#now i DEFINITELY dont wanna do online ;w;
lokh · 1 year
why they pronounce anji like angie
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inkyray · 2 months
i don’t even really dislike tara it’s just so hard watching this bc i can relate to alyssa sm and it completely turned me off from her completely
also watching stuff about jake johnny and tara wasting food is also very ignorant when with inflation many people can’t even get enough food on their tables
i do wanna point out this was apparently a drunk episode, alcohol definitely alters ur brain to do compulsive things, just want to get this out of the way.
as someone who deals w depression and anxiety i think the way alyssa handled it was pretty mature. and if you take taras personality accountable, you should understand that she's a loud person who most of the time speaks her mind. now im looking at this from an adults pov, idk about yall. i definitely do think what she did was really insensitive and a dick move, but we cant act like, under the influence or not, had a thought in mind and hadn't done that before.
everyone has their flaws and something shitty about them, just because tara is more chronically online than others, doesn't mean you should feel entitled to immediately hate her for slipping up. just because you see them online doesn't mean youve got them all figured out lmao, alyssa seems to know tara in a way people through the internet don't. if alyssa has problem with it, than it's completely valid, but it wouldn't really make sense if someone on the internet felt the need to constantly point it out
as for the jake and johnnie and tara wasting food thing, i dont have much to say since i literally dont watch a single one of them, but ive always agreed that wasting it is wrong, but i think instead of getting angry about it, we should educate them about it lol
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loafbud · 10 months
how naive i was to assume not having a job/no college for 7 years after highschool graduation would give me enough freedom to feel inspired, live life and pursue my creative endeavors
it's made me the complete opposite
lazy, uninspired to take action, sleepy, not mentally stimulated...
im here wondering why my life's been so stagnant, why i missed out on having "core experiences" in my early 20s (having irl friends/a job/house/etc, going out to travel, etc), feeling like the world's spinning and its leaving me behind, like its already too late for me to do anything to enjoy life
I have creative projects i just..... sat on, let them live in my head and imagination for years, that I haven't acted on yet because i..... idek the reason, its like this:
i have all the mental energy to get hyped about my projects, freely imagine them in my head, seeing a future for those ideas- but in terms of actually doing it??? im just unable to have the physical drive to pursue those.
so when ppl tell me to "get up and just do it already- dont think, just do or else you'll never make progress"..... it doesn't motivate me, neither does it actually get me excited to do it
if you were to tell me "hey vinyl, u graduated hs now time to go to college!!" in the years immediately after graduation, id fucking cringe and just lock myself in the room.. hs was a hellscape that socially negatively affected my mental health, so my introverted ass going thru another academia experience with social anxiety & being around the same kind of energy was the last thing on my mind
but now that I've wasted my early 20s doing nothing with my life, I finally realize what i need to do to make it out
and after 7 years missing out life, when i think about doing (online) college, i actually get fucking excited??? in a good way?????? i cant wait to fuckin flip thru textbooks and take notes bro, to (for the first time in my life) set myself a schedule and actually take academics seriously, to have fully online asynchronous courses so i could learn at my own pace
to finally give my life that work/play balance. because 7 years of my life's been nothing but 100% play (ex: doing hobbies, gaming, lazing around, sleeping, etc), and i have no one but myself to blame for that
(i know i mentioned me finally choosing to go to a community college weeks ago, i still haven't applied yet but i will before the year ends lmao- i just dont wanna rush into it, i wanna prepare)
....but then idk,, to say 7 years of my life was a complete and utter joke/huge waste isn't entirely true... im constantly learning about myself and those years definitely played a big part in my self-discovery and just see how my beliefs have changed thru time
uhhh yeah
tl;dr- as a 25-year-old artist with 7+ years of a no work/no school life + living w/ my parents my whole life, I've gotten absolutely zero shit done on creative projects and no forward progress in my life in general, so im going into my college/work era
the position I've been in for those years helped me grow as a person internally, but this era i was in has already served its purpose so its time for me to start a new chapter or smthn
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chicspo · 23 days
hey lolaa hope ur having a great day, anyways i wanna get smth off my chest. growing up- i was always the left out friend which later on in life I purposely excluded myself out of friend groups/friend ships esp after like a minor inconvenience happened. I’d say i have an intuition like a dog so i can immediately sense someone’s intentions and stuff. I recently moved schools and well it’s not going well. I’m doing academically well but I genuinely do not have anyone I vibe with or be friends with. There was this girl- we had similar interests and stuff so I did talk to her and then one day I asked her if she wanted to sit w me in class right. She purposely ghosted me for like 4 hours and responded telling me she can’t because she have to gossip with her friend in like the most shadiest way 💀. Glad to say after that I wasn’t going to contact her again- I have some friends like 3-4 which are from my old school or used to attend there and well those friends and I are starting to drift apart and I feel like I have no one. I have been always fine being alone but a few days ago I definitely started to go insane because I just felt so isolated from the world. I’m now kind of learning again on how it’s okay to have no friends ( literally no one to text to ) and how I can just live peacefully alone with myself. It gets hard sometimes and I was wondering ur advice on the whole thing
school frienships are usually a waste of time. focus on ur grades its great that ur doing good academically!! ur future self will thank u. u dont have to comform to being friends with people who dont appreciate u just because theyre the only people available around u. definitely ur doing good getting used to being by urself. most people cant be alone and its detrimental. however its normal to want someone to at least talk to or text. if u cant find anyone worth ur time irl even out of school somewhere else, try making online friends. it will be less intimidating and ur likely to find people with the same interests way easier. at least that way u will have someone to speak to everyday
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acompassionatemonster · 9 months
I seriously think I’m speaking to a three year old because there’s no way you can be older than a toddler with how stupid you are. If you are older, please consider going back to school because you’re not gonna get far in life with your lack of common sense and underdeveloped brain. There is no way you can call me illiterate when you literally started your reply with, ‘not you’re mad’ and ended with ‘stay one that Jujutsu Kaisen season two’. And in your first reply you did get your ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ mixed up - you used ‘your’ when it should’ve been ‘you’re so scared’. Now please tell me if that made any sense. Take your head out of your ass and admit how much of an imbecile you are.
Love don’t worry about if I have a job or not, I know I am and will be fine but it’s you that you should be worried about right now. I don’t think you can get a job with your stupidity and illiteracy - no wonder why you read manga, bro just follows the pictures and ignores all the actual writing. Please do yourself and everyone else a favour and log off of Tumblr and every other social and pick up an actual book.
Oh come on now, don’t be a coward and avoid my question. I’ll stop bothering you when you either answer what media you are planning to consume soon or admit that you putting a Gojo spoiler without any spoiler warning and under a Toji tag was idiotic and insensitive (even though you strongly disagree - I’m sorry I didn’t know we had a new Joker over here- not that you have the IQ to be able to pull that off). I’m sorry that I’m the only honest person in your life to say you are insensitive. I bet you don’t even know what that word means given that your literacy and comprehension skills are very limited. So I’ll help you out a bit (because I doubt you can even spell it) and give you a definition, ‘insensitive’ (an adjective) - showing or feeling no concern for other’s feelings. A synonym would be ‘inconsiderate’. You can’t prove me wrong that those words don’t describe you. It was a big spoiler and I know it because you were probably crying over it and in your post you literally say you’re not ‘reading jjk anymore idc’ - therefore, you had no right in spoiling it for others, get that into your thick head and small fish brain.
I’m sorry I didn’t know you were a sheep and posting spoilers without warnings because, ‘literally everyone on here isn’t’. Are you that daft? Just because everyone isn’t, doesn’t mean it’s not wrong. Bro are you saying that if the purge happened and everyone was out wreaking havoc, you’d do the same thing and still say it’s not wrong? Are you a child that doesn’t know right from wrong? Please for the love of God, for your own future and safety, go back to school.
TLDR: stfu and tell me your opinion when you have a present dad x and sorry if this was too much writing for your bozo self to process mwah.
I think I'm speaking to someone who dropped out of school, like literally dropped out of school in the 7th grade. Because if YOU'RE SO SCARED OF SPOILERS WHY ARE YOU ON TUMBLR?? LIKE I FUCKING SAID YOU PEOPLE HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES. IF YOU DONT READ THE NEW CHAPTERS THEN THATS, ON WHO??? ITS ON YOU. and why are you harassing me about my spelling?? Bitch it's fucking Tumblr, I'm not writing a thesis, a research paper or even a fucking essay. If I wanted to write a whole fucking article and then yes I would make sure that my spellings of both 'your' and 'you're were correct. However IM NOT. AND IDGAF. So why tf would I care if I spelt something wrong or mixed a few words up???. You bitches are talentless, jobless, bored and can't fucking read nor write and still live with YOURE parents in their BASEMENT. AND WANNA COME AFTER ME BECAUSE YOU GOT SPOILED. BITCH I DONT CARE IF YOU DIDNT READ THE CHAPTER AND FOUND OUT GOJO IS DEAD!!!!! BECAUSE SOCIAL MEDIA HAS SPOILERS E V E R Y W H E R E. DONT COME ONLINE AND YOU WONT GET SPOLUED THEN YOU FUCKING ASSHAT. YOUR mother must have dropped your special ass on the head as a baby, because why are you at YOUR grown ass age GOING ON DIFFERENT PROFILES TO HARASS ME ABOUT A FICTIONAL FUCKING CHARACTER. I just fucking know you don't take baths OR EVEN WASH THAT FUCKING FILTHY ASS OF YOURS. it's fucking disgusting that YOUR Neanderthal ass came on here to give me a hard time because you what??? Can't keep up with the chapters when it releases??? Not my problem fucktard. And I'll tag my fucking posts with whatever I want. And I did answer your question, I said and I quote I don't care sweetie. So why don't you go to sleep and roll over on that cockroach infested ass floor mattress you sleep on every night. Roll over and go get caught up to the new chapters. Imagine trying to harass someone because YOU live in a section 8 apartment, with 15 other family members, have roaches and rats crawling all over you while you sleep and mad at me. NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU!!! I'm just sure YOURE a fucking foster child whose mother and father left your Crack baby ass in foster care. Because there's no way that someone who had a loving, family or SUPPORT SYSTEM IS THIS BOTHERED. AND IF YOU'RE SO FUCKING BRAVE WHY WERE YOU POSTING ANONYMOUSLY??? GET A LIFE YOU SMALL BRAINED, LONELY, PATHETIC, NEANDERTHAL ASS BITCH. I HOPE YOU TOSS AND TURN ON THAT FLOOR MATTRESS YOU SHARE WITH YOU 8 SIBLINGS EVERY NIGHT.
and stop coming on my page, mad ass., stupid ass, MONKEY ASS BITCH.
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floorpancakes · 7 months
can you post what all the results to the quiz are & what charas they have? im just curious to see the answers to what i didn't get!
ok so ill probably add to this slowly but time for some stats and answers and stuff! obviously dont check this out if you dont wanna be spoiled (thread)
first, here's the actual amounts of each results people have been getting:
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when i say i had NO IDEA we'd get so many chuunis....watching the numbers go up the first few days felt like a fever dream haha
but its comforting to know that everyone is cringe and free! i for one welcome our new gothy overlords!
i was also really surprised that gimmick idols got some of the lowest scores 😭 the space that spans is so wide so i was expecting way more people to get that result since i figured it'd catch a lot of people, but i guess you guys are rare!
now its time to look at the archetype list:
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this was pretty tricky, especially cause i was working on the quiz for funsies at silly o clock in the morning for two nights while i was dealing with some sickness induced exhaustion lol. i wanted to include more (a few like the princely type nearly made the cut), but I found there was
1. a lot of crossover between archetypes (this even happened with some of the idols i chose for the results image!!! hanayo being average idoltwt user AND a harapeko type or minori being average idoltwt user AND fake it til you make it for example)
2. some archetypes that were only based on visuals or not on personality at all
3. kind of lowkey paradoxical (eg. someone might really fit the princely type, but often in idol shows they make it so that trait is pushed on them, but they secretly wanted to be feminine all along, which like, ok but then if someone actually fits the princely vibe I'd be slightly struggling for examples and we'd get all tied in knots unfortunately)
4. the amount of answers was already getting so long that if i added any more it'd start getting difficult to come up with more answers for some of the more concrete questions (like what you'd do post graduation etc)
...so I had to kind of draw the line somewhere. especially cause i thought like 3 of my idoltwt mutuals would take it and that's it 😭 maybe I'll make a part 2 or a more extensive quiz later who knows (guess who just remembered the 'rock is life' type idols and screamed into a pillow for only just remembering...)
so the idol archetype categories themselves are DEFINITELY things I've picked up on in multiple series, altho they may require a lil bit of explaining so I'll quickly summarise each one when we go thru the characters. i should probably mention that some of these (like the chuunibyou) are word for word archetypes that people use all the time, while some were just me trying to put words to the character types so the wording was just a descriptor (fake it til you make it queen), altho i hope they were useful! ive seen a few people online using these terms after taking the quiz which is super cute...🙇 let's take a look at these categories shall we?
(note: i have varying levels of familiarity w these characters, i wanted to make it reasonably varied and recognisable but some of them i kind of just knew what category they fit and that's it)
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to those who don't know, the chuunibyou is a pretty popular archetype beyond just idols, and tends to refer to people who are stuck in or going through their 'edgy phase'; chuu-ni being short for second year of middle school syndrome (think like, 13 or 14 year olds), but the general vibe tends to be associated with emo or goth phases, claiming to have an evil eye, being or being a servant of Satan, hiding a secret shy or self conscious side with edge, yaknow. average tween behaviour. it's not limited by age tho especially in anime media! one of the examples i used is a 26 year old grown man with a job. never too late!
Like with a lot of the other categories it was really hard to narrow down the results page characters, but from left to right:
1. Todo Yurika from Aikatsu!
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Yurika takes being a lifestyle lolita to the next level, being a gothic lolita and punk idol with the chuuni character of a vicious vampire, which she desperately tries to keep up as part of her career, only letting people see her quiet nerdy self once in a blue moon. She has a secret soft spot for garlic ramen and sings some of the best songs in the entire series (which is an achievement cause aikatsus songs are god tier).
music rec (won't do this for everyone, only ones i know well, but pls feel free to fill in the blanks in the comments/reblogs!): check out Glass Doll, Onegai Venus and Eternally Flickering Flame! She has two singing voices over the series, both of which are incredible.
2. Asselin BB II (Asselin Beelzebub the Second) from The Idolm@ster SideM!
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Asselin is a genius chef in his mid-twenties that ended up on the streets being kicked from countless jobs because of his ....quirks. He's a chuuni through and through, and its something a lot of the people around him didn't know how to handle, but when he gets taken in by Cafe Parade (both an idol group AND a real life dining establishment) to be their chef, he finally finds a place where he belongs. He's goofy and crazy while simultaneously being an introverted and nervous personality, and claims to be a servant of Satan, which just happens to be an adorable plushie that he carries around for comfort and finds difficult to be without, who gets painstakingly dressed up in matching outfits whenever he's included in a card! Don't be fooled by his softness though, this servant of satan has PIPES. You may recognise his voice, as he's played by well-known seiyuu Furukawa Makoto.
music rec: check out Waga Konton no Sabbath Marriage to immediately ascend, or Reversed Masquerade for a taste of the full CafePa experience.
3. Tsushima Yohane from Love Live Sunshine!!
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Probably the most famous on the list so I'll keep it brief! She's been at this chuuni business since she was a little girl, so she encountered a lot of loneliness before joining Aqours, but she's got a cute and clumsy personality and has a tendency to yell about being a fallen angel. She's an absolute sweetheart, despite claiming that she's angered God himself, and is always there at the scene to deliver an edgy pose or stunning vocals.
music rec: check out Kowareyasuki and Strawberry Trapper for peak Yohane vocals, honestly Guilty Kiss in general should be mandatory listening homework
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butchviking · 1 year
Hey I hope this isn't an inappropriate ask to send but I'm having a crisis. I've 100% "peaked" and there's absolutely no going back now but I'm still really put off by the demonizing of all transsexuals in radfem spaces, "dysphoria is completely unnatural", anti-transition shit and a lot of the other takes they have. All my friends are definitely not suitable to talk about this stuff with, and I feel very alone and don't know where to unload all this energy. I like your blog and takes a lot, you're a wise person I think- do you have any advice? No pressure to respond.
the thing u have to remember is there are stupid people in any movement. there are radfems who say gross shit abt trans ppl & there are ppl who call themselves radfems who i dont think are feminists at all and are literally just here to be nasty abt trans ppl. those categories exist there’s no denying them but u can just ignore them & say i am not affiliated w those people. bc there are also plenty of redfems/feminists who are understanding & compassionate to trans ppl & happy to work together on common goals. so u just gotta find the ppl u are comfortable with and try to ignore the others i guess. honestly ive always felt like ive got one foot either side of the line on “the trangender issue” nd most radfems have been understanding abt that & been curious rather than offended when i say smthn that sounds totally out of left field to them, & i’ve had a lot of good conversations w radfems both online & irl abt trans issues, trans rights, feminism, gender criticism/abolition, & how they can all tie together. so if u want ppl to talk to abt this then there are definitely women willing to talk, if u just uhh step around the severely anti-trans ladies. might b worth u making a sideblog or smthn? but i advise u do NOT get roped into radblr it is so silly here. but then i guess it is silly everywhere on the internet.
my heart goes out to u btw, esp if u and/or most of ur friend group is trans cause i remember how hard that shit is when ur starting to re-evaluate where u stand politically. i was trans when i made this blog n it was a v isolated time feeling like i couldnt talk 2 any of my irl friends abt any of this fr a long while, feeling like i had no support w my dysphoria bc one half of ppl thought i should just transition & it’d b all fixed and the other half thought if u transition u are betraying feminism & womankind. whatever ur situation, if u wanna chat my dms are always open! (im not always good at replying 2 them. but i do my best 😔)
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yonpote · 1 year
analysis of phil's cube time (make sure to read my previous post to understand wtf im talking about):
cube (self): giant melting ice cube in a desert. they mention things like maybe it could mean he's transparent, or keeps a cool head, or is ice cold, or is melting in a hot situation. i think phil definitely at this point in life and in general kept a very cool composure online but perhaps he was melting a bit irl. i do see him as someone who is a bit transparent in terms of being quite an honest person but at the same time maybe comes off as cold w things he keeps close to his chest
ladder (friends): a wooden ladder leaning on the side of the cube, causing it to melt a little. they mention that maybe phil likes when his friends rely on him or is generally a reliable person to his friends. i can definitely see this being the case, he's brought up a few times things like his party games being created so that people dont have to feel awkward at parties or always trying to be the person who includes someone in a group, and obv with dan he's always been a person he can rely on. tho phil also mentions the ladder melting the ice further, maybe meaning that even tho he likes having his friends rely on him maybe it puts further stress on him if not put in check.
horse (love): a brown, stallion-like horse trying but struggling to climb to the top of the ladder to cool down on the ice cube. OH BOY LMAO so, phil says that maybe it means he's "alone and single" since the horse couldn't get up the ladder. alex quotes the spice girls "if they wanna be your lover they gotta get with your friends" and phil says maybe he should lower his standards so the horse could be on top of the ice. now ok addressing the brown haired brown eyed stallion in the room, this video was recorded in 2012 which was a tumultuous time for dippy n pippy, they just moved to london, they're solidifying their work with the bbc, theyre in full force on their youtube channels taking a bunch of random sponsorships to pay rent, they're working crazy hard, and of course full on no-homo howell and The Leak is happening. my theory has always been this is when they took a break as romantic partners and were just friends for a while, but still very close. i read this a lot as them still wanting to stay best friends (hence the horse climbing up the ladder) but all these other forces getting in the way of anything further than that.
rain storm (troubles/stress): causing the ice to melt more. they mention phil not handling pressure well. again, 2012 was a very productive yet stressful year for phil (and dan). while i do believe its true he's not the best at handling pressure, i think considering everything that was happening, the ice cube was still there and never melted away completely. he also mentions the horse not liking the storm, again all of the work and online stress putting a toll on their relationship.
flowers (children/creative projects): small flowers on the floor surrounding the cube, not really consequential to the scene. phil considers the flowers to be more like creative children rather than actual ones, and i think it's interesting that they weren't affecting the scene at all. 2012 was a year where dan and phil tm were starting to get really popular (i would say they exploded a bit more the next couple years, but this was the year where i started noticing more people who were into them.) and they were doing radio stuff, doing videos all the time, doing younows and were active on tumblr and twitter all the time, and phil's video output was especially consistent. i do think despite all the stress that was happening with them, it never fully showed unless you looked further, and even then the extent of that stress wasnt really revealed until their comingouts.
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straykats · 2 years
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i think you knew i was coming HSJHS also it’s getting kinda late for us so you can respond to this in the morning 🤣
numbers 1, 9, 18, 66, 92, 99, 102, 121, 135 for the book recs ask game please!!
toff!! toffee!!! that gif is an accurate presentation of what i experienced last night when i was juuuust about to go to sleep and then got ur ask AHAHHA anyways, sorry for such a late response!! had to do some stuff this morn <//3
[ send me book rec asks! ]
1. a book that is close to your heart
the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky &lt;3
9. your favourite book of 2020
of 2020?? defs chain of gold by cassandra clare. why, you ask? idk im just a bitch for the shadowhunter books 💀💀 nah jokes there are defs reasons, but me already being in love w the shadowhunter universe definitely plays a major part. ummm fav book of 2022 ?? on earth, maybe. it's not a '22 book but i didnt read it until this year i think. tbh i'm not sure when i read it AHHA (i just know i havent read much this year sigh)
18. your least favourite book ever
i... don't know. if i dont like a book i dont tend to finish it? but i easily get invested in and love the media i consume so there's none i would consider my 'least favourite'.. even the ones we read in school, i found something to love about them. but, uh. city of bones is always very difficult to reread. can't ever really do it. i tend to just skip it HAHAHA
66. a book that fucked you up
on earth, but not in a bad way. and the perks of being a wallflower as well, but in a different way as well. i fell like if i read a little life it'll probably be here HAHAHA. OH WAIT OH WAIT release by patrick ness. i??? i dont remember why i bought it but i know that i got to some scenes that i was not expecting and it made me really??? confused and uncofmortable at the time, but i don't remember why.
92. a book about a redeemable villain
i.. am going to tentatively say dark rise by c.s.pacat. the more i think about it the more i think it counts, but i dont wanna spoil anything so... anyways 10/10 rec this book/series.
99. a book with a strong female protagonist
the last hours trilogy, my beloved, by cassandra clare. cordelia carstairs <3 <3 <3 BUT UH too many shadowhunter books so uh instead. throne of glass series by sarah j. maas! not only the main protag, but also lysandra ! defs grew on me.
102. your favourite dark academia read
UHHHHHHHH off the top of my head u cant think of anything that actually fits the da genre/aes, but i have the atlas six on my to be potentially read list?? wait. idk if the his dark materials trilogy by philp pullman counts as DA but if it does... yes.
121. a book that makes you nostalgic
pjo/hoo by rick riordan, guardians of ga'hoole by kathryn lasky, his dark materials by philip pullman. nostalgic bc i read them all in primary/middle school ig lol . ih and ofc, harry potter.
135. recommend any book you like
urusla k. le guin's the left hand of darkness!! it's scifi (and fantasy?? idk) and there's a lot of world building and new terms that can be really confusing (but there are a multitude of lists online w the different terms and definiitions) but the concept and the ideas/social commentary is >>> it was one of my favourite texts to study in school, and now that i'm older and have studied it, i really want to reread it again! (it was a yr12 lit text so.. i'm not really that much older but still AHAH)
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eirian · 2 months
back at it again with the trying to figure out a name to go by online outside of my art business.. an internet nickname.. i just think itd be fun and also slightly reduce the risk i face by using my honest to god actual name on social media lmfao
i have a few contenders but some of them are like...character names? and while im not 100% OPPOSED to using a character name i also feel like if i used one id feel inclined to like..take on a persona that reflected that character bc of the name? for example id love to go by scourge, its a kickass name for a kickass character who i love very much. but also if i went by scourge id 100% feel the need to give my persona green hair, sunglasses, and a leather jacket LMFAO. i dont want to fall into kinnie territory again im done w that
so i guess im thinking of more "neutral" names, definitely noun names bc i love those (or even adjectives/adverbs depending??? idk. i just know i dont want a traditional Name name), but also ones that sound Cool. scourge is one of those but again itd be because of the character and i dont wanna go down that road in that way again 😔
moss was a good start but it didnt click like i thought it would/hoped it would even after trying it on for a while. i am still considering soda, but the only thing holding me back from that one fully is that it's also my fursona's name and i kinda wanna keep that associated with my fursona :/a itd be confusing for me to go by soda and also have my fursona go by soda... i know ppl use their actual names for their sonas sometimes too but it doesnt vibe with me for mine lol
im very envious of ppl who have found their noun names and stuck with them because i do see them like..a lot, and i have for a long time. a few that come to mind are splash, blue, flighty, moon, fire, and spy (if you know you know). names like that really appeal to me
right now the only one i have besides scourge and soda is something like frontiers?? or maybe even just frontier. i cant super tell which one feels better to me yet, if i were to use it.. but all i know is that it feels like its going in the Right direction. i can feel myself getting closer to a noun name that i really really vibe with but its juuuust out of reach rn
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