kamilah-is-queen · 1 month
@boundlessgratitude’s prize from the lucky draw from AGES ago. Amy meeting her ex at the office, her spouse, Kamilah, noticing too.
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Amy Parker)
Tags: @ta-sayeed, @kamilahtopme, @nydeiri, @genietotherescue, @rhonda-sayeed, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @millasayeed, @vonda-be-real, @livvynka, @queenkamilah, @leenasayeed, @skylarkxxyy, @choicesgrp, @ilove-kamilah-sayeed, @justavampirefan, @iamsimpforpoppy, @friendlybuddy, @darlingnikki-prince
Amy couldn’t help but stare at the clock that hung above her on the wall, bored to death as she waited for Adrian to finish his meeting. My god, how long had he and Kamilah been in there, three hours?
She sighed and stood up, smoothing the hem of her skirt before she walked towards the break room. She figured there wasn’t much more she could do to pass the time but enjoy a steaming cup of tea, with cookies of course.
Amy placed the teabag in the cup and switched the kettle on, patiently tapping her nails on the countertop as she waited.
She made her way back to her desk to grab her phone, immediately opening it up to find a message from an unknown number.
‘Hey. This is Rose, your ex :( I’m bringing up a cup of coffee and a donut, be there in 2 min.’
Rose? Amy frowned as she tried to remember the woman. Oh, yes, the Rose she dated in college. Thankfully, they had separated amicably, so hopefully this encounter wasn’t going to be awkward, or so she hoped.
She lifted her head at the sound of the elevator doors opening, offering a friendly smile to Rose who was beaming from ear to ear.
‘Amy! Gosh it’s been forever girl. Look at you, all up in the fancy people’s business.’ The woman grabbed squeezed Amy in a tight embrace, leaving Amy startled and uncomfortable.
‘Yes, it has been a while.’ She gently pushed the woman’s arms off of her, attempting to divert the woman’s attention off of her before things went awry.
‘That donut looks impeccable. Mind if I dig in?’ Amy didn’t wait for an answer before she began eating, groaning at the taste.
Rose’s eyes darkened as she watched Amy, all the suppressed feelings she had for the young vampire now making a comeback.
‘I got your favorite flavor, birthday cake.’
Amy looked up, wiping the corner of her lip with her thumb before Rose took over for her.
‘How did you know-‘
‘Amy, care to introduce me to your little friend here.’ Kamilah’s voice cut through the air, her words as sharp as the glare she gave Rose, as she stormed over to the two women.
Amy immediately stepped out of Rose’s range, and into Kamilah’s arm that snagged her waist just a bit too tight. ‘Kamilah this is Rose, my ex. Rose, my wife Kamilah.’
Kamilah narrowed her eyes and gave a bitter smile, tugging Amy flush. ‘That’s right, I’m her wife, Kamilah Sayeed. Perhaps you’ve heard about me in the news, if you read it.’
Amy nudged her elbow into Kamilah’s side, a gentle warning to be nice.
Rose’s cheeks flushed pink, embarrassed to even be in Kamilah’s presence.
‘Omg, THE Kamilah Sayeed? I read about you in the Times!’
Kamilah already hated Rose, but now she hated her even more… stupid fan girls. Kamilah chose to ignore her, catching Amy’s lips in a possessive kiss that quickly got heated. She didn’t care if Rose was watching, or if anyone was watching for that matter.
Amy was hers and everyone was to know that.
Kamilah pulled back slowly, smirking at the way Amy immediately leant forward for more.
‘As you can see, Amy and I are terribly busy. You best be leaving now.’
Rose nodded furiously and offered Amy a quick glance.
‘See you around hun!’
Kamilah’s eyes flashed red at her last word, ‘hun’. She was on the verge of making Rose’s life a living hell before Amy placed a hand on her cheek, soothing her instantly.
Before the elevator doors could close, Kamilah spat back,
‘Oh, and if you ever come here again, HUN, you might not leave here alive.’
Rose’s face washed over with confusion as the doors shut, Amy giggling softly to herself as Kamilah’s eyes flashed back to their normal brown.
‘Jesus Kami, you’ll kill her with fright.’
‘That’s the point.’ Kamilah nudged her nose gently against Amy’s resting their foreheads together as she raised Amy’s hand to gaze at her rings.
‘You’re mine and everyone knows it. Whoever is foolish enough to not know, well, I can’t say I’ll be merciful.’
She grinned as she kissed Amy’s knuckles and rings, relishing in the laugh Amy let out alongside the pink tint that arose on her cheeks.
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
It would be pleasant to see a fanfiction with a blind reader. Like, they do not get attracted at first by alcina look because, well, the reader can't see. ( it may be fun to have the charavter confused because the voice of alcina is coming from somewhere insanely tall for a "human" ). Maybe, because the reader is blind, they can do a manual job with a lot of hand sensitivity ( like... carving or maybe a maid because it's not impossible )
Ooooh, extremely valid! I'm assuming since you said Reader wouldn't be able to see Alcina and know that she's super tall that they have complete blindness, so I'll work off that.
I've had to do research on this since I don't have firsthand experience on it, so I hope I've done this prompt justice. This got veeeeery long. If there's stuff I might have gotten wrong or you want to send some constructive criticism on how I wrote a blind Reader, you can message me! I'm always willing to learn.
Alcina was surprisingly accommodating of a blind servant working on her staff. You were willing to make yourself useful, right? So why not?
(And if you couldn't, well you might make for a good snack later down the line.)
You heard about how the Lady of the house could be: A perfectionist, stringent, and rarely forgiving. You heard the stories of other servants being dragged down to the dungeons or sliced with a knife for the smallest mistakes.
You typically got around on your own with your cane, though you were much more cautious when using it when you first arrived at Castle Dimitrescu.
You did not want "accidentally knocking a vase over while trying to walk around" to become a cause of death.
However, once you were more comfortable traversing the space, knowing how wide the corridors were, that irrational fear was pushed to the back of your mind.
(Not that fear of getting "sliced to ribbons" though, as she says. That was still very much alive.)
The Lady didn't address the staff directly often, but on the occasion she did, you always remembered the thunder in her voice. The commanding tone mixed with a level of grace and elegance. It was enough to make anyone quake in their shoes, and also make no mistake that she was in charge. You could feel her voice shoot straight through your heart.
You could recognize that she was tall, since every time she did talk to you, the voice was always coming from somewhere above you. It wasn't "far away" necessarily, but it wasn't as direct as it would sound like if the others talked to you, or even the Lady's daughters.
Was she always on another floor for some reason? It kinda seemed like she's always talking to people from a balcony. She can't be that tall, right?
You've heard of high and mighty but come on--
Her footsteps always came by slowly and loudly -- you never thought the clacking of heels could sound this terrifying. It also seemed like she carried a lot of weight, judging from the way she carried herself. You were never one to judge, but... that might tie in with the whole "she might be really tall" theory you have going on in your head.
Your main job was greeting and attending to any guests that came into the premises, and were to inform the Countess right away of their arrival. Sometimes, you would also offer drinks while they waited.
You knew Alcina always wanted wine (a part of you wondered if it was to help her deal with these kinds of meetings.)
Preparing drinks yourself was no big deal. You knew where things were kept around the kitchen, and as long as they were put back in their places, then you knew where to go.
When they weren't though... it got a little frustrating. You weren't afraid to remind your fellow servants about it though, since it helped with organization and cleanliness around the area too.
Sometimes, you could hear the other maids and servants talking about how they pitied you and "what you had to go through". They frequently tried to offer a hand when you were doing work, even though you had done the task many times before. And when you did accomplish it, you'd get praise for doing something so simple. You knew they meant well, but it got annoying very fast.
You're blind, not useless! You weren't helpless either! Come on, you could do things on your own!
(Not even Lady Dimitrescu was this condescending.)
In fact, she often left you to your own devices. She's mentioned how much she trusted you with tasks that she thought others had struggled with. It made you feel more confident in what you could do, with or without help.
Sometimes, you would offhandedly complain about certain accommodations, or lack thereof. Handrails would be nice. Not slipping on loose rugs that you might miss with your cane would be nice too. Tactile stickers on things that feel the same in texture and weight would be great. Just little things.
Then the following week, you hear about changes being made in the estate. Essentially the same ones you talked about with a friend too. They were some bare minimum changes, but it was a good start.
Who knew the lady could listen from so high up?
Her daughters seemed to have taken a liking to you too, and were for some reason wildly amused by how you could tell them apart just by their voices. Alcina would spot you all together and not be sure what to make of it, often telling them to leave you alone so you could get back to work.
Eventually, with enough work, you might find yourself being the Lady's personal servant, to come at her beck and call and address her every need.
You would notice how her tone with soften with you over time, almost similar to how you would hear her talking to her daughters. You couldn't quite put your finger on it.
It made you shiver in a way that you hadn't felt in a while -- not out of fear, but more out of... something. Again, you weren't sure.
(But you knew you liked it.)
Sometimes, you would feel her gently touch your shoulder, and it felt like she could easily hold onto your whole arm in her grasp. Were her hands really that big? How did they get so big???
But you would feel the warmth in her touch and those confusing thoughts would just slip away for the moment.
You listened well for any changes in her mood -- when she was tense, you would offer to fetch some tea. In physical pain? Maybe a massage would help. Feeling down? ...perhaps some company and a listening ear.
She still tried to keep up airs around you, but when she would let her guard down on that rare occasion she was too tired to do so, your heart would break. But after providing comfort, you would feel so honored that she would be willing to be vulnerable anyway.
Before you knew it, Alcina had slipped her way into your heart -- you just wondered if she would take you the same way.
You knew your disability was no problem for her, but what about you? Would she take little ol' you as you were? Insecurities, rashness, imperfections, and all?
Only one way to find out.
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Have you read the start of the new liora's season ? ( 5 ) Can you write something for When Liora meet again the MC in the humain world ? ( mc without memories of liora of course ) Also, i love what your writing 😍
The human world wasn't exactly what she'd expected. Of course Liora had been curious to know for a long time - how they lived, to know whether the information on them in her books was correct - but seeing the lush green of the park, the Skyscrapers towering in the distance, the cool breeze flowing through the air... it was nothing like she'd thought. She would even have enjoyed it, probably, if her visit didn't have one of the saddest reasons at all.
MC. The woman she loved, whose memories had been taken. Whose smile, whose spark in her eyes, whose soft touches all hadn't been part of her life for two weeks now. Liora still had nightmares of the moment after the spell, the emptiness that she saw in MC's face, no trace of recognition in her before she'd lost consciousness.
She didn't expect to find MC today, or tomorrow, or even in this week - the girl had told her how big these cities were. She could be anywhere here, or somewhere else entirely, moved out of town or visiting someone she cared about.
But Liora didn't try to focus on those things, not now. She knew MC had a food blog, whatever that was, and always liked to critique new restaurants and especially cafes, so that's where she would look first. I shouldn't be too hard to find newly opened places here, now should it?
Only a few minutes later, she found a poster advertising the opening of a new cafe not too far. She was happy that she's enchanted a piece of parchment to look like a map to always detail her surroundings as well as a quick route back to the magical world, so she found the location quickly, tapping the map and letting the navigation guide her. In her mind, she went through the plan she'd made with the other staff.
She would observe at first. Watch MC as she went about her day, making sure to spot a few locations she'd always return to, and then talk to her at one of those a few days later - she didn't want MC to be in a hurry when she would attempt to woo her again, so she hoped to find out MC frequented some places, to maybe catch her at one of those while she was in a calm, relaxed mood. Maybe the girl would recognize her subconsciously - at least that was what Liora hoped.
The cafe was small, and cozy - leather sofas stood grouped around tables, windows and lamps securing a warm, natural lighting. Liora liked the ambience so far, the smell of leather and coffee and sugar, looking around with a smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes.
And there she was.
Sitting at a table, sipping from something that looked like an incredibly decadent hot chocolate, a happy smile on her face that broke Liora's heart and made it melt at the very same moment. Part of her wanted to cry, part of her wanted to shout in joy, part of her wanted to walk over to MC, hug her and never let her go again.
But she couldn't. She stood there, staring for a moment, reminding herself of etiquette so she'd turn away.
When she was up to order, she asked for the same thing that the girl in the corner was having.
In the end, she sat down a few tables further, sipping the delicious, soothing liquid and stealing glances over to a woman she hoped hadn't noticed her yet.
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emma-nation · 3 years
The Devil In I - Bela x OC (Resident Evil Village AU)
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“Step inside, see the Devil in I”
Summary: Aleena Novak is a 19 years old orphan who desired more than living in a village in the middle of nowhere. A talented artist with a big future ahead, she gets the scholarship of her dreams in United States. But everything changes when her twin brother, Auryk, steals an important artifact from Castle Dimitrescu.
In this adventure, Aleena will find way more than she expected.
“You’ll realize I’m not your Devil anymore”
Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x OC
Genre: Between T and M (Trigger warning for violence, blood, abuse and eventual smut)
Tag List: @nydeiri
Notes: This is my first RES fic, so I'm sorry if I mess it up a bit. English is also not my main language, so a mistake or two may happen. I hope you enjoy it :)
Trigger Warning: Language, abuse, blood and violence.
Eastern Europe - July, 2009
"If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?"
Mother closed the book, placing it on the bedside table between Auryk's bed and mine. Then, she lowered herself and kissed my forehead like she did every night. Her long, blonde hair tickled my face and left a trace of her sweet lavender fragrance in the air. I giggled.
"Good night, sweetheart," she spoke.
"Good night, momma."
"Cherish your last night as a six years old. Tomorrow you will become a..."
"A seven years old girl. The prettiest girl in the village."
"Pffft," Auryk let out a displeased grunt from his bed, covering his head with the pillow to avoid listening another word from the conversation.
"And you too," mother sat by his side on the bed and repeated her nightly ritual of kissing his forehead to wish him a good night too. "You'll become the most handsome and brave warrior in this village. Do you understand?"
"I hope so. Good night, mom."
"Good night, buddy."
Mother left the room, leaving us both in the dark. However, we couldn't sleep. Not because we were thrilled about our incoming birthday party as any regular child, but because we knew our lives were about to change. Seven years old was the age every child from our village was introduced to the truth and started being trained to fight the evil that haunted our lands. Auryk and I spent minutes, or maybe hours, in silence, staring at the ceiling.
"Leena?" He was the first one to speak. "Do you believe a spell can broken? I mean, like a curse?"
"I don't know, Ryk," I answered, feeling my thoughts starting to drift away. "Maybe we're doomed after all. Or... we could learn how to love the beasts."
The birthday parties always happened during the daytime, rules of the village. We could no longer be outside after 6 PM. Mother got help from the other women to prepare the treats and organize the decorations. Auryk was disguised as a pirate and I... I was Belle, from the Beauty and the Beast.
"So, what do you think you will be getting this year?" My best friend Elena asked while we were playing with our dolls. She was about two years older than us.
"I don't know," I shrugged. Being a merchant, my father always returned home with the most unusual gifts: a magical music box, a voodoo doll that had a life on its own or a fragrance that chased away the monsters - and everybody else too. "A new book. I'm hoping for a new book."
It was only by the end of the party Adrian Novak made his entrance. That was the mystery about him. Nobody knew when he would show up, or if he would show up at all. He still had that same annoying smirk on his face. The corner of his mouth holding a cigarette. The months away made his beard grow longer, as well as his dark hair. In the sunlight, the scar above his eye was even more visible.
"Auryk," he shouted, "come here, son. I've got something for ya."
My twin brother, who had been climbing trees with his friends stop frozen in spot for a second. I couldn't tell if he hated or feared that man. Maybe both. He slowly followed father's command, approaching him cautiously.
"Hi, dad."
"Happy birthday, son," father ruffled his dark straight hair with his strong and calloused hand. "It's about time you grow up."
He handed my brother a large package. From our experience, we knew exactly what it was, a shotgun.
"T-Thank you, dad."
"I'll be spending some time at home. Tomorrow we'll start practicing."
Auryk consented. He shot me a quick glance. From our twin bond I could tell my brother was far from happy. When he blew his candles that afternoon, he didn't wish for a weapon. We wished to be a normal child.
"What did you get, Leena?" He asked once we were locked in the safety of our bedroom.
"Pencils and a drawing book. Dad thinks I'm talented."
Not really. Adrian Novak would never allow his daughter to hold a shotgun. That was, according to him, 'a man thing'.
"Good, at least one of us got what they wanted. Happy birthday, sister."
"Happy birthday, brother."
4 Years Later - October, 2013
It wasn't easy to be the weakest of the twins. Although he was born first, Auryk was the tinniest. The one who was always getting sick or getting injured. The one who couldn't hit a single fucking target when he had the alcoholic breath of his father on his neck.
He aimed for a crow, sitting still on a fence. How hard could it be? Even the eldest man from the village could do any better than that.
BANG! He shot again. And missed.
"Again?!" Adrian angered, shoving him hard on the shoulder. "What the hell is your problem, kid?"
"I don't know, okay? This gun... it's heavy!"
"Heavy? And why do you think we've been exercising for all these years, huh?! We do not live in Disneyland, Auryk. We need to fight monsters, abominations. Someday I won't be home and you need to be prepared to protect our people. Do you understand?"
Tears started forming in the corners of the boy's blue eyes. He couldn't cry. Not in front of him. Crying was a sign of weakness and he couldn't be weak. Not right now. Auryk started to think about all the things he could be doing. He thought about the ocean, as he had seen on TV and books. He could feel the warmness of the sun on his skin. The sand between his toes. His mom and sister were also there, of course - they'd carry them with him everywhere. And he would study Math and Physics. There would be no guns, no monsters, no blood, only numbers, only formulas, only theories. He smiled. He no longer felt like crying.
"I'm sorry, dad," kindness was always the answer, his mother said. "But this isn't for me, you know? I don't like it. I... Remember that boarding school my teacher mentioned? I thought maybe I..."
His words were interrupted by a hard slap on his face. Auryk could taste a small amount of blood coming out from his lower lip.
"So that's what you want? To become one of those little fancy fags? Maybe you're not my son after all."
Adrian started walking away, leaving his son alone, sitting on the floor.
"I AM!" Auryk yelled, enraged. "I am your son."
"Then prove it."
"You shouldn't take so hard on him," Savannah poured her husband a cup of tea. "He's just a boy."
"He's eleven years old, for god's sake," the husband punched the table strong enough to make it shake. "He needs to man up a bit. You should stop spoiling him."
As I left my bedroom I found my brother sitting on the stairs. He didn't have to be so close to listen to the conversation between our parents, father's voice was loud enough to echo through every wall of our small and cozy home.
I sat down by his side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"Maybe you should do it, Leena. You'd do it better, I know."
"I'm not so sure. Remember when I tried to shoot a scarecrow and almost shot that old witch?"
"Come on, you aimed on purpose! I know."
Auryk finally let out a small laugh at the memory.
"You're good at everything, Leena," he spoke fondly. "You're an extrovert, you're everybody's friend, you can cook, you can draw and paint... you're a true artist. I'm a mistake."
"You're not a mistake, Ryk," I pulled my brother closer, resting my cheek against the side of his face. "We're only at the wrong place and you know it."
Going back to our bedroom, we pulled from the drawers the postcards our grandma Louise sent us from San Diego. Mom had been born in California and lived there her entire life, until she met father during one of his trips. God knows what made her fall in love with that man. Adventure? Danger? I expected better from myself when I turned eighteen. Otherwise, I'd never want to fall in love. Love could be my ruin, just like my mom's.
"Leena..." Auryk held the postcard tightly, "do you think... if he died... do you think mom would take us to nana's home?"
"I don't know, Ryk," I didn't want to think of my father's possible death. But I also dreamed of a better life. "Maybe."
"What the hell?" Father's voice in the kitchen made me jump in fear. I knew that tone. I grew up used to that. Something was wrong in the village. We had to hide.
"To the basement, now!" He emerged at the bedroom, holding a rifle. "Lycans were seen surrounding the area."
We barely had any time to react, mom came and dragged us both to the basement. Father left, carrying his arsenal of weapons as usual. There were other hunters in the village but we always knew how badly it could end. Somebody could always get seriously hurt. Or worse.
The basement had been carefully prepared for that kind of situation years before. It had a big bed, two armchairs, a heating source, some stored food and a shelf. Mom sighed and forced a smile.
"So," she walked to the shelf, "what is it going to be today?"
"Frankenstein," Auryk suggested. My brother loved mystery and horror. As if his life hadn't enough of it.
"Romeo and Juliet," I spoke. There was something about forbidden romance that always caught my interest.
"Okay. I... I'm gonna say a prayer and you two can read the books you picked by yourselves. What do you think?"
Mom kneeled down by the bed's side, holding a crucifix. I could join her if I wanted to, but I'd rather watch in silence. I grabbed my book, sitting on one of the armchairs and pretending to pay attention, while I tried to distract myself from the fact my father could be the Lycans' next prey. Or all of us, if they managed to break into our house.
"Leena?" I woke up hours later with my mom shaking me. "Leena?! Where's Auryk? Where's your brother, Leena?"
I had no idea. I had fallen asleep and apparently, so did mom. She checked for the basement's door, it had been locked from outside.
"No..." she tried to force it open. "No! I can't be..."
All Auryk had to do was to successfully kill and take a Lycan's carcass as a trophy to his father, right? That was what that old douchebag wanted him to do, to prove his courage, his manhood. We had his shotgun, a binoculars and a knife, that should be enough, but first, he needed a good plan.
Looking down to his hands, he had the most perfect idea. Without thinking twice, he sliced a cut through his palm, letting some blood pour on the ground. Then, he found a tall tree. He climbed it and observed. The smell of blood his trail left behind should be enough to attract a creature.
"Come on... come on..."
From a distance, Auryk could hear the sound of destruction and death. There was a battle going on somewhere nearby. Once again Lycans should have found a family or a group of hunters.
And then, he could hear it. The heavy footsteps, the screeching sounds, the sniffing. The mutant creature was only a few meters away from the tree. He aimed, but it was still too distant. He needed to move to a closer branch.
It all happened in one second. He was almost there, reaching for the spot he had picked, but his weight was too much for the tree's branch. In a blink of an eye, he was lying on the ground. His vision was blurred. His head hurt intensely, as well as his arm. It was broken for sure. He possibly had a concussion too. He tried to stand up and run but his legs wouldn't follow his commands. The Lycan was coming straight at him.
"AURYK!" His mother screamed behind him. "NO!"
Time seemed to freeze in that fraction of second. How did she manage to escape the basement? How could she have found him?
But without hesitation, Savannah threw herself on top of her son, protecting him from the jaws and claws of the monster. Auryk couldn't see much, but he could smell it. He could feel it. Blood. There was blood everywhere. He couldn't tell who it belonged to, he or his mom's.
A fast sequence of shots suggested the hunters had found them. The creature stopped moving, stopped howling. It was finally dead.
"M-Mom... it's dead. We... We're safe."
She didn't answer. Instead, he heard another familiar voice.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" It was from his father. "Savannah! Savannah!"
"D-Dad..." Auryk tried to speak, but the words got lost along the way. "I... I..."
Adrian lifted him by his jacket, holding him inches above the ground.
"I..." tears streamed down the boy's face, his injured brain trying to process what had just happened. "I'm sorry.'
After he was thrown back to the ground, he was hit with a hard kick on his stomach. He turned his head around to notice a small figure hiding behind a tree, watching the whole scene in pure horror.
"L-Leena..." he muttered.
"This is all your fault, Auryk. You're a disgrace to this family."
And then, he passed out. Rumors said he was unconscious for days or maybe weeks. When he woke up, he wished everything had been a nightmare.
Present Days - July, 2021
Nobody mourned Adrian Novak when he died. Not his children. Not his village mates. No human being would ever feel any sympathy for a man who abused and blamed his eleven years old son for his mother's death. It had been two years since Adrian left this world and I couldn't feel any more free.
"Hey," I left another message on my brother's voicemail, "in case you've forgotten it's our birthday today. I'd like to have my twin home, you know? Call me when you get this message."
It was useless, I knew. Auryk would only pick up his phone when he wanted to. Or when he was too drunk. God knew where that guy would be at that time, probably waking up at some girl's bed or getting some rest from... working.
After grabbing myself a cup of coffee, I checked the door's mat. Bills, bills, newspaper and... California Institute Of Arts? I remember having an argument with Auryk about this matter at some point. He wanted me to fill the application and send them my portfolio. I insisted we had no money, not even to pay for the tuition. I won - I always win every argument by the way.
"Your damn son of a..." I placed the envelope on the kitchen's table. I was a coward, I confess. However, I didn't know which pain was worse - to be sure I wasn't good enough or to be sure I was, indeed, but I'd never have money to leave that hellhole. Anyways, I decided to leave it alone. I had more important things to do.
My morning routine: to go to the middle of the woods and do some training. My father used to say fighting wasn't a girl thing, but I was no regular girl. And never in this life I'd allow someone to tell me what to do.
After running, climbing and doing a set of push-ups, it was time for combat training. Travelers from abroad taught me some different set of moves, I'd like to think I created my own fighting style. I was also very good with knifes, daggers or any kinds of short blades, they were useful during a close distance combat. My shooting was a work in progress, once or twice I'd miss the center of my handmade targets.
Then, like everyday, I'd go back home, shower and follow to my shift at the village's pub.
"Hiya, Leena," Gustav greeted me when I arrived. "I heard today is a special day... the day a little girl..."
"NO!" I stopped him. Gustav was my best friend. We had known each other since we were children and somehow, he liked to make my birthday a special - and embarrassing - event.
He placed a handmade fairytale-like book on the table. There were some edited pictures, mixed with some messed up drawings about my birth and childhood. He called it 'The Princess Who Carried The Light'.
"God, you're soooo stupid..." I rolled my eyes and moaned, before wrapping him into a very tight hug. "I love you, you know that?"
"I know. You'd probably marry me, if you weren't into girls."
We laughed together, as Olga, our boss emerged from the kitchen, bringing a cake with nineteen candles.
"Here's to another year," the older woman opened a wrinkled smile, "make a wish, my darling."
I fell pensive for a moment, besides having my twin brother back home, safe and sound, what else could I wish for? California, that scholarship, a new life... that's for sure.
"I wish for... a new life, a new adventure," I pronounced aloud while blowing the candles.
"Careful," a male voice spoke behind me, "words have power, little sister. You may get what you want."
I jumped straight to my brother's arms. I could swear that in only a few weeks he had gotten a little bit taller, and stronger too.
"I wouldn't miss my own birthday, right?" He smirked. "So, where's the cake? Please, chocolate... tell me it's chocolate."
"Your silly boy," Olga spread some icing on his nose. "Of course it's chocolate, as you love. And with cherries too."
Auryk responded with a satisfied smile. Olga and her husband, Kristoff, were those responsible for taking care of him after the Lycan attack, years ago. They sort of adopted him like one of their biological children.
"Oh!" The woman exclaimed taking a closer look at Ryk's forearm. He had gotten a tattoo. I hadn't been informed of those news either. Apparently, my brother had more secrets than I could even start to imagine. "This is... new. It seems like my kids are really growing up."
"And only now you noticed that, Olga?" Gustav joked.
Olga shook her head, grinning at herself and returned to the kitchen. The customers were starting to fill the pub. I stared at Ryk again, wondering what other secrets my brother could be keeping.
"So, what does that mean?" I pointed to his newly gotten tattoo, a strange and ancient symbol it seemed.
"Protection from the evil. This is what we need the most in our lives, especially in a place like this. What reminds me -" we turned around, taking a small box from the pocket of his jacket. "Your gift."
I took the black velvet box from his hands, it contained a golden necklace with a magenta gemstone as pendant. My blue eyes drowned themselves in the stone. It had a mysterious glow. Something hypnotizing. Something magical.
"Whoa..." was everything my mouth could pronounce. "And I bought you an Astronomy book."
Auryk stood up from his chair and went behind me, taking the necklace from my hands to wear it around my neck himself.
"This is supposed to protect you from any supernatural and inhumane beings. I won't lose you to them, Aleena. Not like I lost mom."
"Ryk, I... I can't even thank you enough."
"You don't have to. Just... stay alive."
First, I was overflowing with happiness. It either had to do with the fact my brother was home, alcohol, or both. Also, Olga should thank me. Most of the costumers of the day only stopped by the bar because of me. They absolutely loved me and knowing it was my birthday, they had to come and see me. A few of them even gave me some extra tips or a small gift, which was even greater.
"Okay, party girl..." Auryk helped me to get inside of the house as I tripped over the door mat. "Time to go to bed now. Don't you think?"
"Come on, Ryk! Have some spirit! You're home, Olga gave me the day off tomorrow, I earned some money..."
"You told Mrs. Hansen you secretly had a crush on her daughter during Middle School, you danced on top of a table, you're gonna get a hangover..."
"Party pooper!"
I threw myself at the couch. Auryk stood in front of me with arms crossed, looking like a father about to give his child a lecture.
"What?!" I yelled. "It's not like you've never been drunk before. Remember when you stole Adrian's..." I started to laugh, remembering the episode.
"When you were going to tell me about this, Leena?" He showed me the envelope. The Art Institute envelope. The one I had been struggling to open.
"Oh! I forgot. My bad, I didn't open it myself yet. I probably didn't get in anyways."
"You did."
I did?
"It's not like we have money to pay for my tuition. Also, how are we supposed to move to California, Ryk? I work at a pub and you..."
"I've gotten more than enough for that. You know that getting out of this place has always been the plan, since we were children. Leena, I've done some big jobs those last few months. I have the money to grant us a comfortable life in California."
"Smuggling, Ryk!" I raised my voice, saying aloud the information that was supposed to be a secret or not. "You've been stealing to grant us this life."
My brother stared at me in silence. I couldn't tell if he felt offended or embarrassed about my words.
"I'm getting out of here, whatever it takes," he ran a hand through his dark hair. "And you are coming with me. In two weeks, we move to United States for your enrollment."
What I was trying to protest against? Leaving the village and starting a new life with my brother was everything I always dreamed.
"Look, I promise you," Auryk placed both of his firm hands on my shoulders, "once we settle down, no more smuggling."
"Okay," I sighed. "We leave in two weeks then."
There was a loud knock on the door. Being drunk as I was, I figured out I should have forgotten my purse at the pub. Or it could be a neighbor with some very stupid emergency.
Auryk opened the door and there was a strange looking man standing there. We wore sunglasses and a hat, behind his back he was carrying a giant hammer. According to the rumors and stories I heard from my parents, that was one of the Lords of The Four Houses, Karl Heisenberg.
"Auryk Novak?" He asked.
"Yes, sir."
"Come with me, kid. You've gotten yourself in big trouble."
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samgtt700 · 3 years
Just an idea I’m toying with, let me know if you want me to write it! Kamilah and MC! This is only a snippet! After will of time of course, writing the finale. I will give you lot a great ending!
Alice could feel the sand below her, her lungs gasping for air. Waves crashing against rocks in the distance. Blood in her mouth, “agh.” She struggled to move. Her body aching in places she didn’t think it could. Remembering being on the yacht with everyone, celebrating their victory over Vega, the heavy amount of alcohol she consumed only made it worse. Her head throbbing, struggling to adjust to the bright light. The sun hovering high in the sky, the heat blazing over the sand.
“Shit.” Alice slowly rose to her feet. Cuts and bruises covering her arms and legs. Her hair filled with sand. Pushing her hair back with a grimace, her arms aching at the sudden movement. Her head heavy like a brick. She saw driftwood, parts of the yacht and random items washed up on the beach, not sure what to make of it but hoping she could find something to help her. She walked along the sand, searching through everything she could reach. Spotting one of Kamilah’s daggers, “Thank god.” Grateful to have something to protect herself on the mysterious island. Hearing animals in the distance, unsure what to expect and unsure where the others were. Knowing she would have to wait until night to find them. “One time I wish I wasn’t in the company of vampires.” She sighed. Sliding the dagger into her belt. She wouldn’t be running into anyone until nighttime. And even then, they were on an island of unknown size. It could take days for them to find each other.
Alice trudged up the sand, pushing into the thick jungle, ducking underneath branches. Taking it slow and keeping her eyes peeled. Feeling on edge, turning her head at every strange sound. The leaves rustling in the wind overhead.
She stepped over a fallen log, rubbing her head to relieve the headache she had. “God. I’m never drinking again if it ends like this.” A small chuckle leaving her. “Who the fuck am I even talking to?”
Alice giggling before tripping over, landing with a thud. She glanced down and saw her foot wrapped up in a vine, the pain shooting up her leg. “This has to be a bad dream.” She gritted her teeth before untangling her foot, laying back in pain, resting her head on a log. Believing she couldn’t have this much bad luck in a few short hours. She closed her eyes, exhaustion swallowing her.
Tags: @wildsayeed, @made-me-deep-blue, @iam-the-fuckin-queen, @midnightlive, @blaine-hayes, @h-doodles, @playallthechoices, @kamilahforever, @jellomello2akast, @kamilah-the-bloodqueen, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @nydeiri, @tigerbryn11, @lifesadance96, @leenasayeed, @paodequeijofeliz-blog. @queenkamilah, @boundlessgratitude, @gaydinosaurbananamilkcarton, @kamilah-is-queen, @dimis-yiddies. @nell-crainxx, @friendlybuddy, @vonda-b-real. Let me know if you want to be added or if I’ve missed you, or accidentally tagged you. I’m having to comb through about four different lists!
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thequeenb · 4 years
Guilty Pleasure
I hate how the Professor gets diamond scenes every time so here i am
Poppy x MC
Warning: Smut
I couldn't stop thinking about her, the way she was on top of me and the way she said my name like a damn prayer. Everytime i closed my eyes images of that amazing night came back to my mind and all i can do is let it take over me
The way her blonde hair was like an angel's halo above her head, the wicked smile she gave me before kissing me fiercely, everything about that night was perfect except for the fact that it was really a one time thing.
Deep inside me i wanted her to bluff, i wanted her to just break these icy walls and reach out to me but she uploaded that video and since then sleep wasn't in my everyday routine. I sit hours thinking about 'what if's' and how things would be if one small thing wasn't done by me or her.
I sigh because here i am looking at my celling dramatically like these stupid movies. I cross my arms too stubborn to admit my feelings but deep down i know i have to find a way and talk to her but what could i even say? Thank you for ruining my life? No too melodramatic..We need to talk? No she will slam the door in my face. How about 'Long time no see?' wow i am really bad at this
I groan against my pillow running out of patience and ideas. Honestly what the fuck am i doing? She is a piece of shit after all but i can't help but see beyond her evilness.
I stand up putting on my favourite skirt and a crop top, if i go to my enemy's dorm at 3:00 am you better expect me to look perfect. I apply her favourite cherry lip gloss and i spray my strong perfume on my neck and clothes. I am really doing this
After a while of sneaking around like i am in a mafia movie i finally approach the Zeta building. The lights in Poppy's room are on so that means she isn't asleep score!
Surprisingly the door is open and then i watch Chloe and Veronica going out walking towards the exit door, okay weird moving on! I step inside and i am amazed everytime even though i have been here 3 times. The marble floor doesn't help me here because of the damn heels that i wear, thank you stilettos
Glancing around to see if anyone is around i run for the stairs and oh wow these stairs are pretty but so many. Finally i arrive on the top floor and i linger outside of Poppy's room. Now what dumbass? I roll my eyes thinking if i should knock or just leave, there is still time to leave huh?
Before i overthink about this i knock at the door softly and not long after Poppy is standing before me..with her silk robe?
"What are you doing here!" Her eyes go wide but i am too focused on that robe its really nice and--
Wowowow. I feel her nails dig into my skin as she grabs my arm dragging me inside the room. She closes the door quickly, turning around to face me
"Just because we had fun the other night doesn't mean you can be seen here!" I can hear the frustration in her voice, is she embarrassed of me?
"Way to welcome me" i roll my eyes soothing my hand, she really does have long nails, no wonder she wanted to use a vibrator
"Can you be quick, I don't want you near my room, its trashy enough"
Oh there we go again with the pathetic insults. This time it feels different because no one is around so why she still acts so cold with me?
"If you are here for the video then i cant delete it now, you always found ways to--"
Without a single sign of hesitation my mouth opens and for the first time i don't control my own words "I like you"
I place my perfectly manicured hand over my mouth shocked at what i just said. Oh no no no no this is so embarrassing! She gasps but quickly recover and the look that she gave me.. its beyond indescribable. I can't tell if its desire or anger but before she can respond a knock on the door interrupt us
I thank God this happen because I don't think i could handle whatever she was going to say.
"Poppy? I forgot my wallet here are you in here?" I can hear Chloe's voice from the other side if the door and we both freeze..oh no
"Get in the closet now" Poppy says pushing me towards her giant closet but i stop her holding her hands firmly
"Hell no, i won't be in the closet again i was already throughout my teenage years"
She rolls her eyes trying so hard not to laugh and so i look around quickly as my eye catch a glimpse of a wooden desk on the other side of the room. I smile to myself thinking what i want to do exactly so i just get comfortably under her big desk
All i can hear is Veronica's and Chloe's voices and a door closing, great i am trapped there is no coming back from this without getting embarrassed
"What took you so long" Chloe says getting inside the room
"You know a text warning me you will come here would be appreciated, i could be asleep" Poppy says clearly annoyed
"But you aren't are you?" Veronica responds and i can already imagine how angry she must be
I hear footsteps approaching the desk and i start sweating. If any of the girls find me here there is not really a good excuse is there? I was just cleaning? No Bea focus
Poppy seems to notice because suddenly her legs are one breath away from my face. She sit in her red leather chair elegantly crossing her legs, what a bummer.
"So you found your wallet you shall be dismissed" she says waving a hand at the girls but little did she know
The bed is placed across from the desk and i assume they both sat there. Poppy is like a ticking bomb ready to explode and i size all the possibilities that i have, should i tease her or should i be a good girl?
My morals have a literal fight before i know exactly what i want to do. I place my palms on her legs working my way up her center. At first i thought she would close her legs even more but to my surprise she opens them wide
"Oh my god this amazing! My YouTube video got 5 million views" Veronica says excitedly but after that everything fades away as i admire every inch of Poppy's body
She is dripping wet making me wonder what kind of thoughts was she having. She sits a little more comfortably giving me better access, this is really happening
I run my tongue all over her thighs always avoiding the place where she needs me the most. I watch her as she grips at the chair tighter and i smirk to myself for my success
"Are you listening Pops?" Chloe asks
"Oooh..yes i do i am just daydreaming about my next shopping spree" she manages to say but her voice was breathy and oh my god so hot to listen to
I finally connect with her center and she looks down at me. We lock eyes and all i can see is stars. I can see the deep desire in her eyes, the hunger is consuming her. In response i place my free hand beneath my skirt and inside my underwear
I can see her frustration but then they have to interrupt us again
"So which bag are you buying? Because i wouldn't want to match with you, last time--"
"Buy whatever you want!" She says basically moaning and i can imagine Chloe's confusion written all over her face
I find a steady rhythm as my tongue slides hard against her. I match my movements so we can both finish at the same time and i go faster letting Poppy know i am close to--
"Oooooh ye--" Poppy stops halfway through the sentence and the room falls silent
"Oh no my nail broke!!!" She says instead and i bite her thigh in warning
"Oh yikes we should go, i am not in the mood for angry Poppy" Veronica says and excitement runs through my body
"Yes ta ta! I want to be alone now" Poppy responds and i hear the door open then close
We are finally alone aren't we Miss Min-Sinclair?
"You naughty girl" i say coming out from my hiding spot
Poppy is breathing hard, her eyes filled with passion "You are going to pay for this"
Before i can find a cocky response i am bent over the desk within seconds and my mind goes blank
"Do you think you can play with fire and not get burned?" Her tone is so harsh but at the same time so incredibly sexy. I feel her lifting up my skirt and a low moan escapes my lips
"This is for embarrassing me Infront of the whole school" and just like that her palm hits hard my back side. Is this really happening?
"This is for uploading the screenshots" and again she spanks me hard but this time i call out her name loudly
She soothes my skin after each spank, she is affectionate after all isn't she? Every nerve on my body surrender to her touch and all i can do is repeat her name like a prayer
"Oh Poppy!!!"
"And this..this is for making me fall head over the heels for you" the moment her palm meets my backside i drive completely crazy. Her words still repeat themselves through my head and its enough to send a chill down my spine
She finally turns me around but she wastes no time throwing her arms around my neck
"I couldn't stop thinking about this" she breathes against my lips and i grip at her waist tighter
"Well i am not done showing you how much i like you" i respond smirking at her
Poppy smiles and i can finally feel like we are on the same page. We spend all the night screaming eachother's names and honestly? This is worth so much more than a stupid crown because this, this is hell and paradise at once.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @tyrils-star @nydeiri @justastranger-passing
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verynonyart · 4 years
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@nydeiri It was one of those bonus images. I couldn’t resist. 😭😭😭 (I regret nothing)
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queerchoicesblog · 4 years
The Movie Party (SC Titanic, Zetta x Adele Series, Ch. 17)
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So, folks, the SC Titanic Zetta x Adele Series has come to an end: this is the final chapter. It’s time for Zetta and Adele to have a reunion at last. 
I want to thank all those who supported this crazy project of mine. This series has been quite important and will somehow still be, even if the original story is no longer available and it’s the end. But I will be grateful to the authors who crafted it: it was one of the few times I felt truly seen as represented as a wlw in a game. 
You must forgive me if this chapter will be a bit longer but I wanted to bid a farewell to the various characters who made this story one hard to forget. It’s the finale: you either go big or go home, right? And you will find the explanation of the title of the series, if you haven’t figured it out already...
Little disclaimer-favor: especially since the tags don’t seem to be working anymore, if you do enjoy it, please consider supporting the author & sharing this. A little gesture that means a lot!
Stay tuned next week for the Epilogue!
Zetta x Adele Tag: @storyscaped​ ​ @storyscapefanficarchive​ @marmolady​ @animus-and-anima​ @hayley-carter19 @escako​  @everlastingchoices​ @indescribablechoices​ @ahrielstuff​ @bornonawdnsday​ @nazario-sayeed​  @h-doodles​ @adele-serda​ @marlcasters​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​  @michelleconnoly​ @charliejane-blog​ @ghost-of-yuri​  @choicesgremlin​  @lanzhansguqin​ @orange-elephants​ @wonder-falcon​
Zetta x Adele Series Tag: @eternal-langdon​ @nydeiri​
➡️ Ch. 1, Ch. 2/1, Ch. 2/2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8/1, Ch. 8/2, Ch. 9, Ch. 10/1, Ch. 10/2, Ch. 11/1, Ch. 11/2, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15 , Ch. 16
The night of the Surviving the Titanic premiere, I walk into the venue at the arm of Richard, my little Napoleon in tow, 'fashionably late' as my fiancé puts it. We are greeted by the flash powder and shouts of the reporters and the awe of the guests gathered in the dashing foyer, waiting in line to show a steward their invitation. I wave at them, smiling and searching the crowd, while Richard tips his hat. Sadly, I do not see any familiar face or I don't recognise any before we walk past them and disappear behind the red velvet curtains of the auditorium. Another steward takes care of our coats while a colleague leads us to the honorary seats reserved for us and the rest of the crew.
We seat and wait. To keep my mind busy, I fix Richard's bow tie leaning to the side. I chat a bit with Sabine and compliment her outfit once again: I'm touched she decided to wear the pearl headband I gifted her when I made it into the movie industry. A birthday gift: she kept repeating she couldn't accept a gift like that but eventually I prevailed. Seeing it again after all those years...I'm so grateful she didn't listen to me and refused to bring it with her on our trip to Europe: "I'd rather not, Madam: I don't think I will have occasion to wear it", she said. I'm incredibly happy she deemed this night a right occasion. I'm so used to see her in her maid uniform that I forgot how she looks in an evening gown and the little detail makes her look like the friend she is to me. I'm pretty happy and proud of my outfit too. I picked it myself: I knew exactly what I wanted when I commissioned it to a New York fashion designer à la mode. I don't usually wear black, I much prefer colors, but lately I've been reconciling with it. And it seemed appropriate for the night: black is the color of mourning, right? What is tonight, this movie if not a commemoration of all those who aren't with us tonight, all those who sacrificed their lives for people like me and all the other survivors we managed to trace back, gathered here tonight? I'm not naive enough to ignore there is more to it, something less poetic, but I hold onto the remembrance of the lives lost. Onto that night: I hope the meaning of my sapphire necklace, the same one I wore on my birthday night, is not lost to those who were there. A hand on my shoulder, a gentle touch. As my heart races a bit faster I turn...but no, it's only my colleague, my fictional sister greeting me at the arm of John, Richard's right hand. I kiss her cheeks and invite the two of them to join us. She is visibly excited when she announces that the foyer is packed: she had never seen a crowd like that. It's a delight to hear but I can only hope in that crowd are a few familiar faces I long to see. One dear face I desperately long to see. One last time, at least if that's what it must be but I need to see her, to make amends and tell her the truth. She must know: I owe her that. When the stewards eventually open the velvet curtains, the auditorium fills fast, women in fur stoles and men in tuxedo swarm in like bees, chatting lively as they take a seat. I stretch my neck to see if I can find her face but my eyes only meet tycoons, socialite and strangers. Is that man over there checking the night programme Felix? I certainly hope so: if he's here, Lawrence must be too. And God knows how I need him tonight. After what feels like an eternity, it's time. The premiere begins. "Here goes nothing" Richard sighs, taking my hand into his as they dim off the lights. I wish I could have spotted Adele before darkness fall on the auditorium and the projector starts crackling. Apparently, uncertainty must torture me a bit longer.
As story unfolds on screen, I hear the audience hold their breath in awe and fear and for a moment I am reminded why I love my job: to give people feelings, to make them live lives they would never live even if for a fleeting moment. Their wonder, their tears of sorrow and joy are the best reward, the only reward I look for, even more important than the generous checks I receive for my performances: it makes me feel alive, it makes me believe that for a moment our hearts beat at unison and we're connected. When my character and her sister hug in the lifeboat and watch the sinking ship, the muffled sounds and sniffling around me tell me that no matter how hard performing that scene was, the message got trough. I am incredibly happy about this.
After the screening and a round of thunderous applauses, stewards lead us to the theater lobby. I have a look around while reporters and guests join us. Richard insisted to take care of the decorations and the whole movie party himself...well, with his staff: he claimed that he had asked of me too much already and he was happy to help and give Sabine a few days off. My little Napoleon was taken aback by the decision: she has always supervised every party, every mundane event. I look at her and I have to stifle a laugh at her unimpressed face. She's right: just like the picture, the decorations aren't grand enough, not luxurious enough and I have no doubt she would have done so much better than this. There isn't even music... I hear the clinking sound of camera and flash powder igniting and before I know it, a bunch of reporters are taking pictures. I put on my best smile and pose with Richard. When he agrees we offered enough coverage of the events for the moment, he guides me away from them towards a waiter in high uniform offering champagne glasses. He hands me one and takes one for himself. "To our success, to our night" he smiles, rising his glass. I repeat his toast and we cling glasses. I have just tasted the cold alcoholic sweetness of it that guests approach us. I do my best to be polite and charming: I know it's my duty even if it distracts me from my most important search for my love. Is she even here? Maybe she just tossed my invitation into the fireplace after my disappearance...oh, no, I don't wanna picture such thing! And I know it's selfish of me, maybe even my note was selfish...it probably would make things easier for her if I disappeared and let her live her life, if I let her forget me soon. Strip away the memory of the time we shared together like a band-aid. Maybe even engaging romantically with her was selfish of me in my situation...oh, I'm tormenting myself again! Focus, Zetta, focus! The guests profusely compliment and comments are awfully predictable: the jewelled wife of a well known mogul dramatically claims that the picture was "a true masterpiece" and she totally felt "as if she was there too that night". A young socialite nods and echoes her words: is she her daughter? I flash them a smile and say I am overjoyed to hear so, it was the effect we were hoping for. I am stuck into conversations like these until the party is in full swing. My head almost hurt at the insane amount of stale nonsense I hear: maybe Lawrence was right when he once said that the problem with fiction is that the audience hardly takes it as such and cannot distinguish between documentary and fictional movies. They will go to bed tonight truly convinced they know what we survivors felt that night, they will tell friends encouraging them to go see the picture (hopefully) but the truth is...they know nothing. They have no idea how terrifying it was, how gruesome. They have no idea what suddenly not knowing if you or your dear ones will see another dawn or hearing gunshots and screams of terror all around you feel. It's like ice flowing into your veins instead of blood, a clutching fear I will never forget. Their heart would have broken in a thousand pieces too hearing the despair in the voices of the poor souls swimming in the frozen water begging for a help that never came.  Maybe this picture was a mistake after all, I don't know. I keep jumping from one conversation to another, peering across the crowd gathered on the balcony and below but I cannot spot anyone I know. Instead, a young man out of the blue asks me news of James: they're acquaintances and he was hoping to meet him here tonight. I sense Richard tensing up at my side as he sinks his glass of champagne. He was on the ship too, the young man continues, is he alright. I have no idea if the rumor of what happened at my birthday party has spread or if it faded away after the tragedy so I offer him a quick smile. I conceal how his reminding me of my fallen little prince is making my wound bleed again. James is fine as far as I know - I tell him - but sadly couldn't make it tonight, a previous engagement he couldn't postpone. My merciful lie seems to be enough for him as he tips his hat and asks me to bring him his greetings. As we part from them, I excuse myself and head away from the crowd "to fix my hair and rouge". Thankfully, Richard understands. He takes my glasses and places a quick kiss on my temple, whispering that it's alright, he will cover for me. He winks at me before greeting a colleague. I make a beeline for the restroom to catch some breath: I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by this party but I must be patient, this night is nowhere close to be over soon. I take a deep breath, one last check and return to the lobby. 
At the corner of my eye, I finally notice a familiar couple quietly having a drink in a defiled spot by the railing. Friendly faces, at last! I call their names and they turn. "Here's the belle of the ball!" Lawrence exclaims, approaching. He is charming as usual: he takes my hand and gallantly raised to his lips, smiling. He still looks tired and older than he actually is. I pull him into a quick hug. "You came, you old dog!" I joke, making him laugh. "And you too!" I wink at Felix who blushes slightly. When we part, I throw the two of them a look that - I hope - will convey my deep affection more than my words can. "I am incredibly happy you are here tonight" I smile softly. "We were incredibly happy to receive your invitation to the party, dear Zetta" Lawrence twists my words with his kindness. I take a look at him and flash him a sheepish smile. "You hated it, I know" He sighs before laughing, a gentle laugh. I speak again before he can formulate an excuse. "I can only hope I made up for it. My performance at least, the champagne..." "You were magnificent, Zetta. As usual" His smile is genuine, affectionate. Sweet dear Lawrence... "Tell you what, I had to give the gentleman here my handkerchief in the finale" he adds, a playful yet equally affectionate smile on his lips, nodding to his companion. Felix sighs, shaking his head. He cannot refrain a smile. I laugh and hug him. "That is such a great compliment, thank you, darling!" He's always been a big fan of me, he notes and Lawrence is quick to confirm it. We share a long look, quiet, safely away from the loud crowd. When will I see the two of them again? "Lots of people here tonight" Lawrence comments, after a moment, his blue eyes roaming the lobby packed with guests. "Yeah..." I sigh. "Yet you are the first friendly faces I bump into tonight. Well, apart from Sabine. Can you believe it?". I'm not surprised that he understands the unsaid. I'm relieved, actually: concealing my vulnerability but not to the point a man like him cannot sense it, underneath my words. He shares a quick look with Felix before reaching for my hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze. "Maybe it's just because you got stuck with those socialites in high hats and furs and embarrassingly expensive jewels" He winks at me and I laugh, a liberating laugh I needed so much. "Maybe" I concede before adding, hesitant. "I don't even know what I should hope for, Lawrence". He considers my words and when his eyes meet mine again, I don't want to let go of his hand. I want to hold onto him. "The night is not over, right?". I smile weakly at him: he's right but I have no idea if it's a good thing or not. Maybe it will only mean my agony is far from ending anytime soon. He seems to be reading my own thoughts. "Chin up, dear Zetta. And if you need us, we will be downstairs. Just say the word" Sometimes I wonder what I did good to have a man like him being so kind and thoughtful with me. I nod and try to recollect myself. I wish I could stay with them a bit longer but I see reporters approaching and a proper host cannot disappear forever. Sadly I must go, they know it. After one last lingering look, I take my leave. Evading the reporters is a lost war, so I surrender and pose again. How many pictures do they need, goddammit? Oh boy, this flock of vultures wants statements too. Fine, I know what to say. Marvel at how many people gather here tonight, tell how important this movie is to you, how you hope it will help bring along the memory of the tragedy...and start over. Then, with nonchalance and a charming, unreadable smile, walk away. Thank God, it works. I look for Richard or Sabine but they are both nowhere in sight. I shake hands with a couple of New York socialites when I hear a voice behind me calling my name, quietly almost shyly. I turn and see a young woman in a floral dress, red hair in elegant waves and big green eyes looking at me in awe. "Miss Serda, I just wanted to thank you for your invitation and say how flawless your performance was tonight". I flash her a smile. Have we met already? I cannot tell... "Did you enjoy the picture?" "Yes, quite a lot! Even if it's not the same, of course..." she lowers her eyes as if ashamed to anger me with such an undeniable truth. "Were you on the ship?" I inquiry, in my most reassuring voice. "Yes" she nods. "I was..." she pauses before shaking her head, a brighter smile relaxing her face. "Actually I was Adele's cabinmate. Your secretary's cabinmate, I mean". I gape and take a better look at the redhead in front of me. But of course! I saw her on the deck with a Adele as we were playing shuffleboard with the Baron. I tell her so, hoping to make her happy. It works, apparently: she looks pleasantly surprised I remember her. "You're...Clorinda!" I exclaim, reminiscing Lucille's words at our dinner, when she recognised Adele's dress as one of her own creation, a gift to her favourite model. She laughs, but her laugh is weak. "I was Clorinda, yes". "Lucille sang your praises during our journey" I smile. "Will I see you soon at her upcoming show?". "I'm afraid not, Miss Serda" her lips twist in a pained smile. "I no longer work for Mrs Duff-Gordon". Seeing my surprised face, she continues.   
"I had an accident during the sinking. I am no longer suited to work as a mannequin" she explains, quickly lowering her eyes before meeting mine again and adding, cheerfully: "But it's alright. I am here, I am alive and I am in America...it's all that matters, right?". We smile weakly at each other for a moment. I feel sorry for this girl even if she seems stronger than she looks. "Adele talked of you" I tell her and I'm glad to see the mix of surprise and excitement on her face. "You're the big fan of mine who kindly borrowed the posters and memorabilia for my birthday party at the Cafe Parisien. Seeing the old and new posters, reading the little notes you wrote...it meant so much to me, truly. I have never had a chance to thank you properly but I will always remember your kindness to me". A hint of red spreads over her cheeks as she smiles a big bright smile. "Oh, it was nothing, Miss Zetta...I was honoured to give my humble contribution to your birthday. If it made you happy, I'm happy, overjoyed!". I laugh softly at her contagious enthusiasm. Adele told me it was quite endearing and she was right. Her cabinmate speaks again, still gleaming but recovering the initial shyness. "Miss Serda, I was wondering if I could...well, if I could get your autograph? I was hoping to ask you during the crossing but then.." "But of course!" I smile and beckon a steward over. When he's back with a promotional picture and a pen, I look back at my fan. "What name should I write?" "Oh, Lena. Lena Montague but Lena is just perfect". I write my dedication and hand it to her. She takes a step forward, limping a little, and I get a glimpse of her wooden leg as she looks down at the picture with reverence. "There, for you. And your new collection, maybe" I wink. 
She thanks me but I insist that it's my line. And a sudden idea crosses my mind. "Thank you for coming, Miss Montague. I am glad I got a chance to make your acquaintance. And I was wondering...I remember expressing the wish to invite you for breakfast after being informed of your lovely gesture, to thank you. Would you accept a belated invitation? Let's say next week?". I have never seen such starry eyes on a face of a fan. "And who would be so foolish to turn down an invitation from you, Miss Serda? Sure thing!" "Excellent! I'll send my maid to you then, she's here somewhere...enjoy the party, Miss Montague". I kiss her cheeks and offer her one last smile before going back to my guests. I search Sabine but I find Richard instead, who introduces me to a couple of survivors he shook hands with. It doesn't take long before I realise why he wanted me to meet them: they say they were on my lifeboat and it was thanks to my intervention that they survived that awful night. They will be eternally grateful. I...I don't know what to say. I see Richard smiling proudly down at me while a faint blush spread over my cheeks. I tell them I am sure they would have helped too if the roles were reversed and wish them a happy new life in America. As they part, I finally spot my little Napoleon approaching, imperturbable as the Sphinx, quietly observing the stewards moving from one side of the hall to other. You can take away her apron but not her inquisitive gaze, I suppose: no rest for Sabine... "Ah, here you are!" I greet her, before teasing her. "I feared I lost you in the crowd" She offers me a quick amused smile. "I wasn't lost, Madam, just mingling. An impressive crowd tonight, n'est pas?" "Beyond our wildest expectations, yes!" Richard confirms, eyes roaming the upper floor.   
"I am glad to hear, Monsieur King. A well deserved success" my maid bows her head, concealing once again the disappointment for not being involved in the party setting. Then she turns towards me and continues, with a nonchalance that is only pretended. I know it quite well... "By a fortunate coincidence, I bumped into Miss Carrem just a moment ago". I can only hope my face doesn't betray my feelings, the turmoil her words provoked inside me. Adele is here, she came. I will get to see her at least one last time, I will talk to her. My words will be a poor consolation to her maybe but...I will see her again. "Carrem...Carrem, Carrem...oh right, your secretary on board, huh?" Richard exclaims but I barely register what he's saying. All I can think of is Adele, Adele here, tonight. Oh God, thank you! "Oui, precisement" my little Napoleon confirms on my behalf as I cannot speak. "An exquisite young lady, if I say so myself. The best candidate we had in ages, Monsieur, and I am not easily impressed, I assure you". Richard says something about how he would love to make her acquaintance and thank Miss Carrem personally but I am not listening just like the night of our arrival when he was stroking my hand but my head was far away with he woman I foolishly a abandoned at the pier. "I left her in the main hall downstairs. She's with her sister" Sabine adds, addressing me. Snapping out of my reverie, I manage to remind Richard that I talked a little about them. They were on my lifeboat too, we stayed together on the Carpathia...but I am extremely grateful to the providential steward who beckons him over. He sighs and excuses himself, saying he will be back before we know it. As soon as he's out of earshot and someone else interrupts me again, I wrap my arm around Sabine's and lead her to the side, by the railing. Now that Richard is gone, I can show my concern more freely. To some extent, obviously but I think I am safe with my little Napoleon. 
"How is she? Did she look alright?" I inquiry, checking over my shoulder. Sabine ponders her words, as if thinking how to describe the impression her brief meeting with Adele left on her. After what feels like an eternity for my tormented heart, she speaks. "If I may, she looks...troubled". I knew it, I feared so. But hearing it put down into words makes me frown. "Troubled? But of course...what a fool I have been! I shouldn't have invited her here tonight, I should have visited her and-" But I can't bring myself to finish my own sentence. "Troubled with grief, I mean. With with the weight of what happened that night. Mourning, you would say, perhaps". Then she sighs, a deep sigh, shaking her head. "It's such a pity to see a young woman like her taking the world over her shoulders, all that sorrow, all that pain". "She wouldn't be Adele if she didn't" I smile, thinking of every time she spoke of her fight for women's rights, the days she spent in jail for it. My sweet revolutionary is indeed a little Atlas and I fear no one can change that, it's simply her nature. But it pains me to see her so miserable and I cannot shake away the feeling that my disappearance played a role in it. At the very least I added salt on her injury. "But Mademoiselle Carrem is strong" Sabine interrupts my somber train of thoughts. "She just needs time, that's all, I think. Time and a little joie de vivre, don't you think, Madam?".   
I smile sadly at her words. "Don't we all need it, ma chére Sabine? A little joie the vivre...". Yes, it certainly would be nice. But is it even possible? Even for people like me and Adele or are we forced to be content with cheap surrogates that keep us floating on the water surface? I wish I had an answer... "I will go talk to her" I sigh, straightening my skirt. "I am sure MademoIselle Carrem will be delighted to see you, Madam". "I hope so, Sabine". Yes, I do hope so. We look at each other for a moment before I speak again. "Oh, before I forget...would you mind getting Miss Montague's address and find out when I can meet her for breakfast next week or so?" I ask, nodding at my fan's figure in the hall downstairs. "And book a table to the Plaza or the St Regis. They're both fine...oh and please, send Miss Montague a poster of Surviving the Titanic. I'll ask Richard to sign it too". I fill her in about the details of Lena's life before the sinking and her troubled arrival: the incident, the loss of her job and the end of her modelling career. Sabine bows her head. "Certament, Madam". "In the meantime, I'll see if I can find a way to do more. I wish I could do more for her, somehow" I continue, lost in my thoughts. My little Napoleon nods and goes quiet, pondering. Around us, the sound of laughters and clinging glasses. When she speaks again, she almost startles me. "I'll be on my way" she announces, standing straighter. Before taking her leave, she looks at me and comments quietly that it has just come to her mind that I still haven't found a new secretary since our arrival. I know that look, that pretended nonchalance once again. As Richard approaches, I give her arm a gentle squeeze, a faint smile crossing my lips. "Go find Miss Montague, Sabine. And not a word on this before I speak to the girl". She throws me a conspiratorial look and walks away. When I turn, Richard is offering me his arm. "Fancy a trip downstairs, darling?". "I thought you never asked!" I smirk, wrapping my arm around his.
As we start walk down the stairs, I can feel my heart beating faster in my chest at the thought of my proximity to Adele, how close we are after all this months...even if it's also different now. But it doesn't matter: I don't want it to matter now...what did she say on the deck of the sinking ship? ‘All I care about is that you're here with me, and safe’. Yes, that it's all I care about too. I...saw her. She's with Hileni by a small table with hors d'ouvres and a pyramid of champagne glasses. Be still my heart, I beg you, be still...but it doesn't listen. I cannot control it anymore now that I know for sure she's here. She's wearing a green dress that it or just perfect for her but it enhances her beauty, if it's even possible. Oh, Adele...you have no idea how badly I have missed you! I feel my face lighten up and my lips curl into a bright, happiest smile. See what hold you have on me, my love? I don't even pay attention to those who greet and part as I walk by: I only have eyes for one guest now, for her. The first who spots me is Hileni: her eyes widen at the sight of me. I suppose she has never seen me in all my glory before; on the Carpathia, even if I was still wearing the outfit of my birthday party underneath the coat a kind fan gave me, I was out of my element just like the rest of us. Adele turns a moment later, following her sister's gaze. When our eyes meet, I almost feel my knees get weak. I hope she can see that this smile is meant for her only. I think she does, she brightens up almost immediately I turn towards Richard. "Will you excuse me a moment? I want to say hi to a dear friend I haven't seen in a while...". Dear friend: the euphemism is an insult to what Adele means to me but it will do. Just like the fiction, it's what the world can take. "Sure, go ahead. I'll go find John" he smiles, parting. I immediately glide over to my love, heart racing in my chest. "Adele"   
I call her name and the sweet sound of her name fills my mouth. I place my hand on her upper arms and kisses both her cheeks. Restraining myself from pulling her into a tight embrace and linger in that closeness is a Herculean effort. Her perfume, the shade of red spreading over her cheeks, her shy smile. How I missed you... "Let's you and I catch up" I say, still smiling so brightly. I turn to Hileni and ask: "Mind if I borrow your sister for a moment?". She nods, still looking awed. Without hesitation, I take Adele's arm and lead her to a corner of the room apart from the other guests. For a moment, none of us can't find words. Funny how words are most difficult to find with those who are dearest to our heart. But I know what it is...I feel it too. The weight of our past between us. The memory of our brief happiness together.   
A last, I summon up enough courage to finally speak. "Ad-" "I-" We start talking at the same time, then burst into laughter. Look at us, two fools lost to love! "I feel...almost nervous. Ridiculous, aren't I?" I keep my smile on but I know, just know she sensed the vulnerability reverberating in my voice who has suddenly lost the confidence I had before with my guests. She smiles too, gesturing that it's alright. "Zetta, it's...so good to see you again". I am sure my mind now is less cheerful. Time for my poor apologies. "I'm sorry, Adele. I should have written or visited" I sigh. "I've just been so busy..." To my surprise, she interrupts me, understanding, smiling. "I understand. You've been making the film, and you're getting married..." But she suddenly lose the train of whatever else she had planned to say. Adele, you and I can try to behave normally around each other, to act as if nothing happened...but we simply fail all the time. Our feelings always get in the way, my love, and God knows if I don't know it too well. And this, this sadness cutting off your words is all my fault. "I know you're upset" I frown.
She meets my eyes again in a silent, unnecessary apology. You have nothing to apologise for, I do. And I owe you the cruel truth, at last. I take in a deep breath to steady myself and let my mask fall. I drop my voice to a whisper so that only she can hear. "I've been agonizing over what I'd say when I saw you. And I never came up with a good answer". Adele, if only you knew the nights I spend writing you the most ardent, sorrowful letters! "I love you. I want to be with you. But this marriage has to go forward or my career's done". Do you understand my impossible position, my dearest? But please, I beg you never doubt my feelings. "Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar...but never doubt I love". When she speaks, her voice is a pained whisper and her words an excruciating plea. "Zetta, please don't do this. I want us to spend our lives together". I couldn't ask for anything better, sweet Adele, but...there is always a cruel but for us. "Even if that life had to be kept secret?" I grimace. "If people knew about us, it would destroy everything I've worked for". Look what malicious rumours brought on Lawrence and Felix even without a solid evidence of their relationship. Look what the world does to people like us. These guests, my adoring fans crowd the movie theaters to see me fall in love with the hero, the dashing heartthrob 'every woman daydream of' without asking me what I really want. They smile and awe at me tonight but they wouldn't hesitate to drag me down into the gutter if they knew who my heart truly belongs to. "I...I can't have both you and my career".
I lower my eyes unable to sustain her gaze any longer. I am so incredibly sorry, Adele, so sorry.... She reaches for my hand, shyly, and I am reminded of the first time she took my hand into hers in my private projection room on board of the Titanic. The soothing warmth of her hand over mine felt so intimate, calming...just like now. I look back at her and I have to fight back tears. She looks over her shoulder then she speaks, her voice low. "I don't care if no one knows about us. All I care about is that there is an us. I need you, Zetta". My eyes widen as I register the meaning of her words. Does she...does she mean it? "Are you sure?" I ask her, unsure whether she is fully aware of what she's proposing. "This won't be like it was on the Titanic, bathhouses and stolen kisses. It won't be easy..." She searches my eyes and nods. I...I would have never thought nor hoped for such a hopeful end of this conversation I feared so much. Oh my dear...not losing Adele, being with Adele! Out of instinct, I move to kiss her but I refrain myself just in time, painfully aware of the surroundings. I must long for your lips a bit longer, my love...but it doesn't matter, we're together now. "We'll need to come up with a plan..." I consider. "How do you feel about being my publicist?". "About as confident as I felt about being your secretary" she beams. I laugh as I laughed with her in the most dire moments...incredible what a light she casts on me, even when I am at my lowest. I regard her fondly as a newfound sweet joie de vivre starts spreading inside me, and I put my hand to her cheek. "This is the happiest I've felt in months...knowing you'll be at my side" I whisper, my voice trembling with the swirl of feelings taking hold of me. "Always" she whispers back, slightly leaning to the touch.
Suddenly we're both brought back to the party by the flash powder igniting around us. As I unwillingly retrieve my hand we're surrounded by journalists shouting my name. I am too overjoyed by our sweet reunion to be annoyed by them. I wish they could have forgotten about me a bit longer, granting me more time with Adele but they are oddly bearable this time.
I see her leaning closer and putting her mouth to my ear. The words she whispers send my heart fluttering. 
"I love you". I turn my face to meet her eyes. I must summon every ounce of strength I have to stop myself from pulling her mouth to mine, pouring my affection on her right in front of the photographers. I see the same restraint in her eyes. There will be other nights for that. Yes, there will other nights... "And I you" I whisper back. My voice is soft, adoring...how could I not adore her? I smile at her one last time before turning to the cameras and bathing into the flash lights. They better capture this moment, I think: I will never be as radiant as I am now. As they keep calling my name and taking picture of me posing, I slowly return to the party I momentarily left for my reunion to Adele. I spot Richard and John lightening cigarettes by the staircase and not far Miss Montague chatting with a man I have never seen before. Sabine is checking herself in a mirror, fixing her headband...a rare moment of vanity for her. Hileni is pondering whether going for the pastry mignons is a bit too much and once saw me looking at her, she shyly waves at me and walks away. To my delight, Lawrence is signing an autograph to a fan, under the proud gaze of Felix, who took a step back. Good old Lawrence... ‘Sometimes our secrets are what make our lives worth living. No matter with what high cost they come attached’, he said. And he was right. I used to repeat to myself that you can't breathe if you're constantly underwater. It turns out I was wrong. With her love, I can breathe underwater.  
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The Mother of My Child
Bloodbound Fanfiction (characters and main story belongs to Pixelberry Studios).
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed and MC (Annie)
Information: this takes place after Bloodbound 3, but I made a few changes. MC is still human, she is only Turned after they have a daughter. It came from a request, so it won’t be long, probably two parts, but I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: there’s a little bit of violence in the middle, but not much.
Part 1
The Mother of My Child - Part 2 (Finale)
During the last trimester, the only strong effect pregnancy was having on Annie was making her feel sleepy all the time. If insomnia robbed her nights for almost five months, now the woman couldn’t stay awake for long, always napping around the house. She was officially on maternity leave with no date to come back. Since her bosses were actually the child’s mother and godfather, the woman had all the time in the world to rest.
The pregnancy was already seven months long, almost eight. Her exams were perfect, nothing to worry about. It all indicated a healthy kid what would be born in nine weeks. Kamilah had put together a team of doctors in case of any problems during labour, with Annie or the child. She didn’t want to leave things up to fate.
“You are unbulivabu.” The human showed up at the bedroom door, a toothbrush hanging in her mouth. “Why is there four nursis checking on me??”
 “I gave them your number, so it will be easier to monitor what you feel.” Kamilah was laying on the bed while reading another book about breast feeding.
“Ughhhhhhh” Annie went back to the bathroom to spit the toothpaste and clean her face. When turned to leave, she accidentally bumped her toe on the door. “Ouch! Shit!”
 “Is it the baby??” The Vampire was suddenly in front of her, hands grabbing the woman by the arms.
 “Gee, chill. I just hurt my toe.” She laughed, letting Kamilah take her to bed. “You see, my Nana used to say that the more we try to control destiny, the more it escape our plans.”
“Not on my watch.”
That next afternoon, things got kind of busy at Ahmanet Financial. The Vampire was getting in and out of meetings, constantly checking her phone to make sure there was no messages from her wife. Annie was probably napping again.
“Excuse me, Mrs. Sayeed. The Baron wishes to have a word.”
“Ugh. Fine. Let him in. Thank you, Paul.”
Kamilah crossed her arms, waiting for that despising figure to emerge from the door. The smell of old whiskey and cigar took over the whole office. The Baron had two men with him, but both stayed a few steps behind.
“What do you want? The Council will meet next week.” she sighed, not in the mood to deal with another ‘Priya is stealing my territory’ argument.
“Good afternoon to you. That’s why I’m here. We must vote for whoever gets to control the north part of the city. I just want to make sure you choose correctly.” The Baron had such an ugly smile.
“Is that a threat?” the Vampire’s eyes were dangerously red. “I don’t wish that territory to belong to either of you. Both proved to be incompetents in the past.”
“Are you sure this is how you want to vote?” he approached her desk with heavy steps, pulling a phone from the pocket. “You know how much that area means to me.”
“What I know is that you want to open another underground casino, when you already have one working and causing us too much trouble already. I told you to get your men under control. It’s not my problem anymore. Now get the hell out of my office before I lose my patience.”
 “Careful there. You might regret it.” The Baron turned his phone so Kamilah could see what was on the screen. “I came to negotiate. And I’m prepared.”
The Egyptian felt her own nails digging through the skin when she closed her hands in fists. “How… Dare… You…”
“You didn’t leave me a choice. Now, I will tell you exactly what I want, and you’re going to do give it to me. I’ll even leave the phone here, at your table, so you don’t lose focus.” He laughed at his own joke, sinking in one of the chairs.
Kamilah just kept a tense posture, staring at the screen where Annie was being filmed. Four of The Baron’s men were there, one of them holding a gun to her ribs. Something caught The Vampire’s attention in the scene. The way her wife was leaning back, hands roaming the belly… “You bastard, she is in labour!”
“A small setback. Focus. The faster we solve it, higher are the chances of you seeing your first child being born.”
Kamilah took a deep breath. It wouldn’t be wise to lose her temper now.
 At the Penthouse
“Please, I need to sit…” Annie had tears on her eyes, only able to stand up because of a rough hand on her back. “This hurts too much, I can’t…”
“Fine. Sit on the couch. Don’t try anything stupid.” He pushed her forward, a gun still pointed at the woman.
It all happened so fast. One minute, she was asleep, taking another regular afternoon nap. Then, a man was in her room, two, three, four. Annie recognized all of them later, but the sudden view of strangers in her house made her heart speed at first. The body couldn’t take that much adrenaline all at once. When they pulled her out of bed, the woman screamed and felt a deep pain pressuring her ribs. A couple minutes afterwards, she had a liquid coming down her legs. It was too early to have the baby, and the fear this could hurt her child only made it worse.
Annie knew why they were filming her. That’s why she was holding it in as much as she could, trying hard not to cry or show too much pain. Kamilah was probably being blackmailed, and the last thing the human wanted was for her wife to lose herself in anger.
“Oh no, no, no, no, stay inside little one, wait for your mommy…” she whispered, holding the belly as contractions were getting stronger. There was this desperate wish to arch and open the legs, her own body trying to tell her what to do.
One of their cell phones started ringing. The taller man answered and gave the others a knowing signal.
“It’s your lucky day.” said the one who pointed her the gun.
All four of them disappeared behind the door. Now, alone, without a camera filming her, Annie finally screamed against a pillow, dizzy of pain. Her heart was pounding against the chest. Then, a hand touched her shoulder.
“Hey, can you hear me?” Lily was leaning in, trying to find any injuries.
“Where is she?” the woman cried, removing the pillow. It was all too much.
“I’ll take you to the hospital, Kamilah will meet us there, she’s with Adrian… Finishing some business. You know.”
Something exploded downstairs. Guns started to fire.
“I don’t care what the hell is going on in there, you tell my wife to come here NOW!”
“Girl, you need a doctor.” She tried to lift her, but Annie only slid and grabbed the couch. There was a fire in her eyes that would give Lily nightmares for months.
All the noises suddenly stopped. No explosion, guns firing, things breaking… Just the soft sound of the elevator’s doors opening. The Egyptian didn’t have a single strand of hair out of place, although her blazer was ripped near the pocket. A woman in a white coat was following her, completely terrified.
“Finally!” Annie rested her back against the couch, squatting and screaming as pushed the baby for the first time. Her body was only covered by a thin nightdress.
“Oh goodness, get me a sterilized towel!” the doctor fell on the floor, sitting right in front of the pregnant woman.
“On it!” Lily left and came back in half a second.
“I am deeply sorry…” Kamilah started, finding her place beside Annie, but she was interrupted by a kiss. Foreheads together, their eyes met, and for a moment, it felt like the pain was slowly drifting away. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” The human smiled, arching again in another strong push.
“Is it… Going well?” Adrian hesitated, not sure what to do. They didn’t even notice him coming out of the elevator, all covered in blood. “Can I get anything?”
“Yes, warm water…” the doctor gasped at that sight, almost losing track of what was happening. “Uhm… Right… You’re almost there, just one more push. A strong one. 3…2…”
Annie’s scream was substituted by a soft crying when the baby came out. Adrian had brought the water, so the doctor could clean the child a little bit before giving it to the mothers. Him and Lily were fighting against the tears, both holding hands.
“Oh man, we have a baby!” said the younger Vampire.
“Indeed, we do.” Kamilah took the child in her arms, cradling her close to the chest. It was the smallest human being she had ever seen in her two thousand years. “Lysia.”
“We have a family.” The most perfect family Annie could ever ask for.
“Well, I’m… I’m going to clean downstairs.” Adrian wiped his tears, slowly recomposing himself.
“Thank you, brother.”
“Wait, where did you come from?” Annie was suddenly staring at the doctor she had never seen before. “You’re not my doctor.”
“Mrs. Sayeed had me at Ahmanet Financial in case an emergency happened.”
“She… Oh my god, Kamilah. You had a doctor standing there, all day long, just in case?” the woman turned to see those guilty brown eyes.
“I told you I wasn’t going to risk anything.”
“Well, you know what?” Annie frowned, pretending to be mad for a second, but her sparkling eyes were telling the truth. She was the happiest woman alive. “I am so glad you’re the mother of my child.”
Tagging: @kamilahismyqueen and @nydeiri
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Mafia (Part VIII/XI [Alt Endings])
Notes: Hi! So I definitely was never expecting Mafia to get popular or for anyone to enjoy it as I thought it might’ve been too violent. I also want to note, as I don’t think I was clear, that this was requested by @mrskamilxh and the original idea was not mine. I’m actually happily surprised by the positive feedback on this series because it grew on me as I wrote it, although I still think some chapters were better than others. I will post the three alternate ending either across the day tomorrow or throughout the week, once all three endings are posted I will make a masterlist for the whole series. On some unrelated notes, I strained my right shoulder/upper back today during a workout so that either means there will be lots of new fics coming in the next week and a half or I will go MIA for a while, just a heads up. I’m also not super duper proud of this chapter, I feel it was kind of rushed but again, I will reiterate, keep your expectations of me low and I mean boots with the fur low low low low. 
Pairing: Kamilah x MC (Amy Johnson)
Tags: @mrskamilxh @cheeto-choices @slytherinthoughts7 @made-me-deep-blue @scarlet-letter-a0114 @lightning-fury @uselesslesbianfr @kamilah-sayeed-let-me-love-you @bellaraines @kamilahsayeet2063 @nydeiri 
Warnings: Violence, Language (I wouldn’t recommend this series for anyone who has military PTSD or any sort of trigger from violence as this is based in a fairly violent environment)
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII
“We have to move locations, Darius, we’ve been compromised.” Kamilah pulled Darius aside from the rest of the members, he gave her a knowing smile.
“I saw her outside. You call that a kiss?” Darius smirked as Kamilah whacked him on the shoulder, shooting him an eye roll.
“Shut up.” They broke into laughter, as they called attention to the rest of the mafia members. 
-----FBI HQ-----
“Did you find a location, Detective Johnson?” Leo stood across from Amy, his hands folded on the desk as he held out photographs of familiar mafia members. Amy’s eyes roamed the pictures, her heart nearly stopping at the picture of Kamilah, she slowed her breathing so she wouldn’t turn pink.
“Yes, they moved back into an abandoned base. I was able to get in and out undetected.” Amy sat back in her chair triumphantly, Jackson patting her on the back firmly. 
“Good, we’ll send a squad in quickly to secure the area. Maybe they’ll leave a trail to their next location there.” Leo stood up, reaching out to give Amy a handshake. Amy smiled, giving a firm handshake to Leo before retreating into her office. 
She pulled out her phone, turning off wireless network connection before texting ‘Holland Jaeger.’
All clear, better get moving. 
Will do. Are you going to rendezvous with us? 
I’m not sure. I don’t want to leave a trail or blow my cover. 
A knock on the door caused Amy to nearly drop her phone, she jumped out of her seat as Jackson slowly opened the door. 
“Good work Amy. Maybe we can corner the Mafia Dealer and end her once and for all.” Jackson grabbed Amy’s shoulder firmly, causing her to suddenly flinch. “Whoa there. You seem hella tense, what’s up?” Jackson swung a wooden chair in front of Amy, sitting down while resting his hands on his quad. 
“PTSD I guess? Kamilah may not have killed me but she still dished out an ass whooping.” Amy’s voice softened, remembering how it felt to have Kamilah’s hand smack her across her face. Her mind drifted to Kamilah’s warmth, her heated gaze, her eyes, her lips, her sweet soft lips..
“Amy? Do you need a medic?” Jackson appeared next to her, concern written across his chiseled face. Amy stood up from her desk, her cheeks a faint blush as a smile creeped onto her face as she got herself a bottle of water from the mini fridge. 
“No I’m okay. I’m just excited? It seems everything is working out perfectly in our favor.” She gave him a small smile.  Jackson stood, moved towards the door, giving Amy a firm nod of approval before exiting. Amy plonked herself back into her chair as she closed her eyes. 
“I think you’ve outdone yourself Kamilah,” Darius placed a wood crate down in the doorway of an abandoned warehouse in Staten Island, he took off his jacket, placing it on a dusty table, before turning back to Kamilah who was hastily typing on her phone. “Is it her? You know...the other members...you can’t let them know. Not now at least…” Darius walked over to the crate, using a crowbar to open it. He examined the guns inside, matte black with embroidered gold initials and symbols. 
“They won’t know Darius and they answer to me, not the other way around.” Kamilah put her phone in her pocket, exchanging her M-9 for the black one with her engraved initials. She placed it in her concealed holster before walking towards Darius, “anyways we have a task at hand. We need to lie low until she gets them off our back.” 
“That won’t be easy, we’re so used to gunfights and not laying low.” Darius let out a sigh, crossing his arms as gazed to the floor. 
“Nothing is ever easy for us Darius,” Kamilah gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, “nothing worth having was easy to get...don’t you want to lose the FBI?” 
“And if it’s a trap?”
“We’ll have another fight on our hands.” Kamilah had a devilish grin on her face, Darius shook his head before grinning back. 
“So we each need an alias’...cover stories..definitely some accessories…” Kamilah walked out to the truck where a few other members waited patiently for orders. They turned and nodded silently as Kamilah approached, lowering their weapons in her presence. 
“Your orders Miss Sayeed?” 
“Lie low.” A murmur arose from the mafia members, angry and confused looks written on their faces. Kamilah took a deep breath, waving her hand for their attention again. “That doesn’t mean function under the law, it just means anything that would leave an obvious trail to us. This is New York, crime happens all the time. Don’t let it get traced to us.” The members hesitated before nodding, giving Kamilah their silent approval. She pulled Darius aside, handing him a file.
“Here, can you create some alias’? I’m assuming nobody is going to remain in a legal state so we should be prepared.” Kamilah folded her hands behind her back and Darius nodded before retreating to the hideout. 
Kamilah checked her phone, wanting to text Amy, to know she was safe from the FBI. The thought danced in her mind as she resumed her normal assignments, plotting the occasional “disappearance” along with more illegal exchanges. She unloaded file after file, debriefings and mafia member profiles, among crucial government members that were high ranked. She tossed most of them aside before revealing Keeping you a Secret from the bottom. She sighed softly to herself, reminiscing on the feeling of Amy, the way she tasted, the softness in her touch. 
“God I hope I’m not wrong about you Amy..” Kamilah jumped at the sound of gunfire, screams and running. She grabbed an assault rifle and moved towards the commotion. Darius leaned against the doorframe, his hand covering his stomach as he gave Kamilah a knowing look. 
“Kamilah you have to go…” He grimaced, pain written across his face, he pulled his hand back revealing two deep bullet wounds, “there’s too many...you won’t make it out alive…” He paused, his eyes near watery, he took a deep breath before moving towards Kamilah, attempting to push her towards the back door. 
“I’m not sacrificing my team for my own life!” kamilah pulled him into the office, sitting him in the chair before rushing out, “you’re going to be okay!” Her face flared with anger, frustration. “Please don’t be Amy…” She rushed into cover, using the scope of her rifle to assess the situation. 
Mafia members dropped to the ground as what appeared to be twenty FBI agents pressed forward. She looked for Amy, hoping this hadn't been her idea, praying she wasn’t turning on her, that the kiss meant something. “I can never catch a break can I..?” She whispered before shooting, striking down 5 agents before ducking again. 
She peered over the side as she heard tires screeching and Amy’s familiar voice calling out. 
“Stop! Stop firing!” Kamilah watched as Amy ran out of the car, rushing to stand in front of the FBI members, “Kamilah? Kamilah?!” Amy rushed towards the house, Kamilah keeping her cover out of caution. She wanted to run to Amy, pull her close but she couldn’t take that risk, not now. “Kamlah come on!” Amy pleaded, her eyes near watery. Kamilah thought what did it matter, most of her team was dead or had fled, she didn’t have much to lose. 
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fal-carrington · 5 years
Just The Two Of Us Pt.5
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Pairing: Kamilah x Mc x Adrian
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part.3 // Part.4
Prompt: After the last night fighting against Gaius, before his fall, he puts his plan into execution, changing the lives of Adrian, Kamilah and Mia forever. Friendships may end, a heart may be broken and a new love may arise. In the end who will win the girl's heart?
Tag list: @rocket-scientist07 @galaxyside-0 @gavryllo @zoe6111 @iam-the-fuckin-queen @bucket-harrington @scarlet-letter-a0114 @delphinusbae @ilovekamilahsayeed @jellymonster @deereboy97 @justejuste727​ @thepotatobleh​ @jen825​ @whoinvitedalx​ @rubyheartjane​ @desiree-0816​ @sleeping-with-her06​ @riyalovestaylor​ @pizzapyjamas​ @thecleveridiot09​ @demonknightrevelations​ @dragonaceflamez​ @garlickk​ @ella-raines​ @spacecarrousel​ @walking-mess-talking​ @nydeiri​ @tigerbryn11
Michigan, 8h40pm
Mia’s pov
As the big house appeared at the end of the street and the car slowed, the air caught in Mia's lungs. Being back home after so long away was surreal. She couldn't help, but wonder how much everything had changed. Memories of her past invaded her mind, good memories, memories of her childhood and adolescence in that old house with a large garden. Throughout the trip to Michigan, she kept her eyes locked on the window, little did she know the overwhelming longing would come. “Are you alright?” Kamilah asked as she stopped the car. Mia turned to her, seeing the look in those brown eyes, something was bothering Kamilah, she could tell.
"I'm fine, it's just... It's been awhile." She admitted looking out the window again, the lights were on, several cars surrounded the block, family cars, which she recognized perfectly. “Wow. My whole family is here. At least it's good to know my dad hasn't gotten rid of the truck yet.” She laughed pointing to the window. “Why are you nervous? You told your mom we were coming, right?” Kamilah asked with a frown.
“Of course. Everyone is very eager to meet you.” Mia said. “I… When I left home and decided to move to New York, my parents didn't really like the idea, but they supported me. I think my family settled into living a simple life, I wanted more, so I left. I've always been the most adventurous in the family. Now I'm coming back, and not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd be married. Especially with you.” Mia said taking a deep breath, looking deep into Kamilah's brown eyes, noticing that they stared back at her with sympathy. “I mean… I'm still getting used to all this, with you, with our life together. We arrived in Michigan by private jet, and you just parked a Mercedes on a street full of minivans, have any idea what that sounds like?” She laughed earning a half smile from Kamilah.“ I just don't want to look like a failure, you know?” "You're far from being one." Kamilah said attracting the blonde's attention. “I mean, anyone who gets me out of my building and makes me cross the country for a meeting of mortals deserves the credit.” Mia laughed at those words. “I'm about to meet your parents, and thats you who are nervous. This is the first time I will ever meet the parents of someone important in my life.” "Sorry about that. I know, It's bullshit... Wait. ”Mia shook her head and looked at her, confused. “I´m important now?” Kamilah rolled her eyes.
"No. Your parents are proud of you, I know that.” Kamilah gave a half smile before getting out of the car, leaving Mia smiling like a fool in the vehicle. Kamilah took the baggage, while Mia took her grandmother's gift. As they walked across the lawn toward her old house, the blonde looked appreciatively at the clothes Kamilah had chosen. 
“What?” Kamilah frowned. "Nothing. I guess I'm not used to seeing you without your suits on.” She laughed with a shrug, making the CEO look at her own look. She was so... casual and elegant. Her shiny brown hair was flawlessly as ever, Kamilah wore a large overcoat and navy blue sweater with jeans and heeled boots. Kamilah was wearing jeans. Which was new, and also very attractive. Mia noticed how the jeans further accentuated the CEO's body. It was unbelievable to see, the first thought that occurred in the blonde's mind was to take a picture and immediately send it to Lily. She would love to look at that. Kamilah rolled her eyes, walking ahead and not even noticing the blonde taking a picture of her on her back.
“Okay, let's do this.” She took a deep breath, and rang the bell, giving Kamilah a reassuring smile. "Just so you know, my parents can be a little... limitless." She smiled awkwardly. “What should this mean?” Kamilah asked without understanding. In a matter of seconds, the door opened, giving way to a blond woman, Kamilah couldn't help, but notice how Mia looked like her mother, and how the familiar smile on the corner of her mother-in-law's lips looked so much like her. “Miranda!” She spread her arms, smiling, pulling Mia into a tight bear hug. "Hey, mom." Mia grinned awkwardly, clutching her mother's arms. “Bill! They have arrived! ”She shouted. "Finally! Awn, my baby! ”She pulled away from Mia, pinching her cheeks, leaving a kiss on each. “We miss you so much!” "Me too, Mom." Mia tried to smile, her face growing redder with her mother's attention. Kamilah tried to keep the serious expression on her face, avoiding laughing at the situation, but seeing Mia, who always managed to embarrass her - ashamed of something, was extremely hilarious to her. “Mom, this is...” Mia stepped away, touching Kamilah's arm, drawing her mother's attention to her.
“…Kamilah.” Mia's mother looked her up and down with a wide smile on her face. Kamilah held out her hand for her mother-in-law to shake, just as she always greeted her clients and executives. But she clearly dismissed that, pulling Kamilah into a tight bear hug, surprising the CEO.
“Mom, Kamilah is not a big fan of hugs.” Mia laughed awkwardly. “Kamilah, this is my mother, Theresa.” “Nonsense. We are family, and we hug.” Theresa ignored her daughter. She pulled away after a few seconds, clutching Kamilah's cheeks. “But you're gorgeous, I'm impressed. I've heard so much about you.” “Good stuff, I hope?” Kamilah frowned. "Mostly." She laughed waving her hand. “Mom, can you let Kamilah breathe please?” Mia touched her arms. "Oh, sure." She pulled away. “Please come in.” She gave them room to enter. “BILL! Get your ass off this kitchen, they're here! ” Theresa walked out leaving both. "Sorry about that." Mia smiled awkwardly. “Are they all like this?” Kamilah whispered looking around. She could see how many of Mia's relatives were in the back of the house. Mia smiled with red cheeks, letting Kamilah believe that was a yes. A golden retriever emerged from the back of the house running to the front. “Holiday!” Mia shouted, getting to her knees to greet the dog. "Oh God. You have a dog too, perfect.” Kamilah rolled her eyes. Theresa had come back again, and this time she was with a man, as tall as Kamilah, she could see perfectly the small white strands beginning to appear on his blond hair. “Hey, dad.” Mia threw herself into the man's arms, who was beaming with his daughter in his arms. "Hey, big city, finally show up, huh?" He grinned and touched his daughter's cheeks. His eyes turned to Kamilah, the same green eyes. “So this is where they come from.” Kamilah thought to herself. “So this is my daughter-in-law, huh? Wow,” He approached Kamilah, Kamilah thought of reaching out to him, but he wrapped her in a hug before she did. "I'm Bill, I'm pretty sure Theresa has already explained our hug policy, right?"
“Yes, she did.” Kamilah smiled with a wide, beautiful, charming smile, leaving Mia knocked out as she watched. She saw the impact it had on her parents.
"We're so happy for both of you," Bill said with a wide smile on his face. "My little bear wouldn't shut up about you for weeks." He pointed at Mia.
“Dad!” Mia shouted with red cheeks, Kamilah bit back a smile. A particular joke forming in her mind to torment Mia when they were alone.
"What?" He shrugged.
"Ah, that reminds me." Kamilah opened a bag, revealing two bottles of Merlot. "I thought you both would like it."
“Oh, thanks, honey. This is so kind.” Theresa took one of the bottles and Bill the other.
“She's beautiful and has great taste for expensive wines, I like her. Maybe you should keep her, Miranda.” He pointed at Kamilah, Mia's cheeks got even more red.
"Alright, alright. Why don't we let them pack up and then we catch up, huh?" Theresa touched her husband's arm. "Kamilah, I hope you don't mind staying in Mia's old room." "Of course not." Kamilah nodded.
“When you're done upstairs, come see the people. Nana is crazy to see you, Mia.” Theresa said with a smile on her face, touching her daughter's cheek before going out with her husband. 
Mia led Kamilah up the stairs, Kamilah noticed the selection of picture frames scattered around the house attracting the CEO's attention, as she followed the blonde through the house. Mia took a deep breath and opened the door of her old room. The walls were pink, with butterfly stickers on the walls, the furniture was white, a king bed took the center of the room, not as big as the bed where both used to sleep, it was smaller. Kamilah watched from the books to the boyband posters. 
"It's quite... Feminine." Kamilah managed to say. 
"I was fifteen when I decorated." Mia said with red cheeks. 
“If you say so.” Kamilah exchanged glances with the blonde before leaving her suitcase on a small sofa in the corner of the room. 
“Oh, you have no idea how much I missed my room. Everything is exactly the same as I left it.” Mia said holding one of the photographs in hand, a smile on her face. Mia glanced over her shoulder and noticed that Kamilah kept her eyes glazed on her cell phone.“Hey. You promised. No work this weekend. It's family weekend.” Mia pointed at her and crossed her arms. Kamilah rolled her eyes impatiently. “It's just Karen, about some contracts that we'll close at the end of the month. That's important, Mia.” Kamilah said, Mia could feel some of her authoritative voice, she knew that voice. It was the way she talked to her employees at work. "Family weekend, Kamilah." Mia insisted, making Kamilah put her cell phone in her pants pocket.
Kamilah spent most of the night meeting Mia's uncles and aunts, cousins, which luckily for her, she ended up liking Mia's parents, but for her, the best person in the whole house was Mia´s grandmother, eighty years old, but she could still make Mia smile like no one else. Kamilah eventually discovered how perfect the wine was for the occasion. It made it so much simpler and easier to deal with her wife's relatives and their stupid questions. Alcohol was always the best solution, she couldn't get drunk, but Mia could. She noticed how many beers her wife had had, and how sleepy that made her. “Wow, is that mercedes out there yours, Kamilah?” One of Mia's teenage cousins said with wide eyes and a silly smile on his face. "Do you think you can let me drive any day?" "Absolutely not, you idiot." Mia said "So, Kamilah." Theresa said smiling at the table. “Mia mentioned to us that you work at a finance company.” "Yes, I work." Kamilah said shaking a glass of wine in her hands. "She's a workaholic," Mia said with a smile. "Always busy." "What do you do over there?" Bill asked curiously. "Uh... Kamilah actually owns the company." Mia admitted with her eyes on the dinner table sheets, her cheeks burning. “She has numerous offices spread across several capitals.” "So you're fucking rich," one of Mia´s cousins said. "Oh, shut up Ricky" Mia hid her face on the table. “Yes, I am.” Kamilah shrugged. “Damn, Mia. Hot and rich, you have style. ” "Oh, god." Mia rolled her eyes. “So, you have thirty years old. Wow. So young and with an empire in your hands. And to think that my own daughter can't even do the laundry by herself.” Theresa said. "Mom!" "And your parents? Mia told us that you were born in Egypt. I bet Mia loved meeting them.” "Uh..." Mia looked at Kamilah not knowing what to say. “She didn't know them. They died a long time ago, it used to be just me and my brother, but he also passed away.” Kamilah said truthfully.
"I'm sorry, my dear." Mia's grandmother said at the end of the table. "It's alright. It's been a long time.” Kamilah said shrugging, at that moment, she felt Mia's warm hand on top of hers, stroking her hand lightly, she looked at the girl with furrowed brows, the girl's dimpled smile somehow it was comforting. While Kamilah listened to some of Mia's uncles who were suddenly interested enough to want to handle their own finances, Mia got up to pick up the dishes and help her mother in the kitchen. As Theresa washed the dishes, she dried them, silently watching Kamilah talk to her grandmother. "I like her very much." Theresa suddenly said too close to the girl. "Jesus, Mom." Mia touched her chest, startled at the sudden approach. "Just saying. I like her very much.” She shrugged. "She's beautiful, smart, elegant and very polite." She smiled. Mia gave her a shy smile. "You like her too." "Me?! No! ” Mia stammered, but seeing the strange look her mother shot her, she finally came to her senses. “O-Of course I like it! She is my wife after all, right? I… I love her,” Mia stammered red. The last words still hot in her mouth, saying that out loud made her even more confused, couldn't tell if it was a lie or a truth in disguise.
“I saw the way you look at each other. I'm just saying, I recognize love when I see him.” Theresa said with a smile, touching her daughter's cheek. "I'm glad you found someone who loves you, who will take care of you, my dear." Yeah… thanks, mom.” Mia returned her smile, unable to tell her mother of her forced marriage, that Kamilah didn't love her, and probably never would, that behind it all, Adrian was suffering so much as both of them. Her eyes turned to the window, watching Kamilah engaged in conversation with her grandmother, a smile forming on her face. She left the kitchen and approached them, sitting next to Kamilah. "What are you two talking about?" She asked with a smile on her face. “Mia, did you know that your grandmother served as nurse at the WWII?” Kamilah looked at Mia, she was different, had a sparkle in her brown eyes and a smile… A beautiful smile on her face. Mia silently admired Kamilah's animated face, she looked happy. "Of course! Nana always had great stories to tell about it.” Mia said smiling. “It was a difficult time for all of us, I was so young at the time.” She smiled fondly at her granddaughter, her green eyes sparkling. “I was telling, dear Kamilah, from my days when I helped the wounded soldiers coming to the hospital. Your grandfather, as you well know, was one of them. When I met him, I fell madly in love, Benjamin was as charming as troublemaker.” She laughed, her eyes far away remembering her days. "We promised each other to always be faithful, and that our love will last for the rest of our lives." “It's a beautiful feeling.” Kamilah smiled slightly. “You don't know how happy I am to know you found love, honey.” Mia felt the tightness in her chest and her throat dry again. “Now, you're married and in love, finally, I can give you my wedding gift...” She reached from under the woolen blanket, two golden bracelets with a small pendant of halves of a heart that completed each other. "Your grandfather and I used to use it, in fact, it was his first gift to me." She laughed.
Mia's eyes filled with tears as she saw the present. Kamilah stared at him, unsure of what to say, the CEO didn't know how to respond to a gesture of love as unexpected as that. “When you both wear it, never forget that your love can be overcome anything.” Kamilah took the bracelets, hesitant. “Thanks so much, Nana.” Mia wrapped her arms around her grandmother. “We appreciate the gift and we will take care of it”. Kamilah touched her hand. Mia sighed and excused herself, her head was full of things. She needed some time alone. She grabbed her beer as she walked out the front door, she was greeted by the cold and snowflakes falling from the sky, forming a large white carpet across the street. Kamilah's mercedes had some snowflakes on the car's glass, Mia leaned against the vehicle and pulled her cell phone out of her pocket. Trying to warm up in that useless leather jacket, it wasn't working.
She noticed a new message. Adrian. Her heart skipped a beat at the message.
“I miss you, I think about you every day. Call me as soon as you can, I love you.” 
She read that with anguish in her chest, as she was about to answer the message, Kamilah came through the door.
"You're doing a terrible job getting out here and leaving me alone with your relatives." Kamilah said standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, attracting a smile from the girl, who put the phone in her pocket. "I needed some air." Mia smiled. Kamilah approached the girl. "You're freezing, you'll catch a cold." Kamilah said noticing Mia's red nose and skin. Kamilah took off her overcoat and wrapped Mia around it, pressing it against the girl's body. It was so warm and had Kamilah´s amazing perfume on it.
“You're very sweet, you know that?” Mia frowned, a playful smile on her face. “I don't want you to be sick. Medicines are expensive.” Kamilah shrugged, drawing a laugh from Mia. “And you already give me enough expense.” Mia held back a laugh looking at Kamilah. “Sorry about my relatives. I know they can be a bit intense, but they have good intentions.” Mia said awkwardly. "That´s alright. I enjoyed it, it was different.” Kamilah half-smiled with a frown. “It's been a long time since I've done anything, but work. Thank you for making me leave home to meet your family.” Kamilah said quietly enough that Mia could hear, attracting a smile from the girl. "So you liked it." She said smiling. “Don't push it.” Kamilah scowled, but noticing the captivating smile on the girl's lips, she smiled back. "You're impossible, did you know that?"
“That's why you like me.” Mia gave her a wide smile in response. Kamilah rolled her eyes with a smile at the corner of her lips. “And yet, daring." She said softly, Mia laughed at those words. She barely realized how close she was to the CEO, the cold air coming out of her breath  and the warmth that Kamilah emanated from her body. Kamilah was the one to take the first step, her warm, delicate hand touching her cheeks, sending a shiver up Mia's spine. The mesmerizing brown eyes burned the girl's green eyes, that attraction had come back even stronger. “What am I going to do with you?” Kamilah asked softly.
"What do you want?" Mia asked, lost in those beautiful eyes. "So many things I shouldn't." Kamilah said staring at the girl's lips, moving close enough to break the distance between them, Mia longed to kiss that damn mouth again, so much that she felt her whole body begging for it. But before she could even kiss Kamilah's mouth, the CEO's cell phone vibrated in her pants pocket, preventing them from sticking together. Kamilah stepped back, as did Mia, as if regaining their senses. "I should answer that, forgive me." Kamilah said taking the phone from her pocket. "Alright." Mia waved her hand dismissively. Her face red enough, her eyes glued to the floor. Kamilah nodded and walked away. "What is Karen?" She said as she returned to the house. “Don't be out here too long.” Kamilah looked over her shoulder and Mia nodded. When Kamilah walked through the door, she let out a huge amount of air she barely knew she was holding. “Fuck. What am I doing? ” She asked herself in agony, running a hand through her hair.
One week later
"A gala?" Lily asked excitedly sitting in one of the leather chairs, waiting for Mia to come out of the dressing room with her dress. the vampire geek's mission was supposed to help her best friend find the perfect dress for the gala, but she was too busy chattering excitedly about the event. “Hell yes! You raised your level too fast, Mia. I loved it!" Mia rolled her eyes with a smile on her face as she straightened the dress over her body.
"It's the least I can do for her, Kamilah went to Michigan to visit my parents and meet them." She said as she tried to unzip herself. “This gala is very important to her company, and it's our first appearance together as a couple before the media.”
"She seemed to have enjoyed meeting your parents, from what you told me," Lily said. “I told you, Kamilah's thick wall is just something shallow, inside, she has a good heart.”
“I… I know that. But, I felt horrible lying to my family about us. They really believe we are living the biggest love story,” Mia said, upset. "Maybe you are and don't even know." "Oh shut up." "I'm serious!" "But things are so difficult, you know?" Mia emerged from the dressing room, a designer waiting for her with Lily, who hurried to help with the dress. “There's all this tension between us, when I'm by her side it feels like my whole body starts to catch fire and burn… But then I remember Adrian, I remember everything we went through together, how much I love him. And I feel horrible.” A broad smile appeared on Lily's face, Mia rolled her eyes already predicting her best friend's next words. "You're divided between the two." Lily crossed her arms. "I'm not!" "Of course yes! The two are practically fighting for your attention, you just don't see it because you don't want to, I bet Kamilah is already falling for you.” “Stop, Lily! She's not ok? Kamilah and I live together out of obligation, she endures me, just that. There is no feeling between us, no love, affection, nothing.” Mia said sadly.
"Alright, alright." Lily raised her arms in surrender, sighing. “Well, can I at least tell you how hot you look in that dress? Kamilah and Adrian will drool when they see you tonight.” Lily looked her up and down with a smug smile on her face, making Mia's cheeks flush.
Kamilah´s pov
Kamilah silently admired her from across the room, she was different. Maybe it was about the punctuality she showed up at the exact moment they agreed, or the stunning dress that valued every part of that unexplored body, or the bright dimpled smile on her face as she chatted with guests. The perfect wife. It was almost ironic to think that a few months ago Mia would do anything to embarrass her to potential investors, her executives, everyone. But now... She was there, laughing gracefully and talking, the way she dealt perfectly with the sudden questions from reporters that approached both of them as soon as they arrived at the event was unexpected, taking Kamilah by surprise. She was a box of surprises. “She's gorgeous, Kamilah. Congratulations on the wedding.” One of her executives touched her shoulder, both of them at the bar, surrounded by executives of her company. Kamilah was looking at her from across the room, too distracted with her eyes on her wife than paying attention to the conversation. 
“Oh, thank you.” Kamilah smiled appreciatively at the comment, but the smile on her face faded the moment her eyes spotted Adrian approaching Mia, Kamilah narrowed her eyes, suspicion beginning to surface in her mind. At first it was just a few minutes of conversation until Adrian reached for her and tilted his head to the dance floor. Mia looked around hesitantly, but finally nodded and took his hand.
Kamilah's jaw clenched, her chest began to burn, she tried to control herself, the red blood wanting to manifest in her eyes and her fangs begging to appear, a feeling until recently unknown to her, beginning to emerge. Jealousy. She would never admit to herself or Mia, but to see her wife dancing with her old boyfriend, laughing in his arms, and too close... It was revolting. The grip of her fingers on her glass made him crack, and the sound of the glass caught her attention, she needed to compose herself. She was in a public environment, and her anger at the scene before her made her forget it. The mask of perfect indifference returned on her face, watching them dance. Her attention returned to her executives, and she kept her for the brief twenty minutes, but it was long enough for Adrian and Mia to let go of her line of sight on the dance floor. Seeing that they were no longer there, the anger had returned, stronger than before. Kamilah excused herself and went looking for Mia around the room, she wasn't anywhere. But after ten minutes of unsuccessfully searching for her, the CEO had found her on the balcony of the building, Mia and Adrian talking quietly. She stopped and watched them in the shadows.
"...You know, these days I was remembering the dinner we had at my restaurant " Adrian said with a smile on his face, holding the girl's hand. Mia laughed softly. "It was a wonderful dinner, I miss eating at your restaurant," she said. "You know you can go anytime you want, don't you?" He said approaching. "I miss it, I miss our moments together, our conversations, touching you..." He said with sad, vacant eyes, his hand lightly touching the girl's face. "Adrian..." Mia said hesitantly, the girl looked disturbed. “I know you miss me too, our nights, our love. I can see it in your eyes, Mia.” He moved closer with his eyes on the girl's lips. They were both inches from each other, Mia didn't move away, nor did she try to push him away, and that was enough for Kamilah.
"I've seen enough," she said in the shadows, drawing their attention. Mia gave a startled jump back, and Adrian stepped away, but didn't let go of the girl's hand. “I turn my back for a minute and are you ready to cheat on me with my best friend, Miranda?” She stepped out of the shadows, her eyes red, fangs showing from the red lipstick of her lips. Mia looked speechless, her face red, her heart racing. "Nothing happened, Kamilah." Adrian said through his teeth. "I'm not talking to you." Kamilah said with her eyes turned to Mia. "Let's go. Now.” She said with the authoritative voice coming back. “She´s not going anywhere. You can't talk to her like that, Kamilah!” Adrian said, his eyes going red too. "She will." Kamilah approached. “We're going home, Miranda. Let's go." Mia was looking between them, both staring at each other, ready for anything to come, the apprehension evident in the girl's face. "I'm going, Adrian!" She said after she couldn't take the tension between them anymore. Adrian opened his mouth to argue, but she cut him off. “You two are not going to fight here, we are in a public environment and it will be horrible for both company's image. I'm going home with Kamilah.” Kamilah was the first to turn her back and walk away, Mia hurried to follow her.
As the elevator doors opened, giving way to a Kamilah who immediately headed for the bar, the only thing on the CEO's mind was to drink a big sip of whiskey at that moment. She needed to get it out of her head, that damn girl out of her mind, she almost ruined everything, her image and the image of her company because of a girl. A mortal. She was angry, angry with herself for letting it happen and things got to that point. Angry with Adrian for letting his feelings blind him, leaving him ready to betray her confidence... And with Mia, for simply existing. Kamilah filled her glass with that amber liquid and turned in one gulp, refilling again.
"Now that we get home, could you explain..." Mia said behind her back. "WHAT IN HELL WAS THAT KAMILAH?" She shouted angrily. Kamilah's eyes glittered with hatred.
“Explain?” Kamilah turned to see her. “I believe you owe me explanations, Miranda. Since you were so ready to betray me.”
"Nothing happened!" The blonde approached her, confident enough to face her. “We were just talking! If I hadn't stopped you two right there, god only knows  what would have happened! Did you forget that it was the image of your company that was at risk ?!” Kamilah laughed, a sharp, mean laugh that made the hair on her arm lift.
“Don't mean to mind my company, Miranda. Because I know you don't care, you give a damn about this marriage, you're just a child!” Kamilah raised her voice, but Mia didn't back down.
"Oh fuck you!" Mia shouted. “I care, I care about you, and I care about your stupid company! Why would I bother to go there with you if I didn't mind ?!” She screamed, pointing a finger at Kamilah. “And you told me right at the beginning of all this shit that it was just a contract marriage, and you didn't care who I slept with!” Tears began to well up in her eyes, threatening to fall on her cheeks. “Adrian was the exception!” Kamilah shouted. "I believe we are both liars, then." “It's none of your business who I sleep with, Kamilah!” Kamilah approached her enough.
“It's my business. You are my wife! You are mine and  I am ours! ” “I'm not your property and don't even think of treating me like one!” Her green eyes sparkled with anger, the girl seemed about to jump on the CEO's neck, even though she knew it would go terribly wrong. She turned her back and walked away.
“Where do you think you're going ?!” Kamilah shouted as she walked away. "What do you think?! I'm going out!” “Do it, get out. You're great at doing this!” Kamilah hurled her glass against the wall, making Mia shudder.
"Are you crazy ?!" Mia shouted angrily. The elevator doors opened, Mia threatened to enter, when Kamilah spoke.
"Miranda, if you get in that elevator... Don't  even think about coming home anymore." Kamilah said, standing in front of her, the anger, the tension and the hurt between them. Mia looked into those red eyes one last time before entering the elevator.
24 hours had passed, 24 hours with no call, no message. Nothing from her. Maybe she really had taken all this talk seriously and would never come back, as Kamilah had told her never to return. Somehow the idea of the girl not coming home anymore... It hurt her. The CEO went back to her company to work, the idea of burying herself in a mountain of paperwork might help, distract her and take her mind off events. The comforting thought that maybe when she came home, Mia was there invaded her mind. 
After midnight, when Kamilah decided to return home, she found the penthouse empty. Mia wasn't there, to her disappointment. Kamilah took off her overcoat and left it on the couch, as well as her bag, followed by the heels and went to her bar. She filled a glass of wine, followed by another sip, and minutes later she had finished a bottle. Not getting drunk had its advantages. Sitting in an armchair in the living room, a glass in her hand, her hair usually neat, untidy from the way she ran her hand, her social shirt with a few buttons open, she twirled the gold band in her fingers. Looking closely at the ring. Her attention drifted to the elevator as the doors opened revealing Mia. Her eyes lit up at the sight. She no longer wore her dress, but a leather jacket and jeans. Her eyes met of the CEO, who rose from the chair. Mia ignored her and continued walking around the house. "Look who arrived... The perfect wife." Kamilah grunted looking at her. "I thought I told you never to come back here." She set the glass of wine. "Oh, fuck you." Mia snapped. “This is still my home whether you like it or not, and I just came to get some clothes.” She headed for the hallway intending to go to the bedroom, but Kamilah blocked her way. "Kamilah, get out of my way," she said wearily, crossing her arms. “No.” Kamilah frowned. "You and I have to talk." "We've talked enough already." Mia sighed turning to the kitchen. “I won't argue with you about anything else, about us or about Adrian or whatever. I got tired of it. ” "Oh, did you get tired?" Kamilah said approaching. “Kamilah, don't start.” Mia shook her head.
“You were the first one to start, you can't do that, you can't decide to leave like this and come back when you want!” “You sent me away!” Mia shouted back, Kamilah laughed at that. "You left because you wanted to!" She said approaching the girl, looking at those furious green eyes. "I got tired! I got tired of it all! I'm tired of you acting like you don't care, you're a hypocrite Kamilah, you act like you don't give a damn about me, but you fight with me when Adrian and I are together, I don't understand you! ” Mia shouted with tears in her eyes, rubbing her hand over her blond hair. “Am I the hypocrite ?!” Kamilah brought her face close to hers. "You are!" Mia shouted angrily, but her frown broke when she realized how close they were. “And don't even think…!” Before Mia could finish her sentence, Kamilah kissed her, crashing her lips together, both CEO's hands on the girl's cheeks, Mia started slapping her chest trying to push her away, useless seconds... until she surrendered to the kiss. Surrendering to that feeling that neither of them was ready to assume.
Kamilah pulled away after seconds, looking straight into the girl's green eyes, she noticed how red Mia's face was. Mia was gasping for surprise and shock. "Oh fuck it" Mia said breathlessy, pulling Kamilah by the shirt collar again, starting a slow, wet kiss. Her fingers tangled in Kamilah's hair, she nibbled on Kamilah's lower lip making a moan escape from the CEO, taking advantage to invade her mouth with her tongue. Kamilah was damn good kisser... Mia could tell, her tongue and Mia's curled together, the CEO's scent inhibited the girl's senses, suddenly that connection was back, that heat, she felt the room swirl around her.  
Kamilah's hands come down to her waist, and scooped her up easily, her legs pressed against the CEO's hip, which sat her on the sink.Mia's hands shook, as she began to unbutton Kamilah's shirt. Kamilah parted her lips from hers briefly. The panting girl looked into those brown eyes that burned with desire.
“Are you sure?” Kamilah whispered against her lips. Mia answered that by kissing her again, a warm, passionate kiss, the CEO took that as a yes.
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kamilah-is-queen · 2 months
Sub Kamilah - Pt II.
Author’s Note: Hey everybody! I know I’ve taken a HUGE gap from writing fics/answering requests and being a part of the Kamilah fandom and so I’d like to extend my deepest apologies. I’m not going to give excuses, but the good news is I’ll be posting way more often than I did a few years ago. I hope the Kamilah fan base hasn’t dwindled too much, we’ve got to stick together and keep up the content!
P.S. What better way to get back into the hang of writing than with a highly sought after part 2 of g!p Kamilah. It’s VERY VERY SMUTTY, and there is no cut… so be warned!
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Amy Parker)
Tags: @ta-sayeed, @kamilahtopme, @nydeiri, @rhonda-sayeed, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @millasayeed, @vonda-be-real, @livvynka, @queenkamilah, @leenasayeed, @skylarkxxyy, @choicesgrp, @ilove-kamilah-sayeed, @justavampirefan, @iamsimpforpoppy, @friendlybuddy
(Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list or have a fic request :)
Did you really think night one was over that fast? Ha, foolish mortal, this couple is far more vigorous and desire driven than you realize.
I still inside Amy, humming deeply into her back as I unloaded my seed deep inside her womb, my arms entangled around her body as she groaned into the silky pillows.
Her body revealed what her words couldn’t, the pleasure insurmountable and overwhelming as her body shuddered with each drop of cum I filled her with.
When I finished, I gripped her love handle and slowly pulled out, a soft squelch sound as cum flooded out of her wet folds, her folds visibly throbbing at the lack of attention.
She turned her head to gaze at me with her infamous doe eyes, silently pleading for more. To be manhandled and thrown around like a rag doll, fucked and breeded like a dog in heat, mercilessly.
That’s what her true desires were, her eyes, the key to that secret, spilling away all its treasures.
“Please…” Her voice raspy and high pitched, “more Kamilah. I need you, I want you all night long. I don’t want you to leave my pussy for a second, not even if it’s gaping wide and overflowing with your cum my love. Make love to me all night, and into the morning.”
I nuzzled the crook of her shoulder, effortlessly flipping her onto her back, my pupils blown as I gazed into her enchanting orbs. “Is that an order, or a request?” I playfully teased, grinning in my signature fashion that left her breathless.
Her arms looped around the back of my neck, not before she began stroking my tip against her clit. “An order of the highest rank, from your sovereign. Don’t upset me my warrior, not on our first night as married couple together.”
She inhaled sharply as I pushed into her, her hand guiding me in slowly as it was my turn to exhale deeply. “You’re such a bossy boo, you know that?” Winking, I began rolling my hips into a steady rhythm, my 11 inches spreading her already cum soaked walls further.
With a cheeky grin, she replied. “This is what you signed up for, no receipts accept-“
I pushed my complete length into her, my tip edging her cervix open as she cried out my name into the crisp Egyptian night. “Shhh, let me love you now. Let us make our family together.”
She gripped onto my shoulders for life, nodding rapidly and groaning as I began to pound, deep and relentlessly. “Oh my goddd, yessss…”
I could feel the tension between us mounting, almost at the breaking point as time seemed to slow and we began to quicken.
Her nails ripped deep cuts into my back, her cries of my name echoing throughout our villa and into the night sky full of pure pleasure and bliss.
“Amy, Amy I can’t hold on much longer…” My breaths were heavy as I howled in the pleasure/pain of her passionate grip, refusing to let me go or let there be any room for space between us.
My back arched as the cuts opened, a faint trickle of blood running down my back as I fucked Amy faster and faster and harder and deeper and whatever words can describe this moment of utter love.
It was too much. Her warm folds squeezed my cock without mercy, persistently throbbing, pleading for more cum. Her squeals and screams of my name echoing through my ear, her fingers clinging deep into my muscles…
It awakened an animal inside.
My eyes peaked blood red, my body taking control of itself, overriding my self control. Our bodies, our hips were clashing together in a bruising force, the slapping of our skins echoing for miles.
I saw nothing, heard nothing, felt nothing, except red. The warm, thick, succulent red blood that was pumping frantically inside her veins, the adrenaline flowing through the liquid honey, her fear and excitement coursing throughout her body as she too, became overstimulated.
Before she could blink, my fangs sank deep into her neck, piercing the jugular vein, my hot mouth already prepared for the warm ooze that would follow.
That’s when I heard the scream.
The gut wrenching, ear piercing, stomach twisting scream Amy’s body forced out, a scream of utter overexcitement, overexertion and overstimulation.
Her body thrashed in all directions, desperate to be relieved of the stimulation. Her body innately forced me away as she panicked, unable to breathe or think properly.
Her cum squirted everywhere, and when I say everywhere, I’m not lying. She soaked my legs and abs, the bedsheets and floor, even managing to spray the glass sliding doors too.
She couldn’t handle me anymore, her body was resisting in sheer pleasure at it all, yet I couldn’t stop. I tried to, the voice in my head screaming to stop and make sure she’s alright. But… I couldn’t. I wasn’t in control of myself anymore, I had unlocked the deepest and most darkest box of desires stored within, and I was certainly too high on its path to go back.
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
It's on capcom twitter.
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What are your thoughts on this ?
What do you think it will add into the game ?
Honestly when the DLC got announced my only thoughts were "MORE LORDS CONTENT PLEASE" like part of me is kinda eh with Capcom giving more info on their backstories but I just want more time with the Lords and how they interact with each other. Realistically, I feel like it'll either involve more Chris (like more of his side of the story, maybe explaining why he didn't tell Ethan about shooting his own "wife" suddenly) or maybe even Miranda (the connection between Mia and her, how Miranda was able to kidnap her, and trying to assimilate into the Winters family as "Mia").
But really, I just want more time with the Lords. Or even what exactly life in the village was like prior to Miranda acquiring Rose and having everyone killed off -- I think it'd be interesting to see the dynamics and transition from a relatively "peaceful" existence to the sudden descent to madness and despair. Like what exactly were the conditions these people were living in? We were given clues and told about how "benevolent" Miranda was, I kinda wanted to see more of that than just the first part of the game.
Give me more Donna lines too please, I know she only had one line and I know the actual voice actor never got credited for it (not even Andi, who did the performance capture for Donna, knew who it was) I just want to know more about her and maybe actually use her face model because she's damn gorgeous I WANT MORE DONNA please and thank you, Capcom.
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Does someone know why there is a 2 in the heart ?
Could it be because of two heart scenes within the one episode? - Mod Nora
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samgtt700 · 4 years
The Will of Time
Chapter Eight
Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Tags: @wildsayeed, @made-me-deep-blue, @iam-the-fuckin-queen, @evexofxtime, @kamilah-sayeed-let-me-love-you, @h-doodles, @playallthechoices, @kamilahforever, @kamilahsayeet2063, @kamilah-the-bloodqueen, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @nydeiri, @tigerbryn11, @lifesadance96, @paodequeijofeliz-blog, @belvoiresqueenbee, @lifesadance96, @nighthuntresskatherine, @ayushixo, @jellomello2akast, @nell-crainxx, Let me know if you want to be added or if I’ve missed you!
A/N: sorry for the 141 day wait. It’s been a rough few months for me but I’m feeling good, I’m in a good place and I would to thank my followers and fans for their patience. You lot have needed it for this wait. But enjoy and I promise the next chapter will have much less of a wait time. I have big plans so stay tuned!
Kamilah’s nails scratched at the floor weakly, her nails broken and brittle. Trying to move into the corner to avoid the sunlight in her pitch black prison cell. Her eyes stinging as the sunlight hit her face. The chains dragging behind her, bloodying her ankles.
‘Kamilah... where is your brother?’ Dorian asked, his voice echoing in the darkness.
Kamilah managed to sit up, pulling herself into the darkness. ‘If I knew. I still wouldn’t tell you.’ She sneered back, gritting her teeth.
‘Tsk tsk.’ Dorian tapped his foot into the ground, the metal in his leather boots rattling. ‘Not the answer I was after again. You could end your suffering.’
‘I will always suffer for my family.’ Kamilah wouldn’t hesitate to protect her family no matter the personal cost to herself.
Dorian opened his palm, flames engulfing his hand. Heating the carving blade in his palm Gaius handed him. ‘You know what to do.’ Dorian nodded to Gaius. ‘They will come for her and they will die for their mistake.’
Alice shot up, sweat dripping down her body, her breathing rapid, her chest pounding. Her hand touching her temple, a vision unlike anything she had seen before. As if it she was peering in on the present, rather than the past. She could feel the pain Kamilah was experiencing as the visions continued to occur whilst she was awake. Feeling the carving knife, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as her body tensed up.
‘You can save her Alice.’ Dorians voice lingered, a foul odour in the air that the cold egyptian wind wouldn’t whisk away.
‘Enough.’ Alice shouted in her mind. Startling Dorian as she got up and walked across the room, blocking him out. Sliding down the wall outside for some space. Needing to calm down. The anxiety of her past creeping back in, would she be enough to save the ones she loved.... it still played in the back of her mind now, unable to save Jax that day. His sacrifice a reminder of the burden placed upon her shoulders. The discovery of her heritage had explained so much about her powers, but also left her with more questions.
‘You look like hell.’
Alice turned. Lysimachus holding a cup of what she hoped was coffee. ‘Is that coffee?’
‘I do not have coffee but this is something Adrian gave me.’ He sat down beside her.
Alice took a small sip before smiling, giggling to herself, remembering all the times Kamilah had a bottle of bourbon with her despite it seeming impossible. ‘I think bourbon at this hour is not appropriate. Not for breakfast.’
‘Is this not breakfast drink?’ Lysimachus stared into the cup. ‘It is good.’
‘Not for everyone.’ Alice handed Lysimachus back the cup. ‘Not this early.’
Lysimachus tried to get up but groaned. ‘How bad?’
‘You need something you can’t get here in your time.’ Alice answered. ‘We call them a hospital. Not that we like to go to them.’
Lysimachus nodded. ‘I’ll be ok. Trust me. Survived worse. Just need to keep moving.’ Alice taking his hand in a tight grip, not wanting to be alone and wanting to let her wife sleep in. ‘You know more about my family than a stranger should. How do you know so much about my sister and I?’
‘This won’t make sense but your sister...’ Alice glanced at Kamilah. ‘Is sleeping over in that bed. She isn’t the sister we were with before though.’
‘Just tell it to me straight Alice.’ Lysimachus asked.
Alice nodded. ‘You died. And Kamilah’s my wife, she was turned by Gaius in this time. She’s been through so much but when she talks of you. She gets this faraway look. Like she’s reliving all the memories of you.’
Lysimachus glanced in Kamilah’s direction. ‘What happened to me?’
‘You died in battle from what I know.’ Alice knew only little snippets of Lysimachus, but this time with him she began to understand her wife so much more. ‘This time I’ve spent with you, with your family. I’ve learnt so much.’
Lily and Cal walked up. Stopping as Alice turned to them, lysimachus staring at them oddly. ‘Who are they?’
‘Is he speaking- omg that is awesome. He’s speaking ancient Egyptian!’ Lily squealed.
Adrian walked up. ‘How’s the bourbon?’
‘Not breakfast appropriate apparently.’ Lysimachus softly chuckled. ‘It’s amazing.’
‘He’s definitely a Sayeed.’ Adrian laughed to himself, rubbing the back of his neck before loosening his tie. ‘We’ll need to be properly introduced over a bottle of bourbon when all this is over.’
‘Everyone ok?’ Alice asked.
‘Your blood.’ Adrian handed Alice a bag of blood, ‘and Dorian-’
‘I dreamt of him.’ Alice sighed. ‘He had Kamilah, badly injured. She was being tortured but I could feel her pain. We were linked.’
‘Maybe human Kamilah. It would explain the poorly written tattoo on Kamilah’s arm?’ Lily pointed out as some writing appeared on Kamilah’s skin. ‘He’s writing a location and time on her skin.’ Lily read it. ‘The royal palace. Dusk. Alice, Lysimachus and Kamilah.’
Adrian woke Kamilah. ‘Morning.’ He pulled her arm out to read. ‘This is fascinating how he’s manipulating time. I’ve never seen anything like this, not even in my time with Gaius. None of this makes sense.’
‘It’s obviously a trap.’ Lily said.
‘You think?’ Kamilah stood, putting her jacket on. Seeing her brother stare strangely at her. ‘It’s been a long time.’
Adrian glanced at Lily. ‘Shall I tell the others?’
‘Can you Ask Serafine to come up, I need to talk to her.’ Kamilah asked.
Alice got up, walking over and squeezing Kamilah’s hand. ‘I’ll give you two a minute.’
‘Thank you.’ Kamilah teary eyed reply did not go unnoticed as Alice wiped a tear on her cheek. Kamilah leant in and kissed Alice, slow and deep. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too.’ Alice let Kamilah go. ‘I’ll prepare my weapons.’
Kamilah nodded, watching Alice walk away before hearing a chuckle. ‘No wonder she gave me such funny looks.’
Kamilah turned to her brother, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. ‘She hasn’t told me much of your time together but if I remember what we use to get up to. I’d say she enjoyed herself.’
‘What happened to me?’
‘You were stabbed in battle. Fighting the romans. By then. Cleopatra was grasping at straws for power and all her allies had abandoned her but us two remained. Loyal to our cousin.’ Kamilah explained. ‘Learning of your death. It was one of the hardest moments in my life. But I grew stronger for it, like every difficult moment.’
‘Alice. She’s too good for you.’ Was all Lysimachus answered with. Laughing.
Kamilah smirked. ‘Hands off.’
‘Don’t think I could win if I tried. That woman only has eyes for you. Even ah, other you noticed it?’ Lysimachus was a little unsure, everything had changed and he had zero understanding of it. ‘So... we’ve been-’
‘Yes. I won’t lose you again.’ Kamilah wouldn’t go through it again, she wouldn’t allow herself to lose her brother all over again after just getting him back. ‘We’ll figure it out.’
‘There isn’t anything to figure out. I am dead where your from and you’ve made it just fine without me. You know what you have to do.’ Lysimachus didn’t mince words. ‘Use me as bait and leave me to die. Get Alice, yourself and... yourself out?’
Kamilah smirked before shaking her head, sighing aloud. ‘You are not playing the hero. We all go home. Together.’
Lysimachus grasped her hand. ‘I won’t be the cost of your happiness.’
‘I just got you back.’ Kamilah sat. Staring into his eyes. ‘It’s been over two thousand years since I last sat in front of you.’
Lysimachus pulled his sister into a hug. ‘And you’ll be fine for the next two thousand years without me.’
Kamilah didn’t want to sacrifice her brother. She didn’t want to lose him again after just getting him back. ‘I won’t lose you. Not again.’
‘Kamilah...’ Serafine coughed into her hand, breaking the twins apart. Kamilah stood and straightened her suit. ‘Sorry to interrupt but you wanted-’
‘Ah yes.’ Kamilah stepped over. Glancing back at Lysimachus, ‘I suggest you suit up for battle brother.’ She nodded to him. ‘The rest of you will need to get in unnoticed pass the guards. Alice, Lysimachus and I will go through the front door.’
‘You want us to sneak in I’m assuming?’ Serafine asked.
‘Yes. I have the palace in my head. You need to access and use it.’ Kamilah asked. ‘Please Serafine, I want to keep my family-’
‘No need, mom amie, we are family.’ Serafine pressed her hand into Kamilah’s shoulder, an unspoken message between the two as serafine accessed what she needed to. Their wasn’t words needed between old friends, between family. ‘Good luck Kamilah. Be safe.’
Kamilah made her way downstairs to the others, all preparing for battle. Alice sharpened her blade in the corner by Lily who checked her crossbow was in working order. ‘Lily.’
Lily saw the glance Kamilah gave her on approach. ‘Got ya.’ She scurried away to give them privacy. Alice standing and putting her blade aside.
‘You okay?’
‘I need to ask something of you.’
‘You know you can ask anything of me...’ Alice gigged. ‘I’m not your wife just for flattery.’
Kamilah shook her head before lifting Alice’s chin, their eyes meeting. ‘If you have the chance. Get Lysimachus and human me out. I will find my own way out.’
‘Kamilah...’ Alice sighed, grasping Kamilah’s hand and gently squeezing. ‘We save everyone together.’
‘Just promise-’ Kamilah pleaded as her hand caressed Alice’s cheek, ‘I can’t lose my brother again.’
‘And we won’t.’ Alice rested her hand over Kamilah’s. ‘We will walk out together because we know it’s a trap. But Lysimachus and you know this battlefield better than them. They think your walking into their trap but use it against them.’ She pressed her lips to Kamilah’s, her eyes falling shut as her lips explored Kamilah’s, nibbling at Kamilah’s lower lip and feeling her rapid heartbeat as she pulled back breathless.
‘You two ready?’ Lysimachus stood behind them, his white uniform standing out in the crowd, his leather armour strapped into place. His curved egyptian sword strapped to his side, ‘be like old times for us.’
Kamilah nodded, stepping over to Lysimachus, adjusting the same strap she always had. ‘If it gets too much. Tell us.’
‘I’ll be okay.’ Lysimachus answered, slapping his sisters hand away. ‘Stop fussing over me. I’m not bloody Cleopatra.’ He walked out first.
Alice smirking before following her wife outside. Mounting her horse before Kamilah jumped up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist. ‘I love you.’ She glanced behind her to Kamilah whose only response was to pull herself closer. Tightening her grip on Alice.
‘I love you too.’ Her words were whispered in Alice’s ear, meant only to be heard by her.
Alice dismounted at the Royal palace, guards escorting them to the main doors. Kamilah and her sharing a glance before entwining their hands, a gentle squeeze the only reminder they needed to know they were in this together. This was their fight, and they had each other’s back to the end of time.
‘Hand your weapons over.’
‘You don’t need our weapons.’ Alice played with their minds, walking inside ahead of the other two.
‘Did she just-’ Lysimachus couldn’t believe his eyes as the guards walked off. Kamilah not batting an eye at it. He quickly followed. Struggling for breath but hiding it from his sister. Not wanting her to worry as they entered. Guards and servants alike leaving as Alice spared a glance in their direction. Worried what was to come as it almost emptied on their way to the throne room.
Cleopatra sat on her throne, Gaius and Dorian flanking her. Her wine goblet full of fresh blood, it trailed down her lips, drinking it openly, caring little for their opinions as the dead servant provided her foot rest.
‘Cousins.’ She licked her lips. ‘You don’t look like you’ve aged well Kamilah.’ Kamilah clenched her fists but didn’t respond when Alice gently squeezed her wrist. ‘Your just in time for tonight’s entertainment.’
Lysimachus stepped forward. Hand on his sword, ‘tonight’s entertainment?’
Cleopatra raised her hand. Two guards escorting human Kamilah out. ‘The death of the Sayeed bloodline.’
‘I’m very much alive and plan to be tomorrow.’ Kamilah finally spoke. ‘We have no quarrel with you cousin.’
‘You are in my kingdom. My world.’ Cleopatra stood. Gaius twisting his lips in a smug smirk. ‘You will bend to my will, or die.’
‘I don’t bend to anyone’s will.’ Kamilah stood defiant.
‘Nor do I.’ Lysimachus nodded to her.
‘My parents should have had you two killed the day your father revolted against us. But they saw you two as innocents.’ Cleopatra sneered, ‘you have traitors blood. But they swept it under the rug.’
‘Liar!’ Human Kamilah spat at the ground towards Cleopatra.
Dorian screwed his fist, human Kamilah falling to her knees in agony, holding her hand. Alice glanced at her wife, seeing her eyes close tight, trying to block out the pain, her past reminding her of the intense pain she went through, how she held out despite how much it felt like her head was going to explode. Alice couldn’t stand to watch the pain her loved one was in.
‘Enough!’ Alice stepped forward, Dorian knocking Kamilah unconscious with one final blast, her body crumbling to the ground. ‘You called us here! For what?! For you to parade around like your someone important. History doesn’t take kindly to you!’
Gaius glared. “She is my queen.”
‘Thank god I’m not your queen anymore.’ Kamilah felt a chill down her spine still hearing those words.
‘Your mine.’ Alice winked at her.
‘I can feel my blood through your veins. You disgusting filth.’
Alice pulled out her blade. Sharp and reflecting in the moonlight. ‘Enough of your bullshit Gaius. Your no god. Or king. Just ashes to be reclaimed by the Earth.’ She stood in front of the Sayeed twins ready for whatever was to come.
‘You sure about that?’ Dorian smirked. Serafine dragged out in chains beside the others, each of them bloodied and beaten, Adrian’s difficulty to breath, feeling how broken his body was. Lily’s side burnt by fire, how desperate they were for blood, like it had been sucked out of them, the goodness and essence of it, unlike anything she had seen before. Cal’s fur torn up as he was tossed like a rag doll to the ground, turning back into a human, his body littered in bruises, Katherine helping Alex in, unconscious and heavily bleeding. Whatever back up plan to get them out was gone, they only way out now was through Dorian Cleopatra and Gaius. They had to die or they would, the terms were simple and there was no negotiating with the enemy, no pleading or begging. ‘You want to kill everyone you care about? You want to watch everyone you love die?’
Alice noticed Nik was missing, the only member of the team absent. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, but knew he was in the palace somewhere.
‘Well?’ Gaius pulled out his blade with his only arm, ready for a fight. Ready to make the kill.
Alice hesitated. Staring down Dorian approaching, flames rising from his hands. His soldiers appearing from the shadows, ready for a fight. Serafine managing to get to her hands and knees, nodding to her. Her voice echoing in her mind. ‘Stop him... at any cost.’ Alice tightened the grip on her blade, her knuckles whitening. Her breath unsteady and her heart pounding but then she felt the calming presence beside her as her daggers unsheathed together. And then Lysimachus pulling out his Egyptian sword and scraping it along the palace floor. The Sayeed family would fight together. For their family. For their home.
Dorian sneered before gritting his teeth. ‘You choose death then.’
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thequeenb · 4 years
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Poppy x MC
I know what you are all thinking..How the hell did us two even start dating? Well i never said i dont like her she is just always irritating damn it. It all changed one starry night when we had our first kiss, at first everything was confusing but then everything made sense
Our little fights, our intense make-out sessions, our unexplainable anger, our big confession. That's how things were since day one and how could i complain? But everything have been so secretive that it made me question if this is even real anymore.
"Now you should leave darling, Chloe will be here at any minute" Poppy waves a hand dressing up and i frown trying to show no emotion. Maybe i thought we were something, who wouldn't to be honest? When i told her that i liked her i thought it was mutual but boy oh boy was i wrong?
I sigh as i pick up my stuff exiting the room. I don't dare to say any word because i know my sensitive side will take over. What's wrong with me? I shouldn't have said anything in the first place but for once i said yes to taking risks
I plug my airpods in playing Apocalypse by CAS, surprisingly it's her favourite song and you know me, how could i not melt for Queen Bee? I walk around the campus remembering all the times i pinned her against these walls kissing her until she couldn't breathe.
What's the point anyways? I don't want to be anyone's secret, does she feel ashamed to be with me? Who cares what this university says if you truly have feelings for someone? I sigh walking further into the campus, its past midnight and it seems that i am all alone lost in my thoughts
I open my phone clicking on Instagram and of course they uploaded a story. Poppy, Veronica and Chloe enjoying a bottle of Rosé what a blust, except you had steamy sex an hour ago on these sheets.
It was just a hookup wasn't it? This question takes over my mind that i dont notice Zoe walking towards me
"Girl i was worried! You didn't respond to my texts" she says wrapping her hands around me. I squeeze her tight needing comfort and she strokes my hair whispering "It is Poppy isn't it?"
I sigh pulling back, sitting on a nearby bench. Of course it's Poppy, her and her manipulative ways. Great in the sheets but strangers on the streets, how charming
"She kicked me out because the girls were coming over, she doesn't want anyone to know about us"
Zoe's eyes widen "Are you kidding who would keep this a secret?" She gestures at me and i chuckle, A+ for the effort Zo. And she is right, i shouldn't settle for less than i deserve
"You are right--"
"I can sense a but and i don't like it. If she wanted you truly why is she being so secretive? And don't start with the reputation bullshit" she places both of her hands on my cheeks wiping away the tears i didn't know i had
Aaaand there goes a bright light making me go blind "What the hell?" I cover my eyes and Zoe does the same
"Gosh these people have miserable lives" she rolls her eyes standing up "Get your cute butt up and let's go get some drinks shall we?"
I nod smiling thanking god i have my best friend by my side. Without her none of these situations would be handled right and oh well i find her veeeeery pretty if you ask me
I walk towards my class when a sudden buzz makes me stop my tracks. At first i thought its my ranking update but oh no its an update from The T
Hello loves,
I want to thank my amazing sources for blessing me with something interesting. Newbee has been trying to steal the crown months now and along the way everyone started to look at her like that heart eyes emoji. Yesterday our Queen to be was spotted getting closer to our one and only Zoe Wade. I am not surprised are you? They have been a dynamic duo since day one. #couplegoals
Here is an image of them last night, don't forget to 'awwww' everytime you see them
My congratulations to the cutest couple of Belvoire. Kisses, The T
Oh no, no no no this isn't good. If Poppy sees this she will.. actually she has no right to say anything. Despite that my heart starts racing at the thought of her reading this clearly false update. Aaaand there she is, across from me glaring at me with murderous eyes. Everyone looks at me whispering and its honestly very frustrating, trying to avoid the crowd all i focus on is getting on my class that until my phone buzz again
"Meet me behind the field" I froze reading what Poppy just sent me and my mind is drowning with all the possibilities. Did i just fuck up even this little something that we share? God damn this blog and fuck all these people that all they care about is juicy gossip.
Do i even have a choice? Poppy will try to confront me no matter what so i might as well skip class, i am sure Miss Kingsley will understand, right?
I see her standing against the wall as i approach closer. She is tapping her heel on the cement and honestly? I am a little scared
"Hello, fancy meeting you here" i say smiling trying not to look nervous
She doesn't answer instead she makes the most angry face i have ever seen shoving her phone in my face. I swear if that red angry emoji was an actual person that would be her right now.
"What is this bullshit?"
"Oh wow calm down is that why i am skipping class? To explain to you something I don't even have to?" I fold my arms looking at her dead in the eyes. I am not usually the person who will let her anger get the best of her but Poppy's behaviour hurt me so this time i just let it slide
For just a second she looks confused but then she regain her composure "Zoe? Are you serious? This girl is a wannabe, just because her mother has money she thinks--"
"Wow wow pause there. Not another word about Zoe" i place one finger against her lips and her breath catches. Jeez can't you not be horny for a second? I think to myself
"Why? Did i offend your girlfriend?" Her tone is ironic yet jealous and you know what? Jealous Poppy might be dangerous but she is also very sweet
"I am not in a relationship with her dumbass" i roll my eyes pulling slightly away from her
"But the photo--"
"Oh boo-hoo someone took a picture so what? Do you believe everything you see? She was fixing your mess because if you were clear towards me i wouldn't sit alone crying" these words escape my mouth without my consent and oh did i just admit how i feel?
Poppy looks stunned and actually speechless. Her eyes soften and i look away embarrassed "What do you mean?"
Yes what do i mean? I ask that question to myself all day and night. I have been trying to get her out of my mind but how could i? The way her perfume makes me dizzy, her soft kisses after each session, the way she looked at me like i am the only one in this world
"I don't know where we stand. You are so secretive that I start to believe this means nothing" i shrug trying not to let any form of vulnerability slip out
"Bea i- i thought i was clear. I mean i left you several hickeys on your neck--"
"Oh hold up! Do you really think hickeys mean we are dating?"
She nods and thats when i laugh. Oh wow this girl is really unique i swear "That still doesn't explain why you have been secretive"
Poppy sighs heavily, clearly uncomfortable by my question. At this point I don't care, all i want is to know if i waste my energy and emotions on someone who doesn't feel the same
"I am not good with words okay? I just didn't knew what to say or do to show you that i want us to be official"
Surprised i smile taking her hand in mine "You are cute when you are jealous"
"Oh shut up, you aren't that special" she smiles back and it makes my heart melt
That's Poppy. She isn't good with words nor know how to handle emotions. She was taught to be heartless and competitive and i can see why she is being that way. Her way of words are insults and in this relationship that's how we communicate
"Come here" she says pulling out her phone
Without another word she leans against me planting a kiss on my cheek. She snaps a photo and for a minute i think she will upload it, a girl can dream right? Oh wait a minute..is she actually doing it??
"What are you doing?" I ask looking over at her phone
"Uploading a picture. I want everyone to know that you belong to me" she is typing so fast i cant read what the caption says but then i get a notification
"Mine" it says with three heart emojis, thats so adorable i can't help but actually say awww out loud
"Well i didn't expect that but i like being yours" i say winking at her
We kiss and this time its different. The minute our lips touch i can feel my knees go weak. We kissed many times and you way ask, whats different now? Well now i am hers and only and my mind can rest now knowing i have a powerful amazing woman by my side.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @coldbatfriendroad @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @justastranger-passing @nydeiri @simpforpoppy
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