#obey me! beelzebulb
storysofmyown · 1 year
An Angels Promise
Alone, and slowly being corrupted after Simeon fell, Luke slowly starts to doubt the Celestial Realm. Perhaps its time he does good on that promise he made to himself, all those years ago, when his brothers wings were still white, and he himself, was just a child.
Non-linear story. Slightly inspired by a "A Sadness Runs Through Him" song.
Word count: 4,612
Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood, sadness, abandonment, food.                     
If i missed any let me know so I can add them to the mini list.
Read on AO3
There was no sun. It was exactly like the angel remembered, a picture he could never erase from his memories. One that had even given him nightmares as a kid. One which he had gotten wrong trough so many years, one that even if the memory of the place stayed the same, the context…the way he saw it, didn’t. Before, it was the place from which nightmares were born, a place where if he even thought about it for more than a second it brought tears to his eyes, and he would be cowering behind an older brother. Tears in his closed eyes as he grabbed onto one of his eldest brothers’ clothes, almost begging for the sight and name of the place to be taken away from his mind. Somewhere he would have given everything to be taken away from him, a place where he would never step inside, the very place from which fear and evil were born. That’s how he saw it, but that was before…and that was a long time ago.
A soft hand patting his hair. Warm light blue eyes watching over him. Wings wrapped around the small angel. He didn’t know what fear at that moment was, like he had never experienced it. A far away memory that if he truly wanted to forget he could, because at that moment he was safe. That’s how he had always felt when his older brother was in proximity. The Archangel always radiated light, warmth…no matter what dangers could be imposed at that moment, no matter what the world had thrown at the two, Luke would always feel safe in Simeon’s arms, in his brother’s presence. It was quiet moments like those that Luke truly treasured. Moments where no word was spoken, where he and the archangel could just stay in silence and feel home…because that’s how Luke saw it. If Simeon was there, he was home. He was safe.
With closed blinds to hide the eternal sun of their realm, a sun which never settled, light still making its way inside the room, the angel was drifting off. Safe…happy. The hand still patting his head, eyes drifting closed ever so slowly, time wrapped around their home. Wrapped their closer family. It felt like eternities from the moments in which he opened and closed his eyes, trying to fight off sleep. The smell of vanilla and cinnamon from the cookies they had baked earlier, lingering in his closed off room. A small room in a big house, full of angels that were meant to share it. A big house, that wasn’t his home, Luke would later come to understand. But the bond he shared with his brother. A bond that Luke believed to go through every moment in time, a bond that would keep him calm, just like at that moment. One that prevented him from hearing the words uttered moments before he finally drifted off.
They were lies. All lies. Carefully crafted and manipulated to reach the furthest and most isolated areas from the Celestial Realm. Nothing but pure lies and Luke knew it! The fact that his brothers would doubt Simeon like that, believing such things. It hurt. It hurt more seeing Simeon’s expression whenever angels started muttering things as they passed. Furthermore, it ignited anger inside the small angel, anger he knew was wrong, unjustified. Anger he would later find to be ridiculous, and before that would feel guilty about it. Before he could experience those facets, he felt the anger burning, until Simeon smiled. Offering the small angel to go pick some baking materials, so they could try something new. It was at that moment that Luke would understand that the reason Simeon was strong wasn’t because of his powers, but his heart, his kindness. It was at that moment that the young angel felt the fire of anger be extinguished, if only for the time being. And it was for that very reason that Luke never truly believed the rumors, even then…even after so many years, even after he saw it for himself. The small angel nodded, holding his brother’s hand and looking back at the others as Simeon kept walking forward. It may be the direction in which they were going, but to Luke it meant something else. It meant strength. And by Father, if Luke didn’t admire Simeon already, he certainly did now. The lies hurt Simeon. He was able to see it in the archangels’ eyes as they walked past some of their brothers. It was a distant expression, it was a darkness covering the blue in his eyes, it was the way he only looked down, his shoulders fell, and the smile flattered…but didn’t disappear. Because even if Luke could tell Simeon was affected by the words, by the looks…the archangel kept a smile. The angel deep down always knew it was for his sake, to appear strong. And while the rumors never turned out to be a lie, that smile was. But even if it was indeed a lie, it never took Luke’s admiration from his brother.
A smell of apples and sugar. Dough raising in the oven, milk warming in the stove. A small serving for each, and then a little more before bedtime. Praises given; recommendations took. And perhaps just another serving of pie, with the idea of making ice cream the next time. And a promise to save some for Michael. A moment savored by the two and being forever saved in Luke’s heart as he closed his eyes. And the last thought that crossed his mind in that very moment was how strong Simeon was. And a promise to himself. Once he would believe it to be futile, to be a lie, one unachievable, one that his brothers would take away from him. A promise he would believe to be wrong…until he finally fulfilled it, and util instead of shame it would bring pride to the angel as he found out that perhaps what he had always believed was wrong.
Demons. They were bad, horrible, evil creatures that install hate and torment into humans. The humans they, as Angels, were meant to protect, were the objects that suffered because of demons. The demons and angels couldn’t be more different from one another even if they wanted to, even if they were from entire other planets. This went from their actions to their nature, and the very same realm they inhabited. The celestial Realm was full of light and brightness, there was a feeling of warmth all around it that put anyone who stepped into it in a state of peace. It went for the very trees to the main hall, and the people in it. It was who they were, goodness, light, love, protection. They were the embodiment of everything that was right, they were the protectors of every being, including humans and all other living creatures. But demons…
They were the exact opposite of what an angel was. They were a creature made of absolute darkness, full of hatred and sins, searching for destruction instead of creation. The realm was always dark, there was no sun, and it was illuminated by nothing but the countless stars and sometimes the mood. A moon Luke would have thought of as beautiful if he had dared to see it clearly. To not see it with the blinded misunderstandings and thoughts he had of everything that was below the Human World. But now, to him, it was the worst place he had ever seen. From the darkness of the place, the animals, and the feeling of danger he experienced in every corner of it, Luke could see why the angels and the demons were natural enemies. So, why? Why was Simeon, the archangel, the one which Luke trusted the most, talking so normally to demons?!
There was a feeling of betrayal. As Luke hid behind Simeon, grabbing onto his cape, the archangel laughed and talked to Lucifer, a demon, as if they were old friends. Which perhaps was the case. At some point Lucifer and his 6 brothers had been angels, in fact, they had been powerful angels. They thought about them, if ever so slightly. They were told about the 7 brothers that instigated a war and fell from their holiness to the depths of the devildom. But it didn’t matter how powerful or graceful they used to be! It didn’t matter if Lucifer used to be the favorite of their Father or if he, Simeon, and Michael used to get along! He was now a demon, and angels should fight demons, not be friends with them, so, why?! Luke couldn’t understand, and he wouldn’t understand it for a long time. And neither would he understand Simeon’s response when he asked about it later, after they were partially safe and hidden from demons in the place called “Purgatory Hall”. ‘True family isn’t forgotten so easily, Luke.’ That’s what he told him, and Luke had been forever confused about it.
Luke had forgotten many things as he grew up. He had forgotten how dark the devildom was, or how tiny he used to be compared to him now, he had forgotten his fear towards the devildom and just thought of it as a faraway memory. He had forgotten what it was like to bake for someone, so sit a share a meal with them, talk about their day, and have a person to help him, to ask questions to who wouldn’t just tell him to stop doubting God. Furthermore, he had forgotten his devotion to Michael as well, along with why did he ever think it would be a good idea to follow someone as blindly as all the others did. But he never forgot his brother. His real brother, they may all call themselves family, calling God father, but they weren’t really family, no. They were…. Strangers, bosses, they weren’t people with which Luke sat and talked.
Talk about that one human he had met long ago that was nice to him. Talk about a new recipe he had found, or about how tiring the training was ever since some higher angels discovered his blessings were stronger than most angels his age. No one to simply sit in front of a fire and be family with. Maybe he was remembering it wrong. But the feelings of emptiness ever since Simeon had disappeared never left. That loneliness he felt…that desolation. They were a family, Simeon was his older brother, and Luke was the little brother. And even if he hated it when he made fun of him or called him cute, he wished those moments had come back. He prayed to Father to wake up, and that Simeon would be back, saying that he was late for his training. Every single day that passed in the celestial realm, every week, and the years that came along, as Luke grew up with everyone around him saying he would be a strong angel meant nothing to him.
Some angels said he was lucky he had managed to get away from Simeon. But Luke never got away from his brother, from his memory or what he had thought of him. The archangel may have disappeared one night without a trace, without a word, without goodbye or even a warning, but to Luke he was never truly gone. And to Luke, the lies that had infected every single angel in the realm, were nothing but that. Lies to make their brother look bad, make him seem like his heart, kindness, and empathy for those lowers demons was something else. At first, the young angel didn’t understand it. Simeon had disappeared, and everyone was talking about how it had taken so long for him to vanish. Luke couldn’t understand why they were so unbothered by the disappearance of their brother. But he remembers the relief in some of their eyes as they took Luke away from the space they shared, saying how he would not be infected by Simeon’s beliefs anymore, that he was safe in their father’s arms.
He came to understand later that they all believed Simeon to be a traitor to their race. They all believed he had betrayed them in favor of demons he had known as Angels. Luke never believed it, even if his view on Demons had been slightly changed by the time he spent in the nightmarish realm with Simeon, he couldn’t believe it. Simeon wouldn’t just renounce his angel hood to be down there. He wouldn’t leave his position as an archangel; he wouldn’t leave Luke for some demons. That’s what Luke had always told himself, but slowly it all made sense. It all clicked together, the way he had reaction to all the supposed lies and rumors, how he seemed to be more at ease with Lucifer than he was when speaking with Michael. How he seemed happier in the Devildom, happier than Luke had ever seen him on the place they called home. On the realm from which they came. At some point, the assurances of all others, along with the things Luke never forgot, started to make sense. Simeon had left the Celestial Realm for the devildom.
Luke already knew it. And for a long time, he believed that he had made peace with it, thought that Simeon was no longer his family, no longer the angel he once thought of him, no longer someone worthy of keeping his promise. Or that’s what he thought…that’s what he believed for so longer. But how easily that came crashing down on a gray day. Very few rays of sunshine making their way through the thick clouds. The sun had just risen, yet it was blocking them, as if it was hiding, Luke would have thought in his younger years as an angel. But he was a young angel no longer, he was no longer a kid, in need of protection and assurance. He was grown, he was close to the position of Archangel himself. So why…why was he shaken at the sight in front of him. So different…eternally changed, so…happier, darker…so much of the same kindness of the blue eyes he had felt safe with. Why was he shaking, why was his sight blurring with tears as the demon Simeon stood before him, with a smile?
Something was…wrong. Something entirely, and inheriting, absurdly twisted. Like the whole world and its purpose had been turned around on its own, and now everything that once was upright was hanging from what used to be the floor, and yet no one realized it. No one except Luke. Who was standing on the outskirts of the realm, gazing at the place he had grown up in. Luke knew something was wrong in the depths of the realm, he had suspected a darkness hidden by the blinding light that surrounded everything for some time now. What some angels said was their purpose was to contradict the beliefs of their Father. It was all too confusing, too strange, too…rotten. It took him some time to understand it, and even more to accept it.
The celestial realm was no longer the place Luke had thought it was…no. The truth was that it had never been that place at all. Perhaps that’s why Simeon had left. The reason he once awoke by the noise of an alarm blaring through the whole realm, shaking him to his core…completely alone when Simeon had promised to stay the night. His elder brother was gone…and Luke never saw him again after that. The rumors and lies…they took over far worse than they had ever done. It was all about the traitor…no longer an archangel, but a traitor. To their entire race and kingdom but to Luke he would always be the angel that would sit with him and tell him that he should bake the cake at a lower temperature, to not use too much energy when concentrating in the classes, to be mindful of others. The angel that had taught him that demons weren’t that bad.
And Luke refused to believe that was the case. After all, if demons weren’t all that bad, why would they teach them that in the celestial realm? Why would they make up lies and insinuate things like that when there were so many things that needed angels? At first Luke tried to make it seem in his head like Lucifer, his brothers and Lord Diavolo and Barbatos were really an outlier from the norm. Demons that didn’t really fit the mold of what demons should be. For the brothers he rationalized it as their previous angelic form still being present in some ways, but for the other too; he thought that perhaps they were too powerful to be influenced by whatever bad every demon had in themselves. In the future, once he became grown, big…wiser, he would come to understand how wrong those assumptions were. And that it wasn’t those demons who didn’t fit the mold, but that the angels no longer fit their purpose. He understood it the moment he saw Simeon again…a demon. Because how could someone so kind…so amazing be a demon, if they were really all that bad?
The shapes were all blurred, his own reflection staring back at him, the chill in the air outside with the snow making the small angel feel goosebumps in his arms. It was cold, to the point where even inside the house his breath could be seen, and it known as fogging up the window from Purgatory hall as he gazed outside. Into the Devildom. Luke sighed, rubbing his hands together and hiding them inside his light blue sweater Asmodeus had gifted him not too long ago after Lord Diavolo decided to make a gift exchange. It was…odd. Demons celebrating and enjoying themselves on a holiday like that, it certainly didn’t sit right with Luke. Another thing that didn’t sit right with Luke was how…normal they were. Had he not known he was in the devildom, he wouldn’t be able to tell the demons from Solomon, a human.
Demons…they were bad. That’s what he had been thinking all his life. But Simeon had asked him to give them a chance. And he begrudgingly stayed…and had it not been for all the things he had been thought, he might have liked being along with the demons. Beelzebub had helped him after he had his disagreement with Simeon, and Barbatos was always willing to teach him anything. Lord Diavolo, although scary at first, was someone he found fun to be around. It is strange, feeling like he should hate all of them, like he was doing something wrong by spending time with any of the demons and actually enjoying it. But he simply didn’t have it in him to hate them like the angels wanted him too. Not when Simeon got along so well with them, not when in the short time he had spent with those demons he could say surely that he cared more for them, and that they cared for him; more than some angels in their realm did. And they certainly cared for one another way more than most angels did…
The minutes passed, and Luke was still lost in thought. He had started drawing with his finger shapes in the window as he gazes out onto the nature of the devildom. A place that at first gave him nightmares, to the point where he had to ask Simeon to stay with him. It was horrible, and it was scary. But now…with a cup of hot cocoa besides him, the sound of laughter and conversations came from the hall where Simeon had invited the brothers to talk, he wondered. If perhaps the angels were wrong, if perhaps…they had missed something along the way that made them all think of demons in different ways. Because with what he had seen, and how he felt, and how he knew Simeon felt…there was no way, in all three realms, that demons were as terrible as they had thought him, they were. But still…Luke was an angel; he had a duty as well as Simeon. So instead of going out, like he desired, he went to his room, wondering how Simeon would be so close to demons, even if they seemed to be nice…even if they were kind.
One week. One week. That was all the time to look for him. Not a day more, not even a second glance into the disappearance of one of their own. It took them less than two breaths to decide he was not worth looking for, and it would take Luke three entities and a few more days before he was able to live down the ache he felt at that moment. Abandoned by the angel that had promised to be there for him always, something in him was turned off. A small Angel full of wonder and amazement, passion for his future and for the hobbies he loved. All burned down in less time than it took for one to love something. It has taken Simeon many years and centuries to build the closeness that they had originally had. And it took him less than a week to break it entirely, and make the small angel wonder if he had imagined it all, and his fate was to always be alone.
Royal and bright palaces, bathed in a golden rust that dignified even those of impure eyes. Now, red like the blood and desire of those below the surface, which were condemned by the fire. Alarm blaring so impossibly loud even humans could hear if they cared to pay attention at all. Snarling, panting, lighting made from hate, it was all coming for him. It was all just so close… He wasn’t going to be able to make it. He wasn’t going to reach it. It was on sight, worst of all. His injured wings were doing the best they could to carry his heavy body towards the edge of the realm, but it was all too much. How was he meant to reach the other end? And even if he did, how was he meant to survive the fall? Many times, were his name called, he could feel the ghost fingertips on his wings and clothing as they tried to pull him back into the sphere or numbness behind them all. It was like the hellish forces had changed their current home and decided to invade that which had always been known for the exact opposite. He could imagine the red eyes glaring at him, the intent to kill, only subdued by the orders of Michael himself. And yet…and yet those weren’t enough, the holes in his wings were proof enough of that, the lances falling just behind his heels and behind him made it clear even his word was not enough…not enough to save those they deemed traitors. How had Simeon managed to escape that night, he wondered. How had he managed to slip away to the very end of the realm and proceed to break tough the clouds, jumping into the void that would take him to his new home without anyone noticing him?
There hadn’t been a single angel that had ever made themselves fall willingly. That was the reason, Luke reminded himself as he yelped, just managing to avoid a sentencing fire spell that fell right in front of him, making the young angel change directions momentarily. The Mob, behind him, ached for blood and for a punishment for the traitor. He should have been more careful. He should have thought about it more throughout, it should have taken him years to properly plan an escape, but no, of course not. It was a whim, a still childish wish from a now adult. It was like his inner child had come up from all those years of numbness installed by the realm, in the need to see his true family, that before he knew it, he was flying to the edge, and before he could even properly think of hide himself, they had shut him down.
A large gate closed right in front of him as the angels flared with hatred towards him. The clouds under his feet now looking more like ashes in bathed gray, a trail of blood from his wings as he glared. The other side of the gate brightened up in blue and gold still because that was the human side. That was there, theirs to control, theirs to make their own. And here, here it was all controlled by him. The angels were still trying to reach him. Possibly trying to kill him. But the gate burst open, engulfed in a mist as the once young child just barely managed to step into the white clouds. And fell. Right down, to his family.
Vanilla scent sifting through the place. A couple of cakes finished; a few pies still being eaten. Plates with crumbs of the meal placed to the side. Cups filled with lemon tea, filled with lavender, green, apple. The sweet scents all playing and overpowering each other. Yet none of it would be sickly sweet. None of it would be too much for anyone to handle. Curtains moving along with the slow hum of the wind. The sparkles of stars and shine of the moon that just barely made it through and tainted the scene with a very light lilac that warmed the hearts. Laughter. Love. Eleven heads all crammed into a table to share a meal. And some familiar eyes looking happier than they ever had as the now dark wings fell to the side, the motion being imitated by the cup of tea that was gently placed down on the table. The warmth in the air although being the dead of the night just like every hour was in the place known as hell. To them the devildom, to him…home.
Twinkling lights, the aroma of vanilla, and the feeling of love. Love and family. Love and his brother.
Smoke emerged from the depths of the crater. The fire having burned the grass and greenery from the surroundings. A crash so deep they just knew. In the middle of the crater, lay a body. Not so small, yet not so big. A body with white wings that slowly turned the color of the night. As another who had experienced something alike approached. Shaky hands as they wrapped around the weak body of the teen in an embrace they hadn’t shared since he was a mere child. His little brother…
The position, the closeness, the care. It all felt so familiar. Like something that had never left. Like something that finally fit right in place as their foreheads connected and Luke's eyes finally opened ever so slightly, taking in the figure in front. There he was… Simeon. His brother…the only angel that had been truthful, and although abandoned, although marginalized, always the kind angel who cared for those around him.
“You will a-always be my real...family, Simeon.”
Luke just barely managed to whisper the words before the exhaustion and magic of his transformation made his eyes close once more. The next time he opened them, he wouldn’t be an angel, any longer. But a fallen angel. Just like Lucifer and the rest of the brothers. Just like Simeon.
“…welcome home, Luke.”
Well, well, well. Guess who was roped back into obey me hell with the launch of the new game, lmao. Anyway, i dont know for how long ill be active here but for now have this fic i had in the back burner like 3 years ago before i dipped.
I really hope you guys liked it, and im hoping to ride the wave of creativity and maybe write a few mores things! Either way, thank you so much for reading! IF you liked it i would really appreciate it if you could comment or reblog! I really hope you all liked this and had a wonderful day! Until next time! Whenever that might be-
Obey Me! Masterlist
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alphysz · 2 years
Leviathan: Hewwo.
Asmodeus: Hihiiiiii!
Lúcifer: Greetings, Human.
MC: Three kinds of people.
Beelzebub: I want pudding.
Solomon: Four kinds of people.
Satan: Five kinds of people.
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crazycheetah · 1 year
I finally finished the Nightbringer obey me version
so do we look like a demon? We have to right or he wouldn't have assumed otherwise unless they walked around glamoured which no one seems to do yet.If not Iguess he could have been like why would a human be here but still he would have to be suspicious of no horns and stuff
He seemed more low key aggressive not outright aggressive but aggressive towards demons in general like asserting his dominance and power over his subjects too
Solomon and Barbatos relationship is hilarious
I think nightbringer is Barbs or some version of him from another timeline one where he never becomes a butler for Diavolo, because I Adam which by the way
1)Is that the one that fell in love with Lilith?!
Or was it Solomon?, cause that's who I thought it was at first because Lilith stole something to save the life of the one she loves,I don't remember if they became immortal or if it just saved their life but I've been suspicious that it was Solomon
But Adam came along and I was like is it him?!
Anywho angry teen Satan is funny as hell I wouldn't be around him much because I'm messy and aggressive when people get aggressive with me so he would kill me 100%
My theory that it was love at first sight for Mammon is basically confirmed So Yay!
On top of the fact That he's just a really good brother and he puts himself down enough so now the others are gonna have to catch these hands,though I low-key think they do it because he's the only one that keeps a level head and doesn't immediately react to go in his demon form and attack
Back to Solomon and Barbs I think barbs tried to hustle Solomon and got hustled himSelf so he mad bitter and will we find out why he hates rats maybe he was human during or just around the plague
Im liking Solomon more too and didn't he admit it was love at first sight for him? Him and Mammon are the only ones unless you know the other demons at RAD were the same way.
So Diavolo knows and what the he'll happened to Beel is it his PTSD?
I see they were kinda harsh in the beginning huh?,though I understand not wanting someone to tear up yo house but why let him go home only to call him back and lock him up?
And I just realized what if we are the reason so many things happen or are the way they are because we were their Solomon says his memories during this time were fuzzy what if its because of Nightbringer?When we go back they forget about pass us and think they did it on their own ?
why bring us in the first place and not just do it himself
Watch when night bringer is someone else entirely like Diavolo's dad,Thirteen or Mephest, or someone we would least expect but for now I say its A version of barbs.
Well we will see these are just some random thoughts
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witchingrey · 4 years
obey me! tidbits .
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C.C. is Celtic, and part fairy or fae; or  Tuath Dé / Danann, having been abandoned by her full-blooded Mother from her original birth place within part of Ancient Britain’s corner of Northern Ireland, the fabled  Tír na nÓg before eventually finding herself living in the very human realm of the isles of ancient Britannia / Britain. Long before it established itself and wars were an every day occurrence. This lends itself to her natural longevity. 
With a natural, immeasurable talent for magic and power ingrained in her half-fae blood, or Sidhe, C.C. roamed between the portals of time and space without an ability to control her magic; already quite powerful as a little halfling child; she eventually came upon a teacher who would be teaching her into about her nigh two hundredth century by her own blood’s natural favoring.
The teacher had ulterior motives, and whatever happened between that time and, only a few centuries later would the ancient Witch discover to be a transferred ‘curse’ of immortality, the already guaranteed long life sealed with a curse instead of the freedom of the fair folk to which she both and did not belong. This betrayal has scarred C.C.
C.C. has an enigmatic history with Leviathan @perfectbluu​ as a child, having witnessed him once upon the seas wreaking havoc in full form; a changeling child no one wanted in long spurned rags and stale bread for company. As he wreaked said havoc upon the mortal realm; she confused him for a ‘great dragon’ and not a serpent. The girl foolishly offered a loaf of bread near the dock before concerned acolytes and fellow supernaturals took her back into a safer portal elsewhere. 
Eventually C.C. took residence in the Devildom after the entirety, start to finish, of the Witch Trials endured, and many other such things you’ll not find from her lips, finding no comfort among Man, long having been tortured, abused and manipulated in her innocent days by fire, quite literally, and other methods of heartache, tragedy and countless eternal stories that have gone into the thousands of her immortal life, one that would be consider blessed if not for the means. 
She began research into her ‘curse’ , taking many Witches and Warlocks / Sorcerers as apprentices to stave off loneliness and to make them wise in the world of demons, to whom so many easily gave their soul’s natural providence of dominion.
C.C. has spent countless years in the Devildom establishing herself as ‘The Great Witch / Grey Witch / Witch of Fate’ and other both seemly and unfriendly nicknames while keeping her blood a secret; though her nymph-like hair color, her rich, sun-colored eyes and regal features denote an otherwordly sort of beauty that no glamour could imitate. 
She is ultimately one of the key magical, non-demonic entities of myth that many young witches and warlocks aspire to be like, or in some cases, avoid due to unsavory rumors and far-fetched legends due to how long she has graced the earth both under hell and heaven.
Naturally gifted the power of seeing the strands of fate; C.C. has the natural given gift of ‘Sight’ and ‘Clairvoyance’, able to see the ‘red strings that bind’ and at times, even intervene but only on the personal vow of it being in the person’s best interest. She calls her actions of intervening for better or worse blended with knowing it is the right thing by her Sight, the Witch’s Scissors, because her Sight / Psionic abilities allows her to see the outcome. She uses it sparingly, as freedom of choice in longevity was taken from her; so too does she wish her students and proteges to find their own path. Although very few have become the latter due to either fear or unnecessary awe. 
C.C. ultimately reunites with Leviathan, finding familiarity in the yellow eyes that are not mad with bloodlust, but familiar all the same, stumbling upon him at some point in the Devildom prior to the MC arriving. She considers him her closest friend and one that has not left her in the flow of time. Aware of who he is after that long time ago as an innocent witchling girl; she finds relief that for his hermit-like ways, he seems more at peace in his hobbies. 
Ultimately, C.C. will if not in her main verse always harbor deeper emotions for the Avatar of Envy, Annie’s to be exact, having a history only she remembers awoken by him proposing a Pact, something she has avoided for many an age since her mistake with her first pact with a demon named Mao. She is notorious for being immensely and frighteningly powerful without having excessive amounts of demons for ulterior motives.  Which lends herself if she falls off the beaten path as a legitimate threat.
When summoning Leviathan, as discussed, he will take the form of a massive draconic Serpent just as she remembers him, but with sanity and reason. She generally does not call upon them, viewing their bond and mutual hurts and joys as sacred. 
Despite her curse expanding an already assured existence, C.C. still finds great purpose and an ability to see forward into her life’s endless flow due to her natural fae-given abilities, thus encouraging her timeless body to for ‘boredom’s sake’ partake in the studies of the Devildom if only to be a comforting source for young Witches. This has stopped her from becoming entirely cynical.
C.C. is easily one of the most powerful non-demonic entities in the Devildom and mortal world by hard work, natural talent, and sheer cunning. As a Witch, she is a paragon to many who seek her out for wisdom or teaching; finding she is a surprisingly gentle if not cryptic teacher known for both her beauty and her strictness. 
C.C. will only ship generally with @perfectbluu​ in Obey Me! Verse as she is highly protective of him and feels they have kindred spirits; only generally talking a liking to Beelzebulb, Satan, Lucifer and Mammon. That can easily change according to how they treat her chosen demon of pact, and will not hesitate to challenge them on their treatment of him and his hobbies as a coping mechanism, in the same sense she would feel a kinship with Solomon. A softness for Luke, and a wariness but quiet appreciation for the kindness of Simeon. She generally is too old and too busy to waste time on silly scruples of race.
Basically C.C. is known as both an enigma, her origins a secret, her age unknown, and renowned for both beauty and brains. To many witches and young magic users, she is an ideal, if not eccentric and gentle teacher who oddly enough always seems to have a knack of knowing just what might benefit their life’s path… 
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alphysz · 1 year
Beel: WHO ATE MY BREAD?! Beel: I'M GOING TO FUCKING K- MC: I did? Beel: Kiss you and buy some more, you haven't been eating anything today MC. *walking away* MC: MC: His gone, Mammon. Mammon, coming out the closet with bread stuffed in his mouth: Twankh uh!
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storysofmyown · 3 years
Seven stages of love Chapter one: Eros
Summary: Ever since the Celestial War, since they all fell, Asmodeus has  dedicated himself to his sin. Not caring about anything else, but  drowning himself in the pleasure and ecstasy of it all. But not anymore,  now he cant even handle the idea of it. But, what else is there to  want? After so long of having indulged in his sin, what is there than  Asmodeus is looking for, something that will fill him, and that wont  drive him to destruction? Perhaps his brothers can help him with that. Warnings will appear in each chapter.
Trigger Warnings:  Mentions of adult content, forced kiss, crying, hatred.
Word count: 2116
Lust. That’s all he felt. Constantly, uniquely, entirely. That was  him, it covered every inch of his skin, and even those which could not  be covered. It touched the deepest parts of his conscious and hid the  parts that were meant to be something else. That was everything he was.  Ecstasy, passion, deep kisses that meant nothing the other day, a  feverish dream that left him aching for something else. For something  more. But what was there to need? What could he ask for more? If there  was one thing Asmodeus knew, it was lust, it was his own body and the  way it reacted to the feeling. The many tears that had been shed before,  during and after. The immense pain that came with wanting more but  having everything there was to need in that moment.
They never  noticed. His partners, they were all too focused on the way their own  bodies felt to notice the tears from the demon. Not one of them ever had  stopped to ask the demon if he was okay, if he had enjoyed it, if he  wanted them to spend the night. But that was fine, lust did not come  with that king of treatment. And…he did not need it. All he needed was  that passion, the breathy sighs and the kisses that took him out of his  mind. The moment before it ended was the worst…because he wouldn’t have  the touches anymore.
Most called him easy, but there was a  comforting feeling in the touches of a stranger that saw him as  beautiful too. It didn’t matter where, when, how or with who, the  sensation was overwhelming, and he could never get enough, or at least  that’s what he told himself. That was what he swore until the tears  began. They were not always present, they had become something out of  nowhere. At first, he cried because of the pain, now he cried for  nothing and no one, but at the same time for everything and anyone. It  used to be the pull of the hair and the bites that drew blood, the pain  that came from the hits…now, it was the gentle touches that started it.  It was the soft kiss before the teeth were sunk in, it was the way they  held his hand before he was brought to the room where the sensation  would begin.
It was as little as a compliment, a small kiss…but  also, it was as big as when he woke up, marks covering him, soreness  making it unbearable to move, and yet…and empty bed that screamed no one  cared for anything other than the sensation. But that was expected. He  used to never cry for that, he used to be the one to leave first thing  in the morning, but now…now even when wrapped into someone’s else warmth  he felt alone. He didn’t understand why, after all, that’s all he  needed, that’s all he ever knew, nothing had changed for him to weep  like this…and yet…
Yet here he was, in the middle of a big ball.  Absolutely stunning demons left and right looking for something, asking,  begging, pleading. Some he recognized, others he had never seen before  in his long life, yet they proclaimed the sensation would be the best if  he just allowed them. Some didn’t even ask and pulled him by the arm  for a kiss, for a touch, for something that might get them what they  wanted. But…he didn’t want it…at all. It just hit him, it hit him just  as he was walking to the bathroom and a demon cornered him on the way,  hot kisses full of such a passion and desire, the sound of clothing and  the ever so gentle breathless claims of pleasure…it hit him even though  he was denying it. He didn’t want this anymore.
In fact, he hated  it. He hated the way they all looked at him, he hated the smirks and  the softness that never stayed for long. He hated how it was always  different, he used to love that. But now…now he would give anything to  be with the same person twice, because at least that would tell him that  the demon cared enough to come back. But even then…even then he  wouldn’t want it. The slap echoed through the empty halls of the palace,  as Asmodeus glared at the demon, a splash fallowed, his drink spilled  over them as he tried to breath. He hated this…he didn’t want it  anymore, not the passion, not the ecstasy, not the pain or the pull of  the hair, the bites and the marks and the breathless sighs as his body  ached for more…he didn’t want to feel lust anymore.
“…I said no…”
His  words are merely a whisper within the chaos that had spiraled in just  that second. His eyes never meet with the demon, he didn’t even get a  look at their face, their voice distant as they muttered an apology and  left. In that moment, just as he stood alone in the empty hall, the  footsteps of the demon echoing away, replaying a million times in his  head, all associated with different memories of demons that had also  left at some point, Asmodeus realized that there was something wrong  with him.
He was meant to be lust, fascination, temptation, the  hidden stares that one gives to the person they simply need, the touches  that set ablaze the skin without even a word, or the words that made  the heart run without a touch. He was lust…and yet, he didn’t want it  anymore. He didn’t want the touches that meant nothing, he didn’t want  the kisses that would not linger, he didn’t want for his bed to become  cold even under the warmth of a body in it. He wanted more…but what was  that more?
Why would he want something more than what he was? And  even so, what was there to want? What was that hidden gem that had been  calling his name for years on end, begging him to go onto and undress  his mind to its power and care? What was the sensation and the feeling  that would make him feel like a single hug meant more than all the times  he had been kissed? What was the feeling he needed that would make him  feel…like he mattered…like his partners cared about him? What was there  to want, other than what he had always had?
He hated crying. The  endless tears and the way his skin felt afterwards. He hated feeling  suffocating by his own hand, he hated the way his chest would raise and  fall so quickly that his head would rather focus on the sound of the  sobs that would make his throat hurt tomorrow. He hated how alone it  felt. All those feelings he had…all those feelings he wanted…all of the  things he knew didn’t matter and all of those that did. He was crying  for all of them, and yet for none. He was crying for the  incomprehensible feeling that brought starring on the mirror, starring  at a picture of his family, starring at others who were happy, starring  at others who were cared for. He was crying because he wanted something,  yet he didn’t knew what it was.
Why did he need it so much? Why  was it something he desired even more than the kisses itself? He never  needed something like this, he never had even asked for a hug, he didn’t  care about that! And now…and now here he was. Sobbing uncontrollably in  his bed, clothes covering his body that he couldn’t even stand to look  at in the mirror at that point. He just cried and hopped the wall and  the door would be a silent witness of his demise. But he didn’t account  for his own voice to be the one to tell on his cries.
A soft  knock came upon his door. It was like the mere silent in the room left  as Asmodeus was confronted by the voice on the other side.
Calming.  That’s how he would describe his youngest brother’s voice. Maybe it was  because his sin was sloth, maybe it was because he didn’t care…or maybe  it was because he did care. All Asmodeus knew is that the calming tone  of his brother reminded him of how little everyone cared for him, a wave  of tears come anew as he sobbed on his bed, the sheet covering from  head to toe as he hugged his legs and could feel his chest aching. He  didn’t want to answer, he didn’t want to be seen like this. He wanted to  be left alone just as much as he would give anything for someone to  comfort him at that moment. His feelings were all over the place. And  so, he missed the sound of the door being opened, the steps of Belphie  as he walked to the bed. Only becoming aware of the hand on his shoulder  when he spoke again.
Soft, sweet,  worry. Tenderness as Asmodeus softly removed the sheet to reveal his  head, red eyes, trembling lips as he looked at Belphegor for the first  time in the whole night. As he looked at anyone for the first time after  he realized he didn’t want to be his sin anymore.
“…I  don’t want to only feel lust anymore…I don’t want for others to only  feel lust for me.” He managed to speak out. His voice braking at the end  as sobs started to leave his lips.
When was the last  time he cried this much? When was the last time he felt as lost as he  did in that moment? All he knew is that never in his life did he ever  need someone to gently hug him and tell him it was okay. Never in his  entire long life did he imagine that the soft hug of someone that he  called bother could bring as much comfort as it could bring him over to  the final stages of the loathing he felt in that moment. It took a few  minutes, or maybe longer. It was hard to tell by the ever still dark  sky, but Asmodeus finally calmed down. He finally stopped sobbing  uncontrollably as he grabbed onto Belphegor. Only a few gentle sobs  leaving his lips from time to time as he apologized for Belphie having  to see him like that.
His brother merely shook his head, telling  him how he doesn’t mind, and a silent promise to not tell anyone else.  He didn’t ask what was wrong, and Asmodeus was glad he hadn’t. After  all, the crying demon had let the words slip from his mouth in a  desperate plea for help. Asmodeus barely understood this ever-lasting  loneliness that had crippled inside of him, that made its home onto his  heart and refused to leave. Even the gentlest of touches from a lover  would bring no sensation. Yet…now he felt warm as his brother hugged  him.
“Asmo…” Belphegor spoke, still hugging his elder  brother but neither of them looking at the other. The silence prevailed  for a second more as Asmodeus took deep breaths trying to control the  still emerging tears. “…you do remember that we are family…and that  means we **** you, right?”
Belphegor always had a way to  point the most obvious things in the world…and yet those same things  were the most forgettable of them all. How long has it been since he  heard that word? How much longer had it been since those words were  muttered towards him, about him, for him? Even longer than the last time  he had said them, that’s for sure. He had used the word before, in  passing, in a moment, never paying too much attention. But now…now he  wondered. Belphegor had used that word towards him, saying they were  family, but…why did Asmo still feel so alone? That word was meant to  express some kind of care, right? Perhaps…perhaps he didn’t understand  them, not yet at least. And for that reason, he couldn’t believe  Belphegor’s words, there was so much he didn’t know still…
As the  moon went down and the sobs became mere deafened whispers in the dark,  Asmodeus and Belphegor kept hugging each other. And although the older  demon had yet to understand what was amiss within him, there was a  reassurance in is brothers embrace, something he needed, a hug, and  nothing more.  
Eros: Desire, sensual, passionate, pleasurable, and erotic love. Can also be seen as sexual longing.
Uhhhhh...hi? It has been like...a long time since i last wrote and posted anything here. Truth is Ive been working on this fic for a long time now and I am finally happy enough with this to post the first chapter. So, yes, here it is. This was inspired by a piece of trivia I heard where the Greeks had 7 words for the different types of love. And it got me wondering how would Asmodeus react to those. So yeah, I really hope you all liked this chapter, and I will be posting the next one next Saturday!
Next Chapter
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storysofmyown · 4 years
Single Father Lucifer AU, a drabble
Plot: Lucifer and his six children process as they move into their new house and Lucifer’s first meeting with Diavolo.
Note: I honestly don't know if i should call this a drabble, a an actual fic or anything like that. But...its not just the normal listing of headcanons so...enjoy???
The front door opened slowly; Lucifer fumbled with the keys as he took the first step inside the house. The room was quiet, the living room was spacious enough for the seven of them, Lucifer sighed while turning around to instruct the people that were moving their stuff where to put them, when a small child went running inside, making a lot of noise, giving the house a little taste of what it was about to go through for the upcoming years.
"I WANT THE BIGGER ROOM" Mammon screamed as he ran up the stairs to the second floor, ready to claim his room.
"It isn't fair! I have more stuff than him! I SHOULD GET THE BIGGER ROOM!" Leviathan ran after Mammon, his goldfish plushy in his hands as the child almost tripped on his way up stairs.
"Stop running inside the house!"
"We only just got here and those two are already running around." Satan fixed his glasses as he entered the room, positioning himself out of the way and looking at the new place that was going to be their home.Even though he was only 9 years old, he already acted more mature than his eldest brother.
"How tiring." Belphie said mid yawn, holding onto Beel’s shirt as not to fall over, who’s stomach only grumbled even while munching on a cookie.
"Well, I don't care about who gets the biggest room, I just want the prettiest one!" Asmo threw his hands in the air, loosing balance for a second and having to hold onto Lucifer's neck as not to fall, the man in question tightened his grip around his child, before moving out of the way and placing Asmodeus down.
Lucifer groaned, massaging his temples before turning and giving the moving crew instructions. He looked over at the four children standing there before sighing. This was going to be a tiring day.
"Why don't you go with your brothers? I'll be here making sure we brought everything, so why don't you guys go explore the house?" Belphegor and Asmodeus nodded before going upstairs were Levi and Mammon were fighting. Lucifer looked at the remaining children, Satan and Beel, who were looking up at him. "What is it?"
"Do you have the list?" Satan asked, smiling smugly at his father. Lucifer mentally cursed himself. He had forgotten the list back in their old house, now they wouldn't be able check what items had arrived. The man groaned before he heard the child laugh. "I knew you would forget it, here." Satan took a piece of paper out of his back pocket. It was wrinkled and the handwriting was messy, but he could read it. "I figured you might forget it, so I made my own!" Lucifer smiled fondly at the kid, who only went smiled and went upstairs with his other brothers. Beel remained beside Lucifer’s legs.
"Do you want another cookie Beel?"
"Yes! No, wait...I...I wanted to help with the boxes." Lucifer smiled at his child, before pinching his cheeks and nodding.
"Okay, let us see which boxes we can help carry. That way we can finish earlier." Beel nodded slowly. After a few hours of moving and opening boxes, finally they had everything inside. Lucifer paid the crew before making his way upstairs, the children were all huddled up in what he determined was going to be his room so that Mammon and Levi stopped fighting over it.
"Okay kids, who is staying each room? I need to know for when we unpack tomorrow."
"I want the one with the balcony!!!" Asmo chimed in, raising his hand, and jumping up and down in excitement. There were no objections raised, so he nodded, to which a small and happy "Yes!" Was heard.
"There is a room with some shelves, can I have that one? I can store my books in there." Lucifer nodded slowly; Satan gave a small smile before fixing his glasses again. Lucifer needed to remind Simeon to bring them before Monday.
"I want the biggest one then!" Leviathan pouted while hugging Henry, the goldfish, even tighter, bright eyes looking up at Lucifer, who glanced at Mammon to see he was about to protest.
"How about this, Levi, i will get this room since i need more space, and you get the second biggest room and Mammon, “Lucifer glanced at his oldest son. “you get the one next to mine because you are the older, okay?" Mammon grumbled for a moment before nodding.
"Well, since I'm the oldest it's only natural I get a room besides pop's, I'm basically the head of the family!" Mammon grinned while Levi just stuck out his tongue at his brother.
"What about you two? Which rooms will you be staying in?" Lucifer looked at the twins, Belphie had his head resting in Beel’s shoulder.
"We want to be in the same room." Beel spoke up, looking pleadingly at Lucifer, who raised an eyebrow.
"You sure? We have more space in this house, there is no need for you two to share a room anymore-"
"We don't mind." Belphie yawned. "We like sharing a room, right Beel?"Which got a nod from his twin.
"Fine, guess that leaves a room for visit or storage. Lucky us, I guess."
"Yes Beel?"
"I’m hungry."
"There it is, I was wondering why it has taken so long for you to say it." Satan grinned lightly at his younger brother while Lucifer thought.
"Well, I was planning to go buy some groceries tomorrow. So how about we all go out to eat?" The kids cheered at the proposal, everyone except Levi who groaned at the idea of going out again.
"Didn't we pass a restaurant in our way here?"
"Yes, I believe we did, Asmodeus. Want to check it out?" The children all nodded excitedly.
The next couple of days had been... chaotic. School had yet started, and the kids were immensely bored, which meant they would constantly playing pranks on one another, causing problems, fighting and for Lucifer to lose his mind. He was supposed to start working in 3 days, and he was meant to visit the office that day for a quick tour.
And the way things were, he was sure he was not going to be able to go today at all. While he pondered what he should do, a knock came to the door. Asmo ran towards the door claiming he would answer as Lucifer rose to his feet, only to hear a excited gasp coming from his child. "Uncle Simeon!! Cousin Luke!!!" Asmo exclaimed, and the moment those words left his mouth, it was like the army of children had been summoned to the front door and tackled their uncle to the floor.
After a few exchanges and Simeon hugging the kids, those running with Luke upstairs who already seemed a little annoyed, Lucifer and Simeon sat to talk. A small conversation before Simeon reminded him of his visit.
“But anyway, shouldn't you be at the office right now?” Simeon raised an eyebrow, starring at Lucifer.
“Yes...i was supposed to, but i couldn't just leave the children alone and taking them with me was out of the question.” Lucifer lets out a deep sigh as he closes his eyes for a moment.
“Why do you think I’m here for?” Simeon smiled at the man. “I’ll watch over the kids. Now you go and give the boss a good first impression.” Simeon got up from the couch and proceeded to call the kids and say they will play a game. Lucifer looked at his watch, it was almost four pm, they had agreed to meet at 4:30. If he was fast, then he might just make it in time.
 And so, Lucifer started a race against the clock, after finishing taking a quick shower and putting his clothes on, he bid goodbye to the children before managing to get to the office with five minutes to spare. Lucifer sighed as he parked the car, his portfolio in hand as he thought about what awaited him in this new job. Because of the move and the kids expenses, he needed to find a well paying job thanks to Simeon and Silomon. And apparently the boss, Diavolo, as he told them to call him, was in desperate need for an assistant. So...Lucifer took the opportunity and moved across the country in order to give the kids a new begging...he hoped it was for the best.
Lucifer was in front of the receptionist, Barbatos as the man had presented himself, and now was waiting to be called in. He sat down while he waiting, not long after, a red haired man sat besides him, Lucifer greeted him and was planing to stay silent until the man spoke up.
“You must be here for the assistants job, right?” Lucifer looked at the man, taking in his features, he was good looking and around Lucifer’s age if not a bit older, Lucifer swallowed before nodding.
“Yes, i was informed to be here to meet with the boss in order to get a run down of how the building looked and how we would operate.” The man besides him hummed, a curious smile as he looked at Lucifer. 
“Well, if that's the case, i should probably warn you.” The man looked around, almost as if to make sure he isn't being heard. “Some people say the boss can be a bit...how do I put it... extravagant. Think you can handle that?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the man, was he trying to spread rumors? Whatever it was, Lucifer just shook his head.
“Even if that was the case, I wont mind. I’ve heard good things about this place and the boss and i...would like to be part of it.” Lucifer cleared his throat before giving the man a side smirk. “Besides...after dealing with my children all day i bet the boss cant be that bad.” He wasn't sure why he said that, but there was something inviting, almost enticing about the man sitting besides him. Normally he wouldn't give details about his personal life to those around him but he felt at ease with the stranger.
The man only smiled at Lucifer before getting up. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”
“But what about-”
“Don’t worry about it, Barbatos will let us know when its time to head back.” The man pointed at Barbatos, who was acting as the current assistant until Lucifer started work next week. The man only nodded with a smile at both Lucifer and the man, and although hesitantly, Lucifer agreed to be shown around.
After walking around for what felt like almost an hour, the strange red haired man had shown Lucifer every corner of the building, all except from one. Lucifer was worried that by now he had been called and was not present but as they were heading to the last room they were to check, Barbatos only smiled at them, which Lucifer took as an indicator that he had not been called yet. So, Lucifer fallowed the taller man into the elevator which not long after came to a halt.
“And to wrap this up, this is the cafeteria. We didn't want for the workers to go hungry all day feeding off vending machines so the order was given to make this room into the workers dinning place.” Lucifer looked around, there were some workers eating and the smell of food made his way to him, reminding him of just how hungry he actually was.
“That’s...actually a good idea.” Lucifer smiled, trying to ignore his own stomach. He should have listened to Beel before leaving the house. without eating anything. He tried to hide it, though, it seemed like he didn't do such a good job for the man chuckled before inviting him to eat. “Oh no, wouldn't want to oppose any trouble. Plus, i really should go up and  wait to be called in.” 
“Awe, cmon on! I'm inviting, and i already told you, Barbatos will let us know.” Lucifer thought about it for a second, and decided to accept the mans invitation.
They sat down on one of the tables after getting something small, Lucifer asked the knowledgeable man more about the company and slowly the conversation turned into more casual talk.
“Wait, wait, wait, so you are telling me you have six children?!” The man looked at Lucifer with wide eyes but an amused smile. “How in the world did you even get any sleep when they were little?” Lucifer would chuckle at this.
“Oh...well i actually didn't get any sleep. But, my youngest is making up for my sleep. He sleeps enough for the entire family.” This would get another laugh from the man, before he glances at his watch, clears his throat and gets up.
“Well, i must say I had a good time meeting you like this. But i must attend some meetings.” The man offered Lucifer a hand, which he gladly shook. 
“Of course- oh, i dot believe i got your name” Lucifer looks at the man.
“Ah right. My name is Diavolo, i am eager to start working with you from this week on, Lucifer.” At the mention of the name Lucifer went pale...that was his new boss. This whole time he had been talking with his new boss and not once did he suspect of it. Diavolo only chuckled at Lucifer’s face. “You should get going. I wouldn't want to keep you from your children that long. Oh! And next time, why don't you invite?” 
With this, the man disappeared. leaving a shocked Lucifer behind feeling embarrassed. After the shock wore off, Lucifer got in his car and drove home, immediately being greeted by his children.
“Daddy!!” Asmodeus jumped on Lucifer, only for the other kids to do the same, making him almost fall.
“Hey, calm down. Let your father at least enter the home.” Simeon laughed, before looking at Lucifer. “So, did you meet the boss?” 
“I...did. Not in the most ideal circumstances but-”
“Oh, i take it he acted like a normal employer  and didn't say who he was until he had to leave?” Simeon smirked.
“You knew he did that? And didnt warn me?” Lucifer glares at Simeon, only for him to laugh.
“he instructed us not to tell anyone. Its his way of getting to know his employees before the whole “work place” relationship takes over.” Lucifer glared once more only to sigh.
“...thank you for looking after the kids.”
“Of course, whenever you need it. We love watching over them!” Simeon starts gathering his things.
“Not at all!” Luke chimes in, he walked in carrying Belphegor who Lucifer proceed to take from the child’s hands.
After Simeon and Luke left, Lucifer was left with his kids. It seemed that Simeon had them play some games for it wasnt yet past nine when all of them were already asleep. Lucifer took them all to their rooms before heading to his. Soon he would start work and the kids school would be opening as well. He really hoped everything went well, for his sake, and his children's as well.
Aighty dears! I hope y’all had enjoyed this...drabble/fic? Whatever, not sure if ill write more like this for this AU but we will see! Also, for those awaiting the scarred chapter 13, i made some progress with it, finally TwT! It is not completed yet but id say half of it its done so...yay! :3 I hope yall liked this, and yknow...stay safe people!!
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storysofmyown · 3 years
Seven stages of love Chapter 5: Storge
Summary: Ever since the Celestial War, since they all fell, Asmodeus has  dedicated himself to his sin. Not caring about anything else, but  drowning himself in the pleasure and ecstasy of it all. But not anymore,  now he cant even handle the idea of it. But, what else is there to want? After so long of having indulged in his sin, what is there than  Asmodeus is looking for, something that will fill him, and that wont  drive him to destruction? Perhaps his brothers can help him with that. Warnings will appear in each chapter.   
Read on ao3
Word Count: 2,647
Trigger Warning: Mentions of lust, anger, crying, detachment.
Asmodeus woke up alone. His eyes meeting nothing but the darkness of the Devildom mornings as he sat up on his bed. Wait, his bed? No, it wasn’t his bed, it wasn’t as soft, and the floral scent that was constant in his room wasn’t there. It also didn't feel like Mammon's bed, no quite. In his confusion, the demon barely registered when his eyesight adjusted to the dark, realization hitting him as he finally noticed who’s room he was in.
“Mhm, you are awake.” A deep voice caused the demon to look a little too fast at the door, only to see his eldest brother standing there with two cups of tea. “I suspected you would be doing so soon, so I took the liberty of getting you some as well.” He moves his hands as if emphasizing he meant the tea, before walking over to his desk and setting both cups down, only to turn to his younger brother, a unreadable expression in his face, like always, as he sat down on a chair and starred at Asmodeus, whose mind was still wondering how he had woken up in his brothers room.
It wasn’t like he went to sleep in his room either. If the way his back ached was anything to go by. That was something about each of them that showed how they were unique. Or at least, some of those things, they were trivial, but the more Asmodeus payed attention to them, the more he realized how different each of them were. if they were a family like they had always thought, although broken in its own achord, why were they so different? Perhaps, at the end of the day, the only reason why they called each other brothers was because they fell together. Had Diavolo decided to pay no mind to that, and gave each of them a house of their own, would they still see one another as brothers? No, what was he thinking? They were family, right? I mean they had been they for each other so far...they had to be.
Asmodeus aimlessly took the cup of tea, barely even glancing up at the demon as he sighed, placing it down on the table that was besides his brothers bed. A tiredness in his eyes and withing himself that the demon couldn’t believe or even comprehend. Then, a memory of words, promises and ideals come to his mind, as he frowned. That’s right, he still didn’t know how in the world had he found himself in his eldest brothers room.
“…I thought I had fallen asleep in Mammon’s room.”
He whispers, half absentminded. There was no real reason why he was asking. To be fair, now days, there was no real reason why he did or said anything anymore. There was just this big hole inside of him, and for a moment the other night, he truly believed that if he went back, to those nights when once had enjoyed, if he went back that he once more that it would all go away… Or perhaps not. He knew that it would only hurt him more, even Mammon had seen through his rouse. Now, now he was able to see clearly through the fog that had cemented itself in his mind. He had not been looking for a way to fix everything that he thought was wrong with the way he was feeling. No, in fact, if anything, he had been looking for the final thing that would simply allow him to cease all feelings. The real reason was that he was so tired from all of the things he had learned and did not understand, and that feeling in his chest, that he was hoping to destroy it all, even if it meant destroying himself in the process.
“Mammon informed me about your state. And I wanted to be present when you awoke.” With those simple words, the older demon noticed a shift in his brothers expression. No longer did he look detached from it all and tired, now he looked alert, shocked…betrayed. But, why would he feel any of those things? It was more than expected none of his brothers knew how to keep things to themselves, even Belphegor had exposed him, perhaps not by saying to the others what he had seen, but by letting the others know about the state of of him.
The elder demon noticed the lost expression in his brothers eyes, starring at him for a couple of seconds before he sighed, placing down his own cup as he approached him, only to be meet with a glare. Asmodeus felt like his entire being did not matter. Every time he allowed himself to feel any type of way, he was immediately found out by another member of his family. First Belphegor, then Mammon, and now Lucifer. Why couldn’t they just allow him to deal with this on his own?! Did they need to show him just how ridiculous the situation was one by one standing in front of him with some put together nice words that showed just how much they knew of the one thing Asmodeus seemed to be so confused by?!
Why did they even went through the trouble of giving him the time of the day?! Why would they share their information, their knowledge, who they were, to the pathetic demon that came to each of their door to cry and complain about things that he had no grasp about?! Was it pity? That must be it. Pity for the demon that they were forced to see as family. Pity at seeing him so withered away from his original form, or perhaps it was their own sick and twisted way to tempt him with the answer. Perhaps it was a trick from all six of them, each telling Asmodeus something different to make him feel somehow worse than he already did. He wouldn’t put it past them, they were demons after all.
Family, yeah, that may be what they introduced themselves as, brothers who fell together and now represented the sins. Sins that were no longer represented by them, but them having become the living embodiment those. Leviathan must have felt some kind of satisfaction, the Avatar of Envy, having finally nothing to be envious about as he smirked and allowed himself to rejoice in knowing more than his brother. Satan, heh, how fun must it have been for him, watched the wrath and confusion in him as he explained simply and calmly all that he knew. Mammon, oh dear Mammon, that idiot must have countless of pictures and videos, maybe even voice recordings of what he had said and acted like the night before. He must have already sold it, made some pretty penny and now was spending the money after having humiliated him. And of course…Lucifer, Lucifer, avatar of Pride. He must be feeling so powerful and strong at seeing his weak pathetic little brother like this. Must be feeling a rush of pride at knowing he was better in every way, and his little brother was nothing but a pathetic mess. He hated it all, had it always been like this, have they always pretended to be family? Well, its not like it mattered in the end.
“Asmodeus? What is-?”
Asmodeus scream was that of a child, a child who had just been revealed some kind of truth he did not want to hear. It was so shocking and so raw, so hurt, that Lucifer could do nothing but stare at Asmodeus for as long as he could allow himself to. Just when he was about to speak, the panting from his brother ceased as tears were reflected in his eyes, the glare still in place. As many emotions that were swirling in the demons’ eyes, there was one that Lucifer could pinpoint precisely. An emotion that he himself that felt so many years ago, an emotion that all of them had felt at some point, the same emotion that had literally given one of them live so many years ago.
Hate. It was a hate so powerful and palpable that Lucifer couldn’t help but remember the time when he felt such an emotion. But this was slightly different. Within the hate, there was something more. There was a sadness that could take over thee hate in a flash of light. Asmodeus felt so completely alone, and those emotions he was feelings…they weren’t directed at Lucifer, not really. Not him or at any of the brothers, no. They were directed at Asmodeus himself as he refused to look at Lucifer again. Finally speaking.
“…don’t you dare ask what is wrong, trying to get me to talk about it just so you can feel some sadistic pleasure at knowing that I am like this! You must be rejoicing already but I wont let you or anyone else keep seeing me like this! I-I know that I am we-weak and all t-that! B-But it doesn’t mean I need you! I-I don’t need your help s-so j-just shut up!”
The demon was so overwhelmed he couldn’t even stop the words from escaping his lips. He was lying, or maybe not. And he was possibly wrong about that statement, but it didn’t matter. He didn’t want anyone to see him like this, and yet from the very start of the situation, each time he was in his lowest point one of his brothers had to intervene and watch him as he fell slightly, as he became more desperate as he learned of the thing he still had no idea what it had struck him so hard when Belphegor claimed it.
At this point…he felt nothing but despair. It had been weeks, maybe longer, since that word had made its way into Asmodeus life, and he had yet to understand it in anyway. And now…now here he was. Screaming at his brother, thinking to himself that he didn’t need anyone, or more, rather, trying to convince himself that he didn’t need anyone.
In the fickle moments were clarity made its way to the shipwreck inside Asmodeus mind, there was a slight chance where the real part of Asmodeus could see through all the deceive and the lies he had been feeding himself. The deception that had cemented itself as solid stone, an overwhelming presence of la fort as it presented itself like an impotent being that was there to defend Asmodeus, it kept growing and becoming far greater than it was even possible. Although there were cracks, cracks where the demon could find himself looking for a way out, where the real world placed itself and presented itself to him, but it never lasted long.
The wall became far greater and bigger with each lie Asmodeus fed himself, and the curses flying his mind as he tried to rip the memories and the information his brothers had given him in the past. Part of him wanted to hold on to that information, to learn and to understand, to simply separate himself from the lustful demon he was and forget all about the past. But there was another part of him that each time he tried to climb, dig or shine from the fort, it grabbed him and pulled him deeper into a maze formed with the same stone he had managed to strip away. In the end, it was only him with his conflicted feelings, a void inside, and meaningless words with the suffocating sensation that brought the never-ending walls. Because this was Asmodeus, and there was nothing more to him.
There right in the room, for a moment, maybe more, perhaps less, existed a silence that prevailed. A silence that covered and bathed every each of the two demons that stood there. The soft ticking that came with a bomb having ceased as it had already unleashed all that had hidden inside. All that had been unsaid for so many years and had been slowly corroded by the weight of time. In a moment Lucifer assumed he had been talking to his brother, the same brother that laughed at night and made jokes and complimented each one of them. In the other, with the silence, with the crumbs left in the air, Lucifer realized that all this time, he and everyone else had been talking to a nonexistent figure. A blank, a pose, an actor, a ghost. Someone that someone had taken over the face of their brother, his voice, his mannerism, and had shaped him into something he hated.
For the first time, it seemed like he was talking to the real Asmodeus.
No, that wasn’t the case either. This was what was left after so many years of the façade, but…but it felt real. Although the image in front of him was fragmented and with missing pieces, a voice so broken that even screams only passed as the softest of whispers, with the gust of wind carrying them away, it was real. What Asmodeus was expressing, they were real concerns that his brother had. And Lucifer felt, that for the first time, he truly knew his brother.
Neither of them could tell how much time it had passed since Asmodeus last spoke. The air was filled with the silent, and Asmodeus head was filled with the ever-aching sensation of not belonging, of not knowing. Trapped in the maze withing the fort he couldn’t even tell when Lucifer sat down next to him, with a soft expression. Or when had his brother taken Asmodeus hand into his own, or even when he had initiated a hug where the younger demon actually felt the warmth he had missed ever since Belphegor hugged him that one night, and when the rest of his brothers showed him any type of affection. After an untellable amount of time, Lucifer finally spoke. And Asmodeus felt like finally, after so much fighting with himself to held it up, a part of the wall was brought down.
“…I know you are confused. Scared, and that you feel alone, you are discovering things about yourself that go against everything you thought you were, and that you no longer see yourself as the person that you used to be. And…that is okay Asmodeus, you don’t have to be a certain way all of your life. You don’t have to force yourself to be someone. You are you, in every shape, in every way, in all forms. The past was you, but that shouldn’t stop you from welcoming and embracing this new you. And at the end of the day, even if you still haven’t figured it out, or if you did and you don’t like it, or any other possible scenario, we will be here.” Lucifer paused, and so did Asmodeus breathing for less than a mere second as he prepared himself for Lucifer's next words, he knew what they would be, alas, the impact was the same. “Because we are family…”
Family…a broken family. If anything. So why did Lucifer, one of the most powerful demons there were in the Devildom had to go out of his way to comfort him? He must be such a shame for his family. And yet…yet all of them had showed that although he was in this state, they were there for him, to answer his questions and tell him the hard cold truth, and beyond that to take Asmodeus hand, look him in the eye, and say they were going to be there for him no matter what. They were flawed family, and Asmodeus hated how much they were in each others business. But even if his doubt killed him, even if they got into fights, and even if one if they were deeply wrong, they would stand together.
“Because we are family, and we **** you.”
Well hi! I really hope you all enjoyed this new chapter! There are only 2 chapters left in this fic so i hope y'all are looking forward to them lol, anyway, next chapter on Saturday, hopefully. Until then!
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storysofmyown · 3 years
Could I request a headcannon with the seven bros + Solomon where the mc has a pet suffering and needs to be put down ASAP. Mc ask them to be with them during the procedure.
This totally wont make me cry while I think about my pets TwT Trigger Warning, obviously, so reader discretion is advised.
Lucifer The moment he saw your teary eyes and broken expression he knew something was wrong. The demon got up as fast as he could to cradle you in his arms as you explained what the situation was. It pained him to see you in such pain, specially over the animal that you loved so much. For him you needn't even ask. The next day he is right there with you, as you say your final goodbyes to your beloved pet, hugging and kissing your face, reassuring you that although the pet was no longer with you, the time you both shared made it the happiest ever.
Mammon This demon would have a slightly hard time figuring out how to comfort you. Specially since he had had a pet he cared for as deeply as you cared for yours. But even so, the demon tried his best to be there, he was a little shocked when you asked him to be there in the pets final moments, he tried to play it off as him being the obvious choice but in reality the demon was really happy you would ask him to be in such a sentimental moment. Rubbing your back as you cried over the pet, staying silent as he watched over you. On the days that fallowed, he'd try his best to cheer you up, in his own Mammon way. He'd buy you multiple shiny and expensive things at random in hope to cheer you up, but when none have the result he hoped he ends up doing something a little more lowkey. He buys you a stuffed animal that is almost identical to your beloved pet, giving it to you and saying that even now they could accompany you.
Leviathan                                                                                                 The boy knows exactly what it is like loosing or fearing the lost of a beloved pet. He and Henry are best friends., so he more than anyone understood the relationship you had with your pet. It was difficult for him to be there, specially since he was with you the moment the veterinary said there wasnt much he could do. He heard you try and figure out a way to save the poor animal, but there really wasnt a viable option. He awkwardly held you, giving you a small encouraging smile as you had to sit there and watch as your friend was put down. He cried a little with you, holding you closer, any game or anime in his schedule forgotten as the demon sat with you, and heard all your feelings in that moment, holding your hand, and trying his best to distract you whenever you asked him to.
Satan                                                                                                        This demon, in his infinite book collection and knowledge he had a hard time trying to comfort you. And an even harder time watching as you had to witness the poor animal being put down for its own good. He didnt like any of it, from the sadness in your eyes to the fact he couldn't stop thinking about, he was an animal lover, after all, specially for cats. For him it was a mixture of emotions as he had to hold you close in the middle of the night, shushing as you cried and claimed how much you missed your little friend, and anger on how he couldnt help you in any way, or help your beloved pet. It hurt to see that although he loved you so much, there wasnt anything he could do to help you in those moments other than being there for you. So that's what he did, along with his knowledge of your lickings and some books on the grieving process he made sure to be as helpful to you as possible, kissing the tears away and even making an album with all the pictures you had taken with your beloved animal. Hoping that whenever you missed it, looking at it would ease the pain for you. And even if it didnt, he would be right there.
Asmodeus                                                                                             Asmo was a midpoint between the brothers that got it and the ones that didnt. But just like all others he made sure to be there for you as much as you needed him to. he was quite honored you would ask him to company you in such a moment, it moved him to know he was someone so close to you that you would ask him for comfort when it came to the loss of a loved one. And he did his best to do so, he didnt talk about himself the while time, instead, he talked about you, how you were feeling, and he tried to help you remember the happy memories with the animal rather than focus on what was about to happen. Afterwards he would make sure that you are taking care of yourself even, keeping a water bottle right next to you while always giving you as much affection as you needed or wanted in that moment. Reminding you that you had a good heart and that your animal would be really happy he had you as an owner while kissing you.
Beel                                                                                                         Beel really, really, really didnt like to see you crying. Specially about losing someone you held close to your heart. It hurt him deeply when you told him your pet had to be put down since they couldn't be saved. His first instinct was to wrap you up in his arms and shield you from all that pain that would be coming soon, but the moment you started crying in his embrace he realized that this was something he couldnt protect you from. The demon would feel a wave of sadness as he stands next to you, watching you say goodbye to your small friend, and knowing there wasnt much he could do to help you, so, once you were ready to leave, he made sure to be there for you whenever you needed him. He would make sure you didnt skip meals over the sadness, reminding you that your friend wouldnt like seeing you all that sad. He just wanted to help you be happy again, and even if he couldnt bring your pet back he would try as much as possible to let you know that you had made the small animal as happy as it has made you.
Belphegor                                                                                       Belphegor would have the hardest time to understand why you were so sad over an animal. There were many like the one you had, you could easily just pick another one and give it the same name, but although he had those thought, he never went ahead and voiced them. he kept them silenced, knowing that you were in pain, and that even if he couldnt understand the source of that pain, he understood the pain of loosing someone important. So, when you asked him to be there, he stayed right by your side, if his presence alone could give you some sort of comfort then he wasnt about to deny you from it. On the next few days to weeks he would stay glued to your side, making sure to wipe the tears away whenever he saw them emerge, reminding you that everything would be alright, holding you close and letting you sleep in his arms. As clueless as he was as to why you cared about the animal so much, he wasnt about to mock you or make any ill comment about it, instead he kissed your forehead, wrapped you in a blanket, got you your favorite drink and reassured you that you were the best owner that the animal could have had.
Solomon                                                                                              Solomon would understand you better than most of the demons. Even more so than Leviathan. Giving that he was human like you, he understood the loving of something that wouldnt last for all your life. And those feelings only got deeper after the potion granted him immortality. He understood perfectly what it meant, and the pain which you were going trough at the moment. So, without even asking, he was right there, watching as you said goodbye to someone so special to you, and he knew he needed to do something to ease that pain. He used all kinds of spells until he found the right one, a spell to project ones memories. He knew it wouldn't be the same, and that it probably would only hurt more for a little while. But he wanted to let you be able to see and interact with the pet like you had in all those memories. and whenever you asked him to put the spell down, he’d be right there, with tissues to wipe your tears, and a warm hug.
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storysofmyown · 4 years
Hi. If you're taking requests could you do something with an MC who has trouble sleeping so just how the guys try to help them sleep/cuddle (basically fluff, lol). My biases are Lucifer and Beel but you could pick whoever. Thanks.
Oh I love this concept! Yes, absolutely dear!
Lucifer was walking down the halls of the house of Lamentation making sure no one had sneaked out, when he passed your room and heard some shuffling inside.
He figured it would be for the best to check up on you, as he slowly knocked on the door and awaited to see if you responded, which you did a couple of seconds later.
The moment you opened the door Lucifer had to stop himself from chuckling at their state. Pajamas and messy hair as you looked at him with a frown and asked what he wanted. Lucifer would raise an eyebrow and ask if everything was okay, followed by you explaining that for some reason you simply couldn't go to sleep.
Lucifer smiled softly before nodding, telling you to go back in bed and that he would be back in a few minutes, and not daring to defy the Avatar of Pride, you did just that.
After a couple of minutes Lucifer knocked once again on the door, and came in after you told him it was unlocked, the divine aroma of tea invading your room as Lucifer sat beside you and gave you the cup.
“...this isnt the tea you once said would make me fall asleep forever, is it?” You asked, looking at him with tired eyes as the delicious aroma made its way to you.
“Would you like it to be?” You looked at him for a moment, only for him to smirk warmly. “Its just tea, it should help you relax.” With that, you decided to take a sip from the tea.
You dont know if it was the drink or the company, but soon enough you started to get sleepy, you went into a comfortable position and Lucifer put the covers over your body before walking towards the door.
Only for you to decide to grab his arm, sleepy eyes looking up at him. “...stay...”
This would get a heartfelt laugh out of Lucifer as he lays next to you on bed, a hand around your waist as he holds you close and kisses the back of your head softly.
“Sweet dreams” Is the last thing you hear before drifting to sleep in the demons arms.
It was almost 3 am, yet Leviathan was still awake watching the newest episode from an anime he liked. The climax of the episode had just began when a knock on his door made him jump, making his phone fall. Leviathan glared at the door before getting open and opening the door, ready to yell at whoever it was that startled him.
But, he stopped himself at the sight of you, tired eyes and holding a pillow as you looked sheepishly away. 
“...i cant sleep...can i stay here with you?” You looked up at him, making Leviathans heart skip a beat and his otakuness remind him of all the anime where the protagonist fell asleep with their crush because of this exact situation. He couldn't answer you, so he just stepped aside to let you come in.
You two would just sit besides each other doing your own thing, he would be reading some manga while you peep over his shoulder, at some point your head would fall on his shoulder. Making the awkward demon turn bright red and look at you, poking your cheek.
“...did you really just fell asleep?” He would ask softly, not wanting to wake you up, once there is no response other than your soft breathing, Leviathan  would somehow manage to get the both of you in his “bed” (How does this boy sleep in a bathtub?) without waking you up.
He would close his eyes trying to fall asleep before he feels you shuffling around, a hand moving and resting on top of his chest as you head was gently placed on his arm, making the demon die of embarrassment for a second.
After getting used to the touch, Leviathan would place his hand on top of years and fall asleep like that, a happy smile in his lips. (Tho, dont complain if the next day you wake up with back pains, what were you expecting XD)
Satan was on his way back to his room when he bumped onto someone on the hallway. He would glare at the person before noticing its. His features would immediately change as he smiles. “Ah, apologies Mc, didn't see you there.” You would reassure him that’s its fine as he watches you rub your eyes. “Everything okay?”
“yeah...i just cant fall asleep.” Mc would frown at nothing, making Satan smile softly at them, taking their hand into his and leading them into his room.
“I have the perfect cure for that.” You followed the demon into his room, and sat on his bed once he indicated for you to do so, waiting a couple of seconds as he looked for something from all his bookshelves, only to make an “aha!” noise once he found it and turned around. “Found it.” Satan smiles as he sits besides you, a book in his hands.
“...are you going to put a spell on me to fall asleep?” You question, looking at him with a small smirk causing him to blush slightly.
“I would never use such a trick on you...” There would be a small silence as Satan looks away from the human, who s still smirking as their eyes are glued to the demon, he would clear his throat and face them once again. “I was actually thinking about reading for you a little. It helps me relax and i thought that it might help you fall asleep.” He explains simply. “Would that be okay?” His voice is soft as looks at you, only for you to nod and scoot closer to him.
Satan would get comfortable besides you, both of you resting your backs against his beds headboard while your head was on his chest, looking at the book he was holding with his left hand while his right hand was over your shoulders, slowly caressing your arm.
His soft voice and the words from the book, the lingering touches and the warm feeling would not take long before they made you fall asleep. Satan would notice almost immediately and smile softly at you, softly kissing your forehead before moving to be more comfortable and hold you closer, a happy humm would leave his lips before falling a sleep besides you.
Beel was on his way to the kitchen for his midnight snack, when he ran into you. You were sitting in a chair starring at an empty glass with a tired expression, which made him frown and walk up to you.
“Mc?” He would call your name, announcing his presence before walking up to you. “Is everything okay?” His voice would be as soft as possibly as he brings a hand to your head, patting it slowly.
“I cat sleep.” You say simply, a sad expression as you are now leaning close to him, which Beel immediately takes as a sing of you needing a hug. He would wrap his arms around you, his big body immediately becoming a safe space as you melted into his arms, a tired sigh leaving your lips.
Beel would hug you for a long time, his head resting on top of yours as he refused to let you go, before he gets an idea. Carefully, he would pick you up bridal style. Asking you if it was okay and if you were comfortable before smiling and starting to walk towards your room.
Once inside, Beel would put you in bed and lay besides you, holding you tightly as he faces you.
“...you are always there for me when i get nightmares...o i want to be here for you as well.” his eyes meet yours before he smiles, his arms holding you even tighter, making you bury your head in his chest, a breathy laugh falls.
“You are so damn sweet.” Your hands wrap around him as well before you look at him, your faces close before he gives you a small peck, a blush dusting his cheeks before he proceeds to kiss you again.
“...try and get some rest, i wont go anywhere.” He speaks agaisnt your hair.
“...thank you”, that’s the last thing he hears, a couple of minutes later you managed to fall asleep surrounded by the warmth of the big demon as he carefully holds you.
Hope this meets your expectations and that you liked it! I tried to make it as fluffy and soft as i could but i don't have much experience in the fluffy part 😅 but i still hope this was enjoyable!
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storysofmyown · 3 years
Seven stages of love Chapter 3: Ludus
Summary: Ever since the Celestial War, since they all fell, Asmodeus has  dedicated himself to his sin. Not caring about anything else, but  drowning himself in the pleasure and ecstasy of it all. But not anymore,  now he cant even handle the idea of it. But, what else is there to want? After so long of having indulged in his sin, what is there than  Asmodeus is looking for, something that will fill him, and that wont  drive him to destruction? Perhaps his brothers can help him with that. Warnings will appear in each chapter.
Trigger Warnings: Self depricatement (?), anger, mentions of exhaustion. Please tell me if I forgot to add one.
Word Count: 3278
Read on ao3
It had been at the very least an hour, and Asmodeus eyes had yet to focus on the damn page in front of him. His eyes were looking at the words. He was reading and he knew what each word meant, but it all felt like his brain refused to understand what was in front of him. He read the same word over and over again but in his mind all he could think about was Leviathans words and what it all meant to him. His heart rate had been calmer than ever before, but that didn’t mean it was good. That only meant that he was in such a state of confusion he had to look up from the book to realize he was in Satan’s room. A faint memory came to mind of him waking up in the middle of the day and making his way here. But…it was all fuzzy. Perhaps the best way to describe it would be to say it felt like his memories were submerged underwater. There was a faint recognition of things, words, and moments, a faint recognition of his own feelings…of the things that had presented themselves, and how distant they felt to him.
But, it all just felt so out of place. He knew his body was somewhere in the House of Lamentation, but his mind was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Almost as if it was traveling through a cosmic place with all the answers he could ever need; to all the questions he could ever ask. But instead of looking at the answers, he was in the middle. Just starring at the everything of the world through the eyes of an spectator, and not through the eyes of someone that had his own live. Perhaps, if he just reached out into the overwhelming darkness of the water that submerged his entire being, he would feel better. But how to reach out to the unknown? What if what laid on the other end was worse than what he knew now? In the end he let out an audible groan and set the book back on the stand, a pout on his lips.
“This is impossible!” He was incredibly tired. His eyes heavy and mind completely gone as he yawned and turned to Satan who was smiling foolishly at his book. That’s right, Satan had stayed in the room as well, but it’s not like either of them had registered each other’s presence. He had tuned out of the world entirely, and he was sure Satan had done the same. Speaking of which, the blond demon had muttered something under his breath, before proceeding to chuckle.
How in the world did he manage to pay attention to something for so long, Asmodeus wondered, before a sigh escaped his lips as he decided he should just give up this meaningless search that had become his life. Maybe it was time he finally accepted that there was no way he would ever understand the yearning that had kept him awake for so many years in the house. The aching to be simply hugged by someone who wanted to hug him. Perhaps that’s how he was meant to be for eternity. Had his father made it so he would end up as the Avatar of Lust as a punishment so that Asmodeus never felt that?
“Please, you don’t believe him, right?”
Satan spoke once again. Making Asmodeus raise an eyebrow at him as he decided it was enough self-deprecating for a day. Leviathan had made him question his existence enough the other day. And so, he proceeded to approach Satan, standing behind the demons couch and looking over his shoulder at the pages of the book.
“What are you reading?” Satan jumped, hitting Asmodeus in the face with his book, making the lustful demon groan a little as his hand flew to his face, tears burning on the corner of his eyes as he glared at Satan.  “What was that for?!” His comment effectively making the wrathful demon glare.
“Why were you reading over my shoulder?!” He snapped, glaring harder at Asmodeus which only made him scoff.
“I just wanted to know what you were reading, you jerk!” Satan stared at his brothers in confusion for a moment.
“…I thought you had gone back to your room already.” Satan’s sighs as he calms down, sitting in his original position.
“Well,” Asmodeus walked around the couch before propping himself on the other end of it. “you can be quite scary when we barrow your books. Hence why I was going to read it here and then go but…”
“…I don’t know. I guess I just don’t have the attention span to spend hours reading.” Asmodeus shrugged, sitting on the couch before resting his back against the armrest, letting his head fall back as he stared at the ceiling. Breathing slower with each passing second, eyes drifting closed.
He was exhausted.
His eyes were heavy. He wasn’t hungry at all even if he had yet to eat anything since waking up. He was so incredibly tired, but during the night he couldn’t sleep. Part of him felt like it had been carrying with the same weight as Beel carried for hours on end, simultaneously feeling  like his legs wouldn’t be able to take him anywhere. It didn’t help that his brothers had been acting so strange with all the space…but perhaps it was his fault for worrying them. After all, Belphie and Levi probably already had told the rest of their findings. Satan was the only one that still treated him with some degree of normality. And even so he knew he was trying to act…gentler with him.
“…you wanted to know to what the book was about?”
Heh, another confirmation of his suspicions. Satan’s voice made Asmo sit up, looking at his brother with a raised eyebrow before nodding. He might as well try to act like his whole world had not fallen apart a few nights ago and unlike each passing day was eating him alive to the point where even the simplest task would make him go into a frenetic state. Oh well, might as well try to keep up the act. He looked at Satan before nodding, the demon not letting go unnoticed the lack of usual spark his younger brother had.
“Well, in that case” Satan sighed, closing the book and looking at the back, examining it for a few seconds before nodding once more. “Very well, the story is about those two strangers.” He starts, looking at Asmodeus. “Two strangers that become the most important thing the other has.”
“Eh?” Asmodeus answered involuntarily. Shifting in his sit as he looked at Satan properly now. It was a…interesting concept.
Two strangers. They meet in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by everyone yet no one at all. The voices are echoed by how confused and lonely they are. But then…then they see each other. Satan said that they didn’t necessarily feel the sentiments that that word imply. That word...the one that kept coming back to him and placing itself against everything Asmodeus knew. That same word was plastered all over the book, in each page, and even in the cover. But even so, Satan stated the book claimed to not be that. He said…it was about some kind of…superficial sentiment. Some kind of crush they had. A brief moment of passion the two shared for one another after just that one moment.
Satan went on to describe their journey. And how as they slowly got to know each other they started to actually fall into a more intense feeling. But, to be fair, Asmodeus had stopped listening the moment Satan had said the first few sentences. Two strangers. Two complete unknown persons, and yet they managed to feel a certain type of affection towards one another. From all the people he had met, to all those he had merely shared a bed with. No names exchanged, no number, no way to see each other again, to those recurring visitors whom he had even their birthmarks memorized…he didn’t feel like that with any of them.
Were there people that could actually experience that type of devotion? Perhaps it was all just made up. Yeah, there was no way that existed. Have a sudden romantic infatuation for one another? Just like that?! No, Asmodeus refused to believe something like that could happen. It didn’t make sense at all!
“…are you even listening?” Satan’s voice finally registered as he sighed, closing the book and setting it down. “You are free to leave if you are that bored-“
“I don’t understand.”
“You weren’t listening to me. Of course you wont understand.”
“What? No, that’s not what I mean!” Asmodeus protested, half glaring at Satan now. Damn it, he was so damn confused. First Leviathan told him there was an entirely different kind section of that word, which was reserved for friendship, and platonic relationships. And now Satan told him that it was possible for two people to fall in adoration with one another although they were complete strangers?! He could have sworn that each time he learned something new it just helped to…to make him despise his sin even more.
Asmodeus took the book from Satan’s hand, the bookmark he had placed neatly between the pages falling, the page being lost as Asmodeus opened the book and scanned the first page, almost immediately devouring the content of the book like Beel would do with a restaurant if not stopped.
“…I was reading that” Satan protested, glaring at Asmodeus as he got to take the bookmark from the floor. The demon turned to place it on a table, before looking at Asmodeus. He had bag under his eyes. Something his brother would have never let be shown in the past, or let it be seen by anyone at the very least. Be it by an extensive amount of makeup or by his hour-long beauty regimen, it was strange for Asmodeus to let show anything that he deemed a “flaw” in his skin. And the way he was reading the book…he was desperate. A desperation Satan had certainly never seen in any of his family members to this day. “…you can give it back once you are done.”
“Mhm, yeah” Asmodeus answered briefly as he got up and walked over to the door, hitting the wall on his way out as his eyes refused to leave the page.
For the next 4 days, Asmodeus did nothing but be enthralled on the pages of the book. To be fair, he had finished it on the second day, but he had been rereading it. Over, and over again. Each time more vigorously than the last, his eyes jumped entire paragraphs he knew gave no useful information to the questions he needed answers to. How could two strangers fall in such a way for one another? How could it be that two complete strangers could experience more feelings on their first meeting than he had on his long life?! From the celestial realm to this very moment, the only feeling he could remember was that of lust and perhaps pity…sadness. No other feeling had ever made its way to him in the nights before, but now, now it was different. He felt something, and he wanted a certain feeling.
To him it was almost a lie. From all his experiences, never had any of the demons or demoness he had been with looked at him with something other than lust. They never sought to make a conversation that went past the names and the “where are we doing this?” In his mind it was impossible that a feeling so deep be felt so easily. Because if it did…then what would that say about him?
On the fifth night, as the dusk hit the Devildom, under what was the bleak light of the stars coming through the window, Asmodeus finished the book for the third time. His eyes focusing on the very last line. Those words. Those three simple words being muttered from one person to another. And no more words. Not an explanation, not a reason, not even a damn hint of why they felt like that on that very night. Asmodeus could feel some tears burning on his eyes as he glared at the book and threw it on the nightstand beside his bed. The stupid book had only left him with the same exact question that had been plaguing his mind from the night of his revelation. He hid under his covers, ignoring the ache of his heart, and went to sleep, only to dream of his inner broken, soul, and the void.
The next day, he went to Satan’s room to give him his book back. Praying to the father that had hurt them for the demon to not be on his room and he wouldn’t need to even mutter a word. But of course, that wasn’t the case.
“Ah, Asmodeus, I’m guessing you finished the book?” Satan’s voice was heard, prompting a sigh from Asmodeus as he fully stepped onto the room. The demon was on the high end of a stepladder, reaching for one of the top shelves.
“…yeah.” He spoke on a defeated tone.
“Did you enjoy it?” Satan asked, looking at one of the books, taking it out of the shelve and dusting it off. Asmodeus thought for a second. Had he enjoyed it? Well, its not like he was all that invested in the story. His focus was more on finding answers than it was on indulging into the story. And so, he couldn’t even recall the name of the characters, or the name of the book. Much less if he had enjoyed its content. But if he had to give an answer… “Asmo-?”
“No” They spoke at the same time. Setting the book down on the table, just as Satan looked down at Asmo, raising an eyebrow. He was about to ask why, but it would seem Asmo beat him to it. “How can two complete strangers feel something like that?!” He spoke, not even having given his brother another look, passing around the restlessly . Asmodeus tone increased slightly as he walked around the couch, hands moving and gesturing to the book. “Isn’t that sentiment supposed to be worked and developed with time as you get to know the person?! Isn’t it supposed to take years for people to finally realize the extent of their true feelings for another person?! It can’t be that simple! It can’t be as simple as walking into some place and making eye contact and just…and feeling it!”
“You don’t have to shout!” Satan spoke louder as well, before sighing as he watched Asmodeus shoulders drop and look away. For a moment Satan stayed silent as he analyzed Asmodeus words, thinking back to what he had read of the book before finally speaking. “…they didn’t fall for each other. At least not at first.” He states, starting to go down the steps of the ladder.
“Eh?!” Well that was a lie, Asmodeus thought. “Yes they did. The book describes it the first time they meet! They-”
“And upon their eyes meeting it was like the music faded. The bodies dancing around became shadows, all surrounded in black like the rest of their lives, only for the still barely noticeable grayish color the other made them see. With each step they took towards the other, the color became more vibrant, bright. They were like fire on a pitch black room for the other, and they smiled. For the first time, it wasn’t a calm or sweet smile. It was a nervous awkward smile, as they barely managed to announce their names. As they barely managed to exist close to the other.”
Satan finished quoting the book, making Asmodeus stare blankly at the demon as he frowned.
“Show off...” he remarked under his breath, just as Satan reached the last step, sighing. Instead of hopping onto the ground and walking over to Asmodeus he sat down, giving Asmo a look that made him step closer.
“The way it was described, the nervousness and awkwardness…I don't think they fell for each other, at least not in that very moment. Sure, they wanted to meet and get to know the other. And they found the other interesting, and upon that conversation is that they became important to one another…but I don’t think it was as intense as you think it was. It felt more…innocent.”
Innocence…that was something Asmodeus used to be familiar with. But he had lost touch with it the moment his body hit the grounds of the Devildom. Once he discovered this new world and all the things his body was capable of…the things his body wanted, he become detached from that part. Never did he imagine he would be missing that side of him. The side that didn’t need to be touched to be validated, and simply spending time laughing and talking would be enough to make him feel important. He wished he could go back to the moments where he wasn’t aware of anything at all. He missed not being himself. How cruel of the universe. To put right in front of him the description of what he had felt during those first encounters…the feeling he no longer experienced. The feeling of being alive as his skin was set ablaze by the wonderful sensations now he would hid from.
“…how cruel.” Asmodeus whispered, as he proceeded to sit beside Satan on the same step, resting his head on his brothers’ shoulder without thinking, their shoulders bumped together as Satan looked carefully at his brother.
“Cruel?” He raises an eyebrow.
“So…at first…they really didn’t feel anything for each other?”
“…I wouldn’t say that. They certainly felt something…but it isn’t the type of sentiment you thought it was. Truth be told…I think those two were so desperate to feel happiness and desired…that they fell in **** with the idea of a relationship and being wanted…and then it slowly morphed into what they had at the end. True, absolute devotion.”
Asmodeus stayed quiet at the mention of the word. But on his mind, there was such a turmoil that only grew with each passing moment. He didn’t know what he was missing. But he knew that when he found it, he would feel…whole. But each time he went to try and find it, he only came back with a bigger puzzle to resolve and with barely any pieces to put it together. With barely any grasping understanding of the subject that was torturing him night after night.
“…I still don’t understand.” He pouted, making Satan chuckle as he leaned back, resting his weight on his elbows as he tilted his head back, looking at the ceiling.
“Yeah, I think that’s the point. It isn’t something that we are ever going to understand. Not fully, at the very least, it’s just…it’s just something that is.” Satan sighed, before looking back at Asmo who still had the same expression. A lost one. “…but that’s better. In my opinion, at least. What fun is there to have in a question that is so easily answered?” Satan merely got a hum out of Asmo this time.
But the demon was listening. And he was wondering. Perhaps his brother was right…but he was not about to give up finding a concrete answer. After all, it was the only thing driving him at this point.
Ludus: Flirtation, playful, lively. The discovery of a crush, its rooted on having fun.
Hello~, I hope you all had enjoyed this chapter. This chapter was so hard to write, honestly. Mainly because I didnt know how to have Satan make the connection and explain it to Asmo, but here it is, and I really hope you all enjoyed it! next chapter will be published on Saturday like usual, until then!
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crazycheetah · 4 years
The birthday wishes were cute Asmo is trying to drop kick everyone else down the list with his cute call but ,the one with the cutest voice saying happy birthday was Luke! I actually yelled out, Awwww out loud ugh everybody is so cute even Barb and Diva said happy birthday
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crazycheetah · 4 years
So body should have warned me
To whom wish to enjoy the spoils
Why ain't none of you warn me about Diavolo?!
Why is he so sad,he's hiding something and I'm upset cause I don't want to have to off him he's so cute!!!,but I'm concerned and then the foreshadowing about our power.Which they obviously feel uncomfortable about minus Asmodeus not surprised,but Diavolo is really cute in these lessons and I was hit in the feels so now I'm low-key simpin I also haven't got any of the past cards highly sucks but oh well
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crazycheetah · 4 years
So I finally got to where
they ask us to the dance and I've been saying no and it hurts so much.I wouldn't want to say no to any of them especially my babies Mammon,Beel,and Levi like it's not cool man it stings,so I know I could never handle this mess in real life my goodness I would sweat buckets
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crazycheetah · 4 years
Spoils below for ya to behold
Are we gonna have to fight Diavolo or maybe his papa is making him do something is it a test we're dead aren't we it's not by chance or out of kindness that Solomon happened to run into us huh?
Him and Diavolo,and Barbatos are working together maybe Solomon with no choice (like a contract with Barbatos was a trap to get him)They about to do some shut to us my goodness I knew it can't trust a demon ever.... Never trusted Diavolo but started to dump because he seemed so sad like maybe he doesn't want to do what he is about to do but has no choice?
Idk I ion like dat though, I don't,so don't don't don't do it okay?
I might wait for y all reaction first ,goodness gracious what if we got to kill diavolo or Luci I would just stab myself even if their were no takesy backsies.
He also seemed interested in who you went to the dance with so...set up in the works? Gah
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crazycheetah · 4 years
I've been busy so I haven't been able to really play With Mau boys and I really want the Urs in in tears y'all
I'm sorry my babies forgive me!!
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