#now my mom told me today that she hasn’t been well for the past two days
dreamwatch · 2 months
Town Called Malice
Written for @corrodedcoffinfest
Day #21 - Prompt: Hate This Town | Word Count: 999 | Rating: T | CW: hospitals, mention of injuries | POV: Gareth | Pairing: None | Tags: angst, good uncle Wayne Munson, friendship
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It’s been two days since the earthquake.
Their house has gone, Benji their beautiful mutt is missing. His sister hasn’t stopped crying.
Once they were all at grandma’s, mom went straight back to work. They’d watched neighbours bodies get pulled from their homes, some alive, some dead; she was needed elsewhere.
He went twenty four hours not knowing what happened to his friends. Jeff and Matty are ok.
Mom was the one that told him about Eddie, and you know, she’s his mom and he knows she wants to tell him more but as they like to say in their home, she took the ‘hippopotamus oath’ so all she says is “you need to speak to Wayne” and then because he’s not freaked out enough she adds “today.”
He knows his way round this hospital like the back of his hand. His little brother, Owen, has managed to acquire a cast or stitches in each of his thirteen years on this planet. His mom has been a nurse here since before Rhiannon, his older sister, was born. 
He’s never visited the ICU.
Before he heads up there he passes by the ER and gets a hug and kiss from his mom. She’s told him nothing, just that it’s not good and it would be good to let Wayne know they were thinking about Eddie. She gives him a final kiss on the cheek and then he heads up to the fourth floor.
Visitation is strict here, you can’t just walk in and wander around, doctors and nurses are rushing in and out of rooms constantly; people are spending as much time in ICU dying as they are surviving. But he’s not planning on going inside.
He finds a seat in the waiting area at the end of the hall. There’s ashtrays and a vending machine here and he knows Wayne Munson and there’s no way he won’t need a coffee and a cigarette at some stage. And sure enough he’s there about forty minutes when Wayne walks past him.
He gives him a second, doesn’t want to pounce on him from nowhere, lets him smoke his cigarette, watching the jittery movement of his hand. Wayne comes across as dour, hard faced, but he has a golden vein of mischief that runs through him, and he’s prone to fits of giggles, especially at Eddie’s expense. But that glint in his eyes is gone.
He finishes his smoke and stands in front of the coffee machine, coin in hand. If you didn’t know him you’d think he was just making his selection, but Gareth does know him. Wayne stands like a statue, coin in his hand, staring into nothing.
“Mr Munson?”
Wayne spins, eyes sharp and Gareth can imagine why. But Wayne’s face softens when he sees its him. 
“Since when do you call me that?”
Gareth gives him a one shouldered shrug in reply.
Wayne gets his coffee and sits in the chair next to him lighting another cigarette.
“Your mom sent you up, huh?”
“I would have come anyway.”
“She’s a good woman, your ma.” He takes a sip of the coffee, his face souring at it. “Jeffrey okay? Matthew?”
“Yeah, they’re all safe.”
Wayne sighs. “That’s good. Eddie would be worried, so that’s good.”
The mention of Eddie’s name pricks ears in the waiting area, and Gareth is wishing just one of them to say a fucking word because he’s ready to let go.
“What happened?” 
Wayne sighs, loaded and weary. “They’re saying he was bit. Dogs, or wolves or something. Spooked by the earthquake.”
What the fuck? “Wolves?”
“It’s bullshit. He’s been carved up, no dog did that to him,” Wayne says, voice rising, waiting area now fully watching him. “People in this town think we’re stupid. Think they know who we are, what we are. Well I ain’t stupid. I swear to God, when I find whoever did that—" his voice breaks, rough and tired, “to my boy, going to be a lot of very sorry people in this piece of shit town.”
It’s the truest thing he’s ever said. 
What is wrong with this place? The way they allowed Carver to rile them up with bullshit. Like they don't already live in a world where someone could drop the bomb at any moment, they had to go invent shit to be scared of. The way the cops, the fucking cops! just let Carver start a vigilante movement right in front of them. His dad always told them ‘there’s something rotten about Hawkins’, that maybe they should have moved. His parents usually end up fighting when they go down that road. But he’s already made his mind up, he's leaving this place as soon as he can.
“Is he going to be okay”
Wayne takes his time about answering, too particular, so Gareth knows it’s bad from that alone. But he’s willing to accept whatever Wayne gives him, will grab on to any ounce of hope.
“He’s strong.”
And… that’s it? That’s all he’s got for him?
“I should get back to him. Don’t like to be away for too long.”
Wayne stands and throws his empty cup in the trash. 
“Why don’t you come through and say hi? I think Ed would like that.”
Maybe he hesitates too long, Wayne adding “You don’t have to.”
“No. No I want to.”
Wayne gets his name added to the visitors list, and then puts his hand on Gareth's shoulder guiding him to Eddie’s room. When Officer Callaghan moves to block his way Wayne doesn’t even speak. Doesn’t say a fucking word, just stares at Callaghan until he steps out of the way and goes back to his post. It’s the most incredible thing Gareth’s ever seen.
And then he’s in Eddie’s room.
Later, he’ll ride in the car home with his mom and it will pour out of him. Eddie, their dog, their home.
But for now he’ll bite his lip and hold his friends hand.
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weak4skz · 1 year
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Han Jisung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, angst, idol au
Summary: Han and y/n have been friends since before they remember. But what happens if their friendship is severed by an unfortunate situation and Han goes off to be an idol while y/n is in college. When they connect through a mutual friend, what happens then?
CHAPTER WARNINGS: self harm, suicide attempt, eating disorder, body dysmorphia, reader isn’t in the right mind, body insecurities, just a lot of feelings, insecurities in general, self consciousness (tell me if I missed anything)
A/N: chapter 2 is finally up!! If you couldn't tell, my life has been kind of a mess lately and I've been really busy with school as well as personal matters. But thank you for sticking around and being patient <3
want2besomeoneelse lixie-jisung-stan jisuperboard mentoslol i-dont-know-me-either mooncallerautumn poisonivy21
Going home my mind was working overtime but at the same time not working at all. My body went into auto-pilot while I was absolutely mentally wrecked. My biggest priority was to drive home without dying or having a mental breakdown; so I focused for the 15 minute drive home. As soon as I was safe inside my house I allowed myself to go numb. To have millions of thoughts but at the same time have no thoughts. It was a coping mechanism I developed over the years. 
I found out I could get into this little headspace after Jisung caught me cutting myself. Since I didn’t want to be caught doing something so embarrassing; I had to find another way to cope.
And to think I thought my night couldn’t POSSIBLY get worse 
I know I told myself I had gotten past this; but I really needed to feel something. So I went to the bathroom and picked up my blade and started cutting.
 It’s not enough
The pain wasn’t painful enough to fix my broken self so I cut deeper than I knew I should.
 Ah… sweet relief 
While relishing in the floaty feeling, I hear a quiet ping come from my phone. I pick it up, reading the text on my screen.
Hey y/n. I wanted to tell you that I passed that audition that I told you about and got accepted to become a trainee at JYP Entertainment. The only thing is that I have to leave tomorrow; but I promise I’ll keep in touch. Don’t die while I’m gone lol
I let out a humorless laugh before making one more cut on my left thigh; it was so deep it gushed out blood. I didn’t really mind though; I needed the pain, maybe even liked it. Or I at least preferred it over everything that had happened in the past couple hours. The bathroom started to blur and I started to see stars; I decided to close my eyes and let the darkness take over.
I walk into the cozy coffee spot trying to spot my friend. When I do; I rush over and give him a tight hug while he gently sways the both of us back and forth gently. He hugs me so tight I pull back from a lack of air.
Now, one might think that our greeting is a little much for not seeing each other for two days; but there is nothing dramatic enough for the man who saved my life
“Hey Y/n”
“Hey Chan” I say back breathlessly.
Chan, the 5’7 father of seven who is the reason I’m still here today FOUR YEARS AGO
After receiving the news of my mom’s death; I was devastated. She was at the hospital more than she was home; but when she was home we had so much fun. I could remember nights when we would stay up until 4 am surrounded by our favorite snacks. We would talk about anything and everything: me, her, the new episode of our favorite drama, Jisung.
He hasn’t contacted me since the night of that party two years ago. I kept my old phone and number, even when I got a new one, just in case he called. I even pay the ridiculous rent for my childhood home just in case he came by. But maybe he just forgot about me; I mean, I am pretty forgettable. Not much special about me when he is a musical genius. 
I look out onto the bridge I’m on; the city looks so pretty from up here. Then, I look down at the water and the reflection of the city on it. Honestly, I would rather be in that city than the one up here. So I walk a little closer to the edge; not to jump, just to look. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. When I get to the edge and lean over it a little, reaching for the city in the water; I feel arms pulling me back. I immediately tense in the man’s arms, trying to figure out what type of person he could be. I lower it down to three options
A pedophile
A man that thought I was gonna jump and is trying to save my life
A drunk guy
‘Hey’ the man says in a gentle voice. “You’re a little close to the edge; why don't we back up a bit, yeah?” the voice says, gently pulling me back to a safe distance from the edge of the bridge. While still in the mystery man’s arms, I begin to analyze him. He’s strong, definitely stronger than me, so I can’t fight him. He also seemed to have the accent of a native English speaker. Before I could finish my detailed analysis the mystery man turned me around. 
“Hi,” he starts. “I’m Chan, Bang Chan. And you are?” he asks, looking at me with expecting eyes. “Y/n,” I responded in a quiet voice. 
“You looked like you could use some company. Why don’t we walk around and talk for a bit, hm? We can grab some food if you’d like.” 
“Oh, I’m not that hungry” 
That is the dumbest lie I have ever told
The truth is I am hungry. I have had nothing but a protein shake every other day. I skipped at least two days a week for the times I would go get food with friends or go eat with my mom at the hospital. But, I couldn't stop now. I've finally started to look normal, maybe even pretty. 
“Y/n, when’s the last time you ate, and I mean a full meal.”
Y/n, are you really about to spill all of your emotional trauma to some random stranger you just met?
Yes, yes I am
“About a month ago” his eyes automatically widened. “Yeah I have an eating disorder that I developed from body dysmorphia,” now Chan is looking at me like I’m crazy. Which, at the moment, I probably am. “Yeah I know. My mom died last week.” now even I know I’ve gone insane. 
“I wanted to jump” this time, I’m a little quieter; the fact I wanted to end my life a little harder to admit. “I’ve been cutting for years but after she died, cutting wasn’t enough” 
That was when I realized I was crying. It 's the first time I had cried since I was at my mom’s deathbed. Not while I drove home; not while I was cutting myself on the bathroom floor, not even at the funeral. 
I expected Chan to walk away. To consider me another depressed college student and to move with his life. But instead; I feel his arms wrap around me and his hands stand to gently move up and down my back. In my estranged state, I’m confused as to why the man I just met is comforting me. What’s even more confusing is how loved and cherished I feel in his arms. So, as any normal person would do, I cry my heart out into the man’s arms. 
After my loud sobs turn into quiet sniffles, Chan pulls me back and looks at my face.
“No offense, but you look like a mess”
“You look worse,” I sniffled.
Now that I got a good look at him, he looked a mess. His hair was  in messy, tangled curls, he had really dark bags under his eyes, and he was wearing different shoes.
“We both look like shit. But why don’t we fix our shit together, yeah?’
“Sure, why not”
“Ok, hear me out,” Chan starts. “What would you think of meeting the kids and becoming our manager for our upcoming comeback?”
“Let me get this straight. You want me, a broke girl straight out of college with no experience; to manage you and your friends' world-wide popular band?”
“Yes?” he says, but it sounds more like a question. 
“I haven’t even met them yet. First let me meet your so-called kids then we can talk about me becoming one of your managers,” I negotiated. Chan talks very highly of his kids; but again he couldn’t say a bad thing about anyone. 
“Ok great! How about right now?” he asked with a smile. 
“WHAT?” Chan grimaced at my loudness. “Bang Chan I am not dressed to meet a bunch of world-famous kpop idols!” Truthfully, I wasn’t dressed that bad. I was wearing a white tank-top, maybe a little too tight for a girl like me to be wearing; under a dark blue zip-up with some black, wide leg cargo pants. 
“You look fine,” he said a little more seriously. “They are at my apartment, we don’t  have to go if you don’t want to.”
“No, I'll go. I’ve been wanting to meet them for a while, this is just a little more sudden than what I had imagined.” are the words I force out of my mouth. “Yea sorry about that. I just knew if I didn’t ask you to come over today you would put it off for weeks,” he responded with a small smile.
This man knows me too well
He knows how I panic when meeting new people. How I get anxious about everything from what I say to how dirty my shoes are. He knows that I worry myself into panic attacks when it comes to first impressions
I let out a choked laugh, as if I were trying to laugh at a lame joke.
Except I am the joke
I tell him I’ll go, even if I kind of don’t want to. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to meet everyone; it’s just they seem so perfect. They just had to look good in everything: serious pictures, funny pictures, music videos, interviews, you name it. 
Slightly against my own will; I begin to get up, expecting us to leave.
“Y/n, you’re forgetting something,” Chan reminded me. I look at the table to see if I left my phone or wallet on it, but I don’t spot anything that’s mine. “What am I forgetting?” I asked him confused. “Y/n you forgot your sandwich”
My brain is working at 500 mph trying to come up with a better lie than ‘I had a really big breakfast’ because Chan knows I ever eat in the morning. “Y/n, did you eat at all yesterday? And I mean real food.” Chan asked, or rather scolded.
The truth is I didn’t, but it’s justified because the day before yesterday I went out with my old college friend, Yeji, and we ate hot pot; 3750 calories if I calculated correctly. And that’s way above my daily intake for two whole days. So technically, I ate enough for two days in one day which means there was no need to eat yesterday.
“Y/n,” Chan sighed; “Can you at least take a couple bites? Please?
“I can’t eat when I’m nervous,” was my excuse of choice. I mean, it wasn’t the complete truth but he didn’t have to know. 
Chan seemed to accept my answer and stood up. “Fine, are you ready to go?” he asks.
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the-hinky-panda · 10 months
The Preacher's Wife Series: Escape (Part I)
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TW: Domestic spousal abuse: emotional, mental, physical, and sexual
Hank’s in love.
It’s too soon, the wounds from the previous relationship still fresh, still stinging. But he thinks back to feeling Maggie pressed to his side, her hand in his, her head resting against his shoulder. It was one of the only times that he actually followed the speed limit back to her rental, trying to draw out the time. He can’t get it out of my mind just how perfect everything had been. He certainly doesn’t believe in romantic nonsense like soulmates but the feeling of watching Maggie walk into the cabin by herself was like watching a piece of himself go with her. 
Maybe he is starting to believe in soulmates. 
Either way, the problem remains of her husband and the process of getting her and the two children out of that mansion in La Jolla. He can’t contact Maggie directly so he approaches the next best thing, Maggie’s sister, Stitches. She’s been the medic for a couple years now and hasn’t mentioned anything specific about Maggie and her marriage. She’s hinted at being concerned for Maggie, always excited for Maggie’s visits to Santo Padre. But never has she brought up to the club a fear for her sister’s safety. 
Stitches is organizing her medical supplies in the treatment room in the clubhouse when Hank finally tracks her down. He’s only been back from Big Bear Lake for two hours and he can’t shake the conversation he had just earlier today in the truck with Maggie. He raps lightly on the open door. 
“Stitch, you got a minute?” 
“Yeah, absolutely.” She stands up and immediately starts scanning him, looking for any injuries. 
“I’m fine,” he waves her off. “I, uh, I actually wanted to talk to you about your sister, Maggie.” 
Concern immediately clouds her face. “Maggie? What’s going on with Maggie?” 
“I ran into her, up at Big Bear Lake.” 
Stitches’ concern dissipates immediately and she breaks into a big smile. “Oh yeah, she was heading up there for a conference.” 
Hank smirked. “Conference.” 
“Ah,” Stitches leans against the exam table. “So she told you about her other ‘job.’” 
“She did. My mom likes reading her books.” 
Stitches’ grin gets wider. “I’m sure the next time she’s visiting, we can stop by and see your mom if you want. It’ll do Maggie good, finding people who enjoy her books. She doesn’t get to have that satisfaction too much.” 
Hank smiles at that but then gets to the real reason for his visit. “Has Maggie ever said anything about how her husband treats her?” 
All positivity drains from her face. “I know he’s an asshole. Emotionally manipulative and a bully. I’ve been stashing money and family heirlooms for her in preparation for her to leave but she keeps telling me the timing isn’t right yet. Her publisher is also holding on to her royalties as well. Why?” 
“She just said a few things that concerned me. Wanted to get a clearer picture from you.” 
Stitches’ mouth is a firm, tense line. “What things?” 
The words are so bitter on his tongue when he says them. “I think he’s hitting her.” 
“That son of a bitch.”
She starts to move past him but he puts out a hand and catches her shoulder. The explosion is expected and he is prepared for it thankfully. “Now hold on. You know if that’s true, we do have to wait on her.” 
“Dammit, I know.”  She emits a frustrated noise and kicks the small trash can. “Shit. I had no idea he was hitting her or that it was even a possibility. He’s so focused on goddam appearances I didn’t think he would do that.” 
“It seemed like she let it slip when we were talking. She said it was never anything to go see about at a hospital or ER. I don’t think anyone knows.” 
“Course not. Simon Peters needs to keep his reputation clean or he could lose that money machine of a church. Can’t have a wife sporting bruises and casts…” Stitches pauses in her rant, her eyes going wide. “Oh my God. Her foot.” 
“She mentioned breaking it but didn’t say how.” 
Stitches returns to pacing the small room, her face thunderous. “I knew it. I knew Simon had something to do with her broken foot. The bones on the top of her foot were just snapped. She had to have metal pins and plates in there to fix it. She said her foot got caught under a box and she lost balance and fell backwards. It sounded fishy to me but she assured me that’s all it was.” 
Hank feels that sick feeling settling in his stomach. “What did it look like to you?” 
“It looked like someone stood on her foot and pushed her backwards, that’s what the breaks looked like.” Stitches lets out another sound of anger. “Six years! Six years, she’s been stuck in that house with that asshole! And I didn’t…” her eyes flood with tears and she covers her face with her hands. “I didn’t know, Hank. God, I didn’t know.” 
“What the hell is going on in here?” Bishop appears in the doorway. 
Tears are still streaming down her face and gives both Hank and Bishop the most helpless look. “My sister needs help.” 
Bishop turns to Hank. “What kind of help?” 
Taza appears at Bishop’s shoulder, peering into the room. “What’s going on?” 
“Stitches’ sister needs help,” Bishop says. 
Hank fills in the rest of the information. “Abusive husband.” 
Bishop nods. “He armed? Security guards? What are we talking?” 
“He’s the pastor of a megachurch,” Hank answers. “Lives in a mansion in La Jolla.” 
“The kids,” Stitches says. “We need to get the two kids too.” 
“Alright,” Taza puts his arm around Stitches’ shoulders. “We will. You talk to her, find out when would be a good time to get her and the kids out.” 
“Safely,” Hank adds. 
“Safely,” Bishop repeats. “In the meantime, if we have something coming up that needs attention, I’ll make sure at least three guys stay behind to help. You pick them. Okay?” 
Stitches wipes her eyes with her sleeve. “Okay. But don’t you have to bring this to the table or take a vote in Templo or something?” 
Bishop  glances at Hank and Taza, who give him minute nods, and he shakes his head. “No vote needed this time. Sometimes, we’re just all in agreement.” 
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maddys-nerd-blog · 1 year
I figured I’d share some more snippets of my AU, this time it’s full of fluff and jokes, but this is the lead up to the more angstier part from last time! The calm before the storm if you will!
Today was the day.
She’d been waiting for weeks. Double checked everything. Saved every scrap of cash she owned. Made sure the reservations were still available. Had packed the car the night before whilst the boys were asleep. If one didn’t know any better they’d assume she was prepping for a getaway.
Well… that wasn’t wrong. But the kids were in for one hell of a surprise.
Leo had to admit: He was a little worried.
Okay, not ‘call an ambulance’ worried, but definitely ‘what’s going on’ worried. The past few days had been cause for suspicion in the studio as their caretaker had started to act strange. And that was saying something because Kat was already weird.
She was being more secretive than usual. Hiding stuff in the false bottom of the floor and forbidding them from peeking inside. When Leo went to check the date on the calendar she’d all but forbade him from looking. Even the closet located in the foyer was off-limits! What was even more odd was the night before, Kat had told them not to wait eat breakfast in the morning and had instructed that everyone be up early.
Needless to say, she was acting sus.
“Okay so, like, are we gonna address the elephant in the room?” Leo finally asked that morning, sitting at the island as he lounged back in his chair far enough to tip it backwards. The four of them were gathered there, still trying to adjust to waking up at this hour. His alarm on his phone had read seven thirty when he’d checked.
Without looking up from the screen of his phone Donnie added. “Like Kat being super weird these last few days?” The colorful blips of light from his game reflected off his glasses, snorting. “I mean, dude, that’s a no brainer.”
Cracking a smirk, Raph cradled his mug of coffee in his hands as he leaned against the counter. “She’s always been crazy. You’re just now realizing it?”
“You know what I mean!” Leo pointed an accusing finger at the hothead, gesturing wildly with his hands. “The hiding stuff, being all sneaky-ninja-stealthy! I tried looking in the closet ONCE two days ago— just to see what the big deal is, but she said I’d be grounded if I opened it!”
“Well that’s normal for you,” Raph snarked, taking a sip of his beverage. “Puttin’ your beak into someone else’s business.”
Pouting, Leo slouched against the counter, clearly unamused. “I bet it’s favoritism. Either that or she’s planning on escaping to the Bahamas.”
“As if!” It was Mondo’s turn to pipe in, rummaging through the fridge to find some orange juice. It was almost comical to see the shortest member of the bunch trying to climb the shelves to grab it. “Mom hasn’t ditched us yet! If she hasn’t now, she never will!”
Donnie finally lifted his head, phone lowered to the table as he cocked his head to the side. “Dude, why do you keep calling her that?”
Mondo, pausing his search, leaned his head back to properly address the bespectacled turtle. “Cuz I do? She doesn’t tell me to stop or nothing, so I guess it’s okay!”
“But you know she isn’t your mom?” Donnie asked. “Like… I don’t get it. I’m not trying to be a jerk! I’m just… surprised.”
“I know!” Mondo retrieved his drink, shutting the fridge door with his tail. “I just call her that cuz she’s basically my mom. I mean, she acts like one. Without her help I’d probably be street pizza.”
“You said you were human before being mutated, yeah? Don’t you have real parents? What happened to them?”
“They threw me out when I came home looking like this.”
That took Donnie by surprise, stunning the genius with guilt. “Dude… I’m so sorry.”
“Why? Not your fault! ‘Sides, I made a ton of friends since then! Mom found me and took me in! It’s not like I’m alone anymore either cuz I’ve got you bros too!”
“I dunno if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that you’ve taken being rejected by your parents surprisingly well.”
Raph’s deep brown eyes sent a silent warning glare in Leo’s direction over the lip of his mug, razor sharp. “Hey. Don’t go there.”
Leo shrugged his shoulders innocently. “What? He’s not bothered by it!”
“Ya don’t make comments like that, regardless if they’re not bothered. Don’t push buttons ya ain’t ready t’ press.”
Leo rolled his eyes, miming the eldest with a hand puppet and an exaggerated expression. “Blah-blah-blah, nag-nag-nag, chill out man! You’re gonna end up turning into Katie 2.0!”
“What about Katie 2.0?” The boys were suddenly surprised to hear the voice of their guardian. Finally they looked over to greet her…
Only to drop their jaws at the recognizable woman standing before them.
It was Katie, but she looked… different. Lighter. Relaxed. She wasn’t wearing the usual baggy clothes, forgoing her sweatshirt, no combat boots, not even a shred of neutral colors. It was bizarre to find the detective wearing an outfit suited more for preppy mothers; the navy blue cardigan draped loosely around her shoulders, a soft pink tank top that contrasted with her normal crimson shirts, bell bottom hippie jeans that flared around her ankles, and white tennis shoes were vastly out of character for her. Her black tresses were pulled back into a ponytail, bangs framing her face to create a kinder appearance. She was wearing makeup— honest to God makeup— not too much of it, but enough to be noticeable.
Katie looked… mundane.
They all balked at the sight before them. Donnie had dropped his phone on the counter from shock. Raph looked bewildered beyond belief. It wasn’t until Leo finally found his voice that the shock evaporated. “I knew it! She’s lost it!”
Katie rolled her eyes, the familiar sound of an exasperated groan rumbling past her lips. “Dios Mio, I’m fine, Leo.”
“No you’re clearly not!” The slider pointed at her outfit, leaping from his stool, ignoring how it clattered uselessly to the floor. “Who are you and what have you done to the REAL Kat?!”
Katie stared at him, expression twisted with blank confusion. “Have you been pulling off all-nighters again?”
“DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT, IMPOSTER!” Leo exclaimed. “If you were the real Katie, then what’s my deepest secret?!”
“You flushed your Dad’s pet fish down the drain.”
“… okay fine, you win.”
“THAT’S your deepest secret?!” Donnie sputtered as Mondo broke into a fit of laughter. Raph facepalmed, muttering something about living with crazy people under his breath.
“My Dad still has no idea that I flushed his pet fish and it’s been a year! If he didn’t find out then, he definitely won’t now.”
Mondo beamed excitedly, heading over to the detective with a giant smile. “Whoa! Cool threads, Mom!”
“Not gonna lie, you look like one of those soccer moms from TV,” Donnie quipped.
“What’s with the new getup?” Raph finally asked, crossing his arms.
Katie smirked. “So… I know you guys probably might be thinking I’ve gone off my rocker. But I have a good reason for it. And I think you’re gonna like it.” She retreated to the closet that had been off limits, rummaging around for a few minutes before pulling out several bags that were filled with things they couldn’t see. They had brand labels they recognized: popular, fancy, and highly expensive.
Which was why it surprised them when she laid them out on the couch like Christmas presents, separating the bags into small piles. And it dawned on them…
These were presents. For THEM.
Katie stepped back, gesturing to the piles with a chipper smile and jazz hands. “Tada!”
The boys had yet to tear their gaze off the bags, quietly in awe at the sight. As though still reeling from the unexpected surprise, nobody moved yet. It was as if the mere fact that Katie had gone through the trouble of going out to buy them gifts, that she’d probably spent a good amount of cash on these things just for them— brand new things, a luxury they’d never been given in their entire lives because of their existence and their isolation from the rest of the world, let alone never having the proper means to fund buying them without April or Casey’s help— how could they begin to wrap their heads around this?
Katie’s bright smile full of pearly teeth faltered, slightly worried. “Do you… like it?” She dared to ask in the quiet.
Beginning to break free from the trance they found themselves in, it was Donnie who started to move forward first. With a shaky finger he spoke, voice thick with barely contained excitement. “Is that Hot Topic bag for me?”
Katie nodded. “Yep.”
This broke the spell. Donnie nearly tripped over his feet as he scrambled to his pile like a kid on Christmas morning. “OHMYGODNOWAY.” Mondo wasn’t too far behind the lanky turtle as he raced towards the couch. Leo cracked a giant grin, hurrying to his selection as Raph fell behind, eyeing the shopping bags with a silent shock that still painted his features. Diving into the gifts like eager puppies the three most excitable teens began to sort their things out and rummage through the bags, eyes lighting up with pure joy at the contents.
Donnie sounded like a balloon being released of its air, squealing aloud, grabbing the first of many pieces of apparel and holding it up for all to see. There were stars in his eyes as he marveled at the forest green hoodie clutched in his hands. “ATTACK ON TITAN!?” He cried. “HOW DID YOU KNOW?!”
“You watch it all the time. I figured you’d like it,” Katie laughed as Donnie continued digging through his items, giggling with delight upon finding similar items among the bags. His smile grew bigger the more he discovered, ecstatic and full of glee over the his presents.
“Jujutsu Kaisen?! Bleach?! Sailor Moon?! Persona 4?!” After sifting through his new clothes the purple masked turtle opened the next bag, mouth dropping. He looked at Katie who leaned against the arm of the couch with a knowing smile.
“You didn’t.”
“I did.”
“What?“ Leo pressed. “What did she do?”
Donnie didn’t respond. He reached into the plastic bag to reveal a small stack of CDs, a Walkman, and portable headphones. Still wrapped in plastic the covers of the CDs showed off the name of the band proudly. “BTS!” The way his voice pitched with happiness, clutching them to his chest like an heirloom. “I’ve never had CDs before!”
Katie dipped her head with pride. “Gonna be honest, I had to look through seven record shops to get my hands on those. Hope they’re the ones you like.”
“Are you kidding?! I LOVE BTS!” Donnie jumped to his feet, rushing the detective in order to wrap his arms around her in an embrace. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I can’t believe you got these! You’re the coolest!”
“No problem, hon.” Katie returned the hug with a gracious smile, beaming happily. “That’s all I wanted.”
Emboldened by Donnie’s reaction, Leo started ripping into his own bags with no hesitation. Grabbing the first thing he could find, his own eyes lit up with awe upon fishing out a bomber jacket, thick wool lining the inside and collar. “Shut. Up. You bought me a jacket?!”
“You said you wanted one!“
“I didn’t think you’d actually get it!”
“That’s what a surprise is for! Try it on!”
He didn’t need to be told twice; slipping it on over his shell to better make it fit as he stuck his arms through, Leo beamed with pride as he checked himself out in the pristine leather coat, how comfortable it was, how normal he looked. “Oh my GOD, YES!” He cheered. “I look like Lou Jitsu! This is so cool!”
“There’s another one just like it,” Katie smirked at Leo’s gobsmacked expression. “In black.”
“YOU GOT ME TWO?” Leo gasped, looking ready to faint. “I’M TOTALLY GONNA LOOK LIKE A FABULOUS BADASS!”
“Dude, check it!” Mondo’s voice piped up, hoisting a dark red hockey Jersey in his hands, toting the name of one of his favorite players and an embroidered number one on the back. “Jersey Devils! Wicked, am I right?!”
Raph was deathly silent. He hadn’t spoken a word since the gifts had been displayed. He’d gone through his own bags in silence, eyes taking it all in, absorbing that yes, these were real, these weren’t figments of his imagination. Reaching into one of the heftier looking packages he picked up a finely crafted black leather jacket almost similar to Leo’s, only his was a little bigger, made to fit the build of the brawler better, no fluffy linings but there was a satin layer within the confines of his coat to make it comfortable. The lapels were decked with studded accessories that gave off the ‘loner’ image he’d toted. His fingers gently brushed across the sleeves, as if to remember what owning something as pristine as this was like.
His expression spoke volumes.
“What do you think?” Katie gauged. “Did I do okay?”
“DUDE!” Leo exclaimed. “Are you serious?! This is amazing!”
Donnie hadn’t stopped hugging his CDs, an elated grin plastered to his face. “I am never letting these out of my sight for as long as I’m alive.”
Mondo scuttered towards her at full speed, throwing himself into her arms and holding on tight. “You’re the best Mom ever!” His tail was wagging at an untamable pace, almost with enough force to topple them over.
Katie’s eyes fell to Raph— still frozen where he stood, staring at his new jacket with the same awed expression. “Red? You okay?”
Taken out of his trance the hothead blinked a few times to gather his thoughts. It took him a few minutes to properly collect his composure, jacket clutched close, a true and honest smile appearing on his face. Katie didn’t even think it was possible. “Yeah, uh… this is great.” He nodded to her, genuine. “Thank you.”
Releasing a short breath, Katie seemed relieved that her gifts had gone over swimmingly with the kids. “That’s good!” She brought her hands together in front of her with a clap. “Cuz… what if I told you this was just the beginning?”
There was a pause as the boys let this sink in.
“I’msorrywhat?” Leo gasped.
“There’s MORE?” Donnie gawked.
“What else can there be?!“ Leo dared to question, leaping over the mounds of bags to grab Katie by the shoulders to shake her. “What else?!”
“Easy, easy!” Katie laughed, gently prying his hands off to stop him. “I’ll tell you!” She kept the eager grin on her bright pink lips. “I know you guys have never been able to go on the surface in broad daylight. And it’s been tough on all of you since you’re not with your families. I’m not giving up looking for a way home, but our stay here doesn’t have to be so bleak.”
Leo raised a brow, a coy smirk on his face. “Go on.”
“You never got to experience the outdoors or the city for what it can offer, since you lived in sewers. So… I wanna give you the chance to be teens for a day. I’m taking you guys out on a trip to really enjoy yourselves for a change! Starting with a reservation for breakfast at a diner around the block!”
Silence took hold of the mutants.
A pregnant pause, followed shortly by Leo’s voice chirping from the revelation. “You’re… taking us out?” He slowly spoke. “Into town?”
“Yes!” Katie nodded.
“In broad daylight?”
“Full of hundreds of people who’re bound to ask questions about this,” Leo waved a hand in front of himself. “Whole situation?”
Donnie clutched his CDs tighter, suddenly unsure. “Won’t everyone be scared of us?”
“I don’t give a flying fuck what other people think,” Katie placed her hands on her hips, bold in her declaration. “Why should you have to hide from the world while everyone else gets to have fun? It isn’t fair to any of you. I totally understand your hesitation; if you’re nervous about being seen in public I’ve made up a story to tell the diner owners if they have questions. You’ve lived your whole lives hidden. Why not take the chance to go out there and be kids for a day?” Taking a moment to soften her features she sighed. “I just… want you boys to be happy.”
Then, out of thin air…
“Let’s do it.”
It was Raph who broke the quiet. He’d slipped his leather jacket on, the zipper pulled up halfway to his plastron, looking as though it were made just for him. He was smiling with his eyes, true and fully relaxed— a feat that Katie never thought possible— shoving his hands into his pockets and nodding in her direction. “We only live once, yeah? I say we go.”
Not even Leo was left speechless by the change of heart the red turtle had displayed. “Really.”
“Hell yeah. I’m serious.”
“You? Mister ‘stick up my shell’. Resident turtle going through his emo phase.”
“Okay if ya start actin’ like a jackass I’ll take it back.”
Leo glanced at Donnie and Mondo, both beginning to brighten and beam with delight. Finally, their voices bounced off the walls as they started cheering.
“Dudes this’ll be totally radical!”
“Ohmigosh I’m going to SLAY!”
“Alright!” Katie clapped her hands, motioning for her boys to listen. “Then get dressed and meet back here in ten! Let’s get this day started!”
“Oh just so we’re clear I CALL SHOTGUN.”
“What?! No fair you ALWAYS get shotgun!”
“I wanna pick the songs!”
“HELL NO, your music taste SUCKS—“
As Leo, Mondo and Donnie gathered their things to scurry into their rooms to get ready, Katie looked at Raph with an earnest expression. “You seriously wanna go out there? I don’t wanna make you feel pressured into doing this.”
“Why not?” Raph shrugged. “Haven’t had any fresh air in months. It’ll do us some good t’ get out into th’ city for once, not needing t’ fight crime or beat th’ shit outta Purple Dragons.”
She couldn’t believe it. She honestly thought he was pulling her leg, but the look in his face, that yearning, the desire to get out of the studio and get to see what he’d been missing out… there was a relief within his gaze. And somehow she could sense he, despite his roughened exterior, he wanted to do this.
One would have missed it had they been looking elsewhere, but she caught pure childlike glee hiding behind his smile.
And for the first time since this nightmare began, Katie felt as if it were all worth it.
@queen-with-the-quill @tending-the-hearth @lameboobah @figuringitoutasigoalong
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onyxheartbeat · 1 year
I don’t know what to make of the last few days. My love had a concerned family member who lives out of state finally show concern for him (he’s recently had the flu and Covid) and began calling in another family friend to do wellness checks on him. He went through about a week of really poor health, unable to talk without constantly coughing. On top of his heart failure, it’s been quite scary, but I’ve been the only one to see him regularly. Now, there’s this family friend calling and telling him he needs to go to the hospital when she gets back from her trip. He’s been very reluctant to do this. That’s a long story, but basically he just wants to pass away at home or just never go to the hospital again because the previous stint was painful and exhausting (understandable).
The medical aspect of this has been scary for me as he’s told me he doesn’t want an ambulance called if he goes into cardiac arrest at the house. He’s told me he just want to go and for me to accept it. Anyway, since our relationship is private, I can’t be there anymore due to the fact that a couple of his friends are doing spontaneous wellness checks. It’s been days since I had quality time with him, and the last night that I tried to stay for just a few hours, it felt like he was pulling away and my heart broke. He didn’t even look at me in the eyes. He’s claimed he’s embarrassed because his eyes are swollen and he doesn’t like how he looks but I’m sensing just a general closed offness the last few days and I have no idea why.
I feel anxiety and can’t stop crying about it. It feels like he’s distancing himself. He hasn’t been saying he loves me the last two days, even when I text it to him at night, he’ll just say “goodnight” or “sleep well” instead of “I love you too.” It’s a complete 180 from the sweetness and romance and passion I’ve been experiencing with him the last four months. A part of me is very upset and I feel like that’s manipulative behavior on his part. He’s done it a few times before so I don’t know if this is just how he copes with stress. But he’s been in much better health recently (gotten over Covid and stopped drinking heavily), so he’s continued packing and getting ready for his drive across country. I just feel like I’ve been pushed away. It’s hard to explain because only I know how affectionate and loving he’s been with me for the most part of the past four months. But it feels different all of a sudden.
Since he’s gotten news that this friend will be doing health checks, he’s been calling me multiple times a day and talking for hours with me, however that stopped a few days ago. And today, he didn’t reach out at all, and like I stated, the last time I was actually at his house, which was last night for a few hrs, he didn’t even really talk to me or even look at me. I curled up next to him on the couch and we held each other, but I kept kissing him on the cheek and he just didn’t respond. He doesn’t kiss me anymore. I know he’s really tired but that broke my heart. I don’t know how to feel about all of this. I’m angry because I feel he should be more consistent and loving with me because it seems he’s finally getting ready to move soon, but I’m also understanding because he’s still a victim of heart disease and having to give up his childhood home soon and that’s such an emotional thing to go through that I shouldn’t say how he should be acting every day.
I’m just so sad right now. This relationship of ours was always doomed to so much heartache and the nature of it being private means we can’t see each other right now due to the spontaneous wellness checks. That’s another reason I’m upset. I’ve carried him through this alone. Not one other person helped, when his mom passed, when his drinking was heavy, when he cracked his rib, I was the person there. Nobody saw how incredibly difficult that was. Now that one person in his family heard him coughing on the phone, they’re all of a sudden concerned enough to send people to check on him. It’s ridiculous. He didn’t listen to me when I told him he should stop smoking, stop drinking, see a doctor, or go to the hospital when he’s had chest pains, but now he’s maybe going to let a family friend take him to see a physician when she gets back from her trip—she’s a lovely elderly lady and has known him since his childhood so he respects her like that which is understandable, but I’m just so frustrated. Most of this relationship has been beautiful, but the ugly sides of it are truly palpable now. My biggest fear is that he just doesn’t want me around anymore, he’s falling out of love with me, or he’s just too disrespectful to see how his inconsistent behavior feels manipulative sometimes. He’s had nights where he was desperately asking for me, like literally just going through awful stuff and crying out desperately for me, and I always came no matter what. Now it feels like I’m just not needed anymore and that it doesn’t matter if I desperately need him. At the end of the day, I don’t feel it’s a big enough deal to bring up. I’m more just trying to keep a cool head right now because he seems to be in stage four of his heart failure and there have been many nights when I’ve felt it’s possible that he was going to pass away. I just want to hold onto the feeling of love that we have shared.
Anyway, thank you all for reading. I really appreciate being able to vent on here and for you all to go through this with me because I really suck ass when it comes to love and heartbreak.
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jodilin65 · 31 years
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1993 From what I now gather, Tom isn’t having sex with me till I get my pap smear results back and go to the GYN. I really doubt I’m infected. I also doubt things will change with that even if all my tests and appointments come up negative, but what can I do?
I fell asleep around 11 AM and got up at 6 PM.
Earlier Tom and I watched The Guardian. Boy, is he different than most guys. I asked him if watching me and another woman would turn him on and he said no.
Tom and I had a great night. He says, though, he’s not afraid I’ll give him anything if we have sex. He’s afraid to aggravate anything till I’ve had my appointments. He believes, like I do, that I’ll be fine.
After we watched the movie, he told me how he really liked this teddy bear I drew, among other things. I’m making drawings of things for him like flowers, ballet slippers, cats, and other stuff for computer programs. I finally got to scan in my best drawings. They look so cool. I’m sending two envelopes to Tammy, each with 7 pieces of paper in it. Each has 1-4 pictures.
I told Andy about my bastard brother. He was shocked.
I called Kim and she too, hasn’t heard from Bob. She agrees that something could very well be wrong. She says she’ll drive by his place in Turners Falls on Monday, her day off.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1993 I fell asleep around 10 AM and awoke at 3 PM. Tom was in a great mood. He left shortly after I woke up to go work on his brother’s computer.
I watched that movie and Jenny Seagrove was hot.
I fell back asleep around 9 PM and woke up about two hours later. Tom was working on the computer. Still in a great mood and very affectionate. Between his affection and the woman in the movie, I was so horny. I lay there slightly annoyed with him waiting for him to go to bed. I told him I had to relieve myself and after I did, I had no hard feelings. Hey, you can’t help your feelings. This guy just doesn’t desire me sexually. I don’t turn him on and he never cums anyway. The times he went down on me were cuz I asked him to. Before, I was hurt by all this, but I know you can’t help your feelings and I can take care of myself.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1993 After I last copied in all my entry dates for each journal, I got sicker than a dog all night. I couldn’t stop sneezing and I had a fever. I fell asleep yesterday at 2:30 AM and awoke at 4:15 AM.
Before getting sick I spoke to Andy and did some redecorating.
Today there was a message to call my doctor for my GYN approval. I’ll call either today or Monday. I want to make sure I’m over this cold. At least I’ve had one flu and two colds since I came here and not 1000 of each.
Well now, if moving here to Arizona, becoming a dancer, and having a relationship (with a male), and living in that person’s house are the most shocking things throughout these journals - here’s another. I called Tammy yesterday morning and she tells me Larry’s been at Mom and Dad’s! This surely blew me off my feet. Tammy doesn’t know much to tell, other than he called them last Friday and has been with them for 3-4 days. I guess he was in the area. She said something about owning a truck and something about computers. He’s still with Sandy, living in Agawam and I guess he still has two kids, Larry Jr. and Jennifer. Who knows what the hell is going on, but he is only 38-39 years old. Not 43.
Tammy said they only spoke for two minutes. She reminded him that she and I were also victims of Mom and Dad and that we never did anything to him. He said maybe he’d call her. Whatever, but I wish for no contact with my parents or Larry. Having no contact with them isn’t what I want, it’s what I need. It’s too late and there’s no hope of ever having a positive relationship with these people. These people are never gonna take me at face value and have brainwashed themselves and others with too much bullshit about me. They have their own minds made up about me, and Larry will only judge me by my past. I don’t need to explain or defend myself to either of them as they’ll never buy anything I say if it’s not what they want to hear. They twist my words. Tammy did defend me all on her own about one thing, though. Dad bitched about my moving so much. Tammy said, “So what? It didn’t affect you or cost you any money. She’s been self-sufficient and has money in the bank.”
In other news, last night on Unsolved Mysteries they profiled the Lisa Zeighert case in Agawam. Tammy saw it, too. She was working in a gift shop when someone came and raped her and then dumped her in the woods.
I just pulled out every single bookmark I had in all my journals. When I lived in S Deerfield, Kim had given me these tiny colored ribbons which I taped in. The bookmarks were a pain in the ass, so I removed them. I also had a few regular ones with tassels hanging from them. These I kept. I put them on my desk out in the back room. This way if I continue typing journals, I can keep my page with these.
Except for 3 days when the people next door moved in and had extra company in that trailer, they’ve been very quiet. They don’t wake me up and I hope this is how it stays. The soundproofing stuff Tom put in helps a great deal. I am very glad he put it in. Imagine how great it’ll be when it’s complete. He still is planning on spraying the gaps with something that dries up to be Styrofoam.
Andy’s gonna shit when I tell him about Larry. In a way, I think he should have just stayed away, let dead dogs lay, and not come around after all these years.
Yesterday I fell asleep at about 9 AM and slept until 7 PM. I sure needed to, but I awoke with a hell of a nightmare. Well, in a couple of days, I’m supposed to be off my probation. I sent in my last report form yesterday. In my dream, it was only around June or July of ‘93. Tom wasn’t in the dream at all. I supposedly violated my probation and was ordered to return to MA. By whom and how - I don’t know. Some guy (I don’t know who) was helping me pack. I pulled out an old pair of gloves. He said it was a good thing I kept them, cuz I’d need them back east. The situation obviously hadn’t hit me. I can remember thinking to myself how there had to be a way to solve this problem, clear up the mistake, and stay here in PHX. I thought of calling my parents for help but still refused to talk to them.
The next thing I knew I was in some large, bright, crowded room. People gathered around a big TV where some show was discussing people on probation from other states. It was mentioning what we all did wrong. When I was mentioned, it named all these people I was supposed to have burned and that I was ordered back to MA. I think even Stacey was there. I walked a few steps away and there was Andy. I asked if he saw the thing on me on TV. He said no. I asked him to “foresee” if and when I’d return. He said August 31st. I assumed he meant of ‘93 and I was relieved, but then he shook his head and said, “Of ‘94.”
Panic ripped through me as the realization of losing this weather, my gorgeous apartment (guess I was still single), palm trees and cactuses were unbearable. Then I woke up.
Tom got home at 7:20 and things have been going great with us. At 7:00 I got a great idea. I said I’d like to tell him and that if he didn’t agree, I’d compromise somehow. I suggested staying committed, but if we were to ever marry - shoot for one year from now. Perhaps December of ‘94. This will give us both the time to get over any fears and doubts. This way he can see that I won’t be violent or anything like that. And I can see that he’ll love me unconditionally. Occasionally telling me to put off something is fine, but here’s an example. He tells me I can be with him and be a singer. (big time or small) I believe him and take him at face value, but if I can ever get my damn foot in the door and I see him keep his word, I’ll be even more of a believer. Here’s another example. He’s never said to choose between him and being friends with Andy. With each passing month, I believe he won’t change that. He agreed.
I called my doctor’s office. My test results haven’t come back yet, but I’ll be called either way. My referral is being mailed to me.
Speaking of mail, I never get any anymore. It’s good, yet funny and weird and different not getting and paying bills in my name. No letters from Bob since the 15th. I hope nothing’s wrong.
I took a Pre-Sym pill for water gain, bloating and other PMS symptoms. At least I’m not a bitch. I’m in a good mood and can’t wait to see that movie tonight. It’ll be on in 9 hours.
I found a way to use my perfume without it bothering me. I sprayed it inside the back cover of this book.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1993 I just checked Prodigy and still no message from Tammy. She must be very busy. I’ll need to call her soon to see how she’s been and to tell her my not-so-good news.
My pap didn’t go so well yesterday. She is almost sure that the discharges are normal for me and she couldn’t see any apparent infections. The bad and baffling news is that my cervix is inflamed and also that there’s scarring right inside the opening. No other GYNs have told me this before and half of them say I’m of average size down there and the others agree I’m too small. Tom and I know there’s no chance of him getting inside there without my being made bigger by surgery. He accepts this and this is no problem for him, but there are times when I just wish I could function sexually as most women that are with guys do. The doctor says it’s unusual to be as small as I am and she doesn’t know why I am. She doesn’t know if it’s due to the DES.
As for the scarring, well, there’s Tom’s idea about it and then there are mine and the doctor’s. The doctor says it’s probably the times when I tried to “get Tom in there.” She says it doesn’t take much and even though it was only 3 weeks ago that we last tried, scarring can be there. I agree that this is the only possibility and no other doctor ever mentioned this before. Tom says he thinks I was molested as a kid. No way. No one in my family would’ve done this to me and it would’ve been medically evident a long time ago. He even was upset, saying that I was blaming him and protecting someone. It’s no one’s fault and I am not protecting anyone. If anyone ever did anything to me, I’m sure I’d be fully aware of it, it’d be medically evident, and I’d also speak up about it. I wouldn’t feel ashamed or guilty, cuz it wouldn’t have been my fault.
I just wish there was some way to make me bigger and less sensitive. The exam wasn’t painful, but it was very uncomfortable. Thank God I don’t want kids, cuz how would I conceive or even have them?
I’m waiting for the office to call me with the name of a specialist GYN. I hope, though, that there’s a problem with my insurance approving it, cuz I really don’t want to go. I’m tired of one thing after another and it’s really hard for me to believe this isn’t a punishment. After I have sex, with a guy or a girl, there’s some problem. What have I done to deserve this? I haven’t been on the phone or in any other trouble. I just want to be healthy and function normally sexually. I hope nothing’s wrong if I do go to a GYN.
Other than all this bullshit, things have been very good.
Thank God my parents still haven’t tried to call. But last night there was a hang-up call and I know it was ma. I could tell by the mannerism in which she hung up the phone. I’ve had enough phone fights with her to know how she hangs up on me. She was definitely frustrated and angry. My good pitch also helps me.
I’m gonna hold off a little longer on writing about the great idea Andy came up with till we discuss it more.
Not much else is going on. I think I’ve covered all the big stuff.
The weather’s hanging in the 80s here and the 30s to upper 40s back east. Fran called his local weather line and I called mine. When he heard it he said, “You bitch!”
Can’t wait until Friday night. A movie called The Guardian will be on and it’s got this hot English lady in it. I’m gonna tape her, alright.
I may or may not still get a binder the size of my journals to type in. I’d put blank note pages in it for if I’m out somewhere. I’m not sure I’m gonna continue copying my journals. Typing and printing them, I mean. Perhaps I will when I’m totally bored with nothing better to do. I will very soon begin editing for sure.
Kim, Phil and Alex oughta be home now. I hope Alex writes to me and that they all send some pictures. I can only imagine the look on Alex’s face when he read my letter. Kim too, as I sent her a copy of the letter I sent Alex, although Alex will probably show it to her.
I’m gonna write to Kim, Alex, Fran, Nervous and Bob. Speaking of Bob, what the hell’s going on with him? To not get a letter from him in two weeks is weird. Or almost two weeks. I think the last letter I got from him came on the 15th, so yes, it’s just about two weeks. I’ll send a letter bugging him and begging him to write and I’m sure he will. I hope nothing’s wrong and I wish he could get out here and be done with his court case.
In half an hour, the movie I taped will be over, so I’ll do a letter till then.
Fran and Nerv got my topless pictures.
I thought I was gonna fall asleep, but I guess not.
I just cut my index fingernail and already I must do so again. It digs into my thumb when I write. My nails and hair grow very fast.
Tom came in at 7:30 and we chatted for about 20 minutes. He’s gone to sleep now. I may not be awake till after he’s gone to work.
I told him if he’s ever in for a boring night at work, he can take along and read my book of letters.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1993 55 more minutes to go and it’ll be my 6th year journaling anniversary! I began my first journal 6 years ago. But this was back east, and it’s already the 27th there. There’s no time in my very first entry, as it took me a while to get organized. I know it was sometime during the afternoon.
Fran called at around 9:30 PM my time and we talked for about 45 minutes.
Before I woke up, that girl Andy works with left a message about cutting my hair. She didn’t leave a number, so I hope she calls back.
Things are still going great with Tom, but I’ll write more later.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1993 Today was a very nice day. Tom wasn’t home when I awoke, but we talked when he got home. We also talked late last night after I wrote my last entry.
I’ll only cover a few things now as tomorrow I have to go to my doctor’s. That’ll be a 2-hour deal, so I’ll remember to bring this book to pass time. The waiting time is ridiculous.
I now have that soft bed I like. I still want a soft foam double bed, but for now, I can make do. My twin bed has always been too hard, so I pulled out the foam mattress from my couch bed. Tom cut it to fit the top of my bed and it’s so much more comfortable.
We also played a few games of Crazy 8’s.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1993 I’m kind of depressed at the moment. It’s not like something’s happened to make me feel this way, but I guess I’m still struggling with the pros and cons of both staying and leaving here. I’m beginning to feel empty even when we don’t fight, and we haven’t for a week. I’m gonna miss never having one-nighters with women twice a year or so. I’ve come to accept this a long time ago and know I can’t be with women whether I tried to or not. It’s just not meant to be. I’m just not accepted by them and you know I’ve had no luck with the bars or placing ads. And when I would, it was only once a year or two.
Not having sex with Tom is no problem for me now. I’ve gotten used to it and I’m not gonna keep begging. It seems that 9 out of 10 good days when he’s in a good mood and well-rested he still never approaches me. The 10 times or so we’ve done it, I’m the one who started it. He only started it a couple of times and this was only after I told him it wasn’t fair if it were always me to start it. I’ve come to accept and do without and am now even a bit turned off by the idea. I think I’d refuse if he hit on me for sex. I’m also not gonna be easy. I’m gonna play hard to get. Yes, it’s my turn now to play hard to get. Only question is, will I get the chance? I doubt it. I think we’re now strictly platonic.
Here’s a list of the pros and cons of leaving/staying.
Pros of staying:
Happy and fun times with Tom Living in a house Private yard and pool Can blast music all the time Use the computer Save money Dancing’s not a must Transportation when needed The easiest place to sleep No neighbors attached below, above, or next door EC is healthier His VCR and couch are nicer Have washer/dryer Cons of staying:
The stress of when we fight Difficult compromises Not being able to have a yearly or bi-yearly one-nighter with a woman Missing our good times Dealing with the barking dogs Dealing with an older place (especially the kitchen), no dishwasher or garbage disposal No year-round heated spa or pool Accidentally leaving stuff around that I wish him not to see, like letters Fear of him deciding not to help me move and throwing my stuff out (although I doubt this) Pros of leaving:
No stress of any fights No difficult compromises Can have one-nighters with women My own place to decorate with all my stuff only No fear of him seeing personal stuff, like letters Modern place with dishwasher and garbage disposal Heated pool and spa year-round Fewer dogs barking Cons of leaving:
Probably couldn’t sleep Couldn’t blast music at all hours Connected neighbors Probably many more kids screaming Probably no washer/dryer in apartment Weekly early-morning lawnmowers and blowers No transportation Must always dance Probably less extra money My VCR and couch sucks No EC No computer No private yard and pool Dealing with overall apartment living Well, it looks like I oughta give it more time here according to those 4 lists. I know a lot of the stuff was materialistic, but that is a part of it, too.
Andy was over for a couple of hours. We both typed up a letter to Fran, then played about 6 games of Crazy 8’s, then he typed a letter to his cousin while I watched TV.
I have yet to write about his great idea, but I will when I get in the mood.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1993 Before I get backed up once again, I’m gonna mention today and then cover that 3-day fight.
Today was a good day, but I feel like I have a cold. I’ve been feeling this way for nearly a week.
Tom gave me some floppy disk labels that I’m using to cover the holes in my cassette tapes. It’s better than regular scotch tape. So, I spent a couple of hours reorganizing all my tapes and making their labels look a lot nicer. I’ve made them more understandable too, in a sense. Beside the number of each tape, I put either the letter E, M, or C (E-edits, M-music, C-convos). I still have to make Gloria’s medley as I said a few years ago.
I didn’t really do anything else today, so I guess I’ll get on with the fight. Well, let’s just say I was within inches of moving out. Again, let me first stress that there was no violence or anything like that. No one ever hurt anyone’s stuff either. We’re not like that.
It began the last night that my company stayed here. As I said, Tom knew damn well that they were. As I went to open the front door I noticed it was double-locked and I couldn’t get my key into the bottom lock. Alex used a credit card to pry open the laundry room door which was locked too, and I had left Tom a memo to please open it. When Alex got in he was able to go through the garage and open the front door.
I was fuming, and more so when I got Tom’s message on the voicemail. He said to let him know when he could have “his” house back, as he felt sick and tired and couldn’t sleep with the company there. He said he was gonna stay elsewhere (he wouldn’t say where not that I care).
I admit I jumped the gun on the lock issue but I wasn’t buying anything else we talked about when I called him at work. I called him at work as I was so mad and couldn’t wait. He insisted my key works both locks which he later proved to me. So there I was wrong and I didn’t give him the benefit of the doubt. He said he didn’t see the memo cuz he didn’t have time. That one I don’t buy, as he was busy with a million things that had nothing to do with me, so that wasn’t my fault.
So I told him they’d be leaving at noon on the 15th and he told me I needed to get another place to live. I was so pissed, cuz he knew this was coming, and I swore at him and hung up.
So when he came home after they left, I insisted that I couldn’t believe we woke him up when he’s slept through a lot of other noise. I believe he was jealous and felt left out cuz he had to work.
I asked him if he dumps all his girlfriends as soon as he has a beef with them and he said that I was dumping him. Well, it wasn’t me who thought of moving out. He brought it up first. Then he went on and on saying that whether I did this intentionally or not, I was killing him and abusing him. This really pissed me off and he said that I must truly feel guilty or else I wouldn’t be pissed or hurt. I explained to him the reason why I was pissed and hurt was cuz these words were coming from someone that’s supposed to love me and care for me and know me and my intentions a whole lot better. My mother, for example, said some pretty vicious things about me as a kid which wasn’t true and it hurt like hell as this was coming from my own mother. I also was fed up with him going back on his word. He said that he’d never suggest I move out. That fights and disagreements were part of relationships and that you stick together when you love someone and try to work it out.
Then he said he couldn’t remember any good times, I wasn’t helpful, and was using him. He did take that back, as we all say things we don’t mean when we’re angry. I have always paid my fair share and I do a lot of helpful things around the house that save him time. We also have had plenty of good times, as I wouldn’t have moved in here if we hadn’t.
So we agreed to make a list of things, as I won’t have him (or anyone) deny things I know I or they said. I also hate those that go back on their word without legit reasons. He’s gone back on his word about it being up to me whether or not to go back to dancing. He says that due to the risks being higher of me doing my type of work, he can’t handle the additional stress. This is cuz if he had to leave his job if I got hurt, he’d be fired. Shit can happen to anyone anywhere although his fears are acceptable and understandable. He fears me taking cabs. I’ve been lucky to have regular drivers, but you do never know and most cabbies carry guns. Of course, I’d prefer for him to take me to and from work if he could. Like if we worked at home. I’d also prefer to make money by working on the computer than by getting sore feet and having to give too much of my money away to the DJ, bouncers and bartenders, as much as I do love to dance. I’m sick of being used by the bar’s owners to support other employees.
So, he told me he can’t stop me from dancing as I’m an adult and he’s not my daddy, but that if I loved him enough, I’d have to move out if I wanted to dance. I still feel that a person should stand by the one they love no matter what they choose to do unless it’s illegal or harming people. But then he says it’s just as easy for him to say if I loved him enough, I wouldn’t put him under that kind of stress and worry. I guess I see it two ways. His way and mine both make sense. He said that if he’s working at home or has a different job, things may be different as far as that goes.
Well, I can’t say I’ll be here forever, but right now I still do want us to work out and learn to communicate better. I do admit I have my faults too and can sometimes jump the gun defensively. I also come from another part of the country and some of our words mean different things to one another. Just like Spanish words and signs vary in different areas. He told me I was attractive and gorgeous. I thought these words meant the same, but he relates attractive to the inside of a person and gorgeous to the outside. I’ve always considered them both to mean the outside of a person.
So, for now, the dancing and how long I’m here are up in the air. I certainly hope it all can be worked out somehow as I don’t want to have to give him up any more than I’d want to give my sister up just cuz I have a dream. I want to have my cake and eat it too.
How’s my dream tied into this? Well, Andy has an idea for him and Donna and me. If we decide to put the idea into action, then I’ll need to make more money by dancing. That’d mean moving out too. I hope it doesn’t come down to this, but Tom insists I should go for my dream. I want to do this with him, though, and I hope there’ll be a way to make any extra money I’ll need in a way we both can agree on and deal with. Only time will tell this. I’ll write about Andy’s idea another time, which I think is a great one and probably is the only chance the 3 of us are ever gonna have at this day and time.
The reason why I took offense to Tom’s saying my house is cuz for a while there I felt like I was living with him in his house, not our house. I don’t legally want my name on this house, but I want it to be our house in both of our hearts.
When things get really bad between a couple, it’s good to involve someone you can trust. So, Tammy, who has lots of experience was a great help to me. Again, she knows I’d never call her if we couldn’t agree on a movie or something of that petty nature.
There are a bunch of other little things here and there, but I forgot them.
Oh, here’s one. Tom saw me put a picture of Kim and I hugging into my photo album. Later he said he had doubts and wondered if I fooled around. Yeah, right! I think I know why he said this. Cuz at first I asked him about him and Wendy. I don’t believe they ever fool around, but if they ever do - more power to them. It’s their bodies and their lives.
I don’t think Tom would ever be a bad father in the way I’d be a bad mom, but it’s a good thing there’ll never be any kids. I really don’t think he could handle the lack of sleep any more than I could. I told him this and he said if he knew it was coming he could be prepared for it. Right. He knew my company was coming.
He mentioned getting his hair cut and that Wendy could do it, but said that I won’t let her come over. I never said that. Hell, I’d be her friend as long as she didn’t try to pit one of us against the other.
So, this is what we agreed on… No overnight company. Our friends can come over (even though he doesn’t allow his over), but only if one of us isn’t here or is at least up for it. Meaning Andy can come over while he’s working and while he’s home as long as he’s not sick or tired. This is all very fair to me.
We’ll probably never partially or totally agree on some things, but we are trying and it has been a lot better since last Sunday.
To make it easier though, and cut down on time, Andy has some promising ads on apartments at nearby complexes. This way if I ever do leave, I’ll have some apartment ideas, rather than be like - where do I begin?
When I told Andy I was leaving when we both thought I would (mainly him), he was unhappy for me. He shocked me by saying he was hoping I was gonna tell him we were getting married. I wish I wanted to as much as I was once starting to, but in truth, I don’t. We still have doubts and need to learn more so we can flourish together. The flame’s burned out for me, too, although I’m sure that’d happen even if I lusted for him sexually the way I have with some women.
A couple of days ago we were out on the bench swing and he said something that really touched me. He said that he was aware he needs to change too. This was great, cuz for a while there I felt as if he was pinning it all on me.
Well, I’m gonna go grab a bite to eat and maybe edit some stuff.
This still blows my mind! It’s late October and hot out. Today is beyond warm. It’s hot, probably near the mid-90s. I just took a break to go rub-a-dub-dub this beautiful weather into Tam. She tells me it’s in the 40s there.
0 notes
stevesbestgirl · 3 years
A Moment of Your Time - Part 21
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Mob!Bucky x f!Reader (6573 words)
Warnings: shower sex, unprotected sex (pull out method), daddy kink blink and you’ll miss it, a few swears, mild violence, blood, dark!Bucky, sort of!dark!Reader?, oral (M receiving)
Series Masterlist - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 🔥 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 🔥 Part 19 Part 20 🔥
A/N: Like I said, this is a long one. Sorry, not sorry, I stayed up until 12:30 to finish this and I’m not splitting it up. We finally get to see some of dark!Bucky and some more spicy content, so really, this chapter has it all. Enjoy!
Throwing your robe on, you followed Bucky into the kitchen, stunned to see it looking more or less normal.
Cocking an eyebrow, you chuckled, “Honestly, I was expecting a mess.”
“Nah, I made ‘em clean up after themselves,” Bucky waved a hand idly as he prepped for breakfast.
Sitting at the table, you made a face, catching a whiff of the cigarette smoke, “Do you have a candle or anything? It smells like smoke in here.”
“Don’t think I do. Not exactly a candle kind of guy,” he chuckled. “Does it bother you?”
“I don’t like it much,” you admitted. “My brother used to smoke while we walked to school and then I’d smell like it all day.” You made a face, “I’m sure it’ll be okay after breakfast. And it’s probably a good thing anyway,” you teased.
“Why’s that?”
“If you hadn’t tasted like cigarettes last night, I probably would have dragged you to bed with me,” you smiled at the tabletop as he glanced over his shoulder at you. “Don’t think your men would have appreciated it.”
“Maybe not, but I would’ve.” He sounded almost grumpy as he turned back to the stove.
“What time was it when you came in?” you asked innocently.
“I think ‘bout two,” he mused.
“How are you up so early? You were still awake before me,” you laughed.
“Habit. Up at five every day during boot camp and it sticks with you. Can’t sleep in past seven now.” You hadn’t known he was in the military. It made sense, considering most men had been, but he hadn’t said so before.
“Where were you stationed?” you asked curiously.
“Italy. 107th regiment.” You were sure you’d told him your father was stationed in Italy; it was strange that he hadn’t mentioned it. “Don’t like talkin’ ‘bout it much.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said quickly. Even more strange; Bucky had always been an open book for you.
He set two plates on the table, kissing you softly, “Nothing to be sorry for, doll. I’ll tell you eventually, I’m sure. Just not this mornin’.”
You nodded, “Thanks for breakfast, Bucky.”
You ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes before he cleared his throat, “You mentioned your brother. I should probably meet your family soon, huh?”
You smiled wryly, “My mom’s probably already mad she hasn’t met you. And George- well, he can be difficult to get along with. He’s grumpy. Always thinks he knows better than everyone else.”
He chuckled, “Sounds like me with Rebecca.” His expression went soft, “I’d like to meet ‘em.”
You were pensive; it should have been exciting, the thought of Bucky meeting your family. But what if your mom didn’t like him? What if George was rude? You weren’t keen on the idea of fighting with your brother in front of Bucky.
However, you were already overdue for a phone call with your mother. She usually called every two to three days, so she was likely furious that you hadn’t been answering. Once she found out you were living with Bucky- well, it wouldn’t be pretty.
“I’ll call my mom today,” you said finally. “George should be visiting her sometime this coming week, so we could probably go for dinner then.” You chewed your lip, anxious at the thought.
Bucky took your hand over the table, “There’s no rush, doll. We’ll go when you’re ready.”
You shook your head, “The longer I make her wait, the worse she’ll get.”
He laughed, the sound soothing your nerves, “I’ll defer to your judgment on that one. You just tell me when to show up.”
You nodded, standing and pecking him on the lips, using the opportunity to slyly grab his empty plate. He followed you to the sink, his fingers dancing on your waist.
He chuckled low in your ear, “Sweetheart, did you just kiss me as a distraction?”
Trying to bite back a smirk, you replied, “That doesn’t sound like me.”
“You don’t think so?” He tugged your robe down over your shoulder, teeth grazing the skin by the strap of your nightdress. “Careful teasing me, doll. We’ve got all day.”
Resisting the urge to melt under his touch, you asked, “You don’t have to work?”
He hummed, brushing his lips over your neck, “Nope. ‘M all yours sweets. Thought we could spend the morning in bed, maybe go out tonight-”
As if on cue, there was a rap on the front door. Bucky practically growled, “I told them-” He took a breath, kissing your shoulder, “I’ll be right back.”
You finished washing the breakfast dishes and wiped the table down for good measure, but Bucky still hadn’t returned.
“I thought I told you to deal with this.” Bucky wasn’t shouting, but he was displeased and his voice carried. “In fact, I’m pretty sure I told all of you that I didn’t want to be bothered today.”
Tugging your robe back up over your shoulder, you strode into the living room, where you could see a somewhat tired-looking Thor, muttering a quiet explanation in the entryway. Bucky’s arms were crossed and his back stiff. You felt bad for Thor, but something about seeing a man his size nervously avoid Bucky’s eyes made you suddenly aware of the beating of your pulse.
Once Thor stopped speaking, Bucky rubbed his chin, sliding his palm over his cheek in exasperation. You spoke softly, “Bucky. Go ahead.”
He looked to you, the hardness in his expression melting away. He left Thor, who kept his gaze respectfully forward, waiting by the door as he tugged you back into the kitchen, “Doll, I just promised you the whole day, I can’t-”
You splayed your fingers over his cheek, brushing your thumb over the morning stubble, “You can. I understand; you’re the boss. They need you right now. I’ll be here when you’re done.”
He closed his fingers around your hand on his cheek, “I’ll make it up to you. Promise.” He looked guilty, but he also looked like you felt- disappointed.
You smiled at him, “Don’t worry about me. I’m not going anywhere.”
He kissed the heel of your palm, “Think about what you want to do tonight. Whatever it is, I’ll make it happen.”
Laughing softly, you leaned in, “I’ll give it some thought.” You captured his lips in a brief kiss and he lingered before pulling away, seeming to consider changing his mind. But he squeezed your hand before releasing it and headed back to Thor, still in his pajamas.
You grabbed a dress from your room before heading to the bathroom, but Bucky snagged your arm on his way past, “I don’t think so, babydoll, you’re coming with me.”
“Bucky!” you laughed. “I thought-”
“Thor is meeting me in the lobby in half an hour. I’m not wasting any of that time, so c’mon.” He steered you all the way to the master bath, giving the hot water knob a sharp twist.
His lips crashed on yours, his hands pawing at the belt of your robe until it came undone. His fingers dipped under as it fell open, the smooth silk of your nightdress the only thing between your skin and his.
You shrugged the robe off, the thin straps of your gown falling down with it. You fumbled with his robe, unbothered by the soft whoosh of your nightdress falling to the floor without Bucky’s hands to hold it in place.
Halfway out of his robe, his eyes darkened as they fell on your bare hips, “No panties, baby?”
You blushed furiously, “I never put them back on after-” Your blush deepened; you couldn’t say it.
“After I ate your sweet cunt for breakfast?” he finished for you, eyebrow raised. There wasn’t an ounce of shame in his voice.
Your mouth went dry, your thighs clenching at his vulgar words. He smirked, but your eyes were following his hands as he undressed. You loved the way his biceps rippled as he moved, the muscles usually hidden beneath a suit jacket. The soft smattering of hair on his chest highlighted the subtle tone of muscle. You were sure he was more heavily-built during his army days, but you thought he looked perfect as he was.
“Enjoying the view, sweets?” he teased, fingers toying with the waist of his pants.
You nodded, making him grin, but the smirk faded in surprise as you tugged his pants from his hips. Brushing your lips over his jaw, you murmured, “Thought you weren’t wasting time?”
Then his hands were on your waist, pushing you inside, the warm spray cascading over your shoulders. His lips devoured yours, teeth clashing with yours as his tongue traced the inside of your lip. His fingers threaded through your hair as the water seeped through, steam rising on your skin.
Your own hands traced the lines of his chest, fingers dancing down his abs. He groaned into your lips, “Just a little further, doll. Want your hands on me.” Breath catching, your hands trailed over his hips, watching his eyes flutter closed as your fingers wrapped around his length. His voice was rough, “Just like that, baby. Touch me.”
With each pull of your hand, he tightened his fingers in your hair as he panted into your mouth. You reveled in the way you could make him groan; it was a powerful feeling, knowing he was at your mercy.
At least, he was until he growled, nipping your lips with his teeth, “Your turn, little girl.” His hands found your hips, twisting you around so his chest pressed against your back, his fingers dipping between your thighs. His teeth grazed over your neck as his fingers teased you while he murmured in your ear, barely audible over the crash of the water, “Such a good girl for me, doll. Dunno how ‘m supposed to get any work done knowing you’re out there waiting for me.”
“I’ll always wait for you,” you affirmed, voice shrinking into a plea, “But don’t make me wait now.”
He rolled his hips into your ass, nudging you into the wall with a chuckle, “Better not waste anymore time then.” He teased his head at your entrance, peppering the back of your neck with kisses as he pushed inside of you.
His groan spilled onto your neck and you felt goosebumps rise on your arms, despite the hot water. He wrapped his arm around you, cupping a breast in his large palm, his other hand on top of yours, splayed against the tile, his fingers lacing through yours.
The sensations were almost overwhelming; the water spray on your shoulders, Bucky’s lips on your neck, his fingers tracing your breast, every drag of his cock making your knees weak.
His fingers slipped back down between your legs, “Alright babydoll, I don’t wanna be late, but we’re not done until you say.” Tipping your head back onto his shoulder, your soft moans echoed off the tile.
His fingers on you had your back arching, pressing back into his hips as he drew you up to the edge. There was no pause for teasing, all you had time to get out was a stammered plea, “B-Bucky, I-”
And then he had your legs trembling, your breathing going ragged as he cooed in your ear, “There’s my sweet girl.” His fingers didn’t stop on your sensitive clit, making you keen. “Told you, sweets, you say the word.”
Your fingers found his, stilling them, “Want you to finish.” You breathed the last part, almost worried he wouldn’t hear it, “Please, Daddy.”
You could hear the way his breath caught, his strokes growing wild, your sensitive walls making you cry out. His praises dissolved into disjointed grunts as he pulled out, warmth painting your back only to be washed away by the water.
You turned, burying your face in his neck, “Let’s get cleaned up.”
Despite the hurry, he insisted on washing your hair, fingers massaging into your scalp with deliberate care. His soapy fingers worked their way down your neck, over your shoulders and down your back. He washed every inch of you, although you did have to scold him for lingering too long on your chest, his thumbs tracing over the slick skin with almost worshipful slowness.
You returned the favor, fingers curling into the damp brown locks before trailing your palms over his skin. You watched his face as your hand stroked his now soft member, memorizing the way his teeth dug into his lip and his eyes pinched closed at the sensitivity.
Now it was your turn to linger too long; your touch had his cock stirring again and he growled a warning, “Careful, baby. Don’t start something you can’t finish.” Cheeks hot, you finished your task, though you were a little remorseful when he finally turned the water off.
He handed you your towel before hastily drying himself off, pecking you on the lips before leaving, “I’ve gotta get moving, baby, I’ll see you in a bit, alright?” You nodded, clutching your towel around you as you watched him disappear into the bedroom, hearing the closet door snap.
By the time you were dressed, Bucky was gone and you were left with the intimidating task of calling your mother. God, how were you supposed to talk to her on the phone after what you’d just done? Part of you suspected she’d be able to hear it in your voice, that uncanny sense she’d always had for when you’d done something wrong.
Once you were dressed, you glanced at the phone, opting to pour yourself a glass of whiskey instead. Luckily for you, Bucky had left it out last night, so you didn’t feel too bad about helping yourself. Seating yourself on the couch and taking a sip, you picked up the rotary and dialed her number.
The line hummed and you found yourself hoping she wouldn’t answer; maybe she was visiting with Darlene next door, or she was- “Hello?”
“Hi, Mom? It’s me.” Not your smoothest greeting.
“Y/N? Where in God’s green earth have you been? I’ve called you at least a dozen times.”
“Sorry Mom, I’ve been busy.” Not technically a lie.
“Busy, huh? Too busy to call your mother and let her know you got home safely after leaving? You could’ve been dead!”
“I’m sorry! I got distracted.” Another half-truth, but what were you supposed to do? Tell her you were kidnapped on your way home from her house by your new boyfriend’s business rival? You took another sip of your drink.
“I can’t believe I had to call Elizabeth to make sure you were okay. You weren’t too busy to visit her.”
“That was work, Mom. I was delivering a dress for her mother.”
“And I have to hear from Mrs. Van Dyne that you’re supposedly staying with this Barnes fellow you told me about? Do you know what people will say?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “That’s not true, mom. Mrs. Van Dyne’s daughter is dating someone who works for Bucky’s competition. They’re just rumors.”
The line was silent while she contemplated your lie. You knew she would see through you, she always did, but finally she sighed, “I knew that couldn’t be true. Next time I see that Van Dyne girl, I’m giving her a talking to.”
Relief and guilt swirled in your stomach; was it because it was over the phone or had you gotten better at lying? “So, I take it you changed your mind then? Since you’re calling him Bucky now,” she noted.
“Yeah, I guess I did,” you bit your lip. “We went out to lunch this week. And we’re going out tonight.”
“Two dates in one week? That boy must be head over heels for you,” she laughed.
“He is.” You found yourself smiling into the phone, “I am too.”
The silence stretched as she took in your dreamy tone, but it couldn’t last, “So, when are you bringing him for dinner?”
You chuckled nervously, “That’s part of why I was calling. I know George will be over this week and Bucky wanted to meet you guys, so I thought I’d bring him around.”
“Oh, yes! George is coming on Wednesday. I can make a turkey, no, a ham! What does he like for dessert?”
“He’s not much of a sweets guy, but he likes cookies.” You felt like you should know what he liked- you wanted to know.
“I can make some oatmeal cookies then, or maybe some fig newtons; I’ll have to see what I’ve got around the house.”
After that, you didn’t need to contribute much to the conversation. She was so busy planning the evening that she didn’t need you to say much other than the odd ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and you threw in an occasional hum of acknowledgment to keep it interesting.
When you finally pried yourself off the phone, you weren’t sure if you had the energy to call Betty, but you knew you had to. She deserved to hear from you, especially after you’d left so abruptly last time you were over.
Mrs. Graham picked up the phone, “Graham residence.”
“Hi Mrs. Graham. Is Betty home?”
“She sure is, I’ll get her for you.” She paused, “Have you talked to your mother lately, dear? She called her the other day, looking for you.”
“Just got off the phone with her, ma’am,” you admitted politely. “Already apologized for making her worry.”
“Of course you did, you were always a good girl,” she fawned. “I’ll get Elizabeth for you.”
The line was quiet for no longer then forty seconds before a breathless Betty picked up, “Y/N?”
You laughed, “Yes?”
“Oh my gosh! I was hoping you would call soon; I’ve been going crazy!”
“Why didn’t you call? I gave you the phone number!”
“I was nervous! What am I gonna do if I call you and some scary mob guy picks up the phone? What if it was Barnes?”
You snorted, “Bucky isn’t a scary mob guy.”
She hummed smugly, “I think you’re blinded by love. You’re not thinking clearly.”
“Who said anything about love?” Your cheeks were burning, which you were grateful she couldn’t see.
“No one had to say anything.” You could hear her grin through the phone. “If he’s not a scary mob guy, tell me about him.”
You knew you were giving her exactly what she wanted, but you’d been waiting so long to talk about him, “He’s actually very sweet. He likes to cook for me-”
“That’s so sweet! The men I’ve dated wouldn’t know a spatula if it hit them on the ass,” she giggled.
“Elizabeth!” came from the background.
“Sorry Mom!”
Laughing, you continued, “He’s so protective, it’s sort of cute. And he keeps buying me presents, even though I’ve told him not to-”
You could practically see Betty’s eyes roll, “Well, why would you tell him that?”
“I don’t need-”
“What did he get you?” You wanted to be annoyed, but her enthusiasm was infectious. And boy, was she enthusiastic. By the time you were done talking about Bucky, she was begging you to borrow a dress for her upcoming date and insisting that you wear your bracelet next time you visited.
“I can’t wait to see! That is, unless he’s whisked you off to Paris or somewhere romantic already and I’m never going to see you again.”
“Not quite. He did tell me to think about where I wanna go tonight, but I’ve got no idea.” You cut off what you knew was coming, “And no, not Paris.”
“They just opened that new drive-in! It’s just like the ones down in Pennsylvania, apparently.”
“Really? I haven’t seen a movie since I was a little kid. Although, knowing Bucky, I won’t be watching much.” It had popped out before you could think better of it. Scrambling to cover, you laughed, “You warned me about how men can be, but hearing about it is nothing like the real thing. Bucky’s always trying something.”
She laughed, “Yeah, they’re all like that.” She thought for a moment, “On the plus side, it seems like those rumors have died down. Hope is the only one still talking about you and Barnes and I told everyone that she’s full of it. Oh! And wait ‘til you find out what I heard about her!”
You were on the phone with Betty for at least an hour; she had so many questions, a bunch of gossip, and she was positively gushing about a new friend she’d met at the grocer. When you told her about card night, she was scandalized, but not so much that she didn’t ask you to teach her how to play Texas Hold ‘Em. You bid her farewell with the promise of trying to get her an invite to the next one.
It wasn’t quite lunchtime yet, but you’d hoped Bucky would be back by now. You knew you’d told him to go, but you already missed him. Wishing he’d mentioned when he would be back, you made lunch and hoped he’d be home in time to eat.
Making an extra sandwich, you took the plate to the front door, finding Peter on the other side, “Oh- hi! You, uh, you hungry?”
“Yeah, thanks.” He took a bite, seemingly at ease.
“I’m sorry. About before.”
“Don’t be,” he smiled easily. “I know you didn’t mean to-”
“But I did,” you blurted out. “I got you in trouble.”
“Not much. And I don’t mind shadowing Clint in the field. It’s good practice.”
“I’m still sorry. I liked having you as my guard.”
His cheeks flushed slightly, “‘M sure I’ll be back.”
“You will,” you promised. “Speaking of coming back-”
“I’m not sure when Mr. Barnes will be back,” he chuckled.
Glancing longingly at the elevator, you sighed, “I figured as much. Thanks anyway, Peter. I’m right inside if you need me.” He smiled and tipped his head to you as you went back inside.
Flipping the radio on, you curled up on the couch. If you were going to see a movie tonight, a nap might not be a bad idea.
When you stirred, Bucky’s knuckles were brushing your jaw, “Hey, doll. Sorry it took so long.”
Groaning, you rubbed an eye, “It’s okay. ‘M glad you’re back though.” Blinking the fuzziness away, you caught sight of his knuckles, torn and bloodied, “What happened to your hands?”
You reached for him, but moved them out of sight, “That’s nothin’ doll. Nothing to worry about. Just work stuff.”
You sat up, “You had to hit someone?” It was one thing to know about his work in the objective, but it was another to see the evidence of it. Even more, he’d only gone out to do this because you’d told him to.
“Just had to get some answers, doll. No big deal,” he was speaking so softly, you wanted to brush it away and relax.
“No big deal? You left to go do that?”
“Sweetheart, you told me to go,” he reminded you pleadingly.
You couldn’t argue with that. You wanted to, but you couldn’t. You stood abruptly, striding into the kitchen with Bucky on your heels. You pulled out the first aid kit you’d seen when you explored the kitchen and pointed at the dining room, “Sit.”
He smiled, bemused, “Doll, my hands are fine.”
“Okay, okay.” He went into the dining room and you wetted a washcloth in the sink before following him in.
You gently wiped the blood away, keeping your eyes on his torn-up knuckles and not his face. “Sweetheart, I don’t understand. You stood in my office practically dripping on the carpet without batting an eyelash. Why are you so upset over some bruised knuckles?”
“I- I don’t know,” you admitted. “Guess I was just surprised.” You dabbed disinfectant over his hand, “Sorry for freaking out.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he urged, brushing a thumb over your cheek. “Did you decide what you wanted to do tonight?”
You knew he was changing the subject, but you let him, “Betty said that new drive in was open. I thought that might be fun.”
His brow furrowed, but his tone was even, “Yeah? Where’s that?”
“She said it was down in Long Island, if that’s not too far?” You were doubting your choice now, “I can pick something else.”
“No, no, no, sweetheart, that sounds perfect,” he insisted.
And then he wouldn’t hear anything else. He made a few calls, found out what time the movie was starting, and changed his clothes before ushering you out the door. In the elevator, he brushed his hand over your back, “You excited, doll?”
You nodded, “Betty made it sound so neat.”
You knew you were acting off and it wasn’t fair to him. You’d known what you were signing up for. So, you tried to push it from your mind. It helped that this was your first time riding in the front of the car with Bucky.
Sliding over the seat, you tucked yourself under his arm, watching the city pass through the windshield. He seemed a little distracted, his hand restless on your back. If his thumb wasn’t tracing circles on your waist, he was brushing his fingers over your thigh, or tracing your kneecap.
“You okay, Buck?”
“Course. Why do you ask?”
“You seem distracted.”
Finally draping his arm over your shoulders, he chuckled, “You’re getting too good at reading me, doll.” He sighed, “Feeling a little guilty, I guess. Didn’t mean to upset you today.”
“I was just surprised,” you squeezed his knee. “And I missed you,” you admitted.
“Woulda much rather been with you.”
You hummed, “I know. But you’re here now.”
You stopped for dinner, though it took some convincing to get Bucky to agree to pizza instead of someplace fancy. When the drive-in came into sight, Bucky chuckled at the way you perked up in the seat.
Brow furrowed with worry, you gazed out the window at all the cars in line, “You don’t think they’re full, do you?”
He squeezed your shoulder, “They’ll have room for us, doll, don’t worry.” Still, you chewed your lip, trying to count the cars ahead of you. “Hey,” he urged. “Trust me. ‘M gonna take care of it.”
Prying your gaze from the windshield (you’d counted twelve cars), you nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder. It was difficult to worry as much with his arm around your shoulders and his scraped-up knuckles on the steering wheel; he exuded control. Still, your heart sank when the three cars in front of you pulled off to turn around when they reached the gate; they were turning people away. Undeterred, Bucky pulled forward.
One of the ushers pulled his wide-eyed gaze from the exterior of the car, leaning into the window, “Sorry, folks. We’re full up for the night.”
Bucky took his hand off the wheel to reach into his jacket, “There’s a spot in there somewhere.” He pressed a bill into the boy’s palm, “Do me a favor and find it for us.”
The kid stammered out a reply, gaze on the money in his hand, “I’ll, uh- I’ll be right back.”
You watched him go, glancing at Bucky’s confident expression, “Does that usually work?”
He scoffed, “Almost always. I gave him a twenty, he’ll find us a place.”
Sure enough, the kid came rushing back, waving Bucky forward in a ‘follow me’ gesture. Bucky grinned at you as he pulled forward, gravel crunching under the tires.
The usher led the way to a small knoll behind the rows of already parked cars, “There’s a spot right up there at the top, sir. I hope this works.”
“Perfect,” Bucky flashed a charming smile. “Now don’t be blowing all of that, you hear me? Take your girl on a nice date or something.”
The kid nodded enthusiastically, “I will, sir.”
Bucky pulled into the space, taking care to line up the view just right. He checked his watch, “It’s a little after eight, so it should be starting soon.”
You gazed at the screen pensively, “I wonder why this spot wasn’t already filled. It’s so nice.”
Bucky chuckled, “If I had to guess, I’d wager this is the owner’s spot. But since he’s not here tonight, we get the best seat in the house.”
“Oh. That makes sense.” You blushed, feeling sort of naïve. It also made you feel bad for the people that got turned away ahead of you, although there was a part of your that enjoyed the feeling of getting special treatment.
Regardless, all of that faded to the back of your mind as the screen flickered to life. Bucky leaned out the window to grab the radio receiver, hooking it on the mirror so the sound floated in the window. You eagerly scooted closer to Bucky, eyes fixed on the screen. He gave a bemused chuckle, squeezing you into his side. You couldn’t help the faint smile on your lips as the music started and the opening credits rolled.
Entranced by the screen, you didn’t notice that you were fidgeting as the movie went on, but Bucky did. “C’mere,” he murmured, sliding his jacket off. He bunched it up and put it against the door, twisting so he was leaning against it. He drew his knee up, draping his leg over the seat before closing his fingers around your hips to pull you in so you were sitting between his legs.
Both of his arms snaked around your waist, holding you close as he hummed, “Better?” Nodding, you leaned into him, still transfixed by the film.
When it cut to the intermission screen, Bucky’s breath tickled your ear, “You really like movies, huh?”
“It’s been a long time since I saw one,” you admitted. “Mostly I just like stories. It’s why I like books too; people are interesting.”
“If you say so, doll,” he laughed. “In my experience, people aren’t great.” He gave you a squeeze, “I’m more interested in you.”
Rolling your eyes, you giggled, “So says the guy whose life could have come straight out of a book.” You glanced down the hill, noticing a small line forming by the concession stand, “Oh! Can we get popcorn, Bucky? Please?”
He laughed, “Like I could say no to that.”
Untangling yourselves, he held your hand down the hill and you got in line. Noticing you had goosebumps, he held out his now-rumpled jacket for you to slide your arms into. You leaned into his chest, burying your face in his neck while you waited.
Growing restless, you pointed to the women’s restroom, “I think the bathrooms are just on the other side, I’ll be right back, okay?” He looked hesitant to let you go, but you kissed his cheek, “You gotta save our spot in line, Buck. Promise, I’ll be right back.”
Reluctant, he nodded, jaw clenched. You could feel his eyes on you until you rounded the corner. Luckily, there was no line, so you went right in. There was one woman at the sink; you smiled politely, but she only stared at you while she dried her hands and then walked out.
Inside the stall, you heard the door close. Thinking that intermission was ending, you hurried, but opening your stall revealed two men, dressed in employee polos, leaning against the sinks.
“I’m sorry, is this restroom closed for cleaning?” Couldn’t they send in female employees? You tried to slink by, “Sorry, I’ll just get out of-”
A hand closed around your bicep, “Not quite.” Glancing up at the black-haired man who held you, you opened your mouth to scream, but a hand clamped over your mouth, muffling the sound. “Ah, ah, ah, none of that. Did you really think you and your boyfriend could buy your way into Rogers’ territory and no one would notice?”
You frantically shook your head, but the other, a blonde, only chuckled, pushing himself off the sink, “Sorry sweetie, but there’s gotta be consequences. And as much as we’d like to have some fun, we’re on a time limit here.” He traced the neckline of your dress and you kicked at him, catching his shin with the toe of your pumps.
He cursed and the brunet laughed, “They said she was feisty, you shoulda been more-”
Taking advantage of both of them being distracted, you stomped on his toes, using the brief moment his hand faltered over your mouth to shriek, “Bucky!” You tried to wrench yourself away, to lock yourself in the stall, but his fingers clamped back down on your arm.
“That was a mistake, you stupid broad,” the blonde hissed as he recovered. He shoved you into the brunet, who grabbed your other arm, holding you firmly into his chest. On instinct, as the blonde moved toward you, your knee came up between his legs. His expression froze in surprise and he stumbled back into the sinks, cursing loudly.
“Let go!” you screamed.
The rickety door splintered, crashing against the wall to reveal Bucky. You took pride in the way the man’s fingers loosened on you, allowing you to wrench yourself from his grasp as Bucky stalked toward him. The look in his eyes was enough to give you goosebumps; you suddenly understood the way his men cowed to him, the way smiles tended to flicker when his name was mentioned.
“Wait outside, sweetheart.” He flexed his fingers, gaze not on you for the first time. When you delayed, hesitant to leave him alone with two opponents, only then did he look at you, cold fury laced into even the slow turn of his head, “Go.” He didn’t shout, didn’t even raise his voice, but the message was clear- he wasn’t going to ask again.
Heart hammering in your chest, you hovered by the now broken door, hanging pathetically on its hinges. You watched your captor take a swing, breath catching in your throat as Bucky dodged, faster than you could have ever guessed he would move. It was almost graceful, the way he twisted out of the way and countered, throwing his elbow into the man’s gut and following up with a punch that met his chin as he doubled over.
You could hear his teeth clack together, a sound that normally would make you feel sick, but you found yourself watching with a sick sort of fascination as he stumbled backwards. Without missing a beat, Bucky’s foot slid out, catching the blonde at the ankles and sending him sprawling. Then Bucky was on him, blow after blow raining down on him.
You heard the crunch of bone and only then did Bucky’s fists still long enough to yank the man up by his collar, “You can tell Rogers that next time he, or anyone, lays a finger on my girl, he’ll be cleaning up more than a little bit of blood.”
Thrusting him back onto the tile, Bucky rose. He casually rinsed his hands off in the sink, tearing off some paper towels to dry his knuckles and throwing them on the floor next to the dazed and bloodied men. Turning toward the door, he caught sight of you standing there, mouth agape, and faltered, if only for a second.
You walked back to the car in silence, the gravel crunching underfoot as you crossed the street. He opened the door for you, cursing suddenly, “I forgot your popcorn.”
“I, uh, I don’t need it,” you fidgeted before sliding in.
“You wanted it.”
“Bucky, get in the car. Please.”
“I can just-”
“James Buchanan Barnes, get in the damn car,” you hissed.
He huffed, but he complied, slamming the door, “I’m sor-”
You cut him off, pulling him over to you roughly by his collar and capturing his lips with yours. It was frantic, sloppy even; you felt feral. Climbing into his lap, your hips seemed to move of their own accord, grinding against him in an attempt to soothe the ache in your belly.
He broke away, “What- you aren’t scared? Or upset?”
“Why should I be?” You knew you’d been disapproving of the way he did business before. Hell, you’d been bothered by his busted up knuckles just this afternoon. But seeing it for yourself, seeing him defend you- it was a rush. James Barnes was a man to be feared. And he belonged to you.
“I don’t feel bad for those men. They deserved it. You protected me,” you breathed, peppering kisses over his neck. “I have nothing to be scared of.”
“You’re not afraid of me?”
You palmed the crotch of his pants, practically purring, “Afraid isn’t the word that comes to mind.”
He groaned at your touch and before you could think better of it, you were undoing his pants, tugging at them until he helped you slide them down his thighs. Heart beating in your throat, part anxiety and part excitement, you freed his already hardening cock. You only knew what to do based on rumor and the occasional story from a friend, but inexperience wouldn’t stop you right now.
Parting your lips, you traced your tongue over the underside of his shaft, adjusting to the salty, almost bitter taste of him. His soft groans served as encouragement and once you felt ready, you took him in your mouth, sliding him over your tongue inch by inch until you felt like you were going to gag.
Hearing his breath hitch sent another volt of electricity through you. You couldn’t take all of him in your mouth, but remembering how he’d used his fingers on you, you wrapped your hand around the remainder of his shaft, moving it in tandem with your mouth as you worked up so something resembling a steady pace.
“God, baby,” he moaned, “Such a good girl, perfect girl for me.” His disjointed breathing made his praises erratic, “Look so pretty, lips ‘round my cock.” He stroked the back of your head encouragingly, the other hand clenched around his thigh.
You could tell he was getting close by the way his hips were straining against you. Your eyes were watering, spit dripping down your chin, but you increased your speed, humming against him. With a strangled groan, warmth spilled into your mouth, making you cough as you tried to swallow.
As you both caught your breath, you sat up, wiping your chin and hoping the blush in your cheeks wasn’t visible by the light of the screen. You glanced at the movie; intermission was long over. You weren’t sure what was happening anymore, but you doubted it was as interesting as the last half hour of real life.
“What’s the matter, sweets?” he asked softly, voice gravelly.
“Can we go home?”
“Course.” He fixed his pants and unhooked the radio from the mirror before starting the car. “Sorry about the movie. I know you were excited.”
He held his arm out and you snuggled into him, “We can see another one.”
He cruised down the driveway and pulled out onto the road, cranking the window up the block the cool night air. Once you were on the main road back into the city, the steady sound of the engine and the rise and fall of Bucky’s chest made your eyes grow heavy. Resting your hand on the inside of his thigh, your blinks got longer until your eyes refused to open again.
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stufftippywrote · 3 years
not an astronaut
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This is based off a personal experience. Tw for fat-shaming, homophobia, and general assholery from an asshole kid.
The bell rings cheerfully as Bitty steps through the doorway. This was one of his favorite places when he was younger. The eclectic curios, every shape and size and color, packing the shelves were an endless source of fascination for young Eric Bittle, and the owners were friends of the family, so they knew Bitty well and didn't freak out when he picked up a ceramic pepper shaker or glass figurine and held it in his hands like an ancient treasure.
He walks through the store with that same sense of wonder now, 30 years later, and brushes his hand reverently over the shelves. They’re not looking for anything in particular today, but Bitty has told Jack about this place so many times, he simply couldn’t help but visit. Besides, you never know when you might find the perfect accent piece for the new home.
Chicken-shaped serving bowls, a porcelain figurine of a girl dancing, a set of silverware in a dusty wooden case. Bitty is spoiled for choice. As he browses, there’s a movement at the back of the store, and he catches a glimpse of someone hauling boxes through a door. He wonders who runs the place now. The sign still says Thompson’s Antiques, but he knows Mrs. Thompson passed and Mr. Thompson is getting on in years. Could it be that…
A prickle of fear runs through him.
The figure in the back drags the box to a nearby aisle and starts unpacking it, placing items on a low shelf. Bitty’s curiosity overflows. He moseys into that aisle and begins to speak, but the man raises his head before he can get a word out. He has to catch his breath all over again.
The man’s face goes slack. “I know you,” he blurts.
Eric puts his hands on his hips and gives a bright smile. “Davey Thompson. So you’re here after all!”
“Davey, this is Eric. Eric, this is our little boy Davey.” Mrs. Thompson’s smile is bright as she urges her son forward. “Why don’t you two go play at the playground while Mommy and her friend talk?”
The kid is tough-looking, with ruddy cheeks and a thick build. Eric reaches out his hand to lead Davey along the way. The minute they’re out of earshot, Davey snatches his hand back like he’s just touched a hot stove. Eric turns, surprised.
“You’re fat,” Davey says.
Eric blinks.
“You look dumb,” Davey adds on. And thus a quote-unquote “friendship” was born.
Davey stands up. He still has the same tinted cheeks and stocky build that Bitty remembers, but his face is sunken somehow, and he’s built up muscle where baby fat used to linger on his arms and shoulders. He’s got a tattoo on one arm – a Japanese koi fish, mid-splash.
“Nice ink,” Bitty comments.
And Davey Thompson, for possibly the first time in his life, smiles at Bitty. “Thanks.”
“The shop looks nice,” Bitty says, surveying the shelf like it’s his domain. “Hasn’t changed much since I used to come here.”
“You’re – you’re Eric Bittle, right?” Davey says, sounding almost scared of the answer. “From school?”
“From way before school,” Bitty responds. “You’re looking good.”
“Uh. Thanks. Same to you.” Davey looks uncertain, almost sheepish. There’s a moment of awkward silence. Davey tries to break it. “Um. So. What are you –”
He doesn’t seem to have the strength, or the will, to come up with the rest of the sentence. Bitty picks it up. “I’m a pastry chef,” he says. “I have a bakery and I cater, and I’ve put out three cookbooks. Can you imagine that?”
Davey looks kind of stunned. “Wow,” he says slowly. “Good for you. Where’s the bakery?”
“Up in New England. Providence, Rhode Island, to be exact.”
Davey snaps his fingers. “That’s right, you went to college up there. For hockey, wasn’t it?”
Bitty takes a swing at the ball. He misses, and it goes tumbling behind him into the net.
“Hah, you’re the worst goalie,” Davey says.
Somehow, Bitty finds the courage to say, “Let me play forward.” But his words are swallowed by the passing of a car on the cross street.
“You be goalie.” Bitty gives the phrase all the menace he’s got in an eight-year-old body.
Davey laughs, a cruel laugh that sounds like ripping paper in Bitty’s ears. “Why? I can score on you all I want. That’s why we made you goalie.”
Resentment simmers like a low sun in Bitty’s gut. He wants to challenge Davey to play him on actual ice. He knows Davey can’t skate. As bad as he is, Bitty can’t possibly lose to him there. But the words stay stuck inside, plastered to the inside of his stomach, making him feel sick.
“Worst goalie ever,” Kevin chimes in.
“The worst, the wooooorst,” all four of them sing to him.
Bitty crouches low and is glad they can’t see much through the oversized goalie mask. Someday, he thinks, someday I’m gonna get them.
“Something like that,” Bitty answers easily. “And you’ve been here running the store?”
“Pretty much.” He doesn’t look very proud of that fact.
“I remember you used to say you were going to be an astronaut.”
“Ah, well –” The rose tint on Davey’s cheeks grows a shade deeper. “We were kids. I figure I missed my shot to make something of myself.”
All of Bitty’s nurturing instincts come alive. “Don’t say that. You’re doing well. Doing good, honest work. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Nah, man. It was just the easiest thing to do, once Mom got sick. I had to be here for her, and I … just stayed.”
Bitty gazes at him. This isn’t the attitude he expected from Davey Thompson, not in the slightest. He seems so defeated, as though Bitty’s arrival has reminded him of everything he isn’t. Bitty doesn’t want to be that for him, but he doesn’t think he has a choice in the matter. He quashes the small, self-satisfied demon that’s cackling in the back of his head. He’s not that kid anymore, either.
Just then, the chimes jingle at the front of the store. The babbling voice of a young child brightens the room. “Ah,” Bitty says, “there they are. He had to keep them outside a while before they calmed down. Little kids just work themselves up into a dither sometimes.” He offers an apologetic smile to Davey and retreats down the aisle toward the front of the store.
Suze is quiet, but it’s clear she was crying her eyes out earlier. She hangs on to her Papa with a fierce fist. Robby’s eyes are bugging out at the sight of the store. “What’s that?” he keeps asking, tugging on Jack’s slacks. Jack himself looks a little the worse for wear, but happy. That kind of tired-happy that they see in each other’s faces every night once the kids are in bed.
“Come on, Rob,” Bitty says, holding out his hands. “Want to see Daddy’s favorite store?”
Robby holds out his hands to be picked up. Bitty obliges, despite the warning creak of his back. He turns to take Robby further into the store and sees Davey standing there, staring them down.
He points. “I know you, too.”
“Ah, here we go,” Bitty says with a laugh.
“Were you in school with us? I don’t think that’s right, but—”
Jack holds out his hand for a shake. “Jack Zimmermann,” he says. “And you are?”
“My old friend Davey,” Bitty fills in. He can’t help but put a pointed emphasis on the friend part.
Davey clasps Jack’s hand but doesn’t seem to want to let go. “You’re Jack Zimmermann? The hockey player?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
Davey pumps Jack’s hand about four more times before finally letting go. “It’s – it’s good to meet you.” He looks at Suze, still curled up in Jack’s other arm. “And these are your kids? Or—” He turns to Bitty, face contorted in confusion. “Are they your kids?”
“Both,” Bitty answers cheerily. “Davey, meet my husband.”
Davey Thompson very nearly has a coronary right there.
“Hah, you’re just small all over, aren’t you?” Davey says with a pointed glance at Bitty’s crotch.
“You can’t help how you’re born,” Bitty retorts, but he pulls up his boxers right quick.
“Yeah, some people are just born stupid,” Davey agrees. Bitty instantly regrets replying at all.
Kyle whispers something in Davey’s ear. They both laugh.
“You’re right,” Davey says. He turns back to Bitty. “He’s right. They do say things about you.”
Bitty’s heart drops to his stomach. “W-what things?”
“You know! That you’re—” Davey flaps his wrist.
He doesn’t seem to have the nerve to say the word, but he doesn’t have to say it. The others in the locker room laugh.
For not the first time, Bitty is tempted to just ask, “So what if I am?” But he can’t. Not to these people. This isn’t how he wants his coming out to happen. So he just turns away and pulls on his sweatpants, ignoring the rills of laughter that echo against the lockers, and feels small. Small all over.
Davey recovers from his shock and nods his head rapidly. “Oh, I get it. Uh, congratulations. Uh, Bittle, could I talk to you a sec?”
He has that sheepish look again. Bitty watches as he retreats into one of the side aisles. “Gimme a sec,” he tells Jack, setting Robby down, and follows Davey.
When they're isolated, Davey turns to him sorrowfully. “I, uh—” Davey looks at the floor. “I was pretty mean to you in school.”
It isn’t what Bitty expected, not at all. To be honest, demons in the back of his head aside, this sort of thing doesn’t bother him so much anymore. Why should it? He’s married with two kids and a brand new home. He doesn’t spare a lot of time thinking about the distant past. “Um,” he starts, suddenly terribly embarrassed.
“No, let me—” Davey raises a hand. “Just let me. I said a lot of nasty things to you back then. I’m really sorry about it. I think about it a lot, and I’m just – I’m really sorry.”
There is a piece of Bitty that’s happy, even smug, at hearing this apology. But mostly he just pities Davey at this point. What a thing to carry around your whole life. “We were kids,” Bitty says. “Kids say dumb things. It’s all water under the bridge.”
“Still.” Davey says.
“I can’t say it didn’t hurt me,” Bitty goes on. “But I turned out okay, don’t you think?”
Davey laughs grimly “Yeah, look at you … and look at me.” He shrugs.
“You seem to be doing all right,” Bitty says charitably.
“I’m not an astronaut,” Davey says.
Bitty laughs. “Neither am I. We’re all good.” He pats Davey on the shoulder. A moment passes between them, silent, as they both listen to the sound of the past giving way to a new, kinder present.
After the moment passes, Bitty grins “Come on, I’m going to introduce you to my kids. Do you have kids?”
Davey flushes. “Yeah, I got a teenager. A real smartass. I wonder where he learned it.”
“Pictures!” Bitty declares. “Get that phone out, I demand pictures.”
Davey struggles to pull his phone out of his jeans pocket. This time, he flushes with pride. He narrates the story of each photo as they walk back toward the front.
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honeyhenry · 4 years
Captain Confusion
A/N: Inspired by this video that makes me weep with its cuteness! I just had to write this okay 🥺🥺🥺 This is in the same universe as Homeward Bound, which happens after this story. Feel free to give it a read after this, if you haven’t already! ALSO should note that the lovely @ohmygoodie​ is my Sy partner in crime and without them this fic would not be made possible :)
Warning: mention of operations/hospitals, and a whole lot of fluff!
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It was a simple procedure and so it hadn't worried you too much, other than the usual fears when a loved one is under the knife while in the hands of trained doctors. Sy’s hernia had been authorised for operation only five minutes into the doctor’s appointment you had all but dragged him to, and scheduled for 4 days later. Not really much time to prepare mentally, but you knew it was necessary with your big bear of a man in pain. Despite the painkillers prescribed, he was walking with a limp and groaning in bed for all the wrong reasons.
In the waiting room, you and his Ma kept busy during the 45 minute wait by looking through magazines, talking about how the Captain’s quality of life will improve, and what kind of minor jobs you’ll have him do around the house while he’s recovering as you continue to work.
“I hope the recovery isn’t as long as some people have said. I know for a fact he’ll not want to be cooped up all day. If he’s anything, he’s stubborn” you sigh, knowingly.
Ma smiles, looking at you pointedly, knowing that she is in the presence of the only other soul who knows what is best for her son. “He knows better now that his health is his wealth. He’s got a lot more riding on being well now. After all, it’s not just him he’s gotta be there for anymore.”
“Yeah, I mean I always tell him, he’s not 25 anymore. Or even 30. I’ll need you to back me up, he does anything you say. I’m his equal, you’re his Mom.”
You both laugh a little, hers warm and kind, while yours tinges with the remaining hopeful nerves of an army Captain’s wife. You don’t like not knowing about your Sy, especially since you spent all those years apart, not knowing if he was safe, or even alive. The waiting, in any capacity, is the hardest part.
You’re flipping through a random tabloid magazine, when the surgeon in charge walks through to the waiting room.
“Everything went really well with Captain Syverson. He’s coming to from the anaesthetic and asking for his Ma?”
Ma grins before sucking her teeth between her lips watching as your mouth drops. You both move from the waiting area to follow the surgeon towards where your husband is resting. You speak under your breath, only wanting Sy’s Ma to hear you; “I hope he still remembers how to grovel after this.”
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Ma enters the room with you following her, arriving only a couple more corridors along from where you’d last seen him earlier that morning. He may not have asked for you but you were going to see Sy whether he wanted it or not. A grand push of the door allows it to swing open, and suddenly there he is. A little disoriented but has a large dopey smile plastered on his face as soon as he sees his Ma. His heavy head lolls to one side as he rests it on the plush hospital pillow.
“Hey Ma” he groans out as she bends over her large son to give his forehead a kiss, taking his hand in hers. He spends a moment just gazing at her for a while, the love he has for her evident on his face, as she tells him that everything went well, and that he can go home tomorrow.
It’s only after this tender mother and son moment, that he notices you.
“Ma.... why ya bringing a beautiful girl here when I’m like this...oh god I’m not wearing underwear Ma!”
His feeble attempt at trying to cover himself means that you actually end up seeing far more of him than you expected. Nothing you hadn’t seen before, but it definitely hasn't happened in front of his own mother before. The whole situation makes you blush and giggle a little as you try your best to avoid eye contact with Ma. You can only imagine the look on her face, and you don’t want to get any more involved with Sy’s naked form than you need to right now.
Rather than put you and your poor Sy through any further embarrassment, Ma speaks up.
“Oh darlin’, this is y/n. You remember her, right?”
And while he’s listening - or at least pretending to listen to his Ma fussing over him again - he’s just staring at you, gazing in awe as if you were the one to hang the stars in the sky.
“You are.... so pretty” he slurs, making you break out a genuine smile that he mirrors, glad that he was the one to make you look even more pretty.
“Well thanks handsome. How do you feel?” you perch on the edge of the bed and hold his hand. To him, the gesture feels warm and inviting - even if he doesn't know you, he recognises something about you in the comfort that you bring.
“Feel like shit. Oh fuck i said ‘shit’ in front of the lady” he whines again, scrunching his eyes closed as hangs his head in shame. It looks like he might even cry with the realisation that he’s made such a foolish impression of himself. It takes Ma shushing him and making him take a sip of juice from his bedside to calm down, dabbing his face with a cloth when his juice spills from his mouth.
“Oh Logan Daniel Syverson...what did they do to ya?” she lightly scolds as she helps clean up the mess he’s unknowingly created around him. That’s your Sy, a hurricane of mess that somehow fits into order just how he likes it.
You giggle a little more at his shameful expression, before he refocuses, giving you his undivided attention once more.
“How is it that ya know my Ma and we’ve never met? Or have we? ‘Cause I think i’d remember a face like yours” 
“Well...” you start, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear to let him see your entire face, hoping it would jog his memory. As you do so, the ring on your fourth finger glints in the hospital light, and for the first time since you've entered the room, he’s noticed.
“Oh...man...knew a girl like you would be snatched up already. Whoever has the honour of being yours is a very lucky man.” He smiles softly, a wistful look in his eye, while makes you realise that you can’t wait for the drugs to leave his system, you have to remind him who you are and who he is, right this very moment.
“Sy honey... we’re married. You’re my husband, and I’m your wife. I think the drugs are making you more than a bit loopy.”
It’s his turn for his jaw to drop, his eyes are unblinking as he takes in what you’ve just said. He turns sharply - more than his doctor would have probably liked - to his Ma, and then back to you, and then his Ma again, waiting for one of you to burst out laughing at the prank you surely must be playing on him.
“Wha-? A wife? I have a wife?” you nod and he exhales a deep breath of air in amazement. 
“YOU’RE my wife? Really?” you nod again and Ma smiles at you as she watches the scene of Logan meeting you all over again.
“Am I still in the army? I’m a Captain ya know”
“You left just a few months ago. You still work in the local camps, of course. You like it there, and you’re home every night and most weekends.”
“Does Ma like you?” You don’t even get a chance to finish as he turns to his mother “Do you like her? is she nice? Does she like your new kitchen? I built it y’know.” 
You knew when you met, dated, and married him, that Sy was a Momma’s boy. He loves his mother so much, that her opinion will always mean the world to him. 
Ma nods “You two are the sweetest couple. She’s the best addition to the family, gives you a run for your money alright. She’s my new favourite.” You get a soft hug from her as she says this, with her wrapping her arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. She’s always felt so grateful that her Logan found you, because my goodness did he love you ferociously, and he needed you in his life. You were the making of him, and the whole Syverson clan will forever be grateful to you for it.
"And where did we get married? If we really are married.” He continues his line of questioning.
“At the ranch, on your family’s land. it was such a special day. We had the reception there too. And we went to Italy for our honeymoon.”
Sy is basking in every word you say, praying it to be true, as if he could will it into existence if it hadn’t already happened, wanting badly to remember sunset kisses and italian food and beach days all spent with you. He perks up at the last thing you say, taken by complete surprise.
“Honeymoon?! Oh my god have we...ya know..?” A blush fades over Sy’s face, and even though you love his Ma, you really wish she wasn’t finding out so many details about your personal life today, like how your son rails you on the regular in many ways, and in many places. He must somehow remember or at least accurately imagine your past endeavours, as he grins like a little shit. 
You smack his arm, lightly but with a firm hand.
“Be quiet, or the whole ward will know about our sex life” you threaten. “Yes we’ve had sex. i’d hope so given that we have a kid on the way.”
If Ma had had to deal with her son getting horny over his “new”wife, she was being fully compensated for it as she witnessed him fall head over heels in love with you, all over again.
“A kid?...Tell me ya not messing with me...are we really- I-” he swallows and his tears come even easier than before “We’re havin’ a baby?” With the sudden realisation, he turns to his Ma. “This beautiful woman right here’s havin’ my kid, Ma?” He looks between the two of you again, watching as you both nod and beam from ear to ear.
“You know you cried just as much when i told you for the first time too. i promise when the drugs are out your system it’ll all make sense again.”
Sy smiles, clutching your hand in his warm palm, almost scared to let go as the door is knocked and he feels you might be taken away. Instead, it’s a welcome visitor.
“Hey doc,” Sy greets the man who reenters the room, now freshly out of scrubs  to visit his patient - who if anything is now simply love sick, no hernia to be found. “This is my wife, and she’s having a baby.” he looks back to you with a quirk of his eyebrow “My baby?” You roll your eyes and he confirms it; “my baby.”
“Oh, congratulations...again.”
The doctor’s evaluation and explanations don’t take long, and while Sy is being informed, you start rubbing your belly as a form of self-comfort. You will need to remind your child that while their father looks incredibly stern and impossibly large, he is silly and goofy and already loves them with his entire being. Over the course of the afternoon, Sy talks with you while the anaesthetic wears off. It turns out they had given him a pretty high dosage based on his height and muscle mass, so he would be out of action for a couple of hours at least.
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“Oh, i have your ring” you pipe up before he starts getting too sleepy again, taking the thick gold band off of the necklace around your neck, placing it on his finger carefully.
“That feels better already” he sighs, as he begins to doze in and out of consciousness. Before he closes his eyes once more to rest peacefully, a small tear slides down his cheek, which you of course, notice. Sy has cried maybe 5 times in the time you’ve known him and three of those times have been in this very room.
“Honey what’s wrong? Are you in pain? i can call the doctor-” 
“No i’m fine i’m fine i just-” he sniffs and tries to clear his throat from the sad, heavy pain he feels in his chest. “I’m gonna be real sad when I wake up from this dream. What if I can’t find you when I wake up?”
Oh your sweet, silly man.
“Bear it’s not a dream, I’ll be right here when you get up properly and we can go home and cuddle and I’ll heat up your favourite meal. I’ll be right there with you.”
“And the baby?” he asks, eyes wide. almost nervous to ask.
“Well they have to come too, they're with me. We can look at their pictures again so you can get reacquainted. And Aika will be so happy you’re back. We’ve been gone the whole day.”
“Aika!” your husband perks up, “Oh Aika, man....I love that dog..”
“I know you do bear, you just get some rest for now and then we can go home.”
Before you know it, he’s fallen back to sleep, his mouth wide open as he slumps against his pillow, completely out of it.
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It’s dark outside when Sy opens his eyes again, watching as his Ma passes you a small herbal tea in the dimly lit hospital room. Technically visiting hours are over, but no one was going to argue with the Captain’s family. You smile, and he feels like he can finally relax, in your presence
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes” he growls lowly, and you look up at him from your phone, beaming in surprise, glad that your husband had woken up feeling a bit more like himself.
“Oh hello again” you smile and squeeze his hand, his slow blinking already indicating a much clearer mind, and that he knows exactly who you are.
“Again? What’d I miss?”
“The drugs” he stops you mid-sentence for a sweet kiss, acting as though a minute more without your lips would be the source of his downfall. “Mmmh, the drugs made you so loopy, it was the sweetest thing, Sy.” You grin as he pulls you up beside him on the bed.
He raises his eyebrows, clearly with no recollection of any of the past events. Yet still, he smiles.
“Yeah? How’s baby?” he holds you close to his side, wrapping an arm around your waist so he can cover your tummy with his palm.
“They’re great. Glad to have daddy back and sane.”
You swear that as you say that, he starts tearing up again, this time however he doesn’t let them fall. He was openly weeping earlier, but you won’t tell him that. Not yet.
“Damnit. Must be something in these drugs they got me on.”
“Mm-hmm sure bear.”
You stay close that evening, both curled up on a hospital bed that is already quite a tight fit for your husband alone. But as always, he makes it work. You’re half on top of him, both of you fast asleep, when the nurses come to do their rounds. Ma had left just after he had woken up, sneaking off into the night to let the rest of the family know how her most middle son is keeping after the operation. You’d cuddled and doted on each other until you’d fallen asleep, Sy following not long after as he bid goodnight to you and your precious cargo with a soft kiss to your lips, and protective rub of your stomach.
He counts himself more than lucky to have something so good, that it would pain him to forget. He was living the life that he’d been too scared to ever dream of, and he couldn’t be more grateful.
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taglist: @ohmygoodie​ @michelehansel​ @la-cey​ @palaiasaurus64​ @sassy-pelican​ @brandycranby​
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
intelligence & issues (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- chapter thirty-five
Welcome to the shitshow! Remember that I love y’all <3
Warnings: arguing, fighting, tension, angst
Previous chapter || Fic Masterlist
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Chapter Thirty-Five: I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you
The tearful phone call with your mom lasts for nearly four hours.
“I just don’t know what to do,” you admit. “I don’t want to leave the BAU.”
“I know, honey.”
“And I’m not going to,” you say firmly, wiping your cheeks on the back of your hand. “I didn’t let Trevor stop me from accepting that job with the BCI, I’m not letting this stop me from staying in the BAU. I’m better than that.”
“I know, baby.”
“And I want Aaron, I do, but if it’s at this cost, then I…” You don’t even want to say it out loud.
“Have you talked to him?” Your mom asks gently.
You shake your head. “Haley surprised him at the office earlier with Jack, so I’m sure he’s hanging out with Jack for the rest of the day. He might spend the night, too.”
“Hm,” your mom sighs. “Is he trying to get back together with her?”
“Not that I know of.” You pause. “I don’t think he is. I know him, he’d…he’d tell me if they were, right? Or if she had asked about it?”
“I want to say that he would, honey, but I don’t know. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and I know he loves you, but…”
“But what?”
“Marriage…” Your mom sighs. “When you marry someone, especially as young as the two of them were, the bond is different. Add a child into the mix and it’s…it’s hard to let go of.” She pauses. “I never told you this, but letting go of your father was the hardest decision I ever had to make.”
“You told me it was the easiest.”
“Because I had to tell myself that. If I told myself anything else, I wouldn’t have had the courage to leave. I had to convince myself I could do it, and that meant letting you know that I could. I didn’t want you to think our independence should be held hostage from us.”
“So you’re saying…”
“I’m saying, I know you love him, and I know he loves you. But you’re still young. And whatever your future looks like, as long as it has the best version of you, then it’s enough. Everything else will sort itself out. But you have to be there and be the best you before everything else can fall into place around you.”
When you head into the BAU the next day, you go straight to Hotch’s office. You don’t stop at your desk, or Morgan’s when he calls out to you (though you do wave at him, and Emily too).
“Come in,” Hotch announces after hearing a knock, unaware that it’s you.
“Hey,” you say to get his attention. “Can we talk?”
Immediately, he stands, rounding his desk to gather you in his arms. “Hey, of course. I’m so sorry I couldn’t call you last night.”
“It’s okay,” you pause to accept his kiss. “I was on the phone with my mom for a while anyway.”
“Everything okay?” He asks.
“Yes and no,” you exhale nervously, stepping out of his arms, needing to ground yourself. “That’s why I came straight here.”
“Okay…” He steps over and shuts the door, gesturing for you to continue.
“When I was called into Strauss’s office yesterday, it wasn’t about being back. It wasn’t routine. It was because she knows about us.”
“I know.”
You freeze, mouth open and ready to speak, but you shut it slowly, processing his words. “What do you mean you know?”
“I talked with her yesterday before I left.”
“And you didn’t think to text me about it yesterday?”
Aaron watches you carefully. “If I recall correctly, you didn’t tell me the real reason Strauss talked to you either.”
“Because Haley was here with Jack!” You argue. “I wasn’t going to bring that up in front of them.”
“Okay, I understand.”
“What did Strauss talk to you about?” You ask, not wanting to stay near the topic of Haley for too long. “Was it just about her knowing about us?”
Aaron looks like he doesn’t want to answer, but you stare him down until he does. “Yes. And she asked if you had been…inappropriately pushing yourself onto me.”
“I told her you had done nothing like that whatsoever,” he says quickly and firmly, wanting you to hear him. “But she did ask that your behavior be monitored for the time being.”
“For the— Hotch, are you kidding me? Don’t tell me you agreed to that?”
“I didn’t have a choice.”
“You could’ve told her that our relationship is mutually consensual and none of her business.”
He gives you a look because you both know he couldn’t tell Strauss it’s “none of her business,” but you still wish he had. You could certainly never say something like that to her, but he could almost definitely get away with it. You’d be surprised if he hasn’t said something similar to Strauss before this.
“I didn’t want to confirm anything about us and risk your termination as an agent in the bureau.”
“Well, thank you for your concern, but Strauss very politely told me yesterday that I need to pick a transfer before she forces me out of here.”
“She talked to me about transferring the entire time,” you cry. “She told me I’m young, I don’t need to go to extreme lengths to prove myself and better my skillset.”
“It’s true, you don’t.”
“She thinks I’m sleeping with you to do exactly that.”
Aaron sighs heavily. “I told her that you’re not.”
“She’s not going to believe it. She obviously didn’t believe you since my behavior is now going to be monitored like I’m a fucking child.”
“I know it’s not ideal,” Hotch says. “And I wish I didn’t have to agree with her. But if these are some small prices we have to pay, then…we have to pay them.”
It sounds good. In theory. It sounds right.
But it’s wrong.
“No,” you shake your head. “Because they’re not prices that we’re paying. It’s all coming down on me. And I can’t do that. I can’t.”
“Y/N…” He hates that you feel this way, and part of him knows you’re right.
“I know we said we would wait before telling Strauss, but that was before she found out. She already knows now, so why don’t we go to her ourselves and tell her how serious we are?”
You thought he’d be all for this idea. But he shakes his head.
“It isn’t that simple.” He pauses. “She also mentioned others overhearing our…less than appropriate comments to one another.”
“You mean yours.”
“Excuse me?”
“Hotch, I told you before we even started any of this that we needed to stay professional. Your good girl comments here and there surely weren’t peak professionalism.”
“If it’s been making you uncomfortable, why haven’t you stopped me?”
“Because I wasn’t uncomfortable,” you cry. “I never was, and I never am around you. I knew we were pushing it, but I didn’t think about stopping.”
“Okay,” he nods. “I’m sorry. I should’ve known better.”
“It’s fine—”
“No, Y/N, as unit chief, I should’ve known better.”
“Okay…” You raise your eyebrows, waiting for him to keep going. “Okay?”
“I think it would be best if you and I take a step back from our relationship until this all settles down.”
You blink. “What?”
“I knew since the beginning that something like this could happen,” he pauses. “And I’ve worried for a while now that our relationship is too…inappropriate.” Pause. “That it’s putting a strain on the team and our jobs.”
“How long is a while?” You ask. And when he doesn’t reply, you demand an answer. “Hotch. How long have you been thinking like this?”
“Since the night you were shot,” he admits quietly, “and we almost lost you.”
“Since…” You cut yourself off out of sheer disbelief. “You’re telling me you’ve been thinking like this for…for the past six months?”
“All this time we’ve been together, and you’ve just been waiting to break up with me.”
“I want to be with you, but our jobs…”
“And if I transfer somewhere else? What then?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I don’t want you to sacrifice your job here for our relationship.”
“And if I do?”
He says nothing.
You figure that’s enough of an answer.
“Do you need me for anything today?” You ask. “For work.”
“No,” he murmurs.
“I’ll be going home, then,” you say. “Have a good rest of your day.”
Down in the bullpen, Morgan, Emily, and Garcia have been watching your conversation with Hotch unfold through the cracks in the blinds of his office. He didn’t close them all the way, so Spencer has been able to lip read.
But as soon as Spencer realized the conversation wasn’t going anywhere good, he stopped.
When you open the door to Hotch’s office, you’re not surprised at all to find the team staring up at you. You ignore eye contact with every single one of them as you skip down the steps, heading straight for the glass doors.
Hotch stands in the doorway of his office, watching you go, watching Garcia and Emily run after you.
Standing outside the elevator, shaking with frustration, and holding back your tears as hard as you can, refusing to cry here.
“Okay, what just happened?” Pen asks, and you almost don’t hear her because you can barely see straight anyway.
“Nothing,” you mutter. “Or—I don’t know. I don’t actually know what just happened to me. God, can this thing hurry up?” You press the call button a few more times.
“It didn’t look like nothing,” Emily replies.
“It looked like—Wait.” Pen stops, her eyes wide. “Did you—”
Finally, the elevator doors open.
“Did you break up?” Emily finishes, sadness all over her face.
“I don’t know,” you reply, stepping inside the elevator. “Ask him, I guess.”
You reach over and almost press the ground floor, but at the last second, you hit Strauss’s floor number.
You wave sadly at Pen and Emily, and as the doors close, you catch a glimpse of Hotch standing at the glass doors.
I can always return to the BAU someday, you tell yourself. Maybe this is a sign that I’m needed somewhere else.
After Aaron sees the elevator doors close, he knows right then that he’s lost you.
Next chapter
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munsnz · 3 years
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯. — 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞? Overview: Y/N tells Mike information to help their lost friend, she also heads to the search party for Will with Victor. As they explore, the past unravels and there is an odd occurrence that happens. Navigation & Mixtape
Tag: @samiyamuntaha @thepowerstoner @ughgclden @mqyfield @cooperdaysgf
“So right by Mirkwood right?” Mike Wheeler’s voice peeped after listening to Y/N’s remark of details about what she heard at the Hawkins Police Department a few hours ago. It was around 7 pm, right around to where the girl was getting ready prone to the search party being held with a few of the residents of the town.
Y/N hummed a positive response to clearing out his doubts just in case he was confused by any means, this wasn’t going to help Mike, it was going to help Will get a faster chance to be retrieved to his home again.
Although Hopper disapproved the request of letting young people in the search, Y/N and Victor were eventually allowed to come along, “Yeah, but remember you have to be somewhat far from the real search group okay? We don’t want you to get caught.”
”Mike! What are you doing?” Nancy’s faint voice was caught on the other line of the phone, leading Mike to leave the phone out, Y/N overhearing them argue over the dumbest things.
Prior to the noises of Mike pushing Nancy out of the basement she guessed, the boy came back on the line, sighing loudly, “Sorry about that, Nancy gets so annoying, I still don’t know why you still hang out with her.”
”She could be a priss sometimes,” She responds, breathily giggling, clenching the ceramic telephone tighter, “But she’s still my friend if you could say.”
Continuing with their conversation based on the plan, it was perfectly assembled, safe with a high possibility of finding Will, even if it had been a day. Will couldn’t have gone far anyways. Y/N was about to speak, but was suddenly caught off guard as soon as she heard her dad in the hallway, getting prepared for the search.
”Oh shit! I have to go now,” Y/N hushed in a subtle tone, trying her best to keep away Hopper from listening to their discussion, “Remember to be home by 9 at least with flashlights. Stay safe Mike.”
The line went awfully silent, placing back the phone to its regular position on the handset, while it being attached to the wall. Rapidly, spinning to look at her father, trying to act as normal as possible, his brows furrowed at her.
”What were you doing?”
Shrugging it off calmly, Y/N breathily giggles while she put her hands on her hips saying, “I was just checking in with Victor, that’s all.”
Hopper’s eyes widened at her point, clicking his tongue as he started grabbing on his sweater for the frosty night ahead, “Funny, but I just called his mom to let him know that he was coming.”
”Right..” Y/N casually crossed her arms, cursing under her breath before she showed any subtle reaction to what she was up to. Play it cool.
In the silence of her looking around the messy home by the front door, Hopper sharply whistles while slinging the car keys in the air to catch them, making Y/N follow right behind me, pretending as if the few minutes didn’t occur. Feeling the breeze of the autumn air, both the relatives made their way to the vehicle, on their way to the small yet important search for this boy, Will Byers.
As the road got narrower and narrower, the car drove deeper into the dark woods, where Y/N could see the slender trees and branches surrounding them. The starry sky lit up the place with a soft tone of dim blues and grays painted across it on the chilly night. Watching out the window, Y/N squinted her eyes to see a figure from afar waving towards the vehicle, a familiar figure to be Victor. Hopper drove nearer, the headlights being able to guide him to the stop where a small crowd of people were surrounding along with the patrols.
Hopper cleared his throat, while he pushed the breaks down and turned to his daughter, “Hey kid, remember don’t be-“
Without hesitation, Y/N swung the car door open to step out of it, hustled her way to her so called “acquaintance”, Victor. It was more like a friend but she didn’t want to be that close with the boy. Victor wearily smiling at her.
“You seem tired,” Y/N creeps up next to him, watching the small groups of people around the mounds of dead leaves and twigs gathered for the search.
Victor’s voice brings the girl’s attention back to him, he clears his throat, “I mean dealing with Flo is already a lot for me to handle, so I suppose I am.” The two silently chuckled, the frost getting to their noses, “I heard there’s gonna be a chance of rain.”
“Yes really! Haven’t you seen the forecast? I’m even wearing a jacket!” Victor squinted his eyes, his eyewear raising up on the bridge of his nose and the girl shrugged aimlessly.
Y/N scoffed, shoving him slightly, “I think there’s way more important things we need to focus on instead of the weather.”
From afar, Hopper and the policemen indicated all the volunteers to gather around on the sidewalk, near the entrance of the forest. The flashing blue and red lights were turned off from the cars, everyone else preparing for the upcoming search.
”Okay guys!” The chief shouted to direct everyone, “We need to stay in the 5 mile radius from where Will was last scene! Everyone please be careful and remember to blow the whistle if you find anything at all!”
Heads were nodded, agreeing to the directions, Officers Powell and Callahan guided two separate groups from different directions, Y/N having to come along with the third group including her dad. Although the girl was 16, her father wanted to take the best care for her, after Sarah. He wanted to keep her as close as possible, but he knew she was getting older. It was just for today, he can protect her for today, now being aware of a kid disappearing in their town. Maybe one of them was next.
“I guess that’s your call genius,” Y/N told Victor as she pointed towards Powell’s group who were walking to the right side of the woods, the people disappearing one by one into the darkness.
Not budging at all, Victor stood his ground saying, “I think I’ll stick with you for now, there’s just soccer moms hoarding the group for Powell, he has a fan club.”
“You’re not wrong Vic,” She sniggered quietly but failed miserably, letting out a subtle loud laugh, both of the teenagers walking behind their group, down a steep hill leading to the inner nature.
Rushing down first to the bottom, the tall brunette reached his hand out for Y/N who was still at the top, to help her come down to his level, “M’lady?”
”Why thank you, what a gentleman!” Y/N sarcastically gasps, gripping onto his hand to steady herself below, after they jogged closer to the group, flicking their flashlights on to carry on.
Everyone glanced above the branches, the moon shining as the crickets chirped. The crisp wind running across their faces, making the trees shuffle loudly. As flashlights led them with its brightness, they all searched and searched, for any trace of the boy around the area.
Half an hour later, the air became cooler than usual, almost bringing a frostbite to their bare hands. The sound of branches and dead leaves crunching over the few people above them. In the silence, Y/N stayed near Victor and her father, hearing shouts for Will. The realization hit the girl, they were looking for lost Will, Will hasn’t appeared, he was probably in some sort of danger. She fastened her grip on the flashlight, looking around more closely, along with the rest.
”He’s a good student,” Someone decides to break the silence of the leaves and twigs crunching under their feet, Victor and Y/N turned their attention to him as they strolled in the woods.
Hopper cocks an eyebrow up and looks towards the teacher’s direction after the statement, “What?”
”Will. He’s a good student. Great one actually,” He elaborates, smiling sheepishly to lend his hand in front of the chief to introduce himself, “I don’t think we’ve met, Scott Clarke. Teacher, Hawkins Middle. Earth and biology.”
“Don’t you remember he was my teacher back in the day?”
Victor nods agreeing with Y/N’s statement from behind, Hopper reluctantly trying to remember his daughter’s middle school teacher, still not recalling since in those past years where fighting for Y/N’s custody between the parents, “I always had a distaste for science.”
”Well maybe you had a bad teacher,” Mr. Clarke remarks, checking if his flashlight was still operating, trudging closer to the group of three ahead of him.
”Yeah, Ms. Ratliff was a piece of work,” Hopper scoffs jokingly, Y/N doing the same as well, remembering his shitty science teacher from his past years while he studied at Hawkins High.
”Ratliff?” The teacher ponders, realizing that the same teacher still resides in Hawkins after all these years, “You bet. She’s still kicking around believe it or not.”
Victor elaborates in between them, sliding his hands onto his pockets, “I had her when I was in eighth grade a few years back.”
”Oh I believe it Victor. Mummies never die, so they tell me,” Hopper smiles, trying to get his daughter to notice but she dozed off beyond the sight of the woods, ”Sarah, my youngest, galaxies, the universe whatnot.. She always understood all that stuff. I always figured there was enough going down here, I never needed to look elsewhere.”
Y/N flickered her eyes towards her father’s direction after hearing the special name, it wasn’t so special to one, but to her, it was. Sarah, Sarah Hopper her little sister, but soon enough the teacher interrupted, “Maybe I’ll get her in my class I-“
“No, she uh.. she lives with her mom in the city,” He cuts the man off from his statement, Victor widening his eyes on Y/N’s side, knowing fully that wasn’t true.
The girl beside the tall boy looked back at his dark eyes, signaling him to be quiet, Y/N was aware of the fact that everyone in Hawkins knew Sarah’s death. Just because of her own blabbermouth, Steve told everyone including the parents her little secret the young female confessed to.
As much as her dad still wants to deny the fact the little one was gone and resting in peace, staying of his delusion Y/N wished she could have. It was a promise. A promise that everything was okay and there wasn’t nothing to worry about, almost some sort of fairy tale where everything had its happy endings with a happy family which wasn’t it.
“Thanks for coming out, Teach. We really appreciate it.” Hopper clears the air, trudging past them farther into the dark eerie woods, Y/N and Victor repeating his steps behind him.
Once they were  out of the picture and range from hearing, a middle aged woman spoke up next to the teacher, in a hushed tone saying, “She died a few years back.”
”Sorry?” Mr. Clarke shifted his head in bewilderment towards the lady for any clarification from the inadequate statement given.
”His kid.”
The teacher’s eyes widened, observing the two family members mumbling inaudible words behind the brisk trees of the cool night. He didn’t know the Hoppers hid their family, they never talked much about family when it came to projects when Y/N was younger. It seemed like something ever so private not like where many kids shared experiences with their loved ones, they always kept everything about their family closed up. Almost a mystery.
Y/N could hear the soft mumbles of the quiet conversation being exchanged by the lady and her former teacher, she felt sick knowing that her father stays in the delusion of her sister being alive, lying. Lying wasn’t so hard for her, Y/N was almost a professional at it when it came to helping the party in situations. But lying to her dad was different, it was the both of them against the horrid place called the world.
“Is Sarah going to be back?” A small girl walked over to the grown adults who stood at the front door, puffy eyes showing on their faces, as they held a plastic wristband and stuffed tiger after a long day from not seeing her sister. It was already near midnight.
Without any move, the woman, who to be seen was the girl’s mother, bursted into tears, her husband catching her into his arms. The youngling worriedly watched her parents shed tears, a middle aged woman got up from the couch to comfort both of them. Whispers and mumbles being shared between the adults, bringing more tears.
”Mommy?” The girl steadily crept next to her mom’s leg, wrapping her short arms around her waist, pressing her cheek against the woman’s body, “Don’t cry, I’m here.”
Sobs were still heard from the mother, the two of the women held each other tightly while the tall man let go from their hug, kneeling next to the girl’s level, “Y/N, kid-“
”Dad, where’s Sarah?!” Y/N shakily shouted, her stomach feeling uneasy, with her sister not being found. What happened to Sarah? She knew Sarah was going to get better. Why was mom crying? So many questions filled her head, eyes welling up, her father hugging her tightly with all the hurt and love. Y/N noticed the wristband that her father was holding, she peered closely to see a sloppy handwriting shown as the name Sarah, written all over it with the date when she was sent to the hospital.
”Sarah is... gone.”
The little’s watery eyes widened, her bottom lip trembling, she threw her arms around her father, her head leaning onto his shoulder. Her little sister was gone, she was alone now, her heart crumbling into a million pieces. Sarah, Sarah wasn’t here anymore. But it seemed so surreal, it was only yesterday the two sisters laughed about one of the nurses dropping her cup of coffee while getting chemotherapy.
“Dad.. Can she come back?”
Sadly grinning, Hopper wiped the girl’s chubby face from her tears, shaking his head, “I’m sorry kid, she’s not coming back.”
”But she has to! Sarah has to come home with us,” Y/N choked in her tears, her eyes becoming swollen, grabbing the wristband from her father’s large hand, “Sarah can’t leave me alone here. She promised she would stay.”
”Y/N, I know this is difficult but your sister left us. She’s in a better place now.”
Making her cry even more, Y/N’s mother rapidly kneeled next to her husband and daughter, she sniffed, grabbing onto her daughter, “We promised Sarah we would love each other and always stay safe. Forever.”
Both of the girl’s parents joined in for a tight hug, Y/N fastening her arms around the two others, “Promise. We promise you sweet pea.”
”Y/N! Y/N!” A familiar voice boasted in the ears of Y/N, she focused her attention back to the voice. There was no one beside her by the time she looked around, it was the sounds of the wind and her alone. Her flashlight flickered in her hands, she shook it vigorously to try and turn it back on, but there was nothing coming out of it, just a dimly lit tone guiding her way. Nothing else in her sight except for the trees and moonlight, she tried her best to not overthink this and make her way back to the group.
Every turn she made in the paths, it led her to nowhere, noises filled the aura. Slowly, she began to worry, she wasn’t coming back to the group. Y/N’s head filled itself with thoughts, there was no way she could be lost, last time she was with Victor, rambling about the weather. Where was she? Looking up, she felt small droplets of water dripped onto her face above, Y/N squinted her eyes to avoid the drizzle. The water fell down slowly until it started raining heavier in the air, she wiped her face to dry it off and continue to try to find her way back.
“Dad!” Y/N shouted, wrapping her arms over herself, her hair becoming soaked along the time. She kept shouting and shouting, worry filling her in. The girl was afraid. What if she went missing like Will? Oh no.
Without a precaution, a branch from behind was heard. Y/N whipped her head to the direction, seeing a small human with a white gown rapidly run off to opposite direction, the rain blurring her eyes. Was that Will? Curious, she picked up speed to follow the boy, it may be Will. A chance of relief rushing in as her adrenaline sped up, almost running faster. “Will! It’s me!”
The boy didn’t stop, sprinting faster with his bare feet. Y/N still yelled, slowing her pace down, then picking it back up, going through the trees. An idea came to her, tugging at her metal whistle to her lips, blowing on it. The sound coming off it, maybe attracting people to find her and the boy, it has to be Will. Using her arms to run faster, she suddenly trips over a thick log after not seeing below her because of the wind, sending her to the floor. She whimpers as she felt her ankle burn in a pain, whistling even more.
From the distance, few people to what she could tell came forward to her, rain soaking over her head. Thunder being heard far away, Victor came into the picture to kneel down next to Y/N.
”Hey are you okay?” He worriedly checks on her, receiving a nod. Victor looked around for any possible wounds since he found her on the ground, “We couldn’t find you!”
Y/N hardly paid attention to him and looked afar to see if the boy would turn up again. She held Victor’s jacket to pull him closer, “I think I saw Will! He was running through there I-“
”Chief Hopper coming through, excuse me,” A voice from the crowd of people called in, Hopper bringing himself forward to find his soaking daughter on the ground pointing toward another direction. “What’s wrong?”
Victor moves to tell Hopper while being next to shaking and wet Y/N, “She saw Will.”
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jenojaemssss · 3 years
shii-take mushrooms! - k.dy
Tumblr media
⇢ pairing: doyoung x fem!reader
⇢ word count: 1.6k
⇢ genre: fluff?
⇢ warnings/a.n: children. and cussing. i like children, i really do. they just scare me.
⇢ in which doyoung says a not-so-nice word in front of his daughter, and you try playing it off. as part of the "previously on" series.
Doyoung glares at the figure standing behind his door with slanted eyes. He looks mildly disgusted, and you’re not sure if it’s because his daughter is covered from hair to shoes in strawberry jam, or because you’re standing in front of him with eyebags deeper than the sea.
“Please, Doyoung, I have a really important work meeting today, and I need you to watch her for like, 3 hours tops!” you beg him, eyes pleading the man in front of you.
He sighs and takes in your polished attire. Wherever it was you were going to must be top priority, seeing that you were decked out in the most business looking outfit he’s ever seen you in.
“I lost track of time prepping for the presentation that I somehow forgot it was today, so I didn’t call your mom beforehand and now she’s busy and-”
“-and now you’re here because my mom told you I had today off,” he cuts you off before looking at the little girl.
She’s looking at you with a glimmer in her eyes; the same glimmer that her dad used to have when he looked at you. She’s everything like him: from the way she talks, to her sassy attitude, to the way she pokes fun at her uncles.
You smile back down at her and look up to Doyoung with a small, apologetic smile on your face. His stone face turns soft when he sees her turn and smile up at him, lips smeared with the sticky red substance.
“In all seriousness, I really need this promotion, Doyoung. If I get this job, I won’t have to send her to your mom’s all the time anymore.” His face softens further. He knows how hard it was on you, working until late hours of the night to provide a nice environment for you two’s daughter, but you’ve been working a little too hard lately.
His mom has been on his ass for weeks about helping you find a more stable job; one that doesn’t require you to stay in for overtime almost every work day until almost midnight. She didn’t want you overworking yourself, which to her despair is exactly what you’ve been doing.
If you get this promotion, you can finally start working from home with more set hours. You’ll be able to spend more time with your daughter.
Doyoung looks at the girl lovingly and sighs, melting at her jam covered face once again. It really doesn’t matter that he and you ended things; she was still his little girl and he would do everything in his power to see her gummy smile.
So, he nods and bends down, picking up his daughter into his arms. He uses his thumb to swipe some of the jam off her mouth and you gratefully hand him a wet wipe that was already speckled with pink.
“Hi sweetie,” he grins at your daughter, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She giggles and throws her arms around his neck, choking him in a bear hug.
“I missed you, daddy!” she squeals and he chuckles in agreement.
“Me too sweet girl,” he squeezes her carefully, afraid that he might fracture her tiny bones.
You smile at the sight in front of you, knowing well that your daughter has been missing her dad for the past few weeks. He's been busy with work, similar to you, so he hasn’t been able to spend much time with his daughter either.
You notice his frail figure and an intense guilt washes over you. Today was probably his only day off for probably the next 2 months.
“Thank you Doyoung, I appreciate it,” you interrupt the conversing father-daughter duo. He looks at you warmly and nods again, holding the door open for you to come in and drop off your daughter’s belongings.
You trudge her things into the studio apartment, neatly decorated with many items you recognize from your old shared apartment. You haven’t stopped by in a while, but compared to the last time you’ve been here, the place seems chillier.
Your daughter and her backpack are softly placed on the couch, and the first thing she reaches for is her tablet. You send her a look and she puts it away with a frown. The little girl turns to her dad with puppy eyes; a special trick she learned from her uncle Haechan.
“Honey, you shouldn’t be looking at screens too often,” Doyoung says, petting her hair. He sits down next to her and begins helping her dig through the backpack in search for other things to occupy her with.
“Or else you’d end up like mommy and daddy with terrible vision,” you add. It’s your turn to pat her head and Doyoung chuckles at your comment, nodding along. He pulls out a coloring book and holds it in front of the two of them, fake-gasping at the newfound activity.
“I’m gonna go get us some crayons and colored pencils for this, okay?” he looks at his daughter, who’s filled with joy. She eagerly nods and he gets up, going into his kitchen for the supplies. Your little girl gets up and runs after her dad, poking her head around whatever he was looking into.
You check your watch and decide it’s your time to leave for your meeting. Another 10 minutes here and you might arrive exactly on time, which is something you’re praying doesn’t happen.
“Baby,” you call out to your daughter.
“Yeah?” you hear two voices call back. You turn to see both heads raised to face you, but the bigger (and dumber) one ducks down. Doyoung is blushing furiously at his old habit and tries to distract himself from embarrassment by intensely scurrying for the damned art supplies.
You’re just as shocked, but do a better job at covering up your embarrassment. “Babygirl, mommy has to get going,” you specify.
Your daughter runs back to give you a hug and bids you goodbye. She raises up a fist and you bump it, followed by a “blah la lah.” It’s something she picked up from Big Hero 6, a movie the three of you used to watch together.
While this takes place, a loud ‘bonk’ comes from Doyoung’s general directions.
“Shit,” he mumbles under his breath, but the curse is loud enough to reach your daughter’s innocent ears.
“What does-” your daughter begins, but something louder cuts her off.
“-TAKE MUSHROOMS!” you exclaim, clapping your hands in front of her. “We’ll have hotpot with shiitake mushrooms when mommy gets back later, isn’t that right daddy?” you glare in Doyoung’s general direction.
He stumbles over his response a couple times, but lets out a muffled “yeah” after a long moment.
In the meanwhile, your daughter bursts with excitement at the mention of hotpot. She begins telling you about what she wants in the soup and what broth she prefers. Your lips can’t help but form a smile at your daughter’s happiness when food is mentioned.
Speaking of food, your stomach exerts a low grumble, but it’s loud enough for your ears only, which you thank the heavens for.
Doyoung eventually gets back from the kitchen with the coloring utensils, his face still as red as the crayon he was holding. To your rescue, he approaches with a granola bar hiding in his pocket.
“I dropped the box on my head, but I wanted to get you something to eat,” he awkwardly shrugs and it’s your turn to blush.
Doyoung remembers your terrible habit of being a worrywart and not consuming any food before an important event, so he caught the feeling that you’re probably starving.
Doyoung notices the pink tint on your cheek and feels satisfied with his doing. He wishes you good luck and your daughter copies, jumping up and down in the process.
As you thank the two of them, your focus returns to Doyoung and you send him a slightly warning look. “Let’s make sure we keep our mouths clean today, okay?”
The widest smile plasters on your face when Doyoung flinches, and you finally exit the premises, leaving Doyoung and your daughter to their coloring.
As the door shuts behind you, Doyoung lets out a small sigh and turns to his daughter who’s now facing him. Though to you, she is everything like him, Doyoung sees no resemblance. Instead, he sees you in the little girl: from her smile to her nose, her voice and her hair. He sees her as a mini Y/N, and he loves it.
As he and his daughter sit down to begin their coloring ordeals, he can’t help but think about the meal plan you’d set. He wonders if you were serious, but before more thoughts begin to consume him, a small voice interrupts.
“What do you want in your hot pot, daddy?” his daughter looks up at him with wide eyes.
This is going to be hard to ignore. Maybe having a nice family dinner wouldn’t be too bad.
“I’ll take anything in it,” he begins.
“Except cucumbers,” the two finish in unison. An eruption of giggles burst out of the little girl at the synchronized speech, and Doyoung can’t help but melt at the bundle of joy. He smiles wide and watches her continue marking the page with colorful strokes of pencil and crayon.
Doyoung mentally begins preparing a grocery list for the night, adding everything needed for a steaming hotpot onto the growing list. He ends it with the addition of the previously mentioned shiitake mushrooms and grins, excited to share a meal with you and his daughter tonight.
“C’mon sweetie, let’s get ready to go shopping,” he holds out a hand and lifts his daughter up, putting on her jacket.
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Secret Lives (Part 2)
Paring: JJ Maybank x reader 
Summary: You and JJ never got along so your friends trap the two of you on a boat in the middle of the marsh to work it out. Only it doesn’t go as planned. (Part 2)
Note: I couldn’t be happier with the feedback I am getting from Part 1!! Thank you guys so much for helping me out and hanging on there with me as I figure all of this out! I’m so grateful for all the comments and messages and I am ready every single one! Now I saw a couple people asking to be a part of a tag list...so if someone could tell me how to set one of them up I would be more than happy to lol. I will tag the two people I’ve seen who asked to be tagged! But yeah, am I supposed to set something up for a tag list or do people just message me if they want to be tagged in my stuff? Someone let me know!! 
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: Language, angst, small parts of child abuse. 
Part 1
It’s been about two weeks since you’ve seen or talked to the Pogues. Everyday felt ten hours longer and the air felt thinner. You missed your friends. You missed surfing with John B, you missed debating about the accuracy of medical TV shows with Pope, you missed sleepovers with Kie, and yes, you even missed JJ. 
As much as you hated yourself for it, you knew you did the right thing. Staying with the Pogues would have caused more harm than good. It was clear as day that you and JJ would never get along because he didn’t like you and you weren’t going to stand around and be insulted by a guy you still can’t help but think about every single day. 
Every night, you pictured the hatred behind JJ’s blue eyes when he spoke about you being nothing but a spoiled brat who didn’t deserve his trust or your friendship with the other Pogues. Each word felt like an individual stab to the heart. You were use to people not liking you. The girls at your school hated you for not giving them the time of day, the boys threw hurtful remarks at you all the time after you rejected them. But they never hurt as much JJ’s. Because they didn’t come from the guy you loved. 
It didn’t matter how much JJ hated you. You couldn’t help but fall for his sparkling blue eyes, tan skin, and fluffy blonde hair. You swooned every time JJ laughed and smiled because you loved seeing him happy. You were turned on every time JJ stood up for one of your friends, threatening to fight whoever it was that was bothering them, even if it was an uptight Kook. You were silently heartbroken every time JJ told you and his friends about his sexcapade from the previous night.  You were concerned and personally infuriated when JJ would come to the Chateau with new sets of bruises without telling you where they came from because that little voice inside your head told you exactly where they were from. 
You loved him, and you hated that you loved him. 
But this was for the best. At least thats what you told yourself.
Kie didn’t agree though. She found you in your room the next day, ready to apologize for stranding you on a boat with JJ, but it just ended in another screaming match when you told her what happened. 
“So just like that? You’re gonna leave?” She yelled. 
“I can’t do it anymore, Kie! He doesn’t want me there, and I am so sick and tired of trying to get him to like me.”
“What about John B and Pope? What about me? You’re our friend too!”
“We can still hangout -”
“Without JJ? That’s so unfair!”
“He hates me, Kie! How would you like it if I forced you to hang out with Sarah Cameron, huh?”
“That’s not the same.”
“Its the exact fucking same, and you know it!”
Kie ended up storming out of your room, neither one of you feeling any sort of peace or satisfaction with your decision. You haven’t talked to her since, and you contemplated calling her every day. 
But you never do.
The alarm you set on your phone blared in your ear from the pillow next to your head - a reminder that you needed to leave to pick up your father. You slapped the touch screen of your phone until the stupid alarm turned off. The last place you wanted to be was anywhere outside of your room. The thought of being with you father, the man you continued to blame for all your problems, filled you with self-hatred. You hated how easily he was able to manipulate you to help him, making you and your mother out to be the bad guys. He used Andrew’s wealth as a guilt trip for you, saying that since you didn’t do anything to deserve his money, the least you could do was help him out because you and your mother left him with absolutely nothing. And you fall for it. You fall for it every single time because he says you use to be daddy’s little girl - that he had big plans for the two of you when you were old enough to learn life’s pleasures. Little did you know his biggest life pleasures had always been drugs, alcohol, and gambling.
You tied your hair up in a messy bun and bounced down the stairs. Swiftly, grabbing the car keys to your new Mercedes Andrew bought you for your sixteenth birthday, you sped walked past your little sister who tried showing you a new trick that she taught your maltese puppy.
“Look, Y/N/N!”
“Not now, Gracie,” You huffed. 
As you drove through the Cut, you couldn’t help but keep a lookout for your Pogues.  You tried not to slam on the brakes every time you caught a glimpse of blonde hair or swerve when you saw a guy John B’s height carrying a surfboard. 
You honked your horn twice when you pulled up to your dad’s shitty apartment. After no longer being able to pay his mortgage after your mom left him, he had no choice but to move into the cheapest apartment in OBX. He always tried telling you that was your fault too. 
A few minutes later, he walked out, looking like he hasn’t showered in days or knows how to change his socks.
He slid into the passenger seat with a grunt, barely passing you a second glance. “You’re late.” He said. 
You stayed quiet, knowing that anything you said would only piss him off even more since you weren’t in the mood to put up with his antics.
You drove him to his drug dealer’s house, parking outside of the one story home that looked like it was rotting from the inside out. Your dad made you take him here a couple times. Every time you stayed in the car. But today, your father had something different planned.
“Come on,” He said.
“What?” You looked at him with your brows pinched together in confusion. 
“I need you inside.”
“No, no, no, no. That wasn’t the deal.”
“Well it is now, so let’s go.” His voice was stern through his clenched teeth, his eyes unblinking. You stared at him for a long second, debating whether fighting with him was worth it. 
Without another word, you reluctantly opened your door and followed your dad into the house. It smelled like B.O and marijuanna, just like how you pictured a frat house would. Pots, pans, and plates were filled to the brim of the sink. A moldy meal that looked a couple days old sat at the round table tucked in the corner. 
Your dad lead you into the living room where three other men were sitting. Well two men and one boy you recognized immediately. You swallowed your nerves as they all turned to look at your dad, then you.
“What’d you bring me, today, Jerry?” The guy with the long black hair tied in a low bun looked at you like you were fresh meat. 
You took a small step closer to your dad, ironically looking at him for some kind of protection. You didn’t trust any of these men in this room. You didn’t care if they were your father’s friends. They were men who made poor life choices and you didn’t know how far they could take it.
You looked over at Rafe Cameron, who compared to these guys, looked like a lost kid in a carnival. He was sporting a black eye and jaw. He looked both shocked and scared to see you here, probably worried that you would torment his reputation by letting everyone know how he really spends his weekdays when he’s not partying on his daddy’s boat. Little did he know, he had just enough blackmail to use against you too. 
“This is my daughter, Y/N,” Your dad introduced you. “Y/N, this is Barry.”
Barry looked you up and down and smirked. “You look like you a part of Country Club’s world.” By the way he was pointing his thumb back at the Kook, you figured that was his nickname for Rafe.
“She is,” Your father answered for you. “Remember when you said you didn’t trust me to come up with enough money to pay you back for my blow? This is proof that I got it. That I’ll always have it.”
Bile rose up your throat and your heart twisted in your chest. Is this how your dad thought of you? An open wallet? 
Of course it is, you thought. 
Barry nodded, impressed that someone like you came from a man like your father. “Well, take a seat. Can I offer you anything? Beer? Soda? Maybe a whiff?” He pointed to the white line on his clear coffee table.
“No. Thank you.” You said slowly before looking up at your father. “I didn’t bring any cash...”
“Don’t worry sweetheart. I paid out this time - used the check you sent me for my water bill. But now Barry knows he can trust me with his shit - that I wasn’t lying about you.”
“Maybe you can help Country Club pass my shit around. You’ll get a nice discount if you do...and maybe something else,” Barry looked at you suggestively. 
“Don’t scare her off, dude, she just got here.” The other man said. He extended his arm out for you to shake his hand. “I’m Luke Maybank.”
In that moment, it felt like the whole world stopped turning. You stared at the man in front of you, drinking in all his features and matching them to JJ’s. Same blue eyes, sharp jaw line, and a perfect nose. You looked down at his hand as you hesitantly shook it. Dirty, dry, scuffed. You remembered the days and nights that JJ would limp into the Chateau. He would blame it on the Kooks but the details in his story never stuck, like he couldn’t remember them with each person he told.
“Maybank?” You repeated.
“Yeah,” He narrowed his eyes. “Do I know you?”
“I was friends with your son.” Just like that, you went from being nervous to being angry. You hated this man more than you’re own father. JJ didn’t deserve the beatings and the abuse from the man in front of you. He was nothing but a deadbeat dad who didn’t know how good his son really was to him. 
“I would have remembered a pretty face like yours.”
“He never brought me around your house,” You looked at Luke Maybank from his shoes to his face. He was wearing jeans with dirt stains on them, a fitted white tank underneath a grey and blue flannel that was ripped by the cuffs around his wrists. The bags under his eyes were as dark as the bruise on Rafe’s face and his chin was in need of a shave. “Wonder why.” You couldn’t stop the sarcasm that dripped from your tongue.
You wished you could say more, or spit in his face, or kick him where it hurts. You weren’t afraid of what would happen to you, but how he would take it out on JJ if you did.
You looked up at your dad. “I’ll wait in the car.”
You quickly walked out of the house, immediately taking in a deep breath of fresh air. Before you could hide away in the front seat of your car, Rafe called out for you to stop.
You turned, only because you didn’t know what he wanted.
“What?” You said.
“Tell your boys this isn’t over. They’re not going to get away with -”
“I’m sorry. What are you talking about?”
“The Pogues. They sunk Topper’s 2020 Malibu, 24-MXC.”
At least now you have an idea as to where his bruises came from. “Is that suppose to mean something to me?”
Rafe smirked. “I forgot. You’re not a natural born Kook.”
“And yet you and I are standing in the same douchebag’s yard. What a coincidence.”
Rafe sneered at you. If this were a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his ears. “Just tell them.”
When Rafe turned to walk back into Barry’s home, you called out to him. “How do you know it was them?” Rafe turned around. “What’s your proof?” He didn’t answer immediately, and you watched him wrack his brain for some bullshit lie, which gave you all the answers you needed. “I’m guessing there isn’t any but you think it was them because you gave them a good reason to sink Topper’s 2020 Mailbu, 24-MXC. A boat I know is the finest wake setter and number one in luxury, quality, and performance.” The only reason you knew that was because JJ would say it every time Topper and Sarah would cruise by you on the HMS Pogue, and the look on Rafe’s face made it worth every second having to listen to JJ repeat that almost every week.
If Rafe wanted to respond, he couldn’t, because your dad was now walking towards you with a mean mug on his face.
Before you could say anything, the back of your dad’s hand whipped you across the face. His wedding ring, the one he refused to take off for eighteen years, caught on the corner of your mouth, splitting your bottom lip.
Rafe jumped back, startled, and you bit back a scream. Your thumb skimmed over your lip, blood coating your finger. 
“Don’t embarrass me like that again. Got it?” You dad glared down at you.
“Sir...” Rafe’s voice shook with unease. If you weren’t silently shaking with shame, you would have been surprised that Rafe even said anything at all. 
“Trust me, kid. You don’t wanna get in between a quarrel between a dad and their kid,” Luke Maybank smirked as he made his way to his own truck that was parked in front of yours. 
You glared at the back window of the car, now shaking with both shame and anger. You knew there was nothing else you could do to change the way Luke treated his son. You knew you couldn’t stop him from hurting JJ. 
But it shouldn’t matter. Because JJ wasn’t your problem anymore.
The next morning your mom made you run her errands for her. A trip to the Cleaners to pick up Andrew’s suits, the pet store for dog food and treats, and lastly to Heyward's because, according to Gracie, he sells the best hot dogs she’s ever had. 
You were trembling with nerves as you stalked through the aisles. You kept your head down, focusing on finding everything on your mother’s list as quickly as possible so you could get the hell out of there. When you went to check out, Mr. Heyward studied you but didn’t say anything. Lord knows what Pope told him. You wouldn’t be surprised if he charged you extra just to make a point. 
“Thank you,” You said as he handed you the brown paper bag. 
He nodded silently. 
As you walked out of the store, you’re faced with three out of your four friends that you dreaded seeing. They were huddled together, whispering and bickering about something. When they heard the bell above the door chime, they all looked up at you. The four of you stood there like you had all just gone brain dead. Your mouth dried up and you forgot how to speak. 
Pope looked surprised to see you, like a ghost he wasn’t expecting to see. Kie looked glum, and you remembered your last conversation. You didn’t know what you were now. You couldn’t read JJ’s expression. His eyes are casted down on your face. He was staring at your lips. Your beautiful soft pink lips he’s dreamt about kissing for years. Now they were tainted and he was dying to know how, so he could wrap his hands around that bastard’s neck and set him straight. 
“Hi...” You said softly. You didn’t know what else to say. 
No one else had a chance to speak because the piercing noise of a police siren cut through the awkward tension. Officer Shoupe got out of his car and started approaching Pope of all people. 
"Morning Officer,” Pope said nervously.
Shoupe acted like he didn’t hear him. “I have an arrest warrant for felony of destruction of property.”
You instantly thought back to what Rafe said to you yesterday. Topper’s boat. How they’re not going to get away with it. 
You watched Shoupe with wide eyes as he told Pope to put his hands up. “Hands where I can see them.” Kie tried blocking Shoupe from getting any closer to Pope. “Young lady, out of my way.”
Heyward walked out of his shop when he heard the commotion. “You arresting my boy?”
Shoupe didn’t answer and forcefully pulled Pope’s hands behind his back. 
“Be careful!” Kie screamed at him. 
Everyone started screaming at Shoupe, trying to get him away from the boy who didn’t deserve this. Pope had a future ahead of him. One that didn’t involve relying on his parents money to get. He was a hard worker, stayed out of trouble, and even had a scholarship interview in a couple weeks that will be his one way ticket off this island. He couldn’t go to jail. It would ruin him. 
Your head started ringing as the people in front of you moved in slow motion. Rafe’s words repeated in your head - more importantly the words he didn’t say. He hesitated when you asked how they knew it was your friends. Because he didn’t know for sure. 
“Stop!” You screamed louder than anyone else, causing everyone to pause in their movements. Your friends looked at you with wide eyes and Shoupe narrowed his in suspicion. “Pope didn’t do it.” You couldn’t stop yourself from doing what you were about to do, but you knew it was better than Pope getting pushed down to the station. “I did it.”
“Y/N...” JJ started to say softly, but you cut him off. 
“You’re here for the Thornton’s sunken boat, right?” You continued, knowing that if you proved with some details that you were there, Shoupe would have no choice but to take you instead of Pope. “Pope didn’t do it. He wasn’t even with me when I did it.”
Shoupe shook his head. “Y/N, you don’t want to cover for -”
“I’m not covering. I was sick and tired of Topper and his friends always taking advantage of my friends, who do nothing but work their asses off to make sure families like mine can prop their perfectly painted toes up on some beach chairs and do nothing but lay in the sun all day. So I hit Topper where it hurt with something so replaceable as a boat because I know money is all that matters to that family.”
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing?” JJ said through clenched teeth. 
You shrugged. “What? I’m just telling the truth.” You took a deep breath and glanced at JJ one last time before focusing back on Shoupe. “You know my dad, Shoupe. And you know I’m not talking about Andrew. I mean, my real dad.” 
You tried to act like you didn’t just spill your biggest secret to really sell your story. You pretended like the eyes of all your friends weren’t burning holes in your head. 
Shoupe used to be the officer that would frequently visit your home when you lived with your dad. Neighbors would call the cops on your family a lot because the screaming got to be too much. Without your mom pressing charges, there was nothing he could do. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I know your dad,” Shoupe said softly, like he felt sorry for you that he knew exactly what you were talking about. 
“I guess I inherited his temper.”
“What?” Kie’s voice broke and tears started cascading down her cheeks. You forced yourself not to look at her. 
“I know you don’t have any proof that Pope did it. There’s no cameras posted around the Thornton’s dock.” You knew that because Sarah made you hang out with their friends a couple of times on that boat. “And there were no witnesses.” You were banking on Rafe’s reaction for this one. “So I’m guessing the Thornton’s, most likely the Mrs., paid you or something to make the arrest. But I don’t think the Sheriff would appreciate you taking someone who you have no evidence against in instead of someone confessing to the crime right to your face.”
You didn’t blink when you stared Officer Shoupe down, challenging him to go against you and fight his way to Pope. But both of you knew he couldn’t take Pope after this. 
“Is this true?” Shoupe looked at Pope.
“Yes -”
“Not you! I’m asking Pope,” Shoupe snapped, glaring at you. You knew you just ruined his entire day. 
Pope looked at you for some kind of answer. You tried subtly nodding your head, telling him it’s okay to agree. You wanted him to say it was true. 
You didn’t know what was coming next for you, but you knew you could handle it. You didn’t know if Pope could.
“Yes, sir,” Pope said.
JJ felt like he was punched in the gut. He didn’t want Pope to go to jail, but he sure as hell didn’t want you going there either. He wanted to tell you he was sorry, that he was an idiot, that he tried not to love you but failed. He knew he treated you like shit and he pushed you away. Yet here you were, still taking bullets for each of them. 
Shoupe nodded and began reading your Miranda Rights. You handed Heyward your groceries and said, “I’ll have someone pick these up.”
“Wait!” JJ tried calling out to you as Shoupe helped you into the back seat of his car. “Wait! No!”
You kept your head down as Shoupe drove away, only looking up when you knew you were at least a mile away from your friends. 
As Shoupe closed the door to a room where you were to wait to be interrogated, you smiled to yourself. Your mom was going to be pissed, you were about to get in a shit load of trouble, and the Pogues still may never talk to you again, but you knew you just saved Pope’s entire future - the one he deserved more than anything. 
And you were proud of yourself for that.
Of course Mrs. Thornton didn’t want you to go to jail. She wanted about $30,000 of restitution money to make up for it. You rolled your eyes when you heard that. All that family cares about is money. You knew she probably didn’t even care about the boat in the first place. 
Your mom screamed at you the entire ride back to your house. She took your phone and TV away and threatened to homeschool you for the next school year. Your mom was strict but her punishments never lasted long. She usually caved somewhere in the first week. You think its because she thinks your childhood was punishment enough and that behavior like this was to be expected because of it. You tried not to get that mentality stuck in your head, but sometimes you could get yourself into some trouble here and there. 
Another part of your punishment was to do the yard work around the house. Andrew had already written you a list by the time your mom forced you to wake up at 6 a.m.
You couldn’t even be mad at the punishment. Mulching the yard was the least you could do. Andrew even planned on paying the Thornton’s back if you worked for him for free the rest of the summer. 
It was about mid morning when a car pulled up your driveway. You felt like the wind was just knocked out of you when you noticed the junky Volkswagen van park. 
JJ hopped out of the Twinkie and walked in your direction. You didn’t know what to do. Were you supposed to say hi and pretend like nothing ever happened between you two? Would you go back to bickering? You looked down at your body and was mortified at what you were wearing. Although it was only some black leggings and a white tank top, you were covered in dirt and sweat, and reeked of cow manure, which you knew was what mulch was made out of. 
You tried pushing away the butterflies that swarmed your stomach when JJ stood next to you. You turned to look at him, unsure of what to say. You hated that he had this effect on you. Usually you were quick witted and were able force any kind of small talk. I mean, you were a Kook now after all. But this felt different. You didn’t want to have small talk with JJ. You wanted to really know him. His past, his now, his future. You didn’t want to be tongue tied. 
“Hey,” He said softly.
“Hi,” You wiped the sweat off your forehead with the back of your gloved hand. You glanced back at the van, waiting for one of your other friends to appear. “What are you doing here?”
“You weren't answering your phone and I got worried,” JJ sheepishly tucked his hand in his pockets and had a hard time of meeting your eyes. 
Ever since you mentioned a dad with a bad temper, JJ couldn’t stop thinking the worst for you. When you weren’t answering your phone, he wondered if he had done something to hurt you. The thought made him so sick with anxiety, he drove to your house to make sure you were all right.
“Yeah, my mom took my phone away. Turns out she doesn’t like it when her daughter gets arrested.” You tried to joke. “Why were you worried?”
JJ finally looked at you again. “What happened to your lip?”
You coughed from the unexpected question. You reactively bit your bottom lip and looked away. “I uh, fell on Sarah’s boat the other day.”
“Y/N...” JJ said softly and touched your elbow to make you look at him. 
“What, JJ?” You snapped, turning to look at him with a glare. He probably put two and two together the second you mentioned your dad yesterday in front of him. Just like you did when you met Luke Maybank. You hated that you had this in common with the blonde Pogue, but you also knew he could be someone you could confide in, which is something you never had. “Why do you care? Just because you know about my dad now doesn’t make us friends.”
“I was wrong, okay? I was wrong about you, Y/N.”
You scoffed, “I have an asshole for a dad, JJ. Nothing else has changed.”
“I was the biggest dick to you. You tried every day to be my friend and I pushed you away. And I’m sorry. The truth is, I don’t like change and I don’t trust people because my dad -” JJ paused and looked away towards the road, unable to meet your eyes. 
“Because your dad’s just like my dad,” You said, making his head snap back to you. “I met your dad the other. It turns out they have the same drug dealer.”
“You met my dad?” JJ’s eyes went wide.
“Did you...”
“I didn’t say anything other than how we use to be friends. But trust me, there was a hell of a lot more I wanted to say.”
JJ nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. “Listen, you were right. I didn’t take the chance to get to know you because I was afraid that I would like you a lot more than I wanted to, and then you would realize you were too good for us...for me. So I pushed you away. I tried hating you so you would hate me too. But truth is, I never hated you. I could never hate you. You’re smart, funny, kind, beautiful...” Your eyes flickered up to meet his and you noticed a pink hue running up his neck, which probably matched the one on your cheeks. “I’ve always thought that. And I don’t care about where you came from. You could have been born and raised a Kook or you could have been homeless your entire life. Nothing could ever change my opinion of you. I like you, Y/N. And I miss you. The Pogues miss you and they hate me and I hate me too because I drove you away. And I’m so sorry.”
You couldn’t tell if this was a dream or not, but you weren’t going to mess this up, even if it was a dream. Because JJ was standing in front of you, telling you he missed you and that he wanted you back with him and his friends, and you’d be a fool not to take him up on that because you missed them too and you were miserable without them.
“I miss you too, JJ.”
JJ smile grew wide at your words and for a second, you thought he was going to jump up and down and cheer. “Really? You don’t hate me?”
You shook your head. “I never hated you, JJ. I never could.”
“You should.”
“No. I shouldn’t. I get why you didn’t want me around. I’m a Kook now and I was being shady when I tried hiding my dad from the rest of you. You were just protecting your friends.”
“Turned out they weren’t the ones who needed protecting,” JJ said softly.
You shook your head. “I don’t need protecting.”
“Why do you still see him if you live here now?”
“It’s complicated.”
JJ reluctantly nodded. He hated that this was a part of your life he couldn't exert himself into just yet. He had to earn that. He needed you to trust him first before you let him into such a vulnerable part of your life. But he understood that. He understood that more than anybody. 
But he was going to make sure John B kept his eyes on you. JJ knew you two were close.
“I won’t push you to tell me. But you can talk to me about it. I won’t judge you.”
“Thanks, JJ,” You said graciously. People say that all the time. You can talk to me. For the most part you never believe them. You think its just something people say to make them sound sincere. But with JJ it was different. You believed every word.
“Just promise me if you see him again to take someone with you. Like John B or something.”
“Okay,” You said. You didn’t know if you meant it because all you could think about was that JJ cared enough about you to be worried. 
“Okay...” JJ said awkwardly. “So we’re good? Friends?”
Your heart cracked at the ‘F’ word but you knew you were crazy to hope for anything else. You were lucky enough to even get called a friend. You bit down on your bottom lip as your grinned and nodded. “Friends.”
“Good,” JJ nodded. “So, I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you soon.”
“Okay...” JJ clapped his hands in front of him nervously. “Good. Then I’m just gonna...”
“Yeah, I should probably get back to...” You pointed back to the mulch.
“Bye, Sassy.”
You turned back to the mulch in your wheelbarrow and bit back the urge to squeal in delight, at least until the van pulled out of your driveway again. 
“Actually you know what?” JJ said, making you turn around. He was walking back over to you with a determined look on his face. “Screw friends.” 
“What -”
Before you could process what was happening, JJ cupped your cheeks and smashed his lips against yours. You instantly kissed him back and pulled him closer to you by fisting your hands into his shirt. The butterflies in your body transformed into a stampeded and your heart was hammering against your rib cage. 
You’ve kissed so many other guys before, but this one felt different. There was a passion behind this one - a meaning that felt so deep it could only be explained through actions. Kissing JJ felt right, like you had done this hundreds of times before. 
JJ pulled away first and rested his forehead against yours, his eyes trained on your swollen lips. His breath hit your face and your legs went weak in the knees. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for about two years.” He said.
“What took you so long?” You said, your eye lashes fluttered up to look at him.
“I didn’t know what I had until it was gone,” JJ said, looking up at you. He pulled away to look you in the eyes. “I love you, Y/N. And I understand if you don’t feel the same way but - “
You pulled him in for another kiss as fireworks exploded in your head. You didn’t want to let go of this moment. You couldn't believe that everything you wanted was happening.
“I love you too.”
JJ’s eyes lit up like lights on a Christmas tree as did his smile that widened with each second. He picked you up by your waist and spun you around. You giggled above him and beamed down at him. You’ve never felt this happy in your entire life.
When he set you down, he kissed you again. “Say it again.”
You pulled him in close enough for your faces to be nose to nose. “I. Love. You. JJ Maybank.”
JJ shook his head and chuckled. “Unbelievable.”
He kissed you again, and you didn’t care if you didn’t get the yard work done in time because you fulfilled your duty as a Kook. You officially have everything you could ever want. 
And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tags: @allycat449-blog @zarahsloves
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Say It- l.r.h
Word count: 1386
It had been a long day of classes, exams, and stress about the holidays. I had made up some poor excuse as to why I wouldn’t be home for Thanksgiving break to my mom. She believed it, but the only reason I wanted to stay on campus was because of Luke. It was my sophomore year of college and I had met Luke as a Freshmen. As soon as we began dating, he had helped me experience the things I never did in high school- including my first time. 
He had been sweet throughout our relationship; taking me out for dinner, introducing me to his friends/family, and letting me sleep with him at the frat as being in the dormitories can be lonely without a roommate. We took things slow at first. After a while, we did anything any other person in a relationship would do. We had sex.. a lot. Like I’m talking on the couch, the counter, in the shower, on the floor- you name it. But every time there was something to do with school, I had to put those things on hold. I’d drink with him during their frat parties, and smoke with him when he wanted, but school always came first and eventually he stopped asking and let me keep up with my work. This week happened to be one of those times.
Today I was supposed to be going over to the frat house in order to help him study for his last exam tomorrow. It was only noon and he still hasn’t answered a single one of my texts or calls, so I made my way over to the fraternity to see if he had possibly fallen asleep. I walked into the house and it was eerily quiet. I tip toed up the stairs and finally stood outside of his room. Once turning the knob to let myself in, I was indeed met with a sleeping Luke snuggled under his comforter. Instead of bugging him, I sighed and placed my bookbag down and shut the door behind me. I kicked off my shoes and silently got in bed with him, the coolness of the sheets instantly calming any previous stress I was feeling throughout the day. My eyes fluttered shut, but opened once I felt Luke’s arm snake around my torso. 
“You fell asleep,” I said, stating the obvious.
“And now I have you in my bed.” He mumbled, his voice raspy from the nap he just woke up from.
“Was that your plan all along?” He hummed in response causing me to sigh. “You have to pass your exam to-” Before I could say anything more, his large hand slapped over my moving lips. 
“I’m stressed, El.” He whined. My mind immediately went to the first thing to remove his stress. I moved his hand away from my mouth and chewed on the inside of my cheek.
“We could always...”
Luke’s eyes opened with surprise as a smirk began to crawl onto his face. “You mean..?”
“Yes, I-” Without another second of hesitation, I was instantly pinned under the blonde boy who had a shit eating grin on his face. My hand reached up and balled a fist into his shirt before pulling him down to meet my lips in a heated kiss. 
After that, we got straight to it. His hands explored every inch of my top half before they began to take off articles of clothing. I lifted myself from the bed so he could unlatch my bra and toss that across the room along with the shirt and hoodie he also took off me. I yanked his t-shirt up and over his head to the floor as well. I could feel how hard he was against my thigh as he leaned down to begin his trail of hickies down my collarbone while also pulling his sweats off. Butterflies corralled my stomach as he did so causing my hands to reach up into his blonde locks in order to occupy them. Luke pressed against me to gain some sort of friction between us, and I just couldn’t take it anymore.
“Okay, okay,” I breathed out causing him to stop.
“What’s the matter?”
“Please, just- do something.  I want to feel you so bad, Luke.”
Without hesitation, he reached over into the nightstand next to the bed and pulled out a condom. I pulled down my leggings in a hurry and tossed them off the bed as well. He pulled the condom over his length and laughed to himself. “God, I love it when you beg for it.” He reached a hand down to cup my jaw, forcing my face upwards as he roughly pressed his lips to mine. I gasped once I felt him slide past my entrance smoothly, letting me adjust to it. Relaxing my body, I ran my nails along his back as he sped up his pace. 
Luke grabbed the back of my thigh with the flat of his palm and pushed it up towards the headboard to get a better angle. I let out a loud moan which only led to him wrapping a veiny hand around my throat. “Luke~” I yelled, my nails feeling the skin of his back beginning to get raw. 
He slowed down the pace of his thrusts until he pulled out. I felt a sudden urge to pull him back in, but I trusted what he was doing. Luke sat up on his knees and backed up a little bit. “Turn around for me, babe.”
“Okay,” I mumbled, but did as told. I arched my back slightly and dug my elbows into the mattress. Two large hands held onto my hips as he entered me once again. An erotic groan erupted from his throat as he did so and snatched his hips into mine. A loud slap played through the room as his palm met the skin of my ass. I fell forward into the pillows, but he pulled me back up so that my back was against his chest while he thrusted deep inside of me. My head lulled back against his shoulder as he did so. 
“Talk to me, baby. Tell me how much you love me inside of you.” He growled next to my ear. It almost drew me to the edge, but I held back. His thrust changed pattern and I let out a loud moan. His chuckle soon followed before he pushed me back down against the mattress. Luke’s fingers came around and played at the sensitive bud between my legs inching me closer to my climax. 
“Alright, now say it.”
I paused, my eyes opening from their clenched state. My head turned to the side and I watched as he raised his eyebrows in anticipation. “Say what?”
“You know what I’m talking about, Ellie.” He threateningly slowed his thrusts causing my brain to go fuzzy. I had called him it once before, but it slipped. There was no other way to explain how I felt in the moment so I gave him a little nickname, no biggie. 
“Luke, baby, please.” I begged. It seemed embarrassing to even bring it up, that I had a kink, and that he liked it. 
“I’ll stop.” He said, suddenly pausing his movements. I was too close to the edge to let it happen.
“Okay fine, fine.” I breathed out. While one hand drew me close to my high, the other one pressed against my back in order to lower my body. It was the same position that got me to the biggest orgasm I’d ever experienced, and it was about to happen again. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and my mouth fell in an ‘o.’
“Say it, angel.” He grunted, growing close himself.
“Fuck, daddy, please make me cum!” I screamed out as I fell over the edge, a shaking orgasm taking over my body in that moment. Luke collapsed over me, his hand gripping the headboard until his knuckles grew white as he rode out his high as well. 
Once we felt as though we had finished all the way, we both rolled onto our backs with a long breath following. “Jesus Christ, I love you.” Luke says before his lips connect with the bare skin of my shoulder. I smile at his words and lean my head against his arm.
“Now I’m ready for a nap.”
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Seasons of PD: Season 2: Will’s Back...and There’s a Bomb (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
Your age: 14
Jay's age: 28
Will's age: 30
"Spoke to Dad," Will said to Jay as the two brothers were sat in Jay's apartment sipping their respective beers. "Said you two barely talk. Said if it wasn't for Y/N, you probably wouldn't see him at all."
"I mean, he's not wrong." Jay shrugged.
"Care to elaborate on that?"
"Not really, but you should've been here. You should've been home. Mom was dyin'. You were off partyin'."
"You left," Will said as he set his beer down and leaned forward on the couch.
"I left to fight a war. I came home. And you know why that was?" he asked rhetorically. "It was because my humvee hit an IED and me and Mouse were the only two who survived! And because Mom was sick! I came back for Mom and I came back traumatized! Nothing bad even happened to you in New York and you left two fucking days after her funeral, man!"
Luckily Will hadn't been holding his beer or he would've dropped it right then and there. "Jay, I- I never knew it was so hard for you to come Stateside again."
"Forget it. You weren't there then, what makes me think you're gonna be here now? You're probably taking off in another few days anyway, am I right? Not even gonna go see Y/N? Even though she always wants help on her math homework from you and you don't even have the decency to answer her phone calls!"
"I'm sorry that I don't have my phone on me when I'm performing surgeries, Jay!"
Jay's phone rang, stopping the argument in its tracks. "Speak of the devil," Jay mumbled and then answered the call. "Hey, Y/N, what's up?"
"I don't understand this stupid homework," you groaned from your desk in your bedroom at home. "Why do I even need to know the equation of a line, anyway? It's not like I'm even gonna use it in life anyway."
"Y/N, like I've told you numerous times, I can help you if it's a single variable problem, but anything more than that, I forgot how to do it. Not really helping your teacher's case for actually using this in life, am I?"
"Yeah, not at all. I guess I'll just try and call Will...he's not gonna answer anyway, but I guess it's worth a shot."
"Wait, how about you FaceTime me?" Jay suggested.
"Why? You already admitted that you can't help me."
"Just do it."
"Okay, gimme a few minutes. I gotta switch devices."
"Oh yeah. You don't have an iPhone yet, only an iPod and a slide phone. Sucks to be you."
"Well, I'm sorry that I don't have a grown-up job and can buy my own stuff, Jay."
"And with buying your own stuff and having a grown-up job comes bills. So, be glad you can't legally work yet."
You rolled your eyes. "I'll call you back in a few minutes. And, whatever this is, better be able to help me with this homework since math is my first class tomorrow."
"It'll help. I promise."
"Hmmm, sure." Then, you hung up and switched to your iPod, and hit the FaceTime icon.
"You look like- you look tired," Jay said when he accepted the FaceTime call. He almost said that you looked like hell, but he figured he shouldn't say that.
"Thanks," you replied sarcastically. "You would be, too, if you've been staring at the same problem on your homework for the past hour."
"What's the equation you have to work with?" Jay asked.
"Y=mx+b," you answered.
"Yeah, vaguely remember that. Don't know what it means, just remember hearing it a bunch. Will, you know what that equation is and how to do it?"
"Will's at your house? I thought he wasn't getting back for another week."
"I thought so, too. And then I got called to a bar today because he was being stupid--"
"Hey, I was not stupid!" Will protested.
"Fine. He was being dumb and tried to break up a fight. And, now I think he's got a job at Chicago Med because he got fired in New York--"
"Y/N," Will butted in, "you said you needed help with your homework?"
"Jay, can you please give me the phone so I can help our little sister with her homework please?"
"Uh, fine. She'll know why you left New York eventually," Jay said as he passed his phone to his older brother.
"Eventually. But not tonight." He turned to Jay. "Can you get me a piece of paper? I'd grab it but I have no idea where you keep stuff in this little bachelor pad of yours."
"Like you didn't snoop through my stuff when I was at work," Jay joked and stood up to get Will a piece of paper.
"Y/N, for Christmas I'm getting you a subscription to Chegg so you don't need to call me for this."
"I'm holding you to that one."
God, I hate running on the track. It's literally just running in circles and seeing the same things over and over, no variety in the scenery whatsoever. I wish I could run with Emma, but she's way faster than me, so she's ahead of me by like one or two laps. Uh, this song sucks! I gotta skip--
"Run lockdown! Run lockdown!"
What? Run lockdown? What is the high school cross country coach talking about? Maybe it's just something that the high schoolers have to do for their drills because I sure have never heard of that one.
But then, you saw Emma jogging toward the bathrooms a few yards away from the track.
What the hell?
You ran towards the bathrooms a few yards away from the track and didn't stop until you'd caught up with Emma. "What's going on?"
"No idea. Something about a lockdown."
Once all of you and your coach, Mrs. Rivers, were safely in the bathroom with the door locked, did you get any closure about what was going on.
"There's been a bomb threat."
"What? A bomb threat?"
"So we can't leave?"
"Girls, I need you to be quiet, okay? The police are looking into it, but for now, the campus is on lockdown and we can't leave here until I get the all-clear. The school's already notified parents, so if someone else is picking you up today other than your parents, you need to call them. Just ask and you can use my phone. Everything's going to be okay, though. We have nothing to worry about. We just need to sit tight until I'm told we can leave." Her phone buzzed and you all held your breath. "Looks like Miss G got stuck in the boys' bathroom with all the stinky football boys."
"What if we walk home?" you asked quietly.
"If you walk home, a parent or someone else will have to pick you up since they don't want anybody walking home because, as of right now, they have no idea who did this."
"How's your brother doing?" Erin asked as she and Jay were standing around the coffee pot in the break room.
"Pretty sure he's going to quit the new job he just got at Med even though it's his first day," Jay answered.
"What? He got a job at Med?"
"Yeah. Apparently, they were looking for ER docs and he got the job. But, for some reason, now he wants to quit. And, he was late today. Decided to bitch to me about only having almond milk and not having any regular milk in my fridge. Like, dude, you're staying with me. You can deal with a bit of almond milk."
"I don't blame him," Erin laughed. "Almond milk is disgusting."
"But it's better for you...and cheaper."
"Of course that's your reason for getting it."
"Halstead!" Antonio yelled. "Your phone's been ringing off the hook for the last minute. I think it's important."
"Be right there!" Jay quickly poured himself a cup of coffee and then rushed over to his desk.
"Shit," he muttered.
"Who was it?" Erin asked as she emerged from the breakroom, holding her own cup of coffee.
"Y/N," he answered as he fiddled with his phone. "Called me three times in the past minute."
"Any idea what it's about?"
"No, but I'm about to find out."
"Jay!" you whisper-yelled from the other end of the line.
"Y/N, what's wrong? Why are you calling me so much? Are you sick? Do you need me to--"
"There's a bomb."
Jay almost dropped his phone. "A bomb? Are you sure?"
At the mention of a bomb, everyone's heads snapped towards him.
"Yeah, we're hiding out in the bathrooms near the football field right now until they get the all-clear," you told him. "But, they can't let people walk home from school today and Dad's not answering and it's Will's first day, so I was wondering if you could pick me up?"
"Yeah, yeah, I can do that. Do you mind if I put you on speaker for a quick second?"
"Why? I'm fine Jay, really. Just needed to know if you can pick me up."
Innocent fourteen-year-olds, Jay thought to himself. Of course, she just called to pick to see if you'd pick her up. She hasn't grasped the gravity of the situation, and she's probably thinking that this is just another story to tell. Not that if there's actually a bomb at her school that she could be dead any second if it goes off.
"You're sure you don't want me to stay on the phone with you?"
"You can go."
"Okay. Just, listen to the adult that's in there with you, okay?"
"Okay, okay. Bye."
"Bye I love--" He was cut off by the beep which signaled that you had hung up. "--you."
"What's going on? A bomb?" Erin asked, but Jay was already making his way down the stairs.
"Sarge!" Jay yelled as he made his way to the front desk.
"Well, hello to you too, Chuckles. If you're looking for Voight, he's just meeting with a CI and should back soon," Platt told him.
"Sargeant, all due respect, I don't give a damn about Voight right now. I just need to know if you have any idea about the bomb threat at Central Chicago's high school and middle school campuses?"
"I know that they sent someone from bomb squad and some patrolmen over there to see if there's anyone who seems suspicious--"
"Why wasn't Intelligence notified?"
Platt's jaw dropped and she stared at Jay for a second before speaking. "Because last I checked, detective, those schools weren't in our district--"
Jay slammed his hand down on the desk. "Jay," Erin said and grabbed her partner's arm. "I need you to calm down for a second, okay?"
"I don't need to calm down, Erin," Jay spat. "I have every reason--"
"I understand, but being pissed at Platt here isn't going to fix anything. Go back upstairs and I'll be there in a second."
Jay ripped his arm from Erin's grip and stalked upstairs, not without slamming the gate when he was safely inside the Intelligence Unit's area of the 21st District.
"What's his deal?" Platt asked. "I have half a mind to write him up for insubordination for that little scene he just caused."
"Sarge," Erin started, "the school that called in the bomb threat, that's the school Y/N goes to, Jay's little sister."
"What? I thought that only elementary school kids were at school right now?"
"That's true unless there are sports practices."
"And Y/N's in a sport, so she's at school right now." Platt put the pieces together.
"Yeah. And, I know that family isn't supposed to work cases, but could you maybe make an--"
"Erin, go grab Halstead and Dawson, get down to the school. I'll send the information upstairs to Atwater and Ruzek and they can see what they can get. I'll also call Voight and tell him to meet you there."
"Thank you, Sargeant!"
Erin jogged upstairs and into the bullpen. "Jay, Antonio, we're heading to the school! Kev and Adam, Platt said that you're working the case from up here. Voight will meet us there."
"Copy that," Kevin answered.
Jay holstered his gun and was halfway down the stairs before Kevin even finished his sentence.
"Kev, what do we know?" Jay asked as they were driving over to your school.
"Uh, I pulled footage from the high school's office and apparently an unknown dude walked in, asked a question, and then walked out all in the span of less than a minute," he answered.
"Can you run facial rec?"
"Nah, not a good enough angle."
"Dude looks Indian or Middle-Eastern to me. He's got short, black hair. Some stubble, not a ton, but it's enough that you can see it even with the bad angle I got. He's kinda chubby, too. Wearing a tan jacket. That's all I got."
"Thanks, man. That helps. Anything from bomb squad?"
"They haven't located a bomb yet, so I guess that's a good sign, right?"
"It is if there's no bomb," Jay replied. "But, just because they haven't found it, doesn't mean there's not a bomb. Whoever the hell did this could've just hid it really well or do whatever a psycho does when they want to blow up a school full of kids."
Jay relayed the information to Erin and Antonio who were also in the car and then hung up his phone. "Any word from Voight or anyone else when I was on the phone?"
"No, you want me to go to the middle school or the high school?" Erin asked.
"Wherever you can get in."
"Jay, we have badges, we can get in anywhere."
"Middle school then. I'm assuming that's where Y/N is."
"Wait!" Jay exclaimed, almost causing Erin to slam on the brakes. "When I was talking to Y/N earlier, she said that she was in the bathrooms near the football field so we need to go to the high school."
"You're sure it's that field? Isn't there a football field at the middle school, too?"
"That's just a shitty practice field," he answered. "Anyway, the high school football field is the only one that has bathrooms near it so that spectators can go to the bathroom when they go to the football games."
"I shouldn't have to tell you this, Jay," Antonio started, "But you can't just burst into the locker rooms and try to get Y/N out of there. No parents are allowed in or out to pick up their kids. And, you're no different. You have to wait for the all-clear to get her out of there."
Jay hated it, but Antonio was right. No matter how much he wanted to get you as far away from this campus as possible, he couldn't until the bomb squad made sure that there wasn't a bomb anywhere near here. If his time in the Rangers had taught him anything, it was that one misstep, and the whole place could get blown up in a nanosecond.
Erin started to pull into the parking lot of the high school near all the cop cars, when one turned on their sirens and pulled in front of them, effectively stopping them from getting any further.
"I know you're worried about your kids," the patrolman said once Erin rolled down her window, "But we can't let anyone in or out until this is all sorted."
"We're not parents." Erin pulled out her badge. "Detectives Lindsay, Dawson, and Halstead from the 21st District's Intelligence Unit."
He looked at the officer next to him. "Desk Sergeant from the 21st said that there'd be some detectives coming." He pushed the button on his radio before anybody could tell him otherwise. "I got the detectives from the 21st here right now."
"Copy," the person on the other end said.
Jay wanted to jump out of the vehicle and strangle that patrolman with his bare hands. "Are you fucking insane?" he yelled.
The one who keyed his radio stepped out of the patrol car, and Jay did the same. "Are you Dawson or Halstead?"
"Halstead. But you, you must be new here because if there is one thing you absolutely do not do when there's even the mention of a bomb is key your radios."
"No offense, detective," the patrolman in the driver's seat started, "but everyone here has been using their radios since we stepped onto this campus."
"There's no bomb," Erin muttered.
They all knew what the patrolman's statement meant: if they had been using their radios the entire time they were here and a bomb hadn't gone off, then there was no bomb to begin with.
Antonio and Erin both stepped out of the car now.
"Who's your sergeant?" Antonio yelled.
"Why? Why do you care?"
"Because of what he just said! You can't key your radios when there might be a bomb, so I think your whole district might need to go back in for a mandatory re-training!"
"I'll call Voight," Erin said.
"Fucking idiots," Jay muttered as he pulled out his phone.
As soon as he was about to dial your number, a call came in from Kevin. "There's no bomb," Jay said as soon as he answered, not even giving Kevin time to tell him anything.
"I mean, yeah, I was callin' to tell you that the bomb squad just declared an all-clear."
"How'd you know before we even got the call here at the district?"
"They were keying their radios the entire time and nothing happened."
"Yeah, that'll do it."
"We should be back at the district soon."
Jay hung up and made his way to the bathrooms.
You were sitting in silence with Emma next to you when a banging was heard coming from outside causing you to jump.
What if that's the bomber and he's got a gun and wants to kill us before the bomb can get to us? It was irrational, yes, but it was still possible.
"Chicago PD! This is the all-clear."
It was as if everyone in the bathroom let out a collective breath at hearing that there was no bomb or that the bomb had been dismantled.
"Alright girls, you heard the man, we are good to go," Mrs. Rivers said. "Let's head back to the middle school so you can grab your stuff and start getting back to your parents. Was everyone able to get ahold of someone to pick them up? Because I can bring people home if necessary."
All of you filed out of the bathrooms and into the crisp fall air. You were barely onto the sidewalk when you got pulled into a bone-crushing hug.
"Who the--" You looked up. "Hi, Jay."
"Oh my God, you're okay. You don't know how worried I was--"
"Jay, I'm fine," you squeaked out. "But please let go. You're crushing me."
"Sorry, sorry," he apologized and then let go, not without looking you over for injuries even though you promised him that you were in fact fine.
"50-21 George, 50-21 Lincoln, 50-21 Frank, and 50-21 Squad, assistance is requested at Chicago Med for a 10-34. Are you able to assist?"
Jay's eyes went wide and his breath caught in his throat.
"Jay? Jay?" you asked. "You gonna answer that?"
"This is 50-21 Lincoln, hold us down on that 10-34 at Chicago Med," Erin's voice said through the radio.
"Halstead! We gotta go now!" Antonio yelled.
"Jay, what's going on? Will's at Med. What's happening?"
"Come with me," Jay said and then started ushering you towards the car.
"Shit," Erin said when she saw you. "Antonio, you wanna go with Voight, and then me and Jay will drop her off at home? We can't exactly bring her with us."
"Yeah, good idea." Antonio turned to you. "Glad you're safe, kid."
You nodded as he jogged off to find Voight. Then, you turned back to Jay. "Why are you going to Med? Whatever it is, I wanna go with you because what if Will's hurt? I wanna go!"
Jay got in the passenger seat without answering you and you got in the backseat. Erin started driving to the middle school so that you could go get your backpack from your locker.
Once inside school and connected to the wifi, you took out your iPod and pulled up google.
What does 10-34 mean?
The answer almost caused you to drop your iPod on the tiled floor.
10-34 is a police radio signal that means that a bomb threat has been called in.
You ran to your locker and with shaking hands, put in the combination. How was Jay so calm? How was he so calm when you were silently freaking out? And, to make matters worse, he got to work the case while you were going to be stuck going home and just waiting to see if Will (and Jay for the matter since he would no doubt be in the vicinity of the blast zone) was safe, just waiting to see if your oldest brother, who you just got back, would make it out of his new workplace alive.
You hustled out of school and then got into the backseat of Erin and Jay's car. "There's a bomb threat at Med?"
"Who told you that?" Erin asked, turning around in her seat.
"I googled what 10-34 meant. Jay, please, I wanna go with you. I don't wanna go home!"
"No! I know you wanna make sure that Will's safe, and I do too, but you gotta understand that it's not safe for you there, Y/N," he pleaded.
"It's not safe for you to be there, either!" you argued.
"Y/N, I know you're scared, but I'm trained for this kind of stuff. You are not."
"Please," you begged as your lip began to tremble. "I-It'd be faster for you to just go to Med from-from here instead of dropping me off at home."
"She's got a point, Jay," Erin said.
"What? No way, Er! There is no way in hell she is going in there with us!"
"She doesn't have to go past the tape with us. Just somewhere close by." Erin turned back to you. "Would that make you feel better, Y/N? Being somewhere close by?"
You nodded as you wiped away a tear.
Jay sighed. "Fine," he relented. "We'll drop you off at Mama Garcia's to get your homework done since it's a half-block away from the hospital."
"Will's okay, right? You checked in with him?" you asked.
"I haven't yet, but I promise you when I do, I will text you. I just need you to stay calm and focus on yourself right now. It's no use worrying about Will when you can't do anything about it."
"That's what Mom used to tell me when I was worried about you when you were in Afghanistan. She always told me that it's no use worrying about it since none of us were there with you."
"See, you gotta trust what Mom always told you, kiddo. She was a smart lady after all."
"Tell me you're not in there," Jay spoke into his phone as he and Erin walked into the police tent-like structure equipped with fancy tech gear outside of Chicago Med's emergency department.
"I am," Will answered, causing Jay's stomach to drop. "Listen, the guy who blew himself up in here, said he had something worse than Ebola."
"What, like he's spreading it since he blew himself up?"
"Yeah, so essentially, every single one of us in here has been in contact with him."
"Who was he?"
"No idea. But do us all a favor and find out."
"Son of a bitch," Jay muttered as he pocketed his phone and entered the tent-like structure where a bunch of people, including the FBI, were sitting at computers.
"Talk to Will?" Erin asked.
"Uh, yeah," Jay answered, "he says he's in there. Apparently whoever the hell blew himself up in there was infected with something that he said was worse than Ebola."
"So if these people get out before we figure out what it is and if it's treatable, we could have an epidemic on our hands?"
"Exactly. Damn, Er. With that mind of yours, you should've gone to med school."
"Very funny, Halstead. You're looking at someone who barely graduated high school and didn't even go to the academy because being in the back of cop cars on the eastside for half my childhood was more than enough experience to qualify me for this job right here."
"I'm gonna start making some calls." Jay turned his attention back to the situation at hand. "Apparently traffic was a mess earlier and Voight and Antonio got called to headquarters to brief some higher-ups about this."
"Fat chance of them knowing anything right now. They've gotta just be trying to keep all the info away from the press." Erin's phone rang. "Speak of the devil."
"I'll call HQ and try to get some more back up to control the situation," Jay said to no one in particular.
You kept fiddling with your slide phone, just opening and closing it as you tried--and failed--to focus on your homework as you sat in one of the far back booths at Mama Gracia's. The news was of course playing on the tv in front of you and all the headlines were about what was happening at Med.
"Again we have word of an event at Chicago Med," the news anchor read from her script. "The CFD was able to contain the victims to the ER, but Ebola was mentioned."
Ebola? That was the disease that wreaked havoc on Africa last year.
You knew Will was a doctor and that he was smart, but if he became infected and it was in fact Ebola, what if he died? What if, since Jay was close to Med that he somehow became infected and he died, too? What if you lost both your big brothers in the same amount of time because of some psychopath who decided it was a good idea to blow himself up and put innocent people--innocent first responders--in danger.
"Ay, cariña. ¿A dónde vayas?" Mama Garcia asked as you stood up and made your way to the door, intent on exiting the small restaurant.
"¿Qúe? No entiendo," you answered. You had started taking Spanish this year, so you only understood one word of what she had said to you.
"Sorry, honey. Where are you going? Your brother said to make sure you stayed here."
You and Jay were both pretty close with Mama Garcia. Seeing as it was very close to Med, when your mom had been hospitalized for cancer years ago, you'd always come in here to get dinner. It was here that Mama Garcia had taught you all the words of the toppings that one could put on their tamales, tacos, or burritos, shocking your Spanish teacher when you told her you could tell her in Spanish exactly what you would put on your tamale when you learned about food in class.
"I'm just going for a walk," you answered. "I need some fresh air."
"Okay, don't go far," she warned.
Once out the door, you breathed a sigh of relief and started to walk towards Chicago Med.
When you got close enough, you saw a big white tent and a bunch of fire trucks. You crept to the side and started walking around the side of the building, where there were barely any people and only one cop to keep people at bay. You smiled at him and watched the scene in front of you.
You had seen of those firefighters before on a rare day that you were at the district waiting for Jay and one of them had to walk the firehouse dog, Pouch. He was super cute and all the firefighters were really nice and let you pet him!
"What is it Casey?" a deep voice bellowed.
You knew Casey! Well, you knew of him at least. He was the one that Hermann always said would write him up if he was gone too long with Pouch, so that was always the excuse he gave you when he had to leave the district to go back to the firehouse.
You couldn't hear what Casey said on the other end, but you could hear whoever this guy was talking to Casey. "Okay, we're gonna need to get some CO2 extinguishers inside."
"You mean you're out of fire extinguishers?" a woman next to the firefighters asked.
"Afraid so."
You turned on your heels and sprinted back towards Mama Garcia's. You were a girl on a mission.
"Mama Garcia! Mama Garcia!" you shouted as soon as you were inside.
"Y/N, ¿Qúe pasa?" she asked as she stuck her head out of the kitchen where she was preparing a bunch of batches of tamales.
"They're out of fire extinguishers at the hospital, do you have any that I can bring over there?"
"You are just like your brother," she said, "super sneaky."
"When you live with older brothers and have to steal their Halloween candy, you learn how to be sneaky, Mama Garcia," you joked.
"I'm not even gonna ask how you know this. There's one fire extinguisher back by the bathrooms and I've got two back here I can give you. Esperes un minuto."
You went and grabbed the fire extinguisher from the spot where it was stored in the back by the bathrooms and waited for Mama Garcia to come out with the other two.
"Thank you!" you exclaimed as you took the big bag from her which contained the two other ones. She had put them in a bag for you since they were super heavy.
You slung the bag over your shoulder and carried the other one in your hand. You knew you couldn't run because these were really heavy, but you knew you had to get to Med to help them. Both your brothers were there! And you'd get there, even if it was a lot slower than you had originally planned when you formulated this plan when you were sprinting back to the restaurant five minutes ago.
"Is there a detective Halstead here?" a patrolman walked into the tent-like structure and asked.
"That'd be me," Jay answered as he raised his hand and turned away from the computer screen he had been looking at.
"There's a girl outside, Y/N I think she said her name was. Said you're her brother and that she's looking for you. Said she might be able to help."
Jay turned to Erin. "Go," she urged him.
Jay followed the patrol officer to where you were standing and to say he didn't look happy would be an understatement.
"I thought I told you to stay at Mama Garcia's!" he yelled over the crowd of people and the firefighters shouting out orders to each other. "It's dangerous for you here!"
"I know and I'm sorry! But, I came here to see if Will was outside, and I heard that one firefighter talking into his radio thingy, and then the lady next to him said that they were out of fire extinguishers."
Jay crossed his arms in front of his chest. He was not impressed.
"So I ran back to Mama Garcia's and I grabbed these." You held up the fire extinguisher that you had set on the ground next to you because you had been carrying it for a while now and you thought it was going to rip your arm off because of how heavy it was.
"Let her in," Jay declared.
He grabbed the extinguisher from you and then made his way over to the firefighters.
"Chief!" he yelled. "I've got some fire extinguishers here!"
Chief Boden cocked his head to the side. "How?"
"Apparently my little sister was here and she heard Ms. Goodwin say that you were out of extinguishers. So, she ran to Mama Garcia's and these are from her restaurant."
You set down the bag that contained the two fire extinguishers. "Geez, those things are heavy!"
"That they are. Thank you for these..." Chief Boden trailed off, not knowing your name.
"Y/N," you answered.
"Well, thank you Y/N."
"You're welcome, Chief. Please get my brother out of there safely."
"We're doing our best. And, call me Wallace."
He nodded at Jay and Jay placed a hand on your shoulder to lead you back to where he had been working alongside everyone else who wanted to figure out what the hell had gone on in there. Behind you, you heard the other firefighters volunteering to go inside the hospital.
"You're not making me go back to Mama Garcia's?" you asked Jay as you walked.
"No," he answered. "It's gonna get dark soon and I don't need you sneaking off from there again."
"So, I'm staying here so you can keep an eye on me?"
You were sitting in a metal folding chair, scrolling through your iPod--wifi courtesy of Jay's hotspot--when three people entered the tent-like structure.
"Detective," Sharon Goodwin said as she entered the area where everyone was working. Jay looked up from the computer he was working at. "The parents of..." she trailed off, allowing you to assume that these were the parents of the man who had blown himself up.
"Alright," Jay said as he walked over to them. "Please, have a seat."
His voice was monotonous, not soft like when he was talking to child victims and not angry like when he was trying to get a hardened criminal to break. His voice, it was just...there.
"Is there anything you can tell us?" he asked once the parents had sat down.
"He was a smart boy," the man started, "always nice...and helpful. This country has given us so much. How could this have happened?"
"He claimed to be infected with something similar to Ebola."
You felt like you couldn't breathe. So, what the woman on the news had said was true. Your brother--and everyone else in the hospital for that matter--could be infected with something similar--or god forbid, worse--than Ebola.
You couldn't take another funeral. You couldn't take losing another family member before you even learned how to drive, hell before you even got to high school.
Your mind flashed back to when you were four years old. Will was in college and Jay was in his senior year of high school. It was springtime and the weather was just starting to get nice out.
You woke up from sleeping and realized you were thirsty. Seeing as you didn't think it was super late yet, you hoped that maybe Jay or Will would still be up and they'd give you a cup of juice. They were on babysitting duty tonight because your parents had gone out for a date night and knew they wouldn't be back until the early hours of the morning.
With Beary gripped tightly in your hand, you walked down the hallway and towards the kitchen. You saw the living room light on, and then it was quickly turned off.
"Mommy? Daddy?" you asked.
The only light now was from the hallway and you were starting to get scared. Monsters would come out if it was too dark!
Suddenly, the light was flicked back on.
"Y/N, what are you doing up?" Jay asked as he walked towards you.
"I want juice," you told him. But, then you looked at what he was wearing. He was wearing one of those shirts that he had to wear when you and your mom went to his soccer games at other schools. Jay always said that if he didn't wear this type of nice shirt, that he and his team would have to run suicides. You didn't know what those were, but they didn't sound nice. "Why you not in your 'jamas?" you asked. "You have a game? In the dark?"
"Uh," Jay blanched. He couldn't exactly tell his little, very talkative sister, that he was sneaking out to go to a party. "Let's get you some juice."
Jay got you some juice and started to take your hand to walk you back to your room and tuck you back in when you turned to look at him. "So you going to play soccer? Or you going to see Allie?" He always wore those kinds of shirts when she came over in one of her really fancy dresses. And, Jay would give Allie a flower bracelet, too!
Jay crouched down so he was eye-level with you. "Y/N, you know what a secret is?"
"Yeah! It's when you can't tell somethin' to somebody. Mommy said secrets are bad," you told him, while you swung Beary back and forth in your little hand.
"Well, they're not all bad," he told you. "So, if I told you a secret, you'd be able to keep it?"
"And not tell Mommy or Daddy?" He nodded. "I dunno. I don't wanna get in trouble and have to go in time-out, Jay Jay."
"You won't get in trouble, I promise. And, if you promise not to tell Mommy and Daddy and Will, I'll get you a big pack of Oreos."
"I get Oreos for not telling Mommy and Daddy and Will?"
"Yes, you get Oreos if you don't tell them."
You'd do just about anything for Oreos!
"Okay, I keep it a secret. Where you going?"
"I am going to a friend's house to hang out."
"Okay." You didn't know what was so bad about that, but you wanted to get your Oreos, so you'd keep your mouth shut.
"Alrighty then, let's get you back to bed. Because, if I'm not mistaken, princesses need their beauty sleep."
He tucked you back into bed and got out of the house safely. Now all Jay had to do was to entrust you with the secret that he had snuck and went to a "friend's house", which was code for going to a party.
You had almost fallen back asleep when your door creaked open.
"Y/N," Will whispered.
"Yeah, it's Will," he answered and flicked on your bedside lamp.
"Were you talking to Jay a few minutes ago?"
"No," you lied. You wanted your Oreos!
"Are you sure about that? Because I could've sworn I heard you say Jay Jay."
"You wrong," you told him defiantly.
"Oh yeah? Because I heard him mention Oreos."
"No, no Oreos. He only got me juice."
"So you did talk to him."
"No, I didn't."
"Then who got you the juice?" Will knew you couldn't pour yourself a glass of juice without spilling it everywhere. He also knew that the glasses were up high enough in the cupboard that you needed someone else to reach them for you.
"Uh, uh, the-the juice fairy!"
"The juice fairy, huh? I've never heard of her. Because I could've sworn I heard you ask him if he was going to play soccer and he told you that he was going to a friend's house."
"No, he didn't!" you protested.
"Tell you what, kiddo, if you tell me where Jay went, I will give you Oreos, too."
You furrowed your eyebrows. Will was gonna give you the same thing and Jay might be mad at you. You needed something more. "Oreos and Sour Patch."
"Deal. Sour Patch Kids or watermelons?"
"Kids," you answered.
"Okay, it's a deal. Now, where is Jay going?"
"He went to a friend's house. But he was wearing one of those shirts he wears when he has to go to other schools for soccer," you answered.
"He's going to a party," Will muttered.
"A party? Like my tea parties?"
"Something like that." Where the tea is beer, Will thought to himself. "But, now you have to wait for Jay to give you your Oreos, and then I'll give you your Sour Patch Kids and Oreos."
"Then I have two Oreos?"
"Exactly. Now, time to go back to sleep."
The next day, Jay gave you a family sized-pack of Oreos that you hid in your room. The day after that, Will came home from studying at the library with a family-sized pack of Oreos and a big bag of Sour Patch Kids for you that you also ended up hiding in your room. And, that night at dinner, Will told your parents that Jay had gone to a party. He was grounded until the end of soccer season. But, Will had successfully taught you how to blackmail someone.
"Y/N." Erin's voice broke through your memories of being a little kid and being taught blackmail by your oldest brother. "I need you to breathe for me. Can you do that?"
"W-What if Will-- What if he gets the--"
"Y/N, match my breathing."
She took a deep breath in and you tried to follow. It took a few tries, but your breathing eventually evened out and returned to normal.
"Will," you heard Jay say.
Before you could even think, you had jumped off your chair and were barrelling towards Jay. "Will? You're talking to Will? Is he okay? Is he gonna come out soon?"
"Y/N," Jay spoke calmly, "we just need to ask him some medical questions. Go back to where you were."
"Is he okay?"
"Y/N's here?" Will asked from his spot in the ED. "Why? How?"
"It's a long story. But, I'm gonna put you on speaker so that you can tell her that you're okay and then I need you to answer some questions."
Jay put the phone on speaker.
"I'm fine, kiddo. Really. You wouldn't want to see me right now anyway. You wouldn't want to come in here either because it smells really bad."
"You promise you're fine?"
"I promise. Now, I think I need to answer some questions?"
"Yeah, yeah," you heard Jay say as you walked back towards Erin. It was quiet in there now, as everyone was listening intently to what Will was saying.
Apparently, Antonio and Voight had looked up where this psycho worked and had figured out that he was the same guy who had walked into the high school's office earlier that day, which he probably did for a distraction. Now, they just had Will on the other end telling the infectious disease specialist in the ED all the chemicals that he had been working with so that she could test for them.
"Jay! Why'd you turn off your hotspot?" you whined as you pulled up google.
"Because you heard the bacteria and the strain and I know you. I am not letting you go down a google rabbit hole to look this up and try and figure out if Will's gonna die."
You sighed and put your head in your hands. Jay was right, of course, he was right, he's a detective for crying out loud!
"But what if Will's gonna die?"
"Y/N." Jay walked up to you. "He's not gonna die. He's gonna be just fine."
"But you don't know that!"
Jay's phone rang. "It's Will."
"Put it on speaker."
"It's not contagious," Will said.
If you weren't sitting down, you would've fallen to the ground in pure relief.
"So, you're good?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Everyone's good. Whatever he had, it died with him. I've got some patients that need work, but I'll be out soon."
Everyone from the hospital, the police, and the firefighters were all currently packed into Mama Garcia's. You, Will, and Jay had snagged a booth because your backpack and homework were still there from earlier.
"That's one good thing about being the middle child I guess," Jay stated after he had taken a bite of a tamale. "Not having to be the victim in one of these bomb situations."
You knew he meant, here, today, in Chicago and not overseas. And, you weren't about to wreck his joke by mentioning that.
"Yeah, but you had to work it," Will pointed out.
"Technically, you did, too, man. I think Y/N was the only one who got out of this without a payday."
Jay's phone rang. "Why's Dad calling me?" His eyes went wide. "Oh shit! I didn't tell him that I picked you up from practice." He threw his phone to Will, who narrowly caught it. "You talk to him!"
"Me? Why me?"
"Because he likes you better!"
"But he's calling you!"
You swiped the phone from Will's hand and answered it. "Jay? Do you know where Y/N is? I came home from work and--"
"Dad, it's Y/N. I'm fine. Jay picked me up from practice and I'm assuming you got a phone call about what happened at school and then he had to go to Med to work that case."
"Med? As in Chicago Med? Where Will just started working?"
"Yes, Dad, Chicago Med. And, we're fine. We're just a Mama Garcia's getting dinner."
"It's ten o'clock at night!"
"I know, and we should be home soon. I promise I won't complain about getting up in the morning."
"Okay, well, I'm glad you three are safe. Just next time, tell Jay to call me."
"Okay, Dad. Bye, love you."
"Love you, too."
You hung up the phone and passed it back to Jay. "He didn't disown me, did he?"
You laughed. "No, no he did not."
"Y/N, right?"
You looked up at the sound of your name to be met with a firefighter.
"Yes, and you are...?"
"Matt Casey." He stuck out his hand for you to shake and you did so. Despite hearing about him, you'd never actually met the lieutenant. "Chief Boden mentioned that you were the one who ran down to Med with all those extinguishers."
"Oh, it was no big deal," you told him shyly. "They're actually Mama Garcia's. I just heard you needed them, so I asked if I could run them over to you guys. It's her you should be thanking."
"Well, you played a big part in that. So, if you want a dessert, on behalf of me and all the guys at 51, it's on me tonight."
He handed you a ten-dollar bill. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it. You made up for your brother almost black-tagging Severide."
"You did what?" Jay practically yelled.
As for you, you had no idea what they were talking about. "What? What's black-tagging?"
"You know what? Never mind," Casey said. "Thanks for all your help today, you guys."
"You were the ones who got them extra fire extinguishers?" Will asked, flabbergasted after Casey walked away.
"Yeah. Jay here wasn't too happy about seeing me over there, but when I told him why he calmed down a bit."
Erin slid into the booth next to Jay and he gave her a kiss.
"Ew, guys! Child in the room!"
Jay stuck his tongue out at you.
"I think he's the child in the room, Y/N," Erin said as she thumbed at Jay.
"So, Y/N, anything else interesting happen today? How'd you do on that math homework I helped you with last night?" Will asked.
"I did really well on it, but that's not even the craziest thing that happened at school today."
"Oh, yeah? Then what was?"
Oh man," you sighed. "Where do I begin? I think to tell you that story I'm gonna need to go get me some Flan."
You picked up the ten-dollar bill Casey had given you and slid out of the booth. If someone would've told you that you'd be buying Flan at Mama Garcia's at ten o'clock at night on a school night, you wouldn't believe them, but it would be plausible at least. The rest of the day? Well, you weren't sure that anyone would believe that you and Jay had been at the location of not one, but two bomb threats in the span of a few hours.
Once you got your Flan, you settled back into the booth. "So, it started out like any normal practice except we had to go to the high school to use the track..."
A/N: Guess who cranked out more than 5k words to get this finished today? That's right, me! Anyway, thank you for almost 8k reads! I know this technically wasn't a PD episode (It was Chicago Fire Season 3 Ep 19), but it had both Will and Jay, and the timeline made it so that it was season 2 of PD, so I thought it was fitting. Finally, please reblog/like and comment and tell me what you think about this one!
If you’re in the taglist, please tell me if it worked, I’m new at this!
taglist:  @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox
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bts-reveries · 4 years
young one | 23
Jungkook sat on the couch staring at his phone that’s on the coffee table, for almost thirty minutes, debating whether or not he should call you right now. 
What if you were busy?
What if you were in the middle of an exam?
Out with your parents?
Having fun with Sian?
He didn’t want to bother or disturb you. 
But what if you were waiting for his call? 
Jungkook tilts his head to the side, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try. As he leans forward to grab his phone, he hears a knock. 
“Jungkookah!” He hears as he walks towards the door. Turning the knob open, his four friends walk in without a single word from Jungkook. He sighs.
“What’s with the sad face,” Donghyun asks Jungkook. “We brought drinks and fried chicken.” They put everything on the coffee table, covering everything he had on top. His phone and a little box.
“I’m just not in the mood for it today,” Jungkook tells them, grabbing his stuff from the table. 
“Again? Wait. Is that--?” Yuri stares at the box Jungkook had in his hand along with his phone. Without hesitation she grabs the small box and plops down on the couch. Jungkook lets out a big sigh, sitting by her as she opens the small box.
“An engagement ring?” Sungjae asks, sitting in front of Yuri. 
“It’s pretty,” she says. “Guessing she said no? Is that the reason why she left?” Yuri says taking the ring out of the box. She’s about to try it on when Jungkook snatches it back from her.
“Rude,” she laughs out. Jungkook scoffs.
“Says the one who took it from me first. Don’t put it on, it’s not for you,” he says, annoyed. Yuri looked at him unamused.
“Why did she leave anyways?” Minhyuk asks, mouth full of food. 
“We’re both on different paths. She was always busy with work and school so she barely had any time for any one. Her mom suggested they stay with her for the meantime so she can focus on her education.”
“So she doesn’t work anymore?” Donghyun asks. Jungkook shakes his head no.
“Wait why couldn’t you go with them?” Minhyuk asks next. 
“Umm..” Jungkook tilts his head to the side. “Uh, she thought it’d be good for us to go on a break. While we figure out our life separately.”
“That’s good, you get another chance in life,” Sungjae laughs. 
“Yeah. She ended his life right when we graduated college, no?” Donghyun adds in, looking at Sungjae. 
“What?” Jungkook says, shocked. “Ended? That’s right when my life started, what do you mean?”
“You barely had any time to figure out what you wanted to do and when the whole Yn baby thing happened, you had no choice but to pick that path in life,” Donghyun explains.
“But I like how my life is now,” Jungkook says, confused at what his friends were trying to say.
“Then why are you so mopey?” Yuri says, rolling her eyes. “You were always so fun whenever we hung out.”
“Because both the best people in my life are gone?” Jungkook says as if it wasn’t obvious enough.
“You have us now,” Yuri tells him, putting her hand on his knee. Jungkook quickly pushed her hand off. 
“In the past, Yn took you from us.”
“I guess we came back at the right time to get you back on a life that fits you,” Donghyun says, following after Minhyuk.
“We five started together, we’re ending together,” Sungjae says, lifting up his drink. 
“Maybe if Yn wasn’t too selfish and greedy, we could’ve been friends,” Minhyuk says, making Yuri laugh.
“No way! I don’t think we’d get along. I never really liked her,” Yuri says, grabbing her drink from the table. 
Jungkook tilts his head to the side, “that’s something you both have in common.”
“She didn’t like herself either? HA. Selfish, greedy, insecure,” Donghyun listed out. “Why did you ever like her?”
“She’s far from any of those. Maybe if you were a little nicer and gave her a chance, you’d like her too,” Jungkook tells him. “I’m starting to see why she doesn’t like me hanging out with you guys,” he says quietly.
“What?!” Minhyuk says out of shock. He laughs a bit, “She really hates it when you have any fun. Nothing’s changed.”
“Yeah I think it’s a good idea you two took a break. You can’t have her controlling your life. She doesn’t know what’s good for you, you’re your own person. She can’t tell you who you can and can’t be friends with. A break will be good for you,” Yuri speaks. 
“My own girlfriend for over six years doesn’t know what’s good for me, but the lady I hit with my shopping cart suddenly does?” Jungkook says, laughing. Yuri looks at him surprised.
“I knew you before she did!” She argues.
“Jungkook, just take this as a sign that the world is giving you another shot in life. Don’t let it go. You have a choice this time, pick the right one,” Sungjae tells him. 
Before Jungkook can speak up, he hears a knock on the door. He gets up without a word and walks to the front door.
“Hyung...s,” he says, surprised when all six of his older brothers stood outside his door. 
“How are you holding up buddy? We finally were all free at the same time,” Hoseok says sheepishly, holding a plastic bag filled with ice cream. “So we wanted to check up on you.”
“Would you be down for a guys night?” Jin says, holding Haneul in one arm. “Haneul wanted to see you too, so I brought him with me.” Haneul smiles at his uncle Kookie and waves his little hand. 
“Mingyu wouldn’t stop screaming when I was leaving, so…” Jimin says, pointing to the cheeky baby on his chest. “Brought him too.” Jungkook finally breaks into a smile when he takes in all of his hyung’s faces and also his nephews.
“I’m down, co--”
“Jungkook who’s at the door?” Yuri yells from behind him. All the boys’ eyes grew wide as they heard a girl’s voice coming from inside. 
“My friends!” Jungkook yells back at her. 
“The babysitters?” Donghyun answers back with a laugh.
Jungkook looks at his hyungs with a tired look. “I didn’t invite them over, they just came.”
“Like us?” Taehyung says with a smile.
“Yeah, but you guys aren’t getting on my nerves so it’s okay. Come in,” Jungkook says, walking away from the door. 
It was rather awkward. Jungkook has never expected this to happen. You and Sian gone and his two separate groups of friends gathered around him in his living room. 
“Why is that staring at me?” Yuri says, scratching her head and pointing to Haneul.
“T-that?” Jin stammers, looking around at his friends. “What are you saying about my kid?” 
“I’m saying tell him to stop staring, that’s rude,” Yuri answers.
“You’re one to say what’s rude or not,” Jungkook mumbles. 
“I can’t help it that my kid likes to stare at strange looking things,” Jin tells her. Yuri gasps and the maknae line tries to hold in their laugh. 
“So are we just going to sit here and stare at each other or what,” Yoongi says, scanning his eyes over Jungkook’s friends.
“I mean we were all hanging out and doing fine but you all decide to show up unannounced,” Sungjae says. 
“I heard you four did the same,” Jimin says. 
“Yeah but we’re Jungkook’s friends,” Yuri answers. “He likes it when we’re over.”
“And we’re Jungkook’s family, he likes it when we’re over,” Jin tells her. 
“Oh, you guys are the ones who act like Jungkook’s dads right? The ones that tell him what to do and who to be friends with…” Minhyuk says, “I heard you guys don’t like us either--”
“We don’t.” Taehyung tells him without expression.
“Is that why you came,” Donghyun says.
“No, we came for Jungkook,” Namjoon finally speaks. “If you guys are his friends you know what he’s going through.”
“Which is why we came and celebrated,” Sungjae says, slapping a hand to Jungkook’s back. 
“Celebrated? What’s there to celebrate,” Hoseok laughs. 
“Yn and her kid finally leaving and giving Jungkook his old life back,” Yuri says. 
“Giving Jungkook his old life back?” Taehyung asks, confused. 
“When we were in college, that was the best time of our life,” Minhyuk explains. “It was just us five. But then Yn came and our friendship started to falter. It was fine at first--”
“No it wasn’t. Ever since Yn came it got so boring,” Yuri says.
“Well Yn would come with us to parties, but she’d get drunk too fast and had to go home before the party started started. You know? Or she’d ask Jungkook to stay at the dorms with her or study with her instead and so Jungkook started hanging with us less and less,” Minhyuk continues.
“Eventually, Yn did start having fun at parties with Jungkook but they often go off on their own rather than actually be with us four,” Dongyun adds. 
“Then she got knocked up and they stopped hanging out with us completely,” Sungjae says. “Jungkook really had no choice.”
“I beg to differ,” Jin says. “It was Jungkook’s choice to stay or leave Yn and he chose his life now. He never regretted any of it either.”
“How would you know, you weren’t there,” Yuri argues. 
“I wasn’t there?” Jin says, looking at her with a smile. “Yah. Who do you think helped out with Yn and Jungkook’s starting family?” 
“Hyung was the first one to have a kid out of us so he knew what to do and everything. He helped me and Yn from the beginning,” Jungkook speaks up, after hearing what everyone had to say. “And he’s right, I chose to stay with Yn. She never told me to stop hanging out with you guys back then and she still hasn’t now.”
“I believe you four are just holding a, what, seven? year long grudge that you have over Yn.” Namjoon says, looking over Jungkook’s friends. “You believe that she took Jungkook away from you four because you were friends with him first but he chose Yn over you four. You can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that Jungkook likes-- loves-- Yn more than the four of you and you like Jungkook way too much to put the blame on him. But really, none of it is his fault. He’s his own person, he can choose who to like, who not to like and who to leave and who to stay with. No one can make him choose. If someone does force him to choose someone else, then he would be living in regret right now. Do you understand?”
“Are your little brains comprehending this?” Yoongi says, staring at them with a straight face. The four’s eyes shift from Namjoon to Yoongi quitely.
“Are you understanding what uncle Namjoon is saying?” Jin asks, looking down at Haneul who’s sitting on his lap. Haneul nods his head, even if he really doesn’t know what’s going on. “Yaaaah~” Jin lets out a proud noise. “Even my son has a bigger brain than you,” he says, pointing at Yuri. She scoffs at him.
“So for example,” Namjoon says, continuing, “if Yn told Jungkook to choose her over you four, and Jungkook didn’t want that, he’d be living in regret right now. But he’s not. Jungkook chose what he wanted, so he’s content with the life that he has now.”
“Content? When we first came here he looked so upset--”
“Because Yn and Sian aren’t here,” Taehyung says. “The two people that made him the happiest are gone.”
“What’s Haneul minus happy?” Jin says, looking at Haneul once again.
“Sad!” Haneul yells, making a sad face. Jin looks at the four with an expression that said ‘what’d I say??’
“So what are you all trying to say,” Yuri asks, tired of the six boys.
“We’re saying you four are selfish for thinking of yourself rather than Jungkook. You call yourselves his “friends” yet disregard his feelings. When the blame is put on you, you throw it at someone else that has no part or fault in the situation. You four are adults now, yet continue to act immature. You can’t go back to the past, it’s the past for a reason. Jungkook was fine before you got here. Having other friends is okay but you can’t come in here and start controlling his life as if you were a part of it in the first place. You were his past yet you act like you’re his present and future. You step into his life and judge every part of it. You don’t bother to understand what Yn is going through or give Sian a chance. He’s a really sweet boy and Yn is one of the most selfless people I know. Yet you judge her for something your mind made up years ago. They aren’t the bad guys here. They didn’t ruin Jungkook’s life. If they did, I don’t think their relationship would have reached this far. So stop saying Jungkook had no choice. He chose to be with Yn, he chose to stay with her when she got pregnant, and he chose to live his life with the two. You four have no business coming in and taking him away as if you know what he wants. Jungkook’s a really nice kid and he sees you four as his old friends. You’re lucky that he’s able to see past all of your flaws and accept all of you as his friends but I think your true colors are finally appearing to him. None of you deserve to have Jungkook as your friend if you can’t accept the life he’s living right now and the people in it.” Namjoon says. Everyone was quiet. Namjoon looks at Jungkook and the young one mouths a ‘thank you’ to him as if he said everything he felt the past hour that he couldn’t put into words. 
“And I think I’m speaking for Jungkook, and everyone else here when I say this,” Namjoon continues, “but please get out.”
The four silently turn to Jungkook who nods his head. Yuri was the first to get up, rolling her eyes as she walked to the front door. The three followed silently.
“So they know how to shut their mouths,” Hoseok says with a small laugh.
“Namjoon hyung was so good,” Jimin says, with wide eyes. “Right Gyu? Uncle Joonie is so cool, no?”
After the four were out of their sight, Namjoon looks over at Jungkook and the young one sighs out of relief.
“Hyuuuungg,” he whined, walking over to Namjoon and sitting on his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck and pressing his cheek to Namjoon’s forehead.
“Hyung, thank you,” he says, hugging Namjoon tightly. Joon pats his little brother’s back.
“You’re too nice sometimes you know. And color blind,” Namjoon says, pulling away from Jungkook slightly and tilting his head up to look him in the eye. “When you see the red flags, drop them.”
“I told you you’re oblivious,” Yoongi says, pointing at Jungkook. “Your so called friends are so rude and you let them walk all over you.”
“They act like it’s their world and we’re just living in it,” Taehyung says with a smirk. “When really… I’m the main character here.” Jimin and Hoseok look at him as if he was stupid.
“I thought I was the main character,” Jungkook says, pointing at himself, pouting.
“You are,” Jin says, looking at him. “For now.”
“Ugh, whatever,” Jungkook says, “give me him.” He gestures for Jin to pass Haneul to him and Jin does so. Namjoon groans at the added weight.
“Hand over Gyu Gyu as well,” Jungkook says, reaching his arms towards Jimin. Namjoon’s eyes widens and Jimin laughs as he walks over to the three, adding Mingyu on top.
“Yah-yah y-yah Jungkook,” Namjoon says as Jungkook bounces the two on his lap. He holds the two of them to his chest and leans into Namjoon’s chest. 
“I wanna stay like this until my babies come back,” Jungkook says. 
“I- I don’t,” Namjoon says, struggling to breathe. 
“Okay well what are we going to do about this,” Taehyung says, looking at all the food on the coffee table. “They really just leave their trash behind.”
“Are we going to eat it?” Hoseok asks, opening one of the boxes.
“I refuse to eat anything those demons touched,” Jin says, taking out his phone. “I’ll order. What do you guys want?”
“Mommy,” Mingyu says. Jungkook frowned.
“Me too,” he says, looking over at Jin who just looked at them with a blank expression. 
“Well that’s not on the menu.”
young one
♛ part twenty-three: uncle joonie is so cool ♛
pairings: photographer, dad!jungkook x hostess, mom!reader
a/n: hope this make y’all feel better 🥰
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