#now meg mars
saturns7moon · 27 days
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hihi everybodyyyyy, astro observations p2, let’s gooo 😋.
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personally!!! i’ve seen that a lot of venusian influence within a family can show instances of having health issues linked back to sweet foods. like for example, my taurus mother is a pre-diabetic, and she’s told me that it generally runs throughout our family. i don’t have diabetes but i’ve noticed how me and my siblings have a really bad sweet tooth. eating too many sweets makes my (7H taurus moon and mars, sidereal libra sun and rising) tooth ache, the youngest (taurus rising, sidereal pisces stellium) has been scolded a lot for eating way too much sugar as well. same as i, lol.
now question for my fellow taurus placements. how do u feel about cooking? are you good at it?
i’m crying, right after i wrote this, i was scrolling on tiktok and there’s this video of this woman, meg deangelis, who says that one thing that she can never understand is when people say they can’t cook, and she’s basically saying how it baffles her. i had an inkling, so i searched up her chart and she’s a taurus sun and aries venus 😭. taurus people are commonly stereotyped to liking food a lot, which makes sense since taurus is the more down-to-earth side of venus, and venus is about comforts, and taureans find comfort in food! aries is ruled by mars, aka planet of war and what-not, and i’ve found that aries placements mixed alongside taurus placements love to cook in the kitchen because the kitchen is known to hold sharp cutlery in there, which commonly used whilst cooking.
i was listening to criminal by britney spears earlier today, and i swear that song is so so 7H mars coded. like falling for someone that isn’t the best of the best or people being against who you love like. i still can’t word it properly, but if you’re a libra rising/taurus rising/7H mars (scorpio/aries/venusian mars can count as well depending on aspects!!) please listen to the song (specifically whilst watching the music video🧍🏾‍♀️) or read the lyrics and tell me you understand what i’m talking bout 😭. like i know y’all would get it 😭‼️
^ also “why try” by ariana grande feels the exact same to me toooo omg.
having an afflicted 3H, 7H and 11H is literally my villain origin story. like it’s either i have no friends, i get bullied/outcasted or i go through the WORST friendship breakups ever like oooooh whoever has it out for me did a good job bro 🤧🤥.
(i have a 3H capricorn chiron, 7H moon and mars, virgo rules my 11H, and my mercury (sagittarius) is afflicted, i was never gonna win bro 😭)
a mutual of mine on twitter said something that i completely agree with, and it’s basically saying how having any ill feelings towards someone like, for example what she talking about, beauty can really damage ur venus personally. like, people who are severely racist for example, do y’all see how they age or look so ugly because they were berating how other people look specifically. or people who hate on women are just naturally nasty to be around. they don’t have to be physically ugly (they usually are tho) but you can tell by how they treat women what rewards and punishments they receive in life.
does that make sense? let me know guys 😭.
i absolutely love when i have my venus return/when venus is in capricorn because i feel so so pretty which makes so much sense considering in sidereal astrology i’m a libra rising ruled by my sagittarius venus, like i love all things venus, and when venus is in capricorn/sidereal sagittarius, i feel so good. which makes a lot of sense on why i don’t really care for or feel irritated when mars returns to taurus (or sidereal aries) because aside from the fact that i never really related to being martian ruled, my natal mars is literally retrograde, so yeah mars returns are not my favourites at ALL 😭.
(actually i take it back it’s not that i feel irritated? i just don’t think anything significant happens to me during my mars returns. i probably need to go check personally in my own time, but yeah. i just backtracked since in both my tropical and sidereal chart, i’m martian and venusian either way 😭.)
what’s ur favourite planetary return?
“bedtime story” by frank ocean (unreleased!!) is the most scorpio venus ass song i’ve ever heard in my life…i love it so so much sigh. the poetic, angsty, yearning that a scorpio conjures up because who could honestly be better at being so deeply consumed by emotions than scorpio? (many many other signs but it’s not about them rn!!)
yknow a while back i did a part one for sos the album by sza as the signs, and i haven’t made a part two but would y’all like another part!? or would you like me to do this with other albums? let me know pls 🧍🏾‍♀️.
this is probably common knowledge amongst other astrologers, but i definitely believe that virgos, specifically the risings, are so mean to their selves is because their 12H is ruled by the sun, and whilst the 12H is the shadow side of ourselves that we choose to hide from, as much as they would like to hide, virgos have their shadow side constantly in their face as the sun shines so hard on everything they aren’t ready to touch or aren’t ready to see. whether it’s their selves personally or others around them, there’s an underlying sense of dread that they live with because they know that no matter where they run, their mind will always remind them of what they choose to hide underneath, which results in the fear that people/society (scorpio 3H) will see the absolute worst of who they truly believe they are, and judge them ruthlessly for it (aquarius 6H).
one thing i’ve noticed is whilst saturn in pisces has been transiting my 5H, is the romantic side of my life has been lacking so much 😭. like coming april would make a year since i last had a crush on someone, which is funny to me since i used to crush on ppl so often. however, it makes sense since saturns main themes are about structure, discipline and what you want to create in the long-term, and i’ve noticed that i don’t just want to even have small crushes or what not on others because not everyone meets my standards (structure) and i want my first relationship with someone to mean something and to become something (long-term plans involving relationships) and nobody around me has given me that, so the lack in my love life is mainly just because i’m sticking to my standards and they haven’t been met yet 🤷🏾‍♀️. saturns job is to make you understand what you truly want and what you don’t want or what isn’t benefiting you, and since saturn had gone direct back in november, i’ve definitely been noticing this, especially since we’re in a saturnian season rn (aquarius) and valentine’s day just passed lmao. so just to give an example or help you understand how saturn has been impacting you, let’s say saturn is trainsiting your 9H and you’re in education, maybe you’re realising the course that you’re on isn’t for you, or your long-term plans just don’t mesh well with what your studying for yknow or you could realise how you’ve started building more around your education in regards to what you want in place for you in the future.i’m also using that example since saturn is currently trining my 9H and i’ve realised university is definitely not what i want to go through with after i graduate college tbh.
thinking about how majority of my planets are in my 1H-7H axis (1H sun and jupiter, 7H moon and mars) and how i genuinely can have the choice to create multiple identities 😭. to explain, when i was born, my mum gave me three names. mae, lola and the last one i don’t wanna disclose lmao, but i saw a tweet a while back talking about how your name(s) can definitely link back to your birth chart, and remembering this again makes me love astrology a whole lot more tbh.
(actually i lied i have 4 different names, but that name is very very close/similar to my younger sisters name as well and i can never tell the bloody difference 😭, but y’all get my yapping.)
feeling tired or like u can’t be bothered to do shit???? the moon is most likely void of course or your mars/moon is negatively aspecting (square, opposite, conjunct) transit mars/moon. when the moon is void of course, it’s basically just a period of time (usually less than a day i believe) when the moon is literally like not aspecting anything in the sky, so she’s wandering around until she transitions into another sign. usually astrologers say that during this time, it’s difficult for ppl to make plans or have any motivation to do anything as ppl are less likely to make solid decisions about anything in general, to summarise, it makes ppl lazy 🤥!!
having 1H synastry with anyone depending on the planet is so interesting to watch from an outside perspective, because you can either see two people adore one another’s energy or be completely revolted by one another. like for example my best friend has my younger sisters aquarius stellium in her 1H and it’s hilarious to me how much those two dislike each other, and then not too long ago my best friend told me how my sister reminded her a lot of herself at my siblings current age and it just clicked for me lmao.
i’ve noticed that people with a mix of aries, gemini with a small dash of water in their chart have such a hard time processing their emotions or are just very abrasive when it comes to their emotions, putting practically over emotions most of the time, leaving people to perceive them as quite emotionally stunted or selfish to be honest. i’ve noticed that it’s commonly believed that these types of people don’t really care for others as much as people care for them, leaving a lot of miscommunication within these relationships, especially if the other person is water heavy compared to them.
hi yes this is long overdue, i’m very very sorry, i just lost motivation to continue with my stuff and life unfortunately has been a mess to keep up with! i’m not gonna promise anything new cus knowing me i’ll probably dip for awhile again, but hopefully you all liked these observations and pls leave ur thoughts and opinions in the replies, i always enjoy hearing what you guys have to say :)
okay bye bye, lots of love, lola <3.
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Interesting Megs practicaly dealing with his relatives and Death itself ouch. magine when Op brings the allspark back Unicron senses it and brings Meg back to life to drop at their feet for them to deal with
Starscream: Master! You're alive!
Megatron:*free of his roommates now, looks very haunted,* I'm neither that nor dead.
Starscream:.. Uh what?
Megatron: I will never be fully alive nor leave this mortal coil. I will never be able to repent fully for my actions. I am leaving now so don't look for me. Do not fight in my name because decepticons are dead just like i am
Megatron: But if i hear about you lot or anyone else making a council i will come back to personally hit whoever over the helm. Understood?
Op: I missed you
Megatron: I am trying not to have a breakdown here
Poor Megatron. He will have no peace after being released from the Unmaker's grasp. In all seriousness, I do imagine his time floating around in Unicron's mindscape where all the Titans chatter would do him some good. Being able to hear them speak in their strange tones would have to adjust his view of reality.
So many giants staring down at him like he's little more than an ant, their thoughts booming and powerful, beating down on him like a relentless force. Entities far older than him, all wiser and ancient enough to have seen the birth of galaxies. He, I imagine, reeled in their presence, unable to handle their oppressive wills. Just a few weeks under them being more than enough to force him to think, especially as each tried to speak to him.
Moon attempted to call out to him, but so many millennia dealing with entities such as Unicron dampened his ability to recognize his limits and the weakness of others. Megatron, unable to handle the great Titan's calls, screamed into the void. Moon did not try and contact him after and instead merely observed the spark of the one the Autobots feared so greatly. Megatron could always feel Moon watching and listening. There was no respite from his gaze.
Mars did not speak often, but when he did, Megatron felt the earth shattering might of a being who held no love for him. Mars knew who it was that led their world to fall into its bitter state. He knew that Optimus and Megatron were the source, and while not angry at either, his bitterness did not lend Megatron any favor in the mindscape of the Unmaker. The few times he spoke up, his words were heard by all and embedded into Megatron's very spark.
"You who tore our world apart, do you not lament the loss? Was the devastation worthwhile? Did the sacrifices of beings far greater than you mean nothing?"
"I meant to give our people freedom."
"And yet you gave them war."
"It was the only way. Nothing would have changed without conflict."
"Perhaps. But the destruction had no reason to echo this long. Tell me, how many sparklings have been wrapped into your war?"
"I see you as a mere sparkling. Small, frail, foolish, easily demolished beneath my pedes. And yet I value each child of Primus equally. Do you understand? It matters not who you are or what power you hold. Under Primus, All Are One."
Pluto spoke only in visions of violence. Megatron saw destruction far greater than anything he had wrought. He watched planets burn in the wrath of a Titan angry at the loss of so many. He saw civilizations turned to mere ash. He saw a Titan hardly bigger than Omega Supreme throwing everything into a desperate battle against Predacons in order to defend another Titan and their charges. He saw energon split and scars gained.
Pluto did not speak, but his visions told Megatron more than enough. Violence had its reason, but in the end, it was dooming. To a being who watched stars burn out, Megatron's war, while brutal, meant very little. Pluto knew his anger, and in Pluto's sight, it meant nothing. Megatron never felt so small as when Pluto looked down upon him in distaste.
Unicron never needed to speak. The fact that Megatron resided within his mind was more than enough for the warlord to see visions of entropy that left him pondering the meaning of his existence. None of the Titans regarded him with warmth, that was save for Earth.
She was used to reaching out to her fragile offspring, and so her words were soft. She called out across the void, wrapping her attention around Megatron like a cloak. He never saw her, nor did he know who exactly she was. Unlike the Titans, she had no form that he could sense aside from a vague sense that she was below the ground of the terran world he once threatened to cyberform. Surprisingly, she held no anger toward him. Instead, he felt her pity and her sorrow on his behalf. She saw his mind and his memory and she whispered of how sorry she was that he'd been burdened so long. She swept him away into dreams of places he had never seen, some on Earth, and others somewhere amongst the stars.
She was a comfort, and through her murmurs, Megatron found a degree of peace and contemplation.
"You were held in bondage. I can see the echoes of your shackles. You hold them close to yourself even now."
"I serve no master, not anymore."
"You are a slave to your past and the pain it brought."
"I am not! I am Megatron of Kaon, Champion of the Pits! I have freed myself and my people!"
"That may be so. But the things you sought to escape from live on in your actions. The scars that dug so deep into your frame have now been mirrored on those around you."
"Your anger has infected your fellows. Your once righteous rage has turned into something dark. Sweet child, you must let it go. It is not too late to end this madness which has possessed you."
Megatron listened to Earth and shook under the gazes of the rest. He was not sure how long he spent with them, but when Unicron forced him to return to the living realm, he was changed. Seeing everything from the perspectives of such mighty beings... everything felt so much more wasteful. He had not needed to destroy as much as he had, nor had Optimus needed to drag their war on in response to his madness. The pushed each other ever onward, but free of Unicron, Megatron decided to be the first to put an end to the cycle of madness.
When he turned and faced the Autobots, he knew that one day he would have to suffer for his crimes. But for now, he needed time to think and Cybertron needed time to heal.
And so he took to the stars, guided by whispers of the Titans that guarded Unicron so diligently. His thoughts drifted to Halley's Comet, and he found a destination. Perhaps there would be merit to traveling alongside the living memorial that was the youngest of the Titans.
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annrgy · 4 months
the afterlife, there was one for everyone.
the norse, they had valhalla for fallen warriors. the greeks, they had the underworld with different tiers depending on who you were on earth. the romans, they... also have the underworld with the same tiers and everything. now for clarity, having two different places with the same name may be confusing, but those underworlds are not the same.
hazel levesque realized this when her sibling died, half sibling, technically. pluto, hades, from which your mother got pregnant was the determiner of the many things that made greeks and romans different. in short, hazel was roman and you were greek. even so, she had no doubt that your father was treating you well, as he was nico and bianca, but you were always closer to pluto when you were alive so there was a chance that wasn't the case... after all, the greeks and romans weren't known for along and that quarrel extended to their gods, too.
there was no way for hazel levesque to check if her sibling was okay or was adapting well to death as one might, but you were always stronger than she. if only that reassurance did anything to calm the never ending race taking place in her mind.
frank zhang, son of mars, resident of cohort five, never considered himself to be stronger than he actually was. he was a humble giant, a trait he took pride in as that's what you fell in love with in the first place. after you died, he was distraught, going from a humble giant to one with plans to break into the greek underworld and steal one of their demigods.
many have broke into the underworld, one with the same intentions frank did. orpheus was his name? unlike frank zhang, he was just a silly little singer guy who looked like justin timberlake (leo's words) so if anything, it wasn't impossible and frank had a very good shot.
you could blame this newfound confidence in such an unpolished plan on leo valdez, who was coming along to keep that fire fueled and because he came up with the entire plan.
there was also hercules who saved meg in the disney adaptation, percy who wandered tartarus with annabeth, justin timberlake who saved eurydice with a little jingle. hazel levesque was not as a big fan of their odds, but she also knew very well how bad her stepdad was at security.
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catgumi · 1 month
Sinking deeper. Ebbing black, all around the edges of his vision, lungs pooling shadows so dense he was coughing them up in all the breaths he was dying to take. It was okay. It was okay if this was how it all ended. It didn't matter anymore. Megumi had never been strong, never been right for this world and the name he had been born into, he knew it was bound to happen eventually. Another cog amongst cogs, no autonomy, forced to move teeth against teeth, by the hand turning the wheel. He found solace in the goodness of good people, in the way they illuminated everything for him. All he wanted was to protect that light. In the end he had failed again.
And again.
Tsumiki was dead.
And again.
Yuuji would never be the same.
And again.
It was all his fault, everything was his fault and he couldn't take it anymore. Tenebrosity, in stretches far and near from where he drowned. A void beneath his fingers, no ground under his feet. Floating in a hell absent of fire, so dark and cold. This was the place he had made for himself. The home he'd carved out years ago when the longing for someone or at least something had driven him mad.
He closed his eyes, let it flood his being — this isolation inside the walls he'd created.
“-gumi! Megumi!”
His eyes shot open, following the jolt of consciousness to his body. Warm, warm hands on his shoulders, shaking him as Megumi's entire world spun. Gasping, shuddering, sweat and tears, he was trembling in all his entirety, starting from the marrow of his bones.
Yuuji let out a sigh of relief, hands gliding up, pulling his numb form closer into a hug. “You scared me for a second there, Megs. Bad dream?”
Is that all it was? A bad dream?
Megumi's hands twisted in the fabric of Yuuji's shirt. It lifted slightly, exposing skin long marred beyond the point of repair. There was Yuuji's face, smiling at him with scars he would never be able to rid himself of. Light that blinded him irrevocably, that stung instead of soothed, because Yuuji now was different than when Megumi had first met him. Yuuji had nothing left, and it was all his fault, because Megumi had taken it all away from him.
“Hey, hey,” his voice was gentle, and he cradled Megumi close, arm thrown over his shoulder to stop the violent quivers wracking through his frame, “it's okay, everything's fine.”
It wasn't. Megumi knew it wasn't, Yuuji must've known that he knew. Still, he consoled him like how you would a child. Still, he stayed and held him like no one had done before. Megumi did not deserve it. He did not deserve this kindness, this care, from someone good that he had ruined forever. Yet, he couldn't stop himself from leaning close, and clutching onto Yuuji and crying in his arms, because this was it. Clinging to it — lifelines in sunlight and scabs — a sinner and his redemption.
This was all he had craved.
“Don't-” Megumi rasped, “it's enough. I've had-”
“We'll make it through tonight.” Yuuji interrupted him. Hand in his hair, stroking gently. Giving him love he was unworthy of, that he wanted to run from because he could not hold it in the hands that had destroyed everything to begin with. He tried again, to tell Yuuji it was okay to leave him. To let him die like everyone else did. Abandon him, with or without reason. Yuuji shushed him gently, instead. “That's all we have to do, Megumi. I'm here. Please. Let's make it through tonight.”
Megumi went limp. Again, he was giving up. Just for tonight, he wanted to sink into this embrace.
(okay, the last one wasn't hurt/comfort, but you can have this one which technically is supposed to be,, 🤧 from a different fic but i hope it's a substantial apology for whatever happened to yuuji in the last one😭 thank you again for your insanely sweet words!! one day ill let one of my fics out of the cage, hopefully😔)
i wont accept ur apology for brutalizing yuji however im gna take this as a gift all the same🙏🙏 tgis is genuinely beautiful omg.u write megumi so well im in awe.,,. ur dialogue skills r genuinely incredible n ur writing style is sopoetic im sobbing . idont even know who u are but ur one of my fav jjk writers by far
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Look, I admire the work Misan has done and how he made his career as a photographer but also…come on. That attention when 💯 percent to his head. Meghan probably had no idea who he was before he became famous taking photography during the George Floyd protests. 
Respectfully, I strongly disagree. Misan’s main talent is in self-promotion, greatly aided by his family’s influence and wealth. He has no higher education; his education ended with attendance at a UK “college” (ie, up to age 18…the equivalent of high school in the US). He suddenly became a “self-taught” photographer at age 40, and a few years later used the George Floyd/BLM protests and his social connections with fellow poc Edward Enninful/British Vogue editor to get the Vogue cover as photographer (2020). Misan has known Marcus A and Edward E for many years (well-documented on various instas), so Meghan very probably has known, or has been aware of, Misan for a while as well. At the very least, Misan was a guest at the Sussex wedding in 2018, so she had an idea who he was by 2018 – 2 years before the George Floyd protests. Misan himself dates their acquaintance to at least c2016: “’Meg reminded me that had I not introduced her to a mutual friend (Misha N?) then she wouldn’t have met Harry. I’m grateful for whatever small part I played,’ Harriman told Vogue in 2022’” (US mag, Mar 14, 2024). (And speaking of rumors to investigate, who exactly did set up Harry and Meghan then...Misan? Marcus? Eug? Misha N? Violet von W? Prince Andrew? Kris Jenner (jk)? WHO?!)
IMO both Meghan and Misan are superficial “fake it ‘til you make it” posers.
Like I’ve said before. I don’t follow anyone in the Sussexes’ world enough to know their work and interviews as intimately as this. What I know about Misan is what I know that’s made its way to the royal reporters and that’s that he didn’t come into anyone’s radar for photography until 2020.
Which kinda goes to your point, which in turn still supports my point: That until 2020, everyone saw Misan more as a society person. Meghan included. (Because if she did see him as photographer, then where’s the exclusive photos from the reception?) And it was a newfound explosion of fame and access in 2020 through a fledgling photography career (and said social connections) that amplified his ego to what we have now because the 2020 work brought him more “global” fame in a way that being besties with Markus and Edward previously had not.
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dorka · 9 months
Tegnap este tizkor (mar aludtam) beraktak egy ket oras traininget reggel hetre (meg nem voltam a naptar elott).
Mondom i’m a bit confused, nekem nyolctol meetingjeim vannak, kb 7:55kor vettem eszre, hogy egy oraja kezdodott valami. Ezt megis hogy.
Haaat, sorry igy sorry ugy. De mivel hozzaadtunk teged is a traininghez, orommel tudatjuk, hogy you are xy certified now.
By a training i never attended.
This is not even a participation trophy. Ez mar valami annal is alacsonyabb kategoria.
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[Ghostbusters] Brainwaves: Mini Bios (1984) C.U.P.S Professors & Students
Tagging @ariel-seagull-wings @spook-central and @soulman133 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged from Brainwaves posts. These are just bullet point bios for the main groups of characters, as in the female professors, Ghostbusters and Ghostbuster staff, the C.U.P.S students, Nova's family (some of them are in C.U.P.S, but won't be in this post) and then the others™ (e.g. Dickless, Dana)
Following Characters:
Heather Nieto-Jorge
May Keaton
Allison Wada
Nova Teufel
Jacob Blumenthal
Cecilia Hedlund
Long post so it's under the cut
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Doctor/Professor Heather Nieto-Jorge, PhD. 'Nieto':
Face Claim / Actress: Jennifer Beals
Full Name: Heather Bárbara Yasmin Nieto-Jorge
Doctor / Professor / Miss. AKA: Barbie, Hettie, Nieto
32 in 1984. Born November 7th 1952 in Panama. Lives in NY, NY
Panamanian, Female, Bisexual, Catholic, Scorpio, Smoker
Speaks Spanish, English & Portuguese
5'8" and 152 lbs, Brown eyes, Black Hair with a Bleached streak
Matching rose tattoos on her hips, pierced ear lobes
Teaches Agriology, Anthropobiology & Demonology at Columbia
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Doctor/Professor May Keaton, PhD. 'Keaty':
Face Claim / Actress: Tracy Chapman
Full Name: May Olive Keaton
Doctor / Professor / Miss. AKA: Livi, Keaty
33 in 1984. Born May 1st 1951 in Indiana. Lives in NY, NY
African-American, Female, Straight, Christian, Taurus
Speaks 15 languages to varying degrees, including English & Greek
5'4" and 145 lbs, Brown eyes, Black hair, no tattoos, pierced ears
Teaches Folkloristics, Genetics & Hepatology
Undiagnosed but possibly Autistic, ADHD/ADD
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Doctor/Professor Allison Wada, PhD. 'Allie':
Face Claim / Actress: Cherie Chung
Full Name: Allison Saki Wada
Doctor / Professor / Miss. AKA: Ali / Allie / Ally
34 in 1984. Born April 9th 1950 in Saskatchewan. Lives in NY, NY
Japanese, Female, Straight, Non-Religious, Aries, Rarely Smokes
Speaks Japanese, English and Spanish
5'5" and 150 lbs, Brown eyes, Black hair, 1 tattoo, pierced ears
Tattoo of a Chinese dragon up her spine
Teaches Biophysics, Biochemistry and Haematology
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Doctor/Professor Nova Teufel, PhD. 'Novocaine':
Face Claim / Actress: Meg Ryan
Full Name: Nova Eris Teufel. The Teufel Family are supposed Psychics
Doctor / Professor / Miss. AKA: Professor Goth, Novocaine
31 in 1981. Born January 2nd 1953 in Brooklyn. Lives in NY, NY
German, Female, Demisexual, Biromantic, Wiccan, Capricorn, Smoker
Speaks English, German, French, Spanish and Latin
5'8" (5'11" in her boots) and 152 lbs, Blue eyes, Blonde hair, Dyes her hair often
10 tattoos making up a 1/2 sleeve on her left arm, Ear Lobe & Helix piercings
Teaches Criminology, Mortuary Science & Eschatology
Misdiagnosed and given Anti-Psychotics, Undiagnosed but Autistic and Anxious
Grew up in Psych wards, now lives with her older brother Mars
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Jacob Blumenthal. 'Jake':
Face Claim / Actor: John Belushi
Full Name: Jacob Jasper Cassidy Blumenthal
AKA Blue, Blue Man, Cas, Cassie, Coby, Jack, Jake, J.J
30 in 1984. Born January 24th 1954 in Chicago, Lives in NY, NY
White, Male, Straight, Christian, Aquarius, Smoker
Speaks English, Spanish, French and Japanese
5'8" and 222 lbs, Brown eyes, Black hair, stubble & lots of body hair
Has a smiley face tattooed on his left butt-cheek, no piercings
Has been in every classroom at least once, takes Nova's classes because he likes annoying her for attention
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Cecilia Hedlund. 'Celia':
Face Claim / Actress: Gilda Radner
Full Name: Cecilia Juni Hedlund (Soon to be Solberg)
AKA Cece, Celia, Cilla, C.J
30 in 1984, Born June 28th 1954 in Sweden, Lives in NY, NY
Swedish, Female, Straight, Lutheran, Cancer
Speaks Swedish, English, Norwegian, French, Spanish and German
5'6" and 145 lbs, Brown eyes and hair, ears pierced, no tattoos
Engaged to an American
Part of the exchange programme & C.U.P.S
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theserpentsadvocate · 9 months
I am drowning in half-planned fic right now because I made the mistake of rewatching Veronica Mars (and seeing the new season) and then there was very very little of the stuff I wanted to make me feel better, so I am now writing it myself all at once??? (Yes, juggling like six AUs at once is a bad idea, no I did not do it on purpose.) And I know better than to post unfinished stuff, so give me some feedback, guys:
What are people interested in?
(Relevant information: I am here for Weevil, and I am decidedly not here for Logan. Also, these are mostly not the actual titles, I just don’t have one yet.)
Finish the short ones first!
*The long, sad, bittersweet Weevil/Jade reunion, where she runs into trouble post S4 and has no one else to call. (Pros: As a (long) oneshot, will probably be finished in the next millennium! I’ve also not only started it but made some decent progress. Has a likely sequel which is… maaaybe less sad. Kind of. Jade POV, which is, uh, scarce. Cons: Sequel is less well-planned-out and kind of self-indulgent, this is a ship that like two people are on. Also it’s sad.)
*Five Children Veronica Mars Never Had (Pros: Short enough it might get finished before the heat-death of the universe! I’ve also already started it. Takes a bit of a turn from the typical children-as-a-ship-exploration/validation these things often have (most of these children are not biologically Veronica’s). Novel canon is relevant! Some very solid V/W friendship in at least one. Cons: Tremendously, horrifically depressing; I literally just keep killing people to make the premise work. Very little shipping.)
*The Jade/Eli Chronicles (Pros: Related oneshots so, again, will probably be finished in a semi-reasonable time. Fluffy if you block S4 from your memory. Jade gets, like, lines. Cons: Not a ton of substance, only happy if you block S4 from your memory, this is a ship that two people are on.)
*Five (Or Some Number) Worlds Veronica Didn’t Grow Up In (Pros: Fun crossovers/fusions! All the chapters will be more standalone, so I might even post it serially. A BtVS where Veronica isn’t the Slayer (Lilly was). Animorphs!!! Cons: Fusions are automatically disinteresting if you don’t know the other canon. Some of them are not super well-developed yet. Also, how do you make Veronica Mars more upsetting? Cross it with Animorphs!)
I want longfic, because the literal problem is not enough V/W longfic!
*Veronica Mars, Intrepid Reporter
A Lilly lives AU where canon splits whenever Lilly (doesn’t) begin her affair with Aaron. Veronica copes with Duncan’s sudden cold shoulder by becoming an investigative high school journalist.
Pros: This is my first-concieved AU, and maybe the project I’m most proud of? (Pending completion.) Heavy focus on the death of Marisol Reyes. Features a not-irredeemably-awful high school experience for Veronica. Lilly is still flawed as per canon but she’s not evil and she loves her brother and her friends. Eventual (very eventual) Veronica/Weevil. Meg lives. Lots of Keith and Veronica’s relationship. Probably the most optimistic of all my AUs.
Cons: Spans a long time and will probably be gigantic (these things always get bigger once I’m writing them), so will take approximately forever to finish. Planned out to some extent but not started yet. Somewhat critical take on Logan (I almost put that in the ‘pros’ column but I know how the fandom is about him).
*The Lawsuit Story
An AU where Weevil doesn’t settle as soon as in canon (or maybe Lamb just panics quicker), and an attempted attack on him kills Jade instead.
Pros: Hello to the novel canon! This is probably my favourite of all the universes I’m messing around with. The Weevil/Veronica friendship is so strong with this one that I am legitimately conflicted over whether to actually even have them get together. Valentina has an extremely strong presence and I love her. It's pretty charitable to Logan, considering I wrote it. Carmen makes a few appearances. Celeste Kane goes down.
Cons: This was originally just part of ‘Five Children…’ so the long version probably won’t be written until that’s finished. May or may not contain Weevil/Veronica, but if it does, it is a loooong wait. Does contain LoVe.
*High School Revenge Story
Another Lilly lives AU, where Lilly definitely IS having an affair with Aaron. And also Weevil, but not anymore. And also, Veronica’s (post-Troy) boyfriend. Anyway, Veronica finds out about the last point and decides to get revenge/prove she’s not some virginal innocent sidekick by hooking up with Lilly’s sidepiece, who she imagines wants to piss Lilly off as much as she does.
Pros: Not only is it Veronica/Weevil, but Veronica/Weevil is, like, eighty percent of the plot. There’s definitely smut (plot- and character-advancing, even!). There’s an unexpectedly touching strangers-with-benefits relationship even before the extremely unplanned pining. This one felt the most like the show when I was planning it out, especially with the nature and timing of the twists. Lilly is not evil, she’s just a teenager in over her head who doesn’t want to admit it and coping maladaptively.
Cons: I always feel weird touting porn as a selling point when I wrote it, because I have had zero sex in my entire life (although I am thirty, and I feel like life experience and general knowledgeableness about actual human anatomy count for something here). I have not started this one yet, although it’s more or less outlined. Logan also does not come off well (this is because he is a teenager having a Very Bad Time, but his actions are still not excusable). This was originally two different AUs before I realized they should probably be one (I cannot say what the other one was, because it’s a major spoiler), so there’s the possibility of disjointedness where they meet. Also, I’m not entirely sure I have the chops to pull this one off – there’s a lot of dark stuff going on under the surface (well, there’d have to be, for the plot to work, because otherwise it’s just very OOC), and it’s not the kind of thing that’s usually my forte, but I’m going to give it a shot anyway.
*Platonic Co-parents
AU where Veronica stays at Hearst. She and Weevil have a one-night stand in her third year and end up getting a child out of it.
Pros: It’s just a lot of fun! It’ll probably end up W/V but in the meantime they’ve got a solid, supportive friendship going on, to the aggravation of everyone either of them tries to date. (“What do you mean your daughter’s father is sleeping on your couch because the hot water broke in his apartment???”) I have a later scene planned out where they go to the high school reunion separately and deliberately show everyone the same picture of Mariana to see if anyone realizes it’s the same kid, which sums up the vibe pretty well. There is Keith+Weevil awkwardness and then probably some Keith+Weevil friendship later on. Lots of time given to Weevil’s family. Also, Veronica looks into Susan Knight’s suspicious drowning. I have also (technically) started it.
Cons: Listen, I know it’s a reach for Veronica to be willing to have a child at this point in her life, but I’ve done my best to justify it and I think I did okay. Plus, you know, the entire premise is a junk food trope – it’s not evil, but it’s trite. I love it anyway.
No, I want something else/FINISH YOUR OTHER STUFF
*[Earth’s Children] The story where an adult Durc and Brun’s former clan meet the post-Ayla Lion Camp!
Pros: Ambitious dual narrative I think I’m pulling off well (time divergent; one strand moving forward from the first encounter, one from Ayla’s departure), lots of screentime for supporting characters with wasted potential (Vorn, Frebec, Ura, Brac, not to mention Durc), several chapters already written.
Cons: Extremely ambitious so it will take me forever to finish, there’s basically no one in this fandom.
*[Earth’s Children] The Echozar/Joplaya fic
Pros: Actually develops their friendship into something that makes sense, development of Echozar’s childhood and of the Lanzadonii, I’ve got a rough outline and a few pages written.
Cons: Definitely chaptered so it will take some time, there are even less people in this part of the fandom.
*[The Old Guard] Give An Inch Fall A Mile (Joe and Nicky friendship-with-benefits their way into being Joe and Nicky)
Pros: Lots of sex scenes (obviously) on which I have had positive feedback, several chapters written (probably half-finished), I'm very proud of the writing quality on this one, and I absolutely should be writing this first.
Cons: I have been stalled out on it for more than a year, it may not be finished before the new movie comes out and possibly makes it incompatible with canon.
*[Veronica Mars] The Firebird AU… crossover… fusion… thing
Post-S4, Veronica travels through alternate universes and learns that she needs to get her shit together and apologize to Weevil.
Pros: Um, the Firebird Trilogy is cool but is not required knowledge for entry, alternate universes are neat, and even though this idea is probably dumb I can’t stop thinking about it. It would probably even technically comply with canon.
Cons: Half of the universes I have up my sleeve are from the AUs mentioned above, so it probably won’t get written (if it does) until they’re finished in like ten to twenty years. The actual plot is thin; I mostly have a bunch of scenes. There is a decent chance this idea is self-gratifying and pointless, but I also just cannot stop thinking about it.
*[Veronica Mars] Zombie Apocalypse
Post-S4 zombie apocalypse lands Veronica and Keith on a stolen yacht with a bunch of Weevil’s gang, Jade and her new boyfriend, and this one other guy.
Pros: There’s a lot of compelling (I think) personal drama, which is largely not rooted in anyone being an asshole (except Veronica, but that’s canon and I can’t do anything about it except try to fix it with zombies). Weevil finds out his kid is trans and does his best to speed-run the acceptance ladder despite his personal doubts because he’s extremely concerned about being killed by zombies (and thinks he's dying for a minute) and knows this is his only chance to make them feel supported. Eventual W/V, probably.
Cons: I do not know where I’m going with this. Author is not trans herself and might fuck up.
*[Veronica Mars] The Babysitter Effect
Valentina’s babysitter is still in the truck when Weevil stops to help Celeste, and she witnesses everything.
Pros: Teenage awkwardness, but in a fun way. Weevil gets the justice he fucking deserves. Beginning already written.
Cons: I have no plans at all for what happens after the inciting incident, and even if I did I don’t know how long this would be.
Soooo... if you're not in the Silm fandom you've probably never seen my writing before, but I'm happy to back it up with excerpts! Please ask me for excerpts.
If I keep up the volume of writing I've been doing I can probably get something substantial finished by the end of the year but I need input, please weigh in even if we're complete strangers and you found this post two years from now, best-case scenario I can link you to the completed fic. :)
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ingek73 · 1 year
Why are women so marginalised by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?
Courtney Love
Barely 8% of its inductees are female. The canon-making doesn’t just reek of sexist gatekeeping, but also purposeful ignorance and hostility
Fri 17 Mar 2023 08.00 GMT
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Fourth time lucky? Kate Bush on stage in 1986.
I got into this business to write great songs and have fun. I was a quick learner. I read every music magazine I could get my hands on and at 12, after digesting many issues of Creem, I decided to base my personality on Lester Bangs, the rock critic raconteur; his abiding belief in the transformative power of a great rock song matched mine. (I also obsessed over his running arguments with Lou Reed – they confounded me, but I loved it.) Artists and their songs shaped my life, my beliefs, my self-conception as a musician – Patti Smith’s growling Pissing in the River, Heart’s Barracuda, the Runaways’ Dead End Justice, which I still know every word of. But what no magazine or album could teach me or prepare me for was how exceptional you have to be, as a woman and an artist, to keep your head above water in the music business.
The magnificent Chuck D rapped: “Elvis is a hero to most, but he doesn’t mean shit to me.” I concur. Big Mama Thornton first sang Hound Dog, written for her (and possibly with her) in 1952, which later put the King on the radio. Sister Rosetta Tharpe covered it, too, hers being the fiercest version. Her song Strange Things Happen Every Day was recorded in 1944. It was these songs, and her evangelical guitar playing, that changed music for ever and created what we now call rock’n’roll.
When the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame started in 1983, you would have thought they might want to begin with Sister Rosetta, with those first chords that chimed the songbook we were now all singing from. The initial inductees were Chuck Berry, James Brown, Ray Charles, Little Richard, Sam Cooke, Fats Domino, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley; not a woman in sight. Sister Rosetta didn’t get in until the Rock Hall was publicly shamed into adding her in 2018. (She was on a US postal stamp two decades before the Rock Hall embraced her.) Big Mama Thornton, whose recording of Ball’n’Chain also shaped this new form of music? Still not in. Today, just 8.48% of the inductees are women.
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Long overlooked … Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Photograph: Chris Ware/Getty Images
The nominations for this year’s class, announced last month, offered the annual reminder of just how extraordinary a woman must be to make it into the ol’ boys club. (Artists become eligible 25 years after releasing their first record.) More women were nominated in one year than at any time in its 40-year history. There were the iconoclasts: Kate Bush, Cyndi Lauper, Missy Elliott; two women in era-defining bands: Meg White of the White Stripes and Gillian Gilbert of New Order; and a woman who subverted the boys club: Sheryl Crow.
Yet this year’s list featured several legendary women who have had to cool their jets waiting to be noticed. This was the fourth nomination for Bush, a visionary, the first female artist to hit No 1 in the UK chart with a song she wrote (1979’s Wuthering Heights), at 19. She became eligible in 2004. That year, Prince was inducted – deservedly, in his first year of eligibility – along with Jackson Browne, ZZ Top, Traffic, Bob Seger, the Dells and George Harrison. The Rock Hall’s co-founder and then-chairman Jann Wenner (also the co-founder of Rolling Stone) was inducted himself. But Bush didn’t make it on the ballot until 2018 – and still she is not in.
Never mind that she was the first woman in pop history to have written every track on a million-selling debut. A pioneer of synthesisers and music videos, she was discovered last year by a new generation of fans when Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) featured in the Netflix hit Stranger Things. She is still making albums. And yet there is no guarantee of her being a shoo-in this year. It took the Rock Hall 30-plus years to induct Nina Simone and Carole King. Linda Ronstadt released her debut in 1969 and became the first woman to headline stadiums, yet she was inducted alongside Nirvana in 2014. Most egregiously, Tina Turner was inducted as a solo artist three decades after making the grade alongside her abuser, Ike.
Why are women so marginalised by the Rock Hall? Of the 31 people on the nominating board, just nine are women. According to the music historian Evelyn McDonnell, the Rock Hall voters, among them musicians and industry elites, are 90% male.
The Rock Hall’s canon-making doesn’t just reek of sexist gatekeeping, but also purposeful ignorance and hostility
You can write the Rock Hall off as a “boomer tomb” and argue that it is building a totem to its own irrelevance. Why should we care who is in and who is not? But as scornful as its inductions have been, the Rock Hall is a bulwark against erasure, which every female artist faces whether they long for the honour or want to spit on it. It is still game recognising game, history made and marked.
The Rock Hall is a king-making force in the global music industry. (In the US, it is broadcast on HBO.) Induction affects artists’ ticket prices, their performance guarantees, the quality of their reissue campaigns (if they get reissued at all). These opportunities are life-changing – the difference between touring secondary-market casinos opening for a second-rate comedian, or headlining respected festivals. The Rock Hall has covered itself in a sheen of gravitas and longevity that the Grammys do not have. Particularly for veteran female artists, induction confers a status that directly affects the living they are able to make. It is one of the only ways, and certainly the most visible, for these women to have their legacy and impact honoured with immediate material effect. “These ain’t songs, these is hymns,” to quote Jay-Z.
The bar is demonstrably lower for men to hop over (or slither under). The Rock Hall recognised Pearl Jam about four seconds after they became eligible – and yet Chaka Khan, eligible since 2003, languishes with seven nominations. All is not lost, though – the Rock Hall is doing a special programme for Women’s History Month on her stagewear ...
What makes Khan’s always-a-bridesmaid status especially tragic is that she was, is and always will be a primogenitor. A singular figure, she has been the Queen of Funk since she was barely out of her teens. As Rickie Lee Jones said: “There was Aretha and then there was Chaka. You heard them sing and knew no one has ever done that before.”
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Unworthy … Chaka Khan on stage in Toronto in 2018. Photograph: Rich Fury/Getty Images for Netflix
Yet Khan changed music; when she was on stage in her feathered kit, taking Tell Me Something Good to all the places it goes, she opened up a libidinal new world. Sensuality, Blackness: she was so very free. It was godlike. And nothing was ever the same.
But for all her exceptional talent and accomplishments – and if there is one thing women in music must be, it is endlessly exceptional – Khan has not convinced the Rock Hall. Her credits, her Grammys, her longevity, her craft, her tenacity to survive being a young Black woman with a mind of her own in the 70s music business, the bridge to Close the Door – none of it merits canonisation. Or so sayeth the Rock Hall.
The Rock Hall’s canon-making doesn’t just reek of sexist gatekeeping, but also purposeful ignorance and hostility. This year, one voter told Vulture magazine that they barely knew who Bush was – in a year she had a worldwide No 1 single 38 years after she first released it. Meg White’s potential induction as one half of the White Stripes (in their first year of eligibility) has sparked openly contemptuous discourse online; you sense that if voters could get Jack White in without her, they would do it today. And still: she would be only the third female drummer in there, following the Go-Go’s Gina Shock and Mo Tucker of the Velvet Underground. Where is Sheila E – eligible since 2001?
It doesn’t look good for Black artists, either – the Beastie Boys were inducted in 2012 ahead of most of the Black hip-hop artists they learned to rhyme from. A Tribe Called Quest, eligible since 2010 and whose music forged a new frontier for hip-hop, were nominated last year and again this year, a roll of the dice against the white rockers they are forced to compete with on the ballots.
If so few women are being inducted into the Rock Hall, then the nominating committee is broken. If so few Black artists, so few women of colour, are being inducted, then the voting process needs to be overhauled. Music is a lifeforce that is constantly evolving – and they can’t keep up. Shame on HBO for propping up this farce.
If the Rock Hall is not willing to look at the ways it is replicating the violence of structural racism and sexism that artists face in the music industry, if it cannot properly honour what visionary women artists have created, innovated, revolutionised and contributed to popular music – well, then let it go to hell in a handbag.
• Courtney Love is a singer, musician and actor
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sapphicprinc3ss · 2 months
🎀 okie, szoval megint girl talk kovetkezik a kis agyammal 🎀
kedves agyacskam,
dont go too hard on yourself, please! youve never been in any similar situation, of course you dont know how to handle, but you are doing fine! youre killing it actually. its just 4 days from now. you can do this, its nothing now!
also, comparing yourself to others wont help, it just makes you feel worse, you know that. but your friends, his friends, none of that matters. you are good as you are.
so please, please bird ki meg egy kicsit, you cant give it up now, mar olyan kozel vagyunk a vegehez🩷
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A Bay Area OB-GYN is organizing an effort to bring abortion services and reproductive healthcare to several southern states bordering the Gulf of Mexico via a ship sailing on federal waters.
Dr. Meg Autry, who also works as a professor at UCSF, had already been working to bring this effort to life. But when Roe v. Wade was overturned, Autry said their plans were accelerated.
As first reported by KCBS, this plan called Protecting Reproductive Rights of Women Endangered by State Statutes (PRROWESS) aims to bring reproductive healthcare to states where abortions are banned, limited, or hard to access.
In an interview with NBC Bay Area, Autry noted that people living in southern parts of states with restrictive abortion rules like Texas and Louisiana, are actually closer to the coast than to nearby states with more abortion access. Additionally, it is less expensive to board a boat than buying a plane ticket to another state.
Autry has performed abortions for decades and refers to herself as "a lifelong educator, a lifelong career abortion advocate."
"It is my life’s work," she said.
"Part of the reason we’re working on this project so hard is because wealthy people in our country are always going to have access [to abortions], so once again it’s a time now where poor, people of color, marginalized individuals, are gonna suffer --and by suffering I mean like lives lost," Autry said.
She explained that this ship will operate on federal waters — nine miles from the coast of Texas and three from the coast of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi — where it can evade those states' abortion restrictions. PRROWESS will arrange for patients to be transported to the ship, which will vary depending on where they are coming from, once they pass a pre-screening process.
Autry and a team of licensed medical professionals will offer surgical abortions for up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. The PRROWESS team would also offer other point-of-care gynecological services such as testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections.
"The project is being funded with philanthropy and the patients care is on a needs basis, so most individuals will pay little to nothing for services," Autry said.
Stacy Cross, president of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, which offers services in California and Nevada, said it's not surprising that health care providers are teaming up to offer services on the seas.
Cross explained that the abortion service provider community has been preparing for the possibility of a post-Roe world for some time now and that, "over the years we’ve talked about things like boats on federal waters out past the 5-mile line."
"It's just it’s a testament to the time we’re in, because its really horrific that we’re having to think of these things in the United States of America, how to keep people safe," Cross said.
Several California Planned Parenthood chapters told NBC Bay Area that demand from out-of-state patients at California clinics has actually been up for months already due to policies in other states.
“I think people are going to be as creative as possible, the people who have the funds are getting on planes and flying, we’re seeing other people drive here,” Cross said.
Autry's organization is still raising money to secure a ship and retrofit it for medical use. Once that happens, she says they'll put the captain, crew and medical team aboard and set sail.
Autry and her team maintain the process is legal in federal waters. Still, they expect legal challenges from those states every step of the way. The PRROWESS team has already tapped multiple lawyers to help them as they continue with this voyage.
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tricksterfiction · 9 months
Prompt #27 Sole
Make a Shadow - Meg Myers
Some time ago...
Sen had a lot of opinions.
What was objectively better, sweet reds or sour green apples? Sour greens, easy.
Was it morally ethical to turn war torn refugees away at the door? Of course not.
That everybody could and should be taught basics of first aid? Yes!
Sen often, vocally, contested that scars were simply the result of piss poor healing. When you're not taught how to stitch how can you hope to avoid a stupid scar? Scar tissue contained so much more than a marring of the skin. It embodied and kept a record of trauma within the body. Who would want that when you already contend with invisible scarring of your mind or heart? Why add the physical point as well? It didn't make any logical sense.
Sure, some scars are unavoidable. They can be self inflicted, they can be any number of things to the individual. Highly subjective.
Or you couldn't afford the help in the first place...
Now Sen was sitting on her butt in the shower stall, water streaming over her head. Blinking hard to avoid getting soap in her eyes as she bent over staring at the only scar she would allow herself to have. It held so much significance, it captured a time, a memory, a feeling. She kept it a secret, so few know it. It carried shame where she once believed was shedding an old idea. Rarely would anybody get a close enough look at the sole of her foot to discover it.
Suffice to say, her opinion on scars became deafeningly silent.
She held her foot with both hands, staring daggers at the slit of a scar cutting clear as day through the calluses. Aether gathered around her hands. She hated it, she loved it, she hated it again. Why keep it now? Why let it hold such a significant amount of space? Where did all her conviction go?
She could, she could get rid of it easily and forget about it. A guilty knot twisted in her stomach like a fist curling around it and yanking it up to her throat. She tasted acidic vapours. She squeezed her foot so tightly that her toes started to tingle.
"I'm not scared." She muttered to the scar like a shadow, "I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not scared."
And still, the aether coalesced in her hands with nowhere to go.
Tension shook through out her body and suddenly she dropped her foot with a an angry, "Fuck." Rolling her neck, pressing her back against the shower wall, pulling her knees up to hug.
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
Jake knew something was off within the first few minutes of the trial.
It was quiet. No echoing hum, no distant rev of chainsaws or ghostly screeching. Not even the near-inaudible rustling of Ghostface’s costume.
He gripped his knife anxiously as he paced through the trial grounds, searching for the killer even as his heart raced in his chest. He was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and every second was another second his tension rose.
It wasn’t until he rounded a corner that he realized exactly why it had been so very quiet that trial. Not a hundred yards away stood the Shape.
Jake was up against Myers, and Myers was staring directly at him.
The trial was perfectly well-timed for what one may consider a four-kill success. All the survivors had spawned near each other and The Shape had quite a nasty setup going into this specific match. Normally, perks and add-ons mean nothing to him unless he wants to be exceedingly cruel. Today? The cruel streak is at its peak and he all but goes with the most sinister of radius advantages. He knows by now that the survivors can hear when he approaches after stalking them enough...
So a quick adjustment has things more leveled to the real world now. His perks were Monitor and Abuse, Nemesis, Furtive Chase, and Hex: Plaything. Not only this, but the killer has relinquished two collected items into the fires of the Entity, adding to the sinister environment he hopes to achieve.
The Judith Myers' Memorial, and a dead rabbit.
Cruel? Certainly, but it worked absolutely in his favor as he stalks the group without them so much as realizing it. By the time he entered tier two, they all fluttered about like panicked birds stuck within a barbed cage.
It was then that he began the slaughter, tiering up entirely and beginning the bloodshed as he tears into the back of Dwight, slashes across the front of Meg as she tries to double back and run off, and sinks his knife into Nea. Three survivors downed already, and the last one stared on in horror. The marred mask merely turns in her direction before finally stepping closer and delivering the striking blow as sweet Kate raises up her arms in fear.
It only took minutes for him to succeed, leading not only to a horrific trial but the outcome Jake has found himself in now. Noting the added body still about, The Shape stares at Jake, noting the knife but dismissing it altogether.
The other would be just another body to dispose of in his eyes, and that is exactly what he is going to attempt to do, beginning to make a beeline directly for the young man as his knife remains raised and ready.
Game warden or not, this particular killer did not care, and would not care.
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Petition to add "Mars" to the nickname poll (it's both hot and red what more could you want? added bonus it's one of my favorite names)
Petition granted :D
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
Classic ED - 2003 Debuts, Departures & Robert Sugden Monthly Appearance Counts
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Classic ED is expected to begin airing 2003 episodes during the 1st full week of Dec-2022. Below are key character arrivals and departures. Also included now are the monthly episode counts for Robert (October apparently is a BIG month for him!).
24-Jan-2003 - Jean Tate (Megan Pearson)
16-Feb-2003 - Dawn Woods (Julia Mallam)
17-Feb-2003 - Jean Hope (Julie Higginson)
10-Mar-2003 - Alastair Marsden (Danny Tennant), Elaine Marsden (Samantha McCarthy), Frances Marsden (Sandy Walsh), Paul Marsden (Matthew Booth), Ronnie Marsden (Ray Ashcroft), Siobhan Marsden (Abigail Fisher)
07-Jul-2003 - Shelly Williams (Carolyn Pickles)
30-Jul-2003 - Pearl Ladderbanks (Meg Johnson)
09-Oct-2003 - Darren ‘Daz’ Eden (Luke Tittensor)
19-Oct-2003 - TJ Woods (Connor Lee)
20-Nov-2003 - Simon Meredith (Dale Meeks)
17-Dec-2003 - Ethan Blake (Liam O’Brien)
24-Dec-2003 - Aaron Livesy (played by Danny Webb for 19 episodes through 2006)
16-Apr-2003 - Jerry ‘Mack’ Mackinley
17-Sep-2003 - Chris Tate (killed off)
01-Oct-2003 - Ollie Reynolds
03-Dec-2003 - Ronnie Marsden
17-Dec-2003 - Alastair Marsden, Elaine Marsden, Frances Marsden
Robert Sugden Total Appearances: 121 (12th overall in episode count)
January 7, February 1, March 3
April 10, May 13, June 11
July 13, August 12, September 11
October 22, November 11, December 7
Previous arrivals and departures by year:
2002, 2001, 2000, 1999
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otemporamores · 2 years
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vannak dolgok, amik tenyleg mindent megernek. ilyen ez a csodalatos orszag, ukrajna is. ha nem lenne eleg a teli fagyoskodas, esetleg kajahiany, akkor vegre jojjon mar egy kis atom. tenyleg meg ez is keves ar, hogy a maffiaallam náci ukrajna hos oligarchait pozicioban tartsuk. egyutt, mindannyian, meg tudjuk csinalni! 💪 hajra!
Ukrainian shelling of second facility risks “nuclear tragedy”
Kakhovka hydroelectric power station is now in a “very dangerous” emergency mode, and this could lead to a catastrophe at the Zaporozhye nuclear facility, the plant deputy director said.
If the dam is destroyed water needed to cool reactors could be stopped, the official warned. The deputy head of the military-civilian admin of Kherson region revealed that the city of Novaya Kakhovka had again been attacked by “Ukrainian nationalists” - but had not received major damage.
Russian UN ambassador Vassily Nebezhia told the council on Thursday that nuclear disaster could happen “at any moment” and “Kiev’s criminal attacks on the nuclear infrastructure facilities are pushing the world to the brink of a nuclear disaster that would rival the Chernobyl one".
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