth then closed it, “if i was a better man, I would still try.”
“I will be fine, Commander. I think with some freedom, I will do just well for myself.” 
They stood there awkwardly in silence for a while. He shuffled his feet trying to figure out what to say. “You look a lot like my sister when she was younger.” He wasn’t entirely sure why he said that but Eris smiled, so he supposed it had been the right thing.
“May I visit you, commander, on occasion?”
“Yes , of course, I would…. Be honored by your company.” 
She smiled outwardly, but inwardly he could hear her laugh. IT was a nice sound, he hoped she could find it in her to do it a little more. She turned to float away.
He held out a hand, “Eris I-”
She turned to look at him, a smile still playing over her face, “I know, call you Adam.” 
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
I’m mildly pleased with Nintendo’s E3, good to know Prime 4 and Botw2 are still in the pipeline.
Kazuya for Smash gives me mixed feelings, on the one hand he’s just another shirtless dude that punches things, if I wanted to play as Fighting Game characters I’d play a fighting game, not Smash. On the other hand Tekken is actually the one fighting game I know anything about so of all the shirtless dudes that punch things, Kazuya’s probably the one most relevant to me in particular. I’m glad his devil transformations are in there so he’s not just another quarter circle back character but I would’ve preferred a colorful crazy mascot with more personality or unique design but still.
I’m not entirely sure how the DanganRonpa and Monkey Ball things work, if they’re collections or what but I am excited for those, just a little confusing listing all the other games and showing clips from them in the trailer makes it a little hard to tell what the new games actually are (especially since the DR ones listed other DR games coming soon so idk which ones are in the Decade thing)
I’m actually pretty hyped for Tony Hawk 1+2 coming to the Switch, I wanted to play that when it came out but didn’t have anything to play it on, so that’ll be a fun nostalgia trip. DDLC+ will be fun too, I’m probably getting that at some point. Kinda lukewarm on the Life is Strange and Mario Party stuff but it may be worth checking out depending on what’s revealed.
Was there anything else? Feel like I’m forgetting something...
Yeah I’m exceedingly hyped for that, find it funny that we’ve actually gotten 2 2D Metroid games announced and released before we get any more actual info on Prime 4 but I’m still very happy to have a new Metroid game coming very soon with what looks to be a horror vibe to it. Very much reminds me of the series Alien origin and I’m excited that it’ll be the first continuation of the main Metroid story in so very long. Plus those new amiibo look pretty sweet. I still have the ones from Samus Returns on my desk here so it’ll be neat to try and expand my Samus collection. Can’t wait to see what the new suit is all about and how we’re going to beat the GLaDOS terminators.
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silverstreams · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Portal (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chell/GLaDOS Characters: Chell (Portal), GLaDOS Additional Tags: Essential Tremors, Chronic Illness, (implied anyway) - Freeform, Androids, ?? i guess ??, GLaDOS has two bodies, Deaf Character, Deaf, Sign Language, what kind? not specified, Inspired By Tumblr, Post-Portal 2, in which Chell stays with GLaDOS, and they're in love, Established Relationship, Android GLaDOS, Somewhat, like half the time, i really like keeping canon!glados' design too, no harm was done to any mugs during the writing of this story, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, I think anyway, is there angst? maybe if you squint, Light Angst, super super light angst, barely-there-angst Summary:
As Chell has been developing a tremor in her hands, GLaDOS goes to check her medical records to see if any medicine could potentially work. She, who long has thought Chell to be mute, is shocked to realize she's been wrong:
Chell is deaf.
This isn’t my fic, but I wanted to recommend it! I love the premise of it and how things are handled, and that this has a happy ending!
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24-7-testing · 3 years
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Progress update on my redesigned Lego Portal 2 scene!
Sorry it’s been so long since the last update (7 months!). I’ve made a ton of progress with my design and I’m excited to show it off!
I completely redesigned GLaDOS’ ‘arm’ cables to add more texture and color. I also completely redesigned the white ring She hangs from to look more accurate to what you see in-game, and added the black and yellow hose pieces to represent Her wiring. I also changed the color of the Panels in the back to be more accurate, and they can be rotated to become characters too! You can also see the little area behind her stand that I added that’s hiding The Cake!
I’ve been learning how to use the built-in instruction maker too, so eventually you’ll be able to build this too if you want! I may add a few other smaller models to the scenes, like some turrets, but those will probably end up being separate builds. The model already contains almost 800 parts!
This will probably be the last update on this project before it’s finished and the instructions are released. I’m really happy with how it’s turned out!
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