#not trying to be salty but I’m super tired of and squicked out by the amount of like….pedo-coding I see in the x reader fics
thesesoldierboysarebi · 4 months
Will mostly be reblogging for a while I think, but I’m gonna be real, 70 percent of my reason for making this blog in the hopes of writing was that I noticed a big chunk of CoD x reader posts on this hellsite have readers with like…concerningly low ages. There’s a lot of reader character minor-coding going on, and it’s weirdling me out (no shade to young writers, I know a lot of the reason is that a majority of CoD fanfic writers are 18-25 here, which, yk, fair that you wanna see self-inserts with similar ages).
But as I said, it gives me the ick, so if/when I end up writing x reader, I wanna go ahead and make it clear that I will not be writing a reader character in a romantic/sexual position BELOW the age of 25 at most. Most of the Call of Duty men are, like, 28 at the youngest, and I’m more inclined to write reader characters with matching ages, especially afab readers.
In other words? I’m gonna write milfs and dilfs. I’m gonna write top!reader. I’m gonna write unhinged women that leave the various men of TF141 screaming crying throwing up. I will NOT be writing virginal, innocent, or overly naive reader characters; I do not do minor-coding. Y’all have been warned.
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resting-meme-face · 5 years
Salty asks: 1 (any fandom), 6 (any fandom), 11 (any fandom), 13 (10, 12, 13), 22 (any fandom)
Fuck it, gonna do Doctor Who for all of them because I’m in that mood.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
I generally don’t get ONE true pairings for the Doctor at all? Like, the Doctor is thousands of years old. I don’t understand people who ship them with one person and are like, “But they only ever loved THAT PERSON. Because THAT PERSON is SPESHUL! :D” Like shit, they also love a flying spaceship box, I think they got enough love in their hearts (TWO OF THEM) to love a bunch of different people. 
I’m trying to think if there’s any particular ship where I just DON’T see it, where there’s like no evidence or anything and it just doesn’t make sense. Like I don’t like 10/Rose, but there’s plenty of evidence, y’anno? Until recently, I woulda been there with 13/Yaz, but then Yaz was basically, “Oh, no, yeah, I’m a little bit in love with her.”
I guess....is 13/Bill a thing? Because if it is, I don’t like that at all. I’m not saying Bill wouldn’t freak out that one of the only solid family figures in her life turned into a woman who isn’t *not* her type, but man, I feel like Bill would have more sense than that.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I’m a lot more amenable to 13/Yaz than I used to be. But it still squicks me to a decent extent. Like Doctor/19-year-old girls is never a dynamic I’ve been particularly comfortable with, all the way back to 9/Rose. There’s a power difference there that’s not great. Plus, a lot of women I’ve talked to, at right around 19, had this one REALLY NOT GREAT boyfriend, the kind that led them down a bit of a wrong path or was emotionally distant at best and abusive at worst, usually older than them with some power imbalance, frequently very attractive and charismatic tho. 
The Doctor? They’re that boyfriend.
And like, Yaz deserves so much better? I got kind of sick of Rose, but she deserved better too. 
Like, I like ship dynamics that are fucked up (duh, I’m a huge Doctor/Master fan), but I don’t like ship dynamics where one person really doesn’t have any clue what they’re getting into at all. And at 19, if you’re tryna get in the pants of a Lonely God, you do not have any clue what you’re doing man.
Anyway, I’ve read some good 13/Yaz recently, some of which has explored this power imbalance, so yeah.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
This used to be Clara, but then Clara had a big renaissance. Um....I feel like most people don’t like Graham as much as I like Graham...
I...uh...kinda ship Graham/13 quite a bit actually.
Oh! Nardole! A bunch of people hated fucking Nardole, but I even shipped 12/Nardole something fierce...
I think I’m sensing a pattern. 
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13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
10th Doctor
I think 10 is the worst, most unDoctor-ish Doctor, perhaps ever, but certainly in Nu!Who. I know that that is a super duper Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Hot Take, but I genuinely believe it. RTD did a lot of things with 10 that I don’t think are particularly consistent with the character before or since, and I didn’t like them. I know he’s the favorite of most people, especially nu!Who fans, but I cannot like him. I think the best thing 10 gave us was SOME Time Lord Victorious stuff, but even then that went too far.
12th Doctor
I...didn’t like Series 10 that much. I loved Bill and the Vault arc, but I’m not sure...that 12 was needed in Series 10. I almost would have preferred 12 regenerate and another Doctor do that. 
I know! I know! Blasphemy. And 12 is genuinely my fave Doctor of all time, it’s just he felt so warn out and tired in Series 10. It felt so tacked on. And I think part of that was the fault of the fact that Moffat had been running the show for so long that he was running out of tricks and avenues to explore, so actually HAVING another Doctor wouldn’t have solved anything, but still, yeah...them’s my facts.
13th Doctor
IDK how popular/unpopular this is, but she absolutely bored me shitless in S11. She was very flat and facile, a bit hypocritical, but not in an interesting way that was being explored, just in a face-value way. Like, obviously I watched every episode and I enjoyed it to a point, but I’m so glad things progressed, especially in terms of her characterization. 
22. Popular character you hate?
Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 10th Doctor as you might have been able to tell. Man fuck everything involving him and the way he treats Martha.
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