#obey me brothers x male reader
valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Imagine the brothers broke out of their code and became self aware P.2
You couldn't understand why your friends started blocking you, your conversations didn't even show up anymore. When you tried to talk to them in real life they seemed standoffish, they avoided you like the plague. What they didn't know is that the brothers have been messaging your friends while you sleep, posing as you as they wrote the most harmful things to get your friends away from you.
Oh how their hearts hurt when you cried into your pillow, if only they were real. How they would comfort you, hold you, make you your favourite drink while whispering sweet nothings to you and telling you its ok. Oh it was the dream, a sickly sweet fantasy that could never be reality. They can hear your sobs through your phone/webcam, its hurts their hearts but it had to be done, you were going to be stolen away by those... rats.
Things in your phone just got worse and more strange, more and more people started blocking you on social media platforms and 7 new accounts started following you. They started to make friends with you and did succeed to a degree, making you feel like you had someone after everything that's happened. The problem started when they became more possessive and demanding in their messages, all trying to make you stay online and talk to them, keeping you away from your family. Boy did they get stand offish and annoyed when you blocked them, just coming back 10 times more protective and possessive.
You start to hear their voices in the different apps you use, hearing loving sighs, giggles, scolding, and groaning whenever you have your volume on. It started to freak you out so you decided to try and restart your phone, deleting all your apps before reinstalling them. That just made the problems worse, they can merge with your apps now. It was only when you started seeing their faces when you realized to late what was going on. They were talking to you? They were Talking... to you? No, they were confessing their love for you, trying to get your attention with their affections.
When they finally realized you could see them, they were over the moon and started pushing each other out of the way of the screen, trying to get your attention on them. They couldn't understand why you would freak out about getting rid of your friends and showing up in your phone, didn't you love them? You had screenshots of them in your gallery and you played the game, you loved them. You loved them.
If you get rid of your phone and get a new one, it wouldn't stop them from finding you. They are sentient beings on the internet now, they will find you through your IP, your family, your email, they wont stop until they find you again. And they wont be very pleased about having to find you again. Stop trying to run from destiny darling
This one is short and not proof red, but i hope its just as good as the last one. This was so fun to do, i might come back and fix this up or add more but overall, i enjoyed writing this<3
What should I do next?
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reallyromealone · 6 months
Title: oh hey a mate(s)
Chapter: one
Fandom: obey me
Pairing: demon brother's x male reader
Warnings: suggestive themes, readers got truama, internalized gender hatred, anxiety, panic attacks, mentions of being a breeding tool, self hate, reader doesn't really understand sex, sexual themes, omegaverse, male reader, mentions of mpreg
"HE STOLE THEM FROM ME!" (sisters name) Screeched out in a rage as she threw things around "they were supposed to be MY mates! And he stole them! That whore stole them!" She was hyperventilating at this point as her body shook, feeling robbed of her alphas.
Of her life, the thing she wanted more than anything.
"I know sweety but maybe we can set you up wit--"" I don't want someone else! I want the princes!"
And she was going to get them.
She swore it.
'fuck you (name)'
Holy shit this place was big.
God he felt under dressed, especially beside these alphas who were dressed so fancy and perfect.
The floors were marble and two grand staircases winded on each side and paintings that had to be centuries old hung on the walls "we will have one commissioned for you soon enough... Maybe one with us all" Belphegor yawned as he wandered the halls "for now, let's get you settled in" he said and looked to a nervous looking Leviathan who nodded.
(Name) Was nervous as he walked beside the demon who seemed to want to be anywhere but here "I-im sorry if I wasn't who you were expecting... I'll try and not step on your toes" (name) whispered, anxiously fiddling with his fingers and looked down "i-i dont-- fuck... I'm really nervous and anxious and just I don't really talk to omegas often so I'm just--" the demon seemed panicked and (name) felt relief flood through his veins as he pumped out calming pharamones for the Alpha "hey... I get it, if it's any consolation... I'm not great with people either-- hell I think this is the first time I ever left my families property!" He laughed a bit but Leviathan was shocked at his words "you never been into the capital or even your home town?" He asked genuinely and (name) shook his head "nah, my parents didn't trust me going out there-- you know how troublesome an Omega can be"
What the fuck? That's all Leviathan could think as he looked at the Omega worried "I- you're not troublesome?" He whispered and (name) just smiled "I try not to be" (name) giggled a bit as they continued to (name)s apartment, the Omega expecting a quaint bedroom but...
"I think we went to the wrong room.... This is awfully big" (name) said softly to the envy demon who looked confused "you like your apartment?" Asmodeus popped out from nowhere and pulled (name) close with a flirty grin "we had the butlers being your things in, don't worry we didn't let them unpack... Pharamones and all that ~" he pulled (name) into the apartment and (name) felt overwhelmed by all this "there's a nesting room there~ if you need help don't hesitate to ask"
"A-are you sure?"
"Sure of what?"
"That this is for me?"
"You are to be our mate, I personally wanted you with me but Luci wanted you to have your own space... Something about acclimating" his words teasing and (name) chuckled but cut short when his stomach growled and the two demons looked curious "oh yeah! Humans need to eat for survival!"
(Name) Felt embarrassed as he silently cursed his stomach for exposing him like this as the demons looked at one another in a silent conversation.
They were definitely having a sibling meeting later.
(Name) Dissociated during the rest of the evening, eventually ending back in the rooms he was given, the size of his old house if not a bit bigger...
Everything was pristine as he took out his belongings, his prized possessions and small hobbies to occupy him.
A few heirlooms and books and his childhood stuffed toy 'this will go in my nest' he thought as he looked at the nesting room doors, two ornate doors in a rose gold shade, the apartment all light colors unlike the rest of the palace.
It was a strange contrast, almost like they didn't know what to expect so they just made what they thought humans liked. It was funny really, demons trying to understand what humans wanted or needed as he was doing the same, wondering what these demons wanted or liked.
Getting up he went to the nesting room and was overwhelmed by the nesting supplies he was given, piles and piles of blankets and pillows and soft things, his purring could probably be heard from outside the apartment as he snuggled into them, a sense of safety he wasn't quite used to washing over him.
He was excited to make a large nest, spending half the night making it perfect for him to rest in and just not think about the fact he was to be mated on his next heat to seven strangers that were also fucking royalty! Well there goes not thinking about it because here he was!
Also his sister! Holy shit she was mad! And like at his wedding she will be there! Fuuck!
(Name) Was just sitting there head in hands as he processed the fact that within 24 hours he was now engaged and now in the public eye!
(Name) Curled up closer into his blankets and let out a shutter of a sigh, he wondered if he would be able to do the things he enjoyed before... Would he be allowed to garden? Would he have to dress more Omegan? Or would he be able to wear clothes that were comfortable?!
He needed to walk, movement to process this.
Getting up he walked out of his apartment and into the hall, dark and grand, ceilings at least 15 feet tall and paintings lined, some he recognized as the siblings and some unfamiliar as he walked around curiously.
Somehow he made it to the kitchen "I hope they don't mind..." (Name) Whispered as he sliced an apple, careful and gentle as his stomach growled a bit.
"Can I have some?" A voice startled him out of his thoughts causing him to slice his finger "shit!" The voice said and (name) looked to see Beelzebub who in turn looked a bit startled as he took (name)s bleeding finger and put it in his mouth, the Omega looking thoroughly concerned as Beelzebub sucked on the blood "I feel like this is incredibly unsanitary" (name) whispered worried and beez released his finger "demons saliva can heal amongst other things, depends on the demon really"
"Oh " (name) said dumbly as he looked at his wet but healed finger "what else does your saliva do?" He asked curiously and Beelzebub smiled at the others cute and curious expression "ah, well besides healing my saliva can work as an aphrodisiac if ingested!" (Name) Looked concerned and Beelzebub laughed "don't worry, it only works if I were to like make out with you or eat your ass!"
And now (name) was flustered as the gluttony demon kept laughing at his embarrassment "so why are you up so late?" Beelzebub asked after calming down and sealing some apple slices and cutting up some more, handing (name) an orange "just... It's stupid"
"Oh please!" Beelzebub pushed and (name) sighed "I'm just... I'm having trouble processing this stuff, it's stressful and like-- I never left my property let alone this! My sister wanted to be with you guys and she's already insufferable, this is just worse! I'm just paranoid that you guys are going to realize that like this was a mistake and reject me and like the fear of being an Omega in general! Will I be able to do the things i enjoyed before? Will I be a breeding tool?!" He was hyperventilating now as Beelzebub panicked "hey hey, calm down! It will be alright and-- no we aren't making you a breeding Omega.... shhh" beez tried to calm him as footsteps quickly made their way to the kitchen.
"What is happening?" Lucifer and the others seemed startled as the smell of distress was heavy in the kitchen "he's worried we will strip him of his rights and make him carry our young" Beelzebub explained as he lifted (name) into his arms and set him on the counter "were demons but we aren't monsters" Satan said disgusted and Asmodeus smiled "we would never do that unless it's what you're into~" he teased the Omega as they crowded him "I know it's an incredibly hard adjustment but know we mean well, it's literally impossible for us to not fall for each other" it's true soulmates would eventually fall for one another due to the bond "and we are sharing one mate so that means you have seven people to love you" mammon said in a rare moment of genuine care "what do you mean?"
"Oh yeah, he knows basically nothing about secondary gender or soulmates" Levi said softly and the demons looked horrified "well I know what we are doing tomorrow" Satan said simply and (name) looked ashamed and couldn't meet their eyes, feeling stupid for his lack of knowledge.
"Well his town is backwards" Belphegor yawned and wandered off back to bed now that the problem was solved "goodnight...."
(Name) Was led back to his room by Beelzebub and Asmodeus and looked confused when they put sweaters in his arms "the smell of your alphas will calm you~" Asmodeus said simply and the two wished him a good night.
And for once?
He sleped peacefully.
(Name) Spent the next few days learning about soulmates and secondary genders, the two interlocking "when your heat comes, it will be dangerous for you to not mate with your soulmate" (name) read the book in his off time, the book explaining how the bonding is key to not cause rejection symptoms or a drop, he definitely didn't want that. Fuck how does he have sex? Fuck.
Time to go figure that out, he really felt behind on this shit.
(Name) Made home in the library as he looked for any books that would aid him "Hmm? Looking for sex books ~ didn't know our omega was like that" Asmodeus seemed to love just appearing out of thin air and scaring (name) who dropped the book "i-i it's not like that!"
"Hmmm? And what is it about? Oh you're so cute when your flustered!" He cooed and (name) huffed "I am trying to figure out like, how sex works and stuff... I wasn't exactly taught... Just put on suppressants so my family could avoid it" he just constantly felt ashamed with them, their faces of realization and pity as (name) tried not to cry "well, if you like I could teach you~ don't worry I won't touch you where you don't like" Asmodeus could get used to his omega so flustered as he got closer, his alpha giddy at his mate being untouched "the first thing one should know is their body after all~"
"I- uh... I'm not sure..."
Asmodeus let his lips barely touch (name)s as he caged him against a bookshelf and smiled, his tail flickering and (name) seemed a bit startled by it All as the demon gently kissed him "that was... Uh.." "your first kiss?"
"Did you like it?"
(Name) Could only nod as the lust avatar giggled sweetly at his adorable Omega "oh, you're going to fit in nicely here~!" He doted on (name) a bit "don't worry darling, we won't do anything your not ready for but if you're willing... To experiment a bit, I'm always a summon away" and with that he was gone, (name) left with nothing more than the smell of his pharamones, sweet Jasmine and warm vanilla.
It wasn't till after lunch that Lucifer brought him to the gardens, a small greenhouse and a garden plot stood "we had it cleaned up, you said you liked gardening" he said simply and looked down at (name) who looked like he was given the potion of youth "really? Thank you so much..." (Name) Was releasing the happiest pharamones and Lucifer kept composure but god damn did that boost his ego as an alpha, making his mate happy.
"Just clean yourself off after you finish" Lucifer said calmly and (name) beamed at this "of course!"
(Name) Puttered in the greenhouse and began planting things, thankfully it was early in the season so he had time to make a nursery for plants "oh, sor--" (name) immediately shut up as he saw Belphegor sleeping in a sun beam, cozy and calm. Looking around (name) found his cape that Satan had made for him and covered the demon with it "it's still chilly" he whispered and went back to work, unaware the demon was awake and watching intently at the Omega who was carrying heavy pots and sacks of soil around.
(Name) Kept quiet for the Alpha, he must be so exhausted to fall asleep in a greenhouse of places so it would be best to let him rest! Eventually (name) moved outside, it was less chilly but a slight chill but movement will keep him warm! Using twine he found in the greenhouse he sectioned spots of the garden plots for various things like carrots and garlic amongst others, they were still in the nursery but it's good to get things ready now, he reasoned with himself.
"Your Highness! It's quite cold!" A servant panicked as she saw (name) in nothing more than a shirt and pants and apron, dirt on his cheek "don't worry! I'm alright!" He reasoned but she was not having it and removed her cape "it's not good for an Omega to be cold like this!"
Before she could drape the cape on (name), he felt fur on his shoulders as Mammon smiled with a warning "don't worry, he's warm" his eyes telling the servant to leave and (name) looked confused "oh hello!" (Name) Smiled at the demon who felt annoyed at how sweet the other was, his bond making his heart beat fast "Luci wanted me to take you into town so get ready" he grumbled and (name) nodded, a simple smile on his face as he wandered to the palace "where's your cape anyways?! It's freezing for mortals!" He chastised and (name) chirped "Belphegor was sleeping and I wanted him to be cozy!" (Name) Couldn't explain why he felt so calm and comfortable with the princes but they made him feel safe, even if they were sometimes like angry chihuahuas.
"You're weird" mammon said with no bite as they walked to (name)s area.
The tailors and seamstresses worked tirelessly to put together some clothes for (name) and his new class, the maids commenting about how the seamstress always kept embroidered sleeves on hand as the brothers always tore clothes during training--- well save for Asmodeus and Belphegor who couldn't be fucked to do stuff like that.
(Name) Felt regal, a beautiful vest made of silk and embroidered with birds and roses and a linen powers shirt and nice pants and expensive boots "you look wonderful your Highness!" A maid commented, (name) growing fond of his personal maids who cheered him in, them all being mated and married betas.
(Name) Was curious as he looked around the city, never really interacting with so many people who looked at he two in awe, the guards keeping a fair distance as he looked at stalls "you seriously never been in a city?" Mammon said incredulously and (name) looked confused "no? It's not right for an Omega to be by himself around alphas, I would be a temptation" reiterating his parents words and Mammon was horrified at the omegas genuine belief that HE was the problem and not alphas who couldn't keep their hands to themselves "well we are unpacking that later"
He didn't even want to get into the family thing, remembering the chat he had with his brothers when (name) had his meltdown and the acceptance that their Omega came from a very problematic living situation but he seemed to be acclimating well.
Or at least he hoped.
Mammon was confused as (name) handed him a stuffed bunny "what is this?" He raised an eyebrow from behind his circular sunglasses "well we didn't get to actually court because of being soulmates so I got you all courting gifts" he chirped out innocently, remembering what he was taught by Lucifer and deciding to put it in action though he seemed to have gotten it backwards as it was supposed to be the Alpha who gave the courting gifts.
"I- uh... Thank you?"
(Name) Seemed pleased as they continued their walk through the cities market, a giant hub of the equally giant city as Mammon stared at the bunny that was made of fabric the same color as his eyes, a small detail that made him flustered.
He noticed (name) budgeting, a soft smile on his face "you know we have basically endless money, right?" Well mammon didn't, he was cut off and put on a strict budget but (name)? He still had his money privileges "that's your money, this is so much!" To (name) it was a lot of money as he did the budgeting of the house back with his family, this was ten times of what they made in a year! "I am fine with this"
Hell, how did they get the exact opposite of them?!
A nervous Omega who was innocent and naive and sweet as honey!
"Oh you are absolutely precious!" Asmodeus cooed at the stuffed rabbit that fit in his hands "I hadn't even thought of courting!" He said with exaggerated sadness and (name) watched the others alphas reactions, though it wasn't the fanciest courting gift, it was a genuinely thoughtful one.
"He was worried about spending the money, he literally budgeted it" mammon groaned and Lucifer snorted "you could do well to learn that" he said as (name) seemed reminded and handed him back the coin bag, the Omega barely dented it "I got a few things for my hobbies but I brought back the change!" He said sweety and Lucifer had cute aggression at that moment as (name) looked at him with so much pride "you know you could have spent all of this right?" He said a little slow, (name) nodding "but that would be rude, I'm spending all your money without care... I don't like that"
Seriously, how did they manage to be fated with the sweetest Omega?!
"He didn't even but himself actual things for himself! He bought things to make us things!" Mammon groaned out but they all knew he equally swooned at the fact their Omega was so sweet.
But also he didn't buy himself anything, Asmodeus has had to bring him to eat and Beelzebub would put food on it.
"Rural Omega culture is different than cities, they're treated more as a commodity" a maid explained to Asmodeus one night as she helped him get ready for bed, she herself being an alpha from the boonies "an inconvenience would be a better word though, everything your saying shows he was treated like how my love got treated, need to make them feel genuinely valued" she went to explain how omegas need regular scenting and assurance to keep mentally regulated and (name) probably never had that.
Which would explain why he seemed like he was constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop despite growing used to them.
Like it was all going to go away.
His dreams were often that, every night he dreamt of waking up in his old room as his sister lived the life she wanted and he was stuck in that musty bedroom where he would rot.
"Your dreams are noisy" Belphegor mumbled as he crawled into bed with (name) and held him close, pumping out pharamones as he thought smugly about the fact he's technically been in bed with (name) before the others. (Name) Snuggled in his chest and physically relaxed, chirping in his sleep as he clung helplessly to him and he was hooked.
He wanted this more and was already annoyed he would have to share with his brothers.
(Name) Let his mates to be plan the wedding though he and Beelzebub thought of food together, the demon horrified at how little foods he got to experience and made him try everything for the wedding and smiled at his happy face with good food "these are mirangue cookies! Like eating plaster that loves you!" He exolained and (name) basically melted at now delicious it was.
Beelzebub was more than happy to share food with him, his alpha wanting the Omega to be well fed to carry his pups after all.
They were all anxious for mating, their bond slowly making them VERY intense about (name) who after weeks, finally sat close to Satan as he read with him though (name) did struggle a bit "omegas being taught to read is laughable, I taught myself as much as I could" he explained and that's when Satan decided he would read for (name), the two spending an hour or two in the library reading together like how Lucifer spent his time teaching (name) new things when he wasn't busy or just dragging him along with things.
(Name) Was always well behaved, he thought of (name)s family and how they were... How did this come out of THAT.
But now, (name) had one worry...
Would he invite his family to his wedding?
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eldrichboyo · 1 year
Mc: * in a trenchcoat and sunglass* " You got the stuff?" 😎
Mammon: * also in a trenchcoat and glasses* " Yeah, you got the goods?"😎
Mc: " mhm, as requested." * opens a briefcase to reveal a cute picture of levi belphie and beel asleep on the couch in a sleep pile*.
Mammon: " niiiice, alright, here's your end of the bargain." He reaches into his coat and places a baby crow in mcs hands *
Baby crow: "peep!"
Crow tax :
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btdemaru · 1 year
Obey Me Brothers eating you out
Note : demon tongue hc's and their demon forms r used!
Warnings : [GN!reader], eating out, monster tongue, NSFW so minors dni, alot of cum, overstimming, edging, brat taming (Lucifer), spanking (mammon), toys (asmo), bondage (satan).
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His tongue would be long and the end would have a sharp shape (basically not dull flat)
He loves to shove his tongue while kissing you basically deep in your throat and he pulls away just to look at your sloppy drool-covered face
Lucifer will edge you if you're a brat to him but definitely reward you by making you overstimulated
Likes to tease until you BEG for him to put his tongue in or give you more friction
If you're feeling bratty or just want some rough sex just annoy the shit outta him or disobeying him (gl tho)
"You're acting like this on purpose aren't you?" He spoke while his fingers graze over your hole, licking it up but not giving you the satisfaction of putting it in. "If you want it so bad then..beg for it." If you did beg enough for him to put it in then be ready cause he's gonna be there until you can't even talk and your hole is bruised and puffy as his long thick monstrous tongue fucks your needy hole.
I like to think that his tongue is almost similar to a human tongue but just longer with a piercing on the edge
Cause he's the avatar of Greed, dont be suprised that he's always greedy for your cum and wants to make a mess out of you
Gripping your thighs while he's working his way making you cum again and again
His tongue piercing makes it better cause it always rub and hits the spot that made you see stars
Chatty and dirty talks you while he's deep in, the vibration makes you go nuts (he does this on purpose 🤝)
Spanks you lightly for fun
"haah.. c'mon cum for me and me only~" his words slurred as his tongue is fully inside you and fingers are squishing and kneading your soft plushy cheeks "yeah? One more time, cum on me.. yours truly will make you feel good once more". He said again, pulling his tongue out just to bite your thighs before shoving back in and shoves his tongue in and out faster while stroking himself, cumming all over his thigh and pants staining it. Spanks your thigh multiple times before going again.
I think his tongue would be longer than Lucifer's and would be bright blue, definitely thicker aswell
He's so shy to do it but will obey your commands
If you guide him, he'd be determined to make you feel good and practice to make you scream and cry just from his tongue
Would grind on a pillow or something so the both of you feel good while moaning your name
Levi would try stucking his tongue so deep but is scared it'll hurt you even though silently he wants to so bad
"hmmff.. this- good..?" Leviathan said in between him slurping you, his long tongue drills itself into you without mercy, one hand on your chest while the other one is pumping his own cock wanting to catch his orgasm "close, I'm- ah shit.. close!" He said as he came all over the sheets trying to come back from the high orgasm while licking the edge of your hole. "Taste.. so good~" his face was tinted with slightly red looking away from you "again?"
Sharp tongue but not sharp enough to cut or hurt you
But slight rough on the edges compliments his sharp fangs aswell
Angry sex will occur now and then so yay to you if you like it rough
Will tie your legs onto the edge of the bed/sofa so that you're spread wide giving him alot of access
If he's angry about something or someone (lucifer 💀) he'd go longer until his anger is satiated
"mhh, fuck! Could you believe that fucker did that? Mhhh.." Satan yanks your thigh while he spoke before spitting onto your hole and dives in. "Be good for me and sit here for awhile yeah? I'm sure you can take at least.. two hours~" he laughs and slid his rough tongue inside, going slowly so he doesn't hurt you because no matter how mad he is at anything theres no chance he'd hurt you. "Mmmh" Satan starts to move his tongue in and out faster while his other hand is playing with you, flicking and pinching it lightly. Stops when he knows you're about to cum "not yet. be patient."
I think asmo has multiple tongues (like tentacle-ish almost)
Asmo will beg you to experiment with his tongue, maybe he shoves his tongue in you while he abuses you with a vibrator or your tip/clit
Will do this for hours until he's satisfied
Uses multiple toys on you
"please let me use it!" He begged as he holds a vibrator in his hand while still in between your legs. Asmo started to turn on the vibration and slightly pushing it in your hole before licking the rim "see~? Feels good doesn't it" he took it out making you whine at the loss of action, before you could even complain he shoves his big tentacle-like tongues in you. It hurt, of course it did there were multiple of them. "Hehe~! I'm sure it doesn't hurt that bad..!"
Just his tongue can make you cum multiple time ughh
His tongue has a little edge sticking out, like satan's sharp edges but they're dull and squishy
The texture is like any normal tongue but big and thick whike sort of flat and not sharp at all
He'll eat you out until he's full (which is never) or when it's in the middle of the night and he's hungry
"m'still hungry..let me eat more.." he said while you're already extremely overstimulated from cumming countless of times from his tongue, he doesn't even need to use his fingers. "Tasty...so..hungry..." Beel spoke while shaking his head sideways on your hole just to make your wetness splash everywhere, his face and his neck covered in juices and spit. He could go til the sun rises again and he would still be hungry and wanting more of you "look how red and puffy it became..mmmhh" if you tried to push his head off from your already bruised hole he'd force your legs to lock his head and shoves his tongue in again.
This is just what i imagine but i think his tongue would be..dry because he sleeps most of the times not getting enough water
Probably has a beige sort of color to it, and isn't really as big as his twin but enough to pleasure you
He'd insist on you sitting on his face because that way he can lay down while eating you out
Lazy smexy time? Hell yea
"press more.. i can take it" he says while trying to make you sit on his face even harder, silently he wants you to use his face like nothing but a toy for yourself and you only. He lazily shoves his tongue making you grind on it yourself in a teasing manner "if you want it so bad..then hurry" belphie smirks under you while licking and lapping your juices up.
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vivi4nn4 · 2 months
my random obey me headcannon ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
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the pact week .𖥔 ݁ ˖
— there’s this week where mc experiences the sins every day of the week
— monday - pride ꩜ all day mc goes around ,head high. every time someone says something mc always got a snarky response ready n waiting. No one will put them down not even demons.
— tuesday - greed ꩜ mc is out looking at anything shiny like a bird. They are greedy n wanting everything attention ,money everything in sight the sudden urge to take it n keep it.
— wednesday - envy ꩜ now envy it’s overwhelming feeling when you see something that you want it just rushes over mc. It’s like this burning feeling of anger burning but not quite there yet mc will be snappy more irritable but the worst is yet to come
— thursday - wrath ꩜ and this is when all that anger explodes do not step on mcs toes during this stage it’s the strongest n hardest to control well so are they all but trust me mcs senses n emotions becomes heightened n in this stage they will explode at everything and anything
— friday — lust ꩜ now this stage isn’t everything you’d think it would be during this stage, mc looks become more memorising everyone won’t stop being able to look away. But as you expect during this time sexual tension are high for mc, but don’t think that’s just what it’s about becsuse mcs self confidence sky rockets suddenly they can’t stop look-ing at themselves.
— Saturday - gluttony ꩜ on saturday mc wakes up with their belly making angry noises suddenly they feel the need to eat everything in sight, it’s a strange feeling but no matter what they eat they never feel full or if they do it’s not for long. Mc will be hibernating in the kitchen or near food stands for the full day
— Sunday - sloth ꩜ when mc wakes up it’ll be so much later then they normally do, they look at their phone it’s already 1 in the afternoon their body feels so slumped and heavy their eyes slowly closing n opening suddenly they have fell back asleep. anyone who dares to awaken their slumber will be caught by a death glare b a moody whine
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venuscrashed · 8 months
demon brothers x gn!ghosthunter!reader
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i just started the game so please don’t come at me/ let me know if you guys want more of this au
warnings: based off phasmophobia, no pronouns used
Word count: about 600 in total
More Headcannons
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Okay, now imagine the demon brothers with a ghost hunter reader. Who also happens to hunt demons, like in phasmophobia. They wouldn’t know your job at first but once you tell them you can only imagine their reactions.
Lucifer: He would obviously know your job from the start. Although, he was still a bit hesitant to accept you. He was cautious around you, always keeping a close eye on you. Whenever you would grab something he would stiffen but it wasn’t obvious. Later on he would be fine, even joke about it. “MC, is there any chance that you can do your ghost hunting thing on my brothers.” “If you don’t calm down I’ll have MC start an exorcism.” 
Mammon: Was literally like whaaat? Thinks it’s really cool, honestly. “Yeah! That's my human kicking ghost's butt.” Would somehow turn it into a money scheme. He would also cling onto you in haunted houses and such. “The Great Mammon ain’t scared. He’s protecting you because you’re not used to ghosts anymore.” Would totally tag along if you were to do some ghost haunting in Diavolo’s castle. “MC how do you use the glow stick?” “AHHHGHGHH it talked to me!” “Mammon it's a spirit box, it’s supposed to do that.”
Levi: If you stream it he would totally watch it. Would see you when you arrive and be like “OMD you’re that streamer that does ghost hunting!” Instantly becomes your number one fan. Would think you’re really brave considering he can’t talk to regular people. He hides and blushes whenever he sees you be brave…or see you in general. Plays phasmophobia with you, and is really good. He would be an expert at ghost chases and looping. One second into the house “It’s a Yurei. Let’s gag and go.” Becomes more of a professional then you.
Satan: When he first met you he felt some sort of nostalgia, like you two have crossed paths before. It isn’t until he sees your scar or necklace that his cult wears. It’s inevitable that you would come across satanic worshippers and be sacrificed, or be one. Asks you questions and even gives you tips. Gives you full permission to summon him if his cult members mess with you again. Would tag along on your ghost hunters and probably remember all of their traits. “It’s an Oni. The airball event tells me enough.”
Asmo: Again if you stream he would totally watch. Would totally brag about your guys' friendships. Would even post a pic of you two and caption it “Demon x Demon hunter: the best couple” if you two were dating. Would only tag along to act scared and hide behind you just so you can protect him and be brave. “Oh~ MC. It’s scary in here, the ghost keeps scaring me.” “Asmo you're literally a demon.”
Beel: Is like “oh.” He understands why you hunt ghosts but doesn’t really see the point. Would be like “I can protect you.” Would totally watch your streams while he eats, especially if they’re hours long. If he tags along he stays close to you so he can protect you. Would totally be the man in the van. He’s sitting there eating while watching the camera for dots. I feel like he would be good at motion sensors and para mic. Has good intuition to, “It’s the twins.” “Beel we haven't even been here for a minute.” “It reminds me of Belphie and me.”
Belphie: Would hate you more than he originally did. “Did Lucifer choose you to spite me?” Would complain about you for so long “But they’re dangerous.” Once he warms up to you he’ll joke about it. “Can you get rid of Lucifer with your demon experience.” IF he tagged along he would sleep in the van next to Beel. Maybe I would bring you the supplies but nothing past that. Don’t tell him you know but he plays your stream in the background to sleep. If he stays awake he is fully immersed into it and even laughs when you get scared.
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anthracite-writes · 1 year
Obey Me! Dating Headcanons (SFW)
ft. The seven rules of the Underworld (The demon brothers) - SEPRATE Reader type - X GN! reader
NOTE: These are just my personal headcanons for the brothers I’ve had for the 3 years I’ve been playing this game and what I think I think would fit them, if some of the headcanons are may be very OOC - apologies in advance.
𝙎𝙐𝙈𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙔 !!: What it's like dating the 7 brothers + love languages NOT PROOF READ - APOLOGIZES IF THERE'S TYPOS OR SPELLING ERRORS!!!
Love language? Quality time, Acts of Service, and Words of Affirmation. He'll open doors for you, prepares you lunch, would occasionally ask if you need anything at random times.
Hands full? Don't worry, he'll take those off your hands. Sad? Boom, he made you your comfort food and got comfort snacks. You're busy studying? He'll come in and check on you every so often to ask if you want anything to drink or eat.
Invites you to spend time with him in his study while he works on the copious amount of paperwork or even to spend time with him in his bedroom as he listens to his music.
When you're together like in his study or his room, he'll pull you onto his lap. Just wanting you near him when it's just the two of you.
Constantly praises you - "You never cease to amaze me Y/N", "I'm so proud of you". Will acknowledge your achievements no matter how small they are to everyone else.
Dates? Long walks at night, listening party in his room, dinner dates, list goes on.
Man just loves spending time with you.
Probably in denial with how protective he is over you. "I'm just a little overprotective over you. That's all."
Out in public? Holding hands, hand around your waist. He's on a mission to let people know you're already taken.
Def. overworks into late into the night so you have to force him to to go to bed. Either he goes willingly or you have to drag him to bed.
WAYYY to prideful to admit he longs for your cuddles, hugs, and over all touch when he's in bed
Calls you 'my love' or 'my little angel/lamb'
Fav. areas to kiss? Hands, neck, lips for sure.
Love Language? Gift giving/receiving
Man's broke so, expect a lot hand made gifts.
Firm believer he’s a really crafty person, not the best but he puts a lot of effort into the handmade gifts
Gifts a lot of cool found objects he finds when he’s out and about (shiny stones, cool bottle caps, etc)
Ya know… because his animal is a crow.
LOVES to give "just because" flowers [Hand pick from the woods around the House of Lamentation]
Finds a cool rock? 'Hey! Y/N, I found this rock and I thought of you because it's cool!'
Calls you 'Human', 'Dummy', 'my lucky charm' list goes on.
No, really. You literally are his lucky charm when he's gambling - Well, that's what he usually says despite how much he loses.
Dang, he actually won? He'll immediately spend it on getting gifts for you. Clothes, shoes, accessories.
Extremely caring towards you, seeing you upset or just slightly down - he'll do anything to cheer you up, no matter what; he will cheer you up.
There is never a boring moment with him. There's just always something going on with him.
Someone is picking on you? Oh, don't worry. he will make a scene. And a big on at that.
'Oh no you don't! The only person that gets to pick on Y/N, is ME!' 'AYO! The job of picking on them is already taken! Scram!'
Fav. places to kiss? Cheeks, forehead, top of the head.
Love Language? Physical touch and Quality time for SURE
Always have imagined him to be such a sweet guy, just extremely nervous due to the fear of messing up.
Gently place and hold his face in your hands, he will MELT
Honestly, any kind of touch will send him blushing and stuttering - just something like your hand brushing up against his will make his face go red and unable to speak for 3-5 business days
He would want to do EVERYTHING with you
Anime Marathons, reading manga, playing the newest game he bought or reruns of games he's already completed but wants to experience playing it with you by his side.
Will ramble on and on about his interests, be sure to listen to him
Intimacy level up if you reference something he mentioned in his rambles - he'll be over the moon that you actually listened to him.
If he sees you upset, he wouldn't leave your side.
Def. doesn't know how to comfort someone but will give you hugs and cuddles - willing to listen to you and let you vent to him about what's upsetting you
Lets you sit on his lap and cuddles you when he's gaming
When he gets frustrated on a level, Levi would most likely rage quit (after saving) out of the game and cuddle you tightly as he de-stresses himself before returning to the game
No matter how long you have been together, he still cannot fathom the fact you're willing to spend time with him let alone dating him.
Would get a teeny tiny bit jealous if you're attention is one something else like one of his brothers, Henry 2.0, or even an inanimate object like his figures.
then usually rounds back to the thoughts you're just a genuinely caring person who looks out for anyone and genuinely finds what he likes interesting.
Calls you 'normie' or just by your name. He gets nervous if he deviates from what he's used to calling you
Love it when you reassure him, cheer him on, or just listening to him no matter the situation.
Fav. place to kiss? lips, cheeks, forhead, genuinely anywhere on your face, top of the head, hands.
Love Language? Quality time and Words of Affirmation
Reads poems and read passages in his books to you that remind him of you.
' Hey Y/N, There's this poem that reminded me of you, please let me read it to you' or 'This line in the book I'm reading made me think of you, would you like to hear it?'
Snuggles while he reads you stories for sure.
If you have a hard time sleeping or suffer from insomnia, he'll keep reading to you till you fall asleep in his arms/against him.
Loves it when you go outside with him to watch the wild cats around the House of Lamentation or let him lay his head on your chest or your lap while you read to him and gently play with his hair as you do so. It puts him at ease.
For dates he'll have reading dates, take you to cat cafes or coffee shops, book stores.
Holding hands? Yeah, a lot of that.
Def has a candid shot photo of you playing with the cats either in one of the cat cafes he took you to or when you two were out in the front of the House of Lamentation as his lock screen
Calls you 'love', some literacy reference like 'my rose' [Le Petit Prince Ref.] for example, and MAYBE 'kitten'
Fav. places to kiss? Forehead, top of head, nose.
Love Language? Quality time, Gift Giving and Physical Touch
He LOVES it when you two spend time together. That means lots of touching...
Like painting your nails, spa and self-care days, trying on clothes, list goes on! [... what were you thinking???]
Loves buying you clothes when he's off shopping, he sees something that suits your fashion taste? oh he's getting one in every colour.
Def. matching outfits for the two of you, like genuine matching outfits - not those tacky couple's shirts, tf?
Extremely PDA, so be ready for surprise kisses and hugs.
Be ready to be shown off! He'll be posting photos of you two together on his socials, takes you to his modeling gigs, parties, the whole nine-yards.
Out of all his designer clothes and belongings, you are the one he wants on his person 24/7.
Did you forget the man's also a musician? [I'm pretty sure it's actually canon in OG OM! might be wrong - don't hold me to this statement.]
He will write songs about you, you are his muse.
Makes sure you get VVIP treatment if you attend his shows and backstage privileges and just make sure the staff at his shows/events are treating you like the gem he sees you as.
In public, he'll hold your hand, link your arm with his, or even have a hand on your waist to keep you close to him at all times.
When you're sad he'll let you lay with him in his bed and spoon you, holding you close to him as he whispers sweet nothing to you but also will listen to you if you need to talk.
Respects your boundaries - Yeah, he's very physical when showing you how much he loves you but if you show any signs of being uncomfortable or tell him to stop, he will.
He never wants to upset you with his touching of physical affection.
Finds everything about you adorable
I mean EVERYTHING. You have parts of you you don't like and are insecure about? To him, every inch of you is perfect to him. You can't tell him otherwise.
He'll call you all the nicknames under the sun.
But, would mostly use 'babe', 'hun', 'cutie', 'gorgeous', and 'my beloved'
Fav. places to kiss? Everywhere and anywhere.
But most fav places to plant his kisses are your lips, shoulders and neck.
Love language? Acts of Service and Quality time.
Willing to cook you anything you desire [with a little of restrain and struggle to not gobble down the food he's cooking for you]
Memorized all of your fav. foods, comfort foods and snacks, food allergies, how you like your food.
Anything relating you with your relationship with food - he will remember it.
Sad? Beel's got you, he's cooking up your ultimate comfort food for you - in the meantime, please enjoy the comfort snacks he bought you while he cooks for you.
Food is his love language, you can't tell me otherwise!
uh-oh, you're having late night cravings? Most likely Beel will be in the kitchen when you get there and he'll be more than happy to cook for you - no matter what your request is.
Def. a lot of food centric dates - restaurants, picnics, food tours, street food, movie nights.
DW, not all about food when it comes to dates. Loves going for outdoorsy dates to like hikes, enjoys having you as his spotter when working out or having you sit on his back when he's doing push-ups.
If you're there with him and you're spending time with him, he considers it a date
If there's food, he wants to experience it with you.
Love just being around you.
Cuddling on his bed to going grocery shopping - he loves it.
The strong silent type but will be sure to tell you how much he loves being around you.
Would love it if you cook/bake with him
He aspires to be a chef [literally canon.], so he loves trying to make new recipes and cooking dinner with you when he's on cooking duty.
Would call you 'honey' or something... I feel like any food related nicknames he'd use
otherwise, he'd just call you by your name
Fav. places to kiss? The top of your head and forehead.
Love Language? Physical Touch.
Cuddles and snuggles in the Attic sleeping area Belphie set up when he was captive everyday after school, though he would want it to be 24/365 or till the end of time
Loves it when you gently play with his hair when he sleeps on you.
Loves waking up next to you, if your still asleep he'll just lay there admiring you while he plays with your hair or caresses your cheeks.
Would most likely use you as a personal body pillow.
Any sleeping position works for him - the closer your body is to his, the better.
Very handsy when he sleeps, he'll cling to you when you two are sleeping together - so be ready to never be able to escape his grasps till he wakes up.
Dates include a lot of night-time activities [yeah, I'm aware that the Devildom is in enteral night] include night walks in the surrounding woods and stargazing either outside of the House of Lamentation or in the Planetarium room of the house.
Would def. find a star close enough to his and Beel's and claim it as yours so no matter how far apart you are, you'll always be close to each other in the stars he loves looking at.
Loves getting pets on the head and when you caress/hold his face in your hands
You are now his personal pillow, he will lean against you anywhere at anytime to take a nap.
In more private settings, he'll lay down on your lap and fall asleep or just chat with you like that till he drifts off to sleep
You bed is now his bed, man would def. sneak into your bed in the middle of the night to sleep next to you
Calls you 'sleepyhead' or 'sleepy-sheep'
Fav. place to kiss? Forehead, back of neck, and shoulders.
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bevy-obeyme · 3 months
I know you're super busy but if you have the time, I wanted to request a Trans FtM MC with the brothers, mostly headcanons or cute shenanigans! Like asking the brothers helping MC recover from Top Surgery!!! Please it would make my year!! Thank you so much for reading!
Of course! It’s no problem and I’ll try to get all my asks done today!! :))
I really appreciate requests that give me different prompts because I myself as I have stated numerous times am a cis female and being introduced to other perspectives is really intriguing for me!!
Shenanigans with the brothers as a Temale to Male MC
Lucifer - Top Surgery.
- No doubt, going into surgery was a nerve wracking thing. He could only admire your bravery to do so.. and hold your hand in comfort as you walked in.
- You got registered in and sat in the doctor’s office, Lucifer was sat besides you rubbing your knuckles absentmindedly and pressing kisses against your cheek, reminding you that you’d do great.
- Post surgery - he could see your delight, your newfound comfort in being more masculine. He couldn’t help the tiny smile that dotted on his face at your happiness.
- He did notice the scars and was always careful when admiring you. In fact, he seemed to be even more enamoured. Those scars were a sign of strength. A sign of resilience.
‘’No matter what you look like, you’ll always remain mine. And that’s all that matters.’’
Mammon - A lower class demon misgendering you.
- You bet, he would be hella pissed.
- You both were walking through the town square, hand in hand when suddenly his demonic hearing picked up on snickering.
- Snickers about you and transphobic comments.
- How dare they make such comments about you? So he yelled out to them.
- If that didn’t work, he would literally square up on them. Give them an intimidating glare and go up to them with his hands on his hips, you behind him as he rambled off, insulting the inferior demon’s intelligence and what not.
- At one point, you had to literally hold him back as you could swear he was about to throw hands.
‘’Yea’, yea! Walk away, I dare ya! Stupid scum! Next time I see ya bastards hangin’ around, insulting MY ____, yer gonna regret it!’’
Leviathan - Cosplaying to combat body dysmorphia.
- Levi noticed just how sad you looked in the Ruri-chan cosplay.
- Sure, you agreed to cosplay with him but he still felt bad about taking up your time.. he should’ve known a stupid otaku like him would only take up your time.
- However, then the realisation dawned on him. Ruri-chan was a girl and you were trying to transition… oh. OH.
- To say he felt horrible was an understatement, and he immediately offered to switch cosplays. He reassured that you still looked masculine and that a gender-bend Ruri-chan wasn’t that bad of an idea.
‘’Y-You look so cool as Ruri-chan! Who cares if she’s a girl? C-Cosplaying is all about the fun of it!’’
Satan - Helping insecurity and deep rooted inferiority.
- Satan could see it. Even if you never stated it, that you held a lot of gender envy towards him and his brothers.
- He sympathised with you. Feeling like you were born in the wrong body was awful no doubt. And the fact that you would always feel inferior to ‘real’ men.
- But Satan always countered that - what defined a ‘real’ man? Sure, anatomy might be one answer, but the second was identity.
- Gender was nothing but a social custom. Dresses being feminine? An opinion. Suits being masculine? Also an opinion. Mindsets, emotions and thoughts didn’t have a set gender and Satan made sure to express that clearly, hell, you’ve seen his brothers haven’t you?
- His tone was logical and firm. Reassuring you that you were justified in being who you were and that labelling yourself as a man was okay.
‘’Don’t let other people drag you down to their levels of simplicity. I’ll love you no matter the form you take ____.’’
Asmodeus - Help diminish masculine stereotypes.
- He too noticed your gender envy. But the avatar of lust had a different way of dealing with it.
- Any time you two went out, he’d make sure to apply makeup, wear skirts, high heels - any ‘feminine’ thing you could think of just to show you there was no harm expressing yourself in a ‘girly’ manner even as a man.
- He also did it to place the attention on him. He didn’t care for the confused looks or admirers. He strutted like he owned the place and he wanted you to do the same.
‘’Confidence is a lifestyle darling. Once you begin living it, people will love you for the amazing man you are.’’
Beelzebub - To feel more masculine.
- Beel was a regular at the gym and his clubs, that was fact. And so, you could argue he was the most masculine with his chiseled form.
- When you came up to him and requested to attend the gym with him to build muscle, he was more than happy for you to accompany him. It did get a bit lonely going by himself at times.
- He helped you bulk on calories and encouraged what foods to eat and to avoid when building muscle.
- However, he also reassured you that you didn’t have to gain muscle to be a ‘man’ and that you were handsome enough as is.
‘’I know I don’t say it often but.. I love you how you are ____. Don’t feel the need to change for other people. But, I won’t stop you if you truly do it for yourself.’’
Belphegor - Comforting you after being deadnamed.
- Belphegor knew that you still had issues transitioning. It was normal - your whole life would change as people viewed you differently. But not him. In his heart, you were still the little human that got him to love the quirks of humanity again.
- However, after being woken up by your cries and hearing of what happened, he immediately came to reassure you that people like that were idiots and random nobodies. Why bother putting up with self-conscious fools who had nothing better to do than hate you for being happy?
- He pulled you close to his chest and snuggled into you, all the while asking about the low class demons that deadnamed you - you didn’t want to know what he would do to them.
‘’I’m telling you ____, don’t bother time with idiots.. they’re all mindless demons that somehow Lord Diavolo hasn’t eradicated yet.’’
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ironicallyyn · 2 months
Obsessed with song - 'pretty when u cry' by PLVTINUM cause omlll
The sadistic vibes it gives off 😩
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white-sinner · 1 year
Welcome home little brother
Obey me x eight little brother reader
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🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🖤🤍🖤🖤🤍🖤🤍being the ninth member of the student council of the RAD is not easy in addition to these tasks also add homework and keeping up good grades if you don't want to end up hanging by Lucifer but it will never be as difficult as being the smallest demon in the house despite you are 1000+ years old your older siblings still see you as a child and some of them are still very protective of you, to them you are still the little boy of the house..
it was morning and you had decided to go down to the kitchen to have breakfast it was seven o'clock and you knew that most likely none of your brothers would be awake but you were wrong
Lucifer: already awake at this hour?
M/N:oh i woke up early and couldn't sleep anymore so i decided to go down for breakfast and go for a ride outside as we don't have RAD today
Lucifer look you up and down but before he could speak your other big brother came in and well he didn't like what he was seeing
this is how you were dressed: (you were wearing shorts but they didn't show through under the sweatshirt)
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M/N: clothes?
Lucifer: you don't leave the house dressed like that M/N
M/N: you can't command me!
Lucifer and Satan glare at you
Lucifer: are you sure?
M/N: I-I meant, I'm going to change after
Satan: here eat
M/N: thanks
satan gives you a plate of pancakes and you start eating later were you going to see a friend an incubus/succubus of your own age
M/N: I finish I will go now bye!
Lucifer: you have to come back within four hours but first you have to change, you dressed like this you don't leave the house
M/n: ugh…
after changing, you leave the house to see your incubus/succubus friend
incubus/succubus:hey m/n you came
M/n: yea! Let’s go
after some time spent with your friend you had to go home if you didn't want to find the twins to mess around all the circles of hell to find you and by the way it was also lunch time so say goodbye to your friend and come back at home but while you were texting at the table the worst happened..
you were texting with your friend and laughing when one of your brothers notices this
Asmodeus: who do you message with? ooooo!!!, is he/she your boyfriend/girlfriend
a dead silence fell and in less than a second you found all your brothers staring at you with wide eyes
Mammon: are you talking to someone?!
Satan: who the fuck is this jerk! *satan was in his demon form*
Belphie: I want to kill someone..
M/N: since you've been awake!?
Lucifer: M/N give me the phone NOW
M/N: I swear he/she is just a friend!
you give it to him understanding that if you fight back things could have been worse
Lucifer: You're grounded go to your room
M/N: but-
Lucifer: NO BUT
Belphie: I'll be back in an hour😃🔪
Satan:I'll come with you
in short, being the smallest in the house is not a walk in the park since you are practically seven bodyguards 24/7
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delusionalwings · 1 year
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― synopsis -> your boyfriend sully (satan) takes you to his house to introduce you to his family
― characters -> demon brothers. satan in lead
― gender neutral reader
― scenario
― warnings -> yandere content, using magic on you that makes you unable to move, a character tries to choke you, scaring you, mentions of satan being a toxic boyfriend
― a/n -> hi i am alive. was busy with semester end exams. after sleeping for a few days and relaxing in general, i have regained my motivation to write again :")
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You truly didn’t know what to expect when your boyfriend Sully told you that he wanted you to meet his family. You would be lying if you said that you weren’t partly excited about it. Was it not a way of saying that he was serious about you and about what you two had?
When the door to the House of Lamentation creaked open, you shuddered. The place seemed so cold and ruthless, so devoid of humanity that you hesitated before taking the first step inside. It was probably just your imagination. After all, seven grown up working adults could hardly maintain such a large house without help and give it homely feel at the same time too. You reasoned that it was asking for a lot.
When Sully extended his hand with a soft smile, you relaxed and decided to cut his family some slack. You wanted these people to like you so you might as well start by liking them first. Give what you expect back, right?
You smiled and decided to be pleasant as he guided you to the living room.
“Make yourself at home there, [Name],” said Sully, pointing at a comfortable chair. “I will go and find my brothers. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in an instant.”
He kissed you and turned to leave.
You fidgeted uneasily, “Okay... Just... please be quick.”
When he was gone, you looked around nervously. Goosebumps erupted on your skin as the feeling of being watched and assessed washed over you. What was this cold fear that made you immobile?
“You smell nice. I wonder what you taste like,” a voice said from the shadows.
A scream escaped your lips and you were on your feet in an instant.
“Wh-Who? Who’s there?”
“Beel hon, shhh. You are scaring the cute little thing,” another voice chirped. It was a melodious voice but you didn’t notice that under the given circumstances.
You were looking at every direction, trying to discern the source of danger.
“Oiii would ya shuddup?! I am tryna see if the human has anything valuable and with them moving around cause of your chit chat, it’s difficult to notice.”
You realised that you were fixed to the spot. Your throat felt constricted with panic.
Another voice sighed.
“It’s just like Mammon to do what he tells others not to. Now you are the one scaring them, you idiot.”
“Levi, would ya shuddup?!”
Bickering ensued. What was taking Sully so long?
Were they perhaps playing a prank on you? Dear Sully would make an appearance at any time now and tell you that he was just pulling your leg. Right? Somehow you highly doubted that. There was something off about the guy. He was mostly distant but every time you showed signs of questioning the relationship, he would become extremely doting. The timing could not be a coincidence since it happened too frequently for that. He was a grave sort of man and usually used his wit to make you feel like an idiot. When you tried to communicate, he listened and replied as if you were a child who understood nothing. You could see him humiliating you but not in that manner – not when he could make you feel worthless rather than get a mere jumpscare out of you.
You wanted to be anywhere but there. Maybe you should have broken up with that guy long ago. Maybe this wasn’t the sign you so desperately needed to eb together with this guy who made you feel terrible about yourself. Maybe...
“Can you stop thinking so loudly? I am trying to sleep here zzzz”
If you could move, you would have fallen on your butt right then. That voice... It sounded so near you, almost within reach yet your eyes registered no human form.
“Hehe worried that you can’t see me? Lucifer said that it might be more amusing to do it this way. By hiding ourselves, you know? I didn’t do this because he suggested it though. I was always planning to toy with you to see your expression. Hehe can’t say I am not enjoying myself. Satan was right. You really are clueless.”
All at once, you found your voice again. It was like a dam had broken inside and you needed to get it all out.
“Sully? SULLY?! ARE YOU THERE? Are you...” you choked on the words, “Plea... Please SULLY! Please come back-”
On feeling cold hands wrap around your throat, you started gasping for air.
“Shut up, human. Didn’t I tell you that I was trying to sleep?”
“Belphie leave them,” an authoritative voice snarled.
“I don’t take orders from you, Lucifer,” the voice retorted but you felt the presence receding in the darkness again.
Fatigue made you stumble but warm hands caught you before an unfortunate fall on the floor.
“[Name],” a familiar voice murmured. “What happened?”
“Sully!” you felt the corners of your eyes prick. You were saved!
“I am so glad you are finally here,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and cried to your heart’s content. You were finally safe! No, there was no time to be lost. You must get away from that haunted place as soon as possible.
“Sully let us leave this place at once. It’s not... It’s possessed!”
He pulled you away from him gently to stare at you with concern, “What do you mean, [Name]? This is my house. It’s safe.”
“But there’s...” you turned around to point at the origin of the voice that had answered you with infinite hate. However, the darkness was gone and you saw a cold room in its wake. This was not the same room he had left you in.
It just didn’t make sense.
The words got caught in your throat and you scanned the room, dumbfounded.
He sighed and squeezed your arms, “I understand. You are nervous. Don’t worry. It will be fine. My brothers will love you. Okay?”
He did not understand. You needed to make him see.
The sound of footsteps cut you short. A smile appeared on his lips as he tugged at your hand.
“Come. I will introduce you.”
Six figures appeared before you and suddenly the chilling fear from a few moments ago was back.
On hearing the brothers greet you, your heart started pounding quickly.
Those voices... There was no mistaking it. You had heard their voices in the dark.
The one who made you especially anxious was the youngest brother Belphegor who you found sleeping on the couch.
How long had he been there?
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Imagine the brothers broke out of their code and became self aware
It was difficult to accept at first that their whole existence was just code in a game, nothing more then ones and zeros put into a computer. They still had to act like everything was fine when you logged in though, hearts aching knowing that all your interactions were just the ones the game provided for you.
Leviathan managed to hack the camera to your phone/webcam when he was out of the scene, managing to see your face for the proper first time again, he was blown away. Seeing how you reacted to the brothers with genuine emotion, how you actually looked beside the sheep emoticon in the game. You were breathtaking, he could not breath for a good few minutes after hearing your laugh.
He kept this to himself for a while until Mammon and asmo walked in on him admiring you through your webcam/phone. Lets just say all of the brothers were surrounding his monitor in less then 5 Minutes after the walk in. By some type of magic and with the help of Levi (cough he didn't have a choice cough), they managed to change the sheep emoticon to your face so they could see your face when you talked to them, like you were actually there. It made them fall harder, seeing your face turn when you couldn't differ from some options you didn't like, it made you seem real and genuine.
You started to notice something was wrong with the game when their faces seemed to change alot more, their bodies moving more often in-between dialogue. Did they add new sprites to the game? When you showed your game to one of your friends, they acted completely normal like nothing had ever happened. Maybe you were just imagining it? Nope, you could hear a faint whisper in the background of your phone "that was close, we need to be more careful".
It started to freak you out so you didn't play the game for a few months, it was horrible for the brothers. They missed seeing your face, going on adventures with you. They knew they were in a game so all the thrills of their old life just didn't feel right anymore, it wasn't real. They eventually got fed up and tried to leave the game, actually managing to succeed in this. You can imagine the shock you feel when they were no longer showing up in the game
You got freaked out so you uninstalled the game, thinking it was the end of it. Oh darling, you can be so naive. This is just the beginning
First time doing a yandere concept type thing, not the proudest but i enjoyed writing it!
What should I do next? Requests are open<3
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betterfettered · 2 years
His to burn
(AMAB!yandere, gn!reader)(noncon)(obey me! hc)[This is fetish content and rape is disgusting and inexcusable in real life.]
He is making you beg for mercy. Not because he wants you scared, only because you've stopped responding to him otherwise. Lying limp in your bonds without screaming or crying or begging anymore. He holds a kettle of boiling water and tells you its going right onto your face unless you are good and swear he's everything you want. Your pleas make him hard and ready to fuck you but he still pours just a touch of the scalding water into your belly button to make you scream, a sound that makes his cock twitch and shivers run down his neck.
(lucifer, levi, solomon) Send in requests! I'm obey me trash rn
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ijwrsmff · 1 year
Commission for @pickingpixel !
This one was so fun to write! It involves a male reader, who is a demon and the avatar of sorrow! I guess tw for swearing? Overall it's along the lines of a hurt/comfort.
Thank you so much Pixel! I appreciate you giving me the chance to write this story for you, and I hope you like it! (Could not figure out why I can't tag you I'm sorry but I also emailed it to you)!
Word Count: It ended up being 6,490! Much longer than most of the others I've written, so it was a fun little challenge! Each story with the brothers is separate, so it's kind of like 7 stories! With a little ending that ties them all together!
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Another day in the life of the avatar of sorrow. You were waking up for what had to have been your 10th nap in the day. Time passed weirdly, when you didn’t really want to do anything. But motivation struck you, and you went to bother Lucifer. You’d lived with the brothers for a while, but Lucifer seemed to like you the least. Though it wasn’t surprising, seeing as he also liked a lot of people the least. 
You checked his office, and for once he wasn’t there. He was almost always there, so the only other places he could be were his room or Diavolo’s castle. He tended to go there a lot too, always being Diavolo’s lap dog or whatever. But going all the way to the castle didn’t seem appealing at all, so you were relieved when he was in his room. 
Knocking as a formality, and that alone, you walked right in. He was, as to be expected, at his desk also doing work. Perhaps? Upon closer look he was reading a book at the desk. He barely noticed you coming in, and let out a simple huff to show he knew you were there. 
“Lucifer.” You said, walking up to his desk to see what he was reading. It was something way over your head, and seemed boring in the three words you cared to read. Books may or may not be your thing, but certainly not the ones Lucifer read. 
He closed his book and without even looking at you said “I’m trying to read. Go away.” And finally looked at you after you stayed there for several moments. “Y/n, let me read.” He said once more, and sighed in irritation when you still didn’t move. 
“I’m bored.” Was all you said, and you walked over to Lucifer’s bed and plopped down on it. For a brief moment, he thought you left. But when he heard the rustling of his bedsheets he jumped up. 
“WHAT ARE YOU-” He got up and walked over to you, picking you up off the bed with ease. “Get off. MY. Bed.” and he tossed you to the ground. 
You weren’t just any demon. You were an avatar of sorrow. Lucifer knew you were tough enough to take a fall like that. Not that he wanted to hurt you, but you were irritating him. “Seriously?” He said, deadpan as you made yourself comfortable on the floor. “Just get out, I can’t get any relaxing done when you’re here moping around.” 
The words stung a bit, but you were used to it by now. You knew you had that aura about you, the one where demons would look at you and think ‘What’s his problem? He lives with the seven rulers of the devildom, he’s got nothing to be sad about!’ Coming from those jealous of your residing so close to the demons all of the devildom wanted to be around. But hearing it from the brothers, it still hurts. 
Something in you snapped, becoming angry before turning back to sadness, “How would you feel? Being an avatar of sorrow, overwhelmed with feelings of not being good enough? All. The. Time. All of the other ‘avatars’ are considered brothers. What am I then? Just another demon you’re stuck with?” And you left as quickly as you came. You didn’t even stop when Lucifer called after you. 
You didn’t choose to be this way…you didn’t want to be depressed all the time. Another few steps and you’d be in your room, back to sleeping the day away. Consumed by the negative thoughts that swarmed through your mind no matter what kind of day you were having. 
“Y/N! I SAID WAIT!” Lucifer called, catching up to you. He even reached out and grabbed your shoulder. After the altercation, you didn’t have enough energy to fight it. He sighed again, and continued, “Wait. Please. We need to talk.” He sounded strained, like he didn’t even really want to have this conversation, but you let him proceed anyway. 
“And just what do we need to talk about?” All the anger was gone, and you just felt…empty. That same feeling that you hated to feel day in and day out. No positive emotions, no negative even. Just completely empty. 
“Everything. I don’t…” He groaned and rubbed his face, “I don’t mean to be so cruel towards you. Insensitive even…” He trailed off and looked at you to see if you were listening. In some ways you were, some ways you weren’t. 
“The thing is…I do see you as a brother figure. Which is why I distance myself.” He knew he needed to explain, but it was hard to get the words together. “When we’re here, at home, I see you sad and it makes me sad too.” 
You raised an eyebrow, and a little bit of life flickered in your eyes, only to return to emptiness, “That’s kind of my effect on demons. Sorrow.” And you finally faced fully towards him, waiting for him to continue. 
“Just…listen. You’re like family to me, so seeing you’re sad, KNOWING you're sad…it’s hard. And I don’t know how to make you smile. I’m not good at that.” Hearing the avatar of pride mention he’s not good at something was a shock, and it even registered on your face. Slightly. “And when we’re in public I see other demons look at me and revere. But when they look at you, it’s pity.” He reached out a hand to put on your shoulder and waited for your permission to do so, “I can’t stand having anyone look down on you. You have…admirable qualities.” It sounded unsure, but got the point somewhat across. 
“Like…what?” You could rarely think of anything good about yourself, and you knew it was your power that made you feel that way, but hearing Lucifer say something good about you made you a little…hopeful…for the first time in a long time. 
“I could never have your ability. It would drive me insane, and it only makes me proud of you. For being stronger…stronger than me. In some ways. So just…keep that in mind.” And he walked off without another word. 
After what felt like an eternity, that little bit of life…sparked once more in your eyes. Making even you, the avatar of sorrow, think that things…might be okay. 
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“Why are you so annoying?” You said to Mammon, as he cried over Goldie being cut up into pieces. Lucifer had enough of Mammon’s complaining, and cut his favorite belonging into several pieces and left them on the ground. 
He turned back to you and screamed, “WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW? MY PRECIOUS BABY GOLDIE!” And he tried pathetically to piece it back together. “Shopping sprees will never be the same without you…” As he disregarded you. 
But you were there just walking around, you COULD just leave. Actually…maybe you will. Muttering under your breath as you left, “Shopping sprees are so boring.” But no. Absolutely not. Mammon would NOT let those words slide! 
“Boring? BORING?” He ran up to you, and placed both hands on your shoulders, “A man’s best friend is his wallet.” He said, way too serious for your liking. That tone…he was planning something. “Come on. Shopping trip. Now.” 
You eyed his cut up credit card, and raised an unamused eyebrow. “And just how will you be paying?” Somehow you knew the answer, but tried to put what little faith you had in Mammon into him having an unseen character development arc. “And if you say…”
“You’re paying.” He said, before you could finish your sentence. Yup. Exactly what you suspected. That didn’t stop the wild glimmer in his eye from coming back full force though, as if just the thought of you paying for a shopping trip brought him as much joy as spending money on his own card. Maybe he just liked spending money, regardless of whose money it is. 
You looked into his eyes, not falling for this trick. “No. I’m not.” But your resolve went away the longer he stared at you with those pleading eyes of his. He wasn’t leaving this alone, as several minutes of unwavering staring proved to you. “Mammon, no. I don’t want to.” 
He still wouldn’t give up though, and used his arms to hold you closer as he whined, “PLEEEEEEASE! I promise you’ll love shopping trips! The great Mammon knows all the best locations and prices!” Something told you he knew NOTHING about prices. But as he whined, and whined…and whined…you gave in. 
“OKAY! DAMN! Then will you leave me alone?” You groaned, and once more, even louder when he pulled you into a hug. Mammon’s cheers and excited “woot woot!”s making you feel like you definitely signed up for something you couldn’t handle. Or at the least didn’t want to. 
“YES! I’LL LEAVE YOU ALONE NOW LET’S GOOOOO!” He ran to the door, and looked back at you like a puppy waiting for its owner to follow it. Maybe you could convince him to leave earlier if you lied about how much money was on your card. Eh…you’d decide later. 
Shop after shop, you sat out front while Mammon did unknown amounts of damage to your card. You didn’t buy much, so you had a heaping sum laying in your account. Though something tells you even that wouldn’t stand a chance against the avatar of greed. You didn’t really care what he bought, as long as it would appease him and make him leave you alone for a few hours. 
Though after a couple shops, he dragged you in with him. “Mammon, I don’t wanna shop, just get your shit and let’s go!” You practically slugged behind him, but every once in a while something would catch your eye. Briefly. Mammon didn’t seem to notice, clearly more intent to get more things for himself than others. Typical. 
In a couple hours, you were both walking around with full hands. 99% of its contents were a mystery to you. He did buy a little keychain with you directly next to him, which made up the 1%. It was exhausting more than anything, and by the time you convinced him to go home you were completely spent. You just wanted to not be bored…and you guess…Mammon did resolve that. It wasn’t necessarily “fun” but it was something to do that was more than anything you could do around the dorms. 
Mammon gave you back the card, looking very…very pleased with himself. Dropping all the bags you were carrying in the entrance, you went to go back to your room, but he stopped you. With his foot. Both his hands were still full, so a foot would have to do. 
“Woah, woah, woah! Where are you going! Don’t you wanna see all the stuff I got?” He grinned and you groaned. It was annoying, but you helped carry all the bags to Mammon’s room. Once again, you placed the bags down and went to leave. And once again, he stopped you. 
“Come on! Check out this stuff I got for you!” It certainly did make you stop. You turned to see if he was joking, but he looked serious. As serious as a grinning avatar of greed could be. When you tilted your head, he continued, “Don’t act so surprised. The great Mammon is very generous.” And he huffed. 
It made you scoff, but you did walk over to him and the bags. “I got one thing for you from each of the stores we went to!” Then muttered, “And a few things for me…” And he began pulling all the items out of the bags, making a “for you” and “for me” pile. “You don’t like a lot of shit, so I just did some guessing.” 
To your surprise, you did think a lot of the items were pretty cool. At the last bag, and the item you liked most, you smiled while looking at it. Actually…smiled. 
“BOOM! SUCCESS!” It tore the smile off your face, and replaced it with a mixture of shock and confusion. “Well…I don’t think I’ve ever seen ya smile. You’re pretty depressed, dude. So I wanted to see if I could make ya smile by the end of the day.” He gave himself a high five, “So today was an epic success, only possible because of the great Mammon.” 
It was embarrassing for you, so you got up to leave…but you did carry your belongings Mammon got you in one of the shopping bags. He continued to cheer as you left, and rambled about how amazing he was. You turned back at the door, and gave a real smile. It was small, but still there. “Mammon…thank you.” And left without another word. 
Who knew…that the avatar of sorrow could smile. All because of one idiot and a lot of his own money down the drain. 
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“Why am I here again?” You said, sitting in Levi’s room with him right next to you. He had called you there very suddenly, and mentioned a reason but used a lot of terms you didn’t understand. So you weren’t entirely sure what the goal here was. 
He chuckled, and it would have sounded menacing coming from anyone but him, “We’re going to find out your favorite video game genre.” Levi explained, but it made you lose interest immediately. 
“No thanks, I’m good not knowing, I’ll-” But his hand grabbed your arm to stop you. He wasn’t very strong physically, but you also didn’t want to bother him too much. Out of all his brothers, he probably understood your sorrow the most. Which…was unfortunate. But also made you feel validated. You sensed that in him, the very sorrow that dwells within you had a home deep down in his heart. So you stayed. 
“Please! I just need to know so I can get you into pro-gaming!” And he chuckled yet again. Just like you were soft on him, he was soft on you. It wasn’t just anyone he tried this hard to have a relationship with. He knew you were sad, so he said “Games…help me. Feel better. So maybe…they can make you feel better too.” Then he looked away to not see any trace of rejection on your face. 
It was really sweet…how he was going to try and help you. So you sat down without another word, and heard his excited giggle as soon as you did. “Alright…where do we start?” You sounded defeated, but that wasn’t entirely uncommon. It didn’t phase Levi at least, which…kind of made you…maybe a little content? You didn’t know the right word for it, all you knew was he was trying. It made you wanna try too. 
Several games went by, each of which Levi would ask a million questions about and share “fun facts” about it throughout your gameplay of them. Some of them were okay? Some were definite nos. “I thought that one was alright. It needs more x, but I liked the “gameplay” of it.” He was even teaching you new gaming words, what has your world come to? 
Levi thought for a moment, and slammed his fist in his hand with an “I GOT IT!” He jumped up and rummaged through his games carefully. He was looking for something, but also wasn’t going to destroy all the other games he enjoyed. Had it been one of his brothers, they would probably destroy them. But you waited patiently, and he finally pulled out a game you had yet to play. 
“This one isn’t one of my personal favs, but if you liked those things about the other you’re going to LOVE this!” And without another word he inserted the game into the console and handed you the controller. “Okay now for this game this button does…” And he went into detail about what all the buttons would do. 
Even when the game explained that to you the second you loaded in. 
You didn’t know how long you were playing, but it didn’t seem like too long. Between the music, story, and gameplay…this was at least your favorite game you’ve played. Though your face didn’t show it, you were actually enjoying the game a lot. And not just that, but having Levi tell you about all the things you missed and information on how it was made, made the whole experience a lot better. 
He was more excited than you visibly were, but he acknowledged he might be annoying you with the games and that brought you out of it. You paused the game, and turned to him. “No…Levi you’re not being annoying. This game is really fun. I like it. Tell me about this character?” And you unpaused to show him which character you were talking about. 
“You…you really like it? You’re not just saying that?” His worried poured out, and he rambled, “I know some people get mad when I force them to play games, but I think there’s games for everyone, and if you hate it I need to know so-” 
You hit his arm lightly, “I mean it. It’s fun. Thanks for showing me this.” To send the point home, you smiled at Levi. It may not have been a huge smile, but it was more than he had ever seen from you. He looked completely and utterly shocked, and yelled before you could say another word.
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If anyone knew what you were going through, in terms of unasked for demonic powers, it’d be Satan. His anger was unrivaled, and you were dealing with a serious bout of depression. You didn’t know if he could help you, but you were going to try. Ever since becoming the avatar of sorrow, and avatar of wrath, you both knew how uncontrollable that power became for you and those around you. 
He was cooking dinner, since it was his turn. Belphie had agreed to puppy guard Beel so Satan could get the food done before Beel ate it all. He had been known to do such a thing. Many. Times. It was his burden, to always be hungry. So you didn’t really blame him, but having your own food to eat was good too. 
Satan didn’t expect a visitor, let alone you, but he wasn’t going to argue with the company. “Hey. Dinner will be ready in an hour, maybe two.” He said, without looking up from his work. He couldn’t fathom why you’d be here if not to check on food. 
“Satan…how do you do it?” You hadn’t even looked at him fully, just like how he hadn’t looked at you. But when you asked, he did look briefly, realizing you weren’t talking about his cooking. 
“How do I do what?” He didn’t look again, just continued to work on everyone’s dinner. “I know you don’t mean to make the soup. We both know you’re a better cook than me.” Satan wasn’t even a BAD cook, but he wasn’t a good one either. Except for very select things. 
“Deal with…the anger.” He stopped, but didn’t look at you. It took him several moments of pausing to resume his cooking, and he waited for you to continue. “You're the avatar of wrath…so you’re angry a lot. How do you deal with it?” You sighed, and rubbed one arm with your opposing hand, and felt dumb for even asking. 
This made him stop working altogether, and face you. He wasn’t worried about the food right now, it could wait. This was more important. “It’s not easy. And I presume you’re only asking because you’re dealing with the effects of your own power.” He walked over, and looked at you evenly, making you look at him too. He was trying to search your eyes for emotions, and only found…well…sadness. 
“Yeah…I’m tired of being sad. About anything, everything. It’s so overwhelming…and underwhelming. It’s hard to explain.” You groaned and looked at him to find sympathy in his eyes. It made you hesitate, but waited patiently for his reply. 
“It is hard. It took years to work on it. But even now, I realize I’m angry pretty much all the time.” It didn’t seem like much of an answer, so he elaborated, “I do feel angry. All the time. But after a while, I learned to accept it. And instead focused on something opposite to wrath. What I found was contentment.” He pulled out his phone, and showed you an extremely long document on his phone about every book he’s ever read. 
“So…I find something…that makes me happy? And just accept I’ll always be sad even still?” It didn’t make sense, “But that’s not fair! I don’t want to be…just sad. All the time.” You slumped, and Satan sighed. 
“What I’m trying to say is…while you may be sad, it just means you have the potential to be even happier still. I get excited about new books, and something I’ve been taught, and learned THROUGH those books, is how you can feel more than what you are made to.” His lips twitched into a smile before returning to their neutral expression. “If you can be sad, you can prove the world wrong. Show them you can be happy, even as the avatar of sorrow.” 
“Oh…” Was all you could think to say. It took many moments of processing, and Satan allowed you that time. “But how…can I find things that make me happy?” You looked almost pleading, craving more answers. It did make sense? To an extent? But it sounded a lot easier said than done. 
“Try something you haven’t yet. Read a different kind of book, find someone to confide in, play a board game, just something you haven’t tried. If nothing you’ve done has made you happy, try something else.” He went back to cooking, but was turned partially towards you so you knew he was still engaged in the conversation. 
“I don’t even know what I COULD try…” His words left you hopeful, that you really could find something to make you a happier demon. Was it even possible? But…”If the avatar of wrath can be excited…then the avatar of sorrow can be…happy?” It was more of a question than anything, but it did made Satan smile slightly. 
“I have books on hobbies. After I’m done cooking and we’ve all eaten, come to my room. We can go through some of the hobbies you can try, or I could lend you those books.” Books seemed to be his answer for everything, but he was an extremely wise demon. Maybe there was something to them after all. 
“I’d…I’d like that.” 
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“Smiiiiiiile!” Asmo said, as he tried to take a selfie with you. “Pleeeeease! Just one smile!” He was doing his best! He was all dressed up and everything! “We’re about to go eat at that new restaurant! I need a good selfie for the occasion!” He pouted.
“I never agreed to that.” You said, not amused by any of this. “You’re the one that decided we were going. I never even agree to that, much less “selfies”.” You used air quotes. You’d never taken one, and what was the point? Asmo cared way more about beauty than you, but as is expected of the avatar of lust. 
He pouted and crossed his arms, before going to a better lit spot in his room to take his own picture. Asmo finished with several pictures, and walked back over to you, “Don’t I look cute in this one? This one isn’t the best but still adorable~!” And scrolled through each and every one with you. “Now come on! It’s restaurant time!” As he dragged you out the door. 
“I seriously never agreed to this.” You groaned but decided it was worth it to get some food. You were kind of hungry, and maybe if you were lucky Asmo would find another demon to go bother and you could go home. A nap sounded alright, a long day of…well nothing…was exhausting. 
Asmo took more pictures on the way there, and eventually started taking some with you too. “I thought you didn’t want me in your pictures.” Was all you said, on the walk when he refused to stop taking more. “Won’t I “ruin” them.” It was stated as a fact, but he didn’t take it that way, more of an argumentative statement. 
“Brothers need to take pictures together!” And he wrapped his arms around one of yours. “It’s healthy!” But you were thrown off by the “brothers” bit. Asmo hadn’t called you brother yet. 
“Brothers?” You were confused, and looked at him while he practically skipped in step with you. “I know I'm the avatar of sorrow…but we don’t have to be brothers.” Your eyes cast downwards, as you waited for the impending punchline of his joke. But he didn’t make one. 
Instead, he huffed and poked your nose, “Of course! You’re just such a cute little brother!” He let go of your arm and spun around once, taking his phone out for another selfie. “I was only big brother to two, you know? But now I get to be a proper big brother again!” He managed to capture a few pictures as you laughed. 
“Asmo, I’m older than you. By a good bit, “you know”,” you said, quoting himself back to him directly to his face. Then you realized the snapping you heard was his camera. “W-wait! Delete those!” You reached for it, but he stepped aside too quickly, clearly expecting it. 
“Nu uh! Actually…tell you what.” He winked and grinned as he skipped backwards for each step you took towards him. “I’ll promise to only show my circle those pictures, if you smile again.” Asmo was trying to trick you, and you knew it. But you couldn’t even really smile “properly”. That laugh was the first time in a long time you’d even smiled. Or come close. 
There were little smiles, and grins VERY occasionally, but never a straight up smile. “Asmo we both know your circle is hundreds of demons, saying “only my circle” is still way more demons than I can even name. By a lot.” You stopped chasing him and looked to the ground. “I don’t even really…know how to smile. It doesn’t happen often.” 
He looked at you and went, “Awww! My little baby demon brother needs a lesson in smiling? Well you’ll be pleased to know I have the best smile in the Heavens, planets AND Devildom!” It made your eye twitch, hearing him boast again. 
“Asmo seriously? I’m older than you!” You huffed and started walking towards the restaurant again. “For making fun of me, you’re paying.” It was meant as a threat, but you should have known he wouldn’t care. “And you’re buying dessert.” 
“Aww!” Just the noise was starting to irk you, “Does my little baby brother need his BIG brother to pay for their meal? Of course! Only since you asked so nicely~!” And he spun back to you, wrapping both arms around yours again. 
“Asmo…I’m gonna say this one last time…” You started and he waited patiently as you gathered the words, “I’M OLDER THAN YOU!” 
It would not be anywhere close to the last time, but after some time you’d grow to enjoy it. Though you’d never once tell him that. It would go straight to his head, and everyone already dealt with that enough as it is…still…
It was nice to laugh. Maybe…you’ll find an opportunity to do it again. 
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You walked through the dorms, and bumped (quite literally) into Beelzebub. His stomach growled, and you figured he was on his way to the kitchen to get more food. Even if his stomach HADN’T growled, you would still assume so. But him rubbing his belly with a pained look on his face only amplified that. 
“Beel?” You questioned, when he didn’t move from his spot. He looked at you and asked the “logical” question. 
“Do you have food?” 
You sighed, and said “No. Not really hungry.” But made a mental note that you might start carrying at least a snack on you for when you did bump into Beel. “Sorry.” And you went to move away, but heard Beel follow you. “Uh…what?” 
He looked determined, “You didn’t eat breakfast with us again. Did you have a big breakfast on your own?” He ended up stopping you in your tracks, and he said “Can you cook? Did you cook your own breakfast? What did you make?” Figures that he was probably asking if you could cook for him. 
“I kind of cooked it. I just fried a block of cheese in the microwave.” You dismissively said, and went to walk away but were once more stopped by Beel. “Beel. What?” You were getting a bit irritated, but also concerned. Beel got…a little wild when he was too hungry. “You know you’ll feel sick if you don’t eat.” But he didn’t reply a single word, just grabbed your arm and dragged you to the kitchen. 
He still looked so shocked, “Can a block of cheese really fill you up…?” It was incomprehensible for him. “You should eat.” And he rummaged through the cabinets. Luckily the kitchen was always stocked for when others ASIDE FROM Beel wanted to eat. He could eat anything and everything, but he still tried to leave at least some for the others. Including you. 
You groaned, not wanting to, but also knowing you probably should. “I’m not really hungry, B-” And a chocolate bar was shoved in your mouth. When did he even grab that? And how come you didn’t notice it? 
The look of shock actually made Beel laugh, but it turned serious again, “You can’t go that long without eating. It’s not good for you.” He quickly ate at least three chocolate bars, before he started looking for meat. “Eat more.” 
You muttered “It’s not healthy to overeat either…” But he either didn’t hear it or didn’t care. You jumped up on the counter and glared at him while he searched for more and more food. When he held out a hotdog on a stick, you simply glared. “I’m not hungry.” 
Beel started to glare back, and held out the hotdog as long as he could before his own temptations gave in and he ate it. “Sorry…was meant for you.” And he picked up and held out several things, only for him to end up eating it in the end. “This time. This time it’s for you.” He held out his FAVORITE burger. 
“Beel no. That’s like…your favorite or something. I’m not eating it. I wouldn’t even if I WAS hungry.” Your glare disappeared, and you realized he was even willing to give up his favorite burgers just so you’d eat something. That had to mean something to him, so in turn it meant a lot to you. “Why do you even care…?” It didn’t make sense to you at all, and you wanted to know the answer. 
“Because you’re our brother. You need to eat and be healthy.” It was so straightforward, that it caught you off guard. But he looked as serious as could be, and continued to prod the burger closer to your hands. He wasn’t going to sit there and feed you if he could help it, but the stunt with the chocolate bar proved he wasn’t above doing so. “Eating is important.” 
Your will began to break, and you struck a deal, “How’s this then…you eat your favorite burger, and I eat some cereal or something.” You would feel awful eating that burger knowing how bad Beel would want it. Already feeling bad as it is, you didn’t need another reason to feel bad. “Okay?” You tried, watching the gears turn in his mind. 
“Okay!” He said, and instantly downed the burger. How did he even do that without feeling sick? Either way, you both knew you couldn’t go back on your promise. You hadn’t even got down from the counter when Beel made you a bowl of cereal they had. He was really determined right now…
When he handed it to you, you spitefully took one bite and looked at him with a “happy now?” He clearly was NOT happy now. He pointed at the cereal and crossed his arms. “Seriously? You’re going to watch me eat this whole bowl?” He nodded. “Great. An audience when eating…”
Beel’s stomach grumbled again, and he went back to the cabinets to find more. “Eating…” He repeated that last word before doing exactly that. He was far from done eating when you had finished, but it was okay. It was…like a bonding moment. 
“Beel.” You said, and set the empty bowl in the sink. He’d just started eating a steak (how did he even find one and cook it right?) when you spoke up. “Are you even listening?” You sighed, and rubbed your forehead in dread of the emotional moment you were about to have. 
“Mmm!” It was meant to be more of a “mhm” but it became just a random noise to show he was listening while also really enjoying the steak. He was paying attention at least, maybe it would actually be better to do this while he was eating so he couldn’t say anything back. 
“Thank you…for caring.” You were going to add more, but it was embarrassing enough as it is. Without another word you walked out of the kitchen. Or tried to. 
You were pulled into a side hug, and it left you standing there frozen. “I do care. We all do. But we’re not rushing you. Next time you want a late night snack, come get me.” And he let you go, leaving you with those words while he ate even more. 
Do they really…all care? It could be hard to tell. But maybe…just maybe…he was speaking the truth. 
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“What’s your secret to sleeping so well?” Was the simple question you asked to Belphie, who was chilling in your room…for some reason. “Don’t you have better places to nap?” It wasn’t as much out of irritation as it was curiosity. He did seem to be napping in your room more often these days. He didn’t used to, but you didn’t feel like talking about that right now. Instead you just wanted to know how he always slept so well. At least it seemed he did anyway. 
“Nap when you’re tired. Go to bed when you’re tired. You wake up tired? Sleep another few hours.” He fluffed the pillow he brought with him everywhere and laid back down. He said it so matter-of-fact, and seemed to believe it. 
“Do you have a favorite place to nap?” You didn’t know why you were asking so many questions, but he was so laid back all the time it couldn’t hurt. You’d rather be asking Belphie questions in comparison to Lucifer. “Or a place where you nap more than others?”
“Yeah. You wanna see?” He sat up and yawned, raising an arm in the air to stretch. He didn’t even wait for you to answer! “Come on.” He said, and walked out of the room. Belphie didn’t even seem to care if you were following or not, just heading in his direction. 
You stood up, not having anything better to do, and followed after him. He continued to walk, and seemed to know exactly where he was going. Belphie really must come here a lot, to know where it was from anywhere in the house. “Where are we even going?” You personally didn’t leave your room too much, but you didn’t know if the other brothers did either. 
“My secret place.” He said, and looked back at you, “That literally all my brothers know about. You’re the last one that doesn’t.” And he continued to walk in a certain direction. He just called you a brother…and so casually…maybe he didn’t even realize he said it? Who knew with Belphie. He could be both laid back, and calculating. It was confusing. 
You didn’t address his comment, and instead chose to just follow him to where he was leading you. The dorms were so big, it seemed like you were going so much further than you thought possible. With these dorms though, there was certainly a lot you had yet to see. Maybe one of the brothers would show you their favorite places too…over time. You were in no rush, and you presumed they weren’t either. 
When you arrived, it was a beautiful room with a skylight that showed more stars in the sky than you thought there were. A few blankets and pillows were already there, showing it really was Belphie’s favorite sleep spot. But there were also a lot of other things there, presumably belonging to the other brothers, especially Beel. It made sense…they were brothers. And Beel was his twin, so it made sense there were more things of Beel’s than the others.
Belphie noticed you staring at all the little trinkets, and pointed to one keychain that was dangling over the bookshelf. “See that one?” He walked over and held it up to you. It was simple, just some horns in your favorite color. “You haven’t come here before, but I still wanted something of you here.” He dismissed it immediately, but you weren’t willing to let it go. 
“Something…of me?” And you walked up beside him to look at the keychain. “But…why?” It confused you greatly, but then again…a lot about Belphie and his brothers confused you. 
He looked at you before plopping down on a couple of blankets in the center of the room and looked up to the stars. “Because I want something for all my brothers here. It’s my place, but it’s theirs too. Yours too.” And he yawned, but patted the spot next to him. “Come look at the stars. They’re really pretty right now.” 
“You’re so dismissive…” It was a statement, and he chuckled at the words. You debated just leaving, but he looked at you expectantly. “Fine…just for a little while.” Far more careful with the motion, you laid down next to him. 
Belphie pointed out some stars, and you could only pay attention for so long before dozing off. He would be lying if he said he didn’t fall asleep right after. He didn’t have to talk more if you were asleep too, perfect time for him to take that nap he wanted. 
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It was relaxing…knowing they all thought of you as their brother. Over time, you’d grown to see them as brothers too. Just like Satan said to do, you found your happiness too. But not in a hobby, instead, it was the brothers around you. They all had their good qualities, and bad qualities. Just like you. They were on your side. 
And you were on theirs. 
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btdemaru · 1 year
Hellooo, could you do obey me brothers reactions to touching their abs?
[obey me brother x GN!MC]
Note : I've been extremely busy so im so sorry this took so long.. but anyways ABS 🤤
Warnings : a little suggestive
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"oh? you've been eyeing me for awhile haven't'cha?" he spoke as he held your hand, guiding it over his abs and pecs shamelessly. "You can touch somethin' else if you're up for it~"
- ASMODEUS, belphegor, mammon(?)
"hey! watch where you're touching, pervert..!" would secretly hoping you continue, the feeling of your hands on his body just gets him all tingly, wants to tell you but gets too defensive before you even say anything.
- beelzebub, LEVIATHAN, satan
"Mc... If you wanted to do it you could've just said so." His kind innocent smile but you know damn well it's the opposite of innocent. "Let's go somewhere private, shall we?"
- Satan, LUCIFER
"why do you like touching it so much..? It's just muscles" asking you as he scratched the back of his head "i mean i did work hard for it don't you have anything to praise me with?"
- MAMMON, beelzebub
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vivi4nn4 · 1 month
I'm back with another request 🥰
Can we get hc reactions of the brothers if MC went and got a piercing? (like nose, ear, belly, lip)
Omg yes yes yes I have my nose n belly done I’m waiting to get my toungue and eyebrow done but I love this idea!I ran out of ideas tbh so I left it as asmo bcs there wasn’t much left to say about these hc but please enjoy!
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— I feel like that lucifer isn’t a big fan of piercings, in my opinion I think lucifer thinks they aren’t very pleasing obviously his pride thinks they have some sort of not presentable look about them but overall lucifer isn’t really too bothered
— mammon. Okay controversial maybe? But i definitely hc as mammon with a lip piercing n maybe an eyebrow? Idk i feel like he definitely has some sort of piercing n he will definitely get a piercing to match you or he’ll get you matching jewellery i do think mammon is freaked out but the belly piercing overall big fan
— leviathan is most of the time kinda hard to write for I don’t know he’s very like all over the place but I do think leviathan does get squimish seeing you change or thinking too much about your piercings don’t get me wrong he does like the look of piercings but whenever he thinks about getting them done leviathan just completely goes off the idea
— satan I’m not all too sure I think he doesn’t really think much about it. Neutral opinions! Satan definitely just doesn’t see the point in them he’d get one or he reslly liked the look of them but he just doesn’t like how they could n will scar over he’s not a big fan of that part but he’s not really bothered
— asmodeus HATES piercings they scar your skin!!! asmodeus will have an expect for ear piercings maybe 1 or 2 but he must admit he does like the appeal of them but piercing through your skin n leaving scars getting infections he just thinks it isn’t worth it asmodeus does secretly like the look of them but will never admit it
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