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Damaged Pathfinder WMIK, from Op Herrick IV, Nowzad, Afghanistan, 2006
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thoughtlessarse · 5 months
A Foreign Office civil servant felt “morally compelled” to speak to the media about the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan after the government presented a “dishonest account” of what happened, an employment tribunal has heard. Josie Stewart was sacked by the Foreign Office (FCDO) after blowing the whistle on the failures of the withdrawal from Kabul and disclosing emails indicating Boris Johnson’s involvement in an “outrageous” decision to prioritise the evacuation of staff from the animal charity Nowzad, despite his denials. Her claim for unfair dismissal on the grounds that her whistleblowing was protected under the Employment Rights Act 1996 began on Thursday at the central London employment tribunal. Stewart was “horrified” by the chaos and dysfunction at the Whitehall crisis centre where she had volunteered to work when the Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021, the tribunal was told. She believed “the government’s mismanagement of the crisis caused huge amounts of avoidable suffering in Afghanistan and that it had probably cost lives”. Her lawyers’ opening arguments also said Stewart and others “believed that, at a moment of very high stakes, the UK government failed badly, and that political and civil service leaders sought to ‘cover up’ failures, presenting a misleading and in some instances even dishonest account to the public”. She agreed to speak anonymously to the BBC about these failures after a junior civil servant, Raphael Marshall, gave damning evidence to a committee of MPs about the withdrawal from Afghanistan and was then subjected to attempts to discredit him, the tribunal was told. She also leaked emails to the BBC after Johnson had described as “complete nonsense” claims that he had been involved in the decision to evacuate Nowzad staff and animals, the court was told. The emails “indicated, contrary to the prime minister’s claim, that No 10 had been involved in the decisions relating to Nowzad”, the submission said.
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petnews2day · 5 months
Pen Farthing Tells True Story of 171 Cats and Dogs Airlifted From Kabul
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/cat-news/pen-farthing-tells-true-story-of-171-cats-and-dogs-airlifted-from-kabul/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social
Pen Farthing Tells True Story of 171 Cats and Dogs Airlifted From Kabul
LONDON—When the Afghan capital fell in August 2021, former British Royal Marine Pen Farthing raised a million pounds of private funds within days to evacuate 171 cats and dogs and his Afghan staff from the Kabul shelter he ran. Paul ‘Pen’ Farthing set up the Nowzad charity in Kabul 18 years ago to care for […]
See full article at https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/cat-news/pen-farthing-tells-true-story-of-171-cats-and-dogs-airlifted-from-kabul/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social #CatsNews #Afghanistan, #AnimalWelfare, #BorisJohnson, #Britain, #Dogs, #Taliban8217
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tiger-moran · 3 years
If anyone has any money they can spare please consider donating something to Nowzad, they have saved hundreds of animals in Afghanistan but now urgently need help to evacuate their staff (as well as hopefully the animals they still have).
And if you can’t donate but can still spread the word about them particularly on twitter please do so. More info on that is on their statement here:
Nowzad statement
This is a recent BBC news article about them
and here is their donation page
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cycas · 3 years
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If you use Twitter, please can you tweet these British politicians today 17/08/2021:
Rt Hon Wendy Morton
Rt Hon James Cleverly
Rt Hon Dominic Raab
Rt Hon Zac Goldsmith
Rt Hon Lord (Tariq) Ahmad
Rt Hon Ben Wallace
to ask them to add their voices in the Emergency debate in Parliament on Wednesday to allow Afghan veterinary staff working for British animal rescue charities, such as the lady in the photo who works for Nowzad, to be added to the rescue lists and evacuated to the UK.
A week ago these animal welfare groups in Afghanistan - Nowzad, the Mayhew, Warpaws / Kabul Small Animal Rescue were taking in homeless dogs and cats, offering vaccinations and neutering as normal : now they are desperately fundraising to try to get their people (and if possible some of the animals too) out of the hands of the Taliban. Last time the Taliban were in power, they banned pet ownership. Dogs were considered vermin: working with them, particularly for highly qualified women, puts humans and animals in extreme danger.
Many of the small UK pet rescues have put aside their own needs and are asking people to donate and help raise the profile of these vets, and there's also a statement from the British Veterinary association. I'll add links in a reblog. But, please tweet. Please reblog, if you can do it quickly. This is a manageable, actionable, possible thing that you can do today.
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mariekavanagh · 3 years
Emergency Appeal: Operation Ark
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Nowzad is an animal rescue charity based in Kabul, Afghanistan, founded in 2007 by former British Royal Marine Sgt. Pen Farthing.
As a British citizen, is valiantly refusing to evacuate Afghanistan and leave behind his Afghan staff, their families and the animals at the rescue centre.
Nowzad are desperately trying to raise the funds to charter a cargo plane to evacuate the animals, staff and their families to the United Kingdom, where the veterinary staff have already been offered jobs.
These brave people, particularly the female veterinary staff, deserve to be helped. Please consider donating anything you can spare via the Nowzad website, https://www.nowzad.com/donate , or at least by sharing the message and spreading awareness of their need for help.
For UK residents, please consider sharing this story with your MPs to try and make this story one of the topic discussed in parliament tomorrow.
Please help in any way you can.
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aegis-17 · 5 years
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Done for the founders of the Nowzad group for their fundraising event in brooklyn tonight. After a little bit of an absence due to work and this ongoing project, I'm back! Posting said project! #sketch #illustration #portrait #draw #drawing #art #dog #animalrescue #nowzad #nowzadrescue (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4IxYPxjx-I/?igshid=xmaz6dgj1xoa
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irisavivi · 3 years
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Repost @paws2rescueuk @download.ins It’s not over but Pen and his animals are home. Our thoughts are with those he had to leave behind and the many that need help in Afghanistan #nowzad #operationark @nowzadrescue @penfarthing https://www.instagram.com/p/CTPve5NDlXl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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coachdonne · 5 years
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L’amicizia tra il marine britannico Pen Farthing e Nowzad è iniziata nel 2006 a Naw Zad, cittadina nell’Ovest dell’Afghanistan. Durante la sua missione, il militare si era imbattuto nel bel cagnolone sfruttato, insieme ad altri, per i combattimenti tra cani. Farthing ha deciso, quindi, di prendersi cura di lui e, da quel momento, i due sono diventati inseparabili...  
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zoie-tantricsense · 3 years
Please donate! Help in any way you can...
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voxveganoficial · 3 years
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🙏Os ministros britânicos Boris Johnson e Ben Wallace mudaram de postura e tiveram o bom senso (em tese empatia e compaixão) ao anunciar (25/08/2021) que o governo agora concederá visto para todos os funcionários da associação Nowzade, que atua no Afeganistão, e para suas famílias. 🐾Nowzad é o abrigo de animais aberto pelo ex- fuzileiro Paul Farthing em Cabul, que agora pretende evacuar para um local seguro 140 cães, 60 gatos, funcionários do abrigo e suas famílias. 🗣️"Ain Vox, com tantas pessoas precisando, vai salvar bicho?" Sim! Vai, e deve! Os animais têm os mesmos direitos de serem salvos, e não "no fim da fila se der tempo"! 🖤O mal da humanidade começou quando começou a se achar melhor, mais importante e o topo das necessidades! Isso causou desequilíbrio, 🗣️"sou mais importante, eu mando, eu posso, eu quero, sou dono, mais inteligente, melhor..." 👉🏼Percebem que dessa postura nasceu o caos social, moral e ético? 👉🏼👉🏼Se desde o início os humanos tivessem entendido que TODOS sobre a Terra têm os mesmos direitos, que não somos mais ou menos importantes, apenas de espécies diferentes, não estaríamos vivendo essa catástrofe mundial social, humana, animal e ambiental. 🥺A lástima humana é se achar superior! Daí nasceu a dor, o sofrimento, a maldade e matança, principalmente para os mais fracos e indefesos. Sim⚠️ Os animais também merecem ser salvos AO MESMO tempo que os humanos! Não antes, nem depois, JUNTOS⚠️ 😔Muitos humanos não vão conseguir, muito mais animais também não vão conseguir, 👉🏼mas essa desgraça não começa no "quem vai primeiro", começa lá na base dos princípios humanos, onde a bondade, a compaixão, empatia, respeito e igualdade foram postos de lado para a busca desmedida por poder, dinheiro e superioridade, que nos deixa de herança a maldade, a indiferença, desrespeito e injustiça! 🙏Que essa atitude britânica sirva de exemplo para as mudanças no mundo! ⚠️Repetimos: Os animais também merecem ser salvos AO MESMO tempo que os humanos! Não antes, nem depois, JUNTOS⚠️ #Cabul #Nowzade #ChegaDeGuerra #PazEAmor #ResgateAnimal #CãesEGatos #AmoOsAnimais #DireitosDosAnimais #Veganos #Veganismo #VeganoRaiz #VoxVegan #VeganosPelosAnimais https://www.instagram.com/p/CTILnyvLQxb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tiger-moran · 3 years
Please sign this, these people and animals need every bit of support and publicity they can get since it now seems the fucking British government/MOD has totally screwed them over again and now blocked their flight out.
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septembriseur · 2 years
By the way, if anyone missed this bit of news:
Top official at Foreign Office called upon to resign over Kabul withdrawal
The report produced by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, chaired by Tom Tugendhat (a Tory), is titled: “Missing in Action: UK leadership and the withdrawal from Afghanistan.”
Previously, a Foreign Office whistleblower had described the crisis centre responsible for the evacuation thus:
Only 5% of the 150,000 people who requested help received any
“Nobody in the team dealing with requests had studied, had any detailed knowledge of Afghanistan, or had ever worked thus:
No one spoke any Afghan languages, with calls to people asking for help conducted in English
Decisions about who to rescue were arbitrary, and thousands of emails pleading for assistance were not even read
The IT system was dysfunctional, with eight soldiers drafted in to help left sharing one computer
Dominic Raab was slow to make decisions on difficult cases and did not fully understand the situation
Animals from the Nowzad charity run by a former Marine were not in danger and evacuating them was at the direct expense of people at risk of death”
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mariekavanagh · 3 years
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Operation Ark has not gone to plan.
On Thursday night the whole of the Nowad team, their families and the animals were inside the airport circle in Kabul, but were refused entry due to a change in America's rules (two hours previously!) as to which Afghans were allowed to travel.
Despite having all the required paperwork to travel to the UK, the Nowzad team and their families have been left behind in Afghanistan because they do not have visa-stamped passports - an American requirement.
They were forced to head back to the rescue centre, narrowly avoiding getting caught up in the terror attacks that evening. Only then did the Ministry of Defence offer to help ensure their safe passage, by which point it was too late to secure the passage for the Afghans. Too little too late. And still patronising referring to the charity's animals as "Pen's pets", when they know full well that this has been a humanitarian mission from day 1.
Pen and the charity's dogs and cats are on their way to the UK. That is brilliant news. But I'm devastated for those left behind. Veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and animal care staff who had job offers waiting for them in the UK have all lost out on a chance at a better life in safety. Brave, selfless people who told Pen to go without them and take as many dogs and cats as he could. They deserved better.
Hoping and praying for the safety of my Afghan colleagues.
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eroticcannibal · 3 years
A veteran pays for a plane out of his own pocket, puts the animals in the hold (where they can't put people) and puts his staff and their families (mostly afghans, including BABIES) on the plane, and offers the over 100 spare seats to fleeing Afghans, all after being left to sort this himself, Boris Johnson denying he knew what was going on (he knows) and after getting to the airport and then being TURNED AWAY because Biden decided to fuck with paperwork requirements, and people are yelling about animals being prioritised over people
The US puts service animals in seats and there aint a peep
Anyway Pen Farthing and the Nowzad team are fucking heroes and Biden can fucking choke
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irisavivi · 3 years
Repost @ratedarf @ AWFUL NEWS 😔💔 from @nowzadkringle These two clips are the worst possible outcome. Absolutely devastated. 💔 I have no idea what the future looks like for Nowzad. Making it through the night safe & alive is a good start. (Sorry for bad video quality, writing the captions were the priority here.) #nowzad #nowzaddogs https://www.instagram.com/p/CTD5oz9Koj7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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