kibblenoodlesnail · 3 months
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Have my Human Solar design
A Happy silly
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5inauajalearning · 1 year
There Are Nothing Wrong with Smoking and Vaping
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Even though Smoking and Vaping are dangerous, it’s the business of the users, not other. Instead of banning smoking and vaping, governments should focus on restricting their use.
This could be done by raising the legal age to purchase smoking and vaping products, banning smoking and vaping in public places, and requiring warning labels on smoking and vaping products. For example, raise the legal age to purchase smoking and vaping products to 21. This would help to reduce the number of young people who start smoking or vaping.
Governments should also make it easier for people to quit smoking and vaping. This could be done by providing free or low-cost smoking cessation programs and making nicotine replacement therapy products more accessible. For instance, provide free or low-cost smoking cessation programs. This would help people to quit smoking or vaping and improve their health.
By restricting smoking and vaping, governments can protect public health without infringing on individual rights or causing negative social and economic consequences. For example, ban smoking and vaping in all public places, including restaurants, bars, and workplaces. This would protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke and aerosol. Besides, require warning labels on smoking and vaping products that clearly state the health risks associated with their use. This would help consumers to make informed decisions about whether or not to use these products.
Last, make nicotine replacement therapy products available over-the-counter. This would make it easier for people to quit smoking or vaping. Hence, smoking or vaping became the healthy activity. By restricting smoking and vaping in these ways, governments can reduce the number of people who smoke or vape and improve the health of their citizens and change the purpose of smoking and vaping.
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eric-sadahire · 1 year
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I hate being in that mood where nothing's really wrong...
but nothing feels right either.
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yyxandere · 10 months
Bobby Fulbright with Reader who is Athena Cykes’s older sister and has a crush on Simon Blackquill
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I'm only gonna be talking about the phantom Bobby btw ( ̄��� ̄)↗
Bobby would have some sort of power imbalance, especially when Blackquill is his prisoner, since you are related to Athena you must definitely have trauma after what happened he has this string that could unleash the horrible memories of what happened that day, he would also use your crush on Simon as blackmail.
He just has this TIGHT grip on you emotionally.  
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cartoonrival · 11 months
ok. sketch requests ?
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onlineviolence · 1 year
I am the worlds biggest gabv1el. “eh”-er
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steamworksfairy · 12 days
it's challenge time >:) 16 for verde
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Probably Arco & Verde kind of ships. There's nothingwrong with it, I just don't always have ideas for purely platonic ships, and since the Arcobaleno are who I ship with Verde the most it'd be hard for me to jump on board with that one.
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celestie0 · 2 months
mewnbyul deactivated on twitter:( i wanted to see her artttt
also, i feel like gojohime is a rlly hated ship for no reason. i like satosugu but i also like gojohime i feel like there's nothingwrong with both
oh noooo whattt :(( i didn't know that. i wonder why they left
yea i don't really explicitly ship gojohime but idk why it gets sm hate haha. like why are shipping wars between two adults still a thing. go hate the people that ship gojo w yuuji or sumn.
also even though i dont explicitly ship gojohime the FANART FOR THEM EAAAAATTTTTTTSSSSSSS UP DOWN
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01-05-2001 · 2 months
Wait why is it a bad thing that Ben said Cal is like family
nothingwrong with it its just sweet..
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cypress-leaf · 2 years
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Our World 我们的世界
Fandom: Elementary(TV) 基本演绎法Relationship: Sherlock Holmes/Joan Watson Artist: Gille Author: 东墙已拆 Notes:  * 黑白福双人格au,白福代表福对花尊重与爱的一面,黑福代表福对花占有与改造的一面,前文见《踩水自救》。 ** 私人稿件,请勿使用。Personal commisson. Please do not use with out permission.
[1] Joan Watson: You have this kind of pull... Like gravity. I'm so lucky that I fell into your orbit. 你有种特别的拉力……像地心引力一样。我何其有幸进入了你的轨道。
...Me orbiting you. ...It's an exciting way to live, but there are consequences. ...But I need to get my own place. ……我总是跟着你走。……这样的生活很激动人心,但也有后果。……但我需要有自己的空间。
(Elementary, S02E24)
[2] Joan Watson: You know, I-I pulledaway from you last year because, um, I felt myself getting sucked into thisworld that you built. I wanted something normal. Something that was mine. 你知道,我……我去年从你身边离开,是因为,嗯……我觉得自己被困在你建造的世界里了。我想要一些正常的东西。一些属于我自己的东西。
Sherlock Holmes: Well, there's nothingwrong with that. You have a right to your own space. Both physically andmentally. 嗯……这并没有错。你有权拥有自己的空间,包括生理上和心理上的。
Joan Watson: I'm not sure that I do. 我不确定。
(Elementary, S03E14)
[3] Joan Watson: I feel clear about something. Our work, whatwe do... it's not just a job now. It's who I am. I'm a detective. I'm ready toembrace that. 我对一些事看得更明白了。我们的工作。我们做的事……这不仅仅是一份工作,而是我这个人。我是一名侦探,我已经准备好接受了。
I live in this world, your world, and I probably will for the restof my life. 我活在这个世界里,你的世界里,而且可能余生都如此了。
Sherlock Holmes: It isn't my world. It'sour world. 不是我的世界,是我们的世界。
Joan Watson: I understand that now. Iaccept it. I know what it means. 我现在明白了。我接受它。我知道这意味着什么。
Sherlock Holmes: And what does it mean? 意味着什么?
Joan Watson: It means that it'sridiculous for me to think that... I can have a normal life. I'm not gonna dothat anymore. Just like I'm not gonna pretend this isn't the best place for usto do our work. 意味着我以为能过上正常的生活……是很愚蠢的想法。我不会再这么想了。我也不会装作这里不是我们工作的最佳地点。
Sherlock Holmes: You're always welcometo come here. You know that. 你随时都被欢迎回来。你知道的。
(Elementary, S03E14)
[4] Sherlock Holmes: This pursuit of Watson must end. I' managed to achieve a certain balance in my life, and Watson is essential to that. 你不能再追华生了。我的人生好不容易才回归正轨,华生在其中是根本核心。
Watson and I routinely save lives, I cannot and will not allow anything to get in the way of that. 华生和我经常要拯救生命,我不能也不允许让任何事情妨碍到我们。
Mycroft Holmes: You value Joan to precisely the extent that she's a salve for your many neuroses. You purport to be her friend, and yet you don't care a whit about her happiness. 你只是把乔恩当作治疗你神经疾病的药剂。你自称是她的朋友,但是你却从不关心她开不开心。
Sherlock Holmes: Well, I hardly think you're essential to her happiness. She has a very symmetrical face--she will attract a mate when she is ready. 我可不觉得你能让她开心。她的脸很对称,等她准备好了自然就会引人前来。
Mycroft Holmes: And there you'll be, to pick him apart and find flaws and hoard her gifts to yourself. 然后你就会出现,分析他,挑他的刺,把她据为己有。
(Elementary, S02E21)
[5] Sherlock Holmes: Stay on permanently. 永远留下来。
Not as my sober companion, but as my companion. 不是作为我的康戒陪护,而是作为我的人生伴侣。
Allow me to continue to teach you. 让我继续指导你。
Explain what you have been to me and what I believe you can be to me. 理清你对我的意义,以及我相信你能够成为的意义。
Partner. 搭档。
Oh, and lest you think that this is an act of, uh, charity, a gift from a grateful client, let me assure you, it is not. 未免你把这当做是一个心怀感激的客户对你的回报,我向你保证,这不是。
I am... better with you, Watson. 和你在一起,我会变得更好,华生。
Um, I'm sharper, I'm more focused. 我能更敏锐,更专注。
Difficult to say why, exactly. 我也说不清是为什么。
Perhaps, in time, I'll solve that, as well. 或许假以时日,我会想明白的。
(Elementary, S01E16)
[6] Sherlock Holmes: Do you think we're cut off from the world? 你认为我们与世隔绝了?
Joan Watson: You know, neither of us dates, neither of us really goes out much. At all, actually. 因为我们俩都不约会,也不经常出去,事实上是根本不出去。
Sherlock Holmes: We're not cut off from the world. We're engaged in creating one that's actually worth living in. One that addresses our needs entirely, and eliminates everything extraneous. 我们才没有与世隔绝呢。我们在参与创造一个更值得生存的世界。一个完全重视我们的需要,并且完全消除所有外在影响的世界。
(Elementary, S02E03)
[7] Sherlock Holmes: I mean, Watson, that whether you care to admit it lately or not, I am an important part of your life. And, whether I say it out loud or not, you are an important part of mine. 华生,不管你愿不愿意承认这件事,我都是你生命中非常重要的一部分。也不管我是不是把这件事大声说出来,你也是我生命中非常重要的一部分。
And I think, even though we might draw further or nearer from each other depending on circumstance, you and I are bound... somehow. 我想,不管因为某些客观原因,我们的关系可能或近或远,但是,我们在某种程度上说是相连的。
(Elementary, S03E04)
[8] Sherlock Holmes: When I look back on the 18 months, I often categorize it as a kind of...grand experiment. 当我回顾过去的十八个月,我愿意把它归类为一个……伟大的实验。
The results of which have demonstrated to me, much to me surprise, that I am capable of change. 让我惊讶的是,实验结果表明,我是可以改变的。
So I will. 所以我会。
Change. 改变。
For you. 为了你。
For our partnership. 为了我们的搭档关系。
(Elementary, S02E24)
[9] Sherlock Holmes: For you, Watson, I'd make adjustments. Always. 为了你,华生,我愿意做出调整。一直如是。(Elementary, S06E08)
[10] Joan Watson: Why you being so nice to me? 你为什么对我这么好?
Sherlock Holmes: Aren't I always nice to you? 我不是一直对你很好吗?
(Elementary, S07E01)
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rodeoblitz · 2 years
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I alwayes wante to make an apology post. So here is me, i toon this picture earlier and i have made a statement. I did nothingwrong and if anyoensays otheriwsr theyre flaming me.
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2leggedshark · 6 months
free her she literally did nothingwrong. dont investigate too hard just trust me. If everyone trusts me on this there will be 10 million dollars. from somewhwre
Frfr. I'm innocent as long as you don't look for evidence I swear.
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tldrgender · 7 months
Ive decided theres actually nothingwrong with me im just depressed and i dont eat enough
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resuscitandamx · 9 months
all these years later and Nothingwrong by Jimmy Eat World is still an absolute banger of a song for this verse
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babyawacs · 1 year
#fooled #judges @judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@d eutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #g ermany #toddlerkick #dismal_aeh_pubes_worries #russianmethod #witnessprot ect #arewearescuefloat #rescuepeople #serotolerancewiththefacts . #wi tnessprotect #misguided #andwherecanifindthiswonderfulnorthkoreathen #ti meline #fooledjudges #or #spoiledprocedure #quellaccomplices #lustgain #ambiguity #mildest #snot #a #case #of #whatiswhatiswhat #barricades #who else #gracious #right ... #sgerman #sgermany #lookatthetimeline #usual ly #hoogle #reframed #mildfacettes #of #what #themquell #ahbythewayidid nothingwrong #kanneskaumabwarten #bis #irgendwer #euch #noch #alibis #v erschafft #nachdem #ihr #euere #verbrechen #vertuscht #how #judge #judges #system #ai #thetruth #and #the #ruleoflaw #bananarepublic #inthen # donot #the #rubbertittts #simpler #usually #else #bad #biological #german solutions #nowandhow #there #instead #compensation #oujaounorthkorea dee d type intelcrimes how themrule under their thumb shuffled medival freefor all vogelfrei as strategy exchanged with hostage takers and support b arely averts the worst targetted individual in criminal securitypolicy t he real factuality basis and c h a r g e d as such by thevictim nutted bythem reframed now as: ///// hollywood batshitnuts versions of real thin gs is then not: a poor being imagines inhis chamber is someone else. a nd buys a cola imagining heis someone else: itis: hollywood batshitnuts 5 0checkpoints germans control in locations noone ever briefed w a n t s imminent satisfaction that whatthey do to zombis and the rubbertitts from hartz4 are theproof and he called himself mary during the german nutsn essproof then //// then their efforts nut the charging repeatedly only n eeds aeh aeh aeh one round him up outof shower to court present his aeh aehaeh nutsness then thentheyllfind sth quickly and allthey overtape didn thappenthen because nuts then wheeeeey ie german german german efforts //// itis germany each ambiguity is not tech smartie figures out itis so meone sat down and explained the tech gadget so you canreturn starving a nd suddenly each germancrime they quell they suddenly deserve from you the
#fooled #judges @judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #germany #toddlerkick #dismal_aeh_pubes_worries #russianmethod #witnessprotect #arewearescuefloat #rescuepeople #serotolerancewiththefacts . #witnessprotect…
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thomasteague · 1 year
This painting is 12 x 24 inches. Oil on canvas. It was made several years ago. I am calling this post“influences” because I see in thiswork of mine the influence of theartist Thomas Nozkowski. I have seen a lot of Nozkowski’s workon line. I often see a lot of Paul Klee in a Nozkowski painting. I can remember an art professortelling me once that there is nothingwrong with being “inspired” byone or…
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