cassandras-nest · 4 years
First of all, thank you for liking this absurd idea of propaganda posters, thank you! Love doing those...
Second, i was about to stop at Fox but thanks to @suddenly-clones​ i included others, and yes there will be a poster celebrating Commando’s too.
Now onto the important things...(words by @novasquad2805 as always, my saviour)
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(this one’s for the troops)
aurebesh translation:
Commander Doom is a wise soldier.
He knows what the stakes are,when to retreat and when to call backup.
Troopers, don’t let your pride get in the way. Be like Commander Doom.
- Republic High Command
update on Fox’s one, i have it ready and it’s spectacular
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stubborn-amphibian · 4 years
@novasquad2805 started following you!
“Hey... Doc is it? Do you know how to set a dislocated shoulder?”
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echo1409 · 4 years
Echo! Stay with us vod’ika. *squad forms perimeter around him* Anons! Stay back! *takes his datapad* Don’t let him look at it!
Does this happen often? That was quick. I can't fall short so close, though. Vode, I've got to go see my general. I have to.
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koyacyi-vode · 4 years
26 Rex and Padme? #uncommon ship. Lol
Sorry this is so late! || Prompt from this post
Prompt 26 - “I didn’t intend to kiss you.”
Characters: Rex and Padmé
The rest under a readmore!
Padmé held herself with such grace it was almost terrifying. Even through the last few years of running and hiding, Rex still saw the refined and practiced motions that she'd always moved with when she was a senator.
When he'd first met her, he'd seen what kind of fighter she was. He didn't have to know the harrowing tales of the Invasion of Naboo when she had been Queen and still just a child, or how she had fought alongside Jedi and clone alike on Geonosis. He'd seen it in her eyes the first time they met. The quiet but fiery determination that fueled her actions. That fire had turned into an inferno when the war had ended. Rex had always admired her for her tenacity. He'd never realized just how much of it she actually had. 
She was pacing at the moment. They were waiting on word from Ahsoka, but it was taking longer than either of them would have liked. They'd only just arrived at their current safehouse, and tensions were high until they felt safe in their current location.
Rex was positioned in the window, looking down the scope of an ancient but solid sniper rifle, searching for movement in the growing darkness outside.
"Ma'am," Rex said, keeping his attention through his scope. "You should really sit down. You'll just wear yourself out," he suggested. He heard Padmé stop her pacing abruptly. She sighed.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Padmé?" she asked, a soft resignation in her tone. 
"At least once more, ma'am," he said, and he grinned at the annoyed sound she made. Rex's comm crackled and then Ahsoka's voice drifted through, calm and focused. 
"We're clear. But I'm going to extend my radius a bit more just in case. Area is deserted, and we weren't spotted, so we will be safe here for a few nights," she relayed. The tension seeped from Rex's shoulders immediately and he sighed, lowering his rifle. He picked up his comm.
"Copy that Fulcrum, let us know when you're on your way back," he said, and she confirmed with a rather cheeky 'roger roger' before signing off. Rex put his comm in his pocket and stood up, joints popping from being in one position for too long. 
"We'll be safe for the night," he told Padmé. She visibly relaxed and nodded, the tense angles of her shoulders softening incrementally. She looked different now, and it wasn't just the lack of ostentatious senate attire. The end of the war had hardened her more than the rest of them.
"I'm going to check on them, they've been locked in the back room for a while," she murmured, and walked towards the end of the hall where they had put Luke and Leia while securing the perimeter.
When the Republic fell, he didn't think he would ever see Padmé again. But she had found them. Rex had no idea how she had managed it, but only a few weeks after everything had come to a catastrophic end she appeared with one newborn strapped to her back and one to her front. And Rex knew from that moment on he would do everything in his power to keep her and her children safe.
The twins hadn't been a surprise. He'd been well aware of Padmé's pregnancy before the end of the war. They were about four years old now. It had taken a while for Rex to get used to being around such young children. But he loved them with all of his heart, even if sometimes just the sight of them would make him ache. The familiarity of their mannerisms and faces were agonizingly similar to their father. He saw the same pain in Padmé's face every now and then when she looked at them.
They didn't talk about him much, the General. Ahsoka never spoke about him and Rex was smart enough not to even think about him with her around. It hadn't been a pleasant first conversation. Padmé had recounted her discovery of Anakin's betrayal with subdued, detached seriousness. Whether she had come to terms with it for the sake of her own sanity, or for her children, Rex would never know. Ahsoka had been distraught, and disappeared for several weeks, before returning in grim despair. From then on it had been the five of them and the ghost of the man who had once tied them all together.
Years later, it still felt like a fresh wound, seeping and septic. 
Padmé returned alone, and Rex tore himself from his memories. She gave him a small smile and sat down on the dusty couch near him. 
"They fell asleep," she said, answering his unasked question. "Curled next to each other right where we left them," she leaned back, sagging a bit. She was tired. They all were. Rex swallowed and walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"You should rest too, ma'am," he suggested quietly. Padmé hummed and gave him a tiny, tired smile, placing her hand on top of his. Rex had to fight to keep his face neutral, since the touch alone almost made him jump out of his skin. 
"You're a kind man, Rex," she said softly. "You've done so much for me and the children. We wouldn't have made it this far without you and Ahsoka," she admitted. Rex's brow furrowed in confusion.
"You don't give yourself enough credit, ma'am," he countered. Because it was true. He believed wholeheartedly that she could hold her own. She wouldn't have to though, and he would fight to his dying breath so she wouldn't have to. But she could. Padmé snorted a laugh and the bright sound made Rex's face inexplicably heat up. She stood up and smiled at him fully, and it was rare to see her smile like that. Rex treasured every one of them. 
"Your confidence in me is flattering, but I do feel much safer with you around," she said warmly, grasping both of his hands lightly between her own. Rex was momentarily transfixed with how small her hands were, slim and elegant, but not without the blemishes and calluses that told of their years of running and fighting. "Really, thank you," and she pulled him into an embrace that almost made him stumble in shock. It took him several seconds to respond and then he returned the gesture, if a bit awkwardly since she was significantly shorter and slighter than him. 
It had been quite a while since anyone had hugged him, apart from the kids. Rex hadn't realized how much he had missed the physical warmth and touch of another person and he found himself melting into her arms and tightening his own around her. Padmé breathed a heavy sigh into his chest. Rex wondered if maybe she was feeling the same thing. They stayed still and quiet, just holding each other for several seconds before he spoke.
"I'm glad I can help you in any way, ma'am," he murmured, slightly mortified with how hoarse his voice was. Padme's shoulders shook with a small laugh. 
"Padmé," she insisted. 
"Sorry," he whispered, even though he wasn't really that sorry. Padmé's arms lowered slowly, her hands drifting across the back of Rex's shirt in a way that  sent a tiny shiver down his spine, and she pulled a little further back. 
This, Rex realized suddenly, was dangerous territory. Because she was definitely too close, and he didn't want to pull away. And he should pull away. But he didn't and there was a half a moment's breath between her hand sliding against the back of his neck and tilting her head and then all thoughts of retreat were blown away as she kissed him. 
It was soft and hesitant, her other hand pressed up feather-light against his chest. And before Rex could get his brain to think he kissed her back. He brought one hand up to cup her cheek and the other braced on the small of her back as their lips slid together a bit firmer, a bit more insistent. He'd be lying to himself if he said he hadn't thought about this. Over the past few years he'd come to admire her in more than just a professional respect. Ahsoka had found out several months ago and had teased him about it, but she had the tact not to say anything or goad him on about it. Because, well... Remembering the why made Rex's brain come to a stumbling halt.
He pulled back, not sharply, but with enough purpose that Padmé retreated. He couldn't look at her, his mind swimming in guilt. He felt almost wounded, which was a ridiculous feeling to have over this kind of thing. But the tightness in his chest was as tangible as any physical injury. He exhaled heavily through his nose, controlling his breathing the best he could. She was quiet for a few moments, most likely a bit shocked herself. 
"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I didn't intend to kiss you." Rex risked a glance at her. Her brow was furrowed in a complicated emotion with one of her hands pressed against her mouth. Rex had a feeling he understood a bit of what was bothering her. They were connected to the same source of pain and guilt after all.
"I know," he rasped. She turned back to him and her eyes held a deep sorrow that he wished he didn't have to see. Rex sighed and closed his eyes, trying to relax the rigid posture he had accidentally locked himself into. "I think…" he searched for the right words, painfully aware of her expectant gaze on him. "I think that it's… too soon... for this," he clarified, hoping to Force that she would understand what he meant, since there was no way he could explain it any better. Padmé smiled sadly and he saw the recognition in her face, the understanding. It didn't make him as relieved as he would have liked. 
"I agree," she said, and Rex's heart clenched painfully. She traced her fingertips over his cheek before she withdrew completely and Rex shuddered. He wasn't sure how they would proceed, now that this was out in the open. It was one thing to want someone. But it was another thing entirely for that desire to be requited. But they had wounds still too fresh to heal. And they both knew better than to pick at scabs. 
Maybe one day, when their wounds have healed more and death wasn't trailing their every move, they could be something different together. But for now, it was safer for them to maintain their imagined distance. 
"You should get some rest, ma'am," he repeated, their earlier conversation feeling like it had taken place years ago. Padmé nodded, her expression distant and melancholy. She stepped back from him, giving him some space as she walked back towards the room with the twins. When she reached the door she turned back towards him, her hand against the doorframe.
"Good night, Rex," she said softly. He nodded at her, tight and tense. 
"Good night, Padmé."
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cmdrsarahpalmer · 4 years
My main blog is Star Wars, but Halo is easily my fav fandom. Palmer is ‘La Queen’. You’re awesome!
Aw! And it’s awesome to find other people who like Palmer! 
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tup-ika-5385 · 4 years
Hey Dogma?
While we’re on planet, I was hoping to go to 79’s, to spend time with our vode. And I’d like to visit Lenani too, since she was really nice to comm us while we were on campaign, and she said they had a new drink, which I want to try, and I think it would be really fun... do you want to come? *pleading tuppy eyes*
Also, Coric, Jesse, Fives, Echo? Anyone else want to come? I heard they’ll have a new bantha-riding game! 😁
@clonetrooperdogma @coric-the-medic @echo1409 @501st-verified @novasquad2805 @riptide-squad @soclonely @kixwillfixit
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(@novasquad2805 )
Grim looked at the clone, not believing what she was about to do. "Leo, the clones, all of you, have chips in your heads," the padawan said not meeting his gaze. "They're to make sure you follow an order...an order to kill all of the Jedi."
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angelwars11 · 4 years
Thank you for the tag: @soplantyourownflowers ❤
Rules: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
I have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
I don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
I wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
I wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
I go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
Oh hey this was cool and I kinda feel like I learned something about myself!
Song title tag game
song title tag gamerules: only using song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and tag ten people!
What’s your gender? Female!
How are you feeling? Pretty good!
If you could go anywhere? Europe!
Your best friends? I have 4! Three boys, one girl!
If your life was a tv show? Mannn, it would be hella sad at one point, make people cry and relate so much. Got me listening to songs everyday. And then it becomes a bit happier near the middle, and then I am just glorious at the end! It would be one of those shows with the long episodes about each event and question in mind. My life is pretty much a biography about surviving bullying, racism, how it is to be a kid and then a teenager.
Alessia Cara (These songs would be in my tv show)
1. Scars To Your Beautiful
2. Stay
3. Seventeen
4. Out of Love
4. Wild Things
choose to fill out whatever u like :) I thought this was fun so I did all of them but to each their own
I'll tag more than 9 because skskskksk:
@confessionsofawritingdork, @kaasknot, @smellssharpies, @imagines4thepeeps, @fanri-chanf3, @klay97, @apollonkondric, @mayorandqueenofthelost, @obi-wanismybaby, @sozuu, @divergent-llamas-03, @supershiny-raven, @sunset-farmboy, @starkiller-2187, @notreallybeccab, @itsme0828, @forestgreenbee, @random-bean63, @mezescitrom, @lifeisspiralling, @jazzwave13, @chaospersonified, @novajill, @novasquad2805, @chaoticblueblog
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jaig-tano · 4 years
@novasquad2805 I heard a rumor you got engaged. //talking to Leo obvs
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ponchotheclone · 4 years
A Kid Without A Unit
Strolling around Coruscant had always been something that Poncho had loved to do. The city streets full of lively chatter, the laughs of children rushing up to each other, and usual red of his brothers armor shining over the bleak colors of the civilian clothing.
Now he had been speaking with a newer member of the guard, his armor was freshly painted with ruby red paint. He was shy but was happy to meet another Shiny.
As they talked, neither of the two had notice the purple armored man coming up to them. The newbie had froze when the shadow reached over the two, making poncho quirk his brow. “Whats wrong?” Without an answer the Shiny ran off, mumbling about having to continue his rounds.
After a long moment of questioning silence he spun around, jumping back at the large armored man. “Oh-hello there sir!” He looked up at his visor then chuckled nervously, “Ah your a brother right? I’ve never seen purple armor before.”
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cassandras-nest · 4 years
Y’all ready for everyone’s favorite bastard loyal boy in red? Well, you don’t have to wait anymore...
(as usual, words by @novasquad2805 )
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aurebesh translation:
Commander Fox is a loyal soldier.
Him and the Coruscant Guards are here to protect the Republic’s heart.
Be loyal to the Republic. Be like Commander Fox.
- Republic High Command.
*pretty simple, i know but it suits Fox better.
( @officialcoruscantguard​ you have a very pretty and photogenic Commander)
Next on the list: Bacara, Neyo and Gree
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gh0stb1tesss · 4 years
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Wren in her outfit for the undercover mission at the Scipio Ball!!!!
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askcaptainphazzy · 4 years
Apparently you’re being shipped with a Clone Captain. (@novasquad2805). [I know it’s a different Phasma blog. I’m just curious how she’ll react. 🥺🥺]
I’m a bisexual asexual. And I’m certainly not dating some stinking low life Clone when there are so many beautiful men and women I could have instead.
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bibliodragon · 4 years
Tagged by @ladywolvesbayne
Relationship Status: Aromantic
Favorite Color: Green
Three Favorite Foods: Veggie chilli burritos, churros, roast potatoes
Song stuck in my head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5X53C42WCc Don’t judge! Rainbow lesbian dragon with the voice of Renée Elise Goldsberry!
Last song I listened to: see above
Last thing I googled: I needed to see how to spell Renée Elise Goldsberry
Time: 20:11
Dream Trip: Norway. Fjords and northern lights!
Anything I want right now: I want to write all the things but writing is hard.
Tagging: oh god pressure. @novasquad2805 @firerwolf @haywie12 @mzminola and anyone else who sees this and want to (also no pressure to respond!)
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wangzapper · 4 years
You asked who Phasma is shipped with. She has been shipped with Captain Leo from @novasquad2805
Ah, interesting!  
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@supremeleaderandprincekyloren @marshalcommandercody @novasquad2805
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