#obey me quiz
artislifefan · 9 months
Barbatos: Solomon! You're evil deeds end today!
MC: Why??? What did Solomon do??
Diavolo: He has comitted various crimes with his evil sorcery!
MC: Oh come on! Solomon is innocent! 😤
Solomon: MC🥺
Barbatos: And he cooked some strange purple substance and many people got sick and fainted with the terrible smell
MC: .......
MC: i stand corrected
Solomon: *Offended*
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blissfullyapillow · 11 months
Made an obey me matchup uquiz because I was bored and bruh never again y’all. This took me like 2-3 hours ☠️😭
If any of you are curious though, taking my own quiz , I got Mammon lmao
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kittywoozi · 2 years
Yeah so i made an obey me kin quiz lol
I would say its kinda chaotic so be warned
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strawberrycartt · 3 months
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From the heart 🎶
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nevvn · 1 year
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solomama and lucipapa raising a pack of rowdy kids
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
everyone PLEASE listen to satan going hohohooo
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nocherryblood · 10 months
On Leviathan and Neurodivergence- the BluePara Pop Quiz.
Is it just me, or was the whole BluePara pop quiz just an exploration of Levi having neurodivergence? His self-esteem and confidence is knocked badly- both he and one of his special interests/hyperfixations is insulted- and he has a shutdown, "refusing" (aka unable) to come out of his room because it's his safe space.
What hits me hardest is the fact that everyone, especially Lucifer, responds with such kindness and concern, even if he knows he's tasked with getting Levi back into school. He and Barbatos both agree that it will take some time for Levi to rebuild his confidence, and everyone chips in to suggest alternative ways for Levi to continue learning whilst also allowing him to remain in a place he considers to be safe and comforting- this was especially seen when the idea came up to try to get Levi to change how he is and just drag him out of his room in order to get him into RAD, before the conversation was immediately interjected with the firm belief that getting Levi to be someone he wasn't and mocking his worries/fears would be wrong, and that, whilst the aim of their brainstorming is to find ways to help Levi to grow in himself, they ultimately want Levi to still be the person he always is and was and wouldn't actually want it any other way. They all air their frustration about the situation, but ultimately, they also love Levi for being, well, Levi- seen when Mammon questions how his own choice to skip school when feeling down is different to Levi's, and even MC has the option to add in that Levi's case feels different (as Lucifer says, in Levi's case it's that he's obsessing over something or, as in this situation, that he's having negative overthinking spirals that just leave him paralysed with fear)
Essentially, they all just want to help understand Levi better in order to help him find ways to manage his struggles in a more positive way.
Satan even offers to tutor Levi, and many of the others show sympathy and worry for Levi, such as Beel showing extreme restraint to offer him some of his meals and also whilst Asmo took the time and patience to recreate a dinner from the BluePara anime- something everyone took time to watch and analyse in the hopes of finding something to interest Levi enough to draw him out.
So to me at at least, this pop quiz was very much a look into Levi being neurodivergent-coded, and a heartwarming look at how the family try their best to understand each other and accommodate each others' needs and wants, even if they don't all understand each other or often have scraps because of it.
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I don't exactly believe him. I wonder why
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12am-motivation · 1 month
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yourlocalgrass · 2 months
Shit. There is no Levi birthday Pop quiz revival on the OG meaning there won’t be any other birthday revivals they’ve taken away the last of it.
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artislifefan · 2 years
Disney haters be like:
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omnomnb · 2 months
fun new game: what would you have seen if you touched the glass petal
mine would be "congratulations we've abolished capitalism and the english monarchy and elon musk and landlords and the sta
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mcx7demonbros · 2 months
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torihakaraublog · 2 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer "The Phantom Butterflies" Pop Quiz Event
!SPOILERS FOR THE EVENT! (also this discussion will involve omegaverse cause if you know you know)
Read through this story the first day of the event, but then things got busy and I wasn't able to make a post about it till now. :(
This event was really fun! Also as an omegaverse fan all the conversations about Levi going into 'heat' was funny to me xD
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I'm not a fan of perfumes - get agitated easily, but do like scents in other products. Its cool how you can mix scents to get something completely different or create a vibe that matches a character like Levi is doing here.
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Ummm this sounds kinda disturbing... idk if I would want to put that on my face.
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Ah yes the start of the 'scenting'. Was a side effect of mixing all these ingredients together that Levi can now smell people's 'true' scent, or is more sensitive to the scent of people he's attracted too? Also why do you need to be alone Levi? huh? huh?
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Kinda sweet how Asmo remembered what show/character Levi is into at the moment TwT
Perfume ambassador would be a prefect job for Asmo if the situation wasn't so sus. Beel also gets Bel a pillow spray to help with sleep from the same shop that is 100% the same as the perfume given to Asmo. (loving all these brother support moments!)
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Idk if it was mentioned before in past stories/events or not where Beel works? I'm assuming he works to help offset the cost of his food?
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Luckily Beel told Bel before hand what the location of the shop is. That combined with Asmo's info they search for the butterfly store location. Turns out the area is owned by Mephi's family and he confirms the store is sus.
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OMG Beel is so busy! (side note: he should have been in Fangol event)
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Heck yah world lore! The phantom butterflies seem to be like a 'will o the wisp' leading people into the forest to get lost. Plus you could get turned into a butterfly!
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Levi in heat part two xD was laughing at his survival rules! They are honestly great rules tbh based on the few horror movies I've seen.
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This is really cool ngl. Poor butterflies were lonely though T_T
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It is neat Levi! You inspired the butterflies to go out and find happiness! (tho they kinda did it in a not so great way)
So cute his loud passion yelling about anime caused this :3
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Levi in heat part three lmao This was just wild! Basically he basically begins to lose his sense of reason due to our 'scent'. I tried all the combos for this and sadly their was no kiss, just a lot of cuddling and horny words. But like...that was pretty good too heh heh. <3
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Liked how Lucifer didn't discourage Levi here from making the perfume he wants to make, just that he should do it in moderation.
Overall this event gets a big YES from me!
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sweetbrier2908 · 8 months
detective pop quiz without satan's ur/ur+ card and satan being in the spotlight always sounds like such a crime to me.
they gave satan a dectective costume in anime and refused to give him a detective pop quiz? wasn't it so wrong?
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journey-to-the-attic · 5 months
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mammon, levi and simeon won the christmas custody poll (beating lucifer, diavolo, barbatos and alecto by exactly one vote), so here they are enjoying some festive fun out on the ice!!
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(they got sleepy afterwards)
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