#numberz game
trulese · 1 year
haiii tru tru ! here r sum numberz 4 the ask game: 12, 34, 59, & 99 ! :3
12 favorite animal- um id hav to say really any baby animal i love theyre jus so cute an tiny
34 something you love about yourself- umm hmm wait its takin me a minute uhhh ill say my laugh its real loud hehe
59 who is your crush- hehehee ur makin me giggle i hav crushes on a few peopl tho ahhh why u ask me this im getin embarrassed hehehehe
99 favorite band- my fav rn is team sleep but it switchs every week or so
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kiunlo · 10 months
i feel like if math was taught in different ways that made it fun for people more ppl would like math and think it sucked less. i like doing math when i'm using it to figure out how much of a certain item i need in a game and how long it will take to get them (i do this for minecraft a lot). i like doing math when it comes to figuring out the sizes and comparisons of those sizes of different birds (i like birds a lot lol). idk i feel like if math was more widely applied to things that students actually like doing it'd be more fun for people. math isn't an un-fun thing to do if goes along with something that you DO find really interesting and the math is there not to hinder you but rather help you. idk man i just like to divide the numberz
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so many numberz sorry 😁😁😁😁 5, 9, 10 and 12 for choose violence please
5. Worst discord server and why?
I've not joined, personally, but everything I've heard about revwest has been extremely unflattering, both in terms of moderation and the general atmosphere/culture <3
9. Worst part of cannon?
I find video games stressful anyway, and playing a character where I absolutely do not have the option to behave in ways I find comfortable (eg. Being sure never to leverage power over other people, actively putting effort into not making people uncomfortable instead of just saying the first thing that comes to mind) means that I find playing the game itself not entirely worth the stress. I understand why it's done like that, because like if Harry wasn't the way he is the story would be extremely different, but it does mean my interactions with cannon are usually limited to watching an obscene number of playthroughs and attempting to know the entirety of fayde from memory.
Also the whole sorry cop thing annoys me slightly because I do apologise quite a lot but the game completely misinterprets my intentions when I do. It's pretty much never a self-flagellating thing, it's just an acknowledgement of "yeah I fucked up on that one, my bad". It just serves to validate the other person's feelings and acknowledge my own culpability so that I can remember not to do it again and so that the conversation can continue without any underlying bad feelings. It's a formality more than anything.
Neither of those are really problems with cannon (which I am probably not the most qualified person to explain) but like... little things that annoy me personally even though I'm objectively wrong because I'm a petty little gremlin.
10. Worst part of fannon?
Not enough trant <3
(Serious answer here)
12. The unpopular character you actually like and why more people should like them.
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Fucked up (compelling!)
Shares Harry's history of divorce and substance abuse, but recovered due to better access to support and resources, serving as a mirror to demonstrate how poverty sustains addiction and mental illness
Rambles when he’s nervous 🥺
Evil (hangs out with cops, carries a gun for no reason)
Evil (probably way too enthusiastic about murders)
Evil (white liberal)
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caaveatimptorr · 6 months
8!! For that one pozt w the numberz n stuff :P
8. Have you played any other games that are similar to WarioWare's gameplay design? (Or are there ones you've wanted to look into?
uhhh i dont think i have? i dont rlly know many games that follow the basis of only quicktime events, which is kinda the charm warioware has to me, though i guess a somewhat similar game would be mario party or something and ive played it with one of my girlfriends
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fyouimgay2 · 10 months
Do you suffer from anxiety/depression/PTSD/other?
What petty event are you still embarrassed about?
Tell a secret.
What’s one thing you don’t feel comfortable doing around your friends?
Do you want to have a partner for life?
(for the azk game but I do not remember the numberz so sorry about that 🥲)
Hiyaaaa (dw abt the numbers btw it’s honestly easier with the words) x
Okay so that’s a tricky one because I know I have anxiety and depression but my friends seem to think I have PTSD so that’s that I suppose.
Right so you see I can’t wrap my head around what petty means for some reason but I still die every time I think about shit I’ve done at school yk.
Well idk what to say for a secret but sometimes I just wish I could kinda leave my house for a little while and go literally anywhere.
I don’t feel totally comfortable expressing emotions in general but every time I cry in front of them I think I die a little bit.
Partner for life? Sure. Yeah. Uhm. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if I didn’t, but it’s tricky thing for me to say right now.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
HIIIIIII VYYY 14, 15, 34 and 35 pls 😳😳😳😳
14. Owns a motorcycle
berkeley: do dirtbikes count as motorcycles???? it’s berk’s 3rd uncle’s bike, but he doesn’t really want or need it anymore so he passed off the old thing to berkeley and chase (and technically the other houndstooth siblings too, but they’re not old enough to ride responsibly yet in meemaw’s eyes)
chase: same bike as berkeley. they usually share the responsibility of fixing up the ol’ thing but it’s mainly berkeley who rides it anyway.
flint: his cousin told him to fix the bike — the cousin got bored of the bike and never came back for it so it’s his now. he doesn’t really extensively use it, but sometimes he uses it to pop by the houndstooth residency or when he has to go on a quick run to town.
lola: a rickety old teal scooter that has been through hell and back (read: lola’s vehicular abuse). it is covered with a variety of stickers, dents, and scratches but it still works! and in the times that it doesn’t want to work, a good kick usually gets it running again!
ulysses: he has it for the land excursions of the finn family affairs — he doesn’t like to spend extensive time with his parents, so he managed to get a bike to avoid being stuck in a car with them while he’s stuck on land. very nice and sleek model, very refined — it’s maroon color and surprisingly enough, no scratches or dents.
vinh: surprise ! the deity has a motorcycle! it’s generally only for her little ‘adventures’ off the mountain and she is obligated to conceal more of her identity when she wants to go about riding it — but nonetheless, it exists and the head patriarch Does Not know about it. it’s a sportsbike and by her mother’s request, it’s got a matte-black finish (and a matching helmet) and in her father’s words, it is a very attractive bike.
15. Is book smart
cordell: spent his entire life indoors and doing nothing but studying. you should hope that it pays off... (and it does ! especially in biology. sometimes his grades in other classes suffer because he is just, not at all interested in paying any sort of attention at times.)
flint: what were u expecting?? of course he’s a picture perfect honor student with impeccable grades and consistently goes above and beyond teacher’s expectations. (cough: nerd.)
marian(?): he fails a lot of his tests because he doesn’t want to look like a nerd — but the fact remains that he is a genius magus who knows much more than he lets on.
ronaldo: he’s certainly no idiot and even if he doesn’t put a lot of effort into his studies, he hates failing and despises being treated like he can’t take care of himself. he exerts the bare minimum into his studies and certainly does prove that his brain is much more adept than his slacker persona would let us believe. wonder what would happen if he actually did try though.
sarge: a genius in many aspects, if you will. he grasps onto a variety of course materials very easily and he’s a very well-read student who clearly dabbles in a wide-variety of literature. what he lacks in brawn, it seems that he has... certainly tipped the scales with brain. he doesn’t particularly care much for being very studious though, he just does as he will.
ulysses: a very academically strong student with near perfect grades — but that doesn’t really mean much because ulysses is still incredibly lacking in a great deal of common sense.
vinh: a dedicated academic who’s devoted a great deal of her life to being educated and well-informed, would it really be a shock to anybody that she’s incredibly book smart?
xuehai: he’s learned a great deal from his royal private tutors and marian, but he has also done a good amount of self-guides studies on his own. he is incredibly well-read and well-versed in a number of subjects, notably those of philosophy and magical theories.
(hi u said pick any # i wanted since 34 was already done so im doing...) 27. Loves children
berkeley: he’s helped rear a shit ton of kids, he’s got so much experience with wrangling kids that it’s like second nature to him now! he’s a pretty childish guy himself, but he sorta always adopts a clumsy big-bro persona around kids yknow? someone who’ll be an idiot with you, but you can definitely rely on!
chase: bad experiences aside, he likes kids overall still. they’re cute sometimes yknow. snotty, yeah — but that’s normal. he gets along well with toddlers and the way they just, keep on talking about random things. he definitely listens to them about whatever it is that they’re blabbering about. it’s nice.
lola: kids can be so energetic, what’s not to love! she may be a bad influence in all technicalities but that doesn’t mean she’s a monster! she likes it when people rely on her or at least, look up to her? talks with them about whatever the hell they want, takes them on lil adventures, and 100% would beat the snot out of whoever tries to bother them.
sarge: he adores children! so curious and intuitive, he loves teaching them and entertaining them — and if necessary, he’s always willing to lend an ear to them about whatever it is they want to talk about. back home, you can usually find sarge hanging about in the housing area of the church’s grounds with a number of children clambering around him.
vinh: despite her cold demeanor with most people, she’s actually always quite warm and friendly to children. she’s very patient with them and often times finds that she has, accidentally taken another child under her wing in terms of protecting and guiding them. she can’t really help it.
xuehai: jerk to most (if not all), but not to kids. it’d be absolutely unforgivable to act out in the presence of children. he sees no reason in being so cruel to the innocent. he’s... not quite soft with them and can be a little overbearing and intimidating with them — but a proper prince should extend a hand to all citizens, especially those whom are vulnerable. in the polar crests, he’s been known to be fairly close to a number of children as he often leaves the castle to observe the city.
35. Has amazing hair
flint: it’s so... smooth. ignoring the blunt-cut look he’s got going, it’s literally so pleasant to the touch. he definitely picks up after his mother in terms of being a beauty. he doesn’t put as much thought into his hair as some of the other people in this list, but it’s still pretty damn nice.
marian: an oddly choppy hime-cut, but the quality of his hair is really nice. you can often times find marian himself fiddling with the tips of his hair because of how nice it is to touch. he pampers his hair quite a bit because he’s very fond of feeling clean and pretty, but he’s not exactly the most consistent person in the world.
ronaldo: a thick head of hair, good volume, strong roots — and it is well-kempt and cared for with a great variety of products. it sits somewhere on the line of being between straight and wavy, and if you were to touch it when his hair isn’t gelled yet, you’ll find that it’s really quite soft and fluffy.
sarge: wavy hair that’s got a bit of an uneven cut to it, but it sorta adds to the... dreamy charm of sarge. there’s a good amount of bounce and volume to his curls and they’re always so tidy, it’s almost unreal. it should be noted that a good amount of people have said that his hair smells like jasmine.
vinh: thick black hair, incredibly strong roots, pretty straight and well — it’s on fire. her fringe and bangs are relatively uneven, but that’s part of her charm, yeah? her hair is very well-cared for and has been said to be very silky. it’s been growing out for a very very long time, and if vinh were to fully extinguish herself, it would most certainly be an impressive length (that would certainly drag on the floor, if it were to not be braided extensively or held up.)
xuehai: it’s supposed to be black hair, but due to some... leyline mischief, it’s now white. his hair has strong roots and isn’t quite as thick as some of the others, but that doesn’t really matter. his hair is incredibly straight and is very well-cared for — he always makes sure to keep the tips of his hair trimmed straight as to ensure that he has no split-ends or dead hairs lingering about. aside from the little hair trimmings here and there — he has actually never cut his hair before (aside from his bangs and maintaining his signature braid)
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xockpuppet · 5 years
are you still doing the spotify wrapped thing??? 1 and 34 :)
yeah ofc!! if anyone else also wants to send in numbers feel free to!! I might end up extending this to tomorrow tbh
1 (somehow not machine girl even though 2 is lol):
both fuckin bangers...
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tribujuegos · 2 years
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Nuevo juego en tribujuegos.com : Numberz! https://www.tribujuegos.com/game/numberz Muy interesante juego de rompecabezas de matemáticas para todos los jugadores. ¡Disfruta de braintea...
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braden-ffxiv · 6 years
as a D&D DM i rarely ever ban any material that isn’t outright broken from my game, and there’s a really good reason for this.
while there are powerful options for spellcasters outside of core, most splatbooks serve the purpose of making non-spellcasters better. this is painfully, sorely, desperately needed in D&D, and when you look at things from the top-down it becomes apparent.
in 3.5 there’s a spell called greater luminous armor which gives you the benefits of wearing magical full plate that weighs nothing. there’s a class called abjurant champion, which is meant to support gish builds (fighter/spellcasters, like magic knights and stuff) by giving bonuses to the AC provided by abjuration spells (like greater luminous armor and shield.) by 5th level in this prestige class you can easily obtain AC, with items to tweak it, of 45-50, and that’s the lower end of optimization.
that seems pretty good... good enough a DM might consider banning it for being too powerful. right?
except you just spent 5 levels in a gish prestige class, after putting together a build that makes you meh at spellcasting and meh at melee, for +5 AC. while the spell is active. and not dispelled, or suppressed. that’s cool.
meanwhile the wizard 20, built with only core rules, is shapechanging into a red dragon and beating you in every conceivable way. also all your AC doesn’t mean shit when he can cast spells that give him concealment, miss chances, flying, mirror images. also he has access to amazing battlefield control magic, scrying, wishing... and a lot more, and all of that is just inside of core rules.
so yeah. if you’re going to allow wizards to do shit their class is intended to do by the core rules, which is ridiculously powerful, you need to think twice about slapping gishes and fighters and rogues on the wrist for having a few good numberz to add to their character sheets.
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2whatcom-blog · 5 years
I Can Has Numberz
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My favourite style of tumblr put up is "humans are adorable." We like to embellish ourselves with shiny issues! We burn issues for enjoyable though fireplace is inherently very scary! We bond with nonhumans and even really feel empathy for spaceships and robotic vacuum cleaners! We're ridiculous creatures, however no less than we're cute. I believe the best way we do math is not any totally different. Listed below are 5 of probably the most cute issues about our relationship with numbers and different points of math. 1. Between 2003 and 2013, U.S. universities awarded nearly 15,000 doctorates in arithmetic, statistics, and biostatistics, so there are tens of 1000's of mathematicians working across the nation. However not a single one in every of them is aware of whether or not p+e is rational or irrational! I imply, odds are in favor of it being irrational as a result of nearly all quantity are, however they do not know for certain. And it isn't simply p+e. Mix some irrational (and even transcendental) numbers in just about any approach you need, and likelihood is nobody can determine whether or not it is rational or irrational! They do not know whether or not pxe is rational both, however they do know p+e and pxe can't each be rational. What a foolish quantity of data to have! 2. Regardless that most numbers--in a way, 100% of them--are irrational, people are surprisingly obsessive about rational numbers. The less and additional between the numbers are, the extra they care about them. They love integers greater than non-integer rational numbers, and so they appear to like prime numbers probably the most of all, though a smaller and smaller proportion of integers are prime the additional out on the quantity line you look! They're particularly fascinated with twin primes, that are rarer nonetheless and will even peter out fully sooner or later. 3. People outline p to be the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter after which say with a straight face that it's irrational! Regardless that the phrase irrational relies on the phrase ratio! 4. Even supposing numbers are largely constructed in their very own minds, people have favourite numbers and numbers they're afraid of or imagine to be unfortunate. Seven is probably the most favourite quantity, based on a ballot performed by Alex Bellos, though that's the mistaken reply as a result of six is clearly the very best quantity. Many individuals are afraid of 4 or 13. Some motels and different tall buildings keep away from labeling a ground because the 13th ground after which fake there's nothing mistaken with the 14th ground! People will use their favourite numbers once they play video games of likelihood though they confer no further profit and in some sense might even decrease their payout on a win. 5. Once they're engaged on an issue, people generally cease once they study that a answer exists and never hassle to search out the precise answer! Typically they do not even know how one can discover the solution--they simply know that it exists--and they nonetheless give themselves credit score for fixing the issue. Just a few mathematicians, generally known as constructivists, insist on with the ability to present examples of portions or objects asserted to exist, and they're thought-about a bit odd. Do you will have any favourite cute human math quirks? Share them with me on Twitter or Fb. Read the full article
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threeee · 4 years
OK. now i think i will see whaatttt i missed from hollyz stream (a lot)
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nldradio · 6 years
Great indie record labels don’t appear overnight. Time is needed to cultivate industry relationships. Passion from the team is necessary to develop and guide the label throughout its setbacks and successes. And tenacity must be ingrained in the leader for the label’s success to maintain longevity and sustainability in an eve changing, technologically advancing, music industry.
It’s founder, Corey “COBaby” Coleman, has been in the game since the early 1990s as the first road manager for Cash Money, bearing witness to their growth from an underground label, to the original sketch of Cash Money’s logo, to their first major deal with Universal. Since then, COBaby found that he had a real passion, and the skills for managing new talent. With his industry connections in New Orleans, Detroit and Houston, COBaby achieved local success with the DoughBoys in Detroit and Piece of Mind Productions in Texas. Gaining momentum in his drive to connect his influential industry contacts with his tenacity for a successful legacy, COBaby set his sight and ambition towards the bigger picture, owning a label of his own.
Phreedom Records transformed from an idea 20 years in the making, into reality in 2010. COBaby had recently relocated back to New Orleans and found that his daughter, Deshantrel had been rapping under the name Flo’Rescent, recording and rhyming at home, uploading her raw videos onto YouTube. COBaby recognized that she has a flow and originality that wasn’t a part of the current music scene. Dad and daughter met for lunch at Deanie’s Restaurant in the French Quarter and walked out as manager and first artist of Phreedom Records.
COBaby came home from the meeting already on his grind. He asked his wife, Amy, to be partner to his dream and build Phreedom Records LLC from the ground up. When asked about her decision to build a record label, she said, "In the beginning, you're excited to start a label. Your focus is to get your artist in the studio and make a banging track...the reality is it's a lot of paperwork...and learning about what drives the business behind the music is a daily initiative."
November 16, 2011, Phreedom Records LLC came into existence and from the jump, Flo’Rescent opened for Dee-1, Lil Chuckee, and Travis Porter. Performing locally and gaining attention from DJs like Wild Wayne of Q93, collaborating with legends like Skip of UTP. Her success and COBaby's professionalism drew the attention of other talent that led to the signing of three more artists; Ruk22, Hollygrove Tigga and Mic Price.
A lack of female rap groups influenced the decision to combine the strengths and talent of Flo’Rescent and Ruk22, creating the female powerhouse, Double Trouble. Their hits “Stackn Paper” and “Hustler’s Ambition” opened shows for Mia X, LEVEL, N.O.4, Ghetto Twiinz and Mystikal. Success was on the horizon.
But every backstory has their share of successes, as well as trials and tribulations. Phreedom wasn’t spared.
Since 2015, Phreedom Records has been revitalized through new talent and influential business partnerships, beginning with the signing of Lucki Lew. Lucki Lew delivers a mix of musical influences from club rap to bounce and jig, fusing inventive lyrics in his songs “My Lil Yeah Remix feat. Tweeday” and “HotSpot Remix feat. Level” delivered through energetic live performances. He currently has a roster of success in opening for Juvenile, Mannie Fresh, Jacquees, Freeway, LEVEL, Kevin Gates, 5th Ward Weebie, K Styles and Colonel Loud.
In 2017, COBaby added two additional artists to our phamily; Aaron “Butta Bezzy” Anderson, a creative hook master, who expresses himself through a raw and gritty voice, layered with lyrics heavy on sex, twisted with is comedic take on hood life and relationships. 
His latest tracks, “All My Life” and “All On You” are fire club bangers.
Travlon “Murderman” Johnson, a gifted storyteller who delivers unapologetic rhymes blended with an effortless style of delivery. On his latest project, Murderman has collaborated with legends such as Jay Da Menace of Kangol Slim on fire tracks such as “I’m Gone” and “Fuckin Right.” His debut album titled “No Contradiction” is concurrently being developed through genius producers such as KC Tha Producer, Nave Monjo, Kangol Slim and Jay Da Menace to solidify the success of his next release.
Our team has opened individually or collectively for the artists listed above, with 2016-2017 building in momentum as our team continued to make successful moves, opening for Scarface, LEVEL, ZRo at The Ayva Center in Houston, Jacquees at the House of Blues in New Orleans, and recognition of an artistic win of first place at the National Entertainment Expo 2016 in Savannah, GA. Invaluable industry and phan attention was gained at SXSW 2017 in Austin, TX. Including a happenstance, reacquaintance with Mr. Mitchell, President of Urban Network Digital.
And this indie label can’t stop riding the wave...
2018 has brought many changes to our label that generated new life and longevity to our team. We signed 2 major acts to the label, Ghaazi Ali and Tha Team, and from the jump the love from phans has been tremendous.
Ghaazi Ali is a native New Orleanian with a love of music spanning all the way back to his days at Jean Gordon Elementary where he learned to play the snare drum. He has a humble spirit and drive for success that not only impressed CO’Baby but brought a meaningful message to his attention. Ghaazi expressed his feeling of being “stuck at the bottom…and not having anybody really stop and listen to what kind of talent comes from here is a constant struggle.” 
CO’Baby listened. A couple tracks were exchanged between artist and record label owner that led to the eventual signing of Ghaazi Ali to Phreedom Records LLC.
Since then, Ghaazi Ali is no longer “unknown.” He has opened for artists such as; Trina, Just Queen Brittany, Webbie, ShortyWorld, Whop Bezzy, Yung Bleu and Jim Jones. He was also given a chance to perform at a community event for Smother’s Academy, an all-boys school in Metairie, LA, where a small concert that included artists from around the city like ShortyWorld, demonstrated their craft and created a positive vibe and message for the young men. 
Success is imminent as Ghaazi Ali recently dropped his first single, “Facts” and recently released his second single, “For Me," off his debut album “Now or Never.” The official video release for “Facts,” produced by Son_Production, dropped October 16, 2018 with his follow-up smash single "For Me," also produced by Son_Production, official video released December 4, 2018. Both songs have been released under The Orchard/Sony Red distribution umbrella with the release of "Facts" and "For Me" soon to take place in Korea beginning December 12, 2018.
Tha Team (K.g, G.o and Mastamynd) have a vocal mixture of talent just oozing with lyrical style and ability. Their originality as a team is enhanced by their ability to stand alone as a force of one, or as a team forging their own path, primed for greatness with hard-line bass tracks, combined with clever and masterly laid out verses, produced by KC Da Producer; one of the most sought-after and skillful engineers’ in New Orleans.
Their entrance to the music industry is as dynamic as their singles "Wave" “In My Zone” and “Benz” is to their growing fan base. Within 6 months of signing to Phreedom Records LLC, "Wave" was released on November 23, 2018 under The Orchard/Sony Red distribution umbrella, with an impressive follow-up release scheduled in Korea on December 26, 2018. The views and likes on their video "Wave;" produced in Detroit by videographer Christian Nelson, continues to climb, amplifying the idea that a new "Wave" is about to impact the current music scene.
In 2019 COBaby solidified a new business relationship with an artist he had been following for a minute, Tony Merc. A self-proclaimed “animal” to the mic, Tony Merc already came with significant accomplishments under his belt. He opened for artists like The Game, Bone Thugs N Harmony, and Nutt the Kid at high-profile venues around New Orleans such as The House of Blues, Club Lyve, The Howling Wolf, The Republic, and The Metropolitan with songs “Off Safety” and “I’m The Man.” Tony Merc’s videos for “Off Safety” and “I’m The Man” add fire visual depth to what he brings to the table that will make phans and haters sit up and take notice.
The combination of these three powerhouse acts have set Phreedom Records on the cusp of stardom, but we aren’t there yet.
The internet is continuing to dominate the breaking of new artist into mainstream artists, making new marketing and promotional relationships a must. Including our solid phamily of artists, our current professional partnerships include:
Corey “COBaby” Coleman; CEO and Founder of Phreedom Records LLC
Amy “Mrs C” Coleman; COO and Co-Owner of Phreedom Records LLC, responsible for efficient and effective daily operations.
BM White; Vice President
Arlene HeatMag Culpepper; VP/Asst Editor in Chief at Heat Magazine, PR/Publicist at MIKODreamz, and PR and Reporter at The Examiner.
Ike Numberz of VirDiko; a global online music promotions company with a reach in over 150 countries and a professional list of thousands of DJs worldwide. He’s the Mid-South Region Sales Director for www.VirDiko.com and the Programming Director of www.VirDikoGlobalRadio.com.
Lajoan Williams; CEO of Dream Management; a consultant firm for new talent and businesses, offering cutting edge and relevant approaches to business and marketing challenges, focusing on alternate market and multi-platform distribution.
DJ RO of WQUE 93.3; He’s the ear to the streets in the South. He played a key role in changing WQUE 93.3 to an urban station, creating and maintaining the only live mix show “Club 93” for the past 22 years.
Hustle God Booking; Sess 4-5 in New Orleans,
Promoter; Lady Shack in Atlanta, GA
Producers; Jay Da Menace of Black Menace, KC Tha Producer and Nave Monjo
Corey Banks; Founder of $on Productions, videographer and 2015 Hip Hop NOLA Award nominee, 2016 Hip Hop NOLA Award winner.
Devarian Menyweather; videographer from the Westbank of New Orleans.
Matthew Brown; Founder of Feonix Digital and website developer.
Donte Campbell “Tay Cam”; new artist and Cover Art Designer, Visual Graphics Engineer.
New industry partnerships will arise and increase our expansion into mainstream markets. These opened doors, combined with the dedication, passion and tenacity, that our phamily is filled with, will continue to propel Phreedom Records to worldwide success.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
8, 13, 17 from the headcanon ask game!
8. Can kill you with a pencil
berkeley: ur so resourceful, berk...
cordell: well, he is cordell.
guts: brute strength is all you need.
lola: shove in, thrust up! easy!
marian: i feel like he’s probably done it before.
ulysses: if you’re angry enough, anything is possible.
xuehai: again. brute strength is all you need.
13. Knows random facts about everything
cordell: he likes to learn. he likes to learn about Everything. he specializes in biology, but there’s a lot more he knows outside of it.
flint remington: he’s read a lot of history and theoretical books in his free time (and all throughout his childhood). it does not help that he’s also the son of two professors — and is the grandson of a babushka who has lead one of the, admittedly strangest lives he has ever heard of. he’s the type of kid that would have definitely sat down to read through the newspaper if he was bored enough. or an encyclopedia.
marian: he’s old, he’s a former (not a formally recognized one, but it doesn’t really change much) scholar, he’s been around the block WAY too many times — he’s just, a well of strange knowledge. ask him about magic, ask him about curses! ask him about hair care or skin care! whatever! he’s got it up in his noggin somewhere!
sarge: he’s a startlingly intelligent person — like, freakishly so. and also scarily observant. outside of his ability to pick people apart though, he also really likes to learn about the world so he just watches everything and studies it until he feels satisfied with what he’s come back up with. ‘sarge, why do you know so much about the history of arsenic?’ he just thought it was interesting!
vinh: old as hell, she’s lived through a lot, she reads a whole lot. it does not help that her skill is memorization. you can ask her about a random year and ask for something that happened during it and she could probably tell you. she specializes a great deal in history, but also she kept a great deal of observation journals throughout her life so. she’s got a lot up there in her head.
xuehai: he was unfortunately the receptacle of most of marian’s oddly knowledgeable ramblings. outside of marian’s ramblings though, he does have a surprising amount of practical knowledge. he liked to go and talk to civilians during his free time back in the polar crests, yknow. he can tell you exactly how to tell where to find fish when the seas have frozen over.
17. Would steal a penguin from the zoo
berkeley: ah well, he’s berkeley you know. ‘we should steal a penguin,’ says someone. berkeley starts to lace up his boots, ‘alrighty then!’
cordell: he needs it for research. right now. immediately.
eddie: he’s a man of whims and that penguin looked like it wanted freedom. be free, brother...
lola: what’s the difference between mugging someone for their wallet and breaking into some weird bird’s enclosure? none!
marian: broke in to steal the penguin’s place and then morphed himself into a penguin because he wanted to be fawned over by zoo guests over how cute he was.
nik: i feel like, he could be peer-pressured into stealing a penguin. not of his own whims, but he can definitely be coerced into stealing a penguin.
xuehai: broke in to get marian-penguin out.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
1, 4, 16, 20, 30, 33
1. Light sleeper
chase: learned response, a lil bit of a side effect from uh. foster care.
guts: learned response, being the finn bastard child has it’s ups and downs.
nik: the heightened mana sensitivity makes him rly easy to disturb.
ronaldo: rly sensitive ears, the slightest noise can wake him up.
xuehai: no particular reason, but you know. avalanches are easy to start.
4. Has a dysfunctional family
(formerly) chase: foster families aren’t always the best.
(formerly) eddie: orphan on the streets for some time, so. by default, not functional.
guts: the finns are fucked up.
sarge: can’t really be functional if they’re dead! (but also a religious following isn’t really much of a family, yknow.)
ulysses: finns. they’re fucked up.
vinh: her parents and sisters are fine, her extended family? fucked up.
16. Is naïve
cordell: ....technically? he sees the world as it is, but even then he’s just. very cordell.
eddie: he’s seen a shit ton of the ugliest sides of life, but he’s still pretty wet behind the ears.
nik: very very inexperienced in all matters life experience and more.
penn: not extremely naïve but, he’s definitely no ancient weathered soul. there’s plenty he doesn’t know about.
20. To solve other peoples problems, they say to murder the problem
cordell: well. it’s not necessarily murder but, hm. it’s never a good thing when you have to say but. cordell’s idea of fixing it is ‘get rid of it’. he never clarifies. we will never know what he meant exactly.
lola: a lot of times, people’s problems are born of annoying people! who’s to say a lil ‘life flashing before your eyes’ for ur lil pest problem isn’t a good solution?
marian: he’s usually joking when he says it, but sometimes he might actually be serious. we don’t know.
xuehai: he was raised by marian, is anybody shocked? murder isn’t his go-to, but he’s never one to shy away from a potential solution.
30. Will send memes in the group chat
lola: she rly likes reaction pictures, but specifically the really absurd ones. in her words, they make for a nice ‘conversation seasoning <3’
marian: sends very... strange memes, but it certainly does match the conversation. where the hell does he get these pictures though...?
33. Can’t sleep without something special
chase: he can’t sleep until he knows he’s locked his door.
guts: same as chase, he can’t really sleep until he’s certain that he’s locked his door.
nik: needs his very old rabbit plushie. it’s very worn-down and it’s starting to show its age in the thin and greyed fabric but, he still needs it (and also a nightlight. he needs a nightlight).
penn: needs a hugging pillow. it can be his head pillow or a separate pillow, he just needs to have a thing to hug and bury his face under.
sarge: strangely enough, even as a religious icon, sarge isn’t the most... devoutly religious person. nonetheless, he finds that he at least needs to ‘pray’ a little bit before he sleeps.
ulysses: he always needs a blanket. yes the ocean is cold, yes he lived in the ocean — that does Not matter. he hates the cold and he wants a blanket.
vinh: a bit of an insomniac, she usually has to go wander around a bit before she can actually go to sleep.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
22 hoo hoo...
22. Likes dragons
cordell: he’s intrigued... he’s mainly only studied pretty ‘basic’ animals so far but he’d really like to study more fantastical creatures. (somewhere else, malleus feels someone staring right at him.)
penn: they’re just cool, yknow? like... how do you not look at any dragon in a video game and think ‘thats raw as hell’?
xuehai: it’s a cultural thing.
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prometheanglory · 4 years
Hihi vy! May I ask 5, 12, 13 and 34 for the headcanons ask please?
5. Likes rock music
berkeley: it’s fun to listen to! gets ur blood pumping, yknow!
chase: strikes me as the type to like classical rock.
ronaldo: he’s not rly fond of overly noisy types of rock music, but he’s got his handful of rock music that he likes to play in his car and whatnot.
lola: she likes all kinds of music, especially if it’s got a sort of vibe that you can dance (or move very erratically) to!
penn: it’s good for a lil bit of jamming out to yourself, yknow? he doesn’t really have a lot of that. pent-up teenage boy rage, but he likes to listen to it when he plays some games and whatnot.
marian: screaming along to rock music is very fun. very fun. xuehai doesn’t like it when marian wants to start his usual caterwauling, but marian does it anyway.
12. Wants to run away from everything
guts: he’s led a pretty harsh life and now that he’s... yknow. disowned, at nrc, sorta at the end of his rope — he just wants to forget that that part of his life ever existed and start anew, yknow.
ronaldo: this bitch got issues and he 1) does not want to be perceived, 2) does not want to get close to people, 3) does not want to get involved with people, 4) does not want to deal with any ‘annoying’ problems
sarge(?): not necessarily run persay, but he definitely wants to just. take a step back and to see what life could have been like if everything had not gone the way it did? he technically did run away from the church to explore life more, but he doesn’t want to run. he just wants to... drift a little is all.
13: here!
34: Has a sweet tooth
chase: it’s not a very strong sweet tooth, but he does like maple syrup quite a bit. he’s not too fond of the overly artificial tastes and treats — fruits and jams are perfectly fine though.
cordell: he likes fruits, honeys, puff pastries, and jams and whatnot! he really likes pancakes and ham and jam sandwiches!
guts: no one really expects it of him, but he really likes sweet foods. he’s fond of taiyaki, but also he’s been known to be able to eat an entire cake by himself if left alone long enough during mostro lounge after hours.
lola: loves sodas, fruit juices, fruits, smoothies, yogurts, and whatever else may happen to exist! super decorated and fruity parfaits are her favorite, but she also likes a great deal of frozen sweets because summers in her hometown can get pretty brutal.
nik: he really likes artificially-flavored sweet things. like fruit gummies, kids’ fruit juices, candies, etc. he really likes things that are blue-raspberry flavored! that being said though, he doesn’t actually like icecream all that much. he does like popsicles though.
ulysses: just like guts, this boy loves sweets. he’s just a bit more, awkward about it. hard to say if he has a particular favorite because he never really mentions it, but he seems to like icecream and pastries a fair amount. the octatrio give him weird looks when he eats (fish-shaped) gummies, but he doesn’t really see the problem with it.
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