#nothing is exactly set in stone but idk
blade-that-was-broken · 5 months
I’m not sure if Trolls, TWT and TBT would be involved in this AU like you did with I’m still here AU
For this you were born AU (I seriously love this AU! For some reason I want do AU that was inspired by this AU, I hate getting ideas from others that is originally their ideas-)
Anyway, if Trolls happen, then how would John Dory and Branch feel if Poppy, the snack pack and others who are WILLING to throw a biggest loudest and craziest party ever. How would Viva feel about this? What about Clay, Spruce and Floyd?
I know they’ll NOT going to like this because they knew John Dory and Branch went through so much. The fact Poppy had no clue what happened. John Dory would hate that, he has traumas, right?
How badly it would goes when Chef found the Pop Trolls and we know what happens the rest.
Alright, first of all - go for it dude. I honestly, do not mind if you want to use it for inspo, or a starting off point or even an au of the au. Like, if that what works for you, go for it. You aren't the only one - although I'm super flattered it has inspired people like that.
Okay, so I'm not entirely sure how the Trolls movies in general would go with this entirely, yet. I have thought about it, briefly, but not much, just with the shear number of aus I have a tendency to come up with. I'm not entirely sure how much fear there is with the village. Don't get me wrong, they feared the Bergens but no one's past is the same. Branch has some Bergen-related trauma but it's very, very different than canon Branch and his memory is kind of shrouded anyways. Even Viva doesn't have the same type of trauma; there is no scary great escape, trolls weren't lost in collapsed tunnels, she wasn't separated from her family. So honestly, I'm not even sure how paranoid she would be about that. I'm not saying she wouldn't, I'm just not entirely sure either. In general, no ones trauma about the Bergens is quite the same as in canon. I'm not entirely sure how it all kind of plays out but in this, JD's is definitely the most poignant. The dude spent weeks around a Bergen that he eventually literally killed, all under the fear he would be eaten and his baby brother as well.
I think it would happen possibly earlier than in canon, the events of Trolls. Things are so different. The Village is different. Clay is innovative and Viva is there and well, things are just so different. And I'm not entirely sure who would all get taken. The events of the movie would definitely change, depending on who is taken.
If JD got taken, that would be horrifying but I'm not... I won't say that the Bergens don't know about him and what he did. Because that is entirely possible that word had gotten back on how that specific Bergen died - was killed. And people in the city he was in/near the Bergen's house know it was him. He was just never arrested because it was self-defense, and no one gives a crap about a dead troll-eating monster.
If Branch got taken, that is a whole other can of worms that would lead to a ton of panic, especially on JD's part. If any of the bros got taken, it would be kind of a shitstorm cause JD is not letting that happen. JD in general is kind of sensitive to some things anyways, so he doesn't particularly appreciate loud parties and stuff.
If they did befriend the Bergens, JD would avoid them and they would avoid him. I don't think there would be quite any... friendships there. Maybe forgiveness, at some point, but JD has too much pent up things when it comes to a Bergen that he needs to deal with. He knows, they, specifically, aren't the Bergen he killed but he's still freaked out. And well... he is a tiny troll that literally killed one of their own. That has got to be terrifying. So, no real trust or friendship there but JD is also all for not being hunted/eaten/etc. so he's not particularly bothered by others befriending Bergens.
But like I said, if they were to befriend the Bergens at all. It's even possible they wouldn't.
All in all, the original trolls movie might be a little different but the main aspect would be the same. Unless they don't befriend the Bergens, then it would be WAY different.
As for TWT... well, okay, so I've had a bit of a convo with someone about Peppy. JD and Branch know a ton about the other tribes and well, we know Peppy is desperate to keep things a secret. I'm not saying he's evil in this by any means, but he does do some dirty work, so to speak, and tries to keep JD quiet. I've kind of bounced some thoughts around about it and there have been suggestions. It's very casual with JD and Branch, them talking about the other tribes but when Peppy gets a whiff of it... he has a talk with JD.
And JD, although a strong troll and strong willed, is very tired at this point still, since it's early in him coming home. He's tired and kind of overwhelmed and he's got a bunch of chronic pain that he's trying to deal with in a troll way. It's like a recovery all over again. And with everything being so new and Branch being so young and JD being so protective, JD stays quiet about it. He still kind of talks, mostly with his family, but he doesn't go out of his way to tell others about the other tribes. He does have to have a talk with Branch about talking about his other friends/the other tribes which Branch is super confused about. Understandably.
I'm not sure when/if the other bros kind of get a whiff of the threats JD is under; he doesn't really make it apparent and since he doesn't talk a lot anyways, it might not be readily seen right away.
But TWT would happen when Branch is a teenager. I think that would make sense with this. Barb, in her rebellion or whatever, is starting her whole World Tour and Branch gets really worried about his other friends in the other tribes. Poppy learns the full truth about the existence of the other tribes, kind of in a way like, wait, this sounds like the stories Branch used to tell me when we were young.
She's not super happy that Branch kept it from her, and she doesn't get answers on why, but she goes on her trip anyways and Branch follows.
And JD chases after them in Rhonda. Floyd would probably come. Possibly Clay. I'm not entirely sure. Maybe Viva, actually.
Obviously things with Delta would be vastly different, although now that I think about it, JD and Delta's reunion might not come until later... you know, for angst purposes. Things with Hickory and Dickory would also be different, obviously.
This would take a WHOLE lot more thought on the matter because this one would change a lot.
TBT... Idk does it really matter much? None of them are in a band so they never really even heard of the family harmony. And none of them are estranged. So I guess that wouldn't happen at all. There could be a whole kidnapping thing, but that would be an ENTIRELY different plot then because well, things are super different. But at this point, TBT wouldn't even really be a thing.
Uh... I think that's all I got
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
One birdritch, two stones.
part idk, 10? I'm so tired. masterpost
“Mr. Drake-Wayne, do I want to know why you’re here?” Lucius drawled without looking up from his desk.
Tim plastered on a smile anyways. “Well, in an effort to learn the business as part of my internship, I thought that it was about time that I took a proper look at R&D.”
“Yes, it would be good for you to see R&D,” Lucius said as he signed something with a flourish before he folded his hands and looked up at Tim, “but you are not going to.”
Tim let the door close behind him and came to flop into the seat across from Lucius. “Uncle Fox—”
“That worked much better when you were small and doe-eyed.”
“Okay, let’s be honest,” Tim said with a sigh, “I’m still small and doe-eyed. None of them will let me live that fact down. I have to use what I have, Lu.”
Finally Lucius cracked a little bit of a smile. He leaned forward and pressed a discrete button on his desk. Tim knew that the button would make the office soundproof, an effect that Tim felt in the back of his ears.
“Danny Fenton— and let me be clear, it is Danny, not Daniel— Danny Fenton is one of the best people I have in R&D. I will not have you all losing me one of my best because you lot do not know how how to be subtle.”
“Lucius, we can be subtle!” Tim said, honestly offended. “We do subtle all the time. You know how well I do undercover.”
“Exactly,” Lucius said severely.
Tim tilted his head.
“Undercover you is subtle. Tim Drake-Wayne you is a menace,” Lucius said. “That last name is a pox upon common sense.”
Tim opened his mouth to argue before he slowly closed it and slumped back into his seat.
“I had been considering bringing him as the engineer for the other side of you all,” Lucius said, almost idly, “but whatever happened spooked him. He booked the end of the week off. Mr. Fenton never takes time off. Whatever you are after it will wait until after he returns, understand?”
“Understood,” Tim said with resignation.
The only reason that Danny didn’t screech and drop the component he was holding was because he was used to ghosts. The person who had appeared sitting on top of Danny’s cabinet like they had always been there wasn’t a ghost, but the behavior was close enough. Danny took a steadying breath and set the part carefully on one of his work benches.
The off person smiled cheerfully and brought their right hand up into an almost salute.
Danny tilted his head for a moment before he brain kicked in and he repeated the motion back before pointing to the person then tapping his index to his chin and then next to his ear while purposefully screwing his face up into confusion.
They shook their head and brought their hand to their throat, turning it like they were locking a key, before making a so-so motion with their hand.
“Oh! Okay, I’m Danny,” he explained as he pointed to himself and brought his right hand in the sign for d up along his flat left hand.
They repeated Danny’s name sign with a cheerful smile before they pointed to themselves and moved the cupped hand of C over their flat left hand. They repeated the point before finger spelling out ‘Cass’.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Cass. I’m rusty at ASL, but if you can go slow for me, I’ll try my best.”
“Thank you,” Cass signed with a bright smile.
“Are you lost, or do you mean to be up there?” Danny asked.
Cass shook their head. “Comfortable. What is that?”
“Oh, what I’m working on. Well… nothing yet, not if it doesn’t work. It’s supposed to be something for improved water filtration though.”
“Sure. Tap twice on the cabinet if you need my attention or have a question and I’m not looking your way, okay?” Danny asked. He waited for a nod before he grabbed what he was working on and started explaining the idea.
Thankfully the fact that WE was working on a way to further reduce industrial water pollution was no secret so as long as Danny didn’t get particularity technical, he shouldn’t get in trouble with with his NDA. Besides, whoever this was was inside a secure part of WE and did have a badge, even if it wasn’t colors that Danny recognized off the top of his head.
Cass was oddly fun to chat with and the two of them got into a rhythm of him explaining something and following it up with a question of his own. Cass did give verbal responses or reactions occasionally, but mostly Danny settled into a position where he could both work and watch them sign in his periphery at the same time. He wasn’t perfect at understanding what Cass was talking about, but they seemed happy enough to repeat things for him or finger spell when he was really lost.
“A lead role? You should be really proud of yourself, Cass! That’s amazing,” Danny said with a bright smile as he fought a stubborn tapper.
“You will come?”
Danny blinked. “Sorry, what?”
“The recital,” Cass finger spelled out before repeated, “You will come?”
“I don’t know, Cass honey,” Danny said, the endearment slipping out without him thinking about it. “That would really depend on what your adults have to say about the idea. I don’t want them to freak out because you’ve decided to befriend a random R&D flunky.”
“Luckily Cass is a very good judge of character,” said someone from behind Danny.
Fucking hell, what was it with people just appearing today? Danny gave himself a second to close his eyes before he set down his tapper and turned around.
Ancients that’s Bruce Wayne.
“I hope she hasn’t been bothering you. Cass was supposed to wait in my office while I dealt with the emergency,” Mr. Wayne said with a pointed look at his daughter. “Even if it did take longer than expected.”
Right daughter, because Danny had been talking with Cassandra Wayne for the last few hours.
“Oh, no, not at all Mr. Wayne—”
“Bruce. And don’t worry, she’s great company,” Danny said.
Mr. Wayne— Bruce chuckled and stepped into Danny’s office. He’d hardly moved before Cass was flinging herself off the cabinet and into her dad’s arms. As soon as she was set down, she started signing rapidly at him and Danny looked away to give them some privacy.
“Well, that is up to your new friend,” Bruce said in that sort of tone that Danny knew he was being included in the conversation now.
“Danny Fenton, but just Danny is fine,” he said.
Cass signed Danny’s name sign.
“Or that,” Danny agreed with a nod.
“Well, Danny,” Bruce said with a smile that made his eyes crinkle a little, “if you’d like, Cass would love to have you at the opening so you can see what she’s been telling you about, but if you’re busy we’d understand.”
Cass’ pout said otherwise and Danny caved quicker than a paper cocktail umbrella in a tornado. “If you can send me the date and where to buy a ticket, I’ll be there.”
“Nonsense, the ticket is on me,” Bruce said. “I’ll be sure to send you the date and time, I doubt Cass will let me forget.”
“No,” Cass signed with an overly angelic smile.
Danny chuckled and couldn’t help but wonder if all of Bruce’s children had him so thoroughly wrapped around their finger like that, or if Cass had only daughter privileges. “Well, I look forward to it. And it was very nice to get to meet you, Cass.”
“Yes! Goodbye, Danny,” Cass signed.
“Goodbye, Cass,” Danny signed back and returned the little nod Bruce sent him before they left Danny’s office.
Danny waited until they were out of sight to let out a breath. Ancients, well, that was something. Who would have thought that the first time he actually spoke to the owner of the company would be because his daughter decided water filtration was interesting an that Danny needed to learn all about ‘Swan Lake’ in return?
“Cass, darling,” Bruce said with a pointed look at his too smug daughter.
“He’s nice,” she explained with a shrug.
Bruce just sighed and shook his head. At least that did seem true. Bruce had watched some of the exchange between Danny and Cass and he was patient, respectful, and attentive even despite the occasional communication issue.
But that hardly answered any of what was going on.
“Just don’t overwhelm him, alright?”
Cass nodded and crossed her heart.
Bruce didn’t believe her for a moment.
AN: I did my best to describe the signs right/use the right ones but my knowledge is only very, very basic conversational skills so if I have anything wrong, please let me know! (I write Cass very to the point response wise when she verbally speaks, so kept that same sort of cadence here.)
Oh, since someone asked Danny is just slightly older than he would be it canon time continued normally, so late 30's. Bruce is early 40's.
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leovenuslatina · 2 months
𝓓𝓞 𝓜𝓔 ୧ ‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡ PT.2
!!! this reading is 18+ ONLY !!! ゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
part 2 in the “do me” series yay !! this reading is about: Your FS favorite thing about having sex with you 💗 ゚•┈୨♡୧┈•
thank you for having so much patience 2/3 this series is almost done !!
₊˚⊹ ᰔ౨ৎ₊this is just a reminder that tarot isn’t permanent or set in stone YOU decide how your life goes no one or nothing else now take a deep breath and choose the pile that calls to you ₊˚⊹ ᰔ౨ৎ₊˚⊹
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pile one - ace of wands , ten of cups
pile one ur FS is such a perv when it come to you lmao !! their favorite thing about having sex with you is literally you ! the way you look and smell and your body is like a work of art to them you’re literally so so hot to them. during sex you’ll just catch them staring deep in into your eyes and he’s just lost in the mf sauce so deep in love and literally shocked that a hottie like you loves having sex with them. i’m getting that even though the two of you have been married or been together for a long time he’ll still feel like he scored BIG TIME. like he’s in high school and he’s like a nerd loser or something and you’re the hot popular girl and he literally can’t believe you’re interested in him. even when you’re not having sex they constantly he’s always look at you for validation that he’s making you feel good and not uncomfortable but also because you’re just sooo pretty he loves watching you. your FS LOVES watching you get dressed and he hates when you kick him out so you can change because like i said he views you as art would you keep people from seeing the mona lisa? so why keep him from the masterpiece that is you? Your FS loves having sex with you because you’re the most passionate lover he’s ever had i think it’s because your connection w your FS IS SOOO STRONG that it makes everything you two do in the bedroom 1000 times better.
extra messages- pregnancy, excitement, faster speed, high energy, spontaneous, fairytales coming true
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pile two - four of wands, ace of swords
Pile 2 your FS gives me subby vibes. they love to care for you that’s their favorite thing about having sex with you is taking care of your needs he likes knowing you depend on him to feel good. during your sex they love when you tell them what to do to you. Your FS is like a puppy just waiting for your next instructions on how to best make you happy. your FS favorite thing about doing you is how much stronger it makes your connection of course it makes you two closer but something spiritual happens to them when you’re in bed together it’s like you’re his own personal slice of heaven. idk why i’m getting he proposed during sex like he just blurted it out he was mid stroke in you and was like “please marry me” or he just decided he wanted to marry you while having sex with you he realized you’re just too much of a catch and the two of you are just too sexually compatible to not make you his forever!!! when your FS is having sex with you he feels it calms him that’s why i think this pile is my soulmate twin flame pile because i just keep getting a strong spiritual healing sense. another thing your FS LOVESSSSSSSS your dirty talk either one or both of you love to talk dirty but i think you more than them like it and they are in love with hoe filthy you whisper in their ear it makes them almost cum on their pants you know exactly what to saw to make them feel something.
extra messages: acts of service, mind reading, stability, celebrations, commitment, protection, dominant/domination, work, frustrations
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pile three - wheel of fortune, nine of cups
your FS loves that you’re innocent but in the private of your own bedroom you’re a freaky ass. it’s very unexpected for him but he loves that the more he gets to know you the more you surprise him and that just makes you that much more attractive to him. i think like pile two your FS feels a very deep connection to you like he manifested himself to be with you 🥹 that’s so sweet. Your FS LOVES how risky your sex seems ??? i’m getting one or both of you have like super dark kinks and your FS loves that they never know what to expect from you it turns them on so so much they have never been with someone as adventurous as you it makes them feel like they’re on top of the world. even if you don’t see yourself as kinky now Pile 3 im seeing by the time you and your FS start having sex you will be confident enough to explore all facets of your sexuality your FS may even have a lot to do with how confident you feel in indulging yourself in kinky ways 😉.
extra messages- cycles, the universe has a plan, lucky, things going well, value yourself, emotional fulfillment, pride
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
who in enhypen would agree to platonically kiss you.
because i feel like i have to do this for every group i write, so expect me to word vomit a tubatu version soon after this one.
seventeen ver. / 127 ver. / dream ver.
heeseung: honestly you thought he'd agree without a second thought, but a smirk suddenly plays on his lips and he pulls out the "what if i don't want to? what are you gonna do?" and you'd rather die than have him bask in your mortification, so you turn around. run away. try to run away, but the bitch suddenly pulls you into his lap and oh. you can feel his breath on your lips. his grip is firm on your waist. you're actually about to fucking kiss him BUT— "ah. sorry. i changed my mind." | rating: 0/10 but maybe if u change ur tune from platonic to romantic, then he'd agree.
jay: "can i think about it first?" jay isn't one to jump into hasty decisions, especially one that can permanently change the trajectory of your ten year long friendship for better or for worse just so you can make some hairless bitch jealous. he thinks about it. he's thinking. he's thinking very hard about it, until one day he finally says okay "okay" "? okay what?" "let's make out" "??? jay i asked u that favor five months ago what do u—" | rating: 5/10 delayed but u got him?? to kiss u??? but??? now u have a new problem because park jongseong, what are we?
jake: he knows you kissed him at the party last night to get ur cheating ex off ur ass. he knows that and he was totally, 100% completely fine with it. he can totally pretend like nothing happened. absolutely. just doing a friend a favor. a buddy. a pal. a good 'ol mate. that is until exactly one month passes by and he suddenly says "oh damn haha happy kissmonthsary babe u have any more exes to drive away hahaha just asking haha." | rating: 8/10 you're sure a kissmonthsary doesn't exist, but how can u deny him when he's twiddling his fingers like a schoolgirl with a first crush.
sunghoon: flustered flustered flustered "i'm sorry? haha i mean ofc u want to kiss me who wouldn't hahhahaha anw ur joking right—" you aren't. sunghoon starts sweating and he's nervous and about to piss himself because if he says no, you're gonna think he's a LOSER (you already know he's a loser) a big fucking LOSER (sunghoon, you are a loser). | rating: 3/10 on the first try because the moment your lips touched he turned into stone. he may be a loser but he's a prideful loser so expect his score to increase with each try at his insistence.
sunoo: "hey sunoo, i need ur help. can i ki—" cue his aggressive side eye. cue the absolute look of disgust on his face at the mere insinuation that you want to kiss him without strings attached. how dare you. | rating: 1/10 because you did get to kiss him in the end. you did. but before that you had to ask permission from his parents (heeseung and jake), you had to meet his actual parents, you had to exchange vows at the altar, and— wait this isn't exactly platonic anymore isn't it?
jungwon: jokes on u jungwon orchestrated the whole thing that'll lead you to asking him. he gave you a lipstick as birthday present and he's like "sorry haha i'm not sure if it's a good one the saleslady said it doesn't smudge but idk." there it goes. seed planted. all that's left is for you to ask him if he....wants to help u test it out.....yanno.....as friends. and before you know it the red tint is now smudged between your lips and his, smiling victoriously into your mouth because yes. his plan worked. | rating: 10/10 because you suddenly have a dozen new lip products and "hey. should we test if these also smudge or not?"
ni-ki: "oh sure. go ahead." he agrees to it SO easily that you suspicious, eyes narrowed, but you set it aside for now and lean closer to his face but WOOSH. he's swerved away. "riki stay still, what are u—" WHOOSH. he's five steps away. you see the look on his face. the shit eating grin saying, if you wanna kiss me, come and get it and oh it's on, nishimura. | rating: 2/10 because you end up chasing him all over the parking lot and jake asked if he can join your game of tag.
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humanpurposes · 2 months
I hate the prophecy stuff in hotd SO MUCH :)
(Spoilers for Season 2)
So everything seemingly revolves around Aegon’s dream and the visions had by Alys and Helaena. As an audience, we’re told that things are set in stone. Daemon will die at Harrenhal. Aegon will be King again. Aemond will die too. Alicent will be remembered as a villain. All in service to this “greater purpose”.
Effectively, the wants and needs of these characters we’ve been following for two seasons have been made redundant.
Take Daemon, he has his own ambitions for power, struggles to accept Rhaenyra as his sovereign because it would mean he wasn’t Viseys’ favourite. And that’s resolved because he’s shown a vision and he’s decided that he’s going to play his part in the story. Not, idk, the fact that maybe a way he could remember his brother is to support the claim of his chosen heir?
And it’s so frustrating because there are some really good moments and arcs in this season. I really like Aegon as the reluctant King, enjoying his first few days as a ruler, wanting to be good at it, and then the reality of it setting in once Jaehaerys dies and he realises that no one expected him to be anything more than a puppet. He’s desperate to prove himself and it backfires, but he’s still alive, he’s still going to see this through. Then I really like the turn in Rhaenyra’s character becoming more assertive after The Red Sowing. But this happens in the penultimate episode, and 7 WHOLE EPISODES after the death of her son??? Why was Luke’s death not the turning point?
Nothing that happens in the show will matter anyway because it’s already history to the main series, and that seems to be exactly the mindset the writers have kept going into writing this season?
It’s not interesting because these characters don’t act like people. They don’t make decisions. Most of the characters don’t WANT anything for themselves. The show is driven by plot points while the characters have the same conversations and wait for the writers to decide that things need to move on. And after season 1 had such a good buildup with a promise of an emotionally driven conflict, I finished watching this season as I started, very underwhelmed.
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destinysbounty · 7 months
GASP you have an “The Island” rewrite idea? TELL US EVERYTHING—
The Ninjago comics have some great ideas of other things that could have happened (like a boat race over lightning waters, a motorcycle escape from baby dragons, more on Misako’s pre-special adventures on the Island, etc.) but I’m so curious about your rewrite ideas :D
When we first got the trailer for The Island, I lowkey thought they were gonna take the "Misako goes missing and Lloyd tries to find her" premise and use it to at least briefly touch on their relationship. Which I was...cautiously optimistic for. Lord knows how badly Misako needs an actual character arc.
So that's the core of what I'd do with an Island rewrite. Use that plotline the facilitate a narrative about the past complications of their relationship, as well as Lloyd's fear of being abandoned/left alone.
For a long time, I've had this scene idea in my brain of Misako and Lloyd being lost in a labyrinthine cave full of strange glowing stone, and she explains that the reason she'd been seeking out the island is because of rumors that this very cave had the power to reveal secret information. However, the danger of the cave is that few people are ever able to leave it alive, as it traps most who enter. She reluctantly hoped the cave could tell her where she went wrong, what she did wrong - she did everything she could to prevent the Final Battle, but it happened anyway. She wanted to know if there was anything at all that she could've done to change that, or if her family was doomed from the start. This is also why Wu joined her for this expedition - he wanted those answers too.
As they walk through the cave in search of a way out, Lloyd asks more about her motives: how she knew he was the Green Ninja, why she left Lloyd at Darkleys of all places, and most importantly why she never came back for him even to visit. She explains herself, with the stones and stalagmites of the cave glowing as they reflect memories from her past. And finally, they have a little bit of closure from this conversation. It is then that they learn the cave only lets you leave once you have accepted the truth of the information you sought, hence why so few people ever escape - most people cant reconcile the harsh truths this cave confronts them with. Misako accepts that there was nothing she could have done to prevent destiny and Lloyd works through some of his abandonment issues, prompting the cave to set them free so they can go join the rest of their friends in the big climactic battle.
Idk. I may also include a scene like that in another fic or something. We'll see, I guess.
Also, I'd probably change the uh. Troublingly stereotypical human sacrifice depictions for the Keepers. And also just like, give Mamatus more of an actual character and personality. Maybe the islanders arent the villains but allies! Perhaps the rewrite focuses more so on Ronin as an antagonist - while also providing more in-character rationalization for his actions. Because while I do like the idea of Ronin as a villain, it feels a bit odd to have him go from a morally grey ally who at least sympathizes with the ninja even when he's not on their side, to a generically roguish villain. Let's dive into what prompted him to pursue such a high-scale crime!
Also, the keepers and Wojira talk may also prompt more discussion about some creation mythology and lore, Wojira's past and reign of terror before the FSM and Nyad came along, to really hammer in why they're so afraid of her. This would add some more setup for Seabound, as well as preemptively establish Wojira as a truly terrifying threat.
I can't say I have a thorough outline for what exactly the rewrite would look like, mostly just a few loose ideas here and there, but that's the general gist of what I've got so far!
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princessmanamia · 4 months
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(The following is age regression related, if you dont like it dont read it, please and thank you!)
Caregiver Billy x Agere Fem Reader
(Post star court billy)
A super long, Hella fluffy, drable
TW: cursing and uh idk cigarettes (i mean its billy hargrove)
✨sleep tight little bunny✨
You feel like You’ve hardly slept in the last 3 days. The nightmares were back again, To be fair the coming of cooler weather brought the fear that the residents of the upside down might return. It had been several months since the star court incident. Although Life for the most part was..well….normal again? The group had now gained a new member, Billy, which…definitely took some getting used to.
Needless to say the near death experience and learning about the horrors of the “upside down” changed him. Billy was no longer a complete ass to steve or max, hes still a bit cold and stand offish but nowhere near the levels from before. With Billy now in the group that ment one more classmate got to learn about your…um quirky tendencies? Well thats how you’d like to put it to others who dont know, but to the group of teens you hang out with…they know it’s a coping mechanism. Steve, Robin and dustin deal with your age regression the most, although the entire group of kids know and occasionally set up “little days” just being carefree.
Billy however is still a bit confused by all this. it’s definitely weird, not as weird as being attacked and nearly killed by a giant monsters, and being around a girl with superpowers but still odd and new? His summer experience had completely changed him, the old billy would have made your life a living hell. Hes tried to be sweet and brotherly, believe me it peaks through, but he also knows you tend to hide your “little side” if hes around (Steve and a couple of kids let him in on that part). Hell he used to be a bully, he gets it, the fear was still there….though He’d be lying if he wasn’t curious as to why group was so fond of “little” you
But here we are…..
Somehow you found yourself being picked up by none other than billy hargrove.?? Uh what?
All you wanted was some fresh air.
You were just sitting on your front porch steps, head down in a sleepless daze with your leg bouncing from being just overall tired and jittery. When a familiar car stops out front.
“Hey!! You seen Harrington?” You slowly looked up and shook your head.
“nope sorry hes still at work”
“Damn it”
“hes not off work for a couple hrs, what do you need?”
“Nothing…it’s personal, you ok? You look like hell.”
“Oh fuck you, it’s also personal” you groan and rub your temples looking up at the grey clouds that gathered above.
“Uhhuh, ya sure about that?”
“Look im ok I just haven’t slept much in a couple days.” You didnt even bother looking back down but You could tell Billy’s blue eyes were just staring you down, and after a few moments you heard his car door open. “Get in” Billy had leaned over to open the passenger door. You didn’t want to go with him, but you didn’t want to feel like a sitting duck in your own home either so you groaned, made your way over and plopped down on the seat. It was pointless to argue with him, so you sank into back of the car seat and looked over, “uh ..so whats the plan here exactly?” “Gonna kill two birds with one stone” he mumbled as he took off in the direction of Steve’s place. “Umm ok? And why do I have to go along?”
“You get to nap at Harrington’s place and i get grab the stuff he borrowed from me.”
You looked out the window and chuckled “damn is it that obvious? Do i look that bad?” You tried to sound sarcastic.
Billy glanced down, noticing that you were back to anxiously bouncing your leg again Unfortunately yeah” you felt a hand press down on your knee causing you to jump as u gave billy a panicked look. He raised his hand to back off and huffed “easy with the leg thing, it shakes the whole car, and yeah i know you tend to sneak off to his place to nap anyway..” his brows where knit with concern “you sure your good..? Look i can stop and get you something or..” “no im ok” you cut him off and turned your gaze back to the window.
The curly haired blonde took a deep breath and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, trying not to get angry with your short attitude. He bit his lip for a moment thinking of something to say to bring you back to your normal self. You definitely have seemed off for about a week now, and dustin had mentioned something of importance a few days before? But what exactly was it? Was it maybe needing a regression day?
“Y/n…doll, when was the last time you, ya know..?”
He shifted in his seat following a short pause
“Uhh? U wanna finish that thought or what?” You glanced back, looking irritated and exhausted.
He took a deep breath and softened his tone “when was the last time you were small?”
The car fell silent and You simply shrugged and mumbled. “Hell idk few weeks maybe? Why exactly does that matter to you?”
He knew where this was heading, the inevitable “push back”. But he still wanted to give it a shot since both main caregivers would be at work for several more hrs and you clearly needed some TLC.
He pulled into Steve’s driveway and killed the engine. Billy tried to keep his tone nonchalant to avoid making it feel weird and looked at you from the rear view mirror “i mean i dunno ..Just seems like you might need it?”
“I dont need shit from you” you mumble, as you got out and slammed the passenger door. Yep just as expected. Hargrove bit his lip again and stepped out behind you, as you grabbed the spare key the family kept hidden and stepped inside, practically collapsing face down on the familiar couch in the living room.
‘This is gonna suck’, billy thought.
Steve had already given him a heads up that gaining your trust wouldn’t be easy. It required a-lot of compassion and understanding, but Billy was determined to try. Plus It kinda got under his skin that even Nancy and Johnathan had talked about baby sitting moments. What exactly was it about all this that you have everyone wrapped around your finger?? How hard could it be? He’s taken care of some kids before.
Billy slipped upstairs to search for two things, 1. The cassette tapes he lent to Steve and 2. The baby bag. Steve had mentioned beforehand Having an essentials bag stashed away if anyone ever needed it, although the dumbass never actually told him WHERE it was though. Of course the idiot had it buried in the back of his closet. He pulled it out and went digging through everything the bag included:
☑️A blanket
☑️A couple over sized shirts, and pjs
☑️coloring books and crayons
☑️Baby lotion, powder and wiped
☑️A couple pacifiers
☑️A stuffed bunny
☑️A mix of baby bottles, sippy cups and cups with straws
☑️And a couple pullups
Billy did a bit of a double take of its contents, somewhat confused (and amused). He sat there for moment contemplating how to go about this, pushing his hair back and pacing for a moment before slinging the bag over his shoulder and going back downstairs for a cigarette. He looked over at Y/n still sprawled out face down on the couch. “You still alive little bunny?”
“Omg just leave me alone” you groaned. Billy sighed, “sorry doll but you’re stuck with me until steve gets off work” he called out from the kitchen and stepped outside to get quick smoke break in. Lightning the cigarette, and only taking a few puffs and pulled a few things from the bag, unsure of what you might actually need.
Blanket? Yes always
Stuffed animal? Yup
Sippy cups? Maybe?
Pacifiers? …Ive seen her nap with them in, but she probably wont take it willingly, but sure.. cant hurt.
He slid one into his pocket and somewhat anxiously took a couple of long drags on his cigarette before putting the rest out and slipping back inside. Doing his best to be as quiet as possible.
He took a deep breath and walked over to the living room, gently placing the bag on the floor and sat down crisscrossed in front of you. It was barely audible but he knew he could hear sniffling, he sighed again And reached out rubbing your head for a few moments. “Hey you need to try to sleep, look im gonna stay with you till steve gets home”
You didnt even bother look up, but shook your head.
“Billy im fine, just go home…please?”
He tried placing his hand under your chin in an attempt to get your attention. “Y/n, look at me?” His voice was soft but stern. You still refuse, trying to bury your face back. Anything to avoid eye contact.
Billy placed both hands around your cheeks, resulting in a whimper that almost made his heart drop. Your eyes still refusing to open, but a damp face and tear stains dont lie. He ran his thumbs along your cheeks trying to wipe away the new tears that were forming. “i know im the LAST person you want to deal with right now, but i also know you NEED this, im not judging you, i will never judge you for this. Do you understand?”You continued to fight his hold on your face, but the resistance was all for not. He was intent on getting through to you, in one way or another. “Y/n its fine” You took a deep breath Finally meeting his gaze, tearful (🩵💙💚🤎 colored eyes-)stared back. You whimpered again as a few more tears welled up. Again billy wiped them away and inhaled deeply, almost testing the water, he softened his tone “babe listen, im watching after you until your daddy gets home, but you HAVE to let me in ok?” Whimpering, again you shook your head trying to shake off billy’s hands, you could just feel the heat rising to your face. This felt like a cruel prank, billy would never!
“im not doing this today!!” You cried. With soft sobs making your breathing ragged
“Yes you are sweetheart, you’re exhausted and you need it now please just come here.”
He Finally let go of your face. While still sitting on the floor he opened up the bag next to him pulling out a few items. “Please little bunny, just let me help you get to sleep, look we’ve got some comfy clothes, your blanket, and i can grab you something to eat or drink while you change ok? Sound good?” His voice went from stern to pleading.
In horror You glanced at everything in the bag, damn it, thats why he brought me here!!!
“Jesus christ Billy you went through all my stuff?!” You shoved your face back into the couch pillows, as more hot, angry tears welled up, you just wanted to curl up and die.
Completely humiliated that all of your little stuff was sitting right in front of both of you. Billy stared you down for a few moments before pressing his forehead against yours “nuh-uh, enough, right now your under my care, so NONE of that, now go get changed,” he got up in huff and walked back towards the kitchen “and while youre at it, pick out a cup, im making sure you get a snack before your nap!”
“Ya Grouchy little shit” he mumbled the last part under his breath
In a daze and still softly crying You sat up. This couldn’t be happening right?
The former school bully actually trying to play babysitter right now?? And what was with his tone? What kind of fever dream was this? Hes never been this…gentle???
But damn it if he wasnt right.
You needed little time.
LIKR FUCK Wrong place wrong time,
….but You gave in.
Hesitantly you pulled up the duffle bag your momma and daddy kept hidden and dug out one of the oversized shirts, a soft pair of pj pants as well as one of the brightly colored sippy cups with a straw. You pushed yourself up off the couch and paused for a moment, nervously glancing at billy, whose back was now turned towards you and placed the cup on the counter before going to the bathroom to change. ‘For the love of god Steve better get back asap’
Billy scrounged around steve’s kitchen trying to find something simple to make. Finally settling on a pb & j (sweet boy has no cooking skills, bless him). He looked over at the cup you’d set on the counter and grinned pressing his tongue to his cheek, of course you picked one with a straw. Although he would have been happy to try to give you a bottle. Maybe a bit embarrassing for both of you but he’d do it. Billy thought as he filled cup with apple juice from the fridge.
Oh shit, i should probably turn on the tv too while im at it.
Going back to the living room he laid a blanket on and the floor in front of the tv and switched it on. He flipped through a few channels leaving it on some kids show (insert any old 80’s kids show) He looked around somewhat proud of his baby sitting skills and grabbed the plate and sippy cup gently setting it on the floor. A few minutes later you shyly peeked around the corner still trying to wipe away some tears.
Hargrove tried his best to sound sincere “hey kiddo, made you a p&j and got some juice, that sound good?” You wouldn’t meet his gaze, but just shrugged, your face felt hot and more tears threatened to fall. Just feeling ashamed and utterly embarrassed.
“Ok Angel c’mere” the pretty blonde made his way over to you and scooped you up causing you to squeak in surprise.
He chuckled and sat you down on his lap a few feet away from the tv. He could feel how shaky you were.
“Can u at least try to eat for me? Its not like it’s poisoned” He picked up the plate and set it on your lap.
You just looked at it for a moment. Seemingly dazed, then shook your head, you could feel billy exhale in frustration or maybe it was concern but he tried again. “Kay, how about i take half and you take the other?”
You didnt say anything but simply took the half closest to you and tried your best to munch on it. Billy on the other hand quickly downed his half and tried to think of some way to get you a bit more calm. He was more used to doing …umm things a bit more adult rated?? so in a slight panic his best effort was to comb his fingers through your hair. Surely that would be ok, Girls like that stuff right?? If that didn’t work maybe rocking would help??
He lucked out, it didnt take but a few minutes before he could feel you press the back of your head against his hands. he grinned, “ooh? You like head scratches huh?” He cooed
There was a soft whine in response, as he kept going, and he could feel slowly you sink against him. He bit his lip and tried not to smile this normally wasnt his thing, but you’re oddly adorable in this state.
“Ok cutie, ya feelin any better?” He murmured while still running a hand down the back of your head.
You shrugged and grabbed the sippy cup sitting next you, and billy took the opportunity to move the plate off your lap when he felt something his hand. More tears? Had you really been silently crying this whole time?
He looked down, your eyes were still red, and tears were silhouetted in the light of the tv. He took the sleeve of his shirt and tried wiping your face, which only resulted in a soft whimper and you stubbornly trying to turn your head away. It was all billy could do to keep from laughing. You really were being an overly tired toddler trying to fight sleep huh? “Sweetheart” he cooed “im just trying to clean your face, can you sit still for bubby?” With eyes clamped shut and Still whimpering you try your best to comply. He did his best to dry your face, but your eyes and cheeks looked still looked so red. He looked at you for a moment, sighed and reached over. Grabbing the duffle bag still sitting on the floor he pulled out a stuffed rabbit and a blanket. Billy practically threw the blanket over his shoulder and picked you up with the bunny still in the other. “Alright cotton tail, plan B, i know ive seen your daddy do this a few times” he gently toted you over to the recliner in the corner of the room. Sitting you both down.
You didnt even fight him at this point, only more soft whimpers of protest remained as you pressed your face into his neck. He wrapped the blanket over your shoulders and offered you the stuffed bunny tucking it under your arm. Billy tried softly rocking the both of you, he had seen Steve do this on 2 occasions, (not that you would know though since you had already been KO’d for awhile and He’d be lying if he ever said he wasnt jealous of steve for it either.)
Your eyes were tired but they still refused to shut, and you softly whined again as You turned your gaze back to the tv.
Even in this state with Soft whimpering And sniffles it was all he could do to not smile. Billy rested his chin on your head and tried shushing you while rubbing your back. How are you still fighting sleep? The soft smell of baby powder wafting from your blanket would probably be enough to lull even him to sleep on a normal day. Surely its comforting scent should be doing the same for you? Wait, Billy mentally slapped himself, duh he did put a pacifier in his pocket earlier. He gently shifted you to one side and he tried to fish it out of his pocket. “Shhhhh sweetheart, here would this help?” He opened up his hand to let you take it. You feebly took it but instead of putting it in your mouth you played with it between your fingers. “Too shy? Go figure” billy thought to himself.
He took it from your fidgety hands “no baby, open up” there wasn’t even a sound of protest you simply opened your mouth just big enough for him to pop it in. “Oh good girl” he whispered and kissed your forehead, causing you to press your face back against him.
Billy chuckled and shifted you again so you were lying completely against his chest before going back to lazily rocking the both of you.
With both of you now fixated on the tv He watched out of the corner of his eye as the pacifier softly bobbled up and down, following the soft occasional suckling sounds. He grinned and pressed his chin against your head, inhaling the scent from your blanket that was still draped over your shoulders. This was blissful. He’d admit it, he could now understand how you had Harrington wrapped around your fingers.
As far as billy was concerned The horrors of Hawkins could fuck right off. At the moment the teen would do anything to make this last. He’d fight off anything if it ment you’d still be in his arms.
He closed his eyes for a bit but continued rocking you. He could tell your breathing had slowed,though there was still the occasional sniffling, but at least the pacifier has stopped the whining. “Shhhh little bunny, you need to sleep” he murmured and combed a strand of hair over your ear, gently stroking your cheek. Glancing back down at down at you with one eye open it looks like you finally may have crashed. Eyes closed, still softly suckling on the paci.
Fuuuck that’s adorable. Billy thought as he continued rocking. A few minutes passed until he was certain you were asleep. He finally decided it was safe enough to recline the chair back so both of you could get a nap in before steve got home.
——— later on————
Steves pov
“Oh no, no no no, what the fuck is HARGROVES car doing in my driveway??
Jesus Christ not again!!” He groaned as he pulled up to curb in front of his home.
He got out slamming the car door and mumbled under his breath the whole way to his front doorsteps.
“We talked about boundaries, but noooo of course none of that got into his thick skull” he muttered loudly as he opened the door. He was immediately met with loud shushing which caused him to jump.
He snapped his head towards the direction of noise only to see none other than billy hargrove with a finger to his lips and the other hand over your head.
Steve blinked in confusion then lowered his tone as he went into the living room “what happened!??” He whispered.
“Long story, but i took care of it” billy grinned sleepily. “Shes been out for about an hour n’ a half, but do you think you can take her, i gotta take a leak?”
Steve laughed as he carefully pried you off billy’s chest careful not to wake you.
There was a soft whine but you must have known it was steve since you buried your face in his neck and hummed “baba” in relief.
“Hi baby, daddy’s home” steve cooed
“And thank god cuz bubby has to pee”
billy chimed in as he finally got up off the recliner and booked it down the hall. Steve decided the best thing to do was get you upstairs and in bed before he questioned billy further.
He made his way up the stairs and into his bedroom, trying as gently as he could to lay you back down without (completely) waking you.
You let out a soft whine of protest before you were hushed again by a pacifier and the soft worn covers of your daddy’s bed caressing your body.
“Shhh baby, daddys here,” steve cooed as he laid down next to you, rubbing your back in hopes that you’ll drift off again.
Moments later there was a soft knock on the door. Steve glanced back to see billy pulling out a carton of cigarettes and mouthing “ill be outside” steve gave him a thumbs up and rolled back to attend to you. He waited until there was soft snoring before he rolled out of bed and crept back downstairs.
Meeting billy out by the backdoor, he crossed his arms. “Ok so what the hell happened exactly?”
Billy took a long drag and exhaled “she was in a mood and I handled it? Also next time it might help if you actually TELL ME where the emergency bag is.”
“Wait u went through my room?!”
“Not the first time Harrington.” He chuckled. “Besides your girl was exhausted and hadn’t been sleeping, so yeah, I stepped in, and handled it just fine”
“She fight you on it?”
“Eh not really,”
“Are u shitting me? She bit me the first couple times!”
“Guess ya wore her down for me, or she just likes me more” he flicked the cigarette butt and smirked at Steve before heading back inside.
“Yeah fat chance” Steve murmured following him.
“Just so you know, if you ever need me to watch her last min, i dont mind” billy said looking back over at the recliner he’d been stuck the last two hrs. Steve grinned following his gaze then glanced around the living room at the various contents of the diaper bag that had been thrown about. “Not that weird anymore huh?” He said crossing his arms
Billy grinned and just shrugged “Never said that..just seeing it differently now thats all”
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Enemy Mine Pt. 2
Warnings: cursing, lots of cursing
Summary: Fred takes things too far. Y/N reacts in an unexpected way.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Y/N stormed toward Fred.
"What? No good morning?"
"Oh, pardon me," Y/N took on a sugary, sweet tone. "Good morning. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?"
"Nothing. I'm doing quite well, thank you. Your concern is heartwarming," Fred replied airily.
"What did you put in his shampoo?!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Who's shampoo?"
Y/N closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "You. Put. Something. In. Lucas's. Shampoo."
"Me?" Fred placed a hand over his chest in feigned offense.
"Yes, you! And you know how I know it was you?" Y/N's eyes blazed like fire. "Because it turned his hair into snakes! FUCKING SNAKES!"
"Oh dear!" Fred replied. "That must've been so traumatic."
Y/N curled her right hand into a fist. It took every ounce of willpower she had to not punch him in his smug, smirking face.
"Look, Weasley, you can pick on me all you want, but stay away from the people I care about!" Y/N turned on her heel and stalked away.
"Hey, Y/N!" Fred yelled. "How do you know it wasn't a Slytherin? It was snakes, after all."
Y/N whirled around. "Because," she yelled back. "I've never met a Slytherin as vile as you!"
And with that, she turned the corner and was gone.
Fred watched her stomp away with a self-satisfied grin on his face.
"Maybe that was a bit much," George said, standing beside his twin, watching the irate girl disappear around the corner.
"What do you mean?" Fred huffed. "We've put stuff in people's shampoo before."
"Yeah," George replied. "But we were just turning their hair hot pink or green or whatever. We've never turned anyone's hair into snakes."
Fred waved it off. "Collins will be fine."
"And what about Y/N?" She's terrified of snakes." George reminded him. "Because of you, I might add."
Fred throws his hands in the air. "It was just a joke."
The younger twin rolled his eyes. "A joke that failed miserably. And you still can't own up to it. Why is that, Freddie?"
Fred folded his arms, pursing his lips.
George didn't expect an answer. But, he didn't need one. He knew the reason. Fred had never handled wounded pride or embarrassment well, and when it involved the girl he was crushing on, that made it ten times worse.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're jealous," George continued, side-eyeing his brother.
"Jealous of what exactly? That stupid git Collins?"
George shrugged.
"Why in Godric's name would I be jealous of that fucking prick?"
George shrugged again, a slight grin on his face. "You tell me."
"NO. Do not even go there, George," Fred's cheeks were burning red. "I wouldn't date Y/N if she were the last girl on earth!"
"If you say so," George said, trying and failing to hide the smirk on his face.
Y/N sat as close to Lucas as she dared. Madam Pomfrey had given him a sleeping draught until the snakes, which still writhed about on his head, returned to his normal chestnut locks.
Her fury finally simmering down to a low boil, Y/N was able to think beyond trying to set Fred on fire with her mind. She'd long ago accepted that he was an irredeemable asshole, but she never envisioned he would or could do anything this nefarious. This wasn't just some stupid prank. It was a cruel and targeted act intended to hurt her and Lucas. Of that, she was certain. But why? What had she done to garner such vicious vehemence?
Y/N rose and made her way to the window, unable to sit near those hissing, squirming nightmares for very long. Leaning against the stone wall, she braved another quick look at her sleeping boyfriend. Poor Lucas didn't deserve this. He was an innocent bystander. And yet, here he was, traumatized forever because of her stupid feud.
Y/N collapsed onto the empty bed next to her, sinking her head in her hands. This was all her fault. She should've put a stop to this idiocy long ago before people started getting hurt. Too much of her life and her well-being had been wasted on Fred Weasley, and she couldn't do it anymore.
Fred was still fuming the next morning. How could George, his own twin, for Merlin's sake, believe he was actually still crushing on Y/N? She was the damned enemy. People who fall for their enemy are idiots, and he, Fred Weasley, was not idiot. He'd just have to try harder to prove it.
Watching the entryway to the Great Hall like hawk, he was ready for her the moment Y/N arrived for breakfast. "Hey, Y/N! How's Medusa doing?"
Rather than one of her witty comebacks, she simply looked at him and rolled her eyes.
"What? Snakes got your tongue?" Fred taunted again.
"Leave her alone," one of Y/N's friends responded. "She's not in the mood for your bullshit today."
Fred, completely ignoring her, addressed Y/N again. "Can't tell me that yourself, eh?"
Y/N put her fork down on the table. Standing, she walked toward Fred and his shit-eating grin that just got wider and more disgusting the closer she got to him.
"It's over Weasley. I'm not going to do this anymore," she said, her voice weary. "I can't. You win. Congratulations. Now, please, just leave me and mine alone."
Before Fred could respond, she turned and walked back to her seat. The smile on his face was gone, replaced with a bewildered frown. What just happened? Where was his fiesty girl? He looked to George, who patted his twin on the back. "You pushed her too far this time. It was bound to happen eventually."
Fred's mouth worked, but nothing came out, a million different comebacks lodged in his throat.
"Just let it go, mate," George sighed.
The older twin watched, an unfamiliar tightness growing in his chest, as Y/N put together a plate of food and exited the hall without so much as a glance in his direction.
Fred's eyes stayed locked on her until she was gone, her absence leaving a sudden gaping hole in the crowded room. He didn't want to "just let it go." He didn't want to let her go. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach, dwindling his ravenous appetite into nothing. For the first time in his life, Fred was overwhelmed. He didn't know how he felt or what to do next, or if he should do anything at all, and it scared the hell out of him.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @innerloverpainter @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @dori-and-gray @igncrantbliss @28cnn @saintlike05 @millies0bsimp @yeah3459
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nakedbibi333 · 1 year
Hello im sorry if this has been asked before but I want to manifest being prettier bc I have body dysmorphia but I dont want to look like a different person just like a myself but better nose,lips, face shape etc the only problem is idk what kind of features I want bc i keep worrying what if it doesnt look good on me etc stuff 🥲 could I just skip thinking abt this part and like think straight from the end where my features turned out perfectly like how I would’ve wanted them and fulfill myself like that and itll be ok? (even tho I dont know exactly how I want them to look)
First, realize that nothing is ever set in stone. Even if you realize you don't like it afterward, you can still continue to manifest a different appearance. I feel like a lot of you consider manifestation to be this magical thing you do once and then you're stuck with what you did forever. But that's not true! You will never lose your ability to manifest. You're never stuck with anything. No matter what it is.
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xiaonesis · 2 years
Soft Serve 13 // Flavor 1
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Flavor 1: Rainbow Sherbet (Suna x Reader)
Tags: Romance, Fluff, Awkward Romance, Summer Romance, Growing & Learning, Miscommunication
A/N: I started writing this more than half a year ago and decided to pick it back up and finish it but I forgot where I was going with it. I initially wanted to write something more light and introspective, on the pains of growing up and the awkwardness and inability to communicate many of us have, as this fic is partly based off real life experiences, and thus it is a slightly personal fic to me as I reflected on my own past, experiences, and regrets, and hopefully, growth. Then, I had a breakdown and lost the plot lmao. Anyways, have this melting cone of chaos and idk's.
(This fic is cross-posted to my AO3)
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Suna Rintarou doesn’t believe in love at first sight.
He thinks that people who fall head over heels for someone at first glance are fools. Love is something that is grown into, to be slowly nurtured with time and dedication. To his logic-based brain, the entire idea of smashing head first into love at a glance is ludicrous, like a bad car crash where you never see it coming until it's too late. And that doesn’t sound very pleasant, does it?
But you know what else they say about love at first sight?
That everyone becomes a believer when it happens to them.
Suna first meets you in his hometown of Aichi in the summer of his fifteenth year.
He is there for summer break, helping out at his uncle’s ice-cream shop a stone’s throw away from the nearest beach. He didn’t want to be but his parents had insisted, claiming that it would be good for him to spend time with his grandmother and uncle. 
Had he been given the choice, he would be spending his break lazing at home playing video games instead of being dressed in this ridiculous pink and yellow striped ice-cream boy cap and uniform, scooping out cones of ‘Soft Serves With A Smile.’   He’d rather be slamming hard serves into the twins that made it onto the same volleyball team as him.
AC doesn’t even exist in the shop as a silver lining. There are only three fans on maximum power, twisting and churning air as they swivel. With the unbearable heat amplifying his discomfort, days at his seaside hometown pass slowly, thick and syrupy from dawn to dusk. 
It doesn’t feel like summer at all.
That all changed the day the shop bell chimed and you walked in.
“Welcome to Soft Serve 13–”
People often say that love at first sight is similar to a lightning strike, fast and purple hot. But there was no purple summer lightning electrifying him, no volcanic eruption setting his heart on fire for Suna. 
There is only a great void, white and silent, that descended upon his mind unforeseen; a tsunami that crashes down his frozen body, washing away all sensible thought and bodily functions before leaving him stranded on unknown, pristine shores.
For the next twenty seconds that stretches like a lifetime as he is caught in his first glance of you, Suna is suspended in that void. White sand in his ears, and his eyes sees nothing and everything simultaneously in an ivory world.
(It feels exactly like the moments before a car crash where life flashes by in a white blind)
Suddenly, his hand is freezing hot and Suna is dragged from that sandy void.
Dulcet chocolate covers his hand, trickling from the melted cone he was supposed to hand to the perturbed, waiting customer in front of him. Uttering a quick string of apologies, Suna sets about serving a fresh cone whilst enduring your barrage of giggles as you wait next in line, his face hotter than summer itself.
The door chimes again, and he is left alone with you in this tiny, humid shop with fans blowing revoltingly loud and you’re still grinning teasingly – blinding – at him. He pulls his stupid pink and yellow cap down over his eyes.
“If mine melts, can I get a free scoop?”
‘No,’ his mind says but his mouth fires off a “Yes.”
He didn’t think it was possible for your smile to grow any wider. Windchimes jingle in the timbre of your pleased laughter, not expecting his answer. “Guess I’ll have to make sure to distract you long enough for it to melt,” you chirp, browsing the display with an impish smirk. 
Suna knows right away he wouldn’t mind getting ice-cream all over his hand again if it means you’ll stick around longer. 
By the Gods , was he always this much of a chump?
He’s not a casanova (that’s Atsumu’s shtick), but Suna never gets nervous around the opposite sex, and he likes to think he can pull in girls if he wants to. However, between school, games, and volleyball, there was no space for romance in his life yet Suna finds himself pulling and fanning at his collar as he tries to maintain eye contact with you. He’s strangely nervous and it shows in the way he continuously drums his fingers on glass.
Suna never talks to customers beyond what is necessary but he continuously finds ways and topics to keep you around. Usually, he works fast to have all his customers served so that he may return to his phone. Yet, thirty minutes has passed since you entered the store and you’re still standing without a cone in your hand and he’s leaning across the glass, handing you your thirteenth free taste. 
In that period, he’s found out that you’re visiting the area with your mother for two weeks, that you’re his age, and attend school in Tokyo. And he’s shared that he’s originally from Aichi but goes to school in Hyogo, is working here for the summer, and this is his uncle’s shop. Favorite music, recommended sights and places, food, hobbies, and a slew of other random tidbits about each other were also mutually exchanged in between.
(He wonders if he can entice you to stay with the other flavors available.)
Another ten minutes later and you finally settle on a flavor, but Suna knows by that curl in your lips that’s been there since twenty-five minutes ago that you already knew what you wanted the moment you stepped foot into the shop.
“I’ll have Rainbow Sherbet.”
He makes a face. “I’m judging you.”
“It’s a good flavor!”
“It’s sour–”
“And sweet.”
“–and leaves this tart, prickly taste in your mouth. It’s terrible.”
“No it isn’t! Here, try some!” You bring a small spoonful to him.
“No–” he swats your hand, “I know what Rainbow Sherbet tastes like. I work here.”
You press against the glass– he’s going to have to clean it of your grubby hand prints later – but he doesn’t mind it one bit when he sees you straining over the display in an attempt to reach him. Honestly, if his uncle saw him now, he’d get an earful for ‘messing and flirting’ with a customer but Suna is unable to stop himself from gravitating towards your hand and the spoon pinched precariously between your fingers.
“Just try it!” you insist.
Suna frowns at your persistence, adjusting his cap with one hand as if he’s about to tell you off. But he tips it up instead, so that he has a clear view of you when he grabs your wrist and leans in to close his mouth around your spoon. His cheeks hollow and Suna sucks the sweet ice with an obnoxious slurp that has him smirking around the spoon and you, gaping. 
Zesty lime and sour raspberry goes off like fireworks on the roof of his mouth before melting with a trail of fragrant pineapple on his tongue.
Your eyes widen, clearly not expecting him to do that, thinking that he would at least take the spoon from you first. 
To be honest, Suna didn’t expect himself to do that either, especially not with the rapid pace of his heart. It’s worth it though, to see the obvious flush racing up your neck to fill your cheeks. It matches what is on his but he tells himself it’s the heat.
He releases the spoon with a pop but keeps his grip on your wrist. He can’t stop grinning but forces an impudent gag through the stretch of his cheeks.
He lets you go, fingers sliding soft on the back of your hand. 
The spoon is brandished at him. “You liked it. Don’t lie. I also demand a free scoop.”
“But it didn’t melt?”
You stick your hand out and sure enough, there’s a trail of sticky green and orange running down your arm.
“You took too long,” you murmur, avoiding his eyes. “Could have just eaten it normally.”
Another smug smirk. “Where’s the fun in that?”
The fans are deafening but its winds are cool on his hotter-than-ever skin and lovely in the billow of your dress. The bell chimes and a gaggle of children rush into the store alongside a woman that taps your shoulder with a call of your name. He guesses that’s your mother, wondering where her daughter’s been for almost an hour. 
He realizes then that neither of you introduced yourselves.
Your mother leaves and your eyes flicker to the tag pinned to a strip of pink right above his heart. “I will collect my free scoop tomorrow, Suna Rintarou.”
The promise of your return lingers in this tiny, breezy shop, and tomorrow can’t come fast enough.
It finally feels like Summer.
 (And he’s on his way to a car crash)
“Why here? There’s not much to do in Aichi in general, needless to say here.”
You shrug. “We just wanted some place a bit more slow, more relaxing, you know? My mum’s tired of the city and I don’t really mind. She’s paying for everything anyway.”
“Where would you choose to travel though?” He steals a spoonful of colorful ice-cream from your cup and you let him.
“Hmm, I don’t know for sure,” you muse. “Probably somewhere outside of Japan. I’ve always wanted to go abroad. What about you, if you’re not working here?”
He shrugs. “Nah, too much effort.”
“Can’t believe you got scouted for volleyball with that lazy-ass attitude.” You fling your crumpled tissue at him. 
Suna catches it and shoots it straight into the bin without moving from his seat. “Work smarter not harder.”
Two weeks whirl by quicker than a sunshower.
Suna spends it chatting with you during your frequent visits (your hotel isn’t too far) to the store, hanging with you at the beach (the one a stone’s throw away), and texting with you till late night in the comfort of his bed.
Your mother definitely gave him a few looks during the times she came to the store with you. Her flavor of choice is caramel coffee and yours, rainbow sherbet. 
He gave her a free scoop once, and now she praises him, “You’re such a good kid,” every time before leaving. You’ll roll your eyes and he’ll give you a peace sign.
He stays in touch with you for the rest of summer break after you leave. 
When school restarts, the two of you are still in contact. You don’t use social media, but you’ll send him photos of your life in Tokyo and he’ll send you links to his posts and stories.
September wind blows and this gradually peters out in autumn as the Inarizaki High Volleyball Club shifts into full gear for Nationals in winter.
[Good luck preparing for Nationals! Maybe we can catch up in Tokyo when you’re here!]
He’s so tired from practice, he tells himself he will reply tomorrow. But Suna forgets, and he does reply, only two weeks later. Yours come in another week. Then his, the week after.
Eventually, rainbow sherbets and the girl he met over summer fades to the back of Suna’s mind, just as the last leaves of autumn sheds. 
It momentarily crosses his mind to contact you again, two nights before Nationals.
In the rush of prepping for the games and packing for the trip to Tokyo, it slips his mind until he’s standing outside the stadium gates. But they lose to Karasuno, and the message is never sent as he is once again packing to leave.
He suddenly feels like eating rainbow sherbets, but it’s too cold for ice-cream.
The next time Suna sees you, it is once again in Aichi, in the summer of his sixteenth year. 
He didn’t plan on coming back here, but after their loss at Nationals and the rigorous training in the following months, Suna decided he needs a break away from Hyogo and the goons he calls his teammates.
He definitely did not expect to see you again.
The sight of you, fingers waving timidly from the sunlit entrance accompanied by bell-chimes, melts the cone in his hand. A fuzzy, sticky repeat of last year.
He’s in that void again, where everything else seems to vanish and there’s hot sand in his ears, between his toes, warm wind in his stomach running up his throat– déjà vu has never felt more full yet it’s different. It’s the same blank space, only less… empty. Less white. There’s color to the sand this year, and he can hear rustling in trees that weren’t there before, only it’s not the wind but fans.
“What’re you doing here?”
“I had fun here last year so,” you shrug, small and shy, head tucked into yourself. “I asked my mum if we could visit again.” A finger twirls a lock of hair.
Suna’s heart leaps as his mind races, jumping and wondering if it was fun because of him because he remembers how you brought Summer into his August. Even if he hasn’t tasted rainbow sherbets since he last saw you, and cannot remember what you talked about under the cover of night and cotton sheets.
In a close replay of last year, Suna feels rejuvenated with your presence in this tiny, warm shop. The fans are a godsend.
He wonders if he should apologize for not responding about Tokyo and his haphazard responses until that point. It’s probably weird to do that now.
You don’t mention it either so he figures it doesn’t matter.
“I wondered if you would be here, but didn’t think that you actually would,” you say, licking at your rainbow sherbet. Typical.
“Me? I’m more surprised you’re here again. There’s nothing to do here.”
“That’s not true. My mum liked it. She likes that it’s close to the ocean but she can still hop on a train and go shopping.” 
Suna side-eyes you with doubt but finds you facing him with a grin. His body naturally turns towards you.
“Besides, you’re here too!” you giggle, meaning nothing more than a joke easily said between friends. His chest thrums all the same and white shores seep into his vision. 
Suna flicks your forehead in response.
“Gimmie a bite.”
“I thought you hated rainbow sherbet!” you protest, but bring your cone up anyways.
“Maybe I’ve changed my mind.” 
He grabs your wrist as if to steady the cone and prevent any attempt to smash the entire thing into his face. The way he looks at you, steady and unwavering, from underneath the hood of his uniform cap is telling you something else. 
Cracks dance up the cone from where your fingers press tightly into the biscuit, raining crumbs onto the space between your bodies. Suna pulls back and you take a large bite opposite of where he sunk his teeth into yellow.
“Yep, it still sucks.”
His face scrunches and you punch his arm. At least he didn’t gag this time.
Suna keeps in touch with you regularly through the year, until the following summer.
On his seventeenth summer, Suna plans to go back to Aichi again. This time, he knows you will be there because the two of you planned it.
Now that you’re older, your mum is allowing you to travel on your own; she also trusts the ‘good kid’ to take care of her daughter, to your chagrin.
The Miya twins are constantly bothering Suna this year, wondering why he keeps going back to Aichi when all he’s done is complain about how boring it was in previous years– which it is, besides you. They’ve heard about you before though, the girl he met in the summer of two years ago.
“Ya’ know, she must really like ya’ if she’s goin’ all the way there again to visit ya,’” Atsumu comments, chomping on yakisoba bread. Osamu makes a garbled sound of agreement through his food.
“We’re just friends,” Suna says, face straight, but he wonders if you know how the world vanishes into nothing when he’s with you. He feels anxious merely thinking about it. 
“Sure, friends,” Atsumu waggles his brows and Osamu nods.
This year, his uncle invites you to join them for dinner at his grandmother’s home.
He’s spotted you a few times over the years, and gives Suna much grief about the girl his nephew's constantly loitering around with outside of work, and during work. He often says with a wink, “I’m paying you to work, not to flirt!” 
Suna never says anything in response, only squints his eyes and shakes his head at the older man that acts younger than Suna himself; he knows he does the work expected of him even if he may slack here and there.
Dinner with his uncle, grandmother, and a cousin that decided to join them last minute is a simple yet loud affair. 
Suna’s uncle is rowdy with a positive outlook on all things in life; says he chose to open an ice-cream shop because ice-cream makes everybody smile. His grandmother is along in years, silver crowning her demure frame and lovely smile. She absolutely adores you. 
“I’ve never seen Rinrin bring a friend, much less a friend, around. You are his girlfriend, yes?”
Suna’s never had miso up his nostrils before but there we go. A first time for everything.
“Grandma–” he groans but says nothing more; doesn’t attempt to deny it, only glance at you snickering next to him. He notes with a little shake of his leg that you didn’t either.
(He’s overthinking, he’s assuming, he definitely is–)
It’s late when you finally leave, and Suna volunteers to walk you back to your lodge before his uncle can offer to drive you. He can feel their grins burning into his back as he puts on his shoes after you, and throws them an exasperated glare before the door closes.
“Your family is really nice.”
He rubs the space between his brows. “I’m glad they live here and not in Hyogo. They’re too much.”
“What are your parents like?”
“Like that . My mum had to get it from somewhere. My father’s quieter.”
You laugh and conversation flows easy as it always does when he’s with you. He doesn’t have to think about anything in particular; colors naturally flow to color the void without his intention. It’s all peaceful, the world vanishing and leaving a blank canvas that’s meant for you to cover with pale cream footprints, and greens, pinks, and oranges. 
Night zephyrs slap a leaf onto your face and you throw it at Suna. A splotch of green spreads on the canvas. 
You’ve long since walked by your lodge and Suna follows without question, trailing gravel crunching beneath your shoes and the ocean breeze in your hair. The stars are out in full force tonight but the brightest star is next to him, voice shimmering with August life.
His Summer.
The ocean, pulsating in deep indigo, stretches beyond  concrete barriers erected on the road side. 
Suna watches when you ignore the barrier’s sole purpose and climb onto it, inviting him to join you with the beckoning of your hand and a pat to the empty space next to you; a space he gladly fills.
“You don’t see stars like this in Tokyo,” you whisper, afraid of shattering the quiet seaside.
Suna takes his phone out, wiping at the black of his screen. You tilt your head, asking doubtfully if he can even snap a photo of the stars with that, but it changes to pleasant surprise when he flips the camera and shifts closer to you.
The dim light from a nearby lamp is barely enough to illuminate your features but if he squints and zooms in, barely – just barely –, you can make out the ridge of his nose below glinting chartreuse through prismatic noise. And Suna can somewhat trace your teeth glowing baby blue and the push of your cheeks. 
“It’s so shit,” you guffaw, snatching his phone to zoom around your unrecognizable faces.
“It’s natural lighting. None of those disgusting filters you kids like to use.”
“We’re literally the same age!”
His phone is returned, and Suna’s fingers tap on the back of his case as he deliberates, jittery under the universe and you, wholly unaware of his nerves. 
In another 3 hours, the sun will rise and when you finally stand, he finds the courage to blurt the words that have been spooling in his head since midnight.
(He wishes for a longer Summer with you)
All the nervousness that hounded Suna when he invited you to the local fireworks festival a few nights ago? It’s all gone the moment he sees you in your yukata, the folding fan his grandmother lent you slipped neatly into your obi.
Never mind that you packed one for your trip. “Swimsuits are not the only essentials for a summer vacay~”
So you say. Suna isn’t complaining.
Festivals have never been his thing; it’s hot, humid, crowded– moist . Yet, he looked forward to this one with you. He’s never been to this festival until now, walking next to you with a cooler in his hand.
“What’s in there?” you peek curiously at the box, reaching for the clasp. 
Suna lifts the box up high where your grubby hands are unable to grab them. 
You pout; long fingers poke your cheeks but later comes sooner than you expected. Sitting on a green picnic sheet that has seen better days, Suna opens the box. A pint of rainbow sherbet beams from a bed of ice, to your great pleasure. 
“I thought you hated rainbow sherbet!” you exclaim, heartily accepting the spoon he hands you.
Suna shrugs, struggling to keep his expression even at your simple joy. “It’s alright,” he says coolly, popping the lid off and letting you take the first scoop.
A triple-colored wave curls against your spoon just as the first boom goes off, splashing starlit skies with fiery flowers of red, green, and gold. 
The plain skies above white shores he shares with you, too, are filled with bursts of rainbows.
(Perhaps it isn’t purple lightning. Instead, it is a pint of ice-cream between your bodies. Love at first sight is a trifecta of colors, exploding)
“Do you believe in love at first sight?” 
Your jaw drops, not expecting that question from Suna Rintarou. Nonetheless, you pause, and Suna can see the gears churning in your head. He doesn’t know why, but he appreciates that; a certain pair of twins wouldn’t have given him the same courtesy.
When you finally answer, Suna leans in. “It’s hard to say for sure but I probably do.”
“I mean, I don’t know if it is love at first sight, but maybe more like wanting to know a person more. Way more than other people, right away.”
Your answer, though not bad, makes Suna a tad nervous. 
“It’s like discovering a new place, you know?” You nod to the world outside the shop window, sweltering in the unforgiving sun. “I didn’t think I would love this place the first time I came here. Now I’m here for the third year in a row!” 
“With this shop or my hometown?” Suna wears a teasing smirk but it feels like he’s about to have a heart attack. 
You smile furtively and Suna never gets an answer. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
He very much does.
On your last night in Aichi before you take Summer away with you, Suna unlocks the door to his uncle’s ice-cream shop. He has received express permission to “help yourselves” to a buffet of ice-cream as your farewell gift (until next year).
He’s never eaten so much ice-cream in one sitting before in his life, and likely, neither have you judging by the way you’re massaging your stomach. His own hurts, and the sugar running in his blood makes him want to grab your hand and run out onto the beach.
You groan, poking at the remains of your rainbow sherbet. “Rin~ help me finish this!”
His tongue juts out. “Ew, rainbow sherbet. No thanks.”
“Please! I’m struggling,” you bemoan, listlessly swallowing another spoonful.
Torn between sighing and chuckling at your torment, Suna moves his chair next to yours. His acquiescence revitalizes you, and you immediately bring your spoon up to feed him in a familiar repeat of the first time you met him.
And just like the first time, Suna wraps his hand around your wrist, pulling the spoon– you– closer as he leans in. His palms burn like the mid-August sky over your midsummer skin.
His lips part.
Lime and raspberry. The sour taste makes him squint. 
His expression makes you grin, causing the little stripe of green lime on the corner of your mouth to stretch. 
It’s that damn stripe’s fault.
It compelled Suna, pulling him beyond the spoon falling loose in your hand to touch his lips on that stripe of green.
A soft taste of lime. Sour. It makes him squeeze his eyes shut, or so he tells himself. 
It’s not the hard beating of his heart, the panic that lances him when he realizes what he has done, the fear of seeing your reaction and feeling your mouth tremble against his.
Surprise and nerves, he likes to think, and tells himself.
Suna keeps his eyes squeezed closed, the layer of sweat between where his hand meets your skin palpable as the damning taste of lime on both your lips.
Hours seemed to come and went in the seconds he allowed his hormones and stupid, summery feelings get the better of him and you only sat there, still and silent. Suna still has his eyes sewed shut, and can’t see your expression. He can’t see jack shit and the only thing telling him that you’re still there is the unbroken touch of your lips against his and your shaky, warm breaths.
It was only seconds but it felt like an eternity to Suna, before you finally moved and saved him from his spiraling mind and the awkwardness that was creeping upon him.
It’s tentative, unsure, and Suna wasn’t sure if he imagined it at first but there’s no mistaking the light press back and gods, Suna would have heaved in relief if he wasn’t still connected to you by the mouth, featherlight it may be.
At seventeen, you and Suna shared your first kisses with each other. It was awkward, weird, sticky and tasted like lime. Short. But sweet.
 Perhaps rainbow sherbet isn’t as bad as he thought.
He’s not sure why but in the weeks, then months, following that kiss– unaddressed, unspoken of henceforth– the two of you don’t speak as much anymore. The messages petered out like the end of a summer shower, muggy and uncomfortable, and clings to him long after summer and rain have gone.
The last exchange had been amiable.
‘Good night.’
Yet, it was excruciatingly hard picking it up again as the days slipped by.
The last of autumn’s leaves fall and Suna wonders if it would be strange suddenly messaging you out of the blue. He stares long at the ‘seen’ and timestamp from hotter days.
Gods, he’s seventeen and thinks it’d definitely be lame to do so. Besides, if you wanted to talk to him, you could always message him first too.
And you haven’t.
You too, stare at the ‘seen’ and timestamp recollecting balmy days. With cheeks pressed deep into your arms and blankets wrapped tight all around against the encroaching winter, wondering what it’d feel like if it were the arms of a certain ice-cream shop boy instead.
But you’re seventeen and the future is scary and uncertain.
The letter confirming your acceptance to your chosen study abroad program peeks tauntingly at you from underneath stacks of books.
You were happy– still are– when you received the news back in July. You had planned to share that joy with Suna when you met him in Aichi in the summer. Yet, something held you back, kept the words from being spilled even as ice-cream melted and foolish secrets were shared under starry skies and blanket of waves.
You were resolved to tell him and had been prepared to do so on your last night in Aichi–
Then he kissed you. And you kissed back, with surprise and an elated heart.
And you didn’t say anything after that.
It’s all so silly. This crushing in your chest– you want to stay, to visit Aichi and see Suna again. You want to go, pursue your dreams and studies abroad as you have always planned before him and his damn pink-yellow cap ever appeared in your life.
You want more summer days with Suna, and autumn, winter, and spring! You want all the seasons with him, to explore this undeniable attraction but–
‘Good night.’
It’s been weeks since either of you said anything. They always say that if a guy truly likes you, he would reach out no matter what.
And he hasn’t.
You’re going abroad. You already know that, deep in your mind, despite what your young heart longs for.
You’re seventeen and decided that it would be illogical to pursue anything with the ice-cream boy, with the most brilliant, unforgettable set of eyes you met over summers.
And just like that, it was as if neither of you were ever in each other’s lives.
Like fireworks, the two of you splashed and burned brief, shared months and dispersed in wisps of smoke to the world.
On his eighteenth summer, Suna returns to Aichi again to work at his uncle’s shop.
He has since moved to Tokyo to pursue his own ambitions, but something he wishes to not name pulls him back to his uncle’s shop, like it had every year, for the past three years. 
His eyes constantly dart to look at every shadow that passes by the windows, and his head zooms up with every ding of the bell. The days pass slowly, more excruciating than usual, thick and syrupy from dawn to dusk.
You never showed up.
(It doesn’t feel like summer at all)
The bell chimes for what would be the final time for Suna. As the last customer of the summer and the rest of his life ponders what flavor they will have, Suna impetuously stabs the tasting spoon he had been holding into the swirly tub of green, orange, and pink– and takes a bite.
Yuck. Rainbow sherbet isn’t as good as he thought.
You are eighteen and abroad, young and excited.
Yet everytime you come across an ice-cream shop, hear waves and feel the sand between your toes, see the occasional, miraculous starry sky–
From halfway across the world, you are reminded of brilliant yellow eyes and a boy in pink and yellow stripes.
On your nineteenth summer, you return to Aichi.
With a thudding heart and hopes and young daydreams of what could be. 
Will it be awkward? What shall you say first? Something witty or nostalgic? What will he say when he sees you? Will he be happy to see you?
The bell chimed and none of those mattered when it wasn’t Suna at the counter but his uncle instead. 
“Didn’t he tell you? He isn’t returning to Aichi this year.”
“Oh.” Your throat is closing up. “I wanted to surprise him so I didn’t ask him in case it tipped him off–” You rub your neck to alleviate the embarrassment burning hot there and blink multiple times, forcing away the rising pressure in your eyes.
“You silly kids!” Suna’s uncle laughs. “He was here last year but you weren’t! And now you are! Wait till I tell him–”
“Please don’t tell him! He might feel bad if you did, and it was entirely my fault for not checking with him.” In truth, you called but the line didn’t go through. His number has changed. 
“You sure? Knowing Rintarou he’d just scratch his bum about it–”
You giggle despite your falling heart. “I’m sure. Perhaps next year.”
You return to Aichi again on your twentieth summer. And your twenty-first.
Unlike previously, it was less for the specific purpose of seeing him and more to visit a place, and its inhabitants, that has grown close to you.
But the hope that he would be there never truly died, and each time you entered the ice-cream shop with a full heart close to combusting, that does, inadvertently burst.
For Suna never visited Aichi again.
It’s been four years since Suna last visited his hometown. He is now twenty-two.
In his defense, he presently plays for EJP Raijins and has been incredibly busy with his career; the last few years have been tough: training, press, tournaments, and everything else that comes with becoming an upcoming pro athlete. 
His family understands that. Still, it has been a while since he saw his grandmother and uncle; his parents visit him in Tokyo every year. So he’s invited them all to his game this year, fully paid for by him.
Only, in place of his grandmother, he saw you instead when he went to greet them in the hall before the game. There you were, shuffling nervously next to his uncle, looking as if you haven’t changed at all in the last four years, even if you have grown up. The both of you have.
Suna felt it again, the same feeling he had when he saw you all those years ago. It’s faint, dimmer than when it first manifested in his fifteen year old self; a white void, great and silent, cascading onto him. But it’s the same one, he’s sure of it. Because he’s never felt it with anyone else he’s met, and he’s met a lot of people in recent years.
Suna doesn’t know why; it’s illogical, but he supposes that everything concerning this feeling is, though he is reluctant to name it. He’s always thought that, long before it happened to him. 
Long before he met you.
“Hi,” you say shyly.
It feels like he freshly emerged from an overtime match when he breathes out, “Hey.”
These two words are all that is said between you before he is marching off to the locker rooms with an empty head– white shores– ‘Hi’s and ‘Hey’s etched in the sand. Suna wants to ram his head onto the lockers for reasons he cannot comprehend. 
Seeing you again after all these years…he is transported back to his uncle’s shop, wearing that stupid pink and yellow striped uniform with chocolate dripping down his hand. The EJP Raijins jersey he’s quietly proud of melts away in the face of you, an occurrence he never fathomed.
The void stays when the whistle blows, but he isn’t distracted. On the contrary, the thought of you in the crowd, watching him, sustains the quiet shores inside of his mind and heart; its peace drowns out the cheers.
And Suna played the best he has ever played since he joined the team.
“Rintarou, stop being dumb. I thought you’re smarter than this.”
“Uncle, what are you talking about–”’
“You know what I’m talking about! Watching you two during dinner was embarrassing! You barely spoke! Your grandfather’s rolling in his grave!” 
“...no one asked you to look,” Suna counters weakly. “And leave grandpa out of this. Have some decency.”
His uncle rubs the palms of his hands into his eyes before carding them through his graying hair.
“I’ve watched you dance around each other since you were fifteen! Especially you, Suna!” he complains then repeats, “Fifteen! I didn’t let you have an ice-cream buffet for it to turn out like this!”
“We weren’t doing anything–”
The serious tone his uncle took on made stops Suna mid-sentence. “She visited Aichi the last three years that you haven’t. She says it’s not to see you but she always asks how you’ve been doing.”
The information stuns Suna. You went back to Aichi? Why didn’t you say anything– oh. He changed his number. Well, why didn’t his uncle say anything?
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he inquires.
“She told me not to tell you, says she didn’t want to bother you and that ‘it’s weird.’ You kids and your social taboos. Still, I promised and I don’t break my promises.” He jabs Suna on the chest and adds, “You better not too!”
“It’s why I don’t make promises,” Suna mumbles and swats his uncle’s hand away. “Anyways, there’s nothing to say–”
His uncle lets out a loud, garbled cry of random sounds. “Your grandmother didn’t give her tickets away for you to chicken out! Your parents raised you better than this!”
“I can’t believe even grandma is in on this…”
Strong hands clasp him on the shoulders and Suna is forced to look his uncle in the eye.
“Go and talk to her. Properly. Like an adult.”
knock knock
  ‘Talk to her or I’ll tell grandma about the things you post on your Instagruel, Instrument– whatever it’s called!’
  Suna sighs as he wonders why he never saw his uncle as the extortionist that he is. The man quite literally made him promise, with linked pinkies and all, to go talk to you before the night is over. 
Suna doesn’t make promises but he keeps those that he does.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to you. But what is there to say? Things weren’t exactly… clear , the last you and him spoke and saw each other, for that matter. He kissed you, you kissed back, and then poof. In modern dating terms, it’s safe to say that you mutually ghosted each other out of sheer– he doesn’t know what on your end– but definitely young stupidity on his.
“Rin? It’s getting late, what are you doing here?” You blink at him, surprise plain on your face at the unexpected guest.
Suna almost smiles at the nickname. It’s been a while since he heard you address him by that. At all, really. 
He takes in your appearance, notes your fingers tugging at the hem of your shirt and the drumming of the other on the doorknob. Have you been as restless as he was this entire evening?
“I was wondering if you’d like to go for a walk with me?” Suna winces at his unnatural politeness. It’s you; he’s never this polite with you, not even when you were a customer. It’s bizarre.
There’s a brief moment of hesitance, unconscious, in the way you took a small step back before you’re nodding and asking him to wait whilst you went back inside your hotel room to change.
The winter air is crisp, wind tunneling between the buildings whipping at your figures as Suna leads you around aimlessly. Truth be told, he had no idea where to go or what to say. 
“How have you been?” You break the ice. 
Right, that’s a good place to start. 
“I’ve been good. You?”
“I’ve been good too.”
“That’s good to hear.”
Suna wishes a truck will run off the curb and hit him now. His fingers are freezing off in his pockets and somehow they’re still sweating. 
This is absolutely terrible.
A ray of hope cuts the grey path ahead, and Suna manages to peel his eyes away from his shoes to gaze upon his salvation–
Oh. It’s an ice-cream shop. 
The irony isn’t lost on him. You don’t miss it either, for you peek up at him shyly, scratching at your cold cheeks, and ask, “Do you want to get any? For old time’s sake.”
When he nods, you turn and lead the way, grabbing the handle and missing how Suna stops following you just shy of the shop’s awning. He prefers to quickly rip the bandaid off.
“What happened?” 
“Huh?” You look over your shoulder, confused. “What do you mean?”
Suna buries his face into his scarf as if to hide the burning ridge of his nose. “That night… you kissed back,” he mumbles. He has to force himself to look back at you, to discern and verify the rapid changes in your expression as you look for an answer. 
Surprise, self-consciousness, bashfulness, nervousness, nostalgia–
“I–,” you clear your throat, the shop light shining like a beacon on your blushing skin, “I did.”
“Why did you kiss me back?” he addresses the giant, tri-colored elephant that has been slumbering in the back of his mind for years.
You sputter. “Why are you asking this all of a sudden? It was so long ago.”
“Tell me.” Suna persists, taking a step forward with narrowed eyes, pushing for a reason, an excuse, to justify the cloudy feelings he has been harboring for all these years and now jostled up by your unannounced appearance in his life again. 
He’s not mad, he doesn’t not want you here, but the lack of closure for his young feelings, your reaction, and the lack of events that followed all those years ago isn’t pleasant. It leaves a muddy clog in his chest and quite frankly, he dislikes it. There was so much left unsaid and unexplained; perhaps he should have let it go and Suna thought he did. Until he saw you again.
And Suna knows, he just knows, that you feel the same way as he did.
Why else would you come see him play? Why else would you go back to Aichi the last couple of years?
Why did you two simply drift apart?
He’s so close to you now that he can see the perspiration beading on you, feel your warmth radiating and seeping into the folds of his clothes. You refuse to meet his eyes, looking here and there and everywhere but him right before you. Similarly, his heart is beating so loud that he’s sure you can hear it.
“Tell me.”
“Because I liked you! Okay?!” You finally cave, admitting with eyes squeezed tight. It reminds Suna of how he too kept his eyes closed as if his life depended on it when he first kissed you.
“Then why didn’t you say anything!? Why did you stop responding?”
“Don’t try and pin it on me. You didn’t contact me any further!”
“Neither did you!”
“Well, you changed your number and didn’t tell me!”
“That’s because I thought we’re no longer speaking with each other!”
You’re both breathing fast, hearts and emotions rising, and Suna glimpses the shop staff staring in concern through the glass. He deflates with a sigh and steps back before the staff misunderstands the situation and calls the police.
The streets of Tokyo are rarely silent yet somehow, this little area in the big city is exactly that. There’s only the sound of distant cars humming like waves on distant shores, and the muted chatter of people buzzing like summer cicadas; it reminds Suna of the times he went on late night walks with you along the beaches of his hometown.
You slap your hands over your face. “Oh my god…”
He snorts and laughs in turn at the incredulous conversation that took place. It doesn’t take long for you to peek through your fingers and join as well, chortling in disbelief.
“We were fucking dumb ,” he states.
“In our defense, we were young.” 
“Still dumb.”
“Yeah, we were.”
An embarrassing silence follows as you stare at each other. Sunca can see the gears in your head churning, processing the revelation that the two of you had been, well, dumbasses for years. He can empathize, for his brain hurtles through the same process.
You break eye contact and look down at your shoes, scuffing them against concrete. “I guess there’s also another reason why I was hesitant to contact you after,” you begin mumbling, and Suna reflexively curls his hands into fists within the confines of his pockets.
“Yeah? Besides being a teenager incapable of communication?”
“It’s a better reason than that!” you pout furiously, head sinking into your scarf. “I was going abroad. I have been abroad, the last few years. College.
Suna whistles, sincerely impressed. “Nice. Where at?”
“Irrelevant. I’ll tell you later,” you brush off his question to continue your explanation– reasoning– to why you stopped contacting him. 
Suna watches intently as you take a deep breath, idly noting how the ice-cream store staff are still staring at your figures with too much curiosity and intensity, the shop door failing to completely mute his conversation with you, bits and pieces filtering through the little vents at its foot. 
One male staff even holds a cone in his hand, watching the scene unfold as if this were a movie. The man takes a long lick, eyes all the while glued on your figures.
“That night when you– we, well, you know–” you stumble over your words and Suna finds not much has changed; you were still as bad at communicating your feelings as you were at seventeen. You clear your throat of the clogging shyness, “At that time I already knew I was leaving Japan as soon as I graduated. I planned to tell you but then you–”
“I kissed you,” he supplies plainly.
“Yes. And, well, there didn’t seem to be a good moment to tell you after that,” you finish softly. Regret isn’t the right word to describe your feelings in this moment, reflecting back on that summer night and the next four years without closure. You do not regret ever following your aspirations abroad, especially not over a boy in your youth. You weren’t that dumb. However, you admit that you could have handled it better, communicated it, talked with him– “I should have handled it better.” 
“Yeah, you should have.”
A disbelieving gasp leaves you, head whipping up angrily to tell Suna off but the teasing grin that greets you has your anger easily deflating. 
Suna understands. He really does, because he would have done the same thing in your position. Had he known you were going to leave the country, would he still have kissed you? Probably, only because his body moved on its own that night. Though it doesn't mean he forgot the flutters, the want, whenever he was with you back then. It’s not too far off from what he’s feeling in the present; it’s dimmer, but it has grown, matured with him in age. He’s no longer as jittery and blinded by white shores.
He’s grown. You’ve grown.
“I should have done better too.”
A cloak that has long rested on the depths of his heart– of gray clouds and why’s, unnamed yet felt, ignored but not forgotten, existing as surely as he does breathes– lifts the moment he utters these words. He feels revivified– released, of this midsummer memory that has crawled into his mind countless times in the minutes before sleep takes him (his brain has a penchant of replaying it for him unbidden at 2am). Suna shudders to think that had his family not invited you to his match, he and you would have continued on with your lives carrying overcast hearts caused by something as silly as simply being teenagers still learning and growing.
Judging by the smile dimpling your cheeks, Suna knew you felt the same.
He nods at the shop door behind you. “We should probably go inside. That is…if you still want to?”
Your answer comes in a shy smile burrowing into clothes and a blast of hot air that his chilled body welcomes. The shop bell chimes and you are both transported to past summers and the first time you met in a wave of nostalgia. 
Suna hasn’t gone to an ice-cream shop since the last time he worked for his uncle, having subconsciously avoided them in the shadow of his volleyball career as an excuse; your love for ice-cream shops developed because of many days spent at one with a special boy, and many more visited over the years in reminiscence and perhaps regret.
“There’s a buy one free one scoop deal for couples.” The male staff, the audacious one from before, announces when you reach the counter.
“Oh, we’re not–” you begin but Suna nudges you sneakily.
“Pick whatever flavor you want, honey. My treat.”
You had been his first love at first sight. And likely, you are the last.
Because Suna thinks that people who fall head over heels for someone at first glance are fools. Love is something that is grown into, to be slowly nurtured with time and dedication. To his logic-based brain, the entire idea of smashing head first into love at a glance is ludicrous, like a bad car crash where you never see it coming until it's too late. 
He knows because he’s experienced it. Both the unexplainable, ridiculous butterflies sprouting into existence the moment you stepped through the door and into his life, and the subsequent 7 years it took to nurture it.
There was no car crash however, only teen folly and human imperfection.
You glance up at him with a cheeky grin as you answer, sing-song and all-knowing.
“I’ll have a rainbow sherbet.”
“It’s a good flavor!!”
An expression you’re not sure you have ever seen Suna make before lights his face for but a transient second. It’s one of those laughter-smiles, all teeth with wide lips and wrinkles accompanied by tuneful joy. Suna knows it too because the muscles pulling at his cheeks are unfamiliar, straining wider than he usually lets them in his side smirks. 
“In that case, two rainbow sherbets please,” he tells the staff. He can feel your gaze pressing onto the side of his face with a question unspoken, and this is when Suna brings out his infamous smirk. 
He takes both cones and turns to you with green, pink, and orange in the palms of his hands. A trifecta of colors.
They say that everyone becomes a believer of love at first sight when it happens to them. Well, Suna rightly doesn’t know.
All he knows is that, instead of purple lightning striking, there was only a void filled with empty white shores whenever he saw you; it didn’t matter how many times or how long in between. All Suna knows is that the world fades away in the presence of you.
As he hands you your cone, Suna sees colors dyeing the white shores below his feet once more.
And Suna knows he will do it right this time.
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nerdygoth77 · 2 months
How would Lilly meet Porter Gage, if not through the Nuka World Gauntlet?
My honest reaction when reading this ask:
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Okay but seriously!! I didn't expect anybody to take interest in my OC Lilly and her story with Porter Gage!! I am so happy that some of you are taking interest in her character, I love answering questions about her!
So I've only thought about this briefly! So my thoughts for how she meets Gage are nothing more than silly ideas so far, nothing has really been set in stone or even thought out throughly. Everything in this is just pure brain rot ideas that I have been considering!
I LOVE the Nuka World Gauntlet and I love to picture Lilly absolutely kicking ass in the Gauntlet; impressing Gage and the others as her and Dogmeat take on the challenges like champs. Then Lilly kills Colter without a second thought, becoming Overboss immediately.
But I also have a few other ideas brewing. Like Gage coming across Lilly. How?? I don't really know the nitty gritty of exactly how. But I do have a brief unfinished idea so far. Maybe theres some stories and rumors about some crazy wastelander who has been hiding out not far from the Nuka World transit center. Or maybe something else?? Maybe he figured out who she was before she became a crazy wastelander, like he knows how she had turned Goodneighbor into an empire. Maybe they meet well before Nuka World is even a thought in Gage's mind?? IDK yet! But I do really like the idea of Gage getting to know her a bit better before asking her to kill Colter and take his place as Overboss.
I just love the idea of Porter Gage coming across Lilly and her terrifying companion Dogmeat after a big fight. Picture this; She's just standing in the middle of the ruins of an old town, a dozen dead supermutants surrounding her. She's in some ratty old jeans and an Atom Cats jacket, and covered head to toe in mutant blood. She's breathing heavily and shaking, clearly in a drug fueled rush. The bright pink nail filled baseball bat and broken pistol at her feet tell a story, one of her insane bravery and recklessness. She is clearly in desperate need of a turn around, and Gage has the perfect offer for her.
The dog at her side is massive, the colorful red bandana around his neck standing out against his brown fur, but blending in well with the blood that covered his muzzle and paws.
When he looks up from the dog and back to her he sees that she's staring right at him, her hand in a fist at her side. One that was clearing giving a command, the dog at her hip getting into that low attack position. She is ready to sick her dog on him, to have the beast rip out his throat. But she doesn't, instead she asks him a question.
"What do you want? Any sane man would've attacked me by now." And the smirk that crosses her face is dangerous, one that Gage returns. "Well I'm no sane man, and you look like a woman who knows how to get shit done." and Lilly can't help but be intrigued by the new stranger.
He was clearly a raider, and by the looks of him one she should absolutely not trust. But her life is already a mess and she has nothing else to possibly lose, so she listens to his job proposition and goes with him.
Once again, these are just thoughts for now! But let me know what you think! Do you have any thoughts on Gage and Lilly?
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mothgodofchaos · 2 months
I'm curious about necromancer after doin your moodboard so may I humbly request reader and him being rivals but then a spell goes wrong and he realises he'd have no one like him around if you were gone
or similar vibes idk
Necromancer x GN!Reader, TW: angst, panic, vaguely described chest injury Words: 310
I fucking love this prompt. How dare this be so fucking tasty.
The flash of purple and green colliding in the air as beams of power fuse and dance together. Sparks and sludge fall onto the ground, burning foliage and the ground beneath your feet. He grins, the colors reflecting off his glowing irises. Your hands tremble as his magic begins to overpower yours, typical for a duel between the two of you but something feels off.
Step by step he attempts to crowd into your space, prompting you to try and match his pace so as to not feel trapped. Your foot catches on a stone, sending you flat onto your back and stopping your spell. His beam hits your chest, burning sensation spreading throughout your body within the few seconds it’s in contact with you. He stops, panic in his eyes as he crouches down. Your heart is beating out of your chest, breathing heavy as it burns, forcing you to think about nothing but the pain. You attempt to set up, and he pushes gently on your shoulder to force you back down. “No no, don’t sit up. Just keep breathing.” He stares at the gaping hole in your chest, panicking as he tries to think of a solution. Healing magic is usually not his forte, but he’s not exactly hoping for you to die so he can bring you back. But it doesn’t stop the thought from crossing his mind as a last resort. The wound is cauterized, but in order to continue living you’d need intense healing magic to fix it. He tips a potion into your mouth, hopefully numbing the pain and helping you go to sleep so he can get to work. “You’ll be alright, my dear. We’ll make sure you’re alright. We will be safer next time…” He scoops you up into his arms, making a break for his lair, hoping for a miracle.
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This is kinda random and might be a touchy subject idk, but do you know why the finale script would be from the day after filming wrapped? Like how does that work exactly, why is the "final draft" dated to the day after wrap? Is this something that happens with other scripts too where the final draft is dated after filming wraps? Is it the script they give to editing or something? Would there be differences made between that one and the one they had on the last shooting day or is it just a matter or when it was printed?
Hi, hello, and it's not a "touchy" subject, per se, but you may notice that we haven't linked that specific script in our collection because try as we might, we have never been able to verify its authenticity.
But on the subject of Final Draft scripts, we do have a verified authentic one in our collection, for which we also have all eight days of call sheets and shooting sides. You can compare the text of those shooting sides of 11.07 Plush with the Final Draft version. You'll notice that all the words they say are the same, but in the shooting sides, the header at the top of the page might differ depending on which draft version they were working from on a given day of filming. Every page of the final draft header says Final Draft.
The header from the Day 1 of 8 call sheet of 11.07 Plush, current script revisions (yellow): 9/10/15 (the final day of filming was 9/28/15, for reference):
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The Final Draft of 11.07 Plush, dated 9/28/15:
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The Final Draft is indeed the... Final Draft, incorporating all draft revisions at the end of shooting. You're correct, in that it's for postproduction-- editing, vfx, any adr that needs to be done, and the company that programs the closed captions, translations, etc. It avoids confusion and ensures that every department is working from the same script, and not the wrong revision pages, you know?
Things get revised throughout shooting, which you can see in the daily sides. They're printed on different corresponding colored paper so everyone knows at a glance that they're all working off the same draft pages. At the end of filming, once everything's been recorded, set in stone as it were, it's far less confusing to use a different system of knowing everyone's quite literally on the same page.
And all that would typically be finalized after filming wraps. The date on the script has nothing to do with the day it was printed, but the day the draft version was officially finalized.
Mel tracked down the last known filming revision draft of the finale, the goldenrod collated draft. It's dated 08/27/20.
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Compare that to an Official Final Draft that Jared posted, dated 9/11/20:
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It's very likely all the same text, but as shooting had wrapped, all the other draft versions listed on the shooting script would be revised to Final Draft, so everyone working in postproduction would know they were working from the correct pages.
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
chapter update: give a dog a job
Chapter four is up on AO3
there's a bunch of really good stuff in this one, buckle up guys
some canon tie-in shit but nothing like. i don't think there's anything you actually need to know. (in-universe Iorveth is a guerrilla. in this universe i've made him an activist. but there's still a king so i haven't like. idk. well it's not set in the modern day actually. not exactly. does it matter? i did the worldbuilding but y'all don't really need to know.)
This version of Iorveth is, I would argue, very canon-compliantly a huge drama queen and for him, commitment to the bit trumps all else, LOL.
This was a gambit Iorveth hadn’t encountered before. He tilted his head, frowning. “You what,” he said, frankly scornful. It was a new low, was what it was. “You think I’m attractive, do you? Is that what I’m supposed to believe?” He shoved himself off the rock where he’d been leaning, and stalked toward Vernon, letting himself walk like a predator, menacing and looming. Vernon backed up against the rock ledge, eyes flickering, assessing. Maybe he’d fight. That would be something, at least. Scrappy, wiry little fucker; he’d probably kick Iorveth in the balls. Well, Iorveth had certainly had worse. It’d be worth it, to break the monotony. He leaned in close, and put his hand on the stone, bracketing Vernon, cornering him. “What if I call your bluff, hm? You really think you want to get closer to this horror show?” Iorveth leaned down as if to kiss Vernon, bringing his face closer and closer, waiting for the blow to come-- would Vernon punch him in the stomach or knee him in the groin? Vernon did neither. At this range, he was too close to focus on. He wasn’t struggling or flinching or recoiling, he was just standing there; his lips had parted, he wasn’t trying to get away. That’s how he wanted to play, hm? More commitment to the bit than most could muster. Well, fine then. Iorveth moved his hand from the rock to touch Vernon’s face, cradling his jaw, and then tilted his head and went for it, fastening his mouth onto Vernon’s. Vernon sucked in a breath through his nose and latched on, opening immediately for Iorveth. Oh this was unexpected, but if that’s what he wanted, Iorveth was only too glad to oblige. It was so long since he’d kissed anyone: even if he was about to get stabbed, he was going to enjoy it.
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zapsoda · 8 months
hullo!! i guess you know what classpecting is... well i'm not doing that! i'm zodiacting! idk if yo spacecrew got set birthdates but here's their signs according to me
clam – the hardest to zodiact cuz hes. like. a mirror of what we feed his AI yknow but i tried. pisces sun + virgo rising + gemini moon
kip – he was surprisingly kinda hard too. he just screams taurus so much that his other placements were hard to feel. taurus sun + sagittarius rising + pisces moon
roy – nothing much to say. im most satisfied with her moon placement. scorpio sun + capricorn rising + leo moon
tally – i poundered a lot about his (and bax's) sun placement and ended up switching between the two of them. suits them better methinks. aries sun + libra rising + scorpio moon
bax – real tough here too. as we speak i'm still not a hundo percent sure but it's p good methinks. gemini sun + libra rising + aquarius moon
anyways this whole shabang is probably incomprehensible to you but it was fun to do for me :]
i do have a biiit of zodiac knowledge (dated an astrology girl once haha wrow) and i can def see all of these working. they have no canon birthdates to speak of, let alone set in stone ages haha.. so theres no contradictory info to worry about either aha
since kip is so taurus-y he could totally have it show up in multiple places like a double triple taurus yk? its another possibility:3 ive met a scorpio sun + rising.. a triple virgo..
i vewery much like gemini sun for bax its my favorite thats like. exactly what i wouldve said too always/forever
i can understand it being hard to like. chart clam i feel like i dont have a lot to give in regard to his personality itself which i would like to change. i should develop and talkabout and draw him more mayhaps ....
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marsipain · 2 years
hi i literally know nothing about cyberpunk but im DROOLING OVER UR DESIGNS…i like do not have the patience or mind to ever do smth like that so its so cool to see other ppl make really cool designs for several characters like wow. i think zane and harumi r my favorite IM OBSESSED.
what kind of things did u use for inspo ?😳
anyways hihihi sorry it took so long to answer this eeee
Okay so I didn’t actually do that much formal research for it, because anytime i try to do that i feel my creativity and livelyness is sapped out of me (probably one of the reasons i hate school lmao) anyways
It’s actually a really funny (and long) story how this au came to be, so at first i saw the party clone of MK in lego monkie kid (this won’t make much sense if you haven’t watched that show sorry, but also at the same time if you haven’t YOU REALLY SHOUDL ITS REALLY GOOD AND THE ANIMATION MAKES ME DROOL NGL) and i was like yo wouldn’t it be cool if Lloyd had an evil party clone too? and then it expanded to an RGB evil clone au (cuz i’m a sucker for RGB siblings haha) and then i got the idea for nya to be a racer and to have a cyborg gf (cough cough pixal) and i was like okay scrap all the clone stuff were making this a completely independent au because this is MUCH cooler. and yeah, idk where the whole cyberpunk thing came from, i just thought it would really fit into the themes of fighting rings, clubs and races :DD
After that i was a bit busy for a while with school (just like i am now :c) but the brain rot for this AU was still going strong, so I made a pinterest board where i saved just a fuck load of cyberpunk shit that i thought looked cool, and whenever i had time i’d use those to draw the designs! here are some sketches with their references :D (zane and harumi included since they were ur favs! ps zane is my fav too, he just gives off such manager vibes but, hot, HAHA)
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(ignore the lines, procreate just fucks up stuff if you change the canvas size and you try to access prior versions of the drawing through the timelapse option lmao)
anyways as you can see not even all of the references are cyberpunk stuff
some of the stuff was different and changed a lot through the process, like for example i decided against harumi having the furs because she would never wear them in this AU, she needs practicality in her fighting matches haha. I also changed a lot of lloyd design, cuz i was like “hehe, heelies” cuz zoom zoom, yk? and then u have zane, which was really straightforward coz i had almost exactly how i wanted him to be set in stone in my mind xd
Here’s a link to the pinterest board if ur interested! there’s a bunch of stuff in here i never got to use, so if anyone is interested idm it being used for stuff ^-^
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