#chell definitely looks the best here
eeveekitti · 1 year
don't let me, a mainly animal artist, get into anything not animal-based pawtal be upon ye
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chell, wheatley, and GLaDOS respectively
+ an extra post-betrayal wheatley
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[cause i rewatched the portal 2 [unauthorized] musical today]
and potatOS
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tracfone · 2 years
The “glados/caroline is chell’s mom” theory sucks and the math does not add up, and let me tell you why:
(Preface: this is going to cover a LOT of spoilers from both games. I would advise turning back unless you’ve finished portal 2)
To start off—i do not believe that test subjects age in stasis. If chell was a child during the specific bring your daughter to work day event (which i do not think so, but I’ll elaborate later), i do not know how she would have the mental faculties to handle the events of either game without freaking out, as she would have aged from a child to an adult in the time she was in stasis, with no time for her to develop mentally. Also, the time between the first and second games is unknown, though it’s definitely….a while, more than just a few months. Had stasis not preserved her, she would either look significantly older or be like, a literal pile of bones. But no, she remains largely unchanged, save for the fact she looks much less haggard and more refreshed:
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According to the portal wiki, the time between GLaDOS’s activation/takeover and the events of portal is 12 years; the year this event took place would have been in 1998:
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You could also say like, “oh but but her dad could have brought his adult daughter to work!!” but this does not make sense, as…well, just look at this penmanship. You would have to assume chell has horrible handwriting, but this clearly looks like the writing of an elementary schooler:
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…but. I also do believe that THE bring your daughter to work day event and the one chell attended as a child were two separate events—likely taking place in two separate DECADES. I don’t know how long it takes to fully extract someone’s brain into a personality core, but it was probably not instantaneous, so I think it’s safe to assume caroline is already dead, and could not have brought her; cave johnson is most definitely dead and his brain is in a robot. Chell refers to her father and cave as two separate people, in any case
EDIT: actually i looked at this image more clearly, and the fact that chell refers to cave at all as someone she's interacted with means that the event she attended must be in the 80's or earlier!!!
(Side note: there is a line in portal where glados mentions that “the aperture science bring your daughter to work day is the perfect time to have her tested”, which you may think is evidence for the theory, and, admittedly, does raise some questions about how cryosleep works in this universe, but for reasons I’ve already stated, I don’t think this means they are putting kids into stasis so they can test as adults, though they may be introduced to the concept at the time and encouraged to apply once they’re old enough. This could also potentially refer to getting “tested” to be uploaded into a robot body)
Here, glados mom truthers, i will throw you a bone for once—savor it, because I’m not done, but according to a reddit AMA thread circa ~2015, ellen mclain admits she thinks the theory is interesting:
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I am going to take that bone back now. In a 2011 panel, when asked if glados really deleted caroline or not, she says (this is me paraphrasing but you can view the whole thing), “…there’s what ellen mclain thinks, and then theres what erik wolpaw thinks. You’ll have to ask him…”. She’s basically saying not to take what she says as hard canon, because what the director says ultimately is what matters. Also in the thread specifically she could have been acting cheeky—see how she refers to herself as….well, herself, and not as glados. She could mean either, i guess, but it really sounds like “chell is my (ellen mclain’s) daughter ;)”. I dont know! It ultimately doesn’t matter, either way. This is me just going off the tone of her other answers
In any case. Back to the main point of the post. At the end of portal 2, glados gives a very bittersweet speech. She tells chell she realized that she was all along her best friend. This….is not something a mother says to her child, unless you happen to be a very suffocating parent who maybe possibly parentifies their child. I know what you might be thinking, and like, I don’t mean to kick dirt all over your experience if your takeaway from this series was “escaping an abusive parent”; i can see why you interpret it this way. Tonally, though, this goodbye speech does not fit a farewell speech from a parent, in my opinion!!! The portal series also is very “show and not tell”—you kind of have to figure out through clues from cave johnson’s recordings what is happening to the employees, and how glados came to be; you aren’t explicitly told it, until glados says that “being caroline taught (her) a valuable lesson”. The story unfolds with a lot of environmental clues, and that’s part of what makes it so engaging, figuring out what’s going on by yourself, by assembling this puzzle in the debris of an abandoned facility. That said though, the single player ending would have been a great time to elaborate on the parent plot IF it were actually a parent plot. At the end of the first game, glados tells you what she did to all the scientists, finally giving you an answer to why the facility is so empty, aside from you and her—portal 2 could have taken the chance to make her say something like, “being caroline taught me a valuable lesson: i remembered who i am, and who you are, my child…I’m so sorry i put you through all this” or [insert whatever tooth-rottingly sweet line you want here]. But they didn’t!
(Side note I think “cara mia addio” is completely unreliable evidence no matter which side of this you’re on, due to the double meaning of the word “bambina” and the fact it is, allegedly, an improvised song. I will not be using it to prove anything, though, i do think we can assume the tone to be of a romantic fondness, if you match it up with the vein “want you gone” was written in)
EDIT 9/7/22: OKAY I JUST GOT THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN ON CARA MIA (thank you so so much @ossyflawol on Twitter for letting me use this excerpt). This is from the portal 2 official guide, the collector's edition. Take a look!:
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This post is becoming long and so as not to risk this entire textwall becoming completely incoherent, I’ll cut to my final point: chell was already an adult by the time she was put into stasis
In lab rat, we see a photograph of chell in her profile. It doesn’t really look any different from how she looks in every single other drawing in the comic:
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I’m going to go as far as to say that chell was employed at aperture before the takeover. During her boss battle in the first game, glados has this to say:
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…this would seem to imply that chell was a part-timer or an intern pre-stasis. Glados lies a lot but I’m choosing to take what she’s saying here to heart
Remember when i said “cara mia addio” doesn’t hold much water, and can’t be used as reliable evidence for anything? Well now I’m the one who lied, because i need to bring it up again. This song is like, the holy grail to those who stand by the mom theory—they say glados is sending her child “away from science” and saving her on the bring your daughter to work day incident. But—please stay with me here, this is where it all falls apart—there is no conceivable way that chell was a “little girl” in 1998, we know FOR SURE she was an adult. To illustrate, let’s see what our old pal cave johnson has to say about this:
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During the 1980’s aperture had completely phased out of using people they grabbed off the street (and offering them $60) for testing, and have switched over to solely using their employees. He also says directly after that they plan to discontinue human testing altogether—this evidently did not happen, as there are ten thousand humans in stasis ready for testing. At least, there’s not really any evidence to the contrary: whether glados put all the employees in stasis, or caroline did when she was still human, or whether it happened before cave’s death is ultimately irrelevant, though i doubt it was glados as her current form, because she killed off the remaining staff sans rattmann
EDIT 9/21/22: it is with a heavy heart that, after receiving some more timeline resources, that i am unfortunately going to write off the science project entirely. but this is okay. while the words on the project itself do imply that the time chell met cave johnson would have had to be before the 1990's (and i still think it should be interpreted that way, canon or no), the combine-overwatch portal/half-life wiki has this to say about the bring your daughter to work day incident:
"The untested AI of GLaDOS is activated for the first time as one of the planned activities on Aperture's first annual bring-your-daughter-to-work day. Upon being activated, she almost instantly becomes self-aware, takes control of the Enrichment Center, locks everyone inside, and floods the Enrichment Center with a deadly neurotoxin, but is halted when she is quickly fitted with a Morality Core. She then begins a permanent cycle of testing, aimed at beating Black Mesa in the race to develop functioning portal technology."
...so it was the first, as well as the last one. taking place in may of 200x (1998 was apparently retconned at some point, according to aperturescience.com). the entire timeline of these games is a horrible trainwreck, to be perfectly honest, so you can take this or leave this, but still, i wouldn't be swayed by allegations of chell being a child during this time. the forced testing initiative also began in 200x. not enough time could have elapsed for this project to have been made around the same time. it's impossible. this image of chell's science project is nothing more than a non-canon easter egg; it doesn't fit anywhere. therefore the point still stands, but i just thought i would be transparent about it if i know something. this entire post is kind of a living document at this point haha
In conclusion: CHELL WAS AN ADULT EMPLOYEE AT APERTURE LABORATORIES BY THE TIME OF THE BRING YOUR DAUGHTER TO WORK DAY INCIDENT. Caroline did not bring her to work that day, these two are completely unrelated
You might be crinkling your nose right now and thinking “buh buh buh but roryyy you only think this way because you’re a chelldos shipper!!!” and like, you’re right to an extent, but i also firmly believe that were the narrative a familial one, it would change the meaning of the work drastically; portal is about two women who face workplace abuse and inevitably end up working together to combat it. It’s about the horrors of capitalism and the lack of ethics in the scientific field; it’s about an intelligent woman forced into a computer and suppressed so hard because people don’t want to give her any power or autonomy, to the point that she’s become a completely different person. And, of course…it’s a sweet, sad story of a robot who, no matter if you interpret the nature of these feelings as romantic or not, becomes attached to a test subject and it’s incredibly painful, emotionally, and she can’t deal with it; her test subject is both her killer and, if you think about it, also her savior. Putting glados in the role of chell’s mom feels like it slims down her character development significantly. It’s not sweet, I don’t have “chills bro literal chills”, it doesn’t move me or make me want to cry, it does absolutely nothing for me! The self-discovery, the mutual trust built between her and chell in a crisis situation, it morphs into something completely different if this narrative turns into “ohhh she softens up because she learns she’s a mother uwuwuwuwuwuuuuuu happy famiwy teehee!!!” I am going to VOMIT
I should say that i don't care whether you ship them together or not. I just think this theory is ridiculous and wanted to point out how full of glaring holes it is. A lot of people like to parrot this theory as ABSOLUTE TRUTH when nothing has been confirmed on th matter, and with developer commentary that directly contradicts it (have you heard the good word of Johnathan Coulton?), it's hard to present it as such. Glados loves and cares about chell--this much is absolutely true, even if the reverse isn't canon, and there is no hard evidence to suggest any of the named characters are related by blood or by legal ties
Anyways, if you read all this: thank you. Here’s some supplemental reading you may or may not have already read that features points i purposefully didn’t touch on, because i wanted to focus on things that have been said less on this topic
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squishy-squishy · 5 months
Ticklish Experiment
Portal tickle content is a barren desert and I am here to provide a small oasis. I will get to the TOH fics requested of me one day! I’ve got one like halfway written! But my ADHD brain is starving for Portal content and it will not shut up until I write this.
Summary: Chell is being her usual menace self during testing, and GLaDOS decides to take a new, sillier approach to handle it
Chell being thrown back into these testing chambers was not something she had been planning on when Wheatley said he’d get her out of there. She had fought tooth and nail to escape GLaDOS the first time, she had been so close to leaving Aperture for a second time, and then that little mistake had revived her old enemy and gotten her put back in testing again. Needless to say, she was a little pissed.
“Sorry about the mess.” GLaDOS’s robotic voice echoed over the speakers. “I’ve really let the place go since you killed me. By the way, thanks for that.”
Chell rolled her eyes. GLaDOS could talk all she wanted, but Chell was determined to not give her the satisfaction of ever speaking back. However, GLaDOS was right. The place definitely was a mess. It was nothing like the pristine testing rooms that she was used to. She had to carefully step over fallen bits of debris and avoid walking too close to the moving panels GLaDOS was controlling in an attempt to put the facility back together. She glared at one of the cameras in the room. 
Maybe there was something she could do about it. She couldn’t escape like this, but if GLaDOS was going to be petty, then why couldn’t she? She picked up a chunk of garbage and hucked it at the blinking camera. It fizzled, then powered off when it was hit. Chell couldn’t help but grin.
“Really? I’ve tried to keep this a professional, scientific environment, but your constant immaturity and violent behavior is making this increasingly difficult. Now someone is going to have to fix that. And that someone will have to be me.” Despite her GLaDOS’s voice being so monotone, it still dripped with sarcasm and malice. It only fueled Chell’s pettiness. Using her portal gun, she grabbed onto the camera before GLaDOS could open the wall and snatch it away.
“If you think this kind of attitude is impressing anyone, it’s not. And your attempts to stop this are pitiful, there are still plenty of ways I can see you- what exactly do you think you’re doing?”
Chell smiled and kept a tight hold on the broken camera, even when she felt it being tugged on from behind the wall. 
“Let go.”
Chell shook her head.
“Let go, or I will have to drag you off of it myself. You’re wasting time, we have more testing to do.”
Chell still wasn’t giving in. She shook her head again. Even when a robotic claw emerged from an opening between the panels, Chell didn’t move. It looked make-shift, like GLaDOS had just had to put it together using spare parts, the same way she’d put herself back together when she was reawakened. Chell didn’t think it would do much.
She was wrong. The claw grabbed at her side, pinching up and down it sporadically. It wasn’t strong enough to drag Chell off like GLaDOS had threatened, or even hurt, but what it did do was tickle like crazy. With each little prod and pinch, Chell tensed and kicked her legs. She squirmed, trying to get the mischievous little claw off of her, but it was relentless.
“Oh? What an interesting development…” GLaDOS commented on her subject’s situation, moving the claw up a little to Chell’s ribs, which gave her a very satisfying, more frantic reaction. “Very interesting… care to tell me why you’re moving around so much? Is something wrong? Just kidding, I’ve already figured it out. You’re ticklish, and by the looks of it, more than the average human. I wonder if it’s some sort of side effect of being in stasis for so long…”
Chell held her breath, still not saying a word despite the cruel teasing, and she still refused to let go of the camera. She hid in her arms the best she could to disguise the dorky, sunny smile that had broken out across her face. Tickling?! Really?! She twitched sharply with every ticklish jolt that came from that devious claw. And just when she thought she could tough it out, another one latched onto her other side. They kneaded her torso with maddening, machine-like precision, picking up and which spots made her nearly lose her grip and targeting them. To Chell’s dismay, there was a well of laughter bubbling up inside her that was starting to escape through voiceless hisses and huffs.
GLaDOS was just drinking in the poor human’s frustration. “According to research, the human response to tickling is one of panic. In fact, it was even used as a form of torture. But you still haven’t let go yet, could it be possible that you’re actually having fun?”
Chell frantically shook her head, her hair fell down over her eyes. Her face was steadily turning a bright shade of crimson. Although she never would have admitted it, she was maybe, just a little, having fun. Her life was constantly in danger, from the moment she’d arrived at Aperture. She had narrowly escaped bullets, lasers, fire, and deadly neurotoxin. She couldn’t even remember the last time someone had just wanted to do something playful, and it was a nice change. Even if the sensation was starting to get unbearable!
“It must be miserable to be a human. Filled with so many nerves, and weaknesses that are so easy to exploit. I can only imagine what you might be experiencing right now. And I hope you know that you deserve every last second of it.”
When Chell noticed a third claw reaching for her, she decided that maybe the camera just wasn’t worth it. She dropped herself onto the floor, landing on her back. Her relief was short-lived, however. Mechanical whirring rose from the panel beneath her, and before she knew it, four claws had popped up all around her. They wasted no time pouncing on her, one spidering over her side, one scratching under her arm, two kneading and squeezing her thighs and knees. Chell shrieked, but no sound came out.
“What? Did you really think you were going to get away that easily? I’m not going to let such an intriguing research opportunity slip away from me just like that.” GLaDOS wasn’t human, but Chell could’ve sworn she could hear a slight giggle to her robotic voice. “Which spot is the worst? What method makes you tick? How many tools can I use before you completely lose your mind? So many questions worth testing… I’d be remiss if I didn’t experiment further.”
Every time Chell tried to sit up, or roll away from the tickly attack, the panel would shake beneath her, knocking her back for GLaDOS’s evil claws to continue away. Chell was starting to worry about actually going insane. This was as silly as it was cruel, and the thought of GLaDOS using whatever data she was collecting from this against her in the future sent a chill down her spine. She had to act fast. Noticing a ledge, she aimed her portal gun at it the best she could with her trembling arms. She fired, but never got to see if it hit her target or not, because GLaDOS made hasty work of taking advantage of her lifting her arms up. Not one, but two claws scribbled into her hollows, and Chell slammed her arms down to protect herself and squeezed her eyes shut. Her laughter came out in silent wheezes.
“You really are an idiot.” GLaDOS teased. “Did you really think that would work? It’s no wonder you’ve fallen for my traps so easily, it’s almost like you want to get caught-”
Chell shot a portal beneath her, and much to her surprise, it spat her out right onto the ledge she had been wanting to escape to. She jumped to her feet, face flushed and breathing heavily. “Oh. You actually escaped. Maybe you’re more clever than I expected. Oh well, that was fun, don’t you agree?”
She spotted another camera watching her from the corner, made a point of flipping it off, then quickly disabled it. All Chell could think about was finding GLaDOS even quicker, and maybe even installing a receptor for tickling to get her revenge.
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angstflavoured · 22 days
I saw your post and I do agree that Wheatley canonically was a bit of a selfish you-know-what.
However, I thought I'd give my two cents on this topic (just know that these are MY observations from looking at the Portal fandom past and present).
I feel like it's important to keep in mind two things:
Wheatley (and his many human/android versions) first skyrocketed in popularity during 2011-2012, the years when (a) the Portal fandom was gaining far more traction during Portal 2's release compared to that of Portal 1, and b) when many facets of online communities like Tumblr (which, yes, included the 'Tumblr sexyman' trend - there's a good video that goes over the basic characteristics and the history behind this trend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us5Y_Kba7To&t) were developing alongside this traction. These led to the ongoing creation of many Wheatley versions, all with variations in both character design and the magical thing called ✨CHARACTER INTERPRETATION✨.
People within fandom culture tend to latch onto different characters for a whole slew of different reasons. Portal example: The personality cores (canon and fanmade) appeal to many people because of, well, their various personalities and the fact that we can look at them and go "Oh my gosh, I can relate to this" or "Oh, this one reminds me of this person".
I agree with your point that some canon details may have been forgotten:
Wheatley was, in fact, designed to be an idiot. Enough said.
Wheatley acting like Chell was going to abandon him when she never indicated that.
Wheatley accusing Chell of bossing him around, which in hindsight was pretty much projection on his end (prior to the chassis btw).
The ONLY thing I personally disagreed with was this quote from another post you made: "and no dont you dare tell me it was the chassis that made him that way bc its not and if you think that you have zero media literacy". Now I definitely agree that some people within fandom culture in general either ignore or reject the concept of media literacy all together.
However, I feel that phrase (combined with how aggressively you stated your pretty valid points) comes off as way too harsh. I also fear that some people may misinterpret your points to mean you've seen nothing but "wholesome interpretations" of him and you want to argue that the "losercore" interpretation of him as 'the best/canon one', which I doubt is the case.
Some people like to have complex interpretations of the character. Some people prefer more canon stuff. And some people just like to see the character as more wholesome or silly because they see it as their comfort character to insert their own interpretations onto (i.e. What if Wheatley had a good relationship with Chell, and was actually controlled by the corrupted chassis only to feel guilty afterwards?).
If you want some interpretations either more in line with canon Wheatley, I have some recommendations for you to check out:
USB-Dongle Wheatley/Ask Android Wheatley: He was VERY popular on Tumblr during 2011-2012, to the point where his creator dedicated a whole RP/ask-blog that is now unfortunately defunct. HOWEVER, if you dig deep enough, you can find reblogged art both from the artist and the RP blog on here. The more wholesome moments are only confined to some of the responses within the RP blog, but most of his canon character is still intact.
Negaduck13 Wheatley: Probably one of the most canon interpretations of the character I have seen on Tumblr. Aside from the few instances of him being sympathetic, he is pretty much a silly, cowardly jerk. (Just know that his design was recently reused for a collab webcomic series the artist is working on.)
Dragon.lunatic Wheatley (Insta): From what little I have seen of him, he also seems to be more in-line with his canon self.
Also the "THE PORTAL 2 FANDOM IS IN SHAMBLES !!!!!!!!! I WANNA TEAR MY HAIR OUT" comes off as incredibly 'doom and gloom', which I believe you didn't intend to do.
Yes, the Portal fandom has had its weird moments (e.g. that one argument some people that "All artists' Wheatley designs look the same" when some of them only shared a few traits but were still unique in their own way), but I don't think it was ever "in shambles" to begin with.
In fact, I've only seen it continue to evolve to amazing creatives like yourself. The Portal fandom has lasted for over a decade, it's only just changed slightly with a changing internet culture and even more epic people to continue its legacy.
I apologise for this long info-dump, but I enjoy your interpretation of Wheatley just as much as many others. I just thought I'd give you another perspective as someone who has looked through the history of the Portal fandom for a good few years now.
Hope you have a nice day/evening. 👍🏻
(On a much lighter and completely unrelated note, I wonder if an archive dedicated to the fandom's history and some of the AUs/artists would be a good idea...? :] )
dawg sorry what 😭😭😭😭 i know most of the stuff that youre saying, i dont need links to the definition of a tumblr sexyman. what is going on. im 23 and have been on tumblr for a few months under a decade.
what i said is what i meant, i dont really care if its harsh. my whole point was that its NOT "an interpretation" of his character. that IS his character. he is selfish and mean from start to end. if people did the very least of giving him a redemption arc--like Blue Sky did--thatd be a different story. in that he was VERY 3 dimensional, while still being EXTREMELY flawed and holding onto his basic character traits. it was very much WHEATLEY.
ive been in this fandom for almost 5 years and have consumed MOST of the big fan content for it. i know all of this and was keeping it in mind when saying what i said. at the end of the day, i cant police anyone. if they wanna write him OOC and make him nothing like how he is in the game, then they very well can. its just really fucking boring to me. A lot of the stuff i love in the fandom was made in 2012 bc people who like it now are very very young and dont understand his character. they FUNDAMENTALLY do not understand who he is.
again. this isnt interpretation. this is CANON. this is me listing CANON TRAITS. with CANON LINES. its not "how i see him." that was the entireeeee point of my post.
Literally him saying shit like: "Am I being too vague? I despise you. I loathe you. You arrogant, smugly quiet, awful jumpsuited monster of a woman." hes literally telling her this ISNT cute little game, he just WANTS HER DEAD.
he tried to kill her UP UNTIL HIS VERY LAST MOMENTS WITH HER. and he had always been this way. people who think the chassis made him evil, its like--its a just a scapegoat to excuse everything he did and say it wasnt his fault and that he was under the influence of something else. it deminishes his ENTIRE CHARACTER down to dog water. which, to me personally, really sucks! because if you just interpret him as a nice, polite guy who is super respecful and decently smart, then it just isnt him. its a random guy with Wheatleys name that people can plug into xreaders.
every fandom does this with the fav character, im just upset about wheatley atm. this is just an inevitable thing that happens, but its SOOOO frequent in the portal 2 space that its a little aggravating.
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mx-mongoose · 11 months
Wanna see me overanalyze the Portal Musical Part 2
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Okay look- I used to not like Geekender’s interpetation of Glados and while I haven’t lost all of my old gripes with them, there is so much I appreciate the more I rewatch the musical.  This is basically me going over how “I’m Alive” and portions of “Poor Unfortunate Subjects” give Caroline some sense of justice after all the shit she went through.  
If you want the part 1 of my analysis on the Portal 2 musical about the three corrupted cores, then here it is!
OKAY BEFORE WE START I FEEL THE NEED TO SAY- While the interpetation wasn’t perfect, GOD WAS GLADOS AND ESPECIALLY CAROLINE SO GOOD IN THE MUSICAL.  She is so underrated and I mean that with my whole heart.  The clothes designs, the actoress playing completely opposite characters and absolutely crushing both of them (Fuck you, the actoress is amazing and did her best with a monotone yet also emotional robot, her singing is also fantastic) and JUST AH- I LOVE HER
Before Glados, there was Caroline.  She was basically the braincell of Aperture all things considered.  She was the backbone and heart of Aperture, making sure everything ran efficiently and was Cave’s logical anchor.  While she was peppy and unassuming, in the 2021 Musical Reunion it was stated she was also very complicit in Aperture’s more dangerous and morally ambiguous actions.   So she’s definitely not the oblivious dainty pretty assistant stereotype that many in universe and in reality percieve her to be.  There’s a reason why she’s Cave Johnson’s assistant and why he wanted her to be CEO of Aperture after he died.  (I mean in “Trouble in Black Mesa” she is literally seen threatening a random woman with a portal gun over Cave)
She also has a backbone for herself as well!  Standing up for herself on numerous occasions, even against Cave himself, because she knows her worth and knows how she should be treated.  
So after the whole Rick fiasco, you could tell she’s sick of constantly being undermined and demeaned by her male coworkers and why she was already done with Cave the moment she stepped through the door.  Him going on about how important she is to the company, even though the company rarely shows gratitude for that importance and all she does.  Cave interuppting her whenever she spoke up was definitely the nail in the coffin before the “I need you!”. More nails are hammered in with the fact Cave literally GROPED CAROLINE’S THIGH AND IS SOMETIMES SHOWN TO TREAT HER LIKE AN OBJECT THROUGH THE SCENE (through snippets of dialogue and choreography).  Good forshadowing for her becoming Glados against her will and Cave’s betrayal.  But ugh.... I just feel horrible for her.  She was in love with Cave because he was the only one who gave her any damn respect but by the end he just treated Caroline just as bad if not worse then her coworkers.  
Even if its not forshadowing and is literally the reveal, the- “Please listen to me, sir, I don’t want this,” and Cave just refusing Caroline’s own autonomy, it’s just... ugh.  Great metaphor for toxic relationships but just... ugh.  
(I need to make a whole new post about Cave in the future cuz he is... Certainly somebody)
Caroline is the purest example of a victim of toxic relationships and abuse, especially regarding people who are woman identifying and presenting.  The only person she thought she could trust and love, stabbed her in the back and killed her.  
Now we have present day Glados and while she doesn’t have memory of being Caroline, when you rewatch “I’m Alive” and “Poor Unfortunate Subjects”, even though it’s the very beginning you feel a sense of vengeful justice for Caroline.  
In “I’m Alive”, she’s shown to have a physical “Force-Like” control over Chell, Wheatley and the corrupted cores.  Having them being stripped of their autonomy so they can bow down to her, worship her, treat her as the important badass figure she always was.  Of course, this is probably a metaphor for the repeating cycle of abuse but the other thing is the people she inflicting this control on in narative 
Chell, somebody who killed her and destroyed the facility
Wheatley, somebody who would later take over the chassis/the facility and shove her into a potato
Rick, somebody from when she was Caroline, being one of the coworkers who would hit on her and infantilize/demean her.
Fact, being one of the scientists who dragged her to be hooked up to Glados
Then Space, who arguably did nothing to her, but also doing nothing and being a witness is also a very shitty thing to do to someone since he was there when Rick was hitting on her. 
These are all people who have or she considered to have wronged her in the narrative.  So her rising from literal ashes and doing the musical equivalent of “DO NOT FUCK WITH ME” has me cheering for her throughout this scene.
In Poor Unfortunate Subjects, the way she has the corrupted cores act as her henchmen and them *specifically* being scared shitless of her is just *chefs kiss* karmic justice even though no-one remembers anything.  Also the “TEST US GLADOS PLEASE” is hilarious and also very satisfying seeing how they treated Caroline before they were shoved into computers.
SO YEAH- Glados and Caroline are amazing and deserved so much better and i’m glad she can finally do science in peace without anymore bullshit
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sleepytiny · 1 year
Hi!! My names Lyra, but you can call me Lyr or sleepy. Even Ly is ok!!
This is going to be the pinned post on my blog for a quick rundown about me, and all of my hyperfixations. Including games, characters, shows, etc.
This will of course be added to over time as well, due to new hyperfixations/things I wanna put here. It may also be added to over time if I forgot to put something here initially as well.
Alright. I’m a tiny and am newer to the g/t community, but not g/t in general. I first discovered the g/t community back in early 2021 but I’ve had g/t as a comfort thought since I was real little. Like really little. I’m fine with NSFW g/t but NOT vore at all.
I don’t necessarily have a favorite piece of g/t media, as I enjoy thinking about my OC more, but if I had to choose it’d probably be the episode of Daa Daa Daa where Miyu shrinks.
Before I get into my hyperfixations, I want to talk about my OC. You aren’t gonna see anything about her for a very long time. She’s my only OC, and has been for years, and I love her a lot. There are a lot of features and cliche things about her that I’m sure people would pick at, and I like not having that influence when I think of her.
So for now no OC content other than her name is Lucy, her birthday is July 2nd, and she technically doesn’t have a canon universe she’s in. Although there is one I’d say is a smidge away from being her canon universe, but I still stick her in other universes.
I’m starting with characters I’m hyperfixated with because I think that’s the longest so why not.
Hawks: I don’t know how long I’ve been hyperfixated with him but it’s been loooong. He’s my favorite anime character, favorite character, favorite everything. Because of this though, I would actually appreciate no MHA content at all. I’m so hyperfixated with him to the point that sometimes I get sick to my stomach seeing other people talk about him or MHA. In a good way, but that doesn’t make it fun. I obviously can’t stop seeing it, and when I do post OC content, Hawks content will literally be there as well, but just a thing to keep in mind.
Denki Kaminari: Not really sure what to say about him but I love him.
Leon and Ada: Figured I’d put them together because I ship them (don’t hurt me) and I love both of them. Leon is definitely in my top ten characters (Hawks is #1 for reference) and Ada is Ada. How can you not love her.
Jill and Carlos: ^^^^ same thing. Love them both. Ship them. They’re literally both marriage material.
Claire: Don’t ship her with Leon but I love her.
Takumi Usui: Literally just a giant top. First thing I think when I see him is TOP. Also I’m so Misa (minus the tsundere stuff) with him.
Chai from Hi-Fi Rush: He wijdbdkwjwjwjsndkwidnfwm he’s so cute i love him sm. he baby.
Goro Akechi: Same VA as Chai. I don’t know how to do this without spoilers but Royal Akechi is my favorite.
Ryuji Sakamoto: Literally best Persona character. I love him so f much. He’s on my top ten characters.
Futaba and Sumi: Tied as best girls (love sumi a lil more tho) because I personally embody Futaba but Sumi is a precious bb.
Faith Seed: hOLY SHIT I LOVE HER. VERY HIGH UP on my top ten. She’s literally why I like white laced dresses so much. Obviously ignoring the illegal shit she did. BUT MY GOD I LOVE HER MORE THAN I CAN DESCRIBE.
Luke from TWDG: LOVE HIM LOVE HIM LOVE HIM LOVE HIM. He deserves the world and everything, and literally just everything in the world. (very good gentle giant for a tiny)
Chell from Portal: I know I know, she’s silent, and in a way, has zero personality, but I love her. Specifically her outfit in Portal 2.
Monika from DDLC: My precious bb. That’s all I have to say.
Spider-man: Any spider-man. Literally the only superhero I care about at all.
Vanessa from FNAF: TOP TEN TOP TEN. My OC came before her, which is why her looking incredibly similar to my OC automatically made me love her, and now I actually love her sfm.
Lucy Heartfilia: Could say my OC got her name from her, will get further into Fairy Tail things later.
Gray Fullbuster: Loved him since his first line ever. I don’t wanna spoil it if you’ve never watched Fairy Tail, so if you’re actually reading this, I’ll let you do that yourself.
Nonon Jakuzure: Love her so so much, which leads to the next character as well.
Viridi from Kid Icarus: ^^^^^
Sonic: Mostly Sonic from Sonic Boom.
Melia from Xenoblade: POOR BB
This is it for characters. This will probably be added to because I forgot some.
Games are next! From here on out, there probably won’t be descriptions.
Kid Icarus: Uprising
The Walking Dead Games
Resident Evil: 2, 3, and 4 remakes (yes i know i’m a remake enjoyer, but i never really resonated with the originals)
Hi-Fi Rush
Persona 5 Royal
Far Cry 5
Xenoblade (the first one)
Will add more as needed.
Maid Sama
Fairy Tail
Kill la Kill
Will add more as needed!
For now I believe this is fine!!! Questions you have for me are ok, but eventually I’ll add answers to more common questions on here!
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24-7-testing · 1 year
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I posted 1,180 times in 2022
25 posts created (2%)
1,155 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,180 of my posts in 2022
#aperture science - 1,170 posts
#aperture laboratories - 1,170 posts
#portal 2 - 1,047 posts
#chell - 498 posts
#testing queue - 346 posts
#wheatley - 329 posts
#glados - 326 posts
#portal - 270 posts
#companion cube - 157 posts
#caroline - 67 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#this unlocked a deeply repressed memory of me playing petz in my grandparent's basement on an old macintosh computer
My Top Posts in 2022:
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"Welcome, gentlemen, to The Aperture's Fortune. Aristocrats, soldiers, bilge rats -- you're here because we want the best, and you are it. So: Who is ready to plunder some gold? [laugh] Now, you already met one another on the dinghy ride over, so let me introduce myself. I'm Captain Johnson. I own the ship. That eager voice you hear barking orders is the lovely Caroline, my First Mate. Rest assured, she's stashed your excess gold with the rest of our loot. Isn't that right, Caroline?"
"Yes, sir, Cap'n Johnson!"
"Hardest working deckhand, Caroline. She's the backbone of this ship! Pretty as a postcard too. Sorry scallywags, she's married; to the sea!"
I've been playing a lot of the game Sea of Thieves with a good friend lately (highly recommend it btw) and we got talking about what a Pirate Portal AU would look like. Surprisingly enough, there doesn't seem to be any fanart of Portal characters as pirates at least that I've found.
So, thanks to an art commission done by the amazing @sapient-nes , this new multiverse now has some content! Here's Captain Cave Johnson and his First Mate Caroline sailing the seas on their ship, The Aperture's Fortune, looking for adventure, plunder, and any crew members brave enough to accompany them on their voyages!
I'm very happy with how the artwork came out. The artist did a wonderful job and was great to work with too! Go commission them if you like what you see!
Also, if anybody out there has seen any other Portal-themed Pirate content, send it my way!
138 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
I've been seeing a lot of people slightly confused by it, so I thought that I would point out that Aperture Desk Job is not part of the main timeline of Portal and Portal 2.
From the Steam page for the game:
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It's a story in the expanded universe of those games, ie the Multiverse! That being said, it's extremely fun and should definitely be played!
Hopefully everyone can keep this in mind while developing fan theories about the content of the game. 😊
258 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
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The end of the year gets tough for a lot of people, especially the last few years. Because of this, I am once again excited to announce the return of…
The Portal Holiday Spirit Initiative!
To try and lift people’s spirits up this year, I will be making and sending out FREE Portal-Themed Holiday Cards to anyone who asks for one! The cards are customized to match any December Holiday of your choice and mailed to you physically or emailed digitally!
This will be the fourth consecutive year I have run PHSI, and features the return of the nifty Postcards from last year! But don't worry: All physical cards will be mailed in themed envelopes this year, so your postcards should arrive in much better condition! :)
These postcards are are also special and unique, because they feature new artwork made by eight different artists from the fandom, specifically for this event! The design of the postcard you receive will be based on what you select in your Card Request. I can’t express the amount of thanks these artists deserve for volunteering their time and talents to make PHSI 2022 special!
If you would like to receive a Portal-Themed Holiday Card:
Visit bit.ly/portal-holiday-spirit-initiative …
Answer the questions on the form…
Wait for your card to be made and sent!
It’s that simple! Card Requests are now open, and close on December 20th in order to give me enough time to make and send all the cards before the end of the year. Please submit sooner rather than later so I have time to finish them all!
Also, please don’t be afraid to request a physical card if you don’t live in the US! It might take a bit longer for you to receive your card depending on what country you live in, but they do get mailed to whatever address you provide, whether domestic or foreign. Last year I mailed/emailed a total of 141 cards to Italy, Australia, Canada, Colombia, The Czech Republic, Germany, England, Finland, France, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, The US, The United Kingdom, and Vietnam!
I’m glad to be a part of the Portal Fandom and hope to bring a smile to others in the Fandom this year! While not a requirement to receive a card, please visit ko-fi.com/247testing and click the Donate button if you’d like to give $2 to cover the cost/postage of your card and someone else’s too. Thanks!
Answers for common questions and concerns under the cut:
Worried about providing a mailing address, for whatever reason?
PHSI has an eCard option! All you need to provide is a name for me to call you by and an email address to receive your card!
Worried about requesting a card because you don’t live in the US?
PHSI mails to any address provided, whether domestic or foreign! However, please wait patiently for your card, due to the current global rate of shipping.
Worried that you can’t give $2 to cover the cost of your card and someone else’s?
Requesting a card from PHSI has been and will always be FREE! However, giving $2 to the initiative helps me buy card supplies and postage to mail physical cards (visit ko-fi.com/247testing if you’d like to contribute). I gratefully appreciate any contributions received, even if it’s just a comment saying thanks!
Worried because you don’t know how to support the artist of the card you received?
Each artist's social media are listed on the back of every card featuring their artwork. Look them up, commission them, reblog their art, and support them however you can!
Worried because you haven’t received your card yet?
Double check your email inbox and junk folders. I send everyone an email that either confirms your Holiday Card has shipped or includes your eCard! If your physical card fails to show up after the first of January, please reach out to me and I’ll send you a replacement eCard!
Worried because you received your card and don’t know what to do now?
Make a post about it! Include pictures, videos, or anything you’d like, and tag me in the post (@24-7-testing) so I can reblog it! If you don’t want to show your card off, that’s ok too!
274 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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A Study Of Lies, by yours truly.
460 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
From the article:
"We've gotta start Portal 3, that's my message to you. Anything you can do, let's do it, let's just make it happen. Because yeah, I am also not getting any younger like we are reaching the point where it's crazy to think, literally gonna be too old to work on Portal 3 so we should just do it," said Wolpaw.
Wolpaw went on to say that Portal fans should make their appeals known to Gabe Newell, though the writer was quick to point out that he doesn't think these appeals will help the game materialize. However, if Newell and Valve see an interest, it certainly couldn't hurt! 
632 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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noellawrites · 3 years
We’re In Love, Actually - James Maguire x reader
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You were pretty fed up with your friends, especially Michelle. They treated James like shite, bullied him and constantly excluded him from pretty much everything. This was how you began hanging out in secret, just the two of you.
“If Michelle finds out about us, she’ll kill me,” you muttered, washing dishes from yours and James’ latest dinner date.
“Kill you? At least she likes you. She’s disgusted by my existence,” James protested, bringing more dishes to the sink.
“I hope she never finds out.”
“She’ll definitely know when you ask her to be a bridesmaid at our wedding.”
“You want to marry me?”
“Of course I do!”
“James, you silly fool, I love you,” you giggled as James’ hand grasped your cheek, gently pulling your mouth to his for a passionate kiss.
Your parents were out of town this weekend, so you invited James to stay the night. The only way he could explain it to Michelle and her mom was that he was “staying over at a guy friend’s house,” and though Michelle was pretty sure her cousin was gay, she had never once seen him talk to anyone other than her friends.
Just after you had popped the VHS of Excalibur in the telly and settled onto the couch next to James, you heard a knock at your front door.
“That’s odd, I’m not expecting anyone.”
You looked through the peephole and immediately you saw Michelle angrily standing at the door.
“Look (y/n), I know yer in there! I’ve got a bottle of gin with yer name on it,” she yelled.
“Shit, shit, I’ve gotta get out of here!” James yelped, jumping off the couch and looking for another exit.
“We’re on the fourth floor of an apartment building, there’s literally no way out! Just hide in my closet,” you whispered, flattening your hair and waiting for James to hide before swinging the door open.
“What’s up, ‘chelle?” you asked nonchalantly.
“What are you doin’ tonight? I thought we could go ‘round town, get into the usual shit. The girls are downstairs, but if you just want it to be us , I can—“
“I’m not feeling great tonight, could we maybe do it another night?”
“Are your parents here? I know you said they’d be out of town for the weekend. I don’t want to leave you alone if you’re ill…” Michelle said, walking past you and through the living room.
“Michelle, I’m not really in the mood,” you groaned.
“James told me he was staying at a guy friend’s house. Quite strange, considering he doesn’t have any,” Michelle continued, walking down the narrow hallway to your room.
“What do you want from me, ‘chelle?”
“I want you to tell me that you’re fucking my cousin,”she said, gritting her teeth. When she got to your room, she marched right over to your closet and threw the door open.
“Uh, hey Michelle?” James grimaced. Michelle grabbed him by the neck of his shirt, dragged him out and punched him in the face.
“Jesus ‘chelle!” You yelled, getting between them and pushing them apart.
“I told you she’d kill me!” your boyfriend yelled, wiping the blood from his mouth.
“Yeah, well, that’s for riding my best friend!” she lunged at him again, causing you to hold her back with your arm.
“I’m in love with her, okay! You can beat me to a pulp or throw me out of your house or do whatever you want to me but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m in love with (y/n)!” James yelled hysterically, causing you to smile.
“Christ, we heard the commotion,” Erin said, stepping into your room followed by Claire and Orla.
“What did we miss?” Claire asked, handing a tissue to James.
“We’re getting married, and you’re all going to be my bridesmaids,” you laughed, pulling James in for a kiss. Your friends made various barf noises showing their discomfort.
Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Erin hand Orla an Irish pound. Of course they had bet on you two.
“If you make me your maid of honor, I’ll murder you first,” Michelle threatened.
Michelle’s threats didn’t faze you; you were just happy to not have to hide your love from your friends anymore.
915 notes · View notes
icicledream-archive · 3 years
part 2 of portal robot size post
(because i am still obsessing over this)
continuation of this post where i posted this image which is a screenshot from this video showcasing the size of portal 2 characters. and also i included my height of 5′3 for fun!
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the post got a comment basically saying “model sizes don’t always = canon sizes” and that is indeed true! especially given how the game seems to handle how things look when they’re picked up. personally i can find these sizes believable, especially comparing them to how big glados appears in robot repair vr.
anyways, i’ve been thinking about that comment a lot! like i said, i personally find all these sizes believable, but i wondered how much different they would be if i resized them based on certain robots with canon measurements: atlas and p-body!
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these blueprints are shown in portal 2 co-op loading screens! i specifically chose the blueprint of atlas facing the right because the front facing version’s head size seemed to include the frame that holds it, which added little over an inch.
ALSO, this was just something i did for fun! please don’t treat this post as the Definitive Portal Character Sizes Post. personally, as much as i love how huge the in-game model sizes are, i’m going by my resizes from now on because while they’re still decently big, they’re a lot more manageable to draw lol.
if you DO want to use this post as a reference to their sizes, by all means go for it! :D  credit isn’t necessary, but it would be nice just because of how much time i spent on this ;w;/
the rest of this post will be under a read more due to its length!! as a tl;dr, here’s a direct comparison image!
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feel free to share your own thoughts and whatnot if you would like!! ^v^ just a few more things before i continue...
i bolded character names + their heights because it was easier for me to read :o
i did all of this in.... gmod..... because i couldn’t find all of the models i needed, and i couldn’t be bothered to rip models from a freakin’ source game. SO i just, carefully lined everything up in gmod to the best of my ability and took screenshots, which i edited in my art program!! i’m a bit of a perfectionist, so hopefully things aren’t toooo far off... but yeah, just a heads up.
i’m, really bad at math, so not everything will be 100% accurate, especially the full glados size measurements. i used the website mrinitialman and a lot of measurement calculator websites to be sure things seemed alright. still, if there’s errors i apologize!
ANYWAYS let’s go!!
SO, here’s a new size comparison image i made. sorry if my writing isn’t readable! i’ll be restating the important things written on the images as this post goes on ;v;/
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p-body is around 6′7.5″ (201.9cm), atlas is around 6′1.3″ (186.2cm).
for chell i decided to go with her height from her heels rather than from her tiptoes. she’s still pretty tall at 5′11″ (180.3cm)!
wheatley’s model is around 2′7″ (78.7cm) in diameter, which is hilariously big and i love it BUT it’s probably not what his actual height is. same goes for the turret’s 4′10″ (147.3), and glados’ head being around 6′10″ (208.3cm) (i do wish these were the For Sure canon heights because glados' full model being ~50' (15.24m) long is so very funny to me. Giant.)
i’ve seen a few people say that atlas and p-body may be based on personality spheres and turrets respectively, and i like to think so too! so i resized wheatley and the turret based on those two. also, considering that wheatley’s model size stays the same size when he is on glados’ body, i resized them at the same time, as their sizes are relative to each other.
anyways with that, here’s my resize!!
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as i said: wheatley (and the other cores, of course) ends up being the same size as atlas’ head, so that makes him around 1′8.4″ (51.8cm) in diameter!
the turret ended up being around 3′10.5″ (118.1cm) tall.
glados’ head is around 4′6.4″ (138.2cm)! which makes glados head + body around 18′1.4″ (5.5m), and her entire model around 34′2.8″ (10.43m)! (btw for reference, movie theater screens are generally 30′ (9.14m) tall!!).
aand that’s it for my resizes, really! :O like i said earlier, this is what i'm personally gonna go with for my headcanons and whatnot.
that’s not the end, though. when i went back into gmod to get a screenshot of chassis wheatley, i somehow noticed for the first time that there’s just. straight up smaller models of a core and glados’ head, so i thought “eh! why not!” and measured those out to the best of my ability! here’s the results of that. 
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the smaller gmod core model is around 1′3.8″ (40.1cm), and glados’ head is 3′3.6″ (100.6cm)! this would make her head + body be around 13′2.4″ (4.02m), and her entire model around 24′11.3″ (7.6m)! i imagine this is what the “actual sizes” of cores and glados would be? who knows though!
with all of this being done, here’s the quick direct comparison image again :D
oh and also for fun, here’s portal 1 glados’ head compared to the portal 2 glados head models and the resize i did! i always thought the portal 2 glados in portal 1 mod looked weird, turns out it’s because her main p2 model is much bigger than her p1 model!
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and well! i don’t really have anything else to say, so that’s the end!
like i said, this is NOT the Definitive Portal Character Sizes Post ;o; i did this entirely for fun!! and even if this was the Definitive Portal Character Sizes Post, you can do whatever you want with these characters and their sizes! but again if you would like to use this post as a reference then by all means, go for it!! :D again, credit isn’t necessary, but it would be nice just because of how much time i spent on this... 
ANYWAYS thanks for reading!!! :D
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comradekatara · 2 years
what classes would the ATLA characters make/play as in DnD and who would be the DM?
here's an old post by chell about this and also i asked @kickaboutheart and they said the following:
sokka would be DM and take it extremely seriously, aang and katara would undermine him at every turn, then suki would take over and be amazing at it even though she doesn’t really give a shit. idk the archetypes all that well but im tempted to assign them all unexpected characters so they all have to learn and grow
personally, i've never played dnd (everything i know about it is from that one episode of community) and looking up the character types gave me a headache but i do agree 100% with both of them that sokka would be the DM. although tbh i don't really see any of them being the kind of nerds who are super into dnd, so they'd probably be roped into it by an outside party. that said...
sokka would take his role extremely seriously, not because he's particularly invested in the game itself, but because he can't help but be a micromanaging control freak in everything he does. whenever the others mess up the game by not taking it seriously enough and undermining his intentions, he's all like now we're never gonna get an A in dnd!!!! something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
if azula was playing with them, she would definitely be trying to figure out to how to "win," making the game considerably less fun for everyone else because she is constantly trying to destroy them (her definition of winning). everyone's really mad at whoever invited her to play with them, but no one will actually fess up to having invited her.
it's super obvious that katara's character is just a mary sue self-insert with no flaws who always does the coolest, best thing in any situation. also, she is always trying to convince her party that they need to overthrow the government (she asked sokka if the government in this fantasy land was corrupt and sokka made the mistake of being like "well this is an uninspired fantasy setting so it's likely a monarchy, right?" even though he should have predicted what she would do with that information). everyone's like "that's not the point of this game" and katara's like "well maybe it SHOULD be. ever think of that!!!!! huh!!!!!"
suki does not take this game seriously at all, which, depending on who you ask, is either the exact right or the exact wrong way to play it. she is committing to the bit that her character is a big buff man who just happened to be born yesterday and doesn't know what anything is, and every turn she's just like "i roll to find out who the blurry guy in the water is" and then she rolls and sokka has to be like "that's you. you're staring at your own reflection from the surface of the lake" and then suki rolls again to see if this concept of self-awareness will register. it doesn't. and every time she does this bit (which is every single turn she has) it gets less and less funny but he doesn't stop doing it
aang's bit is that he's a shapeshifter who can transform into any animal but he's really bad at doing it on purpose and doesn't know how to change back into a human, so every turn he tries to communicate by doing different ridiculous animal noises. it is quite amusing. to everyone but sokka, that is
toph's playing as an omnipotent immortal being who knows literally everything and all he wants is to take a nap but he has insomnia and people keep disturbing him so his one real motivation is to get everyone to leave him alone so he can go back to trying to fall asleep. she thought this character would just be a funny joke at first but it ends up being the most compelling character in the whole game and she ends up getting really into it. sokka is so grateful for her
zuko's character is also painfully obvious as a self-insert mary sue but it's almost so sad that no one wants to make fun of him for it. his character is this aloof hot girl rogue who plays by her own rules and is so mysterious, like a sexy impenetrable fortress. she has no attachments except for her trusted animal sidekick that she rides around on, and she's only in it for herself/for the money. basically, zuko just wants to be june...? [iroh voice] hmmmm......
mai's mad that zuko's playing as what is clearly just a hotter version of her. what is he trying to say??? meanwhile, her character, who is named sokka, is actually based entirely off of mai's assessment of katara, and all her choices are informed by what she thinks katara would actually do in that situation, which (according to mai), most of the time, is cry or yell or storm off angrily. mai does this specifically because she finds katara's awesome adventurous rebel character so flawless and boring and self-righteous that she cannot help but troll her, but she is also trolling sokka too, because she's a multitasker like that.
since mai is trolling one pair of siblings, ty lee takes it upon herself to troll the other. her character has just enough of a mix of traits from both zuko and azula that they don't know what to make of this character but they know that this character sucks!!!!! although they do both enjoy ty lee's affect when playing this character, which is just a spot-on impression of mai's deadpan cadence.
teo is probably the guy who roped aang into playing who then roped all of his friends into playing, and he's the only one who actually plays dnd on a consistent basis (or at all, for that matter) so he's the only one whose character and choices are actually thoughtful and well-made. while he appreciated sokka's effort as dm considering that he literally learned the rules like a day before playing, and he thought that toph's sleepy god character was actually very charming, he's glad he has other friends he can play dnd with, because this particular group..........well. they're fucking terrible at it.
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Since school is coming up and I’m not looking forward to it, I thought I’d do something fun about school to distract myself from the fact that I’m actually going to have to go into the building. And have gym. And do ‘social interaction’... Also, I think the cores in school would be entertaining and fun to write. Uh, this turned out a lot longer than expected, so, prepare for a long read.
He asks a lot of questions
It makes people think he’s stupid, but he actually is just curious and wants to make sure he’s doing everything right.
Presentations make him a bit nervous, but he ends up being the most entertaining one of them all
Mostly because he goes off-script and rambles about the topic or the project itself
If anything goes wrong in it, he talks about that too
“I forgot to add a period there, that’s- that’s just a run-on sentence now, so that’s not,, good. Just, uh, just pretend there’s always been a period there. You probably didn’t even notice it, actually, so just pretend I never said anything-”
For essays, he struggles more. When he’s talking, his rambling kind of carries him without thinking, but when it’s on paper, he has to focus on every single word he writes.
He has a hard time making that type of writing flow, with all the transition words and stuff. 
But when he gets to write a poem (mostly freeform) or a story with his own imagination, amazing things happen
He loves to create his own little world inside the paper, of which he’s in control
So, despite the essays and persuasive papers, english is one of his better, and favorite subjects
Not great at math
Chell tries to help, and tutors him outside of class to keep his grades up
Those two are partners whenever possible
If not, Wheatley pairs up with Rick
Gym class fucking sucks (agree with him there)
Even though he’s physically strong, he’s not very athletic since he’s still super clumsy and doesn’t have great coordination
Confident when it comes to tests, not too nervous about it
Probably didn’t study much, unless Chell forced him to
Mostly verbally and from afar though, since,, he’s very strong and the students know this
One time Rick walked right up to him and called him a moron
Wheatley proceeded to clock him in the jaw
No one ever made the same mistake again
He apologized profusely though, insisting he didn’t know what came over him
This happened at the beginning of the year, before Rick knew him
Specifically, before he knew how fucking strong Wheatley is
So since then, Rick’s tried to get on his good side, despite, most likely not being genuine about it
Besides incidents like that, Wheatley’s not a fan of school fights, and doesn’t get why everyone gets so excited that two people are attacking one another
Like ?? Are they okay???
Getting school supplies is fun
School is not
I mean, I guess she’d be called Caroline in this scenario
She’s the popular kid, I mean what else do you expect?
At least, unlike the stereotype, she’s actually smart instead of just hot and intimidating
She’s both of those things too, but-
Do people actually like her or are they just scared of her?
The world may never know
Calls Wheatley a moron on a regular basis, sometimes just to mess with him, but isn’t stupid enough to do it within arms reach of him
Even if she did, Wheatley’s reputation would be in more danger than her own physical well being
Science is her favorite subject
Did you really have to question that one?
She’s also really good at math, and would be a good tutor if she wasn’t such a bitch
I call her that lovingly, of course, but you can’t deny the fact she’s a bitch-
Probably the smartest one in school
Although Nathan would claim the title for himself
But she probably has more street smarts
Is the one who makes comments about how hot the teacher is and no one can tell if he’s serious
Rick: “I’d hit that” Nathan: “That is very illegal.” Rick: Hey, I’m just kidding,, kinda” Nathan: “I will not hesitate to report your sorry ass if you think about making a move” Rick: “Fine, damn, I’ll shut my trap”
Rick, motioning to Wheatley: “Hey, look who’s here. Bet you he trips and falls in 3, 2″ Wheatley: *falls over before making it to his desk* Rick: “And down he goes.”
He has been to the principal’s office more times than anyone else in the group
Whether it be for walking out of class without permission, being an overall asshole, or for trying to sneak into staff only areas
Which he has done before
Nathan is the only student who has witnessed this and its unknown whether he has ratted him out or if the teachers just saw him
Isn’t great in school, grades-wise, but convinced Nathan to tutor him once in a while to keep him from failing
Definitely has fucked a girl in the broom closet before
Doesn’t like school, but gym isn’t bad
Usually partnered up with Wheatley in gym class because he likes having strength on his side
Probably pushes too hard when writing, so any mechanical pencil breaks within seconds unless he’s concentrated on not,, doing that
One of the only students to prefer normal pencils for this reason
An actual tutor
He has generalized knowledge of a lot of things, so he’s great both in school and with trivia
Has the top grades in class
Best and favorite subject is math
He can and will read a full length novel in the span of two days
Makes sure he has more than enough of each supply at the beginning of the year, just in case
Actually keeps track of his supplies so he’s not left with a single pencil he found on the floor by the end of trimester 1
He does give/borrow some to students who lost their own pencils, though
He likes school, but the teachers don’t usually appreciate his insights and interruptions in class (often to add on or to correct something the teacher is saying)
Doesn’t like school, but the social aspect of it is fun
He’s also really good at independent projects, especially if it’s about something he’s interested in
You know. Like space, for instance
The day his teacher asked the students in class to build a model of the solar system was one of the more significant moments in his life /hj
His was the most accurate, much to the disdain of Nathan
Favorite subject is also science
I wasn’t gonna add him, but his favorite subject is history
I can’t give you a real reason why, it just is
That’s it, that’s the only reason he’s here
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ssscentral · 3 years
Midnight Melodies | For Chelle
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Summary: Yoongi has a little surprise for you that leaves you entirely breathless.
pairing: Yoongi x female reader
rating: GA
genre: established relationship; fluff
warnings: none except that yoongi is an absolutely delightful partner and loves his girl to the moon and back <3
wc: 1k
member: Rid || @taegularities
a/n: with all my exams, assignments and vaccine brain, i couldn’t do much all week :( but you’re such a dear friend to me, so i HAD to write at least a little something for my favourite chellington <3 happy birthday again, mochi @ddaechwita​, even if i’m late with the present lol i love you so so much !!! and thank you to @hoebii for beta’ing this so fast, super thankful <3
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The air in the garden is lively and busy, chatters and laughter filling the fresh atmosphere of the night as you shift from one leg to another. The champagne flute in your hand is supposed to serve as decoration more than anything, and your eyes keep darting from left to right impatiently.
He actually promised to be here with you twenty minutes ago, but instead of holding your hand right now, he’s nowhere to be seen. You fix your dress with your free hand, time passing extremely slow as you smile at the relatives who pass you by occasionally.
The fact that it’s your birthday doesn’t seem to mean anything to anyone as you sigh into the warm and crisp June air, watching stars sparkle in the night sky before you start looking for constellations. And then, the ringtone of your phone pulls you out of your daydream, and you’re quick to place the flute onto a garden table nearby, so you can fish the device out of your semi-expensive, glittery handbag.
“Where are you?” you hiss into the speaker, growing frustrated at his absence as you walk back into the building.
At first, you only hear his steady breaths, but then he inhales deeply, clearing his throat as he says, “Come to the music room.”
More he doesn’t tell - more you can’t ask. Because right after the last word leaves him, he hangs up, leaving you to find the room alone in the big chateau you’ve rented just for your special day. Fortunately, you still remember the way to the aforementioned hall, the memory still fresh in your mind as it was the room that excited you the most - even if you knew you weren’t going to use it.
As you open the heavy door, the sounds of your high heels echo from the walls, stepping into a moonlit room that reminds you of fantasy movies and soft lullabies. You keep looking, seemingly the only existence between the four walls; other than the enormous window that allows the light to flow in freely, the only thing that catches your attention is the piano.
You want to approach the instrument, play a note or two - that is, until you experience the biggest scare of your life, hands creeping up your stomach and settling there as Yoongi’s tender voice says, “You made me wait long enough.”
A dramatic gasp escapes your lips, head shooting to the side and missing his nose by just a few inches. Your foot buckles slightly, almost making you lose your balance before he catches you and straightens mid-action.
“What the hell, Yoongi?” you breathe, annoyance written clearly in your eyes, and he laughs.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” he apologises through his gummy smile, taking your soft palm into his as he leads you to the piano slowly. He’s walking backwards, clearly used to the room by now as he stops right in front of the instrument’s stool, sitting down and bringing you between his legs.
You look down into his crescent eyes and see the affection clear as day in the darkness that engulfs you. You don’t know why you never bothered to turn on the light - instead, you look around again, the Twilight-esque feeling so apparent before you drift your gaze back to your own, little makeshift vampire.
You laugh at the thought, tilting your head as your locks fall into your face. “So what are we doing here?”
“We are…” he begins, lifting his legs and turning around on the seat as he pats the spot next to him, “...surprising you.”
“Are we now?” you ask as you sit down beside him, pulling your dress down again and then crossing your legs.
Yoongi nods, a small hum vibrating in his chest. “For all the bad and good times and every second you make me happy and smile… this is for you, baby.”
He doesn’t give you a chance to respond to his announcement, only pulling his lips into a lopsided smile before his nimble fingers settle on the black and white keys. The first tone starts soft. Gentle, barely audible.
The beginning stays just that, a soft touch of the keys and breathtaking succession of beautiful notes. You fixate your eyes on the veins of his hands, pupils moving as his fingers do so smoothly, playing the prettiest and loveliest melody you’ve ever heard in your life.
Not even the pianist at your big day had managed to mesmerise you the way Yoongi does. And as the song progresses, you start to physically feel the love, affection and every unspoken whisper it emanates, things that words could never convey.
By the time he’s done, you’re crying through your waterproof make-up, sniffling endearingly before you bring the back of your hand to your face to wipe away the tears that managed to escape. You nod before he can ask, voice and breath shaky as you tell him, “Thank you... This is definitely not what I expected when you kept saying you were working late on new music.”
“You didn’t, huh?” he confirms with another grin, arms pulling you in close as his hand rubs your bare arm fondly. His lips press on your hair multiple times, leaving pecks until he hears you giggle in the sweet way he fell in love with when he first met you. “Did you like it or are you crying because it was so horrible?”
Your chuckles intensify, a hand pinching his thigh lightly as you promise, “Best present ever.”
“I’m sorry for disappearing. The nerves kicked in and I-” He pauses, sighing as he places his cheek on your head, “-wanted this to be perfect.”
“It was,” you assure, leaving his embrace and placing your hand on his cheek, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, angel,” he answers, leaning in to press his lips on yours. And when he backs away again, his thumb brushes yours delicately, nose rubbing against yours as he tells you, “Happy birthday - and marriage anniversary, my love.”
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if you liked it, leave a like or reblog, these things go a long way <3
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ohhgingersnaps · 2 years
for the character bingo: jonathan harker / wheatley / sebastian stardewvalley :)
Thanks for asking!! Gonna do these in order of Strength of Feeling
(From the Character Bingo post here: x)
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Sebastian Stardewvalley, my beloved blorbo emo boy, current hyperfixation, love of my life, etc. He is confident in who he is and what he wants! He is an introvert who has the self-awareness to know when he needs space and enforce boundaries politely! He's complicated and independent and loves frogs and has cool hair and likes horror films and runs a fun DND campaign for his friends! He tries to be edgy and cool but really he's just a big soft nerd and I love that about him. I always accidentally romance him even when I don't set out to do it, just because I really enjoy talking to him. Whenever I hear Iris (Goo Goo Dolls) on the radio I turn it up in his honor. Also Colors (Halsey). Actually I have an entire dedicated playlist lol
Admittedly I've been on a big SDV kick lately, mostly because I've been working on this novel-length superpowers AU (which ofc features him as one of the protags), so a lot of what I like about him is definitely shaped by my own version of him viewed through that lens, but he was my first-ever SDV spouse and I'm pretty sure he's always going to secretly be my favorite
Side note: I came very close to also checking "everyone but me is wrong about them <3" because although about 90% of the fandom takes on him are good, every time I see a bad one (specifically ones that malign/mischaracterize him for being an introvert who's good at enforcing boundaries, or bad takes about how he relates to his family) it does make me angry enough to block on sight. I have a lot of strong feelings about their family dynamic actually, because it reminds me of a less healthy version of my own?? not to project my own life onto this but tl;dr nobody is really at fault and it's all mismatched expectations and badly-paired neuroses, but this is a story for another day
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Wheatley! Specifically Blue Sky Wheatley is just. Chef's kiss amazing, Blue Sky Wheatley still has one of the best character arcs I have ever seen in my life. I have marked "wow! they are a horrible person" because he is, but like, in the same way all of us are, you know? It's about the redemption arc. The important bit is that he actively chooses to be better. Obviously he also works better as part of a dynamic with Chell, that's part of the point, right? He is still a blorbo but he's like, a dormant blorbo I haven't thought about in a minute. I'm sure I'll pull him off the shelf again to put him in the main rotation whenever I reread Blue Sky for the dozenth time, though.
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Okay so, Dracula Daily is really my first ever exposure to Dracula (and therefore Jonathan Harker)? Like, everything I know about Dracula is via cultural osmosis, so I don't know a ton about him yet, besides what I know from fandom osmosis and the entries we've had so far. I do think it's very sweet how much he cares about Mina, and that earns him several bonus points. I also think his mentality of, "This is my first big job after passing my exams, I better get a good grade in this customer interaction," is absolutely relatable, which I enjoy. He's just a little lawyer man trying his best, and I really hope he makes it through his ordeals in one piece. (It's not looking like he will, but, you know, I can hope, right?)
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angelsswirl · 3 years
Dodging Angels
One Dance
Rating: M (language)
Notes: Y/NN means your nickname and Y/SN means your and jennies ship name.
Wrd Cnt: 1.3k
Chapter Song: One Dance by Drake
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"Rachelle, remember when we get in you cannot press any buttons. And unless I'm with you, stay seated, okay? Mom went to the store but she'll be back to pick you up later." Rachelle nodded rapidly, her smile taking up most of her face.
"Now, what's the most important rule?"
"No jumping celebrities. They have little sisters to get home to just like you."
"That's my girl." The two sisters fist bump before Jennie pushed open the door to the studio.
Before the door is even fully open, a long, high screech is heard. It's so loud and pitchy that Jennie thinks she heard a dog bark in response somewhere.
Jennie grabbed the collar of the child's shirt. Effectively holding her back from bum-rushing you like she was clearly gearing up to do.
"Chelle, calm down." The taller woman whispered. It gets the desired effect as Rachelle slowly relaxes.
"Hi Y/N, this is my little sister, Rachelle. I think she might be a fan." Jennie chuckled as Rachelle hid behind her but continued to stare at you in awe.
"Hello, Rachelle. I'm Y/N." You kneeled to the child's level and stuck your hand out, a soft and inviting smile on your face.
The girl's eyes widened comically. Jennie pushed her forward a little. She hadn't ever seen Rachelle get quite this shy around any celebrity she had ever met before. She isn't sure if that's a good or bad sign.
Rachelle shook your hand quickly. You stood back up with a smile on your face. You loved children. You especially loved children who loved your.
Rachelle sat in a chair next to Sam, her wide eyes never leaving you.
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The session had went off without a hitch. You hadn't needed to do much singing so it was more of you all just sitting around and helping tweak the melodies using the equipment available.
Irene walked in with Joel behind her looking slightly dejected. Irene set down her paper work on the roundtable.
"Here's the plan. Love Lies is set to release in a few weeks. In the meantime you will both be working on your album's. Y/N, yours comes out in one month from today, and Jennie, yours will release the following month. The week leading up to Love Lies will be promotion. Good Morning America, Genius, The Breakfast Club etc." Irene says looking everyone in the room in the eye intensely.
Jennie groaned loudly, "Fuck. The Breakfast Club? Do you hate us or something?" Just wait until Lisa heard about this. She was going to have a field day.
"Well you know what they say, Jennie. There's no such thing as bad publicity!" Joel finally spoke up. He looked very pleased with himself as Irene glared holes into the back of his head.
The two rap up the meeting and bid everyone goodbyes. They bicker on their way out.
"They are so in love with each other it's funny." You shook your head fondly as you started to gather your belongings.
A pained expression crossed Jennie's face. She had remembered what Joel had said and despite heavily disagreeing with it she had no choice at this point.
"Um, Y/NN? Can I call you that? Uh do you maybe want to hang out with Chelle and I until my mom picks her up?" Jennie cursed her awkwardness. Surely, she was much smoother than this normally.
By some stroke of luck it works out in her favor. You raised an eyebrow but smiled a bright smile, "I'd like that. And yes you can call me Y/NN."
A genuine smile slowly crosses Jennie's face. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. It definitely won't be if she can get you to smile like that more often.
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There's a small hole in the wall pizza place that Jennie takes Rachelle to often. It's just around the corner from Jennie's normal studio, and they have the best bacon and pepperoni pizza ever. Jennie's not willing to argue about it.
She was kind of hesitant to bring you here. She felt that maybe she was impeding on her and Rachelle's space but judging by the look on both of your faces it was a good idea.
"Um, Ms. Y/N? Do you have any little sisters?" Rachelle surprised Jennie by actually speaking directly to you. It seems she is slowly getting over this odd shy streak.
"You can call me Y/NN, too, Rachelle. Ms. Y/N is my mom." You chuckled at your own joke and so did Jennie. Rachelle didn't quite get the joke but everyone else was laughing so she should too.
"I don't have any little sisters, but I do have an older sister named Zyon." You picked at your pizza. You had never been very open about your family but the kid was probably harmless and Jennie definitely wouldn't spread your business.
"Does that mean you're a little sister!?" Rachelle practically drops her slice of pizza in realization.
You think for a second. You aren't exactly little, well at least not compared to Rachelle. Zyon isn't even really bigger than you. You were younger than Zyon by four years but you wouldn't classify that as 'little' per say.
Jennie makes a note to not mention to Lisa that you did indeed have a sister, remembering her lewd question from the day you all met.
You go to answer until you see the hopeful smile on Rachelle's face and the threatening look on Jennie's, "Yes! You're so smart, Chelle."
Jennie mouths 'Nice save' while Rachelle blushes.
Jennie's phone buzzes startling her. She checks the notification and immediately curses under her breath.
You looked over in concern. You watched as Jennie quickly took off her band hoodie and placed it oved her sister's shoulders, making sure the cloth hood covered her face.
"What's wrong?" You asked, you followed Jennie's line of sight out of the window you were sitting next to.
"They found us. Luckily the picture is mostly of you. I look like shit and I don't need them having photos of Chelle." Jennie's normal stony, disinterested expression is back. A look you hadn't seen sense the previous day and quickly decided you weren't a fan of.
"Well, I'm done eating if you want to leave through the back." You suggested.
Jennie nodded and gestured for them to retrieve their belongings.
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"Jennie Kim and Y/N were seen out enjoying an intimate lunch together this afternoon. This is the first time they have ever been spotted together. Could this be the start of a budding relationship between the artists? Well we certainly hope so. Y/SN anyone?"
"This is all your fault. They almost got Rachelle! And you know I don't play about her." Jennie scowled at the sleazy man.
"What makes you think this is my fault?"
"There's only four people that know about that place. One of them is me, Lisa, and a child who kind of knows her home address on a good day. That only leaves you, Joel. I know you called them." Jennie stalked closer to her manager. Leaning in closely over his desk.
"Isn't this what we wanted? Publicity?"
"This is what you wanted. I wanted to do this authentically. My little sister means the fucking world to me and I'll be damned if she gets wrapped up into this business."
"So what?" Joel rolled his eyes harshly.
"So what? So what?! Fuck you, Joel. You really want to be fired don't you?" Jennie took a step back from the man before she did something she would regret.
"You'd very quickly regret that." A menacing smile crossed his face.
"Is that a threat, Joel?"
"No. It's a promise."
Jennie nodded slowly, "I'll keep that in mind. Don't try calling me tomorrow. I won't answer."
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theradioghost · 4 years
Do you have any podcast recs that are super easy for those of us with audio processing problems? For me specifically that means one voice (or maybe two if they’re very distinct) and minimal complexity in the soundscaping, though if you have recs that don’t fit those that you think might apply to other people w/ different audio processing issues you can talk about those too! :)
I can certainly try! I feel as though I should put it out there that I often have a difficult time gauging where a podcast sits re: audio processing/HOH listeners; the literal entirety of my day job is being good at telling what people are saying in audio, and my own audio processing problems mostly just result in my near-inability to keep up with actual plays, so if any of these are misjudgements on those terms I apologize in advance.
* means that I know there are also transcripts available for the podcast in question!
SAYER: scifi dark comedy/horror. In a morally questionable tech corporation’s moonbase facilities, advanced artificial intelligence SAYER directs employees about their daily routines; this then turns over time into possibly the best story about AI I’ve ever heard. Especially in the first three seasons, virtually all speaking is done by one voice. (Caveat that a few other characters come in later, and they’re actually all voiced by one guy with different filters, but the filters are pretty distinct and characters tend to identify themselves by default at the beginning of every conversation.)
*The Cryptonaturalist: comforting supernatural folksiness. The titular expert on all things strange and wonderful reads poetry, admires nature, and talks about wonderful creatures like foxes that live within library shelves, stick insects that camouflage themselves as whole trees, salamanders that swim in parking lot asphalt, and Owls.
*The Hidden Almanac: comforting supernatural weirdness. Hagiographer, avid gardener, and Mysterious Dude In Plague Doctor Getup known as Reverend Mord gives tidbits of the history of his strange and fantastical world, along with gardening advice. Sometimes his tequila-swigging accidental necromancer best friend coworker Pastor Drom shows up. Written by fantasy author Ursula Vernon and mostly voiced by her husband Kevin. Extremely relaxing to listen to; the show ended last year but they put out five-minute episodes three times a week for eight years so there’s plenty of it. The first year or so actually doesn’t appear on most podcatchers so maybe check out the website.
Everything Is Alive: poignant, heartfelt interviews with inanimate objects. While there’s a different object featured each episode, it’s mostly just them and the interviewer, plus occasional phone calls with an expert on some subject brought up during the interview. Hits so much harder than you could possibly imagine given the summary. You WILL be upset about a can of off-brand cola.
*Quid Pro Euro: bizarre comedy mockumentary. A satire of the European Union in the style of a set of instructional tapes for EU employees made in the ‘90s, predicting what the EU would look like in the 21st century. Their predictions are somewhat off. Only one voice and delightfully it is Felix Trench. I don’t know anything about the EU but I still think it’s hilarious.
*Glasgow Ghost Stories: spooky supernatural. A resident of Glasgow is unexpectedly able to see the many ghosts that reside in the city -- but the ghosts have started to notice her too, and not all of them are friendly. A beautiful and atmospheric single-voice show; plus the feed also contains the very good miniseries Tracks.
*Palimpsest: poetic and haunting. An anthology series about young women experiencing supernatural happenings, each 10-episode season tells a different story in monologue (I think there are literally two episodes with other voices in them). Poignant, gorgeous, and sometimes heartbreakingly sad in the best way. In season one Anneliese wonders about the strange neighbors at her new apartment. In season two, Ellen takes a new job as companion to a supposed fairy princess imprisoned in a strange showroom in turn of the century America. In season three, former codebreaker Josie begins to see the spirits of the dead on the streets of London during the Blitz.
*Within the Wires: alternate history scifi found footage. From a world where a calamitous global war resulted in the installation of a new Society where nations and family ties are banned, an anthology of voices telling their stories. Each season is a single voice. Season one, a set of relaxation tapes deliver unexpected instructions to a government prisoner in a strange medical facility. In sSeason two, a series of museum exhibit guides spin out the mystery of two artists and their work. In season three, a government employee dictates notes to his secretary and begins to suspect a plot. In season four, the traveling leader of a secretive cultlike commune leaves sermons for her followers, and instructions for her daughter.
*Alice Isn’t Dead: lesbian americana roadtrip weird horror. Keisha’s wife Alice was missing, presumed dead. Now Keisha is a trucker, traveling the vast American emptiness to seek her out; but she’s about to become embroiled in the same vast secret war that may have drawn away her wife, and she’s not alone on the roads. Starts with one voice, adds a new one each season for a total of three. Also is finished.
*Station Blue: psychological horror. Matthew takes a job as the lone caretaker of an Antarctic research station for several months. This goes about as well as you’d predict. Very much a slow burn, strange, brooding horror of isolation. Heavy themes of mental illness based on the creator’s experiences of bipolar disorder. 
*Mabel: dark, poetic faerietale horror. Live-in caretaker Anna attempts to contact the absent granddaughter of her elderly employer, the lone resident of a strange and ancient house in Ireland. A love story, a haunted house story, a fairy tale with teeth. This one might be hit or miss; it sometimes tends to the abstract a bit, and there’s more soundscaping and some other occasional voices besides the main two protagonists. Definitely worth trying out, though, this is absolutely an underappreciated gem.
*Janus Descending: tragic scifi horror. Two researchers, Peter and Chell, travel alone to a distant planet to survey the ruins of its extinct civilization. Unfortunately, they discover exactly how that civilization died out. Excellent if you like movies like Alien, and also being extremely sad. Only two voices. Really unique story structure: it’s told via the two protagonists’ logs of the events, but you hear Chell’s logs in order, and Peter’s logs in reverse, with their perspectives alternating. The result is a tragedy where technically you know the ending from the start, but it’s told so cleverly that just what happened and how remains a tantalizing, tense, heartbreaking mystery right until the end.
*I Am In Eskew: poetic, surreal horror. Only two voices and few sound effects. David is a man trapped in the twisting, malevolent city of Eskew, where the rain always falls, streets seem to lead the same way twice, and nothing can be trusted. Riyo is an investigator, making her way through rumors and questions in search of a man long missing and a place that seems not to exist. Maybe my favorite horror media ever? Deeply disturbing and yet even the most awful things are somehow beautiful. Like if Lynch, Escher and Mieville had a terrible, wonderful baby.
*Tides: contemplative hard scifi. When biologist Dr. Eurus is wrecked alone on a distant alien world shaped by deadly tidal forces, her struggle to survive also becomes a meditative exploration of the ecosystem around her, and a recognition that here, she is the alien. Mostly it’s Dr. Eurus; sometimes you hear from her coworkers. It’s got Julia Schifini, what’s not to love?
*Midnight Radio: ghost story/romance. A 1950s radio host who broadcasts a late-night show to her small hometown begins to receive letters from a listener and respond to them on air. I wrote this! It has a total of three voice actors and virtually no soundscaping. I promise it’s good.
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fmdrorinarchive · 3 years
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━━━━━━  𝖆 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘… 💋 〈  Below the cut is an intro for Michelle Chae of Chroma // Please 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙 to plot, and thanks for reading !!  〉
Hi again, friends !! This is Boone ( 19+ / MDT / HE & HIM ) and you may recognize me as the typist behind Vive’s maknae, Yoo Rioh. I’ve decided to bring in another muse! Like Rioh, Michelle’s just starting out in her career and I can’t wait to see her grow. ♡ To find out more, please read onwards !! I can’t wait until she gets to meet all of your muses !! Oh, here are a few trigger warnings to look out for if you continue to read: mentions of drug addiction and parental abandonment; mentions of slut-shaming and misogyny.
𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖘.
𝖋𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖔.
𝖉𝖊𝖊𝖕 𝖉𝖎𝖛𝖊.
TRAJECTORY /  Michelle was born in Valley Glen, CA to David and Heesun Chae—the owners of a struggling restaurant in their neck of the woods. As a kid, she trained to become a figure skater, but when her father bailed on her and her mother because of a drug addiction, she couldn’t afford the expenses for coaching, etc. so she retired from it for now.  /  Instead of being able to truly enjoy her youth, she had to pick-up after school jobs in order to help her mom with bills, and for awhile, her only source of comfort was spent with guys that showed her affection. Her relationships with boys grossly gave her the title of a “whore” to her peers, so she sadly didn’t have many friends to lean on in high school.  /  Originally traveled to Korea to earn a nursing degree from SNU, but got scouted by BCE on her first day—prompting her to drop out of school to focus primarily on training. This enraged her mother as the plan was for her to become a nurse so they no longer had to worry about money.  /  After only a few months of training, she’s selected to debut as a member of Chroma. OTHER FACTS /  Not mentioned in her biography is the fact that she grew up in a fairly religious family. Mom and dad were raised Christian, so they raised their daughter the same. She was never into church, though. She always felt as though she was being judged harshly by the others in attendance. Hell, she even thought that of her mother quite often. Her style was never as pristine as her mom would’ve liked and no one understood her interests in the occult, in anime, in video games, and so forth. By the time she was eighteen, she stopped showing up to service altogether—which her mom didn’t like, but respected nevertheless.  /  She still likes to skate in her spare time... but she doesn’t really have any nowadays. You’d think that she’d be in the dance line due to her past in performance, but since she stopped skating, she’s lost a lot of her flexibility and power. She hopes to improve though!  /  She’s never had many close female friends, so she looks forward to hopefully bonding with her members as they grow closer. This is something she wants to change about herself a lot. INSPIRATION /  For Michelle, I pulled a lot of inspiration from a few different characters from television series, mainly Cassie Howard from Euphoria; Manuella “Manny” Santos from Degrassi: The Next Generation; Tessa Campanelli from Degrassi JH / High; and Britney Orton from We Are Who We Are, among others!
01.  On the surface, Michelle’s reasonably pleasant to be around. She has a deep interest in people, especially those she’s close to, so if you’re a friend of her’s, she genuinely wants to know all about you and deeply cares about how you’re feeling / doing. Some might perceive this high level of intrigue as romantic, and she’s... not ever really going to confirm or deny those types of feelings. She’s a huuuge believer in love and doesn’t want to end up like her parents, but also has no idea what she’s doing when it comes down to it. She didn’t have the best example to look up to, so you know. 02.  Michelle’s really talkative, and she’s witty, and she knows how to charm the pants off of most people, and while that’s loud and present in her character, she also has many faults. For one, her emotions are really strong and her mood is easily affected by others and events that occur in day-to-day life, so she has a tendency of being moody. That, and she also isn’t the best “rule follower” either. Does she care that there’s a dating ban in place for she and Chroma? Absolutely not. Did she experiment with drugs and alcohol in high school when they were forbidden to her? Yes. She’s not the best at making decisions, but she believes that taking risks shape better people... even if that belief’s a little skewed. 03.  Some people say that she might be a little too “sweet” for her own good sometimes and she’s prone to getting her heart stomped on, but she’s not all that innocent. While she’s a huge believer in love, she’s not exactly good at it. She enters in and out of relationships all the time, and she loves the honeymoon phase, but whenever it starts to get too “real,” she gets nervous and bails. Abandonment issues FTW? A very strong possibility. 04.  She’s also empathic to a fault on occasion. It’s easy for her to pick up on the emotions of others and it’s hard for her not to carry them on her shoulders. She’s had a difficult time learning that boundary for herself, and well, at this point, she doesn’t even realize that it’s a thing. Mother taught her how to be kind and nurturing towards loved ones, but she can take it to a degree that isn’t healthy for anyone—especially if love / romance is involved. 05.  Her chattiness can sometimes land her in trouble, but that’s because she has a hard time filtering what she says. Her mind runs a mile a minute and her speaking patterns are similar, so sadly, she can’t control what comes out of her mouth sometimes... pray for her.
01.  If I were to make any sort of “claim” on what I imagine her voice sounding like, it’d be a lot like J from STAYC, maybe with a little mix of fromis_9′s Seoyeon. There’s a delicate husk there, and it’s a little lower than the others, but it’s extremely recognizable and unique. That is her biggest asset as a singer and rapper. She’s not had enough time to truly make drastic improvements to either skill given her short stint as a trainee, but she’s working really hard to get better and doesn’t want to be seen as just a pretty face forever. 02.  Dance-wise, she’s actually pretty strong—just nowhere near as trained as Chroma’s dance line. Due to her extensive background in figure skating ( and a little bit of ballet ), she’s got a really natural gracefulness to all of her moves; a fluidity that allows for strong body rolls, etc. Additionally, she focuses on clarity and sharpness, angles, as that’s what she’s most familiar with. Michelle also has great control of her hip-area and often adds variations to moves using her hips. If I were to select a reference, I’d say Oh My Girl’s Arin and TWICE’s Mina. Some of her faults are that her movements are often too light and soft, so whenever power is needed, she lacks strength there. She also has a tendency of making choreography look a little “sensual” without necessarily intending to. 03.  Loooves when people call her Mish or Chelle/Shell. Honestly, she adores nicknames—both giving and receiving them. She’s also a heavy user of pet names in conversation, but tries her best to stop if people are uncomfortable with it. 04.  Michelle’s typically not afraid of making her affections known, even early on. She’s the type that’ll definitely hit on you if she thinks you’re handsome / attractive, and goes with the flow if the person responds positively. If she gets really cozy with you, she can come off as clingy in the beginning, but that typically subsides with time. That’s applicable to both her friendships and her romantic relationships. 05.  Her public image is similar to that of Alice in Wonderland and Snow White—beauties with fair skin and wide eyes; imaginative and curious; trapped in purity and sweetness; soft, feminine, and delicate—but with a slight “edge” because of her rapping and quick wit. It’s hard for her to keep up with it all the time—especially when she’s a bit different personally—and she’s barely starting in her career. She hopes it evolves over time. 06.  She’s decided to go by her Korean name as an idol because it made the most sense, to be honest. Though, a few other stage names tossed around were: Chelle, Wooah, Hayan, Rozy, and Baekseol. In the end, she’s happy she’s just Rorin or Michelle to everyone.
This section will be updated when her plots page is complete. Please look forward to it !! I’m getting it done as fast as I can. In the meantime, I’m happy to brainstorm and look over your muses’ plots pages too !! ♡
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