#o: chan yeol
cass1x1 · 8 months
[TEXT] - i will not hesitate to strangle you (jae/yeol)
[read at 2:14pm] [unsent] you promise? [unsent] kinky 👀 [unsent] i'd like to see you try [unsent] fair enough [2:36pm] is that a promise?
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kissgirly · 2 years
Oi, Kiss<3 tudo bem??
Vi que os pedidos estão abertos, não tem problema nenhum se demorar, só queria pedir algo com meu gatinho Chany, faz um bom tempo que não acho coisinhas com ele, bate saudade sabe? Não tenho nada específico em mente, então está livre para escolher tema e os adicionais. Obrigada desde já. ♡
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Solos de guitarra me conquistaram.
Gênero: Fluffy, friends to lovers e um pouquinho de smut.
Contagem de palavras: 1.9K SINOPSE: Desde seu último relacionamento, você sempre sentiu medo de se entregar por completo ao amor de um novo alguém. Mas quando ouviu Chanyeol te dedicando as letras mais lindas em seus solos de guitarra, decidiu tentar novamente.
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Você não era nem nunca foi especialista no amor, situações traumáticas te fizeram acreditar que nunca sentiria isso novamente. E assim foi feito, durante meses e meses prometeu a si mesma nunca mais se apaixonar. Mas como dizem, nós não mandamos no nosso coração. E quando começou a perceber investidas do seu melhor amigo, Chanyeol, você sentiu coisas diferentes.
Eram amigos há anos, sempre andavam juntos e por muito tempo fizeram os outros acreditarem que existia algo além de amizade, o que também foi um dos gatilhos para o seu término. Porém, ambos juravam que não era nada além disso. 
Até você terminar de verdade.
Chanyeol é sempre muito gentil, pensa em ti e fez questão de ficar por uma semana cuidando de você após tantas brigas com seu ex. Queria te ver feliz de qualquer jeito, então passou a semana inteira fazendo coisas que só você gosta, comendo coisas que você gosta, ouvindo coisas que você gosta. Tamanho respeito e dedicação que nenhum namorado teve com você até agora. Chanyeol fazia questão de ficar com você até melhorar, e foi isso que ele fez. Passavam mais tempo juntos do que separados, um na casa do outro. Acompanhava Chanyeol nos ensaios da banda, ele acompanhava você nas idas até a faculdade, os dias se passavam e você ansiava cada vez mais ter ele perto de você. 
Era final de semana, planejavam sair mas infelizmente a chuva estragou os planos de vocês. Então trocaram a noite no barzinho para ficarem em casa, comendo comidinha caseira e jantando juntos ao som de suas músicas favoritas.
Você estava fazendo o macarrão, enquanto Chanyeol cantava as músicas na sala. Usando sua guitarra para dar contraste na melodia. Você colocou a panela sobre a pia e sentiu o homem abraçar sua cintura e cantarolar todo feliz, dançando coladinhos. Era a noite perfeita, estar com o homem que tanto gostava te deixava feliz e confortável.
— Vem dançar, minha princesa! — Chamou, virando seu corpinho e segurando as mãos, rodopiando pela cozinha até escutarem um estrondo.
As luzes se apagaram e ambos arregalaram os olhos, sendo iluminados apenas pela luz da Lua que atravessava a janela. Chanyeol fez um bico, não pela força ter acabado, mas sim pela música ter parado de tocar. 
— Namoral! Na hora que eu estava dançando com minha gatinha? Aaaah não fode!
Você riu alto e abraçou o corpo do homem para o consolar. O pior de tudo, era que não tinha nem velas, ou seja, se locomover para lugares que não fossem perto da janela parecia impossível. A bateria de ambos os celulares estava quase no fim e não tinham outra opção além de se sentarem e esperar a luz retornar. 
E assim fizeram, caminharam devagar até o sofá, que ficava pertinho da janela e se deitou ao lado do homem.
— O que vamos fazer, yeol?
— Conversar! Dormir, ou… Sei lá, se quiser tipo… Fazer outra coisa. — O tom já conhecido te fez fazer um bico, encarando o fundo dos olhos de Chanyeol. Que segurou suas bochechas e deu um pequeno selar na pontinha do nariz.
— Tá carente, Chan?
— E se eu estiver, você vai fazer o quê?
— Te dar carinho e tudo que você quiser.
— Tudinho mesmo? — Ditou animadinho, afagando seus fios com todo carinho do mundo. — Tipo, se eu pedir um beijinho você me daria?
A pergunta não te surpreendeu, então apenas concordou com a cabeça. Mas logo uma feição preocupada apareceu no rosto do Park.
— Princesa… Você tem certeza? Eu disse brincando... Não quero te forçar a nada e principalmente, se não estiver confortável não precisa fazer nadinha.
— Yeol… Eu ando pensando muito em você. Eu quero muito muito, também sei que você quer meio que… Ficar comigo.
As palavras que saíram em um tom baixinho, fizeram Chanyeol sorrir largo e apertar suas bochechas, todo bobo. Deixando beijinhos delicados por todos os cantinhos do rosto, até chegar aos lábios onde depositou um selar demorado. 
— Quero fazer as coisas devagar, minha princesa. Aproveitar cada cantinho, não ache que sou desesperado por você. Quero cuidar de você, minha linda. Você deixa?  — O tom calmo e a delicadeza nas palavras te deixam boba, assentiu na mesma hora e o puxou para outro selar. 
Se sentou sobre o colo do homem, sentiu os braços rodearem sua cintura. Chanyeol era grande, era manejada com tanta facilidade que se sentia como uma bonequinha em seus braços. O beijo era diferente dos que já havia provado, tinha um tom de doçura, os lábios se encaixavam quase que perfeitamente como se fossem feitos um para o outro. Era viciante e a cada segundo que se passava queria provar mais do homem. 
Park separou os lábios por um momento, deixando apenas selares sobre seus lábios que estavam vermelhinhos. Descendo devagar até o pescoço, sente a respiração quente de Chanyeol, momentos antes dele provar da tua pele dando um cheirinho e logo lambendo e chupando seu pescoço e ombros. 
Uma parte de você se condena, por estar pegando seu melhor amigo e saber que depois disso, nunca mais será como antes. Mas a outra parte de você sente tanto calor e vontade que quer mais do que tudo que ele prove cada pedacinho de você. 
— Princesa… — Um arfar baixinho escapou dos lábios, ainda meio preocupado se iria se arrepender depois. — Princesa… Você quer mesmo isso, não é? Droga, eu mal consigo me controlar…
De alguma forma, sentia o volume crescer e aos poucos encostado em você, conforme você se remexia Chanyeol parecia mais incômodo. Queria ajudá-lo e tornar aquele dia inesquecível. 
— Chanyeol, quero você dentro de mim.
Disse assim, diretamente, sem pausas nem cortes. Chanyeol parecia estar sem fôlego sem ao menos fazer esforço.
— Garota… Como que você diz uma coisa dessas assim? Você quer me matar? — Mesmo estando nervoso, nunca deixava o bom humor de lado.
Colocou as mãos sobre suas coxas, alisando enquanto subia devagar até sua blusinha, era leve e com babadinhos adoráveis. Pediu uma permissão silenciosa para retirá-la e assim fez, os seios descobertos hipnotizavam Park. Que desceu beijos até os biquinhos e lambeu, sugou e deixou marquinhas ao redor da auréola.
 Você rebolava contra o colo do homem, sentia o íntimo pulsar necessitado. O shortinho fino deixava o contato ainda mais gostoso. Tirando arfares de ambos.
Chanyeol retirou cada peça do seu corpo e dele também, estava deitada sobre o sofá com o homem sobre si. Te beijando inteira, te amando. Exatamente como deve ser.
— Princesa… Quero que isso seja diferente de tudo que já experimentou. Eu quero te amar, eu vou te amar inteira essa noite. 
Tentava ao máximo mascarar os gemidos dengosos que escapavam de teus lábios. Chanyeol te fodia tão bem, ele era grande e te preenchia inteira. Ia até o fundinho de uma maneira tão gostosa, se sentia nas nuvens. 
Os olhinhos estavam fechadinhos, os lábios entreabertos e a bucetinha tão melada apertando Chanyeol. Ambos estavam tão envolvidos naquilo, como numa conexão de almas.
— Me deixe te ouvir, amor… Me deixe ouvir como estou fazendo você se sentir bem. Diz pra mim quem é o único que te fode gostoso assim.
Honestamente, era praticamente impossível controlar os gemidos presos na garganta. Por mais que tentasse, mordendo o lábio ou colocando uma das mãozinhas na boca, ainda sim os gemidos se faziam presentes. Em contraste com os pingos de chuva e os arfares de Chanyeol.
O polegar dele foi em direção ao seu ponto sensível. Você apertou os olhinhos e sentiu pequenos espasmos nas coxas, seu interior se apertava contra Chanyeol e logo percebeu que estava perto. “Vem pra mim, minha linda.” Pediu, também já próximo do ápice. 
Num ato que mais parecia combinado, você se derramou, logo depois foi a vez de Chanyeol. E antes mesmo de assimilarem as coisas, encararam o teto, a luz havia voltado. Uma risada gostosa preencheu a sala, beijos carinhosos foram espalhados por todo seu rosto, que estava completamente rosado. 
— Bom, se fosse combinado não iria dar certo, né? — Ditou o Park, ajeitando o corpo de ambos no estofado. Sem sair de dentro de você, abraçou seu corpo e passou a acariciar suas costas, em conforto. 
— Yeol… Vamos deixar o jantar pra depois, hm?
— Jantar? Que jantar?
E assim, em meio a risadas e carícias bobas percebeu, Chanyeol não precisava de muito para te conquistar. Com sorrisos bobos, carícias e solos de guitarra, ele já fez isso e muito bem.
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nota da autora: obrigada pelo pedido, meu doce! como disse que estava com saudades, pensei em algo mais fofucho, espero muito que tenha gostado viu? kisses!
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tewwor-a · 3 years
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aphrodite1288 · 2 years
i read a lot of analysis about ksoo enlist and ji bad feelings but i can not found any pic.can you help me find picture about this
There's no pics aside from Ji's puffy eyes during Ksoo's enlistment day in the group photo they all took which chan/yeol posted. Which showed that he cried a lot that day!
And Ji disappearing for over 2 months from Instagram and bubble and No where to be seen and saying he lost his password which was a stupid reason because the moment S/M asked him to promote for his debut in Super/M he immediately logged in and posted about "Jopping" and Super/M teasers and stuff.
Also a month later in Radio Star filming he said he suffered from deep depression and anxiety recently (back then) and has been seeking medical help and seeing a psychiatrist and that he has been to a lot of sessions to treat his psychological problems.
All those were consequences of one same thing. You know what it is. Ji has 3 friends like we always mentioned for years and years we said it's impossible for him to keep contact with any celebrity he works with, he is like that ! He doesn't like having too many ppl in his life an INFJ. So the 3 friends' circle he has along with Ekso members, shows he chooses his people and they're dear to him. No matter how much you see him all lovey dovey and touchy with celebrities on shows but you must know he never keeps contact with them, he has this social anxiety. We said this year's ago and we got attacked for calling Ji an anti-social person and o remember we got a lot of hate. But Now dear haters and Ji Akgaes you got proven by Ji himself that he is an extreme introvert who has 3 friends despite him being in the industry since 2007.
So fans concluded that he has sort of a separation anxiety from the few people he hold dear to his heart.
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minthicons · 4 years
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⠀⠀◞⠀☄︎⠀𓂃⠀ chan*yeol @ e_xo ⠀𓂅⠀ ⠀[ ı-cøns ] ⠀𓋲⠀⠀ lıkē / rəbløg ⠀⠀𓈈⠀ ⠀ıf чoū ⠀::⠀ sɑvē ⠀o𓍼r⠀ ūsə ⠀𓈀⠀ ənjoч ⠀ !!
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vanillacons · 4 years
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🌈 ˀˀ 𝒄₊̇𝒉𝒆.𝒄𝒌  . 𓈀 .  𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 !! 𓂃  ᥒᥱ. ᥕ ιᥴoᥒs  ➢ 𝖋 𝖗 #𝖔𝖒  ⇢ ❛ « @ chan 𓍯 yeol of exo  ⎗ ༄
𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝒐𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗 𝒊𝒇 𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒕
𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗿𝗲 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗿 𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗲
𝗳𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗺𝗲 !!
𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗡
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malaysiankpopfans · 4 years
9 Times We Had a Serious Case of Second Lead Syndrome
When your heart aches for the second lead 😭
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K-dramas usually have us rooting for the main leads, but every once in a while there’ll be a swoon-worthy second lead who’ll make our hearts ache. These second leads appear to be the better match in our eyes, but the main lead gets selected instead, much to our frustration. Check out some impressive second leads who swayed our hearts and had us cheering for them here.
Han Ji-pyeong | Start-Up
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Start-Up is the latest drama to be buzzing with second lead syndrome. From the first episode, Han Ji-pyeong (Kim Seon-ho)’s heart-wrenching story makes you wish for his happiness. As an orphan, he had nowhere to go until kind grandmother Choi Won-deok (Kim Hae-sook) helped him out. He’s the real author behind the letters that Seo Dal-mi (Bae Suzy) found much comfort and love in. While he has a tough exterior, Ji-pyeong goes out of his way to help Dal-mi and her grandmother. He’s got such a soft heart hidden beneath his cold words.
Kim Jung-hwan | Reply 1988
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Reply 1988 had us guessing the identity of Sung Deok-sun (Lee Hye-ri)’s husband until the end of the series. The older version of her husband seemed pretty grumpy, so most assumed the husband would be Kim Jung-hwan (Ryu Jun-yeol). After all, Deok-sun and Jung-hwan clearly had feelings for one another. Jung-hwan was so cute to watch as he secretly doted on Deok-sun. Unfortunately, Jung-hwan couldn’t confess in time. While his character didn’t end up with the girl, actors Lee Hye-ri and Ryu Jun-yeol became a real life couple!
Goo Dong-mae | Mr. Sunshine
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In Mr. Sunshine, there are actually three men who care about leading lady Go Ae-shin (Kim Tae-ri). However, Goo Dong-mae (Yoo Yeon-seok) is the one who incites second lead syndrome. They share a special history due to Ae-shin helping save Dong-mae’s life when they were children. Dong-mae has very intense feelings for Ae-shin which he struggles to admit. Ultimately, he does whatever he can to ensure her safety and wellbeing.
Baek In-ho | Cheese in the Trap
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The main lead of Cheese in the Trap, You Jeong (Park Hae-jin), is a bit hard to root for. He hides his true nature from people, but Hong Seol (Kim Go-eun) sees through his facade. Jeong’s twisted and manipulative personality begins to affect Seol, but he suddenly becomes nice and asks her out. While she’s still trying to figure him out, second lead Baek In-ho (Seo Kang-jun) enters the picture. He’s much more normal and caring, which makes us want Seol to pick him instead.
Han U-Tak | While You Were Sleeping
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While You Were Sleeping has a strong likeable male lead in Jeong Jae-chan (Lee Jong-suk), but swoon-worthy Han U-tak (Jung Hae-in) definitely gives us second lead syndrome. U-tak develops feelings for Nam Hong-ju (Bae Suzy) as the three of them work to prevent tragedies. U-tak is a true gentleman and never makes Hong-ju feel uncomfortable due to his feelings. He’s always there for her, looks hot in uniform, and has such an adorable smile.
Go Cheong-myeong | Hotel Del Luna
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Hotel Del Luna shows Go Cheong-myeong (Lee Do-hyun) and Koo Chan-sung (Yeo Jin-goo) as Jang Man-wol (IU)’s love interests. What made Cheong-myeong such a strong second lead was their sad love story that began over a thousand years ago. Man-wol was unaware of how everything Cheong-myeong did was to help spare her life. While she wondered if Chan-sung was the reincarnation of her first love Cheong-myeong, Cheong-myeong had actually been by her side all those years.
Baek Gyeong | Extraordinary You
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Extraordinary You’s second lead, Baek Gyeong (Lee Jae-wook), seems like a bad boy jerk at first. While he is the destined romantic partner for Eun Dan-o (Kim Hye-yoon) in their comic book world, Dan-o fights against her fate to find her own true love. However, even after Gyeong realizes the truth about their world, he finds himself still caring for Dan-o. Eventually, he wants Dan-o to feel free to be herself, so he let’s her go. While we’re happy for Dan-o, we can’t help but wish for a happier ending for Gyeong.
Kim Shin-hyuk | She Was Pretty
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She Was Pretty stars the always lovable Park Seo-jun, but the character Shin-hyuk (Choi Si-won) gives us major second lead syndrome. Hye-jin (Hwang Jung-eum) goes unrecognized by her childhood friend Sung-joon (Park Seo-jun), but Shin-hyuk sees past her appearance and likes her for who she is from the beginning. Plus, he’s super charming and goofy, never failing to make Hye-jin smile. Shin-hyuk loves Hye-jin just as she is and loves her freckles and frizzy hair to boot.
In Guk-doo | Strong Girl Bong-soon
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Do Bong-soon (Park Bo-young) crushes on In Guk-doo (Ji Soo) in Strong Girl Bong-soon for the longest time. Guk-doo is always concerned for Bong-soon and makes her safety a priority. Unfortunately, Guk-doo doesn’t express that he also has feelings for Bong-soon in time which leads Bong-soon to fall in love with Ahn Min-hyuk (Park Hyung-sik). Guk-doo is heartbroken at his missed timing, but he ends up having a cute bromance with Min-hyuk.
Which characters gave you the biggest case of second lead syndrome? Check out all of these shows, and more, on Netflix!
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myharulove · 3 years
Fanfic Chanyeol x Reader Fem
I'm posting in Portuguese, because my English is very bad, so if you read in English I ask you to copy all the text and paste it in GOOGLE TRANSLATOR or use this link in GOOGLE DOCS
S / n = seu nome, você tem 25 anos e é cantora solo (vocal e rapper) da SM, CEO, modelo, compositora
Chanyeol: 29 anos, rapper, cantor, compositor, modelo, ator
Observação: eles já sabiam que a S / n namorava alguém, mas o Chany não tinha falado que namorava, ou seja, você já assumiu, entretanto o mesmo não.
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~ Pedido de Namoro ~
~ Narradora ~
Hoje era o dia do Dia dos Namorados (14/02/2018) e Chanyeol chamou você para passear. Só que a menina inocente pensava que iriam apenas conversar e comprar algumas coisas como bons amigos fazem, porém o que ela não sabia era que por trás desse passeio ele a pediria em namoro.
Hora do encontro:
Lá estava o garoto com o carro na frente da sua casa esperando você, ele parecia um menino na adolescência que está saindo com uma pessoa que gosta. Queria que tudo saísse perfeito do início ao fim.
Quando te viu saindo de casa, o coração disparou como se estivesse participando de uma maratona ou um Ironman Triathlon (é tipo uma corrida, porém tem natação, ciclismo e corrida).
-Você está linda!
-Eu sempre estou linda, mas obrigada, você também está bonito- disse ela convencida enquanto tentava esconder a vergonha.
-Bonito é pouco, eu sou lindo! - disse o mesmo convencido, e envergonhado também pelo elogio que ganhou da garota que gosta- Podemos ir?
-Sim, vamos ... mas aonde vamos?!
-Segredo! - disse fazendo sinal de silêncio em frente a boca.
-Ahhhhh, me conta ... você sabe que sou curiosa.
-Não, agora vamos entrar, está frio aqui fora.
-Humm, está bem- ela entrou no carro com as bochechas avermelhadas.
O homem ali reservou um restaurante para eles jantarem, e bem ... como o mundo não é um romance clichê de série / filmes, não deu muito certo.
Alguns momentos:
Assim que chegaram no restaurante:
Você ia se sentar, porém ele queria ser educado e tirou uma cadeira para a garota se sentar, só que ninguém esperava que uma mulher iria se sentar na hora que o assento foi retirado.
Minutos depois:
Um garçon / garçom estava trazendo o vinho, quando ele quase deixou cair tudo, porém você conseguiu pegar uma bebida antes que fosse ao chão. O garoto (garçon / garçom) ficou desesperado e começou a pedir desculpa, e falou que era o primeiro dia dele no trabalhando, e como tens um coração mole ficou com dó do menino e disse que não tem problema.
Pouco tempo depois:
De repente apareceu um inseto na mesa, e como o Chany tem fobia de insetos (ele já disse que em medo, mas não sei se chega a ser uma fobia, mas se para o nome disso é Entomofobia) ele se inicia rapidamente da mesa, na hora você não tinha entendido o que tinha de errado, mas depois viu o bicho na mesa, então você empurrou o pequeno inseto de cima da mesa e o matou, e tirou o resto dele com um guardanapo. E ele ficou com vergonha por ter sido você que teve que fazer isso.
Depois do jantar:
Vocês foram passear no Rio Han, enquanto conversavam, como todos sabiam que eram amigos, ninguém achou muito estranho os dois estarem juntos caminhando. Como você morava '' longe '' da cidade (você mora mais pra parte interior, mas tem um apartamento perto da agência, ou seja, dezenas duas casas, uma na cidade e outra no interior), ele decidiu te pedir em namoro assim que chegasse na sua casa, ou melhor mansão.
Quando você chegou, saiu do carro e disse no vidro do carro:
-Tchau ~ ... Obrigada pelo jantar <3
Antes que a S / n passasse pela porta ele a chamou:
-Espera !!!
-Hmm ~
-Sei que somos dois ídolos muito famosos, que existem rumores que namoramos, e esse pedido pode acabar com as nossas carreiras, mas eu me apaixonei por você, pelo seu jeito divertida, humilde, carinhosa, fofa, dramática, chata e com All your perfect imperfections. Você aceita... ser a minha namorada?
-...- caiu uma solitária lágrima de seus olhos- Eu ... Aceito ~
Ele te abraçou e abraçou com todo amor e carinho. Após isso ele ficou mais um tempo, depois foi para a própria casa, pois tinha que ir ver o Toben.
~ Fim do Pedido de Namoro ~
Park Chan- Yeol e Kim S / n namoram há três anos, e a Dispatch já postou que são dois são supostos namorados, porém a SM Entertainment (empresa de vocês dois) sempre ''negou’’ sobre esse assunto, melhor falando, eles nunca confirmaram e nem negaram, na verdade não se preocupavam muito pois todos sabem que a Kim é muito amiga do EXO, então eles podiam falar que eram apenas grandes amigos.
Os dois são muito ocupados por trabalhar como ídolos, entretanto, sempre tentavam dar um jeito de se encontrar um na casa do outro, a maioria das vezes se encontravam no apartamento dele (não lembro se o Chanyeol mora em casa ou apartamento, desculpa) por você morar meio fora da cidade por causa de sasaengs que ficavam batendo na sua porta, enviavam coisas estranhas e desnecessárias, claro que eles continuavam mandando coisas pro seu apartamento, já que sabiam onde era, mas na mansão quase ninguém sabia.
Só que agora Chany com os seus 29 anos (não sei se essa é a idade coreana dele correta) ele está indo ao exército servir o país, que é considerado uma honra, mesmo a sua amada não querendo é obrigatório. Como seria quase impossível que a mulher fosse o visitar e que conversassem por mensagem (por ser muito ocupada), eles decidiram tirar uns dias de folga para ficarem juntos na casa dela (por ser maior) e levando Toben junto para brincar com os cachorros da garota.
Mas o homem estava meio triste com a polêmica, que após o aparecimento de uma carta de uma suposta ex-namorada alegando que o cantor a traiu por 3 anos com outros ídolos, BJS e participantes de programas de TV durante o relacionamento (peguei e colei do site: kpoplat.com), por isso a sua querida namorada estava tentando o alegrar. (Só uma informação a SM finalmente processou a garota)
Ficaram juntos o dia todo, desde cozinhar até fazer exercícios, o homem teria que ir no dia seguinte (dia 29/03/2021). Como todos já sabiam que a S / n namorava alguém, a menina já havia dito que estava namorando, pois alguns caras ficavam dando em cima da mesma, e quando ela contou (dia 01/04/2019) no entanto ela nunca tinha contado com quem era, e às vezes ela tirava algumas fotos com ele para postar, só que cobrindo o rosto.
Então, uma decisão decidiu postar algumas fotos no Instagram, com a seguinte legenda:
'' Meu bebê gigante está indo para o exército 😭''
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De noite vocês dois gravaram um vídeo no Instagram dele, cantando All Of Me com ele tocando o piano, claro sem mostrar o seu rosto. Era só para gerar rumores no público, pois quem não gosta de um mistério, não é mesmo.
E é óbvio que alguém ficaria desconfiado ou desconfiada, que seria a voz seria da S / n. E com isso gerou mais repercussão ainda esse vídeo, e a Dispatch focou de novo nesse suposto casal, até chegar a postar fotos dos dois caminhando juntos só os dois, conversando em premiações, vocês se encontrando, tu entrando no carro dele, etc.
Mas tá, com esses rumores e SM sem falar nada, deixou todos ansiosos, tanto os / as / as de EXO-Ls quanto os / as Lover 's (gente eu escolhi esse o nome do fandom, mas se quiser pode ser outro). Muitas suposições sobre quem poderia ser a menina que estava cantando com ele, e que tinha grandes chances de ser namorados, pois você estava sentada no colo dele e abraçada virada pro lado oposto da câmera para não aparecer no seu rosto.
Contudo, como ambos os fãs que parecem ser do FBI e acharam que as coisas da garota do vídeo parecia ser você, pois havia postado uma foto no dia anterior com essa roupa, assim fazendo todos pensarem que esse vídeo foi gravado antes e postaram só depois para esconder um pouco. E o cabelo eles disseram que parecia o seu.
E com isso rolou muitas fotos comparando você com a garota da foto. E isso aconteceu ainda mais com as fotos que estava postando no Instagram
~ Ei, não brigue com ela (o cachorro) ~
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~ Eu Te Amo ~~~ <3 ~
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~ Você nem foi e eu já estou com saudades <3 ~
Observação: se seu cabelo for comprido imagina que tá longo, isso é só uma ilustração de como seria a foto, e como os dados estão errados, o dia era para o dia 28, ok?
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Alguns comentários: (coloquem alguns comentários legais para eu colocar como se fosse o perfil de vocês que estivessem comentando na foto)
'' MEU DEUS quem é esse cara ???? ''
'' Eles parecem tão fofos juntos ... Mas quem é ele ??? ''
'' Esse cara talvez seja o Chanyeol do EXO ??? ''
'' Será que a DISPATCH ESTÁ CERTA ?? !! ''
'' Eu to surtando parece muito o @PCY_real ''
'' É o Chanyeol ??? o @PCY_real está indo para o exército, e ela falou que o namorado nem foi e já está sentindo saudade, suspeitas ''
~ Dispatch~
Hoje (28/03/2021) um ídolo S / n publicou fotos com o namorado, porém sem mostrar o rosto do garoto, mas surgiram fofocas de que esse cara está indo ao exército. Por coincidência (ou não) o ídol Park Chanyeol do EXO também irá ao exército.
Esses dois ídolos são amigos, e estão sempre juntos, essas legendas e fotos se assemelham muito ao artista, tanto o físico quanto a situação atual em que ele está inserido.
~ Na Hora do Almoço ~
~ Você narrando ~
Estava preparando o almoço com os nossos cachorrinhos e gatos (você tem 4 cachorros, 2 gatos e o Toben está na sua casa também) enquanto o Loey (Yeol ao contrário) estava tomando banho, pois estava se exercitando na academia aqui de casa.
De repente levo um susto com o Chanyeol me abraça por trás.
-Ai meu Deus, que susto !!
-Desculpe baby ~~~
-Está tão carinhoso ~ - disse passando a mão pela bochecha dele- Aconteceu alguma coisa?
-Só estou triste que tenho que ficar longe de você ~ -disse apoiando a cabeça mais para perto da sua mão aproveitando o carinho.
-Também estou triste, mas hoje vamos com o Sehun ir comprar algumas roupas para ir ao exército, e filmar para o NNG.
-Hmmm ok baby
-Antes vamos almoçar que estou com fome
-Também estou.
-Hahaha, quando não está com fome.
-Pra sua comida sempre vai ter um espaço.
-A- a- aish, você foi tão fofo- fala ficando vermelha
-Hahahahah, te amo querida
-Também te amo Loey <3
~ Fim de tarde ~
~ Narradora ~
O casal estava se arrumando para ir pegar o Sehun e gravar o vídeo para o NNG. Após se arrumarem e colocarem a máscara, pegaram a câmera e S / n se sentou no banco de trás onde ela não aparecia na filmagem, ele dirigiu até a casa do outro, entretanto durante o caminho a filmadora caiu do lugar em que foi colocado, então você o filmava durante a ida (não sei quem filma os vídeos, mas como aqui é uma fanfic imagina que é você).
Quando o homem chegou você voltou a filmar, até que eles queriam comer algum doce e pararam para comer sorvete, o que te deixou com frio só de ver, pois estava no inverno. Um tempo depois vocês chegaram na loja. Como os dois eram altos e a S / n tinha cerca de 1,64 não era muito alta, mas sempre falava que eram eles que cresceram muito, então quando andava com algum dos dois sempre parecia um anão.
Depois de um bom tempo vendo roupas ... acho que até a mesma era mais rápida em comprar roupas do que esses dois ... voltando, eles pagaram assim terminando a filmagem.
~ Dia Seguinte ~
Esse era um dia não muito feliz para você, seu namorado estava indo para o exército, no entanto estava alegre, porque ele te deixou raspar o cabelo dele.
Era bem cedo, tomar banho e fazer o café da manhã juntos, e foram para o conjunto de filmagem do novo M/V que o EXO está terminando de fazer, hoje na verdade é o último dia de filmagem, pois irá raspar o cabelo do Loey, para ele poder ir (sei que não é bem assim, pois o M / V provavelmente foi filmado a algum tempo antes deles cortarem só no dia dele ir, mas só imaginem).
Após um bom tempo gravando, finalmente rasparam o cabelo e tiraram sagrada foto deles com a mão na cabeça raspada do Chany. Segundos depois deles publicarem essa foto, você postou uma foto que era antes dele cortar.
~ Volte logo amor #Estou_Esperando_Você ~
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'' Não sei quem é, mas já é o meu casal ''
'' Tão fofos ''
'' Estou cansado com essas fotos de casal, S / n é apenas minha'' - Comentário bloqueado
'' OH MEU DEUS, certeza que é o Chanyeol antes de raspar o cabelo''
~ Momentos antes dele ir ~
-Volta logo Chany- disse com os olhos marejados
-Quando eu voltar poderemos nos casar não é S / n?
-Sim~ Então por isso trate de voltar logo, ok ?!
-Vai ser tão rápido que nem vai dar tempo de sentir a minha falta, então me espere está bem baby ?!
-Uhum, te esperando Chany, eu te amo ~~~
-Também te amo ~~
Se abraçaram e ele levantou o rosto dela pelo queixo e a beijou com todo o amor e carinho.
Observação: ele tinha a pedido em casamento, mas eu não vou escrever como foi porque estou sem muita criatividade, então pense que foi algo bem fofo e extravagante / lindo o pedido.
~ Setembro de 2022 ~
Se passaram muito tempo depois daquele dia, os dois sentiam falta dos lábios, abraços, carinhos até de ir à academia juntos.
Todo dia de noite ela mandava fotos com legendas tipo:
''Estou com saudade '',
''Toben também sente sua falta '',
Ele te mandava fotos falando
''Te amo, S / n '',
''Sinto falta do Toben T_T '', ...
Depois de tanto tempo o seu Loey voltaria para casa, e você iria ir buscar o mesmo, a mulher estava tão ansiosa para ver ele, queria o abraçar como um urso, ou melhor ursinho por causa do seu tamanho comparado ou outro.
~ Você chegando para ir buscar ele ~
Quando o viu, saiu do carro correndo para abraçar o homem que enrolou os longos braços na cintura quando pulou no em cima do mesmo, e o abraçou como nunca antes, ambos estavam com muita saudade um do outro.
Infelizmente para voltar para a casa você teve que largar, para poder dirigir o caminho de sua residência, só que antes deu um beijo que tanto sente falta. No entanto, como nenhum dos dois estava de máscara (imagina que o Covid-19 já passou) a Dispatch que está a todo lugar e em todo o momento viu a cena dos dois juntos, e publicou fotos de vocês abraçados, ele entrando no seu carro e se beijando.
~ Dispatch ~
Hoje (28/09/2022) o artista Chanyeol do EXO, foi dispensado do seu alistamento militar e foi visto com um ídolo/ amiga/ suposta namorada S/n indo o buscar e o beijando, então como há muito tempo já acreditávamos que eles estivessem juntos, agora temos provas que eles estão namorando em segredo há muito tempo, agora só esperamos a SM Entertainment se pronunciar sobre o assunto.
Dias depois:
A SM Entertainment , empresa de ambos os artistas, S/n e Chanyeol, finalmente se pronunciou sobre o tão falado namoro dos dois, e os ídolos e a empresa se pronunciaram quanto ao namoro, e revelaram que iriam se casar em breve. Eles falaram:
"Eles têm bons sentimentos um pelo outro" - SM Entertainment (isso foi o que eles disseram sobre o antigo relacionamento da Jennie e Kai)
"Não sei muito bem como falar sobre isso, então acho melhor eu dizer isso, a 4 anos atrás começamos a namorar, e depois de um tempo antes dele ir ao exército, ele me pediu em casamento e queremos nos casar em breve.
Sei que muitos não irão gostar, mas somos adultos, e estamos cientes do que colocamos em risco e o que aconteceria com a nossa carreira e mesmo assim decidimos ficar juntos.
Nós realmente nos amamos, peço que entendam. Somos realmente felizes um com o outro, queremos construir uma família e sermos felizes juntos.
Por favor, não nos abandonem, continue a nos acompanhar e nos apoiar, iremos nos esforçar mais para agradecer os nossos fãs por ainda continuar nos apoiando.
De: S / n Kim e Park Chanyeol "
~ Narradora ~
Depois de toda a repercussão que o assunto do namoro/casamento gerou, surgiu vários comentários negativos e positivos sobre isso, mas bem ... os dois estavam felizes juntos porque os outros também não podem ficar com a felicidade deles, os mesmos são humanos, sentir emoções e se apaixonar também como qualquer outra pessoa, então qual era o problema nisso, a mulher pensava.
Meses depois:
Finalmente o tão esperado dia chegou, o casamento deles!!!
Os dois estavam muito animados e nervosos com o casamento, o EXO estava ajudando o Chanyeol a se acalmar e a arrumar, enquanto o com a S / n estava sendo ajudada por algumas das amigas dela, da esposa do Chen com a filinha deles que com dois anos e da estilista que estava lá com elas.
Tudo estava muito lindo, tinha bastante gente que eles convidaram, que na maioria eram alguns ídolos mais próximos dos dois, e os pais do seu noivo.
Depois de se arrumar o Chany foi ao altar esperar a sua linda noiva que logo seria esposa, estava mais nervoso do que quando foi pedir a mesma em namoro. Quando ela apareceu como se ele se esquecesse de tudo ao seu redor e seus olhos só se focalizaram nela e de como estava maravilhosa.
A mesma chegou no altar maravilhada de como tudo estava sendo perfeito, parecia um conto de fadas. Na hora do juramento se olhavam de maneira como se nada mais existisse e focaram apenas nos olhos um do outro, depois que uma filha de Chen apareceu com a aliança em uma pequena almofada, e os entregou os anéis, e os dois se olharam profundamente e colocaram as alianças um no outro.
Na hora que o padre falou para se beijarem foi até engraçado, pois a garota era muito pequena para ele mesmo que estava de salto, então o homem dobrou um pouco seus joelhos para conseguisse beijar melhor.
Tiraram várias fotos e postaram nas suas redes sociais esse momento tão especial para eles, que foi o dia em que prometeram que mesmo com as dificuldades apoiam um ao outro não importa o que aconteça.
Fim ...
-Mamãe, papai a (nome da sua filha) pegou o meu brinquedo e não quer devolver !!!
Chanyeol: filho o que eu disse sobre compartilhar, e filha tem que devolver os brinquedos também, agora fiquem calmos a mamãe precisa descansar, ela trabalhou bastante hoje então vamos descansar juntos dela.
Todos então se deitaram junto da mulher e dormiram pacificamente com o homem cantando para eles.
Chanyeol: eu não poderia pedir para uma família melhor que essa ... amo vocês ~ - disse baixinho, e então adormeceu também.
~ Notas da Autora ~
Não tenho certeza se o jeito que eu fiz o Chanyeol da fanfic ficou parecido de como ele é de verdade. Sou ruim em escrever como se fosse outra pessoa, por isso fiz mais partes como narradora do que como personagem.
Tive uma ideia de por eles comprando roupas de vídeo que o NNG postou no dia 26/04/2021
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teeztheflag · 5 years
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T r a i l   o f   t h e   s o u l
⋆ pairing: alpha!hong joong x werewolf!reader x werewolf!san
⋆ genre: werewolf au, angst, fluff, suggestive
⋆ warnings: character death, violence, angst, rejection
⋆ words: 6,800
a/n: here it is ヘ(^_^ヘ); exo is participating in this story
„Am I still dreaming?“
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It’s been eighteen days since you were running away from the hunters. You were exhausted; multiple bruises and cuts covering your dirty skin. You didn’t even smell the stingy scent of your form anymore, luckily. The idea your own pack, the safest place for you since being born, could be attacked and destroyed in only a few hours never crossed your mind before. Your parents, thinking of them makes you tearing up again... slaughtered in front of your eyes. And what for? A war that went on for hundreds of years. The only thing your kind ever wanted was to live freely and in peace.
„Y/N? We have to move again and find a safe place to sleep when the night comes.“
Your eyes lacked of emotion, well, the only thing your felt clear anger and frustration. If you thought you had it the worst for beating yourself up for the fact of not having been able to rescue your parents or any other wolves from the town your were wrong. Lifting your chin up from your arms and watching how your brother searched the area with his eyes only made you sadder. Your brother, probably the happiest person you‘ve ever known, now was a broken man. He felt more guilty than you and it hurt that you couldn’t think that he didn’t have been in some way. You didn’t want to think like that but you just couldn’t help it.
When the hunters entered your house your brother secretly took his chance to slip into your room rushing you to change into appropriate clothes but before you were able to get to your parents screams could be heard. You went into shock and Baek Hyun‘s words didn’t enter your system any more. Only broken pieces of the event still linger in your head like how your brother took a tight grip of your arm and dragged you through the window to run away from the burning houses.
You felt a light tap on your shoulder and looked up into an encouraging smile from no other than Chan Yeol, your brother’s best friend. You lifted yourself up seemingly tired and definitely not in the mood to go any further, nearly every will to live anymore being nonexistent.
You linked arms with him and the group continued their way through the foreign woods. You had to skip every village or town in case of the hunters still being after you. Without a home and hope you all felt so down. You watched how Min Seok guided the group merely talking since the event and only saying the most important. You didn’t event want to know how he felt... He not only lost his family and alpha but also his mate.
Even more devastating has been the fact that you all didn’t know who was lucky to escape the town during the attack, too, but right now your highest priority was to find a safe place or a pack that was willing to help you. What wasn’t easy at all because of losing your alpha other packs couldn’t make out your scent and thought you were rogues, which were mostly hated and killed without a proper reason needed...
The night came and you luckily found a quite good place to rest for the night. Normally you and your brother would have cuddled together and warmed each other in this cold night but you declined his offer still not knowing how to deal with the whole situation. Occasionally tears escaped your eyes at the most uneventful moments like back later while you were collecting wood for a fire. You didn’t even notice the tears running down your cheeks anymore and your brother could only watch you crying with equally wet eyes. Luckily the welcomed sleep came soon and you slowly drifted into dreamland.
„Kill all of them!“
Luckily you awakened so quickly because of still being used to be on alarm and gasped when you saw a hunter plunging a knife deep into Chan Yeol‘s chest. Your heart nearly broke at the sight if it wasn’t already. You changed into your wolf forms and started to run as fast as you could, Min Seok leading the way. All of you who could escape knew it was useless to defend yourselves being only four people because you at least counted ten hunters attacking you. All of you speeded through the forest Baek Hyun running behind you to shield your back.
After two hours of running and nearly collapsing Min Seok still didn’t stop and just as you wanted to ask when you would make a pause you emerged a wide meadow that was illuminated by the full moon. You heard your brother behind you growling when he was tackled down so hard he immediately went unconscious and you only could watch how your remaining pack members got attacked by a pack way bigger than yours.
A sharp pain in your leg made you howl out really loud, not even knowing something could physically hurt so much. A large wolf dragged you over to the others and you only hoped your bother was fine. Many wolves rounded your forms and flashed their teeth at you to intimidate you. You thanked god when the one wolf with his canines deep in your flesh let go and crawled over to your brother seeking security in his side and whimpering a lot in the process.
You felt your consciousness slowly fade away because of the big amount of blood loss you had to endure. The last thing you saw before they lunged at you with wide opened mouths a black wolf dangerously barked at them and your heart beated a little bit faster at the sound of it.
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You awoke with a slight headache and aching limbs in a dimmed room at the evening. You slowly took in your surroundings; first thought trying to collect your memories. Ok, you could remember what happened and now you cannot understand why you were still living? You definitely should be dead by now and not awakening in a cozy bedroom that was decorated pretty artistic and inviting, too. Also the things you made out didn’t look cheap as well...
Slightly leaning up on your arms your hands found their way down to your leg where you got bitten by that bastard of a wolf. You pushed the blanket aside and sighed in relief. Your wound got treated really good, your genes helping to speed up the healing process, too.
Oh gosh, Chan Yeol... those bastards really killed him... but - Baek Hyun and the others!
Instantly you pushed your body up from the bed and hobbled your way over to the door with quick steps. You looked down yourself and gulped. Someone gave you clothes and even put them on for you, well, you understand they wouldn’t want to keep you naked...
You carefully opened the door trying to not make a sound in the process and peaked outside if some guards were positioned in the big corridor. To your luck there seemed to be no one and you quickly limbed all way down the hall until you emerged a huge pair of stairs.
What with this delicious smell everywhere?
You pushed the thoughts of your wolf aside and a huge welcoming hall with probably very expensive furniture came into view that only could mean you were currently inside the mansion of an alpha... That made the situation even worse so you tried to get to the door as fast as you could and just as you were about to open it you felt like the air had been knocked out of your lungs -
„You’re awake.“
Your heart knew it before your mind. In front of you, standing in a door frame to a kitchen, your mate stood, smiling so lovingly at you it caused the most pleasurable shiver running down your spine. You still held the pawl in your hand taking in the beauty of the man and trying to progress how the feeling of finding your mate shook your whole being.
Your wolf urged you to get to him and put your arms around his waist and you couldn’t stop her of searching for the comfort you lacked in the last days. You hid your face in his chest and cried; he also took you into his arms keeping you secure there and not wanting to let you go ever again. He stroked your hair trying to give you the best comfort he was able to although being overwhelmed with the whole situation of having such a disturbed mate.
A few minutes passed after you slowly calmed down and let him guide you to the livingroom of the big mansion. He sat down on a couch and took you with him so that you were straddling his waist. You felt sparkles all over the skin he touched and butterflies in your tummy at the close approximation. You couldn’t even decide of what your mate smelled of but it was the best scent your nostrils were ever met with. You felt his chest move a little bit when he chuckled at you taking in his scent with a deep sniff and only snuggled deeper into him afterwards.
„My, my. You don’t have to be afraid anymore, now I am here to keep you safe and sound in my arms. My sweet little mate...“
He closed his eyes the smile on his face never vanishing for a second although he only could guess that you went through a lot. Slowly you leaned back a little bit to study his facial features and damn you felt your cheeks heating up. His eyes opened and you could swear stars were swimming in their depths promising you more than you could ever want.
To say it bluntly, his face was perfect; more so everything about him. You were excited and nervous to sit in his lap, being so close to him because it felt like finally meeting your longtime crush in reality; loving him since forever and having developed a strong adoration for him but not being able to see, feel or touch him at all. Now, this was real. You grazed his cheeks with you index finger carefully while he watched your curious actions amused. You traced his nose, a pretty one, and got down to his lips where you stopped. He had beautiful lips, you could swear his hands became sweaty when he stopped roaming them over your bare arms.
„I - I, my name... it’s Y/N.“
He shows no reaction only his pupils dilating at your words. Suddenly he shoots you a dazzling smile.
„What a pretty name for my luna.“
Wait... he’s the alpha! Hong Joong feels you slightly panicking in his lap and tries to calm you down by taking your face into his rather small and delicate hands to draw patterns over it.
„Sshh, shhh... Everything‘s okay, I am going to make you a t - “
„Alpha! One of the prisoners managed to sneak out and started to fight with our beta!“
You jumped away from Hong Joong before the boy even shouted your mates title and listened with furrowed eyebrows over their conversation. Just when Hong Joong wanted to give out his orders you spoke up.
„Prisoners? What happened to my pack?!“
„Pack? You’re rogues!“ You felt the anger rising up in your chest at the insult and your hands turning into fists.
„Yeo Sang, stop it. She’s your luna and you will respect her or I will make you.“ Hong Joong moved to stand in front of you shielding you away from the curious and annoyed looks of the boy and gave him a last warning glare to which he bowed and finally left.
“Y/N, we had to lock the rogues that were accompanying you up because they were too aggressive...“
„Y - you locked them up?! But they’ve done nothing wrong! And we‘re not rogues!“
Hong joong‘s eyebrows furrow at your statement and eyes you questioningly. Hong Joong‘s wolf ushers him to comfort you because of the hostile undertone in your voice but you take a step back so he cannot touch you.
„I want to see them.“
He debates on bringing you over although he really wanted to spend some time with you first... If that stupid brat didn’t come in she wouldn’t act like this right now! Yes, he knows that, too... But he shouldn’t be selfish right now because you’re his mate and he should consider your feelings first.
„Okay, I will bring you to them but you will stay by my side. Alright?“ You pushed away the urge to roll with your eyes and nodded at him. Right now you didn’t really like how your mate acted towards you, like in pulling the strings in what you’re allowed to and what not... but you followed him or maybe more like tried to with your injured leg.
Last night Hong Joong nearly collapsed when he saw your unconscious form only wearing a shirt from one of his omegas and laying on the cold ground of a cell. All the bruises and cuts over your skin and especially the bite mark on your leg pained him, too, not physically but emotionally it was a bad sight to take in. Instantly he took your weak form into his arms and left the dungeon to bring you to his place. 
One of his maidens washed and took care of your injuries and he placed you into the bed of one of his guest rooms... He stayed up the whole night and day to wait for your awakening and occasionally peaked into the room. He tried to work on some papers but your scent lingering in the whole house made it really hard for him to concentrate properly. His visitings became more just to see your angel like face and the soft snores that came out between your kissable lips. 
When he went down to eat dinner he heard your light footsteps coming down the stairs and he didn’t want to reveal himself immediately but when you got closer to the door to leave his house he knew now was the time to show himself.
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Interested gazes met your form that followed behind their alpha and the sun already set when you reached the dungeon. Hong Joong stopped in front of the entry and turned around to eye you up. With a swift move he took your hand into his and pulled you along with some omega of him accompanying you. The basement wasn’t as scary or dirty as you thought but you flinched when you heard a voice screaming.
„Baek Hyun!“
You teared away from Hong Joong‘s strong grip and ran into the direction the voice came from. You stopped in front of a cell and saw how two boys held him down while he tried to break free. Hong Joong was next to you faster than you thought and put his arm around your waist to hold you still. He wondered who this scum was that made you deny his orders back earlier. You made a move to lunge forward and help your brother but were stopped by your mate who didn’t let go of your body.
„What the fuck are you doing?!“
„Y/N? Is that you?!“ Baek Hyun stopped to fight back and tried to turn around to look at your form. Both of you are relieved the other one‘s okay and not dead but Baek Hyun‘s eyes found their way over to the boy that had a tight grip around your waist and growled at him.
„Let her go!“
Hong Joong noticed the warning glare he was receiving and became angry when that boy started to provoke him.
„I am definitely not letting my mate go.“
He smiled triumphantly at Baek Hyun but didn’t notice how you shot him a fiery gaze.
„I won’t be your mate if you don’t let my brother go immediately!“
„Oh, ehem... it’s okay boys you can let go of him.“ Hong Joong let go of you and watched how you ran to your brother pulling him into a hug.
„I am so glad you’re okay! How’s your leg? I saw that wolf getting to you I am so sorry I wasn’t able to help you...“
„It’s okay, we are alive and that’s what’s counting.“
„Yeah, but they got Chan Yeol...“ You sadly look to the ground and startle when Hong Joong coughs to get your attention back.
„Baek Hyun he‘s my - “
„Yeah, I already thought so...“
„Alpha, we can start with the interrogation now if you want. The other rogues are awake, too.“
„Okay, Hwa. Let’s gather everyone upstairs.“
You watch how the tall black haired boy bows to your mate and you, too. Hong Joong stretches out his hand for you to take it again. Your brother hesitated a little bit before letting you go.
„I am sorry, my love. But we will have to interrogate you and the others to clear the situation and after that we will decide what to do with you... You were very lucky San stopped our members from killing you otherwise I wouldn’t be able to meet you...“
San? Was that the black wolf you last saw before falling unconscious? And why did he help you if they usually killed off rogues immediately?
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It has been one week since you got rescued by Hong Joong‘s pack and after Min Seok explained everything to the Ateez pack everyone understood that you weren’t rogues but victims of the hunters. You held a funeral for all the murdered wolves of your pack. It was useless to get back to your home and search for the dead bodies because usually hunters burned them believing only this can kill the inhuman creatures...
Hong Joong suffered with you because of your losses and gave your brother and the others the possibility to join their pack. You were happy, well the amount you could because of everything that happened. Being with your mate really helped to cure your pain. You slowly settled down in the house but still were too shy to sleep in the same room with the alpha... It was a lot to take in, not only finding your mate but becoming the luna of a pack, too. Back home you already attended college and just thought this was what life had planned for you.
Hong Joong wanted to give you time to cope with everything and didn’t want to rush things although his urge to hold, kiss, smell, touch, mark you and anything he could think of was strong. You definitely felt the same desire for him but you had to admit that although you were the happiest when he was around you didn’t feel the completeness everyone was talking about when finding your mate. Well, you didn’t know if it was because of the whole situation or if you just exaggerated things. Also you were still very curious about that San guy but you decided you wouldn’t want to ask Hong Joong about it. You didn’t trust him completely at this point.
One day you decided to go grocery shopping in the town so people got the opportunity to see their new luna and you getting back to living a normal life. Although you still hurt a lot and probably would for the next years you knew your parents wouldn’t want you to be unhappy and not continue to live. You were still really paranoid about another attack so nightmares plagued your dreams and to get over with that you decided to do as much as possible to distract yourself.
You only bought little things at the weekly market like vegetables for the dinner. Hong Joong wanted to wait until you were introduced to his work and the duties of a luna which gave you the opportunity to cook and explore the town a little bit. When wanted to go home and wandered through the small alleys a strong masculine scent hit your nose. It was incredible nice and reminded you of Hong Joong‘s one but it was a totally different tone. Absentmindedly you followed the scent and realized that it was drifting away every time you were sure to meet the source of it. You began to run after it and after turning around a corner you saw him.
A boy with black hair and very sharp eyes took quick steps into the opposite direction of you. It felt like he was trying to avoid you at all costs but when he scented you closely behind him he stopped in his tracks. San knew he fucked up... Well, it was just a matter of time you would find him and his wolf almost wasn’t able to force him to finally stop.
What? No... you already found your mate! And this boy definitely wasn’t Hong Joong as he had a totally different aura. You couldn’t stop yourself from emerging his form that still didn’t move an inch.
„You... who are you?“
Slowly he turned around the excitement too big to see you again and wanting to make sure you’re alright after Jong Ho bit you. And there you stood, dressed in a light white summer dress holding a bag in your right arm and sweating a little bit because of the heat and the running. Your scent only became more irresistible because of the sweat droplets forming on your forehead but he knew it was wrong. Everything was wrong and he didn’t understand why the moon goddess had made such a big mistake in creating three mates!
„It’s none of your business. Now leave me alone.“
Ouch, that surprisingly hurt a lot considering you didn’t understand the whole thing, too. One thing was for sure because your desire for him couldn’t betray you in the slightest. Before you could decide how to react he quickly turned around again and left you standing there like you were a no one. Your head hang low and your wolf was angry and confused because of the rejection.
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„Y/N, I am home!“ Hong Joong happily strode into the living room where you were seated and gave you a longing kiss on your lips. He quickly noticed your behavior and askingly searched your eyes.
„What’s wrong?“
„When did you want to tell me? And why is he avoiding me?“ The alpha sighed and took a seat next to you taking your hands into his.
„I know he’s back in the town since two days but I wouldn’t have thought you meet him so quick.“
„Who is he?!“
„He’s Choi San, an omega and the leading guard of our pack... the one that rescued you.“
He’s San? And it all made sense now, he stopped the wolves from killing you because he knew you were his mate! But why didn’t he stay by your side?
„Only me and him know that you’re our mate... I am sorry I didn’t tell you but San wanted me to be quiet about this.“
„How’s this even possible?“
„It happens, rarely, but it does. We‘re not the only ones as there were some lunas before that got multiple mates. Maybe it’s about to secure her? The more the better they can provide her safety. I believe the moon goddess always has her reasons and I am going to respect this one.“
„That’s a lot to take in to be honest...“
„I know but I promise you my love for you isn’t faltering because of this! I have to admit thinking about how I would have to share you wasn’t pleasing me and my wolf at all but it’s better than not having you!“
„Hong Joong...“
You were happy Hong Joong accepted the circumstances of your bond and gave him a sweet kiss on his pouting lips. You always thought alphas would be intimidating and a little bit arrogant like your own but he has been nothing but a sweetheart since you were here.
„So how did San react seeing you again?“
„I don’t know but I think he rejected me...“
„He did what?!“
So he actually put his plan into work... You could clearly see the anger in his eyes because of San hurting his mate but you knew he couldn’t change something about it anyways. If he didn’t want to be with you it was his own choice. No one could force someone to accept their mate and it could hurt a wolf for the rest of their lifes. Apparently the mates would always feel their destined part missing and may couldn’t find entire happiness then. Hong Joong wasn’t dumb and he knew he wouldn’t be enough for you if your other mate wasn’t there.
He remembered the discussion he had with San when he told him you were his mate. San was beyond shocked because of wanting to tell his friend the same thing. First he was afraid of having a rogue mate but as soon as Hong Joong told him the news he felt anger rising up in his chest. Although you weren’t what he expected in his soulmate he couldn’t accept the fact of not being your only lover. It felt unnatural and he was afraid about what the people of the town could think of him and more precisely you.
After telling his alpha the truth they came to the conclusion it was the best if he left the town for a few days to think about everything. Hong Joong told him he was surprised, too, but your happiness would be his first priority so he would accept it. San called him before coming back to the town that he decided to let you go and that you should only be with the alpha. He wanted to bond with his current girlfriend which disappointed Hong Joong but he had to accept it although he would have found it better if he gave you a chance first. The feelings and desire Hong Joong held for you was nothing compared to a simple love that San had for his girlfriend and he has been convinced of that.
„Actually... San already told me he doesn’t want this relationship but believe me! I wouldn’t have expected him to actually reject you. I am so sorry, Y/N.“ He took you into his arms and stroke your back to soothe your little sobs.
Why did he reject you? Why wouldn’t he give you a chance? Of course it was overwhelming but didn’t it hurt him, too? Thoughts were running through your mind and you felt slightly dizzy because of it. It felt like someone ripped a part of your heart out, again... Just when everything was about to become better someone decided to interfere. You needed time, it was useless to fight for someone who already made their choice, right?
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Things were getting worse each day. Hong Joong didn’t even know what to do with you anymore. He tried everything to make you happy but as time went by you tended to stay home, eat less and not interact with anyone anymore. Baek Hyun and the others often visited you but after some time you didn’t even react to them anymore only laying in your bed in the guestroom and watching the ceiling.
Hong Joong tried to tell talk to San about your condition but he only ignored him and changed the topic every time he used your name in a conversation. When the alpha saw a bite mark on his girlfriend‘s neck he tried hard to stay calm knowing exactly how you would react at the sight. Hong Joong actually feared you were falling into a deep depression because of everything and wondered how San could act like nothing was happening.
„Y/N, we have a problem... I know it’s hard but the pack needs their luna.“
„Why? What happened?“
„The hunters, we captured one of them and now have to interrogate him. I though maybe you want to accompany me to the meeting...“
This actually caught your interest because the lack of happiness and a will to live didn’t only make you sad and depressed but angry, too. You were frustrated with everything and you really liked to see one of the bastards that killed your brothers and sisters.
You knew San would be there, too, but luckily your wolf didn’t want him near you anymore. It was easier this way if you accepted the fact he didn’t want you and just ignored him. One of your maidens called Chae Young helped you with your make up and clothes. In the last weeks you became really close to her although being a lifeless sack nearly all the time.
You entered the meeting room together with Hong Joong and all the members and the beta Park Seong Hwa bowed to you. You already knew your gaze would drift to him for a second and you expected it to still hurt, well, it wouldn’t stop ever, right? Something was different about him, his scent that you still remembered wasn’t as rich as back then... Another foreign one overshadowed it...
That asshole... he mated with another female!
You took a seat at the other end of the long table and kept your gaze down. Well, you didn’t talk with Hong Joong about San at all, not feeling it was worth it in anyway so apparently you didn’t know, too, that he maybe just loved someone else.
San‘s hands balled into fists when you entered the room. He had to get a hold of himself because your presence was just too much for him and his wolf... It literally made him crazy and he felt his eyes changing into a rich golden color when he took in your form. You looked beautiful, the only thing that made him worry was your thin figure.
This is our fault...
After some discussions on how to deal with the hunters the beta asked you to tell them your story and if your pack had an idea they would be attacked. You told them everything and to San‘s surprise he didn’t even know what you had to endure... He knew of your situation but hearing it from you made his heart break. The only thing he wanted was to take you into his arms and comfort you so you wouldn’t had to suffer like this ever again. A single tear escaped him and he didn’t even realize that Hong Joong watched the boy with high interest.
He’s so dumb, making our mate suffer like this when he is obviously feeling deeply for her...
Hong Joong knew that his wolf wanted him to do something but it wasn’t the right time and he definitely shouldn’t be the one to interfer. San had to understand it himself that his way to think wasn’t the right one. But maybe the alpha could help a little bit with it?
„Luna, what do you think we should do with the hunter?“
„Well, he was one of the men to kill my pack so maybe he should receive the same.“ San gasped at this, he wouldn’t have thought you would say something like that.
Look at her, she’s clearly hurt too much!
„But - I know this is not the right way. We can’t keep him in the dungeon forever so I would say we should contact one of the police stations that know of our kind and bring him there. I mean, maybe he changes and everyone should receive a chance, right?“
Hong Joong smiled at you, everyone nodding at your words. He knew you would make a good and considerate luna although you weren’t in your best form right now.
San on the other side felt like your words were directed to him and he got more annoyed any minute this stupid meeting went on. When Hong Joong dismissed everyone he was the quickest to leave the room and go for a run.
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Again a few days passed and after meeting San and seeing that he bonded with his girlfriend the hate for him became stronger than the will to make him accept you. It sounds dumb but it helped you to cope with the situation and focus on Hong Joong despite the fact of knowing he won’t ever be enough for you.
You actually managed to ignore San whenever your ways occasionally crossed and even when he was with his ‚mate‘ together you could hide your feelings from him.
This morning you decided to go for run in the woods. You haven’t changed for what felt like forever so your wolf really welcomed it. With a high speed you rushed through the grass and jumped over fallen trees and stones. After a while you came across the boarders of your new territory and positioned yourself on a big rock from which you had a good view over another part of the forest. You let you mind wander away and daydreamed about your life back in your old pack.
„Got you!“ 
A shot could be heard and something suddenly stung in your right side. You flinched back and tried to reach the wound with your snout but you felt yourself alread becoming lightheaded. When the hunter came into view and evilly smirked down your form you could only whimper of being too scared to attack him. Your fear fully kicked in and only let you try to crawl back from him losing blood all over the way. He took out a rope of his bag and neared your form to put it around your paws but suddenly a black wolf jumped out of the bushes and attacked him from behind.
San saw you leaving into the woods and decided to follow you. Since the meeting he couldn’t stop to be worried about you and ordered the guards to keep a good eye on you. Of course he preferred to follow you himself in a good distance so you won’t catch him. And luckily he knew something was wrong when he heard the shot.
You could only watch how San fought with the hunter and gasped when you heard a clear snapping of a bone in his neck. The black wolf let go and licked his blood smeared snout still full of adrenaline. He saw you cowered on the ground and breathing hard in front of him and neared your form.
„We have to get you to a hospital.“
Of course he was right and he indeed just rescued you the second time but you could only grimace at him because why? How was he able to get to you this quick and why did he care? He made a move to get you on his back but you let out a growl and warning for him to think twice before touching you again.
He scoffed. The hunter clearly used a silver bullet he could tell how your body shivered from the wound. You needed help and he wouldn’t let you die out here.
„Stop being problematic.“
„M - me?!“
You didn’t stand a chance against his much bigger wolf form when he huffed you on to his back without hesitating again and ran back to the town. You definitely weren’t comfortable with this at all but your wolf obviously felt safe with him and became weaker by any second  so you just stopped the struggling.
San mind-linked all the guards currently in his wolf forms to secure the borders and alarm the others. He also informed them to tell Hong Joong the luna was injured. When you emerged the end of the forest San put you down and vanished behind a tree to change back and put on his trousers. He came back into your blurred view and told you to change back, too. You hesitated but he showed you the shirt...
„Come on, I already saw you naked. Who do you think gave you a shirt when you were unconscious back that night?“
Oh god, how embarrassing... All the other wolves have seen you naked back then, too! You averted your gaze from him and slowly changed back trying to hide your body a little bit. He couldn’t resist to peak at you while putting on his shirt over your small form and damn he never imagined it would be this satisfying to have his mate smell of his own scent.
Next he took you bridal style into his arms and rushed to the hospital. He couldn’t deny the fact that having you in his arms felt absolutely good and just right. When the big house came into view Hong Joong already was pacing in front of it from the left to the right and seeing you in San‘s arms but safe relieved him. He ran to you and took you out of his arms and got inside the hospital to get you treated immediately.
„Stay with me my love!“ 
Your vision blurried only more and the last thing you saw were the worried gazes of your two mates because San seemed to follow you, too. He didn’t know why but he was so worried about your well being he had to make sure you would be fine again.
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„She’s okay. Very weak but our luna will survive.“
Both boys sighed relieved.
„Can we visit her?“
„Yes, but alpha, she’s sleeping and please don’t be too loud.“ 
They both nodded and carefully entered the hospital room. Hong Joong stopped in front of the bed and San watched how his friend stroked your hair with feathery touches.
„San, thank you for rescuing her again. I wouldn’t know what to do without my world... so just, thank you.“ 
San hummed at him and looked at your sleeping form.
„She looks so fragile like this...“
„She is. Since she came here she was. After all that happened to her I am glad she’s still fighting but sadly I don’t think she will ever be really happy.“
San gulped at his words. He knew what he was talking about... He felt it, too. Since the day he rejected you so stupidly in the alley he felt like he cut a string he shouldn’t have and although he mated with someone else he knew he would never able to feel for her like he did when looking at you. You were Hong Joong‘s world, heh? He couldn’t say this about his significant other.
„I - I don’t know if I am ready...“
„Is there really a right time to be ready for your mate? Look at her, San. She needs us. Not only me. Not only you. Us...“
„But she hates me... you should’ve seen her earlier.“
„Believe me, whatever she says our does she doesn’t hate you. She loves you with all her heart... Everyone is bound to the pure and deep love for their soulmate. And I think it’s fate that you rescued her two times already... The moon goddess wouldn’t have choose you without a reason. We are her mates, and she is ours.“
„You really think so?“
„Did I ever lie to you? You’re one of my bestfriends and like a brother to me. Well, and maybe the only male I would be okay with being in a relationship like this and believe me this still feels weird as fuck!“
He smirked at San and the younger boy, too, had to crackle a little bit about that. He sat down on the other side of the bed and hesitantly took your hand into his drawing patterns over it.
„Then maybe I will have fun to steal her away from you anytime you have to do alpha business.“
„Well, I am just giving you more duties and we will see who wins in the end.“
„Challenge accepted.“
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You dreamt of it, the whole scene. Awakening in the guest room the reality crashed down on to you... It had to be a dream. Because you were alone again. After laying in the bed for two more hours you decided to go down and eat something because of not knowing how long you actually layed down and only receiving liquidly food.
When you managed to walk down the stairs you not only heard the voice of Hong Joong laughing in the kitchen. It smelled of Bulgogi, rice and other delicious dishes but the most delicious scent you could make out wasn’t only from the alpha... There your other mate stood, too, smiling at Hong Joong while cutting carrots and stopping when you entered the kitchen.
You watched how both of them eyed you and felt goosebumps forming over your skin.
„Am I still dreaming?“
Hong Joong smirked and shot San a requiring gaze to say something who tried to register your words. He carefully walked over to you and shakingly sighed.
„If so, then I don’t want to wake up ever again.“
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plawges · 4 years
LESSON 1 (Consonants) - part 2
ㅂ - b/p
same with the previous letters na parang ganito, nasa gitna din ng b at p ang pronunciation nito. hindi masyadong maeffort dapat sa pagpronounce ng b. I mean, di ganun katigas. pero wag din masyadong malabot para magtunog p.
밥 - bap (rice/pagkain) 🍚🍱
바보 - babo (bobo/gago/fool/idiot/stupid) di po ako nagmumura ano po. ㅋㅋ ✌
빅뱅 - bik bêng (Big Bang)
박찬열 - pak chan yôl (yung Park, pag sinulat sa hangul, walang r. :D so hindi po siya 밝 kundi 박 lang. :) pak ganern. haha.)
ㅃ - pp
another double consonant. ibig sabihin, dapat kapag sinasabi, walang *puff ng air* :D
뽀뽀 - ppoppo (kiss [informal] )
짬뽕 - jjamppong (yung korean seafood soup na dish)
뽀로로 - ppororo (yung penguin na cartoon)
ㅍ - p'
etong parang roman numeral number two e yung p na may *puff* ng air. :)
피터 팬 - p'it'ô p'ên (Peter Pan)
포기해 - p'ogihê (Suko na ko) 😂
필리핀 - p'ilip'in (Philippines 🇵🇭)
lapit na. konti na lang! HAHAHA
ㅅ - s
eto walang duda madali. S lang. :) PERO medyo may pagkaweird ng konti. HAHAHA after ng "ssss" sound ng ㅅ, may konting hangin. kaya parang tunog "sss HA" pero mabilis ganern. HAHA
사랑해요 - saranghê (I love you 💕)
손 - son (hand)
쇼핑 - syop'ing (shopping!)
선물 - sônmul (gift 🎁)
시간 - sigan (pero shigan ang basa. ibig sabihin time. eto yung tinutukoy ko kanina)
세훈 - Se hun
슈민 - Syu min (Xiumin)
수호 - Su ho
ㅆ - ss
madali lang din to. dalawang ㅅ lang. :) since double consonant siya ulit, make sure na walang puff ng air ang lalabas in between your teeth. 😁 bali yung tunog niya e parang yung mga S sa salitang "sintas"
-씨 (ssi ang spelling pero shi ang basa) eto yung kinakabit sa pangalan ng usually matanda sayo o kaya mga di mo kilala. like
아쩌씨 (ajjôssi) - pero ajjoSSHI ang basa.
쌀쌀한 - ssalssalhan (chilly)
💡 kapag ang ㅅ at ㅆ ay may katabi na ㅣ (letter i) nagiging "sh" yung basa sa kanila. yun lang. wala nang iba. haha.
ㅈ - j
wala. j lang. ganun lang. HAHAHAHA. pero not the kind of HARD NA J *walang green dito* I mean, hindi singhard nung J sa "Judge". Parang sa "Joke" pero slightly lighter ang pronunciation ng J na parang close to "ch" na yung sound.
죽 - juk (death)
죽을래? - jugulae? (do you want to die?)
전화 - jônhwa (phone)
정말, 진짜 - jôngmal, jinjja (really?)
지금 - jigûm (now)
잘 자요! - jal jayo! (good night!)
잘 먹겠습니다 - jal mokgessûmnida (parang itadakimasu sa japanese or bon appetít sa French; "I will eat well.")
잘 먹었습니다 - jal môgôssûmnida (pagkatapos kumain naman to. parang "I ate well")
ㅉ - jj
dalawang ㅈ lang. :D haha. medyo same ng konti pronunciation sa ㅈ. another doible consonant, no puff ng air. :D
짬뽕 - jjamppong (yung pagkain. :D na maanghang)
진짜? - jinjja (really?)
울짱 - uljjang (handsome/pretty)
ㅊ - ch'
ito naman, "ch" talaga. since aspirated, mas kailangan ng *puff* ng air. :)
책 - chêk (book)
찬열 - Chan yeol
첸 - Chen
💡IMPORTANT: ang ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅉ, at ㅊ, kapag nasa dulo ng syllable, magiging "t" ang tunog.
다 섯 - da sôs ang spelling pero da sôt ang basa.
있 다 - iss da ang spelling pero itt da ang basa.
잊 지 - ij ji ang spelling pero it ji ang basa.
(walang example sa ㅉ sorry. 😅)
꽃 - kkoch' ang spelling pero kkot ang basa.
last two letters na laaaaaang! :D hoooraaaay!
ㅎ - h
eto madali lang. h lang talaga. haha
하늘 - hanûl (sky)
안녕하세요 - annyônghaseyo (hello)
훈숨 - hansum (sigh)
할아버지 - harabôji (lolo)
할머니 - halmôni (lola)
last naaaaaa HOOOOO!
ang isa sa pinakaimportanteng letter sa lahat...
ㅇ - ø or -ng
sa bawat syllable kasi sa Korean, lagi dapat mag-uumpisa sa consonant.
"uhm, pano naman yung annyeong?, diba sa "a" nag-uumpisa yun?"
kaya importante ang ㅇ , kasi siya yung panakip butas natin. 💔 *char*
para maging consonant ang unahan ng "annyeong" gagamit tayo ng silent letter (ø) which is yung ㅇ nga.
안 녕 - øan nyông
ayan na. okay na siya. naipantapal na natin siya. haha.
kapag ang ㅇ naman ay nasa dulo ng syllable, "-ng" naman yung basa dun.
gamitin ulit natin yung annyeong
안 녕 - øan nyôNG
the end. dejk HAHAHA.
ibig sabihin nito, pwede mo nang magamit lahat ng vowel sound kapag sila yung nasa unahan ng syllable. :)
At ito na ang end ng lesson 1 for absolute beginners! :D YEHEY! kumusta naman? hahahaha. sana hindi ka nahirapan. pasensya na kung may mga points akong di maipaliwanag nang ayos. huhu
di bale, madali na lang ang susunod na lesson. tungkol sa VOWELS. :)
sa ngayon, reviewhin mo na lang muna. hihi. :) kung may mga questions ka, or clarifications or violent reactions, message mo lang ako HAHAHAHHA
오늘은 여기까지! (onûrûn yôgikkaji) (Hanggang dito muna tayo ngayon.)
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cass1x1 · 1 year
[ GUIDE ] for jae/yeol
[ GUIDE ] : in order to guide the receiver, sender presses a hand against the small of their back.
To say Jae was seeing read was a deep understatement. He generally tried to see himself as someone who didn't resort to physical violence when it wasn't necessary, but in that moment, it seemed like his only option was to rip another man's throat out of his body. That way, he couldn't say such awful things anymore. Jae's fingers curled up, his hand balling into a fist, but before he had a chance to put that fist into the asshole's face, probably breaking his stupid glasses in the process, he felt something behind him.
It took him a moment, in his absolute rage, to register Yeol's presence. Funny, it was the first time he'd been able to go a moment without thinking about how pissed he was at Yeol's for his part in this goddamn farce, and all because he'd found someone worse. But there he was, his hand strangely cool on Jae's back. "If you'll excuse us," he said, his face and voice the usual, implacable mask.
He pushed ever so slightly, and Jae found himself moving, possibly against his own will, alongside Yeol. Away from the asshole, and then away from the entire party. It wasn't until they were out of the elevator and back in Yeol's office that Jae seemed to come back to himself. He glanced at Yeol. Everything about him seemed normal, except for his eyes. They had a certain sharpness to them, a glint Jae didn't quite recognize.
Still, without knowing what was going on, Jae's only option was defiance. "What the--"
"I can't have you starting a fist fight at a fundraiser," Yeol said calmly, tugging his tie loose.
The rage bubbled up inside Jae again, though he wasn't so much of an asshole taht he'd take it out on Yeol. Even if Yeol partially deserved it to. "Then maybe don't take money from corrupt asswipes."
Yeol was hunched over, resting his hands on his desk. It was a position that hid his face from view. Not that his face gave JAe much to work with. He was always so fucking perfect, so handsome and serene and detached, like none of this mattered. Maybe Jae should take his anger out on him. "I didn't know," he said, and there was almost an emotion behind his voice. Like that glint from before, it wasn't enough for Jae to recognize. But it was there. "I didn't know, but obviously, now, we'll be cutting ties with his entire company. Probably a few others too, just to be safe."
It absolutely took the wind from Jae's sails. He hadn't expected that in the least. The idea that Yeol might care--that Yeol might do something because it was the right thing to do, and not just because it would make his precious company money--it hadn't occurred to Jae. Not even as the faintest possibility. The hot anger he'd been feeling fizzled, leaving him cold, unsteady. "Oh..." He looked away. He could sense Yeol's eyes on him, but meeting each other on a level wasn't really their thing. So he kept his eyes fixed on the wall. "So why'd you drag me away?"
"I didn't drag you," Yeol said immediately. Then, more softly, "If you had a fight, it'd be an incident. It could make him look like the good guy. If we just pull away, then it looks like we know something. It makes it seem worth looking into." Jae had to admit, it was a solid plan. Expose the asshole for the scum he was, without giving him a moral high ground to stand on. No violence, but that could be forgiven. "Besides, that's a very expensive suit. It will cost a lot to get blood out of it." Jae cracked a smile and turned back, only for Yeol to turn away again. Still, it wasn't enough to hide a little pink in his cheeks. Oh god, he was embarrassed for making a joke that was actually funny. What in god's name was Jae supposed to make of that?
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cheekynoona · 5 years
Random reactions:
• (IKON) Jinhwan al tener que hacer el pepero game contigo
Sus manos temblarían ligeramente y empezaría a sudar como suele hacerlo cuando se pone demasiado nervioso, tomaría el pepero entre los dedos de su mano derecha, y lo situaría entre su boca, para luego posar su mano izquierda en tu hombro y acercarte a él. Nerviosamente comezaría a comer el pepero de su parte al igual que tú, y cuando quedara un insignificante de éste, no dudaría ni un segundo e impactaría sus rosados labios contra los tuyos dándote un beso rápido para después entrar en pánico y tirarse al piso mientras escuchaba los gritos por parte de los chicos y veía tu rostro completamente rojo.
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• (ASTRO) Sanha queda flechado por ti en un fanmeeting
En el momento que sus ojos se posaron en ti no pudo evitar sentir esa corriente eléctrica pasar por su columna vertebral, eras realmente hermosa para su ojos, y sin duda se notaba que no eras de Corea porque tus rasgos te delataban.
Se mantendría más tranquilo que de costumbre, ni siquiera se le pasaría por la cabeza la idea de molestar a algunos de sus hyungs en ese momento, solo querría obtener un poco de tu atención, se pasearía de un lado al otro en el auditorio durante el fanmeeting, sin dudarlo pasaría más veces por donde te encontrabas, e interactuaría con las fans que se encontraban ahí, pero más que nada se centraría ti.
Al final cuando los chicos estuvieran repartiendo dulces de despedida, tú serías la primera en recibir uno de su parte, junto con un "espero poder verte otra vez" en un pequeño susurro.
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• (STRAY KIDS) Primera cita con Bangchan
Cafetería, hablar de trabajo, música, tomarse de las manos.
Bangchan no era el tipo de persona que le gustaba intimar demasiado con alguien en la primera cita, le espantaría un poco de que no funcionara y que él ya haya hablado demasiado. Pero contigo esa preocupación no existiría, Chan ya te conocía hace un largo tiempo y lo único que querría es que lo conocieras al máximo, te contaría hasta lo más confidencial para él, confiaba en ti más de lo que confiaba en sí mismo.
En algún momento tomaría una de tus manos y la mantendría entre las suyas, brindándote calor y pequeñas caricias con su pulgar, mientras que te miraba con una pequeña sonrisa en sus labios. La diferencia de tamaños entre sus manos y las tuyas sería simplemente adorable.
Una primera cita con Chan sería una de esas experiencias que no se vuelven a repetir.
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• (BTS) Yoongi reaccionando a tu cabello rizado
Cuando se encontraba aburrido le resultaba relajante acariciar tu cabello, amaría en secreto tomar alguno de tus rizos para tirar suavemente de el y ver como vuelve a su forma natural una y otra vez.
Cada vez que salieras del baño luego de darte una ducha, él se ofrecería a peinar tu cabello, de cierto modo lo haría por ti, porque odiaba verte sufrir a causa de tu cabello, y también lo haría por él porque a veces le irritaba escuchar tus quejidos.
Siempre que tuviera la oportunidad, intentaría comprarte uno que otro accesorio para el cabello cada vez que viajara a otro país, porque sabía que amabas esos pequeños pero significantes regalos.
Seguramente él cuidaría más de tu cabello que tú misma.
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• (EXO) Chanyeol reaccionando a ti usando su ropa
Cada vez que usaras alguna de sus sudaderas no podría evitar morir de ternura una y otra vez, Yeol siempre solía usar sudaderas de dos o tres tallas más grandes, si a él ya les quedaba grandes a ti te quedaban gigantes.
―Bebé, creo que eso no de tu talla, estás desapareciendo dentro de mi sudadera. ―diría soltando una carcajada al ver como aquella prenda llegaba casi hasta tus pies―.
Luego de verte por primera vez con una de sus sudaderas, compraría sudaderas de pareja para ambos, y la tuya definitivamente sería oversize, porque había notado que siempre elegías la ropa más grande que tenía él.
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tewwor-a · 2 years
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Now that I have far too many children/boyfriends/husbands to count with the addition of 6 chaotic children- I figured it was a good time to update about my biases in groups and why they are my biases! Enjoy and feel free to discuss with me! :D I’ve got two biases per group and 1 wrecker (sans EXO), so leggo! ((None of these images belong to me- I take 0 credit)) Let’s start with my ult.
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(BTS) It’s funny because at first I was totally smitten with Yoongi (and still am)- but then after like a year of being into BTS I was monologuing to my best friend like every day about him in every way till she was finally like, ‘you know you’re in love with him, right?’ and so, here we are. I love you, Namjoon.
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(BTS) Yoongi!!!!!!!! My first bias ever in a kpop group (not counting that one stint with T.O.P back in Fantastic Baby era before I was a kpop stan). His voice and his demeanor and how calm he is. I really have this thing where I notice the ones that aren’t in the center all of the time. Then I heard his voice. I have a thing for voices okay- you’ll see what I mean by the time we’re done here. My BTS bias wrecker is the maknae, one Jeon Jungkook.
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(Monsta X) Jooheon, my sweet honey. First of all, I miss you and I hope you’re starting to feel better. I love and respect you so much. I find most of the groups I stan because their MVs show up on my youtube mix. Alligator was playing and while yeah they’re all super wow in that MV- Jooheon’s cheeky smile and his rap and his eyes in it were just. oof. He had me at, “Hello, I’m an alli-alligator!”
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(Monsta X) I’m whipped for ‘94 line, okay?!! Hyungwon. H.one. The king of memes and sarcasm and I love everything about this bean. He seems so cold and stoic but if you give him enough attention you can tell how loving and warm he actually is and I just want to squish him and love him and maybe our MTBI’s are some of the strongest compatability and I can’t stop thinking about how easy I would get along with him because our attitude and humor is the same. Monsta X bias wrecker: Main Vocal, dragon king Yoo Kihyun. o o f.
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(TXT) My first child- our precious bread loving baby bunny leader, Soobinie. I immediately was attracted to the way he speaks? Like the way his mouth moves is very adorable! His voice is also very soothing and his singing is easy to listen to and I want to pat his head (lol right raz he is so tol) and wrap him in blankets and tell him he’s cute every second of every day. My favorite of the ones I consider my children- don’t tell the others.
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(TXT) Yeonjun! I love his laugh so much and his cute smile and he is another one with feline eyes like Jooheon which I am easily drawn to. I also really enjoy his personality and his interactions with his members as their hyung and I think we would get along swimmingly as friends or siblings. A whole talented cutie. Bias wrecker in TXT has to be their maknae, too. Huening Kai. Wahh so baby.
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(EXO) Park. Chan. Yeol. What a man. I can’t explain. I truly, honestly believe he is one of the people I would mesh the best with in this world. His voice and this fucking L O O K in tempo immediately caught my attention- once again in the MV as it came up on my youtube mix. Then I caught myself up to speed on him and his group and his other work and I fell really fast really hard for him and I grow more in love with him every day. (sobs).
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(EXO) LOOK AT THIS SMILE. In case it wasn’t already suffocatingly obvious- I love Kim Junmyeon. EXO’s leader and guardian, Suho. Again- he grew on me much like Namjoon did. He takes such good care of his members and just wants to be happy and I genuinely think he is one of the nicest people even when the camera is off and I really admire that about him. I also see a lot of his pain and it hurts and I just want to love him unconditionally for all of eternity. Bias wrecker for EXO is really every other member but more often than the others is Baekhyunnie or Sehunnie.
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(Astro) See, I told you I have a thing for deep-voiced rappers. It’s always them that catch my attention first and foremost. Much the same as the others, Blue Flame came up on my YouTube mix and here we are down the rabbit hole surrounded by six more children I didn’t ask for, but Jinjin is such a good hyung and leader and total cutie pie. I’m totally smitten.
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(Astro) Once more- look at this precious smile I am so soft??? Moonbin is their center typically and I tried to resist him for a long time but he just seems really mature (I feel like jinjin, cha eunwoo and moonbin are the most mature)? The main dancers of groups aren’t usually the ones I am drawn to- but just as with Hyungwon, I am fascinated with the way he moves. Very etheral, goodest boy. Also that visual??? Bias wrecker has to be the dreamy Cha Eunwoo himself. sorrynotsorry.
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aphrodite1288 · 4 years
Count with me the times, Kadi were fucked by Koreans:
*So Ksoo is always "another member", "Someone" or not spoken of at all or his name is not even mentioned when Kadi r involved together in one scene?!!
*Like Heck Ji did not even mention Ksoo in his MV only talked abt Xiu as if Ksoo's sign n power on that fuckn frozen rock wasn't there.
*He couldn't make a reaction nor talk or support Ksoo's Enlistment song while he did a whole series of reaction videos to Sechan n other artists (his friends), he promoted many songs of western n korean singers but when it came to Ksoo's "That's okay" which is a HIT song that the whole kpop covered n talked about, Ji remained blind n silent.
*Let's not Forget in 2018 during Ekso Ladder when Kadi were seen eating together but we ONLY GOT FOOTAGE OF JONGIN'S BACK n The fan MENTIONED THAT SHE COULDN'T TAKE PICS OF KSOO cuz HE WAS NOT VISIBLE CLEARLY!!??? He is a Human sized HUMAN?Not a Virus? And MONTHS AFTER THAT: She deleted her post n apologized saying that she just mistook KSOO to be with Ji that day n that it was NOT KSOO but someone else and that Ji came alone to the restaurant?? Wtf?? U just said months ago that they were eating a meal together but u came months and months after to tell us that Ji was in FACT EATING ALONE? U FUCKIN said HE WAS EATING WITH SOO? Matter of fact was with SOMEONE ??????????? what are u Blind? Is Ksoo's name cursed? Is he "who he must not be named?" Lord Do Voldemort?
*No ..Ok how can an ExoL not recognize "tHE oThEr mEmBeR" whom Ji was with? She clearly hid it n didn't want to expose it. Wtf? It's just "two Bros chilling in a hot tub five feets apart cuz they not Gay" *actually AGRESSIVELY singing the meme*
* And Oh please don't remind me of that Fucked up Scripted interview of Ekso Concert DVD where they asked kaisoo if they ever traveled together alone and forced Kadi to say that they did NEVER EVER TRAVELED TOGETHER ALONE OR HAD A MEAL TGT BEFORE! KSOO even felt sad that he had to lie abt this and even added a crumb for us to assure us that he is indeed Friends/Lovers with Ji n said "IT'S OKAY IF WE NEVER TRAVELED TOGETHER CUZ WE ARE ALWAYS TOGETHER IN THE DORM", y'all made him lie and he was even concerned that ppl might even think that he hates Ji at this rate that he never even had a meal with him or traveled with him or went on a hangout with him on a span of 10 years of knowing each other. How can u not go out with a friend for a meal for 10 fucking years??
I've just known my friend on internet for months and we traveled together and always hangout together heck we spent thousands of nights together after 1 week of knowing e/o ? Where's the Logic?
Instead we have all this Pushed up CHANSOO agenda with them traveling 4 times back&fourth to Japan, Going tgt in Yeol's car after concerts, having meals together and vacations together and pics all moved internet and on Chan's IG, CHANSOO are the most aesthetic couple they're a huge SHIP too with A HUGE SHIPDOM but No SM doesn't try to stop them?mmmh 🤔 Yet No ONE TO SPEAK ABT KADI SPENDING THEIR BDAYS TOGETHER IN 2019.
*And Oh! I almost forgot this: Ji couldn't even mention That he spent his bday in 2019 with KSOO, and that the latter made him a cake & lit the candles for him and even held a surprise party for him after he came back from his Bday party with Ls, cuz Ji was supposed to be Dating Jennifer back then! So to not break the straight agenda he had to not mention KSOO at all but instead he easily mentioned in his lives later that Ra/vi n Moo/nyu surprised him for his bday n held a mini party for one hour for him after he came from the Bday party with Eksolz when actually IT WAS KSOO?? Kim Ji..isn't KSOO your friend too?? Why didn't you mention him? I'm sure Ji was sad NOT MENTIONING KSOO n only his Homies squad WHILE IN FACT IT WAS THE POOR KSOO WHO HELD AND PREPARED THE PARTY! MADE HIM A CAKE AT HIS BROTHER'S GF's PASTRY AND BROUGHT, JI's Besties to Their(Kadi) dorm cuz he knows Ji would be so happy when his dudes ARE AROUND! But KSOO later on quickly kicked them to give Ji the BEST Bday gift when Ji was supposed to be having an affair with Diva girl Jennifer. Remember when Ji said that his friends came and held him a party for ONE HOUR ONLY BEFORE HE KICKED THEM OUT!! Now we know why he kicked them cuz KSOO was there ! And we didn't know that back in 2019! We knew it until 2020 When Ji forgot his lie n uploaded a video of him n Soo n his suquad on IG. It's too sad when KSOO'S efforts had to be gone in vain AND NOT BE MENTIONED AT ALL when IN FACT IT WAS HIM WHO DID EVERYTHING FOR JI in THAT SMALL BDAY PARTY! HE WAS THE ONE WHO PREPARED IT!
And I'm not gonna talks bout where Kadi spent their Bdays in 2019. Cuz some assess called me a privacy invader.
Stop making them seems like they don't even know each other.
All of this added to my yesterday anger. Korean Ls would never let kaisoo talk freely abt each other n i hate it. Korean Ls won't speak a word abt Kadi. I tried with them many times, never worked they always tell me that Ksoo is only close to SeChanBaekHo and in fact is not close with Ji at all n that It's JI's fault for always being out with his squad. Thankfully I have foreigner friends who live there n are so cool n tell me shit. These momfuckers are so homophobic. And the korean Kaisooists who actually support Kadi, speak in between the bushes so hidy n scared.
I'm mad.
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minthicons · 4 years
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⠀⠀◞⠀☄︎⠀𓂃⠀ chan*yeol @ e_xo ⠀𓂅⠀ ⠀[ ı-cøns ] ⠀𓋲⠀⠀ lıkē / rəbløg ⠀⠀𓈈⠀ ⠀ıf чoū ⠀::⠀ sɑvē ⠀o𓍼r⠀ ūsə ⠀𓈀⠀ ənjoч ⠀ !!
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