#obeyme! fanfic
zziridian · 2 months
When it comes to the pact marks that line your body the brothers can't help but be entranced
If you find yourself relaxing with Asmo, he has a habit of coloring them in with makeup the intricate patterns practically glow with the shimmers in the eyeshadow.
Levi can't help but stare at them at his, he still can't believe that you'd liked him enough to have a permanent reminder on your body. But he can't lie he thinks it's beautiful.
Beel loves all of them his and his brother's, a enchanting reminder that you would stay, that you chose to stay with him. He'll follow you till the ends of the earth, please let that mark remind you that he loves you.
Belphie has trouble looking at his mark. He knows what he did too you how could you want a reminder of it? But when you grabbed his hand and let him trace the pattern, he couldn't help but blush.
Satan at first had a feeling that he wouldn't like the way his mark looked. Boy, was he wrong. The intricate pattern had him entrance and enchanted. Was this really for him? It's gorgeous.
Mammon can't lie he misses when his mark was the only one that Decorated your body. But it doesn't matter his was first! And well if you ask him, his is the most beautiful after all gold always did suit you the best.
A pack mark Lucifer used to scoff at the thought. But then he saw his. The way it wrapped around your form, the slight shimmer in the intricate Linework, it just looked right on you.
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tasteforambrosia · 5 months
Incorrect Quotes! #1
LUCIFER: It's going to be ok.
MC: Lucifer, it's just a paper cut, I'm fine.
LUCIFER: Take deep breaths.
MC: But, I'm not hyperventilating.
LUCIFER: I'm talking to myself.
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kkcharm · 4 months
Me trying to remember if i already sended the ask or to who i sended it anonymously
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Scenario :Mc eating a banana inappropriately
All he want is some peaceful environment so that he can finish the schools paperworks that was assigned to him
But no
Your dumb ass decided to tease your ever so prideful boyfriend
Grabbing a banana from the fridge and having the audacity to sit infront of a working lucifer in his office
You wasted no time, peeling and licking that banana as if that's the most delicious thing you've tasted, occasionally letting out some not so appropriate noises
"What do you think your doing?" lucifer sternly asked, eyes fully meeting yours
"mmhhp mmhhhpp"
"take that out and answer me" he said, a tick mark appearing on his forehead
You took the banana out making a popping noise in the end and licking your lips oh so seductively
"what? I was just eating" you said feigning innocence
"no one ever eats bananas like that" he said as a matter of fact
"well, i do. Now will you excuse me, i have more eating to do"
You decided to end it there since it was clear to you that what you did got him all hot and bothered seeing how his not returning his attention to the papers on his desk
"ok fine, stop looking at me like that. I'm leaving and i promise, i won't bother you again" you stated while getting up and acting to leave
"hold it" he immediately spoke and you oh so slowly turned around, desperate to hide an incoming grin
"what" you innocently asked
"that's the wrong way to my bed" he firmly said, quickly coming to you and slowly sliding his sly hands on your waist and immediately capturing your lips for a deep heated kiss
The kiss lasted for a minute and by the moment you came back to your senses, you already found yourself on the bed  with your demon hovering above you ready to take you to heaven
Expect yourself to eat something else.
"what's wrong mams" you innocently said
"nothing" he said despite being completely beet red
"then why are you so red?" belphie innocently asked, touching mammon's ears
mammon flinched awkwardly from beels innocent touch
"yeah mammon, why are you so red" asmo teasingly added
"is there a specific reason why you can't look at MC in the eyes and if you do look at her, you turn into an overripe tomato" satan pointed out with a glint of teasing
"good job pointing that out genius" belphie said leced with sarcasm
"you guys, cut it out" You interjected turning the attention to the poor tomato in front of you
Mammon took another short glance at you and ended up blushing more. he bolted out of the room and you were quick to chase after him
You slowly pried for the reason why he was acting like that and when he stated he just can't get the image of you mindlessly eating a banana inappropriately out of his mind
When you heard this, it was your turn to become a tomato
You frantically explained your side yet the more you explain, the more you two become a blushing mess
both of you guys decided to just bury the whole issue
yet you guys still can't help but turn red when remembering the embarrassment of this day
he's gaming as usual yet he can't seem to concentrate with how the person sitting next to him is being a menace
"what's wrong levi, you're dying" you commented while solely focusing your attention to the game screen since, he was so out of the game
he tried to focus on the game and not to you eating that banana seductively
damn, why do you have to lick it like that
he was far from being focused since his eyes always dart to your lips that's attached to that stupid banana
And it's not helping how tight his pants are starting to feel.
"levi, you died for the 3rd time, at this rate you're definitely gonna lose" you turned your neck to face his direction and was left speechless to
see a very much obvious needy avatar of envy
who's painfully clutching his d*ck with teary eyes
who's hands are now holding your hand instead of the mouse
who's lips are quivering  to say something
"what's wrong?" you asked frantically, cupping his face with your free hand
"MC, it hurts" he said painfully with little tears, slowly guiding your hands to his thing
you came to realize why and how the situation came to this certain point
this made you hella flustered cause the scene in front of you is downright tempting
giving in, you did what you were doing to the banana earlier to a certain moaning avatar of envy
" by any chance, have you forgotten how to eat a banana Mc?" he asked ever so seriously"
not really, I'm just eating normally" you replied
" no one licks, kiss or nibble on a banana like that, it's just bite, chew and swallow. Now what's your excuse" he stated, completely dominating your conversation
not liking how he was winning, you harshly bit a huge chunk of banana, chewed and swallowed
he nervously flinched when you did that, somehow finding his hand covering his precious d*ck
"i guess next time if i do happen to eat something else, I'll just bite, chew and swallow" you smiled menacingly
"that's" satan tried to reason out yet you cut him off
"no, no, i completely understand, i won't lick, kiss or nibble. I have to firmly bite and chew it off" you said making a slash action on your neck
"do you really have to win every argument" he stated, sighing admitting his defeat
"hehe of course, me winning is a must it's not negotiable" you had the audacity to show him such a stupid grin
God, if only he didn't love you
are you sure you wanna do this
like hundred percent sure
cause the moment you start doing this
you'll be in his bed, under him and not even a second later has become a moaning mess
yeah no
you'll do this stupid shit
and he'll just stare at you and say
"that's not the right way to eat a banana MC"
and he'll just proceed to show you how to eat one
you'll just end up being the one embarrassed for your stupid attempt to seduce him
"ehem" belphie faked coughed, signaling you to stop the dumb shit you're doing in front of him
yet you chose to continue and pretend you didn't hear anything
"ok stop that" he said, eyes locked on yours
"stop what?"
"what's" that"" you said completely taunting him
"one, that's nasty. two, that's gross. and three it's inappropriate. So stop it" he said firmly
"one, it's none of your business how i eat. two, no one asked you to watch and three, you had the audacity to tell me that when you're hard as a rock" you retorted slyly looking on the thing that's standing proudly between his legs
he groaned after hearing your words
" oh and also, you better take care of that yourself cause technically i would do it for you buuuuut, one it's nasty, two it's gross and three it's inappropriate" you sarcastically said leaving the room with a stupid grin.
"DAMN IT MC, GET BACK HERE" he shouted
"AND WHAT? DIE AGAIN? NO THANK YOU" you shouted back, running for your life
A/N: wews i have been dead for a while and whose fault is it? mine. Who said medical school was fun.
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lala3244 · 7 months
Heartbreaks: Lucifer Part 2
~Started to write it 2 months ago, (yes for Christmas) and finally finished it!~
Part 1
Warnings: talk of nightmare, briefly described, (torture and mental pain)
You stumbled a bit and tears started to form. It’s going to be hell in hell.
You swallowed your tears and walked calmly towards Lucifer's study. You knocked gently on the door, anxious to look at the red eyed demon. When you heard a muffled "come in". You entered, eyes lowered, "Lucifer. Someone is waiting for you." He looked up, a frown on his face. "Who?" You shrugged, still avoiding his gaze. "I don't know their name but it's the demon you were with in Diavolo's office." You finally looked at him and you saw him tensed up. He stood up and walked to stand in front of you. You saw his face soften when he looked at your eyes. They were still sparkling from the tears you tried to stop forming. He started to raise his hand towards your face but stopped half-way and his expression hardened. He moved to the side so he could get past you. You sighed and headed to your room. You plopped down on your bed and screamed in your pillow. You calmed down and sat on your bed. You promised yourself to not get depressed about this situation. You were a strong human, well you thought you were, so you could handle everything without it breaking your spirit. Your hunger were gone by now and you didn't know if you could bear eating with all the brothers. You looked at the time and saw you still had time to take a shower and get ready for the evening before eating. You chose some comfortable clothes and headed straight to the bathroom. You decided to take a bath. Bath always had a way to cheering you up so you ran one and added some bath salt that Asmodeus had gifted you one day.
You went back to your room after you dried yourself and put your clothes on. It had helped you feeling better and you were starting to feel hungry, you could already smell the food from your room. You decided to go to the kitchen to see if they needed help. You stopped at the door and saw Satan. You were smiling when Satan turned around as he had heard your footsteps. He smiled back at you. You walked towards him. "Do you need help, Satan?" He shook his head. "No but you can keep me company if you'd like?" You sat on the counter as a sign of agreement. "What are you making?" He carried on with his cooking. "I found a new recipe, I wanted to test it." You nodded then he proceeded to explain to you the recipe. It sounded delicious and you were the first one to taste it. He took a spoon and plunged it in the dish then brought it to your lips. "Blow on it, it might be a bit hot." You chuckled and blew on it. You opened your mouth and you put the spoon in it. You chewed on the food and swallowed. "Mmmmh! It is as delicious as it smells!" He gave you the biggest grin. "Good, it's almost done then."
You helped Satan setting the dining table. Lucifer arrived. "You need to put one more." Your heart ached at what you knew was going to happen but you didn't say anything and went to grab another set to put it on the table. You grabbed a drink and sat at the table. You watched the brothers coming down one by one until Lucifer, who had gone back to his study, arrived with his new partner. Satan had decided to sit next to you. He knew about what had happened and wanted to be near you if you needed some support. You avoided looking at them and instead you stared at your empty plate. You heard the chair Lucifer pulled for the other demon to sit on and you winced. You could sense Satan's eyes on your face and he put a gentle hand on your knee and squeezed it. The squeeze made you jump and you stared at Satan. Lucifer started to speak but you drowned him out. You knew he was presenting the demon to his brothers and you didn't really care about their name or where they were from. You were back to staring at your plate, heart pumping loudly in your ears. Everyone started to get food on their plates but you didn't move so Satan took yours and you followed it with your eyes. Satan served you some food and put it back in front of you. You felt the brothers' stares on you. You looked around and they all looked away guiltily, your eyes fell on the couple at the end of the table. The other demon whose name had gone over your head was batting their lashes at Lucifer, trying to look all cute and adorable. You snorted and shook your head, you didn't think they would last long. You knew that Lucifer hated this sort of behaviour.
Still, dinner went smoothly then the demon left when dinner was finished. They were all lovey-dovey with Lucifer but then when they saw you they smirked and leaned towards the Avatar of Pride to kiss him on the cheek. Lucifer looked surprised then looked at you. You saw his looks and knew that was a mistake from them but he didn't say anything. He searched your face with his eyes but looked relieved when you wouldn't say anything nor were tears forming in your eyes. Satan arrived next to you and put his arm around your shoulders, he had seen the scene. He already didn't like that demon but now that he had seen the smirk they had while looking at you made him furious. "Come, I have a new book I need to show you." You walked past the couple and Satan glared at his brother who became a bit sheepish. You were almost at Satan's room when you heard the demon saying loudly. "I had a good time Lucifer. I will see you tomorrow, right?" You couldn't hear what he said as Satan was closing quickly his door. He made a gesture for you to sit on his bed and grabbed a book on his nightstand then he handed to you. You read the cover and it was from your favourite writer. It was his last book which you haven't read as you were in the Devildom and couldn't really get any human world's books. You started to read the first page, it felt nice to read something so familiar. Satan cleared his throat and you looked up from the book. "You can borrow it if you'd like?" You smiled and slowly closed the book then rubbed the cover. "Are you sure? I would love to though!" He sat next to you and took your hand. "Of course, if it makes you feel better." You squeezed back his hand and leaned your head on his shoulder. "Thank you Satan it's a nice thought." He rested his head on top of yours.
You had gone back to your room, feeling grateful for the Avatar of Wrath being in your life even though you knew he could be this kind just to spite Lucifer but at this point you didn't really care, you needed some support. You started to read the book but you fell asleep, book still opened. You woke up, startled, book flying from your lap. Your breath was ragged and shallow. You weren't really understanding what was going on. You were shaking from fear, of all the nightmares you ever had it was the first time that it felt so real, so concrete. Your body still remembered the pain that was inflicted on your dream self. The mental torture of that dream was so intense, you didn't know what to do. Without realising, you were leaving your room and running towards Lucifer's room. You entered without knocking and ran in his arms. He caught you before you fell on the ground. You were still shaking, breathing irregularly. Lucifer sat down on his bed, with you still in his arms. He waited for you to calm down, rubbing your back soothingly. "Lucifer?" He hummed, giving you his whole attention. "Can I stay with you please? I-I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep in my bed." He stood up while he moved you to the bed. "Of course, you can." You nodded and you watched him change into some pyjamas. He stood in front of you then kneeled down, he put his hand on your cheek and leaned your head towards his. He could feel your shaking and looked worried. "What happened?" You shrugged and started to shake violently as you relived your nightmare again. He saw the fear in your eyes and tried to comfort you by hugging you and shushing you.
You wrapped your arms around him and started to sob. You fell between his legs, still holding on to him. You explained your nightmare to the Avatar of Pride. You felt him tensed up and you looked up at him. "What?" He frowned. "Is it the first time you felt like this after a nightmare." You shook your head. "No, any pain usually goes away after a few seconds and the memory fades away quickly." He hugged you tighter and nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. He pulled away and looked you over. He picked you up and gently laid you on his bed where his sheet had been pulled back then he covered you in them. He still had his frown on his face as he grabbed his D.D.D. and called Solomon. You were worried, Lucifer would never call Solomon unless something really wrong happened. Lucifer hung up and a couple of seconds later Solomon teleported in front of the bedroom's door. He barely greeted the fallen angel before walking towards you, he sat on the bed and grabbed your hand. You looked at him, curious then at Lucifer. "What's happening?" Solomon shushed you and closed his eyes. You could feel some magic floating around you but you didn't know what it was for. The aches in your chest and your body faded away slowly. When all was gone, Solomon smiled at you and kissed your forehead. "There, you should feel better." And indeed, you felt better, sleepy and you moved so you could get comfy in the sheet. Solomon stood up and walked towards the demon then they walked out of the room. When Lucifer came back, you were almost asleep. He joined you in bed and scooted close to you. He laid down and pulled you against his chest. You snuggled in his arms and wrapped an arm around his chest while tangling your legs with his. He kissed the top of your head and squeezed you. "Hey Lucifer? What was that all about?" He hugged you tighter. "Don't worry about it. Sleep now, you'll be tired tomorrow." You nodded as your mind started to slip into some nice dreams.
You woke up and you were practically on top of Lucifer. You moved quickly off of him, waking him up as well. "OH! I'm sorry Lucifer!" He chuckled while pulling you back to him. "It's fine, go back to sleep." You could feel your cheeks warming up while you went back to your initial position but still you fell asleep. An alarm rang while you were dreaming that you were in Lucifer's arms, in his bed. You opened your eyes when the ringing stopped. You felt a warm body underneath yours and you sat up. You looked around before you let your eyes falling on the demon next to you who was watching you with a smirk. So it wasn't a dream. You scratched your neck, embarrassed. "Good morning, Lucifer." He chuckeld. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" His smirk wasn't leaving his face. "Good, I guess. I didn't have any nightmare." He grabbed you so you would straddle his hips and pulled you into a hug. "I'm glad." He rubbed your back up and down. You tried to sat up but his grip tightened around you. "Lucifer? We need to get up." He carried on rubbing your back. "I know but this is nice." You giggled and relaxed in his embrace. You stayed in this position for a few minutes when his D.D.D rung. You saw it was Barbatos and you heard him say "It is done." Lucifer sighed. "Thank you, Barbatos." He then hung up and went back to stroking your back. You put your hands on both sides of his face. "What's happening? What's with all the secrets?" His hands fell from your back to your hips and he sat up to lean against his headboard. He sighed. "You had a curse put on you. That's why you had this nightmare. I had Solomon coming to see if he could find who cursed you. He was familiar with this so he found the person responsible for it and he asked Barbatos to take care of it." You frowned. "What do you mean "take care of it"?" You had heard rumours about Barbatos but as he said nothing, you decided to not push it further. "And who was it?" He put a hand on your cheek and he stroked it lightly with his thumb, a tight smile on his face. "Don't worry about it." You nodded and finally got up from the demon. You walked towards the door and before opening it, you turned around. "Thank you for your help, Lucifer."
You got ready, had breakfast and walked to RAD with the demons. The day went by. You tried to focus on the lessons and when you had free time, you worked on your homework. At the end of the day, you walked towards the exit when you saw Lucifer. He was standing there, looking for you and when he saw you, his face lit up. He walked towards you. A smile plastered on his face. You stopped, it actually scared you to seem, well, happy? You couldn't really read the expression on his beautiful face. You heard his chuckle when he saw yours. He stood in front of you and showed you his arm for you to grab it. "Come, we shall walk home together." You gently rested your hand on his arm and you followed him home. He was in a good mood the whole way home so you didn't want to ruin it by asking questions about why. You gladly listened to the demon, telling you about his day then, before you arrived in front of the House of Lamentations, he stopped talking and walking. You looked up at him, expectantly. "I need to tell you that we can date now" Your eyes widened. "What?" He chuckled and walked away from you. You watched him going away, bewildered, then you went inside, straight to your room. You screeched in your pillow and breathed slowly to try to calm yourself down. A knock startled you, when you opened the door, Lucifer was standing there. "Would you like to cook with me?" He held out his hand to you which you took happily. You had a great time cooking with Lucifer. It was a simple dish so it was done quickly. You set the plates down and brought the dish on the table. The evening went by smoothly, all the brothers were in a good mood. You were a bit surprised by that but you actually enjoyed it. It was a nice change of pace. After dinner, Lucifer stood up and walked towards you. He rested a hand on your shoulder and leaned his face close to your ear. "Would sleep in my bed again, tonight?" You blushed but still nodded and he pulled you up by your wrist, gently. You stood up and followed him. He stopped by your room so you could get a chance to change. You got dressed quickly and joined Lucifer to the hallway. He lead you to his room and let you entered first. You looked around and saw all the candles lit everywhere. It was a romantic setting and you turned around to see him looking at you. You smiled brightly at him. "What's this for?" He put some music on and held his hand out with a small bow. "Will you give me the pleasure of this dance?" You laughed. "I will, M'Lord." He pulled you quickly against his chest and started the dance slowly. You wrapped your hand around his neck and he put his on the small of your back. You were dancing around in circle, staring at each other. A Smile plastered on both your faces. The song felt like it lasted forever and when you looked at the time you that an hour had passed. You were both so lost on each other's gaze that you didn't even heard when the songs were changing. You pulled away from each other, stopping the dance. You chuckled while looking away. "That was nice". He nodded, a smile on his face. He grabbed your face with both hands. "Go to bed. I still need to finish some paperwork." You agreed and settled yourself under the cover. His bed was so big and comfy! You took your D.D.D with you and started scrolling through Devilgram. You lasted as much as you could as you wanted to wait for the fallen angel but your eyelids became heavier and slowly you fell asleep.
You felt the mattress dip behind you and you sat up, wide open. Lucifer put a comforting hand on your arm. "Shhh, it's only me." You looked at him, while your heart started to calm down. He pulled you to his chest and laid down. He covered both of you with the sheet. He tilted your head and put his forehead on yours. He closed his eyes and sighed then he smiled. You smiled back and you put your hand on his chest just above his heart. He opened his eyes again and pressed his lips against yours. He pulled away and searched your face for any discomfort. When he didn't see any, he deepened the next kiss. When you pulled away to breathe, you were wondering what had happened. Until two days ago, you weren't allowed to date but now you could? You were about to talk when he kissed you again, this one a bit more passionate, almost needy. "Don't ask any questions. You don't need to know the reason how or why it changed, the most important is that we can be together now." You sighed. "I guess you are right. But that won't change again, right?" He grabbed your chin to brought your face closer to his. "I promise." He kissed you while his hand slowly trailed down your neck then your chest then your hips.
Thank you for reading and sorry for any mistake!
Comments, feedback and reblogs are welcome!
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antaresgalaeth · 10 months
The Morning Star / The last nigh | PART 1
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- [Extended scene from Lesson 20, tasks 20-12 and 20-14] - This part is SFW but the next one is gonna be smutty. Link to Ao3 Link to Wattpad My linkt.ree *También hay versión en español* Part2:Link
It's your last night in the Devildom. You've successfully completed the exchange year at RAD, and the brothers have thrown a party for you in the attic. With all the noise, you decided to step out for a breather. As you went downstairs, a sound prompted you to knock on the door of a secret room, leading the night to end in a completely different—and thrilling—way than you had imagined.
It was your last night in the Devildom, and you found yourself in the attic with Beel and Belphie. Beel stepped out for a moment and returned with enough food to feed an army, followed by the other brothers who had trailed after him. Everyone wanted to spend that last night with you, and together, you all celebrated with a party. The evening was fantastic, but the yelling between Mammon and Levi reached a point where you needed a breather.
Under the guise of fetching a drink, you stepped away from the noise. As you descended the stairs, you heard soft music emanating from the secret studio. You knew who was inside, the only one among the brothers absent from the party. You hesitated for a moment, wondering if he would mind being interrupted, but you knocked on the door anyway. You wished to see him.
Knock, knock.
"The door’s open," came Lucifer's deep voice from inside.
Entering, the studio felt cozy with the fireplace lit. The small flickers from the fire reflected on wine bottles lining the wooden shelves covering the walls. Calmness pervaded the room, a stark contrast to the commotion in the attic.
Lucifer was dressed in his black tailcoat and crimson waistcoat, his fur cloak cascading over his broad shoulders. Your heart raced as he approached to greet you, enveloping you in his intoxicating scent. You breathed in deeply, letting the scents of sandalwood, leather, and citrus fill your senses. It was such a distinctive smell that you knew you'd never forget it. The lights highlighted Lucifer's imposing presence. You wondered how beautiful he must have been as an angel, thousands of years ago, before becoming a demon.
"It sounds like quite the party up in the attic."
His imperturbable expression and furrowed brow momentarily left you cold, anticipating one of his usual reprimands for the commotion they were causing. But suddenly, his lips curved upward, softening his demeanor.
"And thanks to the fact that everyone else is busy up there, I get to stay here and enjoy my music in peace," he said with a barely perceptible chuckle.
Your muscles relaxed as you responded with a question.
"What is this you’re listening to?"
You felt your heart beating faster with each passing second alone with him, as if it wanted to escape your chest.
"It's nice, don't you think?" Lucifer replied proudly with his arms crossed.
He briefly closed his eyes after speaking, allowing himself to immerse in the melody.
"This is the cursed vinyl edition of 'The Tale of the Seven Lords', which you managed to borrow from Levi for me."
When he praised you for the favor you did for him long ago, you couldn't help but smile. You were used to always seeing him tense and controlled, the eldest among them and the faithful servant of Diavolo, serving as an example of perfection. Throughout the exchange year, you and his brothers had challenged his authority. So, his words of gratitude resonated in the room, dispelling your concerns.
You were captivated by Lucifer's gaze, recalling Belphie's words just before leaving the attic: "Hmm… make sure you come back, okay?" Despite feeling guilty for leaving the others upstairs, being alone with Lucifer in total intimacy was a unique and unexpected opportunity, one you had never had before.
Lucifer's presence, a demon who had intimidated you from the start, posed daily questions: would he offer support with a kind gesture or unleash his fury, making you disappear in an instant? Nevertheless, as time passed, you got to know him better, awakening deeper feelings in you. On your last night there, you yearned to spend more time with him, aware that there were no guarantees of seeing him again or hearing his hypnotic voice once you returned to the human world.
"Sorry, guys... but I want to spend more time with him," you thought sadly before addressing Lucifer.
"Is it okay if I listen to it with you?" You asked, trying to disguise the slight tremor in your voice for fear of rejection.
Under his breath, Lucifer chuckled, his body displaying complete calmness. From his height, his scarlet eyes watched you attentively.
"You already are," he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "But if you mean you'd like to stay here with me longer… then of course, you're welcome to." He added with a radiant smile.
As he finished, his demeanor turned serious again, and his gaze shifted to a corner of the studio, as if his mind were elsewhere.
"It was in this very room that I selected you for our exchange program," he turned towards you, his face lighting up with joy, and you smiled in response.
"When I first welcomed you here, I was only doing it for Diavolo. I figured that if you managed to survive a year here without any incidents, that was really all I could ask for," his crossed arms tensed slightly, reflecting the tension in his expression.
"And even if things didn't go as planned, as long as I could keep you from getting eaten by any lower-level demons, everything would be alright." He still retained a more serious tone than usual. "That's what I thought…"
You were completely absorbed by his words, maintaining your position and keeping your gaze fixed on his eyes. You responded with smiles when he did.
"But I somehow managed to choose a human who’s such a magnet for trouble that it almost defies belief, wouldn’t you say?" continued Lucifer. "There were times when I thought that I’d made a mistake by choosing you," he said with disdain, clicking his tongue.
You lowered your head in embarrassment, intertwining your fingers in front of you. You raised your eyebrows and pressed your lips together.
You were aware that you had had a year full of fun, breaking the rules more than once, though always with good intentions. Lucifer responded with a peaceful and controlled laugh.
"It's far too late to be trying to butter me up with apologies, you know? Also, there's no need, because things are different now. I made the right choice in selecting you for the program." Lucifer showed total sincerity as he nodded.
A comforting warmth filled your chest, the accelerated pace of your heart indicating that Lucifer appreciated your presence in the Realm, giving you the assurance that you didn't have to worry about displeasing him and leaving home with that impression.
"You've kept me quite entertained over the past year," he said with a boastful tone.
Although you tried to suppress it, a giggle escaped you as you saw his arrogant expression. You discreetly looked away to hide it.
"In fact, it’s probably the MOST entertained I've been in my whole life," he concluded.
The happiness reflected in both his face and voice urged you to throw yourself into his arms, but you restrained yourself, biting your lower lip. Suddenly, your mind quickly reviewed the key moments you held dear: from the day you met at RAD, to the moment you witnessed his true demonic form, reliving the panic that engulfed you at that instant; the moment he expressed how special you were to him after resolving the situation with Belphie; and finally, the memory of Lilith, when he sacrificed himself to save her using Diavolo's power, carrying the burden all those years, as the only one among his brothers who knew what had happened to your ancestor.
Lucifer lowered one arm and brought the other to his chest, pulling you out of your thoughts. Reacting swiftly, you focused on what he was about to say.
"So then..."
For a moment, Lucifer paused, as if about to share something of great importance.
"...Have you done all you set out to do here in the Devildom? No unfinished business? No loose ends?"
After asking those questions, he reclined again, arms crossed. He relaxed his expression and posture, seemingly implying something with his demeanor. He subtly tilted his head toward you, letting his bangs graze his cheeks.
"Hmm..." You murmured, pondering.
Throughout the year, you managed to forge pacts with the other demons: Mammon, Levi, Beel, Asmo, Satan, and finally, Belphie. Lucifer was the only one opposing it, and you yearned to do so with him in every possible way. Just imagining it, you felt an electric tingle between your legs, making you clench your knees. Knowing this was your last chance, you didn't hesitate, letting your daring words flow in your sweetest tone.
"I still haven’t made a pact with you," you found yourself with crossed arms, unwittingly mimicking his gesture.
That caught Lucifer off guard.
"A pact, you say?" He frowned, his scarlet eyes locking onto yours. "I see. You've made pacts with all my brothers, which just leaves me..."
Turning his head toward the fireplace, Lucifer appeared pensive. Then, he turned back to you with a challenging smile and asked.
"Do you really want to make a pact with me? Truly?"
Though he expressed it without a hint of anger or rejection, something troubled you.
"Hmm. How strange," you thought, yet remained silent.
"I don't know how my brothers felt about making a pact with you, but I am more than a name to be crossed off of your list," he stated firmly. "I can't have you lumping me together with everyone else. That won’t do," Lucifer shook his head.
You knew Lucifer as the 'Avatar of Pride', and at that moment, his sense of superiority was more evident than ever. His countenance showed a clear aversion to being considered equal to the other demons. As the eldest and most powerful among his siblings, he expected special treatment and considered what you asked for an insult.
A black cloud enveloped him, revealing his true nature. Once again, you had summoned the demon residing within him. Four jet-black wings that seemed to fill the entire room and two long horns arcing over his head were more than enough to terrify any human, making them flee in panic or faint, an option that crossed your mind. However, this time, you stood your ground. You now knew Lucifer better and were certain he wouldn't harm you in any way.
Considering past events, it was surprising for Lucifer to see you stand still before him.
"You aren’t going to run? You’ve certainly got guts, don't you?" Lucifer remarked, wide-eyed and bringing a hand to his chest.
"Tss," he grumbled, annoyed. "I've always found that aspect of you irritating."
Then, he laughed loudly and continued speaking, "But as irritating as it is, it's even more endearing." He then leaned toward you.
"Now listen, and listen well. I will not be your possession. I won’t belong to you." A mischievous expression widened his smile. "You will belong to me."
Hearing his last words, his deep voice echoed in your chest, making your heart race and leaving you breathless. You swallowed hard, feeling the dryness in your throat.
"Yes, Lucifer, I'll always be yours," you thought, noticing the heat spreading between your thighs and your pupils dilating.
"So, what will it be? Will you make a pact with me?" He straightened up, proudly awaiting your response, sure he had anticipated what you would say.
You stretched your body and looked up, meeting his gaze. You let your arms drop and clenched your fists.
"Yes, I'll make a pact with you."
It was the safest decision you had ever made in your entire life. After the handshake, a red seal materialized on the back of both your hands, quickly fading away.
It was the safest decision you had ever made in your entire life. Then, you both leaned in. The moment your foreheads touched, a red mark appeared in his eyes, confirming that your souls had linked. The process lasted only a couple of seconds. It always struck you as curious how something of such significance was accomplished in such a simple manner.
"Good. Then it's done," he affirmed arrogantly. "As of this moment, you are mine," Lucifer rejoiced at having achieved what he wanted.
His words pierced through you, leaving you breathless, though you managed to keep your composure. That someone of such beauty and power had agreed to make a pact with you, taking possession of you, was something you had never imagined. At this point in the year, you had already assumed Lucifer wouldn't agree, but there you were, alone in the study, staring at each other. You still hadn't fully grasped what had just happened.
"I assume that takes care of all your loose ends?" He asked, arrogantly.
Your lower lip was caught between your teeth again, aware that something remained unsaid. You played with a strand of your hair, trying to ease the knot in your throat. You made an effort to swallow and relieve the pressure; the air in your lungs burned within. If you didn't say it now, you knew regret would torture you forever.
"There's still something I have to do," you said with a hoarse voice, clearing your throat.
"There is?" Lucifer's bewildered expression was evident; his penetrating gaze seemed to be trying to read your thoughts.
Your fingers nervously fidgeted in front of you. You moistened your lips and cautiously moved forward. Placing your hands on his chest, anxious about his reaction, but Lucifer didn't move. You felt the heat radiating from his body and the solidity of his muscles under the clothing. You raised your gaze while standing on tiptoes. You gently slid your hands until you rested them on his shoulders. Your gazes remained connected from the moment they met; the fireplace's glow highlighted the color of his eyes.
Lucifer remained still, expectant about what you were about to do, with a serious expression. Your faces were inches apart, and you could already feel his breath close to your lips. You decided to close your eyes and kiss him. He didn't reject you, yet he didn't respond either. As you pulled away, concern furrowed your brow, worrying if you had ruined the friendship. You heard him say your name.
"I've always known you wanted to do this. And I know what you'd like to do next as well," he said, softly sliding his hand over your cheek, lifting your chin.
"We're heading straight to my room," he said, wrapping his arm and two of his wings around you to guide you out of the study.
You leaned against his side, wrapping an arm around him from behind. Your face blushed nearly to the hue of his eyes. You wore a radiant smile, but you were so nervous about what was going to happen that you couldn't utter a single word. Never before had Lucifer, or anyone else, treated you with such respect and affection. You felt sheltered under his wings, protected, even though he was a demon. His voice interrupted the silence, and you timidly raised your gaze to him.
"You’re going to spend your last night in the Devildom there, together with me..." he remarked warmly, "...all night long, until the break of dawn."
An electric current ran down your spine. Despite the tenderness in his voice, it was more than a suggestion; it was an order. You were already his property, and he could do with you as he pleased. You smiled so much that your cheeks hurt. You desired him more than anyone else.
"I’m not letting anyone else have you now... You're mine," affirmed Lucifer, holding onto you more firmly. Feeling ownership of you satisfied his demonic pride.
I wrote this in Spanish first and then, translate it into English. I didn't review it, let me know if there're any mistakes. Thanks for reading 🖤
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theslvttysimp · 1 year
Beel Is Hungry
~ Reader has female anatomy~
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We all know Beel is happiest in between your thighs. With his greatest talent being eating, one knows you're not one to complain when he kisses down your torso, making his was down to his favorite spot when he's hungry. Some days though, he's more hungry than usual. He will eat you out for what feels like hours, not caring about the mess he makes in the process. Today is one of those days.
You can hear him release a groan of satisfaction as he makes his first drooly lick at your folds, spit dripping down your pussy lips. He wraps his strong arms around your thighs, pulling them closer to the sides of his head and face, he wants to feel as if he's suffocating between your legs. You arch your back in pleasure and give him a whimpery moan. He slides his tongue in your hole, swirling it around to collect the slick you've produced so far, occasionally giving light, gentle nibbles to your clit.
Tasting you makes him go crazy, your unique flavor is nothing like he's ever had. It's as if he's almost drunk off your taste. He plants his tongue firmly on your clit and shakes his head back and forth, not caring about your cream getting on his cheeks. He wants to make a mess. Your voice cracks as you moan, grabbing the back of his head and pushing his face deeper in to your heat, tugging on his hair. As you're holding on to his head, you feel his horns start to sprout through his hair, the beast has officially been released.
With his strong hands, he grips on to your ankles lifts your legs up, putting your legs close to the sides of your head. (PICTURE FOR REFERENCE) .
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With your pussy in full view, he shoves his face in between your folds as deep as he can and fucks you with his tongue, causing you to screech with pleasure. You feel his warm, wet tongue pump in and out of you, making you weak from the sensation. He makes his way back to your clit and licks circles around your sensitive spot. He takes one of his hands and slides three fingers into you, keeping your other leg still pinned at your head with his other hand. He curls his fingers into a C shape, finding your G spot and continues to press down on it. Your head gets dizzy and you slam your head back on the pillow, becoming a beautiful moaning mess. The more cream you produce, the messier his face gets, the hungrier he gets. You hear hungry slurps from in between your thighs as he eats you.
After what felt like hours of him having his way with your pussy, he feels full after all the slick he indulged in. He wants you to be full now. He lifts his head out from between your thighs and lets go of your ankle, a string of slick breaking away from his chin. He slides his huge cock into you, going slowly so you can adjust to his massive size. You scream in pleasure, creaming all over his dick. He places a hand over your mouth so you're not too loud and begins to thrust into you slowly. Once you're adjusted, he picks up the pace, grunting at the pleasure of your tight walls. He spreads the lips of your pussy with the hand not covering your mouth, watching his dick slide in and out of you and the cream building up at the base of his dick. He loves the sloppy sounds that produce from your wet pussy. He thrusts faster, mouth slightly open as he gazes his beautiful purple and pink eyes into yours. You see his abs flex as they slap against your heat, and the muscles in his bicep bulge from covering your mouth with his large hand. He keeps slapping into you until you reach your peak, biting down in his fingers that are covering your mouth. Once you finish riding your orgasm, he flips you on your stomach and pulls you to the edge of the bed. With you bent over on the bed, he slides his dick in once again, gripping his strong hands on to your hips and pounds you from his thrusts. He covers your mouth once more from behind as you scream his name. As much as he loves to hear it, he understands it's hard to control your volume, and he doesn't want anyone disturbing. With you moaning his name behind his hand, he fills you up with his hot cum. When he pulls his dick out of you, he gets on his knees and spreads your ass cheeks apart, watching his cream drip out of your hole and on to your thighs. You both conclude the night with a nice hot shower and tired cuddles. A snack will more than likely be involved, because you know how hungry Beel can get.
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barbatosgossipsection · 3 months
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I don't know if I'm alone here, but I'm screaming my opinion into the Barbatos gossip section void anyways.
On AO3, no matter what, you can almost never find xM!MC on there. It doesn't really matter the brother, there's always almost exclusively xF!MC
I get that it's an otome game and that it's a mostly female audience (I, myself, am AFAB) but it just annoys me.
Us, as a fandom, need to write more xM!MC fics
— Anon
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zziridian · 2 months
Apps I think the om! Cast would have on their phones
Lucifer has life 360 and so does barbatos
Mammon and those like play games and earn money apps
Levi has 5 different reddit accounts but is on tumbler more often character.ai
Satan has wattpad downloaded and a03 in his saves
Asmo has dress up Nikki every single game
Beel has Pinterest and has a bored with over 6000 recipes on it
Belphie has pokemon sleep levi mentioned it once and he had to have it
Solomon has episode no I will not explain
Simeon has Audible but barely uses it but his calender app is full
Luke has 2 full screens of games but only really plays those cat tycoon games (Satan showed it to him)
Diavolo has block blast and subways suffers but he played so often that barbatos put a screen time limit on his phone
Barbatos has several papa's games and beat most of them
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tasteforambrosia · 1 month
Movie Nights w/The Boys™
If I remember correctly, don't these guys have weekly movie nights or something? And I just keep thinking about how silently chaotic they turn after MCs appearance.
Like it would just be a regular night until MC brings war upon the house by just saying.
"Damn, that character's hot."
And immediately every single one of them tries to see if they're like the character.
It would go to the point that if, for example, MC said that a character with a lot of wit was attractive, Belphie and Satan would look at the others smugly, and the others would keep toll on how many times MC simped for a character with their characteristics.
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cherry-bomb-00 · 6 months
I understand you
This is a small fanfic, one shot type, I wanted to try making a story with a little angst so I hope you like it, also to mention that writing Mc in the first person, since it was easier to make Mc gender neutral.
Warning: angst/ fluff
I was reading in the library, I was accompanying Satan, he was still looking for a book to read, particularly today there weren't that many people and it was very quiet, while I was reading a thought came to me, there was really something that had been bothering me for a while, so I just I see that Satan sits next to me with a book in hand, I speak:
-”Satan, I have a question for you, it's about something that has been bothering me and I really need to talk to someone” – I whisper as I look at the blonde boy, Satan turns his head towards me, he remains silent for a moment and then says - “ Of course, Mc, I'm all ears” - he whispers with a serene smile on his lips, then I take a breath of air and say:
-“Do you think I look like Lilith?” - my voice sounds a little sad and soft while I say this, and I look away, after a silence, the blonde says - “They also compare you, right?”- When I hear that, I am surprised for a moment, but then My surprise turns into sadness, after a few minutes, I whisper a “yes”, and then I feel a warm hug from the fourth born of the brothers, I feel my eyes get wet as I hug him back tightly, then he whispers to me - “I understand you”- those words only made my tears come out as we hugged and he comforted me, he understands and knows how frustrating it is to be compared to someone all the time, so he empathizes perfectly with me, there are already two of us in this boat.
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cyath · 2 years
✫Obey me Wins✫
Note: I'm probably going to do the other characters aswell, hopefully the simps are now well fed. Imma do other practice animations to start improving more, I take in suggestions for twst and obey me
Extra note: you think if I post this or the last animations to TikTok my followers there will forgive me ;-; it's been months since I last posted ;A;
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lala3244 · 9 months
osoxkwlalska your writing is AWSOMEEE
Can I request smth? Barbatos with mc, who has the same powers as him but is more unhinged and careless about it?
Hello anon! And thank you for your request!
I am sorry, it took so long for writing it! I hope you like it! I tried to do as you asked I hope I did okay…
Warnings: mention of death not proofread
When you were in the human world and even after your arrival in the Devildom, you knew you didn’t have any powers and you didn’t understand, for the life of you, how you got them but when the first time they appeared, you got scared.
You were in the past, watching yourself getting into shenanigans with the Anti-Lucifer league but a few seconds ago, you were being scolded by Lucifer for a prank that had gone wrong and he was actually getting really angry. He was scaring you, being all menacing a dark aura surrounding him, his demon form was out and it was the first time you saw him that furious. You had closed your eyes, wishing you could change the outcome of that prank and you knew what was your mistake. You were conflicted. Should you stop the prank or improve it so it would work better but you thought about the angry demon and decided to abort the prank once your past self and the Anti- Lucifer league finished installing it. You ran quickly to the device and broke it. You sighed in relief and willed yourself to the present. You were still standing in front of Lucifer but this time, he was just casually talking to you about his new purchase. You remembered that was what you wanted to do. While he was talking, you felt something in the back of your brain and your memories started to meld together. Once he dismissed you, Satan and Belphegor came to see you. “What happened? What did go wrong?” You shrugged. “I guess it was not meant to work.” You left them, speechless.
After your new discovery, you tested your abilities, what you could and couldn’t do. You did it discreetly, changing tiny details during the day for the next few days until you felt confident enough to do something a bit bigger. A couple of weeks ago, you had a test that you knew you failed so you waited for the results and you were right! You had failed miserably. So you went home quickly after class and redid your test with the correct answers and went back in time to swipe your test with the new one. You were back to the new present and you shuddered at the idea of Lucifer giving you an hour-long lecture about how you couldn’t fail as an exchange student. You were glad you avoided it! Your memories melded together again. New memories colliding with your old ones making your head hurt. You cried out in pain and everyone watched you then you passed away.
You woke up in your bed. Lucifer and Barbatos were standing next to you, talking. Your head was still hurting and you were still in a daze. You couldn’t understand what they were saying. Lucifer finally looked at you and bent down a bit so he was at eyes level. “How are you feeling?” You nodded slightly your head. “My head still hurts a bit.” He stood up. “What happened?” You looked at the two demons who looked a bit intimidating from your point of view. “I don’t know! I just had a piercing headache and I blacked out.” Barbatos looked at you suspiciously. You haven’t told them about your powers, the same ones as Barbatos, as you now realised. You winced at the realisation. Maybe he knew? He approached your bed and put a gloved hand on your forehead. “We felt some sort of magic when you were asleep. I didn’t think you had any?” You shrugged and looked away as to not to reveal any information. “No, I’m a simple human. No magic, nothing noticeable about me.” Barbatos hummed but what you didn’t know was that the Butler felt that some changes had been mad in the Time and had been investigating the source. He hadn’t said anything to Lord Diavolo or Lucifer yet but he had his suspicions which you just revealed unknowingly. You hadn’t managed to damage the timeline yet so he decided that you were a responsible human usually and would use your powers accordingly. You fell asleep even though they were talking to you and left you alone.
You carried on testing your powers. You went back in time to eavesdrop on other people, to play some tricks on Lucifer or his brothers and one time even on Lord Diavolo. It was all very harmless but you did everything to steer clear of Barbatos. The stoic Butler had a way to make you feel embarrassed and scared. You knew he knew and you waited for him everyday, after a trip to the past, to come and kidnap you to his secret dungeon that everyone knew he had but he never did such a thing, which was nerve wrecking at the same time.
Creating new memories while you still had your old ones started to change something in your brain. You were slowly getting reckless during your travels in the past. You would confuse the new and old memories while talking to your friends and sometimes act like you never changed anything. You didn’t notice but Barbatos who was watching you did. He sometimes dropped by the House of Lamentations and would ask the brothers how you had been but he was always disappointed that they didn’t see any changes. You were still normal most of the time but your time travel would always take something from you and Barbatos knew that. That’s why he never did it himself unless he was asked to. He decided to talk to you before you would make a horrible mistake.
You were asleep when you heard an unusual ringtone. You followed the sound half-asleep and realised it was your phone from the human world. You answered as it was someone from your family. They said that your parents were in an accident and they both died. You dropped onto your knees. Maybe if you didn’t spent your energy going back, you could have tried to see if you could see the future. You thanked your family member and hung up. You stayed on your knees, the news hadn’t really kicked in yet. Maybe, maybe you could go back and prevent that accident. You stood up and left the HoL. It was still the middle of the night but you didn’t care, you were still in your pjs but you didn’t care, you were an easy prey for the demons roaming about but your mind was numb and you ran to the Castle of Lord Diavolo. You were about to knock when the door opened. Barbatos greeted you. “Please come in.” You frowned but entered inside once he stood on the side to let you in. “Lord Diavolo is waiting for you in his office.” You nodded and followed the Butler.
You were sitting in front of the Young Prince, a cup of tea in your hands. Lord Diavolo looked at you with a small smile. “What brings you here in the middle of the night?” You looked up at him, suddenly realising why you were there. “I need to go to the human realm. I just learned my parents are dead.” He nodded and looked at Barbatos. “Sure, take the time you need. Do you need to go back to the House before going?” You shook your head. “No, I’m fine.” He shrugged and Barbatos left and came back with a few clothes. “You can’t go back home with your pyjamas.” You chuckled at the silliness of the situation. “No, I can’t, can I?” You put some clothes on top of your pyjamas and Barbatos opened a portal but before you passed it through, he grabbed your wrist. “We need to talk when you come back.” You nodded and jumped through the portal. You were in an empty alleyway near your parent’s building. You looked around to make sure no one was watching and went back to the past. You arrived at your parent’s the day before their accident and knocked on their door. You spent the day with them and as you didn’t know what happened exactly, you just did everything in your power to prevent for them to take the car.
With the death of your parents averted, you went back to the Devildom and went back to your life. The death of your parents from the old timeline had made a mark on your mind. You didn’t have time to grieve them that you saved them and your brain couldn’t process all these informations at once. It messed up your thought’s process and now you were changing the past more and more. You trained yourself to see the future but with so many futures to look into, your brain would freeze up and you would end up with a massive nosebleed so you eventually stopped doing it. You were obsessed with improving your past. You had an argument with someone, either you went back to the why or you went back to the argument itself and answered differently. It was like a drug and you were addicted.
Barbatos had had that talk with you but you didn’t change or stop, you were more and more reckless and now you didn’t care about the consequences as long as your immediate present was better. No guilt as you changed your mistakes, no grieving as you would prevent the deaths of your loved ones, no anger as you would resolve whatever problem would make you angry. It was liberating to change the past as you pleased and nothing bad had happened and the more you did it, the less you felt it actually changed anything in the long run. The thing was even if it was only the people surrounding you that was affected by your time travels it had affected all the Devildom. Your powers were almost as strong as Barbatos and the demon knew he had to do something before some catastrophic events happened. Barbatos, as a demon, could look into the future without being affected and the more futures he looked into the more he got worried. In all of them, something bad happened unless he did something to you. A thing he never would want to do but he had to if he couldn’t find an alternative. He finally talked to Lord Diavolo about his worries and the Lord gave him permission to go about and find a solution without physically hurting you. Barbatos went from libraries to libraries, met with witches and sorcerers alike, went back in time a couple of times, and finally he found the solution. He was going to build a cell and a helmet with a metal that suppressed any magic. It pained him but it was a necessary step to avoid an inevitable end of the world.
The next time you travelled back, he would be ready. He used some of his powers to track you wherever and whenever you were. Nobody but he knew where you went so he grabbed you and put a hand on your mouth. He opened a portal and jumped through it while his grip around you tightened so you wouldn’t fight. He didn’t need magic to subdue you, you were just a human after all. The portal brought you right in front of the cell. He threw you inside and jumped on you to put the helmet on.
You tried to use your powers and the more you tried the more your head ached. Finally you passed out. Barbatos took you in his arms and gently lied you down on the bed he installed there for you. His chest tightened. He didn’t want to do that but you were leading them to grave danger. He put a hand on your cheek and rubbed some circle with his thumb. You looked normal, sweet and lovely while asleep. He had noticed that your eyes had become deranged since you came back from the human world. He knew he shouldn’t have let you go there but your parents had just died and now they were alive again. He knew going back to the past and changing things could affect the mind of a lower demon, so for a human it must have been even more dangerous. He scolded himself for not thinking about this and stopping that sooner, but you were, well used to be, so sensible and rational. He thought you might have been able to stop when everything went out of control.
You opened your eyes. You didn’t recognise your surroundings. It was dark, a small source of light coming from a small lamp on a desk. You rubbed your eyes and felt something on your forehead. You touched it and realised it was some sort of helmet. You wondered what happened, then memories came rushing back. It finally happened. Barbatos kidnapped you and imprisoned you in his dungeon.
Thank you for reading!
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Barbatos×MC angst: Lost trust
We don't know who is Nightbringer, but a lot of hints point Barbatos. Actually I don't believe it's him, BUTTTT... If it's him... how will MC react ?
Mc: Nightbringer... do you really want my happiness?
Nightbringer: Yes. That my only purpose.
Mc: And you don't want to tell me your identity ...
Nightbringer: Correct
Mc: Actually, I have an idea of who you are, but I hope I'm wrong.
Nightbringer: Why?
Mc: Because if you are the one who I think, I... Will hate you forever.
Nightbringer: Who do you think am I?
Mc: That my secret, as you have yours.
That as the chat with Unknown ended. MC never tried again to write him.
On the other side, our "Mister Who" feel a little scared. It doesn't matter the time line, he knows who they are. Meet in the future (or present), loved in every time line.
Day passed and in this strange past the play goes on. He's just a butler of a prince, and they a particular attendant. They don't know who actually he's... or at least, that the hope he have.
But little by little, they are becoming more distant. As if they try to stay lesser time alone.
"MC. Did I do something to you?"
"No, I hope. Do you feel guilty for something? If you are asking that"
"I don't..."
Lie. As big as that he never said a lie.
"MC. Do you understand why i did it?"
He said that. They will understand, but still, he needed to say it.
"... Yes, I do"
Perfect! He feel assured and less stressed. They got that all this is for their happiness.
Or that the story he's creating on just 3 words, for having less regrets
"But my complicity in this plane, had a cost, Barbatos"
"Even if, in part, I have something of angelic, I'm still a human... and I don't forgive Barb."
Oh... man.
He knew it. It doesn't exist a time line of you and him together. Was it to much to hope that he was wrong ?
Still, he only want to make you the happier human. If that means he will lose you in the process, he's willing to pay that price.
All his life is made on redemption. He's a butler for that reason.
"That ok Mc. You're more important that this relationship"
"It's contradictory what you said"
"I know, my love"
"You know that I would have done it form the first moment if you told me. I always did the most strange and dangerous things without thinking twice."
"I know, my love"
"But still, you didn't do it. And you still don't want"
"Yes, my love"
As he watched they go away, he still doesn't change his mind.
Oh, what would he do for them, for his love"
I woke up and chose violence for Barbatos. I love every character in Obey me, so that means that nobody is safe from angst
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theslvttysimp · 1 year
MC Dyes Their Hair
Just silly little head canons since I colored my hair again recently.
~ Doesn't mind that you color your hair, why would he? Just please try not to get color on the sink.
~ Will help you if you ask, will properly grab a tinting brush and comb and get the spots you missed.
~ Will get a rag and wipe away the color on your skin around your hairline, ears, and neck.
~ Will get slightly annoyed if you stain the tub. Just clean it up, MC.
~ Will always compliment your new hair color and how great it looks on you.
~Don't ask if you can color his hair because his answer will always be NO.
~ Will help if you ask him, but he'll make such a mess.
~Screw the tinting brush, he's using his bare hands to slap the color on for you.
~Will get so much color on your forehead and ears, but will have so much fun helping you.
~ Wants to match with you so he'll take some hair color and put some on the tips of his hair.
~ Will totally deny it though, The Great Mammon just wanted to try something new. Why would he want to match with a human? (He totally wanted to match he's lying.)
~ He asked you if he can help with your hair. He loves getting close to you and love anything beauty related. It's a win win!
~ Will color your hair flawlessly. He puts cream around your hairline and ears so no color stains, uses the best color safe shampoo and conditioner, and will even blow-dry and style your hair for you after!
~ I hope you're photo ready, because he's going to take hundreds of photos with you and your new color. His favorite human just looks So beautiful, how can he not?!
~Will make sure EVERYONE in the HOL knows you colored your hair, and will NOT leave the room until they complement you at least once.
~ Will constantly gawk over your new hair and play with it.
~ Will help if you ask but will have no idea what he's doing.
~If you have scented hair color, he will give one a taste, don't be surprised if his lips are stained a crazy color.
~ Definently didnt use gloves, hands will be stained for days.
~ His strong fingers feel so good massaging your scalp when shampooing your hair. <3
~ If there's color in the sink, he'll clean it for you. He'll try cleaning the stains he main on your forehead too.
~ Absolutely loves your new color, you got him blushing over here!
~ He'll help you but you need to wait until he finishes the level he's on.
~Will 100% try to convince you color your hair like Ruri-Chan.
~ He realizes he's going to hair to get close to your face, he becomes a nervous wreck. Blushing, shaking, sweating, be patient with him he's trying.
~ You have to wash your own hair though, he almost died when he accidentally brushed his finger against your cheek, give him a minuet to reboot from that.
~ When you're on your knees bent over the bathtub with your booty in the air this man is SWEATING. He turns around and looks the other way so he doesn't faint right then and there.
~ LOVES your new hair color and has you try on some cosplay outfits. With the hair color you look just like the one character from the anime That One Time My Dog Bit Me And I Became A Sexy Goblin Dog Succubus And Took Over The World! You need to try this cosplay on, MC!
~ May huff a little when you ask to help, but he can't say no to you.
~ Does the best out of all the other brothers tbh. He's neat, precise, get ZERO hair color on you anywhere. He uses gloves, the brush, hair clips. You start to question if he's a professional or not.
~ Will chat your ear off about a book he recently finished while doing your hair.
~ His slender fingers dance around your scalp when washing your hair, practically putting you to sleep.
~ Will towel dry your hair and brush it for you.
~ Will compliment you like a gentleman, and then go read a book on the hair coloring process so he's better prepared for next time.
~ Will 100000% bitch and moan when you ask him to help. When you tell him never mind and that you'll find someone else, he bitches some more saying he was only kidding. ( He wants to help, he's just smart ass we all know this.)
~ Kind of rough? Not enough to hurt you, but enough to raise an eyebrow at
~ Lowkey having the time of his life, but he wont show it.
~ Makes a little bit of a mess on your skin, he wont clean it though.
~ " accidentally" dropped a little dollop on your chest and conveniently that's the only mess he cleaned on your skin.
~ Wants to take a quick nap on your lap while the color is sitting on your hair. Wake him up when it's time to wash it.
~ Will compliment your new hair color with sleepy eyes. All this hard work made him tired, now to repay him you need to nap with him. ( Use your own pillow MC, please don't stain his)
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barbatosgossipsection · 6 months
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