#nsr imagine
fictosauce · 5 months
quick!! dont think about your f/o grabbing you by the collar of your shirt and pulling you into a kiss!! don't imagine how soft their lips are or how long it takes for you to pull away from eachother!!! DEFINITELY don't imagine them softly teasing how flushed you look after you finally do pull away!!! dont you dare imagine them calling you cute because of it!!!!!! dont do it!!!!!!!
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doodlingbot · 9 months
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Some Blue and Yellow :)
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secretarysong · 3 months
thinking about vinyl city pop culture and media and such
there's no way there AREN'T people who meme the everloving shit out of the charters on whatever the in-universe equivalent of social medias like tiktok and twitter might be
like. people jesting over the idea of taking jetpacks to the floating apartments in dream fever ... people videotaping themselves climbing & relaxing in the palm of the djss statue in cast tech ... screaming in Chicken Dance BBQ Public Restroom prank... so much potential
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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as much as i love to bully rin with existential crisis and shit, i still think he'd be the last one to break down - but the first one??? to fall out of line??? to me its definitely eloni
as usual, me rambling under the cut!!
right off the bat, i do like to think a lot about how eloni sees himself as the weakest link of 1010 - entirely because he gets less fans. their entire existence revolves around entertaining, so if he cant even do that, then what's the purpose of him being around and all? its a very unfair way to live but it's not like they were even supposed to have opinions about it. and that's the beginning of his downfall. the fact that his popularity is affecting him on an emotional level when it shouldnt even be a THING. he already feels outdated, defective and more!!!
i also think that eloni is torn between the fear of being caught and the need to be seen. like, this is something brand new that's happening to him. he's an anomaly and one of a kind BECAUSE of these feelings. to a guy who rarely gets the chance to shine???? IMAGINE. IMAGINE WHAT THAT WOULD DO TO HIS ALREADY CRUMBLING IMAGE
like come on guys. there's a reason eloni is always paired up with haym. they're very cute together as a fun duo with fun dynamics, but in boybands, there's always that one guy who only serves to uplift others.
something something, sentience and self-awareness are a nightmare, it sucks that there's no one you can trust wholeheartedly (nym put this into cooler words, go read the linked post! go go go!) and the second you deviate, there's the immediate threat of being reset. all of you? gone. BUT THERE'S ALSO. THE POTENTIAL OF STANDING OUT
yes. he gets little sprouts and vines instead of specific flowers to really emphasize how much of a weak persona eloni believes he has. even if he's found out, it won't be grand. it will be a relief to him (or so he thinks) but he's certainly not going out with a bang. also the green plants blending in with his own designated color? there's another metaphor in there, i just cant put it into words!! small inconspicuous little things that amount to something extremely dangerous and painful!!!!
i imagine eloni sees this hanahaki disease as catharsis, since there's no way he could've ever voiced his feelings, the only way for him to be noticed is through an external force that's extremely hard to ignore. its eating him up from inside out, but in his eyes, it's fine because it gives the world an excuse to look at him
and in the event of yinu's mama straight up outing eloni to neon j or the others, i also think he'd have the most tame, accepting reaction to it? or like, not necessarily accepting, actually but resigned. part of him was anxiously waiting for it to happen, while also dreading this very moment
on the subject of the plant itself and how it coexists with eloni, i think that his vines and sprouts are very small very thin but that they're the most constricting things ever. like, they get EVERYWHERE in his joints. in every crevice and space available. whereas purlhew might instead just have an ungodly and suffocating amount of blue flowers located entirely in his chest cavity until he bursts. or haym might have very localized sprouts and blooms that just. pop. as if attuned to every feeling he's trying to repress. i dont know what zimelu has, but it needs thorns. and rin? well. WELL <3. ITS A POISONOUS PLANT FOR SURE <333
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operatorsickness · 4 months
jam… jam jam jam thinks about jam… hhrhghggrhhhhhhh… jjjjjam…
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(Undead unluck spoilers)
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Shockingly (almost) all of them get bitches
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erigold13261 · 9 months
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imgaine-it-all · 8 months
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anon request -some time around 2am- Djss: -can't sleep so he text y/n- "There are such things as vampire stars, they consume smaller stars by tearing them apart with their gravitational pull" Y/n: -wakes to a text and looks to see it's Djss- ..... -texting back- "The ocean is teeming with vortexes of water that powerful enough to devour anything in it's path similar to blackholes -toss phone to the side and slumps back to sleep-
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glowww0rms · 1 month
The urge to consume a lover's non-vital bodily fluids (spit, semen, etc) is merely a sublimation of the much truer desire to consume their flesh and blood. just so u know.
Like sure, swapping spit or 'sharing' after oral sex is all fine and dandy but don't you want to know what it feels like to have their skin part beneath your teeth, metallic taste streaming into your mouth as they let you take some of their life and make it your own?
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instantartific · 2 years
♡ 11.11 | Pocky Day!
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For two object heads, one of which cannot even eat, but still adores the concept.
All of the panels separately under the cut!
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Eve: Where you going?
Tatiana: To either get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide in the car.
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doodlingbot · 7 months
If Neon J was the CEO of NSR, then what's Tatiana doing-?
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[context] [AU]
She's the charter of the 4th district. (going by in game boss order, so technically this AU's version of Metro Division. Though it would be themed and named differently for this AU.)
Red was the 1010 assigned to assist her. He was in her place at the Lights Up Auditions as she prefers to manage things from the background in this. Bad past experiences with notoriety and the like but still wants to help the city. (She's very much meant to have a big air of mystery surrounding her until you get to her.)
Tatiana was still Kul Fyra in this, still had a bad falling out with the Goolings who possibly used to be charters (maybe sometime before or during the war?) Kliff and Mayday are also still big fans of the Goolings but especially Kul Fyra.
Neon J had been alerted to an artist doing some underground stuff by a unit he sent out to scout for talent. During the 'please join the company' meeting, he brought up Tatiana's old stage name to her. She questioned how he even found out and he mentioned he did a 'few' background checks. Standard procedure, can't be too careful. But he does claim that he can make the information harder for people to find if she's trying to distance herself from it.
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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finished the fake stars of vinyl city intros for my bebes <3 kind of a redesign/redraw of the old ones here
sometimes, revolution starts with a violent and petty mechanic, their younger brother who really wants to join the airforce and a defective 1010 they both found in the trash! rambling about them under the cut
Rikki is a former troublemaker and musician who had to sort their life out back into the straight and narrow to raise their little brother, Yiruk. So they went and got a degree in engineering! They're responsible for upgrading the NSR bots and adding extra levels for the Approach stages (entirely because I wanted to make those more relevant, teehee)
To level the field, Rikki also offers upgrades and cosmetics for Mayday and Zuke's transformation thingamajigs! All in exchange for "spare parts" - these can be obtained by playing specific levels with specific remixes/modes, namely 1010 or Approach levels.
After buying all of Rikki's upgrades, they reveal to Mayday and Zuke that all the spare parts they've been getting are going into fixing a friend of theirs - a defective 1010 robot hiding in Dream Fever.
That defective 1010 robot is Ban! He was meant to be another replacement for Haym, but a little oopsie during a concert got his ass benched and set up for repairs. Afraid of being reset, he ran away and found Yiruk, who then convinced Rikki to patch him up.
His name is short for banana, because he looks like one and they're sweet just like him. Do not question him, it's his new life as a rogue bot and he gets to pick his name <3 Ban loves to wear clothes with tacky patterns and bright colors, like cheetah or zebra prints! So he unlocks a bunch of tacky clothes for Mayday and Zuke
He's absolutely going through a lot of shit regarding his identity and individuality and general newfound consciousness, but he remains very upbeat and peppy about the whole thing. He's one bolt away from snapping though.
I like to think that the rock revolution lasted way longer, with NPCs Mayday and Zuke met kinda taking over their own respective districts - so B2J inspiring Yiruk to be a rockstar causes Yiruk to start a band with Rikki and Ban. Which indirectly leads to the fall of Metro District during the rock revolution <3 like come on, those fuckin cannons in the final level that are literally built to look like Mayday and Zuke's faces????? thats so fucking COOL i wish they expanded more on this section
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madisans-oregano · 8 months
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(WIP!) Me when I 1 2 3 4 motion on the ocean floor, 5 6 7 8 double bubble swim some more/ref
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
DJ Subatomic Supernova Hairy Legs Moodboard
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flamewisher · 1 year
Hi-Fi Rush down No Straight Roads: Fanfic Drabble: Guitar Lessons
So I really like the idea of the crossover of NSR and HFR (As seen from my last post). I wanted to post a quick little fanfic idea for it! So here it is!
Summary: Chai (Post Game) looks up guitar lessons online, so he could be able to practice more professionally. Every lesson he goes to though, each instructor cannot stand listening to his awful tuning and talkative attitude. Feeling hopeless, Chai feels like he’s never going to learn to play. That is, until Peppermint tells him that someone she knows might be able to keep up with his chaos.
“That’s it, that was the 5th one.” 
Chai throws himself onto the couch next to 808, who immediately jumps on his chest and lays down purring. Peppermint, whose in the middle of modifying her leg, looks up at him from her desk.
“Another one bailed on you?”
“Geeh, what gave it away this time?”
“You proclaiming ‘that was the 5th one’ to the world and looking like you got hit by a wave of criticism and ridicule. I dunno, I’m just guessing.”
Chai sat up and pouted at her.
“You don’t understand Pep, I’ve now been through five different instructors at this point and all of them say the same thing, it’s-”
“It’s not you, but I feel like we’re on different musical levels here, and I feel like it’d be best for you to find a new instructor.”
She made direct eye contact with him and sighed
“Am I right, or am I right?”
He groaned in frustration and slummed back down into the couch. 808 had to readjust herself once again to be able to lay down properly.
“It’s the same thing over and over, it’s either I’m tone deaf, my tuning isn’t right, I played the wrong note seven times in a row, I’m not shutting up, or I’m not feeling the music correctly. Which, how is that even possible when I literally have a music player in my freaking chest!?”
He groaned again, but then sighed sadly
“Maybe I should give up trying to learn how to play professionally, if this is all I’m gonna hear...”
Peppermint shot him a confused glace
“You? Chai? Giving up?”
“At this point, yeah. What else am I going to do?”
Peppermint got up and made her way over to Chai and grabbed him by the scarf.
“Hey, what are you- WAHH-”
She pulled him up from the couch, causing 808 to fly off him and jump back down on the floor.
“You literally took down a corporate overlord and his goonies from using a mind control program on the public just a few months ago. And now I’m hearing you give up because some music instructors said some mean things to you?”
He looked at her nervously
“I-I umm, not...exactly...M-Maybe I shouldn’t have worded it like that. I’m just being dramatic.”
He awkwardly chuckled, trying to brush off her comment. She looked at him for a second but then quickly let go of his scarf and made her way back to her desk and turned on her computer and quickly starts typing away.
“Umm...what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna help you with this myself. The Chai I know never gives up on something as miniscule as this. Plus, you moping around the hideout for the past 2 weeks is starting to get on my nerves.”
“Y-Yeah? What are you doing exactly? And....why are you pulling up your messages?”
She continued typing
“I’ll tell you in a second. I gotta see if she responds first.”
“Who are you messaging-”
“I said I’ll tell you in a second, hold on.”
Chai sighs and crosses his arms impatiently.
A few minutes later, Peppermint is getting a video call on her computer and she quickly turns on her webcam as she accepts the call. The caller from the other side hasn’t turned on their camera yet, but quickly says
“Oh! Give me a minute to turn on my camera Pep Pep!”
Chai, looking over from the side was very confused
“Pep Pep?”
He then snorts a little and whispers to Peppermint
“You let them call you Pep Pep?”
“I’m about two seconds away from ripping off your arm, then I’ll give you something to cry about.”
The person then turns on their camera, and Chai is met face to face with a girl with blonde hair, tied up in three separate ponytails, two braids on the sides of her head, vibrant purple and violet eyes, and orangish skin.
“Pep Pep!! It’s been so long since we’ve last talked! How’s everything been? How’s your mom doing? How’s the company doing?”
Peppermint laughed a little
“Everything’s fine Mayday. Mom’s doing good too. I’m sorry it took so long to reach back out to you, been working on a bunch of different projects.”
Mayday laughed
“You were always one to throw yourself into your projects, Pep Pep.”
“Same can be said about your music, May. Speaking of which, how’s that going for you?”
“Still decent, me and Zuke just did a gig a few nights back and it went pretty well!”
Mayday then directed her attention to Chai
“By the way, whose that? He’s just kinda standing there.”
Peppermint sighed
“Oh, sorry. This is my friend, Chai. He’s a idiot who can’t introduce himself properly.”
Chai whipped his head towards her
“Rude much!!”
Mayday giggled
“He seems fun! A little awkward, but fun!”
Peppermint sighed
“Yeah, he’s actually the reason why I wanted to call you in the first place.”
“Yeah? Why?”
Mayday then quickly gasped
“Is he your boyfriend, Pep Pep!?!”
Peppermint and Chai gagged and yelled
“NO! HE’S NOT!!”
Mayday laughed
“I’m kidding! He’s not your type anyways, so if you said he was I would’ve been surprised!”
Peppermint laughed awkwardly
“Yeah, if I ever dated someone like him, I must’ve been desperate.”
Mayday then leaned back in her chair
“So, what’s this all gotta do with him?”
Peppermint sighed and looked back up at her
“I need you to teach him to play guitar May.”
Mayday and Chai both looked up at her
There u go, idk if I’ll do this again but this is what I got. Hope you all enjoyed!
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