#not used to writing skeppy
mecchantheotaku · 6 months
Ooh, can you do that sickfic where Skeptic gets a coughing fit and Hunted helps him
Sorry for taking so long to get to this! Anyway, time for some more STP Voices Sickfics!
Note, this is non canon to my AU due to Drowned Grey being mentioned and that path not being part of my AU.
"Thanks for bringing me back here..."
As soon as he finished that, Skeptic burst into another coughing fit.
He'd been waiting outside for Quiet to return, but it started raining. Next thing he knew, hours had passed and he'd suffered from too much cold water hitting his body.
Luckily, Hunted was there and brought him back inside.
"That light coat of yours can protect you from mild cold, but it's useless against the rain. And the rain was far more than just mildly cold. You need shelter."
Hunted wrapped Skeptic up in a blanket after removing his coat and cardigan.
Skeptic took off his glasses. They were all smudged from the rain. He'd have to clean them later.
"It's okay. I learn from mistakes." Skeptic said, before coughing some more.
Hunted put a hand to Skeptic's forehead.
"You're burning up. You've been out there too long. I don't know how to treat this, so I'll go to the others for advice. You stay here."
Skeptic felt a little sheepish at being fussed over. He was not used to that. But if it meant he'd get better soon, he understood.
Little did he know, that was the last rational thought he'd have for a while.
Hunted came back with some medicine and soup packets.
"They suggested I stick to these for now and..."
Hunted stared at Skeptic in concern, seeing him sobbing and coughing more violently than before. The sobbing was particularly unusual, as he's not the sort of person that cries easily.
"Are you... alright?"
Hunted carefully approached Skeptic.
"Can't... get much breaths in... help..."
Skeptic could barely speak with how much he was coughing.
Hunted brought Skeptic back onto the sofa and gently checked his temperature again. It was hotter than before.
"You're not thinking clearly. Not with all that mess in you. You need to rest and recover. I have medicine and soup. That should help."
Skeptic grabbed Hunted's shirt with his shaking hands, his eyes begging for him to not leave him alone.
Hunted sat down next to Skeptic. It was painful seeing one of the most rational and level-headed of them reduced to this.
Skeptic began coughing again. It sounded painful, so Hunted bolted for the kitchen and got a glass of water for Skeptic to have with his medicine.
"This will do you good. I trust it will." Hunted assured Skeptic as he took the medicine.
After a while, the coughing became less intense and the fever went down a little. Skeptic could finally think again.
"Sorry about that..."
"It's alright. You weren't thinking clearly in that state."
Skeptic sighed, now that he could. He didn't want to have to open up to someone like this, but... he had to, didn't he?
"It's... not just that. Being in that state reminded me of... the time I drowned."
Hunted stared at Skeptic, and then grabbed his hand sympathetically.
"I'm... sorry that happened to you. Was it with a version of her? One I didn't see?"
Skeptic then felt more at ease. More like he could open up.
"Yes. It was. We failed to save that version, so she drowned us. Something about... sharing her pain. I understand why, but..."
Hunted pulled Skeptic into a gentle hug.
"But she still hurt you. You don't have to put up a wall right now. You don't have to just get over it. You can be vulnerable. We're safe now."
Skeptic let himself cry a bit more. He needed to at the moment.
"I'm not used to being safe."
"Neither am I. But I know that we are."
The heavy breathing from Skeptic's crying sent him back into another coughing fit.
"Easy. Don't overdo it. I'll make you some soup. That should help."
Hunted headed into the kitchen to make the soup.
Skeptic dried his tears. He didn't know when he'd be used to being safe, but it was reassuring to know he wasn't alone.
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froggyrights · 1 year
People that know skephalo lore: do bad and skeppy call each other by their real names in private? And is it common/generally accepted to use their real names in fics or should I stick to their IGNs?
Also is anyone here that knows their lore that wouldn't mind me asking u a lot of questions. For research
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Could you write a how c!dsmp react to sick reader? I've had a bad cold for a few days now, and I could really use dome cheering up!
If you don't want to or can't, I completely understand.
Please take care of your self, so you don't end up sick like me!
Of course!!
How C!Dsmp members react to you being sick!
I’m very mad at tumblr for deleting my work so these will be pretty short and to the point
✰ Antfrost
He’d stare at you for a while. Before making sure you got the rest you needed
✰ Awesamdude
He’d throw you into the prison guard room till you got better.
Very worried, very sweet making sure you were getting better
✰ Captain Puffy
Mom vibes, “need anything kiddo.”
✰ Dream
Could care less, “you know it’s not fun when you’re sick so get better.”
✰ Eret
Such a sweetheart, would bring you into a guest room to have someone come in and take care of you
✰ Foolish
Likely calls someone else to help you out, being as he’s very ‘busy’
✰ Fundy
He’d try to help and end up sick probably worse off than you.
✰ Georgenotfound
He’s either the reason your sick or tells you just to sleep it off.
✰ Jschlatt
“Just don’t get me sick alright?” Is definitely an ass about it.
✰ Jack Manifold
Has no idea how to help you at all.
He’s giving 👁👄👁
✰ Karl
Makes you oatmeal cookies, to make breakfast easier to pass to you. Expect constant tea refills.
✰ Niki
An Angel, keeps a soft music playing to soothe your headaches and probably makes bread for you.
✰ Ph1lza
Dad vibes, this man has everything prepared.
“Tommy used to be sick all the time I’m used to this.”
✰ Quackity
“Hey now you’re not working the casino in these conditions.”
Takes you up into one of the many spare rooms and has slimecicle bring you food water and checks your temperature till you feel better. He’s busy but will make time for you.
✰ Ranboo
I HC enderman can’t catch human virus’s. He’d be eager to help seeing that he can’t catch it. He’d bring you mushroom soup.
✰ Sapnap
Probably got you sick, “eww you’re gross” makes someone else look after you and acts like it never happened.
✰ Skeppy
Has no idea, would try for a while before inevitably calling Bad to come help.
✰ Slimecicle
Absolutely fascinated, constantly watching over. But he would fetch whatever you asked for. Like a dog he’s just watching.
“Human illness is neat.”
“Don’t worry about training your body is doing enough fighting right now.” Words of encouragement to you.
“Beat the cold Y/N”
Constantly feeding you baked potatoes.
✰ Tommyinnit
Either why do got sick or the most unhelpful person.
Oh your sick means I’ll talk to you “keeping you company”
✰ Tubbo
He has a child he gets how hard it is on your body, would keep a cold towel around tea and honey would be his staple.
✰ Wilbur
Tries really hard to help you feel better but really just makes it worse then calls either Phil or Quackity depending on his mood. So
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Dark SBI Mafia AU because I reread yours, and I watch too much General Hospital.
Techno is a struggling college student. Not struggling with grades, oh no. He has perfect grades. All of the assigned work? Too easy. What he actually struggling with? Money.
His asshole parents wanted him to stay local for college, but he wasn't going to do that. He was destined for greatness. He was a shoe-in for an ivy league school. He did fencing as an extra curricular, he had perfect grades, he had written KILLER entrance essays. It was a done deal. He was leaving his podunk small town and going off to become the next great american author.
But all of his applications were rejected.
Techno was incredibly upset with himself, thinking he had somehow messed up. But, after doing a little "legal adjacent" searching, he finds out his parents used shady connections to get his college apps rejected.
Instead of getting mad and calling them on it, he quietly (and quickly) applies to a different school. Not ivy league, but still having a FANTASTIC writing program.
He gets in and he tells his parents he is going to a different college than the community college and they flip their lid. It's a huge argument and Techno stomps out of the house and goes to stay with his friend Skeppy.
He stays with Skeppy until he graduates, completely ignoring everytime his parents try to contact him. He's 18, they can't do shit to make him go home. Skeppy is a good friend, and applies to the same school that Techno did (and gets in). Techno never told his parents WHICH school he was accepted to, because he didn't want them to sabotage him. So, he and Skeppy get an apartment together the Fall that school starts.
Hence why Techno needs money. He didn’t get as much scholarship money as he needed because he applied late. He's a shoe in to get more grants next year, but this year is pretty slim.
So, he starts a little business of writing people's essays for them.
Doesn't matter the subject, level, or length, Techno will write your essay for you. He charges by the grade. Oh, you only have $70? I can't get you more than a C on that one, bud. Like, Techno is really only in college for the diploma. He already knows all this crap. It's honestly a little boring to him. But if he wants to get a doctorate, he has to play the game. And, if anything, all the writing is just more practice for Techno.
His teachers are none the wiser. It's not like it pings a plagerism scan. Techno is writing each one individually. How would they know?
Well, one teacher knows. Or, at least suspects. But he can't prove it.
Anyways, Techno is all about that money grind, which gets a little hard when Skeppy starts throwing parties in their apartment.
Skeppy is polite about it. He always tells Techno ahead of time that parties are happening. He makes sure everyone knows that Techno's room is a No-Go. And honestly, Techno ABSOLUTELY advertises his essay sells at these parties. At least, he does so before people get too drunk and loud, and then he quickly retreats to his room. He had splurged on soundproofing. It's much more quiet.
However, one night he stays out at the library late and when he fights his way through Skeppy's party to get to his room he sees someone sleeping in his bed.
Wait, not sleeping, passed out absolutely WASTED.
And the guy...looks almost exactly like Techno.
That's weird. Seems like the start to a bad horror film. But Techno is too tired to deal with this and tries to shake awake the jerk that's snoozing in his bed.
He doesn't get anywhere with that. The lanky bastard doesn't wake at all but GOSH does be sleep slap! Bruh. Techno doesn't have time for this. Techno finds the guys wallet and phone and pulls up the emergency contacts.
He calls the option labeled Dad. Screw this guy, hopefully he gets chewed out by his dad for underage drinking or something.
A person answers, sounding annoyed that Wilbur ditched family night.
"Uh, I have your son."
Silence, and then the guy on the other end starts the threats, asking for demands and Techno backpedals hard, telling him that Wilbur is just drunk passed out in his bed and someone needs to come grab him.
The voice on the other end is just like "Oh, oops. Okay, I'll come grab him."
Techno has to drag mostly unconscious drunk Wilbur through the party. The dude is fighting him with every step. Techno is getting a WORK OUT.
Techno finally makes it out of his apartment and sees a very shiny black car. A driver steps out and opens a back door. Techno was assuming that he was just going to drop Wilbur in there before a blonde man steps out.
The guy is kind of staring until Techno breaks the silence. The guy hurries forward to help. Wilbur mutters nonsense as Phil sets him in the back of the car.
Phil thanks Techno and Techno brushes it off as no big. Until Phil offers money and hey, Techno isn't going to say no to money. And the guy gives him, like, $2000 cash. Is that sketchy? Yes. Does Techno care? Nope.
They say their goodbyes and Techno walks back into the apartment, a little exhausted.
He doesn't notice Phil staring after him like a hawk, before climbing into the car.
Phil maneuvers Wilbur's head into his lap. He looks down at his son, his oldest son who was born a twin. Who's twin was stolen when they were only DAYS old, Phil preoccupied with helping his wife who had had a really traumatic birth.
A twin he had thought dead, the person who had stolen his son having spit that in his face when he had slit their throat.
Phil pulled out his phone and started making calls.
When Wilbur starts hanging around Techno, he assumes that the guy wants a discount on essays. Fat chance. He charges Skeppy double, he's not giving this guy any leeway.
Yet Wilbur hangs around, constantly asking prying questions. Wanting to know more about Techno. Pestering Techno in the library. Following Techno to the dang bathroom.
The guy is relentless, but Techno isn't...bothered, per se. The attention is nice. Skeppy had made a new friend named Bad and spent a ton of time with him. He kept encouraging Techno to make more friends, too.
Well, what could another friend hurt?
It's surely fiiiineee.
Have a good day.
I kept this ask hostage for so long, it's been collecting dust in my ask box for over a MONTH. But only because I wanted to come back and keep rereading it. This is SO GOOD, and my brain has brrr thoughts in many different dimensions. Especially about how Techno's 'adoptive' parents could factor into this...
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sethdomain · 4 months
Hi!! I just saw your recent dsmp post and I don’t blame you for hating cdream- that guy has kinda done some shit to people… but on the point about the dsmp ending I feel like I should kinda clear something up? I don’t think ctommy was apologizing to cdream bc he’s the one who did the most damage, I think he was apologizing for the literal nukes he just sent to them lmao- I think with enough time cdream would’ve apologized too (cause he had more to apologize for) but tbh ctommy is kinda right- they both kinda fucked each other up!! I thought the ending was really beautiful and tragic actually but that’s just my opinion. There's more I could say but I don’t wanna annoy you too much lmao, sorry for the word dump- happy to see tumblr folks still talking about dsmp :D
now that i rewatched, u kinda right about the apologizing part. To the missiles. And I guess that make more sense.
For the sentiment that c!tommy fucked c!dream too, erm idk about that. c!Dream moreso just project every single bad thing that has ever happened to himself as c!Tommy fault while its clear he's some sort of ego driven maniac thats obsessive and controlling toward c!tommy life to an unhealthy degree that he literally commissioned c!Sam to built a literal pandora box prison to isolate him.
Also I don't know why most people choose to ignore this, but c!Dream has always wanted to exile c!Tommy in the first place, this is evidence by the fact that he once tried to frame c!Tommy for the destruction of c!bad and c!skeppy house, c!dream has always use the defense that c!Tommy is destructive and dangerous and need to be exiled, but I disagree, its more than that. It has always been about control. If c!Tommy hadn't burnt c!George house down, c!Dream would still want him to be exiled and he will make it happend
And also, yes i acknowledge that c!Dream is mentally unstable. That explain his behavior, but it does not excuse his abusive behavior. Honestly this one a big problem in the reading/writing of dsmp story, i'd even argue bastardzation of mental illness is one of the biggest problem of dsmp but 🤫🤫🤫🤫
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dwtdog · 6 months
yeah i get you i didnt wanna get into specifics about how dream changes peoples brain chemistry but yeah like they are good looking and are successful but at the end of the day they are nerds who love computers and minecraft. And people expect more them like oh they're famous they should have these cool lives when usually people don't like they all do the same things everyone else more or less does. Like halsey doesn't have an eventful life she is a mother with a great husband. BTS are all just fucking dorks who all love different things like gaming, outdoors, architecture, dramas, acting, and writing songs
OHH i think i get it more now yesyes they do just have normal lives they just have access to more things because of money than the average person would 😭 like tbh who among us WOULDNT spend a shit ton of money making the birthday party of our dreams with skeppy copters and llamas 😌
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mynameisnotsoda · 7 months
Explaining my entire dsmpsona playlist because I can
P.s. every mention of Soda in this post isn't me, i just dont feel like putting c! In front of it every single time LMAO
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Also i dont think i ever posted the ref on tumblr!!?!??! Criminal but putting it here is better methinks
I also put this in my studentbur playlist, which feels fitting for both of them. However for Adam its more metaphorical whereas with Soda its more literal.
I have my own shapeshifter lore that's loitering in my brain that i need to write down eventually BUT the basics are essentially that shapeshifters are "born" from the planet. They CAN come from other shapeshifters but only once and most choose not to have a bio kid.
So basically, Soda literally popped out of the ground one day, was found by Sapnap and then adopted by Bad and Skeppy. Soda was maybe physically 9/10 years old and was so curious about the world and excited to experience life. If any creature could possibly be made of pure love, its them.
Growing up Soda got REALLY attached to Bad, they clung onto him a lot and it was to the point where it was probably unhealthy. Of course Bad noticed, which made him actually set some boundaries despite not really wanting to. Skeppy was able to convince him, though, as when it comes to the kids hes the voice of reason.
So, Bad would start off by telling Soda that he was going to be gone, leading up to him just disappearing for maybe a few hours at a time before eventually coming back. Eventually Soda was able to function without Bad, but that ended up backfiring as they just latched onto Sapnap instead.
With Soda's attachment to their brother, they tagged along with him when he went out fairly often but after being weened off of Bad it became more frequent. Soda and Sapnap were practically attached at the hip, regardless of Sapnap's protesting.
With a group of teenagers they were obviously doing some reckless, stupid shit and Soda was just along for the ride! At first Dream and George hated Soda—they were just Sapnap's annoying younger sibling—but eventually they got used to Soda being around. Especially since they may have persuaded Soda to use their shapeshifting for nefarious purposes.
At first everyone found Soda adorable, their cheery optimism, endless energy and amusing naivety was a part of their charm. But then it became...obnoxious.
Sapnap always had a short temper, he tried his best to handle it, but sometimes he'd just snap at Soda when they became too much of a handful. He was always quick to apologize but it affected Soda deeply.
Soda very much struggled with any sort of negative emotions, when they felt it—it hit them hard. One day, it was enough to send them spiraling, having a panic attack alone in their room. This was also the first time memories of their past lives resurfaced. At first it was rather intriguing, though a jumpscare, but then it just got worse.
It seemed like Soda's lives were always filled with turmoil and a constant feeling of dread. The stronger their emotions became the more fragments of memories would appear. Soda didn't tell anyone about this.
Skipping much further ahead, Soda obviously sided with the Dteam during the revolution. They were family, in Soda's eyes at least. Which made it incredibly easy for Dream to use that to his advantage. He used them in every way that he could to win the war, even going as far as to try and make Soda resent Tommy and Tubbo. Soda was a spy, mostly, turning into a cat to effortlessly infiltrate the enemy. They heard and saw everything, but part of them felt bad for it, so they never told Dream everything. He noticed.
The horrors of being a child soldier.
Dream's obsession with power and control was never obvious, not to his friends and certainly not to Soda. They truly believed he had good intentions despite going to war with Wilbur. Then again, Soda doesn't understand what war really is. But the pressure to keep up with Dream's demands and avaid his increasing irritably became exhausting and overwhelming. Yet Soda believed it was their fault.
Tubbo and Tommy weren't safe from the horrors either, they had that much in common with Soda. The three of them went through hell, basically.
Aaaand tumblr wont let me add more songs so im cutting this into parts through reblogs. I'll probably continue this later (bc its almost 2am pFF) and might post the second part before i go to sleep like im doing now :P
I am cringe but I am free
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
hii! Is it alright that write all DSMP x reader but the DSMP (either cc or c) turns into their opposite gender? And they all like being confuse about their new shape of body and voice?? If you are okay with this one :D
Hallo, thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy <3
Reader discovers Genderbend!DSMP
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Ps. Everyone is CC! Other then C!Phil and C!Techno. And I didn't include Eret, cause I feel like they're pretty genderfluid in their style already, so nothing would change
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❝ Dream ❞
He's smug about it
Like "Oh wow, I have boobs, lemme check" kind of smug
Idk why but I can see him being so proud of being a women and looking attractive
To the point where he uses it against you and makes you question your sexuality lol
❝ Georgenotfound ❞
George would be too embarrassed to show himself
He doesn't hate how he looks, he's just shy about showing you specifically
You have to reassure him many many times that it's ok and that you'll love him no matter what
And when he comes out you just can't help but shower him in compliments
❝ Sapnap ❞
I can see him wanting to try womens clothes, to feel just how they are
He chickens out a little, cause he has to see boobs to change, but after he's just showing off his new fits and acting like he's in one of those "make over scenes" in the movies
Like, yeah, he could have done it before in his man body, but it's a different experience in a womans body
Not a fan of heels and he feels bad for you if you wear them
❝ Badboyhalo + Skeppy ❞
Bad's completely flustered and all over the place, it takes him a while to get used to bring in a woman's body
Skeppy is absolutely loving it and planning the amout of youtube videos he can make out of this situation haha
I imagine you three making many make up and outfit videos, just for pure entertainment
Just leaving the fans confused to wth happened
❝ Quackity ❞
Is all he has to say
He wears the same thing, hoodies and a beanie, and just moves on with his life
But he does freak out when going to the bathroom, cause yk
Makes many jokes about you liking him more cause he has boobs now haha
❝ Karl Jacobs ❞
Especially stuff he couldn't wear before, for fear of backlash
Karl definetly starts trying all different types of styles and clothings
I can see him liking very flowy skirts and puffy ones too; he finds them very comfy and adorable to wear
You definetly make him wear the strawberry dress, you literally have been waiting for an opportunity to do so-
And make up, lots of make up!
❝ Wilbur Soot ❞
"My eyes are up here buddy"
He tells you when you first found him in this new form
Honestly nothing much changes, other then the fact that he's more flirty and confident lol
Also imagine him in cute light academia outfits!!!
❝ C!Philza & C!Technoblade❞
You had to stifle a laugh when you first saw them
The two just contacted you with an "s.o.s" and a "come here asap", so you thought the worst
But instead you found two women in the place of the two men you knew
Phil actually looked a lot like Mumza with his long curly hair
Nothing much changed for Techno, other then the fact that he would absolutely not get out of his cloak because his "body felt too revealing"
Poor Techno :'D
❝ Nihachu ❞
She's a pretty boy
One of those boys that are born with pretty privileged, like George
[Not that she doesn't already have it-]
She honestly likes the change and is still comfortable wearing "femminine" clothes
You can't help but be mesmerized by how adorable she looks, even as a male
❝ Punz ❞
"Who wears the pants in the relationship now?!" you happily bragged as you saw Punz
Man wouldn't move from the bed, he was in shock at the discovery of his new body
A little interested, but mostly shocked
Jokes aside, you stayed by his side and reassured him that he looked absolutely beautiful no matter what
And with a bit of buttering up, he got comfortable enough to show off his new body
He looked like a babe, obviously
❝ FoolishGamers ❞
Man's still beafy, muscle and all
We love big strong beafy women!!
He feels a bit weird, but mostly doesn't see must change
He also tried wearing heels for fun, bad idea
For some reason I imagine you and Tina making him give you two a bit of a fashion show
Maybe inviting female Karl too haha
Imagine the stream y'all would have!!
❝ Awesamdude ❞
Sam is confident
Like yes, I am the most beautiful women you have ever seen
Bow down to such beauty u.u
Nothing much changes with him either, he feels great in how he looks and loves every second if it
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conarcoin · 1 year
im gonna be honest i really don't understand the real name complaint for dsmp in particular anymore because like other than "it's not rpf" which is fundamentally impossible for us to sort out, nearly every tag in dsmp with a name is either... part of their branding, what they're primarily known by, or literally listed on the dsmp wiki...
it's not like we're actively trying to insert names into tags either, we've chosen to exclude or shorten names before on request or due to manner of it being revealed (e.g. techno and aimsey) and we have several tags where someone's actual name is known but we don't insert it bc it would be a pain in the ass (e.g. tommy and wilbur)
and it's like. idk y'all, i feel like at some point you guys kind of need to recognize that people like bbh, skeppy, and foolish's full names are literally public knowledge and not some secret dug up thing to act scandalized over. and believe it or not, some people are in fact writing rpf, even if most of you aren't...
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 11 months
Do you perhaps want to info dump about your DSMP superpower AU?
Totally not asking to procrastinate on literally writing my own. Nah. I don’t even know what procrastination is.
Okay so! Where should I start? *rubs hands like that one evil toddler cousin on Christmas*
The background setting!
So the fic already has a name, but I'm keeping it AND the MC secret as a lil surprise for when the fic is eventually published. All I will say about it is, it's not Tommy. *gasp*
Tommy does appear though, so I'll start there to avoid detection I think.
He works at the bakery(yes, it's owned by Niki Nihachu), which is right around the corner from the hero headquarters. So heroes are always stopping by for baked goods, especially since Niki's girlfriend, Puffy, has a son who's one of the top heroes, and he told all his friends about how good the bakery is.
And, of course, true to all the clichés, Tommy and his two roommates work as vigilantes. They don't work only at night, though. They work at lunchtime as well, since they all get an hour of lunch break & a lot of villains are out and about around that time. Counterintuitive, but then again, there are a lot of people in the streets to nab as hostages, and some villains actively seek out heroes to fight anyway. Like Redrum, known as the sharp-clawed, since he's apparently a catshifter (or general shapeshifter, who knows) who goes around stabbing heroes.
Tubbo works at the mechanics, his boss is retired hero/hero trainer Sam Dude(known as Warden during his time)! Sam retired among controversy though, because of issues surrounding the Hero HQ's former resident healer/ex-licensed hero, Lemon Balm. Tubbo couldn't care less though, Sam's nice and lets him take spare parts home for inventing(read: making vigilante gadgets).
Ranboo helps out at the local library, with Technoblade(last name unknown) as his boss! They're also the first out of the vigilante team Bench Trio to find out that Techno is the Blood God, one of the most popular vigilantes currently active, and one half of the elusive Emerald Duo.
Phil runs a bird shelter, and when he's out as the Angel of Death, he sometimes lets the crows from the shelter follow him around!
Kristin is a hero-turned-vigilante, formerly Miss Trixtin, currently the Goddess of Death. She's a bit busy with her day job atm though so she's taking a bit of a break from her vigilante job.
Wilbur is their son who left home after an argument about vigilantism not helping reform the corrupt hero system. He's a villain called Silver Tongue now. He keeps stealing important stuff from the Hero HQ with Fundy. He gets pretty close with Tommy after regularly visiting his (adoptive) son's workplace :D
Bench Trio's vigilante names are Aerie(Tommy- telekinesis + singing to plants to make them grow), Bee Bomb(Tubbo- honey colored explosive energy balls & metal manipulation), and Endgame(Ranboo- teleportation & compression, plus they can bite through anything)!
(Double powers are uncommon but not too rare, triple powers are EXTREMELY rare.)
Tommy's bakery coworkers are Fundy Soot(villain- helps his adoptive father, Wilbur, on his little outings. Ability to go unnoticed by everyone and anyone. It works on technology as well. He's also a general shapeshifter in theory, but he can't transform into animals bigger than a fox.), Badboy Halo(civillian- he can make red vines grow out of the ground! This saved Skeppy's butt once, cuz they used to live in the same neighborhood & went to the same schools, and one time Skeppy fell off the flagpole of the middle school. Bad's vines caught him midair.), and later on Ant Frost(🤫).
Niki herself is actually a former hero who resigned, she got too much hate about her power(copying others' powers for a short while). Puffy, who was her partner, retired a few years later, since she'd decided to adopt the orphan boy who had applied for the hero training program, and she'd need more money than she was making as a hero who had lost most of her popularity. She became a therapist, and fully supported her new son Foolish throughout his hero training!
Puffy and Niki never really talked about their relationship, but since Puffy's power is reading minds & emotions, and Niki can copy her power, they didn't have to. One day they just started telling people they were taken, and that was that.
Foolish is a popular hero who can call up storms & has the additional power of building anything in the blink of an eye! His partner(both work AND romantic) is Eret, who can control people's actions if they catch sight of her glowing white eyes. Their hero names are the Golden Shark and Monarch respectively.
Tina is also a hero, she graduated the hero training program with Foolish, but her powers(always landing on her feet when she falls, enhanced senses including night vision, and stealth) coincide too much with the top hero, Dream(can't get hurt from falling, slowing down time to give himself time to think, some enhanced agility), and she didn't get very popular. This will soon change though, Tina is the GOAT and everyone will know it.
Speaking of Tina, Hannah Rose the retired hero! She runs a flower shop! She retired after one of her wings was ripped during a fight, the physical therapy took a while and her popularity dropped like a stone. She realized how unfair the hero system was to unpopular heroes and decided to retire. Her wings still haven't recovered, her flight balance is too off for her to even consider flying more than a few feet off the ground, and more than a few seconds.
Las Nevadas! Quackity! He's one of the rare triple powered people! Golden duck wings, can manipulate card-shaped objects(a form of telekinesis), and has the ability to control odds(only if he's aware of all the variables though. It won't work very well if there are unknown factors).
Charlie! May be an elder god, may be the devil, who knows! He can turn into green slime, create green slime(with various properties), and additionally, knows everything about everyone. Nobody actually knows if this is a power or not, but it's certainly terrifying paired with his cheerful, optimistic personality.
Purpled! His skin is basically invincible, fireproof, acidproof, poisonproof, you name it. He also has perfect aim, which is very handy since he's an assassin. His sibling Punz is also an assassin, but they has flight trajectory manipulation and his eyes can zoom in on anything.
Skeppy. He's not part of the mafia, but he might as well be becuase he's literally always there. Nobody knows how he does it. But. He. Is. Always. There. He can summon diamonds though so nobody's complaining😊 lol
(But seriously, he's also fun to hang out with and plan pranks with. The mafia world is full of people who want something from you/have ulterior motives, and it's nice to hang out with someone who doesn't want anything from you other than keeping him company and talking with him.)
Sam, Foolish and Punz are friends! Sam suspects Punz is mafia but keeps quiet about it(he isn't about to make the same mistake as last time), Foolish is oblivious. Punz loves his homies, but is stressed bc Foolish has a v strict moral code and would not be happy if he finds out Punz is mafia.
Uhhh who have I not talked about, KARLNAP. Sapnap was a vigilante(he failed the training program interview) who quickly got recruited by the heroes, Karl was the same but a while later! Sapnap got patrols with Dream and GeorgeNotFound(all three go by their actual names as heroes, though Sapnap's vigilante name was Flame) and immediately gained a huge following(besides his fans from his vigilante days), but Karl(a.k.a. Timekeeper) wasn't that well-known even as a vigilante. He didn't give up though, and trained extremely hard every day. Then one day Sapnap saw him in the training area and got an instant crush. They talked, Sapnap began asking to be paired with Karl for duo patrols, they started dating, and now they're both famous & known as the ultimate power couple :3
Hmm, it feels kinda anticlimactic to end like this, so have a codename compilation!
Tommy- Aerie(place to rest suspended in the air. Tommy can float things in the air so I thought the name fit.)
Tubbo- Bee Bomb(Bee Bombs are wildflower seed balls that you leave out in the garden/in pots to grow wildflowers. I thought Tubbo would like the name, since his energy balls are supposed to smell sweet like wildflower honey.)
Ranboo- Endgame(They're so overpowered with their teleportation and compression that Tommy and Tubbo insisted his appearance alone would signal the beginning of the endgame. Nicknamed Ender.)
Technoblade- the Blood God(obviously.)
Philza- the Angel of Death(also obviously.)
Wilbur- Silver Tongue(for his silver tongue.)
Fundy- either Nonexistent or Ghost, haven't really decided yet
Kristin- (formerly) Miss Trixtin, (currently) the Goddess of Death
Foolish- the Golden Shark
Tina- Carrot Cat
Eret- Monarch
Niki- (formerly) Copycat
Puffy- (formerly) Captain Puffy
Karl- Timekeeper
(Mafia Codename explanation here)
Quackity- Rey Club, King of Clubs
Purpled- Tyrian Spade
Punz- Lapis Lazuli Spade, Ace of Spades
Hannah- (formerly) Faerie, (currently) Bitterbriar Diamond
Skeppy- Adamant Heart(since he's always there anyway, they just gave him a codename.)
Charlie- Dresden Diamond, Jack of Diamonds
Ponk- Lemon Balm/Sorrento Heart(they still go by Lemon Balm as a vigilante)
Ant- Redrum
Eryn- Demon
Aimsey- Daisy(star and Eryn are villains who want to reform society as a whole by blowing up buildings. Only when they're empty tho cuz Aimsey doesn't want to kill ppl)
Velvet: Red Flag
Welp, that's all for now! If there's anything else you'd like to know, please feel free to ask further! I really enjoyed answering this, thank you so much for the ask! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
-Lilly xx
(P. S. Almost forgot; HBomb is the owner & sole employee of a cat café with a maid event on Saturdays.)
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etoilesbienne · 9 months
Nice to see that apparently we’ve all read it runs in the family. It was my guilty pleasure fic and i didn’t expect to see other people talking about it. I started reading it like a month after i got into bad and dsmp and i was /obsessed/. It’s one of those fics that changes your brain chemistry and makes you stare at a wall after reading it. To this day im still subbed to it on the off chance that it gets another chapter.
like genuinely its an enamoring fic it has an odd premise but like the author has so much potential in, like, being able to write genuinely engaging narratives. i'm shocked at how much setup is put into the work and you can tell where the narrative is going in a way that's like watching a trainwreck. You know exactly where it is going but the journey of getting there is so fascinating to watch.
anyway i want to ramble about what i liked and what i didn't like in the fic. so. huge reader discretion advised, go look at the other warnings i posted about this fic before reading this (also spoilers for the fic ahead)
like part of its most interesting facets is it is one of the few fics that tackles this sort of heavy subject matter of assault and kidnapping and doesn't really shy away from how genuinely negative it is and can be. like don't get me wrong ive enjoyed other psychological horror before, but it was, like, nice? to see the "pets" all be like genuinely upset and respond realistically to the situation they're in. no "they really like it secretly" undertone.
not a criticism but my favorite part of this story is the random ass normal human names they try to give everyone. they made skeppy have a white ass last name. bbh's name is Bad Halo. purpled doesn't even show up but his name is mentioned to be, like, "nolan purpled but he goes by purpled because his cheating whore of a mom named him nolan and he hates her" genuinely funniest line of the whole fic one of my favorites i can never ever forget it. i need to find all the human names in this theyre so fucking funny.
also badboyhalo? while he IS woobified and made much more demure and defanged, he's still like... that IS badboyhalo. his moments of complete suspicion at every encounter. his doubting. refusal to break the mould and rock the boat out if fear something bad would happen. VERY badboyhalo sentiments. also the fact the writer knew about skephalo divorce. going to be honest, looking at how their other work contains a6d, i think the writer was/is a bbh watcher. and then the schlatthalo. the fact they made schlatt ask to curse? and then bbh laughed when he did? this person understood both of these guys. they did their homework. schlatt isn't a megalomaniac evil villain one note. i don't know if i'd call both of them "in character" per say, but i can definitely say they had consistent characterization and i could understand how their characters got to these versions.
also the technohalo multifaceted concept? techno seeing bbh as too innocent? putting bbh on a pedestal and denying his humanity in that way? WILD. the setup and writing was all there for, like, bbh using his body and manipulating techno to turn against phil.
like the good parts of this fic are such crazy highs and peaks it makes the lows look so much worse.
speaking of which: wilbur soot.
by god is wilbur soot not a character, he is a force of nature and just continuous digging deeper on trying to fix a problem the writer accidentally started. none of sbi really are fleshed out or rounded characters, but wilbur soot is like by far getting the worst treatment. im not even a wilbur fan LOL.
he's supposed to be a schizophrenic serial killer which already isn't a great start, and then you watch the writer realize the issue and try to fix what they've started. this is when schizophrenic medicated slimecicle comes in. followed by badboyhalo looking at the camera and going Not All Mentally Ill People Are Bad. which was just really funny in such a morbid way. but then the writer DOES go in an interesting direction with phil denying his condition and refusing to help him get medicated. however with the slimecicle medicated moment it comes off as a medication = The Good Mentally Ill Person narrative. genuinely i dont know how id solve the wilbur issue without extensive rewriting. he's just a mess.
phil i think is one of the most interesting of sbi, being made into a central antagonist and a genuinely good villain. his scenes have well made tension and poses actual threat and stakes to the narrative. he's a good villain! techno has an interesting arc with bbh but just isn't given enough screentime and doesn't have much beyond "brute to be manipulated" which sucks a little. tommy is tommy. only one of sbi i could see not dying in a fire at the end. wilbur, despite his other issues is a narrative driver with his capriciousness, but the schizophrenia plotline is such a mess that he just is not a person here, he's a plot device more than anything.
more abstractly i do wish they committed and, like, had sex scenes or were blatant about sex happening. like they keep dancing around it but so much of the fic does not make sense if sex isn't what's occurring here. like i get subtlety if the avoidance of sex is what they're aiming for! but its okay to, like, maybe make it more clear whatever techno and bbh have going on is obviously sexual, because that can be used to advance the narrative and make it more clear bbh is using his body to manipulate here, because that'd be a good plot point to continue the themes and motifs of the story. i also just do not know how else to interpret the relationship lol.
my other biggest criticism is make it less misogynistic. the only three named women are the dead samsung smart fridge (who is now a dead mom named samantha), minx the alcoholic witness, and puffy, who is somehow ranboo's mom. like the ableism is horrific here but its so over the top stupid in the ableism, while the misogyny is subtle and just reeks. genuinely why is puffy ranboo's mom that sucks so fucking bad. make her be his aunt or guardian or something. but mom? c'mon.
i rambled way too long lol there's more i can say but this fic is my roman empire. the writer has so much potential but just needs more life experience to understand mental illness and misogyny. also a beta reader to fix their formatting. and maybe make their dialogue more human. shoutout to ranboo giving his name and phone number to tommy after tommy literally fucking tells him he'd "make a beautiful corpse" CRAZY exchange. no human would do that.
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scoops404 · 7 months
Writing a fic with Scoops, cnt
Okay so I wrote 800ish more words that i don't love and tonight's assignment for myself is to think of a way they have full anal for the first (maybe only?) time - the conception, so to speak
there might need to be one more scene in between like a BJ or smaller hookup so that it doesn't come out of nowhere but i think i'll write the full anal first and then see how it feels in the longer picture of the full fic. I could probably pass it off as a fit of passion or something -- this is tonight's falling asleep assignment
Later that night, when Bad has fallen asleep on the couch with Skeppy’s head in his lap and Puffy leaning up against him, almost asleep herself, George decides it’s time to head to bed.
Hannah and Sylvee disappeared hours ago to their rooms on the western side of the house. George only knows that side is the western side because the sun sets that direction and Sapnap kept getting confused when he called it the left side of the house. Your left or my left, he had asked, getting more and more frustrated until George snapped.
Anyway, most of the guest rooms are on the western side of the house. Sam and Punz are quietly cleaning up the kitchen. Sam doing way more of the work, occasionally asking Dream where things go.
He’s sitting on the counter, letting his legs swing while he sips out of a bottle of water. When George hikes himself off the other side of the couch, trying not to let Bad’s snores lull him into slumber, those green eyes find him.
There’s a question there in them.
When George looks back at him, he’s not sure what answer he gives, but Dream says goodnight to everyone else, thanks Sam for cleaning the kitchen, pointedly doesn’t thank Punz, and then slips into the hallway behind George.
At George’s door, he doesn’t peel off. He follows George in, closing the door behind himself and throwing his cat beanie onto the chair George keeps in the room, mostly to hold the laundry he doesn’t want to fold.
“Tonight was fun,” Dream says, like they do this every night. Like Dream following him into his room to keep talking to him, to deconstruct the night and talk about every moment is normal.
The killer part is that it was, once. There was a time when a big social gathering of people—the online version—would end with Dream and George in a call, teetering into a sleep call, and George would see the entire event through Dream’s eyes.
Going with that idea, things slot into place. This is just another sleep call. But in person.
So he does what he used to do when they were in call. He gets ready for bed. He talks to Dream while he brushes his teeth, getting out a new toothbrush to hand over to Dream so he doesn’t have to go get his own. They make faces at each other in the mirror and then compete to see who can make the most suds.
It’s fun.
When they wash their mouths out, George thinks that might be the end of the fun. Dream’s face turns pensive, closed off in a way he never is with George. Instead of pushing, the events of earlier a little too prominent in his mind, he lets it ride. When Dream wants to talk, he will.
Back in his room, George throws himself onto the bed, Dream hot on his heels.
He lands in the middle of the bed, not expecting Dream to plop down beside him.
Huh, guess they’re doing this. It’s not the first time they’ve had an impromptu sleepover, but it’s the strangest. The last time they slept in the same bed they—oh. They kissed tonight, too, he supposes. Is that the pattern? Kiss Dream and then they have to share a bed?
“Can I sleep here?” Dream asks. And when his voice sounds like that, small and pitiful, combined with those big eyes staring at him with hope, there’s no way he can say no.
“Fine,” he concedes after a moment. Sure he was always going to say yes, but he has to make Dream sweat just a little bit.
They settle in. George plugs his phone in and turns off his lamp. Dream stays on his back, a touch uncomfortable looking in his shirt and pants.
“At least take your pants off, Dream,” George says. Because he’s not stupid. Dream will be uncomfortable, and at some point he’ll get under the covers, and then that scratchy material will rub all over him. He’d rather it just be Dream’s skin, his leg hair ticklish but light.
Dream waits a beat, and then complies. Under the darkness, he shucks his shirt, too, throwing it towards the laundry chair of shame to land with his cat beanie.
When he lies down to get comfortable, George braces for it. This is always when Dream talks—in the comfort of the dark, when their walls are lowered, when there’s no one else around.
But, nothing. They lie in silence and the toll of the day starts to wear on George until he can’t wait any longer. If Dream doesn’t start this conversation soon, he’s going to fall asleep.
His eyelids grow heavy and his body slackens until he rests up against Dream’s bigger body. A comforting arm curls around him, and George doesn’t protest.
Sleep starts to creep in along the edges.
And just when sleep is about to claim him for good—
“You’re a good kisser,” Dream says. “I always thought you would be.”
What the fuck is he supposed to do with that?
That time barely counts, George thinks later. In comparison to the next time, it’s laughable. A kiss amongst friends? For show? For the meme? Barely worth mentioning and definitely not worth all the teasing for the next few months.
^^ that's a trick i like to do, btw. I'll start a sentence or two of the next paragraph before i quit writing so it feels like i'm not starting from scratch the next time i pick it up
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froggyrights · 1 year
since I was summoned by two of your anons I am here to say that yes, unfortunately, they only ever call each other Bad and Skeppy and using their real names in fic is uhhhh weird. (Some people do it, but I personally hate reading it.) So you just kind of have to accept that you will be writing about men named BadBoyHalo and Skeppy even in the most serious settings! Fun!!
Also yeah bbh's "real" name is almost certainly fake, even if ao3 uses it. No one has ever called him that. Apparently he only said it like one time on a stream when asked and it sounded made up on the spot. Same for his birthday, actually. There's your bbh lore for the day!
-bagelrites (aka amie)
I guess I did sign up for this when I got into mcyt huh. There really is something awesome about writing serious things about skeppy and badboyhalo im sure I'll get over myself soon enough hahaha
& I love that for bad actually like yess my Internet safety king!
thank you for tapping in to explain the lore I really appreciate it :DD 💗
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theredcuyo · 6 months
Okay I think
That we as fans have part of the fault for the hell that is whatever Bad and Skeppy have
Because they love teasing the shit out of us, and that is what makes it so not Even them know where the line between jokes and true feelings landed
Because, of course they it isn't genuine, it's just a fun gag, right?
It's a joke in the fandom, right?
It's okay to be a little jelous and obsesed mention each other ever SO often because the fans love it, right?
It's okay to be a little in love and write a song about each other with references to each other, right?
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one-strugling-bean · 9 months
DSMP Fanfic Rec List because I’m bored Part 2
(IF YOU READ ANY OF THESE, DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT - even a simple "great work" or "this was a lot of fun" suffices, just  comment)
Happy Duo & Egg Lore (the fluffy and the saddy)
OrphanDuo + Skephalo AU by cawthelesbian 
Techno discovers the Skeppy cage and remembers Skeppy's claustrophobia, which leads him unable to keep his anger and disgust in check.
This series is what made me love these three dummies. Seriously, there's so much unexplored potential here.
I love how close Techno and Skeppy are, how much Techno cares for Skeppy despite how different they are, and that Skeppy is considered one of the few that have always been loyal to Techno. It's just sweet, ya know?
Adding Bad to this mix just makes it all that much better. Techno and Bad aren't very popular together, but I personally love imagining their possible interactions and how they view each other.
I loved getting Techno's pov on the Skephalo relationship as well - how Techno trusts Bad to take care of Skeppy because he's seen and been proven that they are that important to each other.
I can only wish this series gets continued at some point, or someone else picks up on the idea because I'd kill to see more of this concept.
What's a Skeppy? by 42starsintheuniverse
When he has the capacity to, Bad uses higher order thinking. In those times, he is well aware that the Skeppy is as much of an individual as he is. That it presumably managed for a long time before him, that it was good at surviving, and he’d come to learn, excellent at fighting and defending itself. The Skeppy is very capable. But Bad is nothing if not flawed, and one of his flaws is that he is very eager, and very happy when he finds things to collect. So he’d sort of... Unintentionally taken the Skeppy. It wasn’t a plan, exactly. He’d carried it home that first day and assumed it wanted to stay with him.
"For a long time, Bad thought all he would ever be was a Bad. But when a Bad finds a Skeppy, suddenly a Bad becomes... A happy." If this quote doesn't make you want to read the fic, I'm not sure you're okay, I'm sorry.
This fic is literally the cutest thing, istg. I dare you to try and find me something that's more wholesome.
Bad and Skeppy are both not-quite sentient creatures - Bad is a Nether demon, Skeppy is a diamond golem - who find each other by chance and just, connect and stick together and do shenanigans.
The genius of this fic for me is the "not-quite sentient" part. They're not people, they're creatures, and it shows. They remind me a lot of the dragons from HTTYD, as in they possess a higher order of thinking than a dog or a cat, while still being somewhere lower than a human. Does that make sense?
They can't communicate with each other the traditional way - aka, through speech - and so have to find ways to get around that, which is a trope I love.
Also also, this author is amaaaaaazing at writing Happy Duo, I very very much recommend checking out any of their other works - Flickering Flame and Your voice: The Sound of your Laughter are two of my faves, but really, all of them are more than worth a read.
My sunshine by Redbug
There's something wrong with the world around Bad, and reality isn't making any sense. No one is, and it's starting to eat away at his mind.
This series is pure pain and yearning. I'm not even trying to be funny, it simply is. Maybe it's because Bad and his "predicament" reminded me too much of a family member of mine, but this fic really just hit me like a truck out of nowhere.
I don't want to spoil much, but i love what the author did with Bad's backstory. Who he is, his connections with XD, how he got to have the life he does in the present. He's so tragic, it's painful to read all that suffering (but in a good way, because it's also beautiful??)
The way Rain cloud ended threw me for a loop a bit, but I think that might've been the point - it also made me cry actual tears, sooooo, there's that :p
But yeah, go read this right now if you feel like BBH-centric angst with lots of worried Skeppy, some functional Karlnapity, and a kind of confusing but still very envolving plot.
dripping with red gardenia by kirichin
A sardonic smile tugs his lips up as he watches the petals curl up, catch fire, and turn into ashes. He was sure there is a metaphor there somewhere, between his love and the pathetic flowers turning into ashes.
or Skeppy gets blessed with Hanahaki.
Happy Duo writers really do love their angst. And Hanahaki too, apparently.
Techno is MVP. He and Skeppy continue to warm my heart with their brotherly bond. Skeppy and Bad deserve all the hugs.
It's been a while since I last read this one, so I don't remember the plot too well, but I do remember I stayed up 'til 4am to finish it and I hate going to bed late, so I hope this speaks for itself on how engaging the fic is. Go read.
so this is love by Isi_Khan_3000
You’ve always been a clingy person – always had a hard time letting things go.
It’s not really all that surprising that that was your downfall.
OR, the Skeppy POV we all want and need (featuring some extra commentary from somewhen else.)
(Yes, I'm self-advocating, leave me alone.)
This was written immediately after the Egg Lore finale. It's basically my personal take on what Skeppy was up to while Bad was busy building himself a cult. It spans from his death by lava bath to him killing Bad after the Banquet.
It's sad, angsty, and full of my fave headcanons for their DSMP characters (which means lots of happy duo family). It is also my first try at writing 2nd person, so yeahhhhh, please give it a read, and feel free to yell at me in the comments.
Anyway, go check it out if it sounds interesting, please and thank you.
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bagelrites · 6 months
Bageeeeel, please give us some a/b/o skephalo headcanons in these trying times 🥹
- what are they subgender?
- how did they discover it? was it a surprise?
- if they take suppressants, do they work well?
- did they ever go into heat/rut in each other's presence?
- 💫free space💫
okkk tbh I like to ponder many a/b/o scenarios for them with different combinations of sub genders, but I will tell you about the one I want to actually write.
(small warning for like mild nsfw content)
So Skeppy is an omega, and he was kind of surprised when he presented because he really thought he'd be a beta. He doesn't like being an omega, and online he tells everyone that he's a beta and doesn't really engage much with discussions about secondary gender and attraction dynamics and such. He did try taking heat suppressants when he was a teenager, but it didn't work very well and made him feel sick, so now he just keeps a schedule so he knows when his heat will come and is always prepared to lock himself in his house for it. The rest of the time he just wears scent-blocking patches and because he doesn't present many other omega characteristics, no one really besides his family knows.
Bad, meanwhile, is an intersex alpha. He displays both alpha and beta characteristics, namely he smells like an alpha and has a protective drive, is attracted to omegas and sort of has a rut (though it's milder than a full alpha's) but he doesn't have a knot. He isn't sure whether he identifies more with being an alpha or a beta, but because he's sort of embarrassed about not being perceived as "tough enough" to be an alpha, he too tells everyone online that he is a beta.
All this makes them meeting up very complicated. Skeppy is the first to ask, and when they finally make concrete plans, he tells Bad the truth, that he is an omega, but Bad freaks out and backs out of their plans because he's not sure how to tell Skeppy the truth about himself. Eventually he does though and when they do meet up, the smell of Bad makes Skeppy's heat come early, which he's super embarrassed about because he's not usually all that attracted to alphas's scents, but it being Bad makes it so different. (Also because he doesn't want to ruin their time together, after waiting so long to meet in person...) He tries to hide it but, well. Bad isn't that stupid. He knows what's happening, he's just a little oblivious as to why.
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