urcatisacunt · 9 months
Day 2 of putting "329 Silver Oxide Button Cell" Batteries in my skull until I can think faster
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cyberpunkonline · 8 months
Cyber Stimulants to Cyber Slumps: The Highs and Lows of Narcotics in Cyberpunk Media
In the neon-drenched streets of cyberpunk's most captivating narratives, narcotics aren't just a means of escape; they're a conduit to a more profound human experience—or a descent into the abyss. This article dives into the synthetic veins of the genre, cataloging the substances that have left the deepest impressions in our collective consciousness.
Nirvana-Inducers: The Best of Cyber Stimulants
1. NZT-48 (Film: "Limitless")
- Effects: This top-tier cognitive enhancer turns the brain into a supercomputer, granting its user superhuman levels of intellect, memory, and motivation.
- Price Tag: Exclusive and costly, it's a luxury few can afford without dire consequences.
2. Kamikaze (Game: "Cyberpunk 2077")
- Effects: Users of this combat drug experience heightened reflexes and pain suppression, making them formidable in battle.
- Budget Boost: A staple in the back alleys of Night City, its accessibility makes it a go-to for the aspiring street samurai on a budget.
3. Melange (Book: "Dune" series)
- Effects: Also known as "the spice," Melange extends life, enhances vitality, and is key to prescient abilities required for space navigation.
- High Cost: Control over Melange equates to control over the universe, reflecting its exorbitant value.
Dystopian Downers: The Worst of Cyber Slumps
1. Substance D (Film: "A Scanner Darkly")
- Effects: This drug leads to a severe dissociative state, splitting the brain's hemispheres and leading to a harrowing loss of identity.
- No Price Tag: The cost is often sanity and life, a price that's too steep even for the most jaded cyberpunk enthusiast.
2. Nuke (Film: "RoboCop 2")
- Effects: Highly addictive, it throws its users into a violent euphoria, followed by devastating physical and psychological withdrawal.
- Cheap Thrills: The catastrophic aftermath is a grim reminder that in the cyberpunk world, cheap often comes at a premium on one's health.
3. Can-D (Book: "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" by Philip K. Dick)
- Effects: This hallucinogen transports users into a shared illusory world, but at the cost of an eventual inability to discern reality from the drug-induced fantasy.
- Elusive Escape: A metaphor for escapism's price, the drug's value fluctuates with the desperation of its users.
In the cyberpunk universe, the line between pharmacological utopia and dystopia is razor-thin. Substances promising transcendence often lead to an existential void. The commodification of consciousness through these narcotics lays bare the cyberpunk theme: in a world where technology can buy the next evolutionary step, the soul's currency is often at stake.
- Raz
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cillianwilder · 7 months
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pedrink · 8 months
Agilidad mental sobrehumana, ¿es posible no tener límites?
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Sin límites, es una serie de televisión estadounidense adaptada de la película de 2011 que lleva el mismo nombre, donde un tipo llamado Brian Fish desarrolla una agilidad mental sobre humanas, luego de que toma una píldora llamada NZT-48, esto lo lleva a enfrentarse a una serie de situaciones donde pone a prueba toda su capacidad mental.
Finch, es un músico con poco éxito y que se siente agotado de la vida. Cuando conoce el NZT-48, prácticamente le da acceso completo a cada neurona en su cerebro. Durante las 12 horas posteriores a la ingesta del NZT-48, resulta ser la persona mas inteligente del mundo, con la capacidad de recordar cada detalle de su vida, razonar de forma masiva y desarrollar al máximo su intuición.
¿Es posible lograr lo que que se describe en sin limites?
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Los nootropicos mejoran la capacidad cognitiva, contrarrestan los efectos dañinos ocasionados por el envejecimiento y ayudan a controlar el estrés.
Tenemos, por ejemplo, Noopept, considerado el NZT-48 de la vida real. Este peptido se receta en Rusia y en los países vecinos como un nootrópico que ayuda a proteger el cerebro de traumas, problemas de hipoxia o intoxicación alcohólica. Se ha demostrado que Noopept genera un aumento considerable en la capacidad cognitiva y la memoria, así como un marcado incremento en los factores de crecimiento nervioso y el factor neurotrofico derivado del cerebro.
Los beneficios de usar Noopept se describen como una marcada mejora en la habilidad cognitiva, un incremento en la memoria, la capacidad de aprendizaje, la capacidad de poner atención y la velocidad con la cual se puede procesar información así como el funcionamiento general del cerebro.
Si bien los beneficios nos son de un poder mental sobre humano, si se nota una marcada mejora en la capacidad cognitiva al momento de resolver problemas de la vida diaria o de enfrentar situaciones estresantes como resolver exámenes o realizar presentaciones orales en publico.
Aunado a esto se puede conseguir mejores resultados al tomar nootrópicos si se siguen los siguientes pasos:
Duerme lo suficiente: los nootrópicos como Noopept proporcionan un impulso mental instantáneo, pero este se vera limitado si no tienes un descanso adecuado.
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Realiza ejercicio: el realizar ejercicio 2 o 3 veces por semana, estimula la circulación sanguínea al cerebro y ayuda a mejorar la captación de nutrientes y oxigeno necesarios para mantener el cerebro activo.
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Comer sanamente: Tener una dieta adecuada que incluya nutrientes esenciales para el cerebro ayuda a que el funcionamiento de nos nootrópicos como Noopept mejore.
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Es posible que aun tengas dudas sobre los beneficios que los nootrópicos le pueden dar a tu mente, para darle ese impulso que necesitas en tus tareas cotidianas y conseguir tener un desempeño mental sobresaliente. Ya se para realizar un examen en la universidad o para mejorar tu desempeño y llegar a la alta dirección de la empresa en la que trabajas.
Pero si hay algo que la serie sin limites nos muestra, es que el cerebro humano puede hacer cosas mucho más haya de los limites preestablecidos, y que con solo un nootrópico como noopept puedes llegar a trascender los limites de tus objetivos de vida.
En NeuroGent te ofrecemos nuestro nootropico NootroGen el cual contiene noopept como ingrediente activo, si te interesa puedes adquirirlo dando clic en la siguiente imagen.
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limitlesspill · 11 months
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Memory Boost Pills | NZT-48 The Limitless Pill
Hey, are you looking to differentiate yourself in the market and want to improve your memory? If so, Limitless Pill is here with its extensive selection of memory boost pills that are prescribed by physicians to improve memory. Get in touch with us right away to place your purchase!
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dailyrugbytoday · 1 year
Super Rugby 2023 : Highlanders to play the Crusaders in Melbourne, AAMI Park
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/super-rugby-highlanders-to-play-the-crusaders/
The Daily Rugby
Super Rugby 2023 : Highlanders to play the Crusaders in Melbourne, AAMI Park
The weekend’s action on will begin with the Crusaders taking on the Highlanders while the Super Rugby Melbourne, the weekend’s hosts, take on the Hurricanes.
The Crusaders and Highlanders share a particular and unique rivalry as the only two South Island-based clubs in Super Rugby Pacific, making their games some of the most eagerly anticipated and fierce in the league.
The Crusaders and Highlanders have played each other more than 40 times dating back to the first Super Rugby season in 1996, with each side collecting its fair share of triumphs and memorable moments along the road.
Read More :: Watch All Blacks
On Friday, March 3, at 8 p.m. NZT, the Crusaders play the Highlanders in the first match of the Melbourne Super Round.
In the first game of the Melbourne Super Round on Friday night, the two fierce rivals will square off for the first time ever on neutral ground. Last weekend saw the exhilarating return of Super Rugby Pacific, with a first round filled with sensational tries and running rugby.
As the Hurricanes arrive for their first matchup against a New Zealand team in the 2023 Super Rugby Pacific, all eyes will be on the hosts.
DHL Super Rugby Double header
This week’s Super Round will see all teams congregate at AAMI Park in Melbourne for a rugby festival.
Three doubleheaders will be played over the course of the weekend, with Western Force taking on the Reds on Sunday, March 5, and Crusaders playing the Highlanders on Friday, March 3.
AAMI Park With Melbourne Rectangular Stadium
The first purpose-built rectangular stadium in the city, AAMI Park, also known as Melbourne Rectangular Stadium, was completed in 2010 and has a capacity of about 30,000.
The Melbourne Rebels in rugby union, Melbourne Storm in rugby league, and A-League teams Melbourne Victory FC and Melbourne City FC are just a few of the teams who often play at the venue.
The Victorian Government invested $25 million in the stadium earlier this year to update the lighting, video screens, player facilities, and broadcast equipment.
Here are a few notable figures from the long history of their enduring rivalry:
Not including preseason matches, the Crusaders and Highlanders have played 44 Super Rugby matches, with the Crusaders winning 31, the Highlanders 12, and one game ending in a draw.
48 points are typically scored in a game between the two teams. the number of points scored by the Crusaders versus the Highlanders.
the number of victories for the Highlanders over the Crusaders. When the teams last faced off in competition play, only three points separated them. The Crusaders battled valiantly to win 17-14 on April 1 of last year in Christchurch.
A 43-meter drop goal by former Crusaders pivot Mitch Hunt in 2017 to earn his team a thrilling 25-22 victory is considered one of the most memorable moments in the southern rivalry.
In the Halberg Awards, it was named as New Zealand’s favorite sporting moment of 2017. Hunt will wear the number 22 jersey for the Highlanders on Friday in Melbourne.
The Highlanders overcame a 2 point deficit to defeat the Crusaders in the Farmlands Cup preseason game on February 10. 35 to 33 was the final result.
In their last 10 competition games, the Crusaders have defeated the Highlanders nine times. The number of games that Crusaders lock is as follows. Sam Whitelock has participated in the match. In the overall Super Rugby hierarchy of most games played, this places him at position number seven.
Read More :: Chiefs crush Crusaders 31-10 in Super Rugby Pacific opener in Christchurch
Wyatt Crockett, a former Crusaders prop, is in first place with 202 games played. With 176 appearances, Aaron Smith leads the Highlanders’ list (fourth overall). While Smith’s return to the Highlanders is still one week away, Sam Whitelock has been selected to play in Melbourne.
On May 5, 1996, the Crusaders and Highlanders faced off for the first time. In Christchurch, the Highlanders prevailed 29–27 with to two tries from Jeff Wilson. Both teams have zero competition points after one round and will be eager to start scoring in Melbourne.
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modafinil-europe · 2 years
Modafinil France
The purpose of this article is to inform readers about the best generic versions of modafinil available for purchase online from reliable sources. Here, we've included a thorough tutorial on the benefits of modafinil and how to use modafinil to get the best results as well as advice on how to buy modafinil online safely in the US, UK, and other countries. 
If you're a seasoned nootropic user, you won't need an introduction to modafinil, but beginners will find this article very helpful. Modern lives have become overburdened due to the pressure to meet expectations and survive in this fast-paced world. Each of us wants to go above and beyond our capabilities and constantly strive to perform more tasks in less time in order to succeed, and we all fantasise about the ‘NZT-48’, limitless movie pill to help us achieve that goal.Several nootropic users around the world claim to have discovered the fictional pill from the Hollywood movie for real, and they call it Modafinil! 
Modafinil is a nootropic drug that increases alertness and energy in those who don't get enough sleep. Narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and other sleep-related issues have traditionally been treated with it. Modafinil helps to stay awake for longer periods and induce attentiveness.  
In this article we have attempted to answer the million dollar questions on modafinil i.e 
Where to Purchase Modafinil online? 
Is it Safe to Order Modafinil Online? 
Can you buy Modafinil online without prescription? 
What is the most trusted Place to buy modafinil online? 
When you want to use modafinil as a nootropic, the first question that comes to mind is whether you should buy it online or from a local pharmacy. The first challenge with buying modafinil is that you will be asked for a prescription. However, the second problem is to find reliable sources that provide accurate information and high-quality items among the plethora of possibilities available on the internet. Our thorough study led us to the conclusion that HighStreet Pharma is one such business that provides top-quality modafinil at the most competitive rate without requiring a prescription. With assured delivery and a 100 percent money-back guarantee, it also delivers to the EU. 
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arshad0218 · 2 years
NZT-48 Brain Reviews
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NZT-48 Brain Reviews - Brain Amplifier To Improve Focus, Memory, & More!
July 04, 2022
In any case, numerous controlled clinical studies using phony treatments have shown that real neurotrophic have improved mental limits in measurable ways. Their memory, focus, mindset, consideration, handling speed, and handling perseverance have all been improved.
➢ Product Name — NZT-48 Brain ➢ Composition —      Natural Organic Compound➢ Side-Effects —       NA➢ Availability —        Online
➢ Rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐➢ Official Website (Sale Is Live) — NZT-48 Brain
➢Cost (open to be purchased) Buy Now Here -  NZT-48 Brain  (CLICKHERE)
Most certainly, you are aware of the brand-new wonder medication NZT-48 Brain. It is a neurotrophic that provides users with a powerful boost to brain function and mental ability, significantly enhancing memory and learning.
In our normal state, we only use 10% of our cerebral capacity. However, the NZT-48 Brain's brain uses its full potential to the fullest extent possible. As a result, this mental enhancer increases insight to godlike levels and facilitates perfect memory.
NZT-48 Clients of the brain can access all of their memories, even those that have been disregarded for a long period (obviously). They are prepared to relate each of their memories and provide the necessary information to address any situation. Furthermore, they appear to do it effortlessly and out of nowhere.
You will be able to retain important knowledge and tactile information quickly with NZT-48 Brain. You'll become remarkably adept at learning a new lingo.
Right away, you'll take two Rubik's 3D squares, one in each hand. You'll make a phone call to make a deal on Wall Street at the same time. You'll accomplish everything while also mentally working through a challenging mathematical problem for your Silicon Valley friends.
Unavoidable tidbits of rumor claim that the NZT-48 Brain drug was created by unconventional experts in world-class biotech research labs. Furthermore, it is being covertly but efficiently investigated by the FBI and other federal agencies. NZT-48 Brain is now illegal and surprisingly difficult to find in the city. In any case, it is possible to locate vendors as well as young groups of early customers.
Trust the early adopters; NZT-48 Brain's effects are incomprehensible.
Until they wear out, that is.
One NZT-48 Brain pill's effects last for around 12 hours. You'll probably need more a little while later. Whatever the situation, that is inappropriate. Extremely dangerous mental and physical side effects of NZT-48 Brain increase with continued use and ultimately result in death.
Senator Edward More, though, is required to take the neurotrophic regularly. He is a dubious congressman prepared to prevail in the upcoming US political decision. In addition, he nearly escapes death thanks to a strange optional drug that eliminates NZT-48 Brain's effects.
Here is the important information right now. Soon, you'll be able to get the updated version of NZT-48 Brain and More from the Thrives store.
You've probably already realized that NZT-48 Brain is a made-up character.
It is the neurotrophic that is featured in both the Limitless movie and television series. As a result, people occasionally refer to it as the "boundless pill" or "boundless drug." But NZT-48 Brain is the official name of the limitless tablet.
Could a pill that never runs out emerge at some point in the future? Is it possible to take an endless pill? Is it reasonable to assume that we'll occasionally buy an unlimited supply of pills over the counter?
Some of the current neurotrophic such as dietary supplements, have a significant impact on mental capacity and prosperity. Customers of Thrives neurotrophic Stack, for example, have stated that they feel more prepared and cantered.
Senator Edward More, though, is required to take the neurotrophic regularly. He is a dubious congressman prepared to prevail in the upcoming US political decision. In addition, he nearly escapes death thanks to a strange optional drug that eliminates NZT-48 Brain's effects.
Here is the important information right now. Soon, you'll be able to get the updated version of NZT-48 Brain and More from the Thrives store.
Individual perceptions are undoubtedly ephemeral. Furthermore, it might be difficult or expensive to fairly assess the effects of neurotrophic. That is why Thrives develops its formulations with regard to fictitious treatment-controlled human studies that take action and provide positive results.
However, the effects described by the current legitimate researchers don't reach the magnitude of endless pill effects, as seen in the TV series. Additionally, it seems plausible that a major advancement in biotechnology may produce such wonderful results.
NZT-48 Brain: COULD It Exist in the Future?
Nexus, Crux, and Apex are three science fiction songs by Ramies Noam that are all about the fictitious smart drug Nexus.
Nexus is a drinkable and retroactive drug that has been developed in 2040 by dissident nanotech experts. With nabobs, limitless pill ingredients have reached a new level. Additionally, the very illegal street drug is spreading swiftly.
Nexus nabobs invade the brain and improve mental correspondences and comprehension, with effects that are quite similar to those of NZT-48 Brain. However, when neuroscientists create firmware and programming layers on top of Nexus, the real breakthrough takes place.
The product license allows Nexus to programmer nabobs. Additionally, it becomes possible to modify the drug's regional properties to promote explosive mental and physical (even sexual) feats. Nexus projects, for instance, can provide you the ability to fight expertly.
The nabobs also have distant communication capabilities with other Nexus hubs located in different cerebral regions. Additionally, it opens the door for clairvoyant conversations and the fusion of distinct personalities into group consciousness.
Customers, the United States in addition, Chinese military forces, drug traffickers, and, shockingly, Buddhist priests all depend on Nexus. The priests utilize Nexus to enhance group reflection, and what's even more fascinating is that they learn how to programmed Nexus using contemplative techniques.
Nexus escapes the specialists' attempts to contain it. Additionally, new specifications that fundamentally advance Nexus are offered on P2P organizations around the end of the first novel. The experiences of a diverse group of characters in a rapidly changing world are followed in the two following volumes.
NZT-48 Brain is still impressive, however a limitless pill medicine like Nexus would be superior. Furthermore, if Noam's invented timeline is plausible, we might only need to wait 20 years. A reference section describing the actual research and emerging innovation on which the books are based concludes Nexus. The next few years will be more filled with questions than even the best science fiction, says Noam in conclusion.
Research has advanced since Naan's books have been distributed. One of the few promising exploratory drivers is Neural ink by Elon Musk (see Pulse 9, 12, and 111).
Numerous neurotrophic are actual.
You're in a difficult situation if you're looking for something as powerful as NZT-48 Brain right now. So maybe you'll pause and wait for the day when it changes.
Nevertheless, not everyone is pausing. While some people are content to live in a fantasy world, others are making use of current, real neurotrophic.
They can't make you smarter than everyone else.
In any case, numerous controlled clinical studies using phony treatments have shown that real neurotrophic have improved mental limits in measurable ways. Their memory, focus, mindset, consideration, handling speed, and handling perseverance have all been improved.
And some of us take advantage of this. From day to day, we're prepared to work a little bit harder and a little bit longer. Furthermore, over time, these incremental advantages add up to more substantial advantages.
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drugusersbible · 3 years
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IN SEARCH OF NZT-48 The concept of a drug which releases the full potential of the brain existed long before the movie 'Limitless' introduced the fictional NZT-48... or at least it existed in my mind. So when I started to write The Drug Users Bible, and discovered an entire drug class dedicated to this, I was rather excited.
Nootropics are defined by Wikipedia as "drugs, supplements, and other substances that claim to improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals." Unfortunately though, in the relative context of the fictional effects of NZT, I found the word 'claim' to be the most important one in this passage.
I did experience psychoactivity with some of them, and even what appeared to be enhanced clarity or focus, but this was somewhat subjective and minor. Interestingly, I found the most effective nootropic to be a plant; celastrus paniculatus.
I ought to add here that enthusiasts take these drugs on a daily basis, as part of a regime, a habit which is outside my own self-defined parameters. I felt that this was simply asking for some sort of addiction.
The image above is that of my leftovers from a selection of nootropics I had purchased online at the start of my quest.
The final note should be that in terms of safety this class of drug should be treated the same as others: no shortcuts on harm reduction protocols and due care and caution.
Ref: www.DrugUsersBible.com
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coldprinceshark · 2 years
Die Handlung und Ursprünge von NZT-48 sind wahrscheinlich jedem bekannt, der den Film Limitless gesehen hat. Der Protagonist des Films ist Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper), ein armer Schriftsteller, Chaot und Underachiever. Er stößt auf eine geheime Medizin, die sein Gehirn erweckt und sein Leben verändert.
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Limitless NZT-48 (Review) Does NZT-48 Really Works? Limitless NZT 48
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Limitless NZT-48  It helps to deliver alpha waves in a liberal sum that is utilized to have a progression of simplicity in the entirety of your exercises.
  ►►Click Here to Order Limitless NZT-48◄◄
It additionally helps in enhancing your general wellbeing and in this manner assisting you with being profitable and effective in the entirety of your exercises.
   ►►Click Here to Order Limitless NZT-48◄◄
This natural supplement is liberated from such a moment energizers. It is an extraordinary alleviation when you don't have caffeine or different added substances in your supplements.
   ►►Click Here to Order Limitless NZT-48◄◄
They are liberated from  Limitless NZT-48 such an allergen fixings making them available to anybody without not agonizing over rashes or opposite results.
   ►►Click Here to Order Limitless NZT-48◄◄
Performing complex exercises turns into a simple undertaking as you can respond and work quicker and productively.
   ►►Click Here to Order Limitless NZT-48◄◄
At long last, they accompany a 100% unconditional promise that promises you a discount on the off chance that you are discontent with Limitless NZT-48.
   ►►Click Here to Order Limitless NZT-48◄◄
Do I Need To Worry About Limitless NZT-48 results?
I was astounded to understand that Limitless NZT-48 has no significant results. You don't encounter such a queasiness, cerebral pain, discombobulation, or other difficulty subsequent to burning-through Limitless NZT-48 supplement.
 ►►Click Here to Order Limitless NZT-48◄◄
This is fundamentally on Limitless NZT-48 grounds that the equation is loaded with natural fixings. Thus you need not fret about any sorts of results.
   ►►Click Here to Order Limitless NZT-48◄◄
The measurement is as referenced on the name of the jug or whenever suggested by your wellbeing expert according to that. It is best encouraged to burn-through 2 cases day by day for compelling outcomes.
   ►►Click Here to Order Limitless NZT-48◄◄
You can swallow Limitless NZT-48 with some water or blend it in your food. I incline toward gulping it as when you blend the powder there can be a slight distinction in taste which not every person would appreciate.
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Efficient Market Hypothesis
The problem I have with the Efficient Market Hypothesis is that if it were true that would mean that everyone involved in trading securities on a particular market are Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper - Limitless) level geniuses. That all of these 'geniuses' have access to perfect information. Not one of them can be out of the loop all know the same thing and aren't prone to irrational moves or personal forces that could result in them effecting the market in a way that didn't reflect the securities true value with all things taken into consideration. How did that ever become a benchmark theory? Markets are Human created systems driven by humans and fall victim to human fallacies, and error.
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
NZ kiwis vs Fiji Rugby League World Cup: how to watch?
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/nz-kiwis-fiji-rugby-league-world-cup/
The Daily Rugby
NZ kiwis vs Fiji Rugby League World Cup: how to watch?
The NZ Kiwis have made just one change to their squad ahead of their Rugby League World Cup quarter-final fixture against Fiji on Sunday. New Zealand Kiwis vs Fiji Bati will face off in the third quarter-final of this year’s Rugby League World Cup, with a number of NRL stars likely to take the field.
The Bati will play NZ at 7.30am Sunday.
The match is set to kick off at 8:30am NZT on Sunday.
The Kiwis went undefeated throughout the group stage, finishing with a commanding points differential of +122. The Kiwis go into their quarter-final after topping Pool C with victories over the Lebanon Cedars (34-12), Jamaica’s Reggae Warriors (68-6) and the Ireland Wolfhounds (48-10).
After losing 8-42 to the Kangaroos in their opening match, Fiji beat Italy’s Azzurri 60-4 and the Scotland Bravehearts 30-14 to finish runner-up in Pool B
When is New Zealand Kiwis vs Fiji RLWC?
The quarter-final between New Zealand and Fiji will kick off at 7:30 pm local time on Saturday, November 5.
For Aussie viewers, the action will begin at 6:30 am AEDT on Sunday, November 6.
MKM Stadium in Hull, England is the venue for this knockout match.
How to watch, TV channel and live stream for NZ Kiwis vs Fiji RLWC
The match will be broadcast live in Australia, England and New Zealand on TV and via live streaming services.
Australia England New Zealand TV Fox League BBC Sky Sports NZ Streaming Foxtel/Kayo BBC Spark Sports Start time 6:30 am AEDT 7:30 pm GMT 8.30 am NZT
New Zealand vs Fiji RLWC tickets
To purchase tickets to New Zealand and Fiji’s quarter-final match.
NZ Kiwis vs Fiji RLWC squads
New Zealand and Fiji are both yet to announce their team lists for this quarter-final match.
Each nation’s full pre-squad tournament can be viewed here, though.
NZ kiwis vs Fiji Rugby Last Game
NZ Kiwis Rugby League World Cup quarter-final match-up against Fiji isn’t about revenge, with coach Michael Maguire asserting the 2017 upset has played no part in their preparations.
At the 2017 tournament, the Kiwis were stunned 4-2 in Wellington at the same stage.
Five years later, a much different Kiwis side will square off against Fiji again, hoping to advance to the final four.
Kiwis quarter-final squad: Nelson Asofa-Solomona, Jesse Bromwich, Kenny Bromwich, Dylan Brown, James Fisher-Harris, Kieran Foran, Peta Hiku, Jahrome Hughes, Isaac Liu, Joseph Manu, Ronaldo Mulitalo, Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad, Briton Nikora, Isaiah Papali’i, Jordan Rapana, Brandon Smith, Joseph Tapine, Scott Sorensen, Dallin Watene-Zelezniak.
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arshad0218 · 2 years
NZT-48 Brain Reviews
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NZT-48 Brain Reviews - Brain Amplifier To Improve Focus, Memory, & More!
July 04, 2022
In any case, numerous controlled clinical studies using phony treatments have shown that real neurotrophic have improved mental limits in measurable ways. Their memory, focus, mindset, consideration, handling speed, and handling perseverance have all been improved.
➢ Product Name — NZT-48 Brain ➢ Composition —      Natural Organic Compound➢ Side-Effects —       NA➢ Availability —        Online
➢ Rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐➢ Official Website (Sale Is Live) — NZT-48 Brain
➢Cost (open to be purchased) Buy Now Here -  NZT-48 Brain  (CLICKHERE)
Most certainly, you are aware of the brand-new wonder medication NZT-48 Brain. It is a neurotrophic that provides users with a powerful boost to brain function and mental ability, significantly enhancing memory and learning.
In our normal state, we only use 10% of our cerebral capacity. However, the NZT-48 Brain's brain uses its full potential to the fullest extent possible. As a result, this mental enhancer increases insight to godlike levels and facilitates perfect memory.
NZT-48 Clients of the brain can access all of their memories, even those that have been disregarded for a long period (obviously). They are prepared to relate each of their memories and provide the necessary information to address any situation. Furthermore, they appear to do it effortlessly and out of nowhere.
You will be able to retain important knowledge and tactile information quickly with NZT-48 Brain. You'll become remarkably adept at learning a new lingo.
Right away, you'll take two Rubik's 3D squares, one in each hand. You'll make a phone call to make a deal on Wall Street at the same time. You'll accomplish everything while also mentally working through a challenging mathematical problem for your Silicon Valley friends.
Unavoidable tidbits of rumor claim that the NZT-48 Brain drug was created by unconventional experts in world-class biotech research labs. Furthermore, it is being covertly but efficiently investigated by the FBI and other federal agencies. NZT-48 Brain is now illegal and surprisingly difficult to find in the city. In any case, it is possible to locate vendors as well as young groups of early customers.
Trust the early adopters; NZT-48 Brain's effects are incomprehensible.
Until they wear out, that is.
One NZT-48 Brain pill's effects last for around 12 hours. You'll probably need more a little while later. Whatever the situation, that is inappropriate. Extremely dangerous mental and physical side effects of NZT-48 Brain increase with continued use and ultimately result in death.
Senator Edward More, though, is required to take the neurotrophic regularly. He is a dubious congressman prepared to prevail in the upcoming US political decision. In addition, he nearly escapes death thanks to a strange optional drug that eliminates NZT-48 Brain's effects.
Here is the important information right now. Soon, you'll be able to get the updated version of NZT-48 Brain and More from the Thrives store.
You've probably already realized that NZT-48 Brain is a made-up character.
It is the neurotrophic that is featured in both the Limitless movie and television series. As a result, people occasionally refer to it as the "boundless pill" or "boundless drug." But NZT-48 Brain is the official name of the limitless tablet.
Could a pill that never runs out emerge at some point in the future? Is it possible to take an endless pill? Is it reasonable to assume that we'll occasionally buy an unlimited supply of pills over the counter?
Some of the current neurotrophic such as dietary supplements, have a significant impact on mental capacity and prosperity. Customers of Thrives neurotrophic Stack, for example, have stated that they feel more prepared and cantered.
Senator Edward More, though, is required to take the neurotrophic regularly. He is a dubious congressman prepared to prevail in the upcoming US political decision. In addition, he nearly escapes death thanks to a strange optional drug that eliminates NZT-48 Brain's effects.
Here is the important information right now. Soon, you'll be able to get the updated version of NZT-48 Brain and More from the Thrives store.
Individual perceptions are undoubtedly ephemeral. Furthermore, it might be difficult or expensive to fairly assess the effects of neurotrophic. That is why Thrives develops its formulations with regard to fictitious treatment-controlled human studies that take action and provide positive results.
However, the effects described by the current legitimate researchers don't reach the magnitude of endless pill effects, as seen in the TV series. Additionally, it seems plausible that a major advancement in biotechnology may produce such wonderful results.
NZT-48 Brain: COULD It Exist in the Future?
Nexus, Crux, and Apex are three science fiction songs by Ramies Noam that are all about the fictitious smart drug Nexus.
Nexus is a drinkable and retroactive drug that has been developed in 2040 by dissident nanotech experts. With nabobs, limitless pill ingredients have reached a new level. Additionally, the very illegal street drug is spreading swiftly.
Nexus nabobs invade the brain and improve mental correspondences and comprehension, with effects that are quite similar to those of NZT-48 Brain. However, when neuroscientists create firmware and programming layers on top of Nexus, the real breakthrough takes place.
The product license allows Nexus to programmer nabobs. Additionally, it becomes possible to modify the drug's regional properties to promote explosive mental and physical (even sexual) feats. Nexus projects, for instance, can provide you the ability to fight expertly.
The nabobs also have distant communication capabilities with other Nexus hubs located in different cerebral regions. Additionally, it opens the door for clairvoyant conversations and the fusion of distinct personalities into group consciousness.
Customers, the United States in addition, Chinese military forces, drug traffickers, and, shockingly, Buddhist priests all depend on Nexus. The priests utilize Nexus to enhance group reflection, and what's even more fascinating is that they learn how to programmed Nexus using contemplative techniques.
Nexus escapes the specialists' attempts to contain it. Additionally, new specifications that fundamentally advance Nexus are offered on P2P organizations around the end of the first novel. The experiences of a diverse group of characters in a rapidly changing world are followed in the two following volumes.
NZT-48 Brain is still impressive, however a limitless pill medicine like Nexus would be superior. Furthermore, if Noam's invented timeline is plausible, we might only need to wait 20 years. A reference section describing the actual research and emerging innovation on which the books are based concludes Nexus. The next few years will be more filled with questions than even the best science fiction, says Noam in conclusion.
Research has advanced since Naan's books have been distributed. One of the few promising exploratory drivers is Neural ink by Elon Musk (see Pulse 9, 12, and 111).
Numerous neurotrophic are actual.
You're in a difficult situation if you're looking for something as powerful as NZT-48 Brain right now. So maybe you'll pause and wait for the day when it changes.
Nevertheless, not everyone is pausing. While some people are content to live in a fantasy world, others are making use of current, real neurotrophic.
They can't make you smarter than everyone else.
In any case, numerous controlled clinical studies using phony treatments have shown that real neurotrophic have improved mental limits in measurable ways. Their memory, focus, mindset, consideration, handling speed, and handling perseverance have all been improved.
And some of us take advantage of this. From day to day, we're prepared to work a little bit harder and a little bit longer. Furthermore, over time, these incremental advantages add up to more substantial advantages.
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apocryph0n · 2 years
nzt-48 is a beautiful name for a baby girl
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for the writing request thing, can u do smth with rachel? maybe set in ur idol au bc i wanna know more abt her being a trainee plssss
At Star Demon Entertainment & Media, trainees set on becoming idols go through five stages of training, each stage corresponding with one of the Four Guardians of Japanese folklore.
Stages 1 and 2 were the beginner levels, where all the new trainees go after passing the initial audition and the callback examination. Your evaluation score from the callback determined which stage you’re placed into—think college entrance exams, or middle school counselors looking over your 5th grade test scores to figure out whether you're going to an accelerated or regular class. The more experienced and/or gifted kids go to the “Vermilion Bird Level”. Everybody else gets placed in the “Azure Dragon Level”. Once there, you attend classes centered on the three fundamental attributes of an idol: vocal skills, dance prowess, and stage presence. Intermediate levels worked the same way. Depending on how you perform in your lessons, you could either advance to Stage 3, the “White Tiger Level”, or Stage 4, the “Black Tortoise Level”. Those stages broadened their focus from performance basics to the more celebrity etiquette-centered aspects, like how to ease your nerves during interviews or what to do when faced with an especially aggressive fan. You can also start taking lessons in acting, modeling, music production, songwriting, and choreography if you want to be the type of idol that does more than just sing/rap and dance. Stage 5 was basically the fast track to becoming a full-fledged Star Demon artist. Debut-prep sessions essentially replaced lessons at this point; at the "Yellow Kirin Level", you weren't considered a trainee anymore but rather an idol-to-be. The focus now laid in finding whether you're going to be a soloist or in a group, who your future members are, and what role you'll play in the group. So far, only 17 trainees passed Stage 5 and debuted—the 8 members of Moonstruck, the 6 members of OKAMI, Laida Daimon, Mukai Ryoichi, and Ben of HOSH1.
Now, having been a K-pop stan since middle school, Rachel was no stranger to trainees with short training periods. Some of her faves were shining examples, actually! Haewon and Mireu from XENO were trainees for 4 months. NZT’s Ryan and Alily's Jieun had 2 months of training under their belts. Liviana Lee spent less than 48 hours training before she debuted with the rest of Cheraph. Sure, it boggles her mind every now and then to hear stories like that, but some people were just naturally talented like that. Totally not outrageously outlandish at all! It’s just that…
"Uh-Um...c-can you repeat that for me again? P-Please."
Sensei Suzuki's face softened, eyes crinkling with sympathy.
"Rachel," he began softly, slowly, "starting today, you'll be taking classes at the Black Tortoise Level."
She never thought the same would happen to her.
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