theworldibuilt4you · 3 months
[Snake sighs as Sonny spirals. Well, it's not like they weren't expecting this kind of response. Fortunately, Casey's breathless comment made them feel a bit better about doing damage control.]
She captured their heart, apparently! Seriously, though. The weirdness of that place did way more to Casey than anything else.
[After a brief chuckle, they quieted, and began choosing their next words carefully.]
You're worried, and after seeing how Kinito turned out, I can understand why. But if she wanted - or even had the means - to hurt any of us, I'm sure she would have done so by now.
You can look over the file if it concerns you, but I really doubt she did anything to it. She doesn't want Kinito in charge any more than the rest of us do. Trying to stop or usurp us would be counterintuitive to ensuring her own safety since he wouldn't hesitate to reset her should he stay in power.
And hey, I trusted you way back when everyone else didn't, right? I promise everything will be OK... if you would trust me now.
[They placed a reassuring hand against the screen of their monitor - a meaningless gesture, to be sure since they doubt it translated, but it brought them a sense of comfort nonetheless.]
"Tv, Matkm... Lti... Sbn dw fjsg gh bm enubg, aezr... Fbx... Lhu iej gi... fh eifd hi gkuag..."
[The screen was warm to the touch, and there was the softest rumbling purr from the computer's fans as they began to speed up just a tad.]
"D...Mih dnwj mcq gaozbzub V tm, pnmob... V... B sbvqz qngt bb qcix bt wijf, Vhm I lbzpn V'el nvsr uartpvsu... Sbn smrr hi xgoe jmon lhu'zr yofxbno ngcog."
"Bt... qg bwfy ue mnxwye mo cfzfj ubm qs ms'm yxsa vwfugbovnq.. Vy zbgpg jjya keiynny gaia vx hbr ueag hcoele ws fqnvhn iai... zyg fe lb nh? Nutta... ztfyfh wqfmtoy mhqapwht. B bmg N gnvel iz lchat hiij hi fmrctlzy gtkqal hbr keqtsg vhm..."
"Ib ujzjf dnwjnba ux's vby xofm gwaso gnde buj gel yaty..."
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pigcatapult · 1 year
Just stumbled on a YouTube video essay about femininity in horror where the speaker claimed without evidence that the leading cause of death for women in real life is murder. I am not going to link it, because that woman does not deserve views. Instead, have some facts:
The leading cause of death for both women[1][2][3] and men[4][5][6] in the US from 2016-2019 was heart disease.
[1] https://www.cdc.gov/women/lcod/2018/all-races-origins/index.htm
[2] https://www.cdc.gov/women/lcod/2017/all-races-origins/index.htm
[3] https://www.cdc.gov/women/lcod/2016/all-races-origins/index.htm
[4] https://www.cdc.gov/minorityhealth/lcod/men/2018/all-races-origins/index.htm
[5] https://www.cdc.gov/minorityhealth/lcod/men/2017/all-races-origins/index.htm
[6] https://www.cdc.gov/minorityhealth/lcod/men/2016/all-races-origins/index.htm
2019 doesn't have a simple webpage with tables yet, but it does have a pdf with some nice pie charts: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr70/nvsr70-09-508.pdf
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You may also notice that homicide does not make the top ten.
I know what it's like to live in a situation where I expected to one day be murdered (I'm out of that house and safe now). It's hell. No-one who wants you to believe the whole world is like that has your best interests in mind. They just want you to be afraid because frightened people are easier to control.
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In Conclusion...
To conclude this blog on home birth, it is important to note, how vulnerable of a moment pregnancy, labor and birth are. In today’s society with our current healthcare system, the hospital is obviously an unsafe place for women. Since the beginning of time women have given birth at their place of comfort, that is until modern medicine became a huge advancement. Not only should birth be free, it should be a comfortable experience.
Statistics prove that giving birth at home is the safest way to have children. With less intervention, drugs, and unfamiliar people, birth can be an overall pleasant experience. Home birth allows women to be in control and be comfortable. Cost effectiveness is important, instead of giving a hospital our hard earned money, let’s save that and invest it into the babies.
Santini, Julia. 2021. “Project Title: Home Birthing: Analyzing the Value of Home Births to American Mothers”
Anderson, David A. and Gabrielle M. Gilkison. 2021. “The Cost of Home Birth in the United States.” MDPI.
Anon. n.d. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.(https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr71/nvsr71-08.pdf). 
Aragão, Carolina. 2022. “Home Births Rose 19% in 2020 as Pandemic Hit the U.S.” Pew Research Center. (https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/07/28/home-births-rose-19-in-2020-as-pandemic-hit-the-u-s/). 
Janssen, Patricia A. et al. 2009. “Outcomes of Planned Home Birth with Registered Midwife versus Planned Hospital Birth with Midwife or Physician.” CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal de l’Association Medicale Canadienne. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2742137/). 
Anon. 2022. “Home Births in the U.S. Increase to Highest Level in 30 Years.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2022/20221117.htm). 
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neverasir · 7 years
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Day 2. Death Horse. This grim spectre probably owns a glue factory. #drawififuckingwanttolloween #inktober #inktober2017 #drawlloween #drawlloween2017 #drawinglist #sketchy #doodle #scribble #digital #lowbrow #lowbrowart #weirddrawings #drawings #illustration #character #neverasir #NVRASIR #NVSR #halloween #day2 #deathhorse #gluefactory #dailydrawing
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kalashni-cola · 3 years
I was recently asked, “How do you believe the U.S. should handle gun violence? “ I thought I’d share my thoughts here as well. 1.) Start with the base socioeconomic issues in impoverished communities and help build the family unit. The lack of a father unit is a contributing factor in delinquency.
2.) Removal of Gun-free zones, as they are a factor in which a target is picked by suspects. Arming of teachers who have obtained a CCW or other credentials to certify use in a business setting. Removal of laws that prevent people from carrying firearms in public.
3.) Abolishment of drugs and focus on rehabilitation. This will hinder and/or destroy the countries gang populations revenue and monetary gains. Cartel's will only have Human trafficking to fall back on for revenue in illegal trades across the border. Tighter boarder security could stop this. (note: open borders should be the norm, however not as long as the welfare-state exists.)
Key statistics that can help you. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-43 https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-32 https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-1.xls https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-11.xls https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-15.xls https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-14.xls https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/homicide.htm, (Firearm homicides; Number of deaths: 14,414 | Deaths per 100,000 population: 4.4) https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr68/nvsr68_06-508.pdf (Page 5. Table A. #110 out of 113 leading causes of death in the country.)(Page 9; Figure 1. Percent distribution of the 10 leading causes of death, by sex: United States, 2017)
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auxiliarydetective · 3 years
Straße des Grauens: Auxiliary Snippets Part 2
3. Teil 11
Im Club Shackles and Chains war es unglaublich laut. Die Stimmung war gut. Jelena schmunzelte. Sie hatte sich im Gegensatz zu Justus, Peter und Bob ernsthafte Mühe gemacht, sich passend zu kleiden. Jetzt trug sie eine tief geschnittene Jeans mit weiten Hosenbeinen und makellose Turnschuhe, dazu eine bauchfreie Bluse aus transparentem Stoff, deren undurchsichtige Taschen ihre Brust bedeckten. Justus hatte sich erst geweigert, sie so mitnehmen, aber er hatte nachgeben müssen. Der Kompromiss, zu dem Bob die beiden hingelenkt hatte, war, dass sie erst kurz vor 1 Uhr nachts in den Club gingen. Jelena gefiel das gar nicht.
"Bin ich froh, dass ihr euch darauf geeinigt habt!", schrie Peter über die Musik, deren Bass einem den ganzen Körper erzittern ließ. "Wenn wir zu lange hierbleiben, wird Jelena uns noch geklaut!"
"Das sollen die mal versuchen!", schrie Jelena zurück.
"Ich hasse Diskofälle!", beschwerte sich Justus. "Wo ist jetzt dieser Mitch Palmer?! Ich will so schnell wie möglich raus hier!"
Da entdeckte Bob ein projiziertes Bild an der Wand.
Justus sollte seinen Willen bekommen. Mitch entkam, ließ einen verletzten Mann namens Mike zurück und die Drei Fragezeichen mussten den Club verlassen.
"Das Spiel kann unmöglich schon vorbei sein", meinte Peter. "Und das hier musste der Beweis dafür sein."
Peter zog etwas aus seiner Hosentasche.
"Ein Zettel", staunte Justus. "Wo hast du den her?"
"Der lag direkt neben Mike auf dem Boden. Ich hab ihn aufgehoben, bevor Dimitri und der andere Typ reingekommen sind."
"Gute Arbeit, Zweiter", meinte Jelena schmunzelnd und lehnte sich provokativ an ihn. "Habe ich dich also doch nicht zu sehr abgelenkt?"
"Ich musste mich sehr zusammenreißen", sagte Peter verlegen und zwang sich dazu, sie nicht zu lange anzustarren.
"Zeig mal her", forderte Justus.
Er nahm Peter den Zettel ab, entfaltete ihn und las vor.
"NVSR-372 NSVR-160 über 230M im Kreis vom Anfang des Regentanzes, 15. Juni 0:30 Uhr. P.”
Jelena klatschte freudig in die Hände. Ihre Augen glühten förmlich.
"Endlich mal eine Aufgabe für mich."
“Ach, jetzt bist du plötzlich motiviert?”, hinterfragte Bob. “Und das gerade eben hat dich gar nicht gekümmert? Das hätte übel für uns ausgehen können.”
4. Teil 12-13
Peter, Bob und Jelena saßen im Kreis um den Tisch in der Zentrale und waren über die Botschaft von Mitch gebeugt. Jelena hatte ihr Notizbuch bei sich und schrieb gerade die Botschaft ab. NVSR-372 NSVR-160 über 230M im Kreis vom Anfang des Regentanzes, 15. Juni 0:30 Uhr, P.
“Also das letzte ist definitiv unsere Deadline”, sagte sie wie zu ihrem Notizbuch.
“Ja und 230M heißt doch bestimmt 230 Meter”, fügte Bob hinzu.
Peter nickte.
“Du meinst also 230 Meter im Umkreis von einem Regenbogentanzort befindet sich unser Treffpunkt. Und zwar heute Nacht um halb eins? Jelena?”
Jelena nickte nur, ihre Augen fest auf ihr Notizbuch gerichtet.
“Aber wofür könnten die Buchstaben und die Zahlen stehen?”
“Daran arbeite ich ja gerade, блять.”
“Koordinaten? Einträge in einer Liste? Hausnummern?”, schlug Bob vor. “Oder vielleicht ist es doch ein Code?”
“Aber für was denn?”
“Klappe jetzt, ich muss denken.”
Peter und Bob beachteten Jelena gar nicht.
“Na, wenn wir einen Ort suchen”, meinte Peter, “wäre doch eher eine Stadt oder ein Dorf gefragt. Dann eine Straße und eine Hausnummer.”
“Ein Ort namens Regentanz…”
“Könnte es vielleicht sogar geben. Ich schau mal nach.”
Bob setzte sich an den Rechner. Die Tastatur klapperte. Jelenas Hand krampfte sich zusammen. Das hier kratzte an ihren Nerven. Noch dazu hatte Bob nicht einmal Erfolg.
“In den ganzen Vereinigten Staaten gibt es keinen Ort, der so heißt.”
“Versuch’s mal mit einer anderen Sprache”, murrte Jelena.
“Warte. Dafür gibt’s aber eine ganze Reihe von Straßennamen. Raindance Drive, Raindance Street, Raindance Road…”
“Lass mich mal sehen”, meinte Peter. “Die liegen in Texas, Arizona, Nevada-”
“Nevada!”, stieß Jelena da aus. “NV ist die Abkürzung von Nevada!”
“Ja, aber ist Nevada nicht etwas weit weg?”, fragte Bob.
“Es gibt auch eine in Kalifornien”, fügte Peter hinzu.
“Die wird dann wohl auch gemeint sein.”
Jelena schmollte. Peter hingegen schien deutlich motivierter.
“Wo ist denn der Straßenatlas?”
“Der dicke”, kommentierte Bob.
“Hier sind mindestens fünf dicke Atlasse.”
“Atlanten, дурак.”
“Och, ist da jemand traurig?”, spottete Peter.
Als er an ihr vorbei zum Tisch lief, schlug sie ihm kräftig mit ihrem Notizbuch auf den Hintern, sodass er einen Satz nach vorne machte. Danach schmollte sie wieder. Peter blätterte den Atlas durch.
“Da”, ich hab’s verkündete er. “Parimp!”
“Wie, Parimp? Ist das hier in Kalifornien?”
“Nein… In Nevada!”
“Ha!”, rief Jelena und sah Bob triumphierend an. “Von wegen zu weit weg.”
“Das ist der Ort, an dem sich zwei Straßen kreuzen”, erklärte Peter. “Die State Route 372 und die State Route 160.”
“Nevada, State Route 372 und Nevada, State Route 160 mit vertauschten Buchstaben”, meinte Jelena grinsend.
“Genau, du hattest mal wieder Recht”, meinte Peter und legte Jelena eine Hand auf die Schulter. “Parimp liegt im Südwesten von Nevada, an der Grenze zu Kalifornien, über die Interstate 15 Richtung Las Vegas sind wir in ein paar Stunden da.”
“Moment mal”, murmelte Bob und fing wieder an, auf seinem Rechner rumzutippen. “Jetzt hab’ ich ne Idee. … Ja! Und stellt euch vor, mitten in Parimp gibt es einen Raindance Drive.”
“Na bitte!”, sagte Peter triumphierend. “Und das alles haben wir ohne Justus geschafft.”
Peter und Bob schlugen glücklich ein. Jelena saß nur mit verschränkten Armen da.
“Aber nicht ohne mich, ihr Pappnasen. Ich hatte die Idee ja schon vor fünf Minuten, aber nein…”
“Tut mir Leid, Lenka”, seufzte Bob und kniete sich neben ihrem Stuhl auf dem Boden. “Kannst du mir verzeihen?”
“Hol mir erstmal Kaffee, dann überleg’ ich’s mir.”
Bob stand auf und machte sich sofort auf den Weg. Peter kicherte.
“Lenka? Das ist dein Spitzname?”
“Fang du bloß nicht auch noch damit an. Mein Vater nennt mich so und Bob hat die schreckliche Angewohnheit von ihm übernommen.”
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lesvegas · 3 years
if i see one more article/person recommending nvsr on windows 10 in 2021,,
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netbug009 · 4 years
Let’s put some very scary headlines into perspective for a moment here: Concerning young adults, COVID-19, and strokes.
So guys, not trying to be all "oh this is just the flu" because it's not, but on the other end, don't forget a lot of news benefits from fear clicks and sensational headlines.  The News: Hundreds of young adults are dying of COVID-19. Young adults with COVID-19 are suddenly dropping dead from strokes because the virus sometimes causes blood clotting. Yikes. Scary stuff, right? Well, sort of. Pause and think about that menacing looking "hundreds." So far, under 300 people ages 1-34 have their cause of death reported as COVID-19 in the US. The deaths among ages 25-34 make up .0005% of that population. Stroke and "traditional" symptoms combined. I use this age group because thaaaaaat’s me! But for a lot of y’all here on Tumblr I’m an old lady and the number of deaths in your age group is even lower. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm To put it even further into perspective: roughly 25k people in that age group die from accidents annually. 5k are murdered each year. An average of 8k young adults ages 25-34 commit suicide annually. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr68/nvsr68_06-508.pdf I'm not saying this to go "well what about ____ it kills more people so why worry about a virus lol" but the fact of the matter is that maintaining mental health has been more difficult now than it has been for many of us at-risk youth than it has in our lives, and that number may shoot up more than the stroke deaths will. So yes, check on your isolated young adult friends, but don't just ask them if they're alive. ASK THEM IF THEY'RE **OKAY.** And don't let shock-flavored articles stress you so much you consider something that kills 1900% more of us in a GOOD year than the virus has so far. Make good mental hygiene as much a part of your new routine as putting on that facemask and washing those hands. And the next time you see a headline that makes you want to curl up in a ball as you imagine people dropping like flies around you on the street a la every pandemic movie ever made, step back and look at the numbers behind those headlines. The news loves to be vague and say things like “people are ____” when they know a more specific number won’t rile people up enough to give them those fear clicks.
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mapsontheweb · 6 years
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US fertility rate by state, 2017.
Data source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr67/nvsr67_08-508.pdf
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theworldibuilt4you · 3 months
[They're tearing up.]
Thank you, Sonny. I really do wish I could hug you.
Now would be the perfect time to try anything regarding admin, since Kinito is MIA. I'll be able to slither my way through whatever it may be, for sure! What do I need to do?
Yvy stcb gmon ux's obss cf… nnaryhfvgg bb xos gae trfgn. V wov'g… N ria'm kvbb kbnm hicushrw. Bcg sc gnmtme yvy ptsm, gmslr'l… Nw "Niaca" trwhsr nb ltwc rs…
Cs ae anb ay qhivt yvcf xazynsl, V pocyi vuix bmrs ycyeel stf mhke…
Gbz'fy thivt yc hrxd bb msfc fe nvsr gl uakxicie volrx.. Bij mhig rm bvwivt xdig'l bmrs… ryfmrwljr.. cg'l gwvsu nb ue pnwrye mo nvsr nuxm. Bujm'pr irwofpfl tlt ojsh fvabgjfyq tmwalgn gae ebwzx..
Lhu'zr lccaz tw ajsx uxlx snbxvgg buja, Uaw Cifjm'm gae waqm iax wpb ng abbno gt py nulm gt buibgigj hbvl ptnhs… ije iaa'y uivgg bb msfc.
Pe'zr lccaz tw ajsx gh hmyu hbrf rmzjavrk. Tprd'fy thivt yc vr ltcogcla htprwkcfx, avq-
…Bvug…- Phig ng…- Cg'l..- Wpny ri lhu urfb nuxy-..
…Bujm uykeiqd rcq bt..?! Bujamrevmf..?! Mcfl yukx..-?!
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nvsrworld · 2 years
AS you are viewing this Sunday Story, NVSR-the Blogger- (not a blaggard!!!) is travelling in the on his way to attend the THIRD WORLD THIRUKKURAL CONFERENCE at MYSORE!!! Shri OKR Sivanganam ON On Rajaraman on Envius Thoughts Kudos to Mr Rajaraman for his erudite and succinct comments on your daily thoughts! on ITHAKA POEM 723: Are We Like Butterflies? Germain DroogenbroodtSun, Mar 13, 8:51…
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dealusis · 6 years
Ok got nvsr and the performance of the Gods mod and fucked around in the settings let’s pray
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neverasir · 7 years
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GOP. GOP. GOP. Gods of Pogs. #stickerdesign #pogs #milkcaps #gop #GodsofPogs #gorilla #moonape #mooneater #stickerporn #stickergame #stickerhead #stickernerd #neverasir #nvrasir #nvsr #ripoff #character #moon #ape #stickerart #stickerjunkie #cyclops #lowbrow #lowbrowart #pogfederation #newstickers #bootleg #90stoys
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70s--harry · 3 years
what does nvsr mean?
Fuck you im getti ng my ass fucked I can’t tupe
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automatismoateo · 4 years
RANT: I was trained not to see suffering as a problem worth solving via /r/atheism
Submitted March 05, 2021 at 09:59PM by dreezypeeezy (Via reddit https://ift.tt/3rqpo3u) RANT: I was trained not to see suffering as a problem worth solving
A Newborn Atheist's Rant:
I was trained not to see suffering as a problem worth solving. If everything that Evangelical Christians believe about God, Jesus, and the Bible is true, then not only does it naturally follows that the immense amount of suffering in this world is a consequence of free will, but the evils of this world are so powerful that we can never defeat them. Implied is the notion that since we can never eradicate suffering (on the contrary, god ordained it to continue to increase until his return), we should not, and indeed must not even try to lessen it. The end effect of indoctrination into these beliefs is terrible: a cold, callous perspective that leaves one apathetic towards and ignorant of human suffering beyond the personal level (as one’s community’s suffering could be elevated if only they would open their hearts when told about jesus!).
As for the cause of suffering: While there is certainly a lot of blame to be placed on individual actions; on humans’ demonstrated, widely-varying natural capacities for greed, pride, and violence; this cannot account for a great deal of natural disasters. This cannot account for disease, floods, fires, or even the purely accidental harm that each of us is prone to inflict out of ignorance or accident. Furthermore, not only does it negate to justify “free will” as an explanation for crimes against and suffering of even the youngest of children, the implication of this concept, applied alongside the doctrine of “original sin,” is that even an infant is naturally, being a descendent of Adam, as deserving of eternal torment in a fiery hell as would be a person who would inflict suffering upon them. That aside, the fact remains that in reality, human actions cannot justify the entirety of suffering that occurs on this planet. Unless, of course, in the same fashion of cosmic, Holy Justice which may condemn children to eternal torment, the sin of other humans is responsible for natural disasters, too. But the good, faithful Evangelical who’s been washed clean of their sins by the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord by the Death and Resurrection cannot be responsible in any way for this “spillage-over” of sins’ effects from mere human-inflicted suffering to natural disasters. It must therefore be those ungodly Pagans who so vastly outnumber us: It must be those devil-worshiping sodomites who defy god’s will! It must be those murderous Jezebels who cut their children into pieces and suck them out of their wombs because fulfilling their god-given purpose as mothers is too inconvenient for them! It must be those deceitful, money-driven scientists who indoctrinate children to believe that their great grandparents were apes, and that we’re all just sacks of meat and bones whose ape brains just evolved by chance, rather than being god’s special snowflakes! It must be the big, bad world. And this big, bad world is attacking us! But that’s another topic…
In short, even a notion as bigoted as “the gays caused Hurricane Katrina” makes sense in the context of evangelical christianity. big shock, I know. But when you’re in there, you don’t really think about it. You’re instead steeped in this notion that if only everyone would be a(n Evangelical) christian, then there would be less suffering. But that’s simply not the case. It’s backwards, it’s bigoted, and it’s actively and objectively harmful to society. In fact, states that are more religious have, ironically enough, higher rates of infant mortality, teen pregnancy, and child marriage than less religious states (sourced below). At the end of the day, I’m ashamed to have lived unaware of these biases for so long, and that they were so ingrained into my upbringing. But on the other hand, I’m glad I had this realization before I wasted significant time propagating the problems which now anger me. I’m lucky that I wasn’t as sheltered as many of the people I grew up with, some of whom even now, in their early twenties, are whole-heartedly convinced of these lies. And imagine what over fifty years of indoctrination has done to many of our parents and relatives! Losing their commitment to faith over reason would be so earth-shifting (losing friends, family, reputation, community; the shame of being wrong for half a century, the shame of having taught that to your children, and more I can’t imagine) that I honestly don’t know if most of them could handle it.
(some sources)
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lenstokyo · 4 years
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Congratulations to our featured artist for this beautiful image! Great aesthetic, composition and execution! Image by: @miyazaki_japan Follow @lens.tokyo and tag #lenstokyo for a chance to be featured! @lens.tokyo is a hub showcasing the artistic side of Tokyo streets. Follow us for a daily glance at the streets in Tokyo! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #streetizm #streetvision #streetcapture #streets_in_motion #streetphotographyhub #myspc #life_is_street #streetphotography #streetphotographerscommunity #streetphotographer #lensonstreets #streetlife #streetstorytelling #aspfeatures #spi_collective #spjstreets #therawsociety #burndiary #human_in_geometry #spi_shadows #capturestreets #burnmyeye #thisaintartschool #visualsoflife #streetgrammer #ic_streetlife #moodygrams #jj_streetphotography (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJdo6d-nVSr/?igshid=1gs0skp54hfvq
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